#she just despises him on sight and decides to make his life hell so he'll quit and she can be home alone <3
sp1resong · 1 month
accidental charlie's inferno event [lyrics under the cut]
"Here lies Art Fisher, not gone soon enough! At 43, dead by… hah, who gives a fuck?"
He was an asshole for the ages, A dickhead devil-sent, Held a thousand petty grudges and his neighbors in contempt; You'd find him yelling at cashiers or in the lot smokin' cigarettes; And, like, that was him at his best!
Yeah, that Art Fisher, he was horrid through and through A nasty piece of work to all-- Well, except those two.
His beloved twin children, Lights of his shit-stained life, Only folks he cared about through all the world's strife… …they died in a car crash When he was 35
Total devastation! Rainin' on the streets, are you sure That they can't be saved? Of course, the answer was 'yes', And so old Arty professed A promise that'd he'd take to the grave:
"That bastard in the van, I'll show him what he's done to me, you see, you'd understand if ever you loved someone!
I'll hunt him down, And then, once he's found, I'll burn his family tree To the motherfucking ground!"
He tore through every ledger, that Art Fisher, Single-minded tunnel vision, Till he found that face he recognized, A name written off to the side, A man who Art knew would have to die!
But not quite yet, of course, The punishment must fit the crime, And the crime is the grief That the murder incites; So on that cold night Arty set his sights Not on the man, but his sister's life.
She worked at a gas station Manned the shop (which no one went in), When Art found her she was all alone From there it was simple, A shot in the head, It took until closing for her to be found dead.
Now Art'd had a taste, but he wasn't done yet, His pain could not be matched by a mere single death; So he broke into the guy's house while he was in his room mourning, Took a knife to his aging father's throat and was gone by morning!
But he found no satisfaction the act brought him matched his sorrow So, he decided, he'd come again tomorrow!
"That bastard in the van, he'll yet see what he's done to me, you see, he'll understand when he's left with no one!
I'll hunt them all down, And then, once they're found, I'll put every last one In the motherfucking ground!"
Brothers, wives, uncles, and mothers Pruning the family orchard Even the ones he wouldn't miss were easy prey for Arty Fisher!
But everything comes to an end, Art one day realized, When the only one left to face Was the man that he despised
He'd make this one count, he swore, And in glory, end his war He was almost done, just one more
So Arty went and built a bomb (well, several, but who's countin', eh?) To all the hells and absent gods, He promised this would be the one, to rid him of the burden that he'd carried for so long
Now, Arty, ever the dramatic, climbed into his living room Through the window, no surprise, oh, he just turned and said, "…oh, it's you."
So Art, he drew his gun, but still got no reaction, "Fight back!" he demanded, Damn it, needed some cathartic action But the man just said "Nah, I don't want to give you the satisfaction."
This was going nowhere, So Art finally took his shot Got the man dead in the heart, In moments he was on the floor
And looking down, he realized, He was finally done, The sinful struggle was over, The war he'd fought was won,
But now that he had Rid the world of everyone else, He was left with no one he could blame but himself
These were the thoughts that then ran through his mind But only for a moment, for you see, those bombs he planted, well… …they were still live.
Yeah, distracted as he was, Art wasn't watchin' his step, And well, this is his funeral, You can guess how that went.
That bastard in the van, he had long since been outdone But Arty, hateful in his grief for that which could not be undone;
Had hunted them all down, Had shot his every round, But in the end, no differently In the motherfucking ground!
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oh-three · 11 months
Loki S2E3:
I like how the first half of the season is directed on saving the TVA, as opposed to last season's agenda of destroying it. The irony is way too funny.
Gotta say that Loki, Mobius, B-15, D-90 (?), Casey, and O.B. running the TVA is the best thing ever. They're all amazing together. I hope Sylvie decides to come back this episode and stick around. Looked like she was thinking about it.
Ooh, interesting spin on the MCU logo theme today.
She is so out of place there omfg.
"That's it?" Pretty underwhelming, right?
Miss Minutes changes colors 👀
OG He Who Remains as a child is something I didn't know I needed.
Literally everything revolves around that book, doesn't it? Wait- doesn't this mean O.B. should get credit for helping create the TVA??
"That's gonna be an awkward reunion." I love Mobius.
