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SAH !! DPC Relawan Sedulur Mas Dar Magelang Raya Dilantik, Siap Dukung Sudaryono
BNews-MAGELANG- Jelang Pemilihan Kepala Daerah (Pilkada) Jawa Tengah tahun 2024, banyak dukungan kepada calon Gubernur bermunculan. Salahsatunya dari sejumlah relawan Sedulur Mas Dar di Magelang. Sedulur Mas Dar adalah relawan yang sudah menjadi organisasi dan akan mendukung sosok Sudaryono menjadi Calon Gubernur Jateng pada Pilkada 2024. Sudaryono sendiri diketahui merupakan Ketua DPD Partai…
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#Berita Jateng#Berita Jogjakarta#Berita Magelang#Berita Nasional#Berita Viral#Borobudur News#Magelang#Pelantikan DPC Relawan Sedulur Mas Dar Magelang Raya#Pilkada Jateng 2024#Sedulur Mas Dar#Sudaryono
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Sejarah PSHT, Organisasi Silat Tertua di Indonesia, Dulu Namanya ‘’Sedulur Tunggal Kecer’’
MADIUN, Kebumen24.com – Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate (PSHT) merupakan salah satu organisasi silat tertua di Indonesia. PSHT berdiri sejak 1922. Continue reading Sejarah PSHT, Organisasi Silat Tertua di Indonesia, Dulu Namanya ‘’Sedulur Tunggal Kecer’’
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Buat temen-temen semua di tumblr ini, baik yg sering mendoakan secara online, ngasih semangat, anonim yg sering ngasih pertanyaan iseng, atau yg pernah ketemu langsung (hehehe) saya mohon maaf lahir batin njjih, jika dirasa ada tulisan, perkataan, perbuatan yang kurang sesuai, kurang mengenakan, kurang sopan, kurang beradab, dan kurang-kurang lainnya
Saya ingin memulai dari nol lagi. Sepertinya akun ini akhirnya membuat saya merasa cukup.
Jika dirasa ada tulisan, perkataan, perbuatan, yang menghantarkan pada kebaikan, silakan disebarluaskan, mau menggunakan nama saya boleh, atau juga tidak, ya gak apa-apa (— ada pendapat dicantumkan namanya, supaya saya bisa bertanggung jawab)
Sekali lagi, terima kasih sedulur, segengs, sahabat, dan semuanya
*ini sebenere ga terlalu penting, cuma kita orang jawa, datang dan pergi ya harus minta izin hehe🤝✌️
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Alhamdulillah, urip neng dunyo iku sakjane kepenak, tangi turu syukur, ngombe teh anget karo gorengan siji mbek ngrungoke lagu karo gambar ati wes seneng, po menenh nek ditambah moco doa kanggo keluarga lan sedulur-sedulure dewe.
Rak sah ngapusi karo awake dewe, setiap kita itu pasti punya impian yang akan kita gapai, Soal mimpi pasrahke karo gusti Allah, senanjan awake dewe wes berusaha total, tapi hasile rung kunjung tiba, yo rak sah kesusu, ngono kui yo awake dewe wes intuk pahala sabar. Mergo gusti Allah kui ngerti keadaan awake dewe pantese dikei kapan.
Deloken ono wong seng dadi artis utowo influencer pas umur 40 tahunan, padahal wonge pingine dadi artis utowo influencer ket jaman umur 18 tahun.
Deloken ono wong seng bisnise lancar banget pas umure 50 tahunan, padahal wonge kui pingin bisnis e payu dan gede kui ket jaman SMA.
Deloken? Allah kui pasti memberikan waktu yang tepat untuk kita, la mung film terbaik adalah skenario milik Allah.
Laaa too ayoo istighfar bareng, terus syukuri wae setiap waktu yg Allah berikan kepada kita. Aamiin bareng sek.
