#she can feel free to give me a spook as 4 star thing pulled on dalter banner though. yukong too if she'll be available there
cloud-ya · 1 year
You rlly love this fox huh?
yes but she doesn't want to come home
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steve0discusses · 4 years
Yugioh Ep 32 S4: Most Disturbing Kid’s Show Award Goes to This Episode
I often talk about how wonderfully effed up Yugioh is. What a freakin delight, how effed up this kid’s show is, somehow still remaining a Y7 kid’s show, despite everything it tries to do to get pulled off the air.
Y’all this was a filler season and it didn’t even have Bakura in it so...why did it go so edge? Don’t get me wrong, I’m thankful for how many levels of “OK THERE, KID’S SHOW” it was.
But what the hell was that, Yugioh?
Anyway we start off completely normal in this foggy ass graveyard--Halloweens in this season so I’m down for this. Halloween is also...cancelled...this year, so at least I can celebrate it somewhat in a Yugioh episode. Then again, can you imagine how many people would be dressed up as sexy Covid?
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So I don’t really talk about the card game mechanics on here, and (full disclosure to any new people) I don’t know how to play this game. But, considering that this card doesn’t usually send you to distant graveyard memories IRL, lets get into it.
We’ve clarified before that Card Graveyard is a place--like an actual place--but that it isn’t the same place that the cards vibe in within the Puzzle necklace. It’s a separate place, but ALSO not the same place as the Shadow Realm, either. Card Graveyard is just...some other third place we never talk about.
TBQH I think the people who make this show have kinda forgotten how many random pocket dimensions we’ve made that are basically the equivalent of hell (including California, PS), and are just like “no one will write a blog about it and list them all in one place, we’ll be fine.”
We’ve only seen Tristan bum out here once in like S1 and he spent most of his time running away from the Grim Reaper. But, if you remember correctly, the Grim Reaper is currently hanging out and living his best life haunting some park in Japan, so now instead of the Grim Reaper it has...this?
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So is this a memory stored within the card graveyard, or did Dartz literally take Raphael to the card graveyard and tell him this was a real ass graveyard?
We’ll never know! It gets very vague from here on out!
(read more under the cut)
First off, I’d like to welcome our new guest star--the Rain--there’s a lot of rain in this episode, and we animate it by just making all of our characters glow. This comes through fine in animation, but in caps I just want you to know that no one has gone super Saiyan, they’re just...wet.
PS get a gander at Raphael’s baby boy mutton chop mustache. They somehow got longer with time? And also, when soaked his hair is just as spiky. Everyone on this show has unparalleled hair gel. The real heart of the cards.
Anyway, Dartz shows Raphael a bunch of gravestones and is like “Get it???”
and me, the audience, was like “no???”
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The headstones, by the by, aren’t...normal, either, they have Orichalcos symbols on them instead of words. So like...it sort of infers that his family was taken by Orichalcos, too. I mentioned before that it sorta feels like Dartz caused the whole shipwreck to munch up a bunch of yummy souls, and maybe he did in the Japanese version--cuz like...
...why else do all these headstones have Orichalcos symbols on this graveyard that you can only access through a card god like Dartz or Yami?
Just throwing that deep lore out there, and the fact that Raphael can’t really see it or understand is either because that didn’t happen or...Dartz totally killed his family, right? And that makes this relationship between the two of them extremely effed up?
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This is a great show for kids with separation anxiety.
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Which is...somewhat convincing of a motive for Raphael. He gives Raphael a way to move on from his trauma in the past, and it’s not a GREAT way to move on--but it’s falls in line with things Dartz has done with his other card generals by offering false redemption.
Like Mai needed to move on from her insane jealousy, so Orichalcos was her way to prove she was better than Joey Wheeler (which, honestly, no one needed proof of). Alister needed to move on from his dead brother, so Orichalcos was his way to get revenge. Valon also had a backstory but a bunch of it got deleted in the English version apparently so...
And Rex and Weevil needed...cards? I guess? I think they just needed a ride, mostly. And Orichalcos can give you a ride. It’s not like we had Uber in 2003 and clearly they were not fit for Caltrain.
And like Gurimo.............existed...?
Anyways, they’re looking for justice that they can see. Justice for their pain. To make that pain worth something for more than just suffering. A system where this type of thing can’t happen anymore. But the thing about justice is that...eh...it’s probably not done through cards that kill people.
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Mmmmm take in that burying up your grave imagery. Again, this show is rated Y7 for 7 year olds, and I think that’s amazing.
Anyway, this is symbolism that is so heavy handed that it really needs no explanation, so he’s just gonna dig dig dig for...days I guess? Relive his trauma over and over again? Dig up that past like you’re a popular artist on twitter and you gotta make all of your followers relive that time you got called out because you offended a hell ton of people?
(Which is so many people on art twitter right now, ps, you don’t even know which one I’m talking about because It’s SO MANY of them. Art twitter during Quarantine is like watching the fall of Rome but it’s freakin Art Twitter. Everyone’s the freakin worst and just poopin all over themselves as they roll all the way down the steps.)
But I want to know. Who’s grave this is? It has a slightly different meaning if it were his family’s or his own. I guess I’ll have to save it for the fanfiction.
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And so to add another level of spook, Raphael’s card mom shows up and kinda just stands there with a sad face?
