#she was done dirty by the fans and now they're surprised the show took away her necessary core character flaws
icearts · 7 months
My favorite thing about the Live Action Atla is that people are finally realizing Katara was a well-written character. For years, she was constantly memed for being "too emotional" and "talks about her mom too much" and yeah there's a scene or two she says something completely uncalled for (you all know which line) but sometimes people lash out and say things they regret. Katara wasn't supposed to be perfect in the original show, Sokka wasn't supposed to be perfect, Zuko wasn't supposed to be perfect, and Aang wasn't supposed to be perfect. Now that the live action stripped most of the characters of necessary flaws needed to develop, you all see how hollow they are. Katara's fault wasn't that she was too emotional and that is evidenced by the charm of her character being nonexistent without those strong feelings. Similarly with Sokka's sexism he needed to get over (which happened quickly as a mercy for the audience and thank god). Similarly with Toph realizing it isn't weak to rely on others every now and again. Similarly with Zuko realizing true strength is having a strong moral compass and following it no matter the consequences.
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akaluan · 3 years
An AU where everyone has wings but they're hidden unless willingly shown. Most people leave them out with pride, but some hide them away. Because each feather is a thought someone has had about you where they were thinking of nothing but you, and to some, this is a beautiful experience.
For Kisuke, his wings have screamed of Aizen's obsession for a century, and he had learned how to consciously turn his own thoughts away from adding feathers to others. Because the idea of Aizen wearing his thoughts was nauseating.
And then he met Erich.
((Okay, so there's definitely going to be more of this, but it'll come Later (TM) bc right now I just want to get something written for things and posted XD Hope this suits!))
(Warnings for Kisuke's anxiety and the whole apology-after-SS-arc thing)
Kisuke hid a smile behind his fan as he watched the teens tumble from the gate into midair, their panicked and confused shouts both hilarious and reassuring—
(They’d survived.)
(They’d survived, they’d survived, they’d survived…!)
—especially as they were caught in a rug and batted towards Tessai who spilled them out atop Kisuke’s flying carpet. He needed to apologize to them all — especially to Kurosaki — but in this brief, wonderful moment he could simply watch and enjoy.
Movement from the gate made Kisuke jerk back around, staring up at the stranger who strode from the closing gate and then stood there, his sharp eyes scanning the scene and one corner of his mouth quirking up into an amused smile. His gaze caught on Kisuke and his head tilted slightly, amusement fading and stance shifting into something watchful-wary-thoughtful as his wings flared slightly to make him look bigger.
Kisuke swallowed at the sight, at the sheer array of colors on the man’s wings, a patchwork quilt of bright-beautiful-loving thoughts laid bare for the world to see. His primary feathers were alternating sky and midnight blue, marbled with threads of copper and gold, and the rest of his feathers were equally bright, equally distinct, proof of how many people thought of him — thought well of him — in his life.
(Unlike his own wings.)
(No, don’t think about it.)
The man abruptly twitched, right wing spreading slightly more as the man cast a glance at it, and Kisuke froze at the sight of a feather turning sunshine yellow right in front of his eyes.
(No, oh no, he hadn’t meant to—)
Kisuke yanked his thoughts back in line. Buried his admiration of the man’s wings deep-deep-deep into the midst of a jumble of thoughts-calculations-plans where it couldn’t stain the man’s beautiful wings.
(No one needed his thoughts directed only at them!)
“Ah, Rerugen-san!” Inoue said cheerfully as soon as she got to her feet and waved at the man overhead. “Come down and meet Urahara-san and the others! They’re the ones that helped us get into Soul Society so we could save Rukia-chan.”
The man nodded slowly and folded his wings, then appeared next to Ishida in a burst in hirenkyaku that Kisuke had to strain to follow.
(A Quincy soul?)
“Maa, find a new friend in Soul Society?” Kisuke asked, trying to figure out how and why the Quincy soul had followed the teens home. The man wasn’t wearing Shinigami garb so he probably wasn’t part of the Gotei Thirteen, but how, then, had he convinced the Shinigami to let him follow the teens back to the Living World?
Ishida shrugged and looked away, his shoulders hunching a bit as he tucked himself closer to Rerugen’s side. “Something like that,” he muttered as Rerugen’s wing partially spread to wrap around him in a protective gesture.
“Rerugen-san is going to teach Ishida-kun!” Inoue announced with a bright-sharp-pointed smile, and Kisuke couldn’t help but admire the technique. She was a bit rough at it, but… well, she was still young and didn’t have quite the… incentive… to do well at it that Kisuke’d had at her age.
(Perhaps he should keep an eye on her, give the occasional bit of advice on how to get her way without seeming to do so.)
(She seemed like she’d be good at it.)
