#she deserves to be bathed in jewelry
astrow1zar6 · 10 months
Venus Sign Observations- 011
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Venus in Leo’s are those girls in hs you think “how early does she get up to get ready?” You rarely ever see this placement have ugly days they are all so well kept & usually smell incredible. The types to wear their hair in really trendy styles, wear designer outfits and perfumes. BIG on luxury. In a relationship they LOVE being shown off and given lots of attention and compliments. they also love when their partner begs for their attention.
Venus in Libras are really easy to impress lol, all you really have to be is semi attractive. My libra Venus friend every time we go out would be like “OMG THAT GUY IS SOOO CUTE” but say that about 15 other guys that day😂 the women can be VERY obsessed with the opposite sex. They are such flirty people.
Venus in Taurus gives conventional housewife vibes lol. They are into classic feminine hobbies such as sewing, cooking, making jewelry/ clothes, art. If you marry a women with this placement you hit the jackpot.
Venus in Scorpio men tend to be cheaters. Everyone talks about their loyalty but they are only really loyal once they feel they’ve truly found their soulmate (in most cases are rare cuz they’re picky) a lot get bored of their relationships once the passion dies (similar to Aries Venus). They tend to prefer emotionally complex women to keep them on their toes.
Venus in Aquarius’s tend to look really good with circle frame glasses. They pull it off soo well. Also if you have this placement and are looking for new fashion ideas. Look up cyberpunk/Dystopian aesthetic. Y’all would look amazing in that type of style.
Most Venus in Virgos I meet are not big on the physical aspect of love. It takes them SOOO long to open up physically. This causes a lot to get friend zoned. They express their love very differently from most Venus signs which can cause some confusion in their relationships. They are big on acts of service & the intellectual side of love.
Venus in Aries usually always makes the first move when liking someone ( man or woman) they can jump into relationships fast just for it to end just as quick. They really date for the excitement and fun of having a new crush. But once that it becomes deeper than a crush and gets serious most usually back out. Also they can get turned on my arguing. When things become dull they will normally create some issue to keep the sparks alive. To more sensitive signs this can be very draining.
Venus in Geminis are very hard to pin down. I notice their feeling for their partners never seem quite genuine? I notice even in relationships they try to seek out attention from other people. They need a lot of mental stimulation to keep their full attention on one person. And if they’re partner fails to stimulate them they’ll find someone else who can. It’s very rare they catch true feelings for someone but when they do they’re surprisingly loyal.
Venus in Pisces kinda irritate me lol. The men are always talking to different women. They are big on following their heart, but if their hearts tells them to talk to five girls they would😭 it’s very rare to see the men of this placement settle with one woman. The women of this placement I notice are amazing lovers but tend to give it to usually terrible neglectful partners:( I’ve seen women with their placements bust their ass for men that barely give them the time of day.. y’all deserve a lot better than that.
Sagittarius Venus’s tend to date people who are a different ethnicity as them or date from foreign countries. They have a deep appreciation for culture and traveling. So they may also travel with their partner a lot. This is imo the most loyal Sagittarius placement. I’ve seen people be in relationships for years with this placement.
Cancer Venus’s are extremely sweet and nurturing in a relationship. Gives Mommy vibes 🥺. The types to bring you home cooked meals get your bath water running. A lot a notice tend to be very submissive/vanilla. They require a lot of emotional attention and babying even themselves. They types to prefer at home dates compared to traveling or going out.
Capricorn Venus tends to take partnerships like it’s a job (similar to Virgo Venus) they see attending to their partners needs more like a duty which is why they can appear cold in their affections even though they mean well. Emotionally it can be harder to connect with this sign but once they trust you they’ll show you a very sensual romantic side they’ve been hiding. They mostly express love through gift giving. These partners give some of the best most expensive gifts. Just know you’ll be taken good care of if this placement loves you 👌🏽
Venus in Scorpios look AMAZING in black. Any dark aesthetic look great on them. And they may prefer partners with a darker aesthetic as well
Venus in Aries women tend to feel more comfortable having male friends than other women. Usually we’re tomboys growing up
Libra Venus’s are usually really good at makeup or look amazing with a full face of makeup.
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comfortless · 7 months
Everything you write leaves me breathless <333
Sorry in advance for my English
I was thinking about König, (maybe in an ancient rome/Greek settling) being so alone and desperate for connection that he turns to religion: one day he's walking in the woods, deep in thought, when he finds an abandoned temple. The inside is small but lavish, with a life sized statue of what must be its goddess. He sees this lovely sculpture, abandoned and alone and sees himself in her. He becomes a dedicated, fanatic and soso lovestruck worshipper. Unknownly to him his goddess, woken by his prayers, has been watching him and listening to him. One day while he's praying in front of her her statue moves and talks and now his deity is in front of him. Looks like he has an opportunity to worship her like she deserves ;)
granting you ten million kissies for this prompt and your sweet words! your English is perfect, little wisp! <3 also… giving me an excuse to write more loner/loner and mutual worship?! you have spoken to my heart…
content/warnings: 18+. minors do not interact. historical/myth au; vague time period, brief mentions of violence, fluff, pining, not very explicit smut, mutual worship.
The spirit of the temple feels disorienting, though the architecture is a still, white marble, the floor riddled with leaves and dirt, creeping up the sides of the building as if river water had washed the entire thing ashore… Something feels very alive here, feathered out on the air, a pulse of thunder, the breeze beneath dove’s wings, enthused and yawning. Hungry.
It only becomes more apparent the closer he steps to the statue.
She is unlike any he has ever seen before, carved with the same skill, but so much smaller than the other statues in their temples, so much more lifelike that he almost thinks to greet her. She’s been painted unlike most, a perfect vision bathed in color where she stands out amidst the sea of white and green surrounding her. The temple has not been stained with blood, no offering strewn before her bare feet, left for the rot or dragged away by the dainty hands of this very goddess. No maidens sit in prayer, no men lower there swords to her…
There’s nothing to tell him just who she is, either.
Despite his better judgment, his hand does find her side, a swift draw up from the vision of her thigh peeking from her robe upward to curl over her hip. Her beauty is unmatched, impossible to describe and the call seems almost tangible, shrieking at him in whispers to bend a knee and let her in. So, he does. He prays to her in the silence, alternating between whispers and his own thoughts.
He tells her of his struggles: a soldier brought in from a small tribe up north, robbed from his parents as a boy, how all he knew now were the Roman ways yet could rarely comprehend their customs and deities. Maybe she could offer him some counsel or solace…? Make the weight of his blade feel less heavy as he struck down men that could very well be his own brothers? Give him something to return to when old wounds reopened and he bled, hurt with no one but himself to tend to his heart or his injuries.
The goddess only blesses him with silence: the wind does not pick up outside, there is no disembodied laughter, no sudden thought of an offering or new words to speak to her. She is void of an answer just as the very temple she waits inside is empty of all else.
This does not dissuade him from returning.
Returning to the city after another battle some months later, his first thought is to return to her, to leave the things he’s taken from dead men at her feet, to paint the temple with the blood lingering on his weapon. There is honey, wine, meat and jewelry made of stones from the sea. There is brittle, dried flakes of blood polished from his blade and left to settle onto the floor like the leaves of late autumn. He presents these things to her with a grin, thinking that assuredly this goddess would call back to him then, grant him with a love so consuming that all of the evasion and emptiness cursed upon him would be untwined.
He kneels before her statue, presses his cheek to her thigh, sighs content at the feel of cold marble against the ever-burning of his flesh, gazes up at her like an adoring dog.
Assuredly, if this temple were built for a being that did exist at all she would know just how she was all that this lonesome soldier had, would know the way that he loved her and waited with bated breath and heartstrings pulled taut for her to love him in turn. A greedy, begging muzzle that utters his prayers, words he’s never spoken to anyone whether deity or mortal, only to her in the quiet of the forest.
It’s not madness that provokes him, but the gentleness of her face and the tender look in her eyes, an expression that no other had ever offered to him, no one but this little forgotten goddess. Whether pitying or loving, he did not know. It was only enough to keep him returning: for many days, his path from the city led straight to her feet, even some nights were spent lying upon her floor, finding peace finally being able to sleep next to something apart from lonely walls.
The sun rises and sets each day where he sits and speaks to her as though she were a living, breathing woman. Occasionally he reads aloud to her in the stillness, cheekily tells her when another goddess’ name is brought up within the lines of poetry that they could never hope to compare.
It’s ridiculous when he does not even know what purpose she serves, but this silent figure is his only companion, the only thing that sets his heart ablaze and mind focused in battle because above all else, he has to return to her. Though she can not share his words, he knows somehow that she shares in his loneliness.
Finally, he thinks to ask her the question that has been burning at the tip of his tongue for weeks and months. One, that he has tried to hold back, display a patience that he lacks. It’s after a night of sleeping on cold marble, an ache in his neck from its hardness and his own refraining from bringing a cushion from his own home in his desperation to return to her.
“Why won’t you speak?,” he asks, somber as he makes his way to leave the temple, only halting in place to cast her a fragile look from over his shoulder. He has read the epics, heard the stories and seen the blessings of other deities… Yet no matter what he does or how often he tethers himself to her leg and dotes upon her, she still meets his devotion with nothing but her silence in return.
König is left with the thought that his gifts are not enough, that he, himself, is not enough, even as her sole devotee. To keep his mind preoccupied, he keeps to the city for a time. The bed is cold, the people still see him as a barbaric outsider, and the horrible coil wound around his heart only seems to tighten its grip further. He feels as though he has left a part of himself out there in the forest within the four chalked walls of her temple.
This loneliness does not feel like one he is forced to swallow down, it feels like a vicious sort of ache, the twisting of a dagger beneath ribs to sink in and steal away what little of a life he does have.
He returns to her the following night, with a furrowed brow and a grave look upon his face. There’s an intent to demand she free him of her, that this longing finally pass, but as his sandals reach the entrance to the temple, those thoughts fall away from his mind like droplets of rain, a cool drizzle that begins to fall outside the very moment he is sheltered.
The statue— the goddess moves.
She tilts her head and inspects him fondly, the perfect mouth he has envisioned speaking to him so many times prior tilts upward in the gentlest smile as her bare feet move to carry her body forward.
“A test,” she explains as though answering his question from only the past day, almost saddened by her own words as her gaze lowers to the space between them.
König’s heart does not roar then, it only melts with the knowledge that someone like her has been left alone for so, so very long that she felt the need to prove to herself that he would return to her side. He would. Time and time again he would. When she raises her head to look him in the eye, her own clouded and misty, he only silently prays that she could see such a vow upon his face.
“I am worthy then?,” he questions, forcing himself to remain rigidly in place despite the call- the urge, to circle her, just once, drop at her feet to then feel her pulse beneath his fingertips. Anything. Even an assurance would be reward enough, but there is always a greed in the hearts of men, one he feels burning a hole through his very being even now.
