goddessofbees · 2 months
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Danny the embodiment of the winter sky, Jazz is Autumn, Dani is Spring, and Dan is Summer
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@perilusjax @starlightcat04
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 293
Jason takes a deep breath. He takes a deep breath, in for ten seconds, out for eight, and just takes a minute before looking again. Nope, there’s still the strange quartet of orbs in the box of what should be stolen weapons (What, the government had enough, honestly) that gave his workers the heebie-jeebies. 
Which is not the vibe he gets from them. In fact, he’s actually kind of concerned with how much he has to beat the Pit back with how quickly it lurches to latch onto the… Well they’re not gems, and he’s a little wary about touching them at first, but the Pit does seem to settle when he does.
Alright, he can deal with this. It’s not like he has several heads in a duffel bag that needs to be delivered or a tiny assassin child back in his safehouse (Seriously Talia, why was he the preferred babysitter?) or an entire gang in Crime Alley to deal with. It’ll be fine. 
He would like to curse out his past self, because there’s now four babies in his safehouse that appeared to have fucking hatched from the orbs. Goddamnit. 
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dad kaz tries.
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davidpincher · 1 year
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they’re best friends
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stevenrogered · 2 years
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Patrick Gibson on the prank the Shadow and Bone cast pulled on Calahan Skogman
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thyhauntedmansion · 9 months
Just thinking about Bela and Dani and how close they were as kids, only to notice they have the same kind of piercings🥺❤️
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Pardon me while I go SOB
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hugsandchaos · 8 months
Danny Phantom Related Masterlist
DP x Linked Universe
•Short headcanon list
•Memes, anyone?
•More memes
•He jumped?!
•Uhh not sure what to call this
•Okay, this is probably the last string of memes
•I lied, here’s a few more
•It’s just one meme
•Another idea
•Incorrect quote that I just tossed out there (we appreciate you trying to help, Hyrule)
•Late night thoughts
•Studying and Manatees
•No caffeine?! Criminal!
•Introducing Vlad
•Another Incorrect Quote
•”Danny, get out of the closet!”
•Lord Of The Dark Birds
•A couple more incorrect quotes
•Soup Time
•Picking locks
•Who’s Dash?
•Dash? What are you doing here?
•Singing equals spells??
•Comfort in the chaos
•Wing bois rant
•More Little Baby Man
•How are they not banned??
•Meme anyone?
•That time Danny picked up Time
•Danny is the youngest sibling
•”He’s in the walls...”
•April 3rd Special! :D
Story Chapters: Eudaemon (Now on Ao3 too! :D)
•The Beginning
•Proper Introductions
•Dawn Of The Second Day
•Magical Meal
•Day 3
•Where Do Stars Come From?
•Quick update
Ao3 Link!
•Sneak Peek! (Updated May 4th)
Beautiful art by @nerdypear4 here, here, here, here, and here too!
•Quick vote
DP x Marvel Universe
•”Hey, Ron.” “Hey, Billy.”
DC x DP Prompts
•Accidentally Blessed
•Phantom Forest
•A Ghost Boy and His Wolf
•Tired Haunt
•Early Hero Gets The Adoptee
•Family Reunion
•More Wulf!
•Watchtower Ghost
DC x DP Headcanons
•Reasons to not trust the Justice League
•”Really? This guy?”
Seeing Double
Young Justice x Danny Phantom
Summary: A ghost who looks a lot like Phantom comes to him in search of protection, and their newest member instantly agrees. He calls her his little sister, and sooner or later, Phantom also might end up with a new brother.
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Friendship is Haunting
Mlp x Danny Phantom AU
•What if?
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
DP Unnamed AU
PenPals AU
Halfa Dash AU
•First post
•Quick talk about how Danny suffers in this AU
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spacedace · 2 years
Okay here me out:
dp x dc writing prompt where Dani ends up exhausted (and maybe a little weak from traveling for so long, maybe she got in a fight and is hurt) and finding shelter in a nice barn with a friendly cow in it, curling up in a dark corner to rest and recover where she’s pretty sure no one will notice her until she's ready to take off again.
And because her form since stabilizing has always been a bit prone to sliding away from more human and into the more eldritch when she's tired, she appears less like a human girl and more like an more humanoid-ish shadow creature. Emphasis on the creature.