"Well, maybe she got it out of her system." Lmao. Doubt it. Might not try to kill them, but she's definitely no friend right now.
The thing I love about Mobius & Loki going on missions in the timeline is that we get to see so much more of their dynamic. They're definitely one of my favorite duos ever.
"Thor isn't that tall." 😂
Renslayer talking to a ghost clock in a bag is way too funny.
"Don't let her see you." So, either this is going to go like the Andor finale or she is totally going to see them. Noted.
Whiplash at seeing adult Victor Timely as opposed to the little boy ten minutes ago. This dude literally dedicated his life to controlling time.
Okay, I know Jonathan Majors is being accused of domestic violence or something, but the guy is a great actor. Not that that excuses him of any crimes he might've committed.
Mobius, this is such a bad idea, my guy. His ambitions are already too powerful. He'll just take over again.
"I don't do partners." THE LOOK ON THE OTHER GUY'S FACE. 🤣
Oh, great, he's selling it.
Is Renslayer seriously about to find them out because Loki stepped on a dude's foot?
Loki has absolutely no patience and his solution to that problem was the best thing ever 😂
I can't believe they ACTUALLY managed to sneak up on her.
Renslayer and Loki & Mobius fighting of talking to Victor is the funniest thing ever. It's like they're fighting for custody, except it's their younger father or something and he knows literally none of them.
And there he goes. 👀
"We just wanna talk!" You are literally chasing this man.
Victor is such a trickster.
I wonder if He Who Remains remembered Loki and Sylvie fighting over him back when he was Victor still.
"Well, your machete hasn't solved any problems thus far." Ouch. She literally did deserve that, though.
This moment is the S1 finale all over again.
Giant ghost clock. 👀
Well, at least Miss Minutes had fun.
Victor and Renslayer really did fall in love, didn't they? Huh.
Is Miss Minutes seriously jealous of Renslayer right now? Lmao.
He just called Mobius a butler 😂
"Loki helped murder your variant." He did fucking not, stop manipulating the poor guy.
"Take him! He's all yours!" I almost spat out my soda.
Ooh, boat. How romantic. The writers planned this.
"I always knew my ideas were good. I just didn't have the technology to make them really work." Shit, now I feel bad for him.
The look on his face after she said "partnership."
But also. Miss Minutes seems to despise her, so yeah. More of her manipulation is happening.
That is the weirdest love triangle ever.
........Why do I feel like Miss Minutes is trying to manipulate him into giving her a body so she can kill him and take over the TVA personally?
There was definitely an "I love you" in there. Holy shit.
Ooh, prototype pruning-baton.
How the hell did Loki & Mobius find them?!?
Victor has to think they're all crazy by now, doesn't he? And he'd be right tbh. Poor dude.
This guy is having a rough few days, honestly, what the fuck.
Sylvie, it's not okay to shape people into murderers by trying to kill them before they've committed the crime.
"I can make my own choices." 😭
Respect, Sylvie. Respect. No way letting him leave much less live was easy.
Oh, okay. Well. Wasn't that unexpected. I mean, she wanted to go to the End of Time, didn't she? There she is. Enjoy the corpse.
I can't believe season two is halfway over already...
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natasha-in-space · 2 years
Tumblr media
Suit!Saeran/cmc Natasha Stakh;
A result of a vampire Suit brainrot I've been having for a while now.
(Used ref. by @BANSEXGA on Twitter)
"Are you... okay...?"
Saeran gritted his teeth, slamming the thick door shut behind him with a distinct thud, which made his assistant visibly twitch in her chair. Was she intending to do that or not, he did not know. What he did know was just how much it annoyed him to see that wary body language coming from her.
He hated seeing her cower at the sight of him like a stray puppy begging for his mercy, and, all at the same time, he absolutely despised it whenever she decided to act arrogantly by trying to tell him what he should be doing with his life. It felt like her mere existence was making his blood boil, and yet, she was still here, right by his side throughout almost every minute of his day, despite his numerous threats to get rid of her time and time again. Deep inside, he knew perfectly well, just how paradoxical this whole ordeal was. But like hell he'll admit it out loud in front of this airhead.