Her lips press to a line and her gaze seems faraway, lost in her own thoughts that must be as mighty as Olympus itself. After a time, she only answers in a soft whisper, “It is I who am unworthy of you.”
All discordance in his chest pulls to a halt at this, all apprehension and sadness are whisked away when she instead comes to kneel before him. She curls her arms around his leg, presses her cheek to his thigh as he had done so many times before. The goddess gazes up at him with not just affection… but reverence, as though he were the strongest warrior of myth, deserving of even the love of something only as ethereal and sweet as she could provide.
His breath catches for a mere moment before he lowers himself at her side. The stares exchanged from both are full of an unspoken wonderment, all of the things that words alone would fail to speak in truth.
He waits out the rain there, sat beside her with the air surrounding them charged with such a great and unspoken affection that even Venus would taste a bitter envy on her tongue should she pass by to see.
She tells him she can not recall what she was the goddess of… or if she was ever truly any goddess at all. The marble surrounding her was put up for a purpose, but she’s never seen the Elysian Fields or climbed Olympus on her own. Her memories are scattered blurs, and she confesses that she feels tired when she tries to parse things together in a way that he will understand.
He listens while he tends to her by offering the honey and dried meat left in offering for her here, then fetches fresh water from the stream that brooks several yards away and returns to her side with a face both damp and flushed.
König tells her of his life too, how during every battle since stumbling upon this sacred place he has kept her in mind; he has no wife to return to, no other women to bed, that since their meeting his life has become hers. He confesses he had the intention of returning only to force a curse upon this madness that had enveloped him, but… he could never have brought himself to do so, even if she had not appeared to him warm and breathing.
Her laugh then could have prompted waves of flowers to bloom and birds to sing in tune, whimsical and so precious he only begins to feel himself fall, truly. Not out of sheer desperation, but with genuine affection.
When her exhaustion does take her, she does not mind the way his arm curls around her middle to tuck her body closer to his own. The goddess has no fury within her, only mirrors his own feelings with a fluttering of lashes and a soft sigh.
So she sleeps, pulled close to him like a lover rather than a stranger. When dawn breaks, when König knows he’s to be called back to train and fight with the other soldiers, have dull talks about what land to cross and take for their own next, she tells him she will wait there for his return.
He can not concentrate as well on his training this day. The plans for future wars and battles do not send flurries, hot excitement through him. The world is an endless gray, reflected above with darkened clouds threatening further rain. There is only one place he wishes to be, one that yearns for him more than his own home or the women waiting on the street for coins the other men readily supply. When one, a native Roman, does ask him why he does not just venture to the brothel to put himself in better spirits, König only grits his teeth to still his hand from quieting him eternally. These men knew nothing of the love he feels, and certainly they didn’t deserve to.
The temple is no different from how he found it the night prior. The goddess sits with her hands curled in her lap, smiling just as fondly at him as she had before. His heart shatters at the thought that she had sat there waiting for him in such a way all day. He swears to her that he will have a proper bed made for her, bring her the softest of furs and cushions stuffed with downy feathers to lie upon. For now his offering is only fruit and wine, things that she shares with him while she shushes his concerns with quiet words and gratitude that he had returned.
She lowers herself again before him after pulling her robe free and lying it upon the floor. It is no proper bedding at all, but she swears that it is enough, that his own warmth is just enough for her to be sated and comfortable. His head swims when she kisses his thigh, drags her lips up from his knee to rest there with that reverent look in her eye. Mortals coupling with deities was not unheard of, but to think it could happen to him…
She is a goddess. How is he supposed to… How could he ever dirty her with himself? He thinks to refuse her before she tugs away the barrier of fabric between them and takes him into her mouth. Stunned, he only watches her, feels her in a way he has never felt a woman before until he finds his voice again.
“Lie down,” he breathes, shaky and tentative as he rests his hand upon her cheek. She complies, giddy and content when she’s splayed out on the white robe beneath her, legs parting immediately and her arms reaching upward to invite him into her hold.
There’s no tact when he lies atop her, feels the warmth of her thighs around him and her arms curled over his neck. His forehead is pressed to her own when togetherness is found, and when she sighs so soft as she envelops him in full, his mouth descends upon her own.
She doesn’t praise him, doesn’t need to in words, because the muffled sounds and cries that leave her lips are more than enough to spear him onward. König, however… he babbles ceaselessly, overwhelmed and overcome by such a profound joy, he can not keep himself from reciting every word that comes to mind, whether vile or pure.
“My goddess,” he whispers into her hair, eyes half-lidded and dazed with each shallow thrust. “We could have had this for a season… you have made me wait so long, hm?”
The way she feels is unmatched, he thinks, when her breathing shudders and she only seems to constrict him further. To think he could bring a goddess to ruin… the grin that crosses his face when he pushes his head against her neck is bordering on both ecstatic and cruel.
“I will give you a demigod,” he hisses against her throat, not at all subtle about just how far he was willing to go to keep her here. With him. More than Olympus, she belonged beneath him, and the tremor that wracks her form then is all of the confirmation he would need.
She sobs his name when the tension becomes too much to bear, fingernails graze the flesh of his shoulders as she shudders, falls into such bliss that her words of praise come incoherent and weak. He follows her to a saccharine abyss with a guttural groan.
The aftermath is softer than any other moment he has shared with her. There are an abundance of kisses pressed between them, littered across her flesh and his own with whispers that leave his mind cloudy. Her worship is subtle by comparison to his own, coming in honeyed stares and such words he would never dare to repeat, no lowly poet deserved to ever hear them, their voices could never compare to her own.
The goddess holds him close, bumps his nose with her own and makes a promise; she tells him for as long as he shall live that this temple was as much his home as it were his own. That even when this body of his does die, she will seek him out in the Elysian Fields, lie at his feet as he had done her own; that no matter what may come, they will never be apart.
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sapphicmsmarvel · 3 months
acotar characters and getting mad over silly, silly things
these are the things the characters get mad over, except they are super silly. 
This is a short one!
i.e. the only times they ever get mad at you, but it’s not toxic ❤️
Just let this man zip your dresses up. He gets you want to be “independent” but just, let him zip the damn dresses. 
He also loves lacing up your corsets. 
He’ll press a kiss between your shoulder blades. Kiss the spot between your neck and shoulder. 
He loves the intimacy within the action, loves knowing that you are for him. 
Wrapping you up as a gift is just a plus. 
He gets mad when you open a door for yourself. He will race you to the door. Even shove you out of the way. 
it’s the gentlemen-like thing to do. 
He loves seeing your ass when you walk past him. 
He doesn’t want his babydoll lifting a finger. 
if you don't let this man pull out your chair at a dinner table or function…. 
What a pouty bitch. 
It’s a simple claim of “they’re mine.” But also he just simply loves doing it. He loves to help you whenever he can, even if it’s something small like pulling out your chair. 
Plus, when he does it, he usually kisses your head or brushes his fingertips across your shoulders, making you shiver. 
Don’t you ever do your nails yourself. 
She loves working on a smaller canvas and painting your nails intricate designs is like therapy to her. She loves doing cheesy things like putting your initials together in a heart. 
Let her do your makeup. It brings her so much joy to just stare at your face when you aren’t looking. It’s the one time she doesn’t feel like a creep doing it even though you’re her wife. 
When you close your eyes as she dusts some sparkly shadow across your lid, it making your skin tone pop.
And if you’re dark skinned? with metallic colors? That would kill her. 
Putting your jewelry on for you. She’s a simple woman, just let her do your jewelry. You have hundreds nearing thousands of pieces she has given you. 
She knows what compliments your skin, or what looks good with an outfit. As well as what gems you like the most and what metals irritate your skin. 
When she puts your necklace around you, she’ll kiss the spot on your neck where the clasp is.  
She loves closing the clasp on your heels and tying your shoes. 
It’s the only time anyone will see her bow to someone else.  (besides the bedroom but they don’t see that). 
If you do it yourself, she literally makes you undo them, or she undos them, then she redoes it. She’ll be damned if you buckle your own shoes. While she’s down there, she’ll press a kiss to your thigh, calf, inner knee, ankle. Whatever she feels like.
She loves doing your hair. Even brushing it after a bath, she doesn’t want you doing it. She wants to do it. 
She loves weaving flowers through it, braiding, any type of style. It’s therapy for her, to just sit there and play with her girl's hair. 
He doesn’t like you doing ‘boy jobs’, as in the dishes or some ridiculous shit like that. 
It’s not that he thinks you’re incapable it’s just, you’re his spouse you deserve better than taking out the trash! 
The definition of “my hands look like this, so theirs look like this” but again, not in a toxic way. Just a “my baby is my baby and i’ll be damned if they lift a finger.”
He gets mad when you refuse to let him walk on the more dangerous side of a sidewalk or sleep in the spot closest to the door so he can protect you better if need be. 
He’s a natural protector and you are the love of his life. He’s not going to put you in danger even though you’ve told him nobody is waiting outside the bedroom door to kill you. 
But, you can never be too safe. 
Washing your hair, it’s really therapeutic for him to wash your hair. Even if you get embarrassed because if you have a flaky scalp it embarrasses you. But he loves just taking care of you. 
Nothing with him is embarrassing. Every hair wash day he’s there with your products as well as adding his own new thing, such as a mask or new leave in product.
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dark-and-kawaii · 2 months
⋆˙⟡ A Bath With The Devil ⟡˙⋆
*ੈ Summary: Raphael comes to find you hidden away with the crown of Karsus, he see's how this battle has worn you down, the blood on your hands evidence of how you put up a good fight. He decides to reward you with a bath, because what's better than a relaxing evening? A relaxing evening with the devil you've come to love.
ੈ Pairing: Raphael x F!Tav/Reader
ੈ Content: Slight NSFW - Comfort - Raphael Being Raphael - Bathing With The Devil - Soft Yet Possessive Raphael
ੈ Notes: A lovely little story I wrote for @octarinecat for our art trade. I hope you all enjoy this piece as well as i hope she enjoys it xoxo
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Your body was sore, aching as if every muscle in it had been put to the test. Every time you shifted even the tiniest bit, you would be wracked with pain that made you groan and grit your teeth. All this suffering, and for what? What could be worth it, that would make you want to bear the pain?
Slowly, your eyes opened, and your gaze focused on a familiar object… The crown of Karsus, resting on a table beside the bed you laid in. It was a strange, eerie sight to behold, a relic of the past, the thing so many lost their lives and souls for. You blinked a few times, clearing your vision and focusing on the crown more clearly… You truly wondered if it was as dangerous and powerful as everyone thought it was, or just an ordinary piece of jewelry that was just cursed.
Sitting up from the bed, you got up and walked towards the window, your eyes never leaving the crown- afraid of what might happen should you leave it unattended. 
Closing your eyes for a brief moment, you took a deep breath, hoping for a moment of peace. But then, you heard it- the chime that had become all too familiar to you. You didn’t need to open your eyes to know who it was. The devil you’ve come to know, Raphael.
