#senju akashi x you
tojisrealwifey · 11 months
Just One Chance
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Synopsis: Senju makes a promise to wait for [name] before [name] moves. She's back after 10 years but loving Senju seemed to have backfired on her. Now, as she wallows in self-pity she is reunited with her ex, Mikey.
note: this is an alternate ending for my senju fic. you don't need to know the story but if you're interested you can find it here.
・❥・requests : rules
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WARNINGS: MDNI, 18+, Smut, Oral Sex (f.receiving), Fingering, Squirting, Masturbation, Slight Somnophillia, Dacryphilia, Slightly OOC Mikey, Cringe Arguments, Manipulative Reader [she is very selfish], Non-Canon Couples, Drinking, Mentions Of A Foursome.
・❥・wc: 7.8k
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"Hey, [name]!" Hearing a faint shout from behind her, she turns around whilst taking off her earphones. She is met by Takeomi and a woman who were making their way through the airport crowd.
She also starts to walk towards them, her black suitcase dragging behind her. 
As soon as she was an arm's distance from them, Takeomi pulled her into a hug. Despite cringing slightly, [name] couldn't stop her lips from perking up into a soft smile. 
"How are ya, [name]?" Takeomi asks her, pulling away. She replies with a faint 'good' before Takeomi is pushed away by the woman who was beside him.
"Hello [name]-chan, it's so nice to meet you." The red-head woman offers a handshake which [name] accepts. 
"Hello, Rika-san, and likewise. Again, I'm really sorry for not attending the wedding, I had crucial exams that week." [name] replies, maintaining her professional tone.
"Awhh, that's no problem honey, also relax, you sound so stiff!" Rika chuckles. 
"I don't- this is how I talk." [name] says, tilting her head slightly. 
"Damn, I'm still not used to you talking so politely, architecture uni really killed your attitude, didn't it?" Takeomi laughs out.
"Or maybe it's cause I'm no longer 17." [name] rolls her eyes. 
"I definitely spoke too soon, the attitude is still there! Anyways, give me your luggage so we can leave already, I hate airports." Takeomi shudders and takes the suitcase from her.
"Honestly, you and your dislike for airports." Rika scolds jokingly but nonetheless follows her husband.
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The ride home was quite enjoyable in [name]'s opinion. Rika and she kept chatting away, especially the former, but she did get questions about her job thrown at her which she answered happily. 
[name] had worked extremely hard to get into this profession so, of course, she'll speak proudly of it.
After some time, they finally reached home. When Takeomi was pulling up the car, she noticed her brother, Wakasa, walking out the front door. 
As the car halts, she immediately jumps out and goes to hug her brother, and he does so without any complaints. 
"I missed you..." He smiles into the embrace. 
"Obviously not enough to come pick me up." [name] rolls her eyes playfully. He grunts at her comment but smiles when he notices that she has started to become comfortable showing more emotions.
"Okay, come on, let's go inside. Freshen up, I'll prepare some food."
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It had been a day since she arrived back in Japan, 24 hours yet she still hadn't seen the person she longed for the most. 
Right now she sat at the dining table across from Takeomi and his wife, as Wakasa cooked dinner.
She was wearing a pair of comfortable shorts but was wearing a white formal dress shirt since she had just gotten off an online meeting a few minutes ago.
Not being able to contain her thoughts of the pink-haired girl, she confronts Takeomi about it.
"Takeomi-nii, where's Senju?" [name] finally let the question spill. Takeomi freezes. She also didn't miss how Wakasa momentarily paused his cooking. 
"What..?" she asks hesitantly, her mind filled with awful thoughts.
"[name], Senju...she uh.." Takeomi lets out some incoherent babble not knowing what to say. 
"Nii-san?" she turns to her brother this time who also froze up, not giving a proper explanation.
[name] immediately stands up and runs out ignoring her brother's calls from behind her. The cold air hit bare legs. 
She doesn't pay mind to her shorts that keep riding up with every speeding step. She took in heavy breaths but didn't stop till she reached Senju's apartment building. 
Finally halting, takes a moment to recover her breath. Entering the building she first checks the nameplates. 
If [name] remembered correctly, the Akashis' flat was 703. And she was correct, except that instead of Takeomi's name, the apartment seemed to be owned by Akashi Senju.
She heard the elevator open from behind her. She turns to see a few people emptying out of the elevator, when it is finally clear of people she enters the elevator. 
Pressing the 7th floor she secretly admires the interior of the elevator. She couldn't believe how much this building had changed over 10 years.
The elevator door opens up as it reaches the 7th floor and instantly walks out of it. Walking along the corridors she searched for the door with the number '703'.
Her eyes finally catch the said number and her feet move her towards it. Her vision slightly darkened due to her nervousness but still found the strength to ring the doorbell.
Immediately, she hears a few shuffles as a few footsteps grew closer to the door.
The door swung open as [name]'s face brightened at the thought of finally seeing Senju again.
Except, it wasn't.
Instead of seeing Senju's light pink hair, she was greeted by light brown hair. 
"Yes..?" The shorter woman in front of her spoke. 
"Oh-um...is Senju here?" [name] asks in a faint whisper, suddenly losing her voice, her head instinctively lowers to face her feet.
"[name]?" The other questions in a shocked tone. [name] snaps her head back up, taking a moment to realize who she is speaking to.
"Yuzuha?" She questions, her heart beginning to pound. 
"Ugh, who is it love?" [name] hears a familiar voice, noticing how it had grown slightly mature. 
The girl that she loved walked into the frame, her eyes widening at the sight of [name]. 
Senju sucked in a breath, shock embedded on her face as she stared at [name] with guilt in her eyes.
"Um, [name] please come in..." Yuzuha moves out of the way. [name] mindlessly agrees, taking off her shoes and walking in. 
She was so stunned she failed to notice her actions.
"You both should talk, I'll be inside if you need me." Yuzaha gives a sad smile and walks further into the apartment.
Their lips were sealed shut, both were unable to start the conversation, that was until [name] noticed a shiny rock on Senju's ring finger.
"You're married?" [name] asks. Following her gaze, Senju lifts her hand and fidgets with the ring.
"No, just engaged." Senju replies with a quiet voice.
"Since when?"
"Just now actually..." Senju answers.
[name] closes her eyes, her head tilting back slightly as she accepts the reality of the situation. Her roughed-up appearance made sense now.
They were going to have sex.
[name] felt her throat close up, her heart frantically beating in an unpleasant way. 
Oh, it hurts...
It hurts so much. 
She only now realized how much pain Senju had been put through during their teenage years.
"Don't." [name] interrupts her.
"It doesn't matter." She continues, releasing a heavy breath. 
"[name] please-"
"Stop Sen-"
"NO, LET ME SPEAK!" The shorter female says raising her voice. [name] stills.
"I- I'm sorry, [name]." Senju's voice wavers as she apologizes.
"Sorry about what?" [name] snaps, her question coming out more stern than she intended.
"I- I-" Senju starts but is cut off when [name] sighs sadly.
"You're sorry that you moved on from me? You're sorry that you broke your promise that you'd wait for me? You're sorry that you're engaged?" [name] asks her.
Senju says nothing except look at the floor guiltily. [name] lets out another sigh.
"You found someone you love and makes you happy. You have nothing to be sorry about Senju." [name] says. 
"Then why are you looking at me like that?" Senju asks, finally meeting eyes with [name]. Her vision blurred with tears noticing the [name]'s countenance.
"Like what?" 
"Like you're disappointed in me..." Senju replies in a whisper.
"I am disappointed, but not at you. I am disappointed in myself because I let you down for so long. So if it's anyone that should be sorry, it's me." [name] says but Senju denies shaking her head, tears rolling down her face.
"Please Senju, you just got engaged. Please don't ruin such a happy occasion crying over someone like me..." [name] turns and walks closer to the door.
When she finished wearing shoes, a broken sob reached her ears. 
[name] refused to turn around, because she was aware that if she did, she would break completely.
As much as she wanted to comfort her, [name] knew...
Senju was no longer hers to comfort.
"Goodbye, Senju." [name] says and walks out, pulling the door shut behind her.
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[name] walked into the convince store hoping to buy some ice cream. As much as she hated sweets, she wanted something extremely cold.
She hoped to get a brain freeze while eating it, that might help to cool her raging thoughts. 
Once reaching the ice cream section, she gets distracted by the alcohol refrigerator right next to it. Against her better judgment, her hand reaches for the sake bottle.
Five minutes later she was sitting on the pavement with two beers and a pack of cigarettes. 
After realizing she didn't have enough money on her to pay for sake she decided to settle for a can of beer and a cigarette pack. The second beer came with the buy one got one free offer, a total steal honestly.
Although she was never a fan of drinking or smoking, the night called for it. She stands up and decides to savor the commodities in her hands at her favorite spot. 
Reaching the rooftop of the abandoned building, she reminisces about the moments spent at the bowling area that was just a floor beneath her. 
It was her and Mikey's favorite spot.
Oh my god, Mikey...
She hadn't seen him since that day, and honestly, she was glad. She certainly didn't have the courage to face him.
She sat down near the door, knowing she'll be drunk off her ass in the next few minutes, and wanted to avoid any accidents just because she couldn't cope with a stupid heartbreak. 
She took out a single cigarette and placed it between her lips going to light it a bit then realized, she didn't have a lighter...
Letting out a grunt of frustration at her foolishness she places the stick back into the box. She clenched her teeth in anger knowing she just spent 500 yen on cigarettes that couldn't even use.
Despite wanting to chuck the pack away, she didn't. Instead, she held it close.
They were of Benson & Hedges, Shinichiro's favorite brand. 
[name] sighs. This is why she left, just a day back in Japan and she's already depressed. She wished she had never come back, she was happy in the Philippines, but again, she couldn't just leave her brother behind.
She opens one of the beer cans and starts sipping from it. 
Knowing that her alcohol tolerance was non-existent she only decided to drink just a bit, making sure to stay coherent enough to walk down multiple stairs and go back home.
But of course, God has never been on her side, has he?
Sips turned into gulps and within the next minute, she had already started sipping on the second can. 
She didn't know if it was the slight anger towards Senju, or because she was here on the rooftop, but she found her thoughts slipping from Senju to Mikey.
She smiles fondly remembering how much this place meant to her, to them.
They had shared many firsts here. Actually, except for their first kiss, every other first happened here.
The first time they drank, the first time they tried to smoke, first proper confessions, first date, first 'I love you's, the first time they--
[name] cringed at the memory, she couldn't believe how reckless they both were at the time, but what did two 14-year-olds know at that time?
That's what love did, it made them feel like they were the only ones here, and it truly made them feel invincible.
Love is such a dangerous emotion for someone so young, but they both fell into its captivity without realizing it.
They say that an average person falls in love three times.
The first love. The type of love that happens at a young age which is frequently referred to as puppy love. 
It feels euphoric at that time and being young and inexperienced doesn't make you understand what you truly feel.
As you get older, you think back to it and try to figure out if it was really love.
Mikey was her first love.
Then comes the second love.
It is said to be the painful one, it's the one that helps you grow. 
It's said to come with a lot of pain, lies, betrayal, drama, and so on...
And although she was grateful Senju never put her through all this, she wouldn't deny that Senju was her second love.
Lastly, it's the third love.
It's usually the one.
[name] could only wonder when she'll find her third love. 
It's said to come blindly; when your soulmate just walks into your life unexpectedly--
"[name]...?" A soft yet stern speaks from behind her.
[name] felt her heart drop and her breath got stuck in her throat. 
Just when she was having an inner monologue about love he just had to walk into her life again, didn't he?!
"M-Mikeyy...~" [name] slurs turning to face him. 
"What are you doing?!" Mikey raises his voice in shock seeing how drunk she is. 
"Oh just thinking about all the times we fucked here, why else would I be here?" [name] smiles although in her mind she cringes, not believing she some something like that.
'I am never drinking again.' [name] promises herself.
"Come on, I'll take you home..." Mikey walks towards her and takes hold of her wrist. 
"No! Come sit and d-drink with m-*hic* me~" She tugs him closer but he doesn't budge.
"[name], lets go." He says sternly once again, but she only shakes her head.
"No- come on just a drink, just like old times~" [name] pushes her half-empty can of beer into his face. 
He sighs in defeat and takes it from her.
"If you insist." but instead of drinking, he chucks the can over his shoulder obviously not realizing how much force he used because it ended up falling over the roof and landing on the road with a soft clatter.
[name] gaped at him in shock.
"No! Why did you do that?!" She stands up immediately and goes to push him, only to miss and trip over her own feet.
Luckily, he stopped her fall. [name] looks back at him, only to realize she was seeing two of him, her vision suddenly blurred as she felt herself sobering up at the sight of him.
She finally got a good look at his face, and for a second the same feeling of love filled her stomach. 
"Manjiro..." Her vision clears up and her eyes fall on the dragon tattoo on his neck. 
Lifting her hand she traces the ink on his neck, slowly striding closer, and instinctively places her lips on his. 
But to her disappointment, he doesn't respond and pulls away within the very second. 
They both stand in silence trying to understand the situation. She was surprised by her own actions, the shock sobering her up completely.
She takes a few steps back and starts apologizing.
"I'm sorry, that was very out of line...that was definitely not fair to your girlfriend." [name] says, the words spilling out before she can stop them.
"Oh? So it's fair to me?" Mikey replies haughtily. [name] shakes her head.
"It's unfair to you too..." She looks away, unable to muster up to courage to look at him.
"Hmm, don't worry about it. Plus, I don't have a girlfriend." He replies.
"Oh, boyfriend...?" She asks.
"No boyfriend either, [name]." Mikey says.
"Then...why did you pull away?" She asks nervously looking down at her feet.
"Maybe because we're not together? Also, the fact that you're drunk?" He replies with a soft voice.
"R-right...also, I'm not drunk. I just got a bit tipsy and wasn't thinking straight, so sorry for that..." 
[name] felt emotionally distraught, and Mikey didn't fail to notice that.
"Come on, I'll take you home." Mikey says but [name] just shakes her head.
"No, I don't want to go there right now..." She wraps her hands around herself to provide some sort of warmth.
"Then where do you wanna go?" Mikey asks; taking off his jacket and wrapping it around her figure. 
Such gestures, it all felt so natural.
"You place...?" [name] asks hesitantly. Mikey sighs in disapproval.
"[name]..." Although he couldn't imagine leaving her so he agreed silently.
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He took her to the Sano Residence on his CB250T. She was impressed to see how well he managed to maintain the bike even after so many years.
"I see you still live here." [name] smiles softly.
"This place has too many memories, I couldn't leave." Mikey smiles back.
"Is Grandpa in? I figure he's sleeping right now?" [name] asks.
"[name], he passed away years ago..." Mikey replies, his voice wavering. She looked at him in shock as this was the first she ever heard of it.
"What? When?!"
"A year after you left..."
"So, you've been living here all by yourself...?" She questions with a small frown.
"Pretty much." He replies and starts to guide her into the house.
It wasn't fair. He had been through so much, he had lost so many people.
His Mother, Father, Shinichiro, Baji, Draken, Emma, Izana, and His Grandfather.
And [name] left him as well...
"Why the long face?" Mikey brings his index fingers to the side of her lips and slightly pulls them up into a smile.
[name] giggles like every other time he did this gesture when they were young.
"Come on, tell me." he insists.
"I just- I'm not saying this is an insensitive way but, I feel like this house holds so many sad memories. I couldn't imagine being strong enough to put up with everything...does that make sense?" [name] rambles on.
"It's true, this place has seen such sad moments but at the end of the day, this house is a part of me. I couldn't imagine leaving this place. Hopefully, I'll find someone to make new memories here with..." Mikey trails off.
"O-oh...do you have someone in mind already?" [name] tries to keep her voice strong but a stutter manages to slip in.
"Honestly, I always thought of it being you..." he says with a sad smile. 
"Do you still love me, Manjiro?" She brings up the courage to ask the question.
"Yeah...I do." 
"Then why did you pull away?!" 
"Because you don't love me back, [name]! You know what?! I am so sick of this! Even when we were broken up 10 years ago, every time you found yourself frustrated with Senju, you came to me. Ever since then you always kept me as your second option, and I hate that!" Mikey snaps at her.
[name] goes to defend herself but gets interrupted.
