#she wasn't going to anyway after being told She Did That Herself or whatever other gaslighty victim blaming bullshit
hnting · 2 years
Still can't fully wrap my mind around the Cook Incident TM because Jess and her family weren't recluses living in the middle of nowhere. They had neighbors. They had friends. Surely someone must have seen or heard something that could've helped the police if a real search was underway. They had been captive for weeks when Jess escaped, and then who knows how long until she made her way back. How did nobody find them or wherever they'd been held? :(
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crossfandomslut · 3 months
At Peace in Your Fire pt. 3
part 1 and part 2
Summary: Hewn City bs and lots of Eris screen time haha
Pairing: ErisxArcheron!reader
Word Count: 4k
Notes: I am so so excited that people are liking this story so far !!! I love all your comments and am so appreciative of the likes and reblogs ! For this chapter, I did use a big chunk of the direct dialog from ACOWAR for the Hewn City meeting with Eris, because I think its important context and I wasn't about to rewrite SJM's mastery. So disclaimer, I do not own any of SJM's characters or speak for her or them in anyway ! This is just for shits and gigs and I hope y'all enjoy this chapter ! Also please let me know how we feel about the Eris POV :)
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Amber eyes and a pale face littered in freckles, framed by fiery red hair,  stared wildly at her. Eyes full of fear and confusion contorted his beautiful features. He was stunning, truly. Rakish, almost lanky, but toned muscles rippled under his well-fitted clothes as he fell to the ground gripping and clawing at his throat, trying to force air back into his lungs. Y/n did that to him. She made another being feel that pain and suffering. But he was hurting her sister. He was hurting Feyre. Y/n didn’t know why she had to remind herself of that fact so often to justify her actions that day on the frozen lake, but she had fallen asleep thinking about the male every night since.
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Now that Feyre was home, things started moving pretty quickly. Hybern was making moves in the Spring Court to bring down the wall to the human lands, and thus putting Prythian on the brink of another war. Everyone was hard at work planning, coordinating, and scheming, but Y/n was told to just keep training. She wanted to be useful when the time came, so she was going to need to hone her powers and her physical abilities. She finally got to be a part of the plans when Rhys announced at family dinner that everyone would be taking a trip to Hewn City.
Y/n wasn’t afraid per-say, but she wasn’t sure what to expect. Feyre had told her that Amarantha’s ‘lair’ for lack of a better term, was designed after the city. She wasn’t sure she wanted to see that firsthand after hearing about everything that Feyre and Rhys went through. She was going to put on a brave face though. It’s not about her. It was about helping this court, her new family, and potentially the fate of the world as they knew it.
She studied herself in the mirror after selecting the right dress. Rhys had told her to wear whatever color she wanted, but she knew that this visit to Hewn City was all about appearances and she needed to help show that they were a united front. She had never been fond of black. It always looked so good on her twin, but Y/n preferred softer, neutral tones that helped her blend into the trees and underbrush. Tonight however, she would step out of her comfort zone. Adapt. Her constant mantra. So, she studied herself in the mirror, eyes gliding along her body that was no longer too thin, but now tones and showing real muscle. Her hips were wider, her arms and thighs thicker. A body to fill out such a fine dress. It was a floor length gown, as black as obsidian. It had see-through long sleeves and a modest neckline. Nothing flashy, she didn’t need to draw attention to herself, she just needed to blend in and help silently from the dais. But as she looked at herself, she thought that she looked quite pretty. She always thought she was the most plain of her sister, even now as Fae, but tonight, Y/n would try to wear this dress with confidence and that casual coolness that came so naturally to all the others.
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 Eris’ POV
 That beautiful female on the frozen lake haunted him every waking and sleeping hour of Eris’ life. The way she literally took his breath away. If it weren’t for her power actually stealing the air from his lungs, her beauty alone would have stopped him in his tracks. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his many centuries of existence. He could help but laugh when she stormed up to him in the Winter Court wearing little more than pajamas. He shouldn’t have laughed. If the Illyrians thought she was important enough to bring along, he shouldn’t have underestimated her. He saw her face every time he closed his eyes. Her y/e/c orbs staring straight into his soul. It ratted him, which not much did anymore.
Eris hated Hewn City and he hated Keir. He was so tired of playing these court games and scheming behind the scenes. He knew Rhys liked to make an entrance, but he was growing bored and restless. Until he saw her. She was just as beautiful as the first time he saw her, but now, dressed in a night court black gown, she didn’t glow like she did when she was comfortable in her chestnut brown pants and a forest green sweater. Who is she?
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Y/n’s POV
Stood atop the dais behind the single throne that Feyre and Rhys shared, Y/n scanned the room. Doing her best to keep her face carefully neutral, she stood there while Rhys addressed the court introduced Feyre as their High Lady, and coolly demanded that they kneel. After a long pause, the whole room on their knees before them, he released them to enjoy the festivities.
A man with blonde hair, that Y/n identified as Keir, Mor’s father only by blood, approached the dais. Then, the last person she expected to see approached as well. The male from the lake, with the glowing amber eyes and hair that reminded her of a maple trees falling red leaves. She swore her heart stopped beating when he made eye contact with her as he bowed. Not to Rhys or Feyre, but to her.
“Keir. Eris. So kind of you to join us. But don’t be so eager to get our meeting over with, go enjoy the evening. Azriel’s shadows will find you when we’re ready.” Rhys slid his bored gaze over each male and waved a hand in dismissal.
Eris. That was his name. Eris Eris Eris. The name clanged around her brain, and she had to choke back the desire to know how it felt on her tongue. She knew his name now and it made falling asleep to picturing his face feel like she was violating him in some way. She knew she shouldn’t have been thinking about him in the first place. He tried to kill her sister, or bring her back to his father who was a known tyrant and took brutality to another level. She should definitely not be thinking about him. But there he was. And gods damn he was even more devastating than she remembered. For starters, he wasn’t covered in blood, and she wasn’t choking the daylights out of him. But more than that, he had this air about him. He exuded a confidence that was purely Fae male and came from centuries of a life lived. Then she remembered the way that fire had danced from his fingertips. He could wield flame like an extension of his own body. It was beautiful. Y/n once again had to reprimand herself, because those same beautiful flames coming from his long, calloused fingers, were causing harm and pain to her own sister. That light and radiance that fire had was diminished in the context of it’s use. How dare he make Y/n fear something she loved so dearly? How dare her use fire, which is the root of all life, use it to hurt and destroy?
Y/n was snapped out of her daydreaming by the sound of someone clearing their throat. She realized Eris had not broken eye contact with her and was now starring at her expectantly. With no small amount of embarrassment, she realized she was probably just standing here gazing into his eyes while her whole family stood there and watched. He cheeks heated and Eris’ smirk grew.
“I asked you for a dance, lady…?”
“Y/n, you do not have to dance with him. Honestly, you don’t even have to talk to him.” Rhys said.
“Y/n...” She hated how much she liked her name falling from his lips. “Just once dance, Lady Y/n, and I’ll share what I know of the Spring Court in our meeting this evening.” Still smirking, he held out a hand.
“Fine.” Y/n unceremoniously slapped her hand into his. Just because she was practically vibrating with anticipation of being so close to the male, didn’t mean he needed to know that. And neither did her family. For all anyone else knew, she hated Eris as much as they all did. She certainly should if she knew what was good for her. Gods, what was wrong with her!?
That smirk turned into a cocky grin as Eris led Y/n to the dance floor. He tugged on her hand still held in his and pulled her close to his body. Not pressing against her, but close enough that she could feel the heat coming off his body. He was unnaturally hot being a fire wielder, but Y/n never minded the heat. Even found herself having to hold back from pressing every inch of her against the warmth. He stood close to a foot taller than her, and she had to tilt her head up to lock eyes with him. She was met with amber eyes dancing with amusement, and he was met with a cold hard glare.
Eris blew out a soft laugh and asked, “why, little dove, do you hate me so much? We don’t even know each other yet.”
Y/n tried not to linger on the ‘yet’ as she leveled him an incredulous glare. “You mean aside from the fact that you chased my sister across a frozen lake, blasting fire at her and then restrained her with said fire?”
He had the audacity to laugh again. “Yes, Y/n, aside from that. I would very much like to know you. You hating me makes that slightly difficult.”
Gods that smirk. Y/n was trying to think straight as he floated her around the dance floor like it was nothing. She hoped he didn’t realize she was using her magic to keep herself from tripping over her own feet or stepping on his. He was such a beautiful dancer. And the truth was, she wanted to know him too. But instead she said, “you use your gift of fire to hurt others. You use that delicate flame to inflict pain and fear.” She desperately hoped her voice was staying steady, but then he scoffed at her and the leash she had on her temper slipped from her fingers. She feels her voice raising and her cheeks heating as she goes on. “Fire is not meant to cause pain, Eris!”
He halts their movement. That was enough to make her blink and remember where they were. Her eyes and her voice soften as she tries to look straight into his soul and speak directly to it. Her hands drift to hold both of his in her much smaller ones. “Fire is beautiful and lovely and soft and warm. Fire is nurturing and breathes life into everything. Fire is a gentle protector and a kind companion. I am so sorry someone told you otherwise and that you’ve been told to use it as a weapon.” He just blinked at her for what felt like an eternity. Suddenly the music stops, and the room erupts into applause for the musicians. “Eris…?” Y/n sys his name as gently as she can, but he pulled away from her so fast and muttered an ‘excuse me’ before he turned on his heels and practically ran out of the ball room.
Y/n stands there until someone accidently bumps into her and jolts her out of her head and back into her body. Slowly, she makes her way back to the dais staring at her feet, still not totally present. She looks up when she reaches her family only to see them all with a hand over their mouth to choke back a laugh. “What?” Y/n’s brow scrunches and she tilts her head in confusion.
Cassian is the first to break, laughing so loud a few partygoers jump and glasses shatter. The next is Mor, and finally, Feyre asks through tears in her eyes and a barely concealed giggle, “What the hell did you say to him!?”
Y/n just took her spot on the dais next to Feyre and Rhys as they laughed and laughed together and resumed staring at the floor trying not to be eager to see Eris at the meeting later this evening.
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Eris’ POV
He had to get out of there. Had to get out of that room that felt too similar to under the mountain and away from that female who was far too gentle and kind to be anywhere near him. ‘The Mother must really hate me’ he thinks as he reaches the city’s edge and can finally breathe again. He knew the shadowsinger would find him soon and call for the meeting, but before then he needed to regain his composure. Y/n didn’t need to use her power to stop his breathing and make his heart race.
He took a few deep breaths and the shaking in his hands and the ache in his chest eased slightly. His mind drifted to the feeling of her in his arms, how well they danced across the floor together and how lovely her hands felt pressed to his chest. ‘Fire is not meant to cause pain’ Y/n had said. The words had come from her mouth with such passion and determination that he almost believed her. He wanted to. Gods did he want to believe her and her kind words and her cold calloused hands that soothed his burning skin. There was no way for Y/n to have known his father had struck him across the chest just this morning. A show of power after his father bested him during sparring. The punishment for winning would have been far more gruesome. Y/n’s cold unassuming hand placed directly over where his father’s had left the flesh raw and painful. Her lovely hand placed there while she looked him in the eyes and told him that fire wasn’t meant to cause pain and that she was sorry. He couldn’t believe she was real, and his need to know her just grew tenfold. But he wasn’t good enough for her. He wasn’t good. He should keep his distance and save her the misery of his company again.
Eris was dreading the mask he would dawn in this meeting and the monster she would think of him as afterward. A shadow wrapped around his wrist and tugged. It was time. Eris schooled his features into the calm, bored, arrogant heir, winnowed back into the halls of the palace, and sauntered his way into the meeting.
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Y/n’s POV
The meeting was nothing of what Y/n expected. Eris came in, and straight up avoided eye contact with her. She couldn’t lie, that stung a bit.
He sat across from Rhys, but looked to Mor with a knowing glint in his eye and said, “you look well, Mor.”
“You don’t speak to her,” Azriel said softly.
Eris gave a bitter smile. “I see you’re still holding a grudge.”
Y/n was so confused.
“This arrangement, Eris,” Rhys spoke, “relies solely upon you keeping your mouth shut.”
Eris huffed a laugh. “And haven’t I done an excellent job? Not even my father suspected when I left tonight.”
Feyre glanced between her mate and Eris. “How did this come about?”
Apparently, Feyre was just as lost as you were.
Eris explains that he caught Azriel’s shadows snooping around the Autumn court after they returned from the frozen lake, and that his brothers ‘mysteriously’ forgot about Feyre’s powers. He said that he had taught himself a few things about daemati powers and how to block them out. He says that he didn’t tell his father because he knew that Baron would want to hunt Feyre down and kill her for his belief that she stole part of his power. He doesn’t believe that Baron knows just how much of a threat Hybern is, but that he wont join forces with them if he finds out about Feyre’s powers.
“So what’s the asking price for you silence then, Eris?” Mor demanded. “Another little bride for you to torture?”
All the blood drained from Y/n’s face as her eyes darted between Mor and Eris. Her head hurt from trying to put this puzzle together without having all the pieces. She knew that Mor’s father had tried to marry her off and Mor took control of her own fate by sleeping with Cassian, but she hadn’t known the male she was sold off to was supposed to be Eris. The pounding in her head did not cease.
Something flickered in Eris’ eyes. “I don’t know who fed you those lies to begin with, Morrigan,” he said with vicious calm. “Likely the bastards you surround yourself with.”
A sneer from Azriel. And a sharp intake of breath from Y/n. If he had looked at her she would have seen the brief flash of guilt in his eyes.
Mor snarled, rattling the glasses. “You never gave any evidence to the contrary. Certainly not when you left me in those woods.”
“There were forces at work that you have never considered,” Eris said coldly. “And I am not going to waste my breath explaining them to you. Believe what you want about me.”
“You hunted me like an animal,” Feyre cut in. “I think we will choose to believe the worst.”
