#sg1 x reader
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daydreampending · 5 months ago
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After travelling back from P4X-884, SG1 notice the device implanted in their brains. It doesn’t take long for Urgo to declare himself though, and even less time for him to start reading everyone’s thoughts, revealing hidden secrets, and “suggesting” new experiences.
Word Count: 3.7k
Pairing: Daniel Jackson x Reader
Mutual Pining | Angst | Mind Control
Main Masterlist
AO3 Link
Tag list: @residentdemonhunter
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enigmatic-mystery-777 · 7 months ago
Hello hello! New romantic Daniel Jackson x gn! reader one shot headed your way! It's all fluff up in here, baby!
(Credit for the idea goes to @phantom-of-grace !)
Workplace Romance:
Having feelings for a patient is undoubtedly a problem for you as a nurse, but there's just something about Daniel, you're having a difficult time getting over how you feel. It doesn't help when he starts show up more and more frequently in need of minor medical assistance and you're always the one assigned to help him.
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*Note he doesn't get that hurt in this, I promise
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Taglist: @phantom-of-grace @systemadministratorclu @stargaterevival @cuillere @mrssci-fi-nerd-sg-1 @daydreampending @riverageleis
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make-me-imagine · 2 years ago
Headcanons: The moment they realize they are in love with you (Daniel Jackson)
Headcanons/Request: 'The moment(s) they realize they are in love with you (established relationship)’
Pairing: Daniel Jackson x Gn!Reader
Requested By: Anonymous *You requested another hc prompt as well, but I am going to do it separately :)
A/N: It's super short, but I hope you like it :)
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Daniel fell in love with you long before he really realized it.
But the moment he realized it the first time, he was watching you interact with a child on an alien planet.
The child was afraid of the new strangers that appeared at their home, understandably.
But once you had all been invited to their village, you slowly approached the child who had been watching from a distance.
Daniel was watching the interaction closely.
You were cautious and kind, smiling and being as calm as you could.
You offered a granola bar to the child, which they took slowly after a moments consideration.
It wasn't long before the child was smiling and sitting closer to you.
The whole time, Daniel had a fond grin on his face, and his heart was warm.
He had a moment of thought as he watched you, fully realizing how much he adored and loved everything about you.
The more he thought about it, the quicker he realized that this was not the real moment he fell in love.
But a thousand moments leading up to it.
Every time you made him smile, or laugh, or gave him hope, he fell in love a little more.
It was never one thing, but everything about you, that made him fall in love.
So he doesn't know for sure when that precise moment he fell in love with you was. Just that it had happened so naturally and perfectly.
But in that moment as he watched you being you, that was when he realized he had fallen without ever realizing just how much.
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @rexit-mo, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Stargate Taglist: @hybrid-omegaverse, @gatefleet, @cs-please, @fandomdancer,
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itsdawnforyou · 4 months ago
Um, stargate fans of tumblr, where the hell is all the cute sam carter things?!
I need to see my girl more THANKS
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batsyforyou · 1 year ago
Mini Headcanons for Squishing their cheeks SGA + Jonas
Tags: dramatic kisses, squishing faces, crack?
Author's Note: I've choose random nonsense today lol.
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Squishing and kissing John Sheppard's cheeks
Processing. He pauses and blinks before giving a ‘really?’ look. He smiles before unleashing a Tickle attack on you. You squeal and try to get away. “Nah huh, doc, you started this and I’m ending it.”
Squishing and kissing Evan Lorne's cheeks
He blinks smiles. “I have nephews.” The man is unfazed and just blinks lazily as he smiles perfectly content to accept the slightly embarrassing affection. It doesn’t matter if y’all are in the middle of the hallway with people passing by he’d just lean his face closer to yours and breathe it in.
Squishing and kissing Jonas Quinn cheek's
Confusion, what? What is happening? Smiles and laughs. Like the “Smile and wave, boys. Smile and wave.” As soon as he gets used to it he just lets it happen lol. Becomes one of his favorite things.
