#she locks my roommate's cat in her bedroom to piss her off
parksrway · 3 months
I feel like I'm living in a fake aita post
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mattheosgyat · 8 months
Cat Distribution System
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Contents: Major fluff, cute kitty, Benjamin Wadsworth fan cast as Mattheo Riddle, Hogwarts, fun fun fun
Important Info: You are a Ravenclaw that lives at Hogwarts, your character is named Rory. U little cat mom.
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It was around 8pm, about the time I calm down for the night. I'd much rather be watching tv by myself in the peace of my bed rather than entertain bimbos all day and night. My room was dimly lit, the brightness flashing away every now and then as South Park distracted my attention. I felt nothing but peace in the moment, well, until something brushed against my hand..
If the loud smack of my hand against the wall didn't alert my neighbor that a monster was coming to take me, my scream sure did. I jumped out of bed, immediately putting my back to the wall because of a stupid superstition. But just then did I realize it was a cat. I reached my hand out and slowly started petting it, trying to find a collar, but nothing. I uploaded a picture of it to the school profile before laying back down, playing around with the grey cat. It looked like about a 3-5 year old cat, pretty lazy but playful nonetheless. In about 5 minutes, a text rang through my phone. I'm never one to keep up with messages, it being no different this time. I brushed off the first 3 or so messages, finally checking after getting annoyed
Maybe: Mattheo Riddle
Hey, why's my cat on your bed?
Because there's no way she just snuck into your closed dorm..
I want her back tonight.
Great, an asshole to come ruin my night
Maybe: Mattheo Riddle
My air lock is broke and my roommate is out to pick up food, so I kept the door cracked
My dorm is Ravenclaw, 3rd floor, room 312, you are more than welcome to come pick her up
I'm not coming to your dorm when you took my cat
Read 3m ago
I set my phone down, done with what I needed to say. Get the cat or not, I'm fine either way. I slipped on a hoodless sweatshirt over my sports bra, just incase the guy does actually end up showing up. Mattheo Riddle, Mattheo Riddle, Mattheo Riddle, the name didn't ring a bell. Not in any of my classes I'm pretty sure, and Ravenclaws stay out of other houses business. He must be a bit careless if his cat is wandering around Ravenclaw dorms, but maybe the guy had a tough day or something.
I didn't even hear a knock or a door creak, just my bedroom door swing open. A fairly sized man stood at my doorway. He had a long sleeved plain dark blue shirt on and blue plaid pajama pants, his strings untied and his waistband crooked on his hips. He had dark brown curly hair, matching his dark black eyes. He looked like he was ready to be in for the night too, obviously annoyed by having to be here. His eyes studied my face as he stayed silent, his arms crossed and his fingers tapping in order on his arm. It was almost like he was judging me; reading into every good and bad thing about me.
"I have a busy night wheres Birdie?" He muttered, pissed off that I didn't read his mind apparently. His cat was tucked against my stomach, curled against my legs as I laid on my side. I moved my legs down, showing him where his cat was since he couldn't see past my legs in the blanket.
"Birdie? Odd name for a cat. Doesn't look like you have anything planned." I said as i scanned his clothes and messy hair. His plans included scrolling on his phone, watching tv, and sleeping.
He scoffed and rolled his eyes, reluctantly walking over to wrap his hands around his sleeping cat, lifting her against his chest. He backed up quickly, trying not to invade my personal space as he headed back to my bedroom door.
He nodded as a 'Thank you' and walked out of my apartment with his cat back. I heard my front door shut and immediately jumped up and ran to it. Fuck, I'm locked in. I grabbed my phone and had no time to text, immediately facetiming the Mattheo guy. He couldn't have gotten too far. He answered the phone with a confused face, still walking down the hall.
"Hey so sorry to bother, do you have your credit card with you by chance?" I asked quickly, not waisting any time. My face was close to the phone, not giving a care in the world what I looked like. His eyebrows scrunched up even more, a confused laugh coming out of his mouth slightly.
"What crazy cat girl?" he said as he stopped walking, waiting for me to explain further. That probably did sound confusing and not what I meant at all, I should've thought about that first.
"My door, it's broken and when it shuts it jams. Do you have your card with you? And it's Rory." I explain, rolling my eyes at the last part. With a small chuckle he hung up the phone, a card flying under my door about a minute later.
"If you steal it I'll release Birdie on you. She does some serious damage" he raised his voice over the door, joking with me. I giggled a little to myself as i stuck the card through the latch trying to open the door. It took about 7 tries, but it finally stuttered open. When it opened, I saw Mattheo sitting on the hallway floor against the wall, his cat sleeping in his lap as he pet her slowly, glancing up at me when the door swings open finally. I handed his card back with a smile, doing a dramatic pose when i opened the door.
"I'll give you your card ifffff you let me see Birdie again next week" I say with a stupid little smile on my face, looking down at the cute kitty asleep in his lap. He rolled his eyes and snatched the card out of my hand, standing up with the cat held against his chest again.
"And I'll definitely need to re-discuss this with you over text!" he mocked, walking away from me. He took a couple steps backwards and kept his eyes on mine before he turned around, heading out of the dorms and the Ravenclaw common room. He's not even a Ravenclaw? How the hell did his cat get into my dorm...
I'll make a part two if this does good!! This is my first Tumblr post and my first time writing so I hope this isn't too bad!
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locallyloathed · 1 year
I just need to bitch and I don’t have pen and paper to angrily scratch my grievances on and then burn so I’m just gonna scream it into the void. Please disregard.
Where to start, where to start. We’ll run it through a standard day.
Wake up at 4:00 AM - not a problem, I’m an early morning person and wake up naturally around then anyway.
Have to deal with 7 fucking cats in the house. I love cats, favorite animal, but I only signed up to deal with 3.
I live in my older sisters house. When I first moved in, it was agreed that my rent would be dirt cheap if I would just take care of 3 of the cats, with her taking care of the one on her side. I agreed.
I later brought my mom’s elderly cat to save him from being given up. Not a prob, it’s my cat, I’ll deal with it.
Sister moves out to live with her boyfriend half an hour away, and doesn’t bother checking on her other cat. 5 cats. I take care of 5 cats.
Friend moves in “temporarily,” loves my cats, gets their own. Sweet, we get food and water and a litter box in their room for her. So they take care of her? No! They never refill the food/water or clean the litter box and just lock her out of their room, so I get to take care of her. 6 cats.
My fucking sister decides to adopt a special needs cats that she knows damn well I’m gonna have to take care of until she moves back in. 7 cats, one with a whole list of complications I have to watch out for.
I now take care of more than twice the number I agreed to do with no compensation.
I go to open in a fast food restaurant. Ordinarily, fine. Prep work comes naturally to me, and my coworkers leave me alone most of the time. It’s AB opening.
How the hell she hasn’t been fired is beyond anyone’s understanding. Worse manager we’ve ever had, and one used to sell weed through the window.
Once spent an understaffed 3 hour lunch rush in the managers office on her damn phone, got real pissy with me for telling her we needed help. I got pissy right back. Tried to write me up for insubordination, was shot down when the GM looked at the camera footage.
She knows I work hard to make everything run on time in the mornings and will take 6 smoke breaks an hour and has to be strong armed into doing basic tasks.
If another manager is there, they have to babysit her to make sure she does her fucking job. Exception is the GM and AM, who she acts buddy-buddy with in hopes of making them forget how horrible she is at being a manager. This always works.
The only reason she became a manager was because I refused the promotion due to the mistreatment of all of my favorite managers, who were equally if not more hardworking than me and got taken advantage of frequently as a result.
Stand over a fryer for 3 hours, then over a hotwell full of food for 3 more. I have one 15 minute break in the middle, with only the first hour and fifth hour being a break from the heat. Did I mention the AC in our store is fully broken?
I go home. It’s a mess. My roommate has left food on the table and crumbs all over the couch. At least it’s not the full bowls of food they leave in their bedroom knowing full well that I’m terrified of ants (which they find funny.) Rather than clean up after themself, they are yelling at their friends over the discord call they leave running at all times. I start to understand why their parents kicked them out.
Broaching the subject of chores just results in a woe-is-me speech about how hard they work and how I said I’d be willing to clean up the house (I specified a few minor messes when they moved in). I can’t respond, because I get pissed off quickly and have a fucking personality disorder that makes me shut down when I’m upset.
I don’t speak to them unless necessary and usually lock myself away in my room to get space due to always being upset. They attempt to guilt trip me over my behavior, give me the silent treatment when that doesn’t work, and then clean up one (1) mess and apologize. We do this again next week.
I just needed to get this whole situation off my chest. I don’t want to make them move out, they’re still my friend, and my job isn’t that bad, I love all my sisters cats, but just. I need a break. I need to go far away. I need to stop being perceived by any of these people. I need to be dead for a year or two.
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sunnypogue · 4 years
midsummers with hockey rafe (blurb)
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requested by an anon who asked if i could write something about ward telling rafe to cover his hickeys at midsummers. obviously, had to make it coho!rafe. 
you didn’t really know what you were getting yourself into when rafe invited you to midsummers.
it was spring semester, the two of you were in your roommates hammock that sagged on your front porch, mapping out your summer plans.
“so you’ll come stay with my family on hilton head for the fourth, right?” you asked, playing with his big, calloused fingers.
rafe made a sound of approval.
“we’ll have to book tickets for you to fly out, huh?” you continued, still fiddling with his hands.
rafe grunted, his baseball cap slipping forward onto his face.
you frowned, bending his index finger back just enough to startle him. “are you listening?”
“yes! fuck, leave my fingers alone, you brat.” he snatched his hand out of your grasp, shifting his hat back to sit properly on his head. “and to answer your question, because I was listening - no, I’ll just drive down.”
your eyes widened. “from huntsville? that’s going to take hours!”
rafe sighed. “no, I’ll be at my dad’s the week before. easier to drive.”
“you’re going home this summer?”
rafe didn’t really “go home” - at least, not the way you did. you looked forward to summers in your savannah home, having wine nights with your mom and barbecuing with your dad, relishing the time at home with your high school friends.
rafe only went home when he had to, his strained relationship with his father and stepmom making things less-than-pleasant when he would return to the outer banks for a couple weeks. he didn’t visit at all last summer, opting to split his time between your parents home and his place in huntsville.
rafe sighed again, deep & heavy. “yeah. I’ve got this...thing.”
you looked up at him, chin resting on his chest. “what thing?”
“it’s...god, it’s some stupid event my family goes to every year. basically a pissing contest to see who’s family is the most successful.” rafe removes his hat, rubbing his hand over his face. “my dad likes to win.”
you offered him a pout, going to rub your hand against his chin, letting your thumb run along the stubble that was coming in. “you have to go?”
rafe nodded. “yeah, I skipped last year only because I promised my dad I would come this year - wheez is 16, so it’s kinda a big year for her.” he gave a weak smile at the mention of his youngest sister. “sarah’s gonna be there too.”
“see! it’ll be worth it then. couple days with your sisters and then you can come hang with me and my fam in hilton head.” you nuzzled into his chest. “a tour of the carolinas.”
“I was actually hoping you would come with me.”
you popped your head up, eyes wide. “me?”
rafe rolled his eyes, “yes you. sarah’s bringing her boyfriend. figure it’s time for you to see where I grew up.”
and that’s how you found yourself flying up to the outer banks for a long weekend, a couple of gown options tucked away in your checked luggage, bikinis stowed in your carryon - you spent the whole flight fidgeting, beyond nervous about what was to come.
you had met ward a couple times - a little intimidating, and relatively unimpressed by anything rafe did. you didn’t mind that rafe didn’t go see him much - it always seemed to put him in this dark, sullen mood, one that could take days to pull him out of.
you were hoping to make it out of the weekend with minimal conflict between the father-son pair.
rafe was waiting at arrivals when you waltzed outside, grinning at the sight of your tan boyfriend leaning against his Jeep. you dropped your bags on the curb, opting to tackle him into a hug instead, giggling when he had to brace himself for impact.
“hi baby - missed you too.” he laughed, hands going to rest on your hips. “need help with those?” he gave a pointed look to your massive suitcases. you just smiled, offering him a quick kiss before flouncing into his passenger seat, letting him handle the heavy lifting.
your first interaction with the family at tannyhill (apparently rafe lived in a place where homes were old enough to have their own estate names) was mild - ward was charming, in his typical slimy way, rose offered you a grimace, before clacking away in her heels to “take a call,” and wheezie had barely let rafe slip into the foyer with your suitcases before she was asking him to buy her alcohol for some party later that night.
when you and rafe made it safely to the confines of his bedroom, he attempted to apologize.
“rafe, you don’t have to apologize.” you laughed, cupping his concerned face with your hands. “families are...well, you know.” you scrunched your eyebrows, trying to search for the right word. “family.”
rafe laughed, grabbing your wrists. “very insightful.”
the next day, rafe had a fitting, which you accompanied him to (your other option was pretending to make nice with rose while laying out at the pool - hard pass), giggling at his clear disdain for the whole situation.
“it’s so fucking stupid, babe.” he groaned for what had to be the tenth time that car ride, pulling into a spot in front of the tailors. “I probably have 50 suits I could wear, but god forbid I don’t match rose’s fucking color scheme.” he snapped his seat belt off, a hint of aggression peeking through.
you nodded, following him out of the car. “hey, if it makes you feel better, she’ll hate me more than you. I didn’t bring anything that matches the Cameron “color scheme.””
rafe turned to give you a look, hand blindly reaching for the door. “no one could hate you. you could wear a sack and people would adore you.”
you pulled a face. “shut up, you have to say that shit.”
“maybe, but it’s -“
“mr. cameron, here for the 2:30 appointment?” a tall, slim man appeared in front of y’all, tape measure around his neck.
rafe tugged on his shirt collar, letting out a small groan. “uh, yeah. that’s me.”
the man gave him a glance, before offering you a glare. “right, well, follow me. back here.”
you settled into a chair at the front of the store, fucking around on your phone. an hour went by before rafe emerged from the back, head peeking around the corner.
“hey babe!” you gingerly removed yourself from the chair, back stiff from your stationary position. “all done?”
rafe nodded, “yeah, I’ve gotta change out of it, but it’s ready to take home.”
you scrambled to your feet. “wait! let me see!”
rafe groaned, quickly looking behind him to see if the tailor was near by, before slowly emerging from around the corner. “it’s pretty fucking terrible.” he groaned.
you, on the other hand, were awestruck - there was your boyfriend, with his stache and overgrown hair, in all of his 6’3”, offseason bulked out glory, wearing a baby blue suit.
it should have been hilarious - but you were fucking salivating over it.
“uh, no it’s not.” you argued, walking up to grab the lapels of his jacket. “how the fuck do you make baby blue look this good?”
rafe grimaced. “babe, it’s awful. don’t lie.”
“oh really?” you smirked, peeking over his shoulder towards the empty dressing room. you started to walk backwards in that direction, tugging his hand as you gave him your best bedroom eyes. “why don’t you come in here and let me show you how much I like it.”
“babe!” rafe hissed, his head whirled to the left, checking to see if the tailor was in the vicinity, before looking back at you with raised eyebrows. “really?”
you nodded, biting your lip. “oh yeah, baby. never told me you were such a pretty boy.”
rafe grumbled, following you into the dressing room. “I’ll fuckin’ show you a pretty boy - c’mere.”
the next day, while waiting to take pictures with the cameron family, ward approached you and rafe at the wet bar, extending cocktails to you both.
you gratefully accepted, sucking down what tasted like a heavy handed greyhound, the vodka sitting in the back of your throat as ward barked instructions at rafe.
“we’re going to do the family first, rafe, and then we can get john and - what the fuck is that?”
you glanced up at the change in ward’s tone, straw slipping out from between your lips as ward tugged rafe’s shirt collar to expose a hickey, the deep purple spreading towards his collarbone.
“dad,” he started, knocking ward’s hand away to readjust his collar. “it’s-“
“rose!” ward yelled, turning away from rafe. “can you please come fix...this!” ward gestured at rafe wildly with his hand, throwing a glare at the two of you.
you were rigid, hand white-knuckling your drink, unsure what exactly to do in this situation.
“relax dad,” sarah huffed, grabbing her clutch as she pushed her way over to where y’all were standing. “c’mon, idiot, I’ve got something that can cover that up.” she rolled her eyes, poking at his neck.
rafe smacked her hand away. “quit.”
sarah ignored her brother, poking it once more before directing her attention to you. “what are you, part vampire?” she giggled, tugging your arm with her as she started up the stairs towards her room. “c’mon rafe,” she called out, voice almost singing. “gotta go cover up the evidence! people can’t know you have sex!”
you burst out laughing as at least three scandalized voices behind you yelled “sarah!”, rafe’s separate groan audible as he followed the two of you.
sarah leaned over as y’all entered her bedroom, voice whispering in your ear, “tux’s don’t hide shit - that’s why I usually go for the chest on john b,” she giggled.
you nodded, as if learning a deep and sacred practice - well, you supposed you kinda were.
“also,” she whispered, ignoring rafe’s call from behind to “stop corrupting his girlfriend,” and continuing, “third stall, men’s bathroom at the country club - doesn’t lock. learn from my mistakes. family bathroom is gonna be your best bet.”
“are you - are you scouting places for me to hook up with your brother tonight?” you hissed.
sarah shrugged, leading you into her room. “well, what else is there to do at midsummers?” she gave a grin, like the cat that got the cream. “john b and I call the golf restrooms.” she pushed your shoulders down, settling you to the bed, before turning her attention to her brother, who was sulking in the doorway.
“rafe! let me fix your hickey, you heathen!”
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kpopfanfictrash · 5 years
Pride and Fidget Spinners (M)
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Author: @kpopfanfictrash , as part of the You’ll Never Shop Alone (YNSA) collaboration with @underthejoon and @suga-kookiemonster
Creative Content Contributor: @underthejoon, for this amazing banner
Rating: 18+
Warnings: oral (female receiving), dirty talk, big dick (it’s seokjin, duh), everyone in this fic is a brat, seokjin talks about fair lending
Genre: Rom-Com / Smut / Enemies to Lovers
Word Count: 18,623
Summary:   Seokjin has always prided himself on being the top mall kiosk salesman. His turf, the spot nearest to the fountain, is due to him being the undisputed best in the game. At least, until you arrive and throw his world into chaos.
[ cross-posted to Wattpad here ]
SLAP. Seokjin’s hand finds the buzzer, tuning off his alarm to burrow further under the covers. Sunlight streams through the open windows, pricking the back of his eyelids but Seokjin refuses to look. He can sleep for five more minutes. Five more minutes will not kill him.
Somewhere else in his apartment, a bedroom door slams. Wincing, Seokjin pulls his comforter higher. His roommate, Min Yoongi, spends most of his time annoyed with the world – but especially in the morning, and especially before having coffee. Loud banging continues, along with the sound of facial products hitting the sink. Groaning out loud, Seokjin pulls a pillow over his face.
Unfortunately, he is now awake and unable to slip back into his dream. It was a good one, too. Something about Iron Man and that hot barista at the mall Taehyung is crushing on. Squinting into his pillow, Seokjin abruptly sits up and tosses this on the floor.
“Fuck!” he yelps, throwing up a hand.
Every day, Seokjin somehow forgets to close his blinds before sleeping. Groping his way into the bathroom, Seokjin ruffles a hand through mussed morning hair. Turning on both taps in his shower, he waits for the water to warm and stares at himself in the mirror.
Clapping both hands to his face, Seokjin drags down the side of his cheeks. Getting older is weird.
Before he can get too hung up on this fact, Seokjin steps into the tub. “I GET KNOCKED DOWN,” he sings, lathering himself with soap. “BUT I GET UP AGAIN!”
Once out of the shower, dried and with a towel wrapped around his waist, Seokjin wanders into his closet. The sight dims his spirits a bit, seeing rows and rows of neatly pressed suits. Seokjin stares them each down in turn, knowing blinking is a weakness.
Reaching past them, he sighs.
The one at the front is navy, pin-striped and stares at him mockingly. Seokjin remembers wearing that one on his first day of work, nearly three years ago. He remembers how proud his parents were of him when he called them on his way home.
Seokjin’s heart sinks at the memory. That first phone call overlaps with another, less pleasant one. The one after his company decided to move their programming center out of his city. Seokjin was not one of the engineers selected to go. He was – rather unceremoniously – let go.
Let go. Seokjin snorts at the memory. Let go is such a nicer way to say fired. Fired has the ring of burnt smoke to it; it stinks of crumbling foundations and all hell breaking loose. If a company wants to yank one’s livelihood out from under them, Seokjin at least feels they should have the decency to call it what it is. Let go.
