#she's a lost cause and she's devoted to whats coming in the future
grlhood · 12 days
i was just thinking abt how hard it'd be to ship w sparkle bcus of how naturally manipulative, deceitful and chaotic she is
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astropookie · 1 year
Ascendants at different degrees 🦚🦢
my natal mercury is square with transiting mercury 😭 km pls. my mind has been a MESS I can’t and that’s why all my fucking ideas seemed difficult to write. srry if it’s not it.
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Ascendant at Pisces degree (12° or 24°)
that’s fucking meee. i have this fairy vibe or they often call me hippie. that sensible and humanitarian side it’s there, the wanting to contribute for the best of others, to make that world they dreamed of basing it on the different perspective of others, of what the other have felt and how they have felt when they witnessed it. since the origin, since the depth of things. the path of their life is about to express themselves and to speak for others? The ones that couldn’t spoke? Bc all their life they have been listening to them, looking from a side the reality they’re scared of. -they’ve been psychologists if you want to call it that way-. They want to give love, they have so much love to give. During a period of their life -mostly childhood- they could have felt isolated from the world, these period of time could have been pretty sensible for them and helped them to “open their eyes”, how the world they thought worked was a lie.
Ascendant at Taurus degree (2°, 14° or 26°)
the difference of a person when the degree of the ascendant changes it’s incredible. There’s two people in my life that have aries rising but the one with taurus is completely different of the other. How a person with taurus degree on their ascendant live or the vibe of their life…they want comfort but at the same time have to have what they want, they’re persistent in to what they want and that’s attractive. I have seen people with this placement having a lot of romantic interactions or situationships, it’s easy for them to attract lovers👅 I’ve noticed they make good use of opportunities, they remind me of a bear bc I want to hug them no matter what. They’re realistic or practical. They indeed are critical with food, they need to take their nap to feel good. They’re like old people, how they point out manners and limits people have to have on their perspective and etc. I’ve seen a lot of people with these placement that had moved to their natal place to other bc of the opportunities. could mean also they are part of a family that can provide them economic support or/but with time they had struggle with it.
Ascendant at Aries degree (1°, 13° or 25°)
they’re pretty erratic, they look fucking mad all the time. They’re impulsive, their emotions, their decisions, they don’t know how they ended up the way they ended up. You can see from aside they’re natural liders. however, their whole life they’ve been fighting for being the liders of their life. there’s people around them that don’t understand limits, that think they have the right to control the aries degree life. these placement have to learn that they have the right to stand up for they want even if others don’t want to or don’t let them. they want to have something build by their own, THEIR thing, if not they’ll feel lost. they follow their heart and not doing it will cause problems in the future.
Ascendant at Capricorn degree (10° or 22°)
I have a friend that has Leo ascendant but she wasn’t giving me the stereotypical explosive energy someone expects from a leo. I did my research 😌 and of course she has a Capricorn degree. She is a very career focused person, grounded and driven by her goals. Also an introvert or priorities the company of the ones she likes the most or thinks is the best. She’s studying to be a doctor, her whole life will revolve around her work, she is devoted and has a BIG heart for her loved ones and the ones that would be part of her path. She looks serious. They’re seemed as reserved bc they’re 🤪 and when you get to know them they’re a beautiful soul. They won’t let anything get into their way when it comes to their career and goals, they’ll risk it all. Around their life they’ve had this introverted behavior or they’re Saturn ruled, which means they know bc they have to experience things, little by little but they have had and have to. In other words, they have seen and been in difficult situations that later -bc they have the power- analyzed the situation in 3er person to comprehend bc if not saturn will do what they do🤭
❀ Based on my personal experience and what I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
❀ English is not my first language.
❀ I’m not a profesional astrologer, I just love astrology and I’m willing to learn.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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rabbitsrants · 10 months
guys, i'm currently working on the "reasons why shinran is one of the most brilliantly written romances of all time" masterlist and i came across this part of the manga:
chapter 44
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shinichi is absolutely RUTHLESS in this chapter. correct me if i'm wrong, but this has to be his angriest moment throughout the entire series? i don't remember him acting this way in any other chapter 😂 like... shinichi is the type of guy who saves murderers from suicide, it's a well known fact that he values human life more than anything, HE'S A DEEPLY IDEALISTIC PERSON, YALL, THAT'S THE MAIN TRAIT THAT DEFINES HIM AS A PERSON and he straight up tells this dude (whos about to slit his own throat btw) TO GO AHEAD AND KILL HIMSELF
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this is the most unhinged i've ever seen him 😂
now, let me be serious for a second. obviously, shinichi strongly suspected that the culprit wouldnt go through with it - he spent the entire case trying to cover up his murder after all, that's not something a suicidal person does. still though. the fact that shinichi was willing to risk it says so much about his love for ran. cause that's what his rant is about. the culprit tried to kill ran on multiple occasions and almost succeeded a couple of times. if there's one thing that shinichi can not handle, it's ran being in danger. he'll lose his composure every single time and he will lash out, even at innocent people who are just trying to help:
chapter 640
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this man is so devoted to ran, it hurts.
that's why im so shocked everytime the fandom implies that ran is an irrelevant character who doesnt contribute anything to the story. if (for whatever reason) ran stopped being in the picture, the story would end right then and there.
people seem to forget that shinichi has prioritized ran over cases on numerous occasions (that aspect of their relationship deserves its own post tbh, i'll hopefully get to it in the future), he completely loses his mind everytime there's even the slightest risk that she might get hurt and this case right here? chapter 44? that's the wildest shit shinichi has ever said 😂 the part about justice was spot on and very in character for him, but the rest? it was brutal... and very unlike him. which is shocking, considering that ran was completely unharmed. do me a favor and let that sink in: the end of chapter 44 was merely his reaction to the thought of losing ran - he completely lost his shit. now, if ran actually stopped being in his life? shinichi wouldn't just lose his temper, he'd lose himself.
for the record, this isnt me implying that he would go rogue or whatever. the reason why shinichi is so angry in chapter 44 is because ran is okay and tangible, so he still has something to lose. but if she was gone? if she stopped being his life? he wouldn't be angry, he'd be inconsolable. if the level of anger displayed in chapter 44 and 640 is what we get when shinichi simply worries about ran's safety, just imagine the level of heartbreak that we would witness if he genuinely lost her.
shinichi loves and needs ran so much, it's unfathomable for most people, including me. everytime i think i cracked the case and finally figured out how much shinichi loves ran, he proves me wrong. and while i think that most cold cases are a tragedy, i think im coming to terms with leaving this one unresolved. after all, love is the most mysterious force in the universe. and always will be.
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visit the shinran library for more
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greenqueenhightower · 2 months
A Paradise Lost Reading of the Alicent x Aemond and Helaena x Aegon Scenes in 2x05:
As Gwayne and Criston parade Meleys' head through the streets of King's Landing, Alicent and Aemond are high up on the Red Keep's walls. The scene is infested with religious imagery. Satan took Christ up to "a pinnacle of the temple" in Jerusalem during his temptation (Matthew 4:5). As the shot gradually zooms in to Alicent and Aemond looking down on the parade, it reminded me of a passage from John Milton's Paradise Lost, where Archangel Michael (Christ) takes Adam on top of the "Hill of Paradise" to reveal the aftermath of his sin to mankind.
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"So both ascend in the Visions of God: It was a Hill Of Paradise the highest, from whose top The Hemisphere of Earth in clearest view stretched out to amplest reach of prospect lay." [Book XI, 376-380]
From this elevated vantage point, Adam, much like Alicent, was offered a panoramic view of his son's body, Abel's, who lay slain in a pool of blood. Alicent gets to glimpse her son Aegon's body as he is laid in a horse carriage covered with rags and brought back to her.
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"Adam, now open thine eyes, and first behold th' effects which thy original crime hath wrought [...] from that sin derive Corruption to bring forth more violent deeds." [Book XI, 423-428]
The angel beckons Adam to open his eyes and comprehend the act of violence before him. Alicent does the same. She examines Aemond's face for answers. Has he become the embodiment of violence to the extent that he would burn his own brother to achieve his ends? Have her own actions somehow led to this? Is her original crime of wanting Aegon on the throne being retributed through her sons' rivalry?
As she surveys Aemond's countenance, she is worried about any future escalation of brutality and violence. Does she expect more atrocities to come her way as a form of punishment?
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"These two are Brethren, Adam, and to come out of thy loins; th' unjust the just hath slain, for envy" [Book XI, 444-446]
Alicent quickly discerns Aemond's possible involvement in whatever predicament has befallen her other son. As she watches Aegon and Aemond, does she wonder how their contention was germinated? Did she who gave birth to both, also give birth to their fate?