Raphael’s reaction to seeing his card just alive and hanging out was “I’ll get to you in a sec, I gotta do some unforgivable evil, first.“
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These two shots are like nearly back to back. They’re just GONE. No explanation.
And yes I’m gonna talk about the outfit because it makes no freakin sense, even for a Yugioh card. Granted, this was a show made in Japan, for kids, with a budget that had a limit. A lot of people get involved with these productions, many aren’t artists or historians versed in American History, just basic ass business people. That be TV.
But her outfit looks waaay too modern. Like she’s gonna go to a musical festival, drop acid and climb on top of a statue and take a bunch of instagram selfies and regret all of them 4 years later. If these are Atlantean cards, this is not an Atlantis outfit to match with Dartz, who has been dressed vaguely medieval. So whyyyyy would this girl be dressed more like a vague old western costume bought at a discount so she could vogue in front of installation art at Burning Man in 2008?
Anyway, I won’t even get into the bird that is slowly devouring her face as a stand in for a headdress or wtv. Just a lot of stuff happening here and I just wanna say, Yugioh did it so you won’t need to. Just delete that desire. Yugioh already did it so you are now free from wanting to draw...anything like this problematic situation on your own OCs.
And then Yugioh predicts exactly how I’d feel about this outfit.
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And she then lights ON FIRE and falls dead into the grave he just buried for her.
And in case you were like “kinda on the nose there, Yugioh, that got DARK” she climbs out of his own grave with a spooky ass face and no more coconuts to share with her bros and he’s like...
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Rapheal’s reaction was like...Ya OK I can get used to this, and Yami is just pointing at the scene desperately trying to follow Raphael’s brain waves.
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And like, this is YAMI.
Yami just walked through Yugi Hell earlier today. He’s seen some stuff. He’s already undug his own grave this morning in a more poetic card sort of way. But Raphael’s memories of literally digging up his family’s graves with his bare hands because Dartz told him to was...stuff he didn’t want to see today. (especially since it’s super suggested Dartz was the one who...murdered them in the first place, like I know it’s a reach but...it just feels like we were supposed to reach that conclusion)
But whether or not Dartz put the bodies here or gave Raphael a bunch of phoney graves, Raphael is still essentially siding with the guy who ruined the only thing he has left of his family--this paper card mom--and turned it into an undead evil Mom. And it just had...no freakin impact on Raphael at all.
Like what?
He just murdered your card mom. This is fine?
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Card shenanigans continue and Raphael eventually realizes what he should have realized like 10 years ago when he was digging up graves and killing card Mom’s. That maybe it’s a bad idea. So Raphael decides to sacrifice his remaining monsters to “free” them from the graveyard and basically commits suicide. There’s no other way to say it, really. He kills himself.
But wait, right when you figure this episode will end like every other Orichalcos fight before it...They decide not to.
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Like an angel from heaven, our drunk ass looking music concert reject descends from the clouds, along with all of Raphael's dead family members!
I REALLY didn’t expect them to show up. This was so much content it’s like...an entire season of any other TV show. I say that a lot with Yugioh but these episodes really like to just jam-pack it in there.
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And here I thought I’d actually have to take them off the Death Count one day. Here I thought 4 kids would do something to like...prevent this many dead kids, but I was wrong.
Everyone’s HELLA DEAD.
it’s both vindicating to actually say that, despite 4kids, these kids absolutely died, but also disturbing because even Raphael is like “ah, the hallucinations today are really swell, right?”
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And I’ve been over before how “heart of the cards” is a catch-all phrase that can mean literally anything in this show, and it’s not the first time that cards have kept someone’s spirit around. No word on his family members if they are thrilled to be trapped in a Pharaoh situation, or whether they only occasionally drop from the heavens, or whether they have actually been the spirit that was within each of these cards the whole time. I don’t know.
And so the card family “cures” one of the most evil people on this show.
He’s fine now. This guy murdered the hell out of Yugi, our main character, but don’t think nor worry about it. This isn’t the show to worry about such things.
This show has Marik.
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Bro and I were talking Star Wars the other day, and mostly about the Kylo Ren arc and how a lot of people happened to dislike that particular ending. Mostly about how there is a difference between your character being redeemed and being forgiven. I think this children’s show wants to redeem Raphael, but honestly, much like Kylo Ren--he’s just forgiven. And that’s fine. You don’t need to have your characters redeemed. We can stop at forgiveness.
And also, Yami forgives him immediately because he knows he can’t throw a single damn stone, his house is made out of 2 mm of extremely problematic glass.
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Man, RIP Weevil, right?
Weevil who just pretended to rip up a card that could have been Yugi and got tossed off the freakin Caltrain? Raphael got off so freakin lucky and I am boggled he’s still alive. He freakin killed Yugi!
The injustice to Weevil right now, omg. Not like I enjoy Weevil. I super don’t enjoy that character. But DAMN. Yami murdered Weevil for even mentioning Yugi. Just feels like there’s a bit of a hypocritical line here in how the justice is dished out and...that tracks for a Pharaoh so I’ll just let it go.
And also, looking at that sunshine and I’m pretty sure they’ve been up over 48 straight hours. No one’s slept since Yugi died, right? I mean Yami is fine. We know from Bakura that puzzle people don’t need to sleep, or eat, or have blood in their body. But like Seto really needs to get Mokuba to bed.