Shaking his head, Seokjin pushes past the suit to grab a white button-down. It has been nearly six months since that second call. Four months since his severance ran out and Seokjin realized he needed a job. Three months and three weeks since he began working at the Fidget Funk – even thinking the name makes Seokjin wince.
If someone had told him three years ago that he, Kim Seokjin, with his fancy degree and multiple years of experience, would ever be working a glorified mall job, Seokjin would have laughed in their face. He would have asked what they were smoking and if he could share – and yet. Here he is.
Frowning at himself in the mirror, Seokjin zips up his pants. Perhaps the worst part is that Seokjin was not upset when he was ‘let go.’ He was not actually disappointed by the firing, which disappointed his parents even more. When Bob and Karen from HR sat him down in that tiny, white room and handed him a tiny, white packet, Seokjin could not stop grinning.
His colleagues thought he had been kept when he left the room. That is how much Seokjin hated that company. His pure joy at finally leaving was enough to make up for the sucky way it happened.
Honestly, Seokjin was not surprised when he was fired. His entire last year he worked there, Seokjin spent most of his free time designing apps on his phone. No wonder they let him go, come to think of it. He was hardly their employee of the year.
Grabbing both wallet and keys, Seokjin shoves these into his pockets. Stepping into the hall, he glances at Yoongi’s room. “Yoongi!” he calls. No answer. “Hey! Min Yoongi!”
Continued silence, apart from the harsh thud of bass.
Leaning a shoulder against the wall, Seokjin tries again. “MIN YOONGI!”
The door at the end of the hall opens, hitting the wall. “What?” With a yawn, Yoongi drags a hand through his hair. Bleached blond strands fall about his face. “You said 10:00 AM. It’s 10:01.”
“Right.” Seokjin looks at him pointedly. “But I need to have the kiosk set up by 10:30, or else Bertha gets pissed.”
Yoongi walks past him and frowns. “Who’s Bertha? I don’t remember you working with anyone named Bertha.”
“I don’t.” Seokjin shrugs. Today is one of the rare days their work schedules lined up and – amazingly enough – Yoongi agreed to carpool. “Bertha is the name of my fidget spinner display. She’s temperamental.”
Yoongi groans, shutting the door. “Dude, you need to get a hobby.”
“I do have a hobby!”
“Then, get a girlfriend,” says Yoongi, sliding his keys from the lock. “You have way too much free time on your hands.”
“Do not,” Seokjin mutters, shoving both hands in his pockets as they walk to his car. “I’m working on loads of stuff.”
“Oh, really?” Yoongi flips his phone. “Which amazing app is it today? Let me guess. The one which meows every time a cat comes near? Or, the one which ranks all the apps in your phone from most to least used? Or, maybe –”
“Hey!” Cutting him off, Seokjin pulls open his car door. “You left out Alliterate! The handy app which suggests words which start with the same letter as yours – for casual alliteration.”
Yoongi stares over the roof of his car. “Dude, who would buy that?”
“English majors. Dramatic teenagers writing letters in the eighteenth century.”
“Seokjin.” Yoongi slides into the passenger seat. “You don’t give a fuck about any of these ideas, and therein lies your problem.”
“Oh, really?” Seokjin sticks his keys into the ignition. The car is sweltering, baking from having been left in the sun all morning. “Unlike you and your SoundCloud rapping?”
“Exactly unlike me and my SoundCloud rapping.” Grinning, Yoongi buckles his seatbelt and looks over at Seokjin. “Speaking of which – I have a new track to play.”
Turning on the engine, Seokjin winces when a red warning light appears. He apparently needs an oil change soon but – with what money?
“Yes.” Yoongi reaches out, already hooking up his phone. “Just these two hooks, okay? Tell me which one you like more.”
Twelve minutes later, Seokjin pulls into his unofficial parking spot at the mall. “Will you look at that?” he says, turning off the engine. “We’re here! Time to go sell those fidgets!”
Rolling his eyes, Yoongi pushes open the door. Shoving his white Auntie Anne’s visor further up on his head, he glances around. “You’ll be sorry,” he says, slamming the door. “You’ll all be sorry!” Yoongi yells at the empty parking lot.
Patting him once on the back, Seokjin walks inside. “You know that I like your music.” Seokjin shivers when they both hit the AC. “More than like it, in fact. You’re too good and you know it – your head is inflated, and I have to take you down a peg.”
Yoongi scoffs. “Yeah, because all this pretzel rolling is inflating my ego. I’m basically Kanye, pre-Kim. Or Kanye, post-Kim. Say what you will about the guy, he’s remarkably consistent about how good he thinks he is.”
Snorting, Seokjin quiets when they pass by Kay Jewelers. Both men swerve to avoid eye contact, since they never know when what’s-her-name will be working. Seokjin makes a face. He always forgets her name, but the Kay Jewelers girl is usually after the dick of someone in the mall. Both he and Yoongi have been on the receiving end of that hunt before.
“Alright.” Coming to a stop at his kiosk, Seokjin lowers his gym bag to the ground. “Here is where I bid thee adieu.”
Yoongi continues walking. “Bye.”
“BYE, BEST FRIEND!” Seokjin yells, waving as Yoongi crosses the food court.
Several heads turn, and Seokjin continues waving until his roommate is gone. Grinning, Seokjin returns to his kiosk. Unlocking the metal grating, he pulls this up to reveal a brightly colored display. The morning routine is standard. Inventory, balancing the register, ensuring all displays are functional. Each time he passes the front, Seokjin sees his name on the register.
The kiosk’s top salesman, three months in a row.
It might seem like a silly thing to be proud of, but Seokjin is at a point in his life where everything has gone wrong. Everything he does seems to become a failure and even though he hates this job and hates these fidget spinners (okay, that’s harsh – no one hates fidget spinners), at least he can succeed at this one, small thing.
Selling shit to people they absolutely do not need.
Leaning against the counter, Seokjin crosses an ankle to wait. The mall opens on weekdays at 11:00 AM, prompt. Some places are open earlier – like Java Joe’s, the coffee shop, and maybe the gym – but Seokjin’s kiosk is standard mall hours. Rubbing his eyes, Seokjin glances longingly in the direction of Java Joe’s, but there are only five minutes until the mall opens. He needs to remain where he is.
Pulling his phone from his jacket, he shoots off a quick text.
Seokjin: yo [10:55 AM]
It takes a moment for Namjoon to respond.
Namjoon: what do you want? [10:56 AM]
Seokjin: nothing!!! [10:56 AM]
Namjoon: … [10:56 AM]
Seokjin: ok fine [10:56 AM]
Seokjin: I’ll come clean [10:56 AM]
Seokjin: are you doing the morning shift at T-Mobile [10:56 AM]
Namjoon: …. Yes [10:57 AM]
Namjoon: why? [10:57 AM]
Seokjin: do u think… on ur next break… u could bring me some coffee?? [10:57 AM]
Namjoon: get it yourself [10:58 AM]
Seokjin: pleaseeee Joon?? I never ask you for anything! [10:58 AM]
Seokjin: Chad called in sick, so I’m here all alone : ( [10:58 AM]
Namjoon: sigh. Fine – can you hang on until 1? [10:58 AM]
Seokjin: : ( [10:58 AM]
Namjoon: ur the worst but fine, I’ll try to get away sooner [10:59 AM]
Seokjin: THANKS JOON [10:59 AM]
Seokjin: grande iced Americano, no milk [10:59 AM]
Namjoon: u wouldn’t treat Yoongi like this [10:59 AM]
Seokjin snorts, shoving his phone in his pocket. He absolutely would treat Yoongi like this – problem is, Yoongi rarely responds. He usually spends his work breaks engrossed in his music. If anything, Seokjin is the one who brings coffee to him.
The first two hours pass by at a glacial pace. Seokjin regularly looks at his watch, wondering why the day is moving so slowly. True, it is a weekday but there is usually steady traffic. Stay at home parents and high school kids with nothing better to do than spend their summers at the mall, drinking Orange Julius’ next to the fountain.
It took Seokjin two months to convince his boss to put in for this spot. Next to the fountain is prime mall real estate, since you need to pass by it in order to reach anywhere else. Which is why it is strange that Seokjin has had zero customers.
He is still frowning when Namjoon appears at his workplace, iced coffee in hand. Namjoon wears his T-Mobile manager uniform, complete with a badge which declares his name and title. Kim Namjoon, Assistant Manager.
“Two?” Seokjin fake gasps, holding out a hand. “All for me?”
“Nope.” Namjoon only gives one to him. “One is for me.” 
“Rude.” Seokjin sniffs, turning to survey the mall.
“What is? The fact that I brought you coffee?”
Namjoon laughs. “What’s up with you today? You seem super distracted.”
Squinting at the fountain, Seokjin shakes his head. “I don’t know. Things have been so quiet today. Is there something going on? A deal at Woodbury mall, or something?”
“Hm.” Namjoon’s brow furrows. “Not that I know of, I – oh, wait.” He straightens, glancing across the food court. “When I was walking over here, I did see a new kiosk. Maybe they’re taking some of your customers?”
“A new kiosk?” Seokjin looks up in alarm. “Where?”
“There.” Namjoon points behind a browning, potted plant.
Seokjin peers in the direction Namjoon is pointing. In his line of vision stands a brand-spanking-new kiosk. The sides are all pristine, gleaming and white, with the kind of bright-colored accents designed to draw people in. Neat boxes of toys line the shelves, almost as pretty as Seokjin’s own display.
Groaning, Seokjin sinks to his kiosk. “Drones?” He glances at Namjoon. “How are fidget spinners supposed to compete with fucking drones?”
“Dunno.” Namjoon takes a sip of his coffee. “I first saw them this morning, but they’re getting pretty good business. Nearly tripped over their salesgirl on my way here. She’s cute,” he adds, glancing at Seokjin.
Seokjin glowers. “Cuter than me?”
“Maybe.” Namjoon shrugs.
“Impossible.” Seokjin glares in the direction of the kiosk. On one side, he can barely make out the shape of a worker and based on what he sees, Seokjin begrudgingly thinks Namjoon might be right. You could be cute.
Namjoon drains the rest of his cup. “Well. Gotta go,” he says cheerfully, clapping Seokjin on the back. “Breaks don’t last forever. Hope the rest of your day picks up.”
“Thanks,” Seokjin mutters. “Hope so, too.”
Namjoon leaves, returning the same way he came towards the T-Mobile store. Seokjin continues to glance at the competing kiosk, staring with envy at its remote-controlled helicopters.
Up until now, the competitive landscape at the mall has been easy. There is a guy on the second floor selling Proactive but other than that, Seokjin has never had real competition. Until now, it would seem.
Rather than be turned off by this fact, Seokjin tilts his head. The only reason he lasted as long as he did at his prior company is because of how competitive he is. Even if Seokjin does not care about the product, he still works tirelessly to be called number one. He should stop by and check out the competition – just to be certain there is no real risk.
Seokjin’s phone buzzes, revealing a text from his boss. Lisa will be here at 5:00 PM, meaning Seokjin only must hold out a few hours before he can see the new kiosk.
Only a few more hours until he knows what he is up against.
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Lisa’s arrival at five means Seokjin is afforded a half-hour break. He uses this to grab food, bothering Yoongi at Auntie Anne’s before moving on. Dinnertime at the mall is typically crowded and Yoongi tends to throw mustard if Seokjin overstays his welcome.
Not wanting to ruin his button-down, Seokjin wanders in the direction of your kiosk. He eyes this as he approaches, finding the reality of the situation to be worse than he feared. The drones you stock are cool and what is more – they are all beautifully displayed. The stand might even rival Bertha.
Crossing both arms over his chest, Seokjin examines the kiosk. The products are neat, all of them aligned in carefully placed rows. The fingers on his right hand twitch, really wanting to touch the remote- controlled helicopters, but before he can move –
“Can I help you?” you ask, bright and cheerful. Seokjin flinches, gaze darting to you.
Fuck – seeing you up close, Seokjin’s jaw nearly hits the ground. You are gorgeous. There is no other word for it. The smile you give is infections; it makes him want to smile back. More than that – Seokjin finds himself wanting to be the reason for that smile, but no! Straightening his spine, Seokjin reminds himself that you are the competition.
Looking at you, his scowl deepens.
Your own smile falters. “Did you want me to take that one out?” you ask, pointing at the drone. “Show you how it works?”
Seokjin shrugs, as though he could not care less. “I’m not here to buy, actually.”
Now, it is your turn to look confused. “I – uh, okay.” You squint. “Then, why are you here?”
Seokjin realizes how creepy he sounds. In your eyes, he has wandered over, stared at your merchandise for a prolonged period of time and then announced he was not here to buy. A grade-A creep rivaled only by that one flasher who lurks in female footwear.
“Uh…” Backtracking, Seokjin jerks a thumb over his shoulder. “I work at that kiosk, actually. I’m Seokjin.”
Unimpressed, you glance in this direction. “Y/N. And – uh, okay?”
“I stopped by to say hello. And to see what you’re selling.”
As he speaks, you read the name of his kiosk. Your upper lip twitches as slowly, you return to looking at him. Seokjin is unnerved by your smile. For some reason, he has the sinking suspicion he is the butt of your joke.
“Oh,” you say, tone entirely different. “That kiosk. Brandi mentioned you.”
“My boss.” You wave towards the middle-aged woman on the other side of the kiosk. Seokjin thinks he has seen her around before. “She said you’ve been selling pretty well the past couple of months. Great job.”
Seokjin tries not to seem smug – there is an undercurrent to your tone which screams subterfuge. “I mean, yeah,” he says carefully. “Things are going pretty well for us.”
“Strange, then.”
“What is?”
“Strange that we’re doing so much better than you.”
Someone could scrape Seokjin’s jaw off the dirty, child-scuffed floor. You smirk at him, tapping two fingers against the pretty, floral sleeve of your tunic. If Seokjin did not know better, he would think you were flirting with him.
Except you just fucking insulted him.
“I…” Shaking his head, Seokjin’s voice is strangled. “Mall traffic has been slow this morning. No big deal. I guess once you’ve been around longer, you’ll know that.”
“Hm.” You purse your lips. “I don’t know – things have been pretty crazy for us today. We already ran out of a product. Wild, right?”
Seokjin’s mouth dries, his ears starting to buzz – all evidence of his pure hatred of you. Obviously. It could not be anything else.
“You ran… out of something? Already?”
Seokjin’s voice squeaks on the last word, making him cringe.
“Not bad, huh? Although, I guess once we’ve ‘been around longer,’” you mock with a grin, “we’ll get more lulls. Must be nice.”
In the face of his clear disbelief, you have the nerve to wink.
Seokjin begins to see red. “Yeah,” he croaks, recovering himself. “Beginner’s luck is nice, too.”
Your smile disappears. “How long is your break? I don’t think my kiosk could afford to have me gone for so long.”
Not looking away, Seokjin shoves the rest of his pretzel in his mouth. Chewing exaggeratedly, he watches you wince. “Sorry,” he mumbles around cinnamon-sugar bread. “Thanks for the reminder. I do need to be getting back. Can’t have my kiosk without its top salesman.”
Nose wrinkled; you continue to stare. “If that’s your idea of finesse, I think they can manage without you.”
“Please.” Seokjin gives you a pointed look. “I’m literally dripping with finesse.”
Your lips twitch, suppressing the gesture. Seokjin is impressed by your stoicism, since he knows he is a good-looking guy. That much is a non-debatable fact. Even if it were not, he can see by the way your gaze lingers, that you like what you see. And still – when your gaze returns to his face, your expression is artfully composed.
Fuck, Seokjin realizes. You really are going to be competition.
“Is that all?” Blithely, you turn. “Did you just stop by to see how much better we’re doing?”
Seokjin scowls at your arguably perfect behind. “I came to see how much product you have left, yeah.”
Glancing over your shoulder, you grin. “Why? Worried we’ll sell out before you can buy?”
“No.” Undercutting his conviction, Seokjin glances again at the helicopter. “I’ve got my hands full, thanks.”
“Ri-ght.” You draw out the word. “Then, you should probably get back to the, uh – Fidget Funk.”
Seokjin’s ears turn red with embarrassment. “I will,” he blurts, spinning around on his heel. “You have fun at the Drone Dome – fuck,” he mutters, coming to a stop. “That’s actually such a cool name.”
Without waiting for a response, he stalks away. All the way across the food court, your laughter rings out behind him. Upon reaching his kiosk, Seokjin glances over his shoulder. You are not paying attention to him, already engaged with another customer and Seokjin’s stomach slowly sinks.
He might be in trouble – and in more ways than one.
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Seokjin arrives the next day ready for battle.
Before, he was unprepared – caught off guard by your wily ways, but no longer! He is Kim Seokjin, crusader of goals and defender of the kiosk. The fact that Seokjin does not care about fidget spinners does not matter. They are his unfortunate chosen weapon and so, he will die upon this metaphorical sword.
Leaning against his kiosk, Seokjin spins a toy in one hand. Smiling and nodding at everyone who passes, he tries not to seem creepy or make eye contact for too long. This is the number one rule of kiosk sales – be deliberate, but approachable.
Most kiosk salespeople fail here, never ascending past the first stage of selling. They leer at shoppers, approaching women with earbuds in, or spraying perfume without asking. Not Seokjin. Seokjin is the very image of class, one ankle crossed over the other.
Seated at the food court is a large group of collegiate girls. At least, Seokjin assumes this based off one girl’s University sweatshirt. They sit clustered around Starbucks drinks (a slap in the face to Java Joe’s!), giggling every so often and glancing at Seokjin. Despite knowing they see him, Seokjin pretends not to care. Every so often, he pushes a hand through his hair and angles himself in the light.
Eventually, he knows one will come over and when they do, Seokjin will whip out the charm. A shadow steps into his path, blocking the sunlight.
Seokjin frowns. “Get out of the way,” he says, bored. “I almost have a sale.”
Arms crossed; you glance over a shoulder. The group of girls glare at you, clearly perturbed at having their view interrupted.
Snorting, you return to Seokjin. “Oh, please. So, what – you’re a pedophile, in addition to creep?”
Jerking upright, Seokjin scowls. “I am not a pedophile. I’m just trying to make a sale.”
“Of what kind?” you ask pleasantly.
“Fidget spinners.”
“Hm. Could’ve fooled me.”
Shrugging, you take a long sip of your coffee. Seokjin tries not to linger on the way your lips wrap around the straw.
I don’t have to explain myself to you,” he says stiffly. “Now, move. You’re blocking my light.”
“Whatever,” you yawn, leaving. As you enter the food court, you give Seokjin an excellent view of your backside walking away. “We’ll still beat your sales target today, anyways!” you call back.
Glaring at your retreating head, Seokjin holds out for as long as he can before dropping his gaze to your ass. Waggling fingers over your shoulder, you disappear behind the potted plant. The college girls resume looking at him but now, Seokjin finds he does not care.
Really, he should be thanking you. As soon as you are gone, three of the girls wander up to his kiosk. Seokjin sells five fidget spinners in one hour, thanks to the jealousy your presence provoked. Rather than be pleased by this fact though, Seokjin becomes even more agitated. He does not like feeling in your debt.
The next time your shifts overlap, determined to get even, Seokjin switches tactics. He parks on the opposite end of the mall, necessitating he should walk by your kiosk. Yoongi complains about this, but Seokjin merely ignores him.
Slowing as he passes your kiosk, Seokjin waits for you to look up.
Both elbows leaned to the counter, you scroll casually through your phone. When your gaze flicks up, taking him in – you blink.
“Oh, come on,” you groan.
Waving to Yoongi, Seokjin veers in your direction. “Oh, hey!” He stops at your display, nonchalantly stretching his arms overhead. “Having a good morning?”
Gaze darting to his pants and back up, you almost seem flustered. “I – how tight are those jeans?”
Seokjin’s grin widens. “What, these old things?”
Turning around, Seokjin checks out his own ass, as though surprised by its appearance. He is rather proud of his legs, actually. There is a reason Seokjin spends so much time in the gym with Jungkook. His newly bought skinny jeans show off his best assets. Not to mention how satisfying it is to see you rendered speechless.
Your gaze returns to his, smoldering. “There’s a tag still in the pocket, genius.”
“Oh.” Grandly, Seokjin plucks this off – fuck, that just cost him an entire week of spending allowance. “Well, there you go. Wouldn’t want to distract from the view.”
Jaw clenched, you seem as though you want to say more, but hold yourself back. “Great.”
Seokjin smirks. “Isn’t it?”
Whirling around, you pretend to be busy but Seokjin can tell your register has already been counted.