"Don't think I'm stupid [name]! I know exactly why you were drunk and crying just now, it's because you found out about Senju and Yuzuha didn't you? I was just trying to be a decent person and comfort you but then you went and kissed me, trying to distract yourself like you always do!
You did that before you left too! And I was so blinded by what I felt for you that I agreed with everything you did, not even considering the fact you were just using me as a goddamn stress reliever! Can't you see that what you did hurt me as well!" 
Mikey's eyes filled with regret, he hadn't meant to snap at her but he had a limit as well.
"Manjiro I- I'm sorry that I made you feel that way...I didn't realize it I swear! At that time, running away always seemed to be the best option, but I never realized how many people I ended up hurting in the process..." [name] trailed off, her eyes welled up tears that she instantly blinked away. 
After all, she had no right to cry.
"It's alright...I'm also at fault for leaving you like that." Mikey reasons.
"But you did that to protect me, to protect everyone. It's not the same. Fuck, I am the worst, aren't I?" [name] covers her face, tears burning her eyes.
"To be honest, yeah." Mikey's lips form a thin line. [name] scoffs at his reply but agrees cause it's the truth.
"But that's the past. Now that you're back, you can start over." [name] uncovers her face and gives Mikey a grateful smile. She appreciated his attempt to reassure her.
"Do you still sleep in your garage room?" 
"No, I shifted to aneki's room, although it's still there. Here, the guest room is right here, you can stay here for the night." Mikey leads to the second-last room.
"No problem, you can take a shower if you'd like, although I don't think you need one. You smell quite nice." Mikey says before his lips seal shut. 
[name] stares at him blankly trying to process what he said.
"Fuck, that was weird. I'm sorry, I just didn't think I'll ever see you again so my mind isn't working properly..." he explains trying to subdue his embarrassment. [name] stifles her giggles.
"It's alright, Manjiro. Good night." She smiles softly.
"Yeah, night. I'm just in the next room so shout if you need help." 
[name] just nods and closes the door behind her.
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It was around 2 AM when [name] found herself awake on the bed. Her mind was plagued by the thoughts of Senju.
Despite what her selfish heart asked for she knew Senju was just a star that she could never reach. A love that will never be hers.
She is distracted by the sound of glass clinking coming from elsewhere, so she gets out of bed and ventures out of the room. 
Letting the sound of running water be her guide she traverses through the house and comes face to face with Mikey who had just finished rinsing a glass.
"Sorry, did that wake you?" Mikey gives her an apologetic look under the moonlight that seeps through the windows.
"Ah no, I was awake." Was all she said.
"No...Manjiro?" [name] calls out to him.
"Was it real for you...?" [name]'s voice comes out weak but her gaze does not falter.
"I don't understand." Mikey replies, confused by her question.
"Everything that happens between us. Was it real for you as it was for me?" [name] asks with a sad gaze, slowly coaxing him to answer.
"I think I made my feelings clear every single time, [name]." Mikey sighs, but then flinches at the sight in front of him.
[name]'s cheeks slowly got covered in tears as she finally succumbed to the events of today. Unable to stop herself she strides closer to Mikey and hugs him, words of gratitude falling from her lips.
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for loving me back then. For loving me now. Thank you."
Mikey holds her close while responding to her words with comforting pats on the back. Minutes go by and they remain the same. The flow of her tears were far from slowing down and so were her words of gratitude.
She very slowly pulls her head away from the side of his neck and moves her face close to his.
"Thank you." As the gratitude is whispered into the night, [name] connects her lips to her first love's.
This time Mikey does not withdraw, and only pushes closer, indulging in her taste.
Slowly, they guide their bodies to Mikey's room. Once the back of [name]'s legs hit the bed, she gently falls back before letting her back rest on the bed.
Her legs were spread apart for Mikey to move with ease as his lips continued their ministrations on her collarbone. 
Pulling back to start undressing her, he halts to admire the love of his life.
Her lips were wet, small trails of moisture on her cheeks and neck glistened under the moonlight, the sight itself made him weak.
His hands work to get rid of her shorts so she's bare from the waist down spare for her underwear.
He doesn't remove the white dress shirt she adorned, instead, he unbuttons the first few buttons just enough to reveal the simple black bra that held her weight.
His right hand smoothly slid her bra up enough to expose her chest and the way he did so made it seem as though her breasts were trapped.
[name] lets a weak whimper escape her lips as Mikey's tongue slithered on the valley between her breasts. 
His thumbs teased her nipples as his mouth trailed her collarbone. Slowly moving his mouth to one of her breasts he wrapped his lips around her nipple, using his tongue to add to the pleasure.
His tongue kept rolling around her nipple, saliva leaked from his mouth to the sides of her breast leaving prominent trails. 
He couldn't get enough, feeling how her nipple slowly but surely turned hard. He continues to do the same to her other breast before placing his hands around her waist to flip her over.
[name] balanced herself on her hands and knees, letting out faux moans as Mikey's thumb rubbed her clit through the fabric.
Slowly pulling her underwear down yet not completely off, his fingers brush through her folds smoothly.
Mikey stares at her cunt with a blank stare. Somehow he wasn't surprised at the the lack of arousal. 
His eyes grew pained yet a sad smile took over his lips.
He had yet again fallen prey to [name]'s false words.
Gathering some saliva on his tongue he slides it over her clit and her folds finally plunging into her waiting hole.
[name] lets out a loud hoarse moan, not trying to muffle her sounds like she usually does. 
"Ahhh- There!" 
[name] occasionally lets out words of affirmation as Mikey's tongue fucks her now-sopping cunt. 
His teeth would sometimes nip at her clit painfully as a form of revenge yet [name] only found pleasure in it.
[name] continuously lets out moans unable to stop her approaching orgasm.
She couldn't deny that this was the best tongue to have touched her. The title would change every now and then while she was a student at uni.
Her best experience was during a foursome with fellow female students.
Her cunt clenches around Mikey's tongue at the thought, mind becoming hazy as she feels her clit throb.
She remembers how amazing it was. She was in the same position as she is now but her mouth was on an older's classmate's cunt, licking away at her folds.
She herself was getting her pussy kitten licked by two other classmates. One had her tongue constantly sucking on her clit to the point it was red and puffy. 
The other would use her tongue to assault her insides, switching between her fingers as her tongue would kitten-lick her asshole despite [name]'s protests or she would engage in a sloppy kiss with the other girl, their tongues still coated in [name]'s arousal.
That was the last time she had a shaking orgasm, that was until tonight.
[name] had unconsciously started to push against Mikey's tongue, his wet muscle was long enough to somehow brush against her g-spot. His nose rested dangerously close to her other entrance, and she would moan every time it lightly touched her.
She pushes back harder as she slowly feels her orgasm fade, so she thinks of the only thing that could release all the tension.
[name] plants her face against the mattress and moans into it as she thinks of Senju in every position imaginable.
She did the same in all her years at uni as she would fuck anyone who remotely resembled Senju or sometimes Mikey.
She thought of how Senju's tongue would feel on her cunt. She imagined her cunt against hers, hands tied as [name] would ride her face.
Tears prick her eyes as the thoughts overwhelm her.
[name] squirts for the first time in 4 months. Her arousal coated her thighs, tainting the bedsheet below her.
Trying to ride out her high, she grinds her soaked cunt across his face in hopes of more stimulation, making sure to rub her clit on his nose and completely drench his face.
Mikey lets her move as she pleases, aiding her by softly licking up all her arousal. 
As he finished, he places a small kiss on her clit before standing up to walk away.
Before he could get too far, [name] shifts to sit on her knees and stops him by holding his hand. 
"Where are you going...?" [name] asks in a slight panic. Mikey only smiled down at her.
"Get some sleep, [name]." He replies trying to free his hand from her grasp.
"What...do you- why did you stop? What about you-?"
"This is enough [name]." Mikey loses smile.
"No, it's not- I need more! More than her- Mikey, please! Please..." [name] sobs guiding Mikey's hand between her thighs, coaxing two of his fingers to slide inside her.
Once they were settled in she moved her hips to mimic riding his fingers as she once did him, trying to lure him in. Her back was arched, pushing out her chest so they would move along with her hips. Her head tilted back to expose her neck, making it look so kissable.
Mikey was slightly caught off guard by her actions, never having seen her so desperate and submissive. He clenches his teeth in anger but keeps his mouth shut, only replying by driving his fingers deeper.
"Ahh! Just like that!" 
[name]'s moans were music to his ears yet it made them bleed, knowing nothing was directed towards him.
"You're so fucking selfish." 
Those were Mikey's last words before he rips his hand away from [name], completely distributing her orgasm.
"Manjiro what are you-?!" [name] exclaims but gets interrupted by the shutting of the door.
As a few minutes go by she hears rustling around the house she can see from the window how Mikey leaves the house looking fresh as if she hadn't just drenched his face.
He soon leaves on his bike, driving into the lonely night.
Tears now stained her face. 
How could he just leave her? Who should she go to next? How else could she stop the throbbing between her legs that had yet to subside?
[name] falls back on her back, her head on the pillows. 
She spreads her legs and immediately plunges two of her fingers into her weeping cunt. As she did so she was brought some relief, but her clit still pulsated against her palm. 
She sits up slightly, her right hand still in her cunt and she leans against the head of the bed using her left hand to support herself. 
Her left hand then moved to her breasts which were still trapped between her bra and her shirt. Her fingers stimulate her nipple as she continued to finger fuck herself, her mind filled with images of an engaged woman. 
She imagined fucking Senju in her favorite position. 
When she was at uni and became intimate with anyone who was similarly submissive to Senju she would fuck them in this position, hoping to do the same to her love one day.
Her room had a thin and long mirror on the side of her bed and there was enough distance between them to fit two people.
So as she would get eaten out by her partner for the night, she would make sure the girl would have her bare cunt pressed against the mirror.
She wouldn't stop the girl's actions until she was sure that the part of the mirror and everything below was covered in her arousal. 
When it was, she would shift the both of them so that [name] was sitting on her knees and the girl was lying flat on the floor, her legs over [name]'s shoulder would rest on her bed and the girl would have a complete view of her arousal and her dripping cunt as it got fucked by [name].
[name] would then tease the girl with her tongue all night and she forced her to lick up her own arousal on the mirror.
The girls who had experienced this would cry and cry, the filthy actions would embarrass them but they would only grow closer to their release.
Sadly for them, even during these intimate moments, [name]'s mind would only replace them with a certain pink-haired girl.
[name] felt herself growing close to her orgasm when thinking of Senju in the same position.
But suddenly her mind replaces herself with the image and Yuzuha and it breaks [name]. Shaking her head in defiance she continues her actions nonetheless.
Her fingers started to numb and her arm started to hurt, but she didn't stop until she had released all over her fingers.
Letting her breathing slow down she brings up her hand close to her face to look at her arousal.
After she cooled down she let her forearm rest over her eyes, letting her tears flow.
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Mikey hadn't felt such disappointed in years. As ashamed as he was to admit it, he was disappointed in [name] more so than he was in himself. 
He had noticed how she had called him 'Mikey' as opposed to 'Manjiro' like she usually does.
It's something that she had started doing somewhere in between his Kantou Manji days. It had started when Senju had officially entered the picture.
Without even realizing it, he had played right into her hands. She would lure him with her sweet 'Manjiro's and her lips would only spill 'Mikey's as she would fuck him.
It was already too late when he came to the realization.
Everything was different when she loved him, and only him. It was sweet. And a part of him believes it all went to shit when he left, yet he atoned for his actions. 
He was truly happy when [name] found love but when years later he heard of Senju and Yuzuha a part of him felt guilty, even though he hadn't done anything wrong.
Everyone else who was aware of [name] and Senju was also a bit distraught, but they were happy for Senju and Yuzuha nonetheless.
Mikey himself was happy for Senju for finding her happiness and hoped that [name] would be too but, by last night's events it was pretty clear how she had taken the news.
Because if she was happy, she wouldn't have kissed him. It had become second nature for her, if Senju does something wrong, go to Mikey. It had been drilled into her bones. 
Mikey walks into his house at around 9 AM. He looked to see if [name] was still here and sure enough, her shoes were right there.
He goes to check his room and finds [name] fast asleep on his bed. Her back was on the mattress, her head leaned up due to it resting on multiple pillows. Her hands were on each side of her head, and her legs were slightly pressed together and folded up.  
When he saw her face, he noticed how her lips were parted with small gasps escaping them, her face contorting as if there was some sort of tension building.
Hearing this Mikey's eyes unconsciously drift to [name]'s slightly exposed cunt, there was a prominent trail of her arousal leaking from her hole.
Against his better judgment, he finds himself yet again at the mercy of [name], hands on her knees to spread them apart.
He uses his finger to see how wet she is and is utterly surprised to see her completely soaked as he spreads her folds. 
[name] lets out a pitiful whimper at his action.
Without another second being wasted, he sticks out his tongue and licks up from her asshole to her hole, gathering all of her arousal and pushing it back inside her.
[name] moans but doesn't wake, her lips forming the phonetics of Senju's name.
Removing his tongue from inside her, Mikey just licks her all over her cunt, trying to build her orgasm.
[name]'s eyes open but her vision is blurry, she just feels extremely wet all over and can only make out how her thighs felt to be trembling.
When she leans up and looks down to see Mikey eating her out, her head falls back and her cunt pushes forward on his tongue. Noticing her to be awake now Mikey goes back to driving his tongue inside her.
The loud squelching sounds slowly brought her out of her sleepy state, her hips starting to push against him making a few squirts spurt out of her cunt and onto Mikey's tongue.
"Ah~ Ah~ Mikey...what are you-?"
Feeling him speak against her clit just brings her orgasm closer. This all felt like a fever dream to her. 
Mikey pulls away from making her whine but her mouth is agape when Mikey moves to her side and up to suck on her nipple, his fingers stimulating her soaking folds.
His tongue moved around her nipple along with his fingers and these actions were too blinding for her, falling into complete submission for the first time.
Two of his fingers suddenly plunge into her just as he softly bites her nipple, her head is thrown back as she moans out.
"Ahh! Senju!"
[name]'s eyes widened in horror, instantly looking at Mikey's face but his eyes remained closed, but she noticed how thin tears spilled from the corners of his eyes and fell onto her body, getting camouflaged within her sweat.
His mouth was still sucking on her mounds and the movement of his fingers hadn't faltered for a second. 
In fact, his thrusting had sped up, hitting her g-spot repeatedly, she was sure her cunt would be puffed up due to the sheer force of his fingers. 
"Mikey I—" 
"Just finish, [name]." 
And she does.
Her release coats his hand up to his wrists as his fingers reach knuckles deep in her cunt to coax out every drop.
This continued for a few minutes till their breathing was no longer erratic. 
Mikey shifts once again to place himself between her legs to lick up all of her arousal, [name] remains silent ignoring how her cunt clenches around nothing as Mikey smoothes his tongue all over her folds licking her clean.
Once he is done, he places a kiss on her clit like he always does before getting out of the bed.
"Take a bath. I have some clothes for you, freshen up." Mikey interrupts her before walking away from her for the second time.
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"Where did you get my clothes from? Did you visit Waka-nii when you left?" [name] questions as she stands at the door wearing her shoes.
"Yes, I didn't think you had informed them so I knew they would be worried. I told them I found you drunk so you're sleeping at my house."
09:34 AM
"She's at your house?" Wakasa asks in a worried tone.
"Yes, I found her drunk and felt uncomfortable leaving her alone. I tried to bring her here but she kept fighting so I just brought her back to my house." 
"Drunk?...*sigh* I see, thanks for informing me. You said you needed some clothes? Wait I'll get some for you." Wakasa replies massaging his head.
He returns a few minutes later, a paper bag in hand.
"I'm sorry about [name], Mikey. I wasn't too worried knowing she wouldn't do anything reckless, but just before you came here Takeomi called me and said that Senju and Yuzuha had gotten engaged last night." 
Wakasa sighs out as Mikey's eyes widen in surprise as he thinks back to a few hours ago.
"This is enough [name]." Mikey loses smile.
"No, it's not- I need more! More than her- Mikey please! Please..." [name] sobs guiding Mikey's hand between her thighs, coaxing two of his fingers to slide inside her.
Once they were settled in she moved her hips to mimic riding his fingers as she once did him, trying to lure him in. Her back was arched, pushing out her chest so they would move along with her hips. Her head tilted back to expose her neck, making it look so kissable.