Aemond stands beside her, a saint or a devil in disguise, dressed in his Green Hightower outfit, his brother's dagger on his waist. Like Cain, Aemond yearns to please his mother and seeks to claim what belongs to Abel-Aegon. He has already managed to salvage and claim something from the pyre and that wasn't his brother's body, but his dagger. Cain was moved by envy for his brother's privileges. Is the same force now guiding Aemond?
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"Much at that sight was Adam in his heart dismayed [...] Is Piety thus and pure Devotion paid?" [Book XI, 448-452]
Alicent takes a closer look at the carriage bearing Aegon's body. There is fear and uncertainty in her eyes, while Aemond appears composed. Is he wearing his poised assuredness as a facade to conceal his growing distress?
Alicent's dejected expression reveals her inner turmoil. Much like Adam, she too is dismayed by the possibility that one of her sons is dead, and the other is responsible. How did a life of duty, sacrifice, piety, and devotion lead to this? How wasn't she able to prevent it?
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"Alas, both for the deed and for the cause! O sight of terror, foul and ugly to behold, horrid to think, how horrible to feel!" [Book XI, 461-465]
Alicent gives one last glare to Aemond before she departs. She is afraid of him and what he has become: another dangerous and violent man in her life. Does the sight of him so much repulse her or does she find the mere thought of him as a kinslayer unbearable?
As Alicent leaves to tend to Aegon whose life might be over, Aemond is left alone on that vantage point. His battle impulses having cooled down, does he now perhaps get to see the bigger picture of what he attempted to do? Does he feel some remorse over the act that he buries deep within because it is too horrible to feel it, too foul and ugly to let it show?
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"Death thou hast seen in his first shape on man; but many shapes of Death, and many are the ways that lead to his grim Cave, all dismal" [Book XI, 466-469]
The coffin that carries Aegon like Death that carries Cain in Paradise Lost, is transported through various rooms. As he is being slowly led to the King's room that will soon become his reclusive cave, Aegon's ascension up the stairs mirrors Helaena who climbed them up in 2x02, after Jaehaerys' funeral. At that time, they did not speak but exchanged a glance of mutual understanding. This time, it is Aegon who finds Helaena at the top of the stairs, waiting for him.
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"Yet to sense more terrible at th' entrance than within. Some, as thou sawest, by violent stroke shall die, by Fire" [Book XI, 470-472]
Did Helaena foresee Aegon's predicament in one of her many visions? Has she penned his new deformed shape in one of her sketches on the walls? Without uttering a word, Helaena understands what befell Aegon. She knows he has been burned by dragonfire. Once again, words are redundant; just a look is enough.
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"So must thou live, till like ripe Fruit thou drop [...] in thy blood will reign a melancholy damp of cold and dry to weigh thy spirits down, and last consume the Balme of Life" [Book XI, 535-546]
And yet, as she stares at Aegon who is taken into the King's chamber, Helaena offers a small glimpse into her psyche. She cannot help but worry for him, but maybe she already knows that his life is not in danger. Maybe she already knows that he will survive longer than her. Will his maiming further contribute to her melancholy and spiral her to madness? Will she completely break an already frail Aegon to pieces when she takes her own life?
One thing is certain: he and she will never be the same.
Her whole family has been abruptly kicked out of the Garden of Eden, and the pangs of suffering have begun. Any Paradise they could have had is lost forever.
And she knew this was coming all along.
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At the end of Rebels, Ahsoka had just learned her beloved master, Anakin, had fallen to the Dark Side and become Darth Vader. She seems to accept that she cannot save him. As she tells Ezra, "You cannot save your master, and I cannot save mine. I'm asking you to let go."
What is hinted at in Mandalorian and BoBF becomes clear in Ahsoka: she has not fully come to terms with Anakin's downfall, and has taken the wrong lesson in how his fall impacts her.
Given that she met Luke, it is logical to assume she knows what went down between Luke, Vader, and Palpatine over Endor; but she clearly is having difficulty reconciling the image of her beloved, respected, adored Master - who was SO kind and attentive and diligent and protective and devoted to her as his padawan - with the monster who sought to kill her and enacted such atrocities across the galaxy before his death. She is reluctant to talk about him, keeps speaking in terms as if she had abandoned him, and is obviously uncomfortable with the idea that she comes from a "long line of non-traditional Jedi."
And this leads us to the crux of the matter, what ultimately becomes her "final lesson": legacy and choice.
I think her vision of Anakin/Vader during the Ryloth flashback perfectly encapsulates her fear:
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She had described Anakin to Ezra as follows:
"He was powerful, rarely lost a battle. What would have surprised people was how kind he was. He cared deeply about his friends, and looked out for them until the end."
But now that she knows Anakin succumbed to his dark side, she recognizes that this dark side - Vader - had always been a part of him.
If Vader had always been a part of Anakin, then who did she learn her lessons from? Had her own training been tainted by the darkness? How can she trust his teachings?
Even more concerning: If someone as revered as Anakin could succumb to the Vader within, what did that mean for her? Would she succumb to her inner darkness? Would she lead others down that path?
To add more complexity to all this: Ahsoka, raised in the Jedi Temple, had thought she'd be a peacekeeper. Instead, war erupts, and her role as a Jedi padawan becomes that of being a military commander, her training involves learning to be a soldier.
She didn't want to fight in a war, but she HAD to fight to survive. And the war, the fighting... It never ended. She even left the Jedi Order, and still she had to fight.
And if she felt so conflicted about both the lessons that had become an integral part of her very being and the master who had taught them, what did that mean for her future?
I see Ahsoka as being concerned about two things:
1) That war and fighting is her legacy. After all, war is all she has ever known. Fighting, fighting, fighting.
So, now, her focus is on stopping a war before it starts. Commendable, but... what will be the consequences of focusing so singularly on preventing Thrawn's return at any cost? Is it truly best in the long run for Sabine and Ahsoka and who knows how many others to die in what will likely be futile efforts to stop Morgan et al? Is Ezra truly meant to remain stranded on Peridea, in the hopes that it will mean Thrawn doesn't come back?
2) Fearing the legacy of coming from a long line of non-traditional Jedi that included Anakin-turned-Vader has made her afraid others will fall as well.
She fears what may become of Sabine or Grogu when there is the slightest hint of fear or anger from either of them. She doesn't want them to give in to any darkness, and that means it's "better to let [their] abilities fade." So she refuses to train them, and in Sabine's case, she leaves her.
And her fears regarding her legacy cause her to doubt everything, especially herself. Even as she makes difficult choices, she is constantly wondering if they are the right ones, doubling down on Sabine and others but still second guessing herself.
So, Anakin says, "Live, or die," as he fights her. And even as she says she won't fight and doesn't want to fight, she still fights back. She still has to make a choice - even when she doesn't want to.
Anakin: Back to the beginning. I gave you a choice. Live, or die.
Ahsoka: No.
Anakin: Incorrect.
Ahsoka has to decide - and she has to be sure of herself.
Anakin: You lack conviction. Time to die.
Ahsoka has reached a critical moment. She faces down the Sith Lord, the embodiment of Anakin's dark side, and in doing so she has to face her legacy, face the lessons she has been taught, face who taught her, face her own darkness... And she realizes she has a choice.
Ahsoka: I choose to live.
She chooses to live, but she doesn't fall as Anakin had. She chooses to accept what he has taught her, but she doesn't choose to give in to the Dark Side, her dark side. She carries on the legacy of those who came before - it is a part of her, AND she can forge her own legacy.
And while it still takes some time for her to come to terms with the idea that maybe - just maybe - she and Sabine are needed on Peridea and maybe - just maybe - it'll be okay that Sabine's choices led to certain outcomes, she has still learned the crucial lesson that Anakin's fall does not define her.
And I think it's beautiful.
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silviakundera · 2 months
The Princess Royal ep 27 and 28
The moment when both Li Rong and Su Rongqing are like SHIT, your brother stepped into our game of thrones.
Damn it Su Ronghua, omg this is making me more heated than in the book.
now they're giving me the future flash of his death to make me sad but NO. NO! ACUALLY IDC. everything is your fault. 😤
blah blah romance with Shauggan Ya NO. NO NO NO. JAIL FOR 10000 YEARS
It's divorce era! SRQ's absolutely full proof plan has NOT devolved into a scenario that will lend PWX more power and cause his ex to soon start humping him like rabbits.... right... right?????
but who caresssss when my bro Cui Yulang is back in town 🎉
THE WAY HE HAS BOTH SRQ AND PWX SO PRESSED because they know he would hit that with the fury of god lololol
Look I do hate Consort Ruo but this whole poisoning the emperor thing is her 1 good idea
I am a simple woman who enjoys watching SRQ realize he's been clowned. And drunk Cui Yulang and exasperated Li Rong passing back & forth messages
Every time he brushes back a tendril of hair, I can hear her from the novel, "Be normal!"
