#seriously his head was perfectly shaped tell me you haven't noticed that i mean come on now
make-a-little-mischief · 10 months
I was going through telethon footage for a project and had to capture this moment of THE HAT because it's one of those "so dang adorable it makes you laugh" Jerry visuals and I'm sharing it with you all in case there is at least one other person out there who might get the same affectionate giggle out of seeing it as I did.
He. Is. So. CUTE. It hurts.
I love this man.
And dammit if his head didn't love hats.
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Still with you || JJK
Pairing: scientist!au husband!au Jungkook x scientist!au wife!au reader.
Synopsis: you were going on about with your boring life until you accidentally meet unexpected guests. Was it accidental though?
Warning: slight angst, the reader has a bad relationship with her parents, one sexual reference, kissing, long-haired Jungkook😂, few swear words, I don't think there's anything else.
Word count: 3k
A/N: italics are the reader's future-self talking.
This is loosely based on a tiktok video I saw on Pinterest.
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You puffed, kicking a pebble that was by your feet as you waited for your driver to pick you up from school. You honestly wanted nothing other than going back to disappear in your room for the rest of day. Why you may wonder! Well, you got an A- on your latest exam, and you know how your parents are going to react. To them, you either get an A+, or you're a failure. They want you to become a lawyer like them, and take over their law firm after your graduation. Your whole life has been planned out before your birth; an arranged marriage took place between your mother and father, to merge the most famous two law firms in the country. Now, your family owns the biggest law firm in the country leaving you with no options other than having your whole life planned out for you without getting a say in it. What was expected from you is to excel in your studies, go to the most prestigious university then run your family's firm. Life really sucked, and you were only sixteen years old.
"Good afternoon, Miss. Hope I am not late!" Your driver, Richard, said interrupting your thoughts as he opened the door for you.
You shook your head with slumped shoulders, "No Richard, you're always on time," you said getting in the car, but not before you could feel his gaze that was full of pity.
It was nothing new, the whole staff that worked for your family knew what you were going through, and while many may envy you and the position that you hold within the society, the staff knew better than to think in such a superficial way.
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"Young lady, I thought we made it clear concerning your grades! An A-? Seriously?" Your birth-giver whom you haven't seen for the last 6 month, slammed your report card onto the counter as she looked down on you as if you were a disgrace to the family. You sighed heavily in response wanting nothing other than to disappear in your room, nothing seemed to satisfy your parents; it's like you only become visible when grades are brought up, other than that they barely notice your existence. "I am sorry, what was that?" She asked hearing your sigh as she raised her perfectly shaped eyebrow at you daring you to defy her. Sometimes you wondered why did she treat you like that, why was there so much hatred in her tone. You would sometimes think that she hated that her life was planned out for her as well, so she takes it out on you.
"Nothing," you answered quietly, wanting to get this one-sided conversation over with. "Thought so. Go to your room. I don't want to see you for the rest of the night," she said, jaw clenching as she pointed towards your room upstairs.
"And when do you ever want to see me!" You muttered quietly under your breath as you made your way towards Your room.
As you neared your room down the hall, you heard voices from inside, making you wonder who could be in your room, seeing that the maids usually clean it after you leave for school in the early morning. Nearing the door, you tried to be as quiet as possible to eavesdrop. "Jungkook be quiet, and stop fussing!" You heard a girl's voice say. Her voice was somehow familiar, but you couldn't quite put your finger on it. "Sorry babe, I didn't know you used to live in such a luxurious house," this Jungkook guy, you assumed, answered back chuckling.
What? Who lives here other than your family? And used to live? What does he mean? Who are these people?
You suddenly entered your room to see two people ,just as you suspected, looking back at you as if they were not expecting you at all. "Shit! When did you set the machine, Jungkook?" The girl standing not far away from the guy asked with a clenched jaw. "Ops!" He replied looking back at her. "Seriously, Jungkook? Are you kidding me? That's when I arrive from school! I told you we need to do this before I arrive!" She whined as she hit his arm lightly. "Hey, at least the machine works!" He shrugged biting his bottom lip. "Yeah, you're right," she said calming down a bit.
You kept looking back and forth between them, backing up very slowly to get out of the room and call the police. Apparently, these two are crazy and you need to call for help. "Get back here missy, you are not going anywhere," the girl said looking at you with a glint in her eyes daring you to take one more step away from them. "Look, I don't want you to panic. We are not here to do anything bad. I promise, but knowing how you are, you probably don't believe me, so I am very sorry because of what we are about to do!" She said sincerely making you panic even more. Suddenly the guy came towards you and lifted you over his shoulder. Welp, this is it, you're going to die, your parents are probably going to be mad for the lack of an heir to their firm, but whatever! "W-what are going to do?" You panicked even more hitting this Jungkook guy to let you down. "Don't worry, we are tying you up, so you won't go anywhere and expose us which will lead to many complications and malfunctions that nor you neither do I need to happen. We've worked so hard to reach this point." She said tying you up with your jumping rope which you didn't know how she found since you keep it hidden in your closet. She oddly seemed to know her way around the room which was very confusing, have these people been watching you for some time?