“Is that so?” Kisuke tapped the edge of his fan against his chin as he examined Rerugen again: a warrior for sure, and clearly protective over Ishida—
Kisuke suppressed a frown as he turned his attention to Ishida, trying to figure out exactly why something felt off about the teen. Ishida had always been clever-controlled-certain, but… his lack of presence didn’t feel like control. Especially not next to Rerugen’s own control, so strong that Kisuke could only sense the barest edge of presence from him.
(What had happened in Soul Society?)
(He had hoped…)
(Well, one more thing for him to apologize for, it appeared.)
“It is,” Rerugen answered firmly, his attention fixed on Kisuke, and—
Kisuke tried not to shiver as he felt the tell-tale brush of someone’s thoughts running down his spine and into his right wing, already bracing for the dirty-oily-clinging sensation that Aizen’s obsession always left behind, but… it didn’t come. Instead, it felt like cool water across his back, sluicing away the memory and making his hidden wings feel slightly lighter.
He resisted the urge to reveal his wings, no matter how much he wanted to see what had changed; he refused to let the teens see his wings, refused to show a complete stranger that someone was obsessed with him.
(He’d just have to wait until he was safe in his lab to see.)
(He could wait that long.)
Kisuke took a careful breath, shunted his thoughts aside, and turned his attention to the teens in front of him. They deserved an apology for all he’d forced them through, especially Kurosaki, and he wasn’t going to let a stranger’s presence deter him from doing so.
He went to his knees and leaned forward, head bowed and hat pressed to his chest, and announced, “I’m really… really sorry for… everything.”
Shocked silence met his words, but he forced himself to remain in place, not wanting to face the looks the teens were likely giving him. Sensation rippled down his spine and spread to his hidden wings, proof that he had everyone’s attention, and he swallowed. Squeezed his eyes shut. Knew he’d be spending the night in his lab, obsessing over whatever he could sense from his new feathers.
(He deserved this.)
(He deserved it, he deserved it, he deserved it.)
(He did.)
Kisuke braced himself as Kurosaki’s reiatsu roared to life and the teen stalked forward, uncertain what was to come but knowing he wouldn’t protest whatever the teen chose to do.
“Don’t do that,” Kurosaki growled as he stood over Kisuke. “Don’t bow to me,” he insisted when Kisuke didn’t move. “You did what you could to help us, and we all knew something was up beyond the obvious.”
“You could have died,” Kisuke tried, still not looking up. “I sent you into dangerous territory with little explanation or preparation. I lied to you, led you right into a trap—”
Pain exploded across his cheek, the shock making him jerk to the side and drop his hat. He reached up to touch his stinging cheek with one trembling hand, mind trying to piece together what had happened.
(Kurosaki had… slapped him?)
(That was… less than he’d expected to happen.)
“Done trying to make everything about you?” Kurosaki asked sharply. “We knew what we were getting into,” he said, then huffed when Kisuke made a noise of protest and added, “Okay, we didn’t know exactly what we were getting into, but we knew it was worse than you were making it sound. We’re not ignorant kids, Hat’n’Clogs, we know when things smell rotten.” He clicked his tongue and took a step closer, nudging Kisuke’s side lightly with his leg. “I can’t control how you feel about what you did,” he said more softly than before, “but I can say that none of us blame you. And if you’re apologizing about it, then you probably feel shitty enough to not do it again, right?”
Kisuke swallowed at the forgiveness in Kurosaki’s tone and words. “I can’t promise to always tell you everything—”
“Tch, I wasn’t asking for you to do that,” Kurosaki grumbled as he knelt in front of Kisuke and poked his shoulder. “I don’t want everything,” he said firmly. “I want you to promise that next time something like this happens, you’ll lay out the dangers and your suspicions. And if there’s something you can’t tell us, just say that. We won’t be offended.”
“Maa, if you say so,” Kisuke said as he lifted his head enough to eye Kurosaki warily, wondering exactly how long that permissiveness would remain. Eventually the teen would get tired of Kisuke’s everything, just like everyone else did: Tessai and Yoruichi were the exception, not the rule, after all.
“I do,” Kurosaki said, a stubborn cast to his features that surprised Kisuke not at all. The teen truly was Masaki’s child.
Kisuke gave him a shallow nod and said, “Then I will do my best to do so.”
“Good.” Kurosaki settled back on his heels, a pleased air about him. “Thank you, Hat’n’Clogs.”
Kisuke huffs a laugh and straightens up a bit, fidgeting with his hat and doing his best not to rub at his still stinging cheek. “Well, I suppose if no one else wishes to add anything—” he paused and cast a wary glance over the rest of the teens, waiting for someone, anyone, to speak up. But no one did, not even Rerugen, despite the man watching him intently.