“My my, what quarry has the fox come to claim, I wonder? A timid mouse, secreting away a treasure, meant for the fox's taking?” You could feel how his chest pressed against your back, a comforting warmth seeping into your very being. Ever so slightly, your lips parted as a silent invitation, welcoming him into the sanctuary of your body.
“But at what cost?” he whispered, his breath hot against your ear as he reached around you, his fingers tracing up your arm before grabbing your hand softly. He lifted it to get a better look at your blood stained hands, the evidence of your struggle obtaining the crown for him.
There was a pause, a moment where neither of you moved, before finally, you felt the warm, wet glide of his mouth, pressing against your neck. His hand never leaving yours, “You did well, my little mouse, to obtain such a crown for me. You deserve a reward.”
Raphael’s fingers curled tighter around your own, his other hand finding its way around your waist as he held you firmly against him, “Come.”
The dimly lit room was replaced by a secluded area in the midst of a forest. A wooden tub stood at the center, filled to the brim with steaming water, ready to welcome you.
With his much larger hand still resting within yours, the devil guided you towards the tub. The warmth of the water was inviting, and you swore you could feel the tension in your body begin to ease just at the sight of it.
“This seems very unlike you, Raphael. I thought this was too quaint for your tastes, and far too mundane.” You remarked, unable to hide the hint of amusement in your voice as you turned to face him, a coy smile on your lips.
He gave you a smile in return, but it was different from his usual, condescending one. It was softer, almost warm- a stark contrast to his usual demeanor, “Where I agree, this is still far too quaint for my tastes, this adversary, this devil- desires only the finest and most exquisite of treasures. And the best requires a certain measure of tenderness, of indulgence, of devotion, do they not?”
You could feel a heat rise in your cheeks at his words, and the way his voice seemed to send shivers down your spine. Your breath- it caught in your throat as you tried to speak, all you could do was nod as he released your hand. His fingers slowly working at the buttons on his doublet, before he slid it off his shoulders, his eyes never leaving yours. 
You watched as the fabric slid down his surprisingly toned form, before falling to the ground, a pool of cloth at his feet. As he moved to undo his tunic-
“Here, let me…” You were surprised by your own forwardness, Raphael said nothing, allowing you to undress him.
The devil looked at you curiously, a glimmer of something flashing in his eyes as your hands made work of the laces on his tunic.
Soon his own hands found their way beneath your lightly padded armor, removing it slowly, teasingly, before he tells you, "Turn." His hands traveling lower until they hooked within your pants, pulling them down your bruised legs, his lips ghosting along one of your thighs...
Once you were both bare, he helped you into the tub, the warm water washing over your skin. You let out a soft sigh of content, the feeling was heavenly, especially after the hardships you endured for him.
After a moment, Raphael joined you, the water rising with the added weight. He took his place behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist, the contact making your heart beat rapidly in your chest.
With his legs on either side of you, Raphael pulled you against his chest, his head resting on your shoulder. One of his hands traced lazy circles on your skin, while the other rested on your stomach, his thumb brushing gently back and forth.
“You say this is my reward... Or are you just trying to butter me up so you can kill me while my guard is down and take the crown? If so, you could have just done that. You don't have to go through all this trouble. I don't have any power over you at the moment, Raphael.”
His hold on you tightened, his fingers digging into the flesh of your stomach, making wince slightly, “If I had any intention of ending your life, I would have done it the moment we met.” He growled, “Instead, I find myself fond of you, longing to feel you close and by my side as I weave together the nine hells. Now relax.”
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, letting yourself relax into his chest. It wasn't long before he started to recite a poem, his voice low. It was calming, soothing. You couldn't help but wonder if this is how he sounded when he sang- you could easily listen to him for hours, just like this. With the sound of snap you saw how a sponge appeared in his hand and without a word he started to wash your skin with a surprising tenderness.
Your whole body stiffened under his touch, his gentle caresses sending a tingle down your tummy to the place between your thighs as he moved his hands slowly, taking his time as he washed away the dried blood. You let out a soft moan as his hands began to wander lower, the sponge tracing patterns on your inner thighs.
His hand slipped between your legs, parting them just enough so he could slide his fingers up and down the length of your slit, teasingly. His mouth against your ear, his breath hot against your skin as he spoke, “So quiet, my little mouse, I didn't take you as the type to get so easily flustered. I must say, I quite like this look on you- so innocent, so helpless, it's... enticing. But, then again, what is innocence to a devil? Nothing more than a toy to be corrupted, is it not?”
“Raphael, I- I-“ your voice trailed off, words failing you as his fingers slid between your folds, teasing the sensitive bud there. You gasped, your back arching into him. You could feel the smirk against your skin, his teeth grazing against the flesh of your shoulder.
“That's it, let yourself go. Allow me to take care of you, to indulge in you. Let me hear your beautiful voice as I make you mine. Sing for me, my little mouse, sing for your devil and he shall reward you…"
His words, his touch, his very presence. It was all intoxicating. You could feel the heat rise in your cheeks, your face flushing at the sensation. It was so much, yet not enough. You craved more of him. You wanted to give him everything.
Raphael's free hand found its way up to your neck, his fingers gently wrapping around it, his touch featherlight. You felt a pressure build in your chest as his grip tightened, a whimper escaping your lips as you squirmed beneath his touch, “please, Raphael, please... I- I- can't- I can't take it. I-“
A soft chuckle left his lips, his fingers tightening around your neck, his other hand moving faster, harder. You cried out, your hips bucking wildly as you were overcome with pleasure. You felt yourself begin to peak, the coil in your belly tightening until finally, it snapped, “Raphael~!” You cried out his name as your body convulsed with the waves of pleasure that washed over you, your body trembling in his arms.
Your body slumped against him, your breath coming in short, shallow gasps as you tried to catch your breath. He released his grip on your neck, a small, satisfied smile on his lips as he watched you.
“Perhaps now you’ll be able to relax, little mouse, and enjoy your bath. Enjoy your reward, and allow yourself to bask in the aftermath of my touch. I'm sure there's more where that came from.”
Your mind was a mess, a jumbled, incoherent mess of thoughts and feelings. All you could do was tilt your head and stare at him in a daze, his words barely registering as he washed the rest of the blood off your skin, the sponge gently grazing over your stomach and arms.
Shifting yourself against him, you used him as a pillow, as a bed within the waters of the tub, a comfortable silence falling between the two of you.
You couldn't help but smile as you closed your eyes, the feeling of his hand combing through your hair soothing, relaxing. You could stay like this forever you thought. Could live in this moment, in this feeling- his hands on you, his warmth around you…
Devil he was, yes… But right now, Raphael was a comfort to you.
“Raphael, would you sing for me?”
He chuckled, a low, rich sound that rumbled in his chest, his thumb stroking the sensitive skin beneath your ear, “Sing? My my, you are rather demanding, aren't you? I suppose I can't deny you such a simple request. After all, this devil does have a soft spot for the little mouse that's come into his care, his keeping, his possession...”
His voice was deep, his tone melodic and pleasant as he started to sing, his words slow, his voice powerful. It was a lullaby, a song from the past. A song that made you think of simpler times, happier times. A song that made you feel safe, secure.
You closed your eyes, listening intently as his voice echoed throughout the forest, filling the air with its melody…
Suddenly, a wave of panic began to wash over you as a realization dawned on you… You were falling in love with Raphael, the devil you’ve come to know… The devil who just a few days ago, would have killed you, or worse- tortured and tormented you for fun.
The devil who now sang for you, comforted you, and bathed you. The devil who made you his, claimed you. The devil who, in a short amount of time, had made himself a place in your life, a home in your heart.
Your eyes opened, the panic fading as quickly as it came, 
‘What is innocence to a devil? Nothing more than a toy to be corrupted, is it not?’
A Devil he is…
You tilted your head up, looking at him.
A Devil he is…
His soft brown eyes were fixed on you, a faint smile on his lips.
You pressed a kiss to his lips, your arms wrapping around his neck, a smile on your lips.
Yes, indeed. A devil he is, yes, a devil that had fallen in love with you just as you had fallen for him.
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lyraoftheevergreens · 5 months
The Realms Enchantress
Chapter 1
nsfw: minors do not engage!
Pairing: Daemon x Fem!Targaryen Reader, Daemon x Niece!OFC
Summary: For years Daemon never had a care in the world just, sex, wine and a good battle. With the exception of his favorite niece. His little dragon he called her. He swore to be there for her and he got himself exiled when she needed him the most. Now, he returns from war at the step stones and is determined to get her back. No matter the cost.
Warnings: the usual, Targaryen incest
Authors note: I hope you all love chapter one of this fanfic idea I had in my head. I was having a hard time getting started but I hope you all enjoy it. Other than the characters being Targaryen and having Targaryen features I’m gonna try as hard as I can to get descriptive of her features.
Word count: 1,545
Tag List: open 🖤
Y/n Targaryen, on her second name day was declared the realms enchantress. To see her was to love her. Her gorgeous purple eyes could put you in a trance of awe at her beauty. She was the most treasured girl to her family, her mother and father loved her so deeply. Nobody would ever fathom Daemon capable of such affection but he loved his niece deeply. Then 3 years later came the birth of her sister Rhaenyra the realms delight. The realm had two Targaryen princess to marvel over. The king and queen had two princess to cherish. For Daemon, he was wrapped around their fingers. He greatly enjoyed teaching y/n valerian and taking her for rides on Caraxes. He would brush and braid her hair when he would walk past her chambers hear her cries and catch her fighting the handmaidens upon entering her room. “Ñuhon byka zaldrīzes, what seems to be the problem.” He says entering the door to your chambers from hearing your screams with the handmaidens. “Kepus.” You ran to your uncle tears streamed down your face and weld in your eyes as you leaped into his arms, he crouched down to catch you and held on to you tight. “I- don’t - want- my - hair- in - braids - in - the -tight - ball - on top- my head.” You choked out in between sobs that have now turned into hiccups in your uncles shoulder. That was all it took and you were sat between his legs as he brushed your hair back and he loosely braided it. Nobody had ever thought Daemon would be braiding hair, but yet here he was, braiding yours. He loved to give his two nieces gifts when he returned from his travels. Often times presenting both you and Rhaenyra necklaces made by the locals or rings and earrings. Fruit from where he had been, or clothing made from the locals. As you got older it was always Jewelry.
After riding your dragon Dirrax, you retreated to your chambers for a bath. In preparation for your 16th name day feast that would begin tonight. It was to be a 5 day celebration for the kings first born turning 16 years of age. When entering your chambers ready to instruct your maids to prepare the bath your met with a man laid in your bed. Not any man, your uncle who has been away for 2 years.
“Nyke’ve missed ao ñuhon byka zaldrīzes, Emagon ao missed aōha kepus?” (I’ve missed you my little dragon, have you missed your uncle?)
