#self ship bulletin
hegrowth-arc · 2 years
tag dump four
《 ° selkie.exe 》 oh im trash just not approved trash
《 ° self promo 》 i like feral bois. if you arent here for feral bois then idk why youre here. we have feral bois here. thats the brand.
《 ° promo 》 sir thats my emotional support rp blog. i need it. for emotional support.
《 ° prompts 》 all my life ive prayed for [the] deliverance [of memes]
《 ° inbox 》 we just got a letter ! i wonder who its from ?
《 ° starter call 》 like this for a quick / unplotted started ! owo
《 ° plotting call 》 like this to discuss interaction / plot ! owo
《 ° shipping call 》 like this to discuss a possible ship ! owo
《 ° inbox call 》 like this to get something in your inbox ! owo
《 ° dash game 》 if im not it... and youre not it... then who was i tagged by ?
《 ° wishlist 》 just a little *eyebrow waggle* something something
《 ° my stuff 》 *distant explosion* i think i did okay !
《 ° crack 》 rainy day bullshit bank
《 ° psa 》 we interrupt your dash with an important news bulletin !
《 ° reminder 》 hey. have you hydrated today ?
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galaxybooper · 2 months
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Welcome to Cloud Kingdom! You are welcome to decide if we truly carve destinies or not. Regardless, upon opening our doors, we are offering a new position! If you decide to join Cloud Kingdom, we offer internships. This internship includes:
A bulletin board (self-promos and starboard)
A cozy and comfortable breakroom (general chats and memes)
Access to the Great Library (helpful websites and research channels)
A position in the Scriptorium (writing and art share channels, headcanon share channel, OC share channel, hobby share)
Access to our port of ships
And a chance to share your own personal works (roleplayer section)
If you are interested in applying, feel free to click on this link. We look forward to your applications and interviews!
Note: This is a Ninjago-centric Writer's Server
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choco-pudding · 2 years
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Space Channel 5 Part 2: Sugoku Sugoi Guide Book p. 022-031 (Translation by @lavoszero and myself. Edits and typesetting by myself)
First half of Report 1.
Imgur link to all of the Sugoku Sugoi Guide Book translations we’ve done thus far.
Plain text below.
[As a note for plain text, [#] indicates a secret input and “x~” are for the holding inputs.]
p. 22
Report 1: Ulala Back in Action!
Location:The Space Symphony 12 People to Rescue, 7 Secret Inputs
The Space Symphony… this is where the whole incident began. It was our mission to get to the bottom of why this mysterious dance gang, the self-declared “Rhythm Rogues,” were invading the ship. …And as to how we, the Space Police, were beaten to the punch by Channel 5. It's still a bit irritating, admittedly…
Level 4 Groove 018
Right Left Right Left Woof Woof Woof
p. 23
Travel Guide
Space Symphony · Lounge Space Symphony · Lookout Dome
Level 4 Groove 019
Right Right Righ- Righ- Woof Woof Woof
p. 24
Space Symphony · Lounge A
Ulala’s Hearts: 7 The intro "Jan, Jan, Jaaan!" has hidden inputs between the second and third beats. After that, the Dance Battle against the Rhythm Rogues finally starts, but it’s pretty low stakes. If you pay attention to the news bulletin, you shouldn’t have any problems with the long input "chu~" parts. By the way, there is a secret input on the “yay,” which will be a frequently reoccurring input later on. Be sure to make note of it. 
Jan, Jan [1], Jaaan [2]
“Whether you like it or not, Dance Battle!”
01 ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ 02 ⇩ ⇩ ⇩ 03 ⇨ ⇦ ⇨ ⇦
04 x x x 05 x x x~ x 06 x~ x x x
Level 4 Groove 020
Up Down Down Woof Woof Woof
p. 25
07 ⇧ ⇩ ⇧ ⇩ x x x 08 ⇧ ⇩ ⇧ ⇩ x x x 09 ⇧ ⇩ ⇧ ⇩ x x x 10 ⇧ ⇩ ⇧ ⇩ x~ x
Chalalalalala Yay! [3]
Rescue 019. Money Bags 022. The Heart Woman
Level 4 Groove 021
Dow- Down- Down
p. 26
Space Symphony · Lounge B
Ulala’s Hearts: 12 This section is for learning the basics of shooting. There's a pattern to it; X for attacking and O for rescuing. Even if you make a few mistakes, you'll still be able rescue plenty of people. Seems like the completion of the character profile index relies on your rescue aim,  but that's not the Eastern Sector Space Police's business. Ah, right, the "whoo!" near the end also has a secret input.
“Use the X button to shoot the robots!”
11 ⇧ x 12 ⇧ x 13 ⇧ x x x
14 ⇦ x 15 ⇨ x 16 ⇦ x  ⇨ x
Level 4 Groove 022
Dow- Down- Down
p. 27
17 ⇧ o o 18 ⇨ o o 19 ⇦ o o o 20 ⇧ x x x
21 ⇦ x ⇧ o 22 ⇧ x  ⇨ o 23 ⇨ x  ⇦ o 24 ⇦ x ⇧ x ⇨ x
25 ⇦ x x 26 ⇨ x x 27 ⇧ x
Whoo! [4]
Rescue 018. Space Granny 024. Neo-Japan Astronaut 1 021. Mr. Dreadlocks 025. Neo-Japan Astronaut 2 026. Neo-Japan Astronaut 3 027. Neo-Japan Astronaut 4 
028. Neo-Japan Astronaut 5 023. Nice Middle 021. Chorus Lady
Level 4 Groove 022
Dow- Down- Up
p. 28
Space Symphony · Lounge C
Ulala’s Hearts: 6 Now it’s a dance paired with a song… The lyrics may change between the enemies and allies, but the timing of the inputs remain exactly the same. Be cautious and don’t let the enemy's singing sidetrack you. At the end, if you successfully rescue the Space Guide, the next secret input will be signaled by one last "whoo!" Surely you’ve memorized the pattern by now, haven't you?
“You should be taken seriously, first our name!”