“Shouldn’t you be getting back to your kiosk?” You glower, glancing over your shoulder. “I’d hate to waste any more of your time standing here.”
Seokjin’s grin broadens. “You’re right,” he agrees. “That’d be a shame. See you around, Y/N!”
Happily, he turns and walks back the food court. With each step his grin widens, imagining you watching him leave. The rest of his day is spent in lazy self-satisfaction.
As it turns out, Seokjin should have been warier. Your silence was not acceptance of defeat, but a determined self-call to arms. The very next day, Seokjin walks past your kiosk and nearly spills his drink down his shirt.
You stand off to the side, bent to display a generous amount of cleavage. Seokjin’s jaw drops, unable to look away. He realizes how inappropriate he is being when you look up and see him.
“Seokjin!” Straightening, you wave.
The action makes your breasts bounce, causing Seokjin’s pants to feel tighter.
Yoongi snorts at his side. “Good luck, man,” he says, patting Seokjin once on the back before walking away.
Seokjin is left alone, facing the wiles of his enemy.
“Hey,” you say, raising both brows. “Seokjin? Are you okay?”
Forcing himself to move, Seokjin walks robotically forward. He does not allow himself to look below your collarbone – fuck, you must be wearing a push-up bra. There is no other way a single day could cause such a dramatic transformation.
Unable to help himself, Seokjin sneaks another peek.
When he looks up, you are smirking at him. “See something you like?”
The tips of Seokjin’s ears turn crimson. “I – what?”
“The merchandise,” you say sweetly, waving a hand. “We just got in a few new toys over the weekend.”
Seokjin has no response to this, having momentarily forgotten what words are.
Your lips twitch. “Is something wrong, Seokjin?”
Seeing the teasing look in your eyes, Seokjin fumes. “Nothing’s wrong,” he says, jaw snapping shut. “I’ll just be on my way, then. Lots of… fidgets to spin.”
Turning around, he dramatically walks off.
He cannot help but feel oddly unsettled, throat burning in a way which does not make sense. Anger, he tells himself. The emotion is merely annoyance. It is completely natural he would hate his competitor. Natural, for him to think about what their lips would look like shut up by his.
It takes two weeks for Seokjin to enact the next phase of his plan. Which is – dramatic entertainment. Basically, phase two involves Seokjin researching fidget spinner hand tricks for hours at a time on YouTube. It reaches to the point where Seokjin is in near hibernation. Jungkook sends him texts every so often, asking when he will return to the gym, but Seokjin is a man on a mission and cannot be stopped.
He starts off slowly, learning the simple fidget spinner hand transfer. Next is the hand twist, rated Difficulty Level Two by the most known YouTube star. From there, learning the around the back is easy. This maneuver is more complex – it involves Seokjin physically throwing the fidget spinner over his shoulder to catch in the other hand.
Once Seokjin can control two fidget spinners at once, he deems himself ready.
Phase two goes into action on a busy Saturday afternoon. Seokjin hijacks the Fidget Funk’s speakers, hooking up his iPhone to the horror of his co-worker, Lisa.
“Oh, no,” she groans. “Please tell me you aren’t doing what I think you’re doing.”
“Are you thinking I’m doing a fidget spinner trick show?” Seokjin adjusts the sweatband on his forehead. “Alright, then. I won’t tell you.”
“God, how embarrassing.” Lisa slumps low in her chair. “Well, at least do it before Chad gets here.”
“Noted. What song should I use?” Seokjin flips through his playlist. “Hero by Enrique Iglesias? Whatcha Say by Jason Derulo? The Cha Cha Slide?”
Lisa stares in disbelief. “What vibe are you going for, exactly?”
“None of those?” Seokjin frowns. “What about All Star by Smash Mouth?”
“How about Cotton Eyed Joe?” Lisa offers. “That seems more fitting with all of… this.”
Ignoring her sarcasm, Seokjin selects a song to press play. The first notes of Everybody by Backstreet Boys plays through the speakers. Lisa groans and slumps even lower.
At first, no one notices Seokjin at all. People sidestep him, focused solely on getting to the food court but then, Seokjin executes a perfect shoulder throw. A kid stops to watch. His mom stops too, trying to drag her kid forward but failing in her mission.
“Hey!” Seokjin beams, switching the spinner from one hand to the other. “Want to see more?”
The boy nods and before long, Seokjin has managed to gather a small crowd. Over the ooh’s and ahs of children, Seokjin converses with their moms.
“Fidget spinners are proven to help concentration in both kids and adults,” Seokjin says with a hand twist. “One of my friends was telling me a story the other day. He and this AVP at his office are both tactile people and remember better while doing something with their hands. So, they end up having this entire meeting while playing with fidget spinners from her office.”
The moms all laugh, moving forward to let their kids pick out a toy. By the time the day ends, Seokjin has beaten all previous sales records. He has also managed to capture the attention of most people in the mall – including you.
And Namjoon, who stops by before closing.
“Dude,” Namjoon laughs, leaning one arm to his kiosk. “Why are you being so extra lately? It’s just a temp job. Who cares?”
“I care, Namjoon.” Seokjin bristles. “Is it so wrong to want to do well at my work? To want to improve the sales of my peers. Frankly, Namjoon, I’m insulted you would –”
“Hey, Kim!” you yell, passing by. “Heard you’re trying to break into show business!”
Seokjin abruptly stops talking. “Trying?” he calls back. “I’m already there. Were you able to catch a performance?”
Rolling your eyes, you walk backwards. “Of course, I did! The whole fucking mall saw you, Seokjin. Your music was so loud, people physically moved in the food court.”
Seokjin’s grin widens. “What’d you think?”
“I think you should stick to sales.” Shaking your head, you try not to smile. “Anyways, just wait until you see what we’re doing this weekend. It’ll make your lame tricks look like nothing!”
“Can’t wait!” Seokjin cups both hands over his mouth. “I love to watch lofty dreams come crashing down!”
Shaking your head, you turn around and disappear into the mall. Once you are gone, Seokjin returns to Namjoon.
“What?” he blinks, seeing his friend’s smug expression.
Namjoon’s smile widens. “Oh, nothing.”
Namjoon merely laughs, grabbing his smoothie and turning away. “Good luck with that, man!”
Seokjin stares after, not understanding but deciding it is not worth his while. Namjoon always thinks he knows so much – granted, he usually does, but that is not the point. The point is Seokjin does not and so, he should not worry about it now.
The next day is busy, which means Seokjin barely has time to consider the performance you mentioned. He is again covering for Lisa, who failed to show up. Chad and Seokjin are the only ones covering the kiosk, which Seokjin despises because Chad is his least favorite co-worker. Lisa may be flaky, but at least her presence is tolerable. Chad is always going off on tangents about who wronged him on Twitter that day, and why.
Chad is also terrible at customer service – no surprise – which means Seokjin must handle all returns and exchanges. A tedious task in itself, let alone with Chad’s monotonous voice in his ears. In fact, the morning is so busy, Seokjin barely remembers to eat, let alone visit you.
It is the sound of cheers over the food court which make him look up.
Midway through a transaction, Seokjin pauses to glance at your kiosk. You and your Manager – Brandi – stand before it, navigating two competing drones in the air. It seems several people are betting on which drone will win.
Rolling his eyes, Seokjin returns to his customer. Smiling blandly, he hands the woman her money and ignores the wild cheers growing steadily behind him. It makes Seokjin’s teeth grind, realizing you might be drawing a bigger crowd than he did.
Unable to stop himself, he peers over his shoulder. Seokjin’s eyes widen. Above the food court, a helicopter loops circles around a remote-controlled plane. They no longer seem to be racing, dive- bombing the crowd and swooping up at the last second. Kids squeal in excitement, running around underneath.
Seokjin scowls, slamming shut the register. His mind revolts at the knowledge that your show is better than his – also, there is the maddening fact that Seokjin wants a drone for himself. Huffing under his breath, Seokjin turns away.
Before he can tell Chad he is going on break, a scream pierces the crowd.
“MOVE!” Seokjin hears your voice above the rest. “KIDS, MOVE!”
Seokjin whirls around, spotting the helicopter spinning out of control. Kids duck from its path, their hands held overhead as the helicopter sputters, dips and sputters again. Steam curls from its top, clearly not responding to the remote you hold in one hand.
Worse than that, the drone is headed in their direction.
“Chad, move!” Seokjin yells, diving out of the way.
Chad looks up just in time to see the helicopter crash into their kiosk.
Fidget spinners fly every which way. From his spot on the floor, several hit Seokjin in the back of his legs – he winces, curling into himself. Chad’s sputtering continues above as the slow whir of helicopter blades begins to wind down.
Seokjin hesitantly looks up. The kiosk above him is chaos. Nothing seems to be broken, but his carefully placed display – Bertha! – is entirely out of whack. Brightly colored boxes lie on the floor, shelving hanging precariously off the sides of the kiosk.
You dash into view, skidding to a stop inches away from his nose. “I’m so sorry!” you cry, a useless remote held in one hand. “I don’t know what happened, I swear.”
Your gaze darts to Seokjin’s, still lying prostrate on the floor.
He slowly pushes himself to stand, staring in shock at the disastrous kiosk. Seokjin expects to feel angry. He should feel pissed, since all his hard work was erased and now, he will have to spend several hours cleaning it up, but – nothing.
Well, that is not entirely true.
Seokjin wishes he could wipe that look of distress from your face. “It’s alright,” he says, still looking at you.
Surprise flickers over your expression.
Chad steps out from behind the kiosk. “Oh… my… god,” he says, eyes wide.
“I’m really sorry,” you repeat, face twisted in agony.
Before you can continue, your manager appears. “Go back to the kiosk, Y/N,” she says, sighing. “There are a bunch of customers to take care of. I’ll handle this.”
It appears you wish to say more, but a stern look from Brandi is silencing. Giving Seokjin an apologetic look, you turn on your heel to walk across the food court.
Brandi waits until you are out of earshot before looking at Seokjin. “I’m sorry about the disruption,” she offers.
Seokjin tears his gaze away. “It’s okay.”
“What?!” Chad stomps out to point a finger at Brandi. “It is not okay! You and your dumb drones wrecked our display!”
Brandi looks at his finger, unimpressed. She glances at Seokjin. “You can throw that helicopter away. If anything of yours has been damaged, let me know. We’ll pay for it – just send me an itemized receipt by the end of the day, okay?”
Seokjin nods, a bit thrown by the interaction. “Yeah, alright. Sounds good.”
Brandi looks at him thankfully, turning around to return to her kiosk. Once she is gone, Chad whirls on Seokjin.
“Man, what the fuck?”
Bending, Seokjin picks up a lone fidget spinner. “What do you mean, what the fuck?”
“They should’ve…” Chad trails off, shaking his head. “Done more. I don’t know. They should’ve cleaned up the whole area, or something!”
Seokjin snorts, replacing the toy on the counter. “Relax,” he says. “It’s not like anything is seriously damaged. We just need to re-stock the display and besides, they don’t know how to do that. It’ll be faster if we do it.”
“Even so,” Chad mutters. He begins cleaning up, casting an angry glance in the direction of the Drone Dome. “They should still fucking pay.”
“They will, if anything’s broken,” Seokjin says simply.
He then tunes Chad out, putting himself to work. Re-stocking Bertha takes a while but, in the end, Seokjin is happier with its order. He keeps thinking you will stop by after your shift, but you do not. Perhaps you are too embarrassed to do so, or maybe Brandi warned you not to go near them again.
Whatever the reason, Seokjin cannot leave before closing. When he finally passes kiosk on his way to the gym, everything is closed, and you are nowhere in sight.
Seokjin lingers a moment before he moves on.
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Seokjin drops his barbells, the sound echoing through the gym in a satisfying way. Several women on the elliptical look up in annoyance.
“Sorry!” Seokjin calls, wiping sweat from his neck.
Although the women continue to glare, they return to their workout. Jungkook snickers into the sleeve of his t-shirt, biceps bulging beneath the tight fit of his clothes. Pulling a power bar from his pocket, Jungkook waves at the weights Seokjin discarded.
“Give me ten more.”
Seokjin glares. “Go choke.”
“Can’t.” Unwrapping his snack, Jungkook takes a large bite. “Told my current hook-up that was just for her.”
“Gross.” Seokjin groans, bending to grab the weights. “I didn’t need to know that.”
Jungkook grins, displaying chocolate and teeth. “Ten more,” he repeats.
Despite several muttered curse words under his breath, Seokjin obeys. Dropping the weights again on the floor – in direct defiance of the no weight-dropping sign – Seokjin grabs his knees with both hands.
“Alright,” he huffs, squinting at Jungkook. “I don’t care anymore if I’m in shape. I care more about snacks. Snacks and alcohol.”
“I’m choosing to ignore that.” Jungkook takes another bite. “I’m using one of my free guest passes on you, so you better be worth it.”
Rolling his eyes, Seokjin takes a long swig from his water bottle. Despite this, he still follows Jungkook as they walk to the treadmills. Jungkook is right, he is doing Seokjin a favor by letting him work out for free. Truth be told, Seokjin hated Jungkook when he first began at the mall. Jungkook was young, good- looking and got tons of attention – male and female, alike.
He was the competition.
Over time though, this distrust dissolved and somehow, Jungkook is now one of Seokjin’s closest friends. When he is not annoying the hell out of him, that is.
Throwing his wrapper in the trash, Jungkook wipes both palms on his pants. “So.” Stepping onto a treadmill, he turns the speed to three. “How’s it going with drone girl?”
Seokjin follows suit. “She knocked over my display today.”
“Like, on purpose?”
“Nah.” Seokjin shakes his head. “On accident. She was doing a demo and one of the helicopter drones broke. Crashed into my kiosk.”
“Oh.” Jungkook’s brow furrows. “Still – annoying. Increase your speed.”
Seokjin obeys. “Eh,” he huffs, beginning to jog. “I don’t think it was on purpose. But still, she’s just so frustrating.”
“What’s frustrating? Increase your speed again to four.”
“I don’t know,” Seokjin says, following suit. “She’s frustrating. She has this way of looking at me, you know?”
“Looking at you in like, a creepy way?”
“No…” Seokjin’s feet pound the treadmill. “She’s a tease.”
“Sounds hot.”
“She keeps messing with me.”
“You keep messing with her.”
“She made fun of my fidget spinners!”
Jungkook bursts into laughter. To add insult to injury, he barely seems winded at all by their run and Seokjin is panting.
“Dude. Fidget spinners suck. I’ve heard you say that on multiple occasions.”
“Sure, but she doesn’t have to say that!”
“Whatever, bro.” Jungkook grins. “Sounds to me like you want to fuck her.”
Seokjin is so startled, he nearly trips on the treadmill. “I do not.”
“No judgement here! Do it once, get it out of your system.”
“I don’t want to fuck her, Jungkook.” Seokjin glares in his direction. “She hates me. And I hate her!”
“O-h,” Jungkook says knowingly. “So, you’re in love with her. I get it. Increase your speed to five.”
Seokjin obeys, face turning beet-red. “Jungkook,” he growls. “Shut the fuck up.”
“Make me.”
Reaching out, Seokjin turns the speed on Jungkook’s treadmill to eight.
“Hey!” Jungkook yelps, breaking into a sprint. He manages to keep up, pushing a hand through his hair. When Seokjin rolls his eyes, Jungkook grins. “Nailed it.”
Seokjin returns to his machine. “Besides, you’re one to talk,” he mutters. “Aren’t you in love with the juice girl, or something?”
On reflex, Jungkook glances over his shoulder. Seokjin can tell by his lovesick expression he is right. Juice girl only started working recently at the gym and from what Seokjin can tell, Jungkook is entirely smitten. He has never been subtle about the women he likes, but with juice girl, Jungkook seems to have met his match.
She is completely immune to his charms. Seokjin cannot help but feel sympathy for the guy. Or – at least, he does until Jungkook returns to him with a grin.
“So.” He wriggles his eyebrows. “How hot is kiosk girl, anyways?”
“No.” Seokjin reaches out to increase Jungkook’s incline. “You’re not going to fuck my mortal enemy.”
“Well, if you’re not going to.”
“Think about juice girl!” Seokjin yells – entirely unintentional, but he is running out of breath.
Jungkook retaliates by upping his speed. By the end of their sprint, Seokjin feels like collapsing. He steps off his treadmill with wobbly legs, feeling as though he has just run a marathon. Not that Seokjin would ever run a marathon, of course, but he can imagine. Jungkook follows suit, hopping down from his machine.
“Good workout.” Jungkook wipes his forehead with a towel. “Wanna come over and hang? Hoseok from Foot Locker is gonna come, too.”
Seokjin nods, taking a sip from his water bottle. “Yeah, okay.” He glances again at the door, but your kiosk is too far to see. “Sounds good to me.”
As they walk towards the locker rooms, Jungkook chatters aimlessly but Seokjin cannot stop thinking about you. While he showers and changes, Jungkook’s words replay in his mind. The idea of Seokjin having a crush on you is insane. The two of you have barely exchanged one nice word since you met.
Still. Snapping a towel free from his neck, Seokjin continues to wonder. He does think about you an awful lot. Usually, he is thinking of new ways to annoy you, but that is more than he thinks about anyone else. Chad, for instance – or Lisa.
Frowning, Seokjin slams shut his locker. He cannot ignore the initial attraction he had for you. If you had not been his competition, Seokjin would have probably asked you out.
The moment he thinks this, he freezes. Maybe this is why you annoy him so much – Seokjin is attracted to you and can do nothing about it.
Under any other set of circumstances, this fact would be enlightening but things being what they are though, nothing has changed. You still hate him. Seokjin still finds you his competition.
Staring at his locker, Seokjin’s lips twist.
“Seokjin!” Jungkook yells from the door. “You coming, or what?”
Jerking himself free from his thoughts, Seokjin picks up his bag. “Coming!” he yells, pushing you from his mind.
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Seokjin has the next two days off work. He uses this mainly to work on his apps, pouring time and energy into working the kinks from his latest round of updates. In between each stroke of his keyboard, he is thinking of you.
Seokjin hates Jungkook a little, for pointing out the obvious fact that he likes you. Before that, Seokjin took his fixation with you at face value. He did not like you; he was just annoyed by you. Now, though.
He cannot help but wonder.
Exhaling loudly, Seokjin slumps against his kiosk. His manager is off once again – honestly, that dude never works – and Seokjin is stuck working with Chad. Absently, Seokjin twirls a spinner around his finger.
“You okay, man?” Chad breaks the silence.
Shaking his head, Seokjin stares into space. “Oh, yeah. Just a bit preoccupied, that’s all.”
“With what?”
Seokjin shrugs, not feeling like talking.
Chad is one of the few people capable of getting under his skin without saying a word. It is something about the way Chad stands – chest puffed, gaze lazy, as though the world owes him something. He always wears a backwards cap, even inside and Seokjin suspects a receding hairline to be the cause. Whatever the reason, Chad always has a chip on his shoulder.
He seems to be compensating for something. Although what he could be compensating for, as a white male in today’s economy, Seokjin has no idea.
“Hey.” Voice lowering, Chad nods towards the food court. “I know something which might cheer you up.”
Seokjin straightens when he realizes Chad is staring at you. Anything which cheers Chad up could only have the opposite effect upon Seokjin.
“What?” Seokjin asks, suspicious.
Chad leans in. “You know the bitch who ruined our display a few days ago?”
Seokjin’s jaw tightens, hearing you called a bitch. “What about it?”
“Ha.” Chad laughs, not hearing the clear warning in Seokjin’s tone. “Don’t worry about paying her back. I got this.”
Alarm bells go off in Seokjin’s mind. “What do you mean by, ‘I got this?’”
“Let’s just say it’s taken care of.”
“No.” Seokjin drops his phone, standing up from his chair. “Let’s say more. What the fuck did you do, Chad?”
Chad blinks at him in surprise. “Whoa – chill, dude. What’re you pissed about?”
Seokjin pauses, uncertain. It is not as though he knows you, not really. But still – Seokjin remembers how sincere you looked that day, apologizing for the display. You did not mean to injure their kiosk; he knows that much.
“Chad…” Seokjin mutters in warning.
He does not get further before screams erupt from the food court. Seokjin’s head whips sideways, spotting the source of the commotion. Once again, a drone is loose in the mall. Like two days prior, a rogue helicopter flies over the food court. It seems out of control, dive-bombing people at random and sending them running.
Seokjin’s mouth drop. Before he can move, the drone careens towards the ground. A girl stands alone next to the frozen yogurt place, holding her cone and staring at it in terror. Her eyes widen, fixed on the drone and Seokjin moves on instinct, darting into the crowd.
