#she would also absolutely hate this
the-munster-mash · 2 years
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[Image description: an illustration in the style of a religious icon or tarot card, featuring a woman with brown hair (Melanie King) holding a cane and a broken chain. She has a red bandage over her eyes. There’s a gold halo behind her, with icons of daggers and eyes surrounding her head. The illustration is done in cool red tones]
Next up, Melanie! I could see her being a sort of Archangel Michael, known for liberating and defending those trapped in the domains. She also was the only one to free herself from the entities after being trapped by the Eye, so it only stands to reason that she’d be the patron saint of freedom.
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potassiumprincess · 5 months
i think marinette is worse at resting when she's sick but adrien is worse at sitting things out if he's injured. i have no explanation, these are just the vibes
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wishesofeternity · 2 months
The thing about HotD is that it while it absolutely minimizes the agency and ambition of both Rhaenyra and Alicent, this is specifically used to glorify Rhaenyra and frame her as righteous while condemning Alicent and framing her lacking. That's the key difference in both their textual portrayals that has directly led to 90% of the fandom hailing Rhaenyra as the second coming of Christ while spewing the most hateful vitriol at Alicent just for existing. But y'all are not prepared for that conversation.
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Wu trained Morro at the same time that Garmadon was training with Chen which MEANS that Misako was around to see what the pressure of wanting and training to be the Green Ninja could lead to.
So later when she had Lloyd and KNEW that he would be the legendary Green Ninja, do you think she thought of the child Wu had once trained? The kid who became so obsessed with proving himself that he put himself in danger time and time again? The little boy who ran off into the night and never came back?
After seeing that, is it any wonder why she didn't want to leave her son-- the actual Green Ninja-- to be trained by Wu at such a young age?
Maybe a boarding school for bad boys would never make him want to be a hero. Maybe it would keep him safe from the destructive power of destiny. Maybe Darkley's was the only way to save her beloved son, Lloyd Garmadon, from himself.
Maybe Misako remembered Morro. And maybe, just maybe, she knew it would be best if her son never turned into someone like that.
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walmart-miku · 11 months
ok people we gotta stop making mori the source of all evil with soukoku. Yes mori is evil about how he treated yosano and a lot of the pm members but that's a whole other can of worms.
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Fics need to stop making this dude try to prevent skk from dating. I want a crack fic where mori is just like "Hey how was ur day do u like to kiss guys?" To both dazai and chuuya. I want mori shenanigans where he's actively trying so hard to set them up and Elise is sitting in a corner with kouyou and they're hard core judging him.
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starry-bi-sky · 10 months
I am of the DPxDC belief/headcanon that any variation of Danny who grew up poor in Gotham during his formative years before moving to Amity Park would not be friends with Sam without friction at first. It makes things more interesting and imo allows for more exploration of different themes plus character growth for Sam that she doesn't really go through in canon.
(this doesn't only apply to a DPDC au where Danny grew up in Gotham poor, but it was the first thing that I thought of where this might happen considering my Childhood Friends au.)
Now Sam's a compassionate girl, it's one of her defining character traits, but so is her hypocrisy and judgy-ness. She's the Not Like Other Girls' girl. This is in part of the show's narrative framing that makes her out like this, unfortunately though its still showing how she is as a character since its consistent enough to be part of her character description. There are also times where the show's depiction of her activism makes it look like she's performative about it. All of this makes her dynamic with a Danny who grew up poor in Gotham very interesting.
Anyways, Sam is aware of her privilege to an extent, but still has her blindspots - glaring ones, in some cases. Her self-righteous attitude would not go over well with a crime alley kid Danny. He'd like her, at first, but then she'd do something to make him mad - personally I think her judging people for not being vegan would annoy him the most, or at least would be the breaking point for him, because it was only recently that his family started actually being able to consistently put food on the table at all, good food nonetheless. And being vegan is expensive.
Any other behavior he noticed from her he'd slowly stop tolerating - her judging conventionally attractive girls and automatically assuming they're vapid and shallow for being feminine. Her anti-capitalist beliefs start coming off as superficial at worst, and Danny would eventually figure out that Sam either came from a family that was well off, or that she wasn't aware if her family was experiencing financial struggle.
He would still be friends with Tucker, but since Tucker imo is still friends with Sam, they'd still run into each other often enough to butt heads. Sam's got a nasty habit of refusing to take responsibility when she's wrong, but when Danny is arguing with her, and counterpointing her with stuff she can't retort back at without compromising her own beliefs, then forces her to start reflecting on herself. Especially when Tucker eventually starts siding with Danny and agreeing with him.