9. Singing
        “We are known as the Rhythm Rogues” 28 “You can't fool us not anymore”  x x x          “Can't keep us from dancing” 29 “Move your feet, and don't get beat“ o o
30 ⇧ ⇩ ⇧ x x x 31 ⇨ ⇨ ⇦ ⇦ x x x 32 x x x x o o o
Level 4 Groove 024
p. 29
11. Timed Chu
33. ⇦ ⇦ 34. ⇨ ⇨ 35. ⇧⇩ 36. x 37. o 38. x 39. o 40. x
Pine’s Comment: The turns change faster near this point. Expect it to stay the same beat and you’ll be too slow on the inputs. A real shock to your eyes, too. The commands pass by in a flash with no room to rely on your memory.
Whoo! [5]
Rescue 017. Space Guide
Level 1 Groove 025
Right Left Right Left Right Left Righ- Lef-
p. 30
Space Symphony · Lounge D
“Ugh, not again, robots incoming! Use the X button beam when you hear ‘Chu!"
Chu! Chu! Chu! Staaaay Tuned! [6]
Level 1 Groove 026
Up Down Up Down Up Down Uh- Down-
p. 31
Morolian to Morolian Communication
Pudding: Get your coverage from Channel 42! Good evening, everybody, it's me, Pudding! Hey, hey, you're all hooked up, right? So, just to get this out of the way, could you guys tell me what you're up to since the last incident? Cred: Pudding wants to know, moro? Pudding: Yes, but I want you  to describe it to the audience. Morolian Boss: That sounds fine, moro. Morolian Eight: We're in the reporting biz now. Everyone keep watching for Moro-Channel 5!  We'll be following up on the Rhythm Rogues Incident. Don't go skipping our show by pressing the start button. Morolian Cameraman: Television is a very interesting thing, moro. It's super sexy and addicting, moro. Plurp: But it's not all fun and games, moro. Gromb: The live reports were pretty tough, moro. Pudding: Huh, which part? Proonk: You know, moro, the part where we have to stay off-screen and wait for our cue to come on, moro. Cred: Aah, you mean the Secret Inputs, where we need to pop-up when it's done correctly, right moro? Blib: That's right, moro. Yaroo: But if the player doesn't input the command, you just have to wait and wait; it's a real pain, moro. Cred: You can say that again, moro. Blib: Wait then jump all over the screen, moro.To the right, then the left, then the bottom: it was all super hard for me, moro. Proonk: Yeah, those sudden changes in position take a lot of energy, doesn't they, moro? Yaroo: It's really hard, moro. I could feel my blood rushing to the tips of my antennae, moro. Gromb: It was a tough time, wasn't it, moro? (In deep thought) Plurp: Oh, by the way, why don’t we show up in Report 2’s Space Park even if they got the Secret Input right, moro? Why was it just the sound effect, moro? Morolian Leader: I dunno, moro. Maybe they just didn't get there in time, moro? Morolian Eight: Maybe, moro. Pudding: Wha-what are you talking about? Tell me! Morolian Eight: Well, I really didn’t have the time for “Pop-up-Moro” since I was busy recording stuff for Moro-Channel 5. Morolian Boss: What a joke, moro. Morolian Cameraman: Yeah, no excuses, moro. Pudding: Anyway, aren't you guys gonna go back to Morodia? Proonk: It's too much of a hassle to go back, moro. Morolian Cameraman: Come to think of it, I don't even remember the way back, moro. I guess we have no choice but to work at Moro-Channel 5 all the time now, moro? Morolian Boss: That's fine, moro.
Level 1 Groove 027
Up Left Up Left Up Left Uh- Lef-
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sun-lit-roses · 8 months
A Non-Exhaustive List of Twenty-First Century Concepts
That Chris would be genuinely enthusiastic about and Una would go along with because she likes being an agent of chaos and suffering:
Abbreviations (i.e., text speak)
(Chris: What a fun way people used to chat with each other by comms! I'll send this to the comm team so they can reference it in the weekly ship's bulletin for their 'Fun Notes.'
Una provides orders only in abbreviations for a solid month until the entire crew has memorized the article in self-defense. Then she switches to disdain and asks everyone to 'Speak in Standard, please. You're on duty.' She submits the results to Starfleet as a report on recommendations for conducting routine exercises in Handling Psychological Warfare.
This does come in handy the next time aliens try to take over the ship and the crew uses Text Speak to blatantly organize their secret rebellion out loud and frustrate their captors to no end.
Chris: I didn't realize the Fun Notes section was so popular!)
Camping rough
(Chris: Hey, you can ride horses out to the site. And there's fishing - Joseph will be happy.
Una, planning on how to sabotage their gear so this also qualifies as the required Annual Survival Training exercise everyone keeps avoiding: Excellent idea, Captain. I'll handle the supplies.)
Festive ugly sweaters
(Not sure what Federation holidays exist - Founders Day Ugly Sweater Party in the Captain's quarters? Attendance and ugly sweaters made mandatory through the XO's subtle threats. If you show up without a sweater, one will be provided. You do not want the one provided.)
(Chris: ...and then people go through a haunted maze! Or house. Or field? I think there were variations on the theme. Unless it's a very long maze. Oh! And then everyone gathers around to eat themed snacks and watch scary visual entertainment.
Una, mentally making a list of their crews biggest fears and how to terrify the living daylights out of them via decor: That seems like a lot to plan on your own. Why don't you organize the snacks while I take care of this 'haunted experience?')
*Matching* festive ugly sweaters
(Chris: Team bonding! After all, last year's Founders Day Party went very well.
Una, with eyes already on the prize of forcing their entire senior staff into matching hideous knit monstrosities with emblems of all the Federation planets in neon colors and a row of Vulcan hand salutes around the hem: Absolutely. That will definitely build camaraderie.)
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burningvelvet · 1 year
On Ada Lovelace…
“On her death, an anonymous obituary recorded (Examiner 1852): ‘The Countess of Lovelace was thoroughly original, and the poet's temperament was all that was hers in common with her father. Her genius, for genius she possessed, was not poetic, but metaphysical and mathematical, her mind having been in the constant practice of investigation, and with rigour and exactness.’”
