#she doesn't know yet that reese remembers her
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@brittlefcrged: ❛ Officially, I was dead for two minutes. ❜
Two minutes. Such a minuscule amount of time, but in death it could feel much longer. Cassie had been with Reese during those two minutes. She spent them trying to reassure the young girl that she was okay, that she was safe and everything would be alright. All the while the living were desperately working on resuscitating her. Near-death experiences weren't uncommon, and those souls only temporarily separated from their bodies still required a reaper. Cassie never minded working these near deaths, though she knew other reapers found them annoying.
This had all happened years ago, but the reaper still remembered. It was nice seeing Reese again, to see how the years had changed her - a reminder that life went on. She didn’t see any harm in speaking with the woman who she had once comforted in a moment of death, she figured that Reese wouldn’t remember her. Most people don’t remember what happens during their near-death experiences, for good reason.
"That must have been very frightening." she replied, "I'm sorry that happened to you."
#brittlefcrged#v: don't fear the reaper ( main )#ic.#a meme from MONTHS ago lol#but i figured something around when they first meet again?#she doesn't know yet that reese remembers her
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No More Excuses//Katelena
Chapter 9: When It Rears Its Ugly Head
Pairing: Kate Bishop x Yelena Belova
Chapter Summary: The girls go see a movie and then head to a bar to just relax and enjoy each other’s company, but trouble arises when a toxic face from Kate’s past shows up.
A/N: I hope you hate this man as much as I do.
Chapter Warnings: alcohol, men being assholes, harassment, PTSD, trauma
Kate lets Yelena pick the movie when they shuffle into the first theater they can find, which happens to be small and vintage and ultimately adorable. She goes over the options for a small moment before excitedly beckoning to the reruns of Howl's Moving Castle, and Kate lights up with a grin at her decision. They get ridiculously cheap candy from the snack counter and scurry down the hallway.
Apparently Howl's Moving Castle had been on a list of Yelena's of things to watch because of her intermittent internet browsing, and Kate made a mental note to properly introduce her to Studio Ghibli later on.
The movie is an instant hit with Yelena, of course, who is so enthralled with the gorgeous art style and music that she doesn't even remember to touch the Reese's Pieces Kate convinced her to try. Here and there she mutters her thoughts, commenting on how sad it was that Sophie thought so little of herself, how much she adored Calcipher, how she thought that the rings were the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.
Kate probably didn't pay as much attention to the movie as she should have, but to be fair, she had seen it a million times and knew most of the lines anyway. She really only had eyes for Yelena; the way her nose scrunched when she smiled, the honey curls loose around her neck, the way the deep, sticky red of her lipstick moved with her mouth when she laughed and when she cried.
By the end of the movie, Yelena looks as if she's gone through the five stages of grief. Her cheeks are flushed and the tears, both genuine and from laughing, have smudged the corner of her eye makeup, which in Kate's opinion, only enhances it. The assassin is chatting Kate's ear off, who has to admit that her energy is the most addictive drug she's ever come in contact with.
"Kate Bishop!" Yelena yells for the millionth time as soon as they're outside the theater, hands grabbing her friend's arms and almost shaking her. "That was beautiful!" She bursts into a stream of excited rapid-fire Russian, her accent so thick that Kate thinks she could wrap herself in it and snuggle down for a night of listening to Yelena talk.
Yelena suddenly squeals and throws her arms around Kate's waist, lifting the archer off of her feet and spinning her around. "Kate Bishop, thank you thank you thank you!" She presses her lips to both of Kate's cheeks in swift kisses, her laughter and smile so contagious that Kate can't help but laugh along, even though her face is burning and her stomach is doing unsanctioned flips.
"Why are you thanking me?" Kate asks, her grin so wide her cheeks start to ache. She is still in Yelena's arms, the assassins grip strong and sure and oh-so warm. "You're the one who paid for the movie, Yelena."
"Yes, but I would not have ever gone to see it without you!" Yelena lets go of Kate to place her hands over her heart with a wistful sigh, her eyes closing. "Oh, Kate Bishop, I loved it so much."
Kate's heart is thudding against her chest, but she pushes it down and takes the blonde's hand. "I'm glad," she says softly.
Yelena's lips curl up at the corners, and the snow is still falling lightly out on the cold New York streets, a few flakes sticking to her dark lashes. "Me too."
There's another moment, then. Right there, just the two of them. Yelena knows, and is less afraid than she was even three hours ago, but it is heavy in her chest and she doesn't know if she can take the weight yet.
"Time for drinks, Kate Bishop?" she says coyly, raising an eyebrow. The air is crisp and wonderful in her lungs when she takes a deep breath, and it eases the squeeze on her heart.
Kate's grin is blinding, and she nods. "Absolutely."
They end up walking until they find a cozy looking bar, and Kate holds the door open for Yelena before following in behind her. They are immediately enveloped in music that is somehow both quiet and loud but I still rather pleasant, the aroma of coffee and alcohol mixing together, and the glow from several assorted colors of fairy lights strung up in just about every inch of the place.
Kate whistles lowly, taking it in on a slow circle. "How have I never been to this place before now?" she mutters, finding herself falling in love with the establishment immediately. It's all one big, open space, with the bar against the back wall, each side wall full of different booths, tables, and variously decorated seating areas, and the rest of the floor appears to be where the dancing happens.
There seems to be only about two dozen people dancing, and only a couple of them are hammered enough to be throwing limbs around and grinding on each other. The rest are either slow dancing with their respective partner or friend, or letting themselves loosen up.
Yelena's grin is feral as she takes it all in, and when her eyes light upon Kate after a moment, the glow in them intensifies. The archer swallows, knowing her face is hot but not being able to do much about it.
"Hi there, ladies!" A deep voice calls out from somewhere to their right, and a tall, friendly looking man wearing entirely black with a safety vest appears from the crowd, walking towards them. "So sorry I didn't catch you at the door, but I'm the bouncer. Can I see some ID?"
Kate smiles apologetically and nods, digging through her wallet before handing her ID over. The guy looks it over for a moment and gives it back, then turns to Yelena. "And you, ma'am?"
Yelena doesn't move, and her voice is dry. "I called ahead. Fanny Longbottom."
Kate doesn't know how she keeps herself from choking on her own spit and laughing so hard she shits herself, but the bouncer looks over a list on his phone and confirms a few numbers with Yelena before letting them know they're good to go.
Yelena looks at Kate and notices the way she's barely holding herself together, and the assassin rolls her eyes. "Don't," she says in warning, her face grave but tone light. Kate wisely keeps her mouth shut.
They make their way to a booth where they have a clear view of the bar, dance floor, and both exits; Yelena tells Kate to sit while she grabs them drinks.
The archer settles into the booth and admires the leather upholstery, which is in much better shape than you would expect from a New York bar. The hanging light above the table is a warm orange, and Kate leans further into the cushion, looking forward to the rest of night.
That is, of course, until a figure appeared in front of the table, much too tall and masculine to be her Yelena.
"Hey there, Baby Girl."
Kate feels her stomach blanch, and she does her best to keep the anger from showing through her face as she slowly turns to face the man who spoke. He was tall and lean and had short cropped hair, and Kate could barely stop herself from kicking him between the legs.
"Connor." She grit her teeth tightly and sat up tall, not bothering to make her face look pleasant. "I hope you remember I still have a restraining order against you."
Connor laughs and dares to sit in the booth seat across from her, leaning back and folding his arms across his chest. In hindsight, Connor looks completely harmless. He's wearing a simple blue henley shirt and converse, his hair is well kept, and his smile is dorky. But his eyes hold a gleam that Kate had managed to forget, and seeing it light upon her again has her blood boiling.
"I figured since your MILF of a mommy is in prison, I might try to say hi again." He leans forward, his elbows bracing on the table as he gives a wink. "Without any money to pay the police, how are you supposed to keep a restraining order in the first place?"
Her tone is cold and sharp, and she knows he can see the fire in her eyes. The jab at Eleanor simmers in the back of her mind, and Kate pictures getting to throw him into a wall. "I'm still rich as hell, Connor, and I have more money than you'll ever make in a lifetime. Leave before I call my security in and get you arrested." Kate didn't have official security, but she knew Yelena could chop this man into pieces without breaking a sweat.
For a moment, he looks enraged at the comment on his financial situation, but Connor only laughs, and his lips twist into a cruel smirk. "Girly, we both know you don't have security." He's staring into her, gaze challenging and rotted, like he's trying to tear down her defenses and scare her into submission.
"Leave," she hisses, body shaking with the anger she wants to hit him with. It had been so long since she felt this way. So upset that she could burn the world down with it. So afraid she might kill someone in her frenzy.
"No." His answer is simple, and Kate feels her heart fall with a thud. She recalls the feel of his hands on her wrists, his words mocking and laughing when she tries to get away. He was detained before he could seriously hurt her, but she remembers.
Yelena appears, a full shot glass in both hands, her face stone cold and murderous. "Who the fuck are you?"
Translations: none
Kate Bishop counter: 4
This chapter's meme:

Comments/reblogs/notes make my day :)
#katelena#bishova#kate bishop#yelena belova#sapphic#queer#wlw#gxg#no more excuses#marvel#Kate x Yelena#Yelena x Kate#mcu#lesbians#harassment#I love women
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Quogan with kids - Imagine how panicked/ridiculous Logan would be as Quinn’s water breaks and he has to drive her to the hospital. Or him holding her hand during labor and through the contractions.
I believe Logan would be overly attentive with Quinn's pregnancy, I think I mentioned before him buying whatever craving she has in bulks and make their friends/family rehearse what they have to do for the "big day" (yes, I am referencing Floricienta jajajja), but Quinn isn't far behind him.
I have some more headcanons for Quinn's pregnancy (I also have for them as parents, but then this post would be too long, so I'll leave that for another asks I got about the subject), remember this is settled in my Rebuilding PCA AU.
(had to divide this into sections bc there's an apparent limit for every list)
Finding out, to first Eco:
Despite having everything planned out, even when they were going to have children, the first baby came as a surprise.
I headcanon she took a test on her job. She had her suspicion about her symptoms, and had a doctor appointment in a few days, but she was too impatient to wait so she bought three pregnancy test (just to be sure) and took them on her job's bathroom.
But unexpected doesn't mean unwelcome. Quinn was very happy when she found out, definitely cried when she saw the two pink lines.
The thought of little baby, a mix of both her and Logan overwhelmed her with joy, unable to even worry if that might compromise her work at the moment.
Though she did think of it on her way home, she felt optimist. She acknowledge to herself that it will be hard and it will require more of her usual effort and focus, but she's Quinn Pensky-Reese! She's the mind of her generation, if anyone can handle an inventor's job, a school rebuilding and a pregnancy, that's her!
