#sg1 x reader
make-me-imagine · 2 years
First Christmas
12 Days of Christmas: Day 6
Plot: You decide Jonas deserves to experience his first Christmas, so you want to make it special.
Pairing: Jonas Quinn x Gn!Reader
Warnings: None!
Words: 1.5k
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You grinned to yourself as you made your way down the corridors, towards Jonas's room. Your arms were full of boxes and bags as you barely managed to make your way down the halls without running into anything or anyone.
Ever since Jonas learned about Christmas and the evolution of the Earth holiday, he was excited to experience the holiday season. But, since Jonas was still not allowed to leave the base, you decided you were going to bring Christmas to him.
Getting to his door, you realized your hands were too full, so you stuck out your leg and kicked the door a few times.
After a few moments, the door slid open, revealing a perplexed, yet smiling Jonas.
"Y/n, what is all this?
As you made your way past him and into his room, you smiled "Christmas!"
"Christmas?" He asked confused, yet intrigued.
You set the boxes down, sighing with relief as you did. "Yes, I decided since you don't get to experience what Christmas looks like outside of the base, I was going to try and recreate it for you as best I could, inside."
You saw realization and excitement cross his face as he looked down at the boxes. "Where did all this stuff come from?"
"I got some of it from storage at my place, and some was donated by others. So I'm not all too sure about what's in here." Reaching in, you started pulling some stuff out "Tinsel, garland, your very own stocking, mistle-" picking up the mistletoe, you figured Jack threw it in as a joke. "Well, other stuff." You stood up and smiled "But, there is one more thing, I'll be right back!"
As you raced out of Jonas's room, he watched you go with a smile. Looking back into the box, he picked up the green foliage
"Mistle?" He asked himself, having heard what you muttered.
Shrugging, he pulled out the sparkling red tinsel and smiled as he looked around his room, wondering where he was supposed to put it.
His face was warm as his heart continued to beat happily in his chest. This was more than he was expecting. But it was you after all, you were always thinking of everyone else. It was one of his favorite things about you.
After a few minutes, he heard another knock on his door. Letting you in, he watched as you dragged a tree into his room.
Jonas smiled widely "You got me a Christmas tree?"
You nodded "There are ornaments in one of those boxes, and some lights! Sam and Teal'c are gonna come by later and help, we can all decorate it together."
"Decorating the Christmas tree is one of the biggest traditions, yes?" he asked while admiring the tree.
You nodded as you reached into the bag and pulled out a Santa hat. Stepping up to him, you put it on his head. "Merry Christmas Jonas."
He smiled down at you with his genuine delight, and you felt butterflies in your stomach.
"Thank you Y/n."
"Tomorrow at dinner we are going to be putting together a Christmas dinner, so you can try all the traditional Earth dishes."
His eyes lit up at this "That's wonderful. Really Y/n you didn't have to do this all for me. Though I assume it is also for Teal'c?"
"Somewhat for Teal'c yes, though, he is allowed to leave. He and Jack are going on a fishing trip. This is mostly for you Jonas, you deserve to have some Christmas cheer too."
He grinned at you, and you felt butterflies again. Looking down at your feet for a moment you cleared your throat before turning around.
"While we wait for Sam and Teal'c you want to start decorating the room?"
Jonas's kept his eyes locked on you as his chest burned warm. He nodded as he watched you start opening the boxes, his own butterflies rampaging in his stomach.
--- --- ---
The next day, as dinnertime grew closer, Jonas stood in the middle of his room, admiring the tree you had all decorated the previous day.
Sam and Teal'c showed up with hot chocolate, and you all spent the next hour decorating the tree. Jonas was given a star to put at the top, and he couldn't be happier with how it turned out.
Hearing a knock on the door, Jonas opened it, expecting to see you, but instead was met with Jack.
"Colonel O'Niell, how are you?"
"I'm alright, heard you and the others had a good time decorating."
"Yes" Jonas grinned as he turned and looked back at his room.
Jack nodded his head, and smiled softly "Well, dinner is done, so I was sent to fetch you, come on, hop to, I'm hungry."
Jonas smiled and nodded, "Yes, Sir."
Jack smiled to himself as he held open Jonas's door and looked into the room, spotting the mistletoe sitting on the table. He smirked, he'd have to come back for that.
As they entered into the dining hall, Jonas smiled at the array of food being placed out like a buffet, another Earth tradition he enjoyed. Approaching the table, he noticed long cylinders. Grabbing one, he stared at it perplexed.
"It's called a Christmas Cracker." Sam said as she walked up to him. "Two people each grab one side and pull, the person who gets most of it wins. And gets the prizes inside."
"Prizes? So its similar to the wishbone tradition?"Jonas asked with piqued interest.
Sam nodded "We'll do them later and you'll see."
Jonas nodded with a smile his eyes landed on you as you came out of the kitchen with a casserole dish. Locking eyes with him you smiled, and he felt his chest clench.
When everyone sat down to eat, Jonas felt overwhelmed with gratefulness and glee. This was the first time he felt like this, he felt it somewhat during the Thanksgiving holiday, but you were right, Christmas was certainly different.