The moment their eyes met, another brush of clear water sensation slid down his spine and settled into his wings, making Kisuke twitch at the unexpectedness of it all.
(Oh, that wasn’t good, that wasn’t good at all.)
(No one thought kind things about him after watching him apologize.)
“Ah, well, as I was saying!” Kisuke continued with as much cheer as he could, flashing a smile at all the teens to mask his growing discomfort. “If no one has anything else to add, then I suppose it’s time to head home!”
(The sooner he could tuck himself away in his lab, the better.)
(He needed to see, needed to know—)
(Just a little longer.)
(He could wait.)
(He could.)
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saktetsu · 4 years
'LUST' Oikawa Tōru x Reader
Nekomimi, Metamorphoses, Adopted Sibling, !ncest, Mentions of Rape, Yandere Themes, Drugged
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Today was the day that Oikawa Tōru comes back to Japan. He won't be staying for long, but at least [F/N] will be able to see her Older Brother once again.
"You look excited to see Tōru again" Her Mother exclaimed, chuckling softly.
"Well of course I am! I get to see Tōru nii again.." [F/N] had a smiled plastered on her face, as she waited for the Front Door to open.
After a few more minutes of waiting, Oikawa finally emerged from the door. He looked more mature now than he was back then. Without Hesitation, [F/N] jumped off the couch and ran straight into his open arms. It caused the setter to laugh from her sudden outburst of affection.
"Woah there [F/N]-Chan, did you miss me that much?" He teased, pinching her cheek slightly. Though she didn't care at all, all she wanted was to hug her dearest Brother that she missed so much.
"Alright, alright. [F/N] enough, let your Brother rest for a bit. I bet he's tired from the Flight" Their Mother chimed in with her hands on either side of her hips.
She pouted and eventually let go of Tōru with a soft 'hmph..' "Don't worry [F/N]~Chan! We'll be able to catch up after I settle in, mkay?" Tōru suggested with a head tilt, causing the younger girl to brighten up.
It may have been rude of him to stare at how her Booty Shorts would raise a little too high. Or how her shirt would squeeze tightly around her upper body. It's like she's tempting him to ruin her, to claim her. Even the thought of finally making his precious Little Sister his, had his tail straighten up from behind him.
Had she always looked this tempting? Had her ass always looked so plump and juicy? Whatever the case, he still couldn't fight back the urge to somewhat claim her as his own.
A few days passed by with Oikawa continuously bothering and hanging out with [F/N]. His personality didn't change much, but she could tell that he was a lot more serious.
Currently, she was in Class. Sitting along side her Best Friend Rinsuke and Sosuke. It was normal for them to Hang out before School ended. "Yo [F/N], I heard your Brother Finally came back from Argentina. How's that going for you?"
"Honestly, it's been great! I was able to catch up with him during the span of like- 4 days"
"4 days and you've already talked about everything? Sheesh, I'm not even surprised" Sosuke butted in, slurping his Milk quietly.
"Ya can't blame her for that though. They're pretty inseparable at this point." His twin added with a sly smirk spreading across his face. "Yer sure ya ain't got anything yer hiding from us Cupcake?"
"What.. Do you mean?" [F/N] asked with a curious tone.
"Ya know how he's one of those Nekomimi people?" She nodded. "Well for starters, ain't those kitties sniff shit that they own or somethin' like that?"
"And I'm also pretty sure that their kind not only possess the appearance of a cat, but their nature, and DNA too. Meaning they could sometimes act out by instincts alone." Sosuke finished Rinsuke's sentence, causing the other Twin to grumble by the sudden interruption.
"I was gonna say that Rin! Ya don't hafta butt in atta nowhere" Rinsuke continued to pout as his arms crosses over his chest.
"Whatever. But seriously [F/N], you've gotta watch out when you're with that Brother of yours."
"Pshh, what's he gonna do? Think I'm his mate? Sosuke, Rinsuke. He's my Brother, I doubt he'd even try to do anything but sniff me"
"Yer Adopted Brother" Rinsuke corrected, causing Sosuke to nod.
"Oh come on! Tōru nii isn't like that, I promise you" They both looked at each other and sighed.
"If you say so."
And just like that, School came to an end with a single bell. The Three walked out of their class together, waving goodbye to each and everyone of their Friends.
A few loud screams were heard from afar as they got closer to the exit if the School. They exchanged curious looks with each other before following the source of the noise.
"Oh my God! Oikawa-kun's here?! In Japan?!" One of the girls screamed out of excitement as she ran passed Rinsuke, Sosuke, and [F/N].
It startled [F/N], Oikawa had never picked her up from School before. (Due to his crazy schedule that was always packed with Volleyball.)
