#seth gecko/kate fuller
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charlesleclerrc · 8 months ago
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chernobog13 · 2 months ago
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Frank Frazetta's poster for From Dusk to Dawn (1996).
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hikarielizabethbloom · 1 month ago
When your otp does the thing, but you're trying to stay focused on the plot
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kimeyis · 3 months ago
Безумно скучаю по этой парочке ❤️
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loversburnt · 7 months ago
too impaired by my youth to know what to do !!!!!!!!!!
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kt4747 · 4 months ago
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"And now begins the ancient word. The sun sleeps below the sky and we make our feast. And the world turns upside down." - Santanico Pandemonium
"Here's to getting rich and fat. And dying in the arms of a beautiful woman." - Seth and Richie Gecko
"You know who I am. I'm El Rinche!"- Freddie Gonzalez
"They are bullies and assholes. They don't deserve to win!" - Scott Fuller
"True love is loving the unlovable." - Kate Fuller
"Good & Evil? I have been alive for 500 years and I still don't know the difference. It's never that simple." - Carlos Madrigal
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fortysevenswrites · 1 year ago
FDTD fic: hands, touching hands (SethKate, complete)
@myletternevercame and @tuntematonkorppi and I have been bitching about our feelings of want-to-write-but-no-not-that-only-want-no-actual-write for a while, and then I made myself write this, instead of, you know, any one of the 800 WIPs that I want to write.
And did I intend to finish this BEFORE New Year’s Eve? Probably. But as with You Squeeze My Hand Three Times, well, that didn’t happen and I ended up writing most of it DURING NYE instead. As one does. At least the words happened. The first week of January doesn’t count anyway.
Title from Sweet Caroline, and I am sorry that the song is now stuck in your head
hands, touching hands (read on AO3) one-shot, 5940 words
Of all the scars Kate came away with, the one on her palm is the one Seth worries the most. Literally. Aka: Seth Gecko just wants to hold Kate Fuller’s hand, the fic
Read on AO3
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sallamie · 3 months ago
be mad at me all you fucking want but seth and kate were one of the hottest otps to exist like my GOD the fucking sexual tension & chemistry between those two was lowkey insane they had to have been fuckin
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katefullersgecko · 1 year ago
Kate Fuller, a little lady, has two murderous bank robbers who happens to be brothers wrapped around her finger and I think that’s beautiful.
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heatherwentwest · 1 year ago
Seth/Kate Fic: “you’re still home”
(15.9k words, rated M, complete)
Seven years after leaving Jed’s—and the Geckos—to rebuild her life, Kate is surprised to come face-to-face with Seth on a job. She’s not half as surprised as he is.
Or: The one where Richie’s playing chess while everyone else plays checkers.
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marieeethhh · 1 year ago
this is the proof lana's songs are perfect not only for kichie the second i heard it in spotify i immediately thought of them
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bonnielass23 · 2 years ago
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hikarielizabethbloom · 1 month ago
Amara: You want redemption? In whose eyes? God's? Kate: In the eyes of the people I love.
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gellavonhamster · 1 year ago
ao3: eng / rus
“You’ve gotta be kidding me!” Kate repeats, shifting a gaze of such delight from one brother to another as if they just told her the best joke in the world.
“Do I have to show you my goddamn birth certificate?” Richie rolls his eyes indignantly, but it’s hard to tell how genuine that indignation is. “No one ever believes…”
“Take it as a compliment,” Seth suggests as he opens a bottle of beer and hands it to Kate. The bottle is cold as hell, and Seth’s fingers feel extra warm in comparison when Kate brushes against them with her own. “Maybe people are dying to learn your skincare routine, but they’re too shy to ask.”
“Oh, I’m sticking to the Dracula: Dead and Loving It technique, not everyone can afford that…”
“Like you used to look oh-so-mature before, Big Brother.”
“It’s not about Richie looking younger,” says Kate, warming her bottle between her knees. Richie is already chugging his beer with all the carelessness of someone who doesn’t have to worry about catching a cold or any other diseases of the mortals. Seth is chugging his with all the indifference of someone who doesn’t give a shit if he catches a cold or not. “It’s about you looking older.”
“She’s right, Seth,” Richie observes merrily and reaches out to ruffle his brother’s hair. Seth pushes his hand away without looking. “Hey, you’re already going grey a little bit.”
“And whose fucking fault is it that I’m already going grey, Richard?”
“I think that’s genetics.”