“Lovelace was respected by her scientific peers: for example Babbage wrote to Faraday in 1843 of ‘that Enchantress who has thrown her magical spell around the most abstract of Sciences and has grasped it with a force which few masculine intellects (in our own country at least) could have exerted over it’ (James 1996, 164).”
“Woolley asserts that ‘Ada's notes are not to be assessed as a work of mathematics, but as a work of a more speculative, experimental nature ... She showed what imagination could reveal that mathematics alone could not . . . This is what poetical science had enabled her to do: see something that would remain invisible to the rest of the world for a century more . . .’”
“In line with Pestalozzi's ideas, practical skills were encouraged, whether playing with toy bricks [LB 118, Item 5] or dissecting a dragonfly [LB 118, Item 6]. Shortly before her father's death, Lady Byron wrote to him of Ada's ‘mechanical ingenuity — her self-invented occupations being the manufacture of ships and boats' (Prothero 1904, 330). In 1828 she became fascinated by flying, asked Lady Byron for a book on the anatomy of birds and 'had great pleasure in looking at the wing of a dead crow' She made some wings from paper, silk and feathers: ‘My wings are going on prosperously but do not expect to see a pair of well proportioned wings though they are quite sufficiently so for me to explain to you all my ideas on the subject of flying’ [LB 41, Ada Byron to Lady Byron, 7 April 1828, f 57v].”
She hoped to write a book on 'Flyology,’ and she had plans for a flying machine that would be powered by steam, the cutting-edge technology of the age: ‘a thing in the form of a horse with a steamengine in the inside so contrived as to move an immense pair of wings, fixed on the outside of the horse, in such a manner as to carry it up into the air while a person sits on its back’ [LB 41, Ada Byron to Lady Byron, 7 April 1828, ff 57v-58г].”
From: Christopher Hollings, Ursula Martin & Adrian Rice (2017): The early mathematical education of Ada Lovelace, BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics, DOI: 10.1080/17498430.2017.1325297 https://www.claymath.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/the_early_mathematical_education_of_ada_lovelace.pdf
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treluna4 · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
First is definitely Pull The Shot, steam the milk which is now a series. It’s a college coffee shop AU inspired by my time as a barista pre-pandemic. I love that version of David and Patrick so much, and writing the sequel was the happiest I’ve been in a while.
Just for fun is a David/Patrick/Rachel threesome fic. It’s angst and smut, which is completely my brand. There are no villains here, just a lot of personal realizations and happy-adjacent endings all around.
You were there all along was a fic I wrote for a rare pair fest. I didn’t plan for it to be so long, but once I started writing I couldn’t stop. I’ve never written a story that fast in my life. The whole thing was drafted and fully edited in about 3 weeks. I also really played with form and format. It’s written in Stevie’s first person POV, and the first two chapters are past tense, while the second two are present tense. I poured my entire heart into this one.
For the History Books was my first RWRB fan fic. It’s told from the POV of Alex and Henry’s teenage daughter, who learns about the 2020 election, and the Email leak, from her high school history textbook.
However, I do think my most beloved, treasured fic is: Strange Alliances: the Life and Fights of Emma Swan (Once Upon A Time)
This was the first novel length fic I’d ever written and it was an amazing experience (at one point I had a bulletin board full of notecards to try and organize everything. It felt so fucking cool)
The big challenge here was that I only had 5-6 months to write and fully edit the fic, so it was a rushed process.
It was also my first time writing action/adventure. There were ship battles, magic spells, sexual tension, some light torture of certain informants. It was like nothing I’ve ever written before or since.
One of the dreams of my life is to go back and edit the shit out of it. The first 7 chapters are just backstory, and most of those chapters stand alone.
The real action starts on chapter 8.
I tag anyone who hasn’t played or who wants to play again. What are some fics you are proud of?
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thdrama2 · 1 year
This bit from Vintagemaw’s TOS is hilarious “I get stressed easily so i will not fight you over a fictional creature that's not real. If i need to change something I will, but i will not be threatened, guilt tripped and more into doing so” but you will fight for fictional creatures because a teen is self-shipping? Ok bro. Their black list is full of major accusations like pedophilia without any proof too and other shit that’s wildly personal LOL I find that more cringe than selfships tbh
Anon is referring to this.
However it seems VintageMaws did not make the document itself only the PSA thread on Toyhouse indicated by their second follow up bulletin. It is unknown who made the document.
I do not think this will dissuade criticism for perpetuating it though.
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fates-theysband · 1 year
one of my coworkers chatted "i'm writing a screenplay who's interested in acting" into the bulletin board group chat and like. i personally just think it would kick ass to be in a movie so i told her i was down and i had like. a brief imagine spot of this actually panning out and the movie getting released and getting some actual popularity and finding out someone on tumblr self ships with my character. i doubt it would go like that but it'd be funny as hell. tfw you find out the actor who plays your f/o is themself a self shipper.
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theblogwithoutfear · 34 minutes
But didn't Frank lie to Karen and used her a literal live bait to lure out his enemies in Daredevil S2? Putting Karen in direct danger more than Matt or his lies has.
And I often see how one-sided these things are, people pointing out Matt's lies and secrets but never Karen's, the fact that she didn't reveal that she killed Wesley to Matt and Foggy to the point that the FBI and Nadeem actually pinned his death on Matt, thus the manhunt for him in S3. When Matt asked Karen if anything happened when they were in the office, she lied and said nothing about the Ben incident of them meeting Fisk's mother.
As for "Karen didn't get an explanation about Elektra"...because she walked out before Matt could even get a single full sentence in. Is Matt supposed to telepathically communicate the explanation to her? All I'm saying is, you can't get what you don't even give a chance to be given to you. Clearly during that period Matt was ready to be forthcoming since in the bathroom scene at the courtroom he did say the truth to Foggy about Elektra and the Hand. But Karen didn't even give him a chance to get a word in.
And I feel like the fact that Danny Rand being kidnapped by the Hand, Luke and Jessica not being fully aware of who their enemies are and clearly needing help, and thousands of lives being at stake are enough extenuating circumstances for Matt to forgo his promise of not being Daredevil. In that context it's really poor taste and self-oriented to be navel-gazing instead of understanding why Matt had to suit up...is he supposed to leave Jessica, Luke, and Danny to figure things out themselves and that he just sits idle just so he doesn't offend Karen? Despite the fact that he's the one who knows the most about the mission and the Hand?