"[F/N]-Chan! There you are, I was worried that you might have gotten lo-" And there it was, the brief pause of his sentence as soon as he realized that she wasn't standing alone. Slowly, he pushed through his fans with a somewhat apologetic smile. His eyes narrowed, ear twitching from annoyance.
"Who are you?" The Question may seem innocent, but the tone of his voice was filled with venom.
"I- Uh- Rinsuke, sir.. And this is my Bro" Rin patted Sosuke's shoulder, causing him to flinch.
"Well, nice to meet you both but I must get going! And.." Oikawa walked a little closer to his relative, pulling her into his arms. "I'll be taking [F/N]-Chan with me"
Without another word, Tōru turned to walk away with [F/N] in his arms. She peeked behind her Brother, giving Rinsuke and Sosuke a small wave before they completely disappeared from view.
The walk home was quiet, yet Oikawa's arms were still wrapped around her smaller Figure. "Is something wrong Tōru nii..?"
"No, nothing's wrong. Don't worry [F/N]-Chan." She tried her best to struck up the conversation a bit more, but he gave either one word answers or stayed quiet. It felt unsettling, but [F/N] shrugged it off as soon as they reached the Front Door of their House.
"You better take a Shower right now" Was the first thing he mentioned as soon as they walked in, causing her to get startled a bit.
"Oh- uh- alright" [F/N] rushed upstairs and into her room, taking her clothes off slowly before popping herself into the shower.
Oikawa stayed downstairs, watching his previous games against other Teams. No matter how hard he tried to focus on the TV, he just couldn't. With the sound if the shower turned on, and [F/N] humming softly with the music in the background that she usually plays while cleaning herself up; it was hard to focus on anything but that.
Thoughts of her being exposed and freely displayed infront of him rushed through his brain. He knew it was wrong to think of her this way, but who was he kidding? He's fucking addicted.
The sound of the shower turning off caught his attention, meaning she was already done. Did time really fly by fast from all those thoughts? Either way, he couldn't care less.
She emerged from the stairs, descending slowly with her usual Home Outfit. The booty shorts he so feared that might break his last strand of self control, and her tank top that just fits perfectly against her body. It caused his ears to twitch ever so excitedly as soon as she plopped herself beside him without a word.
"Happy?" [F/N] let out as she took off the tow that wrapped around her hair.
Oikawa leaned forward, resting his face in the crook of her neck. He inhaled her scent, and eventually his tail descended from its straightened up posture. "Mm" He hummed.
"Why'd you want me to take a bath anyways? It's not like I was dirty or anything"
"You smelled like them." Tōru simply answered, his nose twitching from her sweet lavender scent.
"Hmmmm" [F/N] shifted slightly, putting a bit space between her and Oikawa. "Where's Mom by the way?"
"Oh right, I forgot to mention that she's over at a Friends house right now. Something about a Girls night out"
"Oh- pfft, typical, I can't blame her though. I would have also missed going out with my friends if I was always busy" He didn't reply, nor did he give some sort of answer. His eyes were still glued onto her face, taking in her beauty that he missed back in Argentina.
After a while of silence, he finally spoke up. "You should head to bed, you have Volleyball Practice tomorrow right?"
"Oh, yeah I do"
"Which Position did you obtain?"
"I got setter!"
Oh? So she did end up becoming the Setter of her Volleyball Team after all. "Why did you wanna become the Setter so badly? I mean, you're a great receiver. You should have chosen to become a Libero instead"
"I know, but.. I really wanna be just like you Tōru nii" [F/N] fidgeted in her spot, her eyes sparkled in the sight of her Older Brother. She looked so.. Vulnerable..
He took a sharp inhale, before breathing out. He wasn't gonna lie, it caught him off guard. But the goofy smile spreading across his face showed how ecstatic he was knowing that his Little Sister wanted to be just like him. "Really? [F/N]-Chan! I feel so honored"
She laughed softly, before turning her gaze back to the Game played out for them. "Well, you're the Best Setter I know so.. Is it alright if you'd teach me some things Tōru nii?"
Oikawa nodded, his ego going through the roof as he tilted his chin up. "Now how about this, if you wake up early tomorrow then we could practice together before you head to Schoo-"
"REALLY?! ALRIGHT- I'll go to Sleep now!" [F/N] shot up from her position of the couch, raising her arms in the air like a child. He was startled at first, but eventually smiled softly.
"Here, drink your Milk first. that way you'll go to sleep faster" Tōru picked up the glass of milk on the coffee table, handing it to her with the genuine smile that never fails to make her grin. She uttered a small 'Thank you' before drinking the Milk.
Meanwhile, Oikawa was sitting there, watching intently. Would it be wrong to tell her someday in the near future that he drugged her Milk before giving it to her?