As an hour turned into two and most people had left, you and the others slowly rose to part for the night. Teal'c had left about twenty minutes earlier, Jack and Sam walked off together, leaving you and Jonas to walk back to his room.
"That was wonderful." Jonas said as you began walking together "I really enjoyed it."
You smiled happily up at him "I'm glad."
Jonas felt an anxious tightness in his chest, and he felt an object in his jacket pocket and a rush of nervousness washed over him. As you got closer, he was about to bring it up, but you spoke first.
You stopped and turned to him "Before we say goodnight, I wanted to give this to you."
Watching as you pulled out a similar wrapped object from your own pocket, Jonas felt his heart jolt in his chest.
Handing it to him, you smiled shyly.
Taking it he stared down at it for a moment "You got me a present?"
"Of course, that's an important part of Christmas."
Jonas smiled "Yes, I know." Reaching into his own pocket he pulled the object out and smiled at you "I got you one too."
Your face lit up with surprise as you took it slowly, you let out a soft chuckle. "Thank you Jonas."
Opening the presents at the same time, you were both amused by the fact you both got each other books.
Jonas gently ran his hand over the book you got him "World Traditions?"
"Since you seemed so interested in Christmas traditions, I thought you might like to learn about others around the world."
"That's wonderful, thank you."
Motioning at the book in your hands, Jonas spoke softly "That was one of my favorite books to read growing up on Kelowna. It has a lot of information about our own holidays and traditions, I thought since you shared yours with me, I might share some with you."
You grinned at him "Thank you Jonas, I'd love to learn about them." Looking back to the book you got him you mused "Great minds think alike."
Jonas smiled as the two of you continued down the corridor, both of you looking down at your new books with softy blushing smiles.
As your eyes landed on his door, you stopped in your tracks. Jonas looked from you to the door, his eyes landing on the plant hanging from above his door.
"Jack." You said with a knowing tone "His idea of a joke."
Jonas stepped up to the plant. "Mistletoe. I looked it up this morning, I wanted to know its importance to Christmas." He looked back at you, but his eyes avoided your gaze. "Originally, the tradition was that you could kiss anyone standing beneath the mistletoe. If the kiss was refused, bad luck befalls the person standing under the mistletoe."
You watched Jonas as he spoke, his eyes lingering on the Mistletoe, he was technically standing below. He had a tone to his voice that made you smile.
Taking hold of what courage you had, you walked up to him.
As Jonas turned to looking at you, you quickly stepped up and pressed a soft but quick kiss to his lips. You saw surprise cross his face as he stared at you speechless.
"Don't want you getting any of that bad luck."
Jonas was clearly bewildered, but you saw him repress a smile.
You smiled at him as you spoke softly "Merry Christmas Jonas."
He scratched the back of his neck before he spoke softly, clearly still baffled "Merry Christmas Y/n."
xx End xx
Sorry for the abrupt ending lol but I wasn't sure how else to end it without it starting to drag on
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Stargate/Jonas Taglist: @hybrid-omegaverse, @gatefleet, @cs-please, @badwolf0322
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Hello hello! New romantic Daniel Jackson x gn! reader one shot headed your way! It's all fluff up in here, baby!
(Credit for the idea goes to @phantom-of-grace !)
Workplace Romance:
Having feelings for a patient is undoubtedly a problem for you as a nurse, but there's just something about Daniel, you're having a difficult time getting over how you feel. It doesn't help when he starts show up more and more frequently in need of minor medical assistance and you're always the one assigned to help him.
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*Note he doesn't get that hurt in this, I promise
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Taglist: @phantom-of-grace @systemadministratorclu @stargaterevival @cuillere @mrssci-fi-nerd-sg-1 @daydreampending @riverageleis
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ellie--eille · 2 years
Stargate, anyone?
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Anyone still reading Stargate SG1/SGA fics???
I used to post fics under another name, wondering if I should rework them and repost?
Edit: omg I'm so excited stargate's a thing on tumblr! I gonna sideblog it and spam y'all with 2023 style [stargate character] x reader fics 😁 💘
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my fanfiction masterlist
Daniel x GN!reader romance rated Mature, (Ao3) ok maybe getting explicit... the story starts slow but it gets there.
stargate fanfiction poll!
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stargaterevival · 2 years
Very important research is happening here 🧐
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Everything about him
And the story I'm using this for (on ao3)
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daydreampending · 10 months
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Dream Paralysis
When Daniel gets stuck in a dream coma, the only way to help him is by joining him. You don’t anticipate however that you could be slipping into a sex dream…
Word Count: 4.3k
Pairing: Daniel Jackson x Reader
Sex Dream | Smut with Feelings | 18+
Main Masterlist
AO3 Link
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p-taryn-dactyl · 2 years
Oh oh oh, what about a stargate fic where the reader is given like a truth serum off world and they end up blurting their feelings for Daniel? But like as well as really random stuff they would never say out loud (idk like 'teal'c you have really good arms' 'Carter, you always smell amazing', 'Jack I know I roll my eyes at your jokes but they're actually hilarious' - im really sorry these were the first things that popped into my head)?
a/n: no don’t apologize, i love this and those quotes so much! I hope you enjoy this <3
word count: 1.3k
warning(s): …none? fluff levels that could be dangerous however (title in no way indicates this will have angst, i just love lizzo)
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In hindsight, taking the cup from the Ancestral Leader in a world that valued truth wasn’t your brightest moment. You hesitantly took a sip of the swirling purple liquid that was shining in a way which should’ve made you nervous. The flavor burst on your tongue and your eyes widened, quickly gulping down half of the glass. You felt strangely relaxed, leaning back on one hand while the other swirled the cup in a fancy fashion. You and the rest of SG-1, along with the elders of this planet, were sitting around a low table, cushions lining the floor for comfort. A slight haze filled the outskirts of your vision but you brushed it off. 