“I think no one’s hit you with a bottle opener for quite a while,” Seth waves that very opener eloquently, but he doesn’t try to stop Richie from touching his hair anymore, which the latter proceeds to do. Kate cannot help smiling when she looks at them, but a mild sort of sadness scratches at her heart at the same time. She misses Scott. She misses the times when she wasn’t scared to touch people first, remembering the way her touch – no, not hers, but still that of her hands, that of her body – used to suck out their strength, will, and soul. Never mind, she tells herself, and finally dares to take a sip of that icy beer, never mind. At least now she has her gloves.
At most now, she has her hope.
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stonerwitch · 1 year ago
i didn’t know if you’d care if i came back (i have a lot of regrets about that)
summary: kate can’t leave seth, even if he wants her to.
a/n: this is also available on my ao3 and i would worship the ground you walk on if you commented or gave me a lil kudos over there https://archiveofourown.org/works/51804403
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Kate had been driving for a whole day before she slams her foot on the break, angrily sighing and putting the car in reverse. She makes her way back to the motel, thumbs nervously tapping the steering wheel and blood still caked onto her face.
He’s probably not even there anymore, she thinks.
Before she knows it she’s pulling up to their room. The light’s still on, so Kate’s hopeful that he’s still there. She grabs the bag of money Seth rudely shoved into her arms the day before and uses the room key she still had to get inside. Surprisingly, he’s still there. He’s passed out—high as a kite, but he’s there. She locks the door behind her and closes the blinds, sets her bags down on the table and makes her way towards Seth.
Seth. The name sounds bittersweet on her tongue.
Seth. The man who kidnapped her and her family. The man who had a gun pointed at her head, more than once. The man who hijacked her family vacation. The man who protected her from monsters. The man who came back for her and her daddy even though he didn’t need to. The man she ran away with. The man who aggravates her to no end. The man who makes her feel safe and not alone. The man who holds her late at night, whispering words of comfort as she falls asleep.
Kate doesn’t really understand how Seth can be all of those things to her. How can the man who took her hostage be the reason she’s able to sleep at night? She doesn’t like to dwell on that thought, likes to file it away in her mind and do her best to ignore it.
She’s tucking pillows on either side of him, something she started after Seth shot up and almost choked on his own vomit. Once Kate is done, she grabs her bag and walks into the bathroom. She turns the shower to the hottest setting it has and starts to peel off her bloody clothes, which now feel like they’ve grafted to her skin. The shower lasts until the hot water runs out, scrubbing her face until it’s red and the skin is irritated. When she’s done, she decides to forgo her own dirty clothes, instead choosing to steal one of Seths undershirts and putting on a clean pair of underwear. Kate knows he’ll be knocked out for at least a few more hours, so she settles on a chair at the table and flicks through the channels on the tv mindlessly until she finds something decent to watch while she waits for him to wake up.
The first Lord of the Rings movie had just ended and the second one was beginning. It was in Spanish but she’d watched the series enough to know the words well enough in her head. When she hears Seth waking up, she mutes the tv and kneels on the ground in front of the bed where he’s laying, her hand finding its way to his cheek.
Seth smiles when he opens his eyes, thinking he’s hallucinating. When he sees the concern on her face, he realizes he’s not hallucinating at all. Pushing her away, he staggers to the other side of the room and rubs his eyes with the heels of his palms. “Thought you left.”
“I didn’t leave.”
He tilts his head, “You literally drove away.”
“Yeah, I did. After you stupidly gave me your half of the money. And, you know, after you literally walked away from me?”
Seth thinks he might be going insane. “Are you actually here right now? I’m not still high? Or dreaming?”
She’s taking small steps towards him now, her hands balled up into fists like she’s trying with everything she has not to knock him out for being so stupid. Instead, she softly replies, “Yes, I’m really here.”
There’s a pregnant pause, like he’s trying to figure out if he believes her. “Why?”
“You’re all I’ve got, Seth. And maybe it’s fucked up but, I care about you.”
The confusion on his face is evident, because Kate Fuller is too good for a common thief like Seth Gecko. Why the fuck would she come back for someone like him? He doesn’t think he’ll ever understand it, but he’s grateful for it. Doesn’t even think he can manage a coherent response. Instead, he pulls her in for a hug, his neck craning down as he settles his face into her neck, breathing in her scent. Strawberries and peaches. He lets himself enjoy the one-sided hug for another moment before he pulls away.
“That is pretty fucked up.” He’s trying to ease the tension, he fucking hates emotional talks, but even he can agree that that was probably one of the dumbest responses he could’ve come up with.