Does sam genuinely care about her beliefs and philosophies? Survey says yes. However that doesn't mean she's not ignorant, and she definitely is at times throughout the show (like when she released the purpleback gorilla thinking it 'wanted out of its enclosure' despite the fact that it was endangered and in an urban area) and I think it'd be a real fascinating dynamic between Danny and Sam to explore.
This isn't Sam hate btw, nor am I trying to make her out like "the worst person ever" bc she's not, i wanna make that explicitly clear. Sam Manson has a lot of positive traits about her but she also has an equal amount of negative traits that I think should be explored, she is not immune to the character development.
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owari-no-suffering · 9 months
shoutout to lan wangji and luo binghe for being endlessly tormented by their love interests' mixed signals, reaching their breaking point, and then proceeding to never be normal about their (always reciprocated) crushes (turned husbands) ever again.
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bluehairperson · 6 months
Sometimes I see posts about how "I, Strahd" Tatyana has the personality of a cardboard but I don't think I agree honestly.
We only see her in very few scenes (all from Strahd's POV) and she's always very gentle and soft spoken.
Which makes completely sense since she was a lowborn orphan trying to make a good impression on her future brother in law, who is not only the ruler of the valley but also a feared war criminal. Of course she would try to be as nice as possible in front of him.
I also think that Strahd was extremely genuine in thinking he was in love with Tatyana, it's just that he never really knew her the way Sergei did. He only knew a facet.
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spkyart · 1 year
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My mom: She is mentally ill, Nanako
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bigdumbbambieyes · 4 months
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‘We need more morally gray women’ you can’t even handle Ceroba from Undertale Yellow
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swordmaid · 1 year
had a vision of brienne preparing to enter a joust and jaime is leaning over the stands either trying to give her a kiss or putting his favour on her pauldron and some other dudes are holding onto him so he doesn’t fall over
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Angel's type is pan men who are mean to him and use his need for validation and affection to manipulate him into doing what they think is "right"
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bunisher · 4 months
yeah i do think it’s interesting how the guy who plays a character who kills abusers had one on his podcast and then was like hehehe frankcastlecore Bro The Character You Play Would Shoot You Too
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literaila · 22 days
On a scale of one to ten how emotional was readers reaction seeing megumi alive again
8.7 but she never really believed that he was gone. call her crazy but her son isn’t going to blindly submit to some manic gym bro from the heian era
megumi takes back his body and she’s basically jumping up and down with yuji and applauding. a standing ovation for her son, obviously.
and then later she goes home and cries herself to sleep because a. she’s really proud of him and b. the world is a terrible terrible place
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ramenwithbroccoli · 17 days
hey. turns out there's a wholeass robot i keep forgetting to post about besides it's rapid development so ughh
meet Bernie!
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originally named Bernadetta (but she just goes by Bernie) it was build in 1949, with strong mechanisms destined for factory work and a red matter core installed at the back of her head - to keep it as high and far away from dangerous tools and chemicals as possible. it did great in it's work - until a tragedy from the shoreline made general attitudes more and more hostile towards the "robots"
after the story of Giewont broke the news, Bernie's work got tougher as people all around her either feared or outright despised her for what she was. when one day it finally fought back against the harassment, her anger was too great to control. it ended up seriously injuring two of her co-workers and losing its job
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with no place in the world that deemed her dangerous, she stuck to the only thing that brought her relief - anger. with all the injustice that happened to her, she decided to pin the blame on the one who started it all - Giewont. it didn't help that her now biggest enemy escaped the country and was never caught. Benrie promised itself to get its revenge one way or another, resentment getting worse with each day she was stuck in the smoking ruins of a hostile country while Giewont left god knows where.
but there was another thing that kept her going. messing around with nothing to life for, Bernie found refuge in creating films. hanging around the producers and actors, perfecting the craft, it found itself amongst the creative group of people who inspired each other. and she drank it all in, sticking out even more from the crowd - if that's even possible with a plasma-ball like head. she also picked up a fancy for motorcycles :]
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still, the general public opinions on robots didn't change. that's why it found itself on a mission - to Make Them Understand. because surely, once everyone knows the Truth, they wouldn't treat her so bad. they would know better.
set on her quest to create a movie conveying the Absolute Truth, it found itself in a role of a screenwriter and a director - still, no actors could play their roles as well as she imagined. and so, it's still lead on by three things that power her - revenge, inspirstion and the need to Show Them All
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but behind it all. she's still such a loser<3
bonus under the cut:
midnight meme redraw because her ego is fragile as shit<3
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