As soon as she got home, she went into her study and started organizing her schedule for the next months, in case the doctor confirmed it. Just to save time, time she would need later one, after all.
there was even more crying when the doctor told her that, yes, she was in fact pregnant. They settle a date for the first ecography.
Logan was the first one to know, of course. But Quinn waited until she had a doctor's confirmation before telling him, worried she'd get his hopes up only to end both disappointed.
I imagine she prepared a nice surprise dinner. He entered their home and found her waiting besides a candle lit table with his favorite dish. His first thought was wondering if he -somehow- forgot any important date, he even thinks "is it my birthday?".
But she reassured him before he even ask that she just wanted to surprise him. He notices she seems happier than usual, assuming she's about to tell him some really good news, (they know each other so well!!), tho he thinks it's probably related to the school renovation.
Her excitement took over and she couldn't wait until the end of the dinner, much to his relief because his curiosity was killing him.
She hands him a little gift box, and watches as his face changes, he goes from confusion as he opens it and takes a cute tiny PCA onesie, to realization. (note: the baby will be wearing that at some point, when Logan takes them to PCA, to show them the campus *cries*)
His eyes widens and he struggles to form words because he can't close his mouth. He's absolutely shocked.
Logan: "are you saying... we're having a baby?" and Quinn just nods excitedly, she also can't talk because she's already teary eyes.
Logan runs to hug her side, lifting her and spinning her around, so happy the protective dad mode hadn't kicked on yet lol.
He wants to tell everyone immediately, but she tells him it would be better to wait for the first eco, which would be after her first trimestre is completed, and explains to him all about those things (because you know she researched before the doctor appointment and also filled the doctor with questions lol)
He listens attentively because he wants to be aware about everything related to their little bundle of joy.
They're so annoying at the hospital for the eco, but the doctor is incredibly patient (bless them), despite them spilling question after question.
Quinn's scientific curiosity is in full swing as she bombards the ultrasound technician with a million questions about the technology and procedure.
Thankfully for the doctor, they shut up as soon as their baby shows up on the screen, as well as the first time they hear their heartbeat.
(little angsty headcanon: they were both terrified of not hearing a heartbeat, it made them anxious and afraid, they're first time parents after all, they're fucking scared *cries intensifies*)
As the doctor shows them the baby's hands and feet and nose and all that, Logan makes comments like "they're gonna have your nose!" or "oh, you're gonna be a such a heartbreaker, just like your dad"
He mostly tries to make Quinn laugh, and to ease both of their nervous.
The doctor asks if they want to know the gender of the bay, but they decide to save that for the baby shower, so they get it written down in an envelopment instead.
The technician offers to print out a few ultrasound pictures for them, where the gender of their baby could not be visible (already sensing these two would spend a lot of time looking at them and Quinn would definitely figure it out). Quinn practically squeals with delight, already envisioning how she'll document and cherish these precious snapshots. Logan grins, imagining himself showing off the pictures to anyone who will listen, beaming with pride.
As they leave the doctor's office, Quinn can't help but walk a little lighter, her hand resting protectively over her growing belly. Logan wraps an arm around her, pulling her close, his protective mode also activating on that moment
On the way home, they can't resist the urge to stop at a baby store. They fill the car with stuffed animals, and nursery decorations. They also pick out a few gender-neutral outfits, happily imagining their little one wearing them.
When they get home (after Logan settled all the heavy stuff they brought inside their home, because he's not letting her carry anything heavy ever again), they sit in the coach and spread the ultrasound pictures on the coffee table, looking at them and pointing little details they notice about their baby.
After indulging on this little moment, they finally call their friends and family to let them know the news. First their parents (Lyric was in the same room as Logan's parents, so she found out at the same time)
Their parent's are overjoyed, it's going to be the first grandchild in both families, with Quinn being an only child and Logan the first of Malcolm's children to be a parent (I'm still not sure Logan's older brother exist, but either way, first grandkid bc I say so), and at the end of the calls they promise to set a dinner to celebrate this news soon.
When Lyric hears the news, she raises an eyebrow and gives a nonchalant shrug, trying to maintain her composure. Deep down, however, she can't help but feel a surge of excitement and anticipation. She may not show it openly, but Lyric secretly starts researching the best auntie gifts and cool, trendy baby clothes. She's determined to be the "chillest" aunt, effortlessly blending her coolness with her newfound role.
Of their friends, the first to know were Lola and Michael, argue with the wall.
Lola squeals at the news, already declaring herself the best aunt this baby would have (Lyric would disagree if she was there, but whatever), she cracks a few jokes at Logan's expenses probably, I imagine their friendship still has that banter, like they pretend they still dislike each other. Something like, "I'm sure your baby will have enough of you to make up for the parts it gets from Logan" (english is failing me lol, but you get it), and tells them she would host the baby shower. Organizing event is still not much her thing, but she's too excited.
Michael is over the moon, and tells them he'd gladly conduct their baby shower, and tells them he already thought of baby names ideas. They tell them Lola already offered and he says he'll call her to let her help (Lola would probably let him do most of the job lol)
I just know this news would give Zoey and Chase another age/relationship crisis, but let's not focus on that for this. They're happy for their friends. They also offer to help with the baby shower, but Logan is quick to reject them lol. Though Quinn explains Michael and Lola are already on that, so they don't feel bad.
Pregnant Quinn:
Quinn becomes a walking encyclopedia during her pregnancy. She dives deep into researching every stage of fetal development and reads every book on pregnancy she can get her hands on. She's determined to understand every aspect of what's happening to her body and her growing baby.
Quinn's scientific mind goes into overdrive as she starts experimenting with various homemade remedies and concoctions to alleviate pregnancy symptoms
She creates her own natural remedies for morning sickness, swollen feet, and stuff, much to the amusement and amazement of her friends.
I like to keep a bit of the ridiculousness from the show into this, so I hc Quinn's pregnancy hormones send her emotions on a rollercoaster ride. She goes from crying over commercials to laughing uncontrollably at the slightest joke. Her friends and Logan learn to navigate this emotional whirlwind, providing comfort and support whenever she needs it.
Quinn's genius mind starts coming up with innovative inventions specifically designed for pregnancy. She designs a pillow that perfectly supports her growing belly while she sleeps, a wearable device that tracks fetal movements, and even a smart app that monitors her baby's health.
Her pregnancy cravings are a mix of the expected and the totally unexpected. One day, she craves pickles and ice cream, and the next, she insists on eating spaghetti with hot sauce and gummy worms.
As her due date approaches, Quinn becomes hyper-organized. She starts prepping freezer meals, organizing the nursery down to the tiniest detail, and even creating a hospital bag checklist for both her and Logan. She wants everything to be perfectly in place for their baby's arrival.
I like to thinks Quinn's love for science extends to documenting her pregnancy journey. She takes weekly belly pictures, meticulously tracks her weight gain, and even keeps a journal where she writes letters to her unborn baby. While she is treating it like a study, she also wants to capture every precious moment and memory for their little one to look back on.
Quinn's intelligence and curiosity lead her to attend every prenatal class their schedule allows, along with Logan ofc. She becomes the star student, asking insightful questions and even offering her own scientific explanations for certain topics. She kinda annoys the other parents on the classes, but the dirty look Logan gives the when they try to say something shuts them up.
Despite her scientific approach to pregnancy, Quinn also embraces the magical and emotional side of it all. She loves feeling her baby's kicks and hiccups, cherishes every ultrasound appointment, and eagerly awaits the moment she can hold her little one in her arms.
She loves talking to her baby, telling them about how their little body is developing and what awaits them and stuff.
She hopes their little one is a science fan like her, so she also tells them of science in general, specially while she works on her quinnventions, explaining the process to her belly.
No matter how many research she went through, the birth terrifies her, truth be told. She's a first time mother after all, how could she not. The thoughts of all the things that could go wrong filling her mind.
But she endures it, holding tight to Logan's hand. She keeps pushing and pushing until they finally hear the baby's cry.
All the pain and fear melting away the moment he baby is placed in her arms, she cries happily as she caresses their cheeks and coos at them, calming the babies' crying.
the sobbing doesn't stop even when the baby calms down and the doctors take them away to clean them and weight them, neither her or Logan taking their eyes off their child, even when he leans down to kiss her forehead, whispering sweet words at her.
Daddy-to-be Logan:
From the moment Quinn tells Logan she's pregnant, he can't contain his excitement. He starts researching everything about pregnancy and parenting, creating boards filled with nursery ideas, baby names, and parenting hacks.
He creates an elaborate color-coded pregnancy planner. It includes doctor's appointments, prenatal classes, and even a detailed birth plan. He wants everything to be perfectly planned and scheduled for the arrival of their little one.
He takes it upon himself to fulfill every single one of her cravings. He becomes her "master chef", whipping up all sorts of weird food combinations she asks for, even if it means making a peanut butter and pickle sandwich at 3 a.m.
Logan insists on attending every doctor's appointment with Quinn, taking copious notes and asking the doctor a million questions. He's determined to be the most involved and informed dad ever.
As Quinn's baby bump grows, Logan becomes the ultimate protector. He's constantly fretting over her well-being, making sure she doesn't lift heavy objects, and even wrapping her in bubble wrap (metaphorically) to ensure nothing happens to their little one.
Logan starts talking to Quinn's baby bump, telling stories, singing lullabies, and even playing his favorite songs. He's convinced the baby can hear him and wants to establish a bond before they even arrive.
But he does not neglects Quinn, he pays just as much attention to her.
When it comes to baby shopping, Logan goes all out. He insists on buying the most comfy and safe stroller, the comfiest crib, and the cutest baby clothes. He spends hours meticulously researching and comparing products, determined to provide the best for his little family.
Logan becomes a master at assembling baby furniture... after many fails. He spends countless afternoons putting together the crib until he figures out how that thing works, changing tables, and rocking chairs. He'd usually hire someone to do the job for him, but he wanted to do this himself, no matter how frustrating it became, it was worth it.
As Quinn's due date approaches, Logan becomes a nervous wreck. He's constantly checking his phone, ready to rush to the hospital at a moment's notice. He even has a fully packed hospital bag prepared for both Quinn and himself, complete with snacks, a change of clothes, and a camera to capture every moment.
When the day finally arrives, Logan is a ball of nerves and excitement. He paces the hospital waiting room, wearing a path into the floor, until finally, he gets the news that Quinn is in labor.
He practically sprints to her side, holding her hand and whispering words of encouragement throughout the whole process.
And when their little bundle of joy finally enters the world, Logan's heart swells with love and pride. He can't help but cry tears of joy, overwhelmed with emotions as he holds his baby for the first time, promising to be the best dad they could ever ask for.
