#she'll sit in the audience and cheer for him
wield-the-mighty-pen · 2 months
Just learned about competitive punning, and I think someone needs to tell Ladybug to tell Chat Noir about it (I think he's probably having a bad day)
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strawberryspence · 2 years
this one's for my cassie banana (@henderdads) who wanted a HAPPY grammy related ficlet. but because i wrote it, of course there's going to be a tiniest hint of angst. 🙄 ily and i hope this satisfies ur craving 💗🌷🏆
As a gay, rock star in the late 90's, Eddie's had to keep his and Steve's relationship under the wraps. He's had to sing songs and change the pronouns from he to she.
In his heart, he knows Steve doesn't mind, knows that he understands that this is the life his boyfriend chose. But Eddie hates it, hates that he can't scream on top of his lungs, on top of the highest mountains, that he loves Steve Harrington and he, miraculously, loves him back.
As Eddie stares at the wall of awards in front of him, he thinks— knows— that not one of these gold, silver, bronze awards mean as much as Steve means to him. No award is as important as the love of his life.
People still remember the Grammy Awards on 2001. No, it's not because of the famous singers. No, it's not because of the performances. No, it's not because of their outfits.
It's because the singer-songwriter of rock band, Corroded Coffin, won their fifth grammy award and what they thought was a normal award speech would change the course of the industry.
Eddie walks up alone, accepts the award and smiles.
"Well, the band— Gareth, Jeff and Grant— has trusted me enough to do this speech without fucking it up." He laughs as he hugs the award closer to his chest.
"Thank you to the recording academy, our managers and our label, for the last 10 years. The last 10 years has been crazy and amazing and surreal. But just this morning," Eddie takes a deep breath, "We— Me and the members of the Corroded Coffin— has decided to move labels. Somewhere we'll be free to express ourselves and be out true colorful selves."
"So yeah, thank you for them and the chance. But this award," Eddie holds it up, "Is for every gay kid who was scared and who thought they were alone. It's for every gay kid who thought they will never, ever get to express themselves and thought they'll have to hide forever."
The audience starts cheering, people clapping and standing as Eddie smiles, bulldozes on, "This grammy is for little Eddie Munson, Gareth Emerson, Jeff Best and Paul Grant. Four gay kids, in the middle of Hawkins, Indiana, just finding each other. We're Corroded Coffin and we're the proof that you could also be free and true to yourself."
"To my boyfriend. Yes, my boyfriend. Every she in every song I wrote was originally an he. Every word and tune was meant to be for you. Sweetheart, baby, you are my whole heart. Steve Harrington, I fucking love you. This fucking grammy is for you."
He holds up the award as he starts walking back to the back of the stage. The people in the crowd give him a standing ovation.
Somewhere in New York, there's a boy, who once survived death himself, smiling and beaming so hard it hurts his jaw. He'll call Eddie later, and thank him for what he's done for people like them. He'll sleep peacefully, knowing that a few kids will sleep better tonight, knowing that everything is going to be okay.
Somewhere in LA, there's a girl, sitting on the couch with a cold champagne and confetti in her hands, waiting for Eddie and Steve to come home. She'll kiss both their cheeks, happy to have them both home. They'll drink, cheer and celebrate being out to the whole world.
But before that, just behind the curtains, a man is waiting for him, with the biggest smile on his face and tears streaming down his face.
Eddie greets him with a smile, and an earth shattering kiss on the lips.
"I am proud of you." Steve says, and Eddie melts in his touch.
"I can sing with boy pronouns now. I am going to be so insufferable." Eddie laughs.
"You go do that, be what the world needs." Steve laughs, hooking his arms with his boyfriend, walking deeper in to backstage.
"What about what you need?" Eddie asks, looking at the man beside him, the one who saved him and who's still saving him.
Steve smiles, holding Eddie's free hand and intertwining it. There's people walking around them, but they're in their own little world. For the first time, they're not hiding.
Steve holds up Eddie's hand, "I've got everything I need right here."
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phefics · 8 months
This just came to my mind while I was studying for my psychology exam - but what do you think THG would be like if they were dating a reader who is a theatre performer? Like them picking the reader up from rehearsals that ran overtime, watching their performances and listening to them talk about their crazy (and sometimes kinda weird) rehearsal memories?
I hope this makes sense because I am not too great with explaining things
this is so cute, not weird at all!! you didn't specify the guys so i'm gonna do all the characters i write for. hope you like!! xo
coryo is supportive, mostly because he likes the idea of dating someone who could be famous one day. he brags about your talents to people at school/work, and comes to every show, sits in the front row, and brings you roses. he admires your dedication, even when it means staying late to run scenes or crazy rehearsal stories.
finnick loves to watch you perform. he's been caught trying to sneak into your rehearsals before, and given you a sheepish grin as he's escorted out of the theater. he's just so captivated by you. as someone who has spent a lot of his life performing against his will, he loves to watch you flourish doing something you love. he loves hearing about cast drama, like straight up will make popcorn to listen to the gossip.
gale isn't super into theater but will be supportive! he likes that you have a hobby you're so passionate about, even if he doesn't understand. he tries to make every show when he isn't busy with work, and has terrible theater ettiquette the first time and keeps cheering every time you're on stage, so you have to explain that he can't do that, lol. he also picks you up from rehearsals because he won't let you walk home late at night, ever.
haymitch isn't very into the arts, in general - he's just never had an urge to consume it or have a hobby of his own. but seeing you feel so passionate about it and have so much fun opens him up to the idea a lot, and i can see him definitely going to your shows and finding the beauty in live theater.
johanna would be a stage crew girly, so i think she would participate in your theatre stuff (if it was local/small, i don't think she would pursue it as a career) and she does the lights or sound. definitely ignores directions so she can put the spotlight on you even when you aren't talking in a scene.
katniss is very supportive, but i don't see her being into theatre at all - she'll go to your shows but doesn't really vibe with it, so she's there to support you but wouldn't go if you weren't involved. if you are in a musical production, though, she will get the songs stuck in her head and whistle/sing them around the house.
lucy gray is probably also involved in theatre!! or, she at least totally understands your passion as well as your workload. if you do musical theatre, she helps you practice your songs and learns them on guitar so she can play them for you. she is always cheering so loud in the audience - she is so supportive and loving.
peeta would probably get involved in your production behind the scenes, painting sets. he is so supportive and i could even see him joining the show if you convinced him he'd be good - he's clearly a very charming actor and would probably find it fun. if he doesn't join you, though, he is in the front row of every single performance with flowers.
sejanus is the most supportive boyfriend ever, i swear. he will singlehandeldly fund your local theatre just so you can participate. he takes time off of work to go to every single show, and has flowers sent to you backstage. he helps you rehearse at home, always being a bit goofy and over-the-top when he reads the lines.
tigris would probably be involved as well, designing and altering costumes!! she loves to design and sew and having that outlet that benefits the community as well as her partner would make her really happy.
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
I see you are taking requests. I love Eddie munson x reader angst. So maybe one where Eddie's band is doing well and he goes on a small tour and he attracts the unwanted attention of a stalker. She is so obsessed with him she moves to Hawkins and that is when she finds out that he has a fiance (the reader). The stalker than becomes obsessed with making the readers life a living hell. Death threats and all that bad stuff. Until the stalker hurts her one day. Make it as angsty as you want. If you can't do it, then please just ignore. Only if you are comfortable with it. Thanks 😊
Warnings: stalking, lots of violence, blood, knives, language, allusions to sex
WC: 3.7k
A/N: This is by far the creepiest thing I've ever written. Please let me know what you think. Your feedback really keeps me motivated.
"Oh, Eddie," Gareth says in a sing-song voice, peering out at their growing audience from behind the stage, "guess who's he-ere!"
"Oh, God," Eddie mutters as he tunes his guitar.
Puzzled, you look from him to Gareth for an answer, but when no one offers one, you ask, "Who's here?"
"Sorry to break it to you, Y/N," Jeff's voice is teasing, dripping sarcasm, "but Eddie's got himself a secret girlfriend."
"Eddie Munson!" you joke, feigning anger. "And here I am, trying to plan our wedding while you're collecting groupies on tour."
Your fiancé smiles at you wickedly. "Figured we could have a threesome or somethin.'" You give him a playful shove as he leans in to kiss your cheek. "Nah, babe. She's just a fan. Harmless."
"Just a fan?" Gareth sputters, throwing his head back with laughter. "Dude, she basically stalks you after each gig, trying to buy you drinks. One time, we found her waiting outside next to Eddie's van. I don't even know how she knew which one it was."
Worry rises inside of you. "Eds, be careful. Some of these girls can get a little unhinged."
Eddie's noticeably less concerned. "Don't worry. I'm gonna bring you out on stage tonight and introduce everyone to my beautiful almost-wife." He slings an arm around your waist. "Hopefully she'll get the hint."
Watching Eddie perform was an ethereal experience. Sure, you'd heard him rehearsing in the apartment you shared, but seeing him on stage was something else. He just exuded passion for music and connected with his audience. Maybe he connected with them a little too much, considering the situation with that girl, but she was far from your mind as you watched his fingers glide across his guitar. Eddie was born for this.
Corroded Coffin was in the middle of a six-week tour of different venues across Indiana. You weren't able to go to all of them without missing work, but when shows were close enough to home, you made the effort to be there.
They were wrapping up their set, with just the encore left, when Eddie spoke into the mic. "Thank you all for being here with us tonight. We hope we were able to rock your fuckin' worlds!" He's met with a chorus of cheers, widening the grin on his face. "I wanna introduce you all to someone incredibly special to me, who inspires all of the love songs I write." He waves you over and you bound across the stage into his open arms, beaming.
"This is my beautiful fiancée, Y/N. And see this?" He takes your hand and turns it so your diamond ring faces the audience. "Because of fans like you coming to see us, I was able to put this rock on her finger!" He plants a kiss on your lips with an exaggerated mwah! as the audience awws. It's hard to see individual faces, but everyone seems to be smiling. Everyone except for one woman.
She's in the front row, arms crossed over her body. She's in a tight red dress that lands just under her thighs. Her long blonde hair frames her scowling face and she's biting her lower lip as though she's trying to hold back tears.
That must be her, you think. That must be Eddie's "girlfriend." But you can't focus on her for too long, because Eddie grabs a chair for you to sit on while the band plays their encore. You're too enamored with Eddie and his performance to notice the pair of eyes that bore a hole in your head.
After the concert, you join the boys in their hotel room for pizza and snacks.
"You guys killed it!" you say as you take a cheesy slice. "The perfect combo of originals and covers. You had them in the palms of your hands!"
Jeff nods, his mouth full. "Thanks! Had a good crowd tonight, too."
"Hey, Y/N," Gareth teases, "didja see Eddie's girlfriend?" Eddie smacks the back of his head.
You laugh. "The blonde who looked like she wanted to murder me?"
"That's the one!"
Eddie puts his arm around you, sending tingles through your body. "Well, let's see if she shows up to our gig tomorrow. See if my good luck charm did the trick."
"Or, you know," you look up at him with puppy-dog eyes, "we could always try for that threesome."
You drive home the next morning after staying with Eddie. He normally shared the room with the rest of the band, but he'd rented an extra room so you two could...catch up. You didn't want to leave, but you also need to get to work. You spent the morning nestled into his arms while he kissed all over your face until the bedside clock warned that you had to go.
"Let me know if she shows up and you need me to kick her ass," you whisper into his lips as you say good-bye.
"Calm down, Muhammad Ali," Eddie kisses you against your car, cupping your cheek as he presses his plump lips to yours. "I'll be fine."
You reminisce about last night with your beautiful, wonderful fiancé until you arrive at work. You're so focused on the thought of him running his fingers over your body like his strums his guitar to notice the green sedan that's been following you since you left the hotel.
It's dark out by the time you leave work. You make your way to your car and unlock the driver's side door when you spot a piece of paper tucked under your windshield wipers. It's ripped carelessly from a spiral-bound notebook. You unfold it and gasp. Written on it in black ink are two words:
Die, Bitch
This has to be some kind of joke. Someone messing with you. Who would be unhinged enough to seriously threaten your life?
And then you remember. The girl at Eddie's show.
Your blood runs cold. The clock reads 9:07 PM, which means Corroded Coffin is on right now. You can't even call him.
"Fuck!" you yell to no one in particular. You look around and don't see anyone. Okay, you can do this. You just have to get home, lock yourself in your apartment, and wait until 10:30 when their set usually ends. Yeah, you'll just call the venue and ask to speak to Eddie, and he'll come right home. Perfect.
You turn on the car and take deep breaths. In through the nose, out through the mouth. You've only gone down the road before the low tire pressure light illuminates your dashboard. This always happens in the fall when the weather gets cooler, and you make a mental note to fill up your tires tomorrow.
A few blocks later, you hear a clunk coming from the front of your car.
"Oh, come on!" you groan, slamming your fists onto the steering wheel. You pull over and get out of your car to inspect your tires. Sure enough, the front right tire is completely flat. That never happens; you can at least make it back from work and to the gas station before they run out of air. But then you notice that the front left tire is dangerously low, too. And so are the the two back ones.
Did she...did she slash your tires?
You run the last mile home faster than you've ever run before, hair flying behind you. The night is chilly, but you're drenched in sweat from the sprint and the fear coursing through your blood. Blisters form on your feet but you push through the pain.
The lights coming from your apartment building have never looked so beautiful. It's a place where the plumbing backed up and the elevators were out of service more than they worked, but right now, it's the best thing you've ever seen. You dash up the stairwell, grateful that your place is only on the second floor. Your weary legs are nearly collapse under you as you turn your key in the lock.
"Hi, neighbor."
You spin around and see her, leaned up against the door of the apartment across from yours. Her blonde hair is pulled back into a tight ponytail, and she's traded her dress for an inconspicuous sweater and pair of jeans, but it's definitely her. A sinister smile creeps across her face.
"Did you see the gift I left you?" she asks, walking toward you. "Or did it fall flat?" She cackles at her joke while you stay frozen, both fight and flight failing you.
"W-why are you doing this to me?" you finally manage. "What did I do to you?"
She narrows her brown eyes. "I show up to Eddie's shows. Every. Single. One." she spits venomously. "And you show up last night, act like you're fucking gracing us with your presence, showing off a ring that shouldn't even belong to you.
"Do you know what Eddie needs? Who he needs? He needs someone who supports him all the time, not just when it's convenient for her. He's gonna be famous one day, and when he realizes how many girls would do anything for him, he'll leave you in the dust where you belong," she sneers.
"Unfortunately, I don't have that kind of patience," she says calmly as she reaches into her pants pocket, pulling out a small pocketknife. "So here's what's gonna happen. You're going to end things with Eddie, or I'll slice your throat open and go back home like nothing ever happened." She gestures across the hall.
"You...live here?" you ask incredulously.
"Just moved in," she announces proudly, "but I've been keeping an eye on this building for vacancies since I first saw Corroded Coffin play. Y'know, Eddie shouldn't have his address listed in the WhitePages now that they're really taking off." She says this like she's helping, like she isn't threatening your life.
"Eddie's playing a gig right now," you say, though you're almost positive that she already knows this, "but he calls me every night after his show. I-I'll do it then."
She offers that evil smile again. "Perfect. Gives us time to rehearse what you'll say. And if you go off-script..." she presses the blade to your neck and cackles. "Now, open the door."
The phone rings at 10:40, and you snatch it from the receiver with breathtaking speed.
"H-Hello?" You feel the knife against your throat as she leans into hear what Eddie's saying to you.
"Hey, babe! Guess what?" You feel his excited energy through the phone and hope he can pick up on your terror. "She didn't show up. Looks like our plan worked!"
"T-that's great, Eds," you choke out, wincing as she overhears the conversation. She tilts your chin so that your eyes meet hers, and you watch her mouth, Say it. "But I'm breaking up with you."
"Haha, very funny," he says, and your heart sinks as you realize he's completely oblivious.
"No, I'm serious. You deserve better than me. And," you swallow thickly, "and I've been cheating on you."