(Although I am 85% positive that Mokuba is still part Noah Kaiba so it is...also unlikely that kid sleeps anymore, just leaving Mokuba’s future therapist so much to unpack.)
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The GALL of this show right now.
Of all the generals--they saved RAPHAEL? Arguably the worst one?
I would take even Alister. I would take even Weevil.
I mean if he ends up as the next Duke Devlin, just driving us around for the final season of this show I guess I’ll accept this but, damn.
Are you sure, Yugioh???????????????????????????????????
Can’t we just let that guy die? He’s basically dead already, Yugioh. This guy does NOT want to be alive anymore. Literally everyone he cares about is super dead and now he doesn’t even have Card mom because she sacrificed herself to save his soul. This GUY.
I can’t believe Mai is dead but we still have Raphael.
The same disappointment when I watch British Bake off, man, they just...sometimes they save people and I’m like...no man...that one can’t bake. Just because they pulled something off last second does not mean they get to the semifinals. Raphael can’t bake.
Anyway, the episode attempts to end on a cliffhanger but like.
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Just want to reiterate how common and boring Earthquakes usually are to a Californian. This was the most normal thing in this episode.
Freakin Raphael.
Anyway, if you just got here and is like “I don’t know who the hell Raphael even is,” Yeah, I know, I didn’t think twice about the dude until like just now, but if it’s because you’ve never seen my recaps before, I’ll direct you to the link to read these in Chrono order:
Anyway, stay safe and have a very happy and safe Halloween alone eating your own carmel dipped apple slices.
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I know nothing about KH3, but I'm a huge Rokunami fan and people keep telling me it's dead and not explaining (I even ask for spoilers). Is that true or are they exaggerating?
Alright, I will try to keep it as spoiler free as possible, but since you're okay with spoilers, I will include as many as I think are needed.
TL;DR: Rokunami being dead is an exaggeration, but there is a possibility that Rikunami might become canon in future games instead. Both are equally possible in my opinion.
Spoilers from here on out (I hope the read more functions properly since I'm on the phone right now)
The whole Rokunami situation is rather curious to say the least. I will tell you that I got quite the Rokunami vibes in the beginning of the game. There is a moment when Sora stands in front of Twilight mansion and stares at Naminé's window and we get this vision of Roxas that overlays his physical appearance, to give us this deja vu of him looking up there in KH2. In fact, the scenes play out pretty similarly as Roxas was pulled out of his musings by Pence while Sora gets spooked by Hayner, Pence and Olette!
Now my memory is rusty given how I played the game only once (crazy, I know! Now I want to wait for the 1.07 update to play again!!), but Roxas and Naminé are usually brought up together I believe? I don't want to add in shipping drama so I will star out X*on's name, but since Sora doesn't remember her and doesn't want to actively bring her back, this of course also kind of serves to give us a vibe of Roxas and Naminé being this package deal that belongs together - just like the two people most desperate to bring them back. Sora wants Roxas to finally be his own person and Kairi expresses her desire to bring Naminé back, too. And well, additional spoiler alert, those two at least become an official item.
I don't remember when, but I distinctly remember the game stating that Roxas misses Naminé (and me aaaaw-ing at that).
Now, while they are mentioned several times, we don't get to meet Naminé or Roxas until nearly the end of the game. Sora meets Naminé and she gives Sora a pep talk to help him pull through his next task - and Sora does the same for her (since he meets her before she has her own body). She feels like nobody wants her, but Sora starts off listing how many friends want her to return - mentioning Roxas among them - as well as "somebody else" who wants to see her again.
This is kept vague. What does happen however is that Repliku appears to help our heroes in defeating one of the Seekers of Darkness. Since many of them are time-disposed versions of Sora's old enemies, they use Replica bodies to manifest in our timeline (remember Ansem SoD being in a weird, brown coat because he had no body). Repliku could have used the body to become his own person - but he asks Riku to give this body to Naminé. Repliku then fades from existence for her (please don't ask details about this because the whole Riku thingy is really confusing to me. 4 Soras and they all make sense but give me three Rikus and my brain shuts off).
When all is said and done and the fighting is over, the ending begins, accompanied by Dearly beloved I believe, so all is very symbolic. We see the Disney characters return home and hug their loves, we see Roxas on the Twilight clock tower with his friends. We see Naminé wake up in Radiant Garden and then step out of the building (having woken up in her own body for the first time). We then see Riku pick her up and it is all framed in a way that seems romantic. His gummi ship touches down in front of her, he extends his hand in a knightly manner and accepts her putting her hand into his, something the frame focuses on before the scene shifts and "Don't think twice" starts to play.
The entire KH cast is in that scene - yet Roxas and Naminé aren't shown to acknowledge each other at all. Neither are Riku and Naminé though, actually Roxas and Riku spend time together while Naminé and Xion spend time together. The scene cuts out before the second verse starts.
So yeah. It is a mess. To me, it seems like at least the beginning of KH3 was meant to hint at Rokunami. Repliku is undoubtedly still in love with Naminé and the question is how much of this is transferred to our actual Riku. I mean, Sora knowing that "somebody else" wants to meet Naminé could be a huge hint that the boys talked about her (and I do believe Riku is suspiciously missing from the number of people who are Naminé's friends - I think he even mentions Ansem the Wise??), because why would Sora know about Repliku missing Naminé? In fact, it is implied that Riku never tells Sora about meeting Repliku and to be honest? Not that Sora would know who he is anyway since he forgot everything that happened in Castle Oblivion.
