#she's adorable as a little pandaren girl!!
akasika · 4 months
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Yu'lon the Jade Serpent from Pandaria
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“Higgins, hold that pincushion higher, there’s a good lad.” The dredger butler, smartly clad in a kettle helm and (by dredger standards) pristine gambeson obliged his employer by holding the simple felt pincushion higher.
Khazdorum stood on an adjustable stool set in front of a tailor’s mannequin. In true Khazdorum fashion, the dummy was fashioned of ice. Higgins the dredger had asked him one why he didn’t use the fancy dummies the “fangers” used for their dress making. Khaz had simply informed him that it was because he’d rather have the subjects true proportions, not approximations.
The mannequin had no head, as was standard, but the form was unmistakably Pandaren, and indisputably female. The dress that had taken shape upon it was a timeless classic in crimson silk, a sheath-like gown in the Pandaren style. It was mostly associated with the Lunar festival, but in truth he adored it for its own aesthetic.
“Who’s it for, boss?” Higgins inquired. “I thought ya wuz a bit more important than a Fanger dressmaker, ya know?”
“It is.. a personal project.” Khaz eyed his loyal, if irreverent butler. “And no, it’s no fer me, either. It’s a gift.”
Higgins nodded, a bit preemptively, and mulled the words over in his head as he held the pincushion at the requested height. “So it’s fer ya girl, then. She’s ah... she’s more than a bit bigger than you, boss.”
Khaz suppressed the urge to scowl at his little valet. Higgins was bright, clever, and attentive, but it also meant that he tended to ask questions and make observations that made his life at times more awkward than the usual.
“She may be a little more... generously endowed in places, Higgins, but she’s a healthy Pandaren lass. Such is fairly normal. She’s no ‘my’ girl, by the way. At least not yet. I made my way, in rapid fashion I may add, ta the top of her personal social ladder, but I’m no th’ only person on that rung. I may have an edge or two, mind, but I’m tryin’ ta build that next rung frae whole cloth.”
“How’s a ladder s’posed ta get ya th’ girl, boss? An’ why’re ya makin’ a ladder out of cloth?” Khazdorum almost, almost became cross with his dredger, but he saw the mirth in the little mud-born rascal’s eyes. He was having his leg pulled.
“Hush, you. Pass me more of tha’ gold embroidery there,” Khaz said as he resumed his work. He’d wanted blue for this purpose, to offset Som’awa’s red fur, but all the proper materials he’d been able to find were in red. Nonetheless, he was confident she would look stunning.
If they were going to visit the Pandaren Mainland with Tyra and Mun-Li, Khazdorum wanted Som’awa to have at least one dress that would turn heads.
Titans knew she’d turned his.
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khadorek · 5 years
Hallow’s End Heat: Part 1
This has been written for the third week of the Weekly Writing Challenge! It has been a while since I tried a longform post like this, so excuse my rustiness.
Warning: Contains sexual innuendo, viewer’s discretion is advised.
It had been a little over a month since the duel that saw the end of the Fourth War, and despite the ominous storm clouds that loomed on the horizon, the concept of a lasting peace finally coming to the Alliance and Horde was the cause for many a great celebration; families were at long last reunited, soldiers returned to their waiting lover’s arms, and many military and paramilitary organizations celebrated a job well done, and the Brotherhood of Valor was no exception. The early evening was fairly tame; a few adults in costume strewn about the common room chatting, relaxing, having a few drinks, and all around enjoying the evening they had off while those with children had left for the major cities to take them Trick or Treating. Things only got rowdier as the evening went on, as parties with alcohol involved so often do, not helped by the return of the children not long after the sun had gone down, eager to enjoy their sugary bounty before being sent fruitlessly to bed. The adults, meanwhile, directed their attention to the makeshift stage that had been put up for the contest many of them had been waiting for; the costume contest.
Thursday, October 31st, 10:26 pm, The Hinterlands
“…and last, but certainly not least,” Sebastian announced, shifting in his Headless Horseman costume a bit, and squinting through the black fabric that covered his face as his “head” was running around and playing with the little Pandaren child with a ghostly sheet over her head. Once he got the names down, he looked back up and continued his announcement, “Khadorek Blackbyrne and Katharena Graeson!” On cue, they strode out onto the stage, waving to the crowd as they did so, much like those before them had done. To no one’s surprise, they had, of course, gotten matching costumes and both seem to have taken to it with gusto.
“They’re back from the high seas, it seems; I tried going there once, Hope and Jhulya stopped me, and now I’m not allowed to sing anymore.” Sebastian added, causing part of the audience to groan audibly. As for Katharena and Khadorek, they indeed cut quite the swashbuckling duo; Khadorek was dressed in tough deck hand attire, with heavy black boots over tight leather seaman’s trousers, paired with a loose swashbuckler’s top and a red bandanna covering the top of his head, causing his thick brown hair to fall almost entirely down over his back. His scars were highlighted to look more recent, making him look even more rugged than he naturally was, and with a black leather eye-patch to round out the look. Hefting the faux boarding axe over his shoulder, he cut quite the realistic pirate, if a bit simplistic compared to his counterpart. Katharena, meanwhile, went for a much more ornate, pirate admiral design for her costume; thigh high black boots with heels making her just that little bit more imposing in regards to her height, the tops of which were mostly hidden underneath a mid-thigh length skirt, the perfect mix of frilly and utilitarian. For a top she wore what could only be described as a mix between a low cut, button-down vest and a corset, made of brown leather and cinching her already tight waistline to even more waspish proportions, paired with a long navy blue coat to make her look even more like a captain; as if the fake parrot on her shoulder and tricorn hat upon her blazing curls didn’t already sell the look. The pair of them made sure to show off their costumes, and Kath, perhaps to seal the deal, discreetly snapped her fingers and caused a gust of sea breeze to come into being behind them, causing their last pose to look particularly dynamic. The audience applauds at the extra showmanship as they stepped down, and Sebastian carefully makes his way up on stage to close things off.
“Now those were some really great costumes, I think,” he begins, still wearing his face cover, “we’ll be giving out the prizes once the votes are counted, so be sure to get your votes in now!” He states, beginning to make his way back to his seat as the votes began to come in. Having submitted theirs before they went on ‘stage,’ Khadorek and Katharena made their way to their spot by the bar to get away from the small crowd near the stage.
“Well, that went pretty good!” Khadorek remarks, ordering his usual and easing back into his seat, “nice touch with the wind there; you have that planned?” He asks.
“Nope, spur of the moment.” Katharena replies, awkwardly hopping up into the seat next to him and letting out a heavy sigh of relief as she gets off of her feet. “Ah, damn these heels.”
“You alright?” Khadorek asks, taking his drink and offering to help her up into the stool, something he was used to doing by now, but was waved off; she did that a lot, her independent streak not fettered in the slightest even with him. He always liked that about her; that spunky, tough, farm girl competitive nature appealed to him in ways he never thought it would.
“I’m fine,” she assures him as she finally settles into the seat, crossing her legs and ordering herself a daquiri. “Just these damn boots, I know they’re supposed to be authentic, but I just can’t see a sailor, even a pirate wearing heels like these on duty.”
“Well, the one that was helping you seemed pretty insistent that her old captain wore something like that.” Khadorek retorts.
“These people kidnapped you, remember; new leaf or not, I’d be hesitant to be to trust them.” Katharena counters as she gets her drink, mixing the crush ice in the glass with the straw before taking a sip. “Also, I’m convinced that she was checking me out throughout that whole thing; I mean, look at my outfit,” she gestures to herself, “You don’t think it’s too showy, do you?”
“In hindsight, you do have a point,” Khadorek admits, “and yeah, she absolutely was, but you gotta admit, it gave her an edge; you look even more amazing than normal.” He purrs, doing his best to keep his eyes from lingering on her figure for too long.
“I know you like it, dirty boy,” she teases with an eye roll, seeing through his attempt at hiding his gaze almost immediately, pushing her biceps together on either side of her chest and subtly bouncing her ample bosom while fluttering her eyelashes, causing him to look away flustered and red cheeked, “don’t act like you haven’t been just as bad tonight. If you can think about it with the head on your shoulders for a moment, I want to know if this was too much for a company party.” She asks again, her soft lips curled into a teasing smirk. Khadorek shifts uncomfortably in his seat as his dirty mind is punished in a most ironic way, but he can’t help but smile at how playful she was being.
“You want me to be honest? If Keaye,” he begins, gesturing to the incredibly plush Pandaren woman who had since stumbled back to and began leaning heavily on the bar, skimpy ninja costume straining perhaps a bit more than it should as she downs yet another flaming shot of alcohol, “isn’t getting any trouble, you’re more than in the clear. And maybe so, but you’re hardly innocent either, nor as slick as you think, unless you have been making sure I haven’t sat in something.” He teases right back. “Besides, I’m fairly certain I’ve got more cleavage in this shirt than you do in yours.” He adds, pushing his pecs together in much the same way a woman would do with her chest. Katharena, in the process of going a touch red in the cheeks herself and taking a drink to steady herself, sees this and immediately snorts and nearly chokes as she begins laughing.
“Shut up, you!” She giggles, giving him a playful push and causing him to chuckle as he nearly falls off. “I think we both know who has the best tits here.” She quips right back as she goes back to her drink. Khad’s eyes widen into an expression of amused disbelief at what she just said.
“How many drinks have you had?” He asks her, setting his whiskey down as she sips away at her daiquiri, happily shifting side to side in her seat to the music playing throughout the bar. When she finally stops and turns to Khadorek, there is barely a splash left of liquid and flavored ice in her glass, and he doesn’t need to hear what she says next to know she’s pretty much hit her limit.
“I’ve gone drink for drink with you, handsome,” she states proudly, leaning forward with a coy grin on her face. Khadorek is floored; it was rare she ever drank like this at all, let alone match him. Thankfully, it had been a short evening, but regardless, she was not known for her constitution; he had to step in.
“Okay, I think you’ve had enough.” He affirms, going to put the drink out of reach before his hand was pushed aside.
“Oh, come on now, I was pacing myself!” She complains, turning more towards him, “I was only drinking these things,” she gestures to the daquiri, “they’re no where near the stuff you drink. Besides, I feel fine.”
“You say that now, but come the morning…” Khadorek tells her, knowing all too well what it was like the morning after. “You finish that drink, then your cut off, okay? Don’t want you to ruin your morning tomorrow.” He states. Katharena pouts, but capitulates. Khad smiles and was about to thank her, when he felt something tugging at his leg. Looking down, he sees a little Draenei girl dressed as a Jack-o-lantern; it was little Hope, Sebastian’s daughter.
“Daddy wanted me to bring this to hyoo.” She says in her Draenei accent, holding up a basket of assorted teas and various edible sundries, all of which bore the mark of Loshu. “Congratulations on weening cutest couple, he says!” Naturally, the couple smile and graciously accept their prize.
“Thank you Hope, and you look adorable in your costume.” Katharena says sweetly, mostly managing to feign sobriety in front of the little one, who giggles and does a cute little courtesy before running back to play with Zhaemia and the others. Katharena leaned back into the chair with a sigh, and Khadorek lets out a soft chuckle.
“The children sure are having a good time tonight, don’t you think?” Khadorek remarks, watching the little ones play their game of tag; darting between the tables, chairs and patrons with ease. Katharena, however, does not remark on this. “Kath? Did you hear me?” He asks again, and again no response. Khad turns to face her, and sees her going for his drink. “What are you doing?” He asks in obvious confusion, and she snaps her gaze to him and withdrew her hand. He was about to ask what had gotten into her, but then he saw the look on her face; that look, and his mood softened to one of pity. “C word, right?” He asks, and she nods sullenly; Khadorek raises his arm and almost immediately, she snuggles into his side, letting him rest his hand on her back. “I’m sorry honey, sometimes I forget how much that bothers you.” He consoles her, and she nuzzles her head into his shoulder with a sigh. He knew how much she wanted children of her own, and seeing others with thriving families always exacerbated those feelings; he couldn’t imagine how rough it felt with liquor bringing all those feeling and unhappy thoughts she normally kept hidden bubbling to the surface, aside from that it must hurt, a lot. “Don’t worry, love, we’ll get there eventually, I promise.”
“I know, I know…” she replies, nuzzling into his shoulder even more, “it’s just hard sometimes… they all have their families, and all I can think is that I came so close and then…”
“If that hadn’t happened, we wouldn’t be here right now, would we? We would never have met.” Khadorek counters, hoping to stop the tears before they even started, “Kath, honey, I love you, and I am going to give you everything that you want; everything that was taken from you will be yours again, and I’m going to give it to you, just like you’ve done for me.” He says in the most assuring tone he can muster. Katharena is quiet for a while, and Khadorek was nervous he hadn’t calmed her enough. Eventually, a smile, albeit a sad one, comes to her face, and Khad lets out a gentle sigh as he begins to soothingly rub her back.
“Thank you, my love,” she replies softly, scooting her barstool towards him and moving to kiss his cheek. “I think I need to just get my mind off all of this for a while,” she adds, eyes locking with his, “and I know exactly what I need for that…”
“And what is…” Khadorek begins to say before he notices her smile becoming much more playful, AND where her hand was now resting; most anyone would have just figured she just had her hand on his thigh, but they both knew that was far from the case. “Honey, are you sure, you’re pretty drunk right now…”
“And we both know how I get when I’m drunk…” She purrs as she cuts him off, biting her lip as she felt the fruits of her earlier teasing. Khadorek swallowed and blushed a bit at how forward she was being; he DID know that she got affectionate when she drinks, and around him, affection very swiftly turned to her getting very, very amorous. She KNEW he loved it when she acted so brazen, and such a play to his desires was swiftly breaking down his resolve. She used her other hand to lift his free hand to her cheek, fluttering her eyes in such a way that made his stomach do backflips. “Khad, my love, I want you; I need you,” she purrs, lifting her head from his shoulder and getting right up to his face, “the night is still young; let’s go upstairs and have some fun.” That was all it took, and they both pulled each other into a deep, strawberry flavored kiss; Khad’s other arm pulled her yet closer to him, practically into his lap, and Katharena looped both her arms around him, taking hold of his broad, muscular back, though this did not prevent her from subtly teasing him, as sitting in his lap provided her a whole host of options in that regard. When the kiss finally broke, he had fully fallen under her metaphorical spell, and a devious grin spread across his face.
“Well, if that’s what Katharena wants, that’s what she’s gonna get.” He growls softly, and Katharena’s grinning cheeks redden to hear him so eager; such plays seemed to work on both of them in equal measure. “Lead the way, beautiful.” He added, and that was all that needed to be said before she was hopping down to the ground with a soft click of her heels, taking his hand and leading him towards the stairs.
To be continued...
@quipsbykath @weekly-writing-challenge @ogrimskar (for reference to his character Loshu)
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autumnpawtribe · 5 years
My life as it is.
In my home, It used to be just Xiao and I.  As you have read and seen, that has vastly changed.  
In my arms is our Tarja, happily inhaling the bottle of goat’s milk she adores.  As I write and feed her, my mates are making dinner.  Aret is probably learning the finer points of Pandaren Cuisine from Xiao.  I can hear them laughing downstairs.  
In the last six months, I have found that I fathered a child, helped bring her into this world, and gotten over my fear of babies.  The moment I saw her, and held her screaming in my arms, I was in love with her.  Other than a few markings that come from her Zandalari heritage, she is my spitting image.  Her birthgiver’s eyes were blue, and she inherited mine, deep amber.  She has my hair, with a bit of blue throughout.  Maybe one day she will be as tall as I am.  It makes me smile when I see features of mine in this little girl that is so small  She is just big enough I cannot hold her in my hand.  
In the last three months, I have taken another to mate.  Well, I think maybe he took Xiao to mate and Xiao took him.  I love him just as much.  His name is Janaret.  He is a Zandalari Prelate once of Rezan, now of Krag’wa.  He is built solid and wide, with lavender skin and long black hair.  He looks the part of his order, except, he hides his pain.  Our Janaret is hurt and broken, and has been for a long time.  He is learning to recover, but some very cruel things have been done to him.  We have given him Shimmerweed oil for the anxiety attacks, but the rest we help him with daily.  He is happier, smiling.  He needs love and care, safety.  It’s not always easy, holding him when the nightmares come.  We try.  We try as hard as we can to listen and help.  I care enough about him to try to find ways to help.  He elaborates very little, but I have figured out that his childhood was even more shitty than mine.  