It's definitely the happiest day of their life, and once home, they can hardly take their eyes off their baby, so thankful to have them there, unable to contain the infinite amount of love their feel for them.
And that's most of my quogan pregnancy headcanons, hope you liked them.
#ask box#anon#quogan#zoey 102#zoey 101#logan reese#quinn pensky#quinn x logan#quogan baby#rebuilding PCA au#(kinda. it's settled there)#quogan headcanons
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Spooky Reading Recommendations!
Death Overdue by Allison Brook
Carrie Singleton is just about done with Clover Ridge, Connecticut, until she's offered a job as the head of programs at the spooky local library, complete with its own librarian ghost. Her first major program is presented by a retired homicide detective who claims he knows who murdered a much-loved part-time library aide who was bludgeoned to death fifteen years earlier. As he invites members of the audience to share stories about Laura, he suddenly keels over and dies. The medical examiner reveals he was poisoned and Carrie becomes determined to discover who murdered Laura and the detective.
This is the first volume of "The Haunted Library Mysteries" series.
Imaginary Friend by Stephen Chbosky
Single mother Kate Reese is on the run. Determined to improve life for her and her son, Christopher, she flees an abusive relationship in the middle of the night with her child. Together, they find themselves drawn to the tight-knit community of Mill Grove, Pennsylvania. At first, it seems like the perfect place to finally settle down. Then Christopher vanishes. For six long days, no one can find him. Until Christopher emerges from the woods at the edge of town, unharmed but not unchanged.
Weyward by Emilia Hart
I am a Weyward, and wild inside.
2019: Under cover of darkness, Kate flees London for ramshackle Weyward Cottage, inherited from a great aunt she barely remembers. With its tumbling ivy and overgrown garden, the cottage is worlds away from the abusive partner who tormented Kate. But she begins to suspect that her great aunt had a secret. One that lurks in the bones of the cottage, hidden ever since the witch-hunts of the 17th century.
1619: Altha is awaiting trial for the murder of a local farmer who was stampeded to death by his herd. As a girl, Altha’s mother taught her their magic, a kind not rooted in spell casting but in a deep knowledge of the natural world. But unusual women have always been deemed dangerous, and as the evidence for witchcraft is set out against Altha, she knows it will take all of her powers to maintain her freedom.
1942: As World War II rages, Violet is trapped in her family's grand, crumbling estate. Straitjacketed by societal convention, she longs for the robust education her brother receives - and for her mother, long deceased, who was rumored to have gone mad before her death. The only traces Violet has of her are a locket bearing the initial W and the word "weyward" scratched into the baseboard of her bedroom.
Weaving together the stories of three extraordinary women across five centuries, Emilia Hart's Weyward is an enthralling novel of female resilience and the transformative power of the natural world.
Wild and Wicked Things by Francesca May
On Crow Island, people whisper that real magic lurks just below the surface. But magic doesn't interest Annie Mason. Not after it stole her future. She's only on the island to settle her late father's estate and, hopefully, reconnect with her long-absent best friend, Beatrice. Yet Crow Island is brimming with temptation, and the most mesmerizing may be her enigmatic new neighbor. Mysterious and alluring, Emmeline Delacroix is a figure shadowed by rumors of witchcraft. Soon, Annie is drawn into a glittering, haunted world.
#spooky reads#fall reading#fiction#reading recommendations#reading recs#book recommendations#book recs#library books#tbr#tbr pile#to read#booklr#book tumblr#book blog#library blog#readers advisory
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Revisiting The Terminator on the Big Screen
Got to see The Terminator on a big screen for the first time ever at a special screening at the newly-refurbished former Arclight in Culver City, now called The Culver Theater.
First off, it's always a joy to see a great film in theater. And it's wonderful to see this particular theater open up again. The Arclight was always special. And now Amazon has taken it over but the intention is to treat it like a proper studio-agnostic theater and run films from all the studios, plus they have converted one of their screens to be 8K. I really hope people show up and keep the lights on.
Even having seen this film easily 30+ times, watching it on a proper screen with great sound was a revelation. The Terminator blew me away like it hadn't since I first watched it in high school on VHS.
Everything about it is brilliantly realized. The concept, story, pacing, action, cinematography, dialogue, even the FX which are a bit clunky at times are perfectly executed for the era and budget. It's also subversively funny, and at times darkly hysterical.
And not to mention, it's visceral and scary. I remember when it first came out, it was considered more like a horror film than a sci-fi action film, at least among my friends. It was, along with Jaws and Alien, a movie you had to be brave to watch.
But even more so...
Linda Hamilton's performance is simply outstanding. The Terminator doesn't work without her. Without her as the lead, you have a solid sci-fi action thriller that's an 80s footnote. It's her movie, equally as much as Arnold's, and she doesn't get nearly enough credit for it.
She's sweet and cute, vulnerable, relatable, and yet you feel there's something more going on, an underlying fire and strength to Sarah Connor...
Which makes it possible to believe that she not only could survive this incredible, terrifying situation, but that she will rise to the occasion and become a great leader.
The scene in the motel with her and Reese, well frankly for the first time I've ever experienced with this film, I got emotional. You feel how sad she feels for him, how scared she is, and how attracted she is to him, even having only met him the night before.
She makes you believe a sensible waitress would fall for this crazy future man under the circumstances, and not have it be exploitative or feel creepy or weird when they fall into bed. And she's pretty damn dreamy too. You believe that Reese has been in love with her forever from just an old photo, and threw his life away to meet and protect her.
She makes you believe she believes this is happening. That a normal woman is being targeted by a cyborg assassin from a post-nuclear future, and that some day her un-conceived son will lead a rebellion against the robot overlords. And then, knowing how much she evolves by the next film, into something completely unrecognizable to her earlier self, adds a level of emotion and poignancy to the whole story.
And btw, Michael Biehn and Arnold SchSchwarzenegger are excellent as well. Nearly everyone is. Even the smaller roles are memorable, like the overly talkative cop played by Lance Henricksen, and his jaded boss, Paul Winfield. No moment is wasted. No scene overplays its welcome. And by the time Sarah Connor is crawling away from the relentless metal endoskeleton with the glowing red eyes, you're breathless even though you know exactly how it ends.
It's just a terrific film on every level. Exciting and inspiring as a writer, filmmaker, content creator, creative.
Now get out there and go to the movies, people! Do it!
#film #movies #scifi #sciencefiction #filmmaking #hollywood #horror #terminator
#film#movies#scifi#sciencefiction#filmmaking#hollywood#horror#terminator#tumblr#tumblr radar#film tumblr
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𝚙𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚎𝚛 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛- 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚖𝚢 𝚏𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚜?
A/n: happy 'annoying-coupls-day-and-a-reminder-that-your'e-single' day!!
peter parker was a sweetheart.
Peter parker was a romantic.
Peter parker was well educated.
That's why every years, even before his uncle passed away, Peter got his aunt a bouquet of sunflowers and a box of chocolate covered strawberries.
Every years since he was 11.
And he loved it.
Every valentines day, Peter and Ned would switch cheesy love letters they jokingly wrote for eachother along with a bag of gummy worms.
Every February 14 since sophomore year, Peter and Ned would buy two black dahlias with a pack of reeses to give MJ.
Since he joined the avengers (unofficially) he gave every woman in the tower a red rose.
except Natasha who got white rosses
And Wanda who liked tulips better,
Mariah rathered lilac flowers over rosses,
And pepper who got orchids.
(And sometimes a fake pink rose for Carol if she was visiting earth)
(He could only remember a certain number of flowers so he gave the main women what they liked and the rest, classic red rosses)
Peter got flowers from his own money and gave them to basically every woman he knew.
Married, in a relationship, single, gay, doesn't matter. He bought and did the best he could to make their valentines day better.
And when the 14th came, right after school ended, he walked into the tower, carried a huge bouquet filled with flowers.
"Happy valentines day" he said with the sweetest smile every time he met a worker there. If it was the cleaning lady or a S.H.I.E.L.D agent, he gave it to them and received a big smile back, sometimes a pat on the head or a hug even a kiss in a cheek when he met Mrs patty who teared up every year.
And today, today was that day.
Peter was almost finished with his flowers round when you walked into the big living.
Tony, pepper, bucky, Natasha and Sam sat on the couch, having a small talk.
"Happy valentines, Mrs stark" he grinned softly at pepper and handed her small orchids bouquet tied in a small purple string.
"Oh peter! Thank you honey!" She sighed happily and pulled peter into a hug.
You frowned, confused at the situation.
You only moved there a year ago, which means you didn't know about Peter's habit yet.
And seeing your (now) aunt hugging him so lovingly made you look a bit surprised.
So you walked over to your uncle, sending him a look "what going on and why is peter holding a bouquet of white rosses?"
"The kid is been giving the ladies flowers for three years every valentines day" he sighed and rubbed his head.
With how much Tony loved peter, it got on his nerves when his own wife got charged by a 17 years old spider kid more than him.
"Yeah that little kiss ass, stealing the ladies heart" sam rolled his eyes.
Peter just ignored the comments and handded Natasha the last bouquet, the white rosses bouquet "haply valentines miss Romanoff"
Natasha happily expected the flowers, messing Peter's hair with a cheesy grin "I think that's sweet of him. He's doing something for change" she adds with a look, nudging bucky with her shoulder.
Bucky just groaned, making everyone laugh "oh doll, tonight I'm gonna give the best night in your life" he winked.
Suddenly the air in the room felt thick and you felt like you need to leave then in a closed soundproof room.
You shook your head trying to forget the pictures that popped in your mind "Alright then... I'm gonna go with Wanda to buy some groceries for dinner" and with that you left.
On the ride to the store you couldn't help but think about earlier.
You'd be lying if you'd say that You've never thought about being with peter.
Peter was a sweet handsome boy.
He was smart. Smart smart.
A hot nerd. Just your type.
And to add to the party, he was a hero.
He saved people in his free time from his own will.
Peter was everyone dreams boy, the guy next door.
And the fact the he gave every woman in the tower a flower and even a bouquet from some of them, but nothing to you, hurt you just a bit.
Why he didn't give you a flower too?
Does he hate you?
Does he think you're ugly?
Did he forgot about you?
Or he just hadn't bought enough?
You were so busy in your own thoughts that you didn't noticed Wanda's smirk.
"Y/n are you going to tell what are you thinking about or im going to found out myself?" She said with her thick accent.
Your eyes open wide and your cheeks turn pink "its- uh- nothing. I'm just thinking about dinner" you lied quickly, scared of the thought of her looking through your mind.
She smiled a satisfied smile, looking at you then back at the rode "Alright. And don't worry about peter. He would do something for you, the day isn't over yet"
"You really think so? Because he gave everybody a flower except me" you asked he hesitantly, biting your lips.