- Fahmi
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Lha ngene lho. Gelud e sing ringan-ringan waeee. Tubir antar sedulur
The hairdresser was banished
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Periode Kedua Ony Antok, Target Bangun 7000 RTLH untuk Masyarakat Ngawi
NGAWI | INTIJATIM.ID – Wakil Bupati Ngawi, Dwi Rianto Jatmiko, secara simbolis menyerahkan kunci rumah kepada Slamet, warga Dusun Karangasem 2, RT.006/RW.06 Desa Geneng, Kecamatan Geneng. Penyerahan tersebut merupakan hasil kolaborasi antara Baznas Kabupaten Ngawi dan relawan Pesona (Perserikatan Sedulur Orang Ngawi Abadi), yang berhasil merenovasi rumah tidak layak huni (RTLH) menjadi layak…
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Massa Tuntut KPU Metro Cabut Pembatalan Paslon 02
LAMPUNG7COM – Metro | Pasca Pembatalan Paslon Walikota dan Wakil Walikota Nomor urut 02, Ratusan pendukung Wahdi-Qomaru (Waru) geruduk dan minta KPU kota setempat untuk bisa mengklarifikasi pembatalan tersebut. Ketua Tim Sedulur Waru, Juniansah mengatakan, pihaknya menerjunkan massa lantaran KPU Kota Metro telah mengunggah di laman Instagram terkait pembatalan Paslon 02. “Apabila ini tidak di…
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#Repost @bhayangkari_jateng
Datang dan Ramaikan
Bhayangkari Preneur Expo 2024
Queen City Mall Semarang
Lantai Dasar
Tanggal 8 s.d 9 Oktober 2024
Jam 11.00 - 21.00 Wib
Tiket masuk Gratis
Monggo sedulur Warga Jawa Tengah
Blonjo sing katah njih
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Sedulur Mirza Deklarasi Dukung Mirza-Jihan dan Eva-Dedi, Hadirkan Jono Joni dan Bertabur Hadiah
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Lirik : Syiir Tanpo Waton - Sholawat Gus Dur ( Lirik ) Astaghfirullah rabbal baroya Astaghfirullah minal khotoya Robbi zidni ‘ilman naafi’a Wawafiqni amalan sholiha
Ya Rosulullah, salamun alaik Ya rafi’a syaani wadaroji Athfatayyaji rotal ‘alami Ya uhailalju diwal karomi
Ngawiti ingsun nglaras syi’iran Kelawan muji maring Pangeran Kang paring rohmat lan kenikmatan Rino wengine tanpo pitungan
Duh bolo konco priyo wanito Ojo mung ngaji syareat bloko Gur pinter ndongeng nulis lan moco Tembe mburine bakal sengsoro
Akeh kang apal Qur’an lan Haditse Seneng ngafirke marang liyane Kafire dewe dak digatekke Yen isih kotor ati akale
Gampang kabujuk nafsu angkoro Ing pepaese gebyare ndunyo Iri lan meri sugihe tonggo Mulo atine peteng lan nisto
Ayo sedulur jo nglalekake Wajibe ngaji sak pranatane Nggo ngandelake iman tauhide Baguse sangu mulyo matine
Kang aran sholeh bagus atine Kerono mapan seri ngelmune Laku thoriqot lan ma’rifate Ugo haqiqot manjing rasane
Al–Qur’an qodim wahyu minulyo Tanpo tinulis biso diwoco Iku wejangan guru waskito Den tancepake ing jero dodo
Kumantil ati lan pikiran Mrasuk ing badan kabeh jerone Mu’jizat Rosul dadi pedoman Minongko dalan manjinge iman
Kelawan Alloh Kang Moho Suci Kudu rangkulan rino lan wengi Ditirakati diriyadohi Dzikir lan suluk jo nganti lali
Uripe ayem rumongso aman Dununge roso tondo yen iman Sabar narimo najan pas – pasan Kabeh tinakdir saking Pangeran
Kelawan konco dulur lan tonggo Kang podho rukun ojo dursilo Iku sunahe Rosul kang mulyo Nabi Muhammad panutan kito
Ayo nglakoni sekabehane Alloh kang bakal ngangkat drajate Senajan asor toto dhohire Ananging mulyo maqom drajate
Lamun palastro ing pungkasane Ora kesasar roh lan sukmane Den gadang Alloh swargo manggone Utuh mayite uge ulese
Ya roshulalloh salam mun’alaika Ya rofi’asyaaniwaddaarojii ‘Athfataiyajii rotal’alaami Ya Uuhailaljudiwalkaromi Ya Uuhailaljudiwalkaromi
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Taman Baca Al Djawahir Resmi dibuka untuk Umum
Banyuwangi, Jurnalnews – Dalam rangka peresmian Taman Baca Al Djawahir pada Minggu, (21/7/2024) di Gambiran, tuan rumah turut menghadirkan para terapis profesional Banyuwangi yang tergabung dalam Sedulur Terapis Blambangan. Para terapis tersebut mengadakan bakti sosial dengan memberikan pengobatan gratis kepada masyarakat. Ada beberapa metode pengobatan yang tersedia, seperti bekam, gurah,…
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Dany Jaelani: Kebudayaan Cirebon Keberagaman Kebudayaan Masyarakat Indonesia
Ya Udah Gitu Aja – Kebudayaan yang ada di Kota Cirebon sebenarnya memiliki potensi yang sangat potensial untuk dikembangkan sehingga dapat diberdayakan menjadi nilai tinggi yang dapat dilestarikan dan dapat disajikan nilai komoditas pariwisata sebagai daya tarik tersendiri di Kota Cirebon. “Keberagaman Kebudayaan daerah Cirebon” Hai semuanya apakah sedulur dan sobat sudah tau keragaman budaya…
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#Dany Jaelani#Keberagaman Kebudayaan Masyarakat Indonesia#Kebudayaan Cirebon#Kebudayaan Cirebon Keberagaman Kebudayaan Masyarakat Indonesia
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Desa Sedulur, The Curse Returns
'Do you have any idea what you have done? You've unleased what I have tried to imprison for years....' 'For that, the both of you will be the ones to end it'
How did this all happen? All the siblings ever wanted was to go and explore part of their own heritage. Why did the situation became so dire?