Y/n didn’t know how to feel. Couldn’t think of anything to say or do, so she just dropped her gaze to the floor. She shouldn’t come to Eris’ defense. She just met the male and apparently her gut feeling about him was wrong. Her family hated him and he hurt Mor. Something didn’t feel right, but what would she even say? There were literal centuries of bad blood between her found family and this male who for some gods forsaken reason, she couldn’t stop thinking about. This arrogant, spiteful, male who attacked her sister! Not just Feyre it seems, but Mor as well. Even if he didn’t have direct hand in harming her, he didn’t help her. Why didn’t he help her? Her head was still spinning trying to sort through all these conflicting feelings. She felt like she needed to come to Eris’ defense, but why? Maybe because she felt deep down in her soul that no one ever had. She could feel that he was good, so why were his actions such the opposite? The pounding in her head wouldn’t stop and she felt as if she might faint. The conversation starting to sound like they were underwater.
“I was given and order. And sent to do it with two of my…brothers.”
“And what of the brother you hunted down alongside me? The one whose lover you helped to execute before his eyes?” Feyre accused.
Eris slammed a hand on the table, which did nothing to help Y/n headache. No one seemed to notice her flinch and start to sway. “You know nothing about what happened that day. Nothing.”
“Indulge me,” was all Feyre said in response.
“How do you think he made it to the Spring border,” Eris’ voice had returned to its normal low and sharp nature. “I wasn’t there- when they did it. Ask him. I refused. It was the firs and only time I have denied my father anything. He punished me. And by the time I got free… They were going to kill him too. I made sure they didn’t. Made sure Tamlin got word- anonymously- to get the hell over to his own border.” Eris picked at a stray thread on his jacket, “not all of us were as lucky in our friends and family as you, Rhysand.”
Sharp, stabbing, shooting pain ran through Y/n’s head and it was so surprising that she let out a yelp as she dropped to the floor, and everything went black. The last thing she remembered hearing was the voice of Eris’ panicked voice crying her name.
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Taglist: @abysshaven @myromanempiree @lilah-asteria @96jnie @ivy-34 @minaethrym
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giorno-plays-piano · 11 months
Her Fault
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Pairing: yandere!Toji Fushiguro x reader
Warnings: implied noncon, spiked drink, stalking, kidnapping, obsession, mention of Stockholm syndrome, Toji being a part of a gang.
Words: 1.2k
Summary: Toji knows nearly everything about her. Who she is, where she works, what's her address, where she keeps her keys, the code to unlock her phone... Except for the last two things, he didn't even need to have someone to spy on her because she told him everything herself. Somehow, she felt like she could trust him, poor girl. He appreciates her lapse in judgment.
"You should try something new for a change," Toji says with that smug expression on his face, making the woman next to him frown. "No offense, but those pathetic margaritas will be the end of you one day."
For a second, she looks stunned by his audacity, but it doesn't take her long to bite back at him, "Says who? The I-only-drink-whisky guy?"
He lets out a laugh at that, shaking his head. "Fair enough. How about we both try a new thing?"
As she stills, contemplating his offer, he already knows he'll win. She will order whatever he tells her to, and she will drink it like a good girl, not being able to tell the difference between the real drink and whatever concoction he will give her. Wouldn't work with a margarita she's been ordering ever since she appeared here one Friday evening.
He first saw her about half a year ago, wearing a fancy black dress and high heels like she was at the gala, not a local bar. Her hair was perfectly coiffed, and she wore that classy sort of makeup that suggested she was either at the wrong place or came here straight after work for god knows what reasons. Toji had no idea why she would show up at this bar dressed that way. Did she want to get laid and didn't know how?
The guy sitting next to her at the counter probably arrived at the same conclusion but dumbly decided to chase after her in the most stupid fashion, giving Toji an excuse to send him "I-will fucking-end-you" look and flex his biceps: girls digged that shit, and he was sure she'd take the bait. Naturally, the drunk dumbass left in a second while the woman looked impressed and thanked him for help. It was only natural to strike a conversation.
Pretty much first time going to a bar, she confessed, ordering a margarita. Why? She was a workaholic and, in addition, despised drunk people who couldn't control themselves. Why did she finally come? Wanted to find out what it's like since one drink couldn't hurt that much.
He thought she smelled really fucking nice.
Surprisingly, he didn't bang her the first night because she had a way with words that made him talk more than he usually did, and, by the time she was about to leave, he didn't feel like spoiling her first bar experience. She was probably going to return, anyway. Besides, Toji didn't like feeling so much at ease with a stranger, given the specifics of his work, so he was going to ring someone he knew to do a quick check-up on her and make sure that evening wasn't some elaborately planned scheme. God help her if it was.
But she was just an ordinary woman with an ordinary job with no relation to his business, so when she came the next Friday, Toji thought it was fucking nice to actually talk to someone for once. Why not? She wasn't even looking for a hookup, just for a human company.
That time, she wore a lovely dress that hugged her curves in all the right places, too, but she wasn't flirting with him even the slighest bit. He wasn't sure if he should have been offended by her lack of interest or felt good because she wanted to actually know him.
Since then, every Friday, she waltzes into the bar in her pretty dresses, smelling delicious, lands on the seat next to him, and talks to him like he's a friend. Not once has she batted her eyelashes at him or realized he was flaunting his physique one way or the other to flirt with her. She does, however, seem interested in how he's doing without being invasive or patronal, and it's been a really long time since anyone was that close to him. It genuinely feels good to see her face every Friday and hear her voice.
Toji knows nearly everything about her. Who she is, where she works, what's her address, where she slips her keys, the code to unlock her phone... Except for the last two things, he didn't even need to have someone to spy on her because she told him everything herself. Somehow, she felt like she could trust him, poor girl. He appreciates her lapse in judgment.
"Does that guy from work still bother you?" he asks, giving the barmen a sign to make that cocktail for her and looking back at her as if he really needs an answer. In reality, he already knows she has rejected the creep, and it pleases him to no end.
"No, thank God," she huffs, wincing like from a toothache. "Why the Hell do I attract all sorts of assholes? My own damn father has been an ass to me, too."
"Huh, your father?" Toji sends her a smirk. "Got daddy issues?
He can tell her face is burning even without looking at her expression.
"Oh my God, Toji!" She slaps his hand slightly, embarrassed and annoyed at his antics. "Why are you saying it like we're in a porno?"
That gets a good laugh out of him, and she visibly relaxes, smiling, before she promptly excuses herself to the bathroom, and the barmen finally lands her drink on the counter, secretly nodding to the man on the other side. There's nothing really dangerous in there that wouldn't get out of her system in a day, but that's enough time for Toji to finish everything he has planned.
Really, it's her fault for being naive and so fucking pretty. He could have already fucked her ages ago and forgotten all about the woman, but she just has to be too damn nice for her own good, making him long for Friday night and hear her talk. Besides, what is he supposed to do when she doesn't date and doesn't see even his most obvious attempts to flirt with her? He takes the easiest way out, really.
The drugs in her drink will make her pliant like a kitten, but, considering it's her third cocktail, it'll be a piece of cake to make her believe she just got drunk and ended up sleeping with him. Then he'll explain how she confessed to him and mention he likes her too. Depending on how it goes, Toji's prepared for 2 different outcomes: one, she accepts, and they start dating before he makes his next move; two, he chains her to his bed and waits till the Stockholm syndrome or whatever this thing's called kicks in and rewires her brain. Logically speaking, he prefers the first one, but his patience is wearing thin, and now he contemplates if he should just go with the second plan, anyway.
When she comes back, her delicious scent making him hard again, Toji sends her a smug smile and hands her the glass. Whatever she does, he knows where she'll end up after tonight.
Tags: @minshookie29
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thelov3lybookworm · 7 months
Hello. I was wondering. If u could write something where reader is mayed to the bat boys. She has a sickness that her father died from and she has and hasn't told her mates nor her younger siblings. They find out and are frantic. You can add flashbacks of how her father was loving, single dad, and his final moments with her. ( I was hoping it could be a small series). U can add whatever u think looks cute. Thank you!
Why Don't We Celebrate? (part 1)
Summary: New revelations leave Y/n shook.
A/n: I'm gonna make this hurt 😌
(also, make sure to check out @readychilledwine's losing forever as it is based on the same request!)
Anyways, enjoy bbs!❣️
Y/n almost nearly flew with her nonexistent wings as she walked up to the door of the town house. She and her new lover were supposed to go to a new restaurant that he had found, and she had told him she would meet him at the town house.
It hadn't been all that long since she saw him. Maybe a day or two.
They had only met barely over six months ago, while she was walking around Velaris picking up groceries.
The two of them were taking it slow. They had only slept together once, and that was the last time she saw him. It also didn't help that they'd met just before Rhysand became high lord, and then Cassian had mostly become busy with helping his brother handle the court.
Y/n didnt mind. In fact, she was proud of him for it. But she couldn't say she wasn't jealous or possessive of him sometimes. After all, she should be allowed to spend time with her love.
But the fact that she loved how important Cassian was also did not mean she liked Rhys much. She almost hated him, and would have given him an earful long ago if he hadn't meant so much to her lover. She always pushed it down, trying not to let her anger at not being able to have her lover all to herself cloud her judgement and kill Rhysand the first chance she got.
Y/n knocked on the front door of the town house, smiling at the thought of meeting her lover.
The door opened after a moment, and Azriel, Cassian's other friend, smiled at Y/n from the doorway. "Hey. It's been so long since I last saw you. How have you been?"
Y/n smiled at Azriel, trying not to let the impatience show. "I'm good Azriel. Uh, how are you?"
Azriel gave her a knowing smirk. "I'm good I'm good. Are you here to see Cassian? I think he's a little busy."
Disappointment crashed through Y/n, and she deflated. Now that she thought about it, she should have confirmed with Cassian. After all, they had made the plan to go out a week ago. He might've forgotten or something important might have come up.
Y/n shook her head, smiling at Az. "It's nothing much. We had plans to meet and go out, but I guess not. Just let him know I was here and tell him to come home as soon as he can."
Az looked dumbfounded. "I think Rhys can get someone else to do the work, I- I will talk to Rhys-"
Any other time, Y/n would have gladly taken up that offer, but right now she was pissed at Rhys and wanted to make him feel guilty.
"It's okay, nevermind. Just let him know I was here for Cass and that he ruined all the plans." Y/n winked at the spymaster, on whose face a smirk spread.
Y/n stared at her father who lay on the bed for a moment, coughs wracking his body before she went to his side, settling on the edge of the bed.
She had walked directly to his home after she found that Cassian was busy. She had nothing else to do, and it had been over ten days since she saw him, so she had to go meet him anyways.
But the moment she entered, she heard him coughing from his room, and she had run up as fast as she could.
"Father? Are you okay?" She questioned as she placed her palm on his forehead.
He was burning up.
He continued coughing as Y/n filled a glass of water for him, bringing it over from the table in the corner. She helped her father sit up, wondering what the hell was going on.
After drinking the water, he calmed down a little, leaning back against the headboard.
He lived alone, all his kids having moved out when they came of age. He'd been pretty happy to have his space all to himself too, always grumbling about his clingy kids and cursing their late mother for not being around to go through the torture alongside him.
"Paa? Are you alright?" Y/n asked after a moment when he remained silent.
He sighed at that, patting the space next to him. "How have you been, my darling child?"
Y/n leaned against him, holding his hand. "I'm very happy, father. But that's not the important thing right now. Have you seen a healer?"
She did not say anything else, waiting for him to tell her what the hell was up.
After a moment, he spoke. "Do you know how your mother passed?"
Y/n's blood chilled, and she sat up straight to look at her father.
"Why are you asking me that?"
He smiled ruefully, ignoring her question. He ran his shaking hand through his thinning dark hair through which his scalp was visible, now turning white at the edges.
"She had been so healthy." He mumbled, more to himself than her. "It was all going so well. But one day, she fell sick. We thought it was a normal fever, that it would go away soon."
He shook his head, laughing a little as he let his hand fall limp at his side, only increasing the bad feeling in Y/n's stomach. "What are you trying to say paa?"
Again, she was ignored. "Her condition only worsened. I should not have listened to her and got a healer. Alas, I was madly in love and did not want to upset your mother. Curse her for being so selfless."
Tears shone in the eyes Y/n had inherited, and her heart squeezed at the longing in that all knowing gaze. Her father had always been a strong male, never showing emotions considered negative in front of his kids, so watching him cry now was like a bolt directly to Y/n's heart.
He hadn't even shed a tear at his wife's death, and Y/n, being an angsty adolescent, had resented him a little for what she assumed was the lack of love for her mother. She had grown to understand that all he wanted was to be strong for his kids and he thought that shedding tears with them would make him weak.
"She did not want a healer to come see her, because back then, we were not as well off. It was either get a healer, or feed the four kids. For her, suffering was a better option than starving her kids."
Y/n's father coughed again, and Y/n rubbed back until he calmed. With a sigh, he continued.
"When her sickness worsened to the point where she started begging for the sweet release of death, I dragged a healer back home. I had fought her, yelling at her for being so- so uncaring." A sob ripped out of his chest, tears slipping down his sagging cheeks. Y/n did not move to wipe them, despite how much she wanted to for fear of breaking this moment.
"But it was too late by then. On my way back with the healer, I had planned to apologise for yelling at her. We were both so young, and you were an unplanned surprise. We did not know what to do. And then you grew up so fast, and your mother wanted more kids. We had no idea how to navigate life. It was hard. And sometimes these feelings would just... burst out. And I know it is no excuse for my harsh words, but I have nothing else to blame but myself."
Her father lifted a weathered hand to rest upon her head, and she leaned her head down, laying her head on his lap to hide her tears. "When I reached home, you told me your mother had stopped coughing. I thought it was some miracle and that she'd healed. But then I went to check on her and she... she'd passed." His voice broke on that, and Y/n's throat constricted at the pain in his voice.
"The healer found out that she'd acquired a rare disease, even for mortals, who acquire diseases left and right. It was highly contagious, so that meant I was at high risk-"
Y/n didn't let him complete, sitting up straight faster than she could think. "What? Don't tell me you-"
"Are sick with with the same disease? Yes. It had apparently been lying low in my body, and now it's acting up."
"Paa..." Y/n spoke on a broken breath, the tears finally spilling over her cheeks.
Her father smiled sadly. "I've sent letters to all the kids to come visit me. They don't know that I'm sick, just that I want to see them. I do not think I have much time, but-"
He coughed, and Y/n watched helplessly, knowing she could do nothing but watch and curse the mother.
"Papa, why did you not tell them that you're sick?! They would have raced home if they knew-"
"Yes, but I did no want to bother them. I am old as it is. I would have died no matter what. I'm just dying today instead of tomorrow. What's the big deal? They anyways have more important things to do and care about than this old skeleton covered with flesh."