Mikey was slightly caught off guard by her actions, never having seen her so desperate and submissive. He clenches his teeth in anger but keeps his mouth shut, only replying by driving his fingers deeper.
He thinks back to how desperate and broken her mind seemed to work, and suddenly everything made sense.
He realized she had probably met them right after the proposal. He felt pity for [name] yet it was still not an excuse for her behavior.
"She didn't do anything drastic right?" Wakasa asks Mikey to make sure [name] wasn't too disruptive.
"Don't worry Wakasa-san, she fell asleep as soon as she hit the bed." Mikey replies with an uncertain smile.
"I see...Please ask her to come home soon. Thanks for doing this Mikey." Wakasa pats him on the shoulder walking back into his house.
"You told him I was drunk?" [name] asked shocked by the revelation. Mikey gives her a nod.
"He's going to murder me... You- ...You didn't say anything else right?"
[name] averts her gaze as she questions him.
"No, I just said you fell asleep as soon as you got to the bed." He explains.
"But..." He continues making [name] look at him in a slight panic.
"I don't take your brother for an idiot." 
That was all he said.
[name] nods at him before finally saying everything she had decided to say while taking a shower.
"Manjiro, I'm sorry. I truly am. I was sorry all those years ago, I was sorry last night, and I will continue to remain sorry for what I have done. I have no excuse for—"
"[name] you don't need to do this-" Mikey's words interrupt her but it only makes [name] lash out.
"No! I have to. You deserve an apology, okay?!" His lips seal shut and [name] takes it as a sign to continue.
"I was really sad when I found out that Senju and Yuzuha had gotten engaged. Over the years Senju had started growing distant towards me to the point that we had completely stopped talking. 
A part of me knew that she slowly realized that it wasn't worth loving someone like me, she didn't need to stay with someone who tormented her at every turn. 
I was so depressed by the silent rejection that I would sleep with anyone who slightly resembled her in looks, personality, submission, or anything that reminded me of her. I would project her onto my partners and I unconsciously did the same to you.
I would try to stop myself by telling myself that Senju and I just got too busy, friends drift apart but when they meet it's left they never left. I would tell myself that it would be the same with us. That Senju would love me again when she saw me, yet it didn't go as planned.
Manjiro, It wasn't a lie when I said I loved you. I love you! I really really love you! But when Senju came into the picture I started loving her even though I never forgot you. I...
Manjiro, I'll be better! I'll go to therapy, anything! Anything to better myself. Just give me a chance... I'll be better so you won't ever regret having loved me. I'll make myself better so you don't have to be ashamed of me. Just give me a chance..." 
[name]'s heart felt light as soon as all the words spilled out of her, but immediately a brick was stacked on her heart once again and she dreaded his response.
She told herself that no matter his response, no matter what he said she would accept. 
[name] looks at him in disbelief. Did he just agree?
"Okay. I'll give you a chance. But only when you can accept the true relationship between Senju and Yuzuha. Can you do that?" Mikey asks her.
[name] nods trying to compose herself.
"Yes, I can do that!" [name] assures.
"Are you sure, [name]? Are you ready to accept the fact that Senju no longer loves you? Are you ready to accept the fact that as we speak Senju is probably getting filled and fucked by someone who will never be you?" 
By the end of the sentence, Mikey had pulled [name] close to him by her shoulders, making sure that her eyes stared back at his. 
He knew his words were brutally honest, the last part might have been unnecessary but he could no longer ignore just how hurt he was by her.
[name]'s heart ached at his words but she kept staring back, not moving her gaze for even a second.
"Yes. For you, I will accept it." Was [name]'s response. Hearing this Mikey lets go of [name] and steps back. A few seconds go by as neither of them says anything, yet they don't break their stare.
"Very well. I will wait for you." Mikey finally lets out a smile, his heart grows heavy when [name] smiles back and bows as a thank you.
He watches as she turns around and leaves the house, closing the door behind her.
He already knew how fate works, and what it will do to him since god was never on his side.
He always wondered if he was being watched by the devil, and he wondered if he would keep looking upon him till he had taken everyone from his life.
[name] too wondered if she had a devil in her.
Being loved by [name] was truly a beautiful thing. But it would become dangerous if it isn't reciprocated. She would never directly hurt anyone, but everyone around her would end up in the crossfire and would get used by her to ease her.
Then she would think of ways revenge, payback in ways that would have her love come crawling back.
Even now, as she makes her way home the devil persuades her to forget about Mikey. He tells [name] to go find Senju and make her forget all about her fiance.
He coaxes [name] to find her and fuck her into oblivion. Make sure that [name] will always be the best tongue to fuck her, the best fingers to stuff her full, the best pussy she'll ever taste, the best sex she'll ever experience. The most loved she'll ever feel.
This was tempting for [name], but for now, she'll ignore the devil and only listen to Mikey. She will make him take the place of an angel or rather...
Make him a devil to kill her own.
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seraphdreams · 1 year
allowing senju to fuck you with her strap for the first time has got to be one of your most “creative” ideas to date.
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despite her puppy-like personality, senju found herself more suited to do all the work — it’s true she has the stamina so why not let her take over? you’re resting in her lap on her bed as she configures the strap to her pelvis. a thick, ribbed silicone model of a cock, colored deep purple and almost as big as your whole torso. you’re practically drooling at the sight once she finally gets situated.
“wanna ride it?” she queries, her emerald orbs locked on you in all enamored fashion. the twinkle in her eyes signaled to you that there was truly only one answer to that question. “mhm, i’ll ride.” you hover yourself over her lap, teasing your clenching cunt by inching the tip in and out diligently until your confidence was built enough to finally take all of her.
you’re a slow rider, taking your time to adjust to the foreign feeling inside of you and attempting to muster up a steady rhythm. senju’s a girl who can get quite bored, quite easily. it really shouldn’t come as much of a surprise when she flips you onto your back, spreading your legs wide to have a field day fucking into your little hole.
she starts off moderately, then you watch as her pace increases — she’s fucking you hard and fast with no remorse as to how you’re being ruined.
she’s just like her brother in a way. all carried away in an instant because giving you pleasure is just so fun! she can’t help herself when you’ve been cumming so hard for her, not to mention how pretty you look.
she could do it all night.
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buccini555 · 1 year
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𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐬: 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞?
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ You asking to have your first time with them...
・˳ . ⋆ H e a d c a n o n s!
⁀➴ 𝑭𝒕. Hanma Shuji, Kisaki Tetta, Takemichi Hanagaki, Yuzuha Shiba, Senju Kawaragi, Hinata Tachibana, Emma Sano Akane Inui
tw: subjective mentions and words, nothing explicit, I think?
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭.𝟏 | 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭.𝟐 | 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭.𝟑 ♡
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𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐦𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐣𝐢
Hanma would be extremely excited to know that you want him to be your first, he would definitely accept the proposal right away
You were kissing and the mood was quickly heating up, at that moment you just wanted Hanma, so you told him that you wanted him to be your first.
"H-hanma? I want you to be my first time." Still a little clinking, you said as Hanma kissed your neck.
"Are you sure about that, my sweet?" Shuji stopped what he was doing and looked at you with a small smirk, when you nodded in affirmation, he brightened up immediately.
"I promise I'll try to be careful, knowing I'm going to be your first really makes me want to fuck you even more." Hanma said laughing, with a smile and dragging on one last cigarette, he really would be careful, but he wouldn't stop going fast and do it hard after a certain point, Hanma would be affectionate just because it was your first time, the other times, maybe making sure he didn't control his urges and instincts, causing you not to feel your legs for a brief moment.
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𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐓𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐚
Kisaki wouldn't feel important enough for such a thing, but he wouldn't be able to deny your request
Things between you were taking a turn, as you kissed, you plucked up the courage to tell Kisaki that you wanted him to be your first.
"I want my first time to be with you, Kisaki!" As soon as you said it, he broke the kiss and pulled back a little, you could see the desire in his eyes but at the same time Kisaki looked uncomfortable.
"You should do this with someone important to you..." He replied, but you interrupted him and told him how important he was to you, so he couldn't resist and ended up doing what you asked.
Kisaki would be affectionate to a certain extent, he wouldn't stop slapping you even if it was your first time, plus he would pick up the pace after a while.
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𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐤𝐢
Takemichi would be nervous, but he wouldn't be able to deny your request
You were home alone when you finally got up the courage to tell Takemichi that you wanted to lose your virginity to him.
"Takemichi, I-I, I want you to be my first time..." You said in a low tone, afraid of Takemichi's reaction, he was extremely blushing but soon accepted your proposal.
"I also want you to be my first time!" As he was also a virgin, he didn't really know what to do, but Takemichi would certainly be careful, but when he got confident in what he was doing, he would start to go harder, despite that, every time he would ask if you're okay or if it's hurting you.
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𝐘𝐮𝐳𝐮𝐡𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐛𝐚
Yuzuha would be a bit apprehensive about being your first, but she definitely wouldn't deny your request
You were already used to more intimate touches, but you had never done anything, until the day you plucked up the courage to ask Yuzuha to be your first time.
"I want you to be my first time, Yuzuha." You said as you were on top of Yuzuha, she just looked at you for a while and gave you a small smile.
"I will be happy to have the honor of being your first, baby!" Right after that, it didn't take her long to get your wish, Yuzuha would definitely be careful and have all the patience in the world with you.
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𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐮 𝐊𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐢
Senju would be surprised by your request, but she would carry it out without hesitation
"S-senju, I want you, I want you to be my first time!" You said in a short break in a kiss that was already taking another direction, you just wanted her at that moment and would entrust your virginity to her anyway, when you heard your request, Senju wanted to carry it out immediately, she already wanted you for a while time, just waiting for the moment when you were finally ready.
"I'll do my best for you, okay?" She said, holding your waist and giving you kisses on your neck and chest, Senju would be careful, but she wouldn't hold back that much, she wouldn't mind making you feel a little pain.
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𝐇𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐚 𝐓𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐚
Initially, Hina would deny your request for fear of hurting you or something, but it wouldn't take long for her to change her mind
You were alone in Hinata's room, there was no shortage of kisses in that place, so, when things were starting to take a different turn and getting hotter and hotter, you made your proposal.
"I-I, I want you to be my first, Hina!" You spoke while kissing her, a little shy and nervous with Hina's reaction.
"I don't know, I don't want it to be bad for you..." She looked at you, still wary, but when she saw your little face begging for that, she gave in immediately.
Hina surprised you, she was extremely good at what she was doing, and of course, she would always be very affectionate.
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𝐄𝐦𝐦𝐚 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐨
Emma was happy that you wanted to have your first time with her, so she quickly agreed to be your first
You were spending some time together, you were still a little shy but you couldn't help but say what you wanted at that moment.
"Emma? I want you to be my first!" You said on impulse, your face was flushed, Emma just looked at you and smiled, getting on top of you and giving you a kiss.
"It'll be an honor, hmm? I promise I'll be careful with you, I knew you wanted to be my little doll." She said laughing, the fact that you asked for that made her even more excited, so it didn't take her long to fulfill your request.
Emma would be affectionate to a certain extent, once you got used to it she would start to get harder on you.
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𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐧𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐮𝐢
Akane was surprised by your request, even so, she didn't hesitate to be your first
You were in the library, so you knew you had to be quick.
"I want to lose my virginity to you, Akane!" You whispered in her ear, who held her waist on top of the table full of books, Akane opened a smile and well, it didn't take long for her to start touching you, that definitely wasn't her first time, you knew Akane was experienced, then, just trusted it.
"You are adorable, I promise to make you feel good!" She smiled and continued what she was doing with her fingers, being extremely affectionate and careful at all times, despite that, she was making sure no one saw you.
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sagephilosophie · 4 months
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Chapter III : Kantou's Consort 「Masterlist」
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꩜ Chapter Summary ▸ In a castle tall and grand, a princess's secret now stands... Her husband discovered her betrayal, infidelity now in his hands.
꩜ Chapter Tags ▸ Verbal aggression, Emotional behaviours, Politics, Morally grey characters, Cheating, Angst.
꩜ Word Count ▸ 5372
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The sound of the wooden chair hitting the door echoed in the newlyweds' chamber, the already shaking princess took a step back.
"... Ha- Haru-", she tried to consult him.
"SHUUUUUUUUUTTTTT UUUUUUUUUPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!", The prince screeched at the top of his lungs, She obliged in fear, her voice stuck in her throat.
Sanzu threw everything around him in full rage, his tears falling down like rain, (name) could've almost felt bad if she wasn't frightened.
His world was spinning, all of it was red, all he saw, all he felt, the shade of his wet face, the color of his knuckles as he slammed it into the mirror repeatedly, staring back at his bloodshot eyes and messed up hair.
The princess broke into cold sweat and froze in her place against the wall, her husband - that found out she cheated on him within a day after their unconsumated wedding - throwing a tantrum this bloody wasn't a safe situation to be a hero in. The glass shattering sounded loud, haunting, so much so that it rings in her ears even after he stopped. She wondered if he saw someone else in the mirror, Rindou ? Her ? Is she next ?
Her breath hitched when he looked her way with a dark expression on his face, oh he most definitely was coming to her next, at this thought she ran reaching for the door handle, her shaking and sweaty palm slipping twice, she was about to try again when he gripped her hand roughly and dragged her into the bed, "n-n-n-n-noNONONONO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!! D-D-DO NOT!!!!! STOP!!!!!!!!!!!! HARU D-D-DO NOT TOUCH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
She was released from his bruising grip and thrown harshly at the bed, she took a look at him through her tears scanning his dead eyes when he stomped away and slammed the door, the clicking sound dazed her off, 'did he...'
Hesitantly, she got up from the bed and hobbled towards the door. She turned the door knob, it didn't open, she turned it again, still not open, she pushed and turned harder, same result.
He locked her up.
When that realisation kicked in, she shrieked again, "no... no... h-help me... HELP ME SOMEBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HEEEEEEEELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE HELP ME OPEN THE DOOR PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
She kept banging on the door, there were guards and servants outside, they heard her cries for help and knocks, they likely had the keys also, they probably even heard Sanzu's tantrum. But it wasn't their job to interfere, their job was to follow the higher ups' orders and definitely not interfere.
If their prince wished to lock his wife up, then she can even rot in there unless he says so, it's not like she'll be the first and only one.
That was the first and foremost reality of a noble woman, what all brides - especially to princes - should expect their lives to be with or without any mistake made, in this society, there are uncountable excuses ready if her husband were to harm her even if he kills her, and the poeple would not bat an eye, unless the wife lost her virginity before marrying him, then that's a universal scandal and a one way ticket to hell, right above the devil.
Her crying grew faint when her throat began to hurt, her head was banging louder than she have been, and the tiredness dazed her into a land of dreams.
The young princess struggled climbing the hill of the Tokyo imperial palace with those high heels, her caretaker says since she's a lady now she must be clothed like older girls all the time.
She sighed when she reached the old cherry tree they played around when they were younger, beaming immediately at seeing her friend, "Haru!!!!"
The Kantou prince was sat down, resting his back on the tree, one knee upwards. His hair grew lengthier with age, and to be fair, he himself grew prettier with it.
"(Nickname)!!", the boy's smile popped up when he noticed her, "...what took you so long ?"
"So sorry... I met Rindou earlier today, and he took me near the river between Shibuya and Kantou Mountains pass.", The princess sat down next to him looking at the sky, "oh how clear and peaceful it was... just magical! you should have been there!!"
The blue-eyed prince's smile dropped and he kept quiet.
"(Nickname)... the four of us were supposed to meet up here two hours ago, did you forget ?", Haruchiyo asked with a frown.
"I did not... well, i thought not because i lost track of the time...", (Name) looked back at him, "but wait, where are Keisuke and Manjirou ?"
The prince looked away and dryly answered, "went back inside the palace."
The young girl noticed his tone and began to worry if she had done something wrong.
"Hey... Haru... are you upset ?"
"Of course i am upset!! You never forget our meeting schedules!!! Until we met this... Rindou boy and he is all you talk about...", the noble snapped and fully turned to face away from her, "...like you have replaced us already..."
She finally understood what was going on; Haruchiyo was jealous. She thought it was adorable but she needed to reconcile with him first.
"Oh, Haru... do not say that... i could never replace you, all of you, but especially you.", The princess put a hand on his shoulder, "i sincerely apologise, Haru, i was just... pleased to meet a new friend, and honestly, he showed me new things and i was enjoying myself... but what he can never do is replace you, no one can, you will always be my first priority, you know why ? For you are my best best bestfriend in the whole entire empire and beyond..."
