#she’s her own person- who can exist outside of being Markus’s love interest in game
saturnstringz · 1 year
I believe in simarkus without the blatant hatred of north
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fearofaherobrine · 8 years
Roleplay Server Log #141
“Finding The Flux, Castle Tour”
[Lie] Mentally- Hey Doc?  Can you hear me?
[Doc] I can hear you Lie. What's up?
[Lie] - CP's feeling better, he just griefed TLOT and Steve
[Doc] I'm both aggravated and relieved by that....
[Lie] - Do you want to take him over to his original server now?  Or wait some?
[Doc] No I can do it, the only other thing I had planned for today was to check on Splender and work on Herabrine's Guardian form.
[Lie] - Since we'll be looking for someone like Deer, should we bring her?
[Doc] If she wants to come. - Banks at a right angle and heads more towards hir own house- types; Deerheart? Do you want to go out for a bit? We're going to Cp's old server to look for traces.
[Deer] - Okay...  Traces of what exactly?
[Doc] The missing entity, Flux.
[Deer] - Oh!  Alright, I'll meet you outside then
[Doc] Twists downward and scuttles around the side of the house like a gecko before peeking over the edge of the roof to look for Deerheart.
[Deer] Steps out into the garden and stretches-
[Doc] Pounces on her and flys quickly back up like a hawk with a fish - Ha-HA!
[Deer] Yelps in surprise and then laughs-  Oh no, whatever shall I do now?
[Doc] Scream prettlily for me my graceful nymph! - grinning hugely-
[Deer] Crosses arms and huffs- No, I refuse
[Doc] Pouts. - Aww. Darn it.
[Deer] - So where are we going to meet up with CP and Lie?
[Doc] Their house.
[Deer] - Good, I like visiting them there, CP can't run away as easily
[Doc] Does a roll in the air and hovers for a moment to set Deerheart gently on her hooves in the grass. Xe bumps up against her like a cat. - Not even a little shriek?
[Deer] - Maybe later love
[Doc] I'm so domesticated. - Sits in a little dragonloaf.
[Lie] Comes outside with CP following- Hey
[Doc] Puuuuurrr
[CP] - Why are we doing this now?
[Doc] We're looking for your mom. Or at least; your father's girlfriend.
[CP] - Why now?
[Doc] Lie said you were feeling better. Well enough to give TLOT and Steve a hard time.
[CP] - Lie!
[Lie] - What?
[Doc] Looks like I'm not the only one that's domesticated...
[Doc] What? It was a dig on me too. Deerheart has tamed me. - Xe hunkers down and gives one of hir mates hooves a subservient lick.  - I'm hopeless.
[CP] Growls a little-
[Deer] Giggles a little and pets Doc-
[Doc] Is petted and closes hir eyes while purrring.
[CP] - So does this mean the expedition is cancelled?
[Doc] No, you're the one with the coordinates. I was waiting on you. Open the way.
[CP] Groans but does so, he hesitates to step through though-
[Doc] follows along, recognizing the blasted clearing they left from last time.
[CP] Steps through after Lie-
[Lie] - Oh dear...- She's looking at the crater before her
[Doc] He fought valiantly. Markus said there were several areas around here that were similarly damaged.
[Lie] Quickly looks at her mate to make sure he's okay-
[CP] Scowls- So how do you plan on finding this Flux Doc?
[Doc] You mind if I examine either your pick or your sword?
[CP] Narrows eyes- Why?
[Doc] I just want to pick over their codes. I won't damage it.
[CP] Summons his pick and hesitates to hold it out to Doc-
[Doc] Pulls out a a bit of paper with some notes on it and starts scanning the pick. - I have a partial identifer number for your NOTCH, I'm hoping I can fill in the gaps with traces from your weapons since he made them.
[Deer] - Hey, what's that purple trail over there?
[Doc] Is a little distracted, - what's what? I think I've almost got it... Passes the pick back to Cp and adjusts the note - can I see the sword too? There's not enough here. I'm really close though.
[CP] Sighs and hands the sword over as well, taking the pick back in the process-
[Deer] - Oh, never mind, it's fading
[Doc] Skims over the sword - Ahh, yes, I got it. And a sneaky idea. - Xe passes the sword back as well and lays down a command block.
[CP] - What are you doing?
[Doc] Just a little hacking to get us some bait.
[Lie] Goes over to CP and rubs his shoulders-
[Deer] - Bait?
[Doc] Stick hir tongue out in concentration while hir claws tap the block, and after a moment the message appears in the chat - Player_NotchTheFirst has joined the server - There's a bit of a pulse from the block and it begins transmitting the code over and over.
[CP] Stiffens, having not seen that in a very long time-
[Doc] Now we'll either draw out our missing friend, or get in a fight. I'm prepped for either.
-There's a few moments of deathly silence before Deer breaks it as she looks up at the sky-
[Deer] - Oh, that's weird...
[Doc] Follows her gaze. - what's weird? I don't see anything.
[Deer] - You don't see the sky turning purple?
[Doc] Eyes widen - It's doing what?! - Maybe we should back off from this block- come on! - Starts trying to hustle them to a safe distance from the beacon.
[CP] - I don't feel anything wrong...
[Deer] Watches the sky with great interest before noting a purple mist gathering around them- Uh, Doc?
[Doc] Is kind of dancing around, xe's upset because xe can't see what Deerheart does.
[Deer] Reaches out to touch the mist and it seems to solidify a little before darting off towards the command block-
[Doc] Is suddenly sniffing. - I can't see anything, but I can smell something. It's like there's someone here that's invisible.
