#senna romero
thecraischronicles · 11 months
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Esto no tiene nada que ver con nada, pero...
Yo sé que muchas personas hablaron de Enzo como Senna:
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Y ahora yo digo ✨Fran como Niki Lauda✨:
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Eso. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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lovelyleclercs · 2 years
Chapter Two: Shock
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Carlos Sainz x Rosa Romero
-> A trip to the doctor brings up memories from Monaco as well as shocking news that Rosa didn't see coming.
word count: 2.1k
warnings: mentions of sex, throwing up, rough upbringing, doctor's visit, blood work, pregnancy
a/n: ok but Carlos at the end makes me cry he's so sweet
Present Day
“Congratulations, it appears as though you are pregnant!” the woman in the white coat said to Rosa, her voice filled with so much joy, you would’ve thought she was the pregnant one. “Your bloodwork looked excellent, the baby seems to be about four weeks old based on your hCg levels shown on page two of this packet” she said with a beaming smile before handing over the small five page packet to Rosa. “I’ve included a list of all the best OBGYN’s in the Madrid area. I highly recommend choosing from this list, though it is just a suggestion of course”
Rosa looked up at the brown haired woman standing in front of her, a blank expression on her face as you tried to wrap your mind around everything she had just said to you in the past 30 seconds. 
Pregnant. Four weeks. 
As the doctor continued to run through the blood work with Rosa, your mind wandered elsewhere, tuning her voice out as you thought back to exactly what happened four weeks ago. 
Monaco. By far one of the richest places Rosa has ever been to. Beyond that, it was one of the races on the F1 calendar that your best friend, Carlos Sainz, had wanted to win the most. 
Monaco was a historical place in Formula 1- all the best drivers had won there. Lauda, Prost, Senna, Schumacher, Hamilton, you name any of the greats of Formula 1 and that track was probably one they had succeeded at. 
Carlos always wanted to be on that winning list alongside all of his childhood heroes and that weekend four weeks ago, he had finally done just that. 
The race had started out wet, the conditions almost undriveable. Rosa stood in the garage, too nervous to sit as she watched Carlos round each corner of the race track, never making any mistake despite how slippery the track surface was. 
When he crossed the finish line as the checkered flag flew above him, Rosa couldn't help but find herself getting a bit emotional. 
Rosa had met Carlos during high school, shortly before he had entered Formula 3. She had a rough home life, so she typically tried to spend as little time as possible at home, which Carlos had noticed when she started following him to the go-kart track after school everyday. 
At first, Carlos didn’t question it- it wasn’t uncommon for people to sit in the stands and watch as he and a few other local karting drivers practiced in the late afternoon on weekdays. 
However when he noticed that she wouldn’t leave when he did, that’s when his questions started to arise. 
The two of them had become pretty close over a short period of time- mainly due to the fact that after each practice, he would invite her to grab a quick bite to eat or to see a movie with him before he headed home for the night. 
Carlos had become Rosa’s best friend and the person she trusted most in this world- after all, he was still the only person to this day who knew how horrible her family was to her. He was the one who would save Rosa from them day in and day out, especially when her dad tried to make an appearance back into her life during graduation. 
After high school, Rosa and Carlos had bought a house together. Rosa needed to get out of her mothers house as quickly as possible, and Carlos wanted his own place to stay after traveling around the world week after week, so it all worked out in the end. 
Fast forward ten years later, Carlos was driving for Ferrari, the two of them remained best friends, and still lived in that house they had bought fresh out of high school. 
After embracing Carlos in a hug and congratulating him on such a big achievement, Carlos had mentioned a party at a local Monaco club called Jimmyz. Never saying no to a good after party, Rosa went back to the hotel and got ready for what you knew was going to be a long night out.
A long night out it was indeed. 
The night had started out with several shots of tequila with Carlos and a few members from his team as well as his teammate, Charles- probably way too many tequila shots, but after a race like that, who wouldn’t want to get drunk off tequila?
As the night progressed, Rosa and Carlos had separated in the bar- he went off to drink some beers with his competitors while she went to the dance floor, hoping to dance away the pounding headache she had from all that tequila that had been consumed so early in the night. 
Before Rosa knew it though, she was in the arms of a stranger. Looking back on it now, she couldn’t even remember what the man looked like, let alone his name or the sound of his voice. 
One thing led to another and she found herself having a one night stand with the mystery man from Jimmyz just before her flight left at 5am. 
“Any questions?” the doctor asked, a smile still shining across her face, her voice still filled with joy and excitement. 
Rosa looked up at her and shook her head, Rosa’s grip on the papers in her hand becoming a bit tighter as she tried to hold back her tears. “No, thank you. Can I head home now?”
The girl nodded, handing Rosa a small little card. “This is my email if you or your OBGYN have any questions about this appointment or any of the blood work, ok?”
Rosa nodded a little, taking the small rectangle piece of paper out of the doctor’s hand and slipping it into her purse before giving her a faint smile. “Thank you, have a nice day” she said quietly before walking out of the room, needing to get out of the small space and breathe some fresh air. 
As Rosa walked outside, she was met with the hot and humid air that engulfed all of madrid- nothing too uncommon for the month of July. The sun was beaming down on her, making it feel ten times hotter out than it actually was. 
When she climbed into her car, she immediately turned the air conditioning on, hoping that it would cool her off in some way before she had to make the drive home. 
As Rosa started making the drive home- one that was about ten minutes long- she couldn’t help but let her mind travel as she turned her car left and right, navigating through the roads of Madrid. 
She thought about how Carlos would react to the news.
Would he ask her to leave, insisting that a child in his home would be too much of a distraction?
Would he be ashamed of her for making such a stupid mistake?
What would his family think when they found out… After all, they were like family to her now, the last thing she would want is for them to be disappointed in her. 
She couldn’t help but think about what horrible upbringing she had. Her dad walking out on her when she was eight, her mother becoming an alcoholic, and her sister completely forgetting about her the minute she turned 18, leaving Rosa alone in the horrible hands of her mother, wishing for an escape. 
Rosa thought about how the child growing inside of her would also grow up without a father- something she had always promised herself she would never let your children go through. 
Rosa felt like a failure already- like she was the worst mother to walk the face of the earth, despite only learning she was a mother nearly twenty minutes ago. 
Rosa hit one of her hands against the steering wheel out of frustration, feeling angry with herself for making such poor decisions four weeks ago. 
As she approached the gates to her driveway, she rolled the window down, feeling the warm air trying to suffocate her as she entered the 5 digit pin, watching as the gates opened, allowing her to drive through. 
She pulled into your garage stall, turning the car off before grabbing her purse and wiping her damp cheeks with the back of her hands. 
As she got out of the car, Rosa took a deep breath, hoping Carlos wouldn’t sense anything was wrong, though she knew he would, he could read her like the back of his hand. 
When she finally made it inside, she hung her purse and keys up on the hooks by the door before slipping out of her tennis shoes and walking into the kitchen to grab herself a glass of water. 
After grabbing the glass of water as well as a granola bar, Rosa made her way up the stairs and to her bedroom, which just so happened to be located right next to Carlos’ office. 
As Rosa approached her room, she heard Carlos talking, almost as if he was on the phone. When she walked past his office door, she was thankful to see that he was in a zoom meeting with his team, which meant he would be distracted for a little while, allowing her some time alone to process the day's events.
Rosa set her water and granola bar onto her nightstand before climbing into bed, a deep sigh of relief falling from her lips as her back hit the mattress, allowing her very tense body to relax a bit. 
Rosa’s relaxation didn’t last very long, though. After just about five minutes of silence, Carlos had knocked on her door. 
“Cariño, can I come in please?” he whispered, unsure if she was asleep or not. 
At first, Rosa remained silent, hoping that maybe he would walk away if she didn’t answer, but she knew better than that. Carlos would come in and kiss her forehead goodnight if he thought she was asleep- it's what he’s always done. “Come in” she finally said, sitting up against her headboard as she watched the handle turn slowly. 