Aret and I have a different relationship than he and Xiao.  Aret needs a guide, someone ot care for him, take care of him.  He needs solace and comfort.  He chooses to call me Master.  He also chooses to call me Fa’da.
I also think that if his family found out his love of men, he would not survive.  He stays with us in Pandaria, only going to Zandalar to fulfill his duties.  He is not out to anyone, save for us.  One day he may be free.  And until then, and after, we will love him.  As a good father, a good mate.  And if it is my choice, a good husband.
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Blab: Three secrets they’re keeping. Mwah: Three people they’d like to kiss. Similar: Three members of the same sex they find attractive. Different: Three members of the opposite sex they find attractive
Kross would return to the study where Lazarius was already working on another response.  He would hold out, in his hand; several more letter that had all be addressed to him with the anonymous handwriting from before. “Ser, these came for you while I was fetching your tea.  It seems there are quite a few that are stacked together.”
“Well then I suppose we will need to begin right away.”  Lazarius insisted as he took the stack off letters.  “Just write my response on the bottom of these, and send them back out.”
“Very well.”  Kross replied.
“Alright. . . three secrets I am keeping.  I don’t think I actually have any secrets.  But I suppose I should think on this a bit more carefully on these but If I am going with face value and just throwing a response out there the first would be that I cannot swim.  I don’t tell anyone this, and I dont often share it with people I know.  I just choose not to enter the water and leave it at that.  I am not afraid of the water, I just never learned how to swim in it.  Another secret I keep is not really a secret as much as it is just something I don’t talk about.  But my Mistress, in an attempt to ensure I would remain loyal to her, removed my ability to procreate.  I am sterile, she took something from me that I will never be able to get back.  As much as I would love to father a child of my own.  I will never be able, and yet I am blessed with the life of a young lad who has chosen Asphodel and myself as parents.  It has taken some time to get over, but I do feel like the boy is the son I never was able to have.  I am proud of him.  A third secret I keep is that I actually am an aficionado of collecting small carvings and artifacts from ancient cultures.  I have about three dozen on these little adorable pandaren bear figures with their fat little tummies sticking out. . .and. . . ”  Lazarius nodded his head, he opened the next letter and read over the contents while Kross was finishing.  After he read it, he passed it to the steward. “Just leave that last part out. . . .”
“That one we can skip, answered it already.”  He laughed as the steward took the letter. “Asphodel, the cute Shal’dorei girl who likes Trolls, and my mother.  Onto the next one.”
Lazarius started to read the next letter that had come without a name and stifled a laugh. “Oh dear this one could land me in hot water.  Alright. . .”  He passed it toward Kross.
“In no particular order at all.  I would like to make this very clear, no particular order at all, three women I find to be attractive are. . . Verzatea Duskflame, Asphodel Shadowweave, and Sennaris Dal’talah.  For different reasons and for different levels of attraction mind you, but I am not getting into that basket of answers unless prompted by them.  But yes, the three women who serve my order are undoubtedly attractive in each their own unique way.”
Lazarius face palmed himself at the sight of the next letter.  He burst into laughter and shook his head as he passed it along to the steward to reply on it. “Oh gods. . . I actually do have a response to this one.  There are quite a few men that I actually find attractive.  And the first would be Koltun Ancientveil.  I would say he is almost as attractive as me.  Then again, That adds to the creepy factor of this response because he has a fondness for my twin sister.  So technically.  He likes the way she looks, we’re. . .twins, he likes the way I look and I like how he looks.  But Im better looking.  Though regardless.  I must say my sister has good taste in men, Koltun is absolutely beautiful.  The second man I would say I find to be attractive in his own right would be a Shal’dorei man named Kate.  A doctor, and an inquisitive person.  I find his questioning and desire to learn very attractive.  He is a sweet man, and dashing as well.  And the third man I actually found to be attractive, and intelligent.  Was Father August.  A former priest within my order.  A brilliant man, a wizened mind and an absolutely eloquent speaker.  He was delightful to speak to, and even the undeath he suffered from was not enough to deter the inner attractiveness of the man.  I do miss him, very much so.  We shared quite a few nights at length on conversations of the old ones and our faith.  I miss him.”
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clairetherose · 7 years
Draecember2017 Day 8 - Facing Something She’s Afraid of
(((( This is way late but it’s cute and sappy and I don’t even care I loved writing it ))))
Kelci felt as nervous as she looked. She had a plan for this. She’d spent the whole previous day getting that special tea. Someone had almost died so she could have a good first date. She wasn’t proud of that, but she’d healed them personally. “I hope they’re not all mad at me, now.” She sighed to herself and approached the designated meeting place. Outside the Shrine of Two Moons. She’d chosen Pandaria for a reason; it was the land she knew the best. As she walked out, she felt the Night Elf’s Chi, plainly. Despite only meeting once, it was memorable.
“Kelci! There you are.” Hiwa laughed, sounding relieved, “I thought you’d ran away or something.” She approached, quickly, and gave Kelci a hug without even realizing what she was doing. “...oh. Uh. Too much?”
Kelci smiled and embraced back, “Not at all.” She was relieved Hiwa was even still here. “I was afraid you might have reconsidered. There’s so much wrong with me, I thought all this too good to be true.” She laughed, depressingly.
Hiwa pouted audibly, “Well, now you’re lying to me. Because there’s nothing wrong with you. Don’t start this out on lies, Kelci.” Her tone turned to teasing halfway through, and Kelci could hear the grin on her voice; feel it in her Chi. She smiled back.
“Sorry, sorry.” She rubbed her hooves together, nervously. “I just… it’s been a long time since I’ve been on a proper date. Like, many hundreds of years. And you seem so wonderful, I don’t want to mess it all up.” She smiled, her nerves reflected on her face.
“By the way, you look gorgeous in that.” Hiwa added, pointing at the dress Kelci had chosen to wear. It was the one she’d taken to the everlight ball, and only ever worn that one time. The first dress she’d ever had made, just for her, and she had no idea what it really looked like. From previous reactions, though, she knew it to be pretty. It was a deep-cut neckline on an otherwise traditional Pandaren style gown, in light pastel colors.
Kelci blushed profusely, “Ahh, this? I couldn’t even tell you what it looked like.” She smiled, “But other people have told me the same, even with my scars. So… yeah. I didn’t want to mess things up, so I wore my prettiest thing…”
Hiwa hugged her again. “Okay you are just adorable. Come on, this whole thing was your idea.” She took a step back and folded her arms. Kelci could make out her motions clearly from her Chi. Maybe because she was back in Pandaria, maybe it was something to do with Hiwa herself, but Kelci felt calm. “You did have some place in mind, right?”
Kelci jumped back into herself and nodded. “Ahh, it’s this way. I’ll call Yu’wu. He’ll fly us there.” As she spoke, she extended her arm toward the sky and a trail of mist came forth from it, carrying the name upon it.
Hiwa stood there for a moment. “...what’s a Yu’wu?” She asked, confused. She was answered before Kelci said anything when a very large, Jade-colored cloud serpent roared out of the skies to land before them. “Oh! That! Apparently! You have a dragon.” She whistled, “Sorry, but that’s hot. I don’t have a dragon. Deeefinitely points scored, there.” Teasing? Or more flirting? Probably both.
Kelci laughed, “Cloud serpent, though they are similar to Dragons in many ways. His name is Yu’wu.” She climbed aboard without much issue and held out a hand for Hiwa, who took it and boarded behind her.
“Yu’wu,” The Elf said, trying out the name for herself. “I like it. He’s gorgeous.” She smiled, looping her arms around Kelci’s waist to hold herself in place. “Was this your sinister plan? Get me to snuggle you right from the start?”
Kelci just grinned. “Maybe.” She said, and murmured to Yu’wu in Pandaren. The cloud serpent took off, flying fast toward an instructed location. It only made Hiwa grip tighter. “...even if it wasn’t my plan, it worked out.” Kelci laughed back at her.
Hiwa snorted a laugh, “You’re devious!” She snickered, “This is… so different from when I fly, on my own. It’s so smooth and swift.” She laid her face against Kelci’s back, as the serpent whipped through the mountains and down into the Jade Forest. Hiwa had been there before, but never like this. Flying above the trees, looking down at everything, it took her breath away. “It’s so… beautiful.”
Kelci held strong, even when hugged, “I guess I wouldn’t know, for sure, but I can feel the life in it. This land touched me, even my first time here, and I have been in love with it ever since, though I have never seen any of it.” She spoke happily, but a twinge of regret hinted in her voice. She wanted to see the forest below, but couldn’t. “Still, it’s my favorite place. Here, we’re landing just up ahead.” There was a mountaintop that had a small shrine on it, jutting up out of the mists like a beacon.
As the serpent came near, he swirled around the tower, until his form was curled in a circle. Conveniently, just by where the saddle sat on his back, was a platform. Kelci poked Hiwa’s hands, which were still gripped about her. “We’re here. You can… get off.” She felt the limbs detangle themselves, reluctantly.
“Aw, but you made such a good pillow!” Hiwa cackled to herself as she leapt onto the platform, then turned to offer Kelci a hand. Surprisingly, the Draenei took it in her own as she jumped. “Oh wow, good aim!”
Kelci took just biiiit longer than was maybe natural to let go. “When there are few people around, I can sense Chi much better. Especially if the ones that are around…” She didn’t finish that sentence, instead clearing her throat, “Anyway! I thought we could… sit up here. I got some special tea to brew, and… we could get to know each other better.” She produced the satchel of tea from her belt, and a bag that contained teamaking supplies from her bag.
“...tea? I’ll admit, I haven’t had too much of it. Liked what I have had, though. So yeah, that sounds nice.” She smiled and touched Kelci’s arm as she walked by, to let her know she was moving. Even if it wasn’t unnecessary, it was a kind gesture, and it warmed Kelci’s heart. Hiwa plopped down in a clear space. “So then, tea it is!”
Kelci smiled and moved to join her, removing a rather ornate tea set from the bag, carefully. It was cast in Jade, for the most part, and she had some manner of magical heating element to power it all. Likely a gift, as the girl had very little in the way of money. “I’ll have you know, someone almost died just so I could treat you to special tea. We’ve only just met and I’m getting those in my command injured for you.” She smirked. “I healed them, though. So they’re fine. Don’t worry.” She began to prepare this vaunted ‘special tea’ in an incredibly traditional Pandaren way.
Hiwa was transfixed, “Wow, eggs in one basket much?” She giggled, “Nah, it’s honestly really sweet. I went out of my way to get some food, actually. I have no idea what you like, so I got uh… everything I could think of. Some things I’ve never even heard of! What’s a ‘won-ton’?” She butchered the pronunciation.
Kelci’s earns burnt in her blushing. “...aww, you didn’t have to-- that’s so sweet!” She bit her lip, having to pause for a moment in the teamaking. “And I love wontons! They’re like little fried dumplings, stuffed with… well, almost anything!” She didn’t eat very much, being so small and thin, but that didn’t stop Pandaren from trying. She always had had more food than she knew what to do with, here. “You’re… a little bit eggs in one basket, too, huh?”
It was Hiwa’s turn to blush, though Kelci couldn’t see it. She could hear it, though. “Sh-shut up! You’re cute, alright? I’ve never had the chance to go on a date with a cute Draenei. This is new and I like it so far.”
Kelci finished her preparations and scooted over closer to Hiwa, “Then this is alright?” She asked, leaning her head on the Elf’s shoulder. It was far more brave than she usually was, but something about Hiwa made her easily confront her fears.
“Naturally! I didn’t think I was doing this well!” Hiwa laughed in response and wrapped an arm around Kelci. “I… have a good feeling about this.” She murmured. And so they continued on through the night and into the early morning. They drank many kinds of tea, ate all sorts of snacks, and conversed about everything; from each other’s pasts to their hopes for the future. Then, rain began to fall.
“...it’s raining.” Kelci commented, abruptly. The two were standing on the balcony, but not a single drop had fallen on either of them, yet. Kelci could tell, though. She knew the feel and the sounds and smells of a rainstorm near instantly.
“Is it?” Hiwa asked, just as a raindrop fell on her cheek. She laughed at it, “So it is! You’re good at this.” She bumped herself over next to Kelci, letting an arm reach around the Draenei’s shoulder.
“At what, sensing incoming rainfall? It’s just a matter of--” She was cut off. Hiwa had pressed a finger to her lips. The elf turned herself so she was facing Kelci, and her arms both fell to gently loop around her waist. “...oh.” Kelci whispered.
“Mhm. Good at a lot of things.” Hiwa murmured back, then bumped her forehead against Kelci’s. The rainfall was intensifying, but somehow, neither of them noticed. “I feel like… ahh, this is dumb. But I feel like we were meant to meet, y’know? This. I like this. A lot.”
Kelci’s heart skipped a beat and her voice caught in her throat. “M-me too. You’re just… everything I could have hoped for. And even a bit more.” She, in turn, let her arms fall over Hiwa’s shoulders. “Can I… do something? If I can connect with someone more closely, I can… shut out everything else and almost see them as they are, through their Chi. It’s pretty personal, though, and I don’t want to intrude. It kind of goes both ways, and we both might be able to scrape some of what the other is feeling…”
Hiwa paused, but only for an instant. It wasn’t actually a hard question. “...go ahead. I want you to see me like I see you, right now.” She smiled, and closed her eyes, waiting.
“Alright,” Kelci murmured, and she began. The world melted away around her. All of her focus, all of her mind’s searching and want fell onto the woman holding her. And then… there she was. In full detail; Though not with her eyes, Kelci could see the woman before her, painted by the silhouette of her Chi. “You’re… beautiful.” She gasped, biting her lip. It was so much, and the feelings drifting from Hiwa were only returned in kind by herself.
There weren’t any more words that needed to be said. With the rain pouring down around them, their lips met. The moment seemed to last for longer than either of them could ever recall, after. But that first kiss cemented something, deep within them both. That somehow, in this one moment, everything in the world was just fine. That feeling never left them.