He growled menacingly, closing an already fairly small distance between them with only a few wide steps and making his sour mood crystal clear by forcefully slamming both of his hands onto the surface of the table, causing Natasha to shut her eyes tight at the loud noise mercilessly assaulting her eardrums. Good. He felt just a tiny bit better when she was no longer burning holes into him with those huge eyeballs of hers. But, then again, it was kind of annoying how she thought she could hide from him by acting so childishly. This trick has never worked for him in his lifetime, and it certainly will not work for her.
This airhead was making his head spin with thousands of contradictions, and it was only making him more and more irritated as minutes slowly passed him by.
"You should have learned by now to stop asking me these moronic questions, you stupid toy! Are you trying to piss me off on purpose or something!? Learn your place and do your job - that's all you need to be doing! Is that really so hard to keep in mind for you!?" His breath was coming out ragged, it felt as if every single cell in his body was blazing with rage, burning him alive from the inside out.
Well, perhaps, there was another reason for him feeling this miserable, but it was way easier to focus on the physical source of his discomfort that was trembling right in front of his nose.
Natasha grimaced, tentatively opening one of her eyes and looking up at his face that was hovering so close to hers, it felt almost claustrophobic. She had nowhere to run, and practically all of her senses were filled with his menacing presence. It seemed like she was trying desperately to pick out the safest way to respond, so as to not anger him any further. Though, whenever Saeran was this pissed off for whatever reason, he was like a ticking time bomb. It was practically impossible to escape the explosion that was going to occur sooner or later, regardless of her actions.
"T-there's blood on you. Of course I'm worried. I care about you." Her voice was muffled and timid as she quickly lowered her gaze to the ground. Truth is, it didn't matter, how she responded to his demands. He would get angry either way. All she could do was wait for the unavoidable impact that was coming up fast.
The peaceful buzzing of countless computers was suddenly harshly interrupted by a burst of deafening cackling, as Saeran threw his head back in a fit of laughter that sounded borderline hysterical in its nature. It sent shivers down her spine as she silently watched him spiraling out of control. This wasn't natural. His entire body was now trembling with anger, filled to the brim with overwhelming and confusing feelings that were making his head spin.
"For God's sake, you're such an idiot! You're worried about me? You're worried! Why that's the most ironic thing I've heard all year!"
Just as abruptly as his chilling fit of laughter has started, it was replaced by a crooked grimace of pure malice, seemingly in an instant. At least, that's what he wanted it to look like. Instead, Saeran looked like he was about to fall apart at any moment now. Natasha has never seen him this unhinged before. She was getting more and more concerned both for her own and Saeran's safety all the same. She wanted to calm him down somehow, to soothe his raging emotions that were obviously causing him so much inner distress, but she had no idea how she was supposed to do that when he was already on the edge of exploding.
This feeling of helplessness was making it hard to breathe for her.
She could only wince as Saeran's slender fingers quickly gripped her jaw with so much strength, that she could feel his short fingernails digging painfully into the skin of her cheeks. He wasn't actively trying to hurt her, though. At least, not yet. He merely forced her to look him straight in the eye, making it impossible for her to back away or hide her gaze. His voice dropped to a low hiss, pure venom filling his hushed words, even as he tried to imitate a fake sense delight with his tone. A strong feeling of danger seeped deep within her bones, making her shiver in her seat helplessly.
"Well, let me tell you one secret, princess. It's not my blood you're seeing. You wanna know why there's blood on me? Hmm? Answer me. Since you're oh so saint and caring, I'm sure you're just itching to hear it."
His grip on her only tightened, as her breath hitched in her throat in a weak attempt to not provide him with any strong reactions on her part. She may not know how to resolve this conflict, but she knew that, whenever she behaved way too emotional, it never ended pretty for them. Her best plan would be to remain as calm as possible and withstand this storm as best she could. Getting angry and retaliating, or giving up and begging for his mercy wouldn't do anything to help them both. So, she had to be strong. That's what she told herself as she swallowed the lump in her throat and found her voice again, however small it may be against Saeran's booming insults. "I... Even if it's not your blood, you must have gone through something really distressing to get it on you... right? You don't look okay at all... Did... something bad happen at the ceremony today...?"