“Young Y/N, how does our totuus fare on your Terran tongue?” The name of the drink sparked something in Daniel, the archeologist sitting up straight with a cautionary expression on his face. Smiling, you laughed slightly.
“It’s absolutely delicious, Elder Myrsky, I express my thanks,” something bubbled in your mind and you found yourself blurting it out, “It’s almost as amazing as your fashion taste.” 
The table went quiet, the Elder flushing slightly as he brushed his deep crimson robes with his hands. Teal’c looked at you inquisitively, his stoic face showing slight signs of concern. Sam smiled into her cup, Jack cleared his throat, and Daniel looked as if he had figured something out. 
“Thank you, Young Y/N, your compliment brings me much joy,” The Elder smiled at you before waving for food to be served. Daniel looked in his cup before poking the food on his plate with the utensils given. He looked at you then looked at the Elder. 
“Elder Myrsky, what exactly did you serve Y/N?”
The Elder paused his conversation with another Leader, looking at Daniel with confusion in his eyes. Jack paused from taking his drink, looking at his friend before sniffing his cups content. 
“I thought I already named it? Totuus is our drink of truth, do you not have the equivalent in your world?”
“Not..exactly,” Daniel murmured before taking his glasses off to squeeze the bridge of his nose and then putting them back on, “You gave Y/N a truth serum?” 
The words shot through you, making you choke on the totuus you were about to gulp down. Oh no, oh-
“Shit.” You exclaimed, before slapping a hand over your mouth and looking apologetically at Jack, who just waved you off, stuffing his face with food before hesitating. He swallowed and pointed at the food on his plate. 
“Will this…?” 
Myrsky seemed to understand his question, smiling at the Colonel. 
“No, the totuus is only given to one who hides the most.” 
Your team all simultaneously turned their heads to look at you. You turned your attention to your plate, pushing your food in an attempt to ignore their stares. Finally, after a few minutes, you sighed and laughed nervously, looking up.
“Oh come on, I don’t have anything to hide,” you scratched the back of your neck, “It’s not like I love Daniel or anything or think that I would 100% let Teal’c crush me with his thighs?” 
You felt your face heat up as you registered what you just said. Blinking once, you groaned, covering your face with your hands. You felt Daniel’s eyes boring into you and you heard Sam’s snicker. 
“Can you..repeat that please?” Came Jack’s totally innocent tone. 
“What, Teal’c has nice thighs. And arms. He has really nice arms.” You whispered the last part, despite the voice in your head screaming at you to shut the hell up. Jack snorted and you parted your fingers to peer through them, watching as Teal’c sent a smug look at Daniel before once more steeling his expression, bringing an arm to lean on the table, muscle bulging. 
“That’s nice to know, and I agree, but let’s rewind that to what you said first.” 
“...I love Daniel…” You whispered. The Elder nodded his head, saying something about how the drink's effect would wear off now that you had admitted it. Sam let out a cheer, making you look up at her. 
“General Hammond owes me fifty bucks,” she said triumphantly, before looking at you with an expression that worried you, “So, Y/N, anything you want to say about the Colonel or me? To get it out of your system before the drink closes us off from your wonderful thoughts?” 
Jack nodded, snapping and pointing at you expectantly. 
“Guys, come on, stop it-” Daniel started but you interrupted him.
“Carter you always smell amazing which is weird because most of the time we’re running for our life, how do you find the time to smell like freshly picked mint? It’s not fair. But remember that one time I was in the med wing and you brought me cookies? I couldn’t eat them, it was like chomping on concrete but I crumbled them up and fed them to the nonexistent fish in Jack’s pond and never told you because I didn’t want to hurt your feelings because you were so happy to give me baked goods.” 
Sam raised her eyebrows before shaking her head, chuckling slightly. You turned your attention to Jack.
“About that pond, we all know there’s no fish in there Jack but I still say yes everytime you offer because you always look so relaxed sitting in the really rusty lawn chair that you really need to fix before you injure yourself and it’s really nice. Also, you can’t sing. At all. Please stop trying to become the next Madonna because it’s never going to happen.” 
Jack looked appreciative before changing to a faux insulted expression. 
The rest of the dinner went smoothly, well as smoothly as a meal can get with you blurting out random thoughts every few minutes. After securing a scientific and military alliance with the Karelian people, your team crossed through the Stargate. Once you crossed the horizon, you felt a gentle grip on your elbow, leading you towards the med bay. Daniel had a determined expression on his face, his brow furrowed and blue eyes set in front of him. 