She sighed in relief after she tied you up as she leaned back to sit directly in front of you. "Don't you recognise me?" She asked looking at you smiling as if she's your long lost sister and that knowing who she is will bring you immense joy. You looked her up and down, tilting your head to the side when it suddenly kicks in your head, she looks very familiar, how could you miss it. She looks exactly like you but older. She looked exactly like how you envisioned yourself to be ONLY if you possessed the freedom to do what you want. "Are you... No, it couldn't be!" You said shaking your head. You're hallucinating, you're sure of it. "I know, right? But it's true … I am you, but 10 years older." You looked her up and down, again. She looked totally different from you right now. Carefree is the keyword. She looks like she doesn't have a care in the world, she's also sporting a style that you have always wanted to try. "W-wha- .. h-how is this possible?" If you were panicking a few moments ago, now you were on the verge of freaking out. Have you gone mad? Is this a dream? It must be! I mean your whole life you're struggling to fight your parents and become what you want to be, but this is absolutely NUTS! It must be the stress taking a toll on you, must be!
"Oh, it's a long story," your older self chuckled as if this situation was funny. It kinda is, if you were in her shoe it would probably be funny to you. You looked to your left side, eyeing the guy standing next to you who was looking around your room with so much interest. Your older self inspecting you as you eyed Jungkook, chuckling again silently knowing how curious you are. "Who is he?" You blurted out looking at him in disapproval. Jungkook suddenly stopped looking around and looked at you smiling and waving at you with his left hand. "Oh, hi I am Jungkook," A silver ring on his left hand caught your eyes, you involuntarily looked at your older self, searching her left hand, but you didn't need to look for so long because a diamond ring glinted back at you, as if telling you yup I am here to confirm your doubts. You suddenly gasped as you looked between them, Jungkook flinched in surprise as your older self smirked at you. "You figured it out, didn't you?" she said amusement dancing in her eyes. "He's your husband!" Your face scrunched in disgust. "Our husband," she corrected you leaning back on her palms still looking at you in amusement. "Ew! No!" You said looking at him again with disapproval. "Now, I am offended," Jungkook said feigning sadness, placing his hand over his chest. "Your hair is so long!" You pointed out, tilting your head to the side. "Thank you!" He beamed at you happy that something about him appealed to you. "That wasn't a compliment, don't flatter yourself," you answered back glaring at him. Jungkook pouted looking back at your older self for help "Well, believe it or not, you'll come to love everything about him even if he dyes his hair red," your older self averted your attention from your supposed future husband towards her. She looked at Jungkook with a smirk; however, you could feel the love in her eyes. You could tell that she really loved him as her smirk eased into a soft loving look making you wonder what did Jungkook do to deserve your love.
A few minutes passed as Jungkook and your older self swiped places, Jungkook sat in front of you making sure that you don't try and break free to run away as your older self kept looking for something around your room. "You have so many tattoos, are you a criminal?" You questioned grumpily. You heard your older self chuckle behind you as she looked at the calendar on your desk. Jungkook's big doe eyes, which you suspected were your older self's weakness since it's already making you feel things, looked at you trying to find a suitable answer. "Umm, well I've never done anything illegal," he said. "Intentionally," he added gulping when you kept your piercing gaze upon him. His eyes looked upwards toward the left side which according to what you've read in the science of body language indicated that he was probably remembering the illegal thing that he has done. Sighing, you tried to take it easy upon him since he was starting to get more uncomfortable under your gaze.
"What's your job?" You asked as your legs swayed the chair, you were tied to, right and left. The situation was starting to become really funny to you; you were tied up like you were going to be tortured for some information that you possess; however, it seems like the roles are reversed seeing that you were swaying the chair as you kept interrogating your future husband. He hummed, scratching the side of his neck with his lips pursed and his right eye closed, "I don't know how to tell you this, but we kinda lost our job," he said calmly, big doe eyes staring back at you as a small smile made its way onto his handsome features. "What do you mean WE? you lost your job!" You stopped swaying the chair, an act that showed that you were trying to process the information. "Nah, we as in me and you," he said still looking at you as if he was telling you something totally normal like how the sun sets from the west. "Yeah, we work together and we kinda got fired," your older self said as she stood next to you resting her hand on the back of your chair. "What do you mean kinda got fired? What do you guys do?" You asked looking up at her. "Hmm, … we're scientists." She said looking back down on you. "Wait, what? You're not running our law firm?" You turned the chair suddenly making her remove her hand from the back of it. "Nah, dude we are not going through this bullshit that our parents planned out for us." She said shaking her heading with a pure look of repugnance on her face. "W-why did you get fired, then ?" You asked trying to understand more. "Well, you see me and Jungkook were developing a time machine, you know how many novels predicted the occurrence of such invention," you nodded eagerly for her to continue "the bastards at the lab made fun of us for being delusional because and I quote "this only exists in fiction and there could never be a thing such as time machines" the pricks! Don't they know that before the invention of ships and aeroplanes, writers prophesied these inventions, I mean that's how usually things start. People come up with crazy ideas and we scientists try to bring these ideas into life." Her outrage was evident in her tone. You nodded agreeing with her. "Anyways, that's not for you worry about, at least for the time being," she said walking away from you to continue looking around.