There's silence on the other end of the line. You think he might've hung up until he exhales loudly and asks, "With who?"
"Doesn't matter," you repeat the lines she's fed you. "There's been more than one guy."
"Why are you telling me this now, Y/N?" His voice warbles, and your heart breaks knowing you're making him cry.
"I'm sorry," you respond, feeling tears well up in your own eyes, "but I don't love you anymore." And you hang up and burst into tears.
"There, there," she runs a cold hand through your hair, fingers catching on the knots that formed throughout the day. She tears through them, sending jolts of pain into your scalp. "You did the right thing, Y/N."
"Please, just leave me alone," you choke out. "I did what you asked."
She shakes her head. "You're not dumb, so I don't know why you're acting like you are." She grabs your elbow with her free hand and stands you up. "Go and pack your things. All your things. You're leaving tonight." You hesitate for a second and she raises the blade to your neck again. "I said GO!"
You shuffle into the room, still sobbing. You fling open a suitcase and start shoving clothes in haphazardly. She's next to you the whole time, watching your every move. After 30 minutes, you've packed as many belongings as you can into various pieces of luggage and piled them at the entryway.
"Now, one last thing," she says in an eerily soft voice. She takes your left hand, plucks off your engagement ring, and slides it on her own finger. She holds up her hand as the diamond catches the light. "Fits like a glove. Like it was meant to be."
You're about to throw up when there's a knock at the door. It can't be Eddie; his show was two hours from here.
"Who the fuck is that?" she hisses. She ticks the blade upwards and you feel the skin break slightly.
"I-I don't know," you answer truthfully. "I'll answer it and tell them to leave, okay?"
"Don't try anything, or that cut will be a lot deeper," she threatens.
You open the door slowly, just a crack, and see Jim Hopper standing in front of you.
"Y/N, Eddie just called me, said to get over here. Said something's wrong," he whispers. You see his eyes meet the trickle of blood creeping down your neck.
Help me, you mouth, and then quickly say, "I'm not interested in supporting the Hawkins PD." You close the door and pray that he got the message.
"Open this door!" he bellows. “Open the door, or I’ll break it down!”
The girl grabs your hair tight in her fist. “Did you call the police, you bitch?” Saliva gathers at the corners of her lips.
“N-no,” you cry, “Eddie must’ve called them after I hung up. I swear.”
She turns her attention back to the door to address the chief of police, never easing her grip on your locks. “You break down this door and you’ll find her in a pool of her own blood!” 
You vaguely hear Hopper calling for backup through the pounding in your ears. I’m going to die, you think. I’m going to die right here in my home, where Eddie and I were supposed to start a family. She’s going to take it all away from me.
“It really is a shame it had to come to this,” she mumbles. “I’d hoped Eddie would see me at his shows and make me his. I dressed so he’d notice me, and apparently, he did.” She pauses for a moment, contemplating. “I bet it was you who told him to watch out for me. Because you know I’m a threat. You know I could steal him from you, and that terrifies you, doesn’t it?” She’s proud of herself, feeding her own ego.
You’re unsure whether it’s better to agree or argue, and you ultimately decide to say nothing. There isn’t anything that can help you now.
Another heavy knock on the door startles you from your thoughts. “Hawkins PD! Release the hostage, or we’re calling in the crisis team.” It’s not Hopper, but a different male officer, though you’re sure he’s still there.
She’s laughing now, and you only see pure malice in her eyes. “Fuck off,” she says, too quietly for them to hear. It’s meant for you.
The cop calls out twice more, and you hear him say something to the chief, though you can’t make out what it is.
“If you let her go, we can just take you down to the station. We don’t have to get anyone else involved,” Hopper tells her. “We don’t have to make this bigger than it needs to be.” 
The girl bites down hard on her lower lip, drawing blood. “You see what you do? You couldn’t just leave Eddie alone, could you? This all could have been avoided if you weren’t so selfish.” Her hand still in your hair, she drags you over to the bedroom. Strands tear from your scalp. “There. Much quieter in here.”
She throws you on the floor, where you land with a smack. Your head hits the bed frame before you can get your hands out in front of you, and you yelp. A curtain of red falls over your left eye.
“Clumsy bitch,” she grumbles, pacing in front of the door. 
She has to get tired eventually, you think. Just gotta wait it out.
She’s babbling on about her future with Eddie, what their wedding will look like, how adorable their children will be. That and the lightheadedness from losing blood is enough to make you sick. You feel the bile rising in your throat, but it stops when you spot something shiny underneath the bed.
Eddie’s handcuffs.
He used to just wear them as an accessory, but they’d been put to...other uses since you two had gotten together. They must’ve gotten kicked under the bed after you’d last used them.
A plan formulates in your head, though it’s hard to straighten your racing thoughts.
Wait until she’s sleeping...cuff her...run like hell.
You repeat the steps silently memorizing them as you did the lines to break up with Eddie. 
Your clock shows that it’s just past midnight when you hear his voice. 
“Y/N! Where is she?” he shouts at the officers, though you can’t make out their responses.
“Let her go!” he screams, fists hammering the door. “Just let her go!”
You’re trembling, desperate to be out of this room, to be held in his arms, to be away from the crazy woman who’s hell-bent on destroying you.
“Aw, your knight in shining armor showed up,” she taunts you now. “Wonder what he’ll think of my new ring. Think he’ll like it?” When you say nothing, she takes a sneakered foot and kicks you in the stomach. You curl up, shielding yourself from another blow. “I said, do you think he’ll like it.”
“Y-yes,” you say between clenched teeth. “I think he’ll love it.” You crane your neck slightly so you’re looking right at her. “What are you gonna do to me once you get him?” you ask softly, afraid for her answer.
“I’m gonna kill you,” she replies simply, as though it’s an ordinary response. “I’m gonna kill you and make him watch. Show him what happens when he makes the wrong choice, so he doesn’t do it again.” She flicks her knife and you shudder, but you don’t miss the yawn that escapes her mouth.
Keep her talking, you think hazily, but don’t talk too much. Don’t give yourself away.
“What made you go for Eddie?” you ask. “Why him?”
“We’re soulmates. I just...feel it.” Her eyes dance as she talks about him, the way he shows off for her on stage, the songs he writes that she knows have to be about her. She goes on and on, and the only thought keeping your stomach from souring completely is that she’s wearing herself out.
Hours pass, and the sun is starting to rise before her eyelids flutter as she lays against the bedroom door. The pinkish streaks streams through the blinds and you know it’s only a matter of moments before the bright light wakes her fully. You listen to her soft snores as you slowly reach for the cuffs, allowing yourself a tiny smile, a small moment of joy, as you grasp the metal between your weak fingers.
You snap one around her left wrist. You have to work fast but gently, strategically, to get the other around the doorknob. It won’t hold her back for long, but hopefully just long enough that you can get to safety.
As the second cuff clicks closed, her eyes snap open. “W-wha--” she starts, and you yank the door open and fly through the living room.
"I’m here I’m here it’s me!” you cry out, flinging yourself into the first person you see. That person happens to be Chief Hopper, who brings his gun down to his side to envelop you in his arms. You feel him breathe a sigh of relief, tension leaving his body.
“We’ve got you,” he murmurs. Someone throws a blanket over your shoulders and guides you towards an EMT. A swarm of uniformed officers, maybe a SWAT team, rushes into the apartment to arrest your assailant.
“Oh my god,” you hear Eddie breathe, making his way through the crowd of people until he reaches you. “Baby, I am so sorry.”
“‘S not your fault,” you sob into his chest, crumbling to the ground and taking him with you. 
“Yes, it is,” he’s crying now, too, “I paraded you out on stage, showed you off, instead of just going to the cops in the first place.” He takes your hands in his, a puzzled look crossing his face when he can’t feel your ring.
“She took it,” you tell him numbly. “She’s wearing it right now.”
“I’ll get you a new one,” he promises, but you shake your head.
“Don’t care about that,” you heave, trying to catch your breath but finding it impossible. And then the world goes black.
You wake up in a hospital bed, machines whirring and beeping around you. You stir and almost immediately feel a hand on your arm.
“Y/N? You awake?” Eddie’s voice floats past you, music to your ears. You smile as a headache pulses through your temples. You touch your forehead gingerly to find a bandage covering the wound you acquired last night.
“I’m awake, Eds,” you croak.
“Oh, thank god,” he leans in to kiss you, laying a hand on your stomach, but he pulls back as soon as he notices your grimace.
“She...she kicked me there,” you explain, and his face falls.
“Fuck,” he whispers. His voice shakes and his hands tremble.
“Where is she?” Dread flows through you as you realize she could’ve escaped, could still be out there, waiting for you.
“Locked up, no bail,” his doe eyes meet yours. “She won’t hurt you anymore. I won’t let anyone hurt you anymore,” he promises.
Your tears are those of joy, and he holds you close, letting you cry. You’re staining his shirt but neither of you care.
“It’s over, sweetheart,” he promises. “You’re safe.”
A word, a feeling, a state of being you’ll never take for granted again.
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necnnights · 1 month
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In which Hwajung goes on her last date.
FEATURING: Go Hwajung, Yoon Mingeun
SETTING: July 2024
NOTES: Title taken from the W*terparks song. I couldn't help it 😔.
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Hallucinations are never a good sign. If Hwajung squints, she thinks she sees Mingeun in the crowd. The person she takes as him is standing near the back of the audience, much closer to the bar than the stage. He isn’t holding a drink, but the people he’s with are. That checks out with his habits. He might be wearing a mask, but something about the way he stands and the way he leans forward to speak into the ear of the guy next to him screams Mingeun to her.
That, or it’s been too many months since they’ve been in the same country as each other. First, her band had their English album and their short tour. Then Fable went on their world tour, and now Neon Nights is in Japan again. She sees him everywhere he isn’t. She’ll pass someone on the street who laughs like him or has the same shoddy, DIY dyed hair as him, and her heart beat will quicken and she’ll turn around, only to make eye contact with a complete stranger.
Sometimes Hwajung thinks they might be the worst girlfriend and boyfriend in the history of girlfriends and boyfriends.
“Qiuyun-chan, what do you think we should end the show with?” Yumi asks. She holds Eunbyul’s microphone, the cord looping circles around the stage. She still does most of the talking, despite the massive improvements in everyone else’s Japanese through the years.
Hwajung mouths Qiuyun’s next line along with her. “I think everyone should choose.”
They planned this ahead of time, letting the audience members vote on a handful of songs via stickers on a board as they entered the venue. Three songs ago, Aerin let them all know that the winner was “Revolution.” Eden’s violin sits just offstage, waiting for the official announcement.
“Is that so?” Yumi says. “Let’s see what everyone picked.”
That’s the cue for the board to be rolled out onto center stage. Hwajung gives them a short snare roll as it takes center stage. It blocks her view, but she can hear the appreciative cheers from the audience regardless.
“It’s ‘Revolution!’” Qiuyun announces. She has to wait for the audience to settle down again before she continues. The board moves silently offstage. “It’s one of my favorite tracks from our debut album. My favorite part is Eden-chan’s violin.”
That's Eden’s cue to retrieve her violin. She waves her bow at the audience and then plays a quick scale. 
Hwajung snorts because she knows no one can hear her. She doubts Qiuyun has any favorite songs from their debut album. She distinctly remembers Qiuyun crying after she heard the songs for the first time.
Qiuyun hands the microphone back to Eunbyul and fumbles to right her guitar from where it was slung behind her. Hwajung rolls her eyes. Even from the back, Eunbyul’s movements are much smoother and practiced. One more song, and she'll be home free.
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One encore and another hour later, Hwajung slouches on a couch in the dressing room, waiting for everyone else to use the single restroom before they return to their AirBnb. A quick glance to her right confirms Yumi is doing much of the same, already swiping through a dating app. A knock sounds at the door and she pays it no mind, assuming it’s Aerin returning from whatever the responsibilities of her job are. Hwajung won’t even pretend to know what she does.
“Hwajung?” Aerin says, and that’s when Hwajung looks up, zeroes in on the person behind her, and shoots off the couch so fast she makes herself dizzy.
She barrels into Mingeun with enough force to knock the air out of him in a quiet huff. He slides a small half step back as she wraps her arms around him.
"I missed you too, Jungie," he says, breath ghosting over her ear as he hugs her back.
She leans into him, comforted by his solid presence. She wasn't hallucinating. One point for her mental state. Somewhere in the background, Eunbyul clears her throat.
Hwajung takes a step back and smooths her shirt down. She's probably grinning like an idiot. She can't bring herself to care. Eunbyul appears to be frozen two steps out of the restroom, lips set in a straight line. Hwajung knows it's to keep her from looking like she approves of Mingeun's actions.
"He wouldn't leave," Aerin says somewhat apologetically. "I stepped in before the venue staff tried to have him arrested."
Mingeun gives an easy grin and brushes his bangs out of his eyes. He has the leather jacket she bought for him for his birthday last year slung over one arm. "Thank you. Taein-nim would never post bail for me."
Hwajung's heart swoops as she grabs his hand. "I'll see you later tonight, unnie," she says to Aerin.
Her manager grimaces slightly, but doesn't protest. "Don't get in trouble. Stay safe." "I wouldn't dream of it."
As they leave, she hears Yumi make a retching noise. Hwajung ignores it, because she was the one looking for an online date.
Once they reach the freedom of the fresh night air, Mingeun gives her a sidelong glance. “Your manager lets you leave like that? Mine would kill me.”
Hwajung loops her arm through his as they walk. “She doesn't let me do anything. I make my own decisions.” She doesn't understand why he asks. He's always been someone who makes his own choices, damn the consequences.
“Did he let you visit me?” she asks, deliberately using the same words.
“He doesn't know,” he says. “I'm leaving in the morning. Andrew-hyung is covering for me.”
That's the second favor her band has received from him: his help on their English album, and now this chance for her and Mingeun to finally have a night together. Hwajung hates being indebted to people.
“You're leaving already?” There's an edge of a whine in her voice. She hates it for being there, and she hates her inability to suppress it.
He nods as he guides her to a stop in front of a park entrance. They didn't travel far. The options for things to do at midnight are limited, she figures. “I can't stay long. It might look suspicious, and I'm already under scrutiny.”
She swallows down any sort of response to that and looks reproachfully at the somewhat foreboding darkness instead.
He reads her mind. “There aren't a lot of places open all night,” he says, somewhat apologetically. He starts ticking off other date locations. “We've been to arcades and karaoke and concerts before. I wanted to do something different.”
"You're not planning on killing me in there and hiding my body, are you?" She trusts Mingeun with her life, but she'd be dumb not to recognize the fact that he could overpower her in seconds if he really wanted to.
He gives her a strange look. "No."
She pushes in front of him and strides through the open entrance. There's a subway station almost directly to her right. Probably not the best place to hide a dead body, then. The path is dark, and she stops a few steps in. The only light comes from the streetlights on the street they're rapidly leaving behind, and the not quite full moon.
"Now what?" she asks, somewhat stupidly.
She doesn't exactly see him shrug, but she can almost hear it. "We take a walk. There are supposed to be some fountains and ponds. It probably looks better in the daylight." He sounds nearly apologetic, even though he doesn't have to be.
Hwajung leans into him. "We could be sitting in your shitty hotel room. Anything else with you beats that."
"You don't know if my hotel room is shitty," he protests weakly. And then, almost as if it's an afterthought, he adds, in a much smoother tone, "Would you prefer that?"
Her cheeks heat up and she stumbles to change the subject. She's almost certain Mingeun's hotel room is shitty. "What time is your flight tomorrow?"
"Eight." He pulls his phone out of his pocket. Hwajung steals a glance at this screen and learns it's nearly half an hour past one in the morning. "Today." He uses the light of his screen—not the flashlight—to guide them down the paved path.
There isn't much to look at. It's the company, really, that makes the night special. Neither of them make very good conversationalists. Maybe they could be sitting in silence in his shitty hotel room.
"I liked your show," Mingeun says.