“Whoa, whoa,” you said, halting in the hallway once your mind caught up to your movement, “you just sped past the General! And I’m fine, Daniel, Dr. Frasier doesn’t need to see me immediately.” 
Daniel paused to stand in front of you, bringing his hand up to count on his fingers. 
“One, I’m not in the military, legally Hammond can’t do anything to me. Two, you are not fine, you just had an equivalent of a neurotoxin in your system and three, that’s breaking protocol so yes, she does have to see you immediately.” He turned around and started walking, thinking you would follow him. But you stood still, crossing your arms and raising an eyebrow. He once more stopped and turned to face you a few feet ahead. There was tension until he sighed, running his hand through his hair, returning to stand right in front of you. When he made eye contact, you saw the vulnerability shining. 
“Do you really love me?”
You smiled, stepping closer to him, reaching out to hold his hand. 
“You think I would admit my appreciation for Teal’c thighs if I wasn’t forced to tell the absolute truth?” 
Daniel snorted, a smile growing on his face. Normally, you avoided complete eye contact, but when his eyes met yours, you found yourself unable to look away. 
“I love you Daniel, not just as a friend, and I completely understand if you don’t-”
“I love you too!” 
The archeologist blurted out, his face turning red. You, in turn, felt heat rise on your face as you stuttered out a response. 
“That’s nice, thanks. I mean-”
You heard a bellowing laugh behind you and turned to see Teal’c clutching his stomach next to Jack and Sam, who looked amused by your words and shocked at Teal’c reaction. Jack wiggled his eyebrows at you. 
“Can you two just kiss already? We need to debrief.” Came the exasperated voice of General Hammond, who was standing behind Sam, Jack, and Teal’c, arms crossed over his chest with an amused expression. 
Who were you to go against orders? 
a/n: i hope you enjoyed this and that it was okay!!
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batsyforyou · 8 months
Mini Headcanons for Squishing their cheeks SGA + Jonas
Tags: dramatic kisses, squishing faces, crack?
Author's Note: I've choose random nonsense today lol.
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Squishing and kissing John Sheppard's cheeks
Processing. He pauses and blinks before giving a ‘really?’ look. He smiles before unleashing a Tickle attack on you. You squeal and try to get away. “Nah huh, doc, you started this and I’m ending it.”
Squishing and kissing Evan Lorne's cheeks
He blinks smiles. “I have nephews.” The man is unfazed and just blinks lazily as he smiles perfectly content to accept the slightly embarrassing affection. It doesn’t matter if y’all are in the middle of the hallway with people passing by he’d just lean his face closer to yours and breathe it in.
Squishing and kissing Jonas Quinn cheek's
Confusion, what? What is happening? Smiles and laughs. Like the “Smile and wave, boys. Smile and wave.” As soon as he gets used to it he just lets it happen lol. Becomes one of his favorite things.
Overall the squishing is a bit much lol
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gatefleet · 2 years
Anxiety and Love
Stargate SG-1: Daniel Jackson, Samantha Carter, Jack O'Neil WordCount: 852 T(W): Blood/Injury, Unconsciousness, Ambush, Blackouts Requested: Yes "So a Daniel Jackson x reader where Daniel has feelings for the reader and the reader likes him too but on a mission the reader gets hurt and while their injuries look life threatening they really aren’t but reader and Daniel don’t know. This makes for a very intense moment where they confess to each other right before reader loses consciousness and they get rescued. Then cut to reader waking up to a very stressed out Daniel but who is relieved. Essentially I need some Daniel fluff where there’s kisses and love after slight anxiety 😅 female aligned reader preferred but not required lol thanks love." - Anon A/N: I completely misread the request and had to do an addition ^^;;. It initially ended on the 'reader registered what was finally said moment and then had to add, apologies if it seems disjointed.
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You couldn't believe you had missed it. Hadn't seen it coming. You had gone through all the training, read all the files. You couldn't believe that it had happened, it was your 4th away mission with the SG-1 team and you had already messed up. You couldn't control the pain radiating from your side, you had thrown yourself down behind a rock formation next to Carter pretty hard and that distracted you from the pain for a hot second. You leaned in tight against the formation, doing your damnedest to ignore the radiating pain shooting through your body. You were taking fire and waiting for an opening to retaliate and head for the gate. You covered Carter while she moved for a better position, allowing Daniel to move in closer to you covering his head as you returned fire and moving his head closer to you as you ducked back behind the formation. You had the back of your head to Daniel as you were attempting to peek around the rocks and look for a gap or someone to create a gap. Looking for O'Neil to give some form of sign or instruction as to what to do.