You tried to change the topic, but for some reason, you were not gifted with the ability to be smooth, "What made you marry him?" You fired the question still looking at Jungkook who suddenly smirked at you. "I am pretty good with a sword," he answered, and you could feel his ego inflate. "Oh my, Jungkook please don't!" Your older self whined rolling her head. "What?" Jungkook asked going back to his baby Bambi-eyed self before he started acting cocky. "A sword!" You wondered in a hushed tone to yourself, Jungkook's eyes looking over your face as if he can see your mind putting two and two together, "Oh!" You suddenly realised what he was implying, apparently something sexual. "EEWW!" you shook your head trying not to imagine anything. "Jungkook for God's sake, She's still sixteen, and she doesn't know you yet. Besides you know that I married you because I love you not because of … that," your older self said shaking her head at her husband's immaturity.
"Anyways, it's almost time. If Jungkook set the timer correctly, we should be getting back in a few seconds!" Your older self said from behind you, untying you from your restraints. "What? Back where?" You asked turning to look at her. "What do you mean back where! Back to our present!" She answered looking back at Jungkook. "What about me?"
"What about you?" Jungkook asked confused. Rolling your eyes, not really knowing how you will actually fall in love with the guy later on, "I mean … what am I supposed to do now that I met you?" You asked looking back at your older self, eyes begging her to guide you, tell you what to do, to tell you that everything will turn out just fine. Her features softened as she neared you, "hey listen kiddo, everything will be alright. I can't tell you how it will turn out exactly, but I want you to know that you wouldn't want it any other way, I promise!" She said placing her hand on your shoulder, glancing behind you at Jungkook and smiling softly. You were sure Jungkook was returning her smile, as well. "I don't know what to do...how do I become you?" She tilted her head thinking about it. "Well, I can't tell you what to do because you'll know that, but you can start by resisting," she winked at you before extending her hand to Jungkook who took it. They both backed away from you. You felt them start to fade, but before they vanished completely, Jungkook winked at you in a friendly manner and told you, "see you soon!" You frowned not understanding what he meant by that.
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Two days had already passed since you met your future self. In the beginning, you doubted the whole thing happening, but then you found a small sticky note by your desk with neat handwriting saying "I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul. ~ William Ernest Henley" which you realised was a quote from your favourite poem, your older self had written it down for you. It was the only proof that what had taken place in your room was real. It was still the beginning of the school day, and you were already bored. "Attention please, everyone!" Your teacher raised her voice over the noisy chatter of the students, bursting your bubble of thoughts and making you look up as your colleagues started to settle down. "I would like you to welcome our new transfer student, Jeon Jungkook," she exclaimed enthusiastically looking around with a hopeful gaze. Jeon Jungkook? What? No way? You suddenly looked up, a shy boy with a shaggy haircut entered the classroom barely looking up, too afraid to make eye contact with anyone. You gasped quietly, that's what Jungkook meant by seeing me soon? He looks nothing like his older self! You thought, inspecting the Jungkook standing by the teacher. He looked up shyly, and the first person he laid eyes on was you. Your heart fluttered when he made eye contact and averted his eyes quickly as he blushed. Oh how cute! You thought smiling slightly. Oh my God, it's actually happening! You were having an internal conversation with yourself now, realising that this was true, you're already harbouring a crush on the boy. "Jungkook, why don't you take a seat next to y/n," your teacher said averting her gaze from Jungkook to you, nodding her head so you'd raise your hand to let him know where you're sitting. "Y/n, would you please show Jungkook around the school later, and help him with what he's missing. If there's anything you're unable to help him with, you can return to me," she said moving already behind her desk and opening her book to start the lesson as Jungkook made his way to the empty desk next to you.