His entire body shook at the next fit of coughs, and he doubled over.
Y/n, unable to sit and watch his misery any longer, stood. "Papa, I will go get a healer. I'm sure there's a solution."
Her father glanced at her with a small, knowing smile as he settled back, slithering down to lie on his back. "Alright my child. I will just rest for a minute here. Sleep a little." He grunted before he finally settled down, calm overtaking his features. His next words were soft, mumbled on an exhale. "I love you, my little princess."
Despite not wanting to believe the fact, Y/n knew his soul had left his body before that final sigh did.
Y/n knew that the sweet embrace of death had claimed him before sleep could.
The door creaked open, soft light from the lanterns outside spilling through the crack in the door as Cassian shouldered his way in, mumbling to himself.
"I fucking hope Rhys gets burning diarrhea. Bastard." He muttered under his breath as he shut the door softly behind him, trying to make as little noise as possible in the darkened house, the only light source the lamps outside.
In the dark, Y/n could not see what he was doing, but she did not have to wait long. The faelights came on, and she found Cassian standing in the middle of the foyer, his hands outstretched out towards the lights.
He jumped when he realised that Y/n was sitting against the wall nearby, staring at him. He grinned wide before faltering, taking in the state of his lover. He quickly made his way over to where Y/n sat, her knees pulled up to her chest.
"My love, are you aright?"
Y/n could do nothing but stare, her eyes vacant and body numb. She had no more tears to give, so she simply stared at her lover as he tried to fuss over her. "He's gone."
Cassian gave her a cautious look, and Y/n could see the wheels churning in his head as he tried to think of a way to get more information out of her.
She spared him the effort.
"My father. He passed."
General Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392 @kennedy-brooke @tele86 @miluiel1 @hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter @piceous21 @mybestfriendmademe @saltedcoffeescotch @berryzxx
Cassian Taglist: @moonlwghts @samslittlespoon
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Hello, can I please request Gretchen getting into a fight with Yn her girlfriend. Yn is the more dom but this time Gretchen isn’t letting her slide so yn does her best to get her to forgive her
Let Me Spoil You, Baby
|| Gretchen Wieners x fem!reader
|| Warnings: Gretchen and reader fight, light swearing, Gretchen breaks up with reader, bit of Gretchen comparing herself to Regina
i don't think im missing any other warnings but lmk
|| Summary: reader hasn't been giving Gretchen much attention, Gretchen gets upset when she sees reader talking with another girl. She doesn't let it slide. Reader does her best to make it up to Gretchen.
Requests open!
Start: May 27th
Finished: May 27th
Tag list: @yungpoetfics
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You've been ignoring Gretchen for the last two weeks- or at least... that's what Gretchen's mind told her. She'd send texts, but you would always take forever to respond. And sure you had lots of after school activities. You were on the Basketball team, Soccer team and you had math tutoring sessions since you were pretty much failing. But you always made time for your friends. Gretchen couldn't help wondering why she didn't get that same care. She was your girlfriend, shouldn't she be first priority?
Gretchen had been heading to her locker, getting what she needed for French which started in about eight minutes. She glanced to the side when she noticed you at your own locker, leaned up against it on your side laughing and smiling with some other girl. Gretchen thought maybe she recognized her as the Basketball Captain.
That was her finale straw. Why were you with some random girl when you could've been having that conversation with her?
She forced the tears down that threatened to spill and marched right up to you," Seriously, y/N?!"
You were startled by Gretchen's sudden appearance and turned to look at your girlfriend, only just now realizing how long it's been since you'd actually seen her.
"Gretchen.." You started, she shushed you.
"No, no! I'm not letting you 'Gretchen' me. I'm tired of being your last priority, I should be your first priority, Y/N! First!" Damn it, she was really trying not to cry but she could feel the tears rolling down her cheeks as she looked up at you. She didn't want to do this, but she didn't want a Jason repeat. She deserved better." We're done!"
With that, she stormed off. You stood there in silence, your heart breaking at the sight of her tears. You had to fix this somehow. You knew it was your fault, you really didn't make a whole lot of time for Gretchen but that didn't mean you didn't care about her. You loved her. Now you just had to actually prove that.
You guys had had fights in the past, of course you did. Every couple does. It's just Gretchen usually forgave you or you'd forgive her. This one was different, Gretchen wasn't putting up with your shit.
Thinking over what to do next, you decided to skip the rest of the day. Fuck whatever punishment your parents gave you for it, you'd deal with it. You probably deserved it anyway after what you did to Gretchen.
You were going to make up for it.
You had to.
Heading to your car, you thought out a plan. You texted everyone you had scheduled things with next week and cancelled all of them. Tutoring, soccer, basketball, parties, hangouts with friends. All of it. You cleared your whole week, making promises you would make it up to them another time. If you fixed things with Gretchen, you'd spend your whole week with her and then some.
Now for phase two. You drove around for a bit, heading to various stores. First a flower shop to pick up Gretchen's favourite, then to a candy store to get Gretchen an unreasonably expensive box of chocolates and finally you hit up a electronics store and bought Gretchen a nice pair of pink headphones; having remembered she broke hers a couple weeks ago.
All that was left was phase three. Getting ahold of Gretchen. You hoped she hadn't blocked your number yet as you texted her.
You; hey... can I come over tonight? I want to make it up to you. I'd apologize now, but apologies are always better in person
Your breath hitched as you sat in the front seat of your car, everything you had gotten sitting in the passenger seat next to you. Your thumb drummed along the steering wheel, Gretchen would be in class right now. The class you had skipped. Maybe she wouldn't respond.
Gretchen; . . .
You held your breath as you saw the three dots appear after what felt like the longest three minutes of your life. They disappeared for a moment and your heart sank, but then they reappeared followed by Gretchen's text.
Gretchen; fine.
You sighed with relief, it wasn't a no but you could tell just by the way she was texting that she was upset with you still.
You; thank you
You waited until school was over then headed over to Gretchen's, holding the two boxed items and flowers in your hands as you walked up to her front door. You hesitated, then knocked.
A few moments pass before Gretchen opened the door. God, the outfit she was wearing made your heart stop. It was a little revealing, you tried your hardest not to stare down. Her goal with the outfit was to make you realize what you'd been missing out on and it was definitely working.
Gretchen's eyes went to the stuff in your hands and she almost melted at the gesture, especially when she saw the headphones. It showed you did listen to her... occasionally, at least. But she put on a facade, playing hard to get. You deserved it after all.
"Really? This is your best apology?" Regina must've told her to say that, it sounded like something the blonde would say and it made your heart sting.
"I know it's probably a little cheesy, but I really am sorry, Gretchen. And this is only the first part of my apology." You told her, which caught her attention. She looked at you in confusion so you continued," I cleared my entire week for you. We can hang out every day. No sports, math, parties... unless you want to go to one, I'm free for you. We'll do whatever you like and I promise I'll do better at making time for you."
She studied you, you could tell she was still trying to act tough but her expression softened and she stepped aside.
"Come in," She told you, your shoulders relaxed and you walked in Taking your shoes off and setting them to the side.
Gretchen took the things from your hands and made a vague gesture with the headphone box," Thanks. I really didn't want to spend money on new ones, I wish I was rich like Regina.." She mumbled the last bit, but you caught it and frowned. Gretchen always compared herself to Regina, you just never realized how much until now. You hated that.
You cupped her cheeks with your hands, making her look at you." You aren't Regina. That's okay. As for the money.. let me spoil you, baby." You winked playfully and she blushed.
You weren't overly rich, but you had a good amount of money saved up from when you were working before you started all your sports. So you could definitely spoil her a little.
You could feel her relax as she nodded, this would be a long day of making it up to her but you were okay with that.
You would do whatever it took.
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sku-nk · 6 months
OMG skunkypoo what a coincidence I came across your blog! Not like you told me to or anything! Since I'm just a random stranger wanting a good story, could you write something angsty for Sam Carpenter? (You know I'm your only read so love me.)
Vacant Space
Synopsis: It's been much too long since Sam's seen you. Perhaps all she needs to fill that little vacant space you left is to hear your voice again.
Warnings: Language, drinking, brief mentions of sex, angst :(
A/n: wow what a random and surprising ask. i am so surprised at this. i suppose i can answer this totally unprompted ask.
english is actually not my first language so this was fixed thrice
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Sam is supposed to be used to this.
She's supposed to be ready.
After being attacked by people she knew and trusted twice, she should know what the signs of a betrayal are. She should be able to see them from a mile away before it's too late.
But you... you've always been unpredictable. That's what Sam likes about you— What she thought she liked about you. But now? Now that you're miles away with nothing but a cell phone to connect the two of you (as if she can muster up the courage to call), she's not so sure.
Okay, it's not really a betrayal. But it might as well be. You left her with barely a warning. It feels like you're trying to kill her.
She can barely stand to be home anymore because everything in it reminds her of how you're not. When she wakes up, she's reminded by the empty spot beside her that you're gone. The single toothbrush and the absence of your annoying hair stuff in the bathroom only screams that she's alone now.
It's her fault.
Sam knows that she's supposed to move on now. That's the obvious thing to do. It's like she'd always tell you: It was nothing serious.
But that's a lie. It was always a lie. When she met you at that enpty bus stop she knew it wouldn't end at 'just a ride home'. When she asked for your number she knew it wouldn't be 'just in case of another emergency'. But she let herself say it anyway. And when you called her up one night asking to stay for a few nights she knew it was a bad idea.
She couldn't stop herself. She let you stay over and then, she just let you stay. Whatever sparks she felt that night at the bus stop, she wished she'd ignored them. She should have put them out like she told herself to in her mind.
The small smiles exchanged whenever the two of you passed one another in the small apartment soon turned into longing looks. Longing looks turned into risky joking comments. That turned into much, much more. Days spent tangled up in a mess of limbs watching bad movies or going out to do things you hadn't since you were teens. Nights spent tangled up in each other.
But it was all just fun. That's what she told herself. That's what she told you. You weren't dating. She wasn't yours, and you weren't hers.
What a fucking joke.
Now she's spending as much time as she can away from home. Mostly at this dingy bar spending the little money she has on drinks she definitely doesn't need. It's her new home. Or at least, that's what she told the bartender more than once when she was drunk.
It's the place where all her best ideas sprout, like her decision to bring home this pretty girl one night.
She was nice enough, a little clingy from the start if anything. But hey, she was hot. Looked a little familiar, too. The night went pretty okay-ish 'till she wanted to sleep over. Then Sam looked like the asshole for giving her her clothes and sending her on her way. And an even bigger one for not calling.
She never did see that girl at the bar again.
Oh well, that's okay. There are lots of other girls at the bar. Or, there were.
"This is so fucking sad, do you realize that?" the bartender, Jeremy asks Sam one day.
His gross, alcohol-covered towel is slung around his neck. Sam can smell it with the way he's leaning all close to her, but it's so loud that it's the only way to hear a person. Usually Sam likes that, because it really does something to a girl when she leans in to speak to her. Now it's just unfortunate.
"You're driving away all my customers. This isn't good for either of us."
Sam scoffs and sips her drink. "I'm good at that, huh?" she jokes. Jeremy doesn't laugh. He rolls his eyes instead, though you can't really tell because of his thick mop of black hair in his face.
"I'm serious, Sam," he tells her. "You're sitting around here all day moping and drowning in liquor you can't even afford. I don't even put it on your tab anymore, I know you're broke. And what do you do all night?"
Sam smirks. "I fuck."
"First of all, ew. Second of all, you're... you're just grazing around this bar, picking up girls like they're dinner and finishing them after a night. You're searching but you're not."
Sam looks at Jeremy. She's got this look in her eyes that would be intimidating if she weren't drunk out of her mind. "Don't tell me what I'm doing-"
"But you're doing it," Jeremy says, stopping her immediately. Usually he's just there to hand her free drinks and give her sympathetic pats on the shoulder, but now, he's giving her the talk she clearly needs.
"All these girls you're taking home, you never call them. Do you? Never a second night. What are you looking for?"
No answer. It's you. She's looking for you in a crowd of girls that will just never be you. Trying to fill something you left behind with a bunch of flimsy tape. Temporary fixes. Girls that don't mean a thing to her from the moment she sees them here to the moment she kicks them out at night.
They'll never be you. They'll never sleep in your bed. They'll never wake up in your spot. Because it's not the same.
"I say just call her," Jeremy tells Sam, breaking her from her thoughts she never even realized she was caught up in. She gives him a funny look and he gives it right back.
"It's about a girl right? I can tell. You're like some divorced old guy, it's depressing," he says. He slides her another drink, something dark. When did he pour that?
"Liquid luck," he says, with what's probably a wink. Sam chuckles before downing it. "Liquid memory block."
Jeremy just sighs. "Listen, I know you're in this nasty little pit of despair or whatever. But seriously, you just gotta get over yourself. What do you lose by calling? Certainly not your self-respect."
That's mean. "Thanks," Sam says, shooting him a look. He just shrugs in a way that says, 'it's true'. And maybe it is. But the thought of calling you up after no contact for months, that's mortifying. She tells him that.
"So face your fears. She might be happy to hear from you," he offers. But it's not enough. Why would Sam call you?
Really, what would she look like calling you after so long, after acting so nonchalant about you leaving, after even letting you leave because she was so insistent that what you two had was just casual and you were only roommates? She'd look fucking desperate.
But really.
How desperate does she already look?
Maybe it's the alcohol. Maybe it was Jeremy and his stupid wannabe hypeman ass. But Sam pulls out her phone.
And stares at it. For what seems like an eternity, she just sits there looking at the dark screen. What if you don't pick up? Seriously, what are the odds that you've changed your number and never let her know? She wouldn't be surprised. After not hearing from her in months, it wouldn't be so crazy.
She sits there on that stupid stool for what feels like hours. She even puts her phone away at one point. And pulls it back out. Because she is desperate. Just to hear your voice. Even if it's you telling her not to call you again, that you hate her for not returning your texts the first couple weeks and still having your number all this time.
Finally, finally, she opens her phone. And clicks on her contacts. Her thumb hovers over yours, your name with that wet emoji after it. God, how ridiculous is that? She'd wanted to change it to a heart so many times, but that would be like saying the L word. It was so much easier to pretend you were just a fuck buddy.