It wasn't looking good for the team. You were all pinned down in your respective positions trapped, yet so close to the gate, you couldn't get to the DHD safely or for long enough without being hit, thus your side injury. You grimaced against the pain, the noise. You could feel yourself being overwhelmed by the noise, the shouting, the static coming through your coms, the pain in your side. Everything was becoming too much, you hadn't realised you had began to slouch until you felt Daniel pull you back by your vest and ensure you weren't too visible around the formation you were both using as cover. You vaguely heard O'Neil's voice crackle through the com system asking what the hell happened, as he had seen you slouching. You barely heard Daniel's response, but you were sure you had heard '…been hit…bleed…side" why was it so hard to focus. The pain in your side got worse as Daniel had grabbed a pack of gauze from the field kit in your bag and began to pack your wound. You could hear the stargate engage and the sound of Stargate Command come over the comms, letting you know that reinforcements would be arriving through shortly. Then blackness.
You slightly came round as you felt the coldness of being dragged through the stargate. When you felt the warmth of the command centre you relaxed slightly, felt yourself be lifted onto a portable medical bed and the pull of a hand reluctant to let you. You were out again before you could register who it belonged to. Next time you were conscious about the world around you (even if you couldn't open your eyes to it) was in the medbay where you could hear the team speaking around you, that same hand grasping yours, You felt the tickle of hair on your forehead as something soft, so soft you barely registered it, grazed the side of your ear. You squeezed the hand in response, your body was reacting to what you couldn't or hadn't yet registered, and you felt the airy laugh of relief from the one person you recognise so well. You could feel yourself being wheeled away with some urgency, the beeps growing louder, more consistent as it became harder to breathe. Just as you felt darkness take hold, your conscious mind caught up with your subconscious as you finally realised what was whispered into your ear by Daniel. "Please, squeeze my hand to let me know you feel the same and that you'll pull through for us to have a chance…"
When you finally came to, you found Col. O'Neil asleep in one of the chairs twitching like a puppy does in its sleep, could hear Teal'c and Sam vaguely speaking with Doc Fraser and Hammond out of sight elsewhere in the room, and finally, Daniel pacing back and forth, biting his nails, trying to dispel some of the anxiety induced adrenaline which was currently coursing through his entire body.. You wondered how long everyone had been there. Had they not gone out on assignment since you had been dragged unconscious through the stargate? Had they been here in the medbay? You groaned slightly as you tried to move immediately grasping the attention of Daniel and making Jack jump slightly in his sleep before he readjusted and settled again. Daniel practically pounced to your side, giving your closest hand a gentle squeeze before helping you to sit up and adjusting your pillows. You smiled at each other and when Daniel's face was close enough to yours, he whispered "I'm so glad you're okay," you both leaned in and kissed one another. It was soft. It was warm. It was everything you imagined it would be. It was also interrupted with a throat clear from Jack, a witty remark, and an almost 6 foot jump from Daniel who had clearly forgotten the Colonel was there.
Tag list; (strike-through won't allow a tag, apologies)
@keepingupwiththeskywalkers, @disneyoncerlover815, @fandomalert31, @make-me-imagine, @lollipopsandlandmines
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mylittleredgirl · 2 years
just learned ur scrooge mcduck post is about Sam/Jack and uhhhhhh… do you have fic recs
SURE DO!! there are infinite sam/jack fics to rec, so instead of attempting any kind of curated Top 5 list i'm just gonna shake my brain up like a soda can and see what sprays out first:
the furies wept by nanda (T, 30k) - i read this like nine times in a week. it's the third fic in a great series (first two are e for expliciiiit). each fic has a very different tone. this one is "okay, so what if after All That dysfunction they're Dating but also still Themselves, and then they have to go on the worst space road trip with jacob carter." a+++ can't recommend enough. i'm honestly incapable of being normal about @nandamai's fic.
a far better fate by newcrayons (WIP, M, currently 85k) - so i Do Not read WIPs and rarely read fics this long, but this came recommended! super fun series-long episode-related fic with illicit makeouts and feelings. this fic holds the honor of being literally the only ao3 subscription i have. i cracked open a new feature for this. i want to be friends with this author but i'm being really cool about it.
a small crime by @missparker (E, 5k) - feels good, feels organic. extra credit for jonas quinn.
the more things change by northernexposure (G, 6k) - this author likes to soak you in feelings and wring you out like a sponge. canon-compliant "point of view" episode chaser. extra credit for janet fraiser.
a star to steer her by by tremontaine (E, 24k) - all right this is a little ~spicier~ because it's got a d/s element that pops up midway through, but if you are neutral-to-positive on that then i recommend! something about this fic felt new, like i was viewing the same characters from two degrees to the left. i liked so so much about it.
bonus self-rec: home economics by mylittleredgirl (T, 5k) - the toaster fic.
enjoy!!! feel free to come back and shake the can again later!
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make-me-imagine · 1 year
Headcanons: The moment they realize they are in love with you (Daniel Jackson)
Headcanons/Request: 'The moment(s) they realize they are in love with you (established relationship)’
Pairing: Daniel Jackson x Gn!Reader
Requested By: Anonymous *You requested another hc prompt as well, but I am going to do it separately :)
A/N: It's super short, but I hope you like it :)
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Daniel fell in love with you long before he really realized it.
But the moment he realized it the first time, he was watching you interact with a child on an alien planet.
The child was afraid of the new strangers that appeared at their home, understandably.
But once you had all been invited to their village, you slowly approached the child who had been watching from a distance.