“Sorry, I’m sure you want space right now, but I just had to see with my own two eyes that you were ok” he admitted, sitting on the edge of the bed as he looked up at her. He could tell that Rosa was far from ok, though he knew she had no desire to talk about it right now. 
“I’m ok, Carlos. Don’t worry about me” Rosa whispered, her hand reaching out to touch his, almost as a thank you for checking up on her. 
“It’s my job to worry about you, hermosa. You’re my best friend, I always worry. Especially after how much you threw up this morning…” 
Rosa laughed a little, giving his hand a squeeze. “We can talk about this a bit later once I'm feeling better, ok? I’ll go through the paperwork the doctor gave me.. For now, I could really use a good Carlos cuddle while watching a movie… what do you say?”
Carlos smiled and climbed under the covers, holding his arms out to her. “You know that I never turn down a movie night”
“But it’s daytime,” Rosa said, a small laugh escaping her.
Carlos jokingly rolled his eyes. “My bad, madam. I never turn down a good movie afternoon”
Rosa laughed and cuddled into him, her arms wrapping tightly around his torso as she rested her head on his chest. 
Carlos wrapped his arms around her and turned on a random movie that was on their netflix suggested before pulling the covers up over the two of them. “Let me know if you need anything, ok?” he whispered before placing a kiss to the top of her head. 
Rosa gave Carlos a gentle nod. “I will, Carlos. I will.” she whispered, closing her eyes as she had finally relaxed in the comfort of Carlos' arms. For just a slight moment, she had forgotten all about the events earlier in the day.
She had forgotten about Carlos catching her hunched over the toilet at 6am.
She had forgotten about Carlos encouraging her to visit the doctor.
She had forgotten about her trip to the doctors office, the blood work, the waiting for answers, and the pure shock that washed over her when the word's "you're pregnant" echoed through the small room.
For just a moment she had forgotten all about her Monaco mistakes, from the tequila to the bathroom sex.
For just a moment she had forgotten about her worries of the future, one that would include her child growing up without a father, her fear of being anything like her mother, and the struggles of raising a child alone.
The moment however, didn't last long. Guilt had suddenly washed over her as she laid in Carlos' arms. Carlos had been her best friend for nearly 12 years, yet she couldn't bear to tell him the news she had received an hour prior to this very moment. She couldn't hide this from him, it wasn't fair to him. He deserved to know what was going on, even if it meant that he saw her differently than he had all of these years.
"I'm pregnant with a stranger's baby" Rosa finally whispered, guilt persuading her to expose her secret.
tag list: @hammick @Cl16msc47 @majkaftorek @polyjuiceslytherin @Lizziebitch33 @viktorie16 @Johannalindau @Southernprincess1997 @Myescapefromthislife @F1andbookslover @my-fangirling-outlet
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thepedanticbohemian · 11 months
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For my THE CRAIS CHRONICLES novels--the 4 my #OC original character is in--I chose an older actress as inspiration. Someone with sex appeal but who has seen some rough times.
Basically, I knew Lena Olin would be one of the few actresses out there that could pull off the role of AI scientist, kidnapped, tortured, and prostituted by the Grey aliens. To give Crais endless pain-in-the-ass and WTF moments, too. She's enslaved by the Tirysp (Greys) and prostituted on a backwater planet Crais happens to visit for supplies after making off with Talyn.
When he discovers she's human, Crais cooks up plans to use her against both Scorpius and John Crichton. However, is she the pearl of great price, or the heads man's ax that will get him killed?
Senna's creation involved a great deal of research into the Romani culture. Andalusia in Spain. Flamenco music and dance. (Just one more skill the Tirysp use to make money off the sole survivor out of 100 scientists, astronauts, and physicians.) She's addicted to a cocaine-like substance called Hecho Red when he buys her. A chemical restraint used by the Tirysp to keep her docile and obedient. Crais disposes of her supply, leaving her locked aboard Talyn to suffer withdrawal cold turkey.
Senna is introduced in the second novel, SERENDIPITY & PROCRUSTES.
To quote the opening of "Original Sin,"
"This is not a love story. But, it is a story about l love."
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13/08 - Dia do Canhoto A data surgiu no Reino Unido e foi criada com o intuito de conscientizar as pessoas sobre os desafios que um canhoto enfrenta em uma sociedade onde 90% da população é destra. Alguns canhotos famosos: Alexandre Moreno Romero, Albert Einstein, Ayrton Senna, Bill Gates, Fidel Castro, Leonardo da Vinci, Ludwig van Beethoven, Machado de Assis, Mahatma Gandhi, Napoleão Bonaparte, Paul McCartney, Pelé. (em Multichaves & Carimbos) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSiQO8bsCmI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thecraischronicles · 11 months
This is a song that makes me think of my female OC in 4 novels of my Crais Chronicles. Senna Romero. When I remember what happens to her in book II, Serendipity & Procrustes, this song comes to mind.
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tretarec · 4 years
Deputado que doou 1 tonelada de ração, em live de cantora pernambucana, é acusado de não cumprir promessa
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Segundo postagem publicada pelo Blog do Silvinho, no último dia 05 de maio, o deputado Romero Albuquerque teria doado 1 tonelada de ração na live da cantora Priscila Senna em Abril e não cumpriu com o combinado.
Diante das informações, procuramos a assessoria da cantora que desmentiu a nota, confirmando que o deputado havia combinado que entregaria as doações no dia 22 de maio. Ou seja, ainda está no prazo.
Aproveitando que tá tudo explicadinho pra vocês, vale lembrar que tá chegando a hora da próxima transmissão da eterna Musa. Programada para o próximo sábado (9), as 16h, Live da @priscilasennaoficial promete trazer aquele clima nostálgico que só ela sabe e ao mesmo tempo trará novidades.
Inscreva-se no canal oficial e ative o lembrete!
