#she says she doesn't have favorites but it's really a toss-up between Spinder and Gwin
void-botanist · 9 months
I'm curious about Jilor 👀
Send me a ship name and get some tea!
Oho time for coming to conclusions in real time!
Jilor - Jia & Lora
(probably should have been Jilora but. oh well)
This one's interesting because Lora, Spinder's youngest adoptive sister, has existed since Old Canon and honestly had a decently large part in Spinder & Georg, and Jia I just invented because I was changing Lora's family and I didn't want to use her Old Canon husband. He's a little bit based on someone I know IRL in terms of personality (laid-back), but honestly I haven't decided on a lot about him. He is a good dad though, and I think in the future he and Lora will achieve the three kids they had in Old Canon, where they were a lot older (everyone was because weird faery aging). But being married to Lora puts him in an intriguing position: Lora is the hub of the Pastearn family, the one who kept in touch with Michael when he moved several localities afield, the only member of the family who is allowed to know where Gwin is at any given time, who keeps track of Megan's model trains and Mick's extracurriculars and Corcra's TV appearances and Spinder's flight schedules and Nieram's home improvement projects. Jia cannot remember all of this and has stopped trying. His main contribution to her family connection activities (aside from obviously going to family gatherings and stuff like that) is to make sure that there's plenty of time where he's actively spending time of their baby daughter Ayna so that Lora can be doing video calls &c. Now that I say this actually I think he does commission/contract work, so he's at home a lot of the time. Still not sure what Lora does though, aside from being everyone's favorite sibling.
Nicea taglist: @kahvilahuhut @kk7-rbs @outpost51 @writernopal @athenswrites
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