They kept it! So I can be a softy and I admit was a bit charmed by this minor character when LR shared her view of someone with talent and perhaps desire to be of use, but who in her life never accomplished anything... and then he stops pretending to be a shallow pretty face for a moment to confess the real reason he wants to work for her is simply that he thinks she cares about people. I was disarmed by the way he doesn't think she'll believe that - but she immediately does (how few people have believed that about her, how few people have taken him seriously)
They even included PWX's petty ass fucking with the carriage 😭
Oh pleaaaaseeeeee Cui Yulang trying to come up with complaints about Li Chuan and everyone is like ?? ?? 😭😭😭
MY BODY IS READYYYYY for Li Rong digging a big pit with spikes and convincing Consort Ruo to enthusiastically jump in
Please don't let me down drama, I want that whole scheme!
For once the Su Rongqing and Li Rong scene actually worked for me. I did feel that moment where she bluntly references that this battle is heading in 1 direction: one of them will fall. We can see the blow hit both them. SRQ has been stubbornly in denial that this fight is against her faction but he's not taking her down - not truly. Not this time. But she just ripped all pretense away.
(this is where the story gets me to care about their dynamic. not as a love triangle, which it never really has been. but as 2 broken things that used to huddle in the dark to keep warm, now with a new chance in the light... and this is what they're going to do with it? fight to the death? it's sad.)
My darling Pei Wenxuan has not actually lost in brains from jealousy. Good for him.
(In the novel during this time he's secretly plotting shit about the exams and hiding it from LR, because of the whole 'we used to be the leaders of 2 competing factions in the last life' thing that LR was originally concerned about but then the glow of love made her stop being concerned about it, but guess!! what!!)
(I'm 98% sure they are gonna simplify that conflict.)
"Would you like to have the Inspectorate Office?" yaaasss lets goooooo
Su Rongqing, having no idea of wth is going on: Am.... I about to be clowned ?
as of Round 3 (work in progress):
Li Rong: 2
Su Rongqing: 0
Cui Yulang: my sincere love & devotion, whatever what's worth
[preview shows that next 2 episodes start some horny sneaking around ! whee!]
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my-owl-sub · 2 months
☆Not me but her ☆
Chapter Seven; All I really want is you
Song; All I really want is you by The Maria's
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Akaashi felt bad for keeping you away, but at the same time, he would rather have you spend time with him. Alone.
He noticed how tired you were, so he insisted that you rest. But you deny his request and help him with the mess on the stage.
"It sucks. Anyone burley uses this stage," you sigh, knowing that the other theater was better, but bringing this one to life would be amazing.
"Yea, I guess they prefer new pretty things," he mentioned. It cause you to mumble things under your breath.
"We're almost finish, which is good," he hummed at your words, moving things out of the stage.
You've gotten permission from the director to remove and clean the place up. It was going to be a classroom, but you needed to change his mind about that.
This stage is much wider than the other one, and it was perfect for performing.
"Hey, i wanted to ask you something." You looked at him, waiting for him to spit out his question.
"I know I don't know much about you, but are you and Atsumu a...thing?" You wanted to laugh but kept a straight face.
"No, he's just werid... he's nice at the same time, but I don't see myself dating him," you confirm.
"Why? Did he say something stupid?" You imagine him saying something werid, about you being his future wife or whatever.
"No, it just maybe the way he acts." You couldn't help it anymore. You laughed, he noticed it, and he admired it.
"I've told him many times, I wasn't interested, but he keeps coming back," you sigh, with a soft smile at your face.
He had never seen you in such aura. Seeing you smile was like seeing a goddess in his eyes.
He can tell why Atsumu was so devoted to you. Willing to do anything for you? Keiji would not have thought about it.
Akashi chuckled at your comment. "It must be a pain," he said, you agreed.
"How did you and Juno meet?" You were curious not in a bad way, just general wanting to know.
"Well, we had a class together for almost all year of high school...and she confessed her feelings towards me, I felt the same way" you nodded, it wasn't full detail but it was something.
"You guys make a cute couple." You gave a soft smile. He didn't agree with you deep inside.
He thought you guys would make a good couple. He wanted you.
"Yes, we do." he smiled, and you held the bag as he picked up the last bit of trash left on the stage.
"And we are done, now we have to mop" you sigh at his words. He notice and smiled.
"Wanna get a smoothie first?" You nodded at his question.
"I need one, after all this hard wor-" you tripped on your own feet, Akaashi caught you but stumbled on the floor.
Holding you close as this happened. He groans from his bottom, hitting the ground.
You landed on his chest, and his legs were open, making sure they wouldn't hit you.
You both stayed there, a few moments until you realized what happened before getting up on your feet.
He wanted it longer. He didn't know what happened to himself, but he grabbed your wrist, pulling you back down.
You freaked out at the action he made. "Stay" is all he said. Your heart raced from this.
"Uh- no...no, sorry no!" You pushed yourself away from him. You looked at him with shocked, he looked surprised.
Akaashi couldn't bring himself to speak up on his behavior. At least you didn't give him a chance, too.
You got up, quicking getting your things. Was it right? You weren't thinking at the time.
The only thing running through your head was 'he has a girlfriend'.
Leaving Akaashi alone with his thoughts. He messed up big time. He groaned. He hoped you wouldn't tell Juno about it.
"Fuck, Keiji, fuck" he mumble to himself.
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Y/n didn't want to hurt Juno by what happened so she didn't tell.
Akaashi deeply didn't regret it, but at the same time, he felt like he lost something.
Hinata likes it when she plays volleyball with him
Once Y/n met Kageyama, it was both awkward but he complemented her, for her spikes.
Kuroo has known his sister since birth (duh), and he can easily read her actions and face
Y/n knows Kuroo cares deep down and will get a response answer from her one way or another.
Sorry it took so long to upload, I've been busy.
Take care
@staygoldsquatchling02 @h3xi2g0n3 @aquariarose @strxwberri-s @spunky-monkeyz @meme-ko @madiexuberant @sereniteav @bows4life
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rookpaw · 7 months
(clutches head and writhes around on the floor) charlotte wh is so fucking. guh. like. (chronic yapping alert + full spoilers under the cut)
you're brought up and raised under a false assumption that you're a genius, the kind who appears only once in 100 years. you're, essentially , coerced into a shady surgery leaving you in (implied) constant pain and permanently stuck with a body that's inaccurate to your mind. and you do it out of devotion because you were a child who'd been thrown away once and by fucking god you need someone, something to latch onto. so of course you'll do anything for the source of that feeling of having your life mean something. having your efforts acknowledged, and being needed. but of course, it's a lie. always was. it falls apart in front of you. should you not be useful, you'll be thrown away. and of course, that breaks you. because well, you kind of always knew that. and you're left to die, in extreme pain, alone. and then you're dead, you've lost everything, and you're forced to simmer on it in a quiet, silent hell where your sole company is unfeeling demons. and you stay in the loop, eternally, re-experiencing your death over, and over, and over.
and like, the quiet, passive hatred charlotte is written with when in the context of all of it is sooo... augh, especially with her parallel to the loud, aggressive lime. charlotte's hatred for humans is distant and nihilistic- people use each other as tools, they deceive each other, attachment is pointless because it's going to be fake anyway. everyone takes the shortest route to benefiting, regardless of who has to be used. her lines about how "kindness and forgiveness allows for evil". her repeated insistence on just killing the other three to noel. you cant trust others. you should just hate everyone, its easier. its why she, at the end, doesn't understand "love" either. because to her, it's always been deception, and something others will take advantage of, so whats the point?
and it's why she bets on ashe - he affirms everything for her. both are people who's extreme devotion to their family caused them to do anything for them, by any means necessary - to harm, to use, anything. i think, to an extent, she can see herself in him. and i think she sees herself in noel too - her hint of sympathy in the hourglass scene, urging him to just give up because it'll end poorly, like it did for her (even if in a different way).
and like, throughout the game, charlotte has this sort of snide detachment from basically everyone. constantly talks about how other people annoy her and how she wants to see as much suffering as possible. but whats always been apparent to me about her is this back and forth she has of very, very slight affection for others before immediately burying it and deciding she "doesnt care". we see it with fiona in the 4th side story in the base game, we see it with noel in the hourglass scene, we see it with claire in the bonus stage, we see it with lime constantly, especially with how she broke down after losing her (if im remembering right anyway, still gotta finish my replay of the sirius conclusion). like, she always immediately covers it up - when in presence of the other demons she claims its part of her scheme, and when not she simply acts like she doesnt actually care. but it's so constant with her that to me it has to be on purpose, and im really, really curious where it goes in future conclusions
anyway i might be wrong about everything and reading her totally wrong, but shes a character i love a lot and ive been thinking about for too long for my own good. i'll come back to this when i finish my replay of sirius's conclusion and can suffer for hours over That One Scene, lol
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yanderes-galore · 6 months
Maybe a platonic concept of Catherine Halsey with a darling who she views as her own offspring? Making this even worse cause she ignored her own daughter but found a new one in the form of her darling 💀
Sure! Here you go :) Hope you enjoy this! It's... full of angst.