Damian is a responsible pet owner, he makes sure to go around feeding everyone first thing in the mornings, even on weekends, and because of his training he has a sharp eye for things that aren't quit right, so he spots this...thing curled up in the corner immediately.
His first instinct is to fight it - it managed to get past all their security measures, it's an unknown, it could be a danger to his family, or worse BatCow - but then Alfred-the-cat jumps down from the hay bail the creature is curled up behind and lands on it. The creature gives a pained little noise, but doesn't strike out or hurt the cat, just turns glowing green eyes up at it and meets Alfred-the-cat's little mrrp with one of it's own and buts it's shadowy head against the cat.
And Damian, maybe a little more tired then usual up so early after a long night fighting rogues as Robin, just comes to the conclusion that - while obviously a supernatural creature of some variety- it clearly has been adopted by Alfred-the-cat as a kitten and equally adopted the cat back as it's caretaker. And separating them would be detrimental to both.
So obviously this is just another pet for him to take care of, especially when he realizes that Bruce-the-shadow (it only seemed appropriate since Alfred-the-cat adopted the creature) is injured.
Dani is a little too out of it to fully get what's going on at first, just vaguely aware of someone that looks a bit like Danny saying something to her and trying to check on her injuries - he must have found her, one of the local ghosts must have told him what was going on - so she just lets him because she knows how he gets.
The rest of the family thinks it's a bit weird that Damian has been spending so much more time down at the barn recently, but hey it keeps him from getting into fights with his siblings and they all get the need for some alone time now and then.
Things only start getting weird when Dani starts realizing it's not her original/brother/father taking care of her but instead some kid her age, but by then Damian has started talking to Bruce-the-Shadow the same way he does his other pets, sharing the things he feels he can’t share with anyone else, and she sees that same loneliness and unwillingness to trust that she feels and really with the bruises the kid keeps showing up with she worries okay?
So she sticks around, even after she's all healed and could take off again, keeping her form shadowy and doing her best to keep an eye on her new...friend? Friend.
Cut to Damian ending up in some bad fight and Dani as Bruce-the-shadow showing up to save him and BatFam is concerned™️ about what the fuck that thing is, and Danny getting worried because he hasn't seen his clone/sister/daughter in a bit and she usually at least checks in by now and deciding to go look for her.
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storyofmychoices · 9 months
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From "I don't have time for some kit (derogatory)" to "You're always worth waiting for, (my) kit (affectionate) "
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demonic0angel · 4 months
DP + Omegaverse (no NSFW)
This is just my thoughts on what the omegaverse dynamics would look like in the DP universe. If you have no idea what omegaverse is, I can answer questions if you’d like! (Please feel free to ask anything, I love yapping)
Danny: beta
- I debated with myself a lot on this and I decided to reach the conclusion of beta for many reasons. Let me first explain why I crossed out omega and alpha tho
- I thought of omega first because he just checked all of the boxes for a stereotypical omega in a fanfic: underdog, weak, somewhat trans-coded, twink. However, I disliked it bc I don’t think Danny himself fits as an omega with him being a ghost. It seemed a little too on-the-nose and I personally didn’t like it that much. I wanted Danny’s ghost form to be the reverse of Danny’s human side, so if he was an omega as a human, he would be an alpha as a ghost. However, I feel like Danny being an alpha when he is Phantom wouldn’t be that suitable with the headcanons I have, so I scrapped that.
- Moving onto alphas, he lowkey fit the idea of the “runt” alpha who becomes stronger later on. It would kinda work if his ghost self was the opposite of his alpha human self too, because he is death and “omega” is the last letter of the Greek alphabet, which could also mean the “end” or death. But thinking of the episode where he splits into two versions of himself, his ghost self doesn’t really give off omega vibes. It didn’t work in my head either.
- However, then I had the thought of ‘would a ghost even have pheromones?’ So therefore, he is a beta when he is human, and he is nothing when he is Phantom. I liked the idea of him being a beta bc betas are often overlooked and I think Danny being a beta would make sense when you think of the other characters in the series. With this, it also makes it easier for me to assign roles for the other two in the Everlasting Trio so they can be an alpha-beta-omega pack.
- His status as a beta means that he is often the mediator between Sam and Tucker. Being a beta makes Danny very neutral, meaning he is impartial when dealing with conflicts.