She preens for a moment before common sense kicks in. "You have to like my show," she points out. "You're my boyfriend." She says it even though she knows the opposite isn't true. She's been to Fable performances, of course, but they've never been her scene. That, and the amount of women her age in the audience thinking they have a chance with any of Mingeun's group members gives her second-hand embarrassment. Hwajung would rather die than be caught in the audience of any idol group concert. Mingeun knows that, but he's never given her flack for it, thankfully. Maybe opposites do attract.
"I guess that's true," he says begrudgingly.
"What was your favorite part?" Hwajung prompts.
He's silent for a good few moments, and she begins to regret asking the question. They pass a few other people, mostly people out for a jog and one man walking a dog.
"Near the end of 'Dice,' there was a part where the guitar and bass solos alternate. I liked that," he says eventually.
You and everyone else, Hwajung thinks, though she resists the urge to say it out loud. It's a thoughtful enough response, and besides, the song is one of their most popular. Probably for a good reason. There's a reason they still play it at almost every show. She hopes they haven't peaked yet, but if she had to pick their peak so far, 'Dice' would be a strong contender for it.
The light of Mingeun's phone screen—he taps it ever few seconds to keep it on—illuminates the wooden slats of a small bridge. To their right, the water in what must be one of the fountains or ponds he mentioned earlier reflects the moon in a rippling image. It's quiet, apart from the muted sounds of the city filtering through the trees. It's a far cry from her AirBnb, which feels downright suffocating and unlivable sometimes.
They cross the bridge in silence. It takes her another moment to realize he's waiting for a response. "That's a good choice. It's a good song."
"All your songs are good to you."
Hwajung corrects him gently. "Most of them. Not all of them." She's responsible for the majority of her band's music, and that makes most of it good, in the simple, reductive way Mingeun says it. There are songs that slip through the cracks, like when she delegated the English album to Eden, and whenever Taein decides it's a good idea for him to stick his nose where it doesn't belong. When it comes to those, she'd rather not have her name attached to them.
Mingeun does a sort of half shrug, the type of response he gives when he knows he's losing an argument or when he doesn't want to have a certain conversation anymore.
She doesn't push him. There are times when she can, and times when she can't, and right now, she lets it go. She doesn't want to ruin this one night they have together.
The light of his phone illuminates the shapes of a few benches lining the edge of the water. Hwajung takes a seat on one of them, and waits pointedly until Mingeun gets the message. The plastic creaks as his weight joins hers. The single perk of being here, she realizes, is that none of Fable's crazy fans are around. They've been better at hiding their relationship over the past few years, though she still remembers the news article that tried to end Mingeun's career shortly after they started dating. It was overshadowed by the other news articles trying to end his career. She wants to think that they've all been able to move past those types of rumors. She isn't confident.
But they're in a foreign country, and no one else is around, so she leans on his chest, listening to the steady pulse of his heartbeat. She wishes he'd get butterflies around her, the same way she does around him. A beat later, his hands tangle themselves in her hair.
Hwajung yawns, the exhaustion of the previous day finally catching up to her. Today is a rare day between performances, thankfully.
Mingeun is, of course, alert to her every action. "Are you tired? Do you want to go back?"
She shakes her head, trying to shake off the tiredness with it. "The trains won't run until five." She could ask Aerin for a ride, but she'd prefer not to. She doesn't want to burden her, not when she ran off the way she did.
She hears him frown more than she sees him do it. "We can't stay here all night."
Hwajung falls back to their default activities. "An arcade? Another concert? Karaoke?"
Fifteen minutes of research later, they end up at a tiny karaoke bar. She would have preferred an arcade, but there weren't many places open at midnight, and there are even less at closer to two in the morning. She tells Aerin she'll stay out until the trains run again, and then turns her phone off.
The bar isn't very friendly to foreigners. It takes all of Hwajung's broken Japanese and all of the front desk staff's broken English to explain and understand that yes, they would like to rent a room for three hours.
Fifteen minutes later, they sit in a darkened private room, the screen rotating through the same constant selection of stock footage of nature scenes. The couch they're on has definitely seen better days and the low table in front of them has a number of unidentifiable stains on it. She's glad for the ignorance the darkness allows. Mingeun picks up the song book immediately, hoisting the massive binder onto his lap and beginning to flip through the pages.
Even in the dim lighting, Hwajung can tell there are a few questionable sticky substances on the laminated pages. He doesn't seem to mind.
"Do you have any requests?" he asks, turning the pages quickly. The majority of the song listings are in Japanese, and the characters blur together. It doesn't matter much, because she can't read it.
She slips her shoes off and draws her knees up to her chin. "You can choose." He'll do most of the singing anyway.
"We should do a duet."
"'Everytime," Hwajung suggests, and then her mind goes blank on every other duet song she's ever heard.
With the remote and their machine set up in English by the front desk, Mingeun picks an AKMU song. He silently hands her another microphone, and she misses the first cue for the beginning of "Re-Bye." They should have switched parts, she thinks despairingly, because he's a better singer than her.
Three minutes of pretending she has a higher vocal range than she actually does, the song ends. Mingeun seems a lot happier than he did at any point earlier in the night. She gives him a gentle nudge. "Look for a Fable song."
She pulls half the binder over into her own lap, flipping quickly through the foreign music section in the back of the book.
"Here." Mingeun finds it first, stabbing the part of the page where there are exactly three Fable songs: "가자," "천둥," and "꽃처럼." Hwajung knows none of those songs hold very good memories for him.
"Let's do something else," she says, wondering if it's presumptuous of her to look for a Neon Nights song in here. They might even be in the main, Japanese song section, and that's not a thought she wishes to dwell on.
Mingeun's jaw is set, already typing in the code for "가자." As the machine loads, he stands, shaking off his jacket, and positions himself between the TV and the table. The song's introduction is short, but even with his back to the screen, he doesn't miss the start of the song, including the adlib title that doesn't seem to count as a lyric.
This isn't a real stage, and she's an audience of one. The performance is still captivating, his one-handed choreography no less polished than any legitimate Fable performance. One person performing a song written for eight people has to be difficult, and yet he does well.
She cheers for him as the song draws to a close. He isn't even out of breath. She almost wants to buy a Fable lightstick. Almost.
He moves his jacket off the seat and picks up the binder again. "Any requests?"
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A few songs later, at somewhere around three in the morning—by Mingeun's phone, because she refuses to turn hers back on—Hwajung falls asleep on his shoulder during his soulful rendition of EXO's 'Hear Me Out.' She experiences the next few hours in fragments, balanced on the edge between wakefulness and sleep. At one point, she wakes up to find her head in his lap as he idly strokes her hair. Later, it's almost completely dark. The karaoke screen is off, and the only light comes from Mingeun's phone.
Eventually, he wakes her up, an insistent tapping on her shoulder until she shifts and pokes him back in the thigh.
"Good morning," Mingeun says. "I got you something to drink."
She struggles to sit up, her neck and back creaking in protest. She can't understand why. She's not old. There are two plastic bottles of water on the table. Hwajung grabs one and swallows a fourth of the bottle in two gulps.
"What time is it? Did you sleep?" she asks.
"Almost five. And no." Mingeun starts to count. "I sang a few more songs. I made sure no one burned down the Fable dorm, because I should be doing that, and that no one burned down the Fable dorm looking for me. I met the drunk Japanese college students next door. One of them understands enough English to know what 'shut the fuck up' means."
Hwajung nods along. It sounds like he had an entertaining night. She begrudgingly turns her phone back on. She isn't ready to see what Aerin left for her, but she knows she'll never be prepared.
Six missed calls and thirty-seven texts are better than what she expected. They started almost right after her last text, and tapered off closer and closer to the current time. Aerin threatened to call the police a few times, but as far as Hwajung can tell, she never did. She's thankful for that. She doubts Taein would bail her out of jail either. Aerin would, but not if she was the one to put her there.
Hwajung sends one text reassuring them all that she's still alive and she'll be back soon. She doesn't feel bad at all about leaving behind the suspicious couch and table and song listing. She can't believe she fell asleep on that. She does feel bad that her first night with Mingeun in a long time is drawing to a close.
They checkout with slightly more difficulty than their arrival. Hwajung does her best to fix her hair in the bathroom, though she realizes it's a lost cause ten minutes in.
She directs both of them back to her AirBnb. They only get lost once, when Mingeun insists they should wait until the next train station stop, since it's closer. It is not closer, and they catch the next train heading back the way they came.
The sight of the now-familiar whitewashed walls and sloped brown roof with the curtains drawn tightly closed is homier than she would have ever expected of an AirBnb. Aerin's rental van is parallel parked on the side of the road.
"Our promotions will finish by August," Hwajung says, though she's only about half certain that's true. They stand on the sidewalk. She savors every last moment they have. "You aren't going anywhere, right?"
Mingeun gets a far away look in his eyes. He's looking in her direction, but he isn't looking at her. She's said something wrong. "It would be best if we stopped seeing each other," he says, sounding unlike himself.
Hwajung freezes, heart dropping into the pit of her stomach. "I don't understand." She spares one glance towards the house. None of the lights are on. She hopes it stays that way.
"I didn't want to do this either," he says. He might have more to say, but she doesn't want to hear it.
"Then why?" She cuts him off. She can't understand it. "Why are you doing this?"
He shifts his weight from one foot to the next. Hwajung glares him down until he speaks again. "It's because of Taein-nim," he says eventually. "I don't have a choice."
She scoffs. "Fuck him. He doesn't make you do anything," she says, as if their initial friendship and relationship aren't almost direct consequences of Taein making Mingeun lie about himself.
"I'm sorry, Jungie," Mingeun offers. She recoils from the nickname almost as if she's been slapped.
The pressure of tears behind her eyes is a new development. She blinks furiously, unwilling to cry here, on the fucking sidewalk outside her fucking rental home while her fucking boyfriend—ex-boyfriend?—fucking breaks up with her.
"Is this why you came to see me? To tell me this?" Her voice shakes uncontrollably. She hates it.
Mingeun hesitates, expression fraught with uncertainty. It's a yes or no question, and both responses cast him in a negative light. He knows it. She knows it. He knows that she knows it.
"Yes," he says quietly. "It's the best for both of us. Taein-nim will respect us more."
It's best for him. Hwajung knows that for certain. Everything is about his work, and with it, comes his fundamental misunderstanding. Taein will always like Mingeun more than her or Eunbyul or Aerin, and he doesn't even like Mingeun.
She draws herself up to her full five-foot nothing height for a mere shred of dignity. A light is on in the house now, likely Aerin's sixth sense for knowing when any of them are around. She opens her mouth, and then realizes she has nothing to say to him. She isn't mad at him, more so disappointed and sad. She thought they had something that would survive the trials and tribulations of a single shitty entertainment company CEO. She doesn't have anything witty to say, nothing that would make him regret his decision.
She settles for the tried and true, "Fuck you."
She expects him to fight back. She wants him to fight back, to argue with her like the Mingeun she knows and loves would. Irritatingly enough, he seems to just accept her words.
"I have to go," he says. It isn't an apology, but the hint of one is still there.
She despises how detached he seems, like she was a task for him to check off, something else for him to say he's done.
"Then go," she says, unable to understand why he still lingers. It seems like he doesn't want to be here, and she's beginning to realize she might not want him here anymore.
Mingeun hesitates again, like he still has something else to say. Hwajung can't possibly imagine what it is. Then he turns his back on her, heading in the general direction of the nearest train station.
She watches his retreating back for only a few seconds. He doesn't turn around. She doesn't wait much longer, just prepares herself for Aerin's motherly fussing and lets herself into the house.
The person who turned on the lights, as it turns out, isn't Aerin like she thought, but Yumi, who sits in the spotless kitchen with a glass of water and her phone.
"Good night?" Yumi asks, still looking at her phone. She must understand Hwajung's silence, because she looks up and sees something. It might be Hwajung's hair, still rumpled from sleeping on the couch of a karaoke room, or the unshed tears still teeming in the corners of her eyes.
"Oh," Yumi says, standing and enveloping her in a hug. "What did he do? Do you need me to kill him?"
In spite of herself, Hwajung smiles sadly into Yumi's shoulder. She knows that if she says yes, Yumi would be hunting him down with a kitchen knife in five minutes.
"He broke up with me," she says, muffling her words into her friend's shirt.
Hwajung pulls away just to scowl at her. "Can you pretend to be sad for me?"
Yumi shrugs. "You'll be fine. You deserve better than him."
She doesn't know what to make of that. She spent the past three years thinking they deserved each other just fine. But Yumi wouldn't know that, so she pretends to agree. She yawns, and Yumi is on her case immediately.
"Go to bed. I'll tell Aerin-unnie you're back. And take a shower. You smell like stale cigarette smoke."
Hwajung nods sleepily. That happens, she figures, when you spend three hours in a karaoke booth. A real bed sounds heavenly in comparison.
She stumbles off to the bedroom she shares with Eunbyul, still not quite familiar with the layout of the house, despite having stayed there for a month now. She slips quietly into her bed, careful not to disturb Eunbyul. She doesn't try to sleep. Instead she lies awake, wondering if there's any remote possibility that what happened tonight was her fault.
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songmingisthighs · 2 years
[22.49] dad!wooyoung (ft. reader)
⇀ touring has always been hard on him because he misses his family. it sucks that they're apart
⇁ i was supposed to post this on woo's birthday but shit happened irl and i wasn't able to post but i still wanna share this timestamp
Standing on a stage in a foreign country as the whole arena sang him happy birthday made Wooyoung's eyes tear. His heart was so full, he felt loved and appreciated. And heck, he's basking in the attention.
Though he was clapping along whilst his members sang and jumped excitedly next to him, he couldn't help but scan the faces in the audience. He had hoped to see the most important person in his life, the woman that matters to him most. His mom. And it would be nice if you and his five year old daughter, Woohee would be there. Woohee is on top of his priority list and technically she's not a woman yet. She'll never be. Wooyoung decided once the girl popped out of you that she'll be daddy's little princess forever. Age be damned.
Once the song end, people cheered loudly and Wooyoung took it as a cue for him to prepare to speak. He shuddered into his mic with a wide grin on his face. "Uh..." Wooyoung started, unsure of what to say first, "I just wanna say that I'm very glad to be here, I'm very thankful to be able to spend my birthday with every single one of you here. This birthday is rather different because this is the first time I'm celebrating without my family. So tonight, I'm very glad that you all can be my family," and the crowd went wild at Wooyoung's sweet words.
"Daddy," a cute little voice called out.
It was a voice that Wooyoung knew so well. The voice that greets him every morning and the voice that can crumble his entire composure simply by asking, "Cookie, please?"
Wooyoung whipped his head around, trying to locate the source and in hope see his daughter. Finally, his eyes fall onto one of the double large monitors on the sides of the stage. On the screen, Woohee appeared on the couch, wearing something that Wooyoung obviously bought her; a Bathing Ape jacket, a Bathing Ape shirt, and a checkered skirt with her long straight hair pulled into pigtails. Wooyoung couldn't help but grin widely as he watched Woohee giggle and wiggle in her seat while you scold her lightly, telling her to stop wiggling and sit still. He was so fixated on the mischievous glint in his daughter's eyes as she shook her head teasingly at you that he didn't even realize that the audience was cheering.
"Hi daddy," she finally called out. Wooyoung couldn't help but wave at the screen, wishing that his baby girl is with him at that moment. "Happy birthday! I love you! I miss you!" she waved happily to the screen. It was short but sweet and it made Wooyoung miss her so much more than before. He hadn't realized how much he missed her exactly until he saw his growing baby in front of him.
"Mommy, I want birthday cake," Woohee said, switching her focus on you who's behind the camera. "No baby, we gotta wait until daddy comes home to get a birthday cake," you reasoned. Woohee immediately pulled her bottom lip into a pout that much resembled Wooyoung's. With big eyes and batting eyelashes, she tried to make a case with you, "But cake..." "Well, you can help daddy pick his cake!" "But now..."
