#shardkn1ght's hueso raises leo au
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shardkn1ght · 1 year ago
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I finally finished the next part!
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Part 5
Part 7
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egg04 · 2 years ago
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@shardkn1ght's Hueso Raises Leo AU with my Hidden Hero AU :]] make us tie please! (•̀⤙•́ ) [also check out Shard's propaganda, it's very cute!!!] We both want a tie!! <3
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shardkn1ght · 2 years ago
OK this. But with my Hueso raised Leo au
As red-ear slider turtles are prone to escaping their enclosure when kept in small areas I headcanon that Leo would always be escaping or getting away from Splinter. For example, Splinter would turn his back to check on one of the other tots just to turn around and find Leo no ware to be seen this leads to a lot of scares and a bunch of pranks from Leo as he got older.
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tohrules · 2 years ago
fan art for shardkn1ght's Hueso raised Leo AU
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yuichi and Leo keep flirting at work
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Hueso Raised Leo - @shardkn1ght
Snapdragon AU - @bluesgras
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shardkn1ght · 2 years ago
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It was a pleasure being teammates with you @moontidemints.
I will get as far as I can in the comp to avenge you!
goodbye smiles
(narotmf's bye bye/ thank you letter to hrl, from the pov of narotmf leo)
Nice Leo gives Leo a smile.
It was the sad kind of smile. A goodbye smile. 
He sort of hates it.
Huh, Leo's never had a goodbye smile before. It's doing stuff to his chest and eyes even though it's just a smile.
Is this stuff supposed to be so intense? Leo's four year old brain did not know. 
The turtle huffs at the alternate version of himself, "Why are you smiling like I'm gonna be gone forever? I am literally still going to be here to cheer you on!"
Nice Leo was thinking about this way too much that their brain was leaking these thoughts into Leo's brain. That inconsiderate meanie. 
She was nice to have around. They were around his age afterall. And definetly shared alot of similarites with himself afterall. 
Same dad stuff and all. 
His counterpart took his hand and nuzzled her head into his shoulder. 
"Are you scared?"
Leo swears he was not trying to sounds judgemental! But it just sorta… same out that way.
His counterpart was now squeezing the daylights out of his hand, which made Leo think he was getting squished by a estatua gigante.
His Papa gives Leo a concerned look. The other version of his Papa is now eyeing the situation carefully. Both seem rest to pounce in at any moment.
Bonedads. Always so protective. 
Leo throws them a carefree 'dont-worry-bout-it' smile and focus's on Nice Leo. 
(And their unnatural death grip on him)
"Hey. Look at me?" Alternate him furrows their glassy eyes but stil looks at him, "The people that beat me? No offence, but I think they are alot less cool than you. Okay? You are going to do great next round."
Nice Leo stared at Leo.
Leo puts a hand on the other shoulder and humms, "You know what? I want you to say it. Out loud."
Nice Leo stutters, "S-say what?"
"Say you're going to do great!"
"You're going to do great?…"
"No silly." Leo points to the other's plastron, "You are going to do great."
"I am going to do great?"
Leo hushes his other self by putting a finger over the other's mouth, "Callate, I am trying to ignite a spark in you. NOW SAY IT!!
Was Leo 100% aware that the other competitors were looking at them?
Yes. What of it?
"¡Si! Now was that so hard?…"
Nice Leo tries to hide in his hands, "I think that spark you were trying to ignite in me is now turning into flames under my cheeks."
"You don't get an oppurtunity like this everyday! Avenging people and all that jazz. You are going against the people who just beat me. Carpe diem that stuff!" Leo hugs his friend and says in a softer voice "Ganar para mi. Ok?"
Nice Leo started tearing up again and Leo felt himself actually letting his tears out too. 
Darn it. Goodbyes smiles feel worse with tears.
"You know I am proud of you too Lunita?" His Pops asked softly, handing him an warm empanada that seemingly came out of nowhere. 
Leo smiled, a little bit too smug for someone who just technically lost, "Yeah. I know."
Leo takes a bite of goodness on the bleachers.
