#she'd want to wear a suit but eva would help her recognize that MAYBE
valhyr · 2 years
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@soarae​ asked : ❝ I am known for my attention to detail. ❞
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          A spin is done ‘fore the gilt standing mirror , no sooner has one shoulder come back ‘round and spooling wisps of gold mane have settled into place than a n o t h e r twirl is performed for good measure , satisfying herself with the queerness ( the subtle vanity ) of being absolved of that war-waging glamour.  Appearance is no less than IMMACULATE , carefully curated by patience and effort alike ( though was much at all needed ? when the empyrean was vested with such sublime visage , it surely made the task all the easier— ) ; yet so accustomed to her vestments , her armor and bloody / battle-fraught pedigree , that it nearly STARTLES Verona to see herself in something so plainly f e m i n i n e . 
          Thus a bird-like LAUGH escapes the elder warrior , great wings unfurling and cresting forward in a most childlike show of m o d e s t y ‘fore she teeters in place , dancing ‘pon barefooted soles to turn and set sights ‘pon her company who had made this possible.  “And am I to be so s u r p r i s e d ?”  Comes the teasing retort to Eva’s words.  Posture crooks forward in emphasis of a playful tone.  “When I asked you to help me prepare for an evening out , I admit I did not expect you to go so far – I am impressed , but I never doubted your EXPERTISE for a second !”  After all , if anyone could change the nature of the b e a s t Verona so oft’ was made to be , it certainly was Miss Evangelique herself !  Even despite the newfound confidence , Verona straightens , swordsmetal hues cast again to the reflection who gazes back with an expression of trace UNCERTAINTY .  Claws raise to fiddle with the draping gemstones cinched ‘round scarred throat and kissing her cleavage , horned head canting slightly as she again studies her appearance.  “Hm , do you think she will like it ?  Do you not think it is too much ?”  Truly , the pursuit of LOVE was harder ( and more complex ) with every lifetime.
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