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shmosnet2 · 5 years
بديل - ابلكس - للتخسيس بخمس جنيهات - لو راجل كل - بذرة القاطونة للتخسيس Plantago Psyllium
بديل - ابلكس - للتخسيس بخمس جنيهات - لو راجل كل - بذرة القاطونة للتخسيس Plantago Psyllium
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فوائد بذرة القاطونة للتخسيس بذرة القاطونة بذرة القاطونة (بالإنجليزية : Plantago Psyllium) أو ما تعرف أيضاً بعشبة البراغيث، تنتمي إلى فصيلة الحمليّات، كما أنها تنتمي لنفس الجنس الذي تنتمي له بذور لسان الحمل (بالإنجليزية: Plantago major)، وتنبت بذرة القاطونة في المناطق المتوسطيّة،[١] وتحتوي على ألياف قابلة للذوبان في الماء، وقابلة أيضاً للتشكل على شكل هلام.[٢] أشكال استخدام بذرة القاطونة هناك أشكال متعددة لاستهلاك نبات أو بذور القاطونة، حيث يمكن استهلاكها على شكل كبسولات، أو رقائق، أو شاي القاطونة، أو شراب مركز، أو عن طريق السلطات والصلصات.[٣] وكما قد يصف الأطباء دواء القاطونة علاجاً لمشاكل الأمعاء، والإمساك، والإسهال، وكولسترول الدم، ويكون دواء القاطونة على شكل مسحوق، أو حبوب تُؤخذ عن طريق الفم وتُستعمل كمليّن، حيث يتم تناوله ثلاث مراتٍ في اليوم، وينبغي استشارة الطبيب أو الصيدليّ قبل تناوله، واتباع الإرشادات المرفقة بعناية؛ وذلك لتجنب الآثار السلبيّة الناتجة عنه.[٤] فوائد بذرة القاطونة للتخسيس لبذرة القاطونة فوائد خاصة بالتخسيس، فهي تساعد على خسارة الوزن الزائد بطريقة طبيعيّة، فالحفاظ على وزن صحيّ هو مصدر قلق للكثير من الناس، كما أنه من الصعب الحصول على كمية كافية من الألياف في النظام الغذائيّ، فعند تناول حبوب السلليوم أو بذور القاطونة، يكون من السهل حل المشكلة لإحتوائ��ا الكبير على الألياف، كما أنها تعمل على الحد من الشهية دون تحفيز الجهاز العصبي، كما تُستخدم هذه البذور للسيطرة على الوزن والصحة المعويّة عامة، حيث إنها تحتوي على الألياف الإسفنجيّة والذي يُقلل من الشهية، ويُحسن الهضم، ويُطهر الأمعاء، ويُعد هذا خياراً ممتازاً لاتباع نظام غذائي صحيّ.[٥] إنّ تناول بذور القاطونة يمدُ الجسم بالألياف، حيث وجد أن كل 100 غرامٍ من بذور القاطونة، توفر 71غراماً من الألياف القابلة للذوبان، مقارنةً مع 5 غرامات فقط من الألياف القابلة للذوبان الموجودة في كل 100 من نخالة الشوفان مثلاً. ومن الجدير بالذكر أن الدراسات أشارت إلى أن للألياف الغذائيّة القابلة للذوبان تأثيرات واضحة ومميزة على عملية التمثيل الغذائيّ، ويكون ذلك عن طريق أخذ كبسولة، أو اثنتين مع كوب من الماء قبل تناول وجبة الطعام بنصف ساعة، مما يُعطي شعوراً بالإمتلاء ويُقلل من كمية الطعام المستهلكة، حيث تُعد بذور القاطونة من أكثر الأعشاب صحةً، وفاعليةً في التحكم بوزن الجسم.[٥] وجدت إحدى الدراسات أن ستة أسابيع على الأقل من تناول بذور القاطونة هي وسيلة فعالة لتقليل مستوى الكولسترول لدى الأشخاص الذين يُعانون من السمنة المفرطة، والوزن الزائد، وتُشير الدراسات والتقارير أن بذور القاطونة تُعزز الإحساس بالشبع، كما أنها تُقلل الرغبة بالجوع، وهذا الذي يجعل هذه البذور تُساعد على خفض الوزن.[٦][٥] فوائد أخرى لبذرة القاطونة لبذرة القاطونة العديد من الفوائد الطبيّة والعلاجيّة الأخرى، ومن أهمها ما يأتي: علاج التهاب القولون التقرحيّ (بالإنجليزية: Ulcerative colitis)، وهوَ نوع من أنواع أمراض الأمعاء الالتهابيّة.[٥] قد يكون لبذرة القاطونة فوائد في علاج مرض السكري، فقد تعمل على الحفاظ على توازن نسبة السكر في الدم كغيرها من الألياف، وذلك بحسب بعض البحوث فقد أثبتت دراسة أُجريت أن تناول 5 غرامات من بذرة القاطونة مرتان يومياً يمكن أن يساعد على السيطرة على نسبة السكر في الدم لدى الأشخاص الذين يعانون من داء السكري من النوع الثاني، وقد أشارت دراسةٌ أُخرى أُجريت على مجموعة من الرجال الذين يعانون من داء السكري من النوع الثاني إلى النتائج السابقة نفسها، ولكنها أشارت أيضاً للتعامل مع كل حالة مرضيّة بشكل منفصل وخاص، وبشكل عام، فإن استهلاك 5 غرامات من بذرة القاطونة كعامل مساعد للنظام الغذائي الخاص بمرضى السكري من النوع الثاني يُعد مفيداً للحد من الدهون في بلازما الدم، وللسيطرة على مستويات السكر في الدم.[٧][٦] تُساعد بذور القاطونة على خفض الكولسترول، وإدارة مستويات الكولسترول في الدم، كما تُقلل من خطر الإصابة بأمراض القلب، ويكون ذلك عن طريق خفض ضغط الدم، وتحسين مستويات الدهون، وتعزيز عضلة القلب، حيث وجد أن استخدام الحبوب التي تحتوي على الألياف القابلة للذوبان هو جزء فعال وجيد لعلاج ارتفاع الكولسترول، فالألياف القابلة للذوبان مثل بذرة القاطونة لها تأثير في خفض الكولسترول، وأيضاً خفض احتمالية تعرض الشخص لأمراض القلب، ويتم تحقيق ذلك عن طريق إضافة بذر القاطونة للنظام الغذائي مع الحفاظ على تناول نظام غذائي قليل الدهون، أو منخفض الكولسترول.[٥][٦] محاذير استهلاك بذرة القاطونة كما أن لبذرة القاطونة العديد من الفوائد الصحيّة، إلا أن لها العديد أيضاً من محاذير الاستعمال، ومن محاذير استعمالها ما يأتي:[٣] استهلاكها دون شرب كميات كافية من الماء، مما يعيق عملية الجهاز الهضميّ. قد يعاني بعض الأفراد من الحساسية عند استهلاك بذرة القاطونة، وقد تكون الحساسية مفرطة عند بعض الأشخاص. الأشخاص المصابون بمرض باركنسون قد يُعانون من انسداد في المريء عند استهلاك بذرة القاطونة، لذا عليهم استشارة الطبيب قبل استهلاكها. على مرضى السكري استهلاك بذرة القاطونة تحت الإشراف الطبيّ؛ بسبب قدرتها على خفض مستويات السكر في الدم بشكل كبير، مما قد يُسبب مضاعفات متعددة أُخرى. المرضى الذين يعانون من آلام في الصدر، أو مشاكل في البلع، والتنفس، والتقيؤ، عليهم أن يسعوا للتدخل الطبي للحفاظ على صحتهم. يُعتبر استهلاك بذرة القاطونة آمناً أثناء الحمل، إلا أن على النساء اللواتي يعانين من مضاعفات في الحمل استشارة الطبيب قبل استهلاكها. قد تقلل بذرة القاطونة من عمليات امتصاص بعض الأدوية، والفيتامينات، والمعادن، والمكملات الغذائيّة الأخرى، وقد أشار بعض الخبراء إلى حدوث مشاكل في امتصاص الحديد والكالسيوم والزنك وفيتامين ب12، لذا يُنصح بترك وقت كاف لمدة عدة ساعات بين استهلاك بذرة القاطونة والأدوية والمكملات الغذائيّة الأخرى. قد يعاني بعض الأفراد من مشاكل، وعسر هضم عند استهلاك بذرة القاطونة، وقد يصيب ذلك عادة الأشخاص الذين تعرضوا لعمليات جراحيّة في الأمعاء، أومن كان لديهم تشوهات خلقية فيها. يجب توخي الحذر عند استهلاك بذرة القاطونة مع المُسهِلات الأخرى مثل سنّا (بالإنجليزية: Senna). يوصي الأطباء بعدم استهلاك بذرة القاطونة أثناء استهلاك أدوية الوارفارين، والكومادين، على الرغم من عدم توثيق أي أضرار جانبية، إلا أنه لا يوجد أيضاً دراسات علميّة تُثبت أمان استهلاكها معاً، فجاءت هذه التوصية من باب أخذ الحيطة والحذر. فيديو من الهند إلى معدتك هذه البذور الهندية التي تعرف بعشبة البراغيث، تمتلك آلاف الفوائد التي لا تعرفها : المراجع ↑ صوفي لاكوست (2013)، الأعشاب التي تشفي، بيروت- لبنان: دار الفراشة، صفحة314 ،75. بتصرّف. ↑ Kurtis Frank, "(Psyllium (Summary"، Examine, Retrieved 5-4-2017. Edited. ^ أ ب Kim, "PSYLLIUM PLANTAGO"، Naturalremedies, Retrieved 29-3-2017. Edited. ↑ "Psyllium", Medlineplus,2015، Retrieved 15-2-2017. Edited. ^ أ ب ت ث ج "Psyllium Husk", Herb wisdom, Retrieved 15-2-2017. Edited. ^ أ ب ت Brian Krans, "The Health Benefits of Psyllium"، Healthline, Retrieved 15-2-2017. Edited. ↑ Rodríguez-Morán M, Guerrero-Romero F AND Lazcano-Burciaga G. (1998), "Lipid- and glucose-lowering efficacy of Plantago Psyllium in type II diabetes"، Pubmed, J Diabetes Complications. 1998 Sep-Oct;12(5):273-8, Retrieved 15-2-2017. Edited.
https://ift.tt/2Bh60xz الرجيم والرشاقة October 17, 2019 at 06:38PM
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thepedanticbohemian · 11 months
Go fan fiction
Props going out to all of y'all folks starting your writing careers with fanfic.