"H-hi, I am Jungkook," he introduced himself minutes after he sat down. "I know, the teacher introduced you at the beginning of class," you said smiling softly at his rosy cheeks that displayed his embarrassment, you chuckled finding him so endearing trying to make a small conversation with you. You turned your head paying attention to what the teacher was explaining. You could feel Jungkook fiddle around in his seat looking around worriedly with his big Bambi eyes that you're sure are now your weakness. You realised that he was nervous because he doesn't have a pen and was embarrassed to ask for an extra one. You silently nudged him and gave him one of yours which made him flash you a grateful smile making you flash him a soft one.
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Meanwhile, you and Jungkook were watching your younger-selves interact shyly just as you did ten years ago. "Kookie!" He hummed not really paying you attention since he was eating an ice-cream. You turned your head inspecting his features that didn't really change that much since you first saw him, "you didn't set the machine on that time by mistake, did you?" You asked referring to the time when you asked him about the time settings after your younger self had caught you both snooping around her, well technically your room. You looked at your melting ice-cream, taking a small bite as you could still see Jungkook from your peripheral vision. His movements stopped for a moment, seeing that you smirked as if you caught him in the act. Sensing your sly smile, he shook his head "I don't know what you're talking about!" He feigned dumbness as if you won't be able to tell that he was lying, but who was he fooling? You knew him like the back of your hand. He sighed looking at you in defeat as you raised an eyebrow at him waiting for him to explain himself. "Babe, I know how you were always anxious during that time of your life, and now that we achieved this together and made the whole time machine thing possible; I wanted the first thing for us to do is console your younger-self. I remember how you had a hard time because of your parents," he explained himself all pouty like a child who had done something wrong. However, Jungkook didn't do anything wrong, far from it actually, he wanted nothing but to make you feel less stressed and less unloved. He knows that his younger self has to overcome so many intricacies for you to open up to him. You were a totally different version from who you are right now, and it hurt him to see you doubting yourself or feeling inferior all these years because of your non-existent relationship with your parents. "Thank you, Kookie," you said placing a soft peck on his pouty lips. "You're not mad at me?" He asked, eyes widening, watching you enjoy your ice-cream as you took in your surroundings. You shook your head looking back at him. "I love you," you smiled holding his hand into yours. His worried bunny features eased into a smile and a look full of nothing but adoration for you, "I love you, too." He kissed you passionately while rubbing his thumb over your cheeks. "Finish your ice-cream. We have ten minutes remaining before we go back." You said looking at your digital watch. "What? We don't get to take the ice-cream with us?" He asked, curiosity glossing in his eyes. You shook your head at your husband whom you genuinely believed is a child trapped in the body of a 26 years old man, but as you said: you wouldn't want to have it any other way.
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lovemalecforever · 3 years
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Chapter 23
I get to love you.
Alec was glad that the chapter of Camille Belcourt is finally over. He looked again where he killed the vampire and sighed with relief. He then looked at the time and quickly reached home. When he did, he found his husband half-dressed pacing in the living room wearing a worried expression.
"Magnus?" He called softly.
Magnus looked at Alec and sighed with relief. He walked towards him and hugged him tightly.
"Alexander, thank goodness! Where were you? I was worried sick."
"Calm down, love. I had some business to finish. I thought while you're getting dressed, I'll complete that. And, why are you half-dressed by the way?"
"I'm... I'm not feeling well, Alexander. I already told you, I've been feeling weird since morning, and it's not just because of Camille, there's something else I can't put my fingers on. And, about being half-dressed, I needed help for putting on the vest and the coat, so I was looking for you. I got worried when I couldn't find you anywhere."
"Hey, relax love." He cupped his warlock's face and kissed his forehead. While doing so, he sends his calming magic into his body. He knew it was wrong, but his husband was way too worked up and needed to relax a bit.
Magnus leaned into the touch and instantly relaxed, oblivious of the how.
"Now, let me help you." He helped his husband for getting dressed then he himself freshened up and changed into a white button-down shirt with dark chocolate brown pants and jacket with a black square pocket and black shoes.
When he came into the living room, he saw his husband waiting for him who was, as usual, looking ravishingly hot. He was wearing an ice blue button-down shirt with wine red pants, a light wine-colored vest, and a long wine red colored double-breasted coat with embroidery of black and silver and black shoes. His makeup was done perfectly, with dark perfectly smooth eyeliner and black kohl. The eyeshadow consisted of a blend of wine and black. The hairs were spiked up having streaks of wine red at the edges. He kept staring at his husband with his mouth hung open.
"Stop staring, Alexander. Can we leave now?"
Alec got out of the trance with his husband's voice. "Uh.. hun, yeah, yeah." He cleared his throat. "Sorry, I got distracted, my husband is looking way too hot than I imagined."
"Thank you for the compliment, Alexander, but can we leave now, so that we can come back soon."
"Seriously, Magnus! Fine, create a portal, and don't think about any destination."