Only now you realized that you basically exposed yourself and your cheeks turned pink.
"Of course. Peter likes you y/n. I didn't even had to read his mind to know that. Just talk to him, I'm sure he'll explain and maybe give you a giant teddy bear and kiss" she winked at you.
You shook your head and blushed even deeper, leaning on the door and looking out the window, letting your mind go crazy again.
"Alright, guys dinner is ready and will be served in in five! After that you won't allowed to come into the kitchen or the table!" You yelled from the table before brushing your hands on your pants.
God you need to change.
"Never mind! I gotta change first and then dinner!!"
You walked into the elevator, asking F.R.I.D.A.Y politely to tale you to your floor when a hand stopped the doors from closing.
"Hey, sorry I just need to go to my lab for a sec if that's ok" Peter walked into the elevator stuttering.
You pursed your lips and nodded.
After a few moments of silence you couldn't keep it inside so you asked him "where are my flowers?"
Peter's eyes winded, just lie yours did.
Both of you suprised by your blurb.
"I'm sorry, what?"
You bit your lips anxiously and played with your fingers, looking at your feet to avoid eye contact (not that peter tried to look at your eyes) "its just... you brought a flower to everybody today. And you even gave Wanda and pepper and Tasha a freaking nouquet of their favorite flower. And I just... I don't know- its stupid, but I'm the only one who didn't get any flowers"
"You- you did get any flowers?" He squiked, his voice was high and broke, making peter even more embarrassed.
You shook your head in respond making peter pinch the bridge of his nose and scrunch it in the most adorable way.
"Have you... have you been in you room today?"
You frowned. You were busy the whole day, putting the tower in the valentine vibes, decorating with red hearts and pink fake flowers, and when you didn't do that you planned dinner (because come on, there's 23 over dramatic heros and people with different food preferences that you had to pay attention to)
"No, I was out all day... why?"
Peter fiddled with his fingers, debating how to tell you.
"Do you mind if I'll join you to your room- Wait no that came out wrong i meant that I want to show you something there- wait thats worse-"
"Peter its fine, you can come" you stopped his rambling with a soft smile, letting him know he's doing just fine he's not crossing any lines.
You both walked into your room quietly, neither of you want to say something that might make the situation even more awkward.
It took you a second to realize what you saw.
Your room was filled with with tiny perfect daisies.
You had some sticked to your window or wall or door or even the mirror.
You had some on your table inside a small round and clear vase.
You had at least a hundred on your bed next to a small box of your favorite chocolate.
You let out a not-so-small gasp as you looked around you.
Your room never looked prettier.
You wanted to say thank you to peter,
You wanted to let him know how much you appreciate this gesture,
You wanted to tell him how much that meant for you.
But only one question came out.
"How did you know that my daisies are my favorite?" You whispered.
"I-uh I kinda heard you one time saying that to miss Romanoff and miss Maximo and I also asked then to be sure because I wanted it to be special ya know? Is this too much? I think its a bit much, don't you? and I wasn't sure about the chocolate but I've seen you eating it a few times so I wrote it down so I won't forget," peter rambled, every once in a while daring to look at your eyes, that stared at him "but if you don't like it I can just buy you a different one, or more flowers maybe? Whatever makes you smile more. I just- ya know,I wanted to do something special for you because I really like you and you deserve it but- ok I'm gonna stop now"
You smiled at how peter shot himself up, thinking that his rambles bothered you. Only if he knew that it was the exact opposite.
But when you opened your mouth to say something, you didn't know what to say.
What words will express your feelings perfectly?
So you took a step closer to peter, and another one until your faces were so close that your almost bumped and your lips are millimeters from his.
"Can i-uh-maybe-if you want- and agree of course, may always said to ask for consent first when it comes to ladies and im-"
Suddenly your lips were pressed against his softly, stopping peter from continue his speech.
Peter felt his eyes flutter shut before he gladly kissed you back.
It wasn't a deep passionate kiss.
It was small and innocent.
It was filled with love and care.
His lips were so warm that it made your whole body feel giddy.
His lips moved against yours and send shivers through Peter's body.
Your hand grazed over his neck before laying there gently.
But you both needed air (unfortunately) and broke apart only to gasp for oxygen.
"Thank you" Peter breathed out, he's eyes still closed.
You almost laughed at his cuteness but you pulled fully away to see his now pink face.
"Thank you?"
"I-uh yeah? I- well I really liked it" he whispered. Peter never thanked may more than he's mentally thanking here now.
"I really like you"
Peter nodded, trying to process everything that happened.
"Good that's... good" he nodded again and looked at the floor before looking back at you "would you mind if we'll do it again? The kissing? Like, now?"
Peter parker was a sweetheart.
Peter parker was a romantic.
Peter parker was well educated.
That's why he's standing here, on valentines day, on February 14th,
Kissing the girl of his dreams.
#peter parker#peter parker fanfic#peter parker fluff#peter parker fluff imagines#peter parker imagines#peter parker x y/n#peter parker x you#avengers#marvel#marvel mcu#spiderman x reader#mcu spiderman#spiderman x you#spiderman smut#valentines#peter parker valentines#February 14th#valentines day#daisies#flowers#peter parker fanfiction#tom!peter x reader#tom!peter x reader smut#tom!peter parker x reader
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I don't know if anyone realised, or appreciated, how passive-aggressively petty Charlie Crews was about, over and with his ex-wife. I am sure neither did he and his whole pursuing her after he had gotten out was to cause her, not pain per se, nor discomfort exactly, but since I don't have the right word to describe it, so we'll go with that. Or that while he allowed some platonic intimacy with Connie, he never made any pass on her, despite her attraction to him, despite the long list of girls that passed through his house during mainly the first season. (Side Note; During 'Merit Badge', while visiting the prison, Charlie is showing his badge for the majority of the time there, an unconscious reaction to being back in prison - a remind of him being out and a cop again.)
And then there's Dani Reese, who is so frustrated with being partnered with Crews, not for him being an 'ex-con' as most of the others see him as, but because she doesn't get why he'd get all this money and go back to work with those who betrayed him, who despite what was done to him, seemed eternally optimistic, probably recognising it as a façade, whose incessant mumbling and babbling about Zen and fruit caused her mild headaches, his constant bumbling at work caused her grief, but she was so fiercely loyal to him from the moment she got him as her junior partner that she dishes Stark the moment she meets him, going so far as to make his partner question whether he'd back him up or leave him out to dry alone in a crisis. Dani who is territorial over him, calling him 'Charlie' to his lawyer, and 'my partner' when -I think it was Easley, don't quote me that, it's been a while since I watched the series- threw things at him and trusting him to have her back from the get-go. She believes he is innocent, there was never a question about it from her, and all she asked of him was to remember he is a cop and her partner. All she asked of him was to let her know if she can trust him. A redundant question, that was aimed at and for him and his benefit, because no matter what, he is her partner and she does trust him to watch her back.
And she has already picked up some of his mannerisms and expressions and use them to avoid a conversation she wants out of, or translate his thoughts to explain him to others. And it annoys her to no end, that fact.
And if we take how much she disliked Bobby, we can count Jennifer, the ex, lucky for not crossing paths with Dani, ever, because the dressing down with have left Jen a sobbing mess, or that she didn't know Connie backed away when Charlie tried to pursue those who wronged him after getting Hollis for the murders of Rachel's family, because the dressing down would have been equally brutal - she was already mistrustful of her from their one meeting.
And I don't think Charlie expected her to stick by him, because when Davis asks Dani if she wants to request a new partner, right there in front of him, she says 'no'. By all accounts, he knows he is a pain in her butt, he knows she doesn't really like him -she told him so herself- and yet she sticks by him. Which is, I think, the point, the moment it clicks and Crews realises his role as her partner and fully embraces it. That no matter what, Reese and Crews are partners.
#Life#Charlie Crews#Dani Reese#TV series#personal#captain's log#anyway#thanks for coming to my TED talk#I could go on for hours over their S1 dynamic flourishing almost instinctively and instantaneously#like 'bam! you're mine now'#'this is it'#'I'll look out for you like you look out for me'#they were so ride-or-die that is almost heartbreakingly beautiful how tightly they clung on to each other
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here’s all my watt AUs from this quiz in case u wanted to read any of the results you didn’t get
cairo x reese: royal au
“royal balls are such a bore, aren’t they?”
Biting. Cold. Sharp. Cairo has no interest in being sold off to some conceited swaggering peacock for her family's benefit. But what happens when her parents withdraw her authority and make the decision for her? Her new marriage might get slightly more complicated when she runs into a vaguely familiar face by the stables...
tags: princess!cairo/stable girl!reese, prince!clark, stable girl!annleigh, background clark/annleigh, childhood friends reunited, arranged marriage, angst, pining, forbidden love
riley x reese: ceo au
“if you want to last a day here i suggest you keep your mouth shut.”
When the former CEO of Williams Inc. died under mysterious circumstances his younger sister Riley takes reign. When rumours fly around the office Reese keeps out of it. One late night at the office is all it takes to change that when she realises there's more to this company than meets the eye and her life is about to get a lot more dangerous...
tags: ceo!riley/employee!reese, slow burn, murder, organised crime ties, hurt/comfort, morally ambiguous characters, kidnapping
mattie x farrah: witch au
“i don’t cast curses, but i might change my mind if you keep testing me.”
The chimes by the doors sang every thirty minutes or so as stragglers came to pick up herbal remedies for whatever illness they had. Like clockwork, Mattie attended to the regulars placing whatever they needed: hollyhock, eucalyptus, sage. It was uncommon to see people in, what Mattie calls, the 'cryptic' secton but she can't help but be intrigued by the young girl she sees inspecting the bat baculum. Eye-contact was made and before Mattie could make her way to the girl the chimes tell her she left. She thinks nothing of it, perhaps she realised she was late for something, and finishes the last ten minutes of her shift. During her final sweep of the apothecary she notices an out-of-place book sat in the cryptic section. An unfamiliar language accompanied by diagrams of flora and fauna fills the pages; she can only make out a few words that she'd seen them around the store. How curious. There was no name but she concluded that it belonged to the girl from earlier. She never returned in the following days so Mattie decided to find the girl herself, however, she's left with more questions than answers.
tags: witch!farrah/mattie, strangers to friends to lovers, slow burn, violence, angst, minor character death, farrah does not know how to use her powers
farrah x kate: bodyguard au
"i’m not saying i like having you around or anything, but… thanks for not letting me die."
Up-and-coming actor Farrah gets fanmail like any other celebrity but one day she recieves a letter unlike any other. Much to her dismay, a bodyguard is placed by her side whilst she feigns normalcy but as the threats become more dangerous, Kate finds herself becoming more protective.
tags: celebrity!farrah/bodyguard!kate, enemies to lovers, fake friends, violence, hurt/comfort, slow burn, there was only one bed, near death experience
farrah x eva: doctor AU
"is that a copy of twilight? please don't tell me that's your research."