Okay there's a lot to unpack here. My response to your first point is that Frank and Karen weren't dating—she was in a relationship with Matt. So there's a bigger sense of betrayal there, at least emotionally. That's why she has a bigger issue with Matt's deception than with Frank's, at least in my opinion. Also, Frank had already proven himself to be murderous and dangerous; Karen knew that ahead of time. Matt's lying was new to her.
For your second point, I'll just say that if you read my other posts about Karen, my whole argument is that she is FLAWED. That's the whole point. She makes mistakes; she does terrible hypocritical deceptive things, like all the ones you mentioned. Just like Matt Murdock does. The point is that they both lie. And they're both mad at each other about it. Because they're both human beings (also part of the reason they work so well together, imo. They're both kind of idiots at times, lol). I don't know how you can say I'm being one-sided if my whole point is that they are alike—even mirrors of each other—in their duplicity and hypocrisy.
For your third point—I mean, yeah. Karen walked out on Matt before he could explain. I think most people would after seeing something like that. Because what else is she supposed to think happened??? And to be honest, Matt didn't put in a whole lot of effort to run after her and explain. That's on him, since he was the one causing the situation. He had lots of chances, but he didn't do that because he was already invested in his life with Elektra at that point. Don't get me wrong, I ship Karen and Matt, and I truly believe that show was moving in the direction of bringing them back together (if they'd been allowed to continue on to season 4). But Matt was absolutely at fault in that Elektra situation, and was low-key emotionally cheating by that point. If he didn't have his head up his ass, he would've run after Karen and explained it to her, even if he had to chase her down at her apartment or at The Bulletin or wherever. But he didn't. It took Elektra's death to make him realize his mistake.
And finally to your last point, obviously I agree with you—Matt is making the right decision when he picks up Daredevil again and joins the Defenders. Every viewer of the show agrees with you there, because we're with Matt the whole time; we see firsthand the battles he's fighting. Karen and Foggy, though, don't get to see that. They can't truly understand it because it's just utterly unfathomable to them. For the most part, they're hearing about all this stuff secondhand (and sometimes not hearing about it at all, just having to piece together information), so they can't really conceptualize the gravity of the situation. But you know what they can conceptualize? Their fear for Matt. This problem that they've witnessed firsthand for months outweighs (in their minds) the abstract threat they're hearing about. This is because—and again, this is the whole point—they are human, and human beings are flawed and selfish and often can't see past the end of their noses. Matt was in the right when he was fighting for the city—but Karen and Foggy weren't wrong to be afraid and angry. It's scary and sad to watch their best friend constantly in danger of killing himself. It's just a terrible situation, and they're doing the best with the limited information that they have.
Listen—you don't have to like Karen Page. You're free to engage with the material and the fandom however you see fit. If you want to hate her, that is your prerogative, and you're welcome to do so. Assuming you're the same anon that asked the other questions, I think it's unlikely that you're going to change your mind about her. And that's valid! You're absolutely entitled to your opinion. And, in that same vein, I also don't think I'll change my mind about her. Every single point you've brought up is something I've already thought about—and those points don't make me dislike her. It all just informs the character. So again, you can feel however you want to feel about her, and I'll do the same.
In the end, I'm just happy to have the comics and the show and the content that comes with it. I don't think there's any reason to get up in arms over it. We're all just engaging with a great story :)
(Also, sorry for the delayed response to this. I had an unexpected death in the family and I just didn't have the headspace to respond to this for a while. Usually I try to be more timely but it's been a rough few weeks lol)
0 notes
aozui · 25 days
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there is a library in this dimension ( newest works )
the aozui guestbook ( all answered asks )
how to get ree out of the trenches !!! ( personal favorites )
did you see the bulletin board at the end of the universe… ( polls, unpublished ideas, sneak peeks of wips, calling dibs on ideas, updated on fics and series )
kisses hugs world peace ( rambles )
jumping through time ( reading + art reblogs )
just some laundry & taxes ( mutuals + tag & ask games )
self ship tags, if ever -> hajiree , bokuree , uzuree , choreezo ( general tag to block all is #self sink )
not a tag but aozui’s midnight library is my tbr !!
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🪨 @mitskicain — # my lifeline !!!
🪨 @mollyrolls — #the barney to my ted !!!
🪨 @sandwhitches — # the finn to my bmo !!!
🪨 @nectardaddy — # president of the get up club !!!
🪨 @chososcamgirl — # scream queen !!!
🪨 @4ngelfries — # the bucky to my yelena !!!
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a love letter from lia ,
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𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓’𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓? 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐊 𝐘𝐎𝐔’𝐋𝐋 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄 𝐈𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐘𝐖𝐀𝐘? 𝐆𝐎𝐃, 𝐘𝐎𝐔’𝐑𝐄 𝐀 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐅𝐔𝐋. alright alright fine… I guess I’ll keep it safely locked in the bagel for now.
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coopertroupe · 1 year
[Fleet Death Warrant Bulletin]
0 notes
sagen101 · 2 years
Standby Generator Repair
Protecting the sensitive equipment in your house is a results of good generator maintenance. We suppose you'll agree that a well-maintained generator might be a working backup generator when it’s wanted most. During an annual service and along with altering your oil and oil filter, a technician will substitute the air filter and spark plugs as needed which is commonly the case in annual maintenance. Your technician may even update the onboard firmware and assess any work that Generac could have put out in a bulletin because the last service.
Once accounting receives the supervisor's approved generator service report, an bill is generated and both the service report and bill are emailed to the customer. To apply for this sort of registration, observe the complicated process for a Waste Discharge Authorization. It is essential to evaluate the information generator services offered in theWaste Discharge Authorization section before making use of to ensure all the required information is submitted for evaluate. The registration course of documents how the proprietor of waste identified it as being hazardous and the steps taken to handle it or to take away the waste from its present location.