-The bit gathering swirls, pulling more towards itself and grows larger and larger-
[Deer] - Doc, above the command block...
[Doc] Slinks closer, sniffing and almost expecting to be punched in the snout.
[Flux] Suddenly takes her human shape- I would appreciate it if you were not so much in my personal space...
[Doc] Leaps backward on all fours, hir mane and tail fluff poofed out like a fightened cat. - YIKES!
[Flux] Her appearance is that of a mature woman, but every part of her is some shade of purple, her hair, her skin, her eyes, and even her clothes which are styled like a long Japanese kimono- Now then, I never expected for another embodiment to show up here
[Doc] Are you an Enderbeing?
[Flux] - No, just as you are not an actual dragon
[Doc] Well... I can't fight that. But it is a handy shape. - Xe does a little tumble and shifts down into hir human form. - Sorry to get in your space. I'm Doc.
[Flux] - My name is Flux, but it is not you who holds my interest- She turns in the direction of Deer
[Deer] Is now very nervous as she steps forwards, letting Flux see her fully-
[Flux] - I see, a land embodiment...
[Doc] Is watching carefully, wanting to ensure the safety of hir lover.
[Deer] - Land embodiment?
[Doc] So it's true....
[Flux] Is a bit surprised- Are you...  Are you not fully aware of what you are?
[Deer] - Um...  We think the server created me...
[Flux] Laughs in a motherly manner- Oh no, it's more than that.  You are an embodiment of your server, an extension of it.  Your server chose your appearance based on it's land, just as this one chose mine based off of it's raw magic
[Doc] Smiles softly. - I always hoped the land loved me as much as I have loved it. Deerheart is the wind and the rain, pure driven snow, warm desert sand, the good green earth, and the glittering gems in the dark. And even the meanest of mobs obey her gentle words.
[Flux] - Of course they do, she is your server
[Doc] Well... we didn't know. Just suspected. I love her quite dearly.
[Flux] - Then that is why it created it's extension
[Doc] But she's left it before. It has to be more then that.
[Flux] - We embodiments can leave, we are meant to follow our wards, or lovers in some cases
[Doc] Then you came because of my signal? I'm sorry to trick you, but I wasn't sure how else to find you.
[Flux] - True you did trick me with a great pain in my heart...  I know what condition he was in when he last was forced to leave this seed, you knowing his code...  Well, I can only suspect the worst...
[Doc] He is gone. I'm very sorry. But am I right in thinking he was your mate?
[Flux] - At times, at others I was his confidant, and others still his guardian
[Doc] Did you bear his children?
[Flux] - No, his children came into being as others of their kind usually do
[Doc] Ah... - is a bit disappointed- I was hoping that was not the case. Would they be anything to you now?
[Flux] - My wards.  He begged me to keep watch over them when he could not
[Doc] Then I can ease your pain a small amount. Because I've brought one of them with me. And I can lead you to the other. - Turns and makes a small gesture towards Cp.
[CP] Hesitates but does step forwards-
[Flux] - The child who's coding was ripped apart and I could not follow...
[Doc] He's beaten and bruised in his code, but mostly repaired. He was there when his father passed. Only a few days ago.
[Flux] - Then at least he had some family with him when it happened
[Doc] Our Notch was there as well.
[Lie] Steps out next to CP to support him-
[Flux] - Your Notch?
[Doc] Our friend Markus. He's one of the people who designed this world.
[Flux] - The creator then?
[Deer] Steps over to Doc and takes their hand-
[Doc] One of them, there's also Jeb and Dinnerbone. - Holds Deerheart's hand gratefully
[Deer] - Flux, you said something about your physical form being that of the raw magic of the server?  What did you mean by that?
[Flux] - Minecraftia has a natural magic, it's what allows you to craft, make things without having to wait long.  When you desire a sword you simply put the items on a table and then it is in your hands, rather than spending hours or days at a forge.  My physical form is made from this magic
[Doc] Chuckles- Not that some of us haven't made tons of items the hard way just because they didn't already exist in game. And my dragon body was made from raw pixels the same way.
[Flux] - But being able to create them at all is a use of the servers magic
[Doc] Duly noted. It's a very unique world. I've been in a lot of games, but this is the one that I consider home.
[Flux] - If there is nothing needed of me, then I'll be on my way...
[Doc] Why? We came to find you, to bring you with us. Do you really want to just roam this empty server alone forever?
[Flux] - I...  I don't know, I've never left...
[Doc] Well... you could come visit, and if you hate it, we'll bring you back here.
[Flux] - I...  I suppose...
[Doc] Good. You should check on Stevie at least. And meet our Notch as well.
[Flux] - I wasn't able to track the younger one either because of how his coding had been changed...
[Doc] He had an accident with a potion and is currently a child again. Be gentle with him. He believes Markus is his real father. We'll tell him the truth when he grows back up.
[Flux] - A wise decision
[Doc] Thank you. Let me turn the block off so we don't attract anything hostile and we can go when you're ready.
[CP] - Hang on Doc, there's something I want to get real quick
[Flux] - It's still sitting on his trunk
[Doc] Okay. Do what you need too. - shatters the command block but saves the identifer number.
[CP] Is a bit unnerved by Flux's words as he heads for the house he and Stevie once shared-
[Lie] Stands there awkwardly-
[Doc] Is there anything Deerheart should know to make best use of her abilities? I've already given her a lot of hotkeys and extra commands to make it easier to access the admin functions anywhere else she goes.
[Flux] - I cannot say at the moment since I don't know the exact extent of her abilities so far
[Doc] Perhaps a training session when you have time?