Farrah found herself in the ER so often that she'd befriended most of the staff. A majority of the staff was sick of her taking up a bed after yet another night of drinking. Eva, however, would patiently sit by her waiting for her to regain conciousness so she could take her vitals; she knew more about the girl than she intended after many drunk confessions and would spend every Saturday night waiting for the girl to stumble through the entrance with blood running down her face. What she didn't expect was to see her arrive already unconcious on a gurney getting paler by the minute. Being declared the Farrah-tamer, Eva brought her into a room attending to her as best as she could before she woke. A quick break later and she returned to Farrah sitting up right complaining about the bright lights, as she usually did. When re-checking her vitals she noticed that she had no pulse, no matter when she tried she couldn't find one, it was only when she tried her neck that she noticed two small puncture wounds below her jaw...
tags: doctor!eva/vampire!farrah, friends to lovers, angst, id imagine being a newly turned vampire is angsty and stressful, skeptical eva, in-denial farrah, hurt/comfort, mutual pining, there was only one bed
chess x riley: mutant AU
"i don’t want to hurt you. i’ve never wanted to hurt you. but it’s my job to bring people to justice.”
The world was changed... divided... mutated. Some people began exhibiting supernatural tendencies. Other people became threatened. Chess went into hiding. Riley started hunting. When the mutants start fighting back, what happens when an old acquaintance appears on her dead pool?
tags: hunter!riley/mutant!chess, mutant AU, enemies to lovers, violence, slow burn, nuclear apocalypse, angst, minor character death
annleigh x cairo: pirate AU
"not all treasure is found in silver and gold, mate."
Every night Annleigh would sneak out of the castle to watch the moon dances amongst the waves; she longed to escape from her noble duties to explore the world. When the docks become more crowded Annleigh walks into a girl who might just allow her to do that. Cairo had no reason to bring her aboard but there was something about the pendant that hung against her pale collar that compelled her to... a symbol she almost remembers. Annleigh is soon to find out that she has a deeper connection to the sea than she could ever know.
tags: noble!annleigh/pirate!cairo, strangers to friends to lovers, teasing, mutual pining, pirate violence, kidnapping, tragic past, possible mermaid!annleigh
cairo x kate: lawyer AU
"you know, there is such a thing as being gracious in victory as well as defeat."
There's not a single case that Cairo hasn't won and she's not ashamed to rub it in Kate's face. The tension between them is as just as evident in the courtroom than out of it. When a string of dead bodies appear around town the tension between the two doesn't cease. But what happens when Cairo is taken off the case as soon as her best friend becomes a suspect?
tags: prosecutor!kate/defense attorney!cairo, riley's here too, rivals to lovers, unresolved tension, bickering, murder, emotional hurt/comfort, confiding over alcohol
#we are the tigers#feel free to ask things/tell me how you think things would go idk#i dont have the entire stories planned out for any of them
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but its always been you|| Thomas Jefferson x Reader
word count: 1550
warnings: cusing, lack of proofreading, mentions of death
A/N: my first Thomas fic🙈 (Modern AU like most of them) Idk how collage works pls 😭
Inspiration: Youuu - COIN (its really good omg)
QUICK NOTE: the cuts are usually to switch between y/n and thomas
tell me if you wanna be in my permanent tag list :))

Blessed are the forgetful: for they get the better even of their blunders.
"Jefferson,Thomas". He walked up the stage to receive his much deserved diploma. Four years of extensive studying just for this moment. He looked at the crowd and as if the world suddenly stopped. He focused on this one person. She had a camera up to her face, her hair glistening in the daylight. He looked like her as if he had seen a ghost. He snapped out of it as she lowered her camera. His girlfriend, of course. She smiled at him as the announcer calls on the next graduate. He walked down and towards her. Now that he thinks about it, he'd gaze out to her like this multiple times now, but he feels this is not because of her herself. He saw someone else in her. A high school sweetheart perhaps. He might've seen the gold flakes in her e/c colored eyes as he did with Y/n. He was sure he had long forgotten about her. She was special, sure but as high school sweethearts go, they stay in high school. He was convinced the countless exes he'd have were all to drown out her calling out for him once more. Just one more time at least. He'd like to think that moving to the other side of the world also helped with the cause. That was his number one priority; to forget about the one year they spent together.

You always thought that it wasn't anyone's fault that you and Thomas broke up. It was just not in anyones best interest to keep it going after high school and if the feelings last, he'd always say that he will find you. You lost faith that he'd come back of course. Whatever goes on in high school, stays in high school. You would go on several dates with people in college but you would always find yourself comparing them to Thomas. You focused on your studies, everyone telling you that you were smart; 'If only they knew how much I know about the things that really matter'.
You look at the clock '12:34 am'. Graduation was tomorrow or later. You were trying to fall asleep, and quickly at that, but you can't refrain from overthinking. Every scenario running through your head in a fast pace. Every outcome possible, you could have saved that relationship. Were you thinking of going back to New York to find him? It was nice as it is in California. You had your essentials, a good connection to your family online, but it was never really enough. You needed him.
The day came through fast paced. You would think that one of the most important milestones in live would be savored by time, running slowly. It was the opposite, time was never forgiving of you, years came by in a glimpse. You still felt like a kid, just not now. Graduation had such a surreal feeling to it, no one was never obliged to finish school of course, but you would think that something this sentimental would finally saturate the world with colors.
At the bus ride to downtown San Fransisco, your mind drifted off with ease. The music flowing to your ears made you feel like you were in a music video, those artsy kinds who would always try to incorporate daily life then proceed with a shot of a glamorous mansion. A song comes on, one of your favorites actually, Youuu by COIN.
' She moves just like you
She tastes like you
But its always been youuu...'
They say that music with certain themes will always trigger memories, flowing back to your brain. Even the ones you could have sworn you have forgotten. Thomas springs in to mind. He was a player in high school, of course he would have found someone new by now. That year was still pretty vivid to you though. All the sneaking around, all your firsts, the mini get togethers turned dates. You remember everything.

"Hey do you want to go out on Saturday?"Thomas' voice echoes through the walls of the almost room. He was staying with his girlfriend for the meantime since her parents were to insist on them 'not spending money on property' yet. Although Thomas was to never have a problem with money, his family was filthy rich at that. He was still deciding whether to stay here, with his girlfriend, in the suburbs, content with a stable income job; or to his family in New York City, a corporate job, and maybe even to you.
"What's the occasion?" Her voice sweetly said. Running her hands through his curls. "I wanna see you dance again." He said with a light chuckle. She laughed, "Come on... I don't dance THAT bad". He enjoyed moments like this. He truly did. The light touching and cuddling, just enjoying each others presence. He knew that she was human and he was truly sorry. He was sorry that she was being played like a pawn in the game of life. He was sorry that this was temporary. He was sorry that he was looking for someone. And he is sorry that that sorry that that someone wasn't her. They both noticed that the vinyl record had stopped playing. She stood up and changed the track record. Thomas sat up and looked at her. Her back was faced towards him. 'Even her silhouette reminds him of you' . The decision is clear then.

You started working a minimum wage job to pay the bills. You live in an apartment, sharing a space with your roommate, Reese. She was kind enough as it is, you both treated each other like family. She got you through when you were looking for a job. Now paying her back, you got her a little cake to celebrate her birthday. Going home from the cake shop, you stopped your tracks to see a rather tall man in the street, he was talking to someone on his phone. 'It couldn't possibly be him'. You wanted to think rationally at that moment, but you were overtaken by your emotions. You lightly tapped his shoulder. He turned around to reveal a completely different person. You quickly apologized to the person. You weren't lying to yourself at this point, you were pretty devastated that it wasn't him.
Unlocking your apartment door, you heard mild sobs in the far left to you. That was your roommate's room. You closed the door and headed straight to her door. Knocking three times, you opened the door to a disheveled Reese, frantically grabbing tissues.
"What happened?" You were still going to approach her, mildly forcing her into toxic positivity. You were ready to listen to her. "I'm moving out." In your role as her roommate, this was the only thing that should concern you, but you were close and so you thought that something had happened at home. "My dad died. I'll move home and live there from now on." You understand completely that that was what she needed to do. You offer to help her on countless things of course. That night was one of the gloomiest in the apartment. You slowly watched her pack away most of her stuff, sulking away most days, above all that, conversation halted and was now a thing of the past.

"Have you made your decision yet?" Trying to make conversation at dinner, Thomas' girlfriend asked him to whether they would actually last or not. Long distance never really works for anyone, might as well rip the band-aid off now. Thomas looked like he was burried in a million thoughts, he looked at her apathetically, without an answer. They ate away the evening, they were the opposite of this lively restaurant. She looked at him, wanting to ask him more; what's are you thinking is at risk? what's weighing your shoulders down? is there 'a someone'?
Just as Thomas was to suggest leaving the restaurant and just saying sorry for the melancholy he brought to the evening, she stood up and suggested a dance. 'That's what they came for anyway.' He gladly accepted and took the lead, whisking her away to the dance floor. There were about 3 other couples around them, lost in their own world. He wants to think rationally, he doesn't want to loose his mind and let his emotions seep through his walls. They were slow dancing now. 'She really feels like y/n'.
"Who's y/n and why do I feel like her?"
Thomas froze. He accidentally said it out loud. There's no stoping it now, just tell her the truth; rip the band aid off.
"She's a girl I used to date in high sc-"
"Every relationship in high school stays in high school Thomas. grow up"
Thomas didn't know what to say.He didn't know why that sentiment ticked him off that way. He didn't know why his body was suddenly in flames. He didn't know what to say so all he did was run; run far away. She didn't understand. If you would've explained where you came from she would. No, she wouldn't.
Just before they reach the car she caught up to him. He turned around looking so distraught.
"Ive made up my mind."
part 2 👀?
#thomas jefferson#thomas#hamilton cast#hamilton fanfiction#hamilton fandom#hamilton fanfic#hamilton an american musical#hamilton#daveed diggs#daveed x reader#daveed#diggs#hamilton x reader#x reader#fanfiction#fanfic
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Solace-Jim Mason series
Chapter 6
A/N: I miss Jim Mason:(
Warnings: mentions of sexual assault, brief mentions of drug use, mentions of overdose
Word Count: 4.1k
Summary: Sonny is a rebellious teen. Her dad is a major dick
The next day was Friday, meaning while Jim got to go surfing with my brothers, I got to go dress shopping with Lindsay and Steph. Luckily it didn't take too long and I found a dress I liked st the first shop we went too.