Yandere! Platonic! Catherine Halsey Concept
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Manipulation, Projection, Lucid yandere, Angst, Isolation, Trauma, Dubious/Forced companionship.
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It's unknown why Halsey decided to be so fond of you.
She had a daughter with Captain Keyes and then proceeded to not acknowledge her.
She doesn't feel fit for a parent, even keeping emotional distance from her Spartans.
Halsey is incredibly intelligent, reclusive, and sort of self-centered.
She's mostly devoted to her work more than anything.
To many she seems devoid of emotions and morals due to her detached personality.
She can be manipulative due to being used to keeping secrets.
She only ever trusts herself with her work, like with the Spartan-IIs.
Halsey isn't the best person, this is seen in her experiments and the Spartan program... even if she feels guilt for it.
She was even the creator of Cortana... so their yandere types could be similar in the future.
She doesn't care what rules she has to break, as long as it yields results.
Halsey's obsession is most likely driven by her guilt.
She feels broken when she hears Miranda Keyes died during the events of Halo 3.
Even more so if you take into account the Spartan Programs and Cortana.
Maybe you work under her... and she ends up taking a mentor-like role with you.
An attempt to ease her aching heart.
You're like a fresh start for her.
Despite the fact she's considered a war criminal by many.
Her sins can't be forgiven... you no doubt know about them, too.
Halsey has her own intentions towards you... but it's hard to tell what exactly that is.
She doesn't plan on making you into a weapon like her Spartans... but she also knows she can't be a healthy parent towards you.
Halsey is lucid enough to know she could hurt you.
She isn't delusional about you... which may just make her actions worse.
Due to her guilt she just can't seem to let you go.
Even when you end up hurt through her work, she can't part from you.
She's hurt so many already... she knows that.
Despite this, she continues to focus on her work... she continues to trap you beside her.
She tries to be caring, she tries to meet your needs...
Even though you're an adult and the UNSC and ONI want to separate you two... she refuses to cooperate.
Her yandere behavior is both sad and sinister.
Sad because she doesn't want to harm you too and misses her daughter.
But sinister because she's aware of everything she's doing.
Empathy is a rare thing with her.
She's a woman of work, thinking only of the end product of her work.
She treats her obsession similarly.
She only thinks of the outcome when it comes to your bond.
Halsey knows that in the end... you'll love her too.
Yet it will take time... and pain... in order to get there.
Like most of her work....
She ignores your tears, she ignores your pleas, she just reassures you everything she does is to love you.
She treats the obsession she has for you like another study.
She holds you and treats you like a mother theoretically would.
It doesn't feel right... it never does.
You're a replacement for what she's lost.
Keyes... Miranda... the Spartans...
You are another attempt to forget her sins.
Complain all you wish... Halsey ignores it.
She wants to right her wrongs... yet the blood and tears on her hands won't wash away easily.
She's self-centered as always....
In an attempt to care for another, she may just create a repeat of the past.
One way or another she knows you'll be hurt and she may even lose you.
Keeping you locked away and under her care only causes another form of hurt.
Your attempts to reason fall on death ears.
You call to her, sitting in a glass cell, pleading for her to come to her senses.
Yet the old woman shakes her head.
She refuses to lose you like the others... so she'll protect you...
Which only hurts you and her in the process... a never-ending cycle of suffering... but at least you're safe under her care.
"You won't die like the rest... I'll be right here. I'm not leaving you... not this time."
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girl4music · 6 months
DOM: “It’s a weird character to play guys. I’m not gonna lie. It’s very strange …. It’s an interesting balance. I think that there is a darkness and yes, that is absolutely going to be present. And there is intention to serve the greater good that is in many ways sort of like a blind faith - thinking that this is for the greater good of all. She feels that this is the only way. This is her calling. Like she’s surrendered to the forces that be that are telling her that this is where she needs to be and this is how she needs to serve. My thought about my experience with Gooverly in Season 2 - I almost see it in the same way that you see flickers of her coming through and fighting the other force that has come into play. So like you see these flickers of her really coming through and fighting it. And I think that that shows up here as well.”
KAT: “I’m not 100% sure if she’s evil. Or I don’t think she is.”
DOM: “She’s not evil. She is not evil in her intentions at all. She’s doing it for the greater good and stuff but perhaps the things that are being fed, the rules and regulations of the way that she should go about saving the world are perhaps uh… maybe even unconsciously dark and not actually serving the greater good.”
KAT: “It’s a very complex scene. I think it’s beautiful that she becomes a guardian of sorts. The Angel’s Shield. Who knows what will happen with it in the future. I don’t know if she’ll have any supernatural elements to her or what that’s gonna look like. But I think if it is - ‘cause Nicole has always been very human through the whole journey of the show and I’ve always really liked that about her - I do think that it’s very clear that that is her destiny in whatever realm it is. Whether it’s as a normal person here on Earth or if it’s more in the supernatural realm, she’s always going to be a guardian and a protector and that’s just the core of who she is.”
It is a very complex scene because there’s a lot of layers to it. There’s a lot of layers to Dark Angel Waverly and the Angel’s Shield that they haven’t really delved into that hopefully they will in ‘Vengeance’. But otherwise - I think it’s an extremely simple scene that just conveys a lot of complex emotions and themes.
The thing is is that Waverly fears for Nicole’s life because she’s not supernatural like she and Wynonna and Doc is. Despite Nicole being a cop she tries to protect her from supernatural danger as much as she can. This unfortunately leads them to be on opposite sides often because Nicole desperately wants to be a part of the supernatural lifestyle so that she can be with Waverly and be more involved in the way she lives and Waverly doesn’t accept that until late Season 4. It’s a huge part of the whole PTSD crisis that Nicole goes through early in Season 4 in losing her faith and confidence in herself because she’s lost her Waverly.
In fact that’s what makes the whole sacrificing scene far more profound. It’s Waverly coming out through Dark Angel Waverly because she realizes just how serious Nicole is about trading places with her as a supernatural guardian of the Garden of Eden and she is sort of battling with her concerns about that at the same time that she’s battling her own supernatural arc. So in a way - that scene is her relenting. Allowing Nicole to have more control over their unique lifestyle. Giving her the permission to become something more.
That sacrifice scene is so beautiful because it’s a statement of love and devotion and respect from both sides. The beginning of treating each other as equals because they’re always going to be worried about each other’s safety but at the same time, they have to trust and have faith in that they can use each other’s own powers and strengths to see each other through the dangers and the hardships. It’s a marriage after all.
Can’t let the worry of loss limit your love’s potential. Especially if she was meant to be of the supernatural.
It’s a sacrifice and commitment on both sides…
For Nicole and for Waverly.
And that’s beautiful…
Because that’s love.
That’s true love.
And they say a similar sentiment in their vows. That they’re going to try and put aside the worries in order to give each other the support and respect they need to be their own power and their own hero in their lives.
NICOLE: “Waverly, my beautiful angel. You are the smartest and the kindest person I know. I promise to stand by your side for all of life's adventures, and always pack a safety harness, just in case. I promise to hold your hand when the firelight grows dim and that my love never will.”
WAVERLY: “Nicole, I thank goodness every day for that bullet-proof vest. Without it, I would never have known a love so strong and mighty. I promise to love you. I promise to stand beside you, as equals, for the rest of our lives.”
It’s a statement of: “I love you enough to let go of the worry and pain it will cause me to lose you so that you can have an exciting and fulfilling life of your own”
It’s peak respect what they give each other in the end because they know what each other are capable of and they trust that they can fight the good fight. And you do not see that kind of love displayed in TV art/entertainment at all. Especially not between women because of the whole two parts equals a whole thing. Which is just bullshit. Complete utter fantasy rubbish.
Yeah, the sacrifice scene is absolutely my favourite WayHaught scene of the entire show - hands down! It’s simple dialogue but there’s just so much in it. It’s masterfully written, directed and portrayed. I could go on and on about it. Write a 10 page essay if I have to.
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stingraywipe · 4 months
Here's a piece I wrote about my PMD Explorers of Sky OCs based on a scene from the game that really stuck with me. I wanted to explore how the reveal in the dark future would play out with my renditions of the characters, and I had a lot of fun with it! I'll definitely do more stuff like this in the future.
An Untimely Reunion
“The passage of time should be just up ahead! Let’s hurry along now.”
Clay, Leo, and Grovyle followed Celebi into the clearing. Sure enough, the passage was just across the way. Grovyle took a deep breath. He was exhausted, but there was no time to rest. When Dusknior had taken him back to the dark future, he thought for sure that he had failed his mission. Now he had a second chance, and there was no way he was going to let it slip.