Her answer eased him up, but he still needed to interrogate for the sake of his ego, "More than Manjirou and Keisuke?"
"Yes, More than Manjirou and Keisuke. But it is better if they do not know."
"You will not forget about us again ?"
"I will not forget about us again."
"And you will not betray me for that Rindou boy ever ?"
"And i will not betray you for Rindou or for anyone ever."
"Promise ?"
You closed your eyes to nod and opened them to find  a bouquet of cherry flowers handed over to you, "I picked them up earlier... You can throw them if you don't like them..."
"I like them, Haru... and i will keep them, i will treasure anything you give me..."
"My lady ?"
(Name) woke up anxiously from her dream, she must've passed out on the floor, the light escaping through the curtains indicated she has been asleep for a prolonged time.
She looked up at the standing old maid who was holding a silver tray full of food and a golden glass, "Pardon me for waking you up, my lady, but my prince ordered your lunch to be sent to your chamber."
Lunch ?
"Wha- what time is it ?", the princess tried standing up on her feet but they gave up on her and she had to hold on to the old woman, the latter put down the tray and carefully helped her to sit on the bed, "Careful now, my dear, it is still afternoon."
"Oh god...", the bride put a hand on her forehead, her future with her husband really isn't looking joyful from the start.
"Now, now, that is normal, love, he is your husband... you must endure a little longer for his satisfaction...", The maid did not help her with any of the problems piles falling down, just adding to the misery, "I am sure he will calm down soon, he did seem worried about you earlier this morning."
(Name) finally turned upon hearing something useful from the older woman, "Why ?"
"Oh, my lady, His royal highness woke up from the crack of dawn running to unlock the door and ordered a duo of maids to escort you to breakfast once you wake up...", the princess looked at the door 'oh it was unlocked since morning' "But our prince could not touch food when he learned you have not been awaken yet, and ordered me to bring you your meal."
The image of Sanzu losing appetite from guilt along with her memory - inside the dream - sealed her mouth shut and she could only gesture the maid out.
The door shutting coordinated with her sobbing, as she thought about how she broke her promise to her Childhood friend, but still can't stop thinking of Rindou, she wondered if her husband harmed him in any way.
Rindou, Rindou, Rindou, that very name tormented her brain like the plague, in delight or in misery, the formidable duke's warm silhouette embraced his damsel in distress when their earthly bases were remoted.
Every ounce of her body was shaking frantically, merely sensible, after all, she have shed tears from dusk till down for hours, her health faltered as a result, and all the princess could do about that was bury her face between her knees and cry further.
The frustration cutting the air from Sanzu's lungs was demonstrated by the harsh clutch he had on the paper sheets - that is by far the single reasonable object to release his pent up rage on - despite the burning sensation underneath the prince's bandaged knuckles, his injured hand aching unbearably from the force to the point of throwing the crumbled papers down hard on his desk, rubbing his forehead in irritation and cursing under his breath.
The man has been reflecting on his wife's behaviour since they tied the knot, all the obvious signs painted him as a fool, and he added the final touch by shuting her in their chamber, his already wounded hand itched to slap himself over and over again nonstop.
'Rindou...!!!!! As clear as the sun it was!!!!!', to tell the truth, the scarring bruise of the affair - with the personal extent it attacked his dignity and trust - could not slightly compare to the anguish he felt at the ugly reality he have been avoiding; one where his lifetime's love has been onesided all along, it was no top secret matter, but hard to swallow nonetheless, for the longest possible period, their courting announcement has been treated like a gift from paradise to live a dream - from his perspective that's what it was - now, however...
"How are the newlyweds doing ?", Haruchiyo shot a prompt glare to the voice of the uninvited Yokohama prince barging in his office unannounced.
"Hear of knocking, Keisuke ?", was the only way the blue-eyed man greeted his friend in addition to the grim expression he had on his face.
"Have i ever knocked ?", the raven-haired prince argued back, sitting down across from a visibly annoyed Sanzu who was interrupted again before he could utter a word, "exactly."
"What business do you have here ?", No longer paying attention to the sudden guest, Haru rummaged through the papers to mask the storm invading his head from outsiders, praying his friend does not notice.
To his tough luck, Baji caught on to his stiffness rather quickly, "Business ? What is it with you ? You are acting strange."
"Nothing is wrong with me, how am i acting any different ?", He knew Keisuke may be an idiot on paper except the latter is sharp when it comes to his loved ones, there was a slim chance such a poor excuse would convince him, "Come on now, it is not like i met you yesterday, was it marriage life ?"
The Kantou successor averted looking at his friend's eyes, how he guessed that is a mystery, 'Not the marriage life that hurts, but the lack of a proper one from the very beginning' , "No."
The brown eyes examined his body language for a second, "Disagreement with your family ?", that run through Haruchiyo's head, 'My sin is that i did not, i am the monster every royal before me have been, have i been a real man, i would not have hurt her, no wonder she chose Rindou, You idiot!', "...No."
"Was it because i could not attend your wedding ? You are not upset about that, are you ?", Sanzu gave no response, he had to admit not seeing his closest friends among the invitees did bother him, "I really wanted to show up and congratulate you both personally, and so did Manjiro!! Except we were busy with the situation... it is getting worse."
The prince shifted his mind back to the actual menace, "How is the investigation going ?"
"Terrible, we got more information out of the captured traitors, and it may alarm you the most, apparently there is another rebellion threatening Kantou Kingdom, they would not reveal the leader but they said something about bringing the rest of the kingdoms within Tokyo down after yours."
"Fuck... This is not just a rebellion threat, Yasuhiro Muto must be plotting a revolution."
"I am afraid it is not just the captain... the confidential documents reaching the enemy can not be possibly given to anyone especially commoners. Manjiro, Takashi, Ken, and I, suspect the greater traitors are inevitably a union of royals inside the empire, these rebels are just puppets for distraction."
'Distraction ?' , "That would mean the recent movements are an inside job, but who is giving the orders... Any details about suspect Shuji Hanma ?"
"What we know about him is not enough yet, some of our researchers claim he most likely is not even from Tokyo Empire but all indicates he is the leader of Moebius and Valhalla, although... you got a point, who is the puppeteer... Hmmm... how did your meeting with crown prince Ran go ?"
'Ugh...' , "No progress."
"What does that even mean?! Did he decline the offer ???!!!!!"
"...Something urgent came up, we did not get the chance to discuss."
"At least tell me you spoke with his brother..."
'I almost punched him instead.',  "I did not."
"So you just..."
"Went home, yes."
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME ????!!!!!!! HARUCHIYO!!!!!! THAT DEAL IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!!!!", Baji jumped off his seat, "Roppongi kingdom is the most strategic territory to begin our search for those bastards!!!!!!! without the deal our supplies will be cut short , AND WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF TIME!!!!!!!!!"
"I told you... something came up..."
"What could have possibly happened that you walked off the meeting ?????!!!!!! Even I am taking this seriously. You should be the first person to do so too, the incident with your brother is clearly connected to all of this...", the heir gave a grimace at the supposition before the Yokohama prince continued, "And our emperor is about to be next, Shinichiro's safety is in danger..."
A frown appeared on the noble's face before he wears a cold demeanor when getting up from his chair, "Sorry for that, i will try to arrange another meeting with the Haitanis as soon as i can. I need to ease my mind now though, Keisuke, thanks for passing by."
When the former walked away, Baji showed concern at their encounter, it was crystal clear something was wrong even if the pink-haired prince denied it, "I will still be here if you need me, just going to ask the maid for a sweet treat."
"Help yourself.", answered the noble and closed the door, there was no quiet place in mind, so wherever his legs take him, he shall trust it.
Sanzu stopped his tracks and looked around him, the walls were made out of books and the light never felt warmer, 'The library. Perfect.'
The silent nature of the place was excellent to cool him down, so he got closer to the shelves searching for a worthy novel and a hidden one in the corner did indeed catch his eyes, he cleaned the dust off the hard cover to see the name, 'Whispers Of The Wind ?'
He knew he heard about it somewhere, the title was not foreign to his brain but his memories failed him, nonetheless he found something interesting enough to forget about...
"...Haru ?", the door opened with force and the prince felt his muscles tense at the nickname coming out of a voice he grew to love.
He debated internally weither or not to face her, weither to hold her close and cry or give her the cold shoulder, weither to forgive her and keep working on their marriage or let her go, he has been thinking about the last debate for a while, which one would be true love ?
He only recalled not having all the time in the world to think when (name) hugged him from behind tightly, it took a lot of self restraint not to turn around and kiss her, his heart could only break hearing snuffles muffled by his back, "....H-Haru... am sorry... Haru... so so so sorry... believe me Haru... i truly am...", her apologies were not enough to cool him down despite being gladly ready to accept it, what can he do ? he is weak to his princess' cries and she is seemingly regretful, there is still hope for them after all, "...please... please leave Rindou alone... do not hurt him... i beg of you..."
Haruchiyo felt something inside him shatter into a small pieces, just then he discovered she did not come to him to express remorse nor to condemn him, but to beg for mercy on behalf of the sole man she wanted; Rindou Haitani. Not Haruchiyo Akashi, not her husband who was about to apologize back and seek their happy ending no matter how late it might be.
Just for his wife's happiness, he was willing to lose.
There is one wise thing left to do.
"You can keep meeting Rindou."
(Name)'s eyes widened and she pulled back from the hug first, still facing the earlier monster's back and praying this is not a dream from the energy drain, "Do you mean it, Haru?"
He clutched the book he still held firmly, controlling his frown to turn around, "...Under some conditions."
"Conditions ?"
The princess nodded affirmatively, curled in the bed of her lover in the warmth of his embrace, "He told me if we cross them, i ought to forget i ever met you, otherwise we can have each other until the sun stops rising!!!"
"Hold on, what type of conditions?"
(Name) scrunched her nose in fear of Rindou's reaction, "Promise me you will comply first..."
"Tell me what he stated and i will decide.", Demanded the mauve haired man in a hurry - the quicker he can learn about those rules, the sooner he can arrive at Kantou and break Sanzu's legs - , the noble lady knowing precisely how to reduce his aggression took his face in her hand, serenely stroking his cheek with her thumb, "Rin... Don't you want us to be together ?"
As if hypnotized, the duke fell captive to her touch and leaned his pink face into the soft flesh, "All i ever want is to be together for eternity..."
The young princess grabbed his whole visage with both her hands and drew him closer to peck him on the nose, "Then do what he says, for me, so we can never separate again."
"No, that is not what being together mean, Princess.", the younger Haitani held her wrists and pulled them down delicately from his skin, "You will still be his, legally and to everyone... i need you to be mine with no shame, as my wife and my other half, not to spend ages under the mercy of an outsider so he is comfortable with our love. Ours."
(Name) stared sadly at him, the matter is not getting any less complicated and she wished she could make time stop for a quiet hour, the things she'll do for it, his fingers held her chin up and she looked at her favorite pair of soft dripping eyes - one that belonged to a ruthless leader.
"What were the conditions, love ?"
"First and foremost, you two shall not be permitted to engage in sexual intercourse while married to me, for one reason; Kantou parliament could only classify it as adultery when this line is crossed.
Second, the kingdom of Shibuya shall no longer be a meeting port, and you are therefore forbidden to be there at the same time as each other; if you are cautious, the Kantou and Roppongi kingdoms remain the safest places.
Finally, only those who are already aware of your relationship have had the permission to know; others must be kept in the dark for your own good.
It may not appear so, but I am not really a grave threat to your relationship, (Nickname); rather, be wary of Shibuya council."
The purple eyed royal gritted his teeth, "how dare he..."
"Rin-", the princess tried to side with her husband on the matter of their safety only to have her lover slap her hand away, "Who does he think he is ?! Permit me ?! What a joke- Nobody dares to command me on how to carry out, especially not with our connection!!"
"Rinny... he is just worried about our security-", Rindou disrupted her with his brows furrowed in a fit of rage, "Oh i am terribly sorry, honey, but am I misunderstanding something or are you seriously trusting him? I mean, come on, why would he be concerned about us? The scumbag wants control over us, use some logic (name)!"
"What 'Rin' ?! Am i in the wrong ?! oh huge apologies, your royal highness, am i not your precious husband ?! My opinion is not slightly worthy then, is it ?! What 'RIN' ?!"
"Rin... it hurts...", Witnessing the scarring hold he had on her wrist, he retreated in shame. He was unsure what had become of him; it felt like his father's past had taken control of him in that jealous moment. He would never intentionally act aggressively towards her; he had learned that lesson from the loss of his mother. He watched in horror as his sweetheart pulled herself away from him, pearly tears welling up in her eyes.
Countless echoes tormented him, bearing the visages of the aged king and his mother who never saw old age. These phantoms persisted their taunting refrains, that he was fated to follow in his father's footsteps, likening him to the apple that doesn't fall far from the tree.
His hands moved by their own to slap himself so viciously that the princess shrieked. He followed through with this motion, causing his cheek to turn red from the force, again, and again, muttering under his breath 'stupid' numerous times until the woman had to step in and hold his hand to stop him, "RIN!!!!! ENOUGH!!!!! WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU???!!!!"
He sobbed silently on her chest as she gave him a hug in return, "I have no idea what has gotten into me either, but I swear that i love you and i will never hurt you in any way ever again."
She caressed his forehead and ran her fingers through his hair, "I already know, Rin, And i adore you, more than you think."
Her prisoner raised his head and looked at her with lovestruck eyes - twinkling from teardrop scars. Her tender smile pulled the devotee inside him towards her little by little until he was millimeters away from planting a kiss on her lips.
His lover embarked on what they both wished for and sank into it as closely as she could. Perhaps one day their souls will touch if they continue like this, but for now they will gladly enjoy the affectionate embrace of the cotton mattress beneath them - and the connection of their mouths.
If it was a world with only them, the youngest Haitani would spend the rest of oblivion - called life - worshiping her caresses like a shrine, except they can not be left alone, hence why the guards outside opened the door for Ran whose judgmental eyes fell on yours the moment he walked in.
Out of shame, the princess pushed the other away from her and got up from the bed to adjust her stance, she was still noble and has principles and basics, no matter how much she showed her comfortable side to her partner. She told Rindou in silence that was almost audible that she had to leave, and she fled, passing by the older brother.
Left in the room, the brothers glared at each other, one of them had to initiate the argument here, and it happened to be the pampered prince himself, "You know you're awful, right ?"
"I'm the awful one now ?", the duke replied, he shunned the idea of anything he is doing being wrong, his brother couldn't agree less, "You know i expected better from you, Rinny."
"What are you hinting at ?"
"Nothing. Just that as someone who claims to be...", Ran wandered around the room still speaking, "chivalrous... reliable... valiant... fierce... charming if we must...", he stopped in front of the window, watching Kantou princess' carriage leave, "you're still rather selfish deep inside."
"What are you talking about ?"
"Messing around with married women... tsk tsk that is pretty low even for me, little bro."
"And ignoring your poeple's needs isn't as low then ?"
Ran turned around and gave his brother a cold empty stare, one he hated to admit how much it scared him, "No.", the sun shined bright behind him from where he stood, his shadow covered the sitting man's face, the latter broke into sweats, "It isn't."
"...If you have a remark, just say it."
The smirk on the taller prince's face disturbed Rindou, "You will change your mind about everything you believed in very soon, little bro."
Shivers ran down his spine, Rindou had a lot of questions in his mind as the older Haitani left without any further explanation, but one thing ran through his head since the beginning...
'Am i selfish ?'
The sun was ready to set, even the stars will keep bidding each other goodbye at a fated time, those who understand love found beauty in that form of departure; peaceful it is before going away, deep it is after leaving, but just overwhelming when letting go.
Even if it's known the sun will have to leave, even if the sunshine will gleam through the moon, every day the earth will wait for their light to carry on living, but the humans have been addicted to the sensations from the sunset for centuries, no matter where they are, no matter when they were born, legends say they tore each other apart to recreat it in daylight, but their efforts did not create a single resemblance, because in space they have to meet again until existence ceases to exist, while humans can not guarantee certainly that they will have another chance to meet, in addition, they hate being reminded that they are weak and cannot protect those they love.
And the Akashi royal family hated saying farewells for that very reason, at least that is how it was with Haru, standing at the edge of his brother's deathbed, that is instead going to be the death of them, if anyone compares his condition to Takeomi's, they would not be able to distinguish who is really on the brink of death.