Overall the squishing is a bit much lol
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stargaterevival · 1 year ago
You and Me
Daniel x Reader (gn!reader, rated M):
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As you settle into working in the Stargate program, you become more and more captivated by Dr. Jackson. A friendship slowly blooms between the two of you. Along the way you also learn a lot about yourself. However, things mysteriously start going wrong, jeopardising your relationship with Daniel and everything you’ve worked for.
Chapter 28: "The Death of You" (1/2) now up on Ao3
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Maybe a part of him knows he shouldn't, but he can’t help himself. He comes to see your face again. He knows you’re likely to be completely unaware of his presence, yet the pull to return is too strong. And Daniel has an oath to keep.
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bonus images
Daniel's apartments
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Tag list: Let me know if you would like to be added to my tag list for Daniel fanfiction.
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gatefleet · 2 years ago
Language Absorption
Stargate: SG-1: Jack O'Neil, Sam Carter, Daniel Jackson, Teal'c
WordCount: 975
T(W): Defensive infiltration, Unsolicited Kissing
Requested: Yes; "Hello! If it's alright could I request a platonic fic with the og sg1 O'Neil, Jackson, Sam, and Te'ok with a Tameran reader or a reader with Tameran powers? Like fire, star beams, OH and learning languages by kissing! Maybe with Sam or Daniel??" - @lemonadae-caekie
A/N: Sorry this took so long. Figuring the layout was difficult and there's been a lot of personal issues going on, but I hope this is what you're looking for!
The team were always aware that there was a high chance of meeting another race of people, a culture, a form of civilisation. They occasionally forgot that there was a high chance that the people on the other side had only known death, destruction and abduction from the ring which they emerged from. When you saw the ring begin to spin, saw the lights coming from it, you had your fellow watchers raise the alarm. Your people took up their defensive positions and waited. Some out of sight, some in plain view. Those in the forefront had their eyes glowing, building up energy for their powers to defend if, or when, necessary. When the strange object appeared from the ring the leader asked for a pause from your people, you looked at him  incredulously, unbelieving that they would ask you not to attack. The leader ensured they had a light energy pulse around their hand for protection before touching the object before them. Once they had touched it, a strange noise came from it. In their confusion, and presumption of an audio attack, one of the other sentries release an energy blast, nullifying the object before the sound could cause any lasting damage to planet or those before it.
A couple of months had passed on your planet before the ring powered up again. Again, the alarm was raised, again the object appeared. This time they allowed the strange sound to continue, the scientists of the planet had reasoned that should a similar instance happen again then it may be a form of communication. So instead of destroying the device, they captured it to study.
SGC was discouraged when the mount went offline, thus how the SG-1 team was sent through. They were advised to keep their head on a swivel and to be extremely cautious with the information they had already received from the 2 mounts. They were given a time to check in and if they missed that check-in then the next available or next closest SG Team would be sent through as backup. O’Neil nodded in understanding and ensured that his team were adequately armed. Jackson and Carter had both been given time previously to research and study the tapes from the mounts.
When the ring began to power up again so soon after the capture of the strange object, your people immediately began to panic and the sentries and protectors were sent to the ring. When the strangers arrived through the portal of the ring, they were immediately taken down for capture and interrogation. You were called along with 2 others to question your hostages once they had awakened. The way they communicated was strange, you looked between your people and the hostages. Your people could have learned the strangers languages fairly quickly through lip to lip contact, but as they had come through the ring, the reluctance to potentially contaminate or allow a foreign virus to spread through the people was high. After an hour of allowing the hostages to try and cooperate you and your team had left the room to regroup and try to come up with another plan to try and communicate with the strangers. The scientists and medical experts of your people had gone in and taken samples from them. You watched the strangers through glass, how they interacted with one another, how they responded to the situation. You hated waiting around for results, they were always somewhat anti-climactic, you felt.