Daniel was watching the interaction closely.
You were cautious and kind, smiling and being as calm as you could.
You offered a granola bar to the child, which they took slowly after a moments consideration.
It wasn't long before the child was smiling and sitting closer to you.
The whole time, Daniel had a fond grin on his face, and his heart was warm.
He had a moment of thought as he watched you, fully realizing how much he adored and loved everything about you.
The more he thought about it, the quicker he realized that this was not the real moment he fell in love.
But a thousand moments leading up to it.
Every time you made him smile, or laugh, or gave him hope, he fell in love a little more.
It was never one thing, but everything about you, that made him fall in love.
So he doesn't know for sure when that precise moment he fell in love with you was. Just that it had happened so naturally and perfectly.
But in that moment as he watched you being you, that was when he realized he had fallen without ever realizing just how much.
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @rexit-mo, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Stargate Taglist: @hybrid-omegaverse, @gatefleet, @cs-please, @fandomdancer,
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enigmatic-mystery-777 · 8 months
It's about time I got another one of these done lmao
Daniel is out sick; it's only natural to want to take care of him. He doesn't always make it easy, though.
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Taglist: @stargaterevival @mrssci-fi-nerd-sg-1 @geekygumiho @riverageleis @frostysfrenzy @cuillere
(If you'd like on the tag list for my Daniel x reader stuff please let me know!)
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dreamlandcreations · 2 months
Do we want a Sheppard fic or two?
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*in both cases archaeologist!Reader meets John on the Antarctic base for the first time. in the first version she goes to Atlantis with the reinforcements before the Siege and she stays there to research the Ancient database. in the second version, she sort of accidentally takes over Weir's job while Elizabeth gets to be the official negotiator/ambassador of the Stargate program. the SG-1 backstory is the same for both versions. she found some Goa'uld stuff on Earth and gets sucked into the sg word, becoming a host for a very very very short while when she is captured by Ba'al (this "character" might have evolved from Ba'al x Reader fic idea)...
**Reader's planet is like a black hole in terms of sucking in ships. something about the atmosphere and gravitational field or whatever... So Sheppard's team crashes with a jumper and seems like they can't leave. They find a 10000 year old civilisation where Wraith and Ancients (among some others who crash landed there) and they found a way to co-exist with the use of the Ancients healing abilities combined... But there's a catch, giving and taking life force repeatedly in this form creates a bond and it results in having all kinds of feelings for the other (this also might be inspired by that Wattpad fic 🤔), anyway, this has resulted in hybrids too and some are not even required to feed on life force anymore....
***(inspired by Trust Once Broken < --------- MUST! READ!!!!!) Reader is from a long separated section of Ancients. she is infected with a version of the virus that almost killed the Ancients but the team doesn't know and wake her up...
****that's a pretty specific one with a name too, therefore it's OC. Charlie is the daughter of General Jack O'Neill and Dr. Sam Carter from an alternate universe (there, Jack had no other kid before bc his first wife died in an accident). Charlie became a Tok'ra host very young bc she was sick (can't decide if it should be Jolinar or Selmak, it would make the Martouf/Lantash relationship extra awkward and weird and I just love it but I also love the idea that Charlie kinda reunites with Selmak in this 'new' universe through Jacob, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). Anyway, there's some trickery to make Charlie age up with a time dilation field situation. Her Tok'ra dies/gets a new host (I can't kill of Selmak 😭🤧) before she ends up in 'this' universe but has been in contact with the Sodan and has one of their devices. She goes to Atlantis bc Jack and Sam can't really handle the situation, again awkward af 🤭Part of the SGA storyline since s01e01
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stargaterevival · 11 months
You and Me
Daniel x Reader (gn!reader, rated M):
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As you settle into working in the Stargate program, you become more and more captivated by Dr. Jackson. A friendship slowly blooms between the two of you. Along the way you also learn a lot about yourself. However, things mysteriously start going wrong, jeopardising your relationship with Daniel and everything you’ve worked for.
Chapter 28: "The Death of You" (1/2) now up on Ao3
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Maybe a part of him knows he shouldn't, but he can’t help himself. He comes to see your face again. He knows you’re likely to be completely unaware of his presence, yet the pull to return is too strong. And Daniel has an oath to keep.
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bonus images
Daniel's apartments
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Tag list: Let me know if you would like to be added to my tag list for Daniel fanfiction.
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daydreampending · 1 year
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New Infinity
“When a basic mission goes sideways and opens up an inter-dimensional connection that branches decades, the Avenger within you is torn. You’re trapped in the 90’s, stuck with SG1 and away from your family - fighting your internal thoughts daily on whether this new group you’d been welcomed into is worth leaving.
