#seddon park
beattoquarters2 · 1 year
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Westminster Abbey is getting a bit crowded someone once thought, with all these monuments to dead people cluttering up the place. What’s needed is a great big extension and a massive tower.
In fact, what was planned was a tower twice the height of Big Ben* and would have overwhelmed Parliament next door.
The expansion of  Westminster Abby had long been mooted as far back as the 1750s, and in 1854, George Gilbert Scott was asked to design a cloister extension, which would have been used to house the lower class monuments.
The proposals didn’t get anywhere, despite a resurrection of interest following the clearance of Parliament Square in 1868, and in 1891, a formal Royal Commission considered some more ideas, but did not make a decision. The matter gained more support following the coronation of King Edward VII in 1902, as the Abbey is surprisingly small once you get inside it.
A bit too small for big state events, it was getting smaller by the year. Inconveniently, it seemed that famous people will keep on dying after all. Thus, in 1904, the Diocesan Architect for London, John Pollard Seddon proposed a 167 metre tall tower in the gothic style to be built next to Westminster Abbey.
Seddon had previously suggested a couple of expansions, but it was his collaboration with the architect, Edward Lamb which was to produce the most controversial design.
The plans didn’t emerge newly formed though but were themselves an evolution of somewhat smaller plans for a national mausoleum in Hyde Park which would have become the centre for worshipping the memory of the great and famous.
The tower was however just part of a much wider complex which was to be added next to the Abbey, which would have included a Monumental Hall running nearly 200 feet in length alongside the Abbey.
The tower, which would have been the main centrepiece of the expansion would have been taller even than St Paul’s Cathedral, with the lower floors for use by the clergy, and the upper floors as an archive document store.
Another function was more political, and that was the opportunity to clear away the unsightly terraced housing that lined the roads at the time, in favour of more “imperial” architecture as was felt appropriate for the capital of the Empire.
Westminster Abbey was starting to lose out to St Pauls’ Cathedral as the main building for religious ceremonies, and wanted its place in the nation back. A monumental tower taller than St Paul’s was seen as the way to wrest back the public’s attention.
Contemporary with the plans for the Imperial Monumental Halls, were plans for a monument for the late Queen Victoria, and an Imperial Peace Memorial following the South African War. It seems that the architects of the Westminster Abbey scheme may have been hoping to usurp at least one of the two other schemes to secure funding for their plans.
As The Builder magazine noted, the tower would be 64ft square, and some 550 feet high, with a public walkway around the top. In addition, a new Central Hall of 192 feet in length with two new chapels for burials and a transept of 157 feet in length.
Overall, the plans would have doubled the floor space inside Westminster Abbey.
Unsurprisingly, once shown off the plans provoked howls of outrage. The Builder magazine wrote that there was “a little too much of ‘megalomania’ about it”
The fact that the plans were not submitted as part of a formal call for proposals, but as speculative architecture did not help their cause.
Fortunately, a lack of funds saw the plans quietly dropped
Today the spot where the tower would have loomed high is occupied by the considerably smaller statue of King George V.
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cric-line-guru · 7 months
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aashiqui-aashiqui · 8 months
yeah its like i deduced from the changes in the squad but Seddon Park is more conducive to pace bowling (source can be found here) so it wasn't based on his performance which reassures me but that also means i will not see much of him at all then throughout this week. shame :/
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batbricks7 · 8 months
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Injured Williamson to miss remainder of Pakistan series. The New Zealand captain retired hurt with a hamstring strain while batting in the game at Seddon Park.