A general inspection of the unit is included in annual maintenance and goes a long way. Your generator technician may also test your battery under load and make sure it’s good for the upcoming yr, if not we will sell you a brand new one, installed on the spot. If your unit is liquid cooled, we will service the liquid cooling parts generator service and top off fluids in addition to all of the above. If you've further questions about our standby generator set up service and restore, don't hesitate to provide us a call. We love listening to from our clients - and serving to them clear up their electrical issues.
We have a evaluation rating of 5 primarily based on critiques from 5 satisfied clients. The technical storage or entry is required to create user profiles to ship promoting, or to track the user on an net generator services site or throughout a quantity of web sites for comparable advertising purposes. The technical storage or entry that is used solely for anonymous statistical functions.
Our up-tower service groups are multidisciplinary, minimizing the need to remove the generator from the turbine. Delom Services Wind Division also carries a list of substitute components for wind mills, similar to brush holders, brushes, bearings, etc. Automatic Standby Generators are also self exercising, and start and run for a brief period at your preset time as quickly as every week. In this way, your Automatic Standby Generator is all the time ready for the call to obligation. Constant Repairs - If a generator is continually breaking down and desires common repairs, it's probably time to spend money on a model new one. In the lengthy run a new generator set up would be cheaper than keeping an old generator alive with fixed repairs.
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If you discover that you are going via extra coolant than traditional, you might have a leak within the system. Keep a watch out for any seen puddles during your routine inspection. Keeping the radiator clean will protect the engine from overheating. - New builds - Renovations - Garages - Panel upgrades - Service upgrades - Generators - Generlink - ETS ...
Work via our Career Planning Micro-Course, a self-directed course to stroll you thru the method in detail, contains downloadable modules, worksheets and movies. Our equipment speaks for itself as a result of we don’t compromise in terms of quality. Search FAQs Search topic-related regularly asked questions to find solutions you want. Quick and straightforward manual switch between utility energy and a generator by simply opening the door, and turn off or on two breakers. A moveable must be introduced out of storage and moved to the place you need it. Portables are universally fueled with gasoline, a fuel that requires safe storage and further care in handling.
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sounmashnews · 2 years
[ad_1] CNN  —  Russia will on Friday start formally annexing as much as 18% of Ukrainian territory, with President Vladimir Putin anticipated to host a ceremony in the Kremlin to declare four occupied Ukrainian territories a part of Russia. The ceremony would happen on Friday at 15:00 native time (08:00 ET) within the Kremlin’s St. George’s Hall, Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated. Putin will ship a speech and meet with Russian-backed leaders of the 4 occupied areas on the sidelines of the ceremony, he added. The bulletins come after individuals in 4 occupied areas of Ukraine supposedly voted in big numbers in favor of becoming a member of Russia, in five-day polls that have been unlawful underneath worldwide legislation and dismissed by Kyiv and the West as a sham. The so-called referendums have been organized by Russian-backed separatists within the self-declared Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) within the japanese Donbas area, the place preventing has raged for the reason that rebels seized management of components of Donetsk and Luhansk in 2014. The different two areas to carry so-called referendums have been Kherson and Zaporizhzhia in southern Ukraine. Russia has occupied the 2 areas since shortly after it invaded the nation in late February. On Thursday, Putin signed decrees recognizing the 2 areas as impartial. Vladimir Saldo, the top of the Russian-backed administration in Kherson, urged Putin to annex the area on Wednesday, following the so-called referendum there. The Moscow-aligned management in all 4 locations claimed the processes yielded huge majorities for these “voting” in favor of acceding to Russian sovereignty: 87.05% in Kherson, 93.11% in Zaporizhzhia, 98.42% within the LPR and 99.23% within the DPR. The course of was extensively panned as illegitimate, as experts said it was unimaginable to carry a free and truthful election in a conflict zone or occupied territory, which United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres echoed in remarks Thursday. “They cannot be called a genuine expression of the popular will,” Guterres stated of the so-called referendums. Should Russia proceed to annex the territories, it could violate “everything the international community is meant to stand for,” Guterres stated. “Any decision to proceed with the annexation of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions of Ukraine would have no legal value and deserves to be condemned,” Guterres stated. “It is a dangerous escalation. It has no place in the modern world. It must not be accepted.” Meanwhile, the European Union on Wednesday proposed additional sanctions in retaliation for Moscow’s annexation plan, focusing on “those involved in Russia occupation and illegal annexation of areas of Ukraine,” together with “the proxy Russian authorities in Donetsk, Luhansk and Kherson and Zaporizhzhia and other Russian individuals who organized and facilitated the sham referenda in these four occupied territories of Ukraine.” Reports from the bottom recommend that voting within the occupied areas was achieved primarily – and in some instances, actually – at gunpoint. Serhii Hayday, the Ukrainian head of the Luhansk area army administration, stated that authorities have been going door to door, trailed by armed guards, to gather votes, and that native populations have been being intimidated into voting to affix Russia. The outcomes additionally contradict information from earlier than the conflict. An unique CNN ballot of Ukrainians conducted in February, simply earlier than Russia’s invasion, discovered simply 18% of Ukrainians within the east – together with the Luhansk and Donetsk areas – agreed with