He grit his teeth with so much force it felt like they were about to crumble into dust. No. This was not what he wanted to hear right now. Moreover, receiving such a ridiculous answer only irritated him further, if it was even possible at this point. He didn't know, what kind of response he desired to get from her exactly, but it was definitely not this.
She has no idea what she was talking about.
He won't put up with this.
Instead of coming up with a proper reply to her tentative assumption, he roughly released his hold on her cheeks with such sharpness in his movements, it almost looked like the physical touch has physically burned him or something. Pursing his lips into a thin tight line, he took a step back, sharply gesturing with his hand a new command he needed Natasha to fulfill.
"Stand up."
She blinked, looking up at him with an utterly dumbfounded expression plastered crystal clear onto her face. She almost reminded him of a confused child right now, which only made him clench his fists at his sides and curse internally in response to the unpleasant memories clouding his mind all over again. He hated it. Why is she always doing this to him? Was it on purpose? Was she knowingly trying to weaken him, only to jab a knife into his back the moment he'd lower his defenses around her?
Like hell.
"I said get up!"
He sounded way more desperate than angry at this point, and the thought almost scared him. He couldn't control his emotions in her presence and he couldn't control the way his body was acting just as much. It was genuinely unnerving, however, he stubbornly refused to admit his defeat and leave the room. That's what Ray always did whenever staying around her was too overwhelming for his bloodthirst. And he definitely wasn't Ray.
This time, Natasha listened, flinching at the volume of his already hoarse voice and silently complying with his command. She carefully got up from her seat and stood in front of him, clutching tightly onto the fabric of her skirt. She was nervous, he could tell. Why won't she just admit that she's scared of him?
That dirty liar.
His cold gaze narrowed as he took a few more steps back and folded both of his arms across his chest.
"Now, go stand next to that wall, or I'll make you do it myself. And I won't coddle you." He nodded briefly to his left, away from their shared working space. Judging by the increased nervousness flickering in her green eyes, Natasha was starting to guess on what was soon to come. Still, she hesitated only for a brief moment, before biting on her lower lip and walking over to the mentioned wall.
His gaze never left her form, not until her back was carefully lined up with the cold surface of the wall.
She wasn't saying much now. He must admit, he liked her a tiny bit better when her voice wasn't buzzing around inside of his ears. It always sounded way too soft and sweet for his liking. Especially whenever she decided to act 'worried' about his well-being of all people. Natasha was a convincing actor, that's for sure, and that's exactly what made him feel so angry in the first place. The truth was, a part of him, the tiniest part of him, has often longed to succumb to her tender promises, to cling to the warm comfort her embrace would surely provide. He despised these weak thoughts of his. The only person who should provide him the comfort he needs is his beloved Savior, no one else. His Saviour is the only person in the whole world who truly understands him and loves him unconditionally.
So, why is it that he's feeling so damn left behind by her lately? He shouldn't be needy for her love, that's what weak people like Ray do. And yet, after he got to meet Natasha, she started to plant new dangerous ideas into his head. Even right now, what he was planning on doing was something strictly prohibited to him, and he knew that perfectly.
He didn't even realize that he started walking towards her, suddenly finding himself standing right in front of her petite figure and cornering her by putting up an arm right next to her head. Though, it didn't seem like she was planning on escaping anyway. He leaned down to her level, his breath ghosting over the skin of her cheek as he spoke: "Are you afraid of me?"
The words hung heavy in the air around them, almost echoing off the cold walls aligning this tiny room. He was staring straight into her eyes, seeming scarily calm when compared to his earlier almost unhinged state of mind. Though, it wasn't odd for Saeran's mood to change drastically in a matter of mere minutes.
Natasha licked over her dried lips, musing over her words for a couple of moments before coming up with a reply.
"...No. I'm not."
His gaze narrowed as his nails scratched at the surface of the wall, making her cringe faintly at the unpleasant sound right next to her ear. If he was angry with her answer, he didn't show it openly this time around. Saeran merely let out a hollow chuckle, shaking his head slightly and leaning over so that he could whisper his next words right into her ear: "You should be."
And with that, without giving her any time to react, he gripped her tightly by the shoulders, jerking her body forward till she was trapped flush against his chest. He could hear her let out a shallow gasp at the unexpected contact, clutching onto his suit so as to not fall over completely. This way, he could practically hear her heart drumming away into his temples, forcing him to grit his teeth and bear it.