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beltain · 7 years
30 Character Questions
1.) Describe your character’s relationship with their mother or their father, or both. Was it good? Bad? Were they spoiled rotten, ignored? Do they still get along now, or no? Ilyrrath didn’t know her parents growing up. She was raised by her uncle, aunt, and their immediate families. But she didn’t mind, because throughout childhood, she was lavished with compassion. She could honestly say that her relationship with her relatives was one of love and respect. Her uncle wasn't the most talkative or jovial man, but he worked hard to ensure for his family a secured livelihood and supported his niece’s wishes of becoming a ranger. If one didn't know her well enough, they'd sooner assume Ilyrrath's aunt to be a fishwife than a noble's housemaid. She was wider than she was tall with lungs that could outwit the cleanest foghorn. Once she acted up, proper manners subsided and her lowborn dialect grew thicker. Her index finger and tongue were her favorite weapons and she'd wag both at the drop of a hat, especially when it came to matters of men and her niece: “Never let ya' knickers down, girl. Them boys be nuttin’ but trouble! They be chasin' ya’ like foxes in tha' fields soon enough!” “That makeup’s as thick as your uncle's spackle! You look like a trollop! Want ta' be treated like one, too? Wash tha' offa’ ya’ this instant!” 2.) What are your characters most prominent physical features? Silvery hair, tapered ears, and freckles. 3.) Name one scar your character has, and tell us where it came from. If they don’t have any, is there a reason? There is a sliver of dark pink and shiny tissue about a couple of inches in length along the inside of Ilyrr's right forearm. It was unintentionally self-inflicted when she shot an elven bow for the first time without wearing an arm-guard, and the bowstring burned against her flesh. 4.) How vain is your character? Do they find themselves attractive? She personally doesn't find herself all that pretty to look at, which is why she’s occupied with things that are, such as flowers and satin and lace. 5.) What’s your character’s ranking on the Kinsey Scale? Abysmally abstinent. 6.) Describe your character’s happiest memory. One of Ilyrr's happiest memories would have to be when she finally met her birth parents after two decades. 7.) Is there one event or happening your character would like to erase from their past? Why? Nothing. She wouldn’t be who she is now if her life didn’t happen the way it did, both bad and good.  8.) What’s your character’s favorite ice cream flavor? Color? Song? Flower? Ice cream flavor: Pumpkin and ginger. Color: Sunsets. Song: Elunite choirs Flower: Roses (especially peach, yellow, and pink), cherry blossoms, and wisterias. 9.) Who does your character trust? Herself. 10.) Can you define a turning point in your character’s life? Multiples are acceptable. The moment she opened a book as a little girl fantasizing about monsters and heroines. 11.) Is there an animal you equate with your character? A manasaber for her ferocious protectiveness, and a monohorn for her gentle elegance. 12.) How is your character with technology? Super savvy, or way behind the times? Plain scrolls or gnomish teleportation? Ilyrr's technological knowledge stretches about as far it will allow for her to operate a gun. Even then, she's preferred the bow after having adopted some of the high elves’ customs. 13.) What does your character’s bed look like when he/she wakes up? Are the covers off on one side of the bed, are they all curled around a pillow, sprawled everywhere? In what position might they sleep? Much to her own surprise, Ilyrr isn't a squirmy sleeper. She may turn here and there to find a comfortable position, but she usually ends up on her stomach with both hands tucked under the pillow. When she rouses, the blankets have barely moved from their position when she fell asleep. Ilyrr tries to make her bed every day just so that it's that much nicer to slip back into later. 14.) How does your character react to temperature changes such as extreme heat and cold? If it's not in the form of beverages or ice cream, then keep it far away from her. Simply, Ilyrr loathes the cold. When stuck in it, she becomes irritable and uncooperative. Most everything she adores is warm: laughter, Springtime, blankets, and stew. 15.) Is your character an early morning bird or a night owl? Even before she visited to Darnassus, Ilyrr stayed up late and slept in late when she could. Then after the move, she adjusted to a completely nocturnal lifestyle in order to accommodate her kaldorei associates. 16.) Are there any blood relatives that your character is particularly close with, besides the immediate ones? Cousins, Uncles, Grandfathers, Aunts, et cetera. Are there any others that your character practically considers a blood relative? Definitely. Namely, her paternal uncle and aunt who took her in and raised her as their own when her birth parents followed their leaders through the Dark Portal. 17.) What’s your character’s desk/workspace look like? Are they neat or messy? Knickknacks. Knickknacks everywhere! Llo is a clutter-bug. 
Though, to her credit, her work spaces are not dirty as she does keep up with dusting to compensate for the bric-a-brac that are prone to collect it. The rooms are decorated with living plants such as ivy vines that crawl along the windows and lace interweaving patterns across the ceilings. Tokens like crystals, shells, and shed antlers that Ilyrr found on her travels are proudly displayed wherever there is room for them, whether they have business being there or not. Somehow, she manages to also fit a collection of books and art utensils, like paintbrushes in assorted cups and paint tins. When the weather's nice, Ilyrr will leave her windows and doors open so that benign animals could come and go as they pleased. One Spring, she even found a bird's nest that had been built in one of her potted plants. The birds were welcome to continue their nesting until the chicks had hatched and were ready to fly back into the wild. 18.) Is your character a good cook? What’s their favorite recipe, whether they’re good or not? Although Ilyrr loves the idea of baking and eating the products of such even more, let's just say she's been tempted to give Nomi a run for his money. 19.) What’s your character’s preferred means of travel? Usually by flight, riding on the back of her companion and hippogryph, Skydancer. This is the more efficient means as it bypasses many obstacles born on land. But if she wishes to take a leisurely stroll through the countryside, as she often does, she might have her trusty Quel’dorei steed, Silverlance, accompany her and share in the pleasure. 20.) Does your character have any irrational fears? Betrayal and abandonment. 21.) Does your character have a tattoo? If they do, does it symbolize anything important, or was it for fun? If not, what would they get and why? She doesn't have any tattoos, but if she did she'd probably get cherry blossoms with loose petals flowing down her arms and over her chest as a representation and reminder that life is both overwhelmingly beautiful and tragically short. 22.) If your character could time travel, where would they go? Ilyrr would rather not mess with time travel if she could help it (she's looking at you, bronze dragonflight). At first, she thought she'd like to see Azeroth in its infancy, when it mirrored its original blueprint that is now preserved in the Emerald Dream. She's been told by druids that at one point, there were flora and fauna that had long ago gone extinct, and the continuation of their existence lies only in the Dream. But really, she couldn't imagine being born at a different time and it's not like one moment was better than others. Each one has suffered their own trials and tribulations, as well as blessings. So she agrees with fate's decision of choosing the one it did for her. 23.) Is your character superstitious? No. Not since childhood. The harsh reality of the world that became apparent to Ilyrr while entering adulthood had parted those mists from her eyes. They continue to do so with other angles of her perception, as well. 24.) What might your character’s ideal romantic partner be? If there's one thing Ilyrr can't tolerate, it's infidelity. She's been cheated on and taken for a play-thing by reckless suitors with no self-discipline nor respect for her. She knows better than to blame love itself for her hurt, for what she had endured was not the fruit of love, but lust. Yet repeated failures of this nature has convinced her that while love does exist for some people, she must not be one of them. An ideal romantic partner would have to remain patient and steadfast to convince her otherwise. They would also need to be willing to bring forth their inner child on occasion, and have a decent sense of humor, just none that would involve love games. 25.) Describe your character’s hands. Are they small, long, calloused, smooth, stubby? They are small and seemingly delicate with soft, translucent skin. Her little finger usually erects itself involuntarily while the others rest in an arched curve possibly influenced by Ilyrr's artistic pursuits and frequent handling of writing utensils. They have little to no callouses. Her nail growth is weak, which may be a sign of deficiency in fiber. So she keeps them filed just beyond the cuticle but makes sure they're presentable with fresh polish and trimmed hangnails. 26.) Favorite comfort food, favorite vice, favorite outfit, favorite hot drink, favorite time of year, and favorite holiday. Comfort food: Pandaren cuisine like red bean buns and yak cheese curds. Vice: Animosity (i.e. burning bridges, holding grudges) Outfit: One of the first gowns she bought in Darnassus, elven-made and tailored in leafy, frosty pink gossamer and sequins. It fits sleek and rests low but elegantly over the chest and trails beyond the ankles and down the arms. Unfortunately, it would make for impractical apparel, so Llo hasn't had much opportunity to wear it. Hot drink: Hot cider & pearl milk tea Time of year: Late Spring - early Summer Holiday: Noblegarden & Lunar Festival 27.) Pick two songs that describe your character at two different points of their life, and explain why you chose them. I've never been one for character "theme songs", but should Ilyrr have one, it'd have to be "Let It Be" by Blackmill. I find it beautiful and bittersweet in its message as it's something Ilyrr, in all her labored optimism, has needed personal reminders for.
Some fans have speculated that the song's about a long-distanced relationship that failed. For Ilyrr specifically, I'd like to think that it's a lesson in learning to love from afar (whether the object's a person, place, or thing), and be content in forfeiting touch or intimacy because it's the only realistic option she has, however humbling that may be.
28.) If your character’s life was a genre, what would it be? Philosophical or dark comedy 29.) How does your character smell? Do they wear perfume or cologne? Ilyrr enjoys collecting perfume bottles for their aesthetics, but she really has no need for the perfume itself. With a flip of her hair, sweet and fresh aromas waft from the living flowers that encircle her crown. 30.) And finally: Write a letter to your character, from yourself. Dear muse, You can do this. Remember not to fall for the old tricks again, okay? But even if you do, know that I got you. With love, Your mun
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autumnpawtribe · 5 years
Just a moment in time - Vol'raka, Tiny, and Xiao Chun
Tiny had finally started to sleep long enough for her Papa and Ba to spend some more intimate time together.  It was a time to relax, and love, come together as a couple after so long apart.  Xiao laid against Vol, nuzzling into his neck in return to the trolls affections. "I love you so much, Vol... more than I ever thought I could." He whispered breathlessly still before giving a tiny chuckle. "I... did not hurt you, did I?" He finally asked, turning his head to kiss Vol's cheek and then gently press a kiss to his lips as he nuzzled their foreheads together. "No mah love."  He looked a bit sad that he hadn't been hurt, but kissed his mate on the top of the head softly.  "Ah be fine."  A soft chuckle accompanied the troll picking his mate up and tossing him over his shoulder.  "Ja gonna be crunchy furred.  Showah fer Xiao..." Xiao smiled and nodded. "I was worried, I think you are uh... bleeding in a few places." He said with a blush as he glanced down to Vol's thoroughly scratched up thighs as well as the few marks on his back. Before he could speak again, he squeaked in surprise as he was scooped up, clinging to his mate now as he was hoisted over his shoulder. "I miss being crunchy if it is from you..." He said with a little giggle as he hugged Vol's shoulder as he was carted off. "Nothin' wrong wit pain, lovah.  Ah crave et.  Ah'd say we fall asleep like dat, but Ah know dat any minute dat lil time bomb we got gonna wake up.  Ja take longah den me."  He swatted the pandaren on the ass just as he put him down.  "Get clean, ah gonna find pants.  Ah need a showah, get da tangles out mah hair an at least two houahs sleep." Xiao blushed a bit more, nodding. "I... almost forgot about your penchant for pain. I guess some part of me remembered otherwise I wouldn't have scratched you up like that." He said with a smile before squeaking in surprise as his ass was smacked. He turned around to lean up and give Vol a long, loving kiss before he could leave. "I... have never been happier than I am when I am with you. Never forget that. I promise, I will be here this time."  He said against Vol's lips, hugging him hard before sighing contently and pulling away to head off and do his oh so secret cleaning routine to keep his fur as wonderfully soft and plush as his mate had always known it to be. "Ja can scratch me up all ja evah want."  He'd never really let Xiao know how deep his want of pain went, one day maybe.  "Bettah be.  Scoot."  He busied himself with changing  and reswaddling their daughter and sitting next to her hammock to watch her sleep, singing another lullaby.  "Gotta sound proof ja room before we know et, hmm?" Xiao wandered off as his mate told him, the water running in the me functional but far less fancy shower since this wasn't the main home. Maybe an hour or so later, Xiao came back out, fur dry and wonderfully fluffy, grinning like a fool as he entered their daughter's room to find his mate. "Hey..." He nearly purred, love glowing in his eyes as he leaned against the doorframe. "Ja finally done...  longah den usual."  He sat in a chair, smiling as she ate and smirking.  "Second bottle en an houah.  Should warn ja.  Troll babies eat like big orc mons.   Bottomless pits mah ma'da once call em.  Get used ta dis, hmm?" Xiao chuckled a little. "There was more to clean up than normal. I also let my fur grow out a little more than normal so it takes longer to dry over the vent." He moved to sit across from Vol on the bed. "Do we have enough milk for her? You said it is goat milk, right?" "Ja.  Goats be outside at dis house, da Vale and Hillsbrad.  Da Admiral say he can get a Tauren fer helpin' out.  She get fed, Get ever'ting ah can be gettin' er. "  He said a few words in Zandali, trying to teach her even at that age.  "Yuutee Saakes, Zutopong.  Skam m italaf deh'yo ackee..." "Good, the last thing we would want is our little girl to go hungry, though I know you would never let that happen." He smiled, patting the bed. "Here, you two should come over here. Let her Ba feed her?" He asked with a hopeful smile. "What was that you said in Zandali just now, anyway? I still know... well, next to none of it, unfortunately." "Shadowhuntah, Daughtah.  Just a Hungry lil ting."   He stood and let Xiao hold the girl who was none too pleased about moving, and not eating right then and there.  "Ja get ta watch 'er a bit.  Showah."  Booping her daughter softly on the nose and doing the same to Xiao, he went to get himself clean, Xiao getting to deal with a whiny, amber eyed girl.  If Xiao looked, he'd see Vol's features, no doubt who sired her.  Amber eyes, the same green and gold hair, with the barest bright highlights of blue, and the same strong nose.  She looked up toward him, too young to focus on anything or properly see him. Xiao happily took the little bundle, cradling her against his bare chest, having only put on some loose linen pants after his shower. "Do not worry, I have her." He said with a smile as Vol headed off to take his now. He stared down at her now, having some true quality time with his daughter. Seeing his mate in her eyes, her hair, so much of him in every part of her. It actually made a tear come to his eye. He whispered to her in Pandaren now, letting the girl hear him speak in something other than his stilted and heavily accented Orcish. "My dearest daughter.. I will give you anything and everything I can... your papa and I, we will give you the world. You are the gift we never saw coming, the missing piece we never knew we were missing. Some day, you will have a brother or a sister. Your life will be filled with happiness, adoration, praise... and above all, love. This I promise you." He kissed her forehead gently, a single tear dripping down onto her cheek and causing him to chuckle as he leaned up and noticed it. "A little salty rain never hurt, hm?" He continued to murmur, wiping off the tear with the fur of his thumb. "You have not seen it yet, but your home... our home, the place we will eventually be a family, forever... your room will be everything you have ever dreamed of. Everything for our baby girl." It was then he gasped. "Vol!" He called out in Orcish now. "I have an idea, we need to talk when you are done showering!" He sounded excited, but his smile faded as he cringed, the loud noise making the poor girl fuss and cry. "Sorry, my lovely." He cooed in Pandaren again. "Ba is sorry, little one, shhh, it is alright. Here." He shook her bottle a bit, jostling the milk and getting her attention with the warm sustenance, quickly quieting her as she went back to drinking happily. "Talk bout what, hmm?"  He came out, clothed in a towel around his waist and one going at his hair.  "Et wait until ah able ta find pants.  Ever' tin' be down at da Vale or Hillsbrad."  Green locks were flopped over on one side and he had freshly shaved the sides of his head down to the skin.  "Gonna need ta clean tings up en 'ere."  He looked around, the room his daughter was sleeping in for the time the same she was born in.  "Ja gonna teach 'er Pandaren, ah gonna teach 'er Zandali.  Gonna get REshka ta teach her Thalassian..  an ALL of us be teachin' orcish." Xiao practically wiggled in his spot on the bed. "Maybe I do not want you to find pants." He said with a little grin. "Remember that... illusion on the top of the canopy in our bed in the Vale? I was thinking for her room, I could have Kyl do the entire room as an illusion. Instead of just normal wallpaper, we could have... an entire scene. Maybe a waterfall, a beautiful view, stars on the ceiling. I am not sure exactly. Ooh, maybe we could do a view from stranglethorn! Something to remind her of where she came from? I wanted to ask because, well, you said you had investments. I was hoping you might have some excess laying around. It would not cost nearly as much as the house upgrades did, the illusions were fairly cheap, actually. The thing that did the most damage, gold wise, was the engineered magically contraptions like the shower, the self-cleaning bed, and all of the, well, everything in the stables. I just thought, you know, it would be calming and beautiful?" "No.". He dragged the towel over his head and looked to Xiao intently.  "Not paying Kyl Dem prices.   He gonna learn ta haggle like a troll.   His price took ja  away.   Not happening again.   Stranglethorn be where she concieved.  Ja really tink ah wanna be reminded of dat?".  He wasn't made just matter of fact.  "We look into et, aftah ah surah day dat fuckin snakr not gonna slitha enta ouaj bed an kill me.  She not gonna appreciate et fer a long while.  Patience, lil love.  When ettime, we talk more on et." Xiao blinked. "No?" Then he heard the rest and nodded. "Kyl may haggle, honestly I do not know. I... did not think to try." He blushed a bit, never having been one to haggle. Then he frowned a bit sadly at the mentions of Stranglethorn. "Sorry, I thought Stranglethorn might be good, I didn't know that was where it happened." He shook his head. "I just did not think it through I guess." He said as he peered down at Tiny now, biting his lower lip and feeling a bit silly for his idea now. "We gonna figuah out sumpin, lil love.  Fer now, she not gonna care ef da walls be all white or just stone.  She gonna be en ouah room till we can get sometin so we can hear when she need us.". With a small kiss on his love's nose and a smile, he whispered softly.  "Ah not mean ta sound harsh.  Ja not know where dis all happen.  We both do thinking on et.  Sides, where she come from be Pandaria.  Dis da land of er birth, ja?"