Maybe she can change that now, she tells herself. With each second, she gets a bit more confident. Or the alcohol seeps deeper into her system. Whichever it is, it convinces her to click on your name.
She holds her breath as it rings. She thinks it might go to voicemail. But to her surprise, it doesn't.
"Hello?" It's not the voice she was expecting. It's deep and gruff. A man's voice. Something in her sinks and she can't even bring herself to answer.
"Who's this?" the man asks. "Who's Sammy and how the hell do you know y/n?" No answer.
"Hey, tough guy, where you at?"
Sam can't form a single word for a long moment, but the guy on the other end screams enough for the both of them. Finally, she says something.
"I'm sorry. Accident. Didn't realize I called. It's been so long..."
The man shuts up at the sound of a woman's voice. After a moment, he sighs. "I'm real sorry, ma'am. You know boyfriends... I'll let her know it was a.. what is it? Old friend?"
But Sam's already hung up.
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valscodblog · 10 days
ℙ𝕀𝕊𝕋𝕆𝕃𝔸 -Part two
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Warnings: Mentions of death (obvi-it's call of duty y'all.), in-depth past explanation, OC being forced to take up a role she never wanted, very very very VERY slight mentions of sexual themes (like-one or two sentences), trust issues at it's finest, and that's around it.
Alejandro Vargas x OC
Credits to OC: ME MYSELF AND IIIIIII~~ (Uhm-anyways-)
[{TAGS! <3 : @seconds-over-first @thebunnednun @writing-with-moss }]
Alejandro felt like he had been shot through the heart. "I-What have I ever done to you, to make you reluctant to trust me, Linda?" Maria shook her head, "It's-It's not you, Alejandro...it's just-personal." Alejandro nodded. "I understand. Yo Entiendo." Maria gave him a soft smile-she smiled!-and then walked away. Alejandro nearly died right then. Rodolfo smirked at put a hand on Alejandro's shoulder. " Su maldito desesperado, coronel," Rudy joked, and his higher-up sighed. "Yo se, Rudy...Pero...." "Pero Nada, Amigo. You love her. That's it." "Not so loud, Pendejo!" "We're mexican! We're loud!" "Parra!" "Okay, okay! Don't kill me, Alejandro!" "Mhhh, i should...I really should. But-alas, I can't."
"Say-Pistola, why do they call ye tha', aye?" "Because." "It means Poistol, doon'it?" Soap asked, "So that means-ye must be handy wit one!" Maria groaned and rubbed her face. "If i say yes, will you shut up?" "Nay, prolly not, bonnie." "Don't call me bonnie-" "Bonnie, bon-bon, bonnibell, bonnie-boo," Soap teased, and Maria looked over to Alejandro and mouthed, "Im going to kill you, Pendejo." He just laughed. Maria looked back over to Ghost and Soap-who were...flirting? Talking? How could you tell, honestly? "...Are you two...Novios?" "Huh?" Ghost said, quirking a brow up, "I asked if you two are dating, Fantasma." Ghost shook his head. "No-why would we be?" He snorted, and Soap laughed. "Okay...Although, I hope you two know, that I will be teasing you now." "Aboot...?" "Dating. Because y'all act like a married couple."
"Hey-quick question-why'd'ye sound like yer from Texas or sum?" Ghost asked, and Maria gave him a deadpan stare. "...The border? I live on the fuckin' Boarder?" Maria said, quirking a brow of her own up. Ghost then put his brow back down and then raised both of them this time, "Ah..." what was he supposed to say after a lady just told you that and clearly wasn't liking you? "So-You grew up knowing how to fight, Alejandro says." "Yeah. I did..." Ghost sighed.
"Well-" "If your trying to flirt with me, i suggest you learn a few new pick up lines other than whatever the fuck your on, Ghost." Simon blinked. "Love, i assure you, I'm not takin' a shinin' t'ya." "Good. Because I'm not on the market." "Oh?" Well, she's interesting...Simon sorta was starting to like her. "So..." "So?" "...What's anotha way to say "I came inside of a woman," Pistola?" "...What?" "Loadin' tha dishwasha." And Pistola nearly laughed, but she caught herself and just choose to quirk a brow up and shut her eyes. "Funny." and Ghost smiled behind his mask-but not a nice one, oh no. An annoyed one.
"Hmm, your not laughin' though?" "Yeah-lost my ability to year ago." "Ooh...damn, thats gotta suck f'ya, Lovie." "Oh yeah, it does."
And Alejandro looked over to Maria and frowned. "Here we go..." he muttered to Rudy. Rudy shook his head before saying, "She's not a litle kid, Amigo. She can flirt if she wants-" "Not with that gringo!" "Alejandro!" "....Mhhhph, I just don't like how she won't even look at me half the time i talk to her-but this, this guy! He just shows up and it's all 'Ohh let me stare at him-let me make eye contact!' Like, Pendeja! Por favor, why do you treat him like an old friend, huh?"
and Rudy leaned into Alejandro, arm on shoulder, and said, "Jelous, Ale?" "No-why?" "...Pinche mentiroso..." "No soy!" "Si tu eres! You ranting like-" "Dont." "Si, senor..." Alejandro went back to looking at Maria, whom was still talking to ghost and Soap. He hummed again before saying, "Alright, maybe i am...just a little. Un Puco." Rudy grinned. "First step's admitting it, Alejandro." "Yo se..."
"Right-so...what do I say, Alejandro?" Maria mumbled, more to herself than anything, really. BUt the man caught it and said, "You introduce yourself, tell them your New rank, Maria, and tell them you'll be leading this squad. Okay, mi amor?" "Not your love." And Alejandro sighed softly. "You know how i mean it, Maria...right?" "Claro que si. I just-don't. Just don't, okay?" "Claro, Maria." "Grasias, Ale-" "Maria! Here you are, thought we lost ya!" "Juan Price." "Erm-it's John." "Oh, so sorry, I'm Mexican, Sir." "It's fine, it's fine." "John Price! Ey, one capitan, to another, this is the easy part." "True..."
Alejandro quirked a brow up. "You two, know each other?" "We've met, yes. Back in, what was it?" "Ahh, good ol' Brittan-the country side, right?" "Indeed," Price agreed, smiling. "By the way! How's it coming along for you?" Maria asked, Price sighed and shook his head. "Hassan's still causing problems, so what does that tell you?" "Horrid." "Worse than." "Oof, i feel for you, John." "So, when-"
"Maria, it's time," Alejandro said into her ear and she said, "Fine fine...Sorry John we'll have to catch up later. I have to meet new squad." "Steaming Jesus-right before a mission?" "It's my family curse-we're alwasy last minuet and the people around us are affected too." "Well-i'll let you go before i get affected, huh?" "Hmph, yeah, see you, Price." and Maria walked away. Alejandro stayed behind and said, "That scoff? That's her laugh...consider yourself a trusted allay to Los Vaqueros now, Price." and he clapped John on the shoulder, shook it, and then let go and jogged to catch up to Maria.
Rodolfo was there, already telling the squad a new Captain was to command them and the rest of Maria's new squad just tensed. A new Captain? Oh, Jesus, that was never good...the last one was dead, sure, but this new one? They would have to learn how to read and how to act around this new person.
Or so they thought. It was just Maria.
"Oh! The Corp finally moved up, huh?" Private Diaz asked, and Maria sighed, "Here we go..."
"WHy now, out of all times?"
"Wow...she really just left us in the dust, sucking off Alejandro must help a fair ton."
"For real. Prolly added in a few extra rounds to ensure her new place too."
Alejandro quirked a brow up and was about to say something when Maria shouted, "IF YOU LOVE YOUR MOM'S, SHUT IT!" and everyone shut up-minus one rookie who thought she was joking around.
"Any? Body? Else?" Maria asked, her single hand still holding her pistol sideways. The person who spoke had been shot in the leg. "No? Good...now, rule one, i ever hear you talking behind my back again, you'll end up worse than that boy there, okay? Bueno. Dos, listen to rule one." Everyone nodded.
"Maria-that wasn't legal." "And what are you going to say, huh? Nada because if you report me, you'll be asked why you didn't step in." and Rudy shut up. "Damn-she's better than I thought at this," Alejandro said, smiling proudly.
"Well...let's get this mission over with and the lines drawn, yeah?" Maria muttered, Alejandro nodded...but as he started to explain, Maria started to zone out, she didn't feel safe, and this is how she dealt with that feeling.
"Ma? ...Mama? M-...MAMA?" Maria shouted, running into her mother's room as she heard what sounded like fighting. "Mami-mami!" her little brother screamed-in pain. "Eres igual que tu papá, chico..."
"MAMA-ALTO! Whatever he did-"
"No hablo ingles a Me, nina..."
Maria just stared at her mother-not hearing anything but the high pitched ringing in her ears. She had to run-hide. After she was done with her brother-she was next. and in for worse. Maria did run-into the room. She grabbed her four year old brother and then, as fast as her legs could carry the both of them, she ran out of the bedroom and down the stairs. She ran to the front door, and tried to open it-locked. She unlocked it but her brother wouldn't stop fighting her movements. "You'll just make it worse, Hermana! Stop-please!" "Shhh, dont speak English, Nino! Why do you think your being beat!?" and her brother shut up and chose just to sob into her shoulder. "Poor thing...if only Dad-"
"Tu padre ya no está aquí, no estará por mucho tiempo… Ya tendré tiempo…Es hora de pensar en una mentira… Es hora de hacer que parezca un accidente..."
No-Nononono-She heard the trigger of a gun and then she heard the recoil. It didn't hit her, however. "...Alex?" "Ma...Ri...A..." was his last word and Maria snapped. Thirteen, and she snapped. She dropped her little brother and charged at the drunken woman. Her mother was skinny-she wasn't. She had been working out for the last three years in secret. She threw a punch to her mother and her mom took it harshly. She toppled over, dropping the gun. It would've been funny to Maria if she wasn't so far gone in the moment. Maria then picked up the gun and said, "I'll talk how i want-and just so you know, Dad will know...and then he'll see to it that you get what you deserve..."
"Live, Pendeja...Live knowing I only let you becuase your husband and the god you so claim to love will punish you. They'll punish you so harshly-so badly...that you wish that i killed you-that one day, when we meet again, you will Beg Me to kill you...understand me? And know, that I no longer am a fucking Rodriguez, but instead, a Sanchez-como me Papa!" Maria said, sounding ever so calmly. She then laid the gun down on her mother's chest, and left the house.
She never went back. She found her uncle, and asked to stay with him instead, and her uncle, the evil bastard said yes. So she lived with him and was trained by him for War.
"Maria-MARIA SANCHEZ! Are you listening to a word that Alejandro just said to you?" Maria blinked and muttered, "Que?" Rodolfo sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Alejandro-get your damn girlfriend." Alejandro, who had been talking to one of the rookies, looked over and said, "No eres mi novia, Rudy...solo una amiga importante." And Maria groaned, "Shut it, Alejandro."
Maria walked away and muttered, "I have to stop zoning out..." Alejandro jogged after her-again. "Alejandro-" "I know what your going to say, so just don't! Instead, Escuchame!" Maria nodded, but kept walking. "So...Maria...do you, uhhm..Wanna go get something to eat after this?" Maria stopped dead. "You asking me out, Alejandro?" Alejandro sighed, "Not like-romanticly or anything! Just-you know, a couple of friends going out to eat." Maria laughed softly and said, "You know, I don't trust that...just us two-and i've never seen you outside of work...i don't know you-and you don't know me, Ale."
"I know-pero-i wanna take you out, okay? Tu eres muy linda, bonita, ermosa, and not to seem like im kissing your ass or anything but-" "Vargas. Your already kissing my ass." "Oh, shhh! Let a man talk to you for once, Maria!" Maria laughed again before nodding. "Sure, Vargas. Talk." "Grasias! Dios mio...okay, where was I?" "Oh so this was rehersed?" "In the mirror to myself." "Alejandro Vargas!" "What? Im telling you the truth!"
"Oh my god, fine! I'll go out with you-but no where cheap! Make an impression if you want this chica to stay around. Dont ask or tell me where, just take me. Okay?" and she winked.
Alejandro felt like he had been shot through the heart again-but this time...by cupid's bow.
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moonyasnow · 2 months
Malleus x Irina
A little doodle I made of the two of them
(for anyone who can't use spotify, the song names will be at the bottom of this post)
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I love them together so much
It is no longer possible for me to imagine either of them being with anyone else but the other. And for me that's really saying something— I ship my OCs with a lot of characters. And I'm a multishipper too— like, I can definitely find someone's, for example, OC x Leona ship really cute while still shipping my own OC Tomoe with Leona. But it's impossible for me to seriously imagine Irina with anyone but Malleus anymore, and vise versa
Edit 2: I answered an ask I got about them~
If this post gets even like 3 likes that's gonna be enough interest gauged for me and I AM gonna start infodumping about them and just going off the rails about why I think they're perfect and made for each other under the tag: #mallina 🐉x🐰
BUT! I'm gonna include what I wrote for them in Irina's Showcase Post, under the cut + some new stuff for Book 7
Book 2
One night she'd just been laying in bed unable to sleep, hearing the distant whispers of her parents fighting at the edges of her mind like usual, and deciding to go outside just to escape the confined room and get some kind of distraction from hearing them. She was incredibly startled hearing someone suddenly call out to her, having been too stuck in her own thoughts to notice him approaching like she usually could. She was honestly scared at first, though mostly as a result of being caught with her guard down, which she usually never was.
But as soon as she properly looked into his eyes, all that fear suddenly seemed to fade away in an instant. She didn't know why, but she suddenly started to feel relaxed in his presence, more so than she usually ever did. And she felt almost sad when he disappeared. But she told herself off for it; that was the first time she'd ever met him after all, and she didn't even know his name. But since he'd said she could call him whatever she wanted...
She'd call him Peridot, after the color of his eyes. 'Peri' for short.
Tomoe's (my 'Yuu') first reaction to the name 'Peri' was to laugh, explaining that it made her think of Perry the Platypus. And once she'd also had the thought, Irina couldn't help but laugh too, 'Peri' being exchanged for 'Perry' in her mind after that point.