"Do you girls want anything to drink?" Steph asked as she stood up. We were currently laying around the pool in our backyard.
"No thank you, Steph." I shook my head. Lindsay watched her go into the house. The second the sliding glass door was closed, she propped herself up on one elbow and looked at me.
"So how does he kiss?"
"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows together at her.
"Is he a good kisser?"
"Jim? I-I haven't kissed him yet." I sat up, pulling the strap to my black bikini into place.
"What? He was at your house last night until three in the morning, Sonny, and you didn't kiss him?"
"We just talked, Linds." I stood up and moved to check my phone on the table. The boys were just over the hill at the beach but I didn't want to go check on them and look like a stalker.
"So are you dating?" She laid back on the lounge chair.
"No. He hasn't asked me." I frowned a little.
("I really like him, Sonny." Steph smiled at me. I couldn't help the pink that rose to my cheeks as I tried to hide behind the clothing rack separating us. "He's a sweet boy."
"How did Greg do?" Lindsay looked over to Steph for an answer. I locked my jaw, shuffling through a few of the dresses. I was determined to find an expensive dress, knowing dad would be the one to pay for it.
"Worse than I expected him to. But he won't act like that again, Sonny. I promise."
"I won't let him treat Jim like that, Steph." I brought my eyes up to meet hers. "No one deserves to be treated like that. Dad isn't any better than him.")
"You know, Reese never really asked me." Lindsay pointed out.
"Well, he's a dick. I honestly can't stand him."
"Whoa, Sonny." Reese exclaimed as he, Asher, and Jackson made their way up the path. Following behind them was Miles and Jim. "Careful what you say. Jim can hear you."
"I wasn't talk about Jim. I was talking about you."
"I'm a joy to be around." Reese rolled his eyes. I held my middle finger up to him.
The boys settled around the pool, putting their boards up on the privacy fence around the deck. Jim's eyes met mine and he gave me one of his signature little smiles.
"Hi, Sonny." His chestnut hair fell in messy waves across his forehead.
"Hi, Jim."
"Sonny?" Steph called from the door to the house. "There's someone at the front door. He says he's a friend of yours."
"Must have the wrong Sonny. This one doesn't have friends." Jackson said, making Reese snicker. As I passed Jackson to go into the house, I pushed him into the pool.
"Come inside with me, Jim." I called over my shoulder.
"Hey, Jim!" Steph greeted Jim as she stepped out of the house.
"Hi, Ms. Carlisle."
"Steph is just fine, sweetheart." She put her hand on his shoulder.
I pushed the sliding glass door shut behind Jim.
"Were the boys decent?"
"Yeah, they were a blast." He nodded his head, raking his fingers through his hair. "I can't remember the last time I hung out with people I actually liked."
"That's good to hear." I picked up a shirt that was on the back of the couch and tugged it on. Upon doing so, I realized it was one of Reese's college shirts with a fraternity logo on it. Jim leaned against the island in the kitchen while I went to answer the front door. As I opened the door open, I pulled my red hair out of the collar of the shirt.
My stomach immediately dropped at the sight of Will standing on the front step. A big, disgusting grin was plastered across his lips as he looked me up and down, his eyes lingering on my legs. Reese's shirt only fell down about mid-thigh, leaving my legs visible to his prying eyes.
"Hey, Sonny. I was just in the neighborhood and I wanted to know if you'd be up to come with me to a party tonight over at Tucker Landon's house."
My lips parted but I couldn't find my voice. I could hear the blood rushing in my ears. My fingers were trembling by my sides. How did he know where I lived? Why was he here? Why did he think he had the right to ask me to a party?
"Sonny? You okay?" He furrowed his brows together, stepping towards me. This brought me out of my frozen state. I half-turned to the kitchen, knowing Jim was in there, and tried to close the door, but Will put his hand on the door to stop me. "Hey, I just want to talk-,"
"Is everything okay, Sonny?" Jim moved towards me. My eyes found his and I'm positive he saw the look of absolute panic on my face. His hand reached out for my arm but I let him take my hand instead. "Who is this?" Jim moved me so that I stood halfway behind him. He now served as a barrier between me and the monster that terrorized my dreams.
Will was a half a foot taller than him and easily outweighed him. Will was a jock, a douche-bag in every sense of the word. Jim was slimly built. His muscles were there but they weren't as sharply defined as Will's.
"Who the hell are you?" Will visibly puffed up, clearly not liking the idea of Jim putting himself between me and him.
"Jim." He answered firmly. One of his hands remained by his side, his fingers moving nervously as he watched the larger man. His other hand remained latched to mine. "Who are you?"
"Will Talbot." He held his hand out for Jim. I squeezed Jim's hand, silently begging him not to shake Will's disgusting hand.
"Jim." I rasped. He looked over his shoulder to me. I tugged his hand like a child, urging him to leave.
"I'm sorry, man. Sonny's not feeling up to hanging out right now." Jim shrugged his shoulders before closing the door. Once the door was closed, I was able to lock the deadbolt.
My feet began to take me up the stairs, my heart racing furiously as I shook my head. He knew where I lived.
"Sonny!" Jim called for me.
I only stopped once I was in the center of my room. My head fell back, my eyes slipping shut as a breath escaped my lips. My knees buckled and I would've collapsed to the floor had Jim not been there to catch me. His long arms wrapped around me, catching me just as I was about to hit the floor.
"Shit, Sonny." He cursed, carefully lowering us both to the floor. He rested on his knees and I rested on his lap. I curled my knees to my chin, resting cheek against his bare chest.
"He knows where-He knows where I live." I whispered. I didn't even realize hot tears were trailing down my cheeks until I felt them drip down on to my chest.
"You aren't breathing, angel." Jim murmured gently as he began to rock us both back and forth ever so slightly. "You gotta breathe."
I couldn't find the ability to catch my breath. I was suffocating, choking on an unseen force. Jim took my hand and placed it on his chest so I could feel his heart beating steadily below my palm.
"I'm right here, angel." He whispered into my ear, placing a kiss against my red hair. "I need you to breathe for me, okay?"
I nodded my head and shakily took a small breath. That was the first step. After that, I could begin to catch my breath.
I wasn't sure how long we sat like that but once I managed to breathe the right way, Jim moved to lean against the side of my bed. He still held me in his lap, his arms holding me against his chest. My head was tucked under his chin and my eyes were closed.
"That's him." I whispered, my voice hoarse. "The one I told you about two nights ago."
Jim stiffened up.
"The one who touched you?"
I grimaced at his words.
"Are you going to go to the police?"
"I was high as a freaking kite." I shook my head. "It was weeks ago. It wouldn't do me any good now. Besides, he didn't rape me. He just felt me up. Put his hand down my pants. That's it."
"He doesn't have the right to do that, Sonny. If you don't want him to do that, then he can't."
"He did." I pulled away from Jim and stood to my feet. I raked my fingers through my hair then shook my hands out. "He-He did. And there's nothing anyone can do to change it."
His eyes fell to his hands as I pulled my shirt up to wipe my face. I went over to my closet, feeling the need for a smoke, but at the last minute I decided against it. It was a nasty habit, one I picked up shortly after my sister passed away. I turned and put my back to the door, then slowly sunk down against it. My eyes found Jim, who was watching me with a tender gaze.
"You probably think I'm insane." I whispered softly. "I've got more problems than a crossword puzzle."
He chuckled a little. The smile that cracked across his lips warmed my insides.
"I guess that's what draws me to you." He admitted with a little shrug of his shoulders, raking his fingers through his hair. "You're kinda like me."
I nodded my head softly, looking down at my hands. I never thought of it that way.
A knock on the already opened door to my room caught my attention. It was Reese.
"You two good?" He asked, leaning against the door frame.
"Yeah." I answered him quietly. He nodded and looked to Jim.
"Hey, I don't know if Sonny's mentioned it to you, Jim, but tonight we're all going out to dinner for our parents' anniversary. You should tag along."
"I appreciate, Reese, but I'm gonna have to pass." Jim shook his head. "I've got something already."
"Alrighty. No big deal." Reese looked back to me and flashed me a little smile. "I like him, you know." He pointed to Jim.
"Me too." I bit my bottom lip.
"Good. Come on back downstairs when you're ready." He knew something had happened. I don't think he knew what but he knew something was up.
I watched him disappear from the doorway. Jim stood to his feet and crossed my bedroom, then held his hand out for me. I took his hand and let him pull me to my feet. He embraced me in a hug, his arms wrapping around me in a protective barrier.
"Are you ready to go back down there?"
"Yeah." I squeezed him tight before letting him go.
"You're not funny, Jackson." I pulled myself out of the pool, glaring at my brother through my now drenched red locks that fell into my face.
Just after Jim and I joined everyone out at the pool, Jackson picked me up over his shoulder and jumped into the pool.
"I fucking hate you."
"Language, Sonny." Steph chided from her lounge chair, turning the page in the designer magazine she was reading.
"I freaking hate you."
"Much better."
"Hey, mom?" Reese looked up from his phone. "Can I have some friends over later?"
Asher and Jackson both started to laugh at him.
"Wow, Reese. How old are you?" I pulled the now soaking wet t-shirt off of me and threw it at Reese. He easily dodged the shirt and it landed on the concrete next to him. I gathered my hair over one shoulder and moved to sit on the lounge chair beside Jim.
"You gonna ask mom if she can tuck you in later on too–Hey!" A high-pitched yelp escaped Jackson's lips as he ducked a swing from Reese.
"Of course you can, Reese." Steph answered him. "Are they joining us for dinner?"
"No, no." Reese shook his head. "They're gonna come over afterwards. I was thinking we could have a fire or something out back."
"What about you, Jim?" Steph turned her attention to him. "Are you joining us for dinner?"
"No, ma'am, Mrs. Carlisle." Jim shook his head, brushing down his brunet locks. "Me and my sister have this thing."
"Maybe next time."
"How was dinner?"
"About as good as it could've gone." I sighed gently as I walked into my room. I left the door open with plans of leaving shortly. "Dad didn't talk to me the whole night, but I'm not complaining."
"I'm sorry, Sonny."
"Don't apologize, Jim." I shook my head. "You did nothing wrong."
I shrugged out of my cardigan, leaving me in just a thin strapped silk black tank top and a pair of faded skinny jeans.
"Did you have fun with Medina?"
"Yeah. I think it did us good to hang out."
"That's good, Jim."
"Yeah. She said something funny that kinda got me thinking."
The sound of someone shouting from outside caught my attention. I went over to the balcony doors and pushed them open. Reese and a half dozen of his friends were gathered around a fire, laughing at something.
"What did she say?"
"She said that there's a light in my eyes that she hasn't seen in a long time. She said she thinks it's because of you."
I paused for a moment, my fingers slowly brushing through my hair.