Before he can arrive, the girl’s mom appears to yank her to safety. Her cone spills in the process, mint chocolate chip on the ground, but at least the helicopter misses, swooping and diving again. Seokjin’s eyes narrow, realizing the drone moves much too fast to be out of control.
Glancing around, Seokjin realizes Chad is on his phone. When he sees Seokjin looking, Chad waves at him with a grin.
Seokjin’s stomach heaves. Before he can move, you are barreling towards him.
“YOU!” you yell, pointing a finger. Several people between you look up in surprise.
Seokjin blinks, also pointing at himself. “Me?”
“You!” you gasp, skidding to a stop. “What the hell did you do to my drone?”
You are holding several remotes in your fist, Seokjin realizes. Apparently, none of them are working. The helicopter swoops dangerously close to you both and Seokjin ducks out of the way.
“What did I do?” he blurts, staring upwards. “You think I’m the one behind this?”
“No, shit!” you yell, dodging the drone.
“Y/N, I –” The chopper dive-bombs again and Seokjin groans. This is not going to make you believe him, but he needs to do something before someone gets hurt. “Fuck it!” he yells and takes off.
Sprinting away, Seokjin hears you yelling behind him. Ignoring you, Seokjin leaps onto a table. He is not sure how Chad is controlling the helicopter – possibly from his phone, but Seokjin would not put it past him to have someone stationed elsewhere in the mall. Based on the depth of his vengeance on Twitter, Seokjin imagines Chad to be petty.
All Seokjin knows is he needs to stop the drone and a sure-fire way of doing that is getting the drone from the air.
Above, the drone does a loop before dive-bombing a cluster of girls exiting the lingerie store. The girls squeal, scatting in every direction as the helicopter pulls from its spiral. Leaping into the air, Seokjin’s fingers barely brush a wing before falling back to the ground.
Ignoring you, Seokjin continues pursuing the drone. “Sorry!” he yells, dodging a woman. “Y/N, this isn’t what it looks like!”
Your footsteps pound behind him, catching up. “It looks like you hijacked one of your drones!”
“See!” Seokjin glances over his shoulder. “I told you it wasn’t what it looks like!”
“Aha!” Seokjin leaps into the air. Fuck – he barely misses. Crashing again to the ground, Seokjin takes off running. He uses his next jump to leap onto a table.
A guy looks up from his hot dog, mustard dribbled onto his chin. “What the f –”
Seokjin leaps into the air, fingers grazing the wing of the helicopter. Eyes narrowed, Seokjin swears as his heels hit the ground. A mother nearby covers the ears of her child.
“Sorry!” Seokjin yells in response.
A hand grabs his arm. “Kim Seokjin!” you blurt, whirling him sideways to face you.
Seokjin glances over your shoulder in distress. “It’s getting away!” he blurts, shaking free to sprint towards the fro-yo.
Your mouth drops, but you follow. “What are you doing?”
Not having the breath to answer, Seokjin runs faster. For the first time in his life, he is grateful Jungkook pushes him so hard at the gym. Jumping again in the air, Seokjin thinks he has done it – until you jump suddenly in front of him, swatting his hand.
“Hey!” Seokjin yelps, stumbling as he hands. “What the fuck, Y/N?”
“Mine!” you yell, darting forward.
“Wait – Y/N!”
Grumbling, he chases after you. The two of you must look ridiculous, racing around the food court. As you pass Auntie Anne’s pretzels, Seokjin swears he can hear Yoongi cracking up at the register.
One second, you are ahead of him and the next, Seokjin is. He runs faster, pumping his arms as he spots the drone by the fountain. Cutting you off, Seokjin puts on a sudden burst of speed and leaps into the air. His fingers wrap around metal, yanking the helicopter from the sky. As he descends, Seokjin cannot help but laugh – until your hand finds his elbow, pulling him sideways.
Seokjin yelps, stumbling when his feet hit the concrete.
There is a dangerous, teetering moment where you both hover at the edge of the fountain – and then he falls, taking you with. Seokjin yelps, soaked to the skin when a water jet hits his face. A second splash follows as your butt hits the water.
If feels like a scene from a movie; that moment when a song cuts at a party. One second, everything is happening and the next – nothing.
Slowly, Seokjin pushes himself to sit in the water. The trickling sound of the fountain fills his ears, one of his hands resting on something which is definitely not a penny.
“Gross,” Seokjin groans, seeing the wad of pink gum.
His pants are soaked, so is his shirt and Seokjin does not even want to imagine the state of his hair. Removing his hand from the water gum, Seokjin looks up.
You glare back at him, making Seokjin recoil.
At least the drone is down.
Seokjin can see its red wings submerged in the water, bobbing genteelly in the waves of the fountain. Slowly, the sounds of the mall filter back in. Someone nearby snickers and someone else starts to clap. In his peripheral, Seokjin can see a few teenagers recording and slowly, he closes his eyes. If he goes viral, there is no way his manager will keep him.
You seem to realize the same thing, glancing around you in panic. Seokjin realizes your situation is noticeably worse than his, since you were wearing a white t-shirt when you fell. The material sticks to your skin, making each curve of your body apparent.
Seokjin swallows, understanding crashing into him with all the subtlety of a lightning bolt.
He likes you.
Fuck. Seokjin likes you, and he is a giant idiot.
Snickering at the food court grabs Seokjin’s attention. It appears he is not the only one to have noticed your shirt. At least your bra is white, but this does not seem to matter to fifteen-year-old boys.
Glancing down, you inhale and cover your chest. Seokjin awkwardly tries to stand, rushing forward to help but slips in the process, nearly falling again. It does not seem as though you desire his help anyways, springing to your feet with tears in your eyes.
Teeth chattering, you hold one hand before you. “Stay away,” you blurt, wet strands of hair plastered against your face. As though unable to help yourself, your lower lip quivers. “I fucking mean it, Seokjin. Stay away from me.”
Seokjin’s feet falter beneath him. “I…” Staring at you, he slowly nods in defeat. “Okay.”
You bend, scooping the helicopter into your arms before turning away.
Giving him another scowl, you climb from the fountain. Your sneakers make squishing noises against the linoleum as you stalk through the food court. Seokjin continues to stand there, ignoring the water jets which repeatedly hit his kneecaps.
His stomach sinks, watching you disappear.
Logically, Seokjin should go and find mall security. He should explain to them what happened before they find him, or worse – before he goes viral on the web. Less logically, Seokjin wants to run after you. He cannot simply leave things between you like that.
At the very least, he should find you a dry t-shirt. Maybe Hoseok could get him one from Foot Locker.
Because this is partly his fault. Seokjin was not the one who took over the drone and he did not push you into the fountain, but you only reacted that way because of how Seokjin has treated you. It was not a wild leap of thought to assume Seokjin was the culprit.
Before he can think about this further, a laugh breaks through the crowd. Turning around, Seokjin sees Chad running towards him.
“Wow.” Chad skids to a stop at the fountain. “That was incredible. Did you see how wet she was? And guess who got it all on camera?” He winks, waving his phone.
“Did you?” Seokjin speaks pleasantly, although he is starting to see red. “Can I see that?”
“Sure.” Chad grins, handing over the phone.
Accepting the object, Seokjin promptly throws this into the fountain.
Chad’s mouth drops open. “What the fuck?” he blurts, watching the metal sink to the bottom.
Seokjin brushes off his hands. “You’re fired,” he says, stepping out of the fountain. Water drips from his shirt, splashing the ground at his feet.
Chad’s eyes bug. “You can’t fire me, asshole. You’re not my manager.”
“Maybe not.” Seokjin shrugs and walks past. His hands open and close, curling into fists. “But he likes me better than you and he’ll believe me when I say this was your fault.”
“You dick!”
“That’s right,” Seokjin mutters. He glances at your kiosk, only to find it empty – Brandi must be helping you to clean up. Something twinges in his chest, knowing this is partly his fault. “I guess I am.”
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One week later, Seokjin cannot stop thinking about you.
He tries to forget. Truly, he does but this proves itself to be more difficult than he realized. Seokjin did not understand before, how deeply you integrated yourself in his life. He did not realize how much he looked forward each day to your banter, to hearing your laugh whenever he passed by your kiosk. The past month has been bearable only because of your presence.
Slumped at the counter of Auntie Anne’s pretzels, Seokjin stares forlornly across the food court.
“Either smile or move.”
Seokjin turns to Yoongi in confusion. “Huh?”
“Either smile,” Yoongi repeats. “Or move. You’re bumming out all my customers.”
Seokjin glances at the empty food court before him. It is 10:00 AM. “What customers?”
“Exactly. All my customers are scared off by how sad you are.”
Seokjin manages a weak chuckle. “Trust me, my face is not what’s driving your customers away. If anything, it’s your latest SoundCloud mix.”
Yoongi frowns, perturbed. “Take that back.”
Seokjin winces, seeing the genuine hurt on his face. “Sorry, man,” he mumbles. “I’m just not in a great mood today.”
“No shit.”
Seokjin cracks a smile. “That obvious, huh?”
“Much in the same way climate change is obvious to everyone but the Cheeto.”
Stifling a laugh, Seokjin quickly sobers. “I just… I don’t know. I thought she’d hear me out, at least.”
The entire past week, Seokjin has parked at the opposite end of the mall from your kiosk. It makes his morning walk shorter, but somehow lonelier.
“So, this is about her, huh?” Yoongi lowers his elbows to the counter. “She’s gone incommunicado.”
“Yeah, it’s about her. I guess I can’t really blame her for being mad at me.”
Seokjin shakes his head. “I was kind of a dick.”
Yoongi snorts. “She was a dick, too.”
“Yeah, but I started it.” Seokjin takes a sip of his coffee. “I was the one who approached her all weird, called her the competition. That set a tone.”
“Okay.” Yoongi tilts his head, thinking. “So, what’re you gonna do about it?” 
“I’m going to do nothing about it.”
“Then stop complaining to me.”
“I’m not complaining!” Seokjin looks up and sighs. “Alright, maybe I’m complaining a little. I just… wish I’d realized I liked her sooner.”
“Who cares about that? Tell her now!”
“But she hates me.”
“She hated you then!”
Seokjin glares and takes another sip of his coffee – sputtering, he chokes, “Oh, shit – that’s hot.”
“Hey.” Yoongi gives him a look. “She thinks you messed with her job. That’s way different than wearing tight pants, or putting on a fidget show, or whatever.”
“Fidget spinner show, Yoongi. Fidget show sounds like something else.”
“Both are lame,” Yoongi says. “And my point still stands. She’s mad at you now because of something you didn’t do. Now, move your elbow – I need to clean that spot before lunch.”
Seokjin obliges, dutifully removing himself from the counter. Drinking his coffee, he stares out at the food court. Up until now, Seokjin thought he was doing the noble thing. He was respecting your wishes by giving you space. You said you did not wish to see him again.
Yoongi is right, though. You said all that laboring under a misconception. More than respecting the words said in anger, perhaps it is better for Seokjin to tell you the truth. Maybe pretending to be noble is just another way of chickening out.
Because if Seokjin explains everything to you and you still do not care, it means he is alone in all this. His feelings are one-sided and everything before now was merely a rivalry. The spark Seokjin feels when he looks at you, the burning desire to kiss you – if you knew all that and still hated him, then Seokjin would be alone.
Seokjin exhales and looks up. “Gotta go,” he says, slapping the counter. “See you after your shift?’
“Wait!” Yoongi catches his arm before Seokjin can leave. “Bracelet buddies?” he grins, holding up the pink cat charm wound around his wrist.
Seokjin groans, dutifully rolling up his sleeve to showcase the pale pink alpaca. “Bracelet buddies,” he says glumly.
Yoongi gave him the gift several days ago; payback, he said, for all the women Seokjin has sent his way with the promise of a free pretzel. That used to be Seokjin’s way of scoring dates at the mall. At least, before he met you. Seokjin is obligated to wear said bracelet for three months, or else Yoongi will send their friends pictures of him sleeping with his mouth open on the couch.
If he is being honest, Seokjin does not entirely hate the bracelet. The alpaca is kind of cute, but Yoongi cannot ever know that. Waving goodbye, he manages to scowl and keep up appearances when he heads towards his kiosk.
For the next several days, Seokjin continues to wimp out.
Kind of.
While he does not actually explain what happened, he tries to make up for it in other ways. On Monday, he overhears you telling the Kay Jewelers girl the legs of your stool are too short. As a result, Seokjin volunteers to work late and stays long after closing. Before he leaves, he goes to your kiosk and switches your stool for his.
On Thursday morning, your shifts overlap. Seokjin sees you yawn passing his kiosk, mentioning to Brandi you did not sleep well the night prior. Ducking behind his counter, Seokjin does not make eye contact.
Still, he stops by Java Joe’s on his break and begs Taehyung for coffee.
Taking the long way back through the mall, Seokjin visits your kiosk. It is the first time he has tried talking to you since the Great Fountain debacle. As you come into view, Seokjin swallows and forces the words from his lips.
“Hey.” He comes to a stop at the register.
You freeze when you see him. “Um. Hi?”
Seokjin holds the coffee tray out like a shield. “I was at Java Joe’s and Taehyung brewed too much espresso. Lisa doesn’t drink it, so I was wondering if you wanted it?”
Your lips part, staring at him for a moment.
When you do not immediately respond, Seokjin starts to sweat. “You don’t have to take it,” he says quickly. “I can give it to someone else. It’s too much for me though, and you were on the way back from the shop…”
Trailing off, Seokjin wonders if this entire endeavor is foolish. The tray he is holding is full – four, small cups of espresso which cost an hour of pay. Of course, you do not need to know that. You only need to know that he thought of you.
“I – yeah,” you say slowly, reaching out for a cup. “Thanks, Seokjin.”
Seokjin blinks, since your response was almost cordial. Before he can get too excited about this, Brandi appears.
“Wow, thanks!” she enthuses, grabbing a cup. “That was so nice of you to do this.”
“Right.” Seokjin deflates just a little. It is not as if he does not want Brandi to have espresso, but he was hoping for a shared moment with you. “Just spreading the love – or caffeine, as it were. Anyways…” His laughter trails off, gaze darting to you. “Guess I have one more cup to distribute. Enjoy!”
He turns around too fast for you to respond.
Each step he takes, Seokjin half-expects to hear you call out behind him. If this were pre-Fountain Incident, you probably would have. An insult, or horrible pun – something to let Seokjin know you were watching him walk away, but now there is only silence.
This goes on for a week. Seokjin continues to do nice things for you, passing by in the hopes you will say hi. He holds his breath and hopes you will speak first, but it seems you are determined to continue icing him out.
Seokjin supposes he cannot blame you for this. It is not as though you were friends, after all.
He has almost accepted the idea that you will continue being strangers when one day, Seokjin looks up and finds you at the register.
All words instantly die in his throat.
If he thought he was in the process of getting over you, Seokjin was sorely mistaken. The days of silence have not lessened his want, but only intensified it. It makes him swallow, uncertain, which must be a first. Out of all his friends, Seokjin is not the one to call shy.
Tentatively, you smile and Seokjin realizes he still has not spoken.
“H-hi,” he stammers.
Your shoulders seem to relax at his nervousness. “Hi. Is this a bad time?”
“No,” Seokjin says, slamming his register shut. “Lisa is on break, but it’s been a slow afternoon.”
“Yeah,” you exhale. “Same. Guess we finally found those lulls you were on about.”
Seokjin chuckles under his breath. The space between you falls silent again.
“I, uh…” Twisting your hands before you, you seem unsure what to say. “I haven’t seen you around, lately.”
Seokjin’s heart stutters. “Oh. I guess.”
“That’s kind of my fault,” you say. Seokjin’s gaze drops to your hands, which continue to twist. He finds the gesture oddly endearing. “I was the one who told you to stay away.”
Arching a brow, Seokjin turns towards the register. He does not know what to say without being rude. Yes, seems like the most obvious answer, but that could be construed as impolite. Casually, he sneaks a peek sideways. You are right, though – this is partly your fault, also. Even if the other fault is his own.
“Yeah,” he agrees. “I don’t blame you for saying that, though.”
“You don’t?”
Curiosity laces your tone and Seokjin looks up, surprised to see a question mark in your gaze.
“Brandi told me Chad was fired,” you add.
Seokjin stills. “Yeah. He was.”
You pause, as though waiting for an explanation. When none comes, you narrow your eyes. “He was the one who messed with that drone, wasn’t he? Not you.”
“I – yeah, I guess so.”
Exasperation enters your gaze. “Well, why didn’t you tell me?”
“I did!” Seokjin protests. “I told you when we were chasing after the drone and you didn’t believe me!”
“Oh,” you say, wilting a bit. “Right.”
Seeing your face, Seokjin softens. “Look, it’s not a big deal.”
“Is it?” you ask in disbelief. “I yelled at you in front of the entire mall for something you didn’t do, and you’re saying its fine?”
Seokjin’s lips quirk. “Well, when you put it like that.”
When you roll your eyes at the ceiling, he laughs. Weirdly, it feels good to have you disparage him a little. It feels as though you are on even footing again.
“I mean, it’s not like we were friends,” Seokjin continues. “Why wouldn’t you think it was me?”
“Hm.” You blink, taken aback. “I guess you’re right.”
After another long moment, Seokjin adds, “We could try to be friends now, though. If you want.”
You bite down on your lip. “Are you giving me a formal offer, Seokjin? Should I sign on the dotted line somewhere?”
“I can make a contract if you want. All good peace treaties are in writing.”
“Is that what this is? A peace treaty?”
“Of a sort.” Seokjin raises a brow. “I can’t promise to stop kicking your ass in sales, though. I was born talented.”
“Or, maybe it’s Maybelline,” you shoot back. “I wouldn’t want you to stop, though. It’s been too quiet around here without you blasting Backstreet Boys.”
“Liked what you heard?”
“Who doesn’t like Backstreet Boys?”
“Wow.” Seokjin’s brow furrows. “I think that’s the first time you’ve ever agreed with me.”
“I know.” After a moment, you frown. “It’s oddly unsettling.”
Seokjin laughs – a short, surprised burst which makes you smile. “Well...” Trailing off, he finds himself unsure what more to say. “Is that why you came over?”
“Let’s see.” You lift a hand, ticking things off on your fingers. “Tell you I know you didn’t sabotage my job. Check. Ask to be friends? Check. Oh,” you add, as though only remembering. “There was something else I wanted to say.
Seokjin waits, holding his breath as you start to lean in.
Angelic, you smile. “I lied before,” you say. “We aren’t having a lull. See you around!”
Dropping a wink, you turn to walk across the food court. Seokjin watches you go, legs having effectively turned to jelly in your presence. It is unfair that you have this effect on him. Slowly, he lowers himself onto his stool. It would seem the two of you are friends now.
Dragging a hand through his hair, Seokjin wonders what he has gotten himself into.
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Over the next couple of weeks, Seokjin stops by your kiosk more often. He learns your usual morning coffee order – a grande iced Americano – and occasionally brings it along. You seem to have switched to the morning shift, he notices. Before, it was about fifty-fifty which time of the day you showed up.
At some point, Seokjin explains about his former job and current app development side projects. This turns into a running joke of him bouncing ideas off you.
“Okay,” you say, folding your hands across a wan food court table.
Seokjin takes a sip of his coffee. “Okay, what?”
“Okay, what’s today’s app idea?”
Seokjin snorts. It is 10:00 AM and neither of you must be at your shift yet but somehow, you both managed to arrive early.
“What about this?” Seokjin leans back in his chair. “Angry birds, but – instead of birds, its photos of friends that you upload yourself.”
“Hm. A Bachelorette fantasy league app?”
“Hard no.”
“Okay, so this one is a kid’s game.”
“Go on.”
“A kid’s game where you change the oil of your dad’s car as fast as you can.” 
You snort, nearly spilling your drink. “Seokjin! That’s a terrible app idea.” 
“Bonus points if you spill no oil on the driveway!”
He grins. “Yeah, Yoongi said it was bad, too. I don’t get it.”
“Please.” Shaking your head, your smile fades the longer you look at him. “I don’t believe any of those are your actual idea, though.”
“Huh?” Seokjin blinks. “What do you mean?”
“Those are just the ideas you tell people to make them laugh,” you observe. “It gets them off your back, so you don’t have to say your actual idea. You know, the one you really care about.”
Seokjin pauses, mouth suddenly dry. “I don’t know what you mean.”
You arch a brow. “I get it. That’s how I am with my writing. Freelance doesn’t exactly pay for dreams, does it? I tend to downplay my favorite ideas, so then if they don’t work out – hey, at least it wasn’t something I cared about. You know?”