If the oldest prince's condition allowed him to feel the presence of those around, he would have been one of the most fortunate royals with his loving family. His father held his cold hand tremblingly from the other side of the bed. His sister stared behind them with glazed eyes and could not see a king, but rather a father blaming himself for what his hands had not done, Senju then peered at her other brother who could do nothing more than averting her regard in pain - He really is useless...
"Mamaaaa!!!!!, The innocent child threw himself into his mother's arms when he finally found her in the library, at the sight of him, the queen removed the open book she was reading from her lap to make room for her laughing son and stroked his hair.
"Haru ? Did something happen ?",  He nodded and the boy's smile brightened, his eyes sparkling, raising his head to his mother, "i had dub dub!!!"
"Dub dub ?"
"Yes!!! Dub dub!!!! Here!!!!", the woman chuckled noting her barely six summers old kid point his small finger at his heart, "My, who may the lucky young lady be ?"
The little prince hid his face in her dress giggling, "(nickname)..."
"Oh ? do you fancy her ?", his mother patted on his back in a soothing manner, still laughing he answered with a tiny 'yes', "More or less than mama ?"
"NO! NO! I LOVE MAMA! I LOVE MAMA!", the question troubled the small boy, leading him to act as brattish as any little child his age, "BUT I ALSO LOVE (NICKNAME)! WE HAD DUB DUB!"
"I am sure you have enough love for everyone...
...your mother can not even love once."
Haru lifted his face in confusion to see her expression but all he was staring at was a shadow resembling his mom, her features misshapen and unclear...
"Mama ?"
The chamber was quiet and everyone knew that this was the best way to commune with their lost souls, Eventually, all heads turned in unison at the loud creak of the ancient wooden door, breaking the trance - all except for Sanzu. With eyes unmoving in a thousand-yard stare, the prince remained transfixed, knowing that only one soul was absent this night had just made its awaited return from her appointment with the very loved one.
The consort curtsied to the king and he nodded back, his focus drifted away from her as he turned his gaze back towards his comatosed son, desperately wishing for the boy to regain consciousness.
The atmosphere made her anxious and she tried to say something, "Your Majesty... I can not begin to fathom the heaviness in your heart during this immensely difficult time..."
The monarch took a deep breath and answered her, "It was indeed a hard time... When I first laid eyes upon Takeomi's state, the world had been ripped out from under my feet... As a king, i expected the enemies to try and harm the heir to the throne, but as a father, nothing could have prepared me for the utter anguish of seeing my child in such a fragile state..."
The grand duchess' eyes welled up with tears and put her shaking hand on the old man's shoulder as he continued to speak, "I have ruled this kingdom for decades with an unwavering hand... And yet, in the face of this accursed tragedy, I have never felt so feeble and impotent... My crown, my titles, my authority - they aided me with nothing in this misery. I have became a father in anguish, just as any other..."
Pausing from talking, Akashi struggled to maintain composure, his daughter keeping him from falling, "Forgive me...I have not been able to escape the terrors that consume my mind. Ever since she ran away, our resilient first-born helped shoulder the load and kept this family together through those darkest of days, and i thought too much about what may happen if i lose my son, and what if he does not recover... these and a thousand other dreadful thoughts plague me day and night..."
A solitary tear traile her cheek before she heared him referring to her, "(Name), my beloved child, please do not think we have brought you here as some kind of repayment or consolation for this tragic incident. You are a cherished member of this family now, and I know with certainty that once our prince awakens, he will welcome you just as deeply as we do."
The princess' face spum fully to see her husband, he faced the other direction hiding the wet trails glistening on his cheeks.
The guilt of everything she has said and done to the Akashis so far was like a dagger slowly twisting in her heart.
'Why did I act so foolishly?'
The touching moment was interrupted when a guard burst into the room, shocking everyone, "YOUR MAJESTY! A CONCUBINE IS ATTACKING EVERYONE AND CLAIMING TO BE PREGNANT WITH PRINCE TAKEOMI'S CHILD!! SHE IS DEMANDING TO SEE YOU, SIRE!"
A/N : thank you so much so reading <3
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youatemylollipop · 2 years
Sanzu: Watch your tone when you’re speaking to Mikey.
Y/N: I f*cked your sister.
*Everyone thinking simultaneously: What’s that got to do with anything?
Pah-chin: Whose sister?
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rozcdust · 2 years
Angel of small death
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The Screenshots:
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zanashair · 2 years
[senju, haruchiyo, & y/n having a podcast] (ib trash taste episode #130)
senju: ok, but like, i have a question
haruchiyo: what is it, i swear to god if it's something dumb
senju: so like... allergies.
y/n, interested: alright, go on
senju: why are we allergic to things? why does that happened? do we know?
haruchiyo: you mean why allergies happened?
senju: yeah, why do you just become allergies to shit?
y/n, with no hesitation: skill issue.
haruchiyo: *fucking dies from laughter*
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yeosatinyngz · 2 years
hi! >u< hru? ♡ for the 1yr event, can i pls req senju akashi + prompt three (reader says it)? no pressure and take as long as u need. <3
Hi! I’m pretty good, hope it’s the same for you ♡ This is my first time writing for Senju so I hope I did an alright job and thank you for the reassurance! <3
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#3: “It’s alright to feel broken every once and a while. And it’s alright to take time to heal.”
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It was one of those days where the past comes back to haunt Senju. All of these years she felt guilty that her bliss ignorance in her childhood caused Haruchiyo many pain. She woke up full of sweat from a nightmare of Sanzu blaming all his pain on her. She broke out in tears and reached for her phone to call you. 
It was 4AM when you got a call from someone, it’s a bit unusual to be receiving a phone call at this time but you checked the caller ID to see that it was Senju that was calling you. Seeing so, you quickly picked up the call and was greeted by her trying to speak through her cries. Alarmed, you quickly asked her, “What’s wrong Senju?” 
It took her a while to stop crying and she managed to sniffle out, “I’ve been having nightmares about Haru Nii. It hurts me so much when I remember what I did to him.” “It’s alright to feel broken every once and a while. And it’s alright to take time to heal.” “No you don’t get it Y/N, I’ll never heal from this.” “Senju, listen to me. This will keep haunting you unless you go and apologize to him. Please promise me that you’ll do that.” “But- I’m scared to face him. How can I even show my face to him?” 
“It’s not a matter of how, it’s a matter of doing what’s right.” She deeply sighed, “You’re right…but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m scared of going to see him.” “I can come along with you if that helps.” “You would do that for me?” She almost bursted out in tears again. “Of course, it’s time to put an end to these nightmares.” She sniffled some more, “Thank you Y/N” She says while finally being able to wipe away the tears on her face.
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eggtartz · 2 years
Happy New Year!!! how are the parties going??? (if you celebrate, of course) hope everything is going well!
could request senju akashi married to a reader (fem) who wants to have a baby or adopt one 🥹🥹
a/n : the only party im going is a sleeping party.. lmao this is a cute one anon, thankyou for requesting 🫶🏻
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senju and you have known each other for a long time now, the two of you meeting when she firstly formed brahman. she saw you as a strong person just like his brother so she had favoured you a lot. after all, you two were the only girls in the gang. however, one day senju received bad news about your wellbeing that you entered the hospital for some reasons.
concerned, senju went to see you to find you in the mother's ward and saw you cradle a baby in your arms "y/n?"
turns out you were seven months pregnant with your ex's child but when he was informed about the baby growing inside you, he left town. lucky for you, the brahman coat was big enough to cover your baby bump so none of the members seem to noticed it. well, not until now. senju sat with you and looked at baby with awe. she always wanted a little sibling granted how she's the youngest. "you wanna hold her senju?"
you nodded at her while smiling weakly, feeling sleepy after an exhausting push. when senju went to look at you again, you were already fast asleep. senju felt she was responsible for the baby and you, no way she's letting takeomi and the others go near you. so she went online and learned a lot about babies and stuff the mother needs and go buys them with takeomi's card.
she would visit you and your baby everyday, nourishing every love and appreciation towards you and the baby so you wouldn't get too stressed and would get better. even after you were discharged, senju still visited you. she insisted to buy baby formulas and the baby's clothing for you. she has this one urge to protect you from harm, as if you and the baby was hers.
unbeknownst to the lady, you have developed feelings for her. you have been treated ill by a lot of men in your life, never you actually thought a woman would shower you with lots of love like this. you wondered she might do this over the fact that you were in the same gang. or she did it just because she wants to? your thoughts gets clouded as you were breastfeeding your daughter and you snapped out from your daydream when she nipped a little bit too hard.
as per usual, senju came that day when the home was quiet. she tiptoed into the house so she won't wake up the baby, entering the maternity room silently while glancing at you who's sitting on a chair. senju gestured the lunch she has in her hand and pushed her head towards the kitchen. you nodded and walked slowly, not wanting to wake up the sleeping baby.
"here y/n, chinese. just like you love em!" she opened the plastic container but your usual enthusiasm when you saw food wasn't there. you blankly stared at the food, not saying anything.
"y/n? what's wrong? if you don't like it i cab buy something else, there's a new place right -"
"why are you doing all of this senju? what's the reason of it?"
"what do you mean? im doing this because i care about you"
"and that's all? nothing else?" your eyes looked at hers, finding an answer. senju wasn't stupid, she knew she liked you too but her feelings got the better of her. she's afraid of rejections. she's afraid if she suggests something else that is too fast, you might slip between her grasps.
"yes, that's all" she said ultimately. your tears were threatening to fall as you stood up and went back inside to your room but you felt a strong grip on your wrist.
"i like you a lot y/n. everytime i look at the baby, i think it's mine. i take care of it like it's my baby. i take care of you because i feel like you're mine. like a partner or something. its not just about caring, there's more to it but i don't want to scare you away"
"scare me away? i have seen horrible things senju, scaring me is the last thing you would do"
"i wanna marry you! y/n! would you marry me?!" her abrupt confession stunned you but not for long when you heard your daughter crying again. senju kneeled beside you and took out a red box. you gasped when you realize what the box contains.
"will you marry me y/n?"
years later your daughter has grown up so fast it doesn't feel like it's already been six years. you have married senju when she asked you to, and now the two of you have both retired from brahman and is now peacefully residing in a modest home.
your six year old daughter has been nothing but an angel and today marks the first day where she goes to kindergarten. "mommy! mommy hurry im gonna be late!" your daughter bounced in her seat, sandwich untouched but her school bag already on. "now baby eat your sandwich or you're gonna be hungry. i know you're excited but how are you gonna make friends if you're hungry right?" your wife said while combing her hair back.
your daughter gobbled the sandwich while still bouncing in her seat and excitedly jumped out from her chair. she insisted they have to go now or she won't have any friends. you were trying so hard not to cry, watching your baby grow up so fast. "okay, now what did mommy say?"
"make friends and be nice! if they're mean, kick their butt!" your daughter giggled. you were glaring at senju who acted nonchalant because that was for sure her influence. the both of them bid you goodbye and soon enough it was already noon where your daughter would come home from her first day in kindergarten.
when you heard the car honking, you dropped the dishes you were doing and ran to the door. your daughter jumped to hug you while happily swinging her feet. "mommy i made so many friends!"
she spent the whole day telling what she did, how her teacher looked like, how she had so many friends. she didn't take a nap at all, so when its finally nighttime she finally was knocked out on her bed. senju placed a blanket on her tiny body, kissing her forehead.
"she's a bit lonely don't you think?" you asked.
"yeah. maybe we can get her a puppy or something so she can have a friend to be energetic with"
"what about another sibling?" senju stopped her actions and stared at you. "but we can't?"
"adoptions available darling, i've seen a an orphanage nearby. kids there are nothing but sweet, think we could? adopt one of them?"
"im okay with it as long as you're okay with it too. but what about her?"
"oh i think she's gonna like having some company" you smiled at senju while she kissed the top of your head. your six year old is nothing but an angel, she'd love having another sibling. so the next morning, while she was in kindergarten, the two of you visited the orphanage and saw many kids from all ages. there was this boy who had white lashes like senju but facial structures as yours. he was seven years old, entered the orphanage when's he's three. the two of you agreed to bring him home, to love him, to take care of him like he's your own.
"ma'am? where are we going?"
"oh you poor thing, see we adopted you so now we can go home together. also you don't need to call us ma'am anymore okay? you can call us mommy or mama or anything you like" you glanced at the mirror, watching as the boy teared up but quickly gained composure and wiped his tears. "mom would be nice.." he whispered. you held hands with senju while her other hand was driving, thinking that you two had made the correct choice.
"okay so this is your new home. what do you think?"
"this..? it's so cool! ma- i mean mom, do i have my own room?"
"yeah it's this one. i don't know if you like blue but i just-"
"it's so cool mom! thankyou.." the enthusiastic child sat on the bed while still trying to wipe his tears away. you approached him and took out a tissue to wipe his snot "no need to thank me. if it's anything, i should thank you for existing in my life. now my life feels one thousand times better"
the boy hugged you and you hesitantly hugged back but you felt senju joining in the hug, making the session feel a bit warmer, comfier and feels a lot like home.
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mochiswifey · 2 years
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akariin-anndrites · 2 years
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man do i love maisenju dynamic
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xxelfmamaxx · 2 years
Ladies and Gentlemen I represent you our third player @overthegrapevine !!
They got..
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Senju!! Congratulations!! Have a lovely Valentine's Day!!!
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buccini555 · 1 year
𝑫𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒀𝒖𝒛𝒖𝒉𝒂 𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒃𝒂 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑺𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒖 𝑲𝒂𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒊
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♡... Headcanons of what it would be like to date Yuzuha Shiba and Senju Kawaragi
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♡ Both are affectionate and give you as much attention as they can, you are always together, so you usually have a lot of fun.
♡ They are super protective, especially Yuzuha, the two girls take care of you, making sure no one hurts you or anything.
♡ They aren't jealous and have great confidence in you, Yuzuha doesn't really like it when other people get close to you, but she keeps jealousy away from your relationship.
♡ Triple kisses, bites and marks on the neck, that's what they like the most, Senju always leaves you with marks with the excuse of "marking territory", while Yuzuha likes bites, with the same excuse as Senju, they like to mark you.
♡ You go shopping regularly, you both love shopping for clothes and choosing each other's clothes, and you both enjoy spending a lot of time in stores, food courts and arcades.
♡ Senju is the one who shows the most affection, Yuzuha tends to be a little more reserved, despite this, they both love you very much and are happy with your relationship.
♡ You wear matching clothes most of the time, plus necklaces and accessories.
♡ You three have the same little bunny keychain.
♡ They taught you how to fight and protect yourself, both are very strong, but they want to make sure you know how to take care of yourself.
♡ They love giving you cute nicknames, both are creative with nicknames. (Sweetheart, sweetie, honey, darling, bunny, doll, dollface, hottie...)
♡ You like watching movies and listening to music together, always eating sweets and snacks.
♡ Yuzuha and Senju always give you gifts, clothes, perfume, food or anything you ask for.
♡ They relate to each other, so they don't feel jealous of each other, they like to share you, at every possible moment.
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effetsecndaires · 5 months
— 𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐫𝐞𝐯 𝐦𝐞𝐧 (+ 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐮) + 𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬. (𝟑)
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➺ INCLUDES: south terano, shinichiro sano, keizo arashi (benkei), takeomi akashi, mitsuya takashi, senju kawaragi (all of legal age, timeskip or bonten) x fem!reader
➺ CONTENT WARNING | this post contains explicit porn links!! you may need to have a twitter account or change your privacy settings to be able to see them. Please do not interact if you are under 18.
➺ NOTE | i’ll be taking a break from twitter links after this one. I want to focus on actual writing rather than straight up porn lol
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If there's one thing South loves more than pounding your pussy, it's shoving his cock down your throat. He’ll have you laying on your back with your head hanging off the side of the bed, his cock stuffed deep inside your throat. He’ll wrap his hand around the large bulge and jerk it before withdrawing just long enough to let you breathe, quickly going back to pushing himself all the way down your throat, watching as you swallow him down effortlessly.
