#she's also the only irl person who knows im trans and isnt weird over it
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maletofujoshi · 4 years ago
I feel like a shojo protagonist
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rikusuriuri · 4 years ago
yayoi + shinada + saejima
saejima i did forever ago just bc ik if i answered yours firsy w all 3 this would be ill but it still got too long bc im a sicko but anyway thank you this made me smile to write (:
Lady Dojima 
Sexuality Headcanon: bisexual 
Gender Headcanon: 🙈 lady . this actually fluctuates depending on how indulgent i wanna be but usually i just go cis woman -_- just bc that's my mom who would love and support me 
A ship I have with said character: erm.. *blushes* kashiwagi >_>
A BROTP I have with said character: kashiwagi as well :) that's her best friend thats her buddy, she has a really good relationship w kiryu too but it's different it's like a different tier entirely it's more familial in a sense but it isnt but it is, i also would like to explore her relationship w nishiki (apart from kiryu) but that is just (:, her and haruka would be cute too just bc <3 extended family 
A NOTP I have with said character: sera just bc the theories around it get on my nerves, any other man people pair her w tbh besides my beloved <3
A random headcanon: shes kind of a weird girl outside of professional settings i think the blunt way she talks is kind of offputting outside of those and also she just doesnt censor herself not that shes crude but she wont stop herself from saying weird or mean things, she has a really sarcastic sense of humor she delivers everything really dryly so it's hard to tell if shes serious or not also she doesnt laugh a lot you'll probably only make her laugh if you are close w her and even then she is just ._., daigo picks up a lot of his mannerisms from her if you see them next to each other in the same situation they are very very close and similar, she likes strawberry shortcake but shes very particular about it her like former bff ran a bakery and it feels homey and nice to her so <3 fond memories but now shes particular, her favorite flower bouquets are roses + hydrangeas but she doesn't really like roses on their own, she likes cats, she doesnt like cooking but she isnt bad at it, shes very meticulous about how she presents/looks, she has a similar academic bg w daigo, shes self taught w a katana mostly + she practices w it to destress, shes not social but shes kind of chatty if you catch her at the right time but she mostly just asks a lot of questions and doesnt engage in convo well, she likes dresses/skirts but mostly dresses <3, very close w daigo i think he really was one of those kids who was like "my mommy is my best friend <3" but they're very close that's her baby shes very proud of him and they are still close now, shes otherwise not very good w kids i think kind of awkward daigo was her exception everyone else she is just kind of … … …, she likes to sing/hum (: but only when alone/doing menial tasks
General Opinion over said character: i looooove her shes my everything i just care so deeply about her i cant even call her my friend i respect her too much shes a little bit above me but <3 hi lady dojima ik ive said this before and its so embarrassing but i get like >///< *blushes irl* if i think about calling her yayoi or god forbid a milf or anything it feels too disrespectful im so >_> anyway hiii i love you 
Sexuality Headcanon: homosexual but hes so so repressed but he loves men 
Gender Headcanon: trans guy (: 
A ship I have with said character: 😏 daigo 
A BROTP I have with said character: not including daigo um akiyama (: the whole 5 party really saejima likes to look out for him and kiryu is also there and hed be a cute big bro to haruka 
A NOTP I have with said character: mine but its almost allowed bc of how laughable and mockable and ridiculous it is also any polyam ships that involve well.  you know.. 
A random headcanon: autism (: baseball special interest that started when he was like 7 and never went dormant ever, hes bad w time and remembering things he just loses track of everything, he sleeps a lot and can sleep anywhere but if hes not sleeping he has to be doing something like anything, he likes to paint his nails mostly green but sometimes he lets daigo do black, bad at math but he likes writing a lot just in general sometimes he writes little notes/poems/thoughts/stories on his scrap paper when hes procrastinating work they're nothing special so he doesnt even really acknowledge that he likes writing he usually just scraps them or forgets about them it's just for fun, he likes to impress people if someone mentions being into something he tries to get into it too i think hes just a people pleaser, he likes to sing (: also just for fun he doesnt care about being good he'll do it when walking around or when doing literally anything he doesnt care about being loud/obnoxious in public if hes in a good/energetic mood, he cant cook mostly bc he has trouble paying attention to things for a while he gets bored and forgets about stuff, he forgets to cut his hair a lot so it gets long sometimes and he just ties it up until he actually gets around to doing something about it, very friendly he says hi to everyone and is the kind of person to not disclude people ever hes just very kind, he doesnt hold his alcohol well he gets sick pretty fast, hes very good at talking baseball/batting specifically but not very good at teaching or hes not very practical about it at least hes actually better at giving pitching tips, he has weird volume control i think its actually the opposite of daigos, hes a hugger (:, kind of really bad w social cues hes really social but can be awkward he tends to talk too much, he procrastinates a lot but hes also just a "drop everything to come and help" kind of guy maybe he doesnt prioritize well but he just cares about people like he is kind of finicky for money but hes also the type to give up his jacket if someone needs it or lend things out when he can, hes not good at picking up hobbies sometimes girls/friends get him stuff like a plant or some kind of craft kir or something and it's not like he doesnt take care of it/do anything w it he just cant hold an interest he wanted to get into music/instruments once though but