#Farscape fans know me, or used to, as PKLIL. I posted my work on my pklil.com and craischronicles.com sites. I wrote a novella and four novels in that universe. I created an AU told from Bialar Crais' POV.
I learned a great deal from that process that started in 1999 for me. I found that "villain" isn't necessarily what people perceive. Is the villain truly bad or misguided? I learned you can write an OC into an existing story without her being Mary Sue. My joke was always that Senna Romero was "Mary Sue with the numbers filed off." The Greys kidnapped her, prostituted her, and she commits suicide to fuck Scorpy over in his attempt to use her against Crighton and Crais. Then, Scorpy uses her DNA to clone her to capture Crais during a wild rescue in the heart of Peacekeeper territory. When the PTB killed Crais, nobly or not, I had the Builders rescue him and Talyn, setting in stone the rule they must follow or die. It took off from there.
I had as much fun writing these books for my fellow "Scapers as I did my professional work. The thousands of emails/comments fed my creativity. Writing is lonely after all.
So, my point is? WRITE THAT FANFICTION, PEOPLE! No writing is ever wasted. It's good, bad, and informational. If that's all you can write currently? Do it. As you mature in the craft, you'll turn to your own genre and characters. You'll take what you've learned about character development, plotting, themes, and create your own worlds.
I always keep a small spiral in my purse, just in case an idea hits me when I'm not at my desk. Think about doing that, too. It's a fallacy that you'll remember and get it on paper later. And definitely do not go to sleep on your ideas without writing them down. Cell phones notes apps are great for this, too.
Now, y'all, go do that putting words into sentences thing.
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mitchbeck · 5 years
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BY: Gerry Cantlon, Howlings HARTFORD, CT - Summer is winding down. The days aren't quite as long and the heat is subsiding a bit and that means fall is approaching and the 2019-20 hockey season is just around the corner. As Cantlon’s Corner exclusively reported last week, the XL Center's General Manager, Chris Lawrence, departed after six years of service in the Connecticut capital for an unspecified job in Michigan. It turns out that the job he took was as the new VP of Park Operations at Comerica Park in Detroit, the home of the American League's, Detroit Tigers. There is a Connecticut connection. The Tigers Single-A short-season affiliate is located in Norwich. The team is the Connecticut Tigers of the New York Penn League (NYPL) and they play at Dodd Stadium. Lawrence played college hockey at Michigan State in East Lansing, which is also where his wife is from. Lawrence’s replacement as the XL Center is his former Assistant GM, Ben Weiss, who was promoted to the position on Monday. PLAYER & COACHING MOVEMENT After all the controversy, former New Haven Nighthawk, Don Waddell, has signed a three-year deal to remain as the GM of the Carolina Hurricanes. Waddell did take an interview for the GM opening with the Minnesota Wild. Carolina also put pen and paper together by signing ex-Hartford Whaler, Hartford Wolf Pack, and New York Ranger goalie, Jason Muzzatti, as their new goaltending coach. Muzzatti held the same position with his alma mater, Michigan State (Big 10), over the last four years. There are five finalists for the Minnesota GM job. Two of those five have a Connecticut connection. Back in the 1970s, he played for the University of New Haven. His name is Dean Lombardi, who was an assistant with Minnesota as one of his first NHL gigs. New Canaan resident, and NBC-TV analyst, Pierre McGuire, has tossed his hat in the ring for the job. Congrats to one-time New Haven Nighthawks Marketing Director, Mike Santos, as he was named the new commissioner of the USA Tier-III junior level, Eastern Hockey League. Santos has held a variety of jobs in pro hockey since leaving the Elm City. Santos has an incredibly impressive resume. He was the Manager of Special Events for the National Hockey League and directed the 1993 NHL Draft in Hartford. He was the Assistant General Manager and Director of Hockey Operations of the New York Islanders for five years. Santos was Corporate Counsel and Director of Hockey Operations and Assistant General Manager for the Florida Panthers and was the Director of Hockey Operations for the Nashville Predators over four seasons. He also handled operations as General Manager of AHL franchises in Rochester, San Antonio, and Milwaukee. He also worked with the Norfolk Admirals (ECHL) as its team President for two years. Santos also held the title of Commissioner once before. He did that role with the Tier-II North American Hockey League (NAHL) with the title of Commissioner and President. North Branford native, Adam Erne, was traded by the Tampa Bay Lightning to the Detroit Red Wings for a 2020 fourth-round draft pick. The AHL’s potential 32nd franchise coming to Palm Springs, CA, which will be the first affiliate for the yet unnamed NHL Seattle franchise, has trademarked the name, "Palm Springs Firebirds." Read it in the Palm Springs Desert Sun HERE Defenseman Josh Wesley, who's the son of former Whaler, Glen Wesley, and who played 15 games with the Wolf Pack after being part of a reassignment/trade with Calder Cup champion Charlotte Checkers for goalie Dustin Tokarski, has signed a one-year AHL deal with the San Antonio Rampage. Boston announced they have signed a new ECHL agreement with Atlanta to be Providence’s secondary affiliate. Ft. Wayne has an agreement with the Vegas Golden Knights and the New Jersey Devils have renewed its affiliation agreement with Adirondack. The ECHL also saw Peter Karmanos part with the last of his hockey properties. He sold his controlling interest in the Florida Everblades. He also sold his OHL team in Plymouth, Michigan four years ago and the Hurricanes, where he is officially a minority owner of the franchise. Norfolk, Reading, and Jacksonville have all changed ownership this summer. Manchester folded just after their playoff season ended. Trevor Yates, the son of former Whaler, Ross Yates, who played with two AHL (Wilkes Barre/Scranton and Grand Rapids) and two ECHL (Wheeling and Toledo) last season has signed with Reading (ECHL) for the start of this season. Tobias Lindberg played with three AHL teams last season, Belleville, Wilkes Barre/Scranton, and ended the season with the Chicago Wolves. He heads back home signing with IK Oskarshamn (Sweden-SHL). That makes 65 AHL’ers to sign in Europe. Ex-Pack, Marek Hrivik, leaves Vityaz Podolsk (Russia-KHL) and signs with Leksands IF (Sweden-SHL). Charles Corcoran (New Canaan) has signed with the Coventry Blaze (England-EIHL) for next season after inking an original deal with HC Lyon (France-FREL), but the team may not be in the elite Magnus League this season. He played last year with Dundee (Scotland-EIHL). Four more collegiate grad transfers in Hockey East. The first two go to the Northeastern Huskies as Brendan Van Riemsdyk 23, leaves the University of New Hampshire and Craig Panton 24, from Merrimack. The other two go to Michigan (Big 10). They are Jacob Hayhurst from RPI (ECACHL) and Shane Switzer of Boston University (HE). There is one regular transfer. Bobby Hampton of Northeastern (HE) heads to Penn State (Big 10) but will have to sit out the 2019-20 season as per the NCAA transfer rule. Michael Dill becomes just the second transfer to Canadian college hockey as he departs UMASS-Lowell (HE) to Dalhousie University (AUAA). Jake Peters (Madison) is heading to Division III Nazareth (PA) College (UCHC) this season . Ex-Sound Tiger, Scott Munro, was named the new goalie coach at Trinity College (NESCAC). Former New Haven Nighthawk and New York Ranger, Mike Donnelly, will be inducted into the Michigan State Spartans Athletic Hall of Fame on Thursday, October 24th as part of their Celebrate weekend. Donnelly along with other inductees will be honored at halftime of the MSU-Penn State football game two days later. Donnelly played for the Spartans from 1982-1986. As a senior, he scored the game-winning goal in the NCAA Final with 2:51 left in regulation that allowed them to beat Harvard 6-5, claiming the Division I title. He