As you watched them you noticed that the one with the strange symbol on his head was very stoic, unreactive, but very observant. The female was more on edge, her mind constantly working, she looked like she was trying to figure out an intricate puzzle. The one with the strange objects perched on his nose, supported by his ears – he was less calm than the rest, trying different expressions with his hands, fingers, body language and even his voice, he was the most intriguing. Then there was the one with the strange object on his head, he was sitting, listening to his people, removing the object, fidgeting with it, rubbing his eyes with his fingers. When you finally got word that they did not appear to carry any foreign disease or viruses, you were relieved as this meant you and your people could finally get some answers. You were, of course, advised that anyone who did take the risk and learn the strangers language, then they would be quarantined for several weeks to ensure that nothing was missed in the tests. You indicated that you understood the risks, as did those who were joining you, and you all began to return to the room. You allowed the one with the nose objects to try and communicate with you again, conferring with your colleagues on if they were understanding anything or had an idea as to what was attempted to be communicated. When they confirmed that they also had no idea what was being said you sighed, rolled your eyes and went to the female, placed your lips on hers for a few seconds and stood back. The effect was immediate, from the female becoming instantly defensive and demanding an explanation, to the one with the head object immediately trying to put his body between you both. Your colleagues immediately took a defensive stance, eyes glowing, fists clenched. You raised your hand to tell your people to stand down and spoke to the strangers.
“I apologise for any offense caused. This is how our people, Tamarians, are able to understand and communicate with the people of other planets. Due to the lack of ways to express this, we’ve found the best approach is to learn quickly and explain ourselves once we have absorbed the language.” The look on the strangers faces was shock, awe, and disbelief.
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dreamlandcreations · 8 months ago
Do we want a Sheppard fic or two?
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*in both cases archaeologist!Reader meets John on the Antarctic base for the first time. in the first version she goes to Atlantis with the reinforcements before the Siege and she stays there to research the Ancient database. in the second version, she sort of accidentally takes over Weir's job while Elizabeth gets to be the official negotiator/ambassador of the Stargate program. the SG-1 backstory is the same for both versions. she found some Goa'uld stuff on Earth and gets sucked into the sg word, becoming a host for a very very very short while when she is captured by Ba'al (this "character" might have evolved from Ba'al x Reader fic idea)...
**Reader's planet is like a black hole in terms of sucking in ships. something about the atmosphere and gravitational field or whatever... So Sheppard's team crashes with a jumper and seems like they can't leave. They find a 10000 year old civilisation where Wraith and Ancients (among some others who crash landed there) and they found a way to co-exist with the use of the Ancients healing abilities combined... But there's a catch, giving and taking life force repeatedly in this form creates a bond and it results in having all kinds of feelings for the other (this also might be inspired by that Wattpad fic 🤔), anyway, this has resulted in hybrids too and some are not even required to feed on life force anymore....
***(inspired by Trust Once Broken < --------- MUST! READ!!!!!) Reader is from a long separated section of Ancients. she is infected with a version of the virus that almost killed the Ancients but the team doesn't know and wake her up...
****that's a pretty specific one with a name too, therefore it's OC. Charlie is the daughter of General Jack O'Neill and Dr. Sam Carter from an alternate universe (there, Jack had no other kid before bc his first wife died in an accident). Charlie became a Tok'ra host very young bc she was sick (can't decide if it should be Jolinar or Selmak, it would make the Martouf/Lantash relationship extra awkward and weird and I just love it but I also love the idea that Charlie kinda reunites with Selmak in this 'new' universe through Jacob, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). Anyway, there's some trickery to make Charlie age up with a time dilation field situation. Her Tok'ra dies/gets a new host (I can't kill of Selmak 😭🤧) before she ends up in 'this' universe but has been in contact with the Sodan and has one of their devices. She goes to Atlantis bc Jack and Sam can't really handle the situation, again awkward af 🤭Part of the SGA storyline since s01e01
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ipromiseimokay · 2 years ago
Hi there! Glad you found your way to this corner of the internet, allow me to introduce myself;
{ About Me }
~ Val (still working out a name)
~ they/them
~ bilingual 🇬🇧/🇩🇪
~ this blog is for fanfic, for more unhingedness go here
~ requests always appreciated!