But there is also the possibility that Riku is just acting on Repliku's last wish and is thus so nice to Naminé - not to mention he is the only human at the end of the game with access to a gummi ship as far as we know.
Another thing that might hint at Rikunami is the clear Noctluna of Noctstella vibes they give us. Riku looks like a Noct clone and Naminé fits Luna's/Stella's color scheme pretty well. There's also an entirely new character with a new love interest that I won't go into but let's just say he looks like a mix of Sora and Riku and his love interest like Kairi and Naminé?
Then again there is the fact that Roxas specifically said he misses Naminé, yet they don't even interact in the credits, which is quite curious. It makes no sense and I can imagine Nomura did this to have the KH3 credits be Sora and Kairi's big moment on the screen and to further their romance. I can absolutely imagine Roxas and Naminé getting a moment in a future game, maybe even in the DLC, though this is unlikely with how the rest of the game progresses, that will further their romance instead.
I mean, despite what some R*kushi or Rikunami shippers might make you want to believe, R*kushi (being the most popular and widely accepted rival Roxas ship, I swear I'm not trying to stir up shit) hasn't been brought up either in the game so it's not like Rokunami is definitely done for real. I think both Rokunami and Rikunami are possible at this point in time and while I would be fine with Rikunami, my heart definitely goes out for Rokunami.
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wickednerdery · 6 years
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Title: Return to Crimson Author: @wickednerdery Fandom: Crimson Peak Pairing/character: I’m not saying 😉 Rating: Mature Summary: “They say the past is never dead. It’s not even past. Do you think that’s true?” Notes: This picks a couple hours after the last piece. (Here’s the masterlist.) Given this is based on Crimson Peak there will be spoilers. It will also be a Gothic romance/horror so have more than its fair share violence, sex, and scary bits without shying from the darker aspects of such things. For this it’s auto-rated Mature, regardless of the chapter, and gets a “Read More”.
Clean, swaddled in soft pajamas and terry-cloth robe, she watches the sky bleed into the morning from her suite. For the first time in what feels like forever Ellie’s neither tense nor worried. She doesn’t think about Allerdale Hall, its history, or the dead. She thinks about Thomas...not Sharpe, Cutler.
He’s sweet, so much so she feels guilty putting him through this, through her. There’s no way he gets paid enough to handle some hysterical American on top of everything else. She thinks on his kindness and those earnest eyes. She thinks on the calm of his voice, the safety of his hands. Ellie thinks on the taste of his lips...
A foot slips to the floor as she sits in the sill, hands move to her lap. Eyes close as she focuses on the memory. The faint roughness of his hands, the sureness in his hold. The smooth brush of his lips in the nursery, then the dizzying passion that followed. Fingers curl against sex remembering his curling in her hair, the smell of him so close, the taste of his mouth, the way his tongue danced with hers...
The knock pulls Ellie away from herself and up to the door. She opens it to a surprise she shouldn’t have. “Jon!”
“Hey babe!” He rolls in her bag, carries his with the other hand. “Heard you had a moment straight outta The Shining, huh?” He laughs; her smile’s forced out. “It was cleaned up by the time I woke, never woulda guessed, but Cutler said it was real horror show.”
“Like the Johnny Depp scene in The Nightmare on Elm Street.”
“Awesome,” Jon chuckles, grins. “But, hey...You look great now, all scrubbed up in a plush bathrobe. Bet you smell great too.” Ellie smiles, turns a touch red, and he grins all the more. “You do, don’t you! Lemme smell!!” He drops his bag, grabs her about the waist so that she laughs. Jon playfully grunts as he buries nose into hair and neck. “Mmmm...yeah, that shampoo smells amazing.”
Ellie finally breaks free, stepping back slightly with smile intact. “I think it’s a special blend from the spa or something.”
“The spa?” He smirks. “Indulging a little while on vacation, are we?”
“Oh no, I...” maybe he doesn’t mean anything, but Ellie immediately worries about their budget. “Thomas set it up for me, free of charge.”
“Thomas? You mean Cutler?”
“You know he’s gotta thing for you, right?” Jon puts bags on the bed bench. “The way he looks at you, like he’s mesmerized or something.”
“Don’t be a jerk,” she roll eyes, crosses arms. “He’s just being nice.”
“Sure he is,” he smirks. “Poor guy, doesn’t stand a chance.”
“Whaddya mean?”
“That you’re mine.” His arms wrap from behind, one around her waist the other her chest. “All mine.”
Something in the touch feels wrong, makes her tense. “Right.” Of course; it’s nothing to do with her track record, with who she is.
“Look, can we forget about the hotel manager and just enjoy this little…vacation from our vacation?”
Again the smile must be forced. “Sure, yeah, let’s…just enjoy now that I can finally relax.” Her smile turns genuine at the thought.
“Exactly!” He gives her a deep kiss, one she has to work herself into until he pulls back. “So, I wasn’t sure what to grab, but I think I got enough for the night.”
“You’re gonna go back.” It’s almost a relief.
“Well, we both are.”

“Wh-what do you mean? Jon, I’m...I can’t go back.”