. . #batbricks7 #news #newzealand #cricket #williamson
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piyasahaberleri · 8 months
Pakistanlı Iftikhar Ahmed, Nepal'e karşı 2023 Asya Kupası maçında attığı yüzyılı kutluyor. — AFP/DosyaPakistan'ın orta dereceli vurucusu Iftikhar Ahmed, Pazar günü Pakistan ile Yeni Zelanda arasındaki ikinci T20I esnasında seyircilerin "chachu" tezahüratına agresif tepki gösterdi.Video, Pazar günü Seddon Park, Hamilton'da oynanan maçta 33 yaşındaki vurucunun sınır çizgisinin yakınında sahaya çıkmış olduğu sırada seyircilerden biri tarafınca kaydedildi.Bir hayranının kendisine devamlı "chachu" (bu terim Cenup Asya vatanlarında amca için yaygın olarak kullanılır) demesinden rahatsız olan Iftikhar ansızın arkasını döndü ve ona açıkça sus dedi.Soğuk tepkisi herkesi şaşırttı, hatta kendisini sakinleştirmeye çalışan taraftarı bile şaşırttı: "Biz sizin hayranlarınızız" ve sağ elini kullanan vurucu da "Sessiz kalınca" diye cevap verdi.Geo News'e konuşan 33 yaşındaki oyuncu, seyircilerin "chachu" tezahüratlarını dinlemesiyle ilgili görüşlerini ilk kez fena hissettiğini sadece sonrasında bu lakapla anılmaktan hoşlandığını ifade etmişti.Pakistan'ın ulusal kriketçilerinin oldukça garip bir özelliği var; neredeyse hepsinin bir takma adı var. Kriketçiler birbirlerine yalnız bu isimlerle hitap etmekle kalmıyor, bununla birlikte kriket fanatikleri tarafınca da yaygın olarak biliniyorlar.Iftikhar, yaşından daha yaşlı görünmüş olduğu için başlangıçta görünüşünden dolayı bu adı almıştı. Sadece taraftarlar artık kriket oyuncusu sahaya adım attığında yada sınıra vardığında onu neşelendirmek için bu adı söylüyor."Chachu" olarak anılmanın fena ya da rahatsızlık edici bir şey olmadığını ve bundan keyif aldığını ekledi. Kriket oyuncusu, "Bu kalabalık beni destekliyor ve emin olun bana, nereye gidersem gideyim, oldukça fazla sevgi görüyorum" dedi.Sadece, yeni videoda görüldüğü şeklinde durumun değişmiş olduğu ya da maç esnasında yaşanmış olan gerilmiş bir anın hararetinden kaynaklandığı iddia ediliyor.Yeni Zelanda, ikinci T20I maçında Pakistan'ı 21 koşuyla yenik ettikten sonrasında seriyi kazanmaya bir adım daha yaklaştı.Konuk ekip, başlangıçtan itibaren 195 sayılık hedefi kovalamakta zorlandı ve ilk overlerde yalnız 10 koşuda açılış meydana getiren Mohammad Rizwan ve Saim Ayub'u kaybettiler.İki erken ayrılığın arkasından Babar Azam ve Fakhar Süre, Yeşil Gömlekliler'i 87 turluk müthiş bir ortaklık kurarak oyuna geri getirdiler; bu ortaklık, Yeşil Gömleklilerin beş altılı ve üç dörtlü yardımıyla 24 topta hak etmiş olduğu yarım yüzyılı tamamlamasını sağlamış oldu. .Iftikhar Ahmed (4/8), Azam Khan (2/3) ve Aamer Jamal (9/8) kalmayı başaramadı ve takımlarının savaşım etmesine destek oldu.Pakistanlı bowling oyuncuları maçta muhteşem bir geri dönüş yapmış oldu ve formda Kivileri 194 koşuyla sınırlamayı başardılar; bu sayı, takip edebilecekleri toplam sayıydı.Haris Rauf, 19. turda üç kaleyi aldı ve Pakistan'ın maçta en oldukça kaleyi toplayan oyuncusu oldu. Kaptan Shaheen Afridi haricinde tüm ziyaretçilerin bowling oyuncuları wicket aldı.
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restaurant-westgate · 10 months
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didanawisgi · 1 year
Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK92752/. Accessed September 23, 2022.
Sikora E, Scapagnini G, Barbagallo M. Curcumin, inflammation, ageing and age-related diseases. Immun Ageing. 2010 Jan 17;7(1):1.
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Lima TFO, Costa MC, Figueiredo ID, et al. Curcumin, Alone or in Combination with Aminoguanidine, Increases Antioxidant Defenses and Glycation Product Detoxification in Streptozotocin-Diabetic Rats: A Therapeutic Strategy to Mitigate Glycoxidative Stress. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2020;2020:1036360.
