#seriously tho dont bind badly :')
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thenastyotherblog · 3 years ago
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Disclaimer: Im not a transperson not do I wear a binder, I did my best doing a bit of research of chest binding before writing this and I hope is accurate, if not please do let me now! 
@phoenixcharged​ Hope you like it! 
Your binder is killing you.
You were supposed to take it off like what? Two hours ago? But Mr. Stubborn thinks he can handle the pain until lunchtime.
"Its only a little bit of back pain" You thought, foolishly. Your back has endure so much already, whats are some couple of extra hours?
I will tell you what are a couple of hours.
Its not only back pain at this point, is the pressure on your sides, the unholy pain on your chest, the pressure on your ribcage that makes you think of those videos of people crushing a macaroon apart.
Not to mention the fricking heat.
You feel like a steamead vegetable right now, a layer of sweat covering you whole.
Is disgusting.
Finally your class is over and you make a, discret, run to put all your papers and materials back into your bag. You want this thing off you. NOW.
"Hey Teach, got a second?" You resist the urge of sighing in distress as one of your students comes to you, they look apologetic from taking more of your time but they do seem like they need the extra help.
So you stay while in excruciating pain.
Now it feels like someone is trying to vacuum seal you, oh it hurts.
You are on your way to the bathroom, your vision a lit fuzzy, you are only thinking of sweet relif when you face-crash into something, someone?
"Hey, Teach!" Hizashi greets you cheerful. "I was going to pick you up about now! Didnt know you wanted your dosis of me as soon as possible!"
Oh yeah, you two had a little lunch date planned today. You didnt remember because the pain makes you numb.
You can only manage to give him some forceful chuckles, holy mother of god even that is leaving you without air. "Oh hey, Zash" Oh dont talk, why are you talking when it hurts this badly?
Hizashi is quick to realize something aint right with you, he is observant like that. Or maybe is because you look like you are about to hit the bucket any moment now.
"Hey, are you alright little listener? You look a bit…pale"
"Who? Me? Pssht" You wave your hand, trying to take a bit of the seriousness off the situation and while you do that try to straighten yourself up. FUCK. GRAVE MISTAKE. YOUR CHEST HURTS!
"Songbird whats wrong?" The cheerfuness of his voice is now replaced by serious worry. Awn man, you dont want to make him do that face, the "im worried sick about you face" you cant handle the guilt.
"Nothing! I swear!" You laugh some more, air rapidly leaving your, very very crushed lungs. "Lets go! I cant wait for-"
Why is the floor coming closer to you? Oh shit are you falling? You hear Hizashi scream your name as you hit the floor, HARD. You can still hear him say something tho you cannot really comprehend what it is; Oh is so hard to breathe, are you even breathing right now? It doesnt feel like it. You feel hot, like you been outside in the sun for too long. You are thirsty, would kill for a glass of water right now. . Your eyes take their sweet time to adjust as you slowly open your eyes, the infirmary roof lights greeting you. Wait, the infirmary? You try to pry your body up, a pair of hands appearing on your vision. Hizashi. Hizashi is here. "Easy now" He helps you to lift your upper body, adjusting the pillows behind you. You are so thanful for that cuz your back still hurts a lot. "He's awake"
"What- What happen?" You mumble, your throat is so dry.
Recovery girls makes her appearence, mumbling something about how dangerous that was and that you need to be more careful.
"Did you know you are wearing a size too small of binder?" There is no anger on her voice but you still feel like a kid being scolded.
"I- I didnt." You sheepely say, avoiding Hizashi's worry look. "I thought it was the correct size?"
The old lady just shake her head, handling you a pamphlet about chest binding. "It can be a bit tricky but you are supposed to wear a binder two times your size. Boy, how long have you been with the same Binder?" You can feel your cheeks burn. "No more binding for the rest of the day, you hear me? Let your poor ribs rest. And a new Binder is in order!"
"Are they gonna be ok?" Hizashi asks her, he carefully takes one of your hands, squezing it a little bit.
"Of course! I trust you will be here with him?" Hizashi only nods. "Wonderful! Then you can guide him throught the breathing excersices I told you!”
"Consider it done ma'am!"
Its an akward silence after Recovery Girl takes her leave. Honestly you are so embarrased that not only you faint in front of Hizashi but that he also carry you to the infirmary? And witness what an idiot you are? Two sizes bigger? You didnt know that! You think a grown ass trans man would know that, apparently not! You feel like crying but dont! That would be even more embarrasing!
"Lets go buy you a new Binder after class"
Hizashi is still holding your hand, his whole body exhales relief now that you are awake. There is not even a trace of anger, even when he has the right to. "A cooler desing this time. Ok?” You smile as you gave him a little nod. "That's what I like to see! Now lets hit those breathing exercises!"
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cinnamon-stccs · 5 years ago
Thank you. 😌
Be safe or I will feed you to the sea lampreys. (Please? 💖👉👈)
okay,, 💞💞💞
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