{ Who I currently write for }
Alma Peregrine (Mphfpc)
Farah Dowling (f:tws)
Rhaenys Targaryen Velaryon (HotD)
Jeanine Matthews (Divergent)
Lady Lesso (sfgae)
Queen Ravenna (Snow White and the Huntsman)
Bo-Katan Kryze (Star Wars)
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
Stargate (SG1)
Brienne of Tarth (GoT)
Larissa Weems (Wednesday)
Maria Hill (MCU)
Peggy Carter (MCU)
Zelda Spellman (caos)
Lillith (caos)
Lt. Simon “Ghost” Riley (CoD)
Col. König (CoD)
Astarion Ancunin (BdG3)
Loki (MCU)
{ Current Hyperfixation }
Loki 🛐🛐🛐
— - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> chances are I only write for who/whatever I’m currently obsessed with, don’t hesitate to ask tho! <
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daydreampending · 5 months ago
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New Infinity
When a basic mission goes sideways and opens up an inter-dimensional connection that branches decades, the Avenger within you is torn. You’re trapped in the 90’s, stuck with SG1 and away from your family - fighting your internal thoughts daily on whether this new group you’d been welcomed into is worth leaving.
Now you just need to make it home to your past, or back to your future… or is it forward to your now past… or -
Word Count: 5.2k
Series Masterlist
Chapter 24
Taglist: @residentdemonhunter
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enigmatic-mystery-777 · 5 months ago
Valiant Effort
It's time to celebrate Halloween! What better way than a Halloween party! You and Daniel are given the task of baking cookies for the event...but neither of you know how to actually bake. The two of you bond as you try to navigate the pitfalls of baking.
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Taglist: @residentdemonhunter @systemadministratorclu @mrssci-fi-nerd-sg-1 @stargaterevival @cuillere @daydreampending @phantom-of-grace @riverageleis
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ekaterin1701 · 2 months ago
This made me laugh, because as I mentioned in a previous post, I am incredibly, incredibly picky when it comes to reading fanfic within my preferred pairing. There should be a category above ‘Extremely Picky’ just for me 😀
My issues are generally around writing style/ characterisation - I can usually overlook formatting and grammatical errors, and obviously I avoid anything that is tagged as something I wouldn’t enjoy. But within those criteria there’s lots of things that can put me off a story, as I’ve posted about before 😀 But at the same time I can ignore some OOC writing if I’m in the mood for something funny/ ridiculous/ fluffy.
Having mused on it for a while, I’ve come to the conclusion that SG1 S/J fic can be sub-divided into different genres (action, comedy, drama, rom-com, tragedy), and I only really enjoy some of them. For example, there’s one author from early on in the fandom who I should like (S/J romance, with not too much angst), but her writing comes across as quite melodramatic and soap opera-esque so I just can’t get into it. Other writers from early in the fandom write as if SG1 was a comedy show with some drama, when I see it as a drama with some comedy, so their fics seem really off to me.
And sometimes just one detail can put me off a story (like the fic which mentioned as an aside that Sam wasn’t a pilot, despite that being mentioned in the scene in Children of the Gods where we meet Sam 🤔)
Like I said, I’m really picky!
*This poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. If you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post).
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batsyforyou · 1 year ago
Hello, this is for the love letter thing.
Universe: Stargate Atlantis
Character: Major Evan Lorne and/or Lt. Colonel John Sheppard. (You pick)
I have brown hair and hazel eyes. I love to read, write and draw. I’m a quiet person and I’m shy. I love purple and horses.
Tags: alien pollen, confined to room, recorders, missing Valentine's Day.
Pairing: Evan Lorne x reader
Universe: Stargate Atlantis
Author's Note: I hope you enjoy this anon! Happy Valentine’s Day!
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Evan sighed, leaning back into his bed. He had been out on another mission with Colonel Sheppard’s team and had been confined to Isolation Room One. 
Unfortunately for him he had been blasted in the face with some kind of alien pollen and until he was deemed clean, he was effectively stuck here. Putting a damper on his holiday plans. 
Thankfully, they did tell him that the pollen couldn’t transfer to anything he touched. Fishing around his pockets he pulled out a recorder and spoke into it. 
“Hey babe.  