Kate just wordlessly glares at him.
Seth sighs. “Jesus…I’m not good at this.” A beat. “I’m sorry. For everything. I didn’t mean what I said back there. I was pissed and I took it out on you. You were in danger because of me, almost died again because of me. I thought you’d be better off.”
“I’m alive because of you. If you weren’t there, I’d be dead.”
“Rafa saved you.”
She sighs, “He’s dead, Seth. Do you really still need to be jealous of him? You’ve saved me other times and you know that. If the danger of being with you scared me that much then I never would’ve asked to come with you.”
“I’m not—”
Kate raises a brow, telling him I know you’re lying without saying a word.
“Christ… Okay, maybe I was. That’s not– that’s not the point. You’ve been put in so much danger since you met me. Doesn’t that bother you? I literally kidnapped you and got your family killed. Why are you even still here?” Seth questions, still in disbelief that an angel such as Kate Fuller even wants to talk to him, let alone have any kind of relationship with him.
“Of course it bothers me. You can’t even begin to understand the weight of this, of how I feel. Like I’m betraying my family. What happened isn’t your fault, I know it would’ve happened whether you took us or not, but I still feel guilty. Still feel like I’m betraying them. And more so I feel insane for finding safety and comfort in the man who took me as a hostage.” Kate can still see the confusion on his face and sighs, dragging him to the bed. She settles herself on his lap and places a gentle hand on each side of his face, forcing him to look her in the eye. “I don’t fully understand it, maybe I never will. But I can’t imagine my life without you and I don’t want to. Maybe that’s just how you know you love someone, but we’re in this together whether you like it or not.”
Seths entire body stiffens, his hands placed firmly on Kates hips. “I don’t–I don’t understand.”
“Seth Gecko, listen to me very closely. I love you. And I know you probably think that’s naive and crazy and I probably have stockholm syndrome and how could I possibly love someone who took me hostage but, I do. I love you. Like, really love you. And whether you admit it to me or not, I know you feel the same.”
A few minutes pass and he finds himself staring at the muted tv in front of them while Kate fiddles with the hem of Seths shirt. He knows he feels the same. He’s known it for months. He also knows he’s a bastard and a bad man and everything Kate shouldn’t love. She’s an angel and he’s an old man who drove away with her. He took her because he wanted her and ended up ruining her life, her family. Her fathers dead and her brothers a blood sucking monster just like Richie. It’s all his fault even though she’s constantly telling him it’s not. But he’s selfish and always has been.
He doesn’t deserve her or her love, but he takes it anyway.
Because that’s just who he is.
He takes and takes and takes.
And Jesus Christ he loves Kate Fuller and doesn’t think there will ever be a time in his life where he doesn’t. So, he swallows what pride he has left and tells her because she deserves to hear it; whether he’s ready to admit it or not.
“I’ve never loved anyone more.” And it’s true. He hasn’t been in many long term relationships, and even though he used to try and convince himself that he loved Vanessa, he didn’t. Not really. Especially not like this. Not like the blooming he feels in his heart when Kate so much as looks at him. With both hands cradling her face, he spills his heart out to the girl in front of him. The girl he loves. He thinks it’s weird to say out loud. Hasn’t said it (and meant it) to anyone but his brother in years. He thinks it’s kinda liberating.
Kates heart skips a beat, her eyes widen and she lets a soft gasp escape her lips. “Really?” Seth nods, pulling her arms to wrap around his neck while he hums in response. “Wow. I must be pretty special, huh?” The brunette smirks at him, teasing.
Seth chuckles at her joke, “You’re somethin’ else, you know that? Yeah, angel, you’re pretty special.”
Kate just fucking beams at him. Pearly whites sparkling in the moonlight that spilled in through the curtains, her dimples making her look absolutely adorable.
They bask in their confessed love for a moment, a pink hue finding a home in Kates cheeks–giddy with happiness. She leans in to whisper, voice filled with nerves. “Does that mean you’ll finally kiss me?”
Seth scoffs, cause what kind of fucking question is that? “Princess, I thought you’d never ask.”
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itsactuallycorrine · 2 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Richard Gecko & Seth Gecko, Kate Fuller & Richard Gecko, Kate Fuller/Seth Gecko Characters: Richard Gecko, Kate Fuller, Seth Gecko Additional Tags: POV Outsider, POV Richard Gecko, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, but otherwise canon compliant Summary:
Richie sees Kate's soulmark first, because Richie meets Kate first, and he recognizes it as a match to Seth's.
It changes nothing.
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