Magnus obliged and they stepped into the portal. When they stepped out of the portal, his mouth was hung open and there was a glint in his eyes. He was completely speechless.
"A.. Alexander.." He breathed out.
Magnus looked at his husband then at the gazebo where they had stepped out of the portal. It was right in front of his eyes, looking like heaven created on earth.
The whole gazebo had lanterns hanging from them, two on each side giving it a warm glow, the conical ceiling was covered with LED white lights on both inside and outside. The pillars had spirals of different varieties of roses. There was a circular table placed in the center of the gazebo, with several scented candles placed in a heart shape in the middle of it. The whole table was covered with rose petals over which lay their dinner, a red velvet cake, two different shaped boxes, and a bouquet of flowers with a card on it. There were two chairs kept on the diagonal corners, over which lay a set of speakers and a few small gifts.
Magnus looked at his husband with tear-filled eyes. "Alexander, you... you did so much. I don't know what to say."
"Then don't say anything, just enjoy the evening." He held his warlock's hand and dragged him inside the gazebo.
Magnus looked at his surroundings with tears in his eyes. He looked at the cake which had a 'happy anniversary Malec' written on it. "Malec? So you finally accepted our mundane ship name? "
"Nope! That's Clary and Izzy's doing."
"Smart women!"
Alec looked at his husband and shook his head, then leaned over and kissed his temple. "Let's cut the cake first, shall we?"
Magnus nodded. They took the knife which was knotted with ribbon, cut the cake together, and fed each other.
"Happy anniversary, Magnus Lightwood Bane."
"Happy anniversary, Alexander."
They leaned in and kissed each other softly yet passionately, tasting the sweetness of red velvet cake on each other's lips. They poured all the emotions into that one kiss. When they broke the kiss, Magnus' glamor had disappeared and his eyes were shining brightly with tears filled in them.
Alec then picked up the bouquet and handed it to his husband.
Magnus took it and inhaled the scent of mixed flowers which calmed his whole body. He then looked at the card and took it gently, placing the bouquet on the table. His eyes watered when he read the contents of the card.
~~~~~~~~~ You said you were a monster I saw an angel
You said you were ugly I saw a beauty
You said you were useless I saw a caring personality
You said you were called an abomination I saw a person with a pure heart
You said you don't deserve to be loved I saw a person who needed to be loved
You said you hate yourself I saw a shattered heart
You said there's nothing but darkness around I saw a broken soul
I saw a broken soul...
«Happy 6th year anniversary, love. Thank you for coming into my life and making me the happiest person ever. These six years are the best six years of my life. You pushed me and helped me get out of the closest. I don't know what would have happened if you didn't crash my wedding that day. Maybe, I would be married to Lydia and living a life of a lie. But I'm not, I'm here with my husband, creating the best memories of my life. I can never thank you enough, Magnus. You're the light to my darkness, sunshine to my storms, strength to my weakness, and healer to my cries. I love you so much, and I wish to spend eternity with you.»
P. S. There's a big surprise waiting for you. ~~~~~~~~~~~
Magnus looked at his husband with tear-filled eyes. He was really touched by every single word written on that card.
"I love you so much, Alexander. You are really special to me. You make me the happiest person ever. You have no idea how much you mean to me. I may have had lovers before, but no one was as special to me as you are. I should thank you for coming into my life and loving me for who I am and not what you want me to be. You saw through me, the monster I was, the crimes I did, but you still loved me and never left. I have no words to convey how thankful I'm for that."
"Hey, don't say that. You're not a monster, Magnus." He wrapped his hands around the warlock's neck and kissed him on the forehead. Magnus leaned into the touch. "Now, are you ready for your gifts?"
Magnus frowned at that. "Alexander, I... I haven't brought anything for you. I even forgot our anniversary and even if I can summon anything in a second, I didn't know what to get you. I'm sorry."
"Hey, don't be sorry about that, love. You've already given me the best gift by telling me the whole truth. I don't need anything materialistic. Honesty was the best gift you've given me, Magnus."
Magnus smiled at that. He didn't know what he did to deserve such an understanding person like him. "Thank you, Alexander."
"Now, the gifts." He picked up the photo frame which was wrapped beautifully and handed it to his husband.
Magnus took it and blinked twice. Something was written on the wrapper in his husband's beautiful handwriting.
He glared at his husband and Alec looked away, trying to suppress his smile.
The first time Alec got to know about this habit of Magnus was when he had gifted him the omamori charm and Magnus threw away the wrapper on the floor like trash. Since then he noticed that it's not just the wrappers, he does that with anything which is in his hands, the only exception being his phone.
"I do NOT do that, Alexander."
Alec rolled his eyes at that. "And I'm a warlock. Now open the gift, will you?"