"Phoowee, wow.. -I do feel sleepy.." [F/N] settled the cup back down, facing her older brother with lazy eyes. "Can you carry me up the stairs please? Pretty pleaseee? I'm too lazy"
Tōru pretend to be annoyed, even letting out a small grunt before picking her off the ground. "Alright"
They both ascended up the stairs, with [F/N] comfortably in his arms. It was as if she was molded to fit perfectly wrapped around his fingers.
By the time that they arrived at the front of her bedroom, she was out cold. Her breathing was more even, yet her hands still gripped onto his shirt. "Silly [F/N]-Chan, you really should pay more attention to things you drink. I wonder if your trust for me would shatter if you found out.." He seemed to be lost in thought as he lowered her sleeping figure
Oikawa was shifting, not being able to contain his excitement as he eagerly took off his own sweater. 'Fuck, she looked so defenceless'
He lowered himself a bit. Settling his right hand on top of her stomach, where it slowly dipped further down until he was able to cup her cunt. "Fuck.. Already soaked Princess?" He cooed softly, before pulling her Shorts off. Oikawa took a moment to admire her current state, his fingers gently sliding her cottoned panties off. 'Wouldn't want her to wake up early now'
Tōru licked two of his fingers a bit, before slowly inserting them inside of her pussy. It caused [F/N] to squirm a bit in her spot, her lips quivering slightly. "H-Hrgm..~"
"Shhh... It's alright Baby Girl, Tōru nii's gonna take good care of you okay.." In all honesty, he was still shocked from the fact that his sweet little sister was still a Virgin. It excited him even more to the point where he pistoned his fingers in and out of her dripping cunt. The tightness of his pants slightly bothered him, causing the setter to quickly push the waist band lower.
It continued on for a bit, until he became restless. The pad of his thumb harshly pressed against her clit, making her jolt. "A-AHHH.. -" The lewd moan startled him, but he kept going at his pace. [F/N] continued to tremble under his touch, growing restless as she began to twist and turn in her spot.
He noticed how tighter it got, and more difficult it was to move his fingers. "Fuck.. You're squeezing my fingers like a Vice [F/N]-Chan.. Are you about to cum Princess? Come on, cum for Onii-Chan.." Oikawa continued to whisper sweet nothings in her ear. And eventually, just like he said; she came with a loud moan.
Without hesitation, he pulled her sleeping body up slightly, his back resting against the headboard. Oikawa settled her on his lap, where her cunt rested right on top of his Cock. He shivered a bit, feeling her cum dripping onto his hardened member. He let her lean into him as she continued to sleep peacefully.
As much as he wanted to keep her innocence, the desire to ruin her and completely claim her body as his own grew.
Tōru slowly lifted her up, wrapping his tail around her waist before spreading her cunt with his fingers. "I'm about to take something so valuable from you.." And with that, he dropped her onto his cock, causing it to quickly sink balls deep. [F/N] let out a loud shriek as her eyes flew open. Oikawa stilled his movements and let out a shaky sigh. It felt too good.. Way too good.
"Fuck.. [F/N] you're.. - s-so tight damn" He began to lift her hips up and down repeatedly, setting a steady pace. "I expected you to be tight but.. Wow- fuck it feels good Baby Girl"
It didn't take long for her to register what was going on, her Big Brother's dick sinking inside her pussy, his tail wrapping around her waist, it made her feel light headed to say the least. "T-Tō.. Tōru nii..? W-What are.. What are you doing? Please stop, it hurts.." She spoke in a soft tone, pushing her hands against his broad shoulders in an attempt to move away. But he was much more stronger than she was, and faster too.
"Ah, ah, ah.. Don't fight now [F/N]-Chan! If you struggle, it'll make me even more excited.." He said, licking his lips seductively. A shiver ran down her spine as her hips continued to move with his help.
"This is wrong- please stop- I-I won't tell anyone this ever h-happened.. I swear.. Just please sto- ooo-o.. AHHHHHHHH..!" Oikawa had enough of her babbling about how she didn't want any of this. So instead of taking it easy on her like how he planned. He began to buck his hips, causing a loud whimper to fall from her lips as she tried to continue her sentence. "P-Please Tōru nii stop..!"
"Fuck, I just told you that if you struggle it'll excite me more.. Are you doing this on purpose? You fucking slut.." His pace got even faster, and his thrust was more rough. "You know, seeing you with those Bastards really hurt me [F/N]-Chan! I thought I was the only Male in your Life"
The tone of his voice sounded as if he was genuinely hurt, she would have felt bad, she would have if it wasn't for the fact that he was literally pistoning his dick in and out of her pussy. "T-Tōru..~!" [F/N] moaned out his name. Somehow, it flicked a switch deep inside Oikawa.
Causing him to act by instincts. Instead of his usual thought out actions, he pushed her off, pinning both of her wrists above her head with one hand. His ears began to twitch, and the tail that he affectionately wrapped around her waist was now tightening its grip. "Tō-Tōru..!"
