#she just opened the door and was like 'loooooreee saannnn' and then left
singiluu · 8 years
I've been alone in my dorm unit for a week now and I've become incredibly used to it so just now I was chilling in yoga pants and a sports bra when the dorm mother burst into my room like 'loooooreee-sannn' and omg I swear I've never been so startled my whole life. I got up from my bed, knocked over at least half of the things surrounding it, couldn't find a shirt so just ended up grabbing and knocking over multiple things until I found one. Of course it had to be the most difficult shirt to put on so by the time I opened the door of my room, the dorm mother was already gone. I made it sound like there was a tornado going on in my room so now I really wonder what the dorm mother thinks of me. Oh gosh how do I ever face her again hahahahah I'm just gonna say I was hanging the laundry out to dry or something and I didn't hear her????? I didn't even yell 'hai' because I was so fooooking surprised ahhaha.
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