"Wow, Woohee is so much like you, Woo," Yunho teased, taking his eyes off the screen to look at his friend. Much to his surprise, Wooyoung was crying. He was wiping at his eyes and his bottom lip quivered. Realizing this, his members panicked and immediately tried to console him. Well, some of them anyways. San, Mingi, and Yeosang took it upon themselves to troll their crying friend at the back.
The crowd broke into chants of 'don't cry' in hopes that they could console Wooyoung. But he still couldn't stop crying. He tried waving at people to tell them he was fine, but the tears still streaming down his face didn't convince anyone.
It wasn't until people broke into a thunderous cheer, very different to the consolation cheer they were doing, that the eight people on stage started to look around, confused.
From backstage, Woohee came running down wearing the outfit in the video and launched herself to hug her dad's legs. Wooyoung were so shocked that he could only stare at the grinning little girl confusedly. "Daddy, don't cry," she said to her frozen dad.
Seonghwa took it upon himself to lift the little girl into his arms so she could wipe her dad's tears away. "Look at that, Woohee, daddy's being a crybaby," Yeosang popped up from the sides to poke at his best friend's face teasingly, making Woohee giggle.
It took a while, but Wooyoung's brain finally restarted as he began chuckling to himself. "Hi baby," he said, taking his daughter from Seonghwa's arms into his. Woohee happily wrapped her arms around Wooyoung's neck to give him the biggest hug she could muster. As they hugged, Wooyoung turned around slightly and spotted you backstage. It was rather dark and crowded, but he could spot you anytime, anywhere.
Once Woohee pulled back, Wooyoung tapped her nose with his pointer finger gently, making the girl laugh, "You really surprised daddy there," he pointed out. Woohee nodded excitedly, "Yeah, yeah! Cake ahjussi said that-that-that we should, uhm... We should, uhm... Do something special for you!" she blabbered on quickly. Wooyoung furrowed his eyebrows at her in confusion, "Cake ahjussi? Who's cake ahjussi?" he asked. Woohee furrowed her eyebrows, wracking her brain to explain, "Uh... The ahjussi from your work! The- the- the- the ahjussi who bought daddy dinner after concerts," she said, hoping Wooyoung would understand. San laughed out loud when he heard what Woohee said, making Wooyoung confused even more. "Did you guys hear what Woohee said? She called KQ's CEO the cake ahjussi!" San told the crowd, causing everyone to burst into laughter at the adorable mistake Woohee made. Wooyoung can only chuckle at his daughter and leaned to give her a big smooch on her cheek to which she reciprocated with an equally big smooch she could muster.
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you,"
Wooyoung was once again surprised when he saw Hongjoong rolling out a cake from backstage as Hongjoong and Mingi tried to make sure that the candle won't die.
Once again, the arena was filled with people singing happy birthday to him but this time, with his family there with him. As he gaze down at the little girl who was happily clapping along to people singing as her gaze fixated on the flickering fire on the candle (or so he thought. In reality, she just wants cake) and then he looked at his members surrounding him, even managing to get a peek at you popping your head from backstage, and finally to the fans he has who were able to spend his special day together whilst representing those who couldn't make it to the arena that day, he felt... lucky. Right at that moment, he felt like he was the luckiest person alive.
As he leant down close to the cake, he closed his eyes to make a wish. To him, it was obvious what he wished for beyond anything else at that moment. And when he blew his candles, he genuinely wished that his hopes come true.
That the happiness in his life would last forever.
taglist :
@rdiamond2727 @bobateastay @kodzukein @phenomenalgirl9 @skzatzloveismonsterous @memorymonster @forapollosol @dreamlesswonder86 @maddiebabyxoxo @imababywolf @do-you-actually-care @marievllr-abg @ilsedingsx @wasteitonserendipity @bbymatz @noonaishere @jo-hwaberry @honeyhwaaa @ateezourstars @yoonjunshi @yoongiigolden @camillelafaye @charreddonuts @jcngh0-hq @kpopnightingale @starryunho @atinct @cutie-wooyo @mirror-juliet @hyuckilstan @jayb17 @multihoe-net @kpoplover718 @imswitchbabemox @haatohwa @youngestdelacour
@seonghwarizon @chloepurpy
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beanieman · 2 years
Traffic cone lore post when /hj
(Before I Wrote Anything: The more I thought about making a twenty-paragraph post about the traffic cone Sara sits on, the funnier the idea got, so this happened, and I have no regrets. Later me: I actually have a lot of regrets and only managed to write fifteen paragraphs which is still way to many.)
The traffic cone Sara sits on has some plot relevance and is a good addition to the game. Not only does it help establish the bond between Sara and Joe, but the symbolism of a traffic cone also serves as foreshadowing.
It's an important story because it establishes that Joe and Sara spend time together outside school hours. They aren't just two acquittances who only hang out because they're in the same building. They're friends who make the active choice to spend time together. It's vital that the audience understands this so Sara's grief for Joe hits harder.
Thirteen More Paragraphs Undercut
It also shows that Joe feels comfortable enough around Sara to tease her. He's not careful to bring up an embarrassing story. Instead, he tells it with a smile because he knows it won't actually bother Sara that badly.
We know this because Joe never does anything to hurt her. All he wants is to see her smile, so it would be out of character for him to bring up a humiliating topic for the sake of it. Instead, his motives seemed to be cheering her up after what happened with Mishima by reminding her of carefree days. It worked as Sara responded with playful anger.
For a brief moment her mind is taken somewhere far away from the death game, and that's why their friendship is important. While the other participants need Sara to keep her head in the game for their survival, Joe doesn't need that from her. He allows her to be a teenage girl who sometimes does embarrassing things that wouldn't usually be expected of a leader.
It's good for characterization to hear that Sara sat on a traffic cone as well. It's so short sighted and dumb that it reminds you how goofy of a girl Sara can be. She's not always pointing fingers and heroically yelling "This is it!" Sometimes she's just a person who makes decisions that aren't well thought out. Much like the logic route choice.
The danger seems clear if you keep Shin alive, but much like the traffic cone, Sara doesn't consider the consequences of her action properly. She sees an easy solution to her problem on paper: keeping Shin alive equals survival, and a traffic cone could be a good chair. Yet both of those things could so easily backfire on her, as she learned when the cone tipped over and as she's yet to learn with Shin but no doubt will.
The symbolism of a traffic cone itself could be tied into the death game. Much like anything if you tried hard enough, which is definitely not what I'm doing in this post. Nor am I using this paragraph to help fill the twenty paragraph criteria. We both know I'm lying, but I doubt anyone has read a post about a traffic cone this far anyway, so y'know.
Traffic cones encourage people to proceed with caution and be aware of their surroundings. Something the participants should have been as they were being watched by ASU-NARO their entire lives. Of course they could never fully understand the danger they were in, but if they had known they likely would have kept their eyes more open.
The fact that Joe was with Sara during this incident symbolizes how Sara should be cautious and aware even with other people. They won't always register the danger for her, even when it's right in front of their face. It's up to her to be aware or else she'll face consequences.
Then we have the colors and shape to consider! While the shape of a cone itself has no symbolism, a pine cone carries the interesting meaning of human enlightenment, resurrection, eternal life and regeneration. Since a pine cone is close enough to a cone shape this is clearly a reference to the dolls and how they're able to be resurrected and granted eternal life .
Orange symbolizes energy and optimism. A color filled with irony considering Sara's exhaustion lead to her sitting on the cone and me writing this post for some reason. It's a strange butterfly effect that no one could have predicted.
The butterfly effect is sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state according to Wikipedia. A great example of this would be Sara walking home on a route with a traffic cone. If she had walked a different road that way things would be different and Joe wouldn't have a story to embarrass her with.
Back to the color symbolism though, white symbolizes purity, simplicity, and cleanliness. It's a good color that correlates to Sara living simple days when she sat on the traffic cone, each of her hours spent with her best friend without a care in the world.
I can't believe I managed to write fifteen paragraphs about a traffic cone. I didn't think I'd be able to make it through five much less ten more than that. I over complicated things so so much for a funny Tumblr post that isn't even that funny. Though I appreciate how much of a leap of logic I was able to make with the pine cone thing. Anyway post finally over.
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cave-of-horrors · 2 months
Birth Of Hope
When adult humans walk in from the ruins, Asgore know what he has to do to free monster kind without risking another war.
Cw: Forced rape, forced breeding, human livestock, human sacrifice
Monsters cheer for the newborn human so loud the terrace Asgore stands on shakes. Yet the baby doesn’t cry, just takes steady breaths and remains asleep. The tranquilizer works just as Alphy’s promised.
“This is the birth of our new hope! In this child, we are only one human wizard away from breaking the barrier!” He holds the child high for them to see a moment longer before bowing his head and retreating.
Retreating back into the castle, the baby cradled in his arms. The wide smile on his face slips off like a mask despite the copious celebrations still going on outside. He ventures deep in the basement. The air turns denser and damper, condensation building on his fur. The sound of splashing and slapping grows, echoing off the brick walls, mixed with broken breathing and grunts. He finds the lake they dug and created in the basement, large enough to house the giant octopus monster, Onionsan.
He can hear the monster chattering on and on as the source of the slapping sounds comes into view. Holding the human male and female in the air, Onionsan mashes their bodies together like dolls, interlocking their intimates together while using other tentacles to stimulate them. Onionsan happily accepted the deal to help save monster kind while being promised to have people to talk to all day. Chattering on and on as they force the humans to breed. 
The humans moan and grunt through their gags. Helpless against the tentacle restraints even if they struggle. The male has given up, laying limp with empty eyes. Mind a million miles away. The female does anything she can manage to try and fight, tears running down her face.
“Onionsan, you’ve done a great service for monster kind. I’ll see if we can dig a little deeper for your stay here.”
“Wow, really?! That’s great! Thank you! I can’t wait to see the ocean.” The human male’s body shudders and cums inside the human female. “Oh! Rest time!” Tipping the female over, they hang her upside down and plug her vagina with one of their tentacles, continuing to chatter to their captive audience. The male is set aside, a Woshua sprays him clean and carries him off. 
Asgore follows after the pair into the much less humid care center. The exhausted male is set in a soft pile of pillows, food nearby along with the needed sedation for when the last dose wears off too much. The last male is resting and in a few hours, will be with Onionsan and the woman waiting out in the water. The female who had given birth last night sits propped up with a feeding tube down her throat. She'll be given a day's recuperation and be back on the breeding schedule tomorrow.
Sedation was the real magic making this all work, humans can’t conceive as well under stress so that has been quickly taken care of. Their only lucid moments are when they are being bred with Onionsan. Their bodies are more reactive and useful that way.
The four adult humans who had come from the ruins, raised by Toriel until they were ready to try and leave on their own, are now breeding stock, unbeknownst to Toriel herself. Taken care of until they give birth to enough human souls to break the barrier.
Asgore walks past the drugged half conscious humans into the small nursery. 
"Oh, sir! A-are we ready?" With a nod from Asgore, Alphys takes her position at the corner of the room.
He sets the baby in a crib and steps back. Watching as the machine that will harvest its soul descends.
Her arms wrap around nothing, nothing, nothing but herself in an unintentional hug.
Something is supposed to be there, in her arms. Something important. If she could only think. But the thought slips from her mind like a child yanking a toy out of reach of a cat every time she reaches for it. Her skull aches as she tries to grasp more of what’s wrong here but settles as the pain behind her eyes grows too much.
Instead, Lyla’s focus is pulled to her breasts, heavy and sore. Her chest is wet and nipples chafe and as she tries to stir when she feels heavy steps through the room. Raising her head, a large figure walks towards and passes her carrying a bundle in its arms. 
That’s hers.
The bundle is hers.
She needs it back, it’s hers, give it back. Her arm reaches out, she tries to crawl as a croak leaves her throat towards what she needs and what she knows needs her.
Her growing distress triggers a beeping from the band on her arm and a sharp pinch. A hot stinging through her abused veins and her limbs fall limp.
What was she thinking about again? Was she thinking at all?
Onionsan’s chattering goes in one ear and out the other. Body hanging limp in the air, head dizzy with pooling blood, Julie groans. Her walls flinch around the fleshy stopper in her pussy but she tries to block it out. She’s spent months trying to use these moments of lucidity to create an escape plan, to fight off the monster holding her and conducting her violation. But it never works. 
She starts to long for the sedative. It lets her mind drift back to the ruins, to imagine she still lives with Toriel, bug hunting as a child and accompanying her to the city of the ruins as an adult to help her run errands with the others.
A sudden emptiness drags her back to the current moment. Being flipped right way up again sends a dizzying haze of black spots through her vision as something prods against her entrance. The readied cock of a man she grew to love as a brother, just the same as the last. She can see the endless apologies in his eyes as he’s made to push fully inside her before clumsily being bounced inside her. All she can offer is a shaking smile, after all, it’s not his fault. He's just the same man she used to help hide his portion of snail pie when they were kids to not hurt Toriel's feelings.
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dcviated · 1 year
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@hallowleylines sent: You know, these events definitely garner more attention than really deemed necessary. Crushing melons? With your thighs? And yet it's enough people to actually consider it a challenge. It's wild, but so is Rhodes Island. Any number of people could be here for different reasons. Curiosity, companionship, a trophy, watermelons, or some weird form of delusional perversion. That's why Jester is here, if his eyes critiquing everyone's forms wasn't obvious. Still! He was told not to follow-up, which means he most certainly is going too. He has eyes for many, but there's one in mind! The horse is a cutey and... well... has no clue if she'll man-handle him for trying. No time like the present to find out!
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"It's a shame, Lady Malkuth, that there's such a mess on you. You're quite effective but don't you think-" He stops and looks around. He doesn't see him. Good. "That it would be such a waste to throw away the remains? Please, sit down. Let me feast the spoils of your victory from thighs. That's the true rewa-" Oh, wait? When did Current get here? No tazing or anything of the like, just grab and... hyup! Look! He's stuck to the ceiling now for a hot minute. The snake looks... annoyed, but at least he's not angry.
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"Geez, he's really intent on this. He's a bit weird but you weren't going through with it... right?" An honest question for the Kuranta. Even he can't predict her entirely still. Poor Jester though, look at him flailing and trying to pry himself down. He'll eventually figure out to just walk around... probably... or Current might just drop him. That'd amuse him right now.
Rhodes Island is the sort of social, lively place that any small event even between a couple friends is bound to end up growing wild as one person tells two, and then those people end up telling... well. Considering what happened when the bird and brat duo took up the November challenge that one time, is it any mystery that a melon crushing contest ended up drawing a similar audience? The cleanup is going to be insane. Someone's going to walk into the cafeteria and see all these destroyed melons and panic.
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"So that's why they said the taste wouldn't matter... phew, I need to sit down for a bit, Anvil." A reasonably flushed Citrine mutters as he bears witness to the chaos of crushing. And. Thighs. Wow. As the venue grew in size and the assembly got bigger, the melons that had been picked up by the planners ended up being woefully inadequate.
Well. It just so happens that one melon's seeds can be grown out of control by the Draco's arts. Perfectly sized. Wonderful melons. But they taste bland. No nutritional value either. Downside of excessive application of that growth ability. And yet still messy when the toned thigh of a combat operator breaks through the rind and sends splatter everywhere to the cheers of onlookers.
It's a wonder how the judges are handling this, isn't it? Metrics are being thrown out the window as some operators devour the melons (to often disappointing reaction), some are using impressive swordplay to dice them midair after other individuals lob them sky high, while others are... enthusiastic! Yes. That's the word to use.
Enthusiastic. Malkuth embodies that to no surprise. Amusement intertwined with capable competition as her fluttering laughs and cheers for other individuals leads to what will surely be a day to remember.
The juices of shattered fruits (she's crushed at least two) drip down her legs as she hops up from one of the melon breaking thrones, allowing another entrant to test their mettle on the tougher melons. But wow, the Kuranta was dressed for the part after she was invited; short shorts putting those things on full display. It's no wonder she's attracted certain attention...