Seokjin is not quite sure how to respond. In only a few sentences, you have looked inside him and summarized his thoughts. No one – not even Yoongi, whom Seokjin has known for years – is able to read him as well.
Inhaling gently, Seokjin leans back from the table. “Well,” he admits. “There is this one idea.”
Nodding, Seokjin considers where to begin. “Do you know what fair lending is?”
“Not really, no.”
“It’s the unbiased treatment of customers by banks.” Seokjin pauses and, when you do not seem bored with the topic, begins to speak freely. “It ensures financial institutions provide uniform services, regardless of bias.”
“Gotcha. So, it’s like equal opportunity but for banks?”
“Kind of, yeah.” Seokjin exhales. “Basically, I want to create a fair lending app. There is a lot out there to help with credit decisions and stuff, but I want to put it all in one place. I want to break down the ‘non-biased metrics’ banks use and warn people how there could be bias involved.”
Your frown. “What do you mean?”
“Take income, for example.” Seokjin grips his cup tighter. “The vast majority of people below the poverty line are minorities. So, if a bank has a hard and fast income requirement for a loan, they inadvertently discriminate. It’s why a variety of factors are mandated to assist in … what?” Seokjin blinks, seeing you staring. “What is it?”
Hiding a smile, you shake your head. “Nothing, it’s just a cool idea. I think you should do it.”
“But then who will make bachelorette fantasy app?” Seokjin jokes, ducking his head.
“Someone else.” You wait until he looks up. “Do the fair lending app.”
Seokjin finds he cannot think of another joke. “Alright,” he says slowly. “It’s a plan.”
You nod, sipping your coffee as silence falls in between you. It is unnerving, how easy it is for Seokjin to talk to you. With most people, it takes him a while to show his true colors but with you, he finds he cannot be anyone else.
Glancing at his watch, Seokjin realizes how late it is. “Shit,” he mutters, jumping out of his seat. “It’s nearly 10:30.”
You wince, standing as well. “Damn, do you have to open today?”
“Unfortunately so.” Seokjin grabs his coffee. “I’ll catch up with you later, okay, Y/N?”
“Okay,” you say, waving when he turns out of sight.
Seokjin does not hesitate to walk away. He curses himself the entire way to his kiosk because he is becoming much too comfortable with being your friend. Enough that he keeps catching himself thinking about more.
It is hard not to think about his hands wrapped around yours on your coffee cup. Hard not to imagine carpooling with you in his car to work. Seokjin tries to be on his best behavior but still, the fantasies worm their way in.
It is why he has created several rules of conduct around you. First and foremost is never stay for too long. The second Seokjin feels himself becoming attached, he leaves. Like now, for instance. Seokjin does not really have to be at the kiosk before eleven but the way you were looking at him made his heart beat out of his chest.
Self-preservation, he reminds himself.
The rules are working until Taehyung throws a party.
“Saturday night,” Taehyung grunts, slamming Seokjin’s coffee order on the counter.
Seokjin blinks, reaching up to take both cups. Lately, Taehyung has been in the worst kind of mood. This mostly seems to stem from his hot co-worker who will not take him seriously. All the guys in the mall gave him shit about it before, but the kid really does seem to like her. Which sucks, since Taehyung has a reputation and the pretty barista clearly has heard of it.
“The party is at your place?” asks Seokjin, glancing up at the counter.
Taehyung nods. Loud enough for his co-worker to hear, he adds, “The party will be at my place this weekend! Can’t wait to see you there, Seokjin!”
Seokjin snorts, shaking his head. “You’re whipped, man,” he whispers. Then, loud enough for the female barista to hear, he adds, “I’ll be there! In fact, everyone should come!”
The girl does not react, busy at the register and Seokjin shrugs.
Sorry man, he mouths to Taehyung before pushing open the door. Making his way through the mall, Seokjin walks past your kiosk – only to see you deep in conversation with another guy. Seokjin does not recognize him as your co-worker, but he does recognize him from the gym.
Occasionally, Jungkook talks to him before they work out. Seokjin never found the guy threatening before.
Seeing him now though, the oddest sensation unfurls in his stomach. He does not want you talking to this guy – the desire flashes through Seokjin’s mind faster than he can stop it. Before he can turn around and leave though, before Seokjin can separate himself from the situation, you look up and smile.
“Hey, Seokjin!”
“Hey, Y/N.” Plastering a smile on his face, Seokjin forces himself to walk towards your kiosk. “And you are…?” he asks, looking at the stranger.
The guy grins, unconcerned. “Hey, I’m Josh.”
“Cool.” Seokjin returns to looking at you. “Are you coming to Taehyung’s party this weekend, Y/N?”
Everyone at the mall knows who Taehyung is. He is a staple for anyone who drinks coffee – and chances are, if you have stopped by Java Joe’s in the past three days, you are invited.
Your eyes widen. “I was thinking about it.”
“Cool.” Seokjin casually leans an elbow against your kiosk. He forgets about the wheels though, and as a result, the entire thing starts to move. Frantically attempting to right this, Seokjin nearly spills his coffee in the process.
“Anyways…” he mutters, ears turning scarlet.
You clamp your lips tightly together. “So, you’re going to be there?”
Seokjin nods. He has no idea what he is doing. He has no idea what Josh is doing, since he has not said a word since introducing himself.
Glancing at him now, Seokjin is reminded of Chad. Not because the two look anything alike, but because they both have that air about them. That condescending, could-bench-press-you-in-seconds look. Seokjin bets that, at some point in the past ten days, Josh has worn a snapback.
You are standing close very close to him, though. Seokjin cannot ignore this fact.
“Cool.” Your gaze lingers on his. “Then, I guess I’ll see you there?”
Seokjin nods. “Guess so. We’ll see!”
He turns, walking away and overhears Josh ask you details about the party. Gritting his teeth, Seokjin uncurls his hands from their fists. You are not his to be jealous of, he reminds himself. He has no right to be angry if you decide to date someone else. But still, Seokjin’s mood remains sour for the rest of the day.
You do not visit at the end of your shift. If could be because you are genuinely busy. Or, it could be something else. Or, someone.
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Seokjin has the next two days off. He uses them to work on his fair lending app, getting a good bit of coding done in his apartment. Your voice plays in his mind as he works, telling him to go for what he wants.
Seokjin is tired of working at the Fidget Funk. He is tired of waking up every morning, going to a job he hates and feeling as though he is doing nothing with his life. What was supposed to be a temp job has stretched into months and Seokjin needs to act for anything about this to change.
There is only so long he can complain before doing something about it.
He wants to do what he loves; wants to do something he cares about – not this. Sometimes, making that decision is the hardest part.
The night of the party, Seokjin drives there with Yoongi. Yoongi, surprisingly agrees to come with little coercion. Usually, Seokjin needs to drag his taciturn roommate to social events. He was easily convinced tonight though, which results in Seokjin being more nervous than normal.
As they enter Taehyung’s apartment, he pauses on the threshold.
If he had your number, he would have texted to see if you were coming, but Seokjin does not and so, he could not. Wandering into the room, Seokjin winces when no one removes their shoes. Parties are always strangely barbaric in that regard.
Taehyung’s apartment with his roommate, Jimin, is much larger than his. Seokjin remembers Taehyung saying Jimin came from money but does not remember specifics. Jimin is a night nurse at NorthShore Medical center and often stops by Java Joe’s in the morning for coffee. Other than that, Seokjin does not know much about him.
Walking inside, Seokjin realizes Taehyung has downplayed Jimin’s wealth. There is no way they could afford this place on a nurse and barista salary. A bunch of people are outside – because there is an outside; a large balcony overlooking the city – chatting about nothing over the rims of their drinks.
Yoongi disappears as soon as they enter, heading off to god-knows-where. He leaves Seokjin alone, who shifts his weight about nervously. Glancing up, he spots Namjoon in the kitchen and hastily rushes towards him. Finally, a familiar face.
“Joon!” he calls out.
Namjoon waves, re-filling the cup in his hand. When Seokjin reaches his side, he hands another to Seokjin. “Hey,” Namjoon nods. “You just get here?”
“Yeah.” Seokjin scans the party again, red cup in one hand. “Is everything c –”
Cutting himself off mid-sentence, Seokjin stares when you walk into the room. Everything he wanted to say falls from his brain to the floor. It is not unlike that one scene in She’s All That, when Laney comes down the stairs and Freddie Prinze Jr. loses his mind. Seokjin cannot think, looking at you.
A red cup is in your hand, matching the red gloss on your lips and god, Seokjin cannot stop thinking about kissing it off.
He swallows, hard – and then notices the guy at your side.
You laugh, turning sideways to Josh. Because that is who it is, of course – the same muscle- bound jock you were talking to at the drone kiosk earlier.
Jungkook appears as well, clapping Josh on the shoulder. Seokjin scowls, swallowing a larger sip of his drink than intended. First, this guy tries to steal his girl and now, his best friend. Eyes widening, Seokjin straightens. Shit, you are not his girl. He needs to stop thinking that way.
Seokjin realizes Namjoon is staring at him. “Uh, yeah?”
“You trailed off in the middle of a sentence and have been hard-core staring at that girl ever since. Is – oh!” Namjoon’s eyes light up. “That’s her, isn’t it?”
“That’s who?” Seokjin hastily swallows his drink.
“The girl! Fountain girl!” Namjoon shoves him. “The one you’re head over heels for!”
“Okay, fountain girl is a horrible way of describing her. And yeah, maybe that’s – shit, shut up,” Seokjin hisses. “She’s coming this way.”
Namjoon snorts into his drink. You are, indeed, waking towards them but Josh is no longer beside you. Craning his neck, Seokjin looks over your shoulder but does not see the guy anywhere.
“Hey.” You come to a stop right before them, glancing at Namjoon. “Namjoon, right?”
Namjoon sticks out a hand. “Yep. Y/N?”
You take this, stifling a smile as you shake. “Yeah.”
“And, of course, you know Seokjin.” Namjoon grins at Seokjin’s flustered expression.
“Uh-huh,” you say, offering him a tentative smile. “We go way back.”
Feeling somewhat nauseous, Seokjin takes another sip of his drink. “Y/N and I are friends.”
A flash of something – uncertainty? Annoyance? – crosses your features. “Right,” you say carefully. “Friends.”
Your expression remains stubborn though, and Seokjin wonders if he has done something wrong. Changing the subject, he glances around the apartment. “Have you been here before, Y/N?”
“No,” you confess. “But damn – which roommate won the lottery?”
Seokjin grins. “I know, right? I can show you around if you want.”
You blink, taken aback by his offer and Seokjin wonders if that was too forward. Well, fuck it – he is not getting anywhere by being subtle.
“Yeah,” you say, recovering yourself. “I’d like that.”
Pushing himself off the counter, Seokjin says goodbye to Namjoon and plunges into the party. He continues to look for hot gym guy, Josh, but does not see him anywhere. It is unlikely you came here together, but not impossible. Perhaps the two of you are dating. Perhaps you like him and want to date him in the future.
Seokjin is so busy running through what-if scenarios, he does not notice you looking at him.
“Right, so Taehyung and Jimin’s rooms are that way.” Seokjin leads through the crowd. “Aka, that hall is off limits. This is the living area and well, you already saw the balcony.” Steps faltering, Seokjin looks sideways at you. “Did you see the balcony?”
You shake your head. “Nope.”
“Scared of heights?”
“Not really, no.”
“Well, then you’re lucky.” Seokjin mutters, pushing open the sliding glass door. “Luck you never met that dick, Jared Karinsky.”
Laughing, you follow him out on the balcony. There are only a few other people outside and, once the door slides shut, it feels as though you are trapped in another world.
“Who’s Jared Karinksy?”
Glowering, Seokjin takes a sip of his drink. “Some dick who knew I didn’t like heights, but still brought me to the top of the jungle gym. Then, he left me there. It took two hours for my brother to find me and get me back down.”
Laughing, you lean against the railing. “I take it that didn’t help?”
“It did not,” says Seokjin. “If anything, my fear was worse after.”
You grin, draining the rest of your cup as the wind ruffles your hair. It makes Seokjin’s heart ache a bit to look at.
“Well, I have to say –”
The glass door slides open, interrupting whatever you were about to say. Josh’s head pops out. “Y/N!” he grins. “I was looking for you.”
You slowly turn towards the interruption. “I... oh. Hey, Josh.”
“Are you busy?” Josh glances between you and Seokjin.
Rubbing the back of his neck, Seokjin feels oddly foolish. It seems obvious now, that you came here with Josh. You must have been making a beeline for drinks when you ran into Seokjin in the kitchen. Seokjin assumed, then. He thought you were free. When he grabbed you, he was yanking you away from the guy you really wanted to be with.
“Not busy.” Seokjin drains the rest of his cup. “Not busy at all. Have fun,” he mutters, brushing your shoulder as he moves towards the door.
When he leaves, Seokjin does not look back and so, he does not see your lips part. He does not watch you stare after him with equal parts frustration and anger. All Seokjin sees is the kitchen before him, full of alcohol for him to consume. Alcohol he will need to get through the rest of this party.
He is almost to the kitchen when a hand grips his arm, yanking him around. “What the fuck was that?” you say, brows furrowed.
Seokjin stares at you, alarmed you are in such close proximity. “I – huh? What the fuck was what?”
You scowl, leaning in and Seokjin leans back. “That!” you demand, waving vaguely at the balcony. “Why did you run away?”
“Run away?” Seokjin’s gaze darts towards the offending location. “I thought you wanted to talk to that guy?”
“Why would you think that?” you ask, brows furrowing further.
“I…” Seokjin finds himself at a loss. “I don’t know. Didn’t you come here with him?”
“With Josh?” You wrinkle your nose. “You mean – my cousin, Josh?”
You nod, looking at him incredulously. “You thought I wanted to talk to my cousin, Josh, as opposed to you?”
A lightbulb clicks in Seokjin’s mind. “I – he’s your cousin?”
“Yes, he’s my cousin.” Scowling, you take a step closer. “But even if he weren’t, why would you just leave like that? We were in the middle of a conversation!”
“I don’t know!” he blurts, gaze narrowing at your tone.
Out of the two of you, Seokjin is the one with the right to be angry. You are the one looking so damn good tonight and currently yelling at him for something he does not understand.
Vaguely aware they should not have this argument in the middle of Taehyung and Jimin’s kitchen, Seokjin grabs your wrist and tugs you into the hall. The forbidden one, next to the bedrooms. Realizing this, Seokjin keeps going and decides to beg forgiveness later.
Dropping your arm, he whirls around to find you mere inches away.
“Why didn’t you ask me to stay?” he accuses, pointing a finger. “For that matter – why didn’t you ask if I was going to the party tonight? If my presence is so important to you.”
Glaring at him, you bat his finger away. “You asked me first! Besides, I thought it was obvious I wanted you here. You know… because of the… and…”
“Because of the what?”
Somehow, you have gotten very close to Seokjin. The tips of your toes are just brushing his. Electricity crackles between you, making Seokjin’s heartbeat oddly erratic.
Glowering, your gaze darts to his lips. “Oh – seriously? Shut up and kiss me, you ass!”
Grabbing your face, Seokjin does just that. His lips crash into yours, the kiss muffled and urgent as he backs you to the wall. You groan, hands fisting in the back of his t-shirt. Seokjin cannot think beyond his hand resting on your jaw, then sliding into your hair, then moving down to your ass.
He cups you against him, head reeling from the sudden warmth of your mouth, your body and the urgency of your touch. Seokjin has never wanted someone so badly. Each brush of your lips leaves him wanting more, an endless desire alight in his veins.
Your mouth opens, tongue flicking with his as Seokjin’s heart nearly explodes. He cannot breathe – each breath mingles with yours, leaving him dizzy and parched.
“Fuck,” he groans, breaking away to lean his arm to the wall.
You stare up at him, breathless and confused. Your chest continues to rise and fall, lips swollen from the wanton press of his mouth. Seokjin cannot look away.
“I…” He exhales, glancing towards the living room. “Do you wanna get out of here?”
You nod so fast, you nearly hit your head on his chin. “Yes.”
“Okay.” Seokjin reaches down, grabbing your hand. “You good with my place? It’s only a few minutes drive.”
“Yeah,” you answer, following him down the hall. “Roommate?”
“Here. At the party.”
Dragging you into the foyer, Seokjin digs his phone from his pocket. Letting go of your fingers, he shoots a text off to Yoongi, telling him not to come home. He can face the consequences of that later. Shoving his phone in his pocket, Seokjin opens the door.
“Do you have a coat?” he asks, looking at you.
“Nope. You?”
“Nope.” Seokjin shuts the door to the hall and the noise of the party fades. “This way?”
“Sounds good.”
When you move to walk past, Seokjin grabs your hand – he cannot help himself. Pushing you against the wall, he relishes your muffled exclamation of surprise and kisses you fiercely. Thoroughly. The way he has wanted to for so long.
Hands sliding into your hair, Seokjin feels you arch against him. Your hand is on his hip, pulling him closer and Seokjin cannot stop thinking about your hand on other places.
When he finally breaks away, you stare at his lips. “That’s…” You swallow, voice sounding strangled. “Fuck.”
Seokjin grins. “Come on.”
Grabbing you again, he pulls you into the elevator. The entire way down, the air between you is electric. Seokjin shifts his weight and you follow suit. Raising a hand, you rub the back of your neck. Seokjin’s skin prickles when he sees.
When the door dings, opening into the lobby, you suddenly come to life. Newly determined, your hand wraps around his and pulls Seokjin outside. He practically throws his keys at the valet, wondering how on earth he is going to survive the drive home without touching you. Thank god he only had that one drink tonight. It would have been torture to be so close to fucking you and then not.
Startled by the thought, Seokjin realizes the truth of the matter. He is going to see you naked. Whirling to face you, Seokjin blurts, “This isn’t some random thing. You know that, right?”
Surprised, you glance at him. “I – what?”
“This.” Seokjin steps closer and his peripheral, sees the valet hop out of his car. “I really like you, Y/N.”
Staring up at him, you blink. “You do?”
“Of course, I do! You thought I didn’t?”
“I thought you hated me.”
“Of course, not!” Grabbing his keys from the valet, Seokjin opens the passenger door. He waits until you sit before crossing to the driver’s side. “Why would you think that?” he asks, sliding into the seat.
You stare at him incredulously. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“What?” Seokjin pulls out of the driveway. “I’ve liked you for so long! I just didn’t know how to tell you.”
“Uh! Could’ve fooled me.”
“Are you serious? I was such an idiot in front of you! What other explanation is there?”
“That you’re an idiot!” you answer, scowling. “Are you seriously saying that was your idea of flirting?”
“I mean… well, no, but…”
You snort, facing forward. “You’re so bad at this.”
“At what?”
“This!” you insist, gesturing between you.
“Oh, come on! Like you’re Juliet, or something.”
“Juliet! Of Romeo and Juliet!”
“They… Seokjin, they died in the end!” you say incredulously.
“Well, what do I know?” Seokjin makes a sharp right, pulling into his parking lot. “I never finished reading that play, actually – fell asleep a third of the way in. What I’m trying to say is that you’re also shit at this.”
“Oh, really?”
“You said you never wanted to speak to me again,” Seokjin reminds, throwing the car into park.
Hastily, you unbuckle your seatbelt. “I apologized for that.”
“You were the one who said you wanted to be friends!” Seokjin shoves open his door and exits the vehicle.
You exit as well, slamming the door shut. “Well, it seemed like the next logical step!”
“No.” Seokjin strides forward. Caging you against the car, he growls, “The next logical step would’ve been admitting you liked me, too.”
“Too?” You blink, stuck on the word. “So, you admit you like me?”
“Never said I didn’t.”
These last words are muttered against your lips, Seokjin cutting off further retorts with a kiss.
Arching upwards, your hands twine around his neck. Seokjin’s mind stutters, unsure what to think. His brain is a vague mess of swear words and exclamation points when his lips move against yours. It is hard to grasp the fact that you are here, with him and wanting him the same way he wants you.
Breaking apart, Seokjin rests his forehead to yours. “Okay,” he manages. “I know you said you wanted to leave with me. I know you got in my car and drove all the way here. But – because I want to be sure – do you want to come in?”
Breathlessly, you laugh. “Yes.”
“Okay.” Withdrawing, Seokjin takes your hand. “Then, let’s go.”
Climbing the outdoor stairs to reach his apartment, Seokjin pulls the keys from his pocket so he is prepared to enter. He does not check his phone, certain Yoongi has texted him multiple epithets about where he can stick his ass.