Book 3
She ended up being asked by some Student or other if she'd thought about joining a club yet. She hadn't, not even really knowing which clubs actually existed. And so she decided to take a look to see if anything seemed interesting; she had a lot more free time after being fired from her job anyway. When she saw that there was a 'Gargoyle Appreciation Club' and that it had only one member, she knew instantly who that must be, and decided to join it.
Book 4
When Lilia showed up to give her the postcard, she knew who it must have been from. And so she asked Lilia to wait for a second, rushing into her room to get a box, with a letter attached, which she asked him to give to the sender of the postcard. It was a birthday gift for her friend Peridot; a clay tea pot, its spout designed to look like a little dragon, the handle on the opposite end sculpted into the shape of a scaly tail. The letter contained not only wishes for him to have a happy birthday, but also an explanation of the spout. She wanted to give him a Gargoyle as a gift, but she also wanted to make sure it was an actual Gargoyle, with a clear purpose, rather than just a decorative Grotesque. So she settled on a tea pot! Since it serves as the spout, the 'needs water spout' element of a Gargoyle was cleared, as well.
She wasn't there to see it, but when he got her gift and read the letter, he was so beside himself with joy that for the first time in at least a century, there was sunshine in Briar Valley. Not only was it a birthday gift from his best friend, hand-crafted no less, it was also incredibly thoughtful, proof to him that she'd been listening and paying attention to every single word of all his rambles about his beloved Gargoyles. The next time they met again, before any words could be spoken he quite literally picked her up off the ground and spun her around as a way to say 'thank you'. That was the moment she admitted to herself that she'd fallen in love with him.
He ended up insisting on them drinking at least one cup of tea for all their club meetings after this point, so he got a chance to use it. And he also insisted on the same for every single Housewarden meeting he went to, which he'd started to actually know the times and places of thanks to Irina knowing through Tomoe and telling him. If he'd had any less decorum he would have literally shoved the pot in the face of random people in the halls; he was that happy about it.
Book 5
She's also the one who gives Malleus the tickets to the SDC. For their booth at the cultural festival Irina made a bunch of small clay figurines of Grotesques and then wrote above them the differences between them and Gargoyles, to educate people.
When Tomoe meets Malleus for the first time, she lightly teases Irina, asking "So this is the famous 'Perry the Platypus."' Irina got very embarrassed, and Malleus, eyes wide with surprise, asked if that was meant to refer to him. Irina, face burning with embarrassment, then explains the name and its connection to a certain animated Platypus spy, but also says her nickname for him was actually supposed to be short for Peridot. It ended with Malleus bursting out laughing right then and there, Irina, still embarrassed, saying: "W-was it really that funny?" It then becomes a recurring inside joke of him calling himself 'her platypus friend'.
When Malleus began to fix the stage, not being used to magic and thus a bit scared at first, Irina moved close to his side out of reflex, feeling safer there. It made him really happy to think that for once, not only was there someone who wasn't afraid of him, but she even felt safe around him. Though she became very flustered when she realized she'd been gripping onto his jacket arm.
Book 6
She stays behind at NRC, in an unoccupied room at Diasomnia.
You can guess who invited her.
Book 7
I have not yet read Book 7, but! This time it's Irina's time to shine instead of Tomoe! Irina understands why Malleus does what he does, she also hates losing people; that's why she's not going to lose him to his Overblot
New Book 7 thing:
She runs to him, who's sitting on the ground, and throws herself around his neck. She's crying. “I-I-I was— w-was so— sca-red…!” Her voice is shaking and wavering so much from the tears that she can barely speak. “I…apologize, my dear Child of Man… I know now that my actions were wrong, but it was never my intention to frighten—“ “Th-that's not why!” Uncharacteristically, she cuts him off. “I was so, so, s-so worried! I thought you could die! I-if I didn't defeat you in time. I-I thought you were going to die! I thought I'd lo-lose you!!!” Then she just can't hold it in anymore— she starts wailing, just at the mere thought. She holds him tighter. When she's calmed down enough that there are no longer tears cascading down her face, she pulls back…and she cups his cheeks and pulls him closer so their foreheads touch. “I love you. I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you! I—“
If you've read this far I'm gonna guess you're interested, and I'm humbly asking (begging) for asks about this ship I love them so so so so so so so so so muchhhhhhhh and I wanna YAP but I usually don't know where to start
A thousand Years - Christina Perri
Once upon a dream [COVER] - Invadable Harmony
上弦の月/Jougen no tsuki/Crescent Moon - KurousaP ft. Kaito (MALLEUS' VA HAS SUNG THIS!)
After the War - Reinaeiry
Something Good - Sound of Music
And I'm Home - Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Terrified - Jazmin Bean
Camelot: If ever I would Leave You
しわ/shiwa/wrinkle [COVER] - Kashitarou Itou
Kimi Ga Irukara - Fairy Tail ending song
No One But You - Erutan
Captivated - IV of Spades
蛍/hotaru/firefly - Maiko Fujita
Love Like You [COVER] - Lizz Robinett
馬と鹿/uma to shika/horse and deer - Kenshi Yonezu
I am not Alone - When Marnie was there
Will o' The Wisp - Erutan
Necro no Hanayome/Bride of Necro - KANON69
Build a Little World With Me - Laura Shigihara
Will I Find My Home (acoustic version) - Juniper Vale
LADY - Kenshi Yonezu
Sway - Michael Bublé
Everything's Alright [COVER] - Lizz Robinett
Also way at the very bottom but here, original:
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sempsimps · 7 months
lucifer x (fem)overlord reader
uhm so I've never posted anything like this before and tbh idk how its gonna go but the brain rot is too real and i need this out also i should stop writing in class oop- punctuation? never heard of her (sorry if my writing sucks :] )
eating out / fingering
bites / small cuts
sexual tension obviously
just a small amount of bondage but its mild
edging if you squint
possessive if you squint (well its pretty clear)
Alastor is kinda a cock block sorry not sorry
it was the week after the extermination and i had been called to a meeting by carmilla and when she sets it we all know that its serious so i had to go and no doubt it was about the most recent events
"i don't want you to go"
ah the authority in his voice would be threatening if he wasn't my husband being the 'the big boss of hell' or whatever silly thing he likes to say but i just smiled and absentmindedly passed him off putting my purse into my skirt pocket if i was looking at him i would of seen the look of mischief in his eyes
"i don't want you to go my love, l-love?"
"uh huh..."
i wasn't paying attention to him as he did the same thing every meeting and so next thing i know i felt his claws on my shirt pulling me down to be face to face
"are you even listing!?"
i smile as i calmly raised my self back up and fixed my shirt
"yes I'm listing to you but we both know i have a reputation to uphold and Carmilla herself asked me to this so its obviously quite important"
i calmly say lucifer wasn't allowed at the meetings as he was the king and had little business in the overlord affairs and i always told him what happens anyway but he was being over protective since he learned Alastor was at these meeting but the devil looked quite disheartened at my comment which made me hurt inside but his smug smile appeared right after it
"I'm coming with you"
"luci you can-"
"they wont even know I'm there"
i looked at him sceptically but shrugged it off as he would do as he pleased oh what a showy dick he was i sighed but i walked out of the mansion before teleporting in front of the elevator up to the meeting i immediately seen Rosie and curtly bowed to her which she responded to in the same manner we both smiled and walked in together i sat to her right at the end of the table my chest right at the table as i preferred to have my arms on the surface soon i seen Alastor walk in and we waved at each other in respect and soon the meeting had started i looked around Carmilla at the head of the table talking of the recent extermination Zestial next her as well as her daughters i didn't know the overlords across of me but they seemed.... nice Velvet at the other head to my right she must be here instead of Vox because of the media fight that happened ha classic Vox always a sore loser and Rosie to my left and Alastor to hers i always admired their bond the meeting droned on for a while becoming background noise my mind wandered to my angel and thinking about what he meant no longer did i have to think as i felt a claw end gently tap my knee i leaned back slightly to see my daring husbands hand at my knee i raised my eyebrow at it face not showing much emotion 'the fuck....so that's what he meant be being here with me and not being seen too ooohh i get it aw cute'
"--- are you okay?"
"mh yeah I'm fine sorry Carmilla continue sorry"
i moved myself back to where i was feeling rather embarrassed now but not because i got called out like that even though that was awful but its the fact i now feel lucifer's hands tease me from under my skirt it was long enough as it reached my shins but it also made pretty good cover for lucifer to roam and tease with his hands i thought his intention was quite cute 'cant go one hour without me I'm flattered but seriously now? here!?' his claws lightly brush against my skin the edge grazing across my thigh leaving a feeling like a paper cut i felt his feather light touches moving closer to my core i reached down with my hand under the table to lightly move his hand away in response i had a light nip at my leg my eyes widen in slight shock at this i knew the king was quite risky when it came to this but this was a little far...... but I'm not completely complaining too much i felt his head push between my legs and i just did the same thing reaching to his face and pushing him away lightly to stop him but i felt his smile as a light kiss was placed to my skin i thought nothing of it and placed both my hands in my lap but that was a mistake i felt a light pressure on my wrists i looked down to see a golden glint around both of my wrists 'that handsome prick' i couldn't believe he would abuse his magic in this way but oh well i guess im in too deep now i felt his sly smile on me and he teased me with his tongue now licking some parts and lapping at others i could only bawl my hands trying to act normal in the meeting 'of fuck has anyone noticed this' i glanced around no one cared at all all to busy doing there own thing or listening to Carmilla, lucifer continued the secrete attack and i let him opening my thighs over so slightly and i held in a squeak of surprise when i felt the end of his claw gently move the fabric of my underwear to the side so he could move his fingers inside of me my breathing got quite heavy and my pupils dilatating as i zone out of my vision and focusing on not making a sound in front of my collages or "friends" lucifer's fingers teased my entrance only lightly slipping in to test me his other hand rubbing circle's on my skin while his head rested comfortably on my thigh enjoying the torment i was in i was so out of trying not to make a noise that when his movements twitched and halted i was back into reality and i quickly knew why as i moved my eyes over to Alastor his gaze lingered down for a split second before he spoke in that stupid radio sound
"--- my dear you all there? you seem distracted"
his voice carried a sinister lint to it sending an uncomfortable chill down my spine
"uh y yeah im alright"
carmilla looked at me and i bowed my head in apology
'fuck did he notice what was going on shit fuck fuck-' i was brought out of my panic nearly jumping out of my skin when i felt a particular harsh bite to my upper thigh clenching fists from the pain my eyes going blurry as i try not making any noise lucifer's possessiveness was showing through and i could feel the slow trickle of blood form from the bite lucifer eagerly lapping it up as an apology 'prick there was no cause' i understood the rivalry but my thoughts were directed to another 180 as i felt his fingers penetrate me slowly before ramping up the speed of them being cautious of the sharp ends but as i was starting to feel pleasure they left but soon replaced with his hot breath and forked tongue doing wonders the small licks driving me insane my legs slightly shaking at the contact he was relentless in eating me for all that i had i finally slipped up letting out a small quite strained sigh i felt lucifer's smile from between my legs 'that sweet sly smug fucker aaaa!' the slightest touch he gave to my clit made my thighs close around his face in shock but he just softly opened them again at this rate i wouldn't last i gave another glance around the room and seen Alastors eyes snap away from me his ear hair thingy twitching 'oh fuck he knows' i didn't have time to think as lucifer's relentless tongue kept at my body i was getting closer and closer to the edge his skilful hands tracing patterns along the bites he placed on my skin edging closer to my core coaxing my body to release my nails digging into my palms i was so close to finishing but everything stopped i freeze at Carmilla's voice
"this meeting is over thank you all for coming to listen to this matter we will meet again next week to discuse the same topic hope to see you all there"
my saviour i really didn't want to cum here of all places 'thank fuck holy shit too many close calls' just as i was about to stand up i felt how shaky my legs were all of the other overlords had already left leaving me behind with-
"my dear are you alright? let me assist you it seems your having trouble"
oh that stupid voice again filled with smugness Alastor wrapped his hand around my arm assisting me with walking out of the room
"oh Alastor you don't have to im fine really-"
"oh nonsense and i insist"
his voice got sinister quickly as he led me out of the room i held in a groan i was so close to finishing that it hurt to move so i excepted my fate as he walked us to an elevator but then my stomach dropped lucifer always waited outside for me and his not so friendly rival was basically hand in hand with me 'oh shit' the elevator moved down and i seen my husband waiting i attempted to loosen Alstors grasp but he held firm and the see through door opened to look at a more than pissed of king looking at Alastor with a death glare
"hello my love how was the meeting"
lucifer was acting as if he wasn't there he was talking through his clenched teeth still looking at Alastor as he asked the radio man let go of my arm and i awkwardly walked over to my husband and as i did i could hear him snarl lowly his hand wrapping around my waist
"cant keep your hands to yourself deer?"
"cant keep your nose out of someone's business? wouldn't want your own trick to backfire"
and with that i grabbed a hold of lucifer teleporting us back to our room before he started somthing on the street...again
i didn't really know how to end that but i hope it was okay this is my first ever fanfic that I've properly written so sorry if it sucks idfk
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acotar-taylorsversion · 5 months
Another Rant
I think its funny how people will say that Sarah has had this series planned since 2015/2017 and convince themselves that this means elucien is endgame because they are already mates on page because she said "not much has changed" and that this must mean that gwynriel is real, too.
Like I'm pretty sure it only started out as the first 3 acotar books and the novella anyways. "Not much has changed" means that she didn't go with mor/az and elucien. You can literally see the moments in acowar where she changed this. And please don't forget about acofas. The one where Sarah said that we would have an idea about what Elain would do with her bond. And then in acosf when she literally made Elain and Lucien's only moment together so incredibly awkward. That moment was so telling. And do I really have to go into detail about all of Elain and Az's moments? By the end of acofas I was convinced of elriel and acosf only confirmed it for me. That bonus chapter confirmed that both Elain and Az are attracted to each other and were willing to explore that.
Like first Lucien was meant to be with Nesta and then she realized that wouldn't work out cause Nesta would have destroyed him if he ran up to her after she was turned and told her he was her mate, so she stuck him with Elain. I believe she did this to keep Lucien in the story for one little part of the koschei plot and she has done absolutely nothing to prove that Elain will ever be happy with him. Like I don't honestly see anymore how Lucien could be important anymore. I used to think that he would be this vital thing for the koschei plot but when you think about it, they really don't need him. The only thing he could do is realize his spell breaking powers and free Vassa. That's it.