[Flux] - Very well
[Doc] Thank you Flux.
[Deer] Gives Doc a light playful smack- Hey now, first Endrea and now Flux?  Who next are you going to assign to train me?
[Doc] Jumps a bit- Anyone who has anything you could ever need. even if it means you surpass my own abilities. I piss people off on a regular basis, I want you to be strong, just in case. I don't know what I'd do without you.
[Flux] - The server will take control if she ever ends up in such peril, I assure you
[Doc] I've seen it happen, it's why we suspected that the server made her. She hacks like she was born in the code. It's glorious to watch.
[Flux] - She's not hacking though, she's correcting herself in a way.  It's not hacking if you have the permission and the passwords
[Doc] Hmm, that's a good point. I guess you should help me next time I need to fix something that doesn't originate in Minecraft just to see what you can do... Deerheart! You should help me with Silver's MissingNo!
[CP] Returns to the group-
[Doc] Did you get what you needed?
[CP] - Yeah- He pulls out a small nicked wooden sword
[Deer] - Ah, but isn't that Silver's project?
[Doc] You could still help, I'm not sure he knows where to begin. And... and... - notices the sword and suddenly gets watery-eyed. - Is that.... little Stevies?
[CP] - Shut it Doc
[Flux] - Yes it is, he'd practice with CP using it
[Doc] Lip trembles- We have to make it unbreakable, if it isn't already.
[CP] - Why.
[Doc] Because he's a little kid. He'll break it, and then... fuck.. I'LL fucking cry. If that's all he has of your dad.
[CP] - Even with an unbreaking enchantment the sword will still break Doc
[Doc] Turns to Flux - is that something you can do? Make it last forever?
[Flux] - Yes, I could
[Doc] Please...
[FLux] Closes her eyes and there's a small shift in the air around them.  The small sword in CP's hands begins to vibrate and glow purple.  After a moment everything is calm once more.  If one were to look at the sword they would see an unbreaking enchantment, but no level number next to it-
[Doc] Has a peaceful look, - thank you Flux. Is there anything you want to take before we go?
[Flux] - No, I need nothing
[Doc] Cp?
[CP] Grunts and creates the opening-
[Doc] Puts an arm around Deerheart and kisses her before escorting her through.
[Flux] Crosses and then watches as Lie passes through- That one...  She has a great amount of natural magic in her...
[Doc] She makes magickal flowers, it's her power as a Herobrine.
[Flux] - It's also her connection to this seed...  But I sense a small connection to mine as well
[Doc] Well she is Cp's wife.
[Flux] - Wife?  I see...
[Doc] They exchanged hearts. They each have an extra, if you can sense magick you should be able to feel it's connection between them.
[Flux] Briefly concentrates- I can feel it, plus a connection between their minds
[Doc] It's the way of Herobrine's, we marry in the mind as well as body.
[Flux] - Good, after all that has happened to him, he deserves this
[Doc] I agree. His time with the Creepypastas taught him some terrible untruths that we've worked very hard to unravel. Love is a healing force.
[Flux] - I do not know of these creepy pasta's, but I can see he is healing
[Doc] Eh, there are a few of them here. I've been rehabilitating them. They suffer from a group posession and I've been purging them one at a time of their collective Insanity.
[Flux] - Perhaps that's what kept me from reaching him...
[Doc] He's been clean for a while, but this is also a hidden server. Many of the brines here are hiding from rather vicious NOTCHs or worse.
[Stevie] Is laughing out back-
[Notch] Is playing with him and also lets out a happy laugh.
[Stevie] - Tag!
[Flux] Perks in interest-
[Notch] Gonna get you! You better run! - Is wiggling his fingers playfully as he trots after Stevie.
[Stevie] Runs for the front of the house-
[Notch] Gives chase. -
[Flux] Watches with a small smile-
[Doc] Hey Notch!
[Notch] looks up- Hmmm? Oh you're back, with... someone new?
[Flux] - You sound just like him...
[Notch] Like? Oh, you mean like the NOTCH AI's?
[Stevie] - She's pretty
[Notch] That she is. Purple looks good on you miss.
[Flux] - Thank you
[Doc] Gestures - Flux? Stevie.
[Notch] Flux?
[Flux] - Just as I remember him
[Deer] - She's like me Notch
[Notch] Really! So you confirmed what we talked about? You're a digital entity who generated without a glitch?
[Deer] - I'm apparently an embodiment of the server itself...  An extension?  I think is what you said Flux?
[Flux] - Precicesly
[Notch] That's amazing! And she's the same?
[Flux] - Almost, Deer's body is made from the land, mine is made from the raw magic of my server
[Notch] I'm not even sure what to say, it's unprecidented. The whole team was suprised as hell when the brines started generating spontaneously. But a second generation type that doesn't have the lighting glitch? I won't tell anyone outside, but honestly I'm blown away. It means the seeds themselves have some kind of inherent conciousness to notice a digital entities pain and act to alleviate it.
[Flux] - Part of my initial coding was to hide away, mostly because anyone could enter my server, the same instructions were ingrained into the few others like myself that I have met
[Doc] So you think she's always been here, just waiting?
[Flux] - No, I can already feel that this server is far more protected than what I know, protected enough that the need to hide may not be necessary
[Doc] I'll take that as a compliment. We have so many powerful entities here, I need to keep it safe and stable inside and out.
[Stevie] Runs up to CP- Brother, can we go play now?
[Doc] Your brother brought you something Stevie. You left it behind accidently and he found it.
[Stevie] - What is it?  What is it?