“Look, Ellie, I get that last night spooked you, really, I do, but this is getting ridiculous.”  At first he thought it cute, he liked playing the strapping protector to her shaking meekness, the one keeping things chipper as she fell to anxious sarcasm, but it grew increasingly frustrating over time.
She takes a deep breath, preparing for the all too familiar fight about to come. “Jon…can we just…not do this?”
“When are you gonna grow out of being scared of stupid haunted house shit? I mean...You’ve been to crime scenes -”
“...Interviewed serial killers!”
“I mean, fuck, Ellie, your father -”
“I don’t wanna talk about this!” Her patience is worn out, it’s too much to handle what’s in her head and him both. “I told you I didn’t want to come here! I TOLD you my worries and you fucking disregarded them! Laughed them off! Like fucking always!”
“Because your worries are always laughable!”
There’s nothing conscious about the act, it’s pure rage that shoves him hard enough he stumbles back a few steps. “Get out!” She’s sick of it. Sick of people thinking her foolish or crazy or dangerous. “Get out! Get the fuck out!” Sick of seeing things that aren’t there, of having the past so present she can’t imagine a future most of the time. “GET OUT JONATHAN GET OUT!!!
He hits the door with his back, grabs her arms as she continues to shove and hit his chest. “KNOCK IT OFF!”
“FUCK YOU!!” She twists out and slaps him so hard his head’s thrown to the side. Without waiting, without caring, she storms back to his bag, brings to close enough to throw at him. “Get the fuck out, Jon.” Because she didn’t want to see how much worse this could get...
...The sun is setting when she again wakes to a knock at the door. This time Ellie moves slow, sleep and disinterest and dread making her sluggish. The carpet feels like quicksand, the air mud, the door that of a sarcophagus...the person on the either side hoping to free the dead...
Bolt. Lock. Door handle. Door.
Any smile Thomas had is wiped from his face in taking in the room. “My god...” Clothes everywhere, bed stripped, a chair knocked over. His eyes fly to Ellie’s, puffy and bloodshot... “Ellie...”
...Shock turns to confusion turns to horror...
“You’re bleeding.”
FINALLY FINISHED ANOTHER CHAPTER, WOOHOO!!! I know these take forever sometimes and I’m sorry about that, but I’d rather get it right than just get it out, you know? So, yeah, still no sex for them, but it IS coming (haha), I know it, it’s just gotta come of its own volition is all. This is an important piece though, there are clues about Ellie’s past, for one, and it, haha, pulls her and Jon apart a bit which makes things a touch more interesting. Again, hope this is worth the wait and thank you forever for your patience, lol!!
Previously: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6  Chapter 7, Chapter 8 Chapter 9
(Gif found on Google)
Tagged: @lukeevansandjdmobession, @wadeyouwitch  @welcome-to-fangirl-hell @chibiyanai, @staria, @dusty-cookie, @j-can-right, @tarithenurse, @lokilicious-hiddles @tentacles-and-coffee, @aria-avimar, @ladydragonpurplefire, @insanecreativesecret, @annievvv7 @littledeadrottinghood, @themadandthemaverick  @ktonastya @devilbat @magikat409 @nardo94  @the-feckless-wonder @blood-blood-galonsofthatstuff @creedslove @acupofhotlatte @brightstarmara  @does-it-matter129 @moonfaery @lokis-little-kitten @lokilvrr @jackheart180 @honorary-losechester @holykryptonitekitten @lady-crowned-with-stars @wintertink @libbymouse @this-fine-ass-queen @archy3001 …I THINK I remembered everyone who requested/showed great interest and, either way, if you wish to be tagged in future pieces please let me know!
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So for a roquill prompt: How about someone insults Rocket, possibly behind Rocket's back at a bar or something and Peter steps in all noble like and gives the guy what for (because you know he'd be a dumb stupid cute boyfriend like that).
The night sky was full of stars but no moon, the dwarf planet was essentially flying through space unimcombered by any competing gravetational pulls, it was destined to crash, in a couple billion years, into Aldébaran-4, of course everyone would have retreated by then, except maybe the most dim witted looking to do some extremely collision surfing.
The small dwarf planet was in a constant state of storm, the dust pulled across the planet surface like a sandstorm, masking the distance in a haze of yellow dust.
It was a relife when Rocket and Peter made it to their destination, nothing like a dirty old bar for one of their dates. It actually suited the couple, neither was very posh, though Peter knew how to enjoy the finer things in life from time to time. Rocket wasn’t interested in eating somewhere with suits gawking at them. If he was going to be judged, he’d prefered it be by low lives like himself, at least they wouldn’t have expensive lawyers if Rocket a pacients was reached
In the safety of the building Rocket and Peter deactivated their space suits, the atmosphere outside was unlivable for their kind, but the bar was equipt with an airlock and provided oxygen and gravity for its patriants.
Peter watched Rocket pull off his helmet, shaking his head to once again ruff up his fur which was pressed into helmet head “Glad to be out of that hell storm” Rocket remarked about the strong winds they escaped from.
Peter smirked “yeah, I thought you were gonna get swept away” he offered his hand to Rocket, who hesitantly took it. Rocket was getting better at being affectionate in public, though it was a slow and painful uphill climb, and he was still noticeably on edge even now.