"Whehehehew! Soooo awesome! That one felt like it might actually win out. But then it was like CRUCHAH!!! Guess I need to work out a little more if I wanna keep calling myself a combat operator. Hehe. Most of my strength is... ueh?" Her musing to nobody in particular is interrupted when a familiar Sarkaz, the one from the department store, shows up. Jester. Of course she knows him! Silly guy, hangs with a Liberi, gets up to mischief. And Malkuth never seems to be around when it goes down...
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"Jester!!! Are you here competing too?! Ah!... What?!? BAHAHA!" Oh no, she's not taking him seriously at all. But from her perspective this feels like some strange act out of an old movie or something? She waves her hand regardless, shooing him away like the silly guy he is. "Good grief, you are so goofy. Noo I think I'm okay, thanks! There's plenty of other melons you don't need the ones... off my legs? That's so weird hehe!" Oh! And that's when static electricity sends them up to the ceiling. Probably a good thing because the thump she would have delivered might have hurt more than the inadvertent rejection. Well. Current was here!
And, for some reason, standing here like this in front of him has her feeling much different than being around people like Jester or Iona, who was currently annihilating one of the melons. Should she feel dumb? Why though? Because she's a total mess of watermelon guts??
Wait, he can't see!!! Stupid for Malkuth to fret over that. Then why is it still... maybe it's the way the Couatl looks right now. The color of their face. And, actually, didn't he get like this with Jester before when they met? Knocking them away and getting grumbly? Puts kind of a weird feeling in her stomach, and she's not sure why it almost makes her.. happy?
Same time though. He looks ready to throw down. Lets fix that.
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"Whoa, Current, are you... okay? You look kind of upset right now. Nothing was going to happen! I mean, first of all I'm pretty sure he was just being a big joker." If only. "Don't people like him just mess around? Mmn." "And. Even if he wasn't I wasn't going to let him... but... I do need to get cleaned up, huh?"
Ah. She's Thinking About Things now. And hadn't she just said that was weird? Hypocrite.
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"Oh! Finally. There you are, Jester." Zephyr makes an appearance, or something. There's some watermelon juice on his face but not for the reason one would hope. That would be due to the hat he's wearing. Half a carved rind sitting proudly on his head. Someone jabbed paper umbrellas into it.
"Figures I couldn't find you before. Jeez. Me and some other guys are making drinks with some of the harvested melons. Hoshiguma's on her way, and we're gonna be taking shots every time she crushes a melon. You down to die tonight?"
He takes a look at the surroundings, like Current and Malkuth going off, and considers the atmosphere. Huh.
"Seems to me like you wanted someone else to do that for ya. Alright. Lets get ya down." See if some of his own wind-based arts can't yank him off- probably not.
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watermelonsugacry · 2 years
Hey Hun! I don't know if you've keeping with all the Liam drama and all that but would YN speak out like that? Or would she eat a nasty food on the late late show?
Spill Your Guts (mini mini blurb)
SUMMARY: yn would rather eat the nasty food
GENRE: 1dbandmember!reader, famous!reader
After getting asked questions about her latest feature film and listing three of her least favorite One Direction songs, she's thankful that she's maneuvered her way around having to put any of the questionable dishes in her mouth. She knows that it's only a matter of time before the spicer questions arise. 
“Alright, love.” James says as he slowly spins the round table around, cheekily looking over the food. “I’m giving you the bird saliva.”
The audience makes a collective “ooo” sound. YN gives the people a funny look.
“Oh, thanks for the support guys.” She says, making the audience laugh. “How do you even get this stuff? What did you do to a poor bird, James?”
“I didn’t do anything! I’m just the host.” James puts a hand to his chest before grabbing a card on his right. YN watches as his eyes scan the card in his hand and giggles. 
As much as she’s keeping a cool composure from her years of media training, James can be a loose canon at times. It was so much easier when all the other boys were sitting next to her. She's still trying to adjust to becoming a solo artist, having the attention solely on her in times like this. Her nerves only begin to shoot up even more when he lets out a string of giggles.
Please let it be anything other than Harry.
She doesn't think she can handle answering a question about her secret lover at the moment, vague or otherwise.
“Out of Niall, Louis, Ha—” James doesn’t even get a chance to finish his sentence because YN picks up the margarita glass and shoots down a drink of the bird saliva. 
The crowd is going absolutely wild, cheering and screaming in excitement from her actions.
She immediately scrunches up her face in disgust before turning to her left to retrieve her spit bucket. As stubborn and out-spoken as she is, there’s no way she’s ever going to answer whatever intrusive question is written on the back of that card. 
She’s also undeniably strong-headed so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that she’d rather drink whatever nasty liquid is in front of her when it comes to her brothers.
James is laughing so much that when she faces him again, he’s fanning his face with the card in his hand, wiping away tears from his eyes. 
“Was it good?” He asks with a teasing smile, still laughing. YN takes a gulp from her safety glass of water, swishing it around in her mouth before spitting it out in her bucket.
“Oh, it was delicious.” She says like it was the most obvious thing in the world, overly sarcastic as always. She grabs a hold the front flaps of her oversized blazer and tugs on it sharply, professionally, as she readjusts herself in her seat. “I'm having so much fun.”
YN makes sure to let out a laugh to ease her witty attitude.
She's going to have a long chat with her manager about never having to do this segment ever again.
Little does she know, she'll be sitting right back in the same seat about a year later with a curly headed lad.
Taglist: @wobblymug @be-with-me-so-happily @ashtongivesmebutterflies @kiwiskiwiskiwi @darlingdesire @obsesseddd @hopefulwastelandcreation @cacapeepee @breezie-b00
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artificialqueens · 2 years
Baby (Adoryssa) - Melyssa
Alyssa isn’t the type to break under her problems. She could run her dance studio, do a gig, and manage her posts in a day and only one cup of coffee. Yet here she was on the bar, sporting her third round dragged up and crumbling on the inside as she laughed with her friends.
So yes, on one cup of coffee, Alyssa could run her dance studio, do a gig, manage her posts, get over her third relationship that year and keep up her facade. Because while Alyssa didn’t break under her problems, she ran away from them.
Raja almost tumbled off her chair as a tipsy Manila sprawled herself all over her. The entire table broke into laughter as Manila tried and was barely able to sit herself down on her girlfriend's lap.
"Nila, calm down! You're going to hurt yourself" Raja scolded the drunk girl.
Beside Alyssa, Shangela snorted "You say as if she'll wake up without her legs tomorrow"
"That bitch won't be walking alright" Bianca coughs oh so very subtly into her drink.
Alyssa snorts as the table laughs at them again. Raja rolls her eyes as Manila busied herself picking on the flowers on her outfit.
A voice on the stage calls their attention again "Now welcome, the one, the legendary, Adore Delano"
Even from the crowd around them, multiple whoops and yells erupted from the people as the young drag queen steps out in a crop top and a miniskirt.
For a drag queen, the outfit was almost too plain, but Adore didn't mind. There was a wide grin on her face and an energy so contagious everyone was on the edge of their seats.
"What's up LA? Are you having fun tonight?!" Adore yells into her mic.
"Dear god she's loud" Bianca chuckles, but Alyssa could see the fondness and pride in her eyes as she reaches for her ten dollars- Bianca will deny and say it's only a dollar later but Adore will spill it anyway.
"Girl she's basically your own drag daughter" Alyssa smiles and reaches for her own dollar. On a second thought, she reaches for her entire clutch and stands up.
Shangela looks up at her in question "Again mama? This is your fourth one now, don't you hate going as far as second?"
"I've had a long night darling mama needs to get beat!" Alyssa winks.
The entire bar was filled, but not packed. Alyssa has seen how it was when it's packed, but people were loud nonetheless, yelling and cheering as Adore sings into her mic. She excuses herself and passes several people, stumbling over her heels and keeping a hand over her wig.
She had just finished her own gig two hours ago. While she usually leaves afterwards, it was one of those nights when she decided to stay just for fun. Her friends we're delighted to the idea of her finally joining them.
She ignores Laganja in the arms of a guy on her way to the bar counter. They were cheering and drinking, slipping in a couple of kisses in between. They weren't boyfriends, hell they probably didn't know each other,  but Alyssa was certain she was going to be making an extra plate of breakfast for him tomorrow.
"Excuse me"
With a sigh of relief, Alyssa finally finds herself in front of the drinks. Unfortunately, the staff were all taken, busy preparing and serving other customers.
Alyssa leans on the table to wait for her turn, tapping her nails to the beat of the song. Adore was twirling and krumping on stage, fully hyping up the audience and Alyssa found herself yelling for her along with them.
The young drag queen has come so far from the state she was in during All Stars. She was more confident, carefree, and has a better mind than to be with people who don't accept her lack of corsets and style.
Not like she doesn't need to though. Based on the people offering her dollars, Adore was already loved by many.
"Why hello Miss Edwards, another round?" Alyssa whips around to find the same waiter who's been serving her all night smirking at her.
"Yes honey, same stuff, good stuff" Alyssa flashes him a smile as he grabs a glass.
"This one's on the house" he winks at her.
Alyssa laughs hollowly "Oh sweetheart, I don't do none of that. I appreciate your gesture, but I see what you're doing." She has. He has been coming after her during all of her three orders, but Alyssa didn't do hook-ups. Besides, as far as her friends know, they think she's still taken.
'I should probably tell them.' Alyssa sighs sadly as she adjusts her clutch. It suddenly reminded her of the real reason she was drinking more tonight. It's been her third relationship this year. It's a sad November for her despite it being her favourite season. He was a great guy, but Alyssa knew they wouldn't last if he kept drinking so much.
She had just broken it off with him two days ago, and Alyssa felt sadder at the fact that she doesn't feel too much remorse from doing so.
She puts her payment on the table and grabs Adore's dollar into her other hand. The waiter was still preparing her drink, giving her occasional glances Alyssa pretends not to see.
The audience seems to have grown louder behind her and she turns around to see why. But Alyssa is suddenly met with arms snaking around her waist and a sweaty Adore smiling at her.
"Hey Alyssa" Adore purrs into her ear.
"Adore" Alyssa shifts in her hold. "What are you doing?"
"Working" she shifts closer and Alyssa finds herself heating up at what was about to happen.
"Adore, Girl I- I dont-" Alyssa stutters. She knew Asore made out with her fans during her own gigs, and while she supported him, she wasn't sure of why she of all people was whom Adore decided to pick.
"I dont-" Alyssa fumbles for words.
Adore's smile softens and she leans closer to whisper into her ear "Don't worry about it okay?"
Alyssa doesn't say anything, only shivering on the warm breath hitting her neck. Adore pulls back to smile at her and then dove in.
Kissing Adore was an experience Alyssa might never forget. There was so much eagerness and determination on the soft lips pressing against her's. However, there was just as much gentleness as she pulled Alyssa closer. Alyssa didn't know how she felt about the younger queen pushing her against the table, but couldn't help the moan that escaped her as a tongue slipped between her lips. She let Adore in easily, letting her tale full control of the kiss as the audience fades into the background and all she could focus on were the lips and hands on her that made Alyssa feel ways she didn't feel from her last three relationships.
Adore breaks away panting, smiling at Alyssa with awed smile on her face.
"Wow" she breathes.
Alyssa in frozen as she tries to catch her breath and calm her beating heart. She's never felt this much frazzled from a kiss before and Adore seems to know this as her smile turns into a smirk.
She leans in again and Alyssa closes her eyes. However, a sultry voice spoke into her ear instead.
"I'll see you after the show Ms. Edwards"
Alyssa's eyes snap open as Adore pulls away from her, grabs her dollar inside her hand and makes her way back to the stage. Suddenly, Alyssa is reminded of where the fuck she is and what the fuck is happening. One look over her table and she could see her friends gaping and laughing at her.
Alyssa curses as a blush of embarrassment creeps over her face. It only grew more as she turns to find the waiter pursing his lips at her with her drink on the table.
She smiles uncomfortably and thanks him, grabbing her drink and making her way back before any other word was spoken. From the corner of her eye, Laganja was making hand signals at her that Alyssa refused to configure.
“Guuurrlll” Raja laughed as Alyssa took her seat back.
The Texan drag queen groans into her hand. “For the love of God please shut up.”
Shangela raises a brow at her, “Alyssa, God aint gonna be with you after he’s just witnessed you got felt up by a baby.”
The entire table bursts back into laughter as Alyssa chugs her drink in one go.
The glass almost shatters as she practically slams it back down. Still, everyone was laughing at her predicament. All but one person.
Alyssa shifts uncomfortably at the unreadable gaze Bianca has pointed her way. For a few more seconds, Bianca only stared at her until the entire table started to quiet down.
Finally, the older drag queen speaks. “Alyssa”
She perks up at her name, her head starting to get fuzzy from all the alcohol. “Hmm?”
“Don’t you have a boyfriend?”
The audience was still cheering in the background, and Alyssa watches Adore waves and splits, performing her final song for the night.
“He drank too much, broke up with him two days ago.” was all Alyssa said.
Raja levels her with a shocked stare, Manila passed out on her shoulder. “Again? Do you have some kind of bad guy magnet or  something?”
Alyssa shrugs “I don’t know, maybe? Gosh I hope not.”
“So what’s Adore? A rebound?” It was Bianca. She was still staring at her with a sceptical look.
Alyssa recoils from the statement “Rebound? Del Rio what do you think I am? I aint no whore no sir.”
Shangela snorts “You keep saying that but you’ll be meeting Adore after I’m sure.” She only laughs at the shocked face of her drag mother.
“Adore, now she’s a whore, but she’s a one at a time whore. She kissed you, bets are that she’s probably told you to meet her after the show.” Everyone looked at Alyssa for an answer, and she was tempted to go back to the bar for a refill.
Sighing in defeat, Alyssa nods her head, thankful for the make-up hiding her red face.
Bianca scoffs “You’re really gonna meet the kid?”
Alyssa shrugs, but Shangela was quick to reply “Out of her business Del Rio, she can fuck whomever she wants.”
Alyssa was about to retort at that statement, but Bianca beat her. “Out of her business? Adore’s practically MY kid.”
“He ain’t your kid!”
“Well he’s A kid.”
Alyssa finally speaks up “Adore can make her own decisions at this point am I right? Now don’t be accusing me of pedophilia, wrong queen mama, wrong queen.”
Bianca snorts in disbelief “You’re basically a decade older than him.”
“Now don’t you be coming for Alyssa as if you’re not the same.”
Everyone turns to stare at Shangela, who was levelling Bianca with an unimpressed stare. The queen cocks an eyebrow at her as Bianca uncharacteristically fumbles for an answer.
“Well I-”
“What?” Raja yells but quiets down when Manila stirs in her arms “Are you telling me you’ve got trade Del Rio? Well I never would have thought.”
Shangela onlys scoffs as she casually drops the biggest bomb shell of the night. “Trade? Oh no mama, we’ve been together for three months now.”
This time, Alyssa’s head snapped up so fast she almost gave herself a whiplash. Her gaze goes from Shangela’s nonchalant stare to Bianca’s panicking one.
“You’ve done tell me you’ve been getting handsy with my daughter?!” Alyssa yells at her, and then turned to Shangela “And you didn’t tell me?!”
Shangela only shrugs as she chugs down her- was that her sixth?- drink. Her cheeks we’re flushed, obviously drunk which explains how passe she was being.
“Didn’t feel like it.”
Alyssa scoffs, “Didn’t feel like it. Bitch you are in for a long talk tomorrow morning I don’t care if you have a hang-over we-”
“Need to quit being dramatic” Bianca rolls her eyes. “Shangela can make her own decisions.”
Raja laughs from her side “But Adore can’t?”
Bianca glares at her “She’s basically my kid, and Alyssa has JUST broken up with her boyfriend.”
“Babe, lemme remind you that it was YOUR kind who went and felt up MY mama” Shangela helpfully corrects her.
Bianca replied with “Still a kid though.”
“He aint a kid” Alyssa seethes. What was she doing? She shouldn’t even be meeting her anyway, kid or not, but the alcohol had left has loose-tongued.
