#she doesn't really celebrate her birthday idk what to tell u
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illputabexonyou · 2 years ago
Who: Open @lunarcovestarters Where: Doctor's offices in the hospital
Bex might've hated hospitals, but there was really no way to avoid going to one after breaking a bone. She'd been offered vampire blood to help it heal, but after a lifetime of being a vegan (which wasn't easy on the streets, but she couldn't eat dairy, anyway, so she didn't have much of a choice) the thought of consuming blood of any kind repulsed her to the point of nausea. And, sure, she could've probably had someone heal it, too, but the coven was already dealing with everything that had happened, what with Poppy dying and being resurrected (something that was still so fucking insane sounding to Bex, she thought it might be a dream), she didn't want to bother anyone with her own problems.
And so there she was, again, back at the hospital for a check-up.
At least the nurse she saw was nice. She smiled at her the whole time and reassured her that everything was healing okay (even though Bex had refused vampire blood-- cut her some slack, okay?). She even let Bex pick out a lollipop on the way out, bidding her farewell as she headed out.
Then, the nurse added, "Oh, and happy birthday!" It rang in Bex's ears and in the quiet waiting room and she flinched, turning back around sheepishly, hoping no one else had heard. She really hoped no one she knew had heard.
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readingwiththestars · 10 months ago
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["whatever our souls are made of hers and mine are the same"]
| ✮ 3.5 stars |
THOUGHTS ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° . [spoilers for ihhbwm + some spoliers for ioihth]
ok so lemme tell you i had the BIGGEST reading slump ever just as i started to read this. so this review may be a little choppy at some points because i've just pointblank forgotten some parts and don't wanna go back and re-read finny's pov just yet.
i was so on the fence about reading this because on one hand i really wanted to read finny's pov and on the other, complete and utter heartbreak.... yeah....... so anyway i read it.
when i tell you that this book had me ugly crying in the middle of the night. like seriously finny's pov?? fucking broke me. are you kidding me? the way he speaks about autumn? ugh when am i gonna find a guy like finny fr? but seriously this book had me on a rollercoaster of emotions just from the heartbreak knowing whats already gonna happen to finny as he describes how happy he is and how he can't believe autumn loves him back, to the smile i had on my face reading about 'the moms' bickering over baby stuff for autumn.
i will say this now i did expect a little more (hence the rating). i wanted idk more closure at the end there. idk rlly know how to describe it better since its 10 o'clock at night and ive had zero sleep for the past four nights in a row. but yeah i wanted something more. (bitch u wanted finny to be alive)
CHARACTERS ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .
finny -
*sobbing noises* i could go on a damn rant abt this boy. holy shit. he's just perfect. if i see one person ONE PERSON coming after him istg- he was such a caring sweet person like the pencil??? and always going to the sketchy gas station (i nearly called it a servo then lmao) to get the candy autumn likes?? and always making sure people were safe when he drives?? *cough* apparently not you though sylvie *cough* just ahhh laura when i get you. cause like why'd you have to make him get out of the car, hmmm? lets just compromise and you give me an alternate universe where finny misses the puddle or better yet where sylvie kept her damn seatbelt on.
jack -
tbh i wasn't all that excited to read about jack. (also to be fair i was still sobbing from finny's pov so that probably didn't help) like i seriously just thought it'd be some jock trying to process finny's death by hooking up with alexis (who by the way can go jump up her own ass and die) but we got the whole other side of him where he was genuinely affected by finny's death and really was his best friend. but the way he didn't like autumn way just- yeah. also i saw him and sylvie coming from a mile away like seriously it wasn't very subtle.
autumn -
*sobbing noises increase* autumn my baby girl. i just wanted to jump through the pages and give her a hug. seriously i feel robbed that we didn't get to see a happy autumn. angie and her's friend ship was so precious tho. and i love love LOVE that they bonded over being moms/soon-to-be-moms. im also just gonna say the way we didn't see an ounce of jamie or sasha this entire book made me so happy! i also lowkey wanted to see more of when she was an actual mom? like what would she name the baby? i wanted to see domestic autumn a little more. but i still love her so much and it was so lovely to see her heal <3
QUOTES ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° . [spoilers]
"my love for her is the closest thing i have to religion. but it's okay that she doesn't feel the same. i'm fine. i can handle it" - finny
"my devotion to autumn is engraved on my very being. i am in awe of her. i will sit in the stands and cheer her on in life as her most ardent admirer. i know i'll always love her in the same way i know i'll always need oxygen" - finny
"it's all done. finn's story is over. his whole life. that was it. not even nineteen years, and he'll never, ever do anything else ever again. finn won't go off to college or celebrate his birthday. he won't get another hair cut or get the oiled changed in his car. he won't bite a hangnail on his thumb or buy another CD. finn smith has done everything he will ever do. he won't get to be with autumn." - jack
“this baby isn't what's left over from our love story. this baby is our story's continuation.” - autumn
"if only i'd told her that i loved her years ago, i wouldn't be here now." - finny
all in all laura you can pay for my therapy mkay?