Bracing his hip against his door, Seokjin jiggles the key to shove it open. Once you are both inside, Seokjin half-expects you to wrinkle your nose. It is not as if his and Yoongi’s apartment can ever compete with Jimin and Taehyung’s.
You do none of this, though. Stepping inside, you place your purse on the counter and glance around curiously. “You live with that guy from the food court, right?” you ask, turning around. “Yoongi?”
Stepping forward, Seokjin crushes his mouth to yours.
You inhale, the noise caught by his lips when your hands slide up his back. One of your legs curls around his, rubbing your core against the meat of his thigh. Seokjin’s head spins, gripping your ass to push you against the counter. You make a muffled noise, gasping when Seokjin hardens into your crotch.
It is embarrassing how ready he is for you. All it took where a few whispered words about how badly you want him and here he is, rock-hard and on edge. Admittedly, the noises you make are not helping.
“Shit,” Seokjin breathes, kissing down the slope of your neck.
You arch your throat, allowing more access. Your skin tastes of berries and something else – probably a perfume Seokjin does not know the name of. The warm press of your core to his leg leaves Seokjin reeling.
“My room?” he gasps, hand dragging up your side.
Frantic, you nod. “Yes.”
Bending, Seokjin grips your legs and lifts you against him. He stumbles towards his bedroom, realizing too late you are heavier than he thought. Maybe Jungkook was right about adding weight to his reps. Kissing you again, Seokjin staggers into his bedroom and drops you on the bed.
Laughing, you grab your top to yank overhead. There is some skepticism to your gaze, as though you expected him to fall short in carrying you. Seokjin’s ego flames in response. Growling lowly, he rips off his shirt and descends on the bed. Parting your legs, he presses a kiss to your thigh.
“Take off your jeans.” Seokjin looks up.
You blink. “What?”
“I wanna eat you out.” Seokjin cocks a brow. “Or, is that too much?”
“No,” you glower, undoing your buttons. “Go for it.”
As you shimmy your jeans down your legs, Seokjin’s mouth dries at the sight of your panties. He did not imagine them to be lace. He did not imagine them to be quite as revealing as they are. Slowly, Seokjin reaches out to peel these aside. You inhale, arching on the bed. Seeing your pussy like that, laid out before him, he can hardly breathe.
You are wet for him. Theoretically, this makes sense, but Seokjin did not think he could make you wet. Did not think he would ever see you as drenched as you are, the lace in the middle much damper than the rest. Pressing another kiss to your knee, Seokjin inhales and makes his way higher.
Flicking your clit with his tongue, he teases at more. You mewl, curling inwards and Seokjin pushes your legs down. He sucks the length of your folds, getting you good and wet before he returns to your sex. You arch again, pussy clenching even through there is nothing inside you.
Smirking, Seokjin takes pleasure in this fact. Your folds are glistening, ready even though has not touched you yet. He has not even pushed a finger inside that tight, wet cunt of yours. Lowering his head, Seokjin’s tongue curls over your clit. He turns needy, licking until your hands fist in the sheets on either side of your body.
“Seokjin,” you groan. “Please.”
“Please what?”
Seokjin leisurely sucks on your clit, pulling it between his lips. His other hand drifts to your cunt, tracing in circles.
You moan beneath him on the bed, arching to try and push him inside. Seokjin memorizes the visual – the black lace of your bra barely hiding your nipples, hair splayed on his comforter with his hands on your thighs.
“I need more.”
“Yeah?” Seokjin lazily traces your pussy. “Want me to finger you?’
“Fuck, yes.”
“Mm.” Seokjin sucks your clit until you cry out from pleasure. Releasing you gently, he sits back on his heels to rub with his fingers. “I could probably make you come like this, though.”
Reaching underneath your body, you unhook your bra. Seokjin stares in awe at your chest, bared before him. “Probably,” you agree. “But wouldn’t it be more fun to come inside me?”
Seokjin’s teeth grit, the words going straight to his cock. Already, it pulses against the tight fit of his jeans – when he feels how wet you are, Seokjin cannot stop imagining himself inside you. Grabbing your wrist, he brings your hand to his crotch.
You inhale when you feel how hard he is. “You’re so… big,” you murmur. “Will you even fit?’
Seokjin smirks, bending until his lips cover yours. “Not yet,” he agrees, spreading your legs with one hand. Stroking your center, he wets himself with your arousal. “That’s why I gotta stretch you out first. Get you ready for this dick.”
“O-h,” you gasp, mouth a perfect o as Seokjin’s finger pushes inside.
It is a tight stretch. Seokjin feels a bit light-headed, imagining something so tight and wet wrapped around him. Withdrawing, he pushes a finger inside you again. Rolling your hips, you force Seokjin deeper and he clicks his tongue, hand grabbing your waist.
“You don’t get to be in control,” he instructs, finger sliding back out. Adding another one, he slowly fucks you again. “You just have to lie there and take it.”
“Good,” you breathe, two of his fingers inside you. “Finally. I’ve been wanting you to yank my panties down and fuck me for weeks now.”
Seokjin’s jaw clenches – shaking his head, he is certain he must have misheard. “What?”
A smile curls your lips. “You heard me,” you say sweetly, pussy squelching as Seokjin’s fingers slide in and out. “You’re so hot when you’re mad. Why do you think I teased you so much? Wanted your dick in my mouth to shut me up.”
Heat blazes through Seokjin’s veins. He has never been this turned on in his life – hearing such sinful things from your angelic lips. Sitting back on his heels, Seokjin frantically undoes his jeans.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he mutters, pushing them past his ass.
Yanking out his cock, Seokjin wraps a hand around his girth. He rubs himself roughly, ignoring the pre-cum dripping from his reddened tip. Already, he is steeling himself to not come inside you. Pushing yourself up on your elbows, you watch him touching himself, lips parted in awe. Seokjin stares back, realizing you are as tuned on by him as he is by you.
Your gaze darts to his face. “Condom?” you ask, voice unsteady. “I don’t think I’ll last long once you’re inside me.”
Nodding, Seokjin grabs one from his drawer. Ripping open the packet, he rolls this on. Lowering an arm to the bed, Seokjin positions his cock at your core. As badly as he wants to be inside you, there is something so tantalizing about teasing. Spreading your legs, Seokjin rubs his cock to your clit and watches you twitch in response.
“Seokjin,” you groan, arms sliding around his neck.
“Need you to fuck me so good,” you whine.
“Yeah?” Cock at your entrance, Seokjin slowly pushes inside. “Like that?”
“Mhmm.” You nod, breath hitching slightly. “Like that.”
“There?” Seokjin pushes in a bit more, moaning when your walls flutter around him.
You are squeezing him so fucking tight, Seokjin wonders how much more you can take. He is aware of the fact he is big. It would not be the first time a girl could not take him; would not be the first time he gave up and ate the girl out until she came.
“No!” Eyes flying open, you grab Seokjin’s wrist when he starts to withdraw. Lips parted, you stare at him in a daze. “Please keep going,” you beg. “Don’t wanna stop.”
Seokjin arches a brow. “You sure? Sure it feels good?”
“Good?” You stare at him with a fucked-out expression. “Oh my god.” Wrapping both legs around his waist, you push Seokjin in deeper. “You’re stretching me so good, baby. Can’t wait until you’re pounding this pussy.”
“Fuck,” Seokjin hisses, gaze darkening. “I think I somehow got harder.”
“I know,” you laugh, somewhat dreamily. “Felt your cock twitch inside me. So fucking hot.”
Seokjin continues to ease inside you, inch by inch until your eyes start to water. Biting down on your lip, you urge him on and before long, Seokjin bottoms out. He stops there, panting at the feeling of being so deep inside you. Glancing down, Seokjin sees your pussy split by his cock and cannot contain himself any longer. He slowly pulls out.
“What…” Grasping for his ass, you panic a bit. “Seokjin, don’t –”
Grabbing your knee, he slams back inside you. The two of you groan at the same time. Him, because he has never felt anything as tight and wet as your cunt and you because his dick is so large, your body is trembling.
“God.” You fall back on the bed, chest bouncing. “I fucking knew you were big. There was no other way you could be so annoying.”
Seokjin withdraws, reliving the sweet sensation of thrusting his cock in your tight pussy. You are so warm and so wet – now that you have been stretched, you mold easily to him.
“Fuck,” you gasp, lifting your hips to his.
Seokjin toys with you. Slowly sliding in and out, he brings his thumb to your clit and starts rubbing. “You thought I was annoying, huh?” he breathes, lips hot in your ear.
Nodding, your hands fist in the sheets. “Still do.”
Chuckling, Seokjin captures your lobe with his teeth. His hips roll against you, pressing you into the mattress. “Mm. Know what I think?”
“You talk too much. Flip over.”
Your eyes widen. “W-what?”
“Thought you wanted me to shut you up?” Seokjin presses a sweet kiss to your mouth. “Now, flip over, so I can fuck you senseless.”
Withdrawing, he ignores every inch of him which screams to stay put. It is worth it though, when you finally flip onto your stomach and stick your ass in the air.
Inhaling, Seokjin runs a hand up your drenched pussy. Your lips are swollen, messy with slick from him eating you out. Lifting himself onto his knees, Seokjin grabs his dick and pushes against your center. Slapping your clit a few times, he hisses when he feels you tremble beneath him. Hands soft on your hips, he slides into your cunt.
“Ah!” you gasp, head thrown back from the motion.
Wrapping your hair around his wrist, Seokjin thrusts into you again. He can feel every inch of your cunt, feel the tight squeeze of your walls on his cock. God, you are driving him crazy. Thrusting harder, Seokjin cannot separate the sensations before him.
Your ass pushing back on him, the way your moans fall from your lips. The tight wetness of your heat, his cock disappearing in and out. Leaning down, Seokjin slides an arm around your ribcage and pulls you against him.
He continues to fuck you like that, cock entering your body at a punishing speed. You feel so good pressed against him, nipples hard as they peek through his palms. Seokjin’s lips find your neck, sucking a hickey into your skin.
“Fuck,” you groan, walls tightening around him. Your bodies bang together, his cock fucking you open in a way which barely seems decent. “Fuck – Seokjin – yes! Oh my god, yes.’
“Yeah?” His grip tightens around you. “You about to come on my dick, baby?”
“Yes!” you gasp. He is basically holding you up at this point, fucking you senseless. “Oh – oh! I thought… you – mmph – wanted! Me – fuck! Quiet!”
Chuckling, Seokjin slides a hand between your legs. Finding your clit, he begins to rub with his fingers. “Changed my mind,” he grunts. “Wanna hear you scream my name so loud, you wake all my neighbors.”
Your legs start to shake, trembling with your impending orgasm and Seokjin is not doing much better. The only thing holding him back is the intense desire to feel you come wrapped around him.
“C’mon,” he groans, angling his hips even deeper. “Wanna feel this tight, little pussy come on my cock. Can you do that, baby? Can you?”
“Yes,” you gasp and then you are coming undone.
Seokjin groans, biting your shoulder when your pussy clamps down. Your orgasm is so intense, Seokjin is surprised he can keep you against him. Pushed over the edge, Seokjin shudders when he lets go and releases into the condom. It goes on for so long, his cock aching as you take every last bit of him.
Slowly, his hand falls and strokes down your side. Lips brushing your neck, Seokjin exhales and gently withdraws. Everything is over-sensitive, each inch of his body buzzing with satisfaction. Tying the condom into a knot, Seokjin tosses this in the garbage and sees you roll out of bed.
His stomach twists. “Where are you going?” he blurts, wincing at how needy he sounds.
It is only – you look so fucking beautiful. Hair messy and lips swollen, traces of arousal lingering on the inside of your thighs. You smile at him, as if sensing his nervousness.
“Where’s your bathroom?” you ask, sheepish.
Seokjin exhales, relief coursing through him. He points to the left. “Over there,” he says, collapsing on top of the sheets. His dick is limp, soft in his lap, but looking at you, Seokjin is already thinking about more. “Want me to show you?”
“That’s alright,” you laugh, turning around. “I think I can make it to the closet alone.”
Grinning, Seokjin falls back again. “Come back soon.”
Glancing at him over your shoulder, you sneak another peek before disappearing.
Seokjin stares at his ceiling for a moment before he remembers his roommate. Wincing, he reaches down to fish his phone from his jeans. Unsurprisingly, there are several missed texts from Yoongi.
Yoongi: k lol [11:01 PM]
Yoongi doesn’t matter won’t be sleeping anyways [11:01 PM]
Yoongi: too busy eating dessert ; ) [11:01 PM]
Groaning, Seokjin plugs his phone into his charger. He guesses this means Yoongi found someone else to hook up with. Rolling over in bed, Seokjin starts when you open the door.
“Hey.” You smile, almost embarrassed. Walking towards him, you bend to scoop your underwear from the ground.
“Whoa!” Seokjin blurts, grabbing your wrist. He pulls you into the bed before you can get dressed. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“Putting on clothes,” you laugh, curling into his side. “Clearly, I was wrong.”
“Mhm.” Seokjin’s nose nuzzles your hair. He is not sure why, but something about this feels right. Having your limbs entwined in his, your hand resting soft on his chest. He feels warm, satisfied by the thought of being near you.
Sleepily, you smile. “I’m not allowed to get dressed tonight, is that it?”
“Nope,” he agrees, heart soaring the longer he looks at you. “Something that good needs repeating.”
Laughing a little, you curl tighter around him. “Does that mean you want to repeat it?” you ask, uncertainty to your voice.
Sliding two fingers under your chin, Seokjin tilts your head up. “Yeah,” he says, quiet. “I can’t think of anything I want more, to be honest.”
“I – same.”
Laying your head on his chest, you are quiet for a moment as Seokjin basks in the silence. Then, he exhales and adds, “I mean, aside from trouncing your sales targets, of course. I always want to do that.”
You snort, shoving his side. Seokjin pulls you in closer, grinning widely. It is a lie, of course – right now, there is nothing he wants more than to be with you.
© kpopfanfictrash, 2019. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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ownworldresident · 5 years
I TRIPLE dog dare you to write a story that uses the sentence "Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo."
OKAY *rubs hands together* let’s do this…
I leant back dangerously far in my chair to peerdown the wide hallway. We just put in massive pot plant next to the door at theend and it looked ‘grown up’y so we were pretty stoked. Charlie joked that weshould get the smokable kind. Would’ve been hilarious if it hadn’t been infront of the freaking store manager where we bought the bloody thing. It wasgreen though, and he had already taken to hiding small toys in it. With eerieglowing eyes. Dickhead. My mate’s door was open, so he wasn’t entertaining and,taking off my headphones, I heard him swearing.
“Hey, Charlie?” I called, starting and leaningforward again as the dining chair legs threatened to give way, “woah!” tumbledout of mouth as I gripped the table. Nothing echoed down the hall. “Charlie.”I called again. Nothing, “fucking… hey, CHARLIE!!”
“Jesus christ calm down Mike.” his head pokedaround the doorframe, dark locks hanging unkempt across his face. “What d’youwant? I’m busy.” I stifled a laugh.
“Bullshit.” I put the lid back on my pen and grippedthe dining table again to lean back further. “You’re just shouting at Rennie.They aren’t gonna back down just move onto something else.” he rolled his eyes,head still floating in the doorway like some omniscient being, then grinned.
“Gotta have something to keep busy with. What thefuck are you there doing anyway? My turn to use the kitchen.” I groanedpointedly.
“That system is shit Li you never even use thekitchen.”
“Sure I do.”
“Getting a can of beans from the cupboard doesn’tcount.” I glanced back at the paper in front of me. “I need a hand.” for amoment he just stared at me, then a sly smirk settled on his features and therest of his body appeared.
“Is that so?” I recoiled and squeezed my eyes shut.
“Fucking hell! Put some fucking clothes on,fuckface.” I heard him snigger and peered through my fingers to see he wasgone. “You’re such an asshole.”
“You saw it first!” came the reply from hisbedroom. I shook my head.
“Yeah I can never UNsee that, thanks mate.”
Barely a minute later I heard him come around andstayed staring at the page in front of me. When Charlie’s hands rested on myshoulders I tensed and grit my teeth.
“You better be wearing something, or I swear togod…”
“Relax!” he lifted his foot onto the edge of thetable. “See?”
“Shit Charlie are they my fucking jeans?” I turnedaround to see that the jeans were literally all he wore. He shrugged.
“No.” they definitely were. I narrowed my eyes.
“Okay yeah they were but Angelo pissed onthem so I figured you wouldn’t want them back.”
“Angelo is an asshole you need to actually trainhim.”
“He’s a wild jungle animal, you can’t ‘train him. He’s a free spirit.” Charlie was way too protective of thatanimal.
“You mean you can’t be fucked training him.”
“Look we can argue about it all day, but I need toget back to Rennie, she still thinks it’s-”
“Weird that she’s not the fucking prime minister Iknow. Let her have it. Move on. Rock up at her election campaign for the free piss.” Charlie snorted and I turned back to the table, shaking my head. “Look atthis.” I lifted the paper so he could see it. Charlie groaned.
“Jesus fucking christ on a trike. How can you possiblyneed help with that? You passed preschool, right?”
“If by preschool you mean a fucking doctorate thenyeah. I did. Answer the question.”
“I give up.”
I put the picture down and rested my head in myhands, rubbing my eyes and sighing exaggeratedly.
“So you’ve never seen one of those before.”
“Nope.” I froze when I felt his hands on myshoulders again. They started rubbing circles along my shoulder blades.
“What the fuck nugget are you doing.” my fistsclenched, still pressed against my eyes. We had talked about this. Severaltimes.
“You are way too tense my dude. Relax! Thenyour brain can focus, and you’ll figure it out.” He patted my shouldersharder than necessary and ruffled my hair but at least he had stopped the‘massage’ and I could relax.
“Wait…” I clapped a hand to my foreheadand groaned. “Fuck, Charlie, can’t fucking believe I couldn’t seeit.”
“Looked at your bloody phone didn’t you? Jesusfucking christ you’re thick. Next time you write 'MD’ on your door I’m shovingthe sign in DC, got it?”
“Last time you did that some random chickstuck her hand in and grabbed it, and why the fuck did you name thatplant?” I looked up to see him shrug, having sauntered back to the kitchento grab my yoghurt and now leaning back against the counter. Fucking scavenger.
“It needs a name! If we can’t call it smokoit’s gonna be DC. That can stand for a lot of things.”
“Surprised you even know what an acronym is,asshole…” I mumbled, throwing the pen across the room.
“Alright calm the fuck nugget down.” Charlieglanced at the pen as it hit the window and landed on the cat tower, then backat me. “What did you say?”
“I said asshole. And this is a–” ifroze, head spinning to the window beside the fridge as the aforementionedasshole’s did the same.
“D'you hear that?” He whispered, comingover to stand beside me. I stood fast, heart racing and chair crashing behindme. “Fuck! Watch it–”
“Shut up.” I hissed, then watched thewindow again. The Star Wars mug left on it rattled across and fell, smashing onthe lino.
“Ah jesus, Rennie’s gonna kill–”
“Shut up!“ I glared at him and he lifted thehand that wasn’t holding my favourite yoghurt. The ground shook. Both of uswatched as the lamp on the coffee table rocked to the edge and smashed onwooden floor. Charlie swore, then silenced. Somewhere outside there wasrumbling. I glanced at my roommate, who’s eyes were wide with terror, andswallowed hard.
“What the fuck is out there…” Charlie mumbled, andI barely heard him over what sounded like a mosh pit stamping their feet at therequest of the band. He could almost smell the piss and the sweat from the lasttime he’d been in one…
“I have no fucking clue…” I mumbled in return,knowing he wouldn’t hear me. I couldn’t hear myself.
The rumbling got louder. And louder. Whatever itwas was gonna fuck up our living room just by the volume.
“End of the world?” called Charlie, and I couldn’tbring myself to disagree, watching the window with difficulty.
A horn sounded, or an animal, or something. Therumbling got louder, like rolling thunder almost on top of you. This was it.This was the end.
The living room wall imploded.
Through it came the same animal I had justidentified. Which was fucking impossible. Through one end, crushing the cattower, and through the other end, flattening the already flat tv.
“Holy fucking shit, are you seeing this!?” Charlieyelled my thoughts, I nodded, not tearing my eyes from the beasts crashingthrough one side of the living room and through the other.
“What is that?” I turned to him.
“You don’t fucking know!??” I yelled,incredulous. The sound was deafening.
“Of course I fucking don’t!!”
“It’s a-” they kept coming, and I had to shout toreach him.
“A buffalo!”
“Buffalo! Buffalo!!”