S Tier - Angga Dendam (Aditya)
A vengeful and malevolent spirit, the one who was behind the curse that befell the village. The elder tried her best to keep him, or at least his influence, away from the village. But as one can imagine, curses tend to return, sooner or later.
(He was killed by his older sister and imprisoned for over 20 years. Was eventually released by the two siblings and later on takes them as slaves)
S Tier - The Elder (Melati)
The unofficial head of the village, as well as the main shaman of the village. For years she thought she had succeeded in keeping the evil spirit away........ if only she knew that what goes around, comes around.
(Is the instigator of the curse and the sister to Angga Dendam. She will take the cowards way out once again)
A Tier - The Elder Sibling (Gabriel Willson) (@ask-the-artist-lily)
A calm, collected, and curious spirit, always keeping an eye put for their younger sibling. After the death of their father, they discovered an odd spider-themed charm within the attic walls. Wanting an answer, the elder sibling set out to visit the small, secluded village their father had come from........ something they will come to regret very soon.
A Tier - The Younger Sibling (Lily Willson) (@ask-the-artist-lily)
A young, adventurous, and bubbly spirit who loves and admires their older sibling. After the death of their father, they were more than happy at the prospect of visiting the village their father originated from. It's the perfect opportunity to get in touch with part of your heritage, and plus, it was the perfect vacation plan! If only they hadn't brought that charm with them.........
(The two siblings are the ones who unintentionally unleashed the curse onto the village via the cursed spider charm, and will later on be sacrificed to appease Angga Dendam)
B Tier - Accursed Friend (Pietro Cortesi) (@theheavenshospital)
The best friend of the younger sibling, tagging along for a much needed vacation. Unfortunately for them, they ended up witnessing something they will never be able to forget.......
(This character will be experiencing endless nightmares of what they saw in the village for the rest of their life)
B Tier - Curious Journalist (Neville Linton) (@h3smoremyselfthaniam)
An acquaintance of the older sibling. Is taking the opportunity to travel with them in order to write an article on the lifestyle of the villagers....... In the end, they ended up getting more than what they bargained for.
(This character will end up going mad, and disappearing later on, after what they have witnessed in the village)
B Tier - The Unfortunate Driver (Quinn Stewart) (@idv-thespians)
The local who helped the visitors get to the village. Despite their better judgement, they decide to stay in the village for a few days.... if only they listened to their instincts.
(This character will die during the events after eating the carcass of a monkey that was handed to them by Angga Dendam's henchmen)
B Tier - Fallen Patriarch (Sunday) (@idv-hsr-sunday)
The unfortunate father of the poor siblings. Had he knew what would've happened, he would've destroyed that charm even i it meant instant death for him......
(This character is dead before the events of the village happens. He was the one who took the charm away in order to trap Anggar Dendam and ultimately dies from a curse that the spirit has placed on the man)
This essence was largely inspired by Badarawuhi di Desa Penari and Impetigore, so it will take place and inspiration from Indonesian culture. Other than both Anggar Dendam and the Elder, most of the characters will be dressed in modern fashion as they're just visitors, but I will add some Indonesian elements to their design to make them blend in the setting a bit more.
Rules :
The maximum number of muses one person can submit is two. There are only a limited number of slots, so choose wisely!
First come first serve. If you want a role then be quick!
Any muse can join! Just make sure they're at least 18 years old because of the fact that no character here gets a happy ending.
You can either DM me or send me an ask for a role!
Be patient, I have other things I need to do but I'll try to finish the skins as fast as I can.
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Tak Perlu Mahal, Ngabuburit Hemat di Taman Sedulur Dirgantara Batang Kuis Hanya 13 Rb
BAGASTRAVEL – Nah, mengisi waktu luang di sore hari menjelang buka puasa, salah satu tempat ngabuburit hemat Taman Sedulur Dirgantara Batang Kuis yang seru dan menyenangkan. Tak perlu merogoh kocek dalam-dalam, di Medan terdapat sebuah tempat ngabuburit yang seru dan hemat, yaitu Taman Sedulur Dirgantara. Terletak di landasan Bandara Kualanamu, Batang Kuis, taman ini menawarkan pengalaman…
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#Menikmati Pemandangan Pesawat#ngabuburit medan Terbaru#spot foto Deli Serdang Terbaru#Viral wisata ngabuburit medan#wisata keluarga medan
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link slot gacor
Rahasia Link Slot Gacor Tersebar, Sedulur Mantap168 Slot Online Gampang Maxwin Merapat Website: https://dunnsrivercaribbeancafe.com
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