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IND vs NZ Dream11 Workforce Prediction, Match Preview, Fantasy Cricket Hints: Captain, Possible Enjoying 11s, Workforce Information; Damage Updates For Right this moment’s IND vs NZ 2nd ODI match in Seddon Park, Hamilton, 7 AM IST, November 27 | Cricket Information
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thebobby1432world · 2 years
Shubman Gill Wiki, Biography, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Net Worth
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Shubman Gill Wiki: Shubman Gill is an Indian international cricketer who plays for Punjab in domestic cricket as a right-handed opening batsman. Shubman Gill was born on September 8, 1999, to a Jat family in the village of Chak Khere Wala (also called Chak Jaimal Singh Wala), which is close to Jalalabad Tehsil in the Fazilka district of Punjab. Shubman Gill WikiShubman Gill Personal Details Shubman Gill's Physical Appearance Shubman Gill’s Family  Shubman Gill's Favorite Things Shubman Gill Net Worth Shubman Gill is the son of farmer Lakhwinder Singh, and his grandfather is Didar Singh Gill. He has one sister named Shaheen Gill. Gill has made quite a name for himself with several memorable performances in the 2018 U-19 Cricket World Cup, where he was the vice-captain of the team and went on to receive the prestigious Player of the Tournament award.
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Shubman Gill Wiki Additionally, he is the youngest cricketer to ever score a double century in a One-Day International cricket match. On December 26, 2020, Gill made his Test debut for India, and on January 3, 2023, he made his Twenty20 International debut against Sri Lanka. His maiden T20I century came on February 1, 2023, against New Zealand.
Shubman Gill Wiki
Full Name Shubman GillNicknameShubheeDate of BirthSeptember 8, 1999SchoolManav Mangal Smart School, Mohali, PunjabProfessionCricketerCategoryCelebrity Shubman Gill Personal Details Famous ForCricketerDate Of BirthSeptember 8, 1999DayWednesdayAge (as of 2023)23 yearsBirthplaceFazika, Punjab, IndiaHometownJaimal Singh Wala Village, Jalalabad Tehsil, Firozpur District Punjab, IndiaCurrent AddressA bungalow in Sector 48, ChandigarhNationalityIndianReligionSikhismCasteNot KnownZodiac Sign/Star SignVirgoCharacterOpening BatsmanBatting StyleRight Handed BatJersey NumberTest: 77 ODI: 77 T20I: Not Known IPL: 77 (For KKR)Debut in International CricketTest: Vs Australia, Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG), (26-12-2020) ODI: Vs New Zealand, Seddon Park (31-01-2019) T20I: Not PlayedIPL DebutVs Sunrisers Hyderabad, Eden Gardens (14-04-2018)TeamsPunjab, India U19, India U23, India A, Kolkata Knight Riders, India B, India C, India Blue, India Shubman Gill's Physical Appearance Age22 years (in 2022)HeightCentimeters: 178 cm Meter: 1.78 m Feet Inches: 5’10 inchWeight in kilogram65 kgWeight in pounds143 lbsBody Measurement38-30-12Eye ColourDark BrownHair ColourBlack Shubman Gill’s Family  ParentsFather: Lakhwinder Singh (Agriculturist) Mother: Kirat GillSiblingsSister: Shahneel Kaur Gill (Elder) Brother: NAChildrenNot KnownWifeNot KnownMarital StatusUnmarriedMarriage DateNot KnownGirlfriend / Affairs WithSara Tendulkar (Sachin Tendulkar’s Daughter) Shubman Gill's Favorite Things Ideal Cricket PlayerSachin Tendulkar, Virat KohliHobbiesSwimmingFood HabitVeg & Non-VegHobbySwimmingFavorite ColourRedFavorite SportsCricketFavorite IPL TeamKolkata Knight RidersFavorite PlayerSachin Tendulkar & Ms DhoniFavorite DestinationGoa, Manali & Europe Shubman Gill Net Worth SalaryApprox 23 lakh – 30 lakh per monthCarRange Rover & Mahindra TharComplete Net Worth7.4 crores Disclaimer: The above information is for general informational purposes only. All information on the Site is provided in good faith, however, we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of any information on the Site. Read the full article
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battingforhours · 2 years
Bay Oval, Mount Maunganui: Day One
Anticipation had given way to trepidation earlier in the week, after a punishing tropical cyclone passed by and wrecked large chunks of the North Island of New Zealand. Somewhat fortuitously, Mount Maunganui was spared the worst of it, allowing for the show to go ahead. And after a month on the road, what a joy it was to settle down to enjoy some Test Cricket.