There it was again, it sounded like music to his ears. He needed to hear more of it right away. So without further interruptions, he began to spread her legs. [F/N] let out a small shriek as soon as she felt the tip of his member push against her folds.
Her toes curled, and her back arched. Tōru didn't care whether or not it hurt for her, his pace was rough and frantic. As if his Animalistic tropes were overpowering his usual humane self. He wanted to breed her so badly, spill his sperm deep inside her womb until she was a quivering mess. "T-TŌRU, TŌRU!" His name continuously spilled out of her mouth.
And no doubt, it made him even more rough with her. "Fuck! You're such a fucking slut for hanging out with those Bastards. should've known you'd do this from the start" There it was, his tip hitting that spot that made her see stars. She flinched, her moans getting even more uncontrollably louder. "Yeah? You like that? You like it here?" Tōru moved his free hand below her ass, lifting her up slightly where he could easily thrust up to her G-Spot.
"H-Hrm..! T-Tōru.. 'M Cumming, I'm Cumming Tōru!"
"Then cum, Princess" And just like that, [F/N] came around his cock. Her eyes closing slightly as she rode out her orgasm. But Oikawa didn't stop there, he was chasing his own high after all. With a few more seconds of him thrusting harshly into her abused cunt, he finally came undone. Spilling his cum deep in her womb with a shaky sigh. "F.. Fuck.. Yeah.."
His cock softened, but he didn't pull away nor did he move an inch. Oikawa rested on top of her, his breathing becoming even. "Onii Chan loves you.. You do know that right..?" [F/N] nodded, her lips quivering from the over stimulation being present.
"Use your words pretty girl, I wanna hear you say it" He caressed her hair, stroking some of his finger through.
"Yes, I know.."
"What do you know?"
"I.. T-That... Tōru nii loves me.."
"Good Girl. You do know that no one else loves you right? I love you more than anyone in the whole wide world" She nodded slowly, fidgeting slightly.
"You love me, right?"
"I love you" Despite being mortified earlier, she eventually snuggled closer to her Older Brother. Giving into his twisted fantasies. He felt satisfied with himself, pulling her even closer. She couldn't deny him, she couldn't fight. After all, big brothers know best.
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hongjoongslut · 4 years
Happy Birthday
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idolboyfriend!yunho × genderneutral!reader 
warnings: some slight smut mention at the end, just Christmas and boyfriend!yunho being the SWEETEST. 
word count: 2.5k
December. one of your favorite months. not only because of the chilly weather, you also get to spend more time with your lovely boyfriend Yunho. He would always go out for your Christmas gifts. Last year he made a cheesy treasure hunt that led to a beautiful necklace with his initial on it. Aside from his cheesy manner, he loves to decorate. 
"Babyyyyy~" you were awoken by a familiar angelic voice. "come on y/n, we gotta decorate the tree!!" you groan. "can you at least wait until 10? its 8:30 in the morning." yunho laughed and jumped on the bed, forcing you to wake up completely. "Yunho i'm going to kill you after Christmas passes." he smiled and kissed your head. "At least you'll wait so you won't be on the naughty list this year, although some of the things you've done would show you're naughty" you slap him with a pillow while laughing. "no talk of that until I wake up and get out of bed." 
You finally got up and dressed yourself. Wearing one of his hoodies and some sleep shorts, you walked into your living room. Something chocolatey tingles your nose. 
"See, I told you it'd be worth it to start decorating early in the day. I made us hot chocolate! I even got marshmallows in there just for you." you smile and give him a kiss on his cheek. "h-how come it wasn't my lips??" you giggle at his pout. "maybe because I want to wait until we have the mistletoe up." He hurriedly set down his drink and practically jumped over to the decorations box. He shuffled through bells and ornaments, trying to find it. "Found it!!!" he ran back over to you and held it above you. "Yunho that's not what I meant." he pouts again. "well you didn't clarify so now you have to kiss me!" you just sigh and finally give him what he wanted. You heard him throw the mistletoe, holding your face with both hands. He pulled away, leaving you both begging for air. “Now, can we start on the tree?” 
Hours of decorating and getting distracted later, the tree was finished. It was almost perfect. “Where’s the angel for the top of the tree?” Yunho just looked at you and smiled. “The only angel in the house would be too big for this tree.” you scoff and smile at his line. “Seriously baby, we can’t have a complete tree without a topper.” He stood for a second before rushing to your shared bedroom. “We can put Mr. Snuggy up there!” You saw the first stuffed animal he ever gave you clutched in his arms. You smile lightly and nod in agreement. Yunho effortlessly put the teddy bear on top of the tree, well, close enough to the top. 