led the nation in goal scoring with 59 and beat out Brett Hull, then at the University Minnesota-Duluth, by seven goals to win the title. He played 11 NHL seasons with and 465 games with 114 goals and 235 total points and in 197 AHL games has 112 goals and 244 points.. Donnelly played in New Haven on two different occasions. The first as a Rangers affiliate and the second with the Los Angeles Kings top farm team. Presently, he is a development coach with the Kings and enters his 18th year in the organization on the hockey operations side of the game. Five more US collegiate signed pro deals. Steven Ruggiero leaves Lake Superior State (WCHA) and signs with San Diego (AHL). Sean Romero departs Ohio State (Big 10) to go to Cincinnati (ECHL). Matt McArdle of Merrimack (HE) signs with Norfolk (ECHL). Ryan Cloonan leaves Boston University (HE) to sign with Utah (ECHL), and Matt McLeod leaves Canisius College (AHA) to sign a pro deal with Brampton (ECHL). Two more players head to Europe as Wes Baker leaves Mercyhurst University (AHA) and signs with HC Chambery (France Division-2). Duggie Lagrone jumps from Division III SUNY-Geneseo (SUNYAC) and after playing a few games with Utah and Allen (ECHL) at the end of the year also signs with the same French team. That makes 195 Division I players to sign pro deals, 53 in Europe and a total of 265 overall. The Arizona State Sun Devils (NCAA Division I, Independent) have signed Eddie Lack as their goalie coach. Lack played six games with Binghamton before being shut down. He had hip labrum surgery and is still recovering but decided to do some coaching before he attempts a comeback. Former Yale Bulldog goalie Patrick Spano (Westminster Prep) leaves HC Chambery (France Division-2) and heads to Belgium to play for the Liege Bulldogs (BEL-NEL). D.J. King, the son of former Whaler and present Rockford (AHL) head coach, Derek King, is traded for two draft picks from Hamilton (OHL) to Saginaw (OHL). Senna Peeters, a Belgian native from the Selects Academy program at South Kent Prep, signs with the Halifax Mooseheads (QMJHL) who took him as their first pick, 48th overall, in the CHL Import Draft in June. Long time Hartford sportscaster, Rich Coppola, who started on Day 1 with the Fox 61 WTIC-TV newscast that was christened April 10, 1989, after 30 years has parted ways with the station. His last broadcast was on Thursday. No future plans were announced. He has been the only Sports Director the station has ever had and is the last of the original crew from opening night. “It’s difficult, I would be lying if I said it wasn’t. Being the last of the original newscast says quite a bit about my longevity and its special to me. "All the events I have had the privilege to cover over the years, UConn games, Whalers, NCAA tournaments, the Wolf Pack, Super Bowls, state high school sports, are all wonderful experiences I treasure. but the friendships I have made along the way are even more important. "I have met so many talented and interesting people being in this business whether they were in TV, newspapers, or radio or any media outlet. This has been a great ride and run, but this isn’t the end. "After all these years of covering free agents in so many sports, I have a chance to be one myself,” Coppola said with a laugh. “I’m taking a chance on myself and in this business, like in sports, you get these chances only a few times, and if I’m gonna do it, now is the time." Coppola, a University of New Haven graduate, will still be doing NCAA Division I college hockey for the Quinnipiac University Bobcats on ESPN Plus. Coppola has also worked at ESPN, Channel 22 WWLP-TV in Springfield, an NBC affiliate, and started his career at WKCI-FM/WAVZ-AM radio in his early days in the business. An East Haven native, Cappola is a true fan of hockey, a rarity in the state media corps. He played the sport in high school for the Yellowjackets program and grew up with the Eastern Hockey League New Haven Blades at the New Haven Arena and AHL New Haven Nighthawks at the New Haven Coliseum. The Hartford market loses not only a great asset, but hockey in Hartford, at least for now, has lost its biggest voice. Read the full article
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laytonmua · 3 years
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⁣⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Thank you to Michael DeVellis and James Vincent for building an energizing and awakening experience of The Artist Summit. This was my first and I’m glad I was finally able to make it happen. Thank you sponsors for sponsoring the event, adding goodies to take home and just being supportive of The Powder Group! It is because of your connection to our community we all thrive, thank you to all of you (no particular order) OMNIA, Cinema Secrets, ESUM, SENNA, Beekman 1802, Skindinavia, Alcone, MAC Cosmetics, B3 Balm, Kevyn Aucoin, Nigel Beauty and On Makeup Magazine. I really appreciated the goodies especially those received from the hands on workshops.⠀ ⠀ Thank you educators; I appreciated hearing stories of your journeys. I applaud many of you on being pioneers within the community and leaders. Thank you Eugenia Weston and Senna Cosmetics, Dany Sanz, Romero Jennings, Marietta Carter-Narcisse, Sarah Rigano, Stephanie Flor, Damone Roberts, Todd Harris, Auralis Flores, Stacy Robinson, Nick Lujan, Rashida LaShawn, Joe Dulude II, Christine Gero Horiovitz, Alice An, Chris McCarthy, James Vincent, and Michael DeVellis. ⠀ ⠀ Thank you Veronica for joining me on our Provincetown adventure. ⠀ ⠀ To everyone one I met, I look forward to what the future brings you because of your hard work and endurance to your craft. May the artistry always flow. (at Provincetown Inn) https://www.instagram.com/p/CU3D9yvrA99/?utm_medium=tumblr
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zona-oeste-sp · 5 years
Bairro Interlagos SP
Interlagos é um bairro localizado no distrito de Cidade Dutra no extremo da zona sul da cidade brasileira de São Paulo, pertencente, então, a Prefeitura Regional da Capela do Socorro.
Recebeu esse nome por se localizar entre dois “lagos”, as represas de Guarapiranga e Billings.
Em 1920 o engenheiro britânico Louis Romero Sanson adquiriu terras entre as Represas de Guarapiranga e Billings; o mesmo planejava construir um resort de luxo no local, um bairro balneário planejado visando à elite paulistana, contou com a ajuda do urbanista francês Alfred Agache que percebeu uma semelhança daquela região com a cidade de Interlaken, na Suiça.
Desta parceria iniciou-se à implantação do bairro Balneário Satélite da Capital, que tinha como principal objeto de escopo, atrair as pessoas de alto nível social, moradores da capital. Para tal foi criada uma praia artificial com areia vinda de Santos, junto às margens da Represa Guarapiranga.
O projeto inicial do bairro previa, além de casas, muitas áreas de lazer e também um ginásio de esportes, mas, com a crise da quebra da bolsa nos Estados Unidos na década de 30, a implantação do projeto de construção do bairro foi abandonada e somente na década seguinte, Louis Romero Sanson pôde retomar seus projetos para a região.
Na época um grave acidente em uma corrida internacional de carros nas ruas da cidade, que começavam a ficar popular, levantou a necessidade de São Paulo ter um autódromo definitivo. Em uma parceria com o Automóvel Clube do Brasil, Sanson priorizou a criação e construção de um circuito na Cidade Balneário, o que deu origem ao autódromo de Interlagos, em um traçado que fez inspirado nas pistas de Indianápolis, nos Estados Unidos, Brooklands, na Inglaterra, e Monthony, na França.
Em 27 de Agosto do ano de 2015, o bairro de Interlagos completou 95 anos.
Está situado na margem direita da Represa Guarapiranga onde há diversos bolsões residenciais de alto padrão localizados em torno do Parque Jacques Cousteau, mais conhecido pelos moradores locais como “Parque do Laguinho”, ou apenas “Laguinho”.
Totalmente arborizado, sua topografia é considerada das mais peculiares da capital paulista. encontra-se inserido em área de proteção de mananciais e por isso possui uma ocupação rarefeita com grande permeabilidade do solo. por todas essas características, o seu tombamento foi realizado pelo CONPRESP em 2004. Além da topografia e vgetação, o traçado urbano também representa um motivo para o tombamento do bairro.