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deanstead · 3 months ago
hello!!!!!!!! i am back to tell u more about irl antonio dawson bc its one of the only two things (the other one is enigma of fear) i can think about currently so!!!! yeah!!!!!
also, does anyone use 🫧✨🤍❄️ one of these emojis to identify themselves? bc its easier if i just sign with it rather than just opening with the same thing every single time
but ok lets go. its gonna be long.
he used to date a girl in my class back in highschool (senior year) (me and the girl were barely acquaintances but she turned out to be a horrible person and cheated on all the boyfriends she ever had but that's a story for another day!!!!)
when i first met him (over 2 years ago), he was introduced to me as her bf (they broke up the same year)
and i have this thing that it doesn't matter how much a person is my type. if the person is introduced to me as someone's romantic partner, i do not feel attraction at ALL. like i dont feel anything towards the person, its like im looking to a wall
so obviously i didnt even pay attention to him (and im not saying this to sound cool or whatever is just how i function really)
then, earlier this year, one of my best friends (the one thats his childhood best friend) celebrated her birthday twice, the second time being at a restaurant with less people, so its more intimate
he was there. i was there. sitting in front of him.
and i want to preface this by saying that during that time, i was reaching the 2 year mark of not feeling any kind of romantic attraction towards anyone
(also i do suspect that im somewhat in the aro spectrum but that's not the point)
so i was not used to having crushes anymore, and i didnt know what to do?????? like he was there suddenly being an attractive human being and i was like??????? uhm hello. sir. hi.
and then this man started being funny. like hes HILARIOUS
but i wasn't able to really talk to him bc im a rather shy person and i was also reconnecting with an old friend that went to the celebration too!!! so my focus was on this friend rather than mr dawson impersonator
so on that night we didn't interact much
then, i started liking another boy (who is a friend of mr antonio). a different one. and the dawson impersonator isnt really someone who i see a lot, so i kind of forgot about him and focused on this other boy, who i saw more and its also very nice!!!! (nothing happened between me and him bc i cant talk to him for the life of me but that's ok)
then, my friend (the one i reconnected with) decided to host a halloween party, and since (in my head) i was alrwady over irl dawson, i was able to talk with him freely and that was my worst mistake because this man??????????
ok. lets go from the beginning.
there i was, a bit tipsy but very much conscious and happy because i was cruella!!!! and i finally went and got my oreo hair done so i was feeling great
in the beginning of the party i was already comfortably talking with mr tonio but nothing more than just being in the same little circle of people talking altogether and answering each other sometimes
after like one or two hours, i went to the party host friend and said "idk if its the alcohol but im considering telling you who i like" and i was referring myself to the other boy™️, not mr dawson
and he was like "i think i know who it is by elimination" and HE WAS RIGHT???? like wtf that was insane but not the point
then we left the room and went to the kitchen to get some things done for midnight bc one of the guests was going to turn 20 or smth so the host friend had a cake etc etc
i went with him to continue talking about it and started being dramatic (as one does) about how im so predictable and blah blah blah and i have this thing i like to do that is:
if im having a conversation with someone and im complaining about something, and a third clueless person shows up in the middle of the conversation, i will complain to them with no context
real life antonio showed up.
and i said, dramatically
"im so predictable, [his name], im so sad"
but i was not expecting him to be so fucking curious and interested about it?????
he was all like "why are you predictable?" and then i didnt answer ofc and he said "if you really were predictable, id know what youre talking about."
i was a bit taken aback bc i wasnt expecting such?????? interest????????? and then i said
"im predictable to my FRIENDS" (in a friendly jokingly funny way i swear that it wasnt rude or anything. he is literally not my friend we've seen each other less than 10 times and we've know each other for OVER TWO YEARS)
and he completely ignored that and went on to wanting to know what it was and we started a little banter that sounded basically like this:
"im not telling you"
"but WHY"
"i cant tell you why bc if i tell you why youll know what it is about"
"no i wont" (he said that confidently alright. his tone wasnt whiny or anything like that he was SMUG)
"yes you will"
"cmon tell me"
"ill tell you in... five years, how about that?"