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autumnpawtribe · 5 years
For the Love I bear you, I will endure. Part 4
Xiao watched nervously as Vol left, letting his words go to Aret through the collar once Vol shut the door behind him. "I... think for once our Darkspear love is not thinking this through. I am not sure how he is going to get the child unless he plans on kidnapping him from whoever has him now..." He furrowed his brows and sighed, speaking audibly now. "Naddja is there anything you need?"
Aret turned to Xiao, confused.  "The Hall of Castes is an orphanage as well...".
Naddja shook her head, smiling down at the girl in her arms.  "Don't make me go back...".
Xiao nodded in understanding. "I was unaware there was an orphanage." He looked down to Naddja and hugged her gently, Taraj lightly squished between Troll bosom and furry Ba chest. "You are not going back, Naddja. I am not letting you go back to that place. Listen to me. You are safe now."
It took about 15 minutes before Vol knocked on the door and let himself in, leading a boy that was in no way looking like a Zandalari, more frost troll from the slight fuzz.  He was maybe four, meaning Naddja had him when she was very young, the child almost a dead ringer for a young Janaret.  "Zakin, dis be ja new family."
Xiao blinked as Vol came in, his expression turning to a grin. "Oh my dear Celestials... he is precious." He reached down for Tarja to take her gently from Naddja and then try to turn her around. "Look, Naddja..." He then spoke through the link uncertainly. "Is he going to be ours or are we giving him to her once we take care of Aket?"
"let me work Xiao.". Vol moved to sit next to the boy and Naddja.  "He is yours.  You are not going back to that swine.  You are going to move to our Vale house, with your son, and help with my raptors.  Not my mate, but Tarja's aunt, Zakin's mother and nanny when needed.  Room, board, protection and a stipend.   I can afford it and you are her mother by birth.   You will never refer to yourself as such, but you may have a relationship with her as an aunt.  Are we agreed?".
Vol was very surprised when both Naddja and Janaret grinned, the Raptari hugging both Xiao and Vol, giving the Pandaren a kiss on the cheek.
Xiao nodded lightly to Vol, letting him explain. As he listened, he grinned as well. He hugged Naddja back and gave her a gentle squeeze. "I told you, you are safe now..." He murmured as he gave her a little nuzzle. Nothing remotely that kind of nuzzle, just a comforting gesture of closeness. He bit his lip and looked over at the adorable Frost Troll. "Could I be his Shushu?"
"Happier with this now, Lover?".
Vol knew that answer, but nodded.  "Uncle Xiao, Vol, Janaret.  Shushu.... Whatevah ja wanna be.  Ja two talk et out. He be her boy."
Zakin stood next to them, confused and holding a blanket.  "Dis Ma'da?"
Naddja nodded, Speaking Zandali.   "I am.  A very bad man made me give you away.  Your uncle, Vol'raka...". She pointed to the big Darkspear.  "He wants you to be with your family and ... Me.". She looked at Vol, who still had a flat look on his face.  "Thank you.  I know you may never forgive me, but..   thank you.".
The big troll nodded, pulling away from both.  "Introduce Dem all to each othah, Xiao Chun.  Ah gonna message Hae an Jung ta get a room ready fer em.  We leave soon, not want dat..." he used a choice word in Pandaren, roughly 'shit stain'..  "... Finding em."
Xiao smiled and nodded again, though he wasn't sure how to go about introductions considering the boy spoke in Zandali and Xiao did not. He opted to let Aret do it instead. However, when Vol mentioned leaving soon, he furrowed his brows. "We have hearthstones, why not just have them hold onto them with us and we can all just go now?"
"when da last time ja baby ate?  She need fed.  Aret,  Pack tings. Dis place gonna be abandoned fer a few weeks.   Xiao, speak orcish ta em. 'E speak et.  Naddja..". His voice was still dominant with her, but gentle.  “Take care mah daughtah an ja son.  We leave en 30 minutes". He strode out of the living room to the bathing room, a little privacy as he spoke to the Pandaren who cared for the Vale and Kunlai houses.  Xiao could hear him ask for two rooms readied and women's clothes found.  Hae agreed to find clothes for the boy, though things would be more Pandaren in style, hand-me-down from her sons.
Xiao nodded and immediately began to go heat up some milk for Tarja, going about the process of feeding her while Aret packed and Vol made plans. He smiled gently at little Zakin and spoke in much less eloquent but easily coherent Orcish. "So you speak Orcish, little one? Well, I am your uncle Xiao Chun. I am a Pandaren, and in my language, for 'uncle' we say Shushu. You can call me your Shushu if you want." He said with that famous warmth of his radiating from his eyes and his smile. "The Zandalari one over there is Janaret, but you can call him Uncle Aret if you like." He paused to point off in Vol's direction. "The slightly taller blue Troll is your Vol'raka, you can call him Uncle Vol if you like, too." He rocked Tarja gently as he talked to the small boy. "Have you heard of Pandaria? That is where I am from and where your three uncles live. It's where you can live now, too. Would you like that?"
The boy listened to Xiao, looking between Darkspear, Pandaren and  Zandalari.  He shook his head at knowing of Pandaria.  Vol added as he wandered back in.  "Ja gonna get educated an' live happily ef ja uncles can help et.". He moved to help Aret pack his armor and some bedding.  "Xiao Chun.  Call ja mage.  Emergency...  Gonna pay out da ass fer et, bit wort et."
Xiao looked over at Vol with a surprised expression. "Kylendris? If you are sure." He said with a smile. "He is willing to haggle, I am sure. I just... didn't think to." He blushed a bit with embarrassment before digging into his pack and pulling out a dark stone with blue runic etchings on it. It glowed as he held it, the Pandaren closing his eyes for a good thirty seconds or so as he focused. Finally he reopened his eyes and nodded. "He will meet us in the Vale, and yes he said he will haggle." He pulled out the hearthstone now, setting it on his knee as he still held onto Tarja carefully with the other arm.
"good.  Ja take Naddja an Zakin.  Get dinnah started til Aret an ah bring Tarja.  Den ja an ah ja haggle with da mage.". He leaned down and pressed his head to Xiao's, kissing his snoot.  "Love of my life, my heart.  My rock.  I will keep a family together, I will keep the mother of our child and her son safe.  I will show you my wrath when I kill my enemies.  Do not be surprised of what I do when we kill them.". He knelt and kissed Tarja on the nose, careful of tusks.  "A long strange trip...  From two to six in ..  three months?"
When Vol leaned down to kiss his snoot and speak of his love, his heart, his rock, Xiao opted to deepen things. He tilted his head to catch Vol's lips, kissing him long and slow, so much love and tenderness. "I love you too, Vol'raka... and I would never judge you for such actions. I... despite my usually peaceful ways, such hate-filled and vile creatures that would do the things that have been done to Naddja, they do not deserve to be in this world." He nuzzled Vol gently and offered Tarja to him once they finished. "I love you." He murmured aloud so happily, smiling at him before standing up and looking to Naddja and Zakin. "Alright you two, it is time to go. Vol'raka, Tarja, and Aret will meet us at the house later. I am going to make dinner, I am sure you two are hungry, hm?" He extended his hand to them, waiting patiently.
Naddja nodded, taking Zakin's hand.  "Ready.". Her orcish had really improved.
Vol stopped them for a moment, a hand on Naddja's, speaking in Zandali, kissing her on the top of her head and speaking to her face. "I accept you into my family and under my protection.  I will forgive you at some point. For now you will be treated as I would a sister.  You are allowed in my territory as is your offspring with promises of no harm.". He nodded to Xiao who may not understand what the words meant to a troll and Raptari.
Aret and Vol worked on condensing the packed boxes, Tarja making noises in her sling as Vol found an extra clean one laying around.
Xiao just smiled at the interaction, waiting for them to finish before waving to his two mates and Tarja. "See you all soon." With that, he guided the other two to take his hand and then placed said hand on the hearthstone. With them all touching it, it glowed a light blue before they were enveloped in the magic and pulled across Azeroth back to their home in the Vale. Standing outside now, Xiao looked down at the two of them and smiled. "This is our home, it is not quite finished yet now that we are going to make more rooms, but for now you can stay in Tarja's room. It is the nursery, but she is not using it yet so we can easily roll some cots in there or something in the mean time." He guided them inside of the home and gestured to the plush furniture. "You can sit wherever, if you wish. Do you have any preferences on what you like to eat since I am going to make dinner?"
Naddja and Zakim just looked stunned, until the boy saw the riding Raptor that Vol had finished recently.  He walked to it and climbed on, rocking gently on the toy and grinning.  Naddja smiled, looking worried, Zakim seemingly an adaptable child.  "I think as long as there is food, we will be ok.  We'll figure it out together?"
0 notes
autumnpawtribe · 5 years
Loa Bound - Understanding
Xiao paled and slowly smiled, a tear running down his cheek. “... Venya, go put those back before he wakes up and sees us with those.” He sighed lightly and looked over at him. “He is so perfect…” He stared with love in his eyes for several moments before finally reaching for the water pipe. He found a small rune on the side and smiled as he activated it; the entire glass piece fogging up as if the inside surface was coated in a thin layer of ice. As it frosted, a small magical bubbling was heard as water was conjured inside of it to the appropriate height. 
“Tal was right, this really is incredibly convenient.” He reached for the box of Tal’s herb, not wanting to see anymore spirits for a WHILE. “... I have only done this once or twice, I forgot how exactly to... “ He trailed off before finally beginning to lightly pour some of the ground herb in until it was sufficiently packed. It was really only halfway full, Xiao not tapping it down or anything, but it was enough for him either way. He bit his bottom lip, finding himself nervous for a moment before biting the bullet. He reached for the lighter and held it to the herb, slowly inhaling an incredibly small hit. He puffed to cherry the bowl, inhaling the smoke, and holding it.
The face Xiao made was quite hilarious, his eyes bulging, his hand coming up to his chest, and his nose twitching as if it tickled. He sputtered out a small puff of smoke and tried not to cough, instead wheezing lightly before doing something they’d likely never seen before. The Pandaren’s face scrunched up, his whole body tensed, and a gasping squeak escaped him as his entire body flinched with the sneeze that overtook him. He also sneezed out a little smoke in the process, coughing lightly after.
“Fa… Vol’raka just .. shotguns it to me.  I don’t get the pipe.”  Aret held Xiao close, Venya grabbing Tarja away from both.  “Oh…”
“No Tarjas around Papa’s smoke.”  The girl was cuddly and asleep, rubbing her face on Venya’s chest as he sat in a chair.  “Those were not cheap rings…”  Ven smiled as he let Tarja get deeper into sleep before taking her to her own room.  “We need to do something for him.  Not just..  What’s he call them?  Mouth presents?”
Xiao blushed a bit. “Sorry, I did not even think about Tarja. I forget about all of the restrictions.” He said sheepishly, taking another hit now that she was further away. As if taking Aret’s hint, he took a slightly bigger hit and then pressed his lips up to the prelate’s mouth and exhaling so he could share in the smoke with him. He wrapped his arms around him for support after that bigger hit making him practically go limp and elicited a small ‘Whoaa…’ as he hung onto the large Zandalari.
“Mouth presents… yes, mouth presents. I want to give him mouth presents…” He murmured, licking his lips lightly. “Sorry, this… wow…” He smiled tiredly and looked at the food now. “Venyabiii… I… uhm.. .who cooks? Who made the… things of good taste?” This was Tal’s herb, after all, so it hit Xiao like a damned freight train. It was rather adorable.
Venya was the reasonable one right then, shaking his head as Tarja sucked her thumb.  “No mouth presents today.  Are you saying you want dinner?  It sounds like you want dinner.”  Venya was hiding his smile, because this was funny.  “Or are you talking about something else?”  
Xiao made a little ‘Mmh!’ noise much like Tarja might when she wanted something. “Yes, who made… the eating things. Can I have… uhm… more? Fresh?” He bit his bottom lip. “Dumplings… I… craving dumplings…” He paused to gasp. “Ooh! Jasmine rice...  oh and rice pudding!” He wiggled a bit. “Melons…!” At least he was going to be eating now… and perhaps now his plan would become clear, that was why he wanted the herb, to help ease him into eating again.
“Xiao…  Next time you get stoned off your ass, I’m setting up that recording thing Vol has.  Entertaining.”  He stood, shaking his head and heading to the door.  “Come downstairs in a little bit.  Aret…”  
The Paladin stopped moving his hand down the front of Xiao’s shirt, looking like the kid with his hand in the cookie jar.  He blushed, pulling his hands away and putting them behind his back.  “Master Vol’raka likes it.”
“Master Vol’raka likes it and is hurt.  Master Xiao is stoned out of his gourd.  No fucking in that bed until He..”  his head nodded to Xiao.  “Eats a decent meal.  AND…”  He nodded to Vol.  “he is well enough that moving the bed won’t cause him unwanted pain.”
Xiao let out a little noise of want as Aret let his hand wander down his front, blushing as Venyabi caught them even though he wasn’t hiding. “Mmh… eat and then... “ He glanced over at Vol. “I don’t want to leave him, but…” He trailed off, biting his lower lip. “I think he will be okay for a little bit... “ He said as he slowly stood and hung onto Aret for balance. He tried to walk and stumbled, giggling a bit. “Whoa… the floor is moving. Or… I am moving. They’re both moving!” He finally said resolutely. It may be better if he was carried.
“Torcali help me, I am nursemaid to the injured, the horny and the inebriated.  Stand riiiight there until I put her to bed.  Don’t go downstairs.  Bouncy ass is great, but yer higher than a drunken pterrodax.  Arie…  DON’T let him go anywhere or Wake Vol up.  And …”  he walked out of the room still speaking.  “Hands to yourself.”
Xiao just made a quiet mewling noise and looked over with want at Vol. He knew he couldn’t have him, but he did have a gorgeous burly Zandalari holding him up. “You… are beautiful…” He murmured to Aret with a love-drunk grin. Without any restraint, he leaned in and began to nibble and toy with Aret’s exposed nipple, tonguing it playfully. Perhaps it was just something about Tal’s strains of herb in particular that made people so erotically charged, but whatever it was it had Xiao making happy little noises as he chewed on his new toy. That, or he really was just THAT hungry and didn’t want to wait to go downstairs. Given that his bites and nibbles weren’t that forceful, it was likely not the later… yet.
Venya came back out, staring at Aret now.  The prelate had a mildly chastised look on his face.  He was not going to deny that he was unlacing his pants and slowly guiding Xiao's head down.  
"He licked me first!"
"Maybe because you were trying to put your hand down his pants."  The smaller of the Darkspears moved to grab Xiao around the waist and huffed.  "Food.  If you are too weak to eat, you are too weak to fuck."
Xiao squeaked and blushed, whining in dissent as Venyabi hooked him around the waist and made him tottle off. He reached over for Aret’s hand, tugging him along with him.”I get Zandalari treats after I eat my other snacks…” He murmured in an adorably petulant manor, clinging to Venya for balance, the man practically limp against the poor Darkspear. It seemed he was on cat herding duty today. Well, Pandaren herding.
“Sex Loa…”  Venya did think it was funny, but he’d heard Vol’s order, even if Xiao hadn’t given it to the pandaren, but to his brother-mate. 
‘Make him eat.’
He placed Xiao next to the window, the chair one that they used to corral Zakin when he wanted to not be at the table anymore.  He hoped it would keep Xiao in one spot.  Aret came back down, the prelate adjusting himself as he sat next to Xiao, sitting on his hands.  “Melon?”
“Yer cute when you know you just got busted.”  