Corresponde à Z1 na classificação do Plano Diretor da Cidade, ou seja, é um bairro estritamente residencial. Ocupa uma área de aproximadamente 2,25 km², com seu perímetro determinado pelas seguintes vias: Avenida Atlântica, Rua Leonardo Di Fásio, Avenida do Rio Bonito, Avenida Interlagos e Rua Nicolau Alayon.
Pertencente ao distrito de Cidade Dutra está próximo ao Autódromo de Interlagos e boa parte da população local acredita que o bairro de Interlagos esteja situado, sob influências do Autódromo, em todas cercanias do mesmo, o que torna toda região popularmente conhecida como Interlagos.
A chegada do Autódromo de Interlagos ao bairro, enriqueceu o local e fez crescer a busca por imóveis, ou seja, enriqueceu o setor imobiliário. O valo médio do metro quadrado atualmente custa aproximadamente R$5.600,00.
A região de Interlagos possui duas estações da CPTM, a estação Autódromo, situada próxima ao Autódromo e daí o seu nome e também a estação Primavera-Interlagos, que recebeu seu nome por estar próxima aos bairros do Jardim Primavera e de Interlagos.
Interlagos SP Metrô
A Estação Autódromo é uma estação ferroviária pertencente à Linha 9–Esmeralda da CPTM, localizada no município de São Paulo, no distrito de Cidade Dutra, a seiscentos metros do Autódromo de Interlagos.
A estação foi construída pela CPTM para atender o Autódromo de Interlagos e adjacências. Inaugurada em 17 de outubro de 2007, a estação foi a primeira a ter administração integrada entre CPTM e Metrô.
Também é a primeira a ser entregue nos moldes do plano de transformar as linhas da CPTM em metrô de superfície, que consiste em menos tempo de espera na plataforma e mais conforto nas composições, entre outros aspectos.
A Estação Autódromo fica também próxima à Entrada da Ciclovia do rio Pinheiros, tendo acesso pela Ponte Vitorino Goulart da Silva.
Interlagos SP CEP
Bairro predominantemente comercial com 11,32% de seus endereços comerciais.
Principais ruas do Bairro Interlagos
CEP 04815-010 Avenida do Jangadeiro – lado par
CEP 04777-001 Avenida Interlagos – de 4503 ao fim – lado ímpar
CEP 04777-000 Avenida Interlagos – de 4502 ao fim – lado par
CEP 04815-030 Rua Justino Nigro
CEP 04772-004 Avenida Robert Kennedy – de 3003 a 4071 – lado ímpar
CEP 04783-000 Avenida Antônio Barbosa da Silva Sandoval
CEP 04815-020 Avenida do Jangadeiro – lado ímpar
CEP 04815-120 Rua Djalma Pessolato
CEP 04815-220 Rua Edmundo André Bonotti
CEP 04816-040 Rua Astolfo Vieira de Rezende
Outras ruas
Rua Aurélio Arrobas Martins
Rua João Correa dos Santos
Avenida Benedito Ferreira Silva
Rua Américo Cioffi
Rua Alcidez Munhoz
Rua Ministro Junqueira Ayres
Rua Pedro Machado de Mello
Rua Conde de Linhares
Avenida Sílvio Sciumbata
Praça Vicenzo Galilei
Rua Catanumi
Rua Jaquirana
Rua Primo Fiorese
Rua Willy Aureli
Rua Catarino Andreatta
Interlagos SP Autódromo
Autódromo José Carlos Pace é um autódromo municipal localizado no distrito de Cidade Dutra na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil. Pela proximidade com o bairro de Interlagos é popularmente chamado de Autódromo de Interlagos. Foi inaugurado em 12 de maio de 1940, pelo interventor Ademar de Barros, e desde 1972 sedia o Grande Prêmio do Brasil de Fórmula 1.
O nome tradicional do bairro (e consequentemente do circuito) vem do fato da localização em uma região entre dois lagos artificiais, Guarapiranga e Billings, que foram construídos no começo do século XX para suprir a cidade com água e energia elétrica.
O nome foi sugerido pelo arquiteto e urbanista francês Alfred Agache devido a região de Interlaken (literalmente “entre lagos”) localizada na Suíça. Em meados dos anos 80 foi renomeado para homenagear o piloto de Fórmula 1 José Carlos Pace, falecido em 1977. Anexo a sua construção, há um Kartódromo, o Kartódromo Municipal Ayrton Senna.
Interlagos SP Fotos
Outras informações
Mais informações: Guia Interlagos Tudo sobre o bairro e História
Mapa de localização
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O post Bairro Interlagos SP apareceu primeiro em Encontra São Paulo.
from https://www.encontrasaopaulo.com.br/agenda/bairro-interlagos-sp/
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luanhotrods · 4 years
Livro conta a história dos 25 anos da Audi do Brasil
Versão digital de ‘Audi do Brasil: Passado, Presente e Futuro’ está disponível para download gratuito
“…ao som do ‘Tema de vitória’, música que acompanhava Ayrton Senna nas corridas de Fórmula 1, Jô Soares desembarcou o Audi 80 Cabriolet de um avião cargueiro, sendo recebido pelo próprio piloto. Assim que desceu do carro, Jô não perdeu a oportunidade de fazer piada: ‘Já que eu vim dirigindo, faça o show agora’. Assim, Senna deu início ao show da Audi no Brasil”.
Esse trecho abre o primeiro capítulo do livro comemorativo Audi do Brasil: Passado, Presente e Futuro, produzido pelo escritor e jornalista Chico Barbosa, que conta a trajetória de sucesso dos 25 anos da Audi no Brasil. Para encerrar o ciclo de celebração iniciado em abril de 2019, data que marca o início das operações das quatro argolas em território nacional, a montadora alemã liberou o acesso gratuito à versão digital da publicação no portal da marca.
Impresso ou digital
Em suas 150 páginas o leitor pode acompanhar os principais momentos que marcaram a história da Audi do Brasil. Carros emblemáticos, eventos históricos e personagens marcantes são os ingredientes principais da receita de sucesso que consolidou as quatro argolas como símbolo de desejo dos brasileiros. Sonho do piloto Ayrton Senna em 1994 e realidade da marca desde então.
“Ao longo destes 25 anos construímos uma marca sólida no País. Pensamos muito na melhor forma de celebrar esse momento de nossa história e não poderíamos deixar de agradecer as pessoas: nossos clientes, embaixadores, admiradores e colaboradores foram fundamentais para chegarmos aqui. Juntos continuaremos essa trajetória de sucesso”, afirma Johannes Roscheck, CEO e Presidente da Audi do Brasil.
Para Chico Barbosa, autor dos livros comemorativos de 10 anos da marca lançado em 2004 e agora de 25 anos, “é um livro fora do padrão das obras sobre automóveis e marcas, pois a proposta editorial foi ir além de contar a história da marca e dos seus carros no Brasil nestes 25 anos. Estão no centro da narrativa as pessoas envolvidas com a Audi: clientes, funcionários, colaboradores, admiradores, embaixadores, parceiros, patrocinados, enfim, todos que criaram um vínculo com a Audi”.
A versão impressa de capa dura do livro está à venda nas principais livrarias do Brasil pelo preço sugerido de R$ 99,00.
Audi do Brasil: Passado, Presente e Futuro Autor: Chico Barbosa Editora: CBNEWS Páginas: 150 Formato: capa dura, 24×31 cm
Departamento de Comunicação Audi do Brasil Vinícius Romero
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O post Livro conta a história dos 25 anos da Audi do Brasil apareceu primeiro em Maxicar – Carro antigo, pura nostalgia..
Livro conta a história dos 25 anos da Audi do Brasil publicado primeiro em https://www.maxicar.com.br/
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zonanortesaopaulo · 5 years
Interlagos é um bairro localizado no distrito de Cidade Dutra no extremo da zona sul da cidade brasileira de São Paulo, pertencente, então, a Prefeitura Regional da Capela do Socorro.