↳ LINK ↲ [broken :(]
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Benkei is always so gentle with you. Because of this, you’d think morning sex with him would also be gentle; soft whispers exchanged in each other’s mouths while he gently pushes his cock into you, his hand on your clit helping you reach your climax faster. While this scenario does happen, it doesn't always go the way you think it will. Most times when he's been awake for longer than you have - he'll have you laying down on your belly, one of your legs dangling off the bed as he takes you from behind, your face buried deep into the pillow to muffle your moans, fists twisting the sheets. His hands grip onto your hips and the plump skin of your ass as he chases his high, each thrust bringing the two of you closer to your limit.
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Days where Shin has the house to himself are rare, but when he does, the two of you always make the most of it. Those days usually consist of cuddling, making out, and, well, lots of sex. It's the only time when you can be as loud as you want — and most importantly your only opportunity to fuck whenever and wherever you want. You’ll be preparing breakfast in the morning and Shin will have you pressed against the counter before you can even begin to light the stove, his hands pushing your skirt up so he can bury his face between your thighs, starting his day with his favorite breakfast.
↳ LINK ↲ [broken :(]
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This man will lose his fucking mind if you give him head, especially if you do it out of nowhere while the two of you are relaxing in bed or watching a movie on the couch. It’ll start with you palming him over his sweatpants, teasing him just long enough to get him hot and bothered, his mind becoming too cloudy to focus on anything outside of you. He’ll lift himself up and push his pants down to his thighs, your lips immediately wrapping around his thick cock, sucking and stroking what doesn't fit in your mouth.
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Mitsuya much prefers giving rather than receiving, which is why he always insists on eating you out before fucking you. You don’t even have to return the favor — he doesn't need it. Don't get me wrong, he does enjoy getting head and he obviously won't refuse a blowjob when you offer him one, but watching you moan and squirm as he coaxes orgasm after orgasm out of you has to be his favorite sight in the world. All he wants is to make you feel good, his hands resting on your ass as you circle your hips and hump his face, pushing his tongue deeper and fucking yourself on it as you sit on his pretty face.
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Senju eats you out so good, it’s almost embarrassing how quickly she manages to break you into a moaning mess and pull multiple orgasms out of you with just her tongue. She knows exactly what you like, what to do and where to focus in order to get a specific reaction out of you or have you pull her hair just a bit tighter — your moans like music to her ears as she devours you.
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mitsuyeaah · 1 year
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“i wanna touch on you. you see me in my room. wish you were here right now, i wanna get freaky on camera.”
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cw: youtube star!sanzu, camboy!sanzu, college au, slight enemies to lovers (reader dislikes haru), pining, nsfw (mdni), smut, masturbation (f & m), sex toys, fingering, unprotected rough sex, cum eating, swearing, pet names (baby, princess), slight degradation
word count: 9.5k
a/n: i present to you, akashi haruchiyo <3 also sorry, i had to edit out senju on the header :”(
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You stared daggers at his face, biting your tongue to hold back any sharp insults that threatened to come out. If looks could kill, Haruchiyo Akashi would be dead by now. Your blood boiled just by looking at him, the way he threw his head back against the red cushions of the booth—laughing obnoxiously loud, the way his eyes shut as if the joke he had heard was the funniest in the world. It took all your willpower not to roll your eyes at the man, god, he was so fucking cocky.
You hated how he thinks he’s all that just because he’s famous on YouTube, or whatever streaming platform it was, like you cared.
“Careful with that glare, you might accidentally stab him with it.” Keisuke pulled you out of your trance. Your head whipped toward the man next to you, a smug smile forming upon his lips, a glint of playfulness evident in his dark honey eyes. You rolled your eyes at him, “Good. He annoys the fuck out of me.” You didn’t know when this feeling of annoyance for Haruchiyo started but all you knew was that you two were definitely not on the same wavelength.
Not one bit.
Ever since meeting Haruchiyo, you never really got along with him under any circumstances. His first impression was fine, you could give him that but as you got to know him and through Mikey and Keisuke, the more you could not stand the man.
Mikey, Keisuke, and Haruchiyo were three peas in a pod, their personalities didn’t stray too much from one another but there was just something about Haruchiyo that you couldn’t stand, it also didn’t help how frustrated you became because you didn’t know what the reason was. There was really no one to blame for this certain thing you were feeling, that’s why it was much easier to project anger onto Haruchiyo.
Plus, it wasn’t like he was all innocent. As a matter of fact, he added fuel to the fire. He would constantly make jokes about you that you didn’t quite find funny, or sometimes he just won’t leave you alone. Haruchiyo would ask you endless questions ranging from one end of the spectrum all the way to the other end, to which you would always answer ‘it’s none of your business’ because it wasn’t, you weren’t close to him, unlike with Mikey and Keisuke.
If anything, the two of you would only exchange by bantering, and they weren’t friendly ones. There wasn’t a day where you two didn’t fire insults at each other, and every time, either Keisuke or Mikey would jump in before it got out of control.
In all honesty, it looked like you were the only one really worked up during these exchanges because Haruchiyo would always smirk at you, if you knew any better, you’d think he was enjoying this. He probably did, he probably liked you seeing all riled up because of him and you hated it because it made you even angrier.
At this point, you didn’t even know why you came along to these hangouts fully knowing that the pink haired asshole would turn up too, you guessed it’s because Mikey would always beg you to come and you could never say no to him.
“Alright, I think I’m going to head back. I have a shit ton of assignments to do.” You groaned, stretching as you stood up from the booth, bidding your friends goodbye. Of course, before you could fully turn and walk away, Haruchiyo just had to say something, “Geez, you’re always in your dorm all day. No wonder you don’t have a boyfriend.” He chuckled before taking a sip of his cold beverage—a strawberry smoothie, black painted nails contrasting against the pinkness of the drink.
You closed your eyes for a few seconds, the feeling of anger bubbling up from your stomach as your hands curled into fists by your side. You let out a deep sigh and opened your eyes, directly looking at the turquoise eyed man—who had the same old smug expression plastered over his stupid face, “You know what? Yeah, you’re right and what about it? I don’t see your lame ass with a girlfriend either.” You raised a brow, challenging him.
As expected, he gave you a saccharine smile, “Baby, you don’t know how many women would drop on their knees for me.” You poked your tongue against the inside of your cheek at the pet name, Haruchiyo always called you ‘baby’ despite the countless times you told him not to. Taking a deep breath to calm your nerves, you calmly replied, “First, I am not your baby and second, you might have hundreds and thousands of subscribers but you’re still bitchless.” You shrugged before completely walking away, not bothering to hear his reply.
“I have millions! Get it right!” He called after you and you could only roll your eyes at him.
You knew Haruchiyo had millions of subscribers, you just wanted to play with him because you knew he wasn’t going to let it slide. 
As a matter of fact, as much as you’d like to deny it, the content he puts out on YouTube wasn't too bad— although, you’ve convinced yourself that it's because Senju—his little sister—carries the whole channel by herself and Haruchiyo is just there.
Their content ranges from Vlogs to other sponsored videos just like other content creators, and from time to time, they upload their solo videos on the shared channel—Senju mainly posts about beauty and fashion whereas Haruchiyo would mostly post videos of him playing games requested by their subscribers. Despite their difference in personalities, they made their channel work and were able to garner different subscribers.
You’ve watched several solo videos that Senju posted and often gushed to her about it via message. The two of you were close and sometimes she would even include you and her other friends in one of her ‘daily Vlogs’. She was very sweet and kind, unlike his older brother that you couldn’t stand.
Later that night, you were too engulfed in your assignments that the loud sound of your phone vibrating against the desk almost made you jump out of your seat. It was already one o’clock in the morning and the only person who would possibly be texting you at this hour was Mikey. That man’s sleeping schedule was all over the place—to which he would blame his choice of degree, engineering.
You mindlessly patted around your desk for the device while reading a passage for the pre-lecture readings, your eyes never leaving the paragraph. After several attempts to reach for your phone, you finally found it and brought the screen closer to your face, eyes scanning for the recent notification.
Surprisingly, it wasn’t from Manjiro.
It was from Haruchiyo, ‘i wasn’t talking about women from my youtube subscribers btw.’
Your brows knitted at the text, what the hell did he even mean by that? Your eyes scanned the sentence once, twice, thrice but you were still lost. Huffing, you set your phone face down and decided to leave his message unopened and unreplied, you weren’t going to waste your time and energy on something you couldn’t understand, especially if it came from one Haruchiyo Akashi.
Since it was already getting late, you decided it was best to wrap up your assignment and head over to bed but you weren’t exactly going to sleep yet. No, the night had just begun. You’ve had a very stressful week full of due dates and new assignments that you barely had time to take care of yourself, and therefore needed to release all the pent up stress and emotions that accumulated throughout the week.
You knew just the perfect way to find a release.
Grabbing your laptop off the desk, you set the device on the mattress of your bed and typed the url of a certain website on a keyboard. You’ve never really told anyone about this but you’ve grown fond of a certain someone in this particular streaming website, someone who helped you with your deepest sexual fantasies and he was damn good at doing it.
You place your middle finger on the trackpad, smoothly gliding it around to navigate the cursor through the website and clicking on the profile you’ve been subscribed to for quite a while now. You knew your friends would probably tease you for getting off to some man behind the lens—especially Haruchiyo who liked to make fun of your single ass but you didn’t care, it’s not like they were going to find out.
God forbid them from finding out, especially that insufferable rosy haired idiot that took a liking to annoying the fuck out of you for days on end.
If Haruchiyo somewhat got a hold of this information, he would never live it down—it was a fact. You’d have to live with the fact that he’s able to torment you for months, trailing behind you and letting you know about your dirty little secret.
Oh, you’d scour the world just to find his dirty little secret.
SANZU. You clicked on the profile, the name in white capitalised letters that beckoned you. Begging to be explored and seen.
You didn’t know who this man was but fuck, he was hot. The sounds that leave his lips as he pleasures himself in many different ways practically had you drenched and clenching around your fingers. In some videos, he’d be edging himself; he would be sitting on his queen-sized bed, all exposed and covered in a sheen of sweat as his hand desperately pumped up and down his hard cock. Loud whines leaving his chest as his hips bucked up with need, his free hand gripping the soft sheets under him, turning his knuckles white.
The way his abdomen would contract and limbs stiffening as he topples over the edge was definitely a sight to see. He’d let out these delicious loud moans laced with endless profanities as his hand clenched around his dick. Thick cum spurting out of his pink tip, making a wonderful white sticky mess on his stomach and thighs as he trembles ever so slightly.
The angle of the camera gave all his subscribers a perfect view of his torso, thighs, and everything in between. Of course, he kept his face out of view for such reasons but it somewhat made his videos even sexier, the way his head was cut from the frame left his viewers wanting more. His cock was the prettiest you’ve ever seen—a deep shade of pink, he wasn’t too thick but his length made up for it; his dick had a slight curve to the left and an evident vein that ran on the underside of it. God, the things you’d do just to run your tongue along that line.
Mysterious yet sexy, that was how many perceived this man—Sanzu.
You relaxed against the headboard, legs spread out, fluffy pillows supporting your lower back as you clicked on his most recent upload. 10 minutes ago. It read on the blurb at the bottom of the thumbnail, it wasn’t a long video as indicated on the timestamp but you were grateful, nonetheless.
‘Missing her’ hours. The title read.
He was in the same environment just like in his other videos, in his room and on the bed. His body was illuminated by some kind of bright light from behind the camera, allowing a stark contrast of his naked body against the dim background. This time he had a new toy with him—a fleshlight. A glob of spit landed on his hard cock, one hand flying down to spread the slimy liquid all over his dick—also using the pre-cum from his pink tip. His free hand grabbed the flashlight resting on the bed and brought it close to his cock.
SANZU grabbed the base of his dick and slowly pushed the fleshlight down his tip that was still leaking pre-cum; the man let out a breathy moan as the head of his length disappeared within the toy, his back slightly arching and exposed chest pushing upwards at the familiar pleasure. Your mouth parted at this—shallow breaths slipped past your lips, your keen eyes fixed on the way he teased himself by just thrusting his tip in and out, hips desperately bucking up for more.
You could feel the familiar sensation grow on your pussy, tingles spreading throughout your wet folds the further the video progressed. Tired of rubbing your thighs together and clenching on nothing, you slipped a hand past your joggers and massaged your folds through the thin fabric of your panties—a wet spot beginning to spread and soak the fabric.
The man on the video lets out a loud desperate moan as he pushes the fleshlight all the way, bottoming out; you could tell he threw his head back with the way his neck became taut. “Mhm…fuck! You’re so tight for me, huh?” He grunted, an evident strain in his tone. He stayed like that for a while, dick fully sheathed inside the sex toy as he shamelessly let out desperate pants, trying not to cum on the spot. Your mouth watered at the way his balls deliciously pressed against the base of the toy, so large and full.
Fuck, he was so aroused; your fingers pushed the soiled fabric aside and massaged your clit, legs slightly jerking at the intense pleasure jolting through your body, “Ah…! Yes, all for you…” you whispered in a breathy tone, head resting on the wall behind you while keeping your eyes on the bright screen of your laptop—mouth slightly parted, letting out shallow pants.
A small whimper leaves your lips as you push two fingers inside, free hand gripping your blanket at the sensation of your gummy walls stretching around your digits.
Another glob of spit lands on the base of his cock, and he pulls the fleshlight from his dick, earning a loud squelching noise at the way the toy firmly encases around his length. This time, he actually starts moving the fleshlight up and down, both hands firmly encased around the toy as he desperately rubs it against his dick. “Ngh—haah! Yeah? You like tha—ah! You like that? Mmph! You like it when I fuck you hard?” He moans.
His back arches at the pleasure, the bright light behind his camera shining the thin layer of sweat on his exposed chest. Loud and repeated wet squelching sounds along with his desperate pants emitted from your laptop which went straight down to your wet cunt. The crown of your head rubbed against the wall as you tilted your chin up, a moan forcibly making its way out—pleasure engulfing your whole body.
“Mhm—ah! Yes! I love it when you fuck me hard!” You responded to the video before letting out a long high pitched moan.
Your fingers thrusted in and out of your sopping cunt, making the same noises as the video did; you brought your free hand up to your face and bit on the sleeve of your hoodie, moaning against it as you clenched your eyes shut. You had no roommate to possibly hear your moans but you couldn’t trust the dormitory walls enough that the neighbouring rooms wouldn’t be able to hear you. You could feel yourself cumming soon—your hand and wrist were slowly getting tired from the fast repetitive movements but you couldn’t stop now, not when you were so near that you couldn’t feel your legs anymore—toes curling and feet digging deeper into the mattress.
Strands of hair were now sticking to your neck and forehead as a light layer of sweat covered your whole body, the room suddenly felt a couple of degrees hotter but you couldn’t care less. All you could focus on at the moment was the pace of your hand and the loud erotic moans coming from your laptop. “Aah—fuck! Why don’t you cum around this dick like the good girl you are? Huh?—ah shit!” He grunted, moans becoming shorter and high pitched which suggested he was close.
Something about him talking dirty to an inanimate object made you clench harder around your fingers; if he was already spewing that much filth to an object, imagine what he would be like with a person. Oh, the things you’d do just to hear him whisper nasty things in your ear as he pounds into you.
“Come on… let’s hear those—haah! Let’s hear those pretty sounds.” As if he was talking to you, you removed your arm from your face, a string of loud high pitched moans immediately rolling out your mouth, like it was begging to be let out.
The man in the video quickly changed positions, he was on his hands and knees—legs opened wide as he held the sex toy against the bed, desperately thrusting into it like it was the real thing. His bed squeaked with every sharp thrust of his hips, back hunched over the mattress; you could see the way every muscle in his body popped along with his movements, god, it was so fucking hot.
It also didn’t help with the way he looked so desperate, rutting into the little sex toy like his life depended on it and the string of profanities that came out of his dirty mouth. Your eyes fixed on where his cock quickly thrusted in and out of the fleshlight, imagining that it was you who he hungrily fucked into.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck! I’m cumming! Cum with me, baby—ngh!” Short frequent whines that were in tune with his sharp thrusts left his lips. That was all it took for you to reach your orgasm, the familiar feeling at the pit of your stomach suddenly bursts up through your spine and down to your legs—your whole body becoming rigid as you came around your fingers, back arching and lips forming an ‘o’ shape but no sound came out.
You tried your best to keep your eyes open and stare at the man on the screen, he had his cock fully sheathed inside the toy, pulling out only by a small amount and quickly thrusting back in to ride out his orgasm. His body became taut with pleasure, his free hand gripping the sheets under him as his thick cum spilled out from the fleshlight—this time the squelching sounds were much louder from the big load he had produced. “Mhm—aah! Fuck yeah… take all of it, princess.” He panted out, hips still thrusting into the sex toy.