“So this will really send us back home?” Leo asked. “Can we finally go back to our time?”
“Yes,” Grovyle responded. “The passage of time will allow all three of us to return to the past. I used it when I came to your time originally.”
“That’s right!” Celebi added, nodding. “And I’m the only one with the power to open it! Isn’t that fun?”
Clay let out a long sigh of relief. “Thank goodness. I was worried we’d never see our friends at the guild again. They must be worried sick about us right now.”
As the group approached the passage, Grovyle took one last look around. If everything goes as planned once returning to the past, this will be the last time he sees the dark future. He turned his gaze to Celebi. He knew she could fend for herself, but he couldn’t help feeling a tinge of sadness about leaving her alone here yet again. 
“You’re sure you’ll be ok here on your own?” he asked her.
“Yes of course, Grovyle dear! How many times do I need to tell you that I can’t ever be caught?”
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” a familiar voice sneered.
Grovyle felt a crushing wave of dread come over him. He looked back towards the passage of time to find Dusknior waiting in front of it. He had a smug grin on his face.
“You…” Grovyle muttered.
“You’ve grown careless, Grovyle. I already knew you’d be coming here, but you were also unexpectedly easy to follow. You’re usually cautious enough to not let that happen.” He chuckled. “That sudden change will spell your demise. Now Sableye! Seize them!” 
Grovyle groaned. “Shit, we’re surrounded. Looks like we were followed. I’m sorry everyone, but we’re going to have to force our way through to get out of this.”
“That’s fine,” Clay said, readying himself. “Team Sunspark has faced far more difficult battles than this before.”
Dusknior smirked at them. “Oh, you lot won’t be going anywhere. NOW, MASTER DIALGA!”
The ground trembled beneath them. The group looked on in horror as the enraged legend slowly appeared on the mountain in front of them. Clay turned to Grovyle, who wore a distraught look on his face. “Is that-?”
“Yes. This is Primal Dialga,” Grovyle said through gritted teeth. “Dammit. It looks like this might be the end for us.”
Leo looked at him, shocked. “But we can’t give up! Not when we’re so close!”
“Don’t you get it? Primal Dialga is just far too powerful for us to face in our exhausted state. There’s simply nothing else we can do.”
“I see you finally grasp the gravity of your situation,” Dusknior sneered. “The dark future will never be changed. How does it feel knowing that you failed the one thing you devoted your entire life to?”
“I might have failed, but the cause isn’t lost. You seem to have forgotten that I didn’t go to the past alone. My partner is still there, and I have faith that he’ll succeed. I may fall here, but you haven’t won!”
“So you’re still desperately grasping to hope then. If you don’t mind, would you be so kind as to share the name of this beloved partner of yours?”
“Stop toying with me,” Grovyle growled. “You know who Clay is, and you know I’ll never forgive you for what you tried to do to him.”
Clay jerked his head towards Grovyle. Did he hear that right? “Did- did you just say his name was Clay?” he asked. “Because MY name is Clay.”
Grovyle scoffed at him. “Must be some sort of twisted coincidence. I wish you could have met my Clay. You two probably would have gotten along. Not that it matters now.”
Dusknior chuckled. “Oh, I can assure you that the similarities extend well past sharing a name. You see, our good friend Clay here used to be a human! He washed up on the beach one day as shinx with no memories of his past.”
Grovyle’s eyes widened. “Wha- What are you trying to say?”
“And it gets even better! Clay also happens to possess a very special ability. When he touches certain things, he sometimes has visions of events from the past or the future. Does a power like that sound familiar to you?” 
Grovyle’s heart dropped. “The dimensional scream? No… there’s no way. It can’t be true. You’re lying.” He turned to Clay and grabbed his sholders. “Please Clay… please tell me he’s lying.”
Clay looked back at him, terrified. “I’m so sorry Grovyle, but everything he said is true. As hard as it might be to believe, I really was a human. It’s the only thing about my past that I’m certain about. And I don’t know why, but I also can use the dimensional scream. It’s helped Leo and I complete tons of rescue and explorations. I told Dusknior about this in the past before we were taken here.”
“It’s true,” Leo added. “His dimensional scream has helped us locate main outlaws and points of interest during our guild work.”
Grovyle’s heart dropped. Tears began welling up in his eyes. He slowly turned back to Dusknior. His voice trembled as he spoke. “No… This is really?”
“Do you finally get it Grovyle? CLAY is your partner! He’s even wearing the same scarf YOU gave him; I don’t even know how someone as perceptive as you could miss that! I found him before you in the past and took advantage of his amnesia to convince him to fight against you. It made capturing you two laughably easy. The unwavering faith in him you so foolishly clung to won’t matter. The timeline will not be changed, and I’ll eliminate both of you here to guarantee it!”
Celebi went pale. “What? There’s simply no way. I could sense that the temporal distortion around you was stronger than Grovyle and Leo, but I thought nothing of it. To think you were Clay the whole time…” She trailed off.
Clay didn’t know what to think or how to feel. He felt a rush of tears beginning to form. He was from the future? And Grovyle was his partner? But he had spent the past few months desperately trying to take down Grovyle! Was he really just being used all this time? The thought of it infuriated him. He glared at Dusknior through his wet eyes. “So thats it then? Was I nothing more than a pawn to you?”
Dusknior gave him a dejected look. “Trust me Clay, it wasn’t anything personal. I took no joy in this. You clearly had no knowledge of your previous mission, but I couldn’t risk your memories and motivation returning. I HAD to make sure the future remained intact. Taking advantage of your memory loss was the only way for me to guarantee that.”
“HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?” Clay screamed. “None of this was personal? Bullshit! Everything you’ve ever said to me was just a lie! You turned me against my own family! You made me HATE him! You nearly made us KILL each other! And now you have the nerve to say you DIDN’T want to do it? Pfft. Yeah, sure. Ok. I hope it was worth it then. I hope your life is better once Leo and I are dead and gone, because apparently killing us is the only thing that will let you sleep at night.” He took a shaky breath before adding, “You’re the most pathetic pokemon to ever walk this earth.”
Leo thought he saw Dusknior cringe at Clay’s last comment. “What? Is he actually upset by this?” He quickly shook the thought. Right now he had to focus on finding a way out of this. Surely there was something they could do. “Wait. We just need to get past these sableye and we’d be able to make a run for it. Could Celebi send us forward in time to achieve that?”  He slightly nudged her to get her attention. “Yes dear?” she asked.
He leaned closer to her and whispered, “You can travel through time right? That’s how the passage of time works, I’m assuming. Are you able to send us slightly into the future?”
“I can, but not by much. Especially with Dialga here. His command over time is significantly stronger than mine, so he could interfere with anything I try to do.”
“That’s fine. It only needs to be a few seconds. Just enough to let us get past these sableye.”
“Oh, that’ll be quite easy. A few seconds is nothing.”
“Good. Just wait until the moment right before they attack us. I’ll let Clay and Grovyle know.”
He turned back towards Clay, who was an absolute mess. He was still sobbing, and his front paws were soaked from trying to wipe away his tears. It killed him to see Clay like this. He had never really even seen him sad before, so to see him crying this much was heartbreaking. He wasn’t sure if he would ever forgive Dusknoir for doing this to him. He kneeled down next to him .“Clay? Hey Clay listen–”
Clay looked up at him. “Leo?” he said quietly, voice breaking. “I’m so sorry. I’m so so sorry. You’re here because of me and my past. It’s my fault we’re going to die. If you weren’t–”
Leo cut him off. “Look at me Clay. None of this is happening because of you. Dusknoir said it himself. But we don’t have the luxury to think about that right now. I know how difficult this is for you, but you have to keep fighting. After all, we’re both still here! Team Sunspark hasn’t been defeated yet!”
Clay’s eyes widened. He sniffled and wiped away his tears again. “You- you’re right,” he croaked. “I think I’ll manage for now. But Grovyle…”
They both looked over towards him, where he stood frozen in place.
Grovyle' stood frozen in place's thoughts were racing. His vision was blurred. His ears were ringing. His heart was pounding. He could barely breathe. 
“This is my fault,” he thought. “I did this to him. I’m the reason why he went to the past. I’m the reason why he lost his memory. I hurt him. I hurt his friends, and I didn’t care. I didn’t even bother to learn anything about him. And now he’s going to die because of me. The future won’t even be changed. ”
“Grovyle…” a quiet voice called out.
“Clay?” He turned his head to make out a familiar figure. A young human boy with dark, messy hair stood there. He had bright green eyes and a blue scarf wrapped around his neck. It was Clay. “What- how did–”
Clay’s voice called out again. “Grovyle!”