Whatever he can deal with this just fine.
Making sure that she was right where he needed her to be, Saeran now grabbed onto her arm, gripping it tightly between his thin fingers and making his point clear: there was no point in trying to struggle. Whether she listened to his silent warning out of fear or some other train of thought, he didn't know, and he didn't care. It was easier when she was not trying to push him away, anyway.
Though, he had to push her back into his chest the moment she tried to look back onto his face. He didn't want to see her eyes right now.
"W-what are you going to do?" She muttered, sounding much more confused than scared, much to his annoyance. Is she out of her mind or something?
"Say, have you ever wondered why Ray was acting the way he did around you?"
Natasha fell silent for a few moments. He could imagine a puzzled look painting itself over her features, which made him snicker under his breath.
Such an idiot.
Weirdly enough, he didn't feel the need to lash out at her quite yet. Moreover, he found it quite amusing to watch her stumble over her own words in confusion.
"I... don't understand what you're getting at, Saeran."
He rolled his eyes at her. He just has to spill everything out the way it is for her, huh? How boring.
"What, are you trying to tell me he never rushed away from you seemingly out of nowhere, looking like he saw a ghost or something? Or avoided you like the plaque itself whenever you hurt yourself out of your own ridiculous clumsiness? Oh, I know, how about never actually eating anything in front of you? That's a hard one to crack, isn't it, my little detective?" He practically purred right into her ear, slowly brushing away her long hair from her shoulder and examining the exposed skin of her neck with his starved gaze. It looked like she was way too distracted by his strange words to even take notice of this odd touch, just slightly tightening her hold on his suit in response.
"W-what are you talking about-?" She stuttered.
His hot shaky breath ghosted over her smooth skin, making her jolt in surprise, and let out a tiny yelp, making him chuckle in amusement. She can be pretty cute at times, it's a shame that she mostly chooses to annoy him, rather than provide him with the entertainment he desires. She tried once more to turn her head to him, but this attempt was denied the same as the last one with just one tug on her arm that caused her to remain in place. He wasn't going to let her do whatever she wanted, after all.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about. There's no point in playing the oblivious idiot in front of me, princess. I can feel your blood pumping inside of your veins, and it does not lie. Now, are you starting to guess on why there's blood on me, or should I just spell it out for you? Hmm... how about you never seeing me, or your precious prince-charming Ray out and about in the daylight? I believe that's the most obvious clue there is."
Natasha fell dead silent, freezing in place, and this time, Saeran felt kind of disappointed he couldn't see her face clearly. Still, this way, he's much more in control of himself, so he'll have to bear with it for the time being. He grabbed onto her hair with a tight grip, finding the biggest vein peeking out distinctly from under the soft cover of her skin with his eyes. He could feel his fangs practically itching to bury themselves into her flesh, as he imagined how her blood would taste on his tongue the moment he'll finally get to do it.
Still, he held himself back for whatever reason, slowly starting to slightly tremble from the overwhelming need clouding over his senses. It was dangerous how quickly she caused him to feel like this, considering how he had his last 'meal' just a few hours ago. The sound of her muffled voice brought him back to reality.
"...That's not possible."
It was a hushed whisper, one he was able to make out only due to his heightened senses compared to a normal human being. He couldn't hide the wide smirk stretching his cheeks from ear to ear in pure triumph. "Oh, but it is, princess. And I think it's about time you learned what I truly am - what Ray truly is - before you start all that 'I care about you ' crap. It's too late to regret now, so don't even try to struggle, it's useless either way. Let's see how worried about me you'll be after I'm finished with you."
Before she could reply to these words, Saeran has bitten harshly into her skin, without any warning given to her in advance, making Natasha gasp sharply at the pain searing up in her neck. His grip on her was too strong to fight back, even if she'd try.
And yet, for whatever reason, she did not even do that. A small question crept its way into her thoughts as she stood there in pure shock and dismay swirling around in her head and pondering over what was real, and what was not, as her blood was being taken away from her in a form of mere food.
Did Saeran... Did he believe that he was undeserving of her care because of what he is...?
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septimus-heap · 2 years
Silas who used to babysit young Marcia is honestly my favourite hc like what could be funnier
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