Peter slides into a small isolated booth at the back of the bar. A waitress came around wearing as little as she could get away with, a krylorian girl, his type, maybe in a different universe he would be taking this babe home, but now he only had eyes for Rocket, who looked drastically different from his usual pink skinned humanoid preference, but he was gorgeous none the less. Peter couldn’t put into words why he thought Rocket was hotter then all the sun’s they’ve navigated passed, beauty was in the eye of the beholder he supposed.
Peter ordered J'em hader paperbone with black peas and Bork vinegrette for them both to share, for drink he decided to be adventurous, try their Romulan Nanite while Rocket had his usually order of Daggertooth with extra Betazed.
“How can you drink somthing so bitter, now I’m going to taste that whenever I kiss you” Peter remarked with a sly smirk as the waitress walked off to prepare their order.
“I’m not forcing you to kiss me” Rocket challanged
“You’re right.. still wouldn’t give it up
as if on que Peter leaned in and gave Rocket a little kiss on his lips. It was acts like this that were breaking down Rockets walls, helping him overcome his fears of intimacy.
Rocket smiled as Peter pulled back and relaxed. Rocket kept nice and close “ya know, the way ya douged those astroids today was pretty impressive”
“Eh, you could have done it ten times better” Peter complemented back
Rocket shrugged “yeah" he says playfully, giving a smug a smirk “yer good though, fer a humie”
“Yondu taught me”
“Not a good point. I’ve seen him drive”
Peter sighed “Even in the vacume of space he would find something to run into. I really learned to appreciate seat belts at a young age
“Genuinely surprised ya made it to adult hood Pete. But I’m glad ya did”
“Cause you love me so much~” Peter cooed and wiggled his brows
“I was gonna say no one else has ever willibgly bought me drinks, but sure. Sappy love an all that”
“Charmer. Sweep me off my feet” he chuckled, seeing the waitress with their tray of drinks and their appetizer come by.
to Peters joy the date went smoother then most. Rocket was in a good mood, being more affectionate then he would expect Rocket to be in public. It was like it was only the two of them, no onlookers the spook them back into hidding.
Rocket was chewing the meat off a bone that was nearly baron. He was good at scavenging the bits that Peter missed.
“I’ll be right back, taking a leak” Peter stood up
“I’ll keep my eye out for the next round of drinks”
Peter smiled “don’t drink mine..”
“Not making any promises I can’t keep
Peter walked off shaking his finger with warning, Rocket smirked, looking down at his communicator to pass the time, he messaged his plant son, letting him know touching the aro rigs was absolutely not allowed without supervision
“Drinks for you and your friend” the waitress put the tray infront of him. Friendly enough “How was the food?” She gathered up the empty dishes
“Pretty damn good, thank you” He smiled at her, not caring if his kindness was genuine acceptance or just wanting a big tip, it wasn’t important now.
With his hightened hearing he could pick up the other conversations on going in the bar, he wasn’t sure when they got neighbors but could hear someone in the booth over squawking about the talking dog, and how unnerving such a thing was.
Rocket tried to ignore the drunk and loud rambling of the bar patron. He put his elbows up and leaned on his hand, hoping Peter would come back quickly.
Rockets hard expression softened again, seeing Peter walking back through the crowd. There was a drink in his hands, the glass was tall and the contents looked like white foam with neon blue highlights, but the most interesting part was the blue flame dancing on the surface of the beverage.
“What’s that thing? Thought ya was pissin” Rocket cocked a brow
“I was. Then thought we should get dessert. See if there is anything in the galaxy as sweet as you"
“Does that line work a lot?” Rocket smirked
“More often then you’d think, worth a shot.
Peter slides back in beside Rocket. The raccoons snout turned up towards Peter, foreseeing the kiss Peter was going to give him. They both closed their eyes, enjoying the short sweet moment.
“I knew a guy who kissed animals like that, got his dick chomped off” Rocket heard from the bench over, apparently, Peter had also heard as he pulled back from Rocket and turned to the man running his mouth
“excuse me, My boyfriend is not an animal” he said with a passive agressive smile
“Looks like one to me. You always pick up your dates in a forest?”
“He is more of a man then you are, acts like it too” He warned the other. He didn’t often have violent thoughts, but now, he wanted to teach this guy a lesson Ravenger style.
Rocket didn’t mind letting Peter deal with this jackass, being equated to an animal fucker wasn’t acceptable, Peter likely needed to blow off some frustrations too. And honestly it felt nice having someone else standing up for his humanity
“Look at that thing, pretty sure I’ve had it rotisseried before. Just because you teach em a few words and some tricks don’t make it not a filthy rodent. How many diseases you think it’s carrying about? And you bring it into a restaur-“
Peter had enough of this guy’s voice, he balled up his fist and landed a hard, sudden punch on the idiots nose, feeling it break against his knuckles.
After that things moved fast. Another fist came flying from the wounded man’s friend, only he received a face full of claws, instead of landing a hit on Peter. Rocket laid multiple blows to the side of his head, quickly and viciously putting the man in his place.
Everyone in the bar watched the fight, some with humored grins, others shaking their heard’s at the ruckus, but all entertained no doubt.
It became quickly apparent to the hecklers that this was not a winning battle, they couldn’t even get a blow in on their side.
Not that they had to, as the manager quickly informed the boys that the cops were on their way. Neither group wanted to stay for that reunion.