He blinked hard and rubbed his eyes, only to find that Clay was gone. In his place stood a shinx with the same eyes and scarf. “That’s right. This is what Clay looks like now. It’s because of me. It’s because I couldn’t–” 
“GROVYLE!!!” Clay screamed. Grovyle jolted back to reality, regaining his senses. He looked around wildly. They were still cornered by the sableye, and Dusknior remained a few meters behind them. The passage of time was still out of reach. He looked back over to Clay. His eyes were filled with tears, and his whole body was trembling. His fur was sparking with electricity. Grovyle opened his mouth to speak, but he could barely get any words out. 
“Clay,” he stammered. “I- I’m sorry. I couldn’t- this is my–”
“Grovyle please!” Clay cried, voice cracking. “I understand how you feel! This hurts for me too! More than you could imagine. But we can’t think about that right now!” He gestured towards the passage of time. “We can still escape! Despite everything, we’re all still alive! You haven’t lost me yet! So please… I’m begging you! Keep fighting! Don’t give up hope!”
“But what could we possibly do? We’re outnumbered, and we’re up against a legendary. With our injuries we don’t stand a chance.”
Leo put a hand on his shoulder. “We don’t need to win! We just need to escape. And we have a plan to do it! Just wait for my signal, and be ready to run for it.”
“Hey!” Dusknior shouted at them. “Done saying your goodbyes? Good. Now Sableye, finish them off. Be sure to kill them this time.”
“YES SIR, MASTER DUSKNIOR!” the sableye cheered. They flared their claws and leapt at the group. Just before they struck, Leo called out: “NOW CELEBI!”
Suddenly, the four of them disappeared. “WHAT?! This can’t be” Dusknior screamed. “Reveal them, Master Dialga! They cannot be allowed to escape!”
The legend let out a monstrous roar. The air began to ripple a few meters in front of the passage of time. A moment later, Clay, Leo, Grovyle and Celebi reappeared.
Celebi winced. “I’m sorry, but it looks like this is as far as I can take you.”
“This is enough! We can make it from here!” Leo responded.
Grovyle hesitated for an instant.”But what about you, Celebi? I can’t just leave you! Not when-”
“Grovyle, we have to leave now! This is our only chance!” Clay yelled. “Celebi said she’d be fine, so we have to trust her!”
“He’s right,” she said. “Go on now dears! Change the future for all of us!”
Grovyle took one last look at her before turning towards the passage of time. With tears still in his eyes, he nodded at Clay and Leo. The three of them sprinted in, leaving the future of darkness in their past.
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed :D
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Saw your adorable Barbie background for your blog, and I had to share some cursed brain rot I had related to Barbie!
Rothbart from Barbie: Swan Lake, is a legitimate good father. Sure he had his moment where he left Odile as a pig, but the fact that he was about to try and end Odette and Daniel, but came to Odile when he heard her scream when she was being sprayed by skunks is still such a win for him!
So since your requests are open…yan hcs for Rothbart? When he younger of course…cause I was always so bummed his wife was never in the picture. I know this is so cursed…
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i’ve actually never watched barbie swan lake so i made the stupid decision of skipping to the parts the bird man was in. idk why i did that. i was so confused. bro really saw barbie in a forest, arched his back, threw some magical beam at her through a ring, turned her into a swan, didn't elaborate and flew away.
we're not going to talk about how i thought his daughter was his wife at first. i was about to come for you if you were simping over a married man in low qual 00s barbie 😭 him as a human in that ball scene tho- i listen to whatever doja says
anyway, here it is. love anything cursed i eat it up.
✮ft: yan!rothbart / yan!prince
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yan!prince rothbart who almost immediately took a dislike to you, his personal maid, personal servant, his own little retainer, and any other words that can fit that category. he hated the way you looked at him, so naive, as if you truly believed that he could rule over this forest, as if you truly believed he would be picked over his cousin. it was truly pathetic.
yan!prince rothbart who would study day in and out until the sun rose and fell into those trees, all the while you were there for every minute of it. need a new book or for you to return one that’s all the way in the back of the library just so your annoying presence is gone? of course, you’ll do it! it’s what the future king wants, isn't it?
yan!prince rothbart who hears the kitchen staff talking rather rudely about him after you take too long to fetch him some bread to eat. they weren't wrong speaking about how he just wants to rule the forest, but they would do the same. he wanted to wait until it died down until you finally spoke up to cut them off.
“prince rothbart isn't anything like that! he’s kind and studies more than any of you would! he would be a better ruler than any of you!”
yan!prince rothbart who maybe slowly starts to relish in your presence. you were one of, if not the first, to be on his side and want him to become king. after everything he’s put you through, you still want him as king. it was so dimwitted and simple. you were so dimwitted and simple. then why did you always make him seem so much lighter?
yan!prince rothbart who is still agitated how you followed him around like a lost duck everywhere he went. how you didn't understand anything about the land or policies, laws, politics, but it almost became therapeutic to him; his own little escape.
yan!prince rothbart who found himself slipping from his studies to escape with you. running away to the forest for a small picnic by the river, your laugh so elegant as animals would run to you and away from you. your teasing words as he pretended not to care if a hedgehog almost chopped off his finger echoed in his ears like a symphony.
yan!prince rothbart who wanted to spend more and more time with you. that is your job, after all. you should be more than willing to devote more time to him, whether it be sneaking off to help him find some berries or leaves or just a way to escape classes or studies.
yan!prince rothbart who decides that he should give something back to you after all these years of being by his side. specially brewed tea mixed with the finest wild honey and a scrumptious grayanotoxin. you would never need to be knowledgeable about the mad honey disease, as the common people called it. you’re just sick is all! the doctors can check, even if they find nothing.
yan!prince rothbart who has moved some of his studies to your cramped room. you don't want him in here? you don't want him to catch your little fever? he should be studying? oh, but he is studying. you're just here to keep him in high spirits! after all, it is so funny when you ask him what something means. just how could you not know what hunting laws indicate as a servant?
yandere!prince rothbart who is always the only one to serve you your favorite honey tea. it’s just so yummy, making you feel better! it’s not as if he’s the one holding you hostage in this bed with it! no, never!
yan!prince rothbart who once he is of age finally hears of who will be king or queen, finally snapping at you. everything imaginable is thrown at your cowering body. a teacup holding scalding tea goes first, shattering behind you, tea imprinting on the wall as a loud crash is heard.
“this is all your fault! if i had studied more and not spent so much time with you! you pathetic dumb little pauper! i should be king!”
yan!prince rothbart who hurried over to your twin-size bed, sitting down next to you, dipping the bed, cradling your weak frame in his arms. Whispers of sweet nothings resonated in your ear as he stroked your arm up and down. You’re always there; why should he not repay you by ruling over him? If you want to or not, of course, isn't up to you. If it ever was, it would never even be a question but a fact; that answer being no.
“my dear [y/n], this land no longer needs us. for now, be with me. stay by my side until i- no, we shall rule this forest.”
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Gundam: Witch From Mercury Season 2 Episode 1 Review
- The show immediately jumps back into the status quo, almost as if Plant Quetta was just a nightmare. However we can see all our characters reacting to the situation no matter what kind of facade they put up. Suletta is starting to doubt her actions, Nika is haunted by the fact her friends almost died, Shaddiq is already making plans to frame Jeturk, and Miorine is stuck watching over her father. There’s a nice dissonance between the Spacians having fun while our main characters have now experienced true terror, never being able to recover.
- The dueling committee has changed up due to the attack. Now that Shaddiq is getting more involved in his father’s business, Sabina and Renee are ready to take up the helm. Felsi is now the acting substitute since Guel’s MIA and Lauda became the new head of Jeturk Co. Fianlly, Secilia and Rouji are the same as ever (and Secilia adorably protects her boy from Renee’s advances)
- El5n is absolutely fabulous and I love every second he’s on screen. He’s serving cunt every single minute and everyone thinks it’s weird, but no one has directly called him out yet. Still, judging by the OP, there’s a lot more than meets the eye when it comes to our James Charles-wannabe. The writers also took time to link him to Norea, so perhaps there’ll be a relationship developing between those two in the coming future. People in forums have already stated that he’s the most terrifying character due to his manipulative personality and lack of clear goals, but I’m rooting for him. Nobody who becomes a replacement head to ride a death bot and seduce a tanuki has a happy backstory.
- Due to Jeturk suits being used in the attack, the companies are now starting to scapegoat them in order to gain more power. This is causing an immense amount of stress for poor Lauda, who’s lost both his brother and father. I guess taking L’s is hereditary. I’m absolutely expecting him to snap and try to murder everyone. And honestly, as long as he’s planning to murder Shaddiq, I’ll support him.
- Norea and Sophie both transferred into school but they’re so bad at hiding themselves that they caught in the span of less than an episode. Interestingly, Sophie isn’t the one who rushes things, but instead Norea. Sophie seems more interested in just playing around, eventually getting her work done but for now just enjoying the situation. Meanwhile, Norea is wholly devoted to the cause. She threatens Nika with death twice and has no problem attempting to murder Suletta the moment she thinks it’s appropriate.