Recebeu esse nome por se localizar entre dois “lagos”, as represas de Guarapiranga e Billings.
Em 1920 o engenheiro britânico Louis Romero Sanson adquiriu terras entre as Represas de Guarapiranga e Billings; o mesmo planejava construir um resort de luxo no local, um bairro balneário planejado visando à elite paulistana, contou com a ajuda do urbanista francês Alfred Agache que percebeu uma semelhança daquela região com a cidade de Interlaken, na Suiça.
Desta parceria iniciou-se à implantação do bairro Balneário Satélite da Capital, que tinha como principal objeto de escopo, atrair as pessoas de alto nível social, moradores da capital. Para tal foi criada uma praia artificial com areia vinda de Santos, junto às margens da Represa Guarapiranga.
O projeto inicial do bairro previa, além de casas, muitas áreas de lazer e também um ginásio de esportes, mas, com a crise da quebra da bolsa nos Estados Unidos na década de 30, a implantação do projeto de construção do bairro foi abandonada e somente na década seguinte, Louis Romero Sanson pôde retomar seus projetos para a região.
Na época um grave acidente em uma corrida internacional de carros nas ruas da cidade, que começavam a ficar popular, levantou a necessidade de São Paulo ter um autódromo definitivo. Em uma parceria com o Automóvel Clube do Brasil, Sanson priorizou a criação e construção de um circuito na Cidade Balneário, o que deu origem ao autódromo de Interlagos, em um traçado que fez inspirado nas pistas de Indianápolis, nos Estados Unidos, Brooklands, na Inglaterra, e Monthony, na França.
Em 27 de Agosto do ano de 2015, o bairro de Interlagos completou 95 anos.
Está situado na margem direita da Represa Guarapiranga onde há diversos bolsões residenciais de alto padrão localizados em torno do Parque Jacques Cousteau, mais conhecido pelos moradores locais como “Parque do Laguinho”, ou apenas “Laguinho”.
Totalmente arborizado, sua topografia é considerada das mais peculiares da capital paulista. encontra-se inserido em área de proteção de mananciais e por isso possui uma ocupação rarefeita com grande permeabilidade do solo. por todas essas características, o seu tombamento foi realizado pelo CONPRESP em 2004. Além da topografia e vgetação, o traçado urbano também representa um motivo para o tombamento do bairro.
Corresponde à Z1 na classificação do Plano Diretor da Cidade, ou seja, é um bairro estritamente residencial. Ocupa uma área de aproximadamente 2,25 km², com seu perímetro determinado pelas seguintes vias: Avenida Atlântica, Rua Leonardo Di Fásio, Avenida do Rio Bonito, Avenida Interlagos e Rua Nicolau Alayon.
Pertencente ao distrito de Cidade Dutra está próximo ao Autódromo de Interlagos e boa parte da população local acredita que o bairro de Interlagos esteja situado, sob influências do Autódromo, em todas cercanias do mesmo, o que torna toda região popularmente conhecida como Interlagos.
A chegada do Autódromo de Interlagos ao bairro, enriqueceu o local e fez crescer a busca por imóveis, ou seja, enriqueceu o setor imobiliário. O valo médio do metro quadrado atualmente custa aproximadamente R$5.600,00.
A região de Interlagos possui duas estações da CPTM, a estação Autódromo, situada próxima ao Autódromo e daí o seu nome e também a estação Primavera-Interlagos, que recebeu seu nome por estar próxima aos bairros do Jardim Primavera e de Interlagos.
Interlagos SP Metrô
A Estação Autódromo é uma estação ferroviária pertencente à Linha 9–Esmeralda da CPTM, localizada no município de São Paulo, no distrito de Cidade Dutra, a seiscentos metros do Autódromo de Interlagos.
A estação foi construída pela CPTM para atender o Autódromo de Interlagos e adjacências. Inaugurada em 17 de outubro de 2007, a estação foi a primeira a ter administração integrada entre CPTM e Metrô.
Também é a primeira a ser entregue nos moldes do plano de transformar as linhas da CPTM em metrô de superfície, que consiste em menos tempo de espera na plataforma e mais conforto nas composições, entre outros aspectos.
A Estação Autódromo fica também próxima à Entrada da Ciclovia do rio Pinheiros, tendo acesso pela Ponte Vitorino Goulart da Silva.
Interlagos SP CEP
Bairro predominantemente comercial com 11,32% de seus endereços comerciais.
Principais ruas do Bairro Interlagos
CEP 04815-010 Avenida do Jangadeiro – lado par
CEP 04777-001 Avenida Interlagos – de 4503 ao fim – lado ímpar
CEP 04777-000 Avenida Interlagos – de 4502 ao fim – lado par
CEP 04815-030 Rua Justino Nigro
CEP 04772-004 Avenida Robert Kennedy – de 3003 a 4071 – lado ímpar
CEP 04783-000 Avenida Antônio Barbosa da Silva Sandoval
CEP 04815-020 Avenida do Jangadeiro – lado ímpar
CEP 04815-120 Rua Djalma Pessolato
CEP 04815-220 Rua Edmundo André Bonotti
CEP 04816-040 Rua Astolfo Vieira de Rezende
Outras ruas
Rua Aurélio Arrobas Martins
Rua João Correa dos Santos
Avenida Benedito Ferreira Silva
Rua Américo Cioffi
Rua Alcidez Munhoz
Rua Ministro Junqueira Ayres
Rua Pedro Machado de Mello
Rua Conde de Linhares
Avenida Sílvio Sciumbata
Praça Vicenzo Galilei
Rua Catanumi
Rua Jaquirana
Rua Primo Fiorese
Rua Willy Aureli
Rua Catarino Andreatta
Interlagos SP Autódromo
Autódromo José Carlos Pace é um autódromo municipal localizado no distrito de Cidade Dutra na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil. Pela proximidade com o bairro de Interlagos é popularmente chamado de Autódromo de Interlagos. Foi inaugurado em 12 de maio de 1940, pelo interventor Ademar de Barros, e desde 1972 sedia o Grande Prêmio do Brasil de Fórmula 1.
O nome tradicional do bairro (e consequentemente do circuito) vem do fato da localização em uma região entre dois lagos artificiais, Guarapiranga e Billings, que foram construídos no começo do século XX para suprir a cidade com água e energia elétrica.
O nome foi sugerido pelo arquiteto e urbanista francês Alfred Agache devido a região de Interlaken (literalmente “entre lagos”) localizada na Suíça. Em meados dos anos 80 foi renomeado para homenagear o piloto de Fórmula 1 José Carlos Pace, falecido em 1977. Anexo a sua construção, há um Kartódromo, o Kartódromo Municipal Ayrton Senna.
Interlagos SP Fotos
Outras informações
Mais informações: Guia Interlagos Tudo sobre o bairro e História
Mapa de localização
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O post Bairro Interlagos SP apareceu primeiro em Encontra São Paulo.
from https://www.encontrasaopaulo.com.br/agenda/bairro-interlagos-sp/ from https://saopaulozonaoeste.blogspot.com/2019/07/bairro-interlagos-sp.html
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Fim de semana no Rio: Ludmilla na Praça Mauá, Bauernfest e mais!
Vamos falar de coisa boa? O fim de semana no Rio está recheado de programas culturais gratuitos! Festas juninas por todo canto, Bauernfest, show da Ludmilla, festival de jazz e blues… Tem tudo isso e mais rolés maneiríssimos de sexta até domingo!
Dá uma olhada no roteirinho que a Catraca Livre fez pra você relaxar e se divertir sem gastar nesse fim de mês:
1. Bauernfest em Petrópolis
Música, danças folclóricas, desfiles, concursos, gastronomia e, claro, muito chope! A Bauernfest – Festa do Colono Alemão de Petrópolis chega à sua 30ª edição com várias atrações culturais para toda família, mantendo vivas as tradições germânicas.
A programação do segundo maior evento do gênero no país se estende pelo Palácio de Cristal e outros espaços como a Praça da Liberdade e a Praça Visconde de Mauá, onde fica o Biergarten.