the assertion that “Russia and Ukraine should be one country,” whereas 16% of Ukrainians within the south, which included the Kherson and Zaporizhzhia areas, supported it. Putin has repeatedly framed the invasion as a response to stress from the West, and did so once more in a speech Thursday to the intelligence providers of a number of former Soviet Republics. “The West is working out scenarios for inciting new conflicts,” Putin stated. Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky stated Tuesday the method was a “farce” that “cannot even be called an imitation of referendums.” Zelensky additionally accused Russia of making an attempt to make use of the identical technique because it did when Moscow annexed Crimea in 2014. A referendum organized there, which formally noticed 97% of voters again annexation, was ratified by Russian lawmakers inside every week. Much of the worldwide group didn't respect that consequence, and it seems they are going to do the identical with Tuesday’s outcomes. Some of the separatist leaders concerned in finishing up sham referendums to secede from Ukraine and be part of Russia landed in Moscow Thursday, in response to a photograph posted by the Russia-appointed deputy head of the Kherson regional army administration Kirill Stremousov. LPR chief Leonid Pasechnik instructed Russian state information company TASS Thursday he was additionally within the Russian capital. Reuters stated Thursday that a stage with big video screens has been arrange on Red Square, alongside billboards proclaiming “Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, Kherson - Russia!.” TASS had beforehand reported that a rally could be held in entrance of the Kremlin on Friday in help of the ballot outcomes of the so-called referendums. Though the Russian authorities is holding a ceremony Friday, its two homes of parliament – the State Duma and Federation Council – will formally meet subsequent week to debate the annexation. outcomes of a referendum on the becoming a member of of the DPR to Russia, in Donetsk, Ukraine, on September 27." class="image__dam-img"/> mass grave in a forest on the outskirts of Izyum, japanese Ukraine on September 18. Ukrainian authorities found a whole bunch of graves exterior the previously Russian-occupied metropolis." class="image__dam-img"/> examine the Zaporizhzhia nuclear energy plant in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, on September 1." class="image__dam-img"/> six month anniversary of the Russian invasion, on August 24. " class="image__dam-img"/> leaving port of Odesa, Ukraine, on August 5. " class="image__dam-img"/> evacuation prepare departs from Pokrovsk, japanese Ukraine, on August 2." class="image__dam-img"/> Russian missile strike in Mykolaiv, Ukraine, on August 1." class="image__dam-img"/>
At least 29 individuals have been confirmed lifeless." class="image__dam-img"/> missile assault within the Serhiivka district of Odesa, Ukraine, on July 1." class="image__dam-img"/> rocket assault in Kremenchuk, Ukraine, on June 28." class="image__dam-img"/> session of G7 leaders through video hyperlink from his workplace in Kyiv, Ukraine, on Monday June 27." class="image__dam-img"/> Severodonetsk, Ukraine, on June 20." class="image__dam-img"/> French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Italian PM Mario Draghi previous destroyed buildings in Irpin, Ukraine, on June 16." class="image__dam-img"/> Young individuals swing in entrance of destroyed residential buildings in Borodyanka, Ukraine, on June 15." class="image__dam-img"/> mass grave close to the village of Vorzel within the Bucha district close to Kyiv, Ukraine, on June 13." class="image__dam-img"/> entrance line in Severodonetsk, Ukraine, on Wednesday, June 8." class="image__dam-img"/> MLRS in the direction of Russian positions on the entrance line within the japanese Ukrainian area of Donbas on June 7." class="image__dam-img"/> sentenced to life in jail by a Ukrainian courtroom in Kyiv on May 23. He was convicted of killing an unarmed civilian. It was the primary conflict crimes trial arising from Russia's invasion." class="image__dam-img"/> evacuated from the Azovstal metal plant wait close to a jail in Olyonivka on May 17. The metal plant was the final holdout in Mariupol, a metropolis that had grow to be an emblem of Ukrainian resistance underneath relentless Russian bombardment." class="image__dam-img"/> internally displaced individuals in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, on May 8." class="image__dam-img"/>
Antonov Airport in Hostomel, Ukraine, on May 5." class="image__dam-img"/> hearth at an oil depot in Makiivka, Ukraine, after missiles struck a facility in an space managed by Russian-backed separatist forces on May 4." class="image__dam-img"/> probably the most senior US official to fulfill with Zelensky since Russia invaded Ukraine." class="image__dam-img"/> struck the Ukrainian capital shortly after a gathering between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and UN Secretary-General António Guterres." class="image__dam-img"/> attend a gathering in Kyiv with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on April 24." class="image__dam-img"/> Easter church service at St. Michael's Cathedral in Kyiv on April 24." class="image__dam-img"/> Russian assault on Mariupol." class="image__dam-img"/> Shocking pictures displaying the our bodies of civilians scattered throughout the suburb of Kyiv sparked worldwide outrage and raised the urgency of ongoing investigations into alleged Russian conflict crimes. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky known as on Russian leaders to be held accountable for the actions of the nation's army. The Russian Ministry of Defense, with out proof, claimed the intensive footage of Bucha was "fake."" class="image__dam-img"/> What was left of the city, after intense shelling and devastating airstrikes, was then occupied by Russian forces." class="image__dam-img"/> Zelensky emphasised as he stood within the city, surrounded by safety." class="image__dam-img"/> confirmed a strike on an oil refinery and gasoline storage amenities within the port metropolis." class="image__dam-img"/>
meet in Istanbul for talks on March 29. Russia stated it could "drastically reduce" its army assault on the Ukrainian cities of Kyiv and Chernihiv. The announcement got here after Ukrainian and Western intelligence assessments just lately advised that Russia's advance on Kyiv was stalling. The talks additionally coated different essential points, together with the way forward for the japanese Donbas area, the destiny of Crimea, a broad alliance of safety guarantors and a possible assembly between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky." class="image__dam-img"/> following a Russian assault on March 29. At least 9 individuals have been killed, in response to the Mykolaiv regional media workplace's Telegram channel." class="image__dam-img"/> the 110-minute name to dissuade Xi from aiding Russia in its conflict on Ukraine." class="image__dam-img"/> the celebration, which commemorated the eighth yr of Russia's annexation of Crimea." class="image__dam-img"/> The historic speech occurred because the United States is underneath stress to supply extra army help to the embattled nation." class="image__dam-img"/> an airstrike on the Yavoriv army base close to the Polish border. Local authorities say 35 individuals have been killed." class="image__dam-img"/> besieged by Russian forces." class="image__dam-img"/> their new child daughter, Veronika, at a hospital in Mariupol on March 11. Vishegirskaya survived the maternity hospital bombing within the metropolis earlier within the week." class="image__dam-img"/> a funeral service for 3 Ukrainian troopers in Lviv on March 11. Senior Soldier Andrii Stefanyshyn, 39; Senior Lt.