And Gwyn? All signs point to her being a lightsinger and I don't know why people can't realize that. Az AND Nesta both react to her powers in almost the same way. His shadows reacted to her powers, her music or singing. They also danced to the music that was played off of Bryce's phone so I can't believe that his shadows dancing is a sign that Gwyn and Az are mates. I do not see any kind of attraction or hints of gwynriel. If anything, I think Gwyn just wants to prove herself to everyone around her, especially the one who rescued her and seen the horrible thing that she went through.
And whoever thinks that Nesta would not be happy for Elain and Az because it would "leave Gwyn alone and without a love" clearly do not understand Nesta. Elain is her sister, her favorite sister, and Az is quickly becoming her best friend. She supposedly "hated" Feyre and look at what she did for her at the end of acosf. Feyre, Rhys, and Nyx would literally be dead if it wasn't for her. I can only imagine what she would do for Elain. Yes, she has found true friendship with Gwyn and Emerie, but Elain is her sister, her blood. I believe that Nesta would be ecstatic for Elain if being with Az is truly what she wanted. She would support it. The last time we seen Elain on paper was when she was walking basically arm in arm with her sisters on a happy stroll in Velaris. And I want to know why everyone thinks that Gwyn is ready to be in a relationship anyways. She can't even leave the library yet. And I highly doubt that the first man she will be with is the man that saved her, like that would be a constant reminder of that night for me. And what's to say that she is even interested in men? Like why does everyone assume that she just has to be with Az?
And yes, I know these are characters and not real people. Yes, I know Sarah will write whatever she wants. And yes, I know I could be completely wrong, but based on what she talks about, who she talks about, and what/how she has written things, I can only believe that she is going to make elriel endgame.
That's it for my rant this time. I kinda rambled on in this one lol.
And by the way, HAPPY ELRIEL MONTH 💜
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
Part 6
When Nancy and Robin returned to his house, he told them that Jonathan had found Eddie. The two of them, along with Argyle, spent the night in case the two returned.
Neither of them showed their face.
The next day, Steve was alone in his house, waiting for one of them to come by or to call and explain what happened with Eddie. When it got past noon, Steve called Eddie's home. No answer. He held it together long enough for an hour to pass before calling the Byers-Hopper place. Joyce answered but said she hadn't seen Jonathan at all today.
Honestly what was worse than the not knowing was being confused on who he was more worried about, Jonathan, who had just kissed him for the first time, or Eddie, who had seen them kiss.
Steve busied himself with cleaning and exercising mostly. He thought about talking to Robin, waaay too much to have not called her at this point. But he didn't know where to start.
The day after Jon and Eddie went MIA, Steve officially out of things to clean and he was contemplating getting some kind of gym membership when the doorbell rang.
He answered it and Jonathan was there, asked if he wanted to go on a drive and Steve accepted.
It was rare that he was a passenger. He got to watch the town go by. It was five minutes into the ride that he realized he didn't even ask where they were going.
"We're doing this whole thing, because you don't wanna date anyone, right?", Jonathan asked.
"It's not because of that. I just didn't want Dustin hounding me about not dating Robin. And then it was about getting him to stop setting me up with anyone."
"So why did you choose me? Was it just because I walked through the door? It could have been anyone, right?"
Steve thought of who else could have walked through the door that he would claim to date on the spot just to trick Dustin. The list was short. Not Robin or Nancy. None of the kids. Argyle he had just met.
......Maybe Eddie?
"Whoever you just thought of, you probably should have picked him", Jonathan said.
"I don't regret choosing you", Steve said. "Or kissing you", he added quickly.
Jonathan bit his lip. Eddie and driven them back to his place the other night and they had talked until dawn. It was just before the sun rose, when the sky was its darkest that Eddie confessed.
"I've got the hots for your boyfriend, man."
A guy in a normal situation might show offense, or possessiveness, or something. But Steve wasn't his boyfriend. He shouldn't feel that way. Like he actually wanted Steve. Because that would be crazy, wouldn't it?
"I think you and Eddie should talk."
"Did he tell you why he ran off?", Steve asked.
"Yeah. But that's not for me to say."
Steve slouched a little in his seat. "Where are you taking us anyway?"
"I have no idea. I just couldn't talk in your house, man."
Nancy knew something was up. But she was also quite sure it was none of her business. Her two ex-boyfriends coming out as gay and dating each other was a shock to her system. But only because it had appeared to her that Steve and Eddie were the ones getting closer.
It was none of her business though. But whatever was going on was making things tense. It had been a couple of weeks since Eddie ran off in the night and he was acting like he hadn't.
It was probably no harm, no foul. He was safe and this wasn't a symptom of the Upside Down. But Nancy was never one to let things go.
And the New Year's party she was throwing was the perfect opportunity. Nancy had the house to herself. Mike was at his friend's party, her parents had gone to an office party and Holly was at a sleepover. She bulked up the guest list with some of her old girl scout buddies and some of then teens from her church (that lot could drink you under the table).
She enlisted the help of Argyle and Robin. It wasn't a complicated plan at all. She just needed Robin in on it so that she didn't release Steve at the slightest protest.
"Are we ready for this?", Nancy asked at around 11:15.
"As I'll ever be, shit", Argyle sighed.
"Nancy, you're sure this is going to work? Because it sounds like torture instead", Robin said.
Nancy looked at their quarry. Eddie, practically guarding the punch bowl, then across the room to where Steve and Eddie were sitting a respectful distance on the couch.
"This right now is torture."
So in a process that was quite surgical and precise, the three of them managed to get Steve, Jonathan, and Eddie into a closet and kept them locked in. The sounds of the party in the living room were a distant muffle.
Hopefully they could all ring in the new year as a group of friends refreshed. Instead of the stagnant air that had been around them.
Part 8 FINAL
Tag Team
@freddykicksasses @itsfreakingbats @thatrandombatgurl @loguine-linguine @cecinestpasunblog @aliea82
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baohanhanesel · 10 months
Valeria Garza x Obsessed Reader. Part 2
Part 1
Valeria was a curious woman and just as she told herself she'd unfold the each and every layer of your life she noticed that she actually didn't have to try much. You barely hid anything. You were a confident person, and in Valeria's eyes this made you more powerful. She wanted to impress you and get to know you. But seeing as you hid nothing and by doing that being invisible it was a hard thing to accomplish. You didn't hide the fact you went to high school in this town or the fact that your parents lived in another city. You were too normal to draw the eyes on you, and that must've been the thing that gave you the access into everything about Valeria. You were her sneaky little snake, and she'd treasure you.
You were just day dreaming in the bar about the day Valeria took you out to have dinner after kidnapping you. She was so pretty. For the first time you were able to see her eating. For you, that was a big step. You had already recorded everything in your brain and would replay it in your head until you got to see her on the same breakfast table as you. You looked forward to that...
After the second time you both got to hangout you thought it would be a great idea to message her. She didn't respond until you sent her a picture since it was an unknown number and Valeria probably didn't even care enough to open the message box. She was hesitant to text, seeing that you were capable of finding her number easily once again. Just what were you... An agent of some sort? You were so much like her. Your curious sneaky nature kept drawing her closer to you. She was falling so hard and she didn't know how to stop it. Everything you did reminded her of herself. A strong woman who knew how to get her job done, that's how you were.
Valeria wanted you as much as you wanted her. She had to be yours, and the same applied to you. Many weeks of taking you out and offering you to stay the night over at her place, she decided she'd officially ask you out. You didn't deserve to just stay as a "flirt" for her. To her, you were starting to become her everything just like how she was for you. She did make the first move, asking you out on a cold night. She'd expect someone as insatiable like you to kiss her on the first night but you completely surprised her by saying it wasn't the time. She had figured everything about you, she knew every piece of information she could grab about you but still you managed to surprise her. Seeing as you were holding back, just to have whatever you both had to last longer. Valeria wouldn't disappoint you. She'd go at your pace because really... She often felt like you were her law and order. Whatever you did and told had to be the only right and truth.
So needless to say when you wanted a photo of her on the first day of your relationship, she was surprised once again. You were just so possessive in a way it made her want to chuckle and giggle even as a grown woman. You would ask her where she was going quite often. She didn't want to tell you at first, just to try and keep you away from the dirty part of her life... But after seeing you insist and say "Even if you don't tell me I'll figure it out anyways, my Valeria. So save me the time darling. You are mine. Every side of you is." She had never felt so owned. She couldn't form any other word but a soft yes when you spoke like that to her. You would never leave the "my" out whenever you called her name out. That melted her. She actually felt like she belonged to you, and you belonged to her. She never thought she'd find someone as strong and daring as you.
The time she came home beaten and rough was the first time she saw the more human side to you. The worry and fear in your eyes made her feel immense guilt. She would kill the bastards who got you in this state, the bastards who hurt her and by doing that hurting you as well. You bandaged her and drew her a quick bath, constantly asking how she was. You took her mind away from the rough day she had, taking her far away with just a soft kiss placed over her forehead. Valeria didn't think much about you inspecting her wounds a bit too closely. You must have been really worried.
How wrong she was. She didn't know what to feel when one of her men informed her of the bastards from the day before were arrested by the military because of their war crimes. Valeria didn't even know they had attempted such crimes. She was bewildered. But somehow knew exactly who was responsible for this. The only thing she was curious about was just how the hell did you manage to find those bastards without letting Valeria notice. You scared her as much as you thrilled her. She wanted to marry you. You were so protective of her and you didn't have to use your own hands to protect her as well. Your sneaky tongue did the work for you instead. You were a true snake and she wanted to marry you for it.
Ps: squeezed my last brain juice for this little ramble so this is the second and last. If you have anything to recommend about Valeria or platonic TF141 I'll gladly hear everything out. ✋
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hand-picked-star · 5 months
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IPKKND was a show which was made to rewatch again and again to peel away it's layers like an onion.Call it luck or the fruit of the dedication and hardwork that IPKKND team had done on this show,the show had achieved a cult-classic status.Otherwise all the intrigated storylines,the tragedy, the pain in the past, the layered and nuanced acting of the actors would have been overlooked. ITV isn't a medium where the facial expression of an actor needed to be observed.It's a place where character's emotions are showed blatantly by loud music and multiple cuts and effects. But here we are,IPKKND lunatics, trying to read Arnav's subtle facial expression even after 12 years later.Though the beauty of the subject makes the process more enjoyable.😉
Such an moment of this show was where our emotionally-stunted male lead practised the art of apology in front of a mirror in the initial stage of their courtship and did kind of a similar thing again down the line.
The thing is khushi could read Arnav to a level that no one close to him could and that had solved certain problems in Arnav's case and he got away without stressing himself much to adopt the art of communication. And how long can a person read another person without exhausting herself,which happened with khushi here.After the contact marriage khushi could sense Arnav was hurt,that's why he was being mean to her.So, his 'hate' doesn't affect her that much cause she could see the battle going on inside him in his eyes.But after the revelation of truth of the contact marriage she broke down thinking he really hated her,whatever she thought she saw in him, was just her imagination. Then the hope came with a declaration of love, but soon was destroyed by unjust accusation hurled to her in throes of anger.At this point, khushi became the person who was waiting for the other shoe to drop.
So khushi's silence and reluctance toward him was understandable, on top of her heartbreak the guilt towards the whole situation doubled her pain.Amidst all the hurt and confusion, khushi didn't have it in her to decipher Arnav anymore who kept hurting her again and again , she needed clear and heartfelt words of reassurance .And Arnav suspected khushi needed some form of verbal comfort for her hurt . And what solution he came up with?He was practising to make conversation with her when she was asleep just like he was practising to say 'sorry' to her in front of the mirror. 🙄Man,Arnav, you are a duffer, who does that?
Day 01
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Arnav was a man who despite not interested in marriage in first place, knew the fundamentals of a real marriage. Because, marriage meant a great deal to him.And here his love of life was hurting and he was unable to provide her an emotionally available husband that could erase her woes.A man who couldn't wish his wife a simple 'happy birthday' to her face despite best efforts of the whole day, how could he make her happy throughout their life? The burden of being a terrible husband wore him down. He was barely holding himself, sitting beside her sleeping form with unshed tears in his eyes and a single rose in his hand.His heart was heavy with unspoken words that he wasn't able to say out loud.He was crying not only for his weakness but also for the uncertainity of their future in case thing didn't change and his inability to make her happy.So, the man wished for his wife all the happiness in the world, because that's what he wanted to give her.
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And uff those unshed tears that laslty formed a teardrop threatened to spill over his eyes.Who need heart anyway, crush it in a mixer grinder and make chutney with it. Kahe Arnav bitwa,kahe?
Day 02
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Arnav remained consistent on his pursuits in consecutive second night.He knew khushi is suffering from self-guilt over the whole situation. So,He promised her everything would be sorted with time. I always get moved by the yearning in his eyes.
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And he told her that it's easier to talk to her when she's sleeping.I don't know when I see this scene in an instagram reel in a funny light, like it's easier for him to talk to her sleeping from,coz she talked too much, irritate me so much. There were so much going on here and she wasn't even in her talkative self those days.It's not funny,damn it.This was serious business.The biggest deal of Arnav's life was in progress right here.
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I bet khushi was pretending to sleep that night too. And it's my headcanon that she was not allowing to hold him her hand at those nights, but here she took out her hand under the duvet and placed it where he could hold it , in case it's the last night they were sleeping together in the same bed, as she decided to leave shantivan the next day.And it's funny too,how alarmed Arnav was when she moved in her pretend-sleep.His fight-and-flight response was activated.
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And then Mrs.Raizada went to her buaji's house, putting a obstacles to Mr.Raizada's night time rituals.Stay tuned to know what Arnav bitwa did next😉.
My scattered thoughts (10/?)
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demonslayedher · 2 years
If we imagine that Kanao volunteered herself to go with Tengen in Aoi’s stead while purposely knowing that she was going against the fact that she needs permission from Shinobu, what do you think would have happened? IIRC, wasn’t Kanao entering the final selection one of the only choices she made for herself behind Shinobu’s back? I’m kinda basing this scenario on that.
Yeah, dang, things believably could have gone that way! Kanao will act as she sees right even if she doesn't expressly have permission... and in fact, she might even justify some actions as not having been told not to. That seems like a very plausible start for the Uzui & Kanao show.