Xiao sat down as instructed, squirming a bit as he looked around and waited for food. Then Aret mentioned melons. “Melon?” He asked excitedly, then frowned. “Wait, not melon, mango. Can you bring one of uhm…” He paused, his face blanking. “Uhm......” The word drew out, his brows furrowing as he failed to think of a name. He whimpered lightly. “The sexy furry one with…” He cleared his throat, blushing as he did. “The thing that… makes certain things a lot more intimate… because of… uhm… limited movement?” He bit his bottom lip, swaying a bit where he sat. “Can you bring me one of the things he gives me?” Time to figure out if they could decipher stoner Xiao.
“If you want mango I will send Arie out to get it.  If you want Jura’s furry balls, no.”  
Aret just started laughing, getting up and giving Xiao and Venya kisses on the lips.  “I’ll get some mango.”
“Make sure you don’t bring back troll cockflesh, Xiao will try to eat it.”  He shook his head a bit, moving to grab the dumplings they kept ready in the cold box.  “Horny lil fuck.  How can you be .. Have so much sexual desire in such a little package.  How did he keep up with you before…”
Xiao giggled a little before responding. “... Both?” Did he just ask for mangos and Jura’s balls? Yes, yes he did. He blushed still, but had less shame than normal. When Venya spoke of him being horny and having so much desire, he just wiggled where he sat. “I was… ah… word for not… taking things into any of my holes. Sell… selling bait? Cel… CELIBATE!” He nearly shouted in triumph as he thought of the word. “Yes, cell-ih-bit… for most of my life. Now… I am surrounded by… mnhh… all of you… so yummy, it is like… a fantasy so extreme I could never even… begin to fantasize. Now I have you in my bed every night, all of you. I would have to have a broken dingly dangly thing  for it to not be constantly hard or leaking for one if not all of you.”
“Xiao…  do you usually get this horny when you smoke, or do you smoke so little that this is what happens?”  he shook his head, moving to fry up the potstickers.  “Did..  did you just call your...  You did.” There were words in Zandali that were too fast for Xiao to hear as Venya took to cooking.  “Mangos.  Dumplings, do you want rice or anything else..  That is not between either your mates’ or lover’s legs!”
Xiao would have had trouble understanding normal speed Zandali right then, so he definitely didn’t catch whatever Venya muttered. “I… do not know. I have smoked Tal uhm…” He immediately stopped to guffaw and giggle. “Well I have smoked Tal a lot of times, hee hee hee…” He giggled happily, swaying where he sat. “I have only smoked Tal’s herb… one other time I think. It was only one hit… I took… three? Yes, three, and one big one too!” He suddenly began to open and shut his mouth, his tongue flapping unnaturally.
“Mh… my tongue feelth weird… feels… weird.” He stuck his tongue out and grabbed it with his fingers. “Ith tho thry!” He whimpered and sucked his tongue back in, trying to wet it and only half succeeding. 
“I have only smoked… three times every- ever… maybe four. S’... Mh… not often. I thought it would help with the… chewing of the yummy things so I don’t go to sleep standing up.” He paused again, flailing his tongue in his mouth a few more times. “Mango… dumplings… jasmine rice… rice pudding…”  He gasped. “Ooh, what… Areeeeeet!” He whined for the prelate. “What were those yummy things you made for me and Vol in Zandalar? It was… deep fried? Sweet? One had meat in it too… it was so good! Oh Celestials I want the Zandalar thingies so bad…!”
“Mon’dazi?”  Aret came back in with four big mangos, confused.  “I can make mon’dazi.  Xiao, are you ok?”
“Get him water.  He’s higher than the damn pyramid.”  Ven set about getting Xiao what he wanted, their lunch interrupted before.  “I’ll peel these, make some mon’dazi after he gets water.”  
The two set about cooking as Jura and Tsal wandered in, Jura kissing Xiao on the nose before being yelled at by Venya.  “No, he’s high and horny and Vol told him to eat.  He hasn’t eaten anything real since the ritual.  “No food in your belly, no sex.  I might not be the high and mighty dominant male in this house, but You, little monk are not in a position to do anything.  Aret was giving in.  Someone has to say no..  JURA!”
The druid put his hands up.  “He’s my lover, too.”
“He’s my mate, your brother’s mate and has not had more than broth and a piece of chicken in three days.  Hands off his ass and help Arie make mon’dazi.”
Tsal just sat, laughing at one end of the table.  “I should come visit more often.”
Xiao took the water and drank the entire glass in one go, letting out a heavy gasping sigh of relief and grinning. Then Jura came in. Oh sweet sexy Jura. He licked his lips and leaned up to wrap his arms around Jura’s neck and deepen the kiss up until he squeaked in surprise at Venya’s yelling. He blushed, yet he didn’t seem to be /TOO/ put off as he tried to reach out rather blatantly for Jura’s bulge, trying to grope him through his pants before Venya scared him away. “C’mere I wanna be ‘knotty’...” He said before giggling and grinning like a fool, so proud of himself.
“Jura.  Move.”  The druid put his hands up and moved next to Tsal, the ‘blue tauren’ shaking his head.  
“This.. This is why I didn’t sleep with any of you three crazies.”  Tsal shook his head, taking a mango to help Venya peel.  “Not frowned upon, but well.  Are all pandaren this constantly in a state of heat?  Is that why Raptorblood likes him?”
“Probably, but he’s Vol’s and…”
“Master Vol let’s Xiao do a lot of things, like play with troll cock flesh!”  Ven slapped his own forehead, letting Aret talk.  “Master Xiao loves sex.  Master Xiao said in his sleep that he wanted to play with Uncle Jack!”
And apparently that was how you got Darkspears to stop talking…..
Xiao was still giggling at his knotty joke when Aret spoke of his want for Jack. He paled and his eyes widened, looking over at Aret like a deer in headlights. His cheeks slooowly turned a crimson under his white fur, but then the Pandaren grinned. 
“He looks like my Lok’dim… just a more mature, rugged version. You are lucky I have not asked Vol to turn me into an inter-generational sammich at this point!”
"Well seeing as Jack is not a lover of men.."  Tsal took a knife cutting up mango quietly.  It was Venya who turned to him, confused.
"Yes he is.  I caught him screwing Papa when we were like.. 12."
"Well everyone knew Ma'da wasn't putting out.  Blamed Vol for that."  Jura handed Xiao a dumpling.  "Eat.  Auntie Ikke died, when a man's lonely.."
"Papa joked that Vol was really Jack's since that they looked so much alike."  Venya sat down, waiting for the rice to boil.  "But Ma'da was too much of a frigid bitch for that.  I think Papa got more play from Jack."
Xiao listened as best he could, seeming intrigued but also incredibly distracted as he was handed a dumpling. His usual cute nibbling? That was out the door. He ravaged that dumpling like a rabid starving bear. It was gone incredibly fast, the Pandaren’s stomach rumbling angry. “... Mmh… more?” He asked sweetly, as if to juxtapose the roar of his stomach.
“Annnnd Xiao goes after a dumpling like he goes after cock in the morning.”  Ven handed him three more, piling mango next to it and leaving a glass of water on the table next to him.  “It’s nice to be able to make dirty jokes around these two.”  Ven pointed between his two mates as he got up and rescued the rice.  “One turns more purple, the other more red.”  He dished up bowls of rice for all five of them, leaving a bit in the bottom for Vol when he woke up.  
Aret stuffed a dumpling into his mouth to cover it up.  It didn’t work so he just focused on the mon’dazi.
As if to accentuate Venya’s point, Xiao did indeed turn red under the white fur of his cheeks, though he still smiled. When he was given more dumplings, he gasped and shoved one in his mouth whole and then chewed viciously. By the time Venya had dished up the rice, Xiao’s dumplings were gone and he was halfway through the pile of mango he had been given. He gasped again and squeaked. “Jasmine riiiiiice…!” He wiggled and began to shovel it down with a shocking amount of dexterity for someone who was using chopsticks that seemed to somehow shovel more food than a normal person could with a spoon. 
“Mnhh thoo gooh…!” He murmured with a mouthful as he plowed through his bowl and then frowned as he saw the wooden bottom. He then grinned as he saw the serving bowl with leftovers in it. “Ooh, seconds!” He squeaked as he reached over and devoured the remains of that rice before anyone could even dare to stop him. Between not eating for three days and extreme herbal munchies, the small Pandaren was putting down his weight in food at a startlingly fast pace. Who knew someone half their size could out-eat all of them.
“Loa he’s gonna eat us out of house and hut.”  He slid his own rice to the pandaren and pulled out leftovers from the feast days before.  “Not feeding you that.  Tsal…  You still eating people.” “Gave it up.  Too fatty.” Venyabi poked his nose up and glared.  “Smart ass.”  He pulled out packs of cooked meat that was wrapped in paper for storage.  He put all of them in front of Xiao and put them out like a spread.  “Raptor, yak, goat, chicken, blood troll, frog…  pick two and you will eat the WHOLE package.”
Xiao mowed down on the bowl of rice from Venya now, though his attention was lifted when he saw all the meat. He squeaked a bit and wrinkled his nose at the mentions of blood troll.
“What about my mon’dazi? Ooh and the rice pudding?” He wiggled with anticipation at the idea of the sweet treat and those delicious savory deep fried snacks as well. Yet still, his attention turned back to the things in front of him.
 “... Uhm…” He bit his lip. “I have a weird one... “ He blushed as he thought about it. “I don’t know if Vol has any… or if anyone does…”
Aret waved a spoon around, still covered in flour.  “Almost done it takes a little time!”  
Venya waved his hand to get the horny and high little pandaren’s attention.  “Pick two  I was ordered to make sure you ate.”  He took the pack of blood troll and put it in front of Jura, giving his brother, once lover a kiss on the cheek.  “Finish this.”  He turned to Xiao, confused.  “Any what?”
Xiao giggled at the floury Aret, watching him for a moment before Venya waved at him. “Hm, oh, ah…” He bit his lower lip. “Tal had me meet one of his old friends from… well, old friends. He had a certain meat I never thought I would eat. It was… so juicy and… honestly probably the best meat I had ever tasted.” He blushed before speaking it. “He had dragon meat. Non-sentient races, but… dragon meat. It was so goooooooooood.“
He whined at the memory, feeling guilty for liking the meat of something that could be sentient, not realizing the irony in the fact one of his lovers was just asked to finish the meat of a woman he killed not too long ago.
“IF Vol were here, he could figure it out.  He’s got some really…. OFF contacts.  However.  We do not have dragon, and I am not sure *I* could get you any, sweets.  You’ll have to pick from what we have.”
Oil could be heard frying something as Aret was finishing the mon’dazi and dropping the little balls of dough into the oil.  Ven came up behind him, kissed his shoulder and wandered to grab something else from the cold box.  He started looking for anything he could feed Xiao, picking up a box and inspecting it.  “Noodles from the Inn in Binan?”
The small darkspear took off like a bolt, taking the stairs two at a time.  “I’m comin’.  Jura!  Make him EAT.”
Xiao nodded understandingly, biting his lower lip and squirming a bit where he sat. When Venyabi scampered off, it gave Xiao an opportunity. Aret was cooking and Jura didn’t know he was being corralled. He was out of food, but there was a sexy Amani man beside him. He went to slink out of his chair and go sit beside Jura, smiling up at him and looking to rest his head on his shoulder. “Hi…” He murmured dreamily, giggling a little as he did.
Jura smiled, putting a hand on Xiao’s.  “Lover, I would be happy to slake your unstated wants.”  He smiled, giving Xiao a kiss between the eyes.  “I promised Vol that I would tell him, before I took you to bed.”  He pulled away a little and smiled.  “I have seen that Raptor fight.  I have had a dagger at my neck.  Let’s not poke the hornet’s nest.  I am sure that your mates can feed your ardeur later.”  
Xiao whined quietly, peering over Jura’s shoulder to look at Tsaal. “... You are very yummy looking, by the way…” He murmured without a filter. “Hey Jura…? Are lap cuddles okay at least?” He asked hopefully, his interest in food waning as he was so desperately touch-starved with Vol unable to even hold him.
“I have a wife.  Unlike my brothers, I prefer women.  I also have two concubines.  Pass, little brother.”  
Jura sighed, nodding.  “No wiggles?”  
Xiao smiled at Tsal, nodding. “I know… still pretty.” He murmured happily before climbing into Jura’s lap, totally not answering his question of no wiggles. He wrapped his arms up around Jura’s neck, legs straddling his waist and wrapped around him, and his face nuzzled into his chest. He took in a deep breath, inhaling his scent, and exhaled with his whole body as he quite visibly relaxed. “Thank you…” He murmured quietly, kissing Jura’s neck ever so tenderly to show his gratitude.
Jura sighed, leaning Xiao back.  “No sweet love.  I won’t be able to stop and I am not going to awaken a predator who is sick”  He turned the pandaren around, sitting him sideways as Venya came back down, carrying the tray of food, the one left on the bed and it was empty.  
“He’s eating and awake.  I think he went back to sleep.  Someone he loves was not taking care of himself.  Did he eat his rice?”
Xiao whimpered as Jura turned him to face sideways but he was distracted from his disappointment when he saw Venya come back. When asked of the rice, he blushed. “Ah… I… that was his rice?” He asked sheepishly now.
“No, he ate what we left up there.  I mean you.”  Venya sat next to Jura and Xiao, Aret finally bringing two plates of Mon’dazi.  “I know you are wanting.  He said you could play with Jura… Later.  When you are sober.  Completely sober.”
There was something in Venya’s face right then, but it disappeared quickly.  He grabbed a mon’dazi, pulled it apart to find a hint of roast chicken and popped it in his mouth.  “Hmm thank  you Arie..”
Xiao normally would’ve caught the look, but he was still in a relaxed cloud. He climbed out of Jura’s lap and into Venyabi’s, deciding to try and sit with him in the same position he did with Jura. Legs and arms wrapped around him, face nuzzling against his chest. Then he remembered he was supposed to eat.
He turned his head, leaned down, fully nommed a Mon’dazi up off of his plate, tilted his head back, aggressive nibbled and chewed the filling treat down his gullet, and then nuzzled his face back into Venya’s neck. He would have both of the things he wanted, damnit.
Jura and Ven just grinned and shook their heads, Venyabi used to seeing and experiencing “Pandaren Leech”.  Xiao would find his arms wrapped around his back, the small darkspear pulling him in for a hug.  “He said to say he loves us all three, and he’s sorry you hurt.  He can’t make you happy right now.”  Venya smiled, poking the stoned pandaren in the nose.  “In time.  He needs to rest.”
Xiao nodded meekly. “I know he loves us. I just want him to be better. I miss the contact. It is why I am leeching… I feel touch-starved.” He murmured quietly, sounding a tad ashamed as he buried his face in Venya’s neck again.
“Well, rely on us huh?”  He let what was bothering him go for right then.  He would deal with it when his brother was well.  “Where is Jack anyway?”
Tsal nodded toward where the other house would be.  “He and Pahre know some of the same people.  A bit of an evening with her, Drash and Bron.  Nielka is there as well.  She seems like a good kid that won't annoy Drash, too much.”
Xiao was slowly starting to sober up after eating all of the food and only taking the three hits. He yawned lightly against Venya’s neck and then reached out to him and him alone on the link.
“Did I do something to upset you? You seem… subdued?” 
He asked tentatively as he peered up at his chin, looking up ‘at’ him without actually making eye-contact as he was too busy getting cuddles.
“We can talk about it later, okay?”  
Venya went back to eating, making small talk with the ones around him.  He let Xiao stay where he was as they all spoke, random matters, chewing the fat really.  It was near midnight when the other two went to the other house and Aret went up to the bedroom.  He heard Vol wake up, the prelate the closest to the stairs.  “I’ll come back for leftovers if he is hungry…”
Xiao remained mostly silent, cuddling on Venyabi and remaining in his lap for some time before migrating to Aret’s. He had several pieces of Mon’dazi before getting his fill, moving back toward Venya’s lap near the end. When they were finally alone, he looked up to the man whose lap he was warming. “Will you talk to me now?” He murmured in a quiet whisper, almost afraid to speak.