“Hen rhinka nyke emagon. Ao geptot syt 2 jēdri” (Of course I have, you left for 2 years)
“Nyke geptot naejot ensure allies hen aōha kepa.” (I left to ensure allies of your fathers remain allies)
“Syt skoro syt?” (For why?)
“Naejot ensure pōnta don’t forget skoriot pōja loyalties pirtir.” (To ensure they don’t forget where their loyalties lie.)
“I hear father has named you commander of the city watch.”
“He has.” Daemon answered with that smug smirk on his face.
“I give it a year till you are exiled once more.”
“Why must you lack faith in me, dōnus bykus talus.” (sweet little niece)
“It’s what happens is it not?”
“I brought you gift from my travels but I don’t think you’re deserving of it now. I think I shall gift it to Rhaenyra.”
“Kepus! It was only a jest. Don’t tell me you’ve lost your humor.”
“You’re lucky I haven’t, now turn around before your luck runs out.” With that you turn around and you feel him begin to lift your hair you take over and hold your hair up for him it is then that you feel the cold metal lay on your skin. His finger tips on your skin as he closes the clasp of the necklace send shivers through your body. You look down at the necklace, Valyrian steel with purple gems. “A lady in pentos was selling the stones, purple garnet I believe she called them. All I remember is that they reminded me of your eyes. So I had the necklace made from them.”
“Valyrian steel, like dark sister.”
“Yes. Now you and I both own a small piece of our ancestry.” You turn to face him so he can see it on you.
“Gevie.” He says, almost in a whisper. With that you swung your arms around his neck and hugged him tight. It didn’t take a lot to reach him now that you are 10 in 6 years of age. He wraps his arms tightly around your waist, not letting you go.
“Thank you kepus, I love it. Avy jorrāelan, kirimvose.” (I love you, thank you)
“Happy 16th name day my sweet girl.”
“I am a woman grown uncle.”
“You’re the little girl that sits between my legs and has me braid her hair, Avy jorrāelan.” With that he puts you down and kisses your forehead and heads off.
“What’s wrong dear sister.” Rhaenyra enters as she sees you pouting at the door of your chambers.
“I can’t find my maids and I would like a bath.”
“So search for them.” She rolled her eyes and walked away. Leaving you stood there playing with your new necklace. A gift from your favorite uncle whom you were determined to show you are a woman grown. After having bathed and had your hair done you opted for your purple gown to match your new piece of jewelry. It accentuated your newly developed curves and breast. Daemon was surely to see you in a new light now.
You made your way to throne room turned dining hall to eat with your family and all who gathered from the realm to celebrate your 16th name day celebrations.
“Princess Y/n Targaryen!” Shouted the announcer, everyone stood as you made your way to the royal table. Sat between your mother and father. Your parents stood and greeted you, told you how beautiful you looked, your father hugged you and planted a kiss above your head. Your sister Rhaenyra of course was in her own world with Alicent. Your Uncle who was sat next to your father bowed his head to you,” you truly are a sight to behold dear niece.” With that you took your seat as many approached the table to wish you a happy name day. Everything was going well until Jason Lannister approached you, “your beauty is spoken of across the realm for great reason I see my princess. Words would never compare to the beauty sat before me.”
“What, you thought it a lie. An ill jest amongst the realm of my niece is beauty?” Began your uncle, clenching his goblet of wine. He is clenching so hard you would think it would bend in his grasp. “No my prince, not at all.”
“Perhaps you shall return to your seat.” With that said and a bow of the Lannister lads head he retreated to where he sits. Next was one of the Baratheon lads, so many of them who is whom? You never took the time to learn them. “Your graces, princess,” he bowed,” it is an honor to be here to celebrate you. You are clearly a gorgeous woman grown and when the time comes for you to begin your tour for a husband, please keep in mind house Baratheon on your travels.”
“That is very kind of you lord Rogar.” Your father thanked him.
“You are older than her father do you truly think that appropriate words for a maiden of her stature.” There goes your uncle once more.
“Daemon I think that’s enough.” Your father chimes in. Daemon just huffs and sits back in his chair glaring at the Baratheon lord.
After everyone is done eating the dancing has began, you were now on your 3rd cup of wine and were understanding why your uncle loved this stuff so much. Rhaenyra and Alicent were off dancing while you, your mother, father and uncle were sat watching the festivities before you.
“Kepus, I wish to dance.”
“Go dance than.” He said gesturing to the crowd before you.
“Please uncle. It is my name day.”
“Only because it is shall I join you.” He took your hand and you both made your way to floor to dance. Daemon had a hard time letting you go so you can switch partners like your supposed to.
“Perhaps I don’t want to share you, bykus talus.”
“The dance calls for it Kepus.”
“Im a prince, who is to go against what I say goes.”
“Perhaps me, the princess.”
“Aōha being quba issa dōna hāedar. “ (your being bad my sweet girl)
“Kostilus nyke don’t va moriot jaelagon naejot sagon dōna. “ (perhaps I don’t always want to be sweet, maybe I want to be bad every now and again)
“Kostilus ñuhon riñītsos iksos drējī grown.” (perhaps my little girl is truly grown)
“ Kostilus nyke“ (perhaps I am) with this he grabs ahold of your face. Hands gripped tightly on both sides of your face as if he is about to kiss you, you close your eyes instinctively to prepare for the kiss when you feel his hand let go of you and he walks off. Leaving you on the dance floor alone on a crowded floor.
Chapter 2
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evelynsgarden · 4 months
You should write some hcs or something about living alone with Abby, sorta cannon but not if you get what I mean? On a farm or in a home :3
Living With Abby Hcs
Cw: smut under the warning fluff otherwise 🩷 :p(ignore spelling errors if any (request open)
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🩷 Mornings with Abby are always special. She loves waking up early to make you breakfast, bringing you coffee in bed, and sharing quiet moments together before the day starts. She enjoys the simplicity of starting the day with you by her side. However, she always forgets to wash the dishes after breakfast and will in fact leave them in the sink all day💀 she’s super sorry about it but forgets every time 😭
🩷 Abby loves surprising you with impromptu date nights. Whether it’s a homemade candlelit dinner or a spontaneous drive to a scenic spot (with a super cute picnic ahhhhh) she’d definitely wanna keep you entertained and happy :( and can you imagine her coming back from patrol and instantly wanting to take you to some nice patch of grass she found not far out because she’s missed you and wants to have as many nice moments as possible
🩷 Abby coming back from a patrol with trinkets and gifts because she missed you and couldn’t stop thinking about you. She’d come back with jewelry, glasses, charms, stuffed animal, music, etc just to see you smile
🩷 Living together means celebrating holidays ^_^ Whether it’s decorating the house, cooking special meals, or exchanging heartfelt gifts, she’s so ready to go all out. Imagine decorating a ginger bread house with her and she makes a little you and her out of ginger bread😭 she’d be so excited to show you too(shit would be funny af if ur shorter than her lmfao- a lil ginger bread dude next to a really fucking tall one 💀)
🩷Abby fixing anything and everything that’s broken in the house or not up to par with what she thinks you deserve. The oven isn’t working properly? dw she’ll figure it out- oh the door handle broke again she’s right on it- she’d fuck it up and make it worse and then proceed to actually read a manual(she totally knows what she’s doing😐) THEN fix it but she loves you so it’s fine
Warning nsfw
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🧁 GAH sleepy morning sex with her would be sooo sweet❤️ she’d mumble out little “come on baby”s and hushes while she pushes her fingers into you slowly, listening to you beg for more half asleep. Her hands would be ALLLLL over your thighs afterwards squishing them softly, kissing up and down your neck before falling back asleep :(
🧁Abby has a bad (good-)habit of turning ordinary moments into something much more heated than they need to be😭. While you're cooking together, she can't resist coming up behind you, pressing her body against yours. Her hands slide under your shirt, caressing your stomach and breasts, her lips finding your ear as she whispers little moans into your ears. Before you know it, she has you bent over the kitchen counter, pounding into like shes scared she’ll never get to fuck you again. Girl is DESPERATE to make you happy(cum)
🧁After a particularly stressful patrol, when Abby needs to release all that pent-up tension she’ll take you against the nearest wall, counter, door, shit she’d settle for the floor- her hands gripping your hips tightly as she moves against you. Begging for you to scream her name louder because there’s not a single person for miles and even if there hypothetically were she’d want them to know how good and how deep she’s fucking you anyway.
🧁speaking of stressful patrols and my prior post(god her with a oral fixation) being in the bath with her to calm down after a long day and she sucks on your tits and plays with them with a thigh between your legs. When she gets bored of that she’ll drain the bath water and eat you out, sucking softly while forcing you open despite the overstim and multiple orgasms.
🧁cleaning you up after because you’re painfully exhausted (in a good way) she makes it her priority to have you comfy and close to her before you pass tf out because she still has you fucked up and unable to walk hours later 😭
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OH THIS IS SO CUTE(the first part not the part where my ovulation is speaking for me-)
(I really appreciate requests- writing is helping with my anxiety rn- short and sweet as always ;D)
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dreamwritersworld · 11 months
Space..(mike schmidt x reader)
Your relationship with mike was beautiful before all your responsibilities came crashing down.
late night shifts…
taking care of abby…
Now there was tension and you hadn’t spoken to each other in what felt like weeks..
Your days were filled of waking up early beside Mike who was still asleep from the late nights shifts, bags under both of your eyes.
It hurt seeing him so different then before, you guys had fallen in love young and stayed together since then. Once Mike was given the responsibility of Abby everything changed, of course you loved her but it was true.
The reality was you were now given a child and the dynamic of your relationship shifted. You both took your role and for the first three weeks it was stressful yet remained peaceful, Abby wasn’t as open to Mike as she was to you…not until later on.
Two weeks ago is when it started, Mike was getting lazy. It was as if he had given up on taking care of the family..
This was the fifth time in a row that Mike had walked past me, after coming home from work. He hadn’t bothered to say hello, like he usually did before. We haven’t spoken in forever because now he sleeps and goes.
I had woken up earlier than usual to get Abby ready for her picture day. Breakfast was prepped for us, we ate and picked out the clothes she’d wear. I spent the morning perfecting her curls and jewelry, sending her off and leaving her at the parking lot of the school..
“You look so beautiful Abby, I can’t wait to see your pictures!!”
“Thank you Y/n, will you pick me up today or are you working another shift?”
I couldn’t help but sigh remembering that Mike forgot her the other three times, leaving her waiting for me to pick her up while he slept.
“I can’t today princess I’ll be working but I can assure you that your brother won’t forget you!”
Abby smiled and waved goodbye giving me one last hug before she left the car
I made sure to send a text to mike reminding her to not forget her and he replied ok, my worries were taken care of and I had reliefs…
A couple hours later while at work my phone was going off like crazy, and when I picked it up I saw it was calls from the school and I answered immediately, walking away to go someplace quiet..