Taras Didukh, 25; and Sgt. Dmytro Kabakov, 58, have been laid to relaxation on the Saints Peter and Paul Garrison Church. Even on this sacred house, the sounds of conflict intruded: an air raid siren audible underneath the sound of prayer and weeping. Yet nobody stirred. Residents at the moment are inured to the near-daily warnings of an air assault." class="image__dam-img"/> Lavrov falsely claimed that his nation "did not attack" its neighbor." class="image__dam-img"/> Due to heavy preventing, Irpin has been with out warmth, water or electrical energy for a number of days." class="image__dam-img"/> bombed maternity hospital in Mariupol on March 9. The girl and her child later died, a surgeon who was treating her confirmed. The assault got here regardless of Russia agreeing to a 12-hour pause in hostilities to permit refugees to evacuate." class="image__dam-img"/> unable to carry correct burials." class="image__dam-img"/> stretched for miles as individuals tried to flee preventing in districts to the north and northwest of Kyiv." class="image__dam-img"/> addresses British lawmakers through video on March 8. "We will not give up and we will not lose. We will fight until the end at sea, in the air. We will continue fighting for our land, whatever the cost," he stated in his feedback translated by an interpreter. The House of Commons gave Zelensky a standing ovation on the finish of his deal with." class="image__dam-img"/> a Russian army strike." class="image__dam-img"/> Russian missile assault on Kyiv on Thursday, April 28, which occurred because the United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres was ending a go to to the Ukrainian capital." class="image__dam-img"/> their assembly, in Kyiv, on April 28. " class="image__dam-img"/> Residents wrapped statues in protecting sheets to attempt to safeguard historic monuments throughout the town." class="image__dam-img"/> 18-month-old son, Kirill, who was wounded by shelling in Mariupol on March 4. Medical staff frantically tried to save lots of the boy's life, however he did not survive." class="image__dam-img"/> According to the Washington Post, he was a member of Ukraine's Territorial Defense Forces, which is comprised largely of volunteers." class="image__dam-img"/> Russian forces have "occupied" the facility plant." class="image__dam-img"/>
a senior US protection official instructed reporters." class="image__dam-img"/> Video of the incident was extensively shared on social media." class="image__dam-img"/> take shelter in a subway station in Kyiv on March 2." class="image__dam-img"/> an unique interview with CNN and Reuters on March 1. Zelensky stated that so long as Moscow's assaults on Ukrainian cities continued, little progress could possibly be made in talks between the 2 nations. "It's important to stop bombing people, and then we can move on and sit at the negotiation table," he stated." class="image__dam-img"/> Russian forces fired rockets close to the tower and struck a Holocaust memorial website in Kyiv hours after warning of "high-precision" strikes on different amenities linked to Ukrainian safety businesses." class="image__dam-img"/> maintain talks in Belarus on February 28. Both sides mentioned a possible "ceasefire and the end of combat actions on the territory of Ukraine," Ukrainian presidential adviser Mikhaylo Podolyak instructed reporters. Without going into element, Podolyak stated that each side would return to their capitals for consultations over whether or not to implement a lot of "decisions."" class="image__dam-img"/> in response to the Associated Press was killed by Russian shelling in a residential space, lies on a medical cart at a hospital in Mariupol on February 27. The lady, whose identify was not instantly identified, was rushed to the hospital but could not be saved." class="image__dam-img"/>
prolonged a citywide curfew." class="image__dam-img"/> that was broken by shelling." class="image__dam-img"/> The dramatic scene was captured on video, and CNN confirmed its authenticity. The second drew comparisons to the enduring "Tank Man" of Tiananmen Square." class="image__dam-img"/> instructed CNN that greater than 120,000 individuals had left Ukraine whereas 850,000 have been internally displaced." class="image__dam-img"/> Explosions have been seen and heard in components of the capital as Ukrainians battled to carry again advancing Russian troops." class="image__dam-img"/> Newly married couple Yaryna Arieva and Sviatoslav Fursin pose for picture in Kyiv on February 25 after they joined the Territorial Defense Forces." class="image__dam-img"/> their marriage ceremony ceremony on the St. Michael's Cathedral in Kyiv on February 24. They had deliberate on getting married in May, however they rushed to tie the knot as a result of assaults by Russian forces. "We maybe can die, and we just wanted to be together before all of that," Arieva stated." class="image__dam-img"/> deal with the Russian invasion on February 24. "Putin is the aggressor. Putin chose this war. And now he and his country will bear the consequences," Biden stated, laying out a set of measures that can "impose severe cost on the Russian economy, both immediately and over time."" class="image__dam-img"/> Airports have been additionally hit in Boryspil, Kharkiv, Ozerne, Kulbakino, Kramatorsk and Chornobaivka." class="image__dam-img"/> seized management of the the plant, the location of the world's worst nuclear catastrophe." class="image__dam-img"/> In a video deal with, Zelensky introduced that he was introducing martial legislation. He urged individuals to stay calm." class="image__dam-img"/> a barrage of artillery." class="image__dam-img"/>
exiting Kyiv on February 24. Heavy site visitors gave the impression to be heading west, away from the place explosions have been heard early within the morning." class="image__dam-img"/> pronounces a army operation within the Donbas area of japanese Ukraine on February 24. "Whoever tries to interfere with us, and even more so to create threats to our country, to our people, should know that Russia's response will be immediate and will lead you to such consequences as you have never experienced in your history," he stated." class="image__dam-img"/> An emergency assembly of the UN Security Council is held in New York to debate the disaster on February 23. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres instructed Russian President Vladimir Putin to cease "attacking Ukraine" and to provide peace an opportunity." class="image__dam-img"/> killed by a shrapnel wound on February 19 after a number of rounds of artillery hearth have been directed at Ukrainian positions close to Myronivske." class="image__dam-img"/> Global markets tumbled the day after Putin ordered troops into components of japanese Ukraine." class="image__dam-img"/> an deal with by Putin from their resort room in Taganrog, Russia, on February 21. Putin blasted Kyiv's rising safety ties with the West, and in prolonged remarks in regards to the historical past of the USSR and the formation of the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic, he appeared to forged doubt on Ukraine's proper to self-determination." class="image__dam-img"/> Putin indicators decrees recognizing the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic in a ceremony in Moscow on February 21. Earlier within the day, the heads of the self-proclaimed pro-Russian republics requested the Kremlin chief acknowledge their independence and sovereignty. Members of Putin's Security Council supported the initiative in a gathering earlier within the day." class="image__dam-img"/> the place got here underneath hearth. No one was injured." class="image__dam-img"/> a staged assault designed to stoke tensions in japanese Ukraine." class="image__dam-img"/> those that died in 2014 whereas protesting in opposition to the federal government of President Viktor Yanukovych, a pro-Russian chief who later fled the nation." class="image__dam-img"/>