- Danny smells like mud, rain, dirt, and lightning (ozone). He has a very neutral scent that can be both uncomfortable (dirt and mud) and very relaxing (rain) as well as frightening (ozone). When he gets his ice powers, he probably gets a dash of mint in his scent too.
Sam: alpha and Tucker: omega
- I don’t really ship them together btw, unless it’s a throuple with Danny too
- I thought about the reverse (with Sam being the omega and Tucker being the alpha) and decided not to choose that due to Tucker. Sam would be fine and cool either way; if she was an omega, she would be strong and independent. If she was an alpha, she was cool and badass. If Tucker was an alpha tho, he’d just be more of a creep when you think about him and girls. Therefore, I made him an omega to soften him up.
- Making them both the same designation didn't seem right and I feel like the vibes would be iffy. It would also kind of exclude Danny in a way.
- When thinking about Tucker’s jealousy, it probably started because Danny found a way for him to get attention even tho he has a “boring” status like a beta. Perhaps he thought that he and Danny were in the same boat as being losers, but since Danny found Phantom, he grew jealous of the fact that Danny was able to change social statuses as a hero.
- When thinking of alpha as the beginning of the Greek alphabet and omega as the end, it also fits with both of Sam and Tucker’s themes, since Sam works with plants (life) and Tucker has Egyptian motifs (death, since the Egyptians honored death).
- Sam smells like flowers, plants, and herbs. A really spicy and thick scent, but also extremely calming. Tucker smells like sand, metal, and spices, specifically coriander, turmeric, and cardamom. He doesn’t have a soft scent like most omegas, so that’s partially why no girls will approach him. (Bro’s also got no rizz). At times, they also smell like mud or dirt.
Jazz: alpha
- This fits in perfectly with my hc that Jason is an omega lmao
- Usually, omegas are seen as very maternal. While I make Jazz really guardian-like and parental when dealing with her family, I don’t exactly see her as maternal, mostly because I see her as “sibling who steps in when the parents cannot”, rather than an actual parental figure that Danny looks up to. That is bc the maternal role involves a little more love and care (stereotypically, at least) and while I do believe that the Fentons were neglectful, I believe that Danny was still raised with some affection by his parents, so Jazz never had to step in that role. From what I’ve seen and interpreted, Danny’s main danger growing up was the ghosts and the death traps he was surrounded in. Jazz mainly stepped in to protect him when Maddie and Jack left him alone, so I believe that she would be an alpha, which embodies the role of the protector.
- Jazz is also often seen as the “perfect” daughter or student. Being an alpha would only emphasize that, so it also works out. It also works with her overprotectiveness.
- She smells like oceans/sea salt, sand, and vanilla. I’ve been headcanoning her scent to be this combo for way too long. Her scent is pretty strong, but also very calming. If Shadow was with her, she would also smell of mud and dirt.
Jack: alpha and Maddie: omega
- Debated whether or not to make Maddie an alpha as well, but Vlad held me back. I just felt like he wouldn’t be as obsessed with Maddie if she was an alpha, especially bc he’s so controlling and she would probably fight back (and she technically does, but I think you know what I mean?)
- Maddie being an omega would also make sense when you think of the fact that both Vlad and Jack are (one-sidedly) fighting over her.
- Jack and Maddie are the stereotypical couple, but also really non-stereotypical alphas and omegas.
- Jack smells like chocolate, garlic, metal, and motor oil. He has a really pungent scent and that affects how others see him as well. Maddie smells like flowers, peaches, and machinery, with a hint of honey when dealing with her kids.
Vlad: beta
- It makes him being jealous of Jack make sense a little more since he’s insecure of his own status and the fact that Maddie and Jack were “made for each other.”
- He is extremely insecure about being a beta bc he believes that it hindered him from doing a lot of things, one of them being the ability to mate with Maddie. However, he also has an inferiority complex that started with Jack and strengthened with Danny bc he seemed really secure in his own designation, unlike Vlad.
- He smells like blood and a mixture of tea. Ever since he became a halfa though, he smells like mud, dirt, and diet cola (💀).
Dan: nothing and Dani: beta
- Since Dan is 100% ghost, he technically has no scent. However, if he had a human form, he would be a beta.