I know I said I’d be there with you on Valentine’s Day.” He licked his lips, sighing. “I am so sorry, but I can’t. I, uh, couldn’t get time off.” 
He had, but with the pollen he would have to push it off. Thankfully Sheppard was willing to adjust that for him when he got released. 
“Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I love you.” Smirking, he added, “Especially when you get all shy on me.” 
Tangling his fingers in your smooth strands of hair as the two of you kissed had always been a favorite of his. He adored when you’d hide your face into his shoulder when it was too much. How paint and graphite would stick under your nails and how they would dig into his skin. The familiar smell of you was something he craved. 
“I promise when I get back, I’ll make it all up to you, alright?” 
He thought of the small glass horse he had in his room ready for you. 
“And please don’t worry, everything will be fine. Trust me.” 
He kissed into the mic. “I love you. See you soon.”
“Mm, bye bye.”
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stargaterevival · 2 years ago
Masterlist: You and Me
(Ao3 link) Daniel Jackson x Reader (gn!reader, rated M)
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Gif by @spockvarietyhour
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(Because I keep losing them 😅)
1. Looking forward
2. Tango Bravo
3. Eyes on you
4. Naturally
5. Run, Rabbit
6. Landslides
7. Janus
8. Mandatory fun
9. Adrenaline rush
10. Flirting with death
11. Heartsick
12. Until now (adults only) 🔥
13. Dinner and a show (adults only) 🔥
14. Daniel
15. The Invisible Boy
16. Good for You
17. Spinning Closer (adults only) 🔥
18. Abandon (adults only) 🔥
19. Code 17
20. Under the Microscope
21. Inside the Cell
22. Close Quarters
23. Two-Faced Liar
24. Psych Out
25. Tenderness
26. Demons
27. A Broken Mirror ⚠️😭
28. The Death of You 1/2
29. The Death of You 2/2
30. Forces of Nature
31. All of Me 🔥 🥵 🥞 M rated. (Explicit version here)
32. Final chapter TBA
Epilogue TBA
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macgyvermedical · 19 days ago
Um... What is whump 😅
Well, like a number of fandom terms, that's a lot of different things to a lot of different people. If you look on a bunch of whump blogs, you will see almost as many answers to this question.
I personally feel it boils down to a genre founded on the way of showing a character's vulnerability in fiction without the necessarily using romance or sex. So generally that means some kind of illness or injury, where one character has to take care of another (or the much more recent version, which is one character hurting another character, with or without the care aspect).
It's been around in a variety of ways since fandom was a thing. The first name for the genre probably originated out of the Star Trek fandom, whose authors wrote "Get!Character" (for example, Get!Kirk or Get!Spock) fanfic in paper zines in the 1960s. The next term, "charactertorture" (for example, muldertorture) came out of The X-Files fandom in the 1990s. Livejournal and Fanfiction.net preferred the term "Hurt/Comfort" to refer to the genre as a whole, without tying it to a specific character or fandom. Finally, around 2005, we started seeing the actual term "whump" gracing entries to Gateworld forums, though originally it referred to "ShepWhump"- injuries and illnesses befalling the character John Sheppard of Stargate Atlantis, which later broadened to include characters from Stargate SG1 and then any other fandom or character. At this point, people who enjoyed whump were called "whumpers".
Around 2016-2018 there was a shift to include explicit torture without following it up with the care and comfort that had long been part of the genre. Now instead of the vulnerability coming only from opening oneself up to care in a dire situation, the vulnerability could be forced onto the character by another character. It is still to an extent accomplishing the goal of causing a character to experience vulnerability, but it depends on the author/reader/watcher as to which definition of whump they ascribe to. At this point, the term "whumper" started to refer to the character who was doing the hurting/torturing within the story, if there was one.
It's honestly been a relatively big split in some parts of the community, which is why you saw the poll I reblogged the other day asking whether people preferred whumperless whump (old definition) or whump with a whumper (new definition).
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stargaterevival · 2 years ago
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I'm sorry. Promise I'll be good. I mean it'll be good when you get there. When it gets there... 😉
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It's only been one day! 🤣
#I'm not feeling guilty, you're feeling guilty!
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