“It’s so pretty baby.” you hug his side and stare into the millions of shining lights. “I know it was late putting the tree up, but I knew ATEEZ would be busy for December.” Yunho smiles and nods. “Putting up the tree right on Christmas Eve was very late, but it’s okay.” you were about to kiss him when he smiled and sang “cause all I want for Christmas, is you!!!” you just smiled and went to go get ready for bed.
It was 10:00 AM. You stirred until you didn’t feel Yunho by your side. You were about to call his name when he opened the door. “Good morning darling. Merry Christmas.” you smile, barely opening your eyes. He picked you up and carried you to the living room. It was filled with sweet aromas. Hot Chocolate, Gingerbread Candles,and Cinnamon filled your senses. You had a strict tradition for Christmas. You can give each other 2 gifts. One is a gag gift and the other is the real one. “Open this one baby, you’ll love it” Yunho hands you a medium size box. You eagerly opened it to find a fake flower with a note. “I will love you until the flower is no more.” you smiled and kissed his cheek. “I knew you were cheesy but that was actually very cute. Here’s yours.” he grabbed a red bag and shuffled through the tissue paper. You had made a box that had a bunch of “coupons” that he could use. “Are these the coupons that give me free kisses and hugs whenever I want? You nodded. “Yes! I needed these.” Before you tried to give his other gift, he stopped you. “Baby, your other present kinda correlates with your birthday, is that okay? Of course you’ll get other gifts that day but this is a half christmas/birthday gift.” You nodded and reached for your gift. It was a very tiny box. Two concert tickets sat in front of you. They were blank on the side you were seeing. You flipped them over and saw Monsta X written on them. You immediately tackled him and started sobbing. “Baby, this must have cost a fortune! You didn’t have to spend this much on me!!" Yunho shook his head. "remember I told you Shownu and I were close in training days." you sat speechless. "when is it baby??" "look at the tickets y/n…" it read February 18th [or use your own, I used mine since it was close?]. "On my birthday!!! Yunho, this is the best present I've ever had, besides waking up to you everyday." you hug him tightly. "Your other gift is in this bag, I saw it and immediately thought of you." He opened the bag to see a hoodie with a picture of you two with the heart filters on snapchat on the front. "i-if you don't like it, that's okay ill just wear-"
he stopped you with a passionate kiss. you could feel him smiling through each kiss. "baby, I fucking love it!!! Why would you think I wouldn't wear it. If I never got dirty, I'd wear it everywhere all day. People can see how cute and squishy you are. The picture you chose makes your cheeks looks so cute!! That was our first picture together." He took off his shirt and put the hoodie on. "not to mention it's so soft inside! thank you baby, i love it." you spent the rest of the day snuggling on the couch watching Christmas movies. This was one of the best Christmas memories you will have.
*major time skip!*
you could not stop dancing and singing the lyrics to every song Yunho played. He decided it would be fitting to jam to Monsta X since you were on the road to the center. "Baby..I just realized that I don't know what center they're performing at, you never told me and it looks like it wasn't on the tickets either." he turned down the radio. "because, as another part of your surprise, they're performing at the center we met at." you felt tears tease your eyelids. "Really? Yunho, all of this doesn't seem just coincidental. Are you planning something else behind my back?" you joke with him, knowing he'd never hurt you in any way. "I promise y/n, I haven't planned anything. All I did was get us very close seats to the concert. Pinky promise." he extended his finger to meet yours. Little did you know, his other fingers were crossed.
It was about 10 minutes before the show started. you could not hide your excitement. "Hey baby, I'll be right back, I have to go use the restroom. I promise I'll be back in time." he kissed you and ran off. You haven't got a text from him or anything. You were seriously worried. All of your thoughts paused when the lights went off. 6 familiar men rose from under the stage. Everyone was on their feet, screaming their voices out. You were no different from everyone else. 
"What's up everyone!!" Jooheon yelled, making the crowd go wilder. "Alright guys, we wanted to make this concert special since we have not had a concert in so long. I think you'll love the surprise" Shownu smiled and was trying very hard to not spoil the surprises. You heard the stage platform raise again, only to see Wonho. "We got our bunny back! Let's give him some extra love!" Changkyun could barely finish the sentence before running over to hug him, along with the rest of the men. You couldn't hear anything but screams. "Hi guys!!! Thank you all for the support, it seriously helped me" you started feeling tears in your eyes. You suddenly remembered Yunho was still missing. "This is not the only surprise we have planned, Monbebe. Since it's the first concert with our bunny back, we thought we'd have some special guests." Kihyun could barely be heard over the crowd screams. The group asked the crowd to calm down for a moment. The music for "Thanxx" started playing as Ateez ran out from behind the stage. You finally saw Yunho and he looked absolutely gorgeous. He was in his outfit from their music video. "What's up Monbebe??" San smiled as he heard the cheers. 