“You’re thirty-”
“...can make his own decisions”
“So what?!”
“He’s a kid!” Bianca glares at her.
“So is Shangela” Alyssa throws back.
“Hey! I’m not a kid-”
Bianca groans frustratedly, “He’s a baby!”
Alyssa’s brows were drawn into a frown now, no doubt starting to get annoyed from this argument. Argument? No this was a conversation.
However, just as she was about to deliver her calm response, familiar arms appeared beside her.
“I’m not a baby.”
The entire table freezes as Adore hugs Alyssa from behind, effectively shocking and embarrassing the loud-mouthed queen into silence.
But Adore didn’t sound mad, only giving Bianca a large smile. “Hey B! I’d join you guys but I have a date.”
Alyssa wanted the ground to swallow her as she feels Adore gesture to her.
Bianca stood up, “Now are you really going with her, Alyssa?”
Adore laughs “C’mon B, you’ve caught me with other people before. What’s different about Alyssa?”
The Texan drag queen did not appreciate being talked about as if she wasn’t there, but she stayed silent as she waited for Bianca’s response.
Bianca goes quiet as she fumbles for an answer, “Well, you…she”
Adore grins as Bianca sighs in defeat, “See? No harm done, we’ll be off now. See ya”. Adore eagerly grabs Alyssa’s clutch off the table and drags her away from the table.
Alyssa was speechless as she catches Laganja wriggling her brows at her. She could just manage to hear Raja and Shangela cheering her on as they slam the doors open and the cold air hits her.
Adore stops a few feet from the bar to turn to her. Only now doe Alyssa realise that the young male has de-dragged, dressed in a shirt and a coat, yet still in her thigh-high boots.
The irregularities of her outfit has Alyssa snorting. Adore shoots her an amused look
“Are you sure you’re Alyssa Edwards?” She chuckles.
“Girl what are you talking about?” Alyssa huffs, trying not to think about how pretty Adore’s laugh was.
“It’s you’re very I don’t know…care free right now?” Adore gestures wildly with her arms.
Alyssa laughs again “Had too many drinks.”. But she raises her eyes “Is it bad?”
For the more self-proclaimed drag queen, her tone was unnecessarily uncertain. Yet Adore only smirks again.
“Nah man I like it.”
Alyssa shivers again from a cold breeze. Adore’s gaze turns apologetic as she pulls her forward. “Let’s go my apartment is near.”
“You have an apartment near the bar?”
“It’s very convenient what do you mean?” Adore laughs as they rush along. Alyssa finds herself being led to an okay-looking building. It didn’t look like the luxurious one she had, but Alyssa was grateful nonetheless for the warmth that surrounded her when they entered.
“Cmon.” Adore doesn’t stop as she eagerly leads her up the stairs.
Surprisingly, her apartment wasn’t shabby. It was just like Alyssa’s Texan house in a way, save for the boyish posters and open shoe rack she had by the door.
Behind her, the door shuts with a quiet click, and Alyssa watches Adore place their things on her medium-sized couch.
In a blink, Adore was in front of her again, looking at Alyssa with a soft smile again. But there was something else in that stare too, something heavy that had Alyssa’s heart rate picking up again.
“Hello there” she offers lamely.
Adore chuckles “Hey there.”. She feels her breath waver as the younger queen cups her cheek.
Not wasting any time, Alyssa finds herself pulled into another kiss. It was just like the one a while ago: exciting as it was gentle, strong as it was addicting.
The situation only dawns on her as a moan escapes her. She places her hands on Adore’s chest and gently pushes her away.
They’re both panting as Adore levels her with a look of confusion “What’s wrong?”
Alyssa stammers as those big doe eyes stare at her, “N-nothing I just…”
“Are you second guessing?”
“Well it’s not your fault honey it’s just that you’re a…” Alyssa trails off as she sighs nervously.
“Cause I’m a what?” Adore urges her to continue.
“You’re a-”
“I’m a baby, is that what you’re saying?”. Alyssa gulps as she looks back at Adore. Surprisingly, she didn’t look as mad as her words sounded. In fact, she looked rather amused.
“Screw what Bianca said she was drunk.” Adore chuckles, but Alyssa still felt her stomach churn uncertainly.
“Yes honey, but you are still a kid…” Alyssa explains. She was older, more popular, and should’ve known better than to follow the younger queen into her apartment.
Adore drops her head on her shoulder, brown mop slightly tickling Alyssa as she groans “I’m twenty five, you and Bianca should really calm down. I’m not a baby or a kid.”
Alyssa could feel the frustration reeking off the younger male and she feels slightly guilty for ruining the mood. “Adore, sweetheart, I didn’t say you were a baby.”
Adore looks back at her “Well that’s what you sounded like you were implying.”
“I wasn’t-”
Alyssa wasn’t prepared for the arms wrapped gently around her to suddenly push her against the wall. The breathe is knocked out of her lungs as Adore pins her on the wall.
Adore was breathing heavy as she stared at her. It wasn’t the same doe-eyed look she had, but something much harsher and hardened. Her smirk turned almost cruel as she took in Alyssa’s wide eyes. No one has anymore time to react as Adore kisses her again.
It was rougher, harsher and a little painful as Alyssa scrambles to grab his shoulders for leverage.
“Hmmf” Alyssa moans as Adore nibbles on her bottom lip.
‘Dear god.’ She thinks as she tilts her head to a better angel ‘I’m going to hell’
A whimper escapes her as she feels a leg slide between her thigh, pressing against her very noticeable problem.
Adore pulls away smirking “You’re not tucked?”
Alyssa couldn’t respond with her heart and mind racing from how fast everything was happening. Adore didn’t seem to anticipate anything anyway as she pressed her leg firmer.
“Ahh” Alyssa moans from the pain and pleasure that shot through her. More embarrassing sounds spill from her as Adore begins peppering her neck with kisses.
She finds her hips grounding as Adore finds a particularly sensitive part. Another whimper comes from Alyssa as Adore pulls away.
“Fuck” The younger queen mutters as stares at her.
Alyssa didn’t know if she looked okay, but Adore was suddenly pulling her away from the wall and into her bedroom.
She lands on the bed with an ‘oof’ with Adore crawling on top of her in less than a second later. Her tattooed arms cage her as they stare breathlessly at each other.
Alyssa couldn’t tell if she was thankful for the break or not, staring at Adore’s flushed cheeks and plump lips.
“Have you ever been touched in drag before?” Adore asks.
Alyssa swallows nervously as she shakes her head. She was very picky about whom she sleeps with and how they sleep. So she is shocked at herself having entered this predicament, much less enjoy it.
“Have you ever been fucked before?” Adore dives deeper.
“Y-yes” Alyssa moans as Adore begins biting her neck again. At this point, she doesn’t know how much she’ll be covering for her gig on Monday, but she couldn’t bring herself to think about those things as Adore begin feeling up her thighs.
She feels hands go under her skirt and tracing along the lines of her panties, occasionally brushing against her aching cock.
“Fuck” Alyssa hisses as Adore’s hand slides in and grips her. Her hips buck embarrassingly into the touch as the younger queen strokes her in slow languid movements.
“You’re so wet for me.” Adore purrs as he passes over a bead of precum. Alyssa chokes back another moan as her expert fingers glide from her tip to her puckering entrance.
She didn’t do anything, just keeping her finger over her entrance in a firm press. It was enough to drive Alyssa crazy as she grinds over it for any kind of friction.
“Adooorree” Alyssa hears before she realises herself whining. Adore’s eyes turn impossibly darker as he pulls out and reaches for the lube under her mattress.
“Fuck you’re so hot” Adore whispers as he coated his fingers. Alyssa’s heart stutters at the compliment as she feels her panties slide down.
The cold air hitting her cock has her arching her back against the bed. Alyssa breathed heavily as shame and pleasure intertwined inside her. Adore was a decade younger than her, yet here she was at the younger queen’s mercy as she traces a lubed finger over her entrance.
As if reading what she was thinking, Adore begins whispering.
“Everyone thinks I’m a baby.”
Alyssa almost doesn’t hear the word as a cold digit presse inside her. It felt amazing! But Adore only continues talking.
“That I can’t take care of myself just because of how I acted before.”
In some part of her, a large part of her, Alyssa feels like she should be reassuring the younger queen and dispel all these negative thoughts in her head. But all she could manage was a whimper as Adore pressed another finger inside her.
“That I was immature and incapable of taking care of myself.”
Alyssa moans as Adore crooks her fingers the right way. She was scissoring her right now, being criminally experienced for someone who was talking like that. Any word of comfort escapes Alyssa as they hit deeper.
“But I’m not that person anymore.”
Her eyes turn wet as Alyssa feels herself reaching the edge at an embarrassingly fast pace. She should say something, tell Adore to stop. But the younger queen was still talking and she could really only manage soft ‘ah ah ah’s as her body begins moving against her will.
It was suffice to say that she was shocked as Adore removes her fingers from inside her. In any other state, Alyssa would’ve died from the needy whine that spilled from her lips as she squirmed at the emptiness.
“Shh, almost there baby.” Adore pours lube over her own cock.
She doesn’t miss the hiver that ran through Alyssa at the nickname. A look of pleasant surprise passes over her as she climbs over the Texan queen again.
“You like being called that?” Adore chuckles quietly.
Alyssa surprises herself with her ability to shake her head in stubborn refusal as she shakily replies with a “N-no”
It was a flat out lie. But Alyssa finds difficulty in accepting that she would be into those sort of things. She just can’t be enjoying this that much could she?
Alyssa’s eyes flutter as a surge of heat passes over her. She feels herself blush even harder as Adore chuckles above her.
Hands wrap around her own, and Alyssa feels her arms being extended above her head. Her eyes open as she realizes that adore is pinning her against the bed. However, the other queen releases them and grips her thighs instead.
Alyssa looks up at her in question.
“I’m going to fuck you now.” Adore crudely remarks “But I want you to keep your hands there, can you do that?”
It was an odd request, but Alyssa already finds herself nodding in agreement.
Adore smiles. “Good girl”
Alyssa doesn’t have enough time to register the next shock of pleasure that runs through her as she feels Adore’s erect tip beginning to push itself inside.
She breathed in hurried gasos as she felt herself bet filled inch by inch. Alyssa was uncomfortably hot in her drag, her wig and lashes feeling unnecessarily heavy.
“Doing well baby” Adore groans above her.
But Alyssa couldn’t help but moan on the feeling of being so feminine. She felt fragile, she felt delicate, she felt…
“So pretty” Adore sighs as she finally bottoms out. She wasn’t thick, but dear god, Alyssa could feel her inside her stomach!
“P-please” Alyssa whimpers. She desperately begins moving her hips to convey her message, but Adore pins them down with a growl.
“I’ll give what you want baby, be patient”
She pulls out before sharply thrusting back inside. Alyssa cries out as hot pleasure shoots up her. Soon Adore begins moving in faster, more precise movements, arching her hips that has Alyssa crying brokenly.
She feels the tears leak out of her eyes as she clenches her eyes tightly. Suddenly, keeping her hands above her head was the hardest task of all. Alyssa wanted to touch Adore, any part of Adore.
“Adore” Alyssa whimpers.
Adore looks down and curses. She stared at one of the Drag communities most stunning queens under her. Alyssa’s well styled wig was messy as strands cradled her angelic face.She looked debauched and ruined while her large teary blue eyes looked up at her in a silent plea to be kissed.
Adore easily complied, pressing her lips on hers as Alyssa begins to moan higher underneath her.
“Are you close baby?” Adore whispers.
“C-close” Alyssa moans as she begins moving faster. The familiar pressure begins building in her stomach as she begins to near her climax. But something was missing…
Adore groans above her and Alyssa looks up to meet her big eyes.
“Cum for me baby.”
And with those words, her toes curl and long lashes flutter close. Alyssa digs her body into the bed as she cums. Adore continues to fuck her through her orgasm as clenches harder around her length.
Adore pulls out after a few more thrusts and comes over her thighs.
She gets off her on shaky legs and walks to the bathroom, leaving Alyssa alone on the bed breathing heavily. She wasn’t alone for too long as Adore comes back with a rage and a pack of wet wipes.
She questions what was it for until Adore assist her to be sitting up.
“Wha-” Alyssa blushes again as Adore behind wiping her make-up off her face.
“Shhh let me” Adore trails off as she takes off her wig and jewelry. Soon, her make-up comes off as Adore removes her dress.
“Sorry bout your clothes” Adore winces apologetically. Alyssa looks up and groans on the white streaks covering her sequined dress. That was going to be a hell to clean up, but that was a problem for tomorrow.
Adore offers her a shirt, changing her own shirt before climbing in beside her. Somehow, Alyssa isn’t even surprised as Adore positions herself to be the bigger spoon.
They remain quiet in the post-after glow as moonlight filters through a gap in the curtains. They stay like that before Alyssa finally regains back her voice.
“Was I okay?”
Adore snuggles closer “You were amazing baby.”
A smile spreads across her features as she begins to yawn. Adore was tracing small circles over her lips, her own breathing and presence slowly lulling Alyssa to sleep.
“Mmm G’night” Alyssa yawns.
“Good night baby”
As her eyes flutter close, Alyssa thinks one thing.
She didn’t mind too much about being the baby.
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #983: Mother's Day Gift Shopping (Sonic x SSBU)
2:12 p.m. at the Smash Direct Mall's Clothes and Jewelry Store.....
Shadow: Hmm....(Crosses his Arns Obverses the Different Styled Purses in Front of Him) They look unique enough.....but which one mother would be attached to the most?.....(Starts Noticing a Pink Cheetah like Purse Hanging in top of the Regular Colored One) Well, pink is her favorite color surprise surprise. (Takes the Pink Purse From the Hook) I'm sure she'll find this pretty at least. (Turns to Omega) How are you holding up there, Omega?
Omega: ....... (Looking Closely Down at the Diamond Crested Jewelry Inside the Glass Box) Still looking....
Shadow: (Makes his Way to the Glass Box Before Looking Down at the Jewelry in there As Well) Can't decide which one you wanna give her?
Omega: Affirmative. Each jewelry product present here are shiny and very pleasing to the eyes. (Turbs to Shadow Next to Him) Do you think Rouge would be interested in a new pair earrings or a necklace?
Shadow: I say you go her the necklace. She already has enough earrings back at the island (Points at the Silver Necklace at the Near Left) You should get the one with the aquamarine diamond. Since her birthday's in March, that mean It would be her birthstone.
Omega: Is it now? (Looks Closely at the Necklace in Question While Rubbing his Chin) It's design does look fairly promising......(Turns Back to Shadow) Will it stop her from hugging the Master Emerald for hours on end?
Shadow: (Shrugs) I doubt it, but I still rather you give her that than trying to get her heels from that shoe store.
The duo turns to the shoe store in front of them to witness an all-out brawl from inside and a lady suddenly getting slammed into the glass window with a loud bang, before slowly sliding down to the floor. That alone was enough for the Ultimate Lifeform to shiver a bit in fear.
Omega: (Crosses his Arms With an Unamuzed Look on his Face) Really? This is the place you're afraid to go to?
Shadow: I saw woman tried to break someone's leg with an elbow in there once. I am NOT taking any chances.
Omega: I would.
Shadow: (Raises an Eyebrow) Do you really want to risk having both your arms and legs disattached and demolished?
Omega: ('Sighs in Defeat') Noooooo.....
Shadow: Wise answer.
A Few Minutes Later......
Shadow: (Walking Alongside with Omega With a Few Shopping Bags in his Hands) So how are you like having Rouge as your mother so far, Omega?
Omega: (Smiles Softly) I am liking it very well. She is the best parental figure that Icould ever ask for. Which reminds me....(Turns to Shadow) Can I borrow your phone for a second?
Meanwhile at Angel Island's Living Room......
TV Screen: I got off the plane. ('Audience Applauding and Cheering')
Knuckles: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion While Sitting Next to Rouge on the Sofa) How the Hell was she able to do that in time?
Rouge: (Shrugs While Having her Legs Laying Down on Knuckles' Laps) No clue. But at least she gets to be together with him again.