"Aw, she said that?"
"Yeah." I could hear the smile on his voice.
"She's so sweet." I messed with the necklace that dangled between my breasts. My eyes flickered back down to Reese and his friends. The back porch light was on and this gave me the ability to see some of the guys. I only recognized Lindsay, Reese, and Will. "Will?”
"Will." I whispered, quickly taking steps back into my room. I almost tripped over my sketch book in the floor. The balcony doors were slammed shut and I locked them. "He-He's here, Jim. Why the hell is he here?"
"Shit, Sonny. I'm on my way over."
"No. No. I-I'm-I'm not staying here. I'm not. I can't." I shook my head.
"I'll come get you."
"Please hurry." I rushed to pack a bag, stuffing different articles of clothing into my backpack. "Just please don’t-don't hang up, Jim."
"I'm not going anywhere, angel."
The new nickname he'd given me just earlier that day made my heart soar. I gripped my phone tighter as I threw my backpack over my shoulder and slammed the to my room door shut.
"Where is he?"
I made my way down the stairs. I wasn't going to stay in the house. I'd wait outside for Jim. I thought I was going to make it too. I could see the front door. It was right there. But a hand clasped around my arm and stopped me.
"Where do you think you're going?" Dad asked me.
"To-To a friend's house, dad." I looked over his shoulder to see Reese and Will coming in through the back door. "Please." I looked back to dad.
"Lindsay's here. She's the only friend you go to."
"Dad, let me-just let me go!" I tried to yell but it came out as a broken whisper. I tugged my arm until he released me. "Let me go, dad." I blinked the tears away, allowing them to trail down my cheeks as I shook my head. His hand released me, a look of pain crossing his face.
I couldn't look at him as I opened the front door and darted out into the night. I knew he was hurting right now, I know he missed who I used to be. But she was gone. She died four months ago with Summer.
“Sonny? Are you still there?” Jim’s voice in my ear pulled me back to reality.
“Yeah, Jim.” I murmured quietly, sniffling as I wiped my cheeks. “How long do you think you’ll be?”
“Less than ten minutes.”
Due to Mrs. Mason’s.... nature, Jim had to sneak me into his house.
He closed the door to his room and played music. It sounded like a mix of 80s and 90s rock hits. I smiled a little. He had good taste.
I put my backpack down by his closet and kicked my shoes off. I threw myself down on to Jim's bed, bringing my knees to my chest.
"I can't believe I told him that, Jim." I cried quietly. Jim climbed into the bed next to me and laid on his side facing me. He brushed my red hair back out of my eyes. His hand came to rest on my cheek.
"What are you talking about, Sonny?" He quietly asked.
"Dad." I put my hand on his hand that was on my cheek. There were no tears in my eyes because they were trailing down my face. "I told him.... Jim, I told him to let me go. That's the last thing my mother ever told him. I-I can still hear their argument."
I squeezed my eyes shut as tight as possible, their harsh words echoing in my head.
("You can't leave, Nicki! What the hell am I suppose to do without you?"
"I'm not leaving forever, Greg. I just-I need to get away. I want to be here for you and for Jackson and Emerson and Miles but I-I-I need a break, okay?"
"A break?" Dad couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"Just let me go, Greg, damn it!" Mom was exasperated, exhausted, and out of breath from fighting dad. "Just let. Me. Go.")
"I didn't mean to say it, Jim." I shook my head, pushing myself into a sitting position. He sat up too and pulled me into his arms.
"It's okay, Sonny." He tucked my head underneath his chin.
"He's going to hate me."
"No, no, he won't, angel." He assured me, his hand rubbing my arm.
I stayed in his arms for what felt like hours, and he was okay with that. He held me, occasionally kissing the top of my head and brushing circles into my arm with his thumb.
I couldn't believe I'd only known this guy only four days. Four days and I felt like I'd known him my entire life. I was comfortable with him in a way that I never felt comfortable with anyone else before. Four days, and we'd almost kissed once. I had kissed his cheek a handful of times and he had kissed my cheek or my hand more than I could count. He knew automatically how to calm me down earlier today. He stopped my panic attack before it got too bad, before I could make myself pass out.
Jim lifted his head from where he rested upon mine and sat up a little straighter. I noticed this and pulled my head away from him.
"What?" I asked him. He looked down at me with a little smile on his lips.
"This was the song you were singing when I woke up."
I looked over to the stand his phone was on. Sweet Child O' Mine was playing. I didn't remember that I had been singing the song out loud or even that that was what I was listening to.
"You sounded beautiful." He leaned forward to rest his forehead against mine. His chestnut curls tickled my forehead. I giggled softly, reaching up to swipe them away.
"I was singing it?" I crinkled my eyebrows together, wincing internally. He nodded his head. "I'm sure that was a great sound to wake up to."
"You sounded great."
"You're just saying that."
"Oh, yeah. Definitely." He nodded his head, a grin cracking across his lips. He was teasing me.
His fingers began to tickle my sides. I fought to get away, climbing out of his lap and across the bed but he was quick. His hands grabbed my hips and pulled me back to him. Somehow, he managed to get me pinned beneath him. The hand that wasn't holding him up tickled my side. A loud laugh escaped my lips. His hand covered my mouth, his eyes darting over to the door. We both froze for a second, waiting for his mother to come barging in. When she didn't, he looked back to me.
"You have to be quiet, Sonny." He hushed me with a little laugh. I rolled my eyes at him and tugged his hand away from my mouth.
“Maybe if you weren’t trying to tickle me, we wouldn’t have to worry.” I gazed up at him, searching his blue eyes as I spoke. His smile somehow made all the problems I had disappear. It made me forget. I thought that that was just something they said in rom-coms.
I reached up to brush his brown hair back, but my efforts were useless. With how he was laying over top of me, his hair had no choice but to fall down. His beautiful blue eyes flickered down to my lips as he slowly lowered himself down to me. My heart began to race. His hand came up to cup my cheek, his thumb brushing my skin as his lips finally met mine.
His lips were soft and gentle, and he tasted like peppermint. My hand slipped around his waist and across his back. From there, I could pull him down on to me. I didn’t want to feel anything but him. One of his knees rested between my thighs and his hands held most of his upper body weight off of me but I didn’t mind the pressure. I didn’t mind him. I actually sort of liked it. I was engulfed in him, his scent, his taste, his touch.
My phone buzzed in the back pocket of my jeans. He must’ve felt it too because he pulled away, breaking our kiss.
“I’m not answering it.” I shook my head, resting my head back against the mattress as I looked up to him. He moved to lay alongside me. I took his hand and laced our fingers together. “It’s just my dad.”
He nodded his head a little. He kept his eyes on me as I brushed my thumb over his knuckles.
“You said earlier that what Medina said got you thinking.” I turned to face him, tucking one arm underneath my head. “Thinking about what?”
Jim was silent for a few moments. He rolled over on to his back to look at the ceiling.
“I.... I overdosed before.” He explained quietly. He brought his hand up to rub his face. “I went straight back to using the second I got out of the hospital. I used whatever I could get my hands on. This time was different though. I... I didn’t use right away. It wasn’t until the other day when we were suppose to go surfing that I took anything. Medina thinks it’s because of you.”
“Do you think it’s because of me?” I sat up, brushing my hair over one shoulder, and turned to face him with my legs criss-crossed. He propped himself up on one elbow and half-ass shrugged his shoulders.
“I mean.... I don’t know. I think you’re cute.”
My cheeks flushed. I looked down as I shyly smiled.
“That’s not what I asked.” I shook my head a little, looking up at him through my lashes. “Jim, I-I’m glad I can do that for you, that I can help you stop taking whatever shit you were taking before. But I’m not enough. Medina said you need professional help.”
“Therapist.” He muttered, sitting up and moving to lean against the wall. This put space between us.
“There’s nothing wrong with needing therapy, Jim.” I shook my head. “I had to go to therapy after my sister died.” Without even thinking, I rubbed the scar under my right collarbone.
“What happened to her?” He asked softly. I looked down, blinking a few times as I tried to think of the best way to describe that night.
“We-We were out at a party. She had just turned twenty. It was.... It was three in the morning. I don’t know what happened.” I shook my head. I had never read the police reports or asked dad about what he learned. “I was on my phone in the passenger seat. Summer.... Summer was driving. When I looked up, there was someone in the road. She swerved to miss them and tipped the car over.” My voice cracked like I was going to cry but there were no tears in my eyes. I rubbed my thigh, remembering where I had seen the metal rod sticking through her leg. “She bled out before anyone could save her.” My fingers trembled as I reached up to brush my hair back.
“That’s awful, Sonny. I’m so sorry.”
I gave him a forced smile and nodded my head.
“You’d think that after all I’ve been through, dad would take it easy on me. But he still gives me shit about every little thing I do.”
“At least your dad talks to you.” Jim muttered. “Mine won’t even answer the phone.”
I looked down at my hands. The ugly scar across my knuckles made my stomach churn.
“I know I’m not your dad and you’ve.... you’ve only known me a few days, but I’ll answer the phone when you call.” I met his gaze. The smile that crossed his lips made my heart race.
“You mean it?”
“Of course I do.” I nodded. “You’re cute too, by the way.”
His cheeks flushed and he rolled his eyes at me.
#jim mason#it's missing Jim Mason hours#tribes of palos verdes#cody fern#jim mason x reader#i miss jim mason#series#solace series#queenxxxsupreme
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Reese just finished his paperwork and just wanted to go to the kitchen to see if there is any dinner left. With luck, there could be a plate of something kept in the humidifier or some bread he could munch with coffee. Then he could sleep because he was supposed to go out very early with his men tomorrow per instructions from the Boss. That's right, he has not briefed them about that yet. But that doesn't matter, they will come the second he calls for them no matter the time. He came out to a commotion near the alcove of the front entrance. Some of his men are already there, seemingly watching something happening out of his line of vision. The housekeeper is there, and so are two maids. What the hell is happening exactly? He heard a shout, it sounded like the Boss. That perked him into attention in an instant and he rushed to the source of the sound, taking long strides to get there quickly. He already formulated a plan in his head, the path he would take, the men he would call, the order he would snap out. But what didn't enter his calculations is a blur of white that suddenly bloomed from between the people in front of him, slammed into his left shoulder and disappeared in a cloud of petals and perfume. He missed his step but managed to right himself at the last minute by clutching the banister next to him. The boy in front of him was not quite fortunate, he was bowled into with full force and fell behind, taking out two other men with him. One of the maids was staring open-mouthed at the direction in which the puff of white disappeared to, clutching to her chest a sorry-looking bouquet of flowers. Oh that must be where the petals came from. He blinked. Bouquet? A puff of white? Shit. Oh shit.