“Hello? I’m Abby’s caretaker is anything wrong? Did her brother forget her?”
“Ahh yes he did. We were just a little worried as it has been about 20 minutes since school ended, will you be picking her up?”
“Yes! I will I’m leaving work right now! Thank you for calling I’m so sorry for the wait!”
“We understand, we’ll see you soon.”
The call ended and although I remained calm on the call I was infuriated. There I was once again having to tell the boss for the fourth time in the row that my boyfriend had an emergency and i had to pick up his little sister from school…of course he was mad urging me to fix the issue or else we’d have a problem.
I ran to my car soaking wet from the rain, rushing across the roads and through the traffic to get Abby. It was embarrassing, having to pick her up once again seeming like the most imperfect caretaker. This wasn’t what abby needed or deserved and this wouldn’t look good in family court for her either.
The school released abby to me and I stood there for awhile apologizing profusely to the teacher who had to wait for her. Once I made my goodbyes we ran to the car and I realized that Abby was holding tears in her eyes, her curls had gotten messy and her dress wet.
“Oh abby i am so sorry-“
“No! It’s fine! Really it’s fine! It’s not your fault.”
Her voice had raised and cracked when she spoke.
“…no it’s not fine. I’ll fix this Abby I promise, once we get home and get you cleaned up.”
We walked into a silent home I got a bath ready and that I left clothes for abby to change into, walking away from the bathroom in a calmed hurry.
“Mike? Mike.”
He was woken up in a slum his bags lighter from the rest he had.
I took a sigh at the attitude he sent my way and I stood in front of the bed, trying to remain patient without yelling, realizing it was a hard time for the both of us…but I just couldn’t handle the situation.
“We’ve gone over this before. I know your working late and your exhausted but I can’t keep leaving work to pick up Abby. I need you Mike, I need you to take care of her.”
“Please don’t give me that bullshit Y/n. I take care of her, she has roof over her head and so do you. I don’t need that, dinner was ready for you by the time you guys came back home. I missed a couple of days so what?”
“Excuse me? Mike are you serious? Do you know how that will hold up in court? Mike! She came into the car soaking wet, exhausted and frustrated that she had to wait for someone to pick her up again. I help you Mike so don’t act like I’m living off you-“
“You act as if Abby’s a chore Y/n, is that helping? Cause you always seem to sound like your complaining-“
The tears of stress that I had held in for so long had fallen, the shock of his words felt like too much to handle
“How dare you?! Don’t you ever say that! I love her Mike. I’m still here. I’m present and I care for her. Do you even realize how lucky you are to have her Mike? Because your starting to treat her like she’s not even in the room and your doing the same to me. It’s not fair! Not to her, and not to me either!”
“I get that but I’m stuck Y/n, all you do is take her from here to there and go to work and come back home to a cooked meal.”
“Why don’t you care? Your just comparing our routines, Mike have you even factored the fact that I clean for you, and that on the days where it’s too hard for you to get up I’ll handle the cooking whenever? You act as though I don’t do my part in the rent. I take care of abby she’s a kid Mike. She doesn’t need you to just give her the bare necessities, she needs love.”
He was holding my heart and squeezing it apart and it had to be fine, because it was him. Mike was the man I had fallen in love with, I gave him my everything. Nausea hit me and I couldn’t stand being in the room with him, I walked away and he hadn’t even followed just mumbling that he was tired.
I rushed away in a hurry, tears falling. I was going to get into my car but I had thrown up when I went to open my door. I have been thrown up a lot lately..my body was always sore, and I’ve been getting my energy drained easily..was I pregnant?
My car was swerving to the nearest pharmacy, my trip led to taking a test in the bathroom, and sobbing holding the positive test in my arms. I’ve never felt so stuck in my life, my relationship was in shambles, I had Abby as my child and another would be an addition to the fire..
I cried my entire way home, shaking and afraid to tell the news…my hands rubbed off the painful tears before I walked in, afraid Abby would be awake watching TV.
Mike walked in a rush breathing heavily,
“I-I thought you weren’t going to come back, Y/n I am so sorry…I’m sorry.”
I walked up to him pulling on his arm to come to our room. The tears flowed again…and I was standing before him, door closed as he watched me with a confused face. I wasn’t one to cry unless I was really hurt by something..
“..im pregnant.” I had spoken the news in a hushed voice emotional and afraid of his reaction
“i’m pregnant..”
“..no..no..” he sat down with his head between his hands
“please don’t shut me out Mike…we need to talk.”
“Talk about what? What more is there to talk about?”
“We need to talk about us, about abby, what we’re going to do. keep your voice down you’ll wake Abby..”
“Ok well there’s nothing else to talk about your pregnant, we have another mouth to feed.”
“…that’s it?”
“Yea that’s it!”
“why are you yelling at me?”
“Im not yelling at you.”
“Yes you are.”
“No I’m not..my god..alright whatever.”
“You don’t understand how hard this is, this is my body.”
“No I do get it.”
“No you don’t get it. You haven’t been there for us Mike, for our family. You go to work and you barley speak to us.-“
“Our family? This wasn’t a family until two seconds ago Y/n we haven’t spoken in weeks-“
“…Because you haven’t tried! And I’m drowning trying to keep our relationship going!”
“Yea and i get that but we’re struggling to hold everything together and we just got abby as our kid we shouldn’t be having one on the way right now.”
I took a step back turning around to change out of my clothes frustrated with his attitude to the situation
“Ok well, it happened. We have to figure it out.”
“Im not gonna be able to do this Y/n…Between you, abby, and this baby i can’t provide for us…We have to let Abby go.”
“What? You think she’s going to be happy with your aunt? You don’t care about anyone but your fucking self! That’s why I can’t talk to you!”
“I don’t care about no one but my fucking self right now?”
he approached me closer with anger and I pushed him away.
“Fuck you, move!”
I made my attempts to leave as he pulled me in getting in my face holding me close
“We can keep the baby Y/n, we just have to make sacrifices. I need to keep you safe and Abby needs to have a better home.”
My tears fell into his hands and sobs fell as I shook my head at his words.
“Fuck you! You think I’m gonna raise my baby with you? Look at you!”
“What do you mean look at me? I’m here for you-“
“No your not, stop saying that!”
I shoved him again as my heart continued to shatter
“Please Y/n just stay.”
“No…no Mike anything but that..you can’t give up on Abby..please.”
He held me close pulling down to the bed as I sobbed
“Ok..ok we’ll figure something out..I need you Y/n…I love you.”
he was pausing and crying in between as we slowly fell asleep once again..
When it was time to wake up I opened Abby’s door to see her quietly sitting down with tears in her eyes and a packed bag.
“What are you doing baby? What is this? Why are you crying?”
“A-are you going to send me away?”
“What? How could I? Oh no..no, Abby. I would never.”
I sat down beside her pulling her to lay down on my leg as I gently pulled her hair away from her face
“I heard what Mike said about me..”
“you heard..”
i looked up with an ashamed face, frustrated at Mike.
“He didn’t mean it, I promise you he didn’t mean it. Abby I love you, I can’t give you up especially to her..she doesn’t deserve you.”
“…he still said it..”
“i know but he didn’t mean it..I promise.”
i wiped her tears away and let her play, as I prepped breakfast and got ready to leave for work.
It had been a long shift and I was exhausted going back home.
“No Abby, you can’t come to work with me.”
“Please, I want to.”
I almost made it past but Abby’s screeching stopped me.
“Y/n!!! Tell Mike to take me!”
“Oh Abby you know he can’t..please just come go to bed I’m exhausted.”
The room grew silent as Mike watchedhow I came in with my work bag and bagged eyes.
“Fine Abby we can go but you have to behave, and Y/n can get rest while we’re gone.”
“…Mike it’s fine, that’s not a good idea, I’ll be-“
“Y/n I got it, just get some rest babe.”
I gave him a kiss walking away calmly but as I waited in I couldn’t help but get a bad feeling…
hope you enjoyed!! and i can assure you that Mike would not act like this irl!! I JUST NEED ANGST! :) please be aware that im just starting to come back into writing and trying to find my drive for it again, Thank you!!!
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taka-sakamaki · 1 year
My Pretty Princess
Game: Honkai Star Rail
Modern Au
Wife Himeko x Rich CEO Reader
In which Himeko comforts the reader after having a hard day and the next day, reader spoils Himeko rotten.
Warnings: Slight teasing from Himeko
Tumblr media
The sound of cars passing by and the soft music playing resounded in the enormous house of Himeko and her lover. She sat down on a chair, mindlessly watching TV as she waited for you to arrive. Shortly after, she heard a car pull up in the drive way, a smile making it's way onto her face. She had just made dinner for you as she knew how hard you worked and she wanted to ensure that you're well taken care of.
You approached Himeko, a tired sigh leaving your lips as you threw down your car keys and immediately made your way into Himeko's opened arms. "Rough day?", she asked as she combed her fingers through your hair. You nodded and buried your face deeper into her chest, mumbling incoherently. "It's okay if you don't wanna talk about it. Just relax and eat dinner. I'll bring it out".
You laid on the couch, your body becoming numb after countless days of working nonstop. Your eyes opened as the smell of delicious food hit your nose. She set down your plate with a glass of wine, taking a seat next to you. "There, I made your favourite. Eat up and then we'll take a shower together".
Whilst eating, you told Himeko about your day. There's always someone messing up your plans but that's all sorted out today. You fired the person as he was unreliable and lazy. "Since it's all over, why don't you take a break tomorrow? It's been a while since you've last taken a break and I missed you".
You felt guilty. She does so much for you and all you do is work, come home, fall asleep then get up the next morning and repeat the same thing. Not even having a chance to talk to your wife but taking one day off wouldn't hurt, right? "Okay, I'll call Bronya and tell her to take care of everything tomorrow". She smiled and watched you eat out the rest of the food before taking your plate back to the sink.
The two of then took a bath together, she massaged shoulders that made you let out the most animalistic sounds ever. Then after, she did her night routine while you immediately went to bed, falling asleep right away. "Good night my love. I know how hard you work so you deserve this rest", she pulled the blanket over you both and soon dozed off as well.
Himeko was awaken the next morning by light kisses being placed on her face. She was greeted by your adorable smile and a tray of food next to her. "Good morning love! I made you breakfast". She looked at you in disbelief.
"I thought you'd be sleeping. Why did you wake up early?".
"To make you breakfast".
"It's supposed to be yo-my day off I know but it's also yours as well. You do everything around here and I want you to take a break as well which is why we have alot planned for today so eat up". For some reason, Himeko wouldn't let you hire maids. Yes you did have your own gardender but she doesn't like the idea of other women cooking and taking care of you.
She ate all the food, feeding you some in the progress. Then after she went to the bathroom and the two of you brushed your teeth together, playfully messing with each other. Since you've waken up early and did the chores, none was left for her, so she got ready for the special day you planned for her. "What's so special about today, my love?". She and you made your way to the car, with you opening the passenger side.
