#setting up a ton of infrastructure and finishing a lot of final-draft stuff already and like
wrecking · 3 months
the blight of successfully working on something when you have to go to bed so early :(
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c7thetumbler · 7 years
Life Update Notes: February 11th
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So I skipped the past few weeks with this. I had a big blog post all planned out, but after rereading it... It’s just me talking about how last year was for me. It wasn’t a positive post, and I think I’ll keep it in drafts to remind me of things that have been from a more positive perspective.
Anyway, let’s just go with a recap
2 Weeks ago
Spent the whole time trying to line up an apartment, and actually had a bit of a ... we’ll say I panicked a lot when I dropped $300 for an apartment oonly to find out that it was unfurnished and didn’t quite match what I was advertised. Luckily over the course of the week I talked with someone at the complex; they managed to find me a place in the same complex for much cheaper given that the mistake was made because I was told to “just use the online system because we’ve only got 16 people here” when I called to ask questions.
No small amount of stress was had either over a bank issue when switching apartments caused them to lose the $300, but either they decided that it was their fault or they settled it with the bank. Either way, it’s over.
I spent the rest of the week packing up my remaining things in my room. I was only bringing my Corolla on the trip, so I couldn’t bring much; no furniture, just the essentials. My mother took the week I would be driving out as well, which has been both a blessing and a bit of trouble which I may or may not get into
1 Week Ago
Packing completed, said some goodbyes to local friends. I guess it’s a bit strange living in today's’ age; I only had to say goodbye to a couple. Most of my friends either left when I went to college or shortly after returning to pursue their own careers, so ultimately I had a quick lunch with someone at Fullerton and a very short goodbye from another (whom I suspect wanted to keep it short not to make it awkward, but I wish I had asked how he was doing or something). My college friends are, expectedly, up near where I went to college and I’m the kind of person who doesn’t really reach out to maintain connections, even though I know I should. The rest of my friends I talk to online regularly.
After finally finding the right boxes for everything (amiibo have to be separated, of course) I finally got all my stuff packed and ready to drive. One family picnic at the local park (where I ripped my pants kneeling down to try and untangle the idiot dog from his own leash), and my car was packed and ready to go Saturday night.
This Past Week
None of it felt real until Thursday. Or at least, I was tricking myself into thinking it wasn’t because I didn’t want it to be. The drive felt like a typical road trip. My mother is a terrible navigator and does the thing where she looks at google maps and just reads exactly what the directions say out loud rather than telling me what’s on the map. It took 2 days, the second of which We stayed in a very nice hotel about 5 blocks away from my soon-to-be-apartment.
This Hotel was, however, a 5-story tall building with its own parking garage (because parking was a fucking nightmare already) overlooking a busy freeway. It killed any hope I had that this apartment was good. Spent most the night unable to sleep, and it didn’t help that my entire life was basically in one convenient car-shaped package anyone could take from me.
Luckily on Tuesday we moved in. Didn’t really have time to take in the sights; I got my key dropped all of my shit in the apartment, and went on the lookout for a table, chairs, and a futon before 4, when the TWC guy would setup my internet. We would not be able to find a futon, and after several hours trying to navigate the hellish landscape that is Dallas streets and highways (Hey asshats who liked to “brag” about how awful the traffic is there, your traffic doesn’t even compare to LA traffic, it’s your fucking awful, terribly marked roads that are shit. At least in LA they kept the on and off ramps separated from streets designed to run parallel, rather than having 20 feet to merge at 60 mph into a sidestreet that is clogged to all hell because your intersaction have forced turn only lanes) 
... Fuck I lost track of that last section. Anyway, We returned at 3 with an Ikea Jokkmokk (table + chairs) which I would spend 2 hours assembling while waiting for the internet guy. And then another hour. And then another. It would be about 7:30 before he would get here and finish setting up the internet, and without a futon we literally just went to the Walmart superstore and picked one that looked like we could jam into the trunk + backseat.
We couldn’t. It was 8:30 at night. We hadn’t eaten since 7 that morning at the hotel’s free breakfast, and here I was trying to hold my composure as I tried to tied my trunk down a rope I just bought for that purpose. My mother snapped; just kind of said “Let’s just go” in that defeated yet accusatory tone of voice that made it sound like I was the one doing everything wrong. I limped the car home in silence with the trunk bouncing on my new futon. It’s not very comfortable, but we assembled it and ran to the McDonald's for food. It was a rough day.