it's expensive and then he eventually stopped caring/forgot, he shares his food w street animals when he can, he can either sit through movies or he can't it's either like "if im idle too long ill die" or just intense focus, he smiles a lot it's like his default face but he also smiles/laughs when hes nervous, he takes lots of pictures hes the kind of person to just message out of the blue w a pic saying it reminded him if you even if you dont make the connection and maybe it's just bc he thinks about people when walking around and he'll see something pretty/nice/cute or that just makes him smile so he needs to share it w whoever was on his mind he does it w the rgg5 crew and akiyama doesnt get it but hell send like a thumbs up or some blingee bedazzled stupid pic back + kiryu usually ignores him but deep down he thinks its sweet and maybe says "thanks." but feels too awkward to send a pic of the kids or the beach back + saejima usually sends a cat picture back or just says "okay" or ignores it + haruka always sends something back and kind of does the same thing w shinada now where she'll send him things if she thinks of him bc he started it
General Opinion over said character: he makes me so happy i love him so much hes just sweet and <3 i love you you make my heart feel <3 nice and sweet and kind i love you you mean the world to me you make me so emo i wahhhh i love you <3
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michaelmilkers · 8 years ago
hi! i'm cishet and an aspiring author and i was just wondering if you could give me advice on writing LGBT characters without being offensive or disrespectful, and how i can let the reader know the character is LGBT without making it their entire character. would you have any tips on that?
ok, first and foremost: youre not gonna please everyone. theres always gonna be some people (lgbt or otherwise) telling you you did it wrong, but please dont let that stop you. the fact that youre asking an lgbt person how to do it respectfully means youre trying your very best and thats all that matters.
couple things to avoid: having the ‘token gay character’ or ‘token trans character.’ gay people hang out with other gay people. that doesn’t mean that you have to have a cast of entirely lgbt characters, but having one single (openly) gay person in a group of straight people is pretty unrealistic. a huge chunk of my irl friends at school are gay, bi, or pan, including my best friend who is bi. i didnt know that when i started hanging out with her. i dont necessarily become friends with people BECAUSE theyre gay, i just make friends and then they happen to be lgbt??? idk we flock together its weird. in terms of trans people its a lot less common for us to have a friend group of trans people unless they all met at an lgbt or trans specific event because it’s a little more dangerous for us to be out (even within the lgbt community) so its harder to find other trans people. having one or even two trans/non-binary characters would be really fucking swell tbh
another thing, please dont make it a caricature of an lgbt person. i’m 100% here for feminine gay men and butch lesbians however “gay character” doesnt mean “every single stereotype i can think of slapped onto a single person”
a lot of people will tell you to just bring it up very very casually because it’s just one more thing about a person like having blonde hair and brown eyes, which is true to an extent, however if i’m in a situation where it’s safe for me to do so i LOVE to talk about being gay/trans with other gay/trans people. not even in a “haha were better than cishets” way, its more just like relatable experiences and whatnot. we are constantly told that we should be ashamed of who we are so openly talking about it is very freeing. so dont do the “girl mentions she has a girlfriend once and then never again” type thing. their identity as lgbt is more important to some lgbt people than others, but its really unrealistic that if they are in a non-homophobic environment a gay person would only ever off-handedly mention being gay like once. ESPECIALLY if you have a scene where an lgbt character finds out another character is lgbt. theres gonna be a lot of happy chatter for a little while. so, basically, yes being lgbt isnt their entire character, but no you shouldnt downplay it to all fucking hell to drill that point into your readers heads.
in terms of making it known, an idea for a trans/non-binary character is that they bring up a time before they transitioned or during their transition and that plays into the story theyre telling somehow, and the person theyre talking to is like “you’re transgender” if they didnt already know and the trans person is like “yeah” OR for trans men mentioning binders is always a good giveaway! im not a trans woman so im not super sure abt them, any of my trans fem followers contributing some tips would be very much appreciated
as for gay/bi/pan people, there are lots and lots of options, and tbh part of developing this character would be deciding how important them being gay is to them. do they outright say that they’re gay when the subject of relationships comes up, or do they just talk about dating someone of the same gender without explaining it because they dont feel like it? an lgbt character getting a crush on someone is always a p straight-forward indicator. 
part of the characters backstory could be dealing with homophobia/transphobia, like a non-accepting family, however please for the love of christ dont make their entire character arc surround the world being shitty to them for being lgbt. i absolutely love seeing lgbt characters, and every lgbt person goes through some sort of struggle to find themselves at one point or another, but having an lgbt character and then just seeing the fact that theyre lgbt used to create conflict over and over is really frustrating.
these are just ideas, like this isnt the How To Write LGBT Characters Correctly bible. a lot of these things depend on what kind of story youre writing and what kind of characters they are. i think googling how to write lgbt characters and getting perspective of some other people would also help, but hopefully this is a good starting point!
if any of my followers have other suggestions they are welcome
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