"We're going shopping!". Her eyes lit up. She hasn't been shopping for months and she needed new clothes, shoes, jewelry, new everything and you were going to buy it all for her. Even buying a few other things she'd like.
You drove to your first stop and she practically ran inside like a little child. "Hey wait up!". You caught up with her, almost out of breath. Her eyes scanned the luxurious store, seeing all kinds of famous brands. "Hey", you call out to her. She turned around and wrapped her arms around your neck. "I want to you pick whatever you want. Today is your day, now go crazy", you pecked her red nose. That was all she needed to hear. Although she was a well composed person, which woman would say no to shopping? Especially if their lover are willing to spoil them.
She browsed around the store, heading to the dress section first. Their were different kinds of dresses, all of different sizes and patterns. In less than three minutes, she already selected four different kinds. "Ooh! Can I buy that one as well?". She pointed to a backless black dress.
"Anything you want darling". She nodded and pick that as well. Next was the top section. Like the dresses, their were many kinds of tops; all with different brands. She ended up picking a few of them before sliding into the skirt/pants section. She didn't like any of them, as they were all too plain. "We'll try another store then", you kissed her head.
"No, it's okay. Come with me". She grabbed your hand and pulled you with her to the underwear section, which also sold robes and lingeries. Your eyes widened as she picked up a few. Each lacey with a different colors.
"Come on, don't be shy. Tell me which one you'd like to see me in~".
"I-um-well... all of them? Just buy all of them". She chuckled at your redden face and added it to her heap of clothing. She took one last look before nodding.
"Yep, I'm done".
"Are you sure?". She nodded enthusiastically as you payed with your card. It made your heart warm to see her so excited over shopping. You placed the bags in the trunk before driving to a few other stores buying jewelleries, shoes and bags. By the end of the trip, it was night. The last stop was a fancy restaurant you had made reservations for.
Upon arriving, her eyes glittered to see how enormous the building was. "I've never seen this before, is it a new restaurant?".
"Yep! It recently opened up".
"It must be expensive".
"Nothing that I can't take care of", you gave her a wink before stepping out of the car, opening her door. The two of you headed inside and sat at your booked table which was on the second floor that barely had people. "Is this the first class floor?", she giggled.
"Kind of. It's more expensive since the food thay serves on this floor is from all over the world".
"Well why didn't you book one on the first floor?".
"Because you deserve the best".
She smiled at her statement. Even after years of marriage, you still knew how to make her blush. The waiter came and took your orders and the dinner went smoothly. You told her all about work and your plans for the future and she even brought up having kids, which was one of your plans for the future. After the wonderful dinner, the two of you drove home and unloaded all the bags. She knew she had a whole bunch of packing up to do.
A movie night was planned out for her as well but a few hours later, clothes were scattered on the floor and the only thing that was heard throughout the apartment was the faint sound of the TV and her delicate moans as you gave her the last gift planned for today.
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lady-ashfade · 2 years
hi!!!!! could you write about ?
Aemond Targaryen roma yadnere Helaena Targaryen rom yandere Daemon rom yandere
preferably separated
i woul olove you if you maake them <3333333333
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Not sure what you wanted so I did a small set of HC’s! Hope this is okay and I will do more if anyone wants more, give me pacific scenarios if you want! 💗
Notes: Also I have some of them already posted if you’d like to take a look if you haven’t already. Here is my masterlist. Also when you say “rom/Roma I assume you mean romantic.
Warnings: Yandere tendencys. I’ve made worse yandere things, so this is on the soft side. Some suggestive themes but it’s not even to a high level. 
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Helaena targaryen:
I think she would have a nickname for you and I think it would be a dove. A dove is a beautiful free creature that she thinks represent happiness and that’s what you are to her.
Helaena as I have stated before my opinion is she could be one of the most scary Yanderes. The watcher and quite type, like she doesn’t show tendency so you’ll never expect her to be. But if you look closely you can see her obsession.
She is constantly holding your arm and if you want to break feel she pulls you back in a distracts you. Like point out a bug or anything in the room so you wouldn’t notice her grip on you.
Helaena has killed so many people in court, each of the dying from a creature in their bed. It was so bad that everyone was been told to check their bed at night. So any man or woman that looked at you funny was dead, and if they talked to you…One of the worse infections for them.
But she can be sweet. Like she wants you to be happy and she will put it above anything. So she is constantly gifting you jewelry to match hers and new dresses.
She likes to kiss you softly every chance she gets. She’s the type to kiss slowly down your arm or your neck in a loving way. She also likes to bring your hand up to her mouth and kiss it.
Over all I think helaena is one of my favorite yanderes.
Daemon Targaryen
Daemon is chaotic. He will do anything to make you happy and almost begs for it. You know what he is capable of…But at the same time you don’t.
Like he will kill anyone who dares to say anything about you but he’s like a cannon and just bursts randomly. Like for instance one day you’re both enjoying food and the next second he chopped a guys head off.
Daemon kills a lot on your behalf and doesn’t even care if anyone sees or not.
Daemon for some reason wants to please and control. For instance he picks out everything you wear each morning and I mean everything. But he makes sure you have the finished materials and look amazing.
Will make you depend on him. He will make you feel so weak and small but in a mind game to make you see that you’re only safe with him. Little baby can’t do anything without him.
But all you have to do is give him puppy eyes and he’ll do anything. He will ride at night just to get you something across the world or maybe you just want a cookie? Doesn’t matter because you’ll get it.
Daemon likes to lay his forehead on you while hugging you from behind. I have noticed that every time he gives affection it’s by laying his forehead one someone. My man is really clinging and has to be touching you at all times but that’s also because he need to know your here and safe.
He follows you around ever where you go and if he has to leave then you have a whole pack of guards follow you around.
Aemond Targaryen:
Mans obsessed. Like I’m sorry but there isn’t thing you can do about it, he is constantly all up in your business.
You don’t get any alone time at all. He follows you around the castle as your guard. You can’t take a bath without him being in the room, sometimes he doesn’t let your maids come in because he doesn’t trust them. And if you need some help with washing he is happy to help and will treat you softly.
Aemond always felt like he didn’t deserve love or if he would ever find it until he saw you. So he was never go to let that love go away.
You are his everything. He always has you on his mind and he has to force himself to train but the whole time he’s thinking of how he can protect you.
Aemond is like daemon a lot because he will hurt anyone who says anything about you, though he just hurts them really bad at first. Unless someone hurts you or makes you cry because then their life will become a living hell. Sometime he will just kill them and not bother to do anything then goes to be with you.
He’s the type to be like this in a situation: You’ll say you need alone time and he just sits in the corner and reads and doesn’t leave.
“Aemond I said I wanted to be alone.”
“We are alone. I’ll be over here dear.” And just goes back to reading. He’s like that every time.
You know the gem he has in his eye? What if I told you he would change it to your favorite color.
Aemond is the type to lock you in your room if you disobey him but you’re not hurt and you get feed and everything but you can’t leave the room.
Aemond said he wanted Luke’s eyes as a gift? Yeah, he’s doing that to any guy that looks at you. Like he will show up and your door with a head or fingers. And don’t think he wouldn’t do this to a woman that looks like she has interest, she’s dead too.
Moving on he loves it when you sit on his lap and relax, like if you read and just do your thing but he likes having you so close. I see him as a neck or jaw kisser, soft or rough.
Will make marks on your skin to let everyone see.
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missglaskin · 2 years
Yan!Corlys and Yan!Rhaenys sharing a darling (Poly) hcs 
This contains SMUT/NSFW
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There is no end to the love Corlys and Rhaenys have for you. The couple only wants the best for you. Though the two do have their differences. As Corlys is much more lenient and displays his affection much more, while Rhaenys is quite aware of her tendencies and is willing to give you some space if needed. 
Dressed in exquisite gowns, adorned with gems, they love to spoil you. Corlys and Rhaenys are strangely fond of dressing you. It’s Rhaenys who likes to dress you in the prettiest gowns, lacing them at the back; not bothered by how her hands seem to roam your body. All while Corlys likes donning you in the most priceless jewelry, draping a necklace around your neck, his fingers lightly brushing against your skin.
Fiercely protective of you. They do not tolerate the slightest disrespect to your name. Rhaenys’ temper in particular should not be underestimated. The dragon and stag’s blood runs through her veins; two houses known for their fury. 
All three of you share a bed. Often with Corlys' back to the bed with you and Rhaenys sleeping on top of him. Sharing baths isn't out of the equation either. Your back being pressed against either of them as the other gazes lovingly upon you two.
They detest the idea of you having any doubts, feeling as though they give you too much. Corlys will respond by taking you in his arms and assuring you that you deserve the best of everything. While Rhaenys responds by placing a finger on your mouth to silence you, telling you that neither she nor Corly mind, repeating her husband's words to you.
More so, they loathe the idea of you harboring any self-doubt, particularly regarding your body. Your body is worshiped, praises whispered by the two. They will even have you stand in front of the mirror as naked as the day you were born to make you see your beauty.
The two are passionate in the arts of lovemaking. Their first time with you was gentle and the entire night was spent solely focusing on your pleasure. Your body leaning against Corlys as his calloused hands paw at your breasts with his wife between your legs. Your body is then pressed to the bed, your whimpers and moans muffled by Rhaenys’s lips as her husband pounds into you.
They present themselves as always being calm and collected, but their willingness to fuck you anywhere lets you know otherwise. You found yourself at the dinner table with the princess’s hands between your legs or at the driftmark throne, riding Corlys all while his wife watches you both.
At times, when you disobey their orders or make them jealous, a punishment is expected. Having to bury your face into Rhaenys’ cunt and then Corlys’ cock in your mouth. Then watch as the two fuck, not allowed to touch yourself, even brushing your thighs together will worsen the punishment. Once they're certain you've learned your lesson, they'll give you the pleasure so desperately crave.
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mouwrites · 11 months
Can I request dating Pixal headcanons? Thank you and make sure to drink water/take time for yourself!
YES YOU ABSOLUTELY MAY!!! I am always positively ecstatic to give Ninjago women the attention they deserve <3
Ninjago - Dating Pixal Headcanons
She isn’t super romantic
Don’t get me wrong, she’ll do cute things for/with you every now and again, like surprise you with a gift or hold your hand
Just don’t expect grand gestures like a fancy restaurant date or rose petals on the bed or whatever
She doesn’t see the practicality of stuff like that when she can make you just as happy with smaller gestures
Plus, her idea of a “date” is literally just being in each other’s presence
Every time you’re alone together, that’s a date to her
“Pixal, love, would you care to join me for a date at the movies?”
“Are we not already on a date?”
“…? We’re… doing dishes???”
She doesn’t mind PDA at all; she’ll even initiate it herself
Hand holding? Sure. A kiss on the lips? Yes please. Arm around your waist? Arm around her waist? Naturally.