Next was spend shopping for the essentials: groceries, cooking utensils, trash cans, toiletries, etc. This would continue for the rest of the week. On Thursday we took the train I would take to work at the time I would take it. Turns out it’s really convenient and easy; only have to walk a block total. Apparently Texas weather is fickle; it started 32 degrees, then ended 80 by the time we left downtown.
I hate Downtown. I’ll likely never go back further than work. The buildings, all the people; everything seems so claustrophobic. We walked through it, seeing a lot of tourist places (I say a lot, there are like 2) and ended up at the JFK memorial and Museum. At some point in there it felt all real. I would be living in an apartment (it’s actually nice, quiet, and secluded) in the middle of a city which has the infrastructure designed by a toddler who hates you, and working in a skyscraper in a job I’m not even sure I’m qualified for because of the sparse interview process. It kinda killed my mood. We went back to the apartment and just hung out there.
Friday was alright. Dallas Zoo was pretty impressive; got a lotta cool pictures and vids. Fed a young giraffe even!
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Had to reach pretty far over the railing to give food to the little guy. It was cool though.
It was later that day when I got a call from my employer, then an email stating she had left a voicemail on my phone asking for my address. But I didn’t get a notification saying I had a voicemail.
An hour later, I learned that I haven’t been getting those notifications for 9 months. 29 messages, most of which were recruiters being jackasses, but some of them being legit responses to my applications, including the seasonal apps I did in October to get some money for Christmas. For gifts. I threw out like 10-15 apps for that very purpose, and I missed what little did correspond with me because my fucking phone didn’t show my voicemail. A factory reset and several hours of headache fixed that but... I just feel so terrible about it now.
Today was a lazy day. with only 1 table and 4 chairs, we’ve just been chilling at my computer and her on her phone. She’s leaving tomorrow, and I’ll be glad to have the place to myself, if only to shit myself for my first day on Monday. Ultimately I’ll be trying to fend off feeling alone with wanting to be alone and vice-versa, because I’m that kind of asshole who needs just the right amount of human contact.
... But I am more than happy with this apartment. My parents will be shipping down the rest of my Possessions in May, but for now I can live with this. I have more space than I know what I could even do with all that stuff anyway. And that’s where I am now.
What I’ve been playing
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Fire Emblem Heroes
I hate aggressively F2P games. I’ve had a ton of trouble trying to get into FE in the past. But for some reason this bite-sized mini FE game works for me. I am addicted. I’m not very good at it, but it’s pretty fun, even if I recognize what the progression system is exploiting to get me to like it. It’s fun, and it’s free.
That’s it. It’s been a busy few weeks =U
Short Rant on Immigration Ban
I don’t have a rant. Well, a good one; I can rant about politics for fucking years but man I should just leave that alone for now. I will say that /r/T_D resorting to bringing up decade old cases where immigrants killed people in an attempt to support their bigoted viewpoint is fucking disgusting. Especially when it’s blatantly obvious in the comments that they don’t actually care about the victims: it’s all saying Liberals are idiotic cucks that are monsters and questioning who would downvote their posts karma-whoring the death of an american to make a political point.
Okay, I will state my opinions on the ban. To me, it’s not about religion; it’s about country of origin. People can’t control where they’re born, and are therefore coming from. To blanket ban refugees from war-torn countries is, in my opinion, the most un-american thing a president can do. This land was *founded* on the values of being a safe haven. Sure, it didn’t work like that for a long time, but this is the land of opportunity. An icon of our values hold this poem:
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door."
This is what the country is all about. Should we let people in without vetting? Of course not. You know what we’re already doing? Vetting. Pretty harshly, it’s actually really difficult for people to get the paperwork to come here legally. That kinda says more about where our budget should be going: to help this process along and ensure these prospective americans, these poor, huddled masses looking to the land of opportunity and freedom, are integrated efficiently into our culture and values (and laws).
To ban them and tell them to fuck-off because they might be terrorists is bullshit. Yeah; some of them are bound to be terrible people. But you know what? Terrible people live everywhere here anyway. At least with immigration we can at least look at them before they come here.
It’s obviously a more nuanced issue than that, and this is definitely a more emotional opinion than a response, but this blanket banning of foreigners is a charade to get his ever-shrinking base to love him even more, and it’s disgusting to me for that reason among numerous others.
Yeah long one, but that’s it! After this week I’ll start again on the Lunos project, hopefully! We’ll see how busy my new job keeps me.
C ya!
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