He regained his stability quickly and strode to the outside. The familiar black limousine was parked there, a door wide open. Now the door opposite of that swung open before the driver had the chance to reach it. From there, the Boss himself emerged, his eyes black and his expression thunderous. He approached him, apparently the only one who dares to do so right at that moment.
"Sorry, I forgot you are coming back from the wedding."
"I told you not to come, I know you had to go to Caiazzo."
"No, I mean I was supposed to come and meet her." With that, he peeked into the dark-tinted car. "Did you forget to bring her back?"
"She's here." The Boss seethes. Without elaborating, he walked up to the door, Reese following close behind. Well, as long as he's not hurt, he can focus his attention to something else at hand.
The Boss reached door. His men were already back to standing although the youngest brother still looked quite dazed. He frowned at him. The maids were bowing their heads. "Where is she?" he hissed in anger. The housekeeper pointed upstairs. He raised his foot on the first step but seemed to think better of it. He shook his head while muttering something darkly. He instead turned and walked, somewhat unsteadily, Reese thinks, to his office. It is located in the west wing of the house and a while later, all of them heard a heavy slam from that direction. Now Reese addressed the others.
"Right. I expect we wouldn't know any more than what we do right now. Everyone back to your posts or to your quarters. Andy, lock up as usual before you go on your patrol."
"Yes, sir," the man called Andy answered somewhat bemusedly. "C'mon, Franco," he motioned to his younger brother.
Having dismissed everyone, now he remembered what he came out of his room to do. But he is already in no mood to eat. He went back to his room to prepare for the trip to Caiazzo tomorrow instead. The house descended back into its original peace. It would be the last of it for a long time to come.
The Boss paced along the floor of the study. He wanted a drink so badly but he already drank at the wedding and he has put a limit on himself. The wedding. He sank down on a plush sofa, exhaustion finally setting in his bones. He stared into the dark for a long time, feeling like he has been initiated into a strange, exciting world. "Is this what being married is like?" he mused. He is the lord of a considerable realm, having taken over since his father's sudden death a year ago, and was catapulted into underground dealings made in plain sight. He had to meet his father's previous affiliates and friends, and during one of those visits, he found himself taken by a certain chocolate-haired girl curled up on a large window sill, completely engrossed in a big book on her lap. Her feet was bare, her chest rose and fall steadily, her lips parted slightly, the utter look of concentration bathed in the evening light had transfixed him to the spot. He would find excuses to go to that old admiral's house again, and he would somehow find her in another nook or cranny, curled up with yet another book. Sometimes she would be talking to one of the maids and the first time he heard her peals of laughter, his heart was gripped by an invisible hand. He nonchalantly tried to find out more about here, got to know that her name is Selene, the only daughter of the admiral, a pampered princess with the sweet demeanor of a dove and the raging temper of an escaped demon from the bowels of Hell. Maybe he should have taken the hushed gossip of the people of the house more seriously, not that it would alter his decision in any way, but at least he would know how to manage her a little more effectively. "Manage," he snorted. "I will be able to manage her the day pigs fly."
Reese tried knocking softly and didn't get any response. He opened the door anyway and saw the Boss sprawled on the sofa, looking like he's already fast asleep. That is normal for him, he would work at any hour of the day and the sofa in his study was carefully selected exactly for this purpose, so he would get quick shut-eyes before resuming his work. Reese closed the door back slowly while making sure the code is punched in to lock it from the inside. Now the pang of hunger returned to him. He thought after a shower, he would be ready for sleep but the night's events apparently got him high-strung. He decided to have that bread and cup of coffee after all. He walked into the kitchen and his heart skipped a beat when he saw there was already someone there sitting at the table, sniffling in a white dress that looked worse for wear, chocolate brown hair spilling down her bare back.
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"And Reese won a trophy at snowboarding because she's awesome," Ruby chirped. "Do you know her? She went to Haven."
"Chloris," Mercury said, feeling that she being his girlfriend and all, he should make sure she was well represented to her old headmaster. "The peahen with the skateboard. She said she was in your office at least once a week for trying to board on various surfaces."
Leonardo's expression brightened. "I do remember her! It's a miracle she hasn't managed to get herself killed yet; the young lady doesn't have a cautious bone in her body."
"I'd argue that but I got her to date me despite telling her how dangerous I am, so..."
"And I'm sure she took your warning seriously and didn't just think you're a big dork," Emerald said, nodding sagely.
"So what else happened since the last seance, other than the raid and our vacation?"
"The custody thing...?" Ruby suggested tentatively.
Leonardo gave them a smile, and folded his paws politely to wait.
There was a pause, which gave off the aura of expectant coughs.
“We had a big movie party for Mercury’s birthday,” Ruby ventured finally. “That was the first big thing that happened after the last seance, cause Mercury’s birthday’s only a week after mine.”
“Oh? What sort of movies did you watch?”
“We watched Labyrinth and The Princess Bride and Dark Crystal. Mercury says that’s the eighties cult fantasy trio.”
Leonardo gave Mercury a thoughtful look. “Accurate, and absolutely not what I would have expected of you.”
Mercury shuffled uncomfortably under his gaze. “Why not? You think I can’t enjoy cheesy eighties fantasy cult classics? ‘was gonna watch Rocky Horror too, but Hazel said some of the youngest kids were a bit too young yet.”
“Now that sounds more like what I’d expect of you.”
“We also went on a trip up to the mountains,” June spoke up with a smile. “It was really nice!”
“Oh yeah!” Boyd said cheerfully. “We learned how to do a lot of winter sports! And Huey and I got a couple of Junior Woodchuck badges afterwards!”
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Weekend Fun
Clare: laughed when he said they spent their winnings on food. "That's why I like playing for candy. No one questions where my supply of hershey's kisses, reese's, jolly ranchers and starbursts comes from. Well except the dentist." She nodded about Emi wearing a life preserver. Clare listened without commenting as Dakota explained how his grandpa would find girls for him to date when he was older. She supposed it wouldn't be that bad if he could weed them out himself. "You can treat it like a dating service. Lots of people use those. Then maybe it'd feel more normal." Clare suggested when he was through speaking. "I guess there's a downside to everything. I want to be a writer but I don't think I'd like it if I got famous and I had to worry about that kind of stuff. Privacy and the right to live my life the way I want are very important to me. When I turn 18, I won't have to follow my parents' rules anymore. I love them but I can't wait." She shrugged. "What about in the meantime? I mean if you find a girlfriend on your own does she have to meet your grandpa's requirements?" Clare understood he could forgo the prenup but she didn't care about that. She wasn't interested in money. Realistically Dakota would probably date several girls before he settled down. It had nothing to do with being a player. Finding the right person wasn't easy. But Clare wouldn't date a guy if their relationship was doomed from the start. She'd make sure they stuck to the just friends thing if that were the case. "Wow, that's crazy." Clare was puzzled when he asked for her phone but handed it over. She watched him run off and come back with a case. She hadn't been hinting around. "Oh Dakota. You didn't have to do that but thank you." She hugged him. "I'll be glad to tell anyone who asks. Monica wouldn't have given you away anymore than I will. I still think she likes you." Clare remembered what she'd overheard him tell Monica about the type of girl he'd date though. She smiled at what he said about designing a hoodie and taking draw classes with Emi. "Very cool." Clare ducked her head shyly at the mention of boxers. "I've never seen a guy in his underwear. You're not all going to walk around in your boxers, are you?" She muttered, blushing. At the restaurant she nodded at what Dakota's mother said. "I'm sorry. I didn't know what to order and sides don't come with the shrimp, do they?" She apologized. Clare sighed at Dakota's explanation. "How serious is she about the prices thing? I probably messed it all up." She whispered to him. She wondered if he would be mad if she had to sleep in there since they wouldn't be doing anything. Not that Clare thought Dakota wanted to in the first place. But it would be awkward. Clare wasn't sure why Dakota looked at her when he finished answering Dallas' question. She didn't know what he should do with the money. Or even if he was looking for suggestions. But she'd try. "You could save it up until graduation and then take Emi on a trip. Or put the money away for her."
Kota: laughed a bit when Clare mentioned using candy. "We don't eat much candy. I like candy bars that are hard to find, Dallas doesn't eat too many sweets, Ash only eats candy on Easter and Halloween, and Dom just sells his, but he'll eat a candy bar when he's in the mood for it." he shrugged. He listened to Clare's suggestion and her talk after then, then nodded. "I'll have that at my grandpa's company when I take over. I want to keep my private life to myself and it's not like I'll be famous anyway. I'll be able to go in public without being recognized because the products, like now won't have my name on it. I'll just be the CEO and no one will know my face, but I'm responsible for whatever we put out." he explained. "No, my grandpa trusts me with my decisions. If I were to date someone and have her meet him, he'd automatically accept her until given a reason not to." he answered. "At most, he'll just look after her and get to know about her. If something seems off to her, he'll bring it up to me and ultimately it'll be my decision whether or not I'd want to terminate the relationship. He doesn't really have a say in it." he said and looked down for a moment. "But I want a girl who will be in it for the long run. I want my first girlfriend to be my last kind of like Dallas and Stacy. I know they'll end up together." he pointed out and wondered if he'd be lucky like his twin to end up with his first girlfriend. "I know I didn't have to, but this is better than the book bag in a sense. Besides if it breaks, I'll replace it." he shrugged "I can't really replace Monica's book bag." he said and looked at her phone. "The case is water proof and can take a beating. I put an old cell phone in one of them before coming out with what you have. We ran tests, throwing them in water, they can go in water, just that if you drop it in the ocean obviously it's gone. They can only go down so far before the pressure breaks the case, we haven't found out how far yet since we stopped at eight foot due to the fact no one's going to get a ten foot deep pool. I also threw it out a twenty story window and it survived the fall. The case got dented and ones before we finished snapped, came off once they hit the ground, cracked in two, etc. This one survived. Well not the exact case, but you know." he explained about the case. "If it gets sat on run over by a truck, it'll be fine and it's made out of rubber so it'll be fine if it's left out in the rain and gets hit with electricity. We tested that too and it wasn't easy, we had to tape it to a lightning rod." he added. When Clare blushed at the mention of him and his brothers in their boxers, he looked at her. "We haven't seen a girl in her underwear so it's ok. We don't have to walk around in our boxers during the morning. I mainly throw a shirt on and sweats." he shrugged. "The sides come with the shrimp since it's an entree." he pointed them out and leaned in. "No, you didn't screw it up. Trust me." he kissed her cheek and smiled when she spoke. "Sorry, I got mesmerized by something." he said honestly and looked at her. "I went to glance over to see if you were ok and I got mesmerized and stared off, sorry. But about your suggestion with Emi, I'd have enough money from work to do that, but you do make a valid point." he smiled at her.
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