broken by shelling is seen in Stanytsia Luhanska, Ukraine, on February 17. No lives have been misplaced, nevertheless it was a stark reminder of the stakes for individuals residing close to the entrance strains that separate Ukrainian authorities forces from Russian-backed separatists." class="image__dam-img"/> urged Americans in Ukraine to go away the nation, warning that "things could go crazy quickly" within the area." class="image__dam-img"/> have been hit by cyberattacks that day, as have been the web sites of Ukraine's protection ministry and military, in response to Ukrainian authorities businesses." class="image__dam-img"/> Although the outcomes of the Russian-backed referendums are unsurprising, there may be concern Russia’s makes an attempt to say sovereignty over Ukrainian territory might portend a harmful escalation within the seven-month-long conflict. The Kremlin is anticipated to deal with the territories as if they're components of Russia, warning that it could defend them as such – signaling a possible army escalation as soon as the Ukrainian Army makes an attempt to reclaim them. In an deal with on September 21, Putin raised the specter of nuclear weapons, saying he would use “all the means at our disposal” if he deemed the “territorial integrity” of Russia to be jeopardized. The so-called referendums got here after a sudden and successful Ukrainian offensive by means of a lot of the occupied Kharkiv area swung momentum within the battle again in the direction of Kyiv this month, galvanizing Ukraine’s Western backers and inflicting anger in Russia, which has repeatedly been stymied on the battlefield. With losses piling up, Putin has enacted a “partial mobilization” of Russian residents, that means those that are within the reserve could possibly be known as up and nationals with army expertise could be topic to conscription – and doubtlessly despatched to defend the illegally annexed territories. At the outset of the battle, Putin was cautious to emphasise that the army assault, euphemistically known as a “special military operation,” would solely be fought by army professionals. More than 200,000 individuals have traveled from Russia into Georgia, Kazakhstan and the EU for the reason that announcement. Upwards of fifty,000 Russians have fled to Finland and at the very least 100,000 have crossed into Kazakhstan. Images from crossings into Finland, Georgia and Mongolia present huge site visitors jams on the Russian aspect of every border. Protests in opposition to the partial mobilization have broken out in a few of Russia’s ethnic minority areas. Ukrainian officers, together with Zelensky, have alleged that Russia is forcibly drafting home protesters; total segments of male populations in distant villages; and fighting-age males from minority communities in addition to occupied territories in Ukraine.
A Ukrainian mayor-in-exile alleged Russia was conscripting his constituents to “use them as cannon fodder.” CNN has been unable to confirm these claims. [ad_2] Source link
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plucky-belmondo · 5 years
🌻The Self-Ship Bulletin🌻
“FREE GUSH PASSES FOR EVERYONE!! Where we can all ramble about our F/Os and see others gushing too!!” 
-nutshell description
~General Info~
I’m sick and tired of seeing negativity pop up here and there, so I’m going to start a a thing! Basically, every week, I’ll be putting up gush posts, and each one has a specific topic that relates to your love for your F/Os! This is where y’all come in and reblog said post with answer! I don’t care how long it is, there’s no limit to your gushing!
From there, we can all chain-reblog it so that there’s lots of positivity go to around!!
These posts will be marked with the tag “Self-Ship Bulletin” and will be posted every three days!!
Does this apply to only romantic F/Os?
Nope! It also applies to platonic and familial F/Os, too! There’ll be topics where it’s geared towards them instead of your romantic ones!
What kind of topics will you put up? Do you take suggestions?
They will all be SFW, so no offensive topics will be brought up! However, there’ll be times where I can’t think of a topic, per se, so yes! I’ll take suggestions, just shoot me an ask! (please make sure it follows the above statement). I’ll also be putting up topics based on AUs, because we LOVE them, amirite?
Where did you get the idea for this?
I got the idea from...Animal Crossing! xD I always read the town bulletin for anything interesting, so there’s that! I also want to spread more positivity in this community, and I want to let people feel less afraid when it comes to gushing (I’ve seen many a post about people being scared to do so). Personally, I don’t find it annoying, in fact, you’re showing your enthusiasm/love for your F/Os and that’s real neato!
Is it a first come, first serve thing?
Another question that I’ll say no to. I will be doing scheduled reblogs and the like so that everyone has the chance to gush! I’ll try to read as much as I can (lol). However, even if a new prompt has been put up, you can still respond to older ones.
Can we mention other self-shippers in our responses?
Sure you can! While I do love reading responses that involve you and your F/Os, I also enjoy it if another self-shipper was involved in your stories! The more, the merrier!
Again, new prompts will be dished out every three days! :D
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meliorist-midoriya · 3 years
ooookay i know it’s been a quick minute but.
yeah what happened tonight is the last straw.
meliorist-midoriya will be archived as of 11 - 04 - 2021.
i won’t be leaving tumblr completely! i’ll just be moving to a new blog to get a breath of fresh air. normally, i would’ve liked to make a well thought out, eloquently written post detailing my decision, but to be honest, it’s just going to be words fluffing up the fact that i don’t feel safe on tumblr anymore.
i haven’t been affected by anything major, thank heavens, but the risk just existing—more so than a normal internet presence would have—is already too stressful. that, along with the fact i don’t really feel as connected with bnha like i used to, and i’m not really proud of this blog as i once was. plus, never really being able to keep up with events, requests, or interactions really burnt me out. 
this blog will always hold memories for me, but it’s about time i moved on.
sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, thank you to all my moots and followers! moots, please dm me for my new @, and i’ll post the url here whenever the blog is up and ready! <3
link to original pinned
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aethor · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
hello <3 i’m keith! welcome to my selfshipping blog !! pls know that this is a sideblog and i interact from @kreibedo !
this blog is not limited to romantic f/os, so i will also be posting about my platonic/familial f/os and my kins!
note; pls dont interact with me if u selfship romantically with thor ! i dont feel comfortable sharing him at all
pls read my carrd before following me !!
thank you ٩(๑`^´๑)۶
tags used in my blog for easier navigation
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