“I don’t understand.”  Ven sat looking at Xiao, not cross, but very confused.  “Vol asks that we wait, that if it’s that bad that Aret and I can show you our love later, because he can’t.  I get Jura is your lover, but…”  Ven shook his head.  “I guess to me it makes more sense to go to the one you are in a committed relationship with.  I know Jura is good.. REALLY good in bed.  But.”  He flicked a finger at the earring that sat just behind the bone of his son.  “Mates.  Loves.  Partners.  Your husbands.  I’d hope you’d want us to come to you first too.”
Xiao paled, his ears pinned back as he looked up at him sadly. “Venyabi… I was feeling playful and flirtatious, I gave into it. When I got handsy with Jura? When I was hanging all over him? That wasn’t because I wanted him to bed me. Without Vol, I am… I feel so incomplete. You and Aret mean the world to me, it would be the same if one of you were unable to be held or hold in return. I just feel so… touch-starved. This was the first time I left Vol’s bedside since the ritual to do anything more than go to the bathroom. Every single moment away… it hurt. I had to force myself not to hurt. Being in your arms, it hurts less. Jura’s arms, too. You were upstairs, Aret was cooking. I just did not want to be alone. I wanted someone from my tribe to hold me.” 
He sniffled lightly, his eyes watering a bit as he fought back emotions. “I miss how things were… everything feels like it is spiraling out of control. I just want my loves again. I just wanted comfort, Venyabi… like I do now.” He whimpered and hugging him tighter, hiding his face in the man’s chest now as he tried to remain emotionally stable.
“Xiao.”  Venya sighed, closing his eyes for a bare moment.  “We live in Pandaria.  Yes.  Established.  But you fell in love with and were chosen by trolls.  You accepted them into your life.  We are chaos.  Our family is made up of blood magic bearing witches and rituals.  Loa and beasts.  Our grandmother was performing magical experiments on her children and grandchildren.  I and two of my brothers and I sleep together on the regular.  I asked one to be with me as a mate Twice.  He turned me down the first time.  Chaos is going to happen with us around.  That is life.  I have tried the pandaren way of life, and it does not work that way for most of us.  We are not nomads, but we like to move.  People of action.  So there will be times where it is quiet and Vol meets his buyers, we train raptors, sell them for a mint, and in the afternoons we spend the heat of the day with our children and family, relaxing.  Then there are going to be days where something happens and there's a whirlwind of…  the word Chaos is not even good enough for it.  Comfort is ok, but I watch you, Xiao Chun.   When you nibble on someone’s neck, I notice that is when you end up having fun.”  He sighed, holding the pandaren close.  “I know we are busy and taking care of Vol.  And you, and Tarja.  But.  Love on us.  Come to us for what you need first.  We’re not Vol, but We’ll try and fill the gap.
Xiao whimpered lightly, shaking his head and wiggling a bit in Venya’s lap. “Hey, no… I did not nibble. I specifically made sure I did not nibble.” He leaned in and replicated the kiss, gentle, light, and tender on his neck. No teeth, not even any tongue. Just tender and grateful. “I did not wiggle, either. All I did… was kiss. I was thanking him for bringing me comfort.” He said with a hint of sadness. “I was trying to be good.”
“Maybe I am feeling as territorial as Vol.  I don’t have rights to that.”  He kissed him back, though on the cheek and stood.  “I’ll get over it.  I know my place.”
Xiao squeaked and clung to Venya as he stood, leech panda indeed. “Venyabi, damnit, wait!” He whined, trying to tug him back down. It seemed baked Xiao had a slightly lowered filter.
“You do not need to ‘know your place’. Your place is in my heart.” He forced the man to look him in the face, finally saying the words. “I love you, Venyabi. You are my Chi-ji… my beautiful Tiger’s Eye. You can feel territorial… Vol’raka may be my dominant, but so is Aret in some senses… you can be too. Aret is my submissive, but I bow to him too, I cry for him and submit to him just as much as I would for Vol. I want you to be happy… and I want to be yours. Please… don’t go quiet, don’t ‘learn your place’. This is different. I want you to tell me what you want, what you desire, not what you think is expected. Please… If not with anyone else, with me? I always want the real Venyabi… not who he thinks the world needs.”  
“I don’t know HOW to be a dominant Xiao.  Not really.  I am at the bottom.  I get that.  I am happy, but I DON’T have the strength to be a dominant even close to Jura or Vol.  What I want is to be loved, never used again, judged again for what I am.  Who I was born as.  I want to know where my place in this world is and the closest I have gotten in thirty years to finding it is up there.”  He pointed up the stairs, not sure what he was feeling, but Since the Fel taint was gone, he’d gotten more verbal about what he wanted, or at least how he felt about things.  “I’m not a dominant, not really.  And I am not submissive as Aret.  I have one foot in one thing, and one foot in another.  Sometimes, thats ok but here, in our home, where I want to be comfortable in my own skin..  I don’t know where I stand.”  He turned, leaning on the wall with a sigh that held the world.  “I am not making any sense, am I?”
Xiao stood behind Venya silently, listening as he spoke. “It makes sense, Venya, I just do not know what to do. You know you will never be judged here, that I love all of you, no matter what. Maybe I just need to do a better job of showing it. I just want you to be happy… and if I am lucky, be part of the reason for that happiness.” He paused, looking up at him solemnly.
“For what it is worth, there is no bottom.” He held up his hand at about waist height. “Here is everyone else.” He raised it slowly, listing as he went. “My students, my friends, my family, Zakin, Tarja, and finally…” He reached as he high as he could. “You three, up here. Vol may be part of my core, and there may be some unspoken hierarchy… but you will never be in the bottom when it comes to how much you mean to me.”
“People always have hierarchies.  It is how we address things.  You don’t like chaos, order well orders things, puts them where they belong.”  He thought a moment, remembering the word.  “Tushui?  Am I saying that right.  You get what I am saying.  Maybe I wandered too long.  I’m too independent to belong in one place.”  Even saying the words hurt his heart.  “I want to belong.  I think I don’t know how to.  I’ll figure it out eventually.”  He looked at the one he called mate, giving his usual goofy grin.  “Can ya just..  Put me a tiny bit ahead of Jura?”
Xiao winced slightly at hearing he thought he couldn’t belong. “You will always belong here, in our hearts, Venyabi…” He said quietly. “I wandered, too. I was… distant from Vol’raka for a few months out of fear for not being able to care for our family. You remember it, I’m sure. It was the biggest mistake I made… and it took me far too long to realize. If you wander… just remember where your heart lives. I was without mine for too long and it hurt. I don’t want to hurt like that again. You’re part of my heart, Venyabi… so please, don’t go away.” He offered a weak smile up at him after a moment. “Like I said… You, Vol, and Aret...  you are all heads and shoulders above anyone else. The only other one who even comes close is Tarja and Zakin. Jura is fun to play with, he is supportive and helpful to the family, but he is not my mate. You are… you will always be ahead of him.”
"I don't want to wander.  I ... looked for a place to settle and I know it is here.  I dunno if I accept myself, not really, so it makes me want to go.  Since your friend made everything stop hurting, I have... felt more at peace, able to sleep, but I don't know where I fit in.  I am not dominant, nor am I a submissive person.  I am both, and neither?  I don't have the strong wills, but I don't back down and get more assertive than Aret."  He sighed, looking deflated and not sure why really.  "I need a place, to find my place.  Where I stand.  Vol being hurt, I take over the care of our family, that just .. feels right to me, even if you are his first.  Is that my place, to cover for him?  What Am I here?"  He'd not practiced this talk, but he knew it needed to be had.  "And please don't say mate.  I get that I am mated, and loved and all that but Aret is the one everyone coddles and cuddles.  He guards and he guards us well.  Vol provides, he fights to make sure we are all safe, happy and healthy.  You heal hearts.  You are the heart and the one that we really kinda gravitate to.  Where do I fit in?"
Realization his Xiao’s eyes and he actually broke into a grin. “Venyabi… I have told you from our first night. You are our Chi-Ji.” He moved in to try and gently cup Venya’s cheek and press a kiss to his nose. “You are our wisdom, our voice of reason. Our support, our backbone. Vol provides, Aret guards, I heal… you support and provide a rock to anchor us in place in this chaotic world. You are our Chi-Ji. He is the Celestial of wisdom, kindness, understanding. Think, when crisis strikes, what happens? When Vol’raka went mad with territorial rage, when Aret was panicked and uncertain what to do, when I was sobbing and breaking down from guilt… what did you do? You stepped up, you kept your calm. You supported us and guided us. If we are the ship out at sea, lost in the fog, you are our lighthouse. You are our beacon… you are our rock. That is where you fit in.”
The once-wanderer smiled, a sheepish look as he glanced at Xiao.  “Never thought of it like that.”  He was smiling and silent as he took Xiao’s hand.  “I.. guess that I have been put in my place, huh?  A good place, not a bad one.”  A gentle kiss was placed on Xiao’s knuckle as he turned to the stairs.  “Thank you.”  He stood, dusted himself off a bit from crumbs on the floor and pulled the pandaren along with him gently.  “Let’s go see if he is awake.”
Xiao grinned now, happy to see that smile on Venyabi’s face. “I will be glad to remind you how important you are to this family and me anytime you want.” He leaned in to nuzzle Venya’s cheek as he leaned in for the hand kiss. 
“Just water, Aret.  All I really want right now.”  The prelate was doting, worried eyes on his Master and lover as he moved to go get water from the pitcher they kept because Venya drank a lot of it during the night.  Vol’s color had perked up, getting closer to his natural blue. 
When Xiao saw Vol in the bed, awake and not looking as deathly, his smile widened. 
“Hey… how are you feeling?” He asked quietly, nervous and trying not to get his hopes up as he walked to his mate’s bedside and tugged along his lovely Tiger’s Eye along with him.
The big troll stretched a little, before laying back down.  “Weak as fuck, but food helps.  And water.  I need a loa damned shower.”  He looked at Venya as he nodded to Xiao.  “Did he eat too?”  
“Like a starving raptor.  Mangos, rice, dumplings, anything we put in front of him, except troll of course.”  Venya shook his head.  “He needed a little help.  Apparently your Tal’s herb is enough to make him WANT to eat and get very cuddly.”  He rubbed Xiao’s back as he went to sit in the chair.  He didn’t want to jostle the bed.  “Good conversation.  Tsal apparently took two concubines.  Must have bought them somewhere.  He’s got friends in the Gurubashi and Shatterspear.  Would not surprise me.”
Aret came back, a fresh pitcher and glass in hand.  “Do we need to make more food, Soup?  I can make leftover soup.  There is Mon’dazi too…”
“I’m full and fine for now Aret.  I hurt a bit less too.  I would take some of Tal’s…”  He stopped, remembering what was up there and sighing.  He perked up, hope on his face and saying nothing about the rings he’d hidden with the ice magicked pipe.  “But I am in no condition to service anyone right now.”
Xiao blushed a bit at the mention of the herb and how he got cuddly and ate so much. “I thought… after essentially not eating for three days, that would help my appetite return without the nausea.” He shifted his weight slightly as he peered down at Vol, smiling at him with a mixture of love, concern, and longing. 
“We know you are in pain, Lok’dim. You need to recover, we know that.” He bit his lip again before speaking. “Nothing happened with Jura, just… so you know. Nothing was going to. I just… wanted to be held.” He said with a small sheepish smile. “You said you want to shower? Are you able to clean? I would offer to bathe you here, bring in sponges, towels, buckets. The bed can be cleaned after so getting it wet isn’t an issue. I just worry about you being in pain. Will the water on your skin hurt still?”
There wasn’t an ulterior motive there, despite how it might seem. While he would be ecstatic if Vol could do anything like that, his main concern was his mate’s comfort and well-being above all else.
“What happened with Jura?”
He moved, shifting to sit up, Venya moving to help him as he swung his legs off the bed.  He made a noise that did not hide his pain as he held still for a bit, obviously dizzy.  “No, I want an actual shower.  Hair and everything  I still smell like ritual smoke and blood..”  He let Venya hold him up, swaying a moment as he found his balance.  “All I want is a shower.. And yes Aret.”  He smiled, looking up at his youngest love.  “Food.  Now I’m hungry again.”  
That made Aret trot downstairs, leaving Venya holding Vol up with arms around each others back and shoulders.
Xiao scooted a bit closer, wanting to help but unsure how he could. “Ah, I was… wanting to be held. I… had not left your side, even while you were sleeping, except to go to the bathroom. It was the first time I really left this room for more than twenty minutes since the ritual. Venyabi saw me hanging all over Jura and thought I wanted more than just comfort. He said that you said I could play with Jura if I wanted to, once I was sober. I just… wanted to let you know nothing happened. That’s not what I want right now, or wanted then… at least not with him, not yet.”
“You can play with Jura.  I can hear Venya in my head too, Xiao.”  His collar was still on, but was crusty with sweat and a little blood.  “I don’t blame him for wanting attention first.  Even busy, They would comfort you.”  He leaned more on Venya than before, his brother able to hold him up.  “I can’t stand much longer.  Shower.  Can you take this off and clean it for me?”  He touched his collar, leaning over a little for Xiao to take it off.  
“I love you, little love.  You mean everything to me.  You need comfort, I know, and Jura will give it.  Trust in them too.  It hurts, hurts less as I go along, and I want to hold you too.  I miss your touch, your fur on my skin.  Soon enough we’ll be able to cuddle and rest together again.”
Xiao frowned and actually huffed a bit. He didn’t put up a fuss, letting Vol lean down and waiting for him to finish speaking through the link before carefully taking the collar off; trying not to hurt him.
“Vol’raka… I do not want to play with Jura. He is lovely… and he held me, and he is good to the family. I would rather be in Venya or Aret or your arms. Venyabi was upstairs helping you. Aret was cooking. I was not going to… to detract from everything else just because I was trying to hold it together and wanted to cling to someone for some comfort. I have felt… so incredibly useless since the ritual and Venyabi and Aret have already talked to me about it. I am just… struggling to be helpful, useful… something, anything to make my mate happy and healthy again so we can go back to being happy together. So when the opportunity to cling to Jura was given rather than being alone while Aret and Venya did things they needed to do, I took it. I don’t want to play with him, I want to be with you, Aret, Venya… my family. Whether that is play or just sitting in the same room only able to hold hands. I just want to be with you, Vol’raka… it just hurt so much to miss you.”
He tried to keep his voice even, struggling to not get emotional again. He was fighting like Aret and Venya told him too, but it was still hard. Everything was so chaotic and he felt lost. The thing he would turn to for comfort was a mess. His family was busy and there were more important things to do than coddle him with affection just so he felt less lost. He knew that. He just wanted to make it through to the other side of this mess.
“Hearthealer, love of my life.”  Vol smiled, looking down at him.  “Can you help me shower, Venya, can you clean my collar, lover?  Not that I don’t want you to help me, but I need to talk to Xiao.” The smaller Darkspear smiled, nodding.  He leaned up for a kiss, gentle, even if he wanted affection and touch too.  “Sure.  Aret is making savory mon’dazi.  I can smell the chicken.”  He actually moved to let Xiao closer, snatching the collar.  “You heard our husband…  help him get clean”
Xiao blushed a little, nodding as he stepped closer to swap places with Venyabi and help support the large Darkspear who nearly doubled his height. Luckily, he was considerably strong despite his size; so unless Vol went completely dead weight, he should have this covered.
“Save me some mon’dazi? That stuff is like a drug.”
He smiled over at Venya as he asked, though he made sure to keep Vol support as he started to orient him toward the shower so they could start moving slowly.
“I’ll make sure he makes plenty.  We can have a picnic on the bed.”  Ven wandered out as Vol and Xiao went to the bathing room.  He turned around a bit, limping and holding on to the wall and Xiao as they headed to the large shower.  “Can you pull my braid out?  I won't be able to stand long.”  He looked exhausted as it was, and his body, though not as bad as a few days ago, felt on fire.
Xiao guided him in and nodded. “Actually, here hold on.”  He paused and reached out through the link.
“Venyabi, could you bring us up a chair? Preferably a metal one, if we have it. It will take less damage from water than a wooden one.”