Knuckles: Yep. (Turns to Rouge) You think their relationship will last this time?
Rouge: (Starts Shaking her Hand With Uncertainty) Ehhh....I'll give it a month or two for them to call it off.
Knuckles: My money's on three weeks tops.
Rouge: (Picks Her Phone Up From the Coffee Table and Answers it) Hellooo?~ Rouge's speaking?
Omega: (From the Other Line) I love and appericate you.
'Call Ended'
Rouge: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness as Hugs her Phone Close to her Heart)
Knuckles: Was that Onega just now?
Rouge: (Happily Nodded) Mmhmm~ He says he loves and appericate me. (Eyes Begins to Tear Up in Joy) ('Sniff') My baby loves and appericates MEEEEEE!~ (Immediately Hug Tackles Knuckles on the Edge of the Sofa, Much to his Surprise)
Back at the Mall......
Omega: Do you think she got the message?
Shadow: I believe so. It's miracle we were able to call her in time before the battery died out.
Omega: I apologize in advance.
Shadow: (Smiles Softly at Omega) Don't be. You wanted to tell her how you feel and did so in time. There was nothing to it than that really.
Omega: Yes. (Turns to Shadow) But didn't you want to do the same for your own mother as well?
Shadow: (Shrugs) I've already told her I love her this morning, so I could always do it again later. (Grabs his Chin While Thinking ) That being said, do you think we should go by the groccery store to find eligible Mother's Day cards for them or try making two of our own?
Omega: (Raises his Hand) I vote that we make them by hand. The outcome will more rewarding if we put our crafting abilities to good use. I also vote that we should buy ourselves glue and three sets of glitter make each card look more presentable as possible
Shadow: ('Sigh') Alright. But try not to make a huge mess once we get back. The last thing I want is my eardrums to be disrupted by Knuckles' yelling.....Also, are you still any good with poems?
Omega: (Places his Hand on his Chest) Thou's abilities on poetry and literature are unrivaled to tis very, blissful day in age.
Shadow: (Rolls his Eyes) Never took you as a show off....
Omega: Poetry is one of my proudest assets.(Crosses his Arms While Looking Away in a Pompus like Manner) You should think twice before questioning my skills and progess, Momma's Boy. (Walks Away)
Shadow: ('Groans in a Bit of Annoyance') I knew let you join those Poerty Classes was a mistake.....(Follows Omega)
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Gardens #1 (1/1/2021)
Click here if you're like "What the heck is this about?"
Valera @autokrates fights an annoying sibling. Alastor cheers for the great show and does absolutely nothing to help. Sir Pentious @hiss-and-vinegar fusses over Valera's wounds.
*Ah, the gardens. Just the place for Valera and her brother to get into a no holds barred bareknuckle brawl away from her guests. Far enough that nobody has to hear them snapping and snarling at each other, close enough that neither has far to drag the other at the end of the dramatic little affair. Fortunately, fights don't actually take thirty minutes to muddle through for most people, these fish included. Five or so minutes of hissing and biting at their imperfect duplicates, and at the end, Valera limps away with Volitan's arm clenched in her jaws and a few pounds of flesh lighter. Neither comes away feeling better, but at least there's fresh fish to feed to the guests who craved a more cannibalistic slant to their meals.*
*The fountain is good enough to rinse the worst of this mess off, and Volitan can go let the ocean burn his wounds clean for all she cares. Her friends can't see her like this. She'll need... What, half an hour to close her wounds? They shouldn't notice.*
**Happy New Years.**
From a high window a large crowd loudly cheers, whistles, and applauds.
It's Alastor, he's the large crowd. Him and his invisible audience.
He doesn't know what's going on but it was hella entertaining to watch.
Thank the gods Alastor was far enough away to probably not hear the undignified squeak that she made when she realized she had a witness, Valera's emotions were shot enough without embarrassment on top of it. Head jerking back to seek him out among the windows... Ah. There he is. Game face, Val, give him a thumbs up. With Volitan's arm! Lovely. In fact... She's just going to send it off to him, a little flotation between friends.
"Here! I'm going to be a while, be a dear and butcher this, would you? I'd hate to see it spoil while I cleaned up."
Look at the delight on his face! "You're a TERRIFIC host!" He bows out the window so deeply it's impressive he doesn't fall out, then runs off with his new culinary treat. He's going to make something decadent with this.
But first he's gonna bite off a chunk from the severed end.
Sir Pentious
A certain snake is slimthering.... he is wearing the long robe that Valera gifted to him for Hissmas. He's searching for his love, now that he's properly warm and bask-ed. The smell of blood has his tongue flicking out longer, and he's drawn to it... slimther slimther...
The sound of Pentious' voice makes Valera tense up, swearing under her breath. What's the human phrase? Out of the frying pan, into the fire? She'd rather have Alastor and his cheerfully uncaring amusement, Pentious might actually *worry*. But it was too late to pretend nothing was wrong. So.. Time to do what she does best, then.
She perches on the edge of the fountain, posing just so to keep the worst of her injuries away from her beau's many eyes. A hand in her lap to artfully cover her thigh, tail conveniently looped around her legs before dropping back into the fountain. Natural? No. But it might be enough! Maybe! If she can distract him. "Penny! Hello dearest, enjoying the weather tonight?"
Sir Pentious
"YESSS, MY DEAR, THE WEATHER ISSS NICE. THE AIR ISSS SO GOOD HERE, A NICE CHANGE FROM SSSSULFUR." Tongue flicking, but he's definitely sure that's blood he smells... or something similar! He was used to Valera's blood, as he'd bitten her *quite a few times.*
A head tilt, and his face squishes inquisitively. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE...?"
"I'm glad to hear you're enjoying my home, my love." Her tail wiggles in the fountain, eyes scrunching up into half moons. Even if she was trying to keep him from getting too nosy, it was still nice to see him happy on Okkylk.
Right. A question. "Me? I'm sitting, obviously. You just missed Alastor though, I think he ran off to the kitchen with his latest prize."
Sir Pentious
She twitches, hand lifting off her injured thigh to wave dismissively. "Yes, darling. I got into a bit of a tussle, you see. "
Sir Pentious
"A BIT?" His eyes widen and... He comes closer, trying to peer around her to see the damage.
... A choice is presented to her. Trust her fiance, or.. don't, and upset him. So, despite the immediate impulse to deflect, she reluctantly lifts her tail from the water. Or, what's left of it. The end seems to have been sliced off, gods only know where the fin went.
Sir Pentious
His eyes widen considerably, then NARROW. His hood opens and he's careful to put his arms around her, trying to mind any more wounds.
A few scrapes and scuffs are hardly enough to keep Valera from leaning into a hug. "Alastor? No, of course not. I fought my brother! He tried to scold me again and I'd simply had enough!"
A pause as she nuzzles her face into his shoulder, purring softly. "I took his arm off, so don't feel TOO bad for me."
Sir Pentious
Ah, that *brother.* Sir Pentious growls like the cobra he is, vividly imagining tearing the man apart--not that he'd really seen him yet but he could guess.
She shrugs, lifting a leg to inspect the damage. A few cuts, nothing to write home about. Hilda would probably want to put stitches in a few of them, but Val was pretty sure they'd close on their own. They'd mostly stopped bleeding, at least. "I assume fighting with family is a normal part of having one? Maybe not physically, but Veci do tend to be more direct than humans. He doesn't like the way I do things, I don't like him acting like he knows better. We fought, I won, so I'm right."
Sir Pentious
That sounded much simpler.... But Penny couldn't help his frown. He took her hand in his, and kissed it.
"He hurt you. I would tear reality asunder for you and your smile, my love."
... Ah. Valera has to try very hard not to make a noise like a deflating balloon crossed with a dying whale, wheezing quietly and folding in at the waist as Pentious metaphorically stabs her with surprise affection straight to the heart. Thunk. Her head, thumped down to his chest. Don't look at her. Don't acknowledge her. She's feeling feelings.
Sir Pentious
He's petting down her hair, looking over her damage and that gored tail....
Penny gently pets down said tail, careful to mind the wounds.
Give her a bit to recover, and then she'll perk back up to see what he's doing there.
"Hm? Something wrong, love?"
Sir Pentious
"What?" Wait, right. Aliens worry a lot more about that kind of thing, huh? ..Or was that everyone not heavily traumatized and used to regrowing limbs? Hard to keep track, really. Whatever. He's concerned, which is the OPPOSITE of what she wanted!
Quick, say something comforting! "I'll be okay, darling! I'm used to... it...?" She squints. Wait. No. That sounds bad, actually. "It'll grow back in a few minutes! You'd never know I was hurt!" YEAH THAT'S THE ONE.
Sir Pentious
Frown! WEH!
Tumblr media
She looks... A bit baffled. But once she's over the initial surprise, she takes one of his hands in hers and pats it.
"Oh. Um. Alright, do you want to.. Help me to the bathroom? I'm sure we've got medical supplies in there."
Sir Pentious
Listen, caring about other people is not Penny's strong suit, but he cares so so much about Valera.
Being cared about is not something Valera is used to, she's not sure how to handle being the one getting fussed over. But if it makes Pentious happy... She'll try to fumble through it. Time to get up, then. He can't lift her, but taking the weight off the worst leg should make it easier to not open anything on her carpets.
Awkward cough.. "Thank you, love. I was just going to sit out here until everything healed over, but. This is better."
Sir Pentious
He's lucky she's already standing or else she'd do the affection wheeze all over again. But no, she has to hide her face against him like a normal person and pray the blush doesn't reach the tips of her fins. Just. Just going to take his arm and let him lead her along, then.......
Sir Pentious
Off they go..... To the bathroom........ Womance....
He can put salve on her wounds and wrap up the more uncomfortable ones, and she will be very embarrassed and very grateful... And also whine a lot because ow, the salve Hilda makes is NOT soothing in the slightest, it burns!!! Sure heals things fast though, the smaller cuts vanish in moments!
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pupvivi · 4 years
"Come watch me play." Hyunjin blurted out, causing Heejin to break her concentration. It was free period and as per usual the two ended up gravitating towards each other. Hyunjin was using her time to organize her notes while Heejin took it upon herself to read ahead. "That is if you want to."
"You want me to watch you play? That's new." The Ravenclaw hummed, as if considering it. It really wasn't all that new actually, Hyunjin just never worked up the courage to ask Heejin, knowing that flying and falling freaked Heejin out, and she didn't want to push her luck. "It has been warming up recently..." She murmured, more to herself than anything else. "Hasn't your house been in a winning spree as well?"
Hyunjin nodded slowly, her eyes shining with pride and a bit of mischief knowing it was the very team she was on that was giving the rest of the houses a run for their money. Two more wins and they would break a new record with most wins in one season of Quidditch.
"I would like to see it in the audience even if you don't cheer for me."
Heejin blinked at that. "Why would I not cheer for you?" It was rare that Hyunjin saids something like that. "You're the one inviting me to come watch."
Hyunjin's cheeks dusted pink, and in return Heejin only continued to stare at her, only pausing to push her glasses back up. "You're being weird."
"Weirder than normal?" Hyunjin replied not missing a beat. But the flush on her cheeks were still in plain sight.
The Ravenclaw sighed before sitting back in her seat. "I'll be there, but knot if you tell me what's going on in that kind of yours. You're so hard to read, you know."
Not one to waste an opportunity like this, Hyunjin leaned closer to Heejin, marveling at the way she jumped. "You want to know that I'm thinking?" She whispered, her eyes once again dancing with amusement. "I want the prettiest girl in Ravenclaw cheering for me when I beat Slytherin tomorrow." She bluntly confessed, withholding the other information she overheard about the Slytherin seeker coming to ask Heejin to come cheer for him. "And maybe, just maybe after I secure this win, she'll have a meal with me?"
Heejin gulped, she could feel her cheeks getting warmer by the second. She's never seen Hyunjin like this, and she couldn't help but wonder if she's been withholding this side of her for a while. Her curiosity wanted to know, her heart also pushed her to try and get even with Hyunjin.
"I guess you'll have to win to find out, huh?"
Hyunjin blinked, before barking with laughter. This is why she liked Heejin, she knew when to tease back. "I'll win for you."
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daydreaming-ace · 3 years
Remember this post I made?
I made more OC drawings, and expanded on Ami Aiuchi! The next post will probably be about Diana's unnamed assistant (who I will name).
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[Image Description: A drawing of two people, which cuts off slightly below their knees. They are across from each other, and in different poses.
Typed near the person on the left, in an all-caps font, is "Violet "Letta" Palmer", "She/Them", "Secretary". Violet is a white American woman with neutral pale skin, long maroon hair, and slightly desaturated green eyes. Their hair is put in an attempted ponytail, though the hair-tie was too big for it to look like a proper ponytail. She has her right hand on gripping onto her right shoulder and her left hand on her waist.
Violet is wear a yellow shirt with light blue cuffs and are rolled up. Some of her yellow shirt is unbuttoned, showing that she is wearing a teal t-shirt under it. They are also wearing dark blue pants. She is looking at the viewer somewhat awkwardly, but she is still relaxed. Her hair is slightly fluffy and messy, but mostly straight.
Written near the person on the right is "Ami Aiuchi", "She/her", "Prosecutor", "32 years old". The handwriting is in messy cursive, making some of the words written unintelligible. Ami is a mixed Japanese American woman with warm light brown skin, dark brown hair, and deep reddish brown eyes. She is also wearing dark red lipstick, and one of her eyes are closed in a winking expression.
Ami is wearing the normal ringmaster attire, which include a red coat, black top hat, and dark colored pants. She is also wearing white gloves, a gold-colored vest, and a white collared shirt under the vest. Her hair is in a ponytail, which is held by a bright red ribbon. Her hair is slightly curly, and becomes more curly under the ribbon. Her top hat has a ribbon that is a similar color to the ribbon holding her hair back. She is posed as if she's presenting something, with her left hand extended and her right hand on her right hip. She looks cheerful, with her eyebrows slightly raised and a grin on her face. Her jacket also swishes to the right, further showing her enthusiasm.]
Info under the cut!
Violet "Letta" Palmer
Secretary, but was a Defense Attorney for 4 years.
Uses she/them pronouns.
She's legally blind, and has been blind since she was a child. She mainly relies on text-to-speech to double-check what she is typing, or she'll just ask Diana if she isn't entirely sure on something (like that one time someone emailed the office a keyboard smash).
Due to the fact that they used to be a defense attorney, they are often a mentor for law students. Violet is also asked by younger students about the law field, due to the fact that they sometimes act as a guest for local schools.
She has a knack for accidentally overhearing conversations, since she has a radio near her desk at all times (in case Diana finds something that could get star into serious trouble with the Aiuchi's detective). She has now become Edwin's tea time buddy, since she was a witness for a majority of the cases he and Diana worked on.
Note: During these tea times, Edwin and Violet discuss fashion (they give each other fashion advice), the current court case, and whatever else pops up. Since the fifth case Diana and Edwin worked on together, Edwin has gotten Violet into the TV show "Honey, How Do We Get Out?".
They have a pet dog named Sassafras, who is a Shepadoodle (a German Shepard and Poodle mix). Sassafras usually sits next to Violet's desk during work, though Diana and her assistant have been given permission to take Sassafras on walks whenever it's bored.
Note: Sassafras has separation anxiety, which is why it usually sits near Violet. It needs to get used to a person before it willingly walks with them.
Ami Aiuchi
Prosecutor and the Ringmaster of Cirque de Cimetière.
Note: Cirque de Cimetière was originally an October show in the family's circus, but Ami separated from the family circus after 10 years of doing October shows with her parents.
Uses she/her pronouns.
No one has ever seen her with her gloves off, except for Edwin. Many have guessed that she either has scars on her hands, or that she just doesn't like directly touching stuff.
When she's doing child-friendly shows (a.k.a., day shows with no fake blood), she wears a simpler suit in case the audience wants to draw her.