- Sophie’s dolls are especially interesting. She has four of them, two are her parents and two are her little sisters, and all of them are worn as hell. However, despite saying she loves them, she replaces one with a stolen Halo almost immediately. Sophie probably has no idea of what a family really is, she’s just acting out the motions of it. She replaces her stuffed animal when she finds a “better” one, not realizing that true families don’t replace. There’s also something interesting going on with her calling Suletta “Big Sis.” If Suletta is a clone of Eri then that technically makes them sisters, and now Sophie, another Gundam pilot, is adding herself to that family dynamic. Maybe all Gundam pilots are linked, not by blood, but by situation.
- Prospera once again is manipulating the hell outta everyone. She says to Suletta that she didn’t do anything wrong when her daughter starts having doubts, but with Miorine she states that she believes Suletta went too far. She’s just telling both of them what they want to hear, and guiding each of them to her own desired goal. Also Suletta literally said her mom was a magician so the “Prospera is brainwashing Suletta” theory is also getting a lot of ground
- Quiet Zero is apparently a plan to end war throughout the galaxy, and I can already tell you, that the name makes it clear that it won’t be through some peaceful method. It’s either a weapon designed to destroy whole planets or it’s some Evangelion hive mind shit where everyone in the world will be linked through the GUND system. And if it’s the latter, that would make the connection between Gundam pilots we see even more important. Soon, everyone will be family
- Nika is stuck between a Gundam foot and hard place. Poor girl just wants to build up connections between Earthians and Spacians but the organization that sent her turned out to be a terrorist organization. She doesn’t want her friends to be put in danger, but she’s scared to come out and ruin her friendship. Her tendency to isolate herself is what got her almost squished, it was only Suletta looking out for her that saved her. I hope she can be honest with her friends in the future and achieve her goal of peace. One that isn’t organized from mass murder/brainwashing
- My boy Guel didn’t show up in the episode. He’s busy entering his depressive spiral. However from the OP, it looks like he’s on Earth. Give me vigilante Guel
- Finally, let’s talk about that gorgeous ending. The amount of symbolism in that minute and thirty seconds is off the wall. Watching Miorine’s ghost constantly pass through her, showing that the two want to be together but can’t connect. Then, Aerial fucking stabs her in the heart, awakening something, and suddenly Suletta is dancing, controlling the GUND bits in her possession. There’s multiple Suletta’s dancing, maybe hinting the clone theory. She also loses her headband, the one her mom gave her, showing that she’s gained her own autonomy. Finally, her and Miorine are in formal dresses, holding hands, probably at Miorine’s birthday. Suletta looks more mature, she’s shed her childhood innocence.
In short, I’m so fucking hyped to be back. My sons and daughters are really going through it and I hope they all get out with minor mental trauma. Except for you Shaddiq, you Sha-dick
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animaniacs16 · 8 months
I was a bit iffy about episodes six and seven of the Percy Jackson series, but episode eight is truly phenomenal!!
It makes Percy’s fight for the gods more believable, and makes Poseidon so much better of a father than he was in the books!
Read below for more detailed thoughts on it:
To start, I do think the Ares fight was a bit too short and didn’t show Percy’s power enough, but maybe they’re saving it for future seasons. I was expecting a hurricane, rather than just one tidal wave. I did, however, like how they showed a little bit more of the gods as Gods rather than just adults, such as Ares turning into his godly form, and Zeus’ bolt and Poseidon saving Percy.
That whole scene with Percy, Poseidon, and Zeus was absolutely incredible. It’s such a terrible shame that we’ve lost Lance Reddick, because he was a phenomenally terrifying Zeus. Toby Stephens, like literally everyone else in the show, is perfectly cast, and even though looks aren’t a facet in this series you can see the family resemblance- it really looks like he and Sally are Percy’s parents. Poseidon has so much more pathos than he does in the original series and he does truly care for his kid- that conversation started STRAIGHT OUT of the books, and the added dialogue was heartbreaking and heartwarming all at once. Poor Percy :( Poseidon, unlike the books, seems to truly go to bat for his son and stand behind him rather than vaguely supporting him.
That contrast really strengthens the scene where Percy figures out that Luke is working with Kronos- I like that Luke still trying to convince Percy to join him. However, Percy has seen that, although yes, the gods are petty and mean and treat humans like insects, they can also truly be kind and caring. Sidenote, the fireworks were absolutely PERFECT as a backdrop to that whole scene, and I love that they had Annabeth eavesdropping because it had to hit her hard. Also Backbiter being able to make portals is a good way to explain how Luke is everywhere in the books lol
I also really like this episode was so Percy centered, although I love love love the trio it was great to see Percy’s story, because after all, it’s his journey. He’s stubborn, he’s loyal to a fault, he’s courageous, he’s smart, he loves his mother, and he always does what he believes is right, and THAT is Percy Jackson.
And after all of it, it comes back to Percy and Sally. Percy has always been devoted to his mother, and I’m so glad that we got those scenes of them at the end. Sally is awesome- although she didn’t end up committing murder like she did in the original season and yet Gabe still ended up as a statue lol
I find it interesting how they’re going with Annabeth and this sheltered angle in the show- in the books she had seen movies before- she had seen “Roman Holiday” and I’m sure she knew what a theme park was so for her to not know what Disneyland is was interesting. However, one of my previous complaints was that the trio couldn’t just be kids in the Lotus Casino episode, so when Percy told Annabeth to just focus on being a kid, that made me happy because that’s what I wanted for them in the first place cause these are only 12-year-olds. Also, the searchers’ license being a flower was awesome.
I also selfishly do wish we got a little bit more between Percy fighting Luke and the end of the summer- did Percy just avoid Clarisse? It probably isn’t like him to apologize (Altho he did apologize after swiping Luke who was trying to KILL HIM to be fair). I also don’t really agree with Percy passing the deadlinex because I think it would’ve been just as impactful if they were still gathering forces for the war before the deadline and it still happens like it did, however, it was interesting to see Mount Olympus, deserted, except for Zeus, because everyone was preparing for war.
I can’t believe this book series that I’ve adored since I was a kid is finally being brought to life in such a wonderful manner! While not perfect, this is a phenomenal adaptation and I’m so happy that so many kids and people get to experience this wonderful series for the first time. It is fundamentally different from the book, but the underlying message and morals are still the same and that’s what really matters. Thank you to the whole cast and crew for this amazing show!
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thephantomcasebook · 2 years
Hi there!
Wanted to ask you something about the greens in the book, now Blackstans are saying greens were much more awful in the book and grrm hated them and Aegon was actually worse than joffery Aemond worse than Ramsay, and Alicent worse than Cersei. but how much all of this is true? I didn't read the book because when i learned that the book is just a historical textbook i lost my interest
Probably for the best Nonny.
Apparently it's not even gonna be a guide now for the show canon, according to GRRM in a new interview he gave to "Deadline Hollywood" a few days ago. They decided to deviate from Lore and Canon so hard that they basically threw out both "Fire & Blood" and "The World of Ice and Fire" and will forge a completely new path that is uncharted.
I'm not sure what that means for the future, but it seems that canon lore is more or less a very loose guideline now.
As for the book.
I mean, Aegon is actually far less terrible in the source material. He's more of a drunken frat boy that was forced to marry his sister by Viserys cause he was partying too hard and their dad thought marriage would settle him down. Which it did, to an existent. Aegon in "Fire and Blood" hates Helaena but really, really, loves his children a great deal. He's also brave, and actually gets out there and leads from the front in battle. He's a much more serious character in the book.
Aemond is actually nothing like his book counterpart. Aemond in "Fire and Blood" is loud, brash, and boisterous. He's also ruthless and slightly unhinged. He is rather blood thirsty and cruel. But he also is a very popular and effective regent when Aegon is nearly morally wounded in battle. Both Aemond and Criston nearly break the Blacks and win the war but Aemond's recklessness and impatience snatches defeat from the jaws of victory.
Show!Aemond is actually Daeron in Aemond Cosplay. With the exception of the intensity. Daeron is the quiet, brooding, contemplative and honorable badass who is completely devoted to Alicent and is close to Criston. In the book, Aemond doesn't particularly care for his family in any appreciable sense. He somewhat kicks Aegon when he's down when he becomes regent - saying that the Conquerors Crown fits him a lot better than it ever will Aegon. But since Sapochnik had no intention of introducing Daeron into the show, they basically gave Aemond Daeron's personality. Which, ironically, was there to offset Aemond's personality in the book.
Alicent in the book has absolutely no character at all. Everything about her is in subtext. You know that she's jealous of Rhaenyra and Criston - going so far as to accuse Criston of grooming Rhaenyra. But then she shows her hand by suggesting that Criston be removed as Rhaenyra's sworn shield and become Alicent's (Which everyone side-eyes Alicent in council). Alicent is also a lot more assertive and confident, often seen huddled closely with Criston.