Magnus opened the wrapper as gently as possible then kept it on the table. He felt his husband's eyes boring at him the whole time. He gasped when he saw the contents of the gift. It was a photo frame consisting of the paintings of all their anniversaries and their wedding day, beautifully framed together. The frame was made with handcrafted wood and it had a richness to it.
"It's beautiful. I love it. Thank you, Alexander."
"Thank Clary, I've asked her to do it. There's no doubt she did an amazing job." He smiled warmly when he saw his husband's reaction.
"I'm still going to thank you." He pecked him softly on the lips.
Alec picked up the second gift and handed it to him. Magnus took it and opened the wrapper gently yet again. His eyes watered when he saw what was inside the box. It was a set of 3 diamond rings, which were joined together with silver chains having a small cut of emeralds on them, the first and third rings were designed to sit on the base of fingers, the second ring on the middle part of the finger. The words FOREVER YOURS MLB were engraved on each ring separately on top of it and AKU CINTA KAMU on the bottom of the ring, each letter having small cut diamonds on it, which were shining brightly as the moonlight fell on it.
He took out the rings from the box and slid them on his fingers. They fit perfectly on his fingers. He traced the words gently, feeling every minute diamonds engraved on it. A warm smile played on his lips.
"Aku cinta kamu, Alexander Lightwood Bane. I'm speechless. Thank you so, so much."
"I love you too, Magnus. Now, your last gift. But, before that.." he switched on the speakers and placed his hand forward gracefully. "Dance with me."
Magnus looked at him wide-eyed. "You can't be serious!"
Alec rolled his eyes. "I've been practicing. Now, come on."
Magnus took his hands and rested one hand on his shoulder and his face on his chest. A slow track of 'I Get to Love You' by Ruelle started playing on the speakers and he gave in to the music and closed his eyes, relishing every word of the song and his husband's embrace.
[A/N: Before reading further, imagine Malec dancing on this track. The song is attached above.]
"Whatever may come, your heart I will choose. Forever I'm yours, forever I'll do." Alec whispered softly in Magnus' ears.
"The way you love, it changes who I am." He whispered again.
"They say love is a journey, I promise that I'll never leave. When it's too heavy to carry, remember this moment with me." He whispered yet again and Magnus tightened his arms around his husband, not wanting to let go. Alec played the song once again, relishing every single moment.
When the song got over, Magnus opened his eyes and unwrapped himself from his husband's arms. But his eyes went wide from what he saw. There, in front of his eyes lay something really unexpected. His husband was looking heavenly. There were huge silver wings fluttering beside him and his eyes were turned into icy silver, without any trace of his true hazel one's, having a hopeful look in them. He took a few steps backward, gasped loudly, and covered his mouth.
"A.. Alexander! What.. what is this? You? This? What's going on?" He trailed off, not wanting to believe what was in front of his eyes.
Alec took his husband's arms and kissed the back of his hands. "This is your final gift, Magnus. Happy anniversary." He said hopefully, he didn't want it to backfire, he knew it wouldn't. But if by any chance it did, he would be crushed.
"You're.. you're.. what are you? Are.. are you Im.. immortal? But! No, this has to be a dream. This can't be true." He looked at his surroundings frantically. "This is a dream. I know it is. I need to wake up. This is all a dream."
The light hopeful smile which was playing on Alec's lips disappeared completely after hearing that. He gulped and reached for his husband's hand but Magnus backed off. Tears formed in Alec's silver eyes. "Magnus." He called softly. "It's not a dream. I'm immortal, love. That's what I went to New York for. Catarina helped me with this." He confessed and tried to reach for his husband again, but Magnus backed off. His wings rippled conveying his sadness through it.
"No! don't touch. Whatever you are, don't touch me. I know I'm dreaming. And whatever you're doing to keep me asleep, I'll break through it and get back to reality. I know my husband would never sacrifice his mortality, not even for me. So back off, and if you try to do anything.." he produced his blue magic dancing above his palms, "dream or not, I'll burn you in flames." He said coldly, his cat eyes boring at him.
Alec took a few steps backward and looked at his husband, then at the burning ball of magic in his hand. His silver eyes turned into a dull gray color and tears escaped from them. His wings turned dull gray too and hung low, touching the floor completely. "I'll do anything for you, Magnus." He whispered softly in a choking voice. He didn't expect this to happen, his warlock didn't just reject his immortality, he wasn't even believing any of it, and was seeing him as a threat. He sniffed and looked at the floor. He was broken by the turn of events.