Xiao nodded after a moment. “Alright, that will be here in a moment. Let me work on your braid.” He said as he rather suddenly floated a few feet higher to be the same height as Vol, looking face to face. An inconspicuous Chi cloud formed beneath him, aiding in lifting him so he could remove the braiding without having to have Vol’raka bend or crouch in his already weakened state. “I will try and be gentle…” He murmured as he started undoing the bindings. “What is your pain level at, from a one to ten?”
“Pain level is fuck this, drug me.  Tal’s smoke sounds good.”  
Ven silently acknowledged Xiao, silent for a bit.  “No dice.  Only one we know of is in the barn and probably covered in Raptor shit.  We can replace a chair.” “It’s fine, Xiao.  If you can get me up, the floor looks good right now.”
Xiao bit his bottom lip as he pondered. “I think I can. It will be hard, but I should be able to. I was going to have Venyabi bring up a chair. Are you sure you do not want to do that instead?”
He wasn’t opposed to him lying down, he just wanted Vol to be as comfortable and pain free as he could manage. All the while he was still removing braids, tossing the ties and decorations to the side carelessly, knowing they were likely too dirty and matted to be saved.
Moving to the wall, he moved down to plop his Darkspear ass on the ground.  “Hot water..  More than warm… please.”  He looked defeated, but looked up at the spout above him.  “I’m gonna scrub myself raw.”  He picked at his ear, dried blood making him make a face.  “Everywhere.”  The usually gentle giant turned his head to see Ven bring a pile of towels into the room, setting them to the side.  “I’m bringing Tarja into the bedroom for the night, Kin wanted to go stay with his grandmother.”  He grinned, looking around.  “Need anything while I move her crib?”
“Water..”  Vol let Xiao unbraid and take the feathers and debris from the ground that stuck in his hair.  “And ice.  I think Im just too damn dehydrated.  Cloudy..”
Xiao luckily finished unbraiding shortly after Vol sat down. “I will do that for you, of course.” He murmured as he hurried over to the knobs and turned it up to nearly as high as it went. He’d seen Vol’raka need to scrub himself raw at least once or twice before for one reason or another, though he could not recall this very moment; but he did remember what temperature was hot enough to sate his need but not too hot to cause actual damage. He made his way back toward the water, though not going in yet as he was still clothed. 
“Should I wash your hair while you… make yourself raw?” He asked with uncertainty, not seeming to like the idea but understand Vol’s need. Either way, he began to disrobe, setting his clothes aside so he could make his way under the water with Vol.
He winced a bit from the heat, but he could handle it. He would bear just about anything to be around Vol right then, so hot water wasn’t too big of a sacrifice.
“I just want to be clean.  Not stink.  How the fuck have you three been in the bed with me like this?”  His hand reached up for the bottle of soap that smelled of nothing, but he gave  up, exhausted by the simple act.  “You can wash my hair.  Can you grab that brush and the soap.  I can’t do it by myself.”  He sat back in exhaustion, closing his eyes as he let the water just wash over him.  “Heaven.  Hot water is heaven.”
“Xiao!”  Aret poked his head in and smiled.  “Can we bring melon juice into the bedroom?”
Xiao nodded to Aret. “I don’t see why not. If you spill, it will just get washed down by the water anyway.”
He reached for the requested items, giving Vol the soap he had failed to reach and then moving to slowly brush out Vol’s hair and go about detangling it. He wanted to get rid of the bulk of the grime first, then he would move onto using actual cleaning products in it.
“Thank you…”  Vol looked up, sighing as he scrubbed himself from face down, the rough sponge he used making his skin violet as he went over every inch he could manage to reach.  He grabbed for an easier to reach cloth for more delicate areas, trying to get the blood from his ears and neck.  “Did Jack say shift earlier or was I delirious?”  He was picking at his claws and making sure he was completely clean.  “I am hoping to fuck I was hearing shit.”
Xiao finished rinsing out Vol’s hair, reaching over for his special cleaning recipe now. If anyone’s hair or fur could use the Autumnpaw family secret right now, it was Vol. He began the process, hoping to return the beautiful mane to its former glory with the intricate deep clean. “You… are not delirious, actually. I think he wants you to start training as a Druid. I suppose our monk teaching will have to go on hold for a while.”
He did not seem upset, simply making small conversation as he cleaned his mate’s hair with love and care.
“I don’t have that kind of fuckin’ patience.”  He grunted as he felt Xiao’s hands in his hair.  It hurt, but not near as much as he thought.  “Never did.  As much as that cunt wanted me to train, I despised it.  Rather skulk around in my own skin, not a cat.  I mean I like fuzz and fluff, but rather it be YOU with the fluff, lover.   Ow…”  One pull too hard made him give the soft exclamation.  “Not doing any shifting shit.  There are enough damn raptors around here.”
Xiao winced a bit at the ‘ow’, murmuring quietly in response. “Sorry, sorry… I will go slower.” He began to lather the messy locks with his magical family shampoo, being careful not to hurt Vol any further. “He said it will help things remain in control more, help you become Raptorblood at times rather than be at odds with him, if I understood right.”
“Not sure I want to become an obstinate asshole of a raptor who …  well ok.  I am not on the fence about him thinking he owns you, claims you.  That is bothering me enough.  I worry something will happen to you, the other two, Kin, Tarja..  Hell, the rest of the family.  And I won’t be able to do anything.  You and I both know how much I so enjoy being helpless.”
Xiao shook his head. “That will not happen if you two work together. We almost did have to go on with you able to do nothing because… you would be dead.” He murmured sadly, trying not to let his pain come back again. 
He finally finished lathering up his mate’s hair and began to guide the water to rinse off his head carefully to go about the cleaning process further.
“So you think I should go through with this?”  Vol tilted his head, grunting at the effort.  “You were in there, you saw what happened first hand.  You probably know it better than me.”
Xiao shook his head again. “I still am unsure, to be honest. There was so much going on. It was all so chaotic…” He rinsed out Vol’s hair and then nuzzled the long clean locks now. “Jack has control of his, and it is Raptorblood’s father. If anyone would know, I hope he would. I say listen to him, he is your best bet. I… do not have much trust for Kit’raka right now, hopefully Jack can help in her place.”
“Kit’s gonna get ripped a new ass.  She was a better mother to me than mine, but I don’t want her playing with blood magic like that.  I know SOME blood magic is a thing but..”  He sighed, feeling more weak than before.  “I gotta get our family back on track.  Ven is going to have to take over running the day to day of the house..  I hate being so useless.”  Amber eyes closed as he turned his head to Xiao silently.  “You three .. I don’t want you having to deal with my burdens.  I don’t have a damn choice do I?”
“Nope!”  Aret smiled as he and Venya both stood in the doorway, a babbling Tarja on the other side.  “No choice!  Master Vol’raka is going to be resting until He’s all better.”
“I will concur with my mate.  He is going to listen to his big brother.”
“I am bigger than you, Venyabi.”
“Ok  He will enjoy the wisdom of his older brother and mate.  Rest.  Enjoy a little time where we take care of you.  It’s going to drive you BATSHIT, but it’s gonna happen.  Agreed, Xiao?”
Xiao shook his head. “You do so much for us, Vol… you can have some time off where we wait on you and take care of you.”
When Aret and Venyabi came in to say similar things, he smiled and nodded at Venyabi specifically. “Agreed.” He then leaned in for a hug, about to make contact when he froze dead still and then slowly backed up. “Sorry…” He murmured meekly. 
“Your hair is done, what about other parts? Do you need help washing anything else?”
“Don’t want time off.  I want to be back to normal.  And I got everything else.”  He winced, but not as bad as he thought. Venya shook his head.  “Normal is gonna be a new normal Vol.  Deal with it.  You have a beast, a minor loa, living in you.  This is your normal now.  If you are clean, this room is steamy, and you are really hard to see.  Even hurt, I think all of us like your body.  So.  Up ya go.”  He turned off the water fully and moved in to help lift him up.  He was in a soft cotton kilt, not caring if he got a little wet.  “You smell like Xiao.”
Xiao smiled at the mention of him smelling like him. “I had him use my special blend, his hair is as good as new now. I wonder which will hurt less, to use a towel to dry off or let the drying vent do it… or just lay in bed wet and dry over time?”
“Laying in bed wet sucks unless fun times came with it.”  Venya grabbed a towel, handing it to Xiao as did Aret.  “You get the bottom half, I get the hair, Aret.. top half.  Gentle boys, wobbly alpha…”
“You’re an ass…”  
“And four days ago you were enjoying that ass.”  Venya gave a rather sly grin and went to work gently drying the long green and gold hair.  “Heal up, I have gone a while without, but I am sure that these two can’t go that long without.”
Xiao took the towel and ever so gently began to pat Vol’raka dry, making sure to not rub dry as one normally would, instead blotting the water off to try and avoid the sensation of scraping on raw flesh.
“We love you, Lok’dim… sometimes you have to let us take care of you.” He said with a gentle smile as he worked up Vol’s legs and then got to his dangly bits. He licked his lips. He was a professional healer, he could do this, he could be a good nurse and not let his desires dictate him. He took a slow inhale and steadied himself as he carefully began to lift up Vol’s sack, drying all of the skin as best he could, and then gently patting dry his manhood itself. He bit his bottom lip. “Should I let you… pull it back yourself to dry that part off yourself? I do not want to hurt you.”
"Xiao, you turn me on, but I don't think I'm getting it up tonight so dry whatever.  I'm just too tired and …". Aret moved to hold Vol up, an arm under his and holding him behind the shoulder.  
"I'm fine sweetheart.  Bed, bed… sounds good.". 
Xiao shook his head. “I know you are not going to, I do not expect you to or want you to if you want. I just wasn’t sure if drying it yourself would hurt less.” With that, he went about very gently drying the rest of Vol’s dangly bits and then moving around to dry his rear and make sure he was fully dried now. “We should get him to bed, get him some food, and get him some of Tal’s smoke. His is going to be a lot better than Kit’s right now.”
"Dry balls  and food.  A typical Wednesday".  He leaned on Aret as he got back in bed.  "No smoke.". He smiled at Xiao and closed his eyes.   "I feel better.  Just hungry.  Food. A bit more rest and I want to try to hold my family.". He gave a smile to Tarja who was babbling.  "My ancestors fucked me over, my own family will make it better.*
Xiao smiled lightly at him. “Take care of him, you two. I will dry off while he eats. Just give me a few minutes to dry off over the air vent.” He then made his way over to the grate, standing over the magical heated airflow to dry his wet fur off while Aret and Venya helped get Vol situated and get him some food.
After a few minutes, he came back without any clothes, not really having a need yet until he made it into their bedroom and pulled out a simple pair of cloth pants to lounge in.
“Are you sure you do not want any smoke? It might help you.”
“Xiao..  smoke no.  Chocolate?”  That interested him more, and didn’t usually incite his lusts for his mates as much.  “I could use that.  Not Kit’s  Until she and I have a sit down, She's on my shit list.”  
It pained him to say it and his brother matched his mood.  “Right now..”  He picked up Tarja and crawled on the bed, pulling apart a peice of Mon’dazi and happily chewing.  Tarja sat in his lap, flapping her arms and squealing.  “How did you get so loud kid?”
Xiao nodded. “Is your chocolate in your office, too? I can go get you some.”
He reached for a piece of Mon’dazi, taking one to nibble on it lightly as he watched his family trying to regain some sense of normality.
"Aret's cookie jar.". He smiled.  "I've been stashing.  And besides. No smoking around Squeally over there.". Tarja was trying to eat Venyabi's food, the older male holding it away.  "I figured this out the other day.  Four fathers is better than one.  More arms to keep food not for Tarjas out of her hands."
Xiao smiled a bit in understanding. “I will be right back.” He hurried off to go get some of the chocolate for his mate, coming back with the entire jar because honestly he had no idea how much Vol would want to dose himself.. 
“I wasn’t sure how much to get so I just brought the entire thing.” He said with a small guilty smile as he set the jar down beside Vol so he could get what he wanted. “Is there anything else you need? Anything else we can do?”
"Love and family time.  I have a few days to rest before I follow my mates’ advice and their wisdom.". He smiled at Xiao then Ven, willing and wanting to take their hand.  "I'll confront the thing in my head."
Xiao sat down beside Vol, taking his mate’s hand gently, afraid to hurt him but so cherishing the contact. “Anything to make you better…” He murmured, leaning down and pressing his lips in a feather-light kiss on the back of Vol’s hand to try and not cause him any undue pain.
"Do it one more time."
"We're tired."
"I do not care, Vol'raka.  Once more."
The naked troll and his uncle were in a far paddock, one that afforded them a little privacy.  they had been working every morning for a week to get the control Vol needed over the beast who shared his skin.  He wasn't exactly liking it, but they had come to an understanding now.  Most of it over Xiao and his mates, what Raptorblood could understand about them.  He still considered the small pandaren his own mate, independent of Vol's mating.  The hunter had to learn to let it go.  His mating with the ones that he called his own, that was his.  He was working toward finding out what was the traits of Raptorblood, and what was Vol'raka alone.  That was more difficult.
"I can't"  Vol sat, exhausted against a fence post and drinking water to try and get some sort of energy back.  "He doesn't like coming back to being me."  
Jack squatted down in front of his nephew and poked him between the eyes.  "Don't matter what HE wants.  Do you want him to control you, or you to control him.  I think your mates will be happier if you two got along. I hear Aret has been nervous and Ven irritable.  Something about a link?"  His finger flopped the chain on Vol's neck.  "Those things encourage empathy, share emotions if I read that right.  Your choice to not establish your dominance over an animal, even if it hurts your body a little to find your partnership.  He's been in your head, awake for about a year.  you and he were not at odds until Jura and Xiao became lovers.  You understand Xiao has needs and wants and will share him if it makes him happy.  Raptorblood does not understand that yet.  He understands only that another male might have a chance on fathering on what is his.  He'll get it eventually and I hear you've done much better curbing his aggression?"
"Someone telling you what's going on in our bedroom?"  He grinned, taking another gulp of water.  "not like I care if you know."
"No one but Aret and Xiao limping less.  You don't attack Ven, because he is more delicate than he lets on to anyone but you three. You aren't as aggressive with him."
Vol nodded.  "Shinza and her demons...  I can understand why he fears my friend Tal.  Fel blood.  Demon Hunter.  I'll hurt him.  Least now I can't unknowingly and accidentally knock him up."
Jack nodded. He remembered the day he'd seen Ven after he was freed.  "Kid gloves with your brother, nephew.  Right now.  One more time.  Then food and the afternoon off."
Vol sighed, getting up and stretching.  In his mind, he reached out, this time willingly, to the raptor who lazed in the sun that was his mind.  "C'mon you.  One more time...Today."
Venya and Tarja trotted up, Honor being a mount today because he was Tarja's favorite, the little girl held in a basket on her De'de's back as they approached, bareback and bridleless.  Vol trusted this raptor over all, so he had nothing to worry about.  
"Look Tarja."  They slid down off the blue raptors back just as Jack and Vol had slipped into the form of a raptor.  Jack's scaled gleamed in the light, the dark colors a stark contrast to Vol's blues, greens and gold.  "Papa is playing as a raptor today."  
The tiny troll squealed so loudly the Valley of Eternal blossoms at the bottom of the mountain probably heard her.  The raptors definitely did, Vol racing over to greet his brother-mate and daughter.  Tarja laughed loudly, grabbed her father's snout and popped him in it.  "Papa boop!”
"Violent, kiddo."  He smirked as he saw Tarja stick a finger in her giant of a father's nose and made him huff.  "You encourage her to do it to me, shes gonna learn to do it to you." 
0 notes
autumnpawtribe · 5 years
Loa Bound - Family Reunion
It was a small family reunion.  
Once Jack got his letter, he was there within three days.  He brought Kit with him.  Somehow Hari came, not bringing Ki'la nor her ward En'ca, nor her mate.  The next day two women that few had seen in years also came, followed by an orcish looking man, as thin as a troll, but a green orc in all other looks.  He held hands with a pandaren, hands grasping as the two older males followed the two obvious sisters.  Jura came with a male troll with bright yellow hair.  Pahre welcomed them all to stay with her as Aret, Vol and Venya set up as much as they could as all of them showed within hours of each other.  Venya made sure to send everyone on a two day vacation, full pay.  