Closing your eyes, you let out desperate pants, suddenly you were hyper aware of your surroundings—the way your hair stuck to your neck and forehead, the sudden humidity of the room, the gross feeling of your clothes rubbing against your sweaty body, and the way your soiled panties clung to you.
You let out a groan because the urge to take a bath was stronger than ever, and you also had to change your sheets since you felt icky. It was almost quarter to two in the morning but you didn’t mind taking a hot bath and doing some laundry at this hour, even if it meant sacrificing some of your sleep.
“Why didn’t you answer my text last night?” You looked up from your steaming noodles and gave Haruchiyo a blank stare, you could already feel annoyance bubbling up from your stomach—his aquamarine gaze already on you, a mysterious glint. “I could care less about your text. Plus, why’d you even text me in the first place?” It was now Haruchiyo’s turn to shrug and you swore there was a slight tint of pink that dusted his cheeks but you paid no mind to it, it was probably because of the hot food that occupied the table.
“You guys were texting last night? That’s new.” Mikey—who sat across you—darted his eyes between you and Haruchiyo, brows shooting up his forehead before exchanging a look with the man who sat next to you—Keisuke. “No, we weren’t. He texted me and I didn’t respond.” You rolled your eyes and got back to eating. You knew that look they shared between them, they always did that and you knew it was probably just to tease you because you didn’t get along with Haruchiyo.
Haruchiyo let out an exaggerated sigh and leaned back against his seat, placing his hands behind his head, “You know, I was up all night waiting for your text. I’m hurt.” God, you wanted to smack that look off his face. Before you could retort, last night’s events ran through your mind, your cheeks warmed at your late night activities which caused you to struggle to think of a response.
You blinked, ears turning red and not knowing what to say to him—remembering how the man’s hips desperately rutted against the fleshlight, soft whimpers that left his lips like music to your ears, the way his legs trembled as he came inside the toy. He was so hot. You rubbed your legs at the thought of him, hands slightly balling into fists.
That man had you wrapped around his finger—like many other women subscribed to him. The worst part was, you didn’t even know him and he was already doing all kinds of things to you without laying a single hand on your body.
Fuck, if you saw him in person, you would be fucking him on sight.
The rosy-haired man tilted his head to the side, a sly grin making its way on his face, “What? Cat got your tongue?” Being brought back from your trance, you slightly shook your head and rolled your eyes at Haruchiyo—he didn’t miss the way your face turned a tad bit crimson. Cute. You glared at him, all the lust in your system suddenly being drained away and replaced with annoyance, god, you’d trade Haruchiyo for that man anyday.
As usual, you bit your tongue from saying anything that would escalate the conversation and ignored him instead but your face gave away your mood—your brows tightly knitted together, lips turning into a scowl and eyes turning dark with a glare.
You just couldn’t stand him.
Haruchiyo acted like you two were close, he acted like you were okay with him making fun of you, he acted like you were friends with him. He was completely insufferable. Every time you see him, your jaw tightens and annoyance bubbles up from within your stomach, hands automatically clenching into fists.
His presence annoyed you. It made you want to pull all your hair out.
“What were you even doing last night?” Keisuke asked Haruchiyo, changing the topic, he sensed the change in your demeanour. You couldn’t really rant to Mikey about your pent up anger over Haruchiyo, so Keisuke got the other end of it—unfortunately but at least he’s nice enough to listen to all your rants, no matter how childish they get.
Keisuke loves you and Haruchiyo both and he doesn’t take any sides because he thinks it’s just petty. A big misunderstanding between the two of you, and he’s told you that; he wasn’t afraid to let you know that maybe you were just misunderstanding Haruchiyo.
Give him a chance. He said one time. Whatever that meant.
And you really did try your best, you tried to be open about a possible friendship with Haruchiyo but every single time, he’d make you remember why you didn’t want one. You always found yourself making snarky comments instead of friendly ones; you were both at different ends of the spectrum, far away from one another.
Maybe it was because you two just didn’t click—completely different personalities. Or maybe you just couldn’t understand your emotions that well, you were never one to perceive emotions and feelings easily, which is why you’ve become completely oblivious to people that had shown an interest in you in the past.
All these complex feelings inside you would just come out as a big mess and all you could really project was annoyance and anger—something that wasn’t pleasant. After all, these were the feelings you were most acquainted with.
Human emotions in a nutshell.
Haruchiyo snorted, you could still feel his turquoise gaze on you while you ate, “Oh, y’know, just…stuff.” he leaned over the table and grabbed his phone, mindlessly typing away with a smug smile on his face. “Anyway, I have to go. Senju and I are preparing for another content, you guys should definitely anticipate it!” He jumped up from his seat, bidding goodbye to all of you before going.
It was already late in the afternoon and you decided to spend it by lazing around your dorm and being practically glued to your bed but it was fine, it was the weekend anyway. You were currently online shopping, browsing over clothes that you knew you didn’t need or accessories that weren’t necessary but it was nice to look at them. You had several tabs open on your laptop and you noticed one tab blinking with a notification, it was last night’s tab.
You mentally face palmed yourself for being so careless and not closing the tab. It wasn’t like anyone was going to go through your laptop but Mikey would sometimes borrow yours for a short period of time when his one would be acting up. Thanking the heavens for Mikey not borrowing yours today, you clicked on the tab and saw that SANZU had posted a status.
‘Will be going live in a few! Stay tuned for something spicy ;)’
You quickly sat up from your bed, laptop slowly sliding off your stomach. Wow, I’m being treated today, aren’t I? You thought. Thanking the universe once again for treating you nicely today, you set your laptop in front of you and clicked on the link provided on his status.
The video was still black which indicated the livestream was yet to start, so you patiently sat there and waited for it to start. You’ve watched some of his livestreams in the past and it did not disappoint. He would do what his subscribers asked him to do—edging? Not a problem. A sex toy? He’d pull out his stash. Dirty talking? He’d open his mouth in an instant.
It was a pretty sight to see. A submissive man who’d do practically anything.
Some would even send him money—lots of it—to moan out their name as he pleasures himself but you were more the quiet type of watcher who just enjoyed the view. Plus, you didn’t even have that much money to spend for some man to moan out your name, as tempting as it sounded.
You did comment from time to time, though, as embarrassing as it sounds, you would always call him a ‘good boy’—a pet name he had grown to love. But that was about it, your mind blanked whenever you tried to come up with something for him to do.
After a couple of minutes later, the black screen finally disappeared and showed him in his usual set up—he was clothed but he didn’t wear a shirt underneath his leather jacket. What a tease. Though, it complimented his fair skin really well, making his abdomen stand out more for his viewers.
God, black looked so good on him…but you would’ve looked better on him if you were being honest.
Before you could settle and make yourself comfortable on the mattress, a switch turned on in your head which caused you to study the leather jacket a little harder. It looked familiar. Too familiar for your liking.
You tuned out everything that he was saying to his live viewers and furrowed your brows, eyes squinting and body leaning closer to the LCD screen—you didn’t know why but your heart started to race, you felt like you were about to discover something forbidden, something you didn’t like.
That leather jacket was the same one Haruchiyo was wearing earlier today at the brunch.
“No way…” you whispered to yourself, hand resting on your chin as your eyes widened. Different thoughts raced through your mind but you tried to counter each one of them—surely they just happened to have the same jacket, right? Leather jackets are popular at the moment, of course. You convinced yourself that. Plus, Haruchiyo literally said he was going to prepare for a video with Senju, so he can’t be doing this livestream.
A sudden realisation hit you, you could just call Senju and she’d probably say that his older brother was with her! You were probably just over analysing all of this because of a stupid jacket. Just because the man you’ve been getting off to had the same jacket as Haruchiyo doesn’t exactly mean they could be the same person.
There was a slim chance.
Haruchiyo has worn that leather jacket several times in their videos, even thanking the retail brand that gave it to him as a gift. Who knows? Maybe SANZU was a fan of the Akashi siblings and probably got the same jacket as Haruchiyo because he found it nice.
Grabbing your phone, you scrolled down your contacts and called the youngest Akashi sibling, wasting no time. It rang for a couple of seconds before Senju picked up,
“Hey! What’s up?” “Hey! I hope I didn’t interrupt or anything, are you busy at the moment?” You gnawed at your bottom lip, nerves becoming uneasy at the thought of Haruchiyo possibly being SANZU. The loud background noise on the other side of the call indicated that Senju was outside and you got a sinking feeling that you weren’t going to like where this was going.
Your stomach sank at the next few words that came from her lips, “Not really! I’m at Harajuku right now, just shopping for some clothes. The usual.” She giggled into the phone, normally, you would’ve reciprocated her giggle and joked about not taking you with her but you didn’t. You sat on your bed looking at the screen of your laptop—that still showed SANZU—unmoving and unsure of what to do next.
Haruchiyo said he was going to prepare for a video with Senju but she was clearly out at the moment and didn’t say anything about releasing new content for their channel.
“T-that’s exciting! Are you alone?” You tried to sound enthusiastic but couldn’t bring yourself to be. Maybe Haruchiyo was with her all along, she usually had company while shopping anyway—someone to carry bags full of clothes and accessories for her. Yeah, that’s right. He was probably with her.
Senju sighed, “Ah, no, I had to go alone today. Haru said he was busy with something. I don’t really know what since he didn’t specify.” That was all it took for you to mentally punch yourself, maybe the universe wasn’t on your side today. Just the thought of you getting off to SANZU’s videos who could possibly be Haruchiyo all along was embarrassing. Completely embarrassing.
You exchanged a few more words with her before bidding goodbye which left you sitting in your bed in silence, eyes glued on SANZU—who had already discarded his leather jacket. You watched him. Suddenly his voice started sounding familiar, just like Haruchiyo but you kept denying it. You couldn’t accept the fact that maybe he was SANZU.
There was only one way to truly find out.
You scrolled up to find Haruchiyo’s contact, thumb hovering over your screen as you decided whether or not to go through with this. What if you just let your imagination run wild instead? Let yourself wonder if it was Haruchiyo or not. Why did you even have to know in the first place?—
Oh. That’s right.
An idea popped into your head. Maybe you have found his dirty little secret, maybe you could use this as leverage over him.
A small smile crept upon your lips as you dialled his contact, maybe this wasn’t as bad as it seemed. As your phone rang, your eyes darted over to the livestream, waiting for Haruchiyo’s phone to ring.
And it did.
You didn’t know whether to be happy about this because you finally had some kind of leverage over him or be embarrassed about the fact that you’ve been getting off to his videos. Haruchiyo’s videos. The same person who pissed you off without fail.
You watched as he abruptly stopped what he was doing and reached for his phone behind the camera, black painted nails encasing around the little device. “Sorry, guys. I’ll have to answer this real quick.” He quickly slipped out of the frame and out of his room, you presumed since you heard the door open and close.
Fuck. So he was SANZU.
“Hmm? What’s got you callin’ me, baby?” He used the same tone in his videos, the one that had you soaked with your own slick, the one that had you rubbing your thighs together. You closed your eyes, trying not to let his voice affect you in any way—normally, you would’ve rolled your eyes at him and the pet name but you didn’t.
The pet name felt different. It brought a shudder down your back.
You huffed, “Are you busy?” As much as you’d hate to invite him over to your dorm, you wanted to let him know about your recent discovery, maybe with this, you could finally get him to stop with his silly antics and desperate attempts at trying to annoy the fuck out of you.
You didn’t have to see his face to know that Haruchiyo was smiling from ear to ear, “Oh? And what’s got your pretty head curious about me?” You clenched your fists, there he goes with that tone again. You were hating every bit of this phone call because you didn’t want to admit how much his voice affected you—how your cunt tingled ever so slightly at it.
“Can you… can you come over? I have something for you.” A small smirk formed on your lips as you pushed down the lust that was slowly engulfing your whole body. If only Haruchiyo knew what was coming for him. “You? Inviting me over? What’s gotten into you, baby? Thought ya hated me. Hmm, but I’ll be there in an hour and a half… just have some things to take care of.” You nodded even though Haruchiyo couldn’t see and quickly ended the call, not being able to take any more of his voice.
It made you feel things.
Your eyes darted back to your laptop as you saw him walk back into the frame, apologising to his subscribers before returning to his activities. Sighing, you closed your laptop so you could gather your thoughts, you didn’t even feel like watching the livestream anymore because of this information.
The fact that you’ve been getting off to Haruchiyo practically fisting himself was embarrassing, you wanted the ground to just swallow you whole. No one knew about it, yes, but you couldn’t bear the thought of THE Haruchiyo Akashi being able to make you that wet without laying a single finger on you.
It was embarrassing and wrong. You thirsted over someone you didn’t like, someone that had your blood boiling within seconds of being in his presence. Now you weren’t going to look at him the same anymore.
But underneath all that, something deep inside you was joyful that the person you’ve been thirsting for a long time was right under your nose. Haruchiyo was the man you’ve been fantasising about while you were alone in your room—the man who you wanted so bad to fuck you, to have his hands on you and his cock in you.
Waiting for Haruchiyo had you pacing back and forth, time was agonisingly slow and you were somewhat nervous, you didn’t know why but you were.
The time finally came when you heard knocks at your door, you practically lunged off your bed and to the entrance of your dorm which revealed Haruchiyo. You stared up at him, his long rosy hair loosely secured in a low ponytail—which some were sticking to his forehead from sweating, cheeks dusted pink like he had just ran a marathon and the same leather jacket around his shoulders.
“D’ya finally realise your undying love for me, or what?” He chuckled, a smirk plastered on his lips as you stood aside to let the man in.
It was weird.
It was weird to have him inside your dorm fully knowing what he’d been up to just a few hours ago. You couldn’t shake the vivid images burned into your mind, the images of him fisting his cock and the way he fucked the fleshlight last night. If you could punch yourself right now, you would definitely do it.
“No… but what I did find was…” you trailed off and took your phone out, hastily searching for his profile on the website. Haruchiyo raised a pink brow, confusion written all over his pretty face as he watched you tapping on your phone. “This.” You clicked on his profile and shoved your phone to his face, it was your turn to smirk, you couldn’t wait to see him begging not to tell anyone.
Maybe you would tell him to get on his knees and beg—
He was smirking. Why was he smirking? No, no, no, this isn’t supposed to be like this! He’s supposed to be shocked and confused, not smirking. Your smirk fell off your face as Haruchiyo’s eyes darted from the phone and over to you, no trace of shock evident on his features. Not even one. He was clearly unfazed by this.
“Tell me baby, do you watch them?” He was using that tone again. His smirk turned into a saccharine smile as he took a step closer, to which you responded by stepping back and amidst all this, you held each other’s gaze. Not one dared to break eye contact. “I-i…” you mentally facepalmed for stuttering and not finding the right words to respond with.
He tilted his head, raising a brow, “Hmm? I asked you a question.”
You sucked in a sharp breath. Fuck, he was supposed to be at your mercy, not the other way around. Now, he’s got you wrapped around his finger like SANZU did, well, after all, they are the same man.
Closing your eyes, you nodded. Heat spread from your cheeks and up to your ears as embarrassment slowly engulfed your whole body. This was not the outcome you wanted. “Look at my eyes while I’m talking to you.” He stated firmly which caused you to immediately open your eyes and meet his aquamarine gaze once again, something about the way he used his voice made you want to obey him.
You looked into his eyes, studying the intricate turquoise patterns on it—the deep shade of blue that outlined his irises, a slightly different intensity of the colour that you haven’t noticed until now.
Haruchiyo pushed strands of hair behind your ears before resting his palm on your cheek, thumb lightly ghosting over your bottom lip; he looked at your lips like it was his prized possession, like it held more value than his life.
“I really want to kiss you right now…” he whispered, eyes trailing upwards to meet your own. Your breath hitched at the way his touch burned into your skin—the good kind. You blinked up at him, heart pounding against your chest, “What’s stopping you, Haru?” Your voice came out light and airy. 
You didn’t know why you were acting this way. No, you did know why you were acting this way—it’s because Haruchiyo got you all wrapped around his finger, and you let him do it. The urge to fully submit to him and your feelings was slowly making itself known, it was an urge that you had deep down when you first discovered SANZU, and now that he’s here in flesh, there is no stopping you.