"This is how I get us free drinks” Peter said as he put on his Jacket and activates his helmet.
“Heh, somthing tells me this wasn’t a part of your plan” Rocket put his helmet on aswell. The duo quickly made their quick leave into the unlivable landscape.
“As far as dates go, that one was pretty good” Peter says, taking hold of Rockets hands as they make their way to the Milano
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internallydeceased · 7 years
In the Mist - Chapter 4
Read previous parts here
New Beginnings Sussex, Virginia 29th March 1858
The North Star can always be found among the millions of other tiny specks of light, its presence just a little bit greater than the rest. It’s a fixed point in the sky; never moving, never fading. The stars are a map of light; and people trusted it to guide them, should they lose their way.
Claire. Sorcha; her name literally meant light. He laid there, staring up at the ceiling as if he were gazing at the stars.
She was his North Star.
He had been lost for so long, never knowing what he wanted, or even deserved. He was a broken man who was surviving, but never living. He had lost his home and his family: everything that mattered. He didn’t care where he ended up or what happened to him. What did he have left?
Then one morning, he woke to find her face hovering over his, the one that tore him from the torment that lived in his dreams.
Before that, he was trapped in the dark, no light to guide him out.
But She was the light.
He couldn’t sleep even if he wanted to, his heart beating erratically in his chest and his stomach dissolving into thousands of butterfly wings. There was nothing except her.
And it had only been two days.
Two days.
Forty-eight hours, and he would never be the same.
It had been a year, but everything was as vivid as if it had happened the day before.
I was afraid that when I opened my eyes I would still be in that room, and that this was the dream.
Though it might as well have been a dream; my body was free, but I was not.
The physical wounds had healed and faded, but emotionally, they festered; refusing to heal.
I thought I had escaped, but truthfully, I never really left.
The tavern was rarely ever closed–they needed every penny they could get just to keep the place running. It was a sanctuary, a place that gave people second chances. So many people relied on it not only for financial income, but because for some, their lives depended on it.
But today was one of the rare ones.  There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, only blue. It was a day that finally felt like spring. Flowers began to blossom, trees began to bloom, grass was beginning to turn green again; the world was alive.
The girls took advantage of the break and nice weather, finally free to be themselves. The world was at their feet; they had their entire lives ahead of them; the possibilities were endless.
Jamie couldn’t help but smile, seeing the utter joy in their faces as they savored the light of a new day.
But none of them were Claire.
As he mounted the top of the stairs, he could hear the shuffling of footsteps coming from Claire’s room. It was just past noon, and it became clear to him that he hadn’t seen her since the night before.
He stood outside her door, trying to decide whether or not to interfere, or leave her be.
Then he heard… crying?
And before he knew it, his knuckles were pounding against the dark expanse of the wood, announcing his presence.
He heard a sharp intake of breath and then… nothing.
“Claire?” He tried again. “Are ye alright?”
Silent footfalls and then the door opened just enough so that she could peer through the opening.
It was obvious that she had been crying, her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were red; lashes still wet with tears.
She swiped at her cheeks with the back of her hand and cleared her throat. “Y-yes, Jamie?”
She had tried to sound strong, and look it, but her voice wavered and trembled as the words left her mouth. Additionally, her face was transparent: the pain bright as day, as though he was looking through a window into her very soul.
He felt an ache in his chest, his heart practically breaking as he looked at her. What had happened to make her feel like this?
“What’s wrong, lass?” His eyes searched hers, looking for a way in.
Let me help, mo nighean donn. Please.
Her brows furrowed and she turned her gaze to the floor, so that he couldn’t see her face. She nodded, opening the door further to let him in.
He stepped inside, closing the door behind him. Claire sat at the edge of the bed, her knees tucked up beneath her chin with her head bent in such a way that the dark waves of her hair hid her face from view.
Jamie stood a few feet from the door, shifting from foot to foot; unsure of what to say while silent sobs wracked through her body.
Cautiously, he stepped towards her before sitting beside her, the mattress shifting beneath his weight.
He fought with himself, debating whether he should just sit there and wait for her to speak, or to listen to his heart and wrap his arms around her and hold her until she stopped crying.
But she was in nothing but her shift, and being here in this room–alone–with her would certainly ruin her reputation and everything that she had built.
She was upset and vulnerable, and he could so easily take advantage of that.
His jaw clenched in decision and he wrapped his right arm around her shoulders, pulling her towards him. The dam broke and the tears ran freely, nothing to hold them back. She couldn’t remember the last time she let herself feel so freely: a way in which she did not hide every little thing she felt. The walls of her fortress came crashing to the ground, leaving her naked and exposed.
Jamie held her tighter to him, her head resting against his shoulder, staining his shirt with tears.
“Shhh, mo nighean donn. I’m here. I willna harm ye.” He whispered into the clouds of her hair before gently kissing the top of her head.
They sat that way for a long time, until her breathing slowed and tears no longer flooded her eyes. His left hand laid flat against her back, his fingers moving in soothing circles as he held her. It was almost as if he was shielding her from harm–he would let it all land solely on himself if it spared her the pain.
Slowly, she raised her head so that she was looking directly at him, their faces only inches apart. Then she was leaning towards him, and he towards her, as if some outside force were pushing them together.