Magnus looked at the creature's actions dumbfounded. Even though he wanted it to be true badly, all he could think was this to be a dream again, as the other ones. He didn't want to be trapped again. He was thinking of attacking the thing when he heard the familiar sniffs and looked at the creature. His heart skipped a beat and he withdrew his magic. He could recognize his husband's saddened voice anywhere. No one could imitate it as the shadowhunter never showed his emotions to anyone other than him. He gulped, hard. It didn't take him long after that to realize that this wasn't a dream and he had hurt his husband. He looked at his shadowhunter or now angel? and saw that the wings were now curled around him tightly like he was hugging himself and the sniffs have increased.
"A.. Alexander?"
"Now what, Magnus? Do you want to kill me too?" He asked in a low voice.
Magnus' heart sank hearing that voice. He really had hurt his husband badly. "A... Alexander, is it really you? You're immortal? For real? I... I'm really sorry. I really am. I freaked out. I didn't mean to hurt you, I never could. I'm so sorry."
Alec's eyes turned silver and hopeful again and he looked at his warlock. He saw the genuineness in those golden cat eyes.
"Magnus, it's me, love. Please, don't do that, please believe me. Yes, I'm immortal, I did it for you, for us. I love you Magnus, more than you could imagine."
Magnus stepped forward and wiped away the tears falling on his cheeks, then looked into those dull silver eyes. It suddenly struck him and tears formed in his own eyes.
"Oh, my god! Alexander! You're immortal, I can't believe this! You're actually immortal! You.. you did it for me? I have you for eternity! You're not going anywhere? Is that what this ring meant?" He looked at the ring in his hand then at his husband, dumbfounded. Alec smiled at that and nodded. He took his husband's palms rested on his cheeks and kissed it.
Magnus looked at his husband with adoration and hugged him tightly, clinging to him like a koala. "But why? How?"
Alec finally relaxed when he felt his warlock's arms around him, his wings curled around Magnus' body and he held his husband tightly. "I heard you, Magnus." He whispered in his ears.
*A month ago*
Magnus was sitting beside Alec's bed, holding his shadowhunter's hand in his own. He never moved from that place. It's been more than a week and his husband was still in a coma. He hadn't eaten anything in that week, Catarina had to force-feed him in order to keep him alive.
Magnus didn't want to move from that place, not even for a second. He wanted to be there when his husband woke up. He was sobbing badly and was holding his shadowhunter's hand tightly.
"Alexander, I don't know if you can hear me or not but wake up. Please, wake up. I can't see you like this. It's killing me. I never thought I would love someone so madly, but I was wrong, I love you so much, Alexander. I don't think I can live without you."
He sobbed and a teardrop escaped from his eyes and fell on Alec's hand.
"Come back to me, Alexander, please. I don't know what I'm going to do if you.." he trailed off and sniffed.  "I never thought I would find someone whom I wished to spend my eternity with, but I did. Yes, Alexander, I want that with you. I know I'm being selfish, but seeing you like this made me realize how much your presence in my life means to me.
I never thought I would ever get married, but then, I found you. You were the first of many things, and you would be the last. The last person I'll ever love. I don't think I can fall in love ever again if something happens to you. And I don't want that. I... I wish you were immortal, Alexander.
I know that's your decision to make, but it's killing me to imagine a life without you. I know now how you felt when I was lying there five years ago, when I lost my magic, you wanted to grow old with me. I want the same, only difference being, I want to spend eternity in your arms." He sniffed and caressed his cheeks.
"I love you, Alexander. More than I imagined I could ever love someone. Just come back to me, please, even if it's for the next 50-60 years. I don't know what I'll do after that, but I can't see you dying. I can't." He rested his head on his chest and started sobbing, after some time he fell asleep like that.
"Alexander... I.. I have no words. I know I confessed that, but I didn't think you could hear me. I know I was being selfish when I said all that."
"Magnus, don't say that. You have the right to be selfish sometimes. I got selfish too when you lost your magic. I wanted to grow old with you. I guess now both of our wishes came true. We have an eternity waiting for us." He touched his forehead with Magnus' and wrapped his fingers around his neck.
Magnus sighed and leaned into the touch. "Alexander.. why? How? When? What exactly are you now? Don't get me wrong, I'm obviously happy that I have my husband for eternity, but it's a big decision, being immortal sometimes feels like a curse, it's not easy to live for centuries without feeling empty."
"Not when you're with the right person, Magnus. I love you and I made this decision when I was sure I wanted it. I just didn't do it for you, I did it for myself as well. I can't live without you, Magnus, ever." He cupped the warlock's face with one hand and his wings wrapped around Magnus' waist and legs. Magnus looked at them wide-eyed and Alec smiled.
"They just want to hug you and calm you down. They can sense your stress. Don't freak out because of them."
Magnus looked at the wings wrapped around his body with awe. His cat eyes had a different kind of glint in them. "They're beautiful, Alexander, but you haven't answered my questions yet."