Recognition dawned on Charlie’s idiotic face as thelast came through and I heard my heart racing again. And there, riding on theback of it, hissing, lying low and looking more at ease than when Charlie triedto hug him…
“Jesus fucking - ANGELO!”
That was an interesting ask :D 
Tag List (mostly from discord): @dc-writes @angelolytle @tawny-lion-writing@annieslibrary @b-works-074 @bookenders @caz-writes@imaghostwriter@leicawri @collapsedkaleidoscope@katonahottinroof @pen-in-hand @srjacksin @minusfractions@candy687 @1-2-butter-my-shoe@quilloftheclouds @mvcreates@marlettwrites  @txintedsxint  @hopefulmoonobject @mfackenthal  @muggle-the-hat  @whynotwriting  @xpouii @ofinscriptions 
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thegravecartel · 6 years
((Alright, this ooc post will be under the cut since there’s actually quite a lot to read.  It’s basically a recap on what’s been going on irl for the past few months since the crisis is finally over, and hopefully it’s actually the end of it.))
((So, from October to after December, three other roommates and I have had to deal with a now ex-roommate that was an absolute dickhead.  That asshole was thirty-years-old, and acted like a goddamn man-child after he broke up with his girlfriend during the first few weeks he lived in the apartment five of us share.  We didn’t see any warning signs before that happened, but it eventually spiraled out of control.  During the Thanksgiving holiday, everyone was supposed to be out of town to see family because it was established among all of us that that had been the plan.
Saturday, after Black Friday, I get a text from his mother saying that she was concerned for the cat he had living with him at the time because he was in the hospital for some unknown reason.  I tell her what he told me- which was that a friend was supposed to take care of his cat while he was gone, but to my shock, he never left town for Thanksgiving.  On that very same day, one of my roommates who also has a cat living with her, sent me texts on what she came home to when she got back from Thanksgiving.  The common area (living room and kitchen) was completely trashed and looked like a hoarder’s nest.  Food from the freezer (that belonged to various roommates because we all have to share one fridge) had been strewn out on the counter and was left there to rot; the ex-roommate’s furniture was cluttering the whole living room space; all of the lights were on along with the ceiling fan; the window screens of the living room had been torn out of their frames; beer cans and dirty dishes flooded the two sinks; and the ex-roommate’s cat was starved, scared, and parched from being locked out of his room where her litter box was.
On top of that, the smoke detectors had been torn out from the ceiling.  When I got back from holiday, I immediately fed the cat and gave it water.  I tried cleaning up the common area, but ended breaking into hysterics when I tried to start cleaning up the mess by myself, so I ended up calling on my parents to help me.  Thankfully, the roommate who returned first helped me clean up the common area and get the loose cat back into the ex-roommate’s unit.  
Now, what he told us when he tried to explain the story, was that the fire alarms went off and he freaked out.  He admitted to breaking the window screens because he was trying to escape the apartment (even though we all know that he could have just used the front door, we literally live across the street from the fire department station, and we live on the first floor), but the police arrested him when he broke out.  This ended with the police taking him into custody, and incapacitating him with ketamine.  With that in mind, he made it seem like he was a victim of police brutality and only focused on trying to convince us of his innocence.  However, whenever we tried to ask him why the apartment was in such a state of utter shit, he went off on complete and utter nonsense that was completely irrelevant to what we were asking.  
Then, I turned to the property manager of the complex we live in, and they gave me information that cleared things up a bit more.  Turns out, he got the cops called him because he was freaking out when the fire alarms went off, and he wasn’t the one who tore the smoke detectors out like we speculated.  We also know that complex security locked the apartment when no one else would be in there while the ex-roommate was in the hospital, so no one broke in and just wrecked the place.  That fucker was the one who did it, but we know that he will neither admit, nor remember doing it.  This is because it turns out that this guy was not only an alcoholic, but a frequent heavy drug user.
To make things worse, the roommate who helped me clean up the wreckage confided in me that the ex-roommate had attempted to steal something from her room.  Not only that, but he consistently stole food and used her kitchen items without cleaning them afterwards, nor did he even ask for her permission to use them.  And if that wasn’t bad enough, she had told him that she’d be around the apartment over Thanksgiving because she didn’t trust him to be in the apartment by himself, but while she was packing her things to leave, she saw him staring at her through her bedroom window.  Remember, this is a thirty-year-old man subletting in an apartment with people who are in their twenty’s; my other three roommates are college students, or at least the other two are, I’m not sure about the third one.  Even creepier, the two roommates who are sharing a unit that are the youngest, told me about how the ex-roommate went to college parties to hit on the girls; alongside stalking the one other roommate when she went to campus.
For the following months, it was misery for the rest of us.  That dumbass may have apologized to us, but he never made any attempts at improving his disgusting behavior, and continued to get worse.  He’d come back to the apartment high as fuck on god knows what, waste the electricity and water by leaving all the lights on and running several loads of laundry at a time.  Not only that, but he fucked up the common area AGAIN after my roommate and I spent an entire Sunday cleaning up that goddamn mess.  Eventually, he got arrested and taken to the hospital again for breaking stuff in the apartment complex lounge.  When the cops came to the apartment, I let them in to investigate his room, and it turns out that he smuggled his cat back into the unit (which he actually never registered, and he had it there illegally) after the poor thing was previously taken out of the unit by his friend, and his room was an absolute horror show.  
Even the cops couldn’t believe the state of the unit, and after I told them everything from the Thanksgiving incident, they were in shock and ended up putting me in charge of feeding and watering his cat until further notice.  Mind you, I have a cat of my own, and don’t have enough resources to take care of two cats long-term.  However, I was able to do as instructed and made sure the cat didn’t starve.  Unfortunately, this cat was always scared and hissed at everyone, old, and required medication for anxiety.  At this point, I had recommended surrendering the cat to the local humane society if he struggled so much to care for his cat, but he refused to do so and claimed that the cat would die, as he put it (which is stupid because humane societies are no-kill shelters).  At this point, I had been constantly trying to get animal control involved, but I eventually broke down into hysterics when dispatch told me nothing could be done, and the ex-roommate would be returning to the apartment sometime soon (I was triggered, I suppose).
Fast-forward to Christmas.  The ex-roommate was supposed to have been transferred long before December even rolled around, but the law wasn’t on our side for the most part.  In fact, they ended up prolonging to suffering, much to all of our dismay.  The court system prevented the ex-roommate from moving out because he was months behind on rent, and this ended up having even more problems because I had to leave town for Christmas, leaving one of the other roommates along with the ex-roommate.  Before I had to leave, however, both of us were walking on eggshells because the ex-roommate came back into the apartment one night, high as hell, and tried breaking into her room.  While she was still in there, changing so she could get ready for a work party.
That sleazy-gross-ass fuck.  This one roommate, in specific, had the misfortune of having to deal with the brunt of the guy’s repulsive behavior.  While the rest of us were gone, he decided to spite everyone by wasting as much water and electricity as he could (which pissed me off quite a bit because I’m the one who pays everyone’s electricity bill, and he hadn’t paid me back for the previous months) to the point of forcing the other roommate to take a cold shower because he wasted all the hot water (WHICH WAS USED TO SUPPLY A FOUR BEDROOM FLAT); he threatened, screamed at, and harassed the other roommate.  He even accused her of discriminating his mental disabilities because she confronted him about tampering with her mail (which is a FELONY).  During all of this, I had been texting with her to make sure she was safe, especially because she wasn’t able to make outgoing phone calls due to being unable to pay her phone bill.  
On Christmas Eve, the ex-roommate was acting out violently, so I called the police for her, and had them reach out to her (A friend of mine pointed out that- I think- the police department can be contacted through text, but I had no idea at the time).  Finally, I return to the apartment, and unfortunately- the ex-roommate is still given the rights to enter and leave the apartment as he pleased.  But at the time, I was far too pissed off to remember this; as a result, he got locked out of the apartment.  Funny thing is, while he had screamed and cursed at the other roommate for dead-bolting him out because she didn’t feel safe, he did absolutely nothing after he was finally let back in.  He realized I had come back, and because he thought he could have his last hoorah while I was gone, I made the last days he was living in the apartment an absolute hell for him.
It wasn’t even hard to do, all I had to do was be there.  The very day I got back, he acted like an animal with its tail between its legs once he realized I had returned.  Mind you, it was just my other roommate and I currently present when he started cowering, we even laughed about it in the kitchen while he was in his room- and could hear us throw shade.  I stared at him through the opening of my bedroom door when he came back into the apartment, he just ducked right back into his room without a word.  Even better, I had the chance to tell him right to his face that his apologies didn’t mean shit to me, and that was all I needed to say to verbally destroy him.  
He couldn’t even talk shit to the other roommate the one time I was out of the apartment; she was in the kitchen, made eye contact with him and waited for him to say something, but he just hung his head in shame and went back into hiding.  I had never wanted to physically hurt someone so much in my life, but at least the story was coming to an end.  He eventually just disappeared- which we found out that it was because he got arrested for forgery, and he got arrested again for misconduct on the apartment complex property.  Unfortunately, he left behind his cat, and she had been left to starve in his room with some hairband bracelet thing around her neck.  Even after reporting this to animal control, and having the property manager try to push for an officer to take the cat into custody, I once again volunteered to feed and water the cat until the authorities could reach a proper decision.  
Over the course of the days, I did my best to get the cat used to socializing (because she was constantly locked in the ex-roommate’s unit all the damn time), and she warmed up more and more each day.  Finally, I was given legal permission to take her to the humane society and surrender her myself.  Vet techs were able to remove the thing around her neck, and I got to see her again during my last volunteer shift.  She remembered me, and let me pet her; it was rewarding to see her so happy for once, and it is an absolute relief knowing that the ex-roommate can no longer try to take her back.  She belongs to the humane society I volunteer at now, and that was an accomplishment that I was glad to keep persisting on achieving.  
In the end, the ex-roommate is officially no longer allowed to step foot on the complex property by law, the locks have been changed, and all the trash called his belongings that were left in the common area were finally removed today.  I thank you all for being so patient with me, not just during the time of the irl problems, but also just in general.  My energy has been on a weird on-and-off basis lately, and this had greatly taken a toll on my muse.  I’ll keep doing my best though, and rest assured, I have the threads in my Drafts.  I’m just constantly tired.))
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evilispretty-dead · 6 years
So roommates part 22
On set it was all fun and games and Marco and Alex’s was back to messing about with water as they was waiting to film there was a lot of fucking up with lines on the run though and lot of braking anyha didn’t know how she was going to make it through the day “ok guys now that we done the walk through action in 5” with that they all got back in their places but before action was called anyha gave David a hug “ all in girl” he said as he looked at her “ yes all in” then action was called.
The brothers and harald and Halfdan sat in the hall as they was eating the dinner, it was just them as most of the men was outside or sat in the smaller hall . The doors to the main hall was pushed open with some power and they all looked as Freya walked in and she was pissed off “next time he tries that I will have his balls , I will let him of this once as he didn’t touch her but if I find out he has he a dead man” she was talking to someone that was still out side of the hall “yes my lady” “see to it that she is ok and see to him Hildr” Freya walked over to the table and sitting down she had sat herself between Sigurd and hvitserk, a salve place a bold of food in front of her , bjorn just looked at her “fraye” she looked up at him “what was that about” she tilted her head “nothing just one of your men don’t know to keep his hands of one of my young selves , so I have sent Hildr to send him a warning” she when back to eating her food .
Sigurd though this would be the right time to wide ivar up about the fact that he could have sex “ so ivar does your prick really work or did you a Freya make a deal that she would fake it for you” Freya look at him from the side of her eye then looked over to ivar “Sigurd what do you know what Freya can and can’t do” Sigurd smirked “so it true that she faked it as she fucked you , your prick didn’t make her cum” with that fraye stopped eating and slowly stood up “Sigurd” ubbe waned him but he didn’t listen “you see ivar you infected her and that why she had that bad fit, your sickness got to her” ivar leaned in to say something but as he spoke Sigurd head was lamed in to the table , he slowly bring his head up he was thrown backwards and soon fraye was upon him , her legs was at the sides of his ribs pulling a blade from between her chest “you call me a liar?” She put the dagger to his neck , Sigurd just looked her in the eyes “Freya get off me” she put a little bit of preacher on the blade “Sigurd it is my Hohner you are questioning and not ownley are you questioning ivar s” she hissed in his ear , she pulled back the blade from his neck and putting it back down her top then landing a hard punch to the side of his face “you words will get you killed” racing to her feet she stepped on his chest to step over him .
Not one of the said a thing to stop her as they had not seen her that mad and she didn’t normally lash out , ubbe was at the side of Sigurd to pull him up to sit up “fucking bitch” Sigurd growled under his breath and with that the dagger that she just put back down her top was thrown between his legs close to his balls “bam the gods wanted me to miss” she walked out of the hall .
Ubbe look back at bjorn to see what he thinks about it all but ivar look worried him more he was pissed off but looked hurt “well bjorn I see you have your hands full with her” harald said taking a bite of of the chicken leg he was eating grinning about seeing that darker side to Freya “she will be a good ride tonight with that much anger in her” he laughed again out of the side of harald eye he watched as ivar pushed away from the table and drag his body out of the hall , bjorn just looked at him and then shook his head “enjoy I must go see to my queen” ubbe and hvitserk looked at each other “but” hvitserk said it was ubbe that piped up “ it messy” ubbe said change the conversation back to their next moves and talked about how bjorn want to got back the the Middle East.
Bjorn made his way through the cold halls to find fraye looking in almost every room she maybe hide in but he couldn’t find her in the castle so he walked out to the courtyard and over by the far side was someone tending to one of the houses “Freya” he watched her stop what she was doing , her hand stopped in the middle of the House back but the cared on , bjorn was Standing behind her his hands when to her hips “I know your mad” she stopped what she was doing again but the time she turned around to look at him “ am more then mad I wanted to kill him” “I understand” she hit his chest “no you don’t , you don’t get it it my Honour that his be questioned and he being a monster to ivar” all the time she said this she was hitting him on his chest bjorn just let her “it is what brothers do” he shocked her hair as he spoke “maybe but he taking it to far” bjorn pick her up “no bjorn I don’t want to” she moaned as his hands needed at her ass “you need to let this anger go and I think my cock will be the best place for you to” bjorn started walking back to the halls of the castle making his way back to the bedroom that he has made his, the hole time he was walking with her in his arms he was needed ing at her ass and nipping at the skin on her neck making more moans fall from her swollen lips “b bjorn” “shhhh let me” he had her present up against the door to his room meaning that he could have one hand wander her body , a small gowl came from Freya as his hands brushed passed her breasted and down to her hip bones “bjorn don’t mess with me” she kissed down his neck this time getting a moan from him as he pushed the door open stepping inside he kicked the door shut behind them.
The kissing didn’t stop when he put her on the bed Freya pulled at the lacing in his top so that she could pull it over his head and he undid the lacing of her underbust so that he could take it off her body his hands was under the top that now was hanging of her slim body , he pushed the fabric up her chest so that he could see her body , the way the fire light danced over her skin made bjorn just want to kiss her all over he dropped to his knees leaning into kiss her chest moving down her tummy “I have miss you body” moving back up he sucked on her nipple , Freya couldn’t hold back the moans and moaned bjorn name ... his arms wrapped around her body so that he could pull her closer to him .
Bjorn pushed Freya back so that she was laid on the bed but her hips was on the edge of the bed , bjorn undid her trousers pulling them down her long legs nipping along her legs taking them of her , Freya pop up on her elbows so that she could see what bjorn was up to. Her breath stopped in her throat as she looked at him all the feeling she had locked away from him since she had call it off with him came rushing back to her “this is wrong your just using me to get your cock wet” she said as her hands went in to his hair as he climbed up her legs stopping just at her core liking his lips as he saw how wet she was “no my love I want to help you out” his hot breath ghosted over her wet core making her moan and fall back on the bed “am not” bjorn stopped her talking by liking her core just ever so lightly making her head fall back to the bed “by the gods” she whispered bjorn smiled at this “ I not touched you yet and your so wet for me” he placed her legs over his bored shoulder doing this it made him closer to her core “shut it ironside” he looked at her as he let his tongue drag up the lips of her veginer making her hiss “if I shut it I can’t do that” he liked her again earning a lowder moan .
Bjorn smiled as he looked over her body watching that was her breath was heavy with lust and lust for him this made him smile more “bjorn” her hands was back in his hair and she was pulling him so that he would be over her body , her eyes was darkened with lust she kissed at his neck and nipped at his skin that she could get to “yesss little love” bjorn growled back at her , her hands was at his his and she was trying to pull his trousers down “no no love it all about you” “if you keep stalling am going to jump you and ride you no matter what” her hands was now rounded his neck .. he watched her face and could see that she was not far from coming “you!” Bjorn was shocked as Freya pushed him in the right place so that she was now on top of him , her hands snaked up his arms so that she had hold of his hands holding them in one hand she tied them up with the other with the leaver cord that was on the Bedbord making sure that they was tight on his wrists “now listen here ironside you will be quiet and let me do as I please” she got of him and walked to the end of the bed and undid his trousers pulling them off his legs. Bjorn just could watch and he couldn’t do a thing , he had heard stories about when she is fighting she is unstoppable but he had never been this close or seen her look more sexy in her life , Freya had always been quiet and loving and almost never shown her anger but now she was angry but there was something else in her eyes “fraye” bjorn spoke softly but it was like she didn’t hear him as she climbed up on to the bed again her hands was on his legs massaging them “shh just enjoy” she whispered as she got to his cock she gave it a quick lick. Bjorn pulled cat the cores that was wrapped around his wrist as he wanted to touch her but the wound give so they was still holding strong.
Fraye looked at him as she sucked on his cock claiming over his hip and resting his cock at her core she slowly sat down on his his cock they both moans in raw pleasure, as they came together as one she rocked her hips moaning more soon she picked up the speed of her hip and the bounce she had going on all bjorn could do was moan and groan at her as this was the first time she was incontrol in the bed room and he was loving it , her hands snaked around his neck and sinner smile flashed over her face “I could of killed him” she pushed down with each word “I wanted to so so bad” she fucked hima bit harder her hands went from his nick and went to the lever that was tied around his wrist she looked him the eyes she had a sad look on her face .
Bjorn pulled her into a kiss as he fuck holding her to his casted “fuck” she moan
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quil12 · 4 years
Let’s all gather round and hear the tale of my horrible roommate
Long post - I really just needed to vent
(Some actual stuff happens in here and it’s not just like “they don’t wash their dishes” - it’s actual stuff that I would be interested in reading if it weren’t happening to me)
It all started about a month ago. My roommate invited a strange man over during a pandemic in order to get super drunk and then sleep with him. She passed out on the floor and left him to wander around the rest of the building drunk. He started yelling and trying to get into random people’s apartments. The police got called and she got a lease violation. 
Not too long after that, she wanted her boyfriend to come and stay in the apartment. To reiterate, we’re in a pandemic right now. Also, he is a 40 year old man and I am 20. I’m not sure how old our other roommate is, but I assume also in her 20’s. Our other roommate and I were not too thrilled about this and we gave the perfectly reasonable request of asking them to get a hotel room. Just to add onto this, our other roommate is not a native English speaker and she was being incredibly rude to her because even though you could understand her, her sentences weren’t “grammatically correct” so she was pretending like she couldn’t understand her requests. Instead of talking it out, she went behind our backs to the leasing office to get permission from them. Kind of a dick move tbh.
Unrelated to that, I asked her to wash the dishes of mine which she had been using because I had given her permission to use them under the stipulation that she wash them after using them. I asked her to actually wash the dishes that she used or else to please stop using mine. This triggered a massive temper tantrum where she was screaming and slamming doors. She also took all my dishes out and put them onto the kitchen counter. 
Because of this and the whole thing with the leasing office, I asked her to please not use my things anymore. I had to repeat this request oh, about 50 times because she couldn’t get it through her thick skull to not use my things. She (and her boyfriend) used my toothbrush holder and I had to throw out my toothbrush and get a new one because the bristles were literally touching mine and I didn’t trust them to not have COVID. She used my shampoo and conditioner and then lied about it (I know because I had enough for several more washes and when I went back, there was only enough for barely 1). She used my swiffer which I have explicitly told her not to use and then left the lid off of the pads (the reason I told her not to use it), and the list could go on for a while. 
During this whole time, she was consistently slamming any door she used and regularly throwing temper tantrums. She would also just leave her dog out in the living room/kitchen totally unattended, something which we aren’t allowed to do under the lease. Not to mention, her dog is extremely untrained and will bark at just about anything. Her dog will also relentlessly chase my cat so her leaving her dog out there meant that my cat couldn’t come out with me which made me uncomfortable and also feeling bad for my cat because going out in the living room is her absolute favorite time. 
