#seonghwa reader instert
barnesbabee · 1 year
𝕯𝖊𝖛𝖎𝖑'𝖘 𝕶𝖎𝖘𝖘 - 𝕰𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙
ᴅᴇᴠɪʟ'ꜱ ᴋɪꜱꜱ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ
ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ - ᴇɪɢʜᴛ - ɴᴇxᴛ
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ATEEZ ꜱᴇᴏɴɢʜᴡᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ꜰᴀɴꜰɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ
You became wary of your surroundings after the talk with Seonghwa. You tried to maintain composure during work (you didn't want your boss to think you were "off your game" again), but you couldn't help but be suspicious of every new person that walked by you, of every strange sound, and of every shadow.
"Hey Y/N?"
You jolted in your seat at the sound of your colleague's voice.
"You scared me!" You said, laughing as you placed your hand over your heart.
"Oh, sorry!" She said, bowing "we wanna know if you're coming to the company dinner tonight, you still haven't confirmed."
You had completely forgotten about it, seeing as there was shit chasing you, your mind was somewhere else completely.
"Uh, sure! Yeah, count me in." You said with a smile, trying to hide the nervousness of being out in the open.
The woman tapped the frame of the door lightly and smiled, walking away while thanking you for the confirmation.
You weren't sure how safe you felt in an unknown environment, with a bunch of people you also didn't know, so you stood up and ran after her.
"Hold up!"
The other woman stopped and turned around to face you.
"Is it okay to bring a plus one?..." You asked, hoping your "guardian angel" could tag along for some extra protection.
Your colleague gave you a dirty smile and winked.
"Got ourselves a boy toy, have we?"
You felt your face heat up and a lump was caught in your throat.
"Well uh, sort... of?" You replied.
The truth was, there was no label that could possibly be attributed to what you two had, it was more than just an emotional, romantic, or physical connection, it transcended all that.
"We said no plus ones but someone dropped out last minute so I guess it's fine. Does he have any allergies or something? Is he vegan?"
"He's all good! I think..." You whispered that last part, as you weren't sure, but you assumed an immortal being wasn't sensitive to nuts and seafood.
When you sat back down at your desk you grabbed your phone to text Seonghwa about the dinner.
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You smiled like a teenage girl in a rom-com talking to her crush, and put your phone away, anxiously (and happily) waiting for the dinner, since it would make you two official.
You realized these mundane things were irrelevant, Seonghwa had risked his own existence and broke the rules of something bigger than anyone on earth to be with you, there was no bigger assurance of the will to spend eternity with someone than what he had done for you, but somehow these small earthly rituals made you feel more at ease, made it all feel somewhat normal.
An hour passed by and you and your co-workers called an Uber to take you to the destination, which you quickly sent to Seonghwa so he could already be there when you arrived.
"Woah- look at that guy... I wouldn't mind it if he joined us for dinner, I know what I'd have..." Your co-worker commented, eyeing Seonghwa up and down the second you stepped out of the car.
"Maybe he will! You commented, and waved your hand in the air "Hey, Seonghwa!"
The man lifted his head and his confused expression turned into a big bright smile as he located you.
"Hello, angel." He greeted you, followed by a kiss, once you walked closer to him.
"Guys this is Seonghwa!" You introduced.
Your co-worker, that had previously commented on him, was red as a cherry.
When you walked into the restaurant she grabbed your shoulder and whispered in your ear.
"Y/N I am so sorry I had no idea! That was incredibly inappropriate I'm sorry!"
You laughed at her panicked expression.
"It's alright, you didn't know!"
She exhaled, relieved that you weren't offended or angry at her, and you sat down at the assigned seats. The waiter brought the menu, and Seonghwa, to your confusion, refused it.
"Have you come here before? Do you just... know the dishes?" You whispered to him.
"No, but I know what I want. I will have the fried chicken." He whispered back, his eyes big and sparkly with excitement, looking right into yours.
"Seonghwa," You said with a little laugh "This is a fancy place, they don't have fried chicken."
You might as well have stabbed him and it would've hurt less. Seonghwa slowly took the menu out of your hands and searched through the items, however, he ended up asking you to order for him since he had no idea what any of it was.
Aside from the struggle of getting Seonghwa to eat fancy food, the dinner went well, and you ended up forgetting about the fact that you were in imminent danger. The night went so well, in fact, that you ended up at a club. You were all way overdressed for the occasion since you had all come dressed in formal attire, but after the wine and occasional champagne back at the restaurant, neither of you cared.
"Hey, I'm getting another caipirinha, mmkay?" You slurred in Seonghwa's ear.
"You stay here with them, I'll go get it." He said, afraid that something would manage to grab you and run away amidst the confusion of the crowd near the bar.
Not long after Seonghwa left your line of sight, a man appeared in front of you. His waist was slim, hugged beautifully by his jeans, and accentuated by the fact that his shirt was tucked in, his shoulders were wide, his jaw prominent, and his lips were red and pouty. You snapped out of it once you realized you were checking him out, and the man didn't miss it either, you could tell, by the way a dimple appeared on his left cheek, the result of his smirk.
"Sorry," the man said, coming in closer so he could whisper in your ear, as his hand made its way to your hip "but I couldn't help but notice you, you're the most fucking beautiful person I've ever seen."
The man slowly pulled you closer to him, and you allowed your body to mold against his for some reason- you couldn't pull away.
"I have a boyfriend." You managed to squeak out.
"Well, he isn't here, but I am."
"I don't even know your name..."
"My name? My name is San, but you can call me anything you want."
Two of his fingers tipped your chin up and his lips slowly approached yours.
You couldn't pull away, something in you drew you to him, you wanted to have him right then and there, your mind was clouded and you were incapable of even picturing Seonghwa's face, all that you could think of, every moment spent with your boyfriend, was replaced by the image of this man you just met. Your body moved as if it was being puppeteered, as if you had no free will.
"Y/N, what the fuck!?" You heard in the background.
The voice was familiar, but even then you could not pull away, and you could see San smirking, you could feel something was wrong, but you could not move.
It wasn't until Seonghwa physically pushed San away from you that you were able to come back to your senses. There were immediate tears in your eyes, a million ways to apologize ran through your mind and you looked at your limbs and torso as if you had had an out-of-body experience and had just gained control of it again.
You were about to try to explain to Seonghwa what happened (even if you didn't know what had happened), until Seonghwa spoke.
"You..." He said, looking at San, his voice dripping with disgust, rage, panic, and fear. You could see his blackened veins peeking out of his collar, and his stance had completely changed from an offensive state to a defensive one.
San stretched out his arms and smirked once more - it seemed like that was his only facial expression.
"Ta-daaa! Surprise old friend!"
Taglist: @seiiblue​ @potaeto-writes-on-wp@songsoomin@whatudowhennooneseesyou@hjys99@sansmilkbread@hwalysm @iwannabemyselfff (DM or send an Ask if you want to be added)
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