"we wont even know each other in five years"
"i will find you and tell you"
"you wont even remember!"
"i will put an alarm"
"youll look at it and wont even KNOW what it is about"
"occupational hazard" (thats the best translation to what I said to him so sorry if it doesn't make much sense but yeah)
and then i was saved bc it was midnight and we had to go and sing happy birthday to the guest and well...
i thought it was over
i was already back on the couch scrolling on my phone peacefully but then this man just THROWS himself right next to me with his arms crossed, tilts his head to look in my direction and asks
"so tell me, [my name], why are you predictable?"
i immediately rolled my eyes and laughed bc GET OVER IT???? and also bc it was infuriatingly attractive but THAT he will never know
and then we just talked and talked and it was less banter-y than the first talk but god it was just as fun
and before he could rip the information out of me (i dont think he would actually manage to do it but i am weak for confident and assertive people and do i need to say that he fits the category?) someone called me and i could run away from the conversation
but yeah that was it
i will update you when something else happens if youd REALLY like that but yeah!!!!! have a great day and feel free to ask any questions bc i will LOVE to answer
I'm sorry I totally get why he's a real life antonio cos GIRL the crossed arms????????
Pick an emoji you like!! No one's using emojis with me anymore hehe <3
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existslikepristin · 3 years ago
hey i passed by ur purplekiss swan nsfw fic and idk if u know this but she turned 18 only a month before you posted that, it really doesn't seem appropriate to write those things about someone who's barely an adult :/
Well, I've got a couple things to say about that. I'm going to kind of figure you're bringing this up as an actual concern and not just trolling, so I'll say this in good faith rather than blocking you. If I'm wrong, hopefully someone else will read this and engage meaningfully. I apologize ahead of time if the first sentence comes off a bit rude, but it's just a statement of fact.
Firstly, she is eighteen and her birthday is July 11, so it's been several months. I found out about PK right in the middle of Zombie promotions (which is an absolute bop), so my experience with her is that she's been eighteen for as long as I've been aware of her existence. Of course, that's not something you'd have known about me and I don't expect you to have, so it's all good.
However, when it comes to stories like this, for as scummy as it can come across if someone is chomping at the bit, waiting for someone to turn eighteen so they can write smut about them: At least they're waiting, unlike companies who want to take advantage of an idol by presenting them sexually way too early (oh hi JYP, when did you get here? Three years early? Sorry if you've been bored. Oh you haven't been? You've been oversexualizing underage idols this whole time? Wow, good for you). Even assuming I was waiting for Swan to turn eighteen just to write this super short fic, that does mean that I was aware of her age and was keeping it in mind. In this case, I'd compare it to someone waiting for a friend to turn twenty-one before taking them to a bar to celebrate their birthday.
Now, if you want to more thoroughly discuss the law itself or its moral implications, my DMs are open. Honestly this stuff is interesting to me, and I'd be happy to talk to you about it.
Anyway, my second point is... About your ask: that's essentially the whole point of the fic.
I'm going to assume you didn't read it, and I'm kind of torn on the matter.
I want to tell you NOT TO read it because there is NSFW content and Swan says some pretty intentionally nasty stuff. Swan is sexualized in the story, even if it's not in an explicitly "having sex" sort of way. And I am making yet another assumption that from your moral perspective, it would be unacceptable. And if you did happen to like it, that may lead you to my other writing, which I'm sure you could find way more offensive content. Though, again, my DMs are open if you want to talk with me. It's a lot easier to have this conversation when I'm not wildly guessing about what your personal moral stance is.
On the other hand, I WANT you to read it for the context. Because it's, as obviously as I can make it, a joke about the exact thing you're asking. If you don’t want the joke explained, skip this last paragraph and just go read the fic itself:
Swan shows up at a certain well-known-and-memed porn studio. It's implied that she's there to get laid/explore her sexuality (possibly because she doesn't know better because she developed a sexual identity through porn, but that's up to reader interpretation). She even uses porn tropes and refers to herself as a "barely-legal teen" in her attempt to get some sexual attention. In the end however, she is unsuccessful (which is the big main joke of the story). Even the title "The Cutest Duckling" is a reference to this conversation. In the old story "The Ugly Duckling," an orphaned swan is seen by the community around it as ugly when it's adopted by a duck, only to grow up and become admired for its beauty. In my story, Swan has reached adulthood, the "swan" stage of the story, and is trying to present herself as beautiful and sexually available, but can't get that recognition. She's still treated as if she's a child.
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