"Don't need anyone going fuckin' missing..." 
Vol was feeding Tarja as breakfast was being made out in the open air.  
As Xiao watched everyone arriving, he made sure to keep close to his mates, murmuring to either Vol’raka or Venyabi, depending on which one wasn’t occupied and how good Vol was feeling.
“Who are all of these people? You only sent three letters…”
He didn’t seem surprised, more so just looking for clarification on who each person was.
“Old guy, same coloring as Vol, That’s Jack.  Seems he might talk while he’s here.  You know Kit.”  Venya was making copious amounts of eggs, those from chickens, as Aret worked on what looked like bacon.  It was not bacon.  “And Hari.  I told you she was pregnant and huge.  The red haired woman.. The one in leather.  That is Tavisi.  You won't hear a peep from her.  The Dark haired woman, the one missing an eye.  That’s Nazui.  Remember what I told you about her?  Drash is the orcish one with his husband Bronthro.   They rarely come out of Dalaran.  Drash is a teacher.  I hope to Gonk you know Jura, and the gold haired guy, that is Tsal.  Blue Tauren, pacifist.” “I remember Tsal from the naming.  He’s nice.”  Vol had really knocked down Aret’s dosage, the youngest of the four not as silly the last few days.  “Are your other brother and sister coming?”   “You won't see those two ten miles from Vol or any of you.  They don’t like mons who like mons…  bigoted fucks.”  Hari had waddled over, taking a peice of ‘bacon’.  “Oh I love you Aret.  You made Dwarf.  Wait no…”  She sniffed it. “AUNTIE NAZUI!  BLOOD TROLL!  Which one of you bagged a blood troll?!” Vol pointed his spoon at Xiao.  “All him.  I was fucking Aret.”  He scrapped out a little more pureed something orange, most likely mango.  “Bwonsamdi seems to like him a lot.”  He proceeded then to have a tiny fight with his daughter who did not want to do anything with mango apparently.  “C’mon Tarja.  You ate most of it..”  
Xiao listened and nodded, smiling at the mentions of Jura, eyeing him warmly as he thought back on some memories. He shook himself of it when Hari came over, Xiao trying not to tense up. When she mentioned making dwarf and then so cheerfully shouted about the blood trol linstead, the poor Pandaren paled and his ears pinned back. It was when Vol pointed at him with his spoon that he offered a meek smile and an almost guilty wave over at the cannibalistic woman. 
“She… was causing problems. I offered her to Bwonsamdi. I was not expecting him to make an appearance again.”
Well the cat was out of the bag on that one, his usage of ‘again’ giving away that this wasn’t a one-time occurrence. 
“Again?”  Kit came up, smiling as she came with her sisters.  “Ja have seen our Loa more den once?”  The Farseer smiled, looking very proud.  “A good kill then, nephew.  Since ja mates not introduced em ta Ja and ja lovely Janaret…  Dis be Tavisi.”  The red head nodded.  “And Nazui.”  She switched to Zandali for a bit.   He’s not dinner, Nazzie.  He’s your nephew soon.”  
Nazui just nodded, still appraising the pandaren as dinner before Jack came to sit next to Xiao.  If Xiao looked up at him he would see his lover, if he was fifty years older.  
“No, Nazui.”  The woman fumed, huffed and stomped back to sit with Jura, Drash and Tsal.  She actually seemed to pout.
“Never alone with Nazui.”
“I like Auntie Nazzie.”  Hari stole another piece of troll before speaking again.  “But she taught me all I know.  Breakfast ready soon?”
Vol nodded, looking at a pot with noodles and vegetables.  “I don’t think Xiao and Bron are partaking in the troll, so as soon as the noodles and stir fry are done, yeah.  Xiao love, can you start that.  I’m not making you eat it.”
Xiao blushed a little at Kit’s praise, offering her a smile, the woman always a comforting presence to him. When Jack came to sit down, Xiao couldn’t help but stare, his gaze something between curious, surprised, and perhaps even a little lustful. A mature daddy version of Vol? He would have to remember to keep himself in check as he cleared his throat and forced himself to tear his gaze away. It was when Vol asked him to go cook that he nodded and stood up.
“Of course, Lok’dim.” He murmured with love as he leaned in to kiss the Darkspear gently on the cheek and nuzzled his forehead against his. “Love you.” He whispered before heading over to go about preparing the requested food for those who didn’t eat other people.
Vol put a hand out, grabbing him gently by the wrist.  He pressed a kiss back to Xiao’s with a smile.  “Love you too.”  He let go when Tarja made a noise, loud and waving her arms loudly.  
“BA! BA!  BA!!!!”  She made grabby hands as Vol, Aret and Venya stared at their daughter.   “BA!”
“Whelp..  First word at a family gathering to find out about blood magic… Congratulations Xiao.”  Venya laughed loudly as he kept cracking eggs, Jack starting to help.  
The  Pandaren farseer kept watching over at them, smiling.  Drash turned and looked to, grinning at his nephews and the very happy yammering baby.
Xiao froze in his tracks as Tarja called out, at first thinking it was in the link until he realized it was quite clearly loud yelling little girl right behind him. He spun around and reached down to scoop her up, grinning and nuzzling his furry little face against her.
“Hello my little darling, your Ba is right here…” He murmured so happily down at her, kissing her forehead gently as he swayed back and forth.
“Tarja’s rule, I am off food duty. Someone else will have to do it.” He said with a playful grin as he cradled their adorably clingy daughter.
“If you will permit me, Xiao Chun, I believe I am well versed in our cuisine.  May we speak?”  The older pandaren came forward, his leather clothing modest as pandaren tended to be, a stark contrast to the amount of clothing that the trolls wore.  He gave a small bow, a little stiff, but his hands were knotted with arthritis and it seemed it pained him to walk.  “I may seem old, but I can whip up a simple stir fry.  Drash’nar says that my cooking is still very good.”  He picked up the pot and pan for their breakfast, gave a smile to his own orcish mate and walked to where another little fire pit was a few paces away.
“I do ask your forgiveness, it has been a long while since I have been home.  I have been with my husband in Dalaran for a very long time.  It was a blessing to hear that there was a family gathering that would allow me to return home even for a time.”  The shaman set down the things he carried, sat on his bottom and started a fire with a flick of his wrist.  “It is also nice to speak Pandaren.  I do love my Drash, but Orcish tongues do not agree with pandaren words and he trips a bit in his pronunciation.”  He gave a smile to Tarja who was tugging on Xiao’s beard.  “A beautiful girl.  May the celestials bless you with many more, I am sure that the Jade Serpent will guide you well.”  He teased the fire so that the image of the four celestials danced for a bare moment.  “Now, before the family festivities begin, I heard this is about blood magic.  This is true?”
Xiao smiled and nodded as he listened and followed behind the older Pandaren. 
“I did not know Vol’raka had any Pandaren in his family. I knew he had a touch of Orc, but I was utterly unaware of you and Drash’nar. It is nice to know I have another of my own to turn to if I have questions about all of the rituals.” 
He chuckled a little as he watched the fire play out the images of the celestials ever so briefly. When he asked about the blood magic, his expression faltered a bit and he nodded more subtly. 
“Unfortunately, yes. We discovered a little family revelation recently regarding one of the original matriarchs of the family. I am still a tad foggy on it all, but hopefully today will clear it up.”
Being able to speak in his native tongue was nice, it allowed him to be more eloquent, though his Zandalari was starting to get up there slowly but surely.
"I believe Kit'raka and Nazui will know most.  Perhaps Jocamo.  And I am not surprised that you do not know of me.  My Drash'nar and I are not much for the company of the family.  We tend to keep to ourselves in our old age.  When he heard from his sister that Vol'raka was exhibiting the same, shall we say symptoms, he insisted we come to the discussions.  Azu's experiments were not unknown to me."
Xiao’s brows rose a bit in surprise. “So you know it was his grandmother. This is all new to me, all I know is that... “ He paused, shaking his head. “None of it seems to bode well. Anything that makes him this sick cannot be good.” He stopped to smile lightly as Tarja began to babble and tug on Xiao’s beard, cuddling up on it and demanding affection from her fuzzy Ba even if he was talking.
"I believe it is sickness, not due to the fact that the beast lives in him.  It is more the shock and fight.  Drash took a few years to gain full control, but his beast is not compatible with his personality.  My love is a gentle soul and he was, forgive the term, blessed or cursed with the life of a wind serpent.  Chaos in the face of one who is very orderly, enjoys sorting, fastidious in his daily routine, is very difficult.  He was ill for a long time.   I am a healer among our people.  I tried many things, believed he was dying.   One day he was delirious, not eaten in days.  It was then he told me of the wind serpent, his is named Stormwing.  I have found that they all take their own names.  I believe Jocamo also has control of his raptor.  I do not remember his name, however."
Xiao nodded as he listened. “Vol’s is Raptorblood. A raptari was able to-... oh right you are not a troll!” He sounded rather excited at the prospect. “You do not have to observe the whole… ‘no speaking of the dead’ thing even if she is not dead. I… do not know how much you know of Naddja, but she was a raptari who lived with us. Some things happened, I will spare you the messy details, but she was the one who figured out what was going on with Vol, at least to a degree. I just… want him to be okay. Venya said his uncle Jack might have some information since he has a raptor too. I am hoping someone will be able to help at least.”
"I have not met any raptari, that I have known of.". He set to cooking as the trolls were gathering round the fire.  "We do not want to miss what is said.  It will also be privilege of ours to hear Jocamo speak. He has not uttered a word in thirty years, save for ritual magic.". Bronthro smiled, his gnarled hands still able to move the wok and pot quick enough.  "When Jack speaks, best to listen to the old one."
Xiao rose his brows in surprise now. “He talks that little…?” He asked curiously. “So… does he not communicate with the family or anyone? Is it non-verbal or does he keep to himself. I was hoping to talk to him maybe…” He trailed off, probably not doing a good job of hiding his thirsty Panda ass as he thought back to sexy daddy Vol in the form of Jack.
“Very little.  He is a calm man, subtle in his ways.  A decently powerful witchdoctor if my memory is still correct.  He is a man of few words since his mate died.  Far before my time, but my love has told me of it when I first met him.  Where Kit is his favorite Aunt, Jack was closest as Uncle.  I know the family secrets, as you do, seeing as you are tied to more than one brother.  Jocamo is a rare troll.  If you can get more than a few words, I would consider that a high honor.” 
“Xiao!  Ya two comin’ or not?”  
Venya was carrying a tray of Blood troll bacon, followed by Zakin and Pahre.  Vol and the others were already seating around the pinci tables they kept between the houses.  “Family meal time.”
Xiao listened, his eyes wandering over to Jack now as he tried his best not to stare. It was only Venya’s voice that really broke him of his staring as he blushed and nodding. “Of course, our food is just about done… I think?” He said the last two words quietly so only Bronthro could hear. “It smells delicious at least.”
Bron smiled.  "Almost.  You take your daughter and find a seat.". The orcish mage came close, nodding.  "I believe my assistance has arrived.". 
When and If Xiao moved, Vol would have a seat next to him, with Jack then Aret. Bron and Drash'nar handed over a large bowl of noodles, meat and Veg, Tarja going to sit in her Papa's lap.  Vol let her have a taste of the bacon, the girl making a face and reaching for her Ba's noodles.  After being told she was too little for noodles, she was given bananas to keep her quiet.  Everyone sat, ate quietly, small talk and catching up.  
Xiao's trolls helped clean up, leaving Xiao with Zakin and Tarja as magic from Drash'nar and grunt work from Jack, a stone circle was being created for the proper conversation.  
"Have you seen a ritual of this family, save for your child's naming, Xiao Chun?"
Xiao nodded at him. “Well thank you for making it, Tarja here seems too enamoured today to let me cook.” He chuckled lightly and moved to take Tarja over to sit with his mates… and that sexy mature version of Vol. The Celestials were not being kind to him today, teasing him with someone he just couldn’t keep from eyeballing constantly. He focused as best he could on lunch as he ate his meal, though he did cringe when they fed Tarja the blood troll meat, but he kept his mouth shut out respect for their culture. He seemed relieved when she didn’t like the taste, happy to give her a banana in place of it so he could go back to eating his own noodles.
When they finished, Xiao was happy to keep the children occupied, having Zakin actually sit in his lap while he cradled Tarja in his other arm. He’d found that apparently all Troll children liked the fuzziness of his fur, so he had become used to be cuddled by at least one at any given time when they had the opportunity. He was silently watching as the circle was being made, pulled from another daydream of sorts as he had unfocused his eyes after gazing off at Jack again for a small while before Bron called out to speak to him.
“Hm? Ah, no, I have not. The naming ceremony was my first glance into the culture, at least up close. I have not spent much time outside of Pandaria and most of it was spent in the Elven lands. Considering what I have learned of some of them, I am not sure whether to be grateful for the lack of experience or not.”
"It can be intimidating, even if you were raised with it.". Drash'nar came forward, a look of apprehension on his face.  "Bad things happen with Blood magic.  I do not know what will happen, but I agree with my father's people that it is a dark place.  My mother's….."
"Drashie, ja come help.". Kit wandered to her brother, smiling.  He shook his head making her slip into Zandalari.  "You are still bitter.  Let it go."
"None of us asked for this.". The orcish man was rattled, hand out to the circle and Nazui with a bag of blood being poured in a bowl.  "And mother's bullshit has almost killed people"
Bronthro lead the mage away, his face red as he began to get angry.  Kit shook her head, looking at Xiao.  Et best da lil ones not ere.  Ah talk ta da Pahre.  Da lil girl gonna watch h da children.   Not need da magic goin more wild den et be already." 
Xiao listened silently, nodding occasionally as he listened. He did not appear anymore at ease now that Drash had let his disapproval spill outward. He looked to Kit now, sighing lightly.
“Is there anything I can do to help? I cannot help but feel out of place, I am not sure what to do.”
“Ja, .. wait  ja speak Zandali now ja?”
 Xiao nodded in response, speaking her language now. “I speak it well enough. There are some more… ah…” He switched back to Orcish. “Niche…” then back to Zandalari. “Phrases that I don’t know, but for the most part I am fluent.”
“Good.”  She smiled, pointing to a log Jack and Tsal were setting up, Jura setting a fire, in the middle.  The one introduced as Tavisi sharpening a very sharp looking already, and  thin Dagger.  It was not worn, nor old but it had an ancientness to it.  “That is your chair.  You will have to stay put.  The children won't be here, I and hari can’t perform this one.  Too dangerous for anyone who can’t move fast.  I won't have to worry about you, and if Arie and Ven can’t move their ass, what kind of trolls are they, ya know.”  She thumbed at Nazui, her sister waving from right behind her.  If she did not look at Xiao like food, she would look almost childish as she moved.  Xiao would notice her collar having a high neckline, and a strange weezing.  
“I’m sure it will be fine.  VAHARI!”  
The pregnant warrior came in, chewing on left over not-really-bacon.  “If you are looking for the book, Jura took it.”  She indicated with her snack and pointed to the three druids making a sort of …. Fence? It looked like a tall fence at least.  It was at least as tall as Xiao, an opening, and had hard woods as posts and slats.  
Kit nodded turning back to Nazui.  "No Fel magic.  Only Mama's magic.  Got it?  No sacrificing any trolls or pandaren..."  Nazui made a sighing motion but nodded.  She skipped off, heading back to pick up the book while Kit turned her head back.  "Like dancing, Xiao?"  Kit nodded her head to the house where Vol was coming out in clothes he must have been hiding.  Venya was in near the same, Aret in his normal clothing.  Vol's was a wide collar with intricate beading in golds, greens and deep blues.  His kilt was leather and didn't do much but cover his bits.  Pahre was helping him adjust it, Venya's already around his neck, in the same clothing that his brother was but in colors that suited him more.  Jack nodded as he wandered past into the other house, Vol leaning down to kiss Xiao, Tarja ans Zakin on the head.  
"Take the little ones to Nielka.  They don't need to see their parents dancing naked."
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