All the times you’ve fantasised about him, all the times you’ve thought about having his cock buried inside you, all the times you’ve wanted to be pinned down by him were slowly coming to you, and you didn’t know if you were able to keep up with it—with him.
Haruchiyo cursed under his breath at the nickname. Haru—the nickname he hears on a daily basis either from his friends and siblings. So why did his insides do a somersault when you said it? Why did his knees weaken a little at the name he hears every single day of the week? Fuck, it rolled off your tongue like it was made just for you, and only you.
He gave your bottom lip one last swipe with his thumb before leaning down and placing his lips on yours. Oh fuck, your lips were soft. Haruchiyo was gentle—there was a slight hesitation with the way his lips moved against yours, afraid yet desperate for the way your lips felt against his own, like he was testing the waters. After all, it was the very first kiss you two shared together and he wanted it to be perfect.
Haruchiyo swore he could see sparks fly as the kiss deepened, his knees buckled at the feeling of your soft, pillowy lips against his—his mind was spinning, he’d been waiting for this day ever since he laid eyes on you and oh, how worth it the wait was. His hand on your cheek tightened ever so slightly as he pushed head face closer to yours, he wanted more.
Suddenly, everything felt hot—burning. Your body felt like it was on fire with the way he kissed you with such passion; your hands found its way to the collar of his leather jacket, fingers clenching around the thick fabric, you couldn’t keep up with the way his lips moved with hunger. Groaning against his lips, you slightly pushed him away to catch your breath—swollen pink lips parted as your chest heaved up and down, trying to take as much air in as possible.
He leaned his forehead on yours as he panted, hot breaths mixing with each other’s as you two stood there in silence, trying to process what just happened. “I’ve been waiting for this ever since I met you… fuck, you drive me crazy, you know that?”
You bit your lip at his confession, butterflies forming in your stomach and knees almost buckling at it, “Just shut up and kiss me.” Cupping his face, you sealed the space between the two of you. This time, the kiss was rough, desperate, hungry, and Haruchiyo didn’t hesitate to match the movement of your lips.
You groaned as he bit and tugged at your bottom lip, hands flying up to his rosy hair and gripping the strands like your dear life depended on it. Amongst the messy kisses, the two of you found your way into your bedroom after messily stumbling through your dorm, hands flying up to the wall for support.
Haruchiyo broke the kiss and held your gaze, turquoise eyes hooded and filled with pure lust, “Are you sure you want this?” His index finger and thumb rested on your chin as he waited for your answer. You groaned, “Fuck, Haru, you don’t know how much I’ve fantasised about this… about you.” Haruchiyo sucked in a sharp breath, muttering a low curse before instructing you to strip everything down and sit on the floor to face your body length mirror.
Like the obedient girl you were, you did what he’d told you. Haruchiyo joined you a few seconds later, leather jacket and shirt discarded which left his dark jeans hanging around his thin waist.
He sat behind you, naked chest flushed against your back. Your cheeks heated at the way his eyes trailed every single dip of your body, the way his stare lingered on your chest before trailing down to your wet cunt, earning a small smile from him.
He placed his hands under your knees and spread your legs open, your wet cunt now fully exposed; Haruchiyo tangled his legs with yours, placing his feet at the inside, next to your own so you wouldn’t be able to shut your legs close once he started.
You watched yourself through the mirror, all exposed and at his mercy—his body looming over your figure, almost engulfing you with how broad he was.
“Tell me…” he started off, slender hands rubbing up and down your sides, causing goosebumps to form under his light and feathery touches, “…what do you think about when you watch my videos, hm?” He leans over you, lips dangerously close to your ear.
You let out a whine, resting your head on his shoulder as he starts massaging your breasts with his hands. Alternating between his index finger and thumb pinching at your nipples and squeezing your mounds; you swallowed thickly as you watched your breasts being fondled by Haruchiyo.
“Mhm—ah! I think about—fuck! I think about how good your cock would feel inside me…” you bit your lip at the tingling sensation on your chest, face turning crimson red as his hands worked on you. “Hmm? Naughty girl, aren’t we? Tell me more…” He bit the shell of your ear before placing wet kisses along your jaw and down your neck, earning another whine from you.
His hands snaked its way to your front, stopping at the inside of your thighs and sensually rubbing it. Fuck, he was so close yet so far to where you needed him the most. “Ngh—haah! Shit, Haru! I think of myself as the fleshlight you were—ah! You were fucking last night… Fuck, I wish I was the one you were fucking last night. Could give it to you so much—mhm! So much better than that measly sex toy.”
Haruchiyo pressed his fingers on your wet folds, earning a loud groan from you as he started rubbing them up and down, spreading the wet slick produced by your cunt, “Is that so? Well then, I’ll just have to test it out for myself, huh?” His fingers alternated between rubbing up and down your folds and massaging them in a circle—his ministrations caused you to produce more slick, and you watched as it rolled down onto the floor.
You let out a loud moan as one hand spread out your folds and the other inserted two slender fingers into your cunt. It was just what you expected, his fingers reached way deeper than yours did and it made your toes curl. You bit your lip at the sight in front of you, your legs tangled with one another while Haruchiyo had two fingers stuffed into your wet cunt.
Loud squelches broke the silence as he started mercilessly thrusting his fingers in and out, your juices coating his hands as it trailed down to his wrist, “Aah! Yes… right there, Haru!” You let out a high pitched moan, followed by a string of profanities as you threw your head back against his shoulder; your legs instinctively tried to close around his fingers but Haruchiyo had his legs tangled with yours, so the only option was to sit there and take it—all of it.
Your back arched at the sensation, chest protruding forward which caused Haruchiyo to grab one breast with his free hand and roughly massage it, cupping and tugging at the fat until it was swollen.
“Look at yourself while I’m fucking you with my fingers like this. Look at how you’re falling apart with just two fingers.” His free hand travelled up to your neck, firmly taking hold of it and forcing you to look at yourself in the mirror—to look at how fucked out you were, the way you hair stuck to your sweaty skin, the way your swollen lips parted for moans to escape, the way your face contorted with pleasure, the way your sopping cunt gladly took him in with every thrust of his fingers.
You bit your lip at the sight of you, all fucked out for Haruchiyo; nothing but a whimpering mess from his two fingers. The familiar bubbling in your stomach was slowly making its way up, you were so close.
Your hands flew up to his hand that held your neck in place as he started rubbing his palm against your clit, high pitched whines leaving your parted lips as you cried out his name. “Yeah? You close f’me, baby? Why don’t you be a good girl and cum around my fingers?” He whispered against your ear, goosebumps forming as his hot breath ghosted around your skin.
“Aah! I’m cumming, Haru!” Moaning loudly, your hands gripped his arms like a vice as you came around his fingers, legs trying to close around his hand and muscles becoming taut as pleasure engulfed your whole body. “Yeah, that’s it, princess. Good girl.” He moaned with you, trailing hot kisses down the side of your neck.
In the midst of it all, Haruchiyo whispered praises against your ear as he rubbed your clit to ride out your orgasm, causing your hands to fly down to his own and stop him from moving any more as you were becoming overstimulated.
You watched him as he pulled out his fingers from your cunt and brought it to his mouth, tongue licking a long stripe from his wrist, all the way to the tip of his fingers before inserting them into his mouth, all while holding eye contact with you through the mirror. You bit your lip as Haruchiyo moaned around his fingers, loud wet noises coming from his mouth while he sucked and licked his digits.
He let them go with a loud pop and smirked at you, “Get on the bed for me, baby.”
Haruchiyo helped you stand up from the floor, your legs wobbling a bit as the two of you made your way to your bed. Your head made contact with the pillows as you made yourself comfortable, Haruchiyo trailed after you, crawling up the bed and stopping just at the apex of your legs.
“Are you ready for me, baby?” You frantically nodded your head, your bottom lip trapped against your teeth. Your heart raced with anticipation, fuck, you’ve been waiting for this for such a long time, you couldn’t believe it was finally going to happen. 
He slipped out of his pants and underwear, cock springing free from its tight confines. You stared up at his hard cock in awe—it was so much longer in person. You also noticed the vein that ran on the underside of his cock, the one that you vowed to trace with your tongue, maybe next time.
Haruchiyo spread his pre-cum along his shaft, giving his hard cock a few pumps before hooking his hands on the back of your knees and pressing them against your chest so that your wet cunt was on full display, all for him. You whined as he teased the blunt tip of his cock up and down your wet folds, “Impatient, are we?” He chuckled before slowly pushing the tip in.
He hissed at the way you tightly hugged the head of his cock, one hand resting on your bent knee, trying to push down the feeling of wanting to cum right then and there, “Fuck! I always knew this pussy was going to be so tight for me.” Haruchiyo groaned as he pushed his cock further into you, eyes almost rolling back at how your tight, hot cunt sucked him in.
You bit your lip at the way his cock felt inside you, you felt so full and yet he wasn’t even all the way in, “Mhm! Haruuu, you feel so good..” Haruchiyo could only let out a breathy laugh at that, still trying his best not to cum—he grabbed the base of his cock, squeezing hard until the urge to cum slowly dissipated.
With this, he fully thrust himself into your sopping cunt, loudly moaning at how you clenched around him. He stayed sheathed inside you for a few seconds, hands resting on either of your knees and trying to catch his breath—his eyes were glued shut because he knew if he were to open them right this very moment, the urge to cum would come back in an instant.
You wiggled your hips impatiently and whined, trying to chase some kind of friction, “Haru, please move. I can take you.” Haruchiyo cursed under his breath, “Baby, don’t say things you don’t mean. You’ll be begging for mercy later.” He chuckled, before pulling out and slamming back in, earning a loud moan from you.
Your hands flew to the pillows underneath your head as Haruchiyo began thrusting at a fast pace, wet noises and skin slapping could be heart—he hooked his hands behind your knees and pressed them further into your chest, using it as leverage to thrust deeper into you.
He smirked at your state, you were nothing but a moaning mess, all fucked out for his cock that you badly craved. “Haah! Where’s all the snarky remarks now, huh? Shit! You say you don’t like me but look at you, such a slut for my dick—ngh!” You couldn’t even reply to any of his comments, not while he was dicking you down this good—the only things slipping past your lips were your desperate attempts of moaning Haruchiyo’s name out.
“Ah! Ah! Ah! Haru! Fuck..” your hands clenched around the pillows beneath your head as he thrusted harder which caused his heavy balls to violently slap against your ass, his low ponytail swinging with every thrust.
“That’s right, let everyone know who’s making you feel this good! Mhm, you are definitely much better than that measly fleshlight.” Haruchiyo threw his head back, letting out a deep groan coming from his chest. He would always fantasise about how tight you would feel around him, and you definitely didn’t disappoint.
With the way his blunt tip was repeatedly abusing your cervix, you could feel another orgasm creeping, “Fuck! I’m almost there—aah!” You shut your eyes closed and clenched around him one last time before cumming around his cock as the coil in your stomach finally snapped.
You let out a loud cry of his name, face contorting with pleasure and legs shaking against your chest as you creamed his cock, “Ah, yeah, that’s it baby…” He groaned, trying his best to thrust in and out with how tight you were clenching around him. Fuck, you looked so hot.
“Sit up f’me baby… take my cum.” You did as you were told, the ache between your legs still shooting sharp pleasure up your spine as Haruchiyo quickly pulled out and started desperately fisting his cock. He moaned at the sight of you, mouth open and ready to take his cum—that was enough for him to completely let go and let pleasure take over him.
Haruchiyo threw his head back, a loud shameless whine escaping his lips, hips rutting against his fist as he came—hot cum spurting all over your face and chest. He rubbed his cock up and down, milking out every last drop as he aimed for your open mouth.
“Good girl…” he panted, one hand resting on your cheek as you swallowed his cum.
The two of you laid down next to each other, staring up at the ceiling while trying to catch your breaths, “…Did you really mean what you said earlier? How you’ve been waiting to kiss me since we first met?” You croaked, turning your head over to the rosy haired man. He snorted, “Yes, I thought it was obvious?” He met your gaze, a small smile making its way to his lips.
Your brows knitted together, “No? I literally hated your guts.”
Haruchiyo sat up at this information, shock evident on his pretty face, “Wait. You hated me for real?” You nodded. He let out an obnoxious laugh, the one you’ve always hated but this time there wasn’t any hint of annoyance in your body, “I thought that was your way of flirting! That’s why I added fuel to the fire, god, I didn’t know you actually hated me.” He buried his face in his hands, embarrassment slowly swallowing him.
Now, you understood why Keisuke said it was just a whole misunderstanding between the two of you. It was a one-sided hatred.
“Oh my goodness, I don’t even know if you like me back— God, I’m such an idiot!” He mumbled against his palms, ears visibly turning red.
“I don’t… hate you. And I never said anything about not liking you back… it’s just that I really have a hard time understanding my emotions, so I resort to projecting anger at the wrong people.” You sat up, now feeling bad for him as you replayed the past with him—all the meaningless arguing.
Haruchiyo removed his hands from his face, “Is this your way of finally confessing your undying love for me?” Normally, you would’ve rolled your eyes with annoyance but this time, you did so with playfulness.
Everything suddenly dissipated, the pent up annoyance and anger, this time, you were actually willing to understand your emotions, for the sake of your future friendships—for the sake of Haruchiyo, because for him, you were willing to face your uncharted emotions and feelings.
And all those daggers and glares that you’ve been giving him for the past few months were suddenly replaced with Cupid’s arrow and heart eyes.
Maybe Haruchiyo Akashi wasn’t too bad at all.
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© mitsuyeaah
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 10 months
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More about You | Yandere Tokyo Revengers x Male reader
The description is down below. This is also on my Wattpad and Quotev! Enjoy!
Description: Mentally Unstable Occult More about you: More about you | {You are here} Prologue: A Life Before Chapter 1: The Reality I've Been Searching for | TBW Chapter 2: You remind me so much of him | TBW Chapter 3: Blood Soaked Insanity | TBW
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Name: y/n l/n
Birthday: y/b/d
Sexuality: Bisexual
Previou age: 17
Age: 15
Height: 5'7 
Appearance: H/L H/C hair, Shiny E/C eyes, S/T skin
Personality :Emotionally turned off, paranoid, anxious, mentally unstable, protective, violent, kind to those he deeply cares about, impulsive, apathetic, and funny
Other notes: Y/n can see ghosts from both his own world and the world he was reincarnated in. These ghosts keep Y/n safe and protects him from those who intend to hurt him, even if Y/n can fight those people physically. Y/n has a thing for fighting, and it brings a smile to his face when he feels the adrenaline kick in. Y/n has a younger brother names Lucas, and Lucas adores Y/n. Y/n has many exes due to trying to fill the empty hole in his heart, but none of them ever worked out and ended up leaving Y/n hurt even more. Y/n watches anime, kid shows, and listening to music as an escapism from his life and using those as a way to fantasize about the perfect life he will never have. Music keeps the ghosts that Y/n talks to from hurting others too much, but also lets them control those Y/n is fighting. Y/n fights to music as a way to ground himself, even though it may seem like it makes things worse. Y/n is a naturally violent fighter, so that is why there is blood shed every time, either from Y/n or the person he is fighting. 
Likes: Fighting, Music, Bluey, Studio Ghibli, Bojack Horseman the show, Anime, Tokyo Revengers, Crocs, Sweets, Isolating, knowing random ass facts, referencing stuff from his old world, and laying on the floor
Dislikes: Both his moms, his dad, his ex-boyfriend, sleeping, nighttime, silence, his brother, himself, feeling alone, the fact that he has to redo not only middle school, but high school too
Love interests:
Takemichi Hanagaki
Hinata Tachibana
Natoa Tachibana
Atsushi Sendo
Takuya Yamamoto
Sano Manjiro
Ken Ryuguji
Emma Sano
Nahoya Kawata (Smiley)
Souya Kawata (Angry)
Takashi Mitsuya
Shuji Hanma
Haruchiyo Sanzu
Rindou Haitani
Ran Haitani
Kazutora Hanemiya
Chifuyu Matsuno
Seishi Inui
Hajime Kokonoi
Izana Kurokawa
Kakucho Itto
Hakkai Shiba
Keisuke Baji
Wakasa Imaushi
Takeomi Akashi
Senju Akashi (Kawaragi)
Yuzuha Shiba
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A/n: I may or may not have projected way to much on Y/n.. The stuff under the likes is very crucial to how Y/n see's the world and his coping. 
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Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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