Note: She started to implement the simpler suit when her younger sibling came to watch one of her shows, and proceeded to struggle to draw her because cameras weren't allowed. Edwin later just decided to watch the YouTube video, since he'd still be supporting her.
She tries to give Edwin advice, but it just comes out wrong and somewhat threatening. She's trying to help, but she's somewhat stuck in her Show Voice, which is really threatening.
Note: Telling Edwin to "get rid of the competition" makes it sound like Ami wants Edwin to murder the rival defense attorney, when she actually wants him to befriend the rival defense attorney so a court case doesn't turn into a screaming match.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 75)
📷 manip cred @southsidequeenie
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Colson wakes up groggy on the back of The Bus. Reaching for Luna with his eyes still closed, he's irritated when he remembers she's not there. Pulling his phone out, he looks to see if she called or anything. Nothing.
"She's always off somewhere...." He sighs, thinking to himself. Appreciating that Luna's independent but also feeling a bit lost himself when she's gone. Finding her was like growing an extra limb. When she's not near, his body has a phantom ache for her. "Lemme hit her up." He decides.
Shooting her a quick Snap, he sees his laptop sticking out of one of his bags. He pulls it out and digs through his red LV travel bag. Finding the things he wants, he settles back onto the bed.
Popping the flashdrive in that Luna gifted him for his birthday, he opens the file.
Sliding his hand down his pants, he starts stroking his cock in anticipation. Colson jerks off to himself fucking Luna for the first time. Watching himself with her. How they move and talk with each other. Her dominance and submissiveness, driving Colson to the brink. Throwing himself back, he explodes when his mind wanders to her warm mouth sucking his dick the morning she had given it to him to watch.
"God Damn, Loons..." He thinks of his future wife as he chuckles to himself.
Still sexually pleased by her. Even 3K miles apart.
Landing at LAX there's an unseasonable chill to the air. Luna pulls on a soft gray sweater. Knocking her bandana off. Shoving it into her bag, She pulls out a pair of sunglass.
Hopping an uber to Frannie's, she notices a Snap from Colson. He looks miserable.
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"What an Asshole..." She laughs to herself. Snapping him back with sass and love.
"OH MY GLOB! OH MY GLOB! OH MY GLOB!! OH MY GLOB!!!! Paris burts out, squeezing Luna.
Luna having told her and Frannie about her engagement. P let's her go, wanting to pop a bottle, asking Frannie if she has champagne. Luna and Frannie laugh as they hug and Frannie gives P directions. Still holding tightly onto Luna. Her bestfriend's a bit cynical and rightfully so, considering her own current divorce.
"I'm so happy for you!" Frannie gushes to Luna.
Knowing her Soul Sister all too well, Luna pulls out of the hug. She winces a bit, forgetting to take any pain meds for her gunshot wound.
"What was..." Frannie goes to ask.
Luna interjects. "Buuuutttt....??" She asks with eyebrows raised.
"But don't make the same mistake I did. I don't care how much you love him. Get a prenup. At least for your family's history." Frannie sighs, advising from knowledge.
Luna pulls her back into their hug. Squeezing Frannie tight. She had half expected this.
"I hear you, Frans." She says softly in her ear.
Both girls squeeze each other. Over a decade of love, life, pain and understanding passing through them. The pop of the champagne bottle startles them as they break apart, laughing.
"LOONS IS IN LOOOOOVE AND GETTING MARRIED!!!!" P shouts, handing glasses off.
The three bestfriends cheers and laugh together. Luna asking to keep it kinda low key until she tells her grandmother and Colson his daughter. Her two friends nodding.
The girls have lunch. Talking and sharing champagne. Admiring the sweetness of her ring. Luna telling them the plan to get married in TownHall before the first weekend in August. Inviting them to both the intimate affair and the weekend rager. Frannie and Paris laugh at Luna's usual unconventional way of doing things. Excited about the festivities. They share a joint before Luna has to go. She has a performance with Ashley tonight.
The three bestfriends hug when Luna's uber arrives. Congratulating her again. Giving her Love and Kisses with their See Ya Soons.
"Spill it." Paris says to Frannie once they've waved Luna GoodBye. "It's just quick. We seen 'em together, what? Once? And we were tripping balls. Everything's glorious when you're tripping balls." Paris throws her arm around Frannie's shoulder as they walk inside. "Then let's hang out with em. AND." She snaps the fingers of her free hand. "We gotta start planning her birthday party soon. Soooo... We're gonna need to talk to him anyway." P makes very valid points with her grin. Heading inside Paris can't help but ooze for her friend. She loves Luna and she love Love. Pulling up an old picture of them, P Congraulats one of her bestfriends on the sly. Or so she thinks.
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"The peanut butter to my jelly. The Rock to my Roll. I love you and am over the moon!!!
The Boys are in Philadelphia staying in Rittenhouse Sq. Right in the heart of the city. Colson, Slim and Baze have friends who live off of Lombard. Ashleigh hangs back, glad to be rid of their madness.
Walking over Colson gets a Snap from Luna.
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Laughing, he plucks a flower off a bush. Popping it behind his ear. Grinning as he Snaps her back.
"What up, Dawg!!"
They're greeted by their friend Tyree. Finding LaMar in the kitchen rolling up. Its Dark and Hell is Hot blares through the Philly condo. Cracking beers, slamming shots, they burn and catch up.
Soon heading to Cheerleaders, a stripclub/sports bar close by.
"You got something you wanna tell me?" Ashley blurts out to Luna.
"Well, Hello to you too, Pal." Luna responds laughing.
"Why's Paris BooLoven' you on Insta?" Ashley questions her.
"Seriously? What's it say?" Luna sighs.
"Nothing really but that she loves you and is Over the Moon" Ashley air quotes.
"Okay... Listen, I didn't call you because it literally happened last night and I wanted to tell you in person today..." Luna begins to explain.
"Okayy..." Her bestfriend peers at her.
Holding her phone in her hands so that Ashley can't see her fingers, Luna continues.
"Colson asked me to marry him last night." Luna tells her.
Stunned, Ashley says "Noooo..." With wide eyes. "What did you say?" She asks.
Luna shrugs before breaking into a grin. "I said Yeah."
Ashley squeals, grabbing for Luna's hand. Looking at the contraption on her left hand.
"What is this shit?" She asks bluntly.
Laughing, Luna explains how he forgot the ring but made her one out of his guitar string. And to shut the fuck up because she loves it.
"No... That's really... REEALLY You&Kells." She laughs, grinning.
Ashley pulls Luna in for a tight hug. Congratulating her bestfriend, telling her how happy she is for the couple. They link arms as they head to the stage to rehearse for tonight. Talking wedding plans along the way.
Cheerleaders is loud. Colson paying more attention to the Indians game than the girls.
Slim noticing the difference. Still his normal goofy, loud self, Colson interacts with the girls, talking and signing autographs but declines them on his lap.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Mar notices it also.
"He's getting maaaarried...." Baze teases Colson.
"YOOO!??" Ree flips around entering the conversation. "Tell me it's to that sweet piece of ass you did Bad Things wit!"
"Who???" Mar jumps back in.
Colson laughs, pulling a picture of Luna up on his phone. It's a simple sideshot of her.
"Damn, she got more tattoos than you do, Son!!" Mar exclaims.
"She looks like a fucking badass, Homie. How your lanky ass score that??" Ree busts Colson's balls.
"She knows what it is." Colson smirks.
Slim, Baze, Benny and Rook burst out laughing at him.
"Yo. LunaTic will fuck you up, Kells!" Rook calls him out.
Slim turns to their friends, explaining how Luna does NOT take anyone's shit. Including Kells. Joking that in the last two months that she's been around, he's seen her open more cans of whoop ass than Stone Cold Steve Austin could've ever ordered.
The Guys laugh hysterically at Slim's reference. Benny, Rook, Baze and Colson knowing it's true.
"Yo! So, you got a RIDA!? When we gonna meet Mrs. Homie?" Mar asks.
"She's in Cali right now performing but she'll be back before tomorrow night. Come to the show. We'll kick it after." Colson tells them.
Both men nod in agreeance. Wondering about this LunaTic who seems to have tamed such a Wild Boy.
They carry on drinking, laughing and teasing Colson.
"HOW YOU FEELING, WAZZMATAZZ?" Ashley asks, stalking around the stage.
She's the Headliner of the concert. Opening with Now or Never, Colors and Eastside. She nails a stripped down version of Closer before bringing Luna out.
"I SAID HOW YOU FEELING!??" She screams to their roars. "I did a song with my bestfriend. It's currently sitting at #1. And I'd like to think that it's because it's the truth." She continues, adjusting her earphone as she walks the stage. "All art is based on some sense of truth, and if our art is number one, it's because WE'RE NOT THE ONLY TWO PISSED OFF!!" She screams to the energetic crowd. "So I've got her with me tonight. The ONE, THE ONLY, THAT BROOKLYN FUCKING BIIITCH!!" Ashley screams introducing Luna to the venue's  explosion.
Luna comes out in a plain white tank and black skinnies.
"Did I hear people are pissed off?" Luna asks excitedly as she comes onto the stage. "FUCK right we are!!!!" She bellows to the audience's screaming agreement. "Let's show 'em how angry!!" She shouts looking at Ashley as the opening chords play.
Both girls begin to bounce with the melody, swinging their arms and legs wildly. Ashley blasts into the opening chorus as her band nails the chords. Fire exploding in the background.
🎶Keep a record🎶
🎶Of their wreckage🎶
🎶And their lies🎶
🎶We're starting to recognize🎶
🎶The weapon in our minds🎶
🎶They talk shit🎶
🎶But we won't take it 🎶
🎶This time🎶
🎶As I realize🎶
The band drops out as Luna comes in strong. Unyielding.
🎶I'm out for blood🎶
🎶And it won't be sweet🎶
Ashley's band picks back up as Luna sings. Bouncing and jumping around the stage, using her hands to express her points. Dipping low to touch fan's hands.
🎶Tired of having the rugs🎶
🎶Pulled from beneath our feet🎶
🎶Done trusting lies🎶
🎶Done trusting Men🎶
🎶Picking each other up🎶
🎶And putting ourselves🎶
🎶Back together again🎶
The masses chant with her. Growing louder as Luna calls out Society's standard of women. Luna dead panning certain lyrics.
The Girls cross paths, tossing their mics to each other as they hit separate corners of the stage.
🎶Come on Little Ladies🎶
🎶Give us a smile🎶
🎶No we ain't got nothing🎶
🎶To smile about🎶
Ashley and Luna rip through the lyrics as the lights pop and smoke billows. Belting together how they don't owe You a God Damn Thing.
Ashley kicks back in hard with the chorus. The stage explodes again with fire. The crowd venting along with the two bestfriends.
🎶Keep a record🎶
Ashley continues as her and Luna bounce and jump across the stage. Grinning and tossing each other satisfied looks as the crowd rages with them.
It's a volcanic experience as Ashley and Luna dance and sing across the stage with each other. Filled with passion and genuine resentment.
🎶I'm no sweet dream🎶
🎶But I'm a hell of a night🎶
Ashley taunts before Luna slides in.
🎶No I won't smile🎶
🎶But I'll slow you my teeth🎶
🎶And I might let you speak🎶
🎶If you just let us breathe🎶
Luna squats, bouncing up and down. Singing her lyrics. The Band dropping so Luna and the audience can scream together.
🎶We're tired and angry🎶
🎶Digging up The Hill🎶
🎶So scared🎶
🎶Is what you should be🎶
Luna and Ashley come face to face taunting the other to smile. Telling each other there's nothing to smile about. Fire igniting and lights blaring as they let loose about how they don't owe anyone a God Damn Thing.
Ashley singing about keeping a record of all wreckages and lies. Firing exploding as the two artists bop around the stage, screaming about injustice.
Playing and pushing off the other. They really are a force to be reckoned with. On and off stage.
The keytar comes on solely as Luna and Ashley hit MidStage together. The loud room singing with them claiming Luna's heart's desire.
🎶Women like me🎶
🎶Can be real nightmares🎶
🎶Completely aware🎶
🎶But I'd rather be🎶
🎶A real nightmare🎶
🎶Than die unaware🎶
🎶Women like me🎶
🎶Can be real nightmares🎶
🎶Completely aware🎶
🎶But I'm glad to be🎶
🎶A real nightmare🎶
The Girls both kick their limbs out while changing the last lines. Luna dipping down in front of her.
🎶So, save us🎶
🎶Your fucking Prayyyyerss!!!🎶
Before slaying the chorus together. Bouncing, grinning, bopping and jumping as the floor ruptures on fire around them with crowd.
Watching them, the two bestfriends are magnetic. Knowing each other's range, limit and place. They perform together as if they were back in Luna's bedroom. Jumping off of props instead of beds. In hindsight it's a beautiful thing to see how far they've both come. Never losing their core.
Grinning at each other, they storm into the chorus with the crowd. Thriving off each other on stage. Tossing mics as they pass, dropping them to signify certain lyrics.
Finishing the chorus together, Ashley goes first as The Girls hit separate corners of the stage.
🎶I'm not sweet dream🎶
🎶But I'm a hell of a night🎶
Luna singing after her. Ending the song.
🎶No, we're no sweet dream🎶
🎶But we're a hell of a night🎶
Coming back together, the bestfriends laugh and thank the crowd before Luna heads off.
Luna FaceTiming Sean as Ashley closes out the show with a hitting performance of Without Me.
"Heeeyyy!" She grins into the screen.
Chuckling, he asks what she wants. Luna explains how she's at WazzMaTazz. Ultimately, asking if she can borrow his jet tonight to get back to Philly for Colson's show tomorrow.
"What's in it for me?" The business man asks.
Luna laughs at Sean, replying that he'll have the pleasure of not feeling her foot up his ass.
"Alright, alright... You little Brooklyn Bitch..." He agrees with a laugh. "When you need it?" He asks.
"Uhhh.. Gimme like 2-3hrs?" Luna asks.
Diddy agrees, telling her he'll text her the details. Thanking him graciously, Sean warns her to stay out of trouble. Shaking his head as she smirks that she'll try, they say GoodBye.
Hanging up Luna sees she has a Snap from Colson.
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She opens it, thinking of how much she loves him.
Once Ashley's OffStage, they hang out with the other performers. Luna especially enjoying her conversations with Fletcher and Ellie Goulding. Luna being fans of theirs and vice versa.
Before long, Luna's saying her GoodByes. She's off to the hanger. Flying from CA to PA. Across the country for the second time in less than 24hrs.
The Adderall finally wearing off, Luna's feeling the weight of the day. She pops two 30s and sips on an Old Fashioned.
Sleeping for most of the 6hr flight. She arrives on the East Coast as the sun begins to rise. Luna has to look at her phone to figure out what day it is. Surprised that it's Tuesday.
Finally at the hotel, Luna takes a quick shower. Managing not to wake Colson until she wants to.
Crawling into bed with him, Colson's on his back. Luna kisses his cheek. Then his jaw. Down his neck to his collarbone.
He starts to stir as she lightly drags the tip of her tongue down his body. He doesn't have any clothes on. Luna kisses the top of his mound, his short pubes tickling her face.
Kissing his inner thigh, Colson reaches for her. Running his hands through her blonde hair. He calls out her name with a groan as she swirls her tongue around his hard cock's head.
Taking him in her mouth, Luna sucks Colson's dick, sliding and her gently twisting her wet hand along his base. Letting her free hand roam his body.
It being early in the morning and her suction firm and steady, Luna only needs to deep throat Colson a few times before he oozes into her mouth.
Both satisfied with her work, Luna swallows his load before washing her hands and climbing back into bed with him.
Laying on his chest, Colson strokes Luna's hair as he asks about CA. She gives him the details of her day. Him talking about how she'll meet Tyree and Lamar tonight.
They come up with the idea of flying Casie out to NY on Friday. He's thinking lunch with her, Patti and Emma. Telling them all together. Luna thinks it's a smart idea. They drift off together, cuddling.
Don knocks on their hotel room door around 11A. He doesn't bang anymore.
To be continued.....
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