And what a pair to work with since it's just going to be the two of them, as Uzui will probably take Kanao and run off before Shinobu can come and say no!
So if we go back to that scene...
Instead of Kanao just wordlessly grabbing Aoi & Naho (already a big step for Kanao, the other girls were stunned), she instead takes to yelling like she did at everyone to shut up because Tanjiro was asleep. Uzui is probably not impressed, but then after that when Kanao grabs on, he decides that since she's a Tsuguko and has a higher rank, she'll probably be more useful anyway, so he agrees, but they have to make it quick. Before they know it Uzui has ninja'd off and Aoi & the little girls are stunned and by the time Tanjiro gets back they're all going to be sobbing messes. Tanjiro will try to track Kanao down by scent, but he won't get very far. They all wait for Shinobu to get home so they can tattle on her fellow Pillar, but she doesn't go home that night... or the next night... dang those Pillar missions being so demanding! Rather than hoping for her to come soon they all instead start dreading her return.
So Uzui takes Kanao off and gives her the same talking to that he gave the boys. His word is god! Whatever he says goes! If he says to be a monkey, she's a monkey! If he says to be a dog, she's a dog!
And Kanao, being very, very good at following instructions, replies in all seriousness, "Yes."
Uzui wasn't totally expecting that, it steals his thunder with how bland a response it is and he just says "tch" and they get going. Since she's a girl and it would be looked at differently than taking a bunch of boys around, he skips the tour and goes straight to the Wisteria Mansion to give her the briefing. The goal is to have her get inside the houses his wives have disappeared from. They try to target Tokitoya first where Suma was, but the yarite from Ogimotoya where Makio was spies Kanao first by to take beautiful Kanao for a handsome price. Uzui responds well on the change in plan, Kanao is a little more bewildered because she was supposed to go to Tokitoya first, and she runs back from the yarite to whisper a question to Uzui.
Uzui supposes this is important to the mission and he squats lower so she can reach his ear. He can hear her fine among the crowd, but it's important that no demons hear.
She asks, "What do I do?"
"What? What do you mean, 'what do I do?'"
"What am I supposed to do at Ogimotoya?"
"Look for Makio, dummy!! Cook and clean and sing and play cards for all I care, but that's your mission!"
"Is there some problem?" the yarite comes back. "I believe we had a deal."
"Sorry, sorry, she's feeling nervous! Don't worry, I told her you'd show her a-a-a-ll around Ogimoto and that she'll learn all the ins and outs! Bye, Kanao! Be a good learner!"
Kanao has no idea what she's in for, and does everything she's told. They are thrilled to have not only found such a pretty girl, but a docile one who does everything she's told! What a good find! Although Kanao is still being used as a general servant while she's new, she's very aware of what staying here longer would mean. While looking around for clues about Makio, she ponders how sad and trapped the women there are, and how close she came to this having been her life. She'd have stayed completely closed off and numb, had that happened, so maybe it wouldn't had actually bothered her all that much, but Tanjiro's words echoing, 'live according to your heart,' makes her feel pain in her chest.
She happens to hear of Makio being sick, and goes to investigate, and opens the door just in time to see the obi swallow Makio up and slip away. There's no chase necessary, for Kanao has seen that it moves between the cracks, and she already knows it's long out of her reach by the time she's started chasing it.
She of course reports this to Uzui, and this is valuable intel which makes sense of a lot of tricky parts of this mission. He's worried for Makio, but also knows that it's useless now to keep Kanao at Ogimotoya because the demon knows it was spotted there (Kanao's flustered, she already had jobs to do as a servant in Ogimotoya waiting for after she made her report to Uzui). He'd like to backtrack and go to Tokitoya next, but it'll be difficult since that annoying yarite from Ogimotoya will probably recognize her property over there and cause a fuss. Maybe he should had brought one or two more of Shinobu's girls after all, at which Kanao frets and insists that she'll do everything.
Uzui gets crabby; how is a know-nothing like her going to make a promise like that!! There's no weight to her words!! What was she even thinking when she offered to go?
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At this, Kanao answers him honestly, she was doing what her heart told her to. Uzui finds himself curious about the tone of voice she used to say this, and with a wide-eyed stared with interest, he tells her to go on. She isn't sure there's much more to say, and explains that she had always not cared one way or another about anything, and nothing ever hurt that way, just to do what she's told or flip a coin. It was all the same to her. But now that she's been told to live according to her heart, she's trying, and it's harder to live this way... but it's nicer. She likes it better, even if it's hard.
Uzui, having also had to listen to his own heart after spending all his life doing what he was told and to be unfeeling, feels some sympathy for her. He asks, "Well then. What do you want to do?"
"You're on your own for this mission. Kochou's not here to tell you what to do. You've got to think for yourself. What do you want to do out here, in the pleasure quarters? What's your heart telling you?"
Kanao furrows her brow and thinks a moment, then asks, "I have a Corp salary. How many girls here can I buy?"
Uzui nearly falls off the roof. "WHAT!?!?" he recovers, "THAT'S what's on your mind when you should be doing the mission!?!?!"
"Eh? But--their contracts--if I buy them--then they get to be free, right? I'm sure--I'm sure Shihan would let them live at the Mansion--"
"That's not what I asked about it!! The mission! The mission, Tsuyuri, we're here to fight a demon! It's an Upper Moon, you got that!?!?"
"I don't hear you!!!"
"Drab!! Weak!! Do you use any Breath in those lungs or not?" he pinched her cheek and jostled her back and forth. "LOUDER!! MORE FLAMBOYANT!!!"
"That's more like it," he let go of her cheek and rubbed her head, pushing and pulling her hair into complete disarray. Though he meant to be light, the grip of his thumb had left a big, unsightly red mark on her face. His first inclination was to be sorry and his second was to be aggravated with himself for how that would make her a harder sell, but then he got an idea.
That evening, he brought Kanao to market again, covered in thick white makeup, cheeks like apples, and eyelashes for miles. To his irritation, however, even with the thickest of his charms, he couldn't get Tokitoya to take her, so in a crabby mood, he brought her over to Kyogokuya to dump her off for free to clean toilets and such. He then sent his mice to go investigate every nook and cranny an obi could slip through (unfortunately for the mice, many of them found themselves too bulky to fit).
As soon as the makeup was off, Kanao was the talk of the establishment the following early morning, which of course made their resident star, Warabihime-oiran, curious for a look at the newcomer. Kanao could tell with one look that the woman smiling at her was a demon, and she was terrified to her knees and knew she had to hurry and tell Uzui, but how? Run? Escape? Get the demon's attention? Tell everyone she's a demon they're in danger? Scream for Uzui? Risk being caught in the obi? Coin? Shihan? Coin? The mission? Hinatsuru-san? Coin?
She makes it through most of day keeping her head down and doing exactly as told, but then when that little girl was being abused, Kanao's heart makes up its mind and Kanao decides she wants to protect her.
Flamboyantly. With her sword. She calls for it from the mice while going in first with a hidden weapon laced with wisteria poison. Daki already saw Kanao coming as soon as she had murderous intent but didn't foresee Kanao sproinging out of the way of her swift backhand intended to know her head off, much less Kanao twirling over her with a knife sticking out the heel of her sock. Startled, Daki swoops the obi toward her, but Kanao rips it and the wisteria poison momentarily immobilizes it, given the mice just enough time to stomp holes through the ceiling and drop Kanao's Nichirin-to down to her, and for Kanao to catch and take to a low ready stance.
As she and Daki stare at each other hatefully, the little girls scream, two at the door, and one inside the room.
"You demon hunters sure know how to make an inconvenient fuss. Look at the mess in here, I can't work like this."
Kanao says nothing in response. She knows she's against an Upper Moon and without being conscious of doing so, she's analyzing her opponent and making judgements for what to do next.
Dropping the part of the obi melting under the poison, Daki then shoots a healthy part of it toward the girl in the room, forcing Kanao to move to protect her. As soon as she kicks off, though, another part of the obi goes for the two girls in the hall, forcing Kanao to have to choose between them.
Coin--coin---Shihan--live by her heart--coin--defeat demons--just take the demon's head!
She again takes Daki by surprise by not fruitlessly trying to save any of the girls and instead going straight for a shot at Daki's neck. Daki snaps the obi back to defend against the blade, but their stride is in Kanao's favor, and with their strikes and parries she forces Daki back and toward to the window, notwithstanding sharp cuts and scrapes, giving the girl inside the room a chance to run for the hall and for all three to get away and alert the others to evacuate.
As their fight gets louder, so do the screams, and Uzui is alerted to the commotion. He shows up just as Kanao takes a hard hit that threw her backwards hard enough to break through a wall. Fortunately for Kanao Uzui was sturdier than a wall, and a better catch.
"Nice going," he assures her, "Your mission was to find my wives, not the demon, but I'll accept this as a pass. Hmm... then again, not the right demon. Get everyone out, things are going to get a lot more flamboyant after this one."
Kanao runs downstairs to tell all the people to leave, but the obi comes from the walls--from seemingly everywhere in the walls!--to block her path and taunt her with a big ugly face, and Kanao takes quick notice of a person in part of the obi. She fights and frees that person, then before some of the rest of the obi can retreat, she grabs it and pulls, exposing another person, whom she cuts free. It's Makio and Suma! They pin the obi to the walls and leave room for Kanao to make it down the stairs to ensure that everyone is evacuating. The owner, having known something was wrong with Warabihime-oiran and sorely missing his wife Omitsu, is cooperative and uses his position of influence to start telling other places to evacuate too. Kanao, still having a mission to complete, desperately asks him where Hinatsuru is, and he tells her she's in the kirimise. Kanao barely gets a chance to pass this info off to Makio and Suma, for Gyutaro's already entered the party upstairs, and Kanao needs to go back.
And then.... Iiiiiiiiii don't know, things get ugly, Kanao is probably really, really gonna struggle, and I don't know that she's able to take Daki's head on her own at this point. But look, see, I'm fixing things by already having started the evacuation!! Look at all these lives getting saved!
Anyway... eventually Shinobu had to get home. Everyone is very, very sullen to see her and Aoi is really doing her best to say everything she's rehearsed to explain and apologize for everything, but she's making no sense. Tanjiro tries to help, but he smells that Shinobu is already really tired and not in the mood for bad news, and he struggles, and finally Inosuke just butts in and says Kanao went off with some flashy guy. Zenitsu yells at him that he's insulting Kanao's maidenly honor by putting it that way, but some key words caught her attention.
"Flashy guy?"
"Yes," says Tanjiro, wilting with bad news, "the Sound Pillar, I was told..."
"Even though he said he couldn't take her without your permission," cried Aoi.
Shinobu smiles her hardest and thanks them and assures them she'll handle the matter. Unfortunately none of the teary-eyed children heard where he was taking Kanao, so Shinobu had to sacrifice her sleeping hours to send out a few crows and pay a visit to Oyakata-sama to inquire where Uzui's mission was. Kagaya sighs and says he wishes Tengen wouldn't had borrowed Shinobu's Tsuguko without permission because rules are rules and that is how they run the Corp, and he'll scold Tengen for it later. However, he had allowed his because his understanding of the situation was that this was Kanao's choice. Shinobu's a bit shook by that, but is understanding. Kagaya assures her that Obanai is nearby so he'll send him over right away to help.
Iguro, getting a mission from Oyakata-sama, of course drops everything he is doing to start running in that direction, listening to the details as he goes so as not to delay. He's already made it a long way before the crow mentions anything about it being Yoshiwara, and Iguro grinds to a halt. Then then says to the crow, "Yoshiwara? That place is crawling with women."
"But that--you see, I--hm," he looks back and forth at the ground, until Kaburamaru bites him and Iguro realizes he's being ridiculous and a mission is a mission. He continues running and arrives when Kanao is in dire straights. He winds up saving her from getting sliced to bits, and Uzui feels just enough freedom in his fight with Gyutaro down below to smile and yell his thanks up to him, after all, he's just borrowing that Tsuguko.
"I may have saved her," he says, with Kanao under one arm like a rolled up rug, "but I can't do anything for you once Kochou gets her hands on you."
So then we get SNAKE BREATH .VS. OBI and it looks a-m-a-a-a-zing especially because Ufotable likes to show off with twisty objects throughout the air snaking their way through and against each other in the first place. Kanao finds herself back on the ground, helping Uzui against Gyutaro. She manages well in avoiding Gyutaro's attacks, but dodging isn't going to get her any closer to Gyutaro's neck! She considers using the Final Form to find an opening, but then she's distracted by the perilous state Uzui is in under the poison. His hand gets chopped off, he's going down, stopping his own heart... but fortunately for Uzui, this is Shinobu's Tsuguko, and she is well-supplied! She pulls a surprise all-purpose anti-poison potion from her belt (she has a lot of those, it seems) and stabs Uzui with it, Uzui gets the recharge he needed, and having been so close to death, he gets the last burst of inspiration he needed to complete his Score! Plus, all that stuff about Red Blades? Yeah, let's give him one. Uzui uses a Red Blade to behead Gyutaro, with Kanao's help to do stuff like hit Gyutaro with a wisteria-laced sneak attack and slice off his arm before he gets a shot at Uzui's eye. Look! I'm not just saving lives, I'm saving eyes!!
So Uzui and Iguro take the heads at the same time, Iguro not taking much credit because of course Daki wasn't an Upper Moon, she was weak, Uzui might as well deserve the credit. It was only Upper Moon Six, after all.
"Only Upper Moon Six? My, my, then I suppose you didn't need any extra help from Kanao."
"Kochou... hi..."
Shinobu was late to arrive, but she's armed with medicine to treat Uzui right away. He'll need some time to recover and won't be walking off the battlefield without extra help to keep him from toppling over, but the poison isn't going to have lasting effects. Shinobu has let him off easy for now, he knows she's going to give him an earful later.
Actually, what she has in mind is worse, and sends chills down his smile as she smiles and says, "Oyakata-sama would like a few words with you once you're feeling better." As for Kanao, she goes up to her already intending to do the lecturing herself, and though she's very angry, she can't fight the tiny tears in the corners of her eyes now finally finding their way out, for she was so worried.
"Hey, Tsuyuri!" Uzui calls over his shoulder to her just before Shinobu is about to open her mouth. "Looks like you got to do what you wanted to!"
Shinobu looks over her shoulder at him and Kanao blinks, confused. "Eh?"