"I'm still a shadowhunter, just an angel now, literally. And to answer how and when, it's a long story. I heard everything when I was in a coma, Magnus. You, Izzy, and others. It was breaking me from inside whenever you pleaded me to come back to you. After I gained consciousness and got back home, I remembered everything that you said. I was waiting to see if you'll ask me to be immortal again, but you didn't, so I didn't give it much thought either. But the first time I heard you crying and confessing all that again behind my back when I came back home early one day, it shattered every core of my heart. I know you did that a lot behind my back." He took a deep breath then continued.
"Even you know it well, Magnus, that how much I tried to talk you through it. But you always kept me pushing away. You know we tried mundane ways too, but nothing worked and it killed me every second seeing you like that. That's when I started researching about becoming immortal. I found out about a shadowhunter becoming immortal without turning into a downworlder. That's when I knew that I wanted it. Even you know how much shadowhunting means to me." He looked at his warlock's tear-filled eyes and the wings fluttered around his body.
"When I was sure about becoming immortal, I went to Catarina for help and she agreed. My visit to New York was actually to get permission from my family and to transform into an immortal. I didn't want to lie to you so I preponed the meeting and shifted it to New York. I did it because I love you Magnus, so, so much. Seeing you like that killed me, it made me realize how worse you'll be when I'll be gone one day and I didn't want that. This one month was the worst phase of my life. You were so broken, so vulnerable, even when I was there right in front of you. I didn't even want to imagine how much worse you could get if I'm not there. That helped me to will my decision of becoming immortal. I can't see you like that, love."
Magnus wrapped his husband in a tight hug and let tears fall on his shoulder. "I can't believe this, when Camille.. when I kissed her you were already immortal. If something would have happened.. whatever happened in my dream..." He tightened his fist on his jacket.
"Mags, hey, don't think about that. Nothing happened and I'm still here with you. But I do have a question, Magnus."
Magnus broke the hug and looked at his husband, but their hands were intertwined now.
"When you saw my wings, why did you say that you're dreaming? The way you reacted broke me, Magnus."
"I'm sorry, Alexander. I... I told you that I had lied to you about my nightmares. I... I had these weird dreams sometimes where I'm at a similar place like this with you, and you reveal to me that you're immortal, I get all happy and when I reach for you, you change into some weird looking man and I get trapped in a cell or dark basement. It's always slightly different, but that's how it goes. When you revealed your wings, those dreams flashed in front of my eyes. I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to hurt you."
Alec rubbed his temples and sighed. "And why you never told me this before, Magnus? You had the precognition thing about me being immortal as well."
Magnus rested his face on Alec's chest and Alec's wings stroked his back in soft motions. "I'm sorry, Alexander. I never gave it a thought. I thought my mind was playing tricks on me as I wanted you to be an immortal."
"Mags, from now on, you're talking to me about your dreams and nightmares. I don't care even if they're baseless."
Magnus nodded against his chest. "I love you, Alexander. I don't know what I did to deserve you. You sacrificed your mortality for me. But, if you were already an immortal when you came back from New York, why didn't you tell me about it? Why did you never talk to me about it?"
"I was waiting for our anniversary. I wanted it to be a surprise for you. And about talking to you, I knew you would have refused it and tried to convince me not to do it, even when that's exactly what you wanted. I know you enough to know that you would have put my needs above yours. I know my husband, Magnus."
Magnus huffed and pouted, taking the opportunity Alec kissed him, pouring all of his emotions into it. When they broke their kiss, Magnus looked at him and blinked thrice.
"Are you feeling better now, Magnus? Did you like your last gift?"
"Much, thank you, Alexander. And I loved the gift. This is the best gift I've ever gotten. By the way, what am I supposed to call you now? You're not just a shadowhunter anymore. What about winged nephilim? Or an angel? I like the sound of both!"
"Don't you dare, Magnus Lightwood Bane!"
"Come on, angel, don't ruin the fun now."
Magnus rolled his eyes and took a bite of the cake, ignoring the flaming eyes of his now winged nephilim. He was actually feeling really happier than he was showing. He literally wanted to jump in his husband's arms and shower him with kisses, but he was trying to suppress that.
"Should we proceed with dinner now?" Alec asked. He was secretly relieved that his husband was going back to being his normal self again. His eyes were back to hazel again and he had put his wings back in the wing scar.
Magnus looked at him with curiosity. "Have you glamoured your wings? And how are you changing the colors of your eyes?"
"Let's discuss this over dinner, I'm starving." Alec uncovered the lid of the pots and Magnus gasped. The whole cuisine was Indonesian and Magnus' favorite.
Magnus looked at his husband lovingly and sat on the chair Alec pulled out for him. He kissed his winged nephilim passionately then started digging into the food. They spent the rest of the evening talking about Alec's newfound powers and going through the presents their family had gifted them.
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