lilmothiits · 1 year
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fun little lazy icon gallery
skaris ive yet to draw or get a screenshot of oops
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lilmothiits · 1 year
🌈 & 👎 for the ask meme? whichever oc ye prefer
since u didnt pick the oc ill just go briefly for everyone thats on my poll
👎 Is there someone your OC can’t stand, despite them being on the same side or sharing basic values?
bee: for a while, that was engall. he was the "new person" at the time and made her feel like she was slowly being pushed out of her group. she got better after a while after some meditation and reflection. aside from him, she tends not to get along with some of the more "sons of skyrim" stormcloaks, not least because of how they treat her for being born
engall: strangely enough, engall doesnt really hate particular people. his hatred extends more to positions of power, and just an overall disdain for anyone outside of the brotherhood or his particular circle. back when he was a kid though he could list off any number of people and reasons he hated them and wanted to push them into a meat grinder
venel: oh theres loads of people she doesnt like despite having to get along with them. so many dunmer in morrowind are ASSES. same with everyone else actually. the people in power that shes had to woo to the nerevarine cause are Quite The Collection Of People
elegoth: ulfric, balgruuf, tullius, actually basically anyone when it comes to the civil war. he supports skyrims liberation but good god if some of these people are dense and insufferable. he hates thalmor supporters most of all, but given his backstory thats obvious
eldrys: okay heres a hilarious one. so hes a vigilant of stendarr. engall and his husband are vampire and werewolf respectively. he spends the entirety of the dawnguard questline with them. the irony was not lost on him either. this man has complicated feelings about them at the very least
az'hiri: she'll never forgive eláne for what he did to engall
shar'ja: queen ayrenne, strangely, despite being one of her Eyes. her demeanor and the company she keeps rubs him the wrong way, and he never goes out of his way to be around her
gwyneth: people who partake in society. she's a very singular survivalist type, as raised by her extremist parents. despite how much she has in common with everyone around her in society, she'd much prefer to be alone in a hand-build cabin with a couple of purebred, loyal hunting dogs. erandur can visit tho
skaris: the list goes on. his father, the priests, the guards of wherever he's holing up, etc. being a prince-turned-pauper brings out a violent hatred for everyone around you. its not fair!! right?
yrwe: he is INCREDIBLY suspicious of any and all humans. he's a snow elf, and to him they all look the same
alaiko: she's yet to find someone she really dislikes. i havent played her very far, but being regarded as a "very ugly khajiit" when she is neither ugly nor a khajiit doesnt leave a good taste in her mouth
nakai: most merchants. shes...how do you say...lets say a haggler? she starts at 0 and doesnt go up. shes not very popular at places of business, so i guess it's more the other way around
aevar: there's some folks in the skaal village he doesnt get along with maybe, but hes generally an easy-going guy. he's been through a lot, but its hard to rise him to actively dislike someone
🌈 Does your OC speak more than one language? If so, how many and which?
bee: yes! she speaks jel and cyrodiilic (english), jel natively
engall: yes! he speaks cyrodiilic (natively), ta'agra (fluent), and CSL (cyrodiilic sign language, fluent). he's also picked up a touch of nordic and dunmeris
venel: no. she's *learning* dunmeris, but she only fluently speaks cyrodiilic
elegoth: yes, he speaks aldmeris (native) and cyrodiilic (fluent)
eldrys: no, just cyrodiilic, touches of nordic as well
az'hiri: yes, she speaks ta'agra (native) and cyrodiilic (fluent). she's also teaching her wife and son cyrodiilic
shar'ja: yes, ta'agra (native), aldmeris (fluent), and cyrodiilic (conversational)
gwyneth: kind of? she speaks bretic natively and is reluctantly coming to learn cyrodiilic
skaris: of course! cyrodiilic is his native, but he's been given fine instruction in dunmeris (fluent), aldmeris(decent), bretic(ehh), and ald chimeris(passable)
yrwe: no, he speaks ald falmeris (natively) and only the absolute minimum cyrodiilic
alaiko: she's currently only fluent in nordic, bet she's learning cyrodiilic
nakai: yes, cyrodiilic (native) and nordic (fluent)
aevar: yes, skaal nordic (native) and cyrodiilic (passable)
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