I reported this to the leasing office and they asked me to record these things happening. I recorded the door slamming as well as her dog being left unattended in the common areas. She was then given another lease violation. If she were to get one more, she would be evicted. 
Things quieted down for a little while. She finally bought her own pans and dishware - her pans are in very weird and inconvenient spots because she bought too many of them even though she never cooks. And by “inconvenient” I mean like on top of the fridge where you can’t open the freezer without all of them falling on you. She also got an instant pot and decided that it needs to be out at all hours of the day. She put it on the only counter that we have available to cook and I explained that to her because she would get pissed at me for moving it over so that I could have the counter space to cook dinner and also so I wouldn’t get any food on it. I literally get food on it all the time because it’s right where I prepare food, but I guess if she feels like thoroughly cleaning it every time she uses it then I guess she can. It’s also super annoying to not have that space that I need, but whatever, this was a relatively okay time. 
She would still occasionally slam doors and throw minor temper tantrums, but it was miles better than before. Now, let’s fast forward to a few days ago - October 30th.
She had left the apartment a few hours before. I was in the kitchen cooking dinner. As a side note, I was using my george foreman in order to cook a hamburger, so I absolutely needed that extra counter space that her instant pot took up. I moved it over to the other counter and my intention was to move it back after I was done cooking.
I was almost finished when she came into the apartment, very very drunk. She was struggling a lot with the door, but I just let her be because at this point, I have no want to have any sort of interaction with her. She came in stomping. She saw me in the kitchen because I was standing directly in front of the stove, and she decided that she was going to come in and use the microwave. She got way into my personal space, said "excuse me", and without waiting for me to get out of the way, she slammed the microwave right in my face. She then waited right behind my shoulder to wait for her food to finish cooking, effectively trapping me there. She went to the fridge and broke off one of the little pieces on the side of the shelves. They’ve come off before, but she was sitting there trying to fix it. This gave me time finish cooking my dinner, and I started heading to my room.
She then said something to me along the lines of "It was really nice of you to not let me in when I was locked out and you were standing right there." I was very puzzled by this seeing as she was in the apartment, and thus, not locked out. I asked her what she meant, and she again said that she was just locked out and I didn't open the door for her. I think that because she had some sort of issue with the lock, she thought that she was locked out. I assume she had so much trouble with it because of how inebriated she seemed to be. I asked her how she had been locked out when she had a key and was now inside the apartment without any help, but she kept insisting that she had been locked out and I had refused to help her. To reiterate, I was cooking dinner, I heard her struggling slightly with the lock, and then she came in. She struggled for maybe 10 seconds. 
 By this point, I had made it to my room and had closed and locked the door. My cat, Art was hiding away from her underneath the couch, and I didn't feel physically safe enough to go and retrieve her while Ash was blocking the way and screaming and swearing at me. I went out and retrieved her as soon as I felt it was safe enough to do so, but Art was very afraid because of this and I had to pull her out from under the couch. This was very scary for me because I didn't think my cat would be safe out there with her based on how she was acting, but I didn't think she knew she was there because she was under the couch. I was also texting my mom at this point so I could let her know if anything were to happen.
During this time, she was screaming at me to come out into the hallway and face her, screaming at me that I was a coward. I did not feel comfortable nor safe going out there with her and was seriously considering calling the police because she would not leave me alone and was constantly screaming at me. I asked her to leave me alone multiple times, but she just kept screaming at me to come out and face her. I explained to her that I didn't feel comfortable talking to her because she was screaming at me, slamming cabinet doors, and calling me names, but she continued to try and goad me to come out and face her.
She also said something very peculiar in that she has a recording of me calling her "a black asshole". I never said this. I asked her to provide me with this recording of this so that I could see for myself, but she declined. I almost never speak when I'm in my bedroom because I tend to text people instead of calling them. I have spoken to myself to get through homework which I do because I'm an auditory learner and it helps me to solidify my understanding. Other than that, I do not speak in my room except to my cat to which I'll call her a "darling girl" or occasionally tell her to get down off of places I don't want her to be. This is all to say that I did not say this, and even if I did, there would have been no way for her to hear it because I do not speak in my bedroom to anyone other than my cat whom I just coo at.
She was also trying to blame me for her lease violations. She told me that she was going to get me evicted and I told her that she is the one who has 2 lease violations, to which she then said that it was my fault because I reported her. While yes, I did report her, it seems as though it is her fault for exhibiting those behaviors in the first place. I do not control her actions.
 She finally gave up after a while and went to her room. This is when I went out and got my cat, but I very quickly ran back into my room because I still don't feel safe. She came out again shortly after and was yelling in the kitchen about how I hadn't cleaned up after myself cooking dinner. The reason for that is because she was yelling at me and I didn't feel safe enough to do so. She also shoved her instant pot into the space that my george foreman was taking up. Again, I had planned to put it back after I finished cooking, but her screaming at me really just destroyed that plan. There was no space for it to go right there, but she shoved it in anyway just cause I guess. 
Yesterday, she also got extremely drunk and left her dog tied up in front of the grocery store for about 3 hours. Someone else in the building saw her and recognized and brought her up, but she literally just left her dog for 3 hours and didn’t even realize she was missing for about 5. Legitimately a piss poor dog owner. 
 Now, let’s go to this morning, November 2nd. I tried to go to the bathroom. I had just woken up and needed to pee and get ready for the day. She left her room right after me, saw me, and proceeded to chase me to the bathroom, yelling at me the whole time.
 I got to the bathroom and thought that she would just leave me alone, but no. She tried to follow me into the bathroom as I was closing the door. I had to push against her in order to close it and lock it. Luckily, I'm stronger and bigger than her so I was able to do it, but it was still extremely scary.
 She then proceeded to pace outside in the hallway for about 10 minutes. I know because she was carrying her keys and I could hear them jangling as she went back and forth. Finally, she left the apartment and I took that time to run back to my room, lock the door, and move a bookcase in front of it.
During this time, I also got an email from the leasing office saying that they were working with lawyers to try and evict her as soon as possible, so that’s good news. 
 I had to pick up a package from the leasing office, and when I came back she was out doing laundry. I just walked past and went to my room, but as soon as she saw me, she slammed the door to the dryer. After a minute, she walked past my room, yelled the word "coward" at me (she's been doing this quite frequently - yelling at me through my door as she walks past), then went into her room for a minute. She then came back out and stood in front of my door and started whispering "you're a coward, you're a nasty human being" repeatedly. 
 Let me tell you, I have just about called the police on her 3 times in the past few days. I just need the energy out there that the eviction stuff will happen as quickly as humanly possible and I can stop being afraid to go out into the rest of the apartment. 
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goobershooter · 7 years
I’ll Say It a Million and One Times for You to Say It Once
“I love you.”
Historia whipped her head so fast, Ymir was sure that she got some sort of whiplash. Her small friend looked at her incredulously with bright cerulean eyes, and Ymir felt her heart stutter.
Ymir continued walking, leaving behind her small friend. It had taken her years to finally utter those three words, and yet it only took a moment for her confidence to go down the drain. What if she had made a huge mistake by professing her feelings to her best friend? Ymir was decently sure that she had a chance; she and Historia had been getting closer as the years went by, and some of their interactions couldn’t just be friendly love. It was impossible.
Ymir looked back and was struck with a look of...of...something on Historia’s face. It didn’t look too promising.
Maybe it was impossible.
Letting out a brief sigh, Ymir forced herself to smirk and chuckle. It sounded hollow in her ears. “What did you think I said squirt?”
The small blonde stared at her friend, squinting her eyes. “...Maybe I misheard.”
“Probably. Cuz you’re so short and shit.”
“Ymir!” Historia hit the freckled teen, complaining that her height had nothing to do with her hearing. Ymir playfully fought back, smile on her face. But she couldn’t ignore the pain in her chest.
“I love you.”
This time it was barely a whisper meant to be snuffled out by the noises of the party. The two had escaped the wild teen fiasco for a quiet moment, both slightly stumbling on their feet.
Again, Historia gave her the look she had given her last year. An emotion that Ymir couldn’t define, a look that gave Ymir the chills and heartache. Historia’s eyes grew wide as she realized what her friend had barely said, but she refused to remain silent.
“‘Mir, what did you-”
“Historia, I didn’t say anything ya goof.” Ymir smiled, wrapping her arm around her small friend. “Yer just drunk is all. Alcohol ain’t too good for pipsqueaks like you.”
That time Historia didn’t respond, but Ymir noticed that the blonde held onto her arm a bit tighter.
“I love you.”
They were packing up their things, getting ready to move out and go experience their new college lives. They ended up getting accepted to different colleges, but they were close enough to each other that they could live with each other and not have an unbearable commute. Ymir could have gone to a lot more prestigious colleges, but something made her stick around. Something that was short and blonde, and looked way too good in yoga pants and a black sports bra.
Thou shalt not sin in the presence of the holy one, Ymir reprimanded herself.
“What did you say Ymir?” Historia looked at her with that same damn face, and Ymir lost her nerve.
“Said pick up that box short stuff. The moving van is coming in fifteen minutes and I’d rather not get our new roommates pissed at us for being late and all.”
Ymir stared at the ground as she left, not noticing how Historia’s eyes seemed to darken.
“I love you!”
It was just Ymir in the house, enjoying a night to herself as Historia, Sasha, and Mikasa went to enjoy a night out on the town. Not wanting to seem like a loser with nothing better to do, she opted to have her own night out in the privacy of her kitchen. At least the drinks were cheaper.
“God damn it Ymir, yer such a idiot.” Her words slurred as she mindlessly swirled the shot glass in her hand. “You can say it when she’s not here as loud as ya want, but the moment she comes back you become a pussy.”
A soft meow interrupted her speech.
Ymir looked down at the fat orange tabby cat the roommates adopted and affectionately named Fluffer. Ymir scooped him in her arms and set him on the counter.
“Hey Fluffer, do ya think Historia loves me too? Because I fucking love Historia. And I mean love her. Like spend every night dream about her, fantasize about punching all them guys that like her, wanna be forever with her kinda love. Understand?”
Fluffer looked at Ymir and gave a soft meow.
“Exactly! You get me my man!” Ymir threw her hands in the air, spilling some of the vodka. “Fuck. I’ve known her since we were in diapers, and I still can’t  fucking say it. But y’know what fluffbutt?”
Fluffer tilted his head.
“You can be my practice buddy!”
The cat hopped off the counter and left the room.
“Fine! Who even needs a dumb cat!” Ymir refilled her glass and promptly gulped it down, relishing the burn.
“Historia Krista Reiss, I’m in love with you!” Ymir twirled around the kitchen, pretending to dance with her small blonde. She didn’t notice the sounds of the door unlocking. “Historia, I love you!”
The freckled brunette stopped her twirl with her back to the counter, missing the shocked faces of Historia and Sasha. Mikasa looked amused.
Ymir turned around when she heard Sasha’s obnoxious laughter.
“Who the-” Upon seeing the flushed face of her blonde friend, Ymir’s first instinct was simple. She ran all the way to her room, slammed the door, and hid under her bed. She covered her face with her hand and felt the heat radiate off it. She laid in silence, listening to hushed tones and eventually the door closing again. After waiting a minute, she climbed out from under the bed.
“At least she left.”
Ymir jumped when her bedroom door slammed and locked, revealing a stern looking blonde at its front.
“No escaping.” Historia walked toward Ymir with a frightening calm, and eventually cornered the brunette against the wall. Historia plopped on Ymir’s lap and stared at her, taking the deep satisfaction of the deep blush the brunette sported.
“So tell me Ymir, what did you say?” Realizing the futility of escape, Ymir relented.
“I said I love you. Loved you since we were small. Well, when I was small cause you’re still pretty small and you should really work on th-”
Ymir was cut off when Historia grabbed her face in her hands and pulled her in for a kiss.
When they finally pulled away, Ymir looked awestruck.
“I love you too dork. I’ve loved you since we were kids, I’ve loved you since you confessed to me that one day we were walking around town, to the day of Eren’s 17th birthday party, to the day we moved out of our town, and now. I love you Ymir. I always have.”
“..Oh.” Ymir’s face pulled into a lazy smirk. “Can we do that thing again?”
“You mean this?” And again, Historia’s lips met Ymir’s. And again, and again, and again.
They had a lot to catch up on after all.
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hawkeyedflame · 8 years
Long rant ahead, no readmore because I’m on mobile. Sorry about that but I’m fucking pissed and I need to bitch about this before I lose my shit.
I almost straight up murdered my roommate last night. For whatever fucking reason, she put her dog’s crate in the hallway, where it should not be, and then crated him and left him to whine. For a fucking hour. At 2:15am, after about forty five minutes of his yipping I got up and told him to be quiet, which of course only worked for about a minute after I laid back down. Fifteen more minutes pass and now I’m really fucking pissed. It’s 2:30 in the fucking morning and I have to get up for work in four hours. I got up with the intention of shoving his crate in her bedroom to muffle his whining and giving her an ass chewing next time she was home. And guess what? This fucking twat is IN HER BEDROOM. WITH HER FRIENDS. And her dog has been whining and yipping right outside her door FOR AN HOUR. Obviously, I was caught off guard by the fact that she was home, because I made the mistake of giving her the benefit of the doubt and assuming she would fucking take care of her dog if she were home. So I said pretty aggressively “can you please take care of your fucking dog?” And she was like “um…” So I went off on her about how he’s been whining for an hour and I’m trying to sleep and I was just going to throw him in her room and I didn’t know she was home. And this bitch goes, with attitude, “there’s no need to freak out. Did you text someone about it?” Bitch I shouldn’t fucking HAVE TO text someone about it, first of all. And secondly, who the fuck am I going to text? You, with your phone that’s so broken you can’t read texts? Your friends, whose numbers I don’t have? Who?! What mystery fucking person should I have texted to deal with /your/ fucking mutt?!? Of course I didn’t think of that at the time so I just said no, and I was like “I’m sorry but it’s 2:30 in the fucking morning and he shouldn’t be whining. I’m at my wit’s end with this dog. He’s been a problem ever since he came here and I’m fed up with him. Just fucking deal with him.” Mind you this dog was originally staying with us because his owner wanted a dog but couldn’t keep a pet in his own apartment. In October he begged us to house it for him, offering to pay part of our utilities and promising to come take care of him daily. I reluctantly agreed and said if it became a problem I would retract my consent. He never made good on his promises, and then he had a falling out with my roommate and now she owns the dog. So now I have to deal with him for the next year and a half. And on top of that, they lied to the us about him being housebroken. This dog pisses and shits all over the house. Every day. Back in January we had a house meeting because /she/ was annoyed by how messy the apartment is. She was complaining left and right about this, that, and the other thing. We laid down some ground rules about the dishes and the trash and cleaning the bathroom. And then she requested we take our shoes off when we come in the house and I straight up said I wasn’t going to do that until she housebroke the dog. Because I’m not walking around in socks or barefoot when there’s piss and shit that she doesn’t clean up. I kid you not this fucking bitch would LITERALLY leave his piss puddles until they were fucking DRY. And you wanna know what her solution to my demand that he gets housebroken was? Fucking pee pads. So now instead of stepping over puddles of piss on my way to and from the shower (or whenever I need to leave the house), I step over pee pads soiled with piss and shit. Wow. What a fucking improvement. And she leaves them there for hours on end, sometimes for a day or more. My other roommate cleans them up sometimes because she can’t stand the mess.
AND, this piece of shit dog also figured out that our bathroom door will open if you push on it hard enough (even when it’s locked) and he goes into the trash and drags fucking tissues and bloody pads all over the house. My other roommate cleans that up too because God forbid the dog’s owner cleans up his messes. OH AND, SHE HASN’T FUCKING TRAINED HIM AT ALL. He fucking runs up and down the halls and jumps on literally everyone. I push him off me and scold him every single time and if my roommate is nearby she laughs because she thinks it’s fucking funny for some reason. Like, train your fucking dog. I don’t want him fucking jumping on me. I don’t want to have to beat back a fucking dog every time I step into the house or leave my room.
Like I am so fucking done with this stupid fuckass dog and I’m beyond done with her. She’s the most inconsiderate, selfish, lazy, and rude person I’ve ever had the misfortune of living with. She has two cats that she doesn’t pay attention to and a fish she neglects so severely that one time the water level dropped until the filter stopped working and she just couldn’t understand that the filter wasn’t functioning because she let THREE FUCKING GALLONS evaporate from her ten gallon tank. And /I/ had to be the one to fix it of course because she insisted it was broken and asked me to fix it since “you have fish tanks.” Like listen bitch, IF YOU DON’T FEEL LIKE COMMITTING YOURSELF TO LEARNING HOW TO CARE FOR YOUR PETS, IF YOU CAN’T BE BOTHERED TO PUT IN THE EFFORT TO LOOKING AFTER THEM PROPERLY, DON’T FUCKING HAVE PETS. She has two fucking cats, a dog, and a fucking fish and she doesn’t take care of any of them.
I’m so fucking done. I am so done. Next time that dog wakes me up with its yipping I am going to dump the litter box on her fucking bedsheets.
And in case anyone actually read this far and is curious, yes this is the same cunt roommate who chemical bombed the house in November and killed all of my shrimp after I specifically told her that the chemicals would dissolve into my tank water and poison my fish. And no, she never apologized or offered to replace them.
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cutecats2017 · 7 years
Hey all, I am searching for some advice about an aggressive (towards me) cat. I was straight up attacked (over and over again) by a cat I am living with. I have owned cats in the past and have never seen or experienced this kind of brutality (besides seeing it on YoutTube). I am all scratched up on my arms, hands, and legs. Some of the lacerations are pretty deep. I washed them off, put ointment on them, bandaged them, etc. I may even go to the doctor, but couldn't because this happened Saturday night and it's Labor Day Weekend. I googled a bunch about aggressive cats but every link seems so say the same thing abut looking for warning signs and etc. It isn't giving me info on what to do during an attack and how to prevent one again. I have owned cats my whole life and have never gotten more than friendly nibbles/scratches.Context:I just moved into a new apartment. The 3 people I live with now have been living there for a year+. The person whose room I am taking over is the cat's owner, but she is moving to Spain, so she is leaving the cat here with her friends/old roomies. I visited the house and met the cat 3 times before I moved in and every time I came, the cat was very friendly and nice to me (I partially think I got the apartment because the cat seemed to warm up to me so fast). I moved in on Friday and the cat hung out with me in my room. She let me pet her and even pick her up when she jumped into my drawers. On Saturday day, my roommates went on a day trip and I was with my boyfriend in the apartment. I played with her, pet her, etc. On Saturday night (still just us two in the apt), she attacked me in the living room. I had been playing with her (with a fishingpole toy) for a while and she was fine. My boyfriend and I were watching TV. Then I got on the ground and was crawling around and she hissed at me. Since I don't know the cat, and she seemed pissed, I leaned back and gave a little space but still sat on the floor. I wasn't looking at her or touching her and then she just jumped up and scratched my arm. I was freaked out and screaming in a medium level voice, "ow!" and "oh my god", etc. She then jumped up and scratched me again and got my in the hand (palm) pretty deep. I stood up and she literally crawled/clawed her way up my leg and my boyfriend kind of grabbed her/pushed her off. She then jumped up to attack me again (I was sitting on the couch-- this all happened in like a minute) and he batted her off again. She scratched him a little then we ran and locked ourselves in my bedroom.I told my roommates and they said she has never acted this way before. The only time she has gotten even remotely aggressive like this before was when she sees a cat in the window (redirection), but I know there were no cats in any windows because she was with us in the living room the whole time. They said, maybe because she doesn't know me too well, she either is scared or asserting her dominance over the apartment. When they got home an hour after this attack, I opened my bedroom door and she seemed calm but was still hanging outside of my door and gave me the most evil look ever (staring at me). The roommates even commented upon it. I went back into my room for 30 mins, then they had me give her a treat and try to pet her and it was fine.Today, she has been purring at me, coming up for me to play and pet her and even cuddled with me in my bed. But I am pretty freaked out by her. I don't know her well enough to know her specific warning signs and I am still not really sure what I did (if anything) to warrant the attack, and therefore, how to prevent another one. I have been trying to do slow movements around her and not stare into her eyes, etc. But I am supposed to be living her for a year and don't want to live in fear the whole time.From this context, what do you think could be ways for me to avoid this attack again? Also, what can I do during an attack like this, especially if I am home alone and nobody around to protect me?Thanks for your help!TL;DR: cat attacked me. Not sure why. What do to do before or during an attack? via /r/cats
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