Now you just need to make it home to your past, or back to your future… or is it forward to your now past… or -“
Pairings: Daniel Jackson x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader
Angst | Slow Burn | Time Travel
Main Masterlist
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 / Chapter 10 / Chapter 11 / Chapter 12 / Chapter 13 / Chapter 14 / Chapter 15 / Chapter 16 / Chapter 17 / Chapter 18 / Chapter 19 / Chapter 20 / Chapter 21 / Chapter 22 / Chapter 23 / Chapter 24 (coming soon)
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p-taryn-dactyl · 2 years
(Adding this just incase lol, it talks about low confidence and briefly mentions toxic friendships) What about a stargate fic where reader is Daniel's younger sibling and Daniel thinks back to when he and reader were kids and how confident reader used to be and he looks at reader now and realises that reader has lost a lot of confidence over the years (maybe through some harmful/toxic friendships or something) and it's him maybe going to Jack or something for some advice on what to do (because Jack's a dad and he most definitely knows what to do in this situation) and it's the team trying to build up the confidence or reader and reader has no clue what's going on? It's no worries if you don't fancy it! :)
a/n: I’m living for all the stargate requests just so you know! Sorry they take me so long, though! I actually have a lot of personal experiences with toxic friendships so if this fic feels like I’m projecting…it’s because I am edit: i took out some projecting parts so y’all wouldn’t think me crazy
word count: 1.3k
warning(s): mentions of toxic friendships - not a warning but team being a supportive family - i have a very limited understanding of how military bases are, like, structured? I made up terms so yeah :) title is just a vibe, sadly isn’t a line said in here…
They Can’t Take Your Smile
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Daniel sat in the commons hall, elbows on his knees as he watched you worriedly. You sat at a table by yourself while surrounding tables were filled with loud soldiers, joking and bragging about past accomplishments. Poking at your food, you gave periodic glances at the soldiers, a longing look in your eyes. Daniel remembered a time where you would’ve stood up and sat at one of the tables, immediately making new friends and creating howls of laughter from your peers. He watched you stand up somewhat solemnly, tightening your jacket around you before picking up your trash and walking out of the room. Daniel shook his head, running a hand through his hair the adjusting his glasses.
“I can’t believe I’m about to do this.” He murmured to himself before standing and heading to the one person he believed could help him.
Daniel used to admire you. Admire your strength, your confidence. How you could make friends in an instance while he always stood off to the side, reading a book about a long forgotten religion.
He still admired you now, but more often than not, he worried about you. He watched as overtime you returned to the cocoon that you were trapped in the years after your parent’s death. He watched as your confidence trickled away with each harsh word they said, watched as they slowly rebuilt the walls you had worked so hard to break down.
It started when Daniel was in college, you your senior year of high school. He noticed you started hanging out more with a crowd of people that left a nasty feeling in his gut. Normally, you would parade around the house, wearing whatever the hell you wanted, laughing as you danced around to music only you can hear. It wasn’t noticeable at first, not like it was now. You started caring about what you wore, what the trends were, you watched your weight, and Daniel swore some nights he heard you crying yourself to sleep.
He heard them one time, while he was studying for a mid-term. Apparently, your friend group had planned to go see a movie. This wouldn’t have been a problem, however they didn’t invite you. Yet here they were, in your room, giving you crap about how you weren’t ready on time, how they called and emailed repeatedly, how you were making them late.
“…i mean come on Y/N!” A voice got louder as the group exited your room, you following quickly behind, attempting to hurriedly pull on a jacket.
“Could you be any more of a burden?”
It was an offhand statement but he watched as it broke you inside. He turned his head to say something but when he made eye contact with you, your eyes pleaded with him to be quiet.
And so he did. He stayed quiet. He stayed quiet while the people who were supposed to be your friends, broke you into a million pieces and refused to pick you up. He stayed quiet as he watched the repercussions of their words play out in your life, how you now let people walk over you, you write mission reports for planets you never even visited. He stayed quiet all these years, but not anymore.
Daniel was done being quiet.
Sighing, Daniel knocked on the door to Jack’s quarters. He waited awkwardly, hands in his pockets, silently nodding to passing soldiers. Finally, the door opened, revealing one very shirtless Jack. Daniel’s eyes widened as he looked away, shaking his head.
“Jack, what the- come on, I need your help.”
Jack pointed to his still bare chest, like he had heard Daniel wrong.
“Sure thing Danny-boy, I’ll just throw on a shirt before you bare your soul to me.”
Daniel rolled his eyes yet still smiled at the Colonel. Soon, Jack had a shirt on and Daniel was spilling everything.
“God Jack, they used to be so..so free, ya know? I remember,” he laughed as a memory surfaced in his mind, “I remember one time, in middle school, when they had a giant presentation to do in front of the school and while i would’ve panicked the whole time i was up there, they wore the silliest outfit. They said that if they knew they were focusing on their attire, no one would really notice the mistakes in the speech!”
Memories of you laughing in your crazy bright blue and yellow suit with the red shoes and green tie while dancing with your brother in front of 12 year olds after receiving the highest grade in your class filled his mind. He missed when you didn’t care, when you loved yourself and didn’t second guess every action.
Jack nodded, standing up and slapping a hand on Daniel’s shoulder.
“Y/N needs to know we’re here for them, that we’re not just co-workers, that - well besides you, cause you’re automatically included in this - that we’re family. If you want to rebuild something that’s broken, first you need to gather all the pieces. Now, let’s go get Sam and Teal’c, we’re having a game night!”
