#see this interpretation is actually false because lestat's narrative function does not help maintaining the patriarchal order in the story
elvesofnoldor · 1 year
we truly live in the most diabolical of timelines when people casually makes misogynist comments in regards to a male character lmao. The other day i saw several popular hundred-likes youtube comments under a IWTV thinkpiece video that jokes lestat is just like "one of those abusive women who get pregnant to trap their partners". so cool that people still think abusive just means "being mean". so cool that people doesn't understand that irl women "babytrapping" their partners are victims of abuse themselves and are often financially and socially dependent on their partner/abuser who probably cheat on them constantly, and since they literally had nowhere to go and no one to go to, she is forced to sacrifice their body just to have a roof over her head and food in her stomach. like lestat is 1. fictional and 2. a man, so this shouldn't be about him, but don't we love to get reminded that we live in a society where people cares very little for victims of abuse??? im in hell.
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