Tío Piel sneers, "Ok but not that proud you little goblin."
Leo snorts as his Tio and Pops banter on the ethics of the next round if it was just a big  massive sword fight and argue if that would even be allowed. 
Leo forgets what this competition was about. 
And Leo will definetly forget he has brothers. 
I wrote this while on a plane ride. No beta and internet lmao. 
Cool with being ya @shardkn1ght. I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines now! Agrressivley.
thanks for being my ally and GOOD LUCK WITH THE NEXT RIUND :DD
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diamondinthe-repoyard · 2 years ago
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'Hey there, I'm Tip. I brought you here for the digging,,, competition,,, thing? Don't make a mess and keep quiet please'
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Tip from Through The Thicket by @/gayest-squirrel
Leo + Donnie from Gemini AU by @/tangledinink
Raph from Banana Split by @/alexcant578
Bone Twins and Huesos from Hueso Raised Leo by @/shardkn1ght and Not a Run Of The Mill Family by @/moontidemints
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forestlingincorporated · 1 year ago
Asking some AU comp competitors & supporters:
- Are there any AUs you weren't familiar with that have recently caught your attention, or that you would like to learn more about?
- What are some AUs/fanworks that you enjoy, and would encourage more people to go check out? (Doesn't have to be in the comp!)
I discovered @v-albion's True Colors AU, and @tizeline's Tiz Sep AU through the comp very recently, and I love them!
Other AUs in the comp I've read are Ghost in the Shell, Little Scraps of Wisdom, and The Last Ronin Becomes a Discord Admin, which are all EXCELLENT, I highly recommend giving them a read. I've also read Two Souls, which didn't make it last round, but it's so good guys, please check them out too if you like iteration crossovers.
I've also seen @kathaynesart's Replica, @star-sparkler's August AU, @pezhead's Age Gap, @butterfilledpockets's Bad End Ninja Turtles, and @tangledinink's Gemini Twins around tumblr before, and they're all lovely aus, it makes me happy to see them on my dash.
I'd also recommend The Eldest Brother, which is a crossover AND an au, and Elemental Brothers, which is an excellent human/ATLA au. I am also a fan of @shardkn1ght's Hueso Raised Leo AU.
And what kind of writer would I be if I didn't plug my own AU, Lost and Found... and also the Bakery AU, it's small, but it deserves love too.
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shardkn1ght · 2 years ago
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This is the end on The Next chapter!
I hope you guys enjoyed.
Next is The family reunion, so stay tuned!
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Next chapter: The family reunion
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shardkn1ght · 2 years ago
Omg this got buried in my notifications. But. AAAAAA SO CUTE!!!!
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Small hint as to what I am drawing👍
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shardkn1ght · 1 year ago
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The plot thickens……
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Part 3
Part 5
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shardkn1ght · 2 years ago
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I did it. I was determined to get it posted today. Despite it getting lost.
This is the first part of chapter 2, Family reunion!
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Part 2
Previous chapter: The next chapter
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shardkn1ght · 1 year ago
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They will finally meet!
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Part 6
Part 8
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shardkn1ght · 1 year ago
Quick question for your Hueso raised Leo, if this hasn’t already been answered
What’s Hueso and Jr’s reactions to Leo’s movie sacrifice?
I imagine lots of tears and a long, long lecture
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I do want to make a comic for it so I won’t say too much!
But you can have this drawing I did, of them waiting for Leo/Pep to wake up.
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shardkn1ght · 1 year ago
I imagine a cute scene and was going to try and draw it as a gift, but I have a disease called I forgor very quick so instead I'm telling you the idea:
Jr really looks up to Pepi and often complains he doesnt have marks like his older brother, so Pepi draws some markings on him. In addition Hueso sews/buys him a backpack that looks like a shell.
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I saw this ask and absolutely had to make a comic for it.
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shardkn1ght · 1 year ago
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Hehehe. I bet you guys weren’t expecting a chapter today. (I’m super happy with how this part turned out)
Edit. Just realised Raph doesn't have a mask on. Woops
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Part 1
Part 3
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