To her, it doesn’t make much of a difference that you’re in public
She doesn’t understand why that should hinder your affection towards one another
If you’re not into PDA, you’ll have to repeatedly remind her that being in public is indeed an issue for you when it comes to affection
She isn’t much of a cuddler though
She likes your head on her shoulder, or maybe your legs over her lap, but not full-on snuggling
The only exception is when you’re sleeping
Sometimes she’ll spoon with you (she is strictly a big spoon)
It’s kind of hard to predict when she will, though
It’s just completely random
All you can expect is that most nights she won’t
Besides physical touch, she also loves gift giving
She’ll surprise you with gifts that are practical, or something that she knows you want
Like if she catches you staring at a piece of clothing/jewelry, she’ll go ahead and buy it for you
Or if she notices that something you own is a little worn out, she’ll buy you a new one
To her it’s simple logic: if you want something and you deserve it (which you always do, at least in her eyes) then you should have it. If you need something then you should also have it.
Frankly she’s doing it because she’s confused as to why you don’t do it yourself
But she’s also happy to be able to do something nice for you
Her favorite thing is to hear you say “thank you” because then she knows she’s been helpful
She also expresses a lot of concern for you, whether you’re a civilian or a ninja or what
Besides minding your physical safety, just making sure you eat, drink, bathe, sleep, take your meds—basic needs like that
It’s surprisingly not suffocating; mostly because she does it subtly
She’ll just watch you closely, and if she notices that you missed something, she’ll give you a hint
“Y/n, your lips are very chapped.”
“Oh. You’re right… maybe I should drink something.”
“Yes. I will go get you a glass of water.”
She’s not really one for nicknames; your name is perfect already
What she will do is surprise you out of nowhere with a blunt compliment
She says it like it’s just an observation; and to her, it is
“Your eyes are remarkable.”
“You have very luscious skin.”
“Your mind is truly wonderful.”
She gets a bit confused when you get all flustered, but she’d be lying if she said she didn’t enjoy it
If you return the favor, she’ll finally understand your reaction
“Your hair enchants me whenever I look at it.”
“… oh.”
She’s gotten compliments before, but from you they have a whole new meaning
You make her feel a lot of new things
Everything I’ve listed up to this point, she feels only for you, and no one else
Well, she does obviously care for others, but not to such a consistently careful extent
Once she’s sure a person can stand on their own two feet, she lets them do exactly that
But, even though you’ve proven to her that you can be independent, she still feels the need to care for you
And she’ll be thrilled if you return the sentiment :]
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YIPPEE I hope you guys enjoyed this one!! Take care champs :))
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dirtytransmasc · 2 years
Do you have any HC Ronal just mothering spider
I love the idea of ronal seeing this boy who just wants to fit in, want to never stop learning, who strives to be the best he can, and feeding into that as a love language, and also helping him feel like he doesn't have to be like that to be deserving of love and family. aka, most of these are about her becoming almost like a mentor in a way, like a parent mentors their children, but making teaching very personal.
she takes spider out on her Ilu everyday, showing him something new, something important to her. it's personal to them, a time he gets to be held by his mother, spoken to in a soft but wise way he has always imagine a mother would one day speak to him. its a time she gets to hold her new baby, a baby she wishes she had gotten to bond with more in his life, no matter how logically impossible that wish is.
she may have lost her spirit sister, but she makes bringing him to see the tulkun a priority. sign lessons too, working it into everyday life just so he can become fluent. connecting him to his siblings is important to her.
she makes sure he feels included during family meals, sleep piles, going to the family bathing pool, etc. she makes sure he doesn't feel like he's just tagging along, but that he is meant to be there.
she worries about him physically; she knows his human body was never meant for this world, nor half of his normal activities. she pays special attention to his hands and feet, how scarred and calloused they are. she clicks her teeth at his thin frame (even if he's lean with muscle, he's still just so tiny to her, she worries) and the shiny skin on his nose, cheeks, and shoulders (sun damage). she makes a ritual of applying balms and ointmants, treating his hands and feet with oils, feeding him filling meals each and every night.
ronal makes sure to use terms of familial possession and terms of enderment for him. she doesn't use his name often, she typical calls him "yawne" (beloved), "maitan" (my son), or "yawntutsyìp" (darling/little loved one) [keep in mind, these came from the learnnavi site, and I don't know if these are accurate to the metkyina people or their dialect]
nags and disciplines him like any other mother would nag and discipline their children, the boy craves structure, normalcy, motherly love (even in the form of tough love).
I personally hc that ronal isn't the touchiest person, in terms of like hugs and like full body touch, but she's a hand on the shoulder type mom. she's always touching her kids in her own way. she's always has a hand on him, on his back/shoulder, in his hair, holding his arm. he always knows she's there.
speaking of hair, she definitely helps manage that (I think after neteyam he hacks it all of during his mourning period). she makes sure it doesn't dry out and tangle from the salt water, styles it in the traditional metkyina way (with a little help/education from mac and norm, his hair is style more appropriately for his hairtype, cause man have they been waiting for a chance to do that).
she knows that he wants to help, to be of use, but he can't be a hunter due to his body; so she teaches him how to cook and craft, to use the land (cause he has to relearn a lot of stuff in this new territory). she finds he really likes making jewelry and helping cook (both are very communal activities, its done in tight groups, he likes that). she definitely sticks back with him, spending more time doing that over hunting unlike before.
she has multiple beads on her song chord for him; when she first adopted him, the first time he met the tulkun, the first time he called her mom, etc.
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theobsessedcookiefan · 8 months
Hey if it's possible can you do a headcanons of The Ancient Cookies (You can do all of them or the ones you are most comfortable with) adopting a alien reader that came from a escape pod.
Hi !!! Thx for the suggestion !!
Aliens 😨😨😨
This is kinda bad sorry 😭😭😭
A/N: 🍦: Pure Vanilla, 🛡: Hollyberry 🗡: Dark Cacao, 🧀: Golden Cheese, 🌼: White Lily
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.- Platonic hcs with an alien kid Reader-.
「🍦」⧽- Pure Vanilla would be the first one to give you shelter, no matter what you are he thinks everyone and everything deserves compassion and love so yep!! He would be the first one to offer his kingdom for you to stay.
「🍦」⧽- Of course he would be an amazing father, he already kind of adopted Strawberry Crepe and Black Raisin. Talking about them, S Crepe would try to see what are you while B Raisin would try to keep them away from you, it's not that she doesn't trust you but come on!! You were from outer space, it would be kinda dumb to trust someone immediately.
「🍦」⧽- Pure Vanilla would definitely try to educate you, of course teaching you what's good and what's bad.
「🛡」⧽- Holly pls don't teach the kid how to fight dragons.. But yes, she would, even showing you off to Pitaya Dragon Cookie!! Of course they wouldn't understand anything about you (or kids in general-) but would definitely try to get a battle with you; of course Hollyberry wouldn't let them hurt you but in her point of view it would be nice to teach you how to defend yourself.
「🛡」⧽- Wildberry by the other hand would be a little more cautious about you, you're ab unknown species after all!! Who knows what your intentions truly are? And his duty it's to protect the queen!! But after a while he would definitely warm up to you, you would be like his little sibling.
「🛡」⧽- Hollyberry would also take you to dragon city for you to meet her friends there!! Even if Pure Vanilla told her to be cautious about showing you she knows they don't present any danger to you.
「🗡」⧽- Let's be honest here okay? He wouldn't want to take care of the little alien boi (or girl or both or none), Dark Cacao has enough drama in his daily life to want any more, but after being kindly talked to (yea.. Kindly) he would accept.
「🗡」⧽- You would have to wear like 17 jackets, the Cacao Kingdom it's cold as heck. And Caramel Arrow would need to be taking care of you most of the time because Dark Cacao would be busy most of the time.
「🗡」⧽- Overall he would see you as a mini Dark Choco 2.0 and would tell you stories from when he was a baby, showing you pictures or even his first sword.
「🧀」⧽- Golden Cheese would definitely dress you up to be more fancy-looking, she would bathe you in jewelry most of the time. Showing you off to the kingdom and taking a lot of pictures of both of you.
「🧀」⧽- The birds and Fettuccine Cookie would be your playmates of course. Fettuccine would be more than happy to have someone else to play with.
「🧀」⧽- She would also try to make Burnt Cheese Cookie take care of you when she's busy because he's the most capable of the cookies she knows; Mozzarella Cookie? She's not the ideal one to take care of a child, Smoked Cheese Cookie? Umm no, he's not a good option either so Burnt Cheese is the right one!
「🌼」⧽- White Lily would be the ancient who would spend most of the time with you, of course while helping Pure Vanilla to help taking care of you.
「🌼」⧽- She would be your full time teacher, trying to teach you everything she learned back when she was little, even giving you one of her books!
「🌼」⧽- After being turned into Dark Enchantress she would still remember you faintly, having memories of a little unusual kid who was always with her.
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eiseryn · 6 days
Lei's Birthday 2024 - Gift Shopping
Description: A short story featuring original characters from my cyberpunk campaign in a modern AU. Gigi plans a shopping trip for her best friend Lei's birthday gifts and brings along two of their friends. For some reason, Lei's boyfriend wants to tag along and Gigi isn't sure about how she feels about him with her beloved best friend. In spending a little more time with Vail, maybe Gigi will learn to see what her best friend likes in her man and find a way to support them?
Length: 1.5k words
Characters: Gigi, Vail, (mentioned: Lei, Ceres, Elise)
Relationships: Gigi + Vail (platonic), implied Vail / Lei (romantic)
It was September again. The smell of rain, the crinkly red and yellow leaves, and pumpkin spice lattes being available were all indicative of that. 
And what also came with September was the approaching of Lei’s birthday. Last year, Gigi had thrown a large surprise birthday bash, but this year, Lei’s birthday aligned with the mid autumn festival so Lei had requested something smaller. Who was Gigi to refuse her best friend’s requests? 
So the weekend before Lei’s birthday, which was unfortunately on a weekday, Gigi had called up the girls — which was what she liked to call Elise and Ceres — and planned a gift  shopping day. This was so that none of them would get Lei overlapping gifts. 
That had gone well. Elise efficiently picked up a scented candle and some bath bombs in Lei’s favourite floral scents. Ceres, the cute little thing, had said she already handmade Lei’s gift and simply came to pick up some gift wrap. Only when Gigi pressed and insisted, did Ceres reveal the carefully painted portraits of Cillin and Meng, Lei’s beloved cats. Gigi couldn’t help but pat such a cute girl on the head! 
Gigi herself already knew what she was going to get Lei — it had become a tradition for them to buy each other outfits for their birthdays. Usually they would try to get each other things that were similar to the other’s closet, but this year, Gigi wanted to challenge Lei a little outside of her comfort zone. This year, Gigi had opted for a multi-layered flowy white chiffon dress and a black corset-like pleather belt. Paired with some comfy leather boots and some scarves, it would have Lei looking like a pirate princess. 