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Swarms of tourists had descended upon the Bay Oval, at first glance an idyllic venue with its extensive grass banks but hiding a substantial amount of container shipping activity behind it. Tim Southee won the toss and decided to bowl first, surely the best route for New Zealand to win the game against such a powerful batting lineup. Mark Richardson’s dry opening question to Ben Stokes (“Ben, you’re batting first, so you’ll just go out and whack it, right?”) drew a laugh, but was closer to the truth than was comfortable to admit.
First we had to endure Zak Crawley’s latest exposure to a level of cricket that continues to appear above him. He managed to get out three times in 14 balls before trudging off — a spectacular Neil Wagner delivery first up crashed into his stumps through the gate, met by an explosion of delight by the bowler, only to have the energy sucked out of him by the dreaded call of no-ball from upstairs. Crawley might have wished it had ended there, but was forced to prod for a few more deliveries before predictably nicking off to a classic Southee delivery.
The contrast with his opening partner couldn’t have been greater. Ben Duckett timed the ball so cleanly and effortlessly on his way to a classy 84 from just 68 balls. A simple technique and a positive mentality have combined successfully to bring a new lease of life to his international career. It was a huge surprise when he spliced a drive to short extra cover and had to trudge off.
Meanwhile, Ollie Pope had looked busy but assured, with his propensity to shuffle down and hit through mid-on working nicely for him. He also seemed to be judging when to leave the ball quite successfully, right up until the moment when he failed to withdraw and edged Southee to the cordon. Why Joe Root decided the following over would be a good time to wheel out his reverse ramp shot, I’m not sure, but edging it to slip and giving New Zealand two new batsmen to bowl at was not particularly clever — although Wagner was of course delighted by it all.
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England have Harry Brook to thank for not just steadying the ship but relaunching it, as his fluency of scoring once again demonstrated his prodigious talent. Whilst he initially seemed slightly less comfortable at the crease compared to the warmup game at Seddon Park a week ago, he regularly ran the ball into gaps behind square on the off side to keep the scoreboard ticking over. Joined by Stokes, who was watchful but not passive, they moved the score past 200 before the captain refused to let one of the many short balls from Scott Kuggeleijn go past, instead playing a cramped pull shot which floated straight to mid-wicket. Ben Foakes arrived at the crease and initially scored quite freely, helping England to 279/5 at dinner. The platform was set.
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One of the joys of this regime is that where Ben Stokes has gone, the rest have followed. A fearlessness has released players who previously felt shackled by fears and expectations. Unfortunately, it does also mean that recklessness can spread too. After dinner, England decided to take on the short balls despite the traps being there for all to see. Brook dragged on, Broad holed out, Foakes chipped one up chasing a lost cause, and Leach followed suit. It felt like a waste of what was an excellent base to reach at least 400 from. You could understand if England, inserted on a greenish pitch, were being picked off by fuller seaming deliveries, but the subsidence to short balls was disappointing even when you factor in their radical approach.
The new radicals then pulled another stunt by declaring on 325/9, as they’d rather have Jimmy Anderson bowling in the twilight rather than batting. He only started with a two-over spell before Ollie Robinson replaced him, a shrewd move as the ball was seaming more than it was swinging. Sure enough, Stokes had the Midas touch and Robinson dismissed Tom Latham with a catch at bat pad.
Devon Conway and Kane Williamson watchfully absorbed some pressure during those new ball spells but a switch from the Mount End to the City End helped Anderson to turn up the heat. First, Conway edged to second slip, only to see Zak Crawley spill a simple chance — what a terrible day he was having. Next, a ball on a perfect length nipped back to Williamson, and despite an enormous appeal Aleem Dar decided he’d heard two noises — he was correct, but neither of them were the inside edge of Williamson’s bat, and so the first review of the day was a successful one which sent the former skipper on his way. Soon after, another perfect delivery drew an edge from a struggling Henry Nicholls — Crawley redeemed himself somewhat by grabbing hold of this one. Anderson finished