The only other attribute that we know about her is that she loves her children and grandchildren. In particular we know that Alicent and her granchildren were very close and that they'd come into Alicent's rooms to kiss her goodnight every night. We also know that Daeron is not only her favorite child but also that they were devoted to one another. Daeron is Alicent's sworn shield for most of the war.
Other than Aemond, most of the Greens are pretty above the board and honorable. Later in the war, Daeron gets pretty dark. But he also has a very good reason for doing what he does in both incidents that Rhaenyra and the Starks instigate and he makes them pay dearly.
So, no, I wouldn't say they're as bad as all that.
Let's put it this way. In the "Game of Thrones" era of the Ice and Fire Universe. The Greens - and Daeron in particular - are remembered as the heroes and good guys of the Dance. Even Rhaenyra and Daemon's descendants consider the Blacks to be the villains.
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crkbrokenfuture · 1 year
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Broken Future is an AU where Dark Enchantress Cookie's return happened much sooner than anyone could predict, and her forces successfully destroyed every kingdom in the world and took over most of Earthbread.
Now cookies have been split into various factions that all have different ideas for the world's future, and tensions are high as ever between every one of them.
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There are many factions, but only some of them have managed to stake claims on any kind of land and territory.
The known factions of this world are as follows:
The Hound Resistance (Orange territory on the map)
The Outlaws (Black territory on the map)
The Children of Darkness (Red territory on the map)
The Dragon Worshippers (Green territory on the map)
The Elite (Cyan territory on the map)
The Order (Purple territory on the map)
The Mercenaries (Have no territorial claim)
The Last Hope (Have no territorial claim)
In chronological order of when each faction was established, here's info about them all.
The Children of Darkness are the followers of Dark Enchantress Cookie. They are devoted to her cause, and fully believe that the world she's creating will be the ideal. They believe that all cookies possess darkness within them, and that to unlock their true potential they must embrace it. They also believe that darkness is the part of them that was truly their own, not made by the witches, and that to reject it is to succumb to denial and a future as nothing more than prey.
Starting out with just the normal cookies of darkness members, their numbers grew as more were drawn to their cause by the darkness' influence spreading like wildfire. They are by far the largest faction in the world, but their growth has been prevented by the quick and sudden rise of other factions...
(KNOWN MEMBERS - Cookies of Darkness, Eclair Cookie, Pumpkin Pie Cookie, Strawberry Crepe Cookie, Squid Ink Cookie, Cream Puff Cookie, Pure Vanilla Cookie [as Prisoner])
The Outlaws were the first seperate faction to come into being. These anarchist cookies have lost faith in the ability of any kind of government or assigned leaders, and believe the only true way forward is cookies uniting together under means other than laws and borders.
This faction had its start in the Dark Cacao Kingdom, as the people had found themselves abandoned by their own king for quite some time already, even before the siege by the Cookies of Darkness. With no king to protect them, and the one who took his place nothing more than a pawn for Dark Enchantress Cookie, the tribes took it upon themselves to storm the castle walls and chase out the enemy.
Lead by formerly loyal soldiers to the crown, Caramel Arrow Cookie was the one on the forefront to become a beacon of hope for the people as it was by her arrow that Dark Choco Cookie was defeated.
Their influence has spread far and wide, and they are a formidable group. What they may lack in the ability to join forces and organize themselves, they make up for in the sheer number of cookies who subscribe to their anarchist beliefs.
(KNOWN MEMBERS - Caramel Arrow Cookie, Beet Cookie, Black Raisin Cookie, Captain Caviar Cookie, Twizzly Gummy Cookie)
The Dragon Worshippers already naturally had territory in the forms of the various tribes that already worshipped the dragons of legends. However it was Dark Enchantress Cookie's siege of the world that forced the dragons into emerging fully and uniting once more. Setting aside their own beliefs and ideals, they came to one agreement: Cookies are too volatile and unstable when given absolute power, unlike dragons who understand how to use it very well.
Therefore an agreement was made between the dragons and the cookies. In return for thriving in peace and living without war, they would surrender all leadership and land to the dragons and live as their servants and worshippers, and assist in ushering in the new era of dragons.
Many of the tribe leaders were naturally reluctant to hand over their people's freedom, but in the face of the broken state of the world, they didn't feel like they had much choice. The tribe leaders now serve directly as the underlings of their tribes worshipped dragon, obeying their every whim.
(KNOWN MEMBERS - Mala Sauce Cookie, Rambutan Cookie, Mango Cookie)
The Hound Resistance came a while after the total takeover of the world, and was shockingly created by a teenager! Like their name suggests, most of their members are cakes, most having previously served the Dark Enchantress. However, they do have cookie members as well. This group is the most direct aggressor towards the Children of Darkness.
They don't believe in just trying to stay alive, they are actively the biggest pushback against the darkness that spreads across the world. Their ultimate goal is not just to reclaim the territories occupied by the Children of Darkness, but to also destroy their leader... And the soul jams as well, believing that the soul jams have brought nothing but pain and corruption and thus would be better off entirely gone.
Tompouce Cookie (OC) was the founder of the group... She was just a child when she made a grave mistake. The girl had the power to heal with just the touch of her cake-claws, and so was destined to truly restore Dark Enchantress Cookie to her greatest, strongest state... And she did.
Raised by her father, Red Velvet Cookie, she had believed him when he said that the sorceress would bring a better world for all creatures, but as the darkness spread, so did only death and misery. Betrayed by these lies and false promises, she was told of a place yet unconquered by a benevolent prisoner... Pure Vanilla Cookie, who told her that part of his shattered soul jam laid in these areas hidden from the world.
Being a true hybrid, born as both cake and cookie, she was able to speak directly to the hearts of the cake soldiers of Dark Enchantress Cookie's armies, and convinced them to join her in pushing back against the wicked tyrant. Thus, they laid claim to a large part of the world and spread out far and wide to fight for the future.
(KNOWN MEMBERS - Crunchy Chip Cookie, Tompouce Cookie, Pastry Cookie, Herb Cookie, Affogato Cookie [as Prisoner])
The Elite didn't really unite for any kind of political goals or shared idea for the future. They united solely for self preservation. The elders of the now ruined Creme Republic gathered their shared resources and talents to keep the city under full lockdown and resist the forces of evil.
As time went on, however, it became much to clear what was really going on here... They were a sanctuary alright, but only for the rich and privileged who were able to pay the price of living with their protection.
Although their halls are grand and their defense is strong, their halls and shelters are much too empty considering the many cookies out there who do need a safe place to stay.
(KNOWN MEMBERS - The Republic Elders (Minus Captain Caviar Cookie), Clotted Cream Cookie, Madeleine Cookie, Adventurer Cookie, Blackberry Cookie, Princess Cookie, Espresso Cookie)
The Order were just a humble religion at first, only really having their regular members from the orphanages and their monasteries... However, as more and more cookies grew desperate for shelter, they opened their halls to let them all in and teach them about their beliefs.
They've grown much stronger, their faith solidified as a beacon of hope against the approaching darkness... But their sisters are strong of faith and fight with all their power to defend the defenseless! Most villages that stood without safety now fall under their protection, and in return they just have to convert to the faith and teachings of the St. Pastry Order.
They naturally are at odds with the Hound Resistance, believing that they are a false resistance intent on supremacy and further destruction. Only the followers of The Order are of pure mind who wish to truly save the world!
(KNOWN MEMBERS - Financier Cookie, Kouign-Amann Cookie)
The Mercenaries were the peculiar offshoot of members from both The Elite and the Outlaws, who sought to use their abilities for more productive means. They don't claim territory, as their ideology is not based on having ownership of land. No, they just believe in the power of money.
Talented individuals who will serve any cause, should they be able to pay the price. The haven of these individuals is found in the former Golden Cheese Kingdom's capital, as the place still thrives even without the kingdom it used to belong to.
Be warned - While some of these cookies have morals and restrictions, others will only limit themselves by a potential customer's budget.
(KNOWN MEMBERS - Wildberry Cookie, Chili Pepper Cookie, Tarte Tatin Cookie, Hollyberry Cookie, Tea Knight Cookie)
The Last Hope are the newest group around, consisting of members who only just escaped from the oven of a novice witch who hadn't quite secured them in place yet. None of the factions in this world truly convinced them to join their sides, rather these cookies are fighting a fight on their own with the factions as their allies.
They hope that by uniting all the factions together, they can truly restore the world to its former self... But, should the world be restored? Or is there something better to hope for...?
(MEMBERS - Gingerbrave Cookie, Strawberry Cookie, Wizard Cookie, Alchemist Cookie, Vampire Cookie and Custard III Cookie.)
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