- Dani smells like chemicals, rain, mud, and dirt. Her scent is mostly artificial, but she still has enough of a scent that she seems real. Dan would smell like blood, ash, smoke, and mud, an extremely overpowering and worrisome scent. When he’s with his sisters tho, the ash and smoke would wash away and he smells somewhat of a campfire and pine.
Valerie: omega
Paulina and Dash: alpha, Kwan and Star: beta
Wes: alpha
- Mud and dirt is a tell-tale sign of liminality (because it represents the dirt around a grave). Of course, the smell of dirt and mud is different for everyone. Danny has a really strong scent of mud, but his is loamy and healthy, while Vlad’s scent is more clay-like and not very strong, since he isn’t a very healthy ghost (so no healthy soil) imo.
- All ghosts technically are nothing, since they lose their designation/secondary gender when they die. However, if strong enough, they can give off a “memory” of their old status and scare humans or other ghosts. Most ghosts powerful enough to do this are usually alphas or omegas.
- Ghosts are probably more terrifying than usual due to the fact that most people are really dependent on their sense of smell to find each other. So since ghosts have no scent, they’re creepier than usual.
- Danny used to only have a small pack that consisted of Sam and Tucker, but after becoming Phantom, his pack grew. They all smell a bit like loamy soil. Despite how he has alphas in his pack, he is considered the leader and they all listen to him.
- Everything else is the same as usual, like heats, ruts, bonding, mating, etc. However, most ghosts are extremely respectful about bonding and mates because it is considered important in life and they respect that. That means that when Danny is spending time with Sam or Tucker during their heat or rut, most ghosts will take that as time off too.
- Jazz and Sam lowkey butted heads due to their alpha statuses, but after they became friends, they bonded over shared issues like being female alphas and protecting Danny.
- Was looking through Tumblr for more DP x omegaverse posts to see if anyone else had the same thoughts I did and I found this post by halfagone that was definitely very interesting! I recommend reading it, since it’s not very long and it introduces fraids in a way
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tvandfilm · 11 months
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BOOK OF SHADOWS: BLAIR WITCH 2 (2000) dir. Joe Berlinger
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jamiethebeeart · 6 months
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I'm so very very normal about Dani, I promise (lineart by @five-rivers ) @green-with-envy-phandom-event
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 294
Danny has found an… interesting corner of the Realms, avoided by all. There’s a bunch of ghosts, and a couple demons, angels, and a couple things that he’s never seen before. It’s actually really fun, and no one else ever comes so it’s kind of peaceful even with the chaos the family there does. There’s even a couple doctors who are happy to help him out, and apparently several dozen of them were vigilantes during life. Honestly this shadow area of the Zone is great!
Or, Danny stumbled across the Realms area where the bats of Every world and timeline have set up. He hasn’t realized the only reason he’s not already ghost-adopted is that the different versions are arguing over who gets to be the first to do so. 
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lavampira · 6 months
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I love you more than you’ll ever know. Be well.
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mastersofunlocking · 10 days
i don't think leda's dialogue where she says she'll kill you as an apology for speaking to you as a compatriot earlier is meant to be threatening or demeaning in any way, i think she's being sincere — in the sense that she genuinely believes death or total control/loyalty by or to miquella is the only form of absolution for mankind. especially since she seems to believe that all of mankind is inherently.. sinful, for lack of a better word, as seen in this dialogue
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'man is by nature a creature of conquest.'
this dialogue, during the enir-ilim fight, is also interesting to me
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her distrust for mankind having been established previously, this only further drives the point in. she genuinely doesn’t know why someone would ever swear fealty to a god other than miquella, especially someone like ansbach, who is sure to have witnessed the depravity that man is capable of and the depravity that prompted leda's paranoia. this is a bit of a stretch but this also makes me feel like she doesn't WANT to think of humanity so, in a way tainted by paranoia and trauma and distrust, especially when coupled with her dialogue on death
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anyway, i just think leda is neat and that she genuinely believes the world deserves love but she is so traumatized by whatever it is that happened that she relies on miquella to bring about the age of compassion that she wants, through any means possible
- dani
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stevenrogered · 2 years
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If you could pick someone in this room to pull off an impossible heist with you, who would it be and why?
+ Bonus:
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