The colonel walked out of his room with a determination and energy Daniel had never seen before. He sat in his chair for a moment, soaking in Jack’s words. Nodding to himself, he stood up. He was going to rebuild your confidence, even if it takes him the rest of his life.
The team was acting weird.
First, Daniel burst into your room, sitting criss-cross on your bed. Then Sam appears out of basically nowhere, snacks in hand. Jack also barged in at some point, arms overflowing with board games. Teal’c now sat on your bed as well, spreading out the different game boxes methodically in front of him.
“What game are we to play, Y/N Jackson?” He asked you, making you finally take in what was happening. You held out your hands in a shrugging position, shaking your head.
“I don’t- I don’t know? What is going on?”
You looked at everyone in the room, squinting at your brother as he stuffed his face with gummy worms.
“Game night.” Came Jack’s answer, not so subtlety pushing the boxes closer to you. “Now, which game do you want to play?”
“Why are you asking me?”
You didn’t even have a second after asking before Teal’c looked at you intensely, his voice monotone.
“Because we care about your opinion.”
You nodded slowly, still freaked out by what was going on. You were sure they were pranking you or that this was one weird segue into telling you that you were off the team. You pointed to the Game of Life, causing cheers to erupt from the group.
“Great choice, Y/N!”
“I love this game!”
“My sibling, always the smart one.”
“I am sure I will enjoy this Game of Life you speak so highly of.”
Weirded out, you merely set up the game, slight excitement building up inside you when you saw the colors of the board. You hadn’t played this since…well, since they told you it was a child’s game - meant for those who had to rely on a cardboard box for an idea of a future. Everyone grabbed their little figurine and started the game. you started out quiet, only laughing slightly when Jack complained about what square he got, or which number he rolled. But you didn’t realize your brother was watching you, watching as you slowly started showing your real smile. He saw you tease Teal’c for loosing money to you, doing your little victory dance. He saw how the light returned to your eyes with every spin of the wheel. And when you won, inevitably, everyone celebrated.
Imagine General Hammond’s surprise when he went to retrieve SG-1, only to find them all dancing on your bed, game pieces scattered everywhere, your face lit up with a smile the Compound had never seen before.
a/n: i might’ve…kinda…rushed the end bc tumblr was being kinda mean and i didn’t wanna loose my fic bc that happened while i was writing this and yes i did cry. Hopefully this wasn’t terrible and thank you for reading! 2nd a/n: i love the mental image of Teal’c sitting criss cross on a bed playing a board game then jumping on a bed, idk why it’s just important to me
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batsyforyou · 9 months
Telling Jonas You Want a Baby
Tags: Baby, off world travel
Author's Note: I hope y'all like it!
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Grabbing both of your hands he brings them to his lips and kisses each knuckle as he watches you through his lashes. “I would be honored to start a family with you.”
Would mostly be pretty excited and happy about it. 
After the feelings of nervousness pass, he is calm, romantic and reliable. 
Would be tickled pink with excitement and will immediately start asking you different questions like 
“Which planet should we raise them on?”
“Instead of one, maybe both?” 
“What cultural values are important for you to pass onto them?” 
“What values should we raise the baby with?” 
“We need contingency plans for any and all possible Goa'uld attacks.”
“How do we keep the baby safe?” 
His first priority is to plan as far into the future as possible 
He wants to make sure that before he makes a family with you he is prepared
Is very protective of you and future babies or pets 
He is very compassionate and understanding and is very supportive  
He reads all the parenting books and all the baby books 
He can sometimes be annoying with how much he is checking in on you but it's only because he’s worried about you and loves you dearly 
He simply just read a few pregnancy horror stories and you just need to put his fears to rest and comfort him
And when you are pregnant he can’t stop putting his hand over the bump 
He does it while he’s reading, while you're in his lap, passing by him in the hallway. 
He greets you with a kiss to your forehead and a hand to your bump just caressing you with his thumb. 
He goes out of his way to make you feel special and he gives you roses, fancy baths and massages 
And takes you out on more dates then you already were
Though he does prefer to keep you home or in his office as much as possible so he can keep an eye on you
But don’t be fooled if he is back on his home planet you are not to step foot in his lab or office let alone the building (unless the both of you are going back to earth) he is worried sick about the idea of the baby getting ill from the Naquadria
At night his favorite thing in the world is to lay between your legs and talk to the baby and press gentle kisses on your belly just gently resting his head against you while you run your fingers through his hair. 
Has a special music box just for the baby that he’ll play at night
He is always delighted when he feels the baby kicking and if they kick while he is resting his head on you and the baby then he is more then happy 
He has the biggest smile on his face constantly 
And when he goes to sleep he keeps himself between you and the door 
When nights get tough he’ll move himself to the couch so you can have the room you want and he doesn’t get cranky enough to argue
And when you go into labor he makes sure that you're on Earth at least two months before so you get the best possible doctors.
One might think that he’d panic but in reality he is hyper calm like scary calm even
And once you give birth to a health baby boy he just bursts into happy tears and thanks you over and over again
Overall Jonas is a 10/10 partner and handles your mood swings like a champ (though he did seek advice from Sam and Teal’c. Mostly Teal’c.)
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