You've heard Inception, Love Killa, Thanxx, and Nobody Else so far. When one group performed, the other was chanting and dancing along with them. "I think it's time for our last surprise. Before we do, I want to say thank you to Monsta X, Monbebe and ATINY for making this possible." Yunho started speaking, making your heart swell. "I have someone that I need to come on stage" he starts walking off the stage, security trying to keep fans away from touching him. Your body lights up with a spotlight. Yunho stands in front of you, offering his hand to you. You took his hand and walked back onto the stage. You almost couldn't walk, your legs felt like jelly. "Everyone, this is my partner Y/n." The crowd clapped and awed. You were trying to hide your face from blushing but Yunho was quick to stop you. "Look, they're shy..give them some applause!" The crowd clapped, screamed, even chanting your name. "Alright guys, I think it's time for the next song. This is a special version of a song that we made." Wonho smiled at you, making you fangirl inside. 
You heard the beginning notes of "She's The One" but it wasn't Shownu singing, or any of the other members. It was Yunho. He was staring at you as he started to sing the beginning.
"They're the one, got me all messed up. I could write a million songs, but I know it's not enough.They're so beautiful and I know they know it. They know how to think, yeah they always owns it."
The group sang the lines he skipped. You felt tears streaming down your face. You wanted to stop them but you were too mesmerized.
"Think about their face every time I wake up. At night I wanna ask about how their day was. They make my knees feel weak They make my drink feel stronger, Can't eat, can't sleep, can't dream Can't wait any longer, any longer now"
The breakdown came. The crowd, Monsta X and ATEEZ were singing. Yunho was looking at you, smiling and tearing up. He let Monsta and ATEEZ sing the rest of the song while he held you and danced with you. The crowd started clapping before you could process what just happened. "Everyone, I need to say something to Y/n." It fell silent.
"I know I lied to you about this whole concert thing, but I had to. Y/n, I love you more than anything in life. I don't care who knows I do. I love showing you off. I love everything you hate about yourself. I want to spend my life with you. I want to grow old and try to dance like we did in our younger ages. I want a house and a pet with you. We either have kids or pets. I will leave that up to you. Overall Y/n, you are just perfect for me." he sat on one knee and asked the infamous question "will you marry me?" 
You stood shocked. You couldn't hear the crowd. You were just focused on what just happened.
"Yunho...yes, yes I will marry you!" he slid the ring on and hugged you tightly. You were so happy, you could barely stand. He helped you back to your seat and all the boys continued their concert. 
It was another hour before they all said goodbye to the crowd. Yunho grabbed you and took you backstage. You were welcomed with applause and yells. The staff were very kind to you and congratulated you. "Yunho, you seriously need to teach me how to charm" Shownu laughed, along with everyone else. "I know I just got proposed to, but can we talk about what the hell just happened? San, Jongho, Mingi, Joongie, Yeosang, Wooyoung and Seonghwa, you sneaky little bastards." they all laughed. "It was very hard to not spoil this. You know I am the hardest to keep a surprise. Remember your two year anniversary party?" San could never keep a secret. He told you there was a surprise party then immediately ran away. "Regardless of that, you actually kept this one in, I'm proud." Mingi joked around. "Okay, so holy shit hi Monsta x. I've been a fan for years. I joined when-" Wonho decided to interrupt. "Yunho already told us all about your history with us. Thank you for the support. We all appreciate it." You all talked until it was time to leave.
"thank you guys again.. this meant the world to me." Yunho smiled and agreed with your statement. You asked a staff member to take a picture with all of the boys. You parted ways, Yunho deciding to drive you home. 
"you've had this planned for how long?" you started crying again. "Baby, I've had this planned ever since I met you. But in seriousness, probably a few months. It was hard for all of us to keep it a secret, especially from the fans." All you could do is stare at the ring and smile. "and before you ask, yes I meant every word I said. I did have to exclude some of the things I wanted to say." you turned your head. "well tell me what they were?" "well, I love how you pleasure me..how your lips fit around my cock so well, as if they were made for me..watching the moments your dominant side is showing. I love everything." Even in the dark, he could still see your face turn a crimson red. 
You slept all the way home. He carried you into your shared bedroom, stirring you awake. "I didn't want to wake you love, but you need to change into more comfy clothes to sleep in." you loved how caring he is with you. Deciding on wearing his t-shirt and sleep shorts, you plop on the bed, waiting for him to cuddle you. "I love you very much y/n. please never forget that." he kissed your forehead. "sweet dreams, my future spouse."
"goodnight my future husband."
i hope you enjoyed reading this! it was very sweet to me and please if there's any errors or anything, let me know! 💜
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