He smiles, looking over all the wreckage. "They're all free now, aren't they? Phew! That's one flamboyantly selfish heart of yours, better keep listening to it and don't let anyone stand in its way."
Kanao smiles, then feels some peace come over her nerves as she faces Shinobu. "I'm sorry, Shihan. This was what I wanted to do."
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memswritesfics · 1 year
I'll Be With You
Summary: Did Daemon wish to abandon his wife never to give a sh*t about her ever again? Did Rhea think she would have to endure this treatment from her absentee Lord husband all her life? Would they ever find a way to live without having to deal with one another?
Or would fate change in the blink of an eye and somehow bring them closer together despite their painful past?
Pairing: Daemon Targaryen & Rhea Royce
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Set after the stepstones battle, this is the first part of an AU series that explores what could have been between Daemon and Rhea. This is also loosely based on an ongoing AU roleplay with my friend angree_baratheon over on AO3 and I've written it with slight variations here and there. 
Chapter 1: Duty and Honour
Rhea had made an effort to avoid being around while he was indecent. Especially whenever the maester insisted that the prince should take a bath. Which was something he had considered necessary for two reasons. First, it was a means to shed his fever body sweat. And second, it gave Maester Purell a chance to inspect the wounds that the prince had gained from his battle at the Stepstones. Purell had informed the lady of the Runestones that her lord husband's wound had finally been able to close properly after days of it not doing so and that the effects of infection had also significantly reduced as well. Now it seemed that whatever fevers would happen would not be as bad nor as life-threatening as the days they had just passed.
This was a relief to Rhea. Because even if she did not have much fondness for her lord husband, she did not wish him dead either. It also meant that she would not have to be a widow. She was going to ignore the fact that their marriage was as good as dead for now and simply rejoice that her husband was going to live. The maester then added that the fatigue of having to fight off his infection for the past weeks and the bouts of fever he had suffered these nights was unlikely to leave any time soon. He also proceeded to advise her that the prince should remain strictly on bed rest. At least until his appetite was to return or the wound to his flank -- which had been the source of his concern -- was too close.
She was glad to know that at least he was not at risk of having his guts fall out of him. Or even worse, have them turn black and in threat of decaying away while the rest of him was still alive leaving him in a state of agonising life until he well, eventually did die. His guts were fine. His muscles were intact. And sure, he had several scars from gashes and burns but none of them had been as life-threatening as this wound that had given the maester much trouble in healing. She had heard of the manner in which her husband had conducted himself. As though he were a one-man army sent to rain hell on Craghas Drahar of Myr and his men. And how he had ultimately marched into the cave himself and slew the Crabfeeder with his mighty sword Dark Sister.
If one thing was certain about Daemon Targaryen, it was that he could be a fearsome force to be reckoned with when he so chose. She was well acquainted with that side of him. Well, at least the watered-down version of it anyway. Since they had been at each other's throats from the time they had been wed, he was ten and six while she was a year younger.
Much to Rhea's scruple, she had opted not to correct the maester in his thinking that she had absolutely any authority over her husband's state when she really didn't. If he were awake right then she knew he wouldn't want her here much less giving her opinions about what was right for him and what wasn't. She was simply here because she needed to be. Out of her sense of duty of being his wife. That was all it was. Or at least it was what she had told herself since she had been raised in this manner. To honour her duties no matter how unfavourable they might have seemed.
Rhea sighed as she sat down by the table full of reports and missives she had been working on since her arrival. She couldn't help but think about their past and how they had ended up in this current situation. It wasn't just the fact that they had been forced into this marriage, but also how Daemon had treated her over the years. She had tried to make it work, in the beginning at least. But as the months and years went on and his negligence became apparent. It seemed that no matter what she did, he would always find something to criticize or belittle her for. Rhea remembered the countless times he had insulted her looks, her intelligence, and even her family. It was as if he enjoyed making her feel small and insignificant.
But as she looked at him now, lying in his bed, weak and vulnerable, Rhea couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity. Maybe he wasn't as invincible as he had always made himself out to be. Maybe, just maybe, he needed her help now. Rhea shook her head, pushing the thought away. She couldn't afford to be naïve. She had seen how he had treated her before, and there was no guarantee that he would change. No, she had to stay strong, for her own sake.
As she got up from her seat, Rhea made a mental note to speak to Maester Purell about any further developments in Daemon's condition. She needed to stay informed, especially if she was going to take care of him. It wasn't something she wanted to do, but it was the right thing to do. For now however, she needed to take care of herself. She didn't wish to grow ill while looking after him since it wouldn't do either of them any good.
With a heavy heart, Rhea left the prince's tent, closing the flap softly behind her.
When she had returned several hours later, it had not been her intention to go in so soon since she was aware her husband had completed his daily bath and examination. But to her surprise, he was standing there. He was actually standing instead of lying in bed as he'd been these past days.
But he was standing and in only his breeches. his white wet hair cascading in droplets over the width of his exposed chest. She was taken aback by his appearance and did not instantly pull her gaze away or excuse herself from the chamber. Instead, her attention was drawn to the partially healed scars on his shoulder and chest, as well as the infected wound.
Rhea swallowed, recognising once more that her husband was a magnificent warrior: such strength, power, and tenacity to survive - like weeds, she thought blandly to herself. She grew more and more bitter as he came closer, invading her space as she found him suddenly drawing closer and then... he kisses her. Suddenly, and out of nowhere with no room to deny it was happening. And without any space where either of them could've played pretend.
To say that she was surprised would have been quite the understatement. Particularly given how her expression appeared to be so very telling of the feelings she currently had whirling inside her. Her mouth having fallen agape as her eyes stared at him in utter disbelief. Was this truly happening? She was more than aware that she hadn't been the one suffering a fever all these past weeks but right then she did feel extremely hot and feverish. What was this? How was this even happening? Was he in his right mind? So many questions raced through her mind while she stood frozen in her spot simply staring blankly at him. Knowing that she hadn't kissed him back. The last time she had was a brief peck on their wedding day that could hardly be constituted as a kiss and certainly wasn't anything like what was just happening But then gingerly, hesitatingly, and quite demurely not in the least all at once.
She found herself moving herself closer to him and actually reciprocating. Not eagerly nor boldly, no. But tentative in nature. Enough that she was sure he would've felt the pressure of her returning the kiss. She was being rather careful with her hands however and where she placed them. Trying not have them anywhere near his wounds. There was certainly no need to have a repeat of the last few days. She settled for settling them near his hips instead, but even then, her touch was featherlike, and barely there. Feeling too hesitant, that she couldn't touch him. She will always feel like she was not welcomed when it came to him. He had taught her that, after all.
When they finally part, a small, demure sigh is released from lips of the lady of Runestone. It had escaped her before Rhea could hold it back between her teeth, her tongue darting at the suspicious taste of him. She resisted the temptation to touch her lips like a young, inexperienced maiden who had just been kissed for the very first time. And as her brown eyes are slow to open, slow to take in the flickers from her lord husband's mouth to his own piercing eyes. She squints, watching him like with great scrutiny, before finally deciding to speak and in a whisper, she let her question be heard.
' You must have mistaken me for someone else, my lord husband. I'm afraid I am not your whore. '
A nice, long soak was exactly what he had needed after days of being stuck in bed with a high fever that had made him far too ill for far too long. But now that he was on his own two feet once again, he certainly did not want to return to being an invalid. At least not by choice anyway. A bath had been the first course of action to rid himself of the misery of the past few several days although he wasn't certain exactly for how long he had been unconscious. He simply assumed it was a few short days.
However, if there was one not-too-bad thing that had come from all this, it was how devotedly his wife had sat by his bedside for most of his nights. At times, he wasn't even sure if it was really her or just an apparition. Because there was no way she would be tending to, was there? In the times he found himself waking in a delirious dream like state, he had often found her there. Sitting beside him. Or at the table. But she had been there. Never leaving him. It wasn't until he had finally risen that those visions returned to him like a flood of unbidden memories. Leaving him bewildered, in awe and quite curious even.
Yet, it wasn't until when he saw her come into his chambers right then. That his mind immediately realized that all of those vision were not a fever dream after all. She was actually here. And curiously enough, she was caring for him as well. Despite the way he had treated her all these years. Which he was more than aware had been the most unfavourable of manners. Except to say that he was not moved, in that very moment would have been quite the understatement.
And it was exactly why without much warning or thought, he had moved closer to her, pulled her chin up towards him and just kissed her. Not because he had seen her walk in on him in a state of undress and still wet from his bath. And not because he had caught the way her eyes roamed over the span of his naked chest and he could see the lack of shyness and even admiration. It was mostly because he had actually and truly wanted to kiss her. Even if he knew he would be surprising her, but he didn't really mind nor care for that in that moment. Nor did he think she would push him away either.
And she hadn't.
Curiously enough, she had even returned his kiss in the most softest of manners that made him wonder why he hadn't done this before. Except he knew exactly why he hadn't, and he was in no mood to go down that path tonight. No, absolutely not tonight. He wished to stay in this moment, to take in that subtle yet pleasing gasp he had stolen from those soft lips and that hesitant, barely-there manner with which she touched him, as though she were trying not to get burned by him. Burned by his cruelty and his dismissive ways all these years. Along with all the things that made him who he was to her - the husband who had abandoned her for the years of their marriage.
In that very moment, as he kissed her, nothing else mattered. And all that he allowed his thoughts to roam over were how she was responding to him right then. Soft, she was soft. Softer than he remembered. But then again, when had been the last time? When they were much younger, much more ill at ease, and he had been much less willing to accept this forced-upon-him union. And yet, here they were. And here he was now, gingerly cupping her cheek as his lips were warm against hers. The movement was soft, slow, and gentle, as if he had all the time in the world. And they could pretend that they did, if only for this moment. Perhaps even for tonight. If he could be selfish enough to wish it so.
He would have wanted it go on for a while longer. Until she pulled away and brought them both back to their uncomfortable reality with her words of hurt that were more than obvious to him. It was expected from her. He had hurt her for far too long. It would have been foolish of him to think she would forget all that with simply one kiss. But strangely enough he found himself wishing that he could try to change things, and he was actually going to. Change how things were between them. He found himself suddenly filled with a newfound determination.
‘ But I wasn't mistaken at all, wife. I know who you are, and I still kissed you. And you kissed me back. Would you let us continue, or are you going to walk away from me? ‘
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caitlynmeow · 7 months
The post about Cass' gf/wife was wholesome. Could you give some hcs about those kiddos appearance-wise or personality-wise or anything really ?
omg yes! ok so they do end up having three daughters because Cass is a big family person and she can't exist in any other way c:
First daughter:
She takes after her mom in terms of looks: blonde hair and blue eyes.
Her name is Aurelia
She was born on May 25.
She's curious and always asking questions.
She's a chatterbox and very social.
Stranger danger? Not this baby! She's always smiling at strangers and probably wouldn't stop to think twice before going with a strange person anymore.
Definitely can't take your eyes off of her because she'll get herself abducted (she just wants to make friends)
Generally, she's an easygoing fun baby, although can be a huge brat but her mothers adore her and don't see anything wrong.
Being the first granddaughter, Aurelia was somewhat smug. She wouldn't always approach her grandmother or aunties, just being aloof and somewhat arrogant.
The birth of her younger sister changed that entirely. Suddenly, she's super affectionate and doesn't stop talking and loving everyone's company.
Second daughter
One day, wife said that she needed to fly home for a quick matter that she needed to take care of before returning to Romania. Cassandra kinda sorta blew things out of proportion and somehow made it seem as if her wife was leaving her.
While wife was trying to make sense of the sudden outburst, she realized suddenly ‘Oh my god you’re pregnant!’
‘Don’t be ridiculous, I’m not. Don’t try to change the subject’
‘I’m not changing the subject, I’m putting two and two together,’ Because Cassandra is crazy but this is a different kind of crazy and wife saw it before while her wife was pregnant with their first child. She knows it when she sees it.
Out of pure spite, Cassandra got tested just so that she can throw the negative test in her wife’s face.
The rest came out positive.
She still insisted that her wife was leaving her and Aurelia and just— doing whatever.
Wife had to get Alcina involved because Cassandra started packing 😭
Alcina, knowing that no one is leaving anyone, told wife to go and that she'll handle Cassandra. She did let her daughter and granddaughter stay in the castle for the duration of their time apart because Alcina secretly wants to spend a lot of time with her granddaughter (Cass is going to calm down on her own anyway)
A few phone calls later, Casaandra's sanity was back and all was good (she still stayed in the castle until her wife returned tho)
After more bouts of insanity (it's hormones okay, Cass is not guilty of anything because the fetus was driving her insane daily)
Their second daughter was born on December 12
Her name is Adelina
She takes after both of her mothers, she has Cassandra’s brown hair and wife's blue eyes.
Definitely not having her birthday combined with Christmas, absolutely not.
Cassandra makes sure that all of Adelina’s birthdays are huge for that reason alone, and she gets presents both on her birthday and on Christmas because these are two separate occasions.
She has selective mutism- with her family and friends she’s wild and talkative and the life of any social setting. With strangers? She doesn’t say a word.
When she started school, it took her about a week to warm up to her teacher and classmates before turning into a chatterbox.
She's very smart. during pre-k, she was moved from her class and into the older kids class (she was a 2-year-old in a class of 3-year-olds) because she wasn't having fun with the other 2-year-olds. she's amrt and needs the mental stimulation.
Third daughter
She takes after Cassandra, brown hair and golden eyes.
They were celebrating Alcina’s birthday when in the evening Cassandra’s water broke and they had to go to the hospital.
The baby was born on the same day, barely two minutes before midnight.
When Alcina walked into the room to look at her youngest granddaughter, she wasn’t expecting what came out of Cassandra’s mouth.
The baby was small, and sleeping.
Usually, by the time Cassandra had any of her daughters, they always were torn between two different names and couldn’t really pick one. Aurelia was the only one who had her name picked out. Adelina was almost named Amelia and perhaps Amelia is what this new baby is going to be named.
Or so Alcina thought.
‘She kinda ruined your birthday’ Cassandra said. ‘We’re naming her after you’
'and she also looks like you' wife joked (but not really since Cass looks a lot like Alcina herself and this baby is following in their footsteps)
Perhaps for the first time in her life, Alcina was speechless.
Alcina is born on May 2, just like her grandmother.
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