Now Gigi herself and the girls all aligned with her expectations and they finished their shopping with relative efficiency. What she did not expect was a particular blue-haired man wanting to tag along.
And thus it lead to her current predicament now: 
“Vail, you could string a few beads on some cooking twine and give Lei that, and she would still call it the best bracelet she’s ever received.” Gigi said, with a dramatic sigh, holding the palm of her hand to her forehead. 
Vail had tagged along to all the shops the girls went to, saying very little as he followed behind them like some lost puppy. But it seemed that he was struggling with choosing what to get Lei for her birthday gift. 
Gigi didn’t have anything in particular against Vail. He was on the short side, had decent-enough facial features that could make him objectively “cute”, and he wasn’t an asshole. Even before he and Lei had officially started dating, Gigi could already tell that he was genuinely interested in Lei. And since Lei and him had been dating for some time now, Gigi could tell he made her happy. Even so, Gigi was not particularly impressed by him. In Gigi’s eyes, Lei deserved someone who would pluck the stars out of the sky for her. 
Gigi and Vail had been in the jewelry store for the past half hour and even Gigi’s bottomless patience had worn a little thin. Just a little. 
“Maybe,” Vail said, looking up at Gigi from the extensive earring rack he was studying intensely. “But I want to give her something nice.” 
Maybe if you knew what she liked, you wouldn’t be having such a hard time deciding, Gigi thought in her head, but didn’t say. 
Instead, Gigi sighed. “Why can’t you be like other guys and slap a ribbon on your crotch and call it a day?”
Vail made no indication that he had heard her, although Gigi could see that the tips of his ears had grown suspiciously red. 
Flipping her wavy red hair behind her, Gigi turned away from him and began to browse through the jeweled hair clips in the row over. “Well, if you would like my help so we can go home sometime today, I’ll just be over here.”
They browsed in a few minutes of awkward silence before he finally cleared his throat and said. “Do you know anywhere they might sell mooncake earrings?”
Finally! Took you long enough! Gigi screamed in her head. But again, out of manners, she did not say this aloud.
“I know just the place.” Gigi smiled, already beginning to walk out of the store. “Come on, let’s go get some cute earrings.”
The place she had in mind was a little artisan shop that featured small artists. It was a personal favourite of Gigi herself. Just the week before, Lei and Gigi had visited after class and Lei had actually picked up the mooncake earrings that Gigi was now recommending to Vail. 
Perhaps he does pay attention to what Lei likes, Gigi was beginning to realize as she promptly showed him the wooden shelf. She pointed at the golden yellow mooncakes, intricately carved with a Chinese character, and hanging from golden hooks. 
He picked up the earrings, and then shook his head and placed them back on the rack. “This won’t do.” He said. “She only wears silver.” 
That was something Gigi occasionally forgot herself until Lei mentioned it. Gigi was surprised that he even remembered.
After her initial shock, she straightened herself up and cleared her throat to say, “Hmmm I’ll ask one of the employees if they have any left in silver. I think there were some last week.” 
The employee was called over and after explaining the situation, the employee gestured to a hidden drawer underneath the display. After digging through it, the employee pulled out a pair of earrings on a cute red backing card.
The earrings were depicting white snowskin mooncakes and placed on silver hooks. The red backing card even had the design of a very round white bunny on it. 
“That looks great, thanks.” Vail said as the employee dropped the earrings in his hand. 
“Wasn’t so hard now, was it?” Gigi said to Vail with just a little bit of sass, after the employee had left to go back to their post. 
But Vail wasn’t looking at her or listening to her at all. Instead, his attention seemed to be on the glass display case that the employee was behind. Behind the glass, there were shelves of what appeared to be handcrafted rings of different kinds, nestled in velvet beds. 
Gigi placed her hands on her hips and raised her eyebrows. She knew Vail was serious about Lei, but wasn’t aware he was that serious. She watched him, seeing his brown eyes full of longing as he gazed at what was behind the glass. In those eyes, she saw someone who was willing to try to pluck the stars out of the sky for her beloved friend. 
Perhaps she had underestimated him more than once today. Although Gigi hated being wrong, she hated having the wrong idea about people more. 
“Vail?” Gigi said, her booming voice piercing through the quiet of the shop. “Is there something else you wanted to buy today?”
This seemed to shake Vail out of his daze and he shook his head. “Sorry, did you say something before? I didn’t hear it.”
Perhaps it’s not time yet, Gigi thought, but now I can see the future that Lei dreamed of coming true. For now though, Gigi would bide her time and make sure she got as much quality time with her best friend before she was taken away. 
Gigi shook her head, a small smile on her face. “It’s nothing important. I was just wondering if you were ready to go.” 
“Oh, right. Hmmm… I guess I can pick up a second pair of earrings. It seems there’s a deal for two.” Vail said, his gaze returning to Gigi and then the shelf.
“Right…” Gigi smirked at him, her hand firmly placed on her hip. “Well, after you’re done, let’s go find the girls. We’re getting bubble tea. My treat.” 
He looked at her with a puzzled expression. “Nah, it’s okay. Thanks though. I appreciate your help today so if anything, I should be treating you to bubble tea.” 
“Nonsense!” Gigi shook her finger at him. “It’s a tradition when I go out with the girls that someone treats the others to bubble tea. Not only is today my turn, but today you’re an honorary girlie. After all, we all came shopping with the intention of making our darling Lei happy, no?” 
He smiled then, something rare to Gigi, but something that might have been familiar to Lei. Very vaguely, at the back of her mind, did Gigi remember how Lei had swooned about his soft smiles. 
“Alright, you got me. I’ll buy the ingredients for the hotpot then.” Vail said with his small smile. 
“Throw in some prime-grade meats and it’s a deal~” 
Vail seemed to think about it only to humour her — Gigi knew he wasn’t going to refuse — before he nodded and said, “Deal.” 
Delighted, Gigi let out a laugh, which could be heard outside the store as she and Vail shook on it.
Author's Notes:
Gigi / Vail friendship is something I didn't know I needed until now. It's the best friend / boyfriend solidarity in supporting their fave girl
sorry this is kinda messy orz I didn't edit that much for once and this is really experimental / for fun
I know it's also super late for Lei's birthday but I've been dealing with other stuff so :'D if I have more motivation to write then I might do part 2 (Ceres POV) + part 3 (Vail POV) for Lei's birthday. There might be Lei POV for part 3 instead of Vail actually who knows 🤪🤷‍♀️
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chublov1 · 9 months
I also like to add that Furina calls ayaka and Lumine her mommies as they spoil her, rub her taut stomach, massage her softening body and worship it like the good care takers they are
Mmm, they are indeed such good mommies to her 💜 They spoil Furina endlessly! Worshipping every curve, ensuring she's comfortable all the time, demanding her to accept her pampering in a loving, yet stern way... With time, Furina craves their praise every step of the way so badly, that even with her chubby cheeks stuffed full she will blush and mutter their names pleadingly~
They also prepare her baths and outfits, they dress her in adorable, frilly and elegant things that only make Furina look even more swollen than she already is, treating her like a total princess, drenching her in jewelry that she deserves... and how fun it is, to have the girl flush and beg for them to help her undress once all the elaborate seams strain under her overfed frame <3
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starshcwer · 5 months
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( happy birthday, tifa! | @lunabrae )
" i do hope you're not working." when luna enters seventh heaven, its easy to stare. sunglasses and a headscarf do little to hide her celebrity status, accompanied by her confident stride. twin dogs trail behind her in a surveying state, taking in the status of the bar whilst lunafreya beelined for tifa. theres little time to greet her as she relieves armfuls of gifts onto the bar counter: an expensive looking bath set, undisclosed cases of what one could only assume was jewelry, and lastly, a very large --- bordering on self-important bouquet of carefully picked flowers, all coordinated in different shades of red and white. despite the fanfare, lunafreya barely refers to the newly dispersed gifts, and instead illicits a sigh of relief, and takes her sunglasses off. "because --- i'm here to relieve you. " excitement lilts near the end of her sentence, breaking her stoic facade to reach into her coat, and jingle a set of car keys in the air. " a day out. me and you, some well earned rest and relaxation. happy birthday tifa, if anyone deserves the world and more, it's you."
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a curious hum left tifa's lips as the bar door opened, but the bottles ( stacked somewhat precariously ) in her arms prevented her from turning for a proper greeting. luckily, she recognized the voice–––– the light timbre & proper tone, there was only one who frequented visits who spoke in such a manner. ❛ don't worry, barret already came & read me the riot act. i'm not allowed to serve a single drink today. ❜ & yet, she was adding several bottles to remain within reach. not for work, but because she had a sneaking suspicion that the bar would be full come nightfall–––– with friends instead of customers–––– & she wanted to ensure that she was prepared.
finally, the final bottle was placed, & tifa turned around just in time to watch the abundance of gifts settle onto the bar counter. her jaw dropped & her pace increased until she was close enough to lay her hands on the bar counter. ❛ luna! ❜ was all that she could manage as her eyes moved over them all, but lunafreya paid no heed to her exclamation, continuing on with her birthday surprises. tifa's head rose to meet her eyes, watching with slightly parted lips as she pulled the keys from her coat. luna's words brought a heat to tifa's cheeks that she couldn't dismiss. the fact that she was a frequent, hard worker wasn't a new sentiment, but any acknowledgement of her work could cut right to the heart of her composure & leave her flustered. her mouth closed & opened again, trying to find the words for the thoughts running through her head. the most prominent one was the thought that this was all too much for something so simple as her birthday. she would have been more than fine with just a day out with luna–––– but she suspected the other woman knew that already, & tifa could tell from the look in her eyes that she wasn't going to simply take no to any part of her surprise for an answer. tifa sighed in over––––dramatic resignation, her hands reaching for the flowers as she spoke.
❛ you're spoiling me way too much, you know? ❜
tifa held the flowers gently to her chest, taking in the refreshing scent with gently shut eyes. her shoulders relaxed. her smile grew. if lunafreya had been at all unsure if tifa would give in, tifa suspected the answer was clear now.
❛ but alright, you win. i'll let myself be a little spoiled today. ❜
within reason, came her unspoken addition. though she didn't speak it out loud. she had a feeling that within reason meant very different things to her & luna. she set the flowers down, stepping around the bar so she could take luna's hands in her own. ❛ thank you, luna. this is all really sweet! ❜ it was then that tifa seemed to notice the canine companions at their feet, & she released luna's hands to kneel down & give them scratches behind the ears ( & a few under the chin for being so well–––– behaved ).
❛ just let me get these flowers in some water & get cleaned up a little! ❜ & then her smile spread a little wider, a hint of excitement she usually kept contained as she rose back to her feet.
❛ & maybe i can take a closer look at the presents before we go? just for a bit! ❜
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