Their lips met, and the rest of the world melted away: along with every painful memory, every broken dream, every ounce of wariness disintegrated until nothing was left, but them. Only them.
They lost themselves in each other and, for a moment–just a moment, there was hope: that she would be okay, in the end. That the future would be brighter than the one that was so greedily taken from her. That she could be the person she had eventually lost sight of.
And then it was gone; the kiss ended abruptly as she jumped back and stood in front of him, eyes wide and mouth agape.
Jamie looked at her, his brows knitted together in confusion. Had he done something wrong?
She backed away until her back hit the wall, her chest heaving as her breathing picked up again.
“I’m sorry…” She whispered, and then she was on the floor.
She turned her head away from him and bit her lip in an attempt to keep the sobs from escaping. She wouldn’t look at him–couldn’t. Jamie stood and started towards her, one hand extended in front of him as if he were trying to calm a spooked horse. Kneeling in front of her, he placed his hand to rest on her shoulder. She flinched away from his touch, scooting further into the corner.
“It’s alright. I won’t hurt ye.”
He paused for a moment, giving her the chance to respond. When she didn’t, he continued.
“Ye can tell me what’s wrong, Claire. I promise, I won’t – I will not - judge you. Whatever ye tell me will never leave this room, I swear it. Let me help ye, mo ghraidh.”
She turned to face him, a river of fresh tears streaming down her face.
“If I tell you–” She clenched her jaw, trying to rein in her emotions.
“If I tell you,” She tried again, this time gaining her composure. “You will never look at me the same.” Her eyes shifted to look sharply into his. It was clear to him that whatever her situation entailed, it was serious.
He swallowed, his throat suddenly dry, and murmured, “Tell me.”
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, the images so clear in her head.  
“My real name is Claire Beauchamp, and you’re one of the only people left to know that. Here, I go by Julia Lambert, for reasons you will soon understand.” The tears stopped flowing from her eyes, and her face was stone, void of any emotion. She didn’t look directly at him, but instead at the space next to him, as if he had disappeared and she was bearing her soul to the empty confines of the room.
“I was raised by my parents, Henry and Julia, not too far from here. My father loved my mother and I deeply, and he never thought himself superior to women.” A faint smile appeared as she remembered her childhood, but it quickly faded. “I suppose that our views were very different from other families, and I’m grateful for that.”
She licked her lips before she spoke again. “They died when I was six. Everything I knew had been ripped out from under me, and the happy little girl I used to be went with them.”
She glanced at Jamie as she said this, her face didn’t need to express anything; it was all there-- in her eyes. Looking away again, she continued.
“Uncle Lamb was the only family I had left–he raised me for the remainder of my childhood despite the fact that I had stopped being a child the minute my parents died. But living with him wasn’t much different than with my parents: their values and beliefs remained one in the same.”
“He respected me the same way that my father did. He taught me to stand up for what I believed in and to chase after what I wanted. He used to say, ‘If you can dream it, squirt, you can be it.’ And so I did. I wanted to be a nurse, to help people. I could do for others what I couldn't for my parents. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, a smile creeping onto her face.
“I loved being a nurse,” she said. The smile faded as she exhaled. “Uncle Lamb eventually became ill, and there was nothing I could do to save him. He was all I had; it was because of him that I had a roof over my head and that I believed in myself. But between the both of us, we barely had enough to keep that. So when he died, I knew I would’ve been forced out onto the streets.” She closed her eyes, bracing herself for what came next.
“So he arranged a marriage.” She opened her eyes but shifted her gaze to the floor, her hands clutching the thin fabric of her shift so that her knuckles turned white. “To a soldier.”
“Johnathan. Wolverton. Randall,” she hissed through clenched teeth.
Jamie’s ears pricked at the name, his eyes wide as he stared at her.
“Did ye say Randall?” He asked, voice barely above a whisper.
She turned her attention toward him, her eyebrows knitted together as she gazed at him. “Do you know him?”
Now it was Jamie’s turn to remember, his usual calm blue eyes turning to ice as he stared at his hands. “Aye,” he murmured, his voice deep–hard.  “Aye, I ken the man well.”
Claire crawled towards him, taking his large hand in hers.
“So you know what he's capable of?" Her attention was fully on him, her mind returning fully to the present.
Jamie’s face hardened as he looked up at her, into those deep, swirling pools of whiskey. He nodded, his thoughts grimly imagining what he could have done to her.
He brought his other hand to grasp their joined ones, squeezing as he spoke. “Did he hurt ye?” He was no longer looking at her, he couldn’t. He couldn’t imagine what he had done to her, this amazing, perfect, woman.
She swallowed, “Yes.” Her voice was flat, Jamie knew him. Then realization dawned on her; What had Randall done to him?
She squeezed his hand in return. “Did he hurt you?”
Jamie could only nod, his mind no longer in the room with her. Instead, he was back inside the walls of Wentworth prison, his hands chained to a post as the whip came down onto his back with such force, such fury.
Her hand came to cup his cheek, forcing him to look at her. “He’s gone, Jamie. He’s not here. He can’t hurt us now.”
She never imagined herself saying those words, because to her, Randall was still very much here.
She crawled closer to him, so that she was practically sitting in his lap, her arms wrapped around his neck. All she could do was hold him, and him her.
And they sat that way for a long time, struggling to rid themselves of the same man that had single-handedly broken them both.
read the next part here!
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