Aqui um pouquinho da Bauernfest em 2018 pra te deixar na vontade:
Partiu Serra? Vai lá ver a programação do fim de semana!
Quando? Sexta (21), sábado (22) e domingo (23) Onde? Petrópolis (Palácio de Cristal, Praça da Liberdade e Praça Visconde de Mauá) Quanto? Gratuito
2. Rio das Ostras Jazz & Blues Festival
Bora de música boa? A 16ª edição do Rio das Ostras Jazz & Blues Festival vai até domingo! Considerado o maior festival gratuito do gênero da América Latina, o evento promete 34 shows com o melhor da música nacional e internacional.
Nomes como Dianne Reeves, Romero Lubambo, Roy Rogers, Serginho Trombone e Bixiga 70 se apresentam ao ar livre, nos palcos espalhados pela cidade. Além dos shows, você confere por lá duas praças de alimentação com 18 restaurantes de Rio das Ostras e stands de artesanato.
Confira a programação completa!
Quando? Sexta (21), sábado (22) e domingo (23) | A partir das 11h15 Onde? Rio das Ostras ( Praça São Pedro, Lagoa de Iriry, Praia de Tartaruga e Costazul) Quanto? Gratuito
3. Festas Juninas
Não faltam festas juninas no Rio de Janeiro pra gente dançar, brincar e se esbaldar com tanta comida e bebida típica gostosa!
Tem arraiá em todo canto no “findi”! Se liga:
Festa Junina da Feira de São Cristóvão Quando? Sexta (21), sábado (22) e domingo (23) Onde? Feira de São Cristóvão | Campo de São Cristóvão s/n Quanto? Gratuito na sexta-feira, das 10h às 18h. R$ 5 depois das 18h até as 20h do domingo
Arraiá da Gema – Rio Sul Quando? Quinta (20), sexta (21), sábado (22) e domingo (23), das 15h às 22h Onde? Rio Sul (G5) | Rua Lauro Müller 116, Botafogo Quanto? Gratuito
Arraiá da Catedral Quando? Sexta (21), das 17h às 23h | Sábado (22) e domingo (23), das 12h às 23h Onde? Catedral Metropolitana de São Sebastião | Avenida República do Chile, 245 – Centro Quanto? Gratuito
Arraiá do Food Park Carioca Quando? Sexta (21), das 17 a 0h | Sábado (22), das 15h a 0h | Domingo (23), das 15h às 23h Onde? Rua Mariz e Barros, 1037 – Tijuca (estacionamento do Extra) Quanto? Gratuito
Festa Junina do Sesc Campos Quando? Sexta (21), sábado (22) e domingo (23), a partir das 18h Onde? Sesc Campos | Avenida Alberto Torres, 397 – Centro – Campos dos Goytacazes Quanto? Entrada solidária (2 kg de alimentos não perecíveis)
Arraiá de Ipanema Quando? Sexta (21), sábado (22) e domingo (23), das 14h às 22h Onde? Praça Nossa Senhora da Paz – Ipanema Quanto? Gratuito
Festa Junina do Recreio Quando? Sexta (21), das 17h às 23h | Sábado (22) e domingo (23) , das 12h às 23h Onde? Novo Rio Country Clube | Avenida Miguel Antônio Fernandes, 15 – Recreio Quanto? Gratuito
Arraiá do Deck Via Parque Quando? Sábado (22) e domingo (23) , das 10h às 18h Onde? Via Parque Shopping | Avenida Ayrton Senna, 3000 – Barra da Tijuca Quanto? Gratuito
Festa junina do Sesc na Arena Carioca 3 Quando? Sábado (22), das 14h às 21h Onde? Arena Carioca 3 | Avenida Embaixador Abelardo Bueno, 3401 – Barra da Tijuca Quanto? Doação de alimento não perecível
Arraiá do Monobloco no Circo Voador Quando? Sábado (22), a partir das 22h Onde? Circo Voador | Rua dos Arcos, s/n – Lapa Quanto? A partir de R$ 50
Arraiá dos Guimarães com Galocantô Quando? Sábado (22), a partir das 19h30 Onde? Rua Almirante Alexandrino, 501 – Largo dos Guimarães – Santa Teresa Quanto? R$15 até 20h (nome ano mural do evento)
E tem muito mais pela frente. Confira nossa lista completa de festas juninas!
4. MAR com entrada gratuita
Esse é o último fim de semana para aproveitar o MAR (Museu de Arte do Rio) com entrada gratuita! Até o dia 25, você não paga nada para visitar os espaços, conferir as exposições “O Rio dos Navegantes”, “Mulheres na Coleção MAR” e “Rosana Paulino: a costura da memória”, a instalação audiovisual “FLUXO”, entre outras atividades.
No sábado, às 14h, rola a tradicional visita guiada “Conheça o MAR”, que oferece uma visão panorâmica do museu em conexão com a história da região portuária e da Pequena África, além de um percurso cartografado pelas diferentes mostras.
Imperdível, né? Vem ver tudo o que está rolando por lá!
Quando? Dias 21 e 23 de junho, das 10h às 17h | Dia 22, das 10h às 15h (or causa da transmissão dos jogos da Copa América na Praça Mauá) Onde? Museu de Arte do Rio | Praça Mauá, 5 – Centro Quanto? Gratuito
5. Copa América + show da Ludmilla na Praça Mauá
Ali na Praça Mauá tem outra boa: assistir a Copa América em um super telão ao ar livre! Até o dia 7 de julho, a Arena Nº1 Brahma transmite os jogos da Seleção e promove showzões em um trio elétrico ali do ladinho do MAR e do Museu do Amanhã.
Sábado tem Brasil x Peru às 16h! Depois da partida, quem comanda a festa por lá é ninguém menos que Ludmilla!
Aqui você confere a programação completa da Arena Nº1 !
Quando? Dia 22 de junho | A partir das 16h Onde? Praça Mauá – Centro Quanto? Gratuito
6. Meditação no Museu Imperial (Petrópolis)
Lá em Petrópolis tem meditação no Museu Imperial todo sábado! Organizada pelo Projeto Meditação para Todos, a atividade desta vez tem como tema “O Poder do Silêncio”.
Como é no gramado, vale levar uma canga, yoga mat, manta ou uma toalha bem fofinha para ficar mais confortável
Quando? Dia 22 de junho | Às 10h Onde? Museu Imperial | Rua da Imperatriz, 220 – Centro – Petrópolis Quanto? Gratuito
7. Observação do Céu no Planetário
Partiu ver os planetas, estrelas e outros objetos e fenômenos do Universo? Sábado é dia de observação do céu no Planetário do Rio! A atividade, feita por telescópios, acontece toda semana e é guiada por astrônomos, que dão palestra sobre o céu do dia e tiram dúvidas.
Mas, ó: caso o tempo esteja nublado ou chuvoso, o evento é cancelado. Fica de olho no site!
Quando? Dia 22 de junho | Das 18h às 20h (distribuição de senhas até 19h30) Onde? Planetário | Rua Vice-Governador Rúbens Berardo, 100 – Gávea Quanto? Gratuito mediante 1 kg de alimento não perecível
8. Roda de Rock no Bukowski
Rock, cerveja gelada, comes, transmissão de jogos do Brasileirão em telão… Todo domingo, a Roda de Rock promete aquele rolé completão para toda a família no famoso Buko.
O evento reúne expositores moda, artesanato e gastronomia (churrasco, hambúrguer e mais!), tem Espaço Kids com recreação para divertir os pequenos e é Pet Friendly!
Quando? Dia 23 de junho | Das 14h30 às 22h Onde? Bar Bukowski | Rua Álvaro Ramos, 270 – Botafogo Quanto? Gratuito até 15h30. Depois, o ingresso custa R$10
Veja também: Pôr do sol no Rio: 5 lugares para curtir um fim de tarde incrível
Fim de semana no Rio: Ludmilla na Praça Mauá, Bauernfest e mais!publicado primeiro em como se vestir bem
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