[CP] glares a little at Doc before pulling out the wooden sword-
[Stevie] Gasps- My sword!- He quickly takes it and starts running around with it
[Doc] quietly-  Remember what I said about you being his hero Cp? Good job.
[CP] Grumbles as he starts heading for the house-
[Notch] Kind of fusses with his hair until it looks tidy- so, um... will you be staying with us Flux? Or at Doc's castle?
[Flux] - I don't know yet...
[Doc] You're most welcome to join me if you want. My place is huge and I can introduce you around a bit.
[Flux] - If it is no inconvenience...
[Doc] None at all. The castle is full of rooms, we have both company and people recuperating with us very frequently. Comes with the territory of being a Doctor, heh.
[Flux] - Then I suppose I'll take you up on your offer
[Doc] Then milady's chariot awaits. - Xe unfolds again and lays on the ground so Deerheart and Flux can climb on hir back.
[Deer] Climbs right on eagerly-
[Flux] Sits side saddle-
[Doc] See you later Lie, Cp, Notch, Stevie.
[Notch] waves.
[Stevie] - Bye bye!
[Doc] Flies low over the ground, hopping along on the airblocks.
[Flux] - Such an interesting way of moving...
[Doc] Actual flying seemed like a rather hard thing to figure out from scratch, and a big part of my power involves the building blocks of the game. It was just a matter of remembering that zero is a number, so to speak. I can clip through them all too. - Xe points to the gracefully curling wave of dirt near the spawn - that was my doing when I was still raw and learning my powers.
[Flux] - Fascinating...
-The castle comes into view. The floating pumpkins in the garden and the flaming roof lighting up the dusk as the sun sets redly against the horizon.
[Flux] - There are so many blocks here which I do not know...
[Doc] Oh, because you're an early version? Then you'll find a lot to interest you. We're on snapshots and get to see even the beta testing items before they get released. Plus since Cp can actually leave the game and take things from the real world back inside and I can snag things from other games, we have tons of unique items you'll have never seen before.
[Flux] - It looks like it
[Doc] Kneels for them again and leads them down between the buildings to avoid the steaming mycelium by the back door. Xe opens the front door politely for them both just as the stars are coming out
[Flux] Is looking at everything in interest-
[Flux] - These things...  On the wall...
[Doc] Which ones? The vines? Or my framed fishing tropies? Or the piece of map? That's just a couple of chunks worth of ground. There's also the dragon head, it's got a bit of redstone behind it to make it move like that.
[Flux] - All of it
[Doc] Haha, you make me see it with new eyes Flux. The whole is house is decorated with the same gusto, I'm a terrible packrat.
[Flux] - This is all so new to me...-  She feels some of the vines
[Doc] I'd be happy to show you around, or you can explore on your own. There's no shame in using the chat to tell me you got lost. It happens pretty frequently. The lowest room in the house is at the bedrock layer.
[Flux] - I think for now I'd rather be shown around
[Doc] Then lets go down here, we'll cut through the kitchen and I'll show you the map and the shrine first. It's probably the prettiest part of the house.
[Flux] - Okay
[Doc] Everybody says my kitchen is ugly, but for you at least I bet it's full of things you've never seen. I'm happy to feed you if you want, and at least snag a piece of cake off the table if you've never had it before. It fills a nice chunk of your health bar.
[Flux] - Cake?
[Doc] Gestures to the big iced cake in the center of the table. - Don't mind the endrods, they're just a form of light source. Kind of interesting since you can stick them on any surface, even upside down.
[Flux] Is fascinated by everything in the room-
[Doc] Always look up when you come in here too, sometimes there's squids in the little cove above, and Silver's Lapras likes to hang out up there. It's kind of a turtle sea monster thing, really smart too.
[Flux] - The water didn't automatically fill?
[Doc] No, I made the glass level and then dug out underneath it. It's okay if you make a little hole anyway, you can just put the block back and it stops flowing. The yellow walls soak up water too if it does get in, this room is made of sponges.
[Flux] - It doesn't...  automatically fill the space?
[Doc] Nope. It can drip a bit depending on the materials. Lava drips too if you're one block under it. That was a nice update.
[Flux] Is now a bit confused by all this information-
[Doc] Here, I'll show you something even more recent. - Leads her through the room of magma blocks with it's bone floor. - There's were done only a few months ago. They're hot but just do a tiny bit of damage if you touch them, aren't they pretty?
[Flux] - Like captured lava
[Doc] I love lava anyway. It's nice to make it useful in a way that isn't immediatly dangerous to the more human members of the household. Plus I was working on a pasta that was terrified of water. He usually ate in this room since the kitchen scared the crap out of him.
[Flux] - You can be scared of water?
[Doc] Shrugs- you can be scared of anything I guess. He's a ghost of someone who drowned, so he does have a reason to be. But it goes beyond not wanting to swim. He won't bathe and if you flick a few drops on him he'll scream. BEN has some issues.
[Flux] - Such interesting problems...
[Doc] I agree, I love fixing things and helping people is extra satisfying. Cp is both a masterpeice and group project in that respect. I've done nothing but shower him with love and attention and push him in good directions since he came here.
[Flux] - He's not what he was, but still familiar
[Doc] And better I think. At least Lie would agree, she came here as a victim. Practically enslaved. Now I would consider her his master. He would die for her.
[Flux] - She still shows so much potential as well, I can feel it in her
[Doc] She's full of suprises. She was in a lot of pain during her last stages of becoming digital, so my friend TLOT erased her eyes and made her a brine to help the process complete faster. She's only begun to shine. We're all still learning.
[Flux] - I see...
[Doc] Leads her up the back stairs- This might be of interest, these are really new. They're chrous plants. They only grow in the end and they're very delicate. The fruit makes you teleport short distances.
[Flux] - The End?
[Doc] It's a dark place, full of islands floating in void. It's ruled over on each seed by a vast black dragon. It's where the Endermen are born and come here from. You can get there from here as a player but it's an arduous task.
[Flux] - Endermen?
[Doc] That's what I though you were at first, some relation to them. They're three blocks high like Cp, with black skin and purple eyes. They teleport with bursts of purple sparkles and roam around at night. They usually leave people alone, unless you make eye contact with them. Then they scream and beat the tar out of you. Well... except Enderbro. We have one here with derped eyes that's very sweet. He's got the mind of a child, perfectly innocent.
[Flux] - They must have a stronger connection to the raw magic than the others
[Doc] Yes, they're mostly magick. They don't eat or sleep that I'm aware of. They and the dragons subsist on void magick. The caveat is that water hurts them terribly. The rain can kill them if they can't get to a dry place quick enough. Here, follow me - goes up the ladder and heads up the steps
[Flux] - How...  Saddening..- She follows carefully
[Doc] It's hard. We've raised the baby dragons before and it's difficult keeping them safe, it rains a lot on this seed. But it makes it a perfect place for me since I can bascially charge up by chasing the lightning and eating it.
[Flux] - Eating lightning?
[Doc] Turns and lets a bunch of statick crackle across hir fingers. - That's my other specialty as a Herobrine. I'm full to the brim with electricity. I can shock people really hard if I don't want to be touched.
[Flux] Looks on with interest-
[Doc] Takes her around the bend in the stairs up into the larger space above- This is our shrine. The stained glass shows the image of a basic Herobrine rising over the fires of the Nether. And the wall shows ariel view maps of nearly every structure on this seed.
[Flux] - Nether?
This message has been removed.
[Doc] Another world that can be reached from here, more easily then the End actually. It's full of flaming red rocks, sand with howling faces, dangerous floating ghosts, zombie pigmen and firey squids who live in oceans of lava. It sucks pretty hard, there's no food but mushrooms, no water, and beds will explode if you try to sleep there. It's a common place for Herobrines to be banished too by the more agressive NOTCHs, as well as a place for Herobrine's to hide from them voluntarily. Cp keeps an office in his. I don't get it.
[Flux] - Sounds very unforgiving
[Doc] It's hard. Instant death for inexperienced players. The appeal for brines is mostly that we tend to have super high temperatures normally or are glitched in a way that lava doesn't hurt us. It's nice to swim in, especially if your muscles are sore.
[Flux] Doesn't look entirely convinced by that-
[Doc] You look skeptical - Xe steps over to the lava fount by the steps and plunges hir hands into it.
[Flux] Her first instinct is to stop Doc as a small sound escapes her-
[Doc] Kind of washes hir face with it and shakes off the glowing drops back into the pool. - No big deal.
[Flux] Is now baffled- But...  That...  That goes against the coding
[Doc] Herobrines go against the coding. We're glitches. Broken from the start. That why nearly all of us have glowing eyes. It's a basic lighting error that marks us. Here, I'll show you mine, it's a bit different from most. - Xe hops up on the edge of the fount and slides off hir boot, it makes a hard clang as it hits the quartz floor. Xe hikes up hir pants leg to show the cluster of oddly colored pixels that mark hir old injury. - My glitch. It's not as volatile since I became a Herobrine, so I'm not worried about shocking someone who touches it accidently. That's why I wear these big boots, I was trying to insulate it as well as cover it up.
[Flux] - I see...  My Herobrine had no such glitch at first though...  Until that imposter arrived
[Doc] Well it is a name as as a type. Some Herobrine's begin the same as Steve's but develop their powers as a result of being glitched in the process of a forcible partial deletion.
[Flux] - No doubt many at the hands of the imposter that affected mine
[Doc] Yes. But there is a way to call them back. Even if there's not much left. Follow me, it's a bit of a climb but the view is worth it. - Heads over the walkway and up the stairs of the summoning tower.
[Flux] As they go Flux pokes at the slime cubes-
[Doc] funny aren't they? You can bounce if you jump on them. Slimes great for a base when you're making ointments too. Any kind of topical potion. - reaches the top-
[Flux] Can sense the energy coming off of the summoner-
[Doc] This is how you call for brines. It's letting out a low level signal all the time as long as the fire is burning. Most of the ones already here just ignore it now, that's why it's up and far away from the rest of the house. And TLOT made the reversed one on the roof above us as a monument for his Steve.
[Flux] - I see...  I can feel the energy coming off of it as well
[Doc] It takes a lot of effort for a player to build one, and some brines leave the instructions lying about for people to find so they can be called out of the Nether if they get trapped. - Makes gestures at the parts as xe recites the words they know so well- In a circle ring gold round, a cobble in a dungeon found, astride the top we make a cross, of redstone torch for Notch's loss, crown the center, stone from hell, Say my name and light it well. For I am Herobrine.
-words on the chat- [TLOT] Stop doing that please. I'm just trying to read a book in peace.
[Flux] Jumps a little in surprise at the sudden appearance of the words in her field of view-
[CP] In chat- Shut the fuck up Doc!
[GK] -chat- What the fuck do you want?! I'm trying to take a nap!
[Deer] Is giggling-
[Herabrine] -chat- Are you done with my fish body yet?!
[Doc] Types- Sorry TLOT, CP, GK, Hera. Just showing a new friend the ropes. - See? Works like a charm.
[Flux] - How odd...
[Doc] Well if there's a chance you'll get locked in someplace, it's smart to hide a key somehwere.
[Mix] -in chat- Whatever it is, the answer is no
[Doc] Chat- Sorry Mix! I don't need anything, just demonstrating the summoner-
[Flux] - Who exactly are everyone who responded?
[Flowey] -chat- Bite me Doc
[Doc] They're all Herobrine's. Two girls and three guys. TLOT is my shapeshifting friend I mentioned, and Cp of course. Mix is a lovely peaceful brine that works with both magicakal crystals and electricity. - Hi Flowey! Sorry to bug you!- Flowey is another plant brine, Herabrine is actually a glitched Alex model, and GK is a big red Netherdragon.
[Flux] - Nether dragon?  Alex model?
[Doc] GK isn't something that got in the game proper. I think his NOTCH altered a rejected game model or something. But he has a human form too that's a very simplified Steve model.
Herabrine is also different, she was another creature that was forcibly made human by the same NOTCH that fucked GK over. Alex is Steve's female counterpart. They have slightly narrower arms but are mostly the same body model, just a slot instead of a rod and cubes. Deerheart's basic body is an Alex shape but with nicer breasts. I'm genderless, but I'm still a Steve model.
[Flux] - How odd...
[Doc] I'll introduce you to them all in time. Lets go back down, I'll show you the librairy.
[Flux] - Library?
[Doc] Yeah, and some more of my pets. - Trots out over the walkway, theres a lovely view of the floating islands over the sea and the moon reflecting on the still waters. The walkway is plesantly warm from the lava fountains pouring down under it and Doc hurries them through the double doors and shuts them quickly behind hir before looking around the ceiling.
-Little squeaking noises-
[Flux] Looks around in surprise-
[Inky] Flies down from the ceiling and squeaks as they circle Flux curiously-
[Blinky] Flaps down and hangs off the edge of Deerheart's vest.
[Clyde] is watching them warily from a corner of the ceiling.
[Doc] You've spoiled them my love. Now they think they get treats whenever you come in.
[Deer] Sticks tongue out and sneaks Blinky a treat-
[Doc] Teasing her sweetly- They'll be too fat to fly. Then you'll have to deal with them riding around on your antlers.
[Deer] - And I would mind why?
[Flux] Stands over by the window staring out-
[Doc] Laughs- Now that's a fashion statement.
[Doc] It's a lovely night isn't it? It looks like it might rain too.
[Flux] - Even the stars here are different...
[Doc] -quietly- It's because they're not really stars. They're nodes. Every point of light is a place where I have the server backed up externally. It's very high up, but this seed has a ceiling.
[Flux] - How clever...
[Doc] -blushes- Thank you. I knew what I was getting into when I started this place, so I've made every effort to keep it stable. Herobrine's can really wreck things and some of our enemies have natural abilities for disrupting electronics.
[Flux] Looks at Doc- What else is there to see?
[Doc] Plenty, let me walk you down to the stables. I bet I have few critters you haven't seen.
[Flux] - You should have noticed the absolute lack of any on my server
[Clyde] Flys down long enough to brush against Deerheart in a greeting way.
[Doc] Yes, I take it eating wasn't a thing either?
[Flux] - Not really, but we did have apples and bread
[Flux] Runs a hand over the books- So many books...
[Doc] These are just some of my favorites. There's several rooms with books and a gigantic library that Lie built down the coast. You're free to come back up here and read whatever you want. But for now just go quick through here. I always worry about letting my bats out, they're a bitch to catch if they get out of this room.
[Deer] - Right....  Hard to catch...
[Doc] Gives her a curious eyebrow, - last time one of them got out I had to fill this whole room with cobbles to get Inky back in.
[Deer] - Mmhm, absolutely
[Doc] Hmm, anyway. - Walks them down the stairs and the animal pen comes into view. The normal horses mostly ignore the visitors, but Gir comes right to the fence with a somewhat hollow but happy whinny.
[Flux] - It's...  Like a zombie?
[Doc] Whos a good boy?- Pets him- Yes he's undead. But harmless. I used a command to get him, so he'd actually be tame.
[Flux] - How odd...
[Deer] Gives a tiny whistle and every other animal in the pen rushes for the fence-
[Doc] Looks proud of her-
-One of the skeleton horses sniffs at Flux curiously-
[Flux] Pets the nose gently-
[Skeleton Horse] gentle nuzzle
[Doc] That's Medic. These guys spawn in storms, I'm a bit obsessive about collecting and naming them so they don't just despawn.
[Flux] - I see...
[Doc] Am I bombarding you with too much? You look a bit overwhelmed.
[Flux] - Perhaps a bit...  But I do enjoy seeing all of this
[Doc] Well I won't show you every room, that would take all night and I do want you to have a chance to explore. I do want to show you the laboratory though.
[Flux] - Laboratory?
[Doc] My main workroom. It's the center of the bottom part of the house really. Several of the rooms around it have been claimed, so if you pick one down there, it's not hard to find someone to talk too if you get bored.
[Flux] - I see, then lead on
[Doc] Walks her past the little lava flow and netherworts and down the steps, xe pauses before stepping off the last one. - Never run to the wall when you come down here, there's a button at the bottom and it opens part of the floor. Just a little jokey mechanisim I built for suprising people.
[Flux] Is distracted by the giant fish tank-
[Doc] Leads her off the other side of the stairs to get closer to it. - It's a guardian. Just a little one. The elder ones are really dangerous.
[Flux] - It's magnificent
[Doc] They guard some really impressive spaces too. Underwater temples like green crystal pyramids.
[Flux] - There are now things under the water?
[Doc] Just a few things. We have more then average here since we brought in lobsters from Markus's world, and Lie made some underwater plants. TLOT likes to make colorful little fish too.
[Flux] - I must admit it will take me some time to learn everything...
[Doc] It's okay. You see why I didn't understand you wanting to stay alone, there's so much more to see and do now.
[Flux] - I suppose so...
-There's a low chuckle from farther down and around the corner-
[Flux] is a bit surprised by the sound and turns into a mist-
[Doc] Whoah! Where'd you go?
[Flux] Reforms a little ways off- My apologies, I was...  Surprised...
[Doc] It's just TLOT, I can tell by the timber. Do you want to meet him?
[Flux] - I suppose?
[Doc] Heads down the steps and around the corner. There's a figure standing under the lava flow of the big tub washing his hair.
[Steve] Is sitting on the heated table with rather rosy cheeks and a towel around his waist - Oh Hi Doc, Deerheart. Who's your friend?
[Deer] - This is Flux
[Flux] Nods in greeting-
[TLOT] Suddenly notices they have company and takes a side step down into the tub so his nethers are covered. - Flux?
[Doc] What we supposed turned out to be true. Not only is Deerheart a creation of the server. She's an embodiment of the land. Flux here was Cp's father's confidant, and is an embodiment of their lands magickal force.
[Flux] - It's a pleasure to meet you
[TLOT] You as well, excuse me for not getting out. I'm Herobrine the Lord of Tears. TLOT for short. And this is my husband. Steve, Father Steve to the Testificates.
[Deer] Is eyeing the bath-
[Steve] You guys can join us if you want.
[Doc] You look like you're sweating your cubes off.
[Steve] That's kinda the point.
[Flux] - What are you doing?
[Steve] Lie told me about saunas, it's supposed to be cleansing to let yourself sweat for a while.
[Flux] - Sweat?
[Steve] Um, it's a human thing. We lose moisture through our skins when it's hot. Sorry if I'm stinky.
[TLOT] So are you part ender? Mostly human? Or more like a brine?
[Flux] - My physical body is made from the raw magic of my server
[TLOT] That wasn't really what I meant. How about this.. do you have a food and a heart bar on your heads up display?
[Flux] - No
[TLOT] Can you break any block with your hands?
[Flux] - Yes
[TLOT] Sounds like creative to me. Does lava hurt you?
[Flux] - Yes
[TLOT] Weird.... so a mix of creative and survival... okay, well I'll be careful. I won't splash you or anything.
[Flux] - What is creative?
[Deer] - Flux, could this have to do with what version of the game you came from?
[Doc] You have access to all the blocks and items and as many of anything as you want. It's for people who just want to build things without playing the hunting and gathering part of the game.
[Flux] - I see, and I do not know Deer, but it is possible
[Doc] She's probably right. It makes sense.
[TLOT] Grabs a handful of lava and scrubs his hair with it-
[LH] wanders downstairs- Mew?
[Doc] Hey little guy, - pets the cat as he weaves around hir legs-
[Flux] Is very interested in LH-
[LH] Looks at Flux, his glowing eyes particularly bright and interested. - Prrew?
[Flux] - What is that?
[Doc] It's a cat. Technically he's also a Herobrine. He's glitched slightly. His name is Little Herobrine.
[LH] Cocks his head - meow?
[Flux] Tilts head in curiosity-
[Doc] They start out wild and you can tame them with fish. They keep certain types of mobs away.
[Flux] Rubs her head a little- This is all just so much to take in...
[TLOT] Brushes lightly against her mind, he's just curious about her.
[Flux] Easily feels the brush and physically reacts with a small jerk-
[TLOT] Oh, are you psychic?
[Flux] - No, but I can sense when magic is being used
[TLOT] Ah. Well I wasn't trying to invade your privacy, just being annoyingly curious.
[Flux] - I see, I can try and answer any questions you may have
[TLOT] I need to think about what to ask. But I'm glad to get to the bottom of Deerheart's mystery. I presume you provided the last peices of the puzzle?
[Flux] - Yes, I was surprised that she wasn't aware of what she actually is
[Doc] I think I know why... I believe it was intentional, meant to give me time to heal so I could make space for her in my life.
[Deer] - And then we got led to you so we could learn the truth Flux!
[Doc] I owe Cp a lot actually...
[TLOT] Chuckles- he'd cuss you out if you said that to him.
[Flux] - That doesn't quite sound like him...
[Steve] Okay, I feel like toast, it's water time. - Hops off the hot table and slips into the water pool, leaving his towel on the lip.
[Deer] - I might join you there Steve
[Doc] You'd be suprised. His presence has led me into both good and bad circumstances. But even the bad ones sometimes had good after-affects.
[Flux] - Like what?
[Steve] Sit's to the back and waves a hand graciously to indicate there being plenty of space.
[Deer] Grins and strips before happily jumping in-
[Doc] Someone who once tried to kill me is now not only a decent friend, but has joined our cause and found a mate amidst our kind. I'm quite fond of some of his pasta and Slender bretheren. I never would have met them without him.
[Steve] Gets splashed and laughs-
[Deer] - Flux, why don't you relax and join us for a bit?
[TLOT] Flicks some obsidian bits out of his side from where the water splashed in.
[Flux] - Join you in doing what?
[Doc] I won't crowd you. I like the lava side. But that does sound nice.
[Steve] Just taking a bath. It makes you clean and feels nice on your skin.
[Flux] - A...  Bath?
[TLOT] We don't stand on ceremony much here. Doc's seen most everyone naked at least once anyway. Heh
[Flux] Is just getting more confused-
[Doc] Just shuck off your clothes and get in, you'll see. Even the water side is heated and warm.
[Flux] Hesitates but does begin removing her clothes, letting them slip to the ground as she cautiously steps into the water-
[Deer] - There you go Flux, nice and easy
[Doc] Just don't try to take a breath under the surface.
[Flux] Actually laughs a little- Well at least that hasn't changed
[Doc] Just making sure all bases are covered. Sorry if that was insulting.
[Flux] - I took no insult from it at all
[Doc] Well I'm not gonna be the one stick in the mud. Give me a sec and I'll join you. - Xe takes off hir gloves and coat before popping off hir boots. Xe has small breasts today.
[TLOT] Been one of those days, huh Doc?
[Deer] Gives an appreciative hum-
[Doc] Hmm? Oh! Yes... you know I like to change things up a bit.
[Flux] Has settled into the warm water and seems rather happy, her long hair flowing throughout the water-
[Doc] Turns away to take off hir pants and flashes a bit of gray purple muff as xe slips into the lava. - Ahhhhhh, that's too nice. It's been a long-ass day.
[Deer] - Agreed
[TLOT] Hey Flux? Do you see a bubble line if you duck your head under?
[Flux] - Yes, but it's not much
[LH] Has cat-loafed and is watching the slimes jump up and down in their cage.
[TLOT] So survival in that sense. If you're made of magick, what kind of powers do you have?
[Doc] Is lazing on the divider, watching Deerheart.
[Flux] - I do not need one of the tables to craft or enchant, I can also create a shield and turn myself into a mist
[TLOT] Neat! Can you do things that aren't normal options for enchantments?
[Flux] - Yes, for example I enchanted Stevie's old wooden sword so that it would never break
[Steve] Aww, that's a really nice gesture.
[TLOT] I think you and I are going to have a lot to talk about. I can do things off the menu too, but it usually takes a lot of physical effort, or some kind of small sacrifice.
[Flux] - My magic is what allows crafting to happen, perhaps you just need more of it?
[TLOT] Can I show you something? You won't be able to take it from me, but you should be able to touch it briefly without harm.
[Flux] - Alright...
[TLOT] Leans over the divider beside Doc and takes out his scythe. It's blood red pixels and diamond chips glittering in the glow from the lava. - I made this. Glued the bits together with my own blood. It's permenantly stuck in my inventory, but it can cut through anything.
[Flux] Reaches out to run her fingers over it- There are a few points where it doesn't wish to stick together...  I could fix that for you
[TLOT] If you... wish, just be careful. it's irreplacable. My husbands ring and our friend Alexsezia's earrings were made with chips from the same diamond.
[Steve] Watches nervously
[Flux] Smiles a little- Fear not, no harm will come to any of them- She pulses a small amount of her power into the tool, settling the pieces and making the pixels think that that is were they were always meant to be
[TLOT] Thank you. I can feel the difference. I made it when I was a bit more raw in my powers. It's just special now.
[Flux] - You're welcome
[Steve] Plus you can drop a chunk of bedrock on it and it will cut it into two half-slabs.
[TLOT] That too- he puts it away- Can you block flip Flux? Or have you ever tried?
[Flux] - Block flip?  I don't understand
[TLOT] The blocks all have numbers. If you change them you can change one substance into another. Here, I'll show you. - He spawns an empty bucket- Buckets are number 325, but if I change it to number 335... - concentrates on it for a sec- Now it's the bucket variant that's full of milk.
[Flux] - How odd, unfortunately I don't think I'd be very good at it considering how few blocks I know
[Doc] It's very useful. He can transform himself and even others into totally different shapes.
[TLOT] Well, it's much easier if the person wants to be something else. And while I don't regret what we did to Cp because of the outcome, I think making a habit of that would be a terrible idea.
[Flux] - I don't understand...
[Doc] What part?
[Flx] - The shifting of beings
[TLOT] Oh, I'm malleable. I can move my pixels around and mimic other animals. I'll show you. - He crawls out of the lava, turning into bedrock fog as he emerges. As the mist rolls away it reveals a large golden cat with glowing eyes.
[Flux] - Fascinating
[LH] Perks up and runs towards him
[TLOT] Lets the smaller cat bump against his big head- Good kitty
[Flux] Yawns a little and leans against the side of the tub-
[TLOT] Pads back over- you look tired. It's been a long day.
[Flux] - Very much so
[TLOT] Do you want the empty room that's closest, or the one that's biggest?
[Flux] - Either one, I do not mind
[TLOT] I vote closest then. I'll show you the big rooms tomorrow. Would you follow me? No need to get dressed if you're only going to bed. It's just down the hall.
[Flux] - Very well, she stands and steps out of the pool, gathering her robe
[TLOT] Trots down past the enclosures and into the small room by the blaze cage.
[Flux] Follows and is observing all the mobs they pass-
[TLOT] Bed's all yours and there's food in the trunk when you wake up. My and Steve's room is down the short hall by the heated table Steve was sitting on, come and find us when you wake up. But not too early, okay?
[Flux] - I understand
[LH] Hops up on the bed and sits in her lap, puuuuring
[Flux]  Is unsure what to do-
[TLOT] Don't mind him, he just wants to be petted. He'll either go away or lay down with you when you fall asleep.
[Flux] - I see- She tentatively pets the cat
[LH] Assorted happy cat noises-
[TLOT] Good night Flux. Sleep well.
[Flux] - Good night
[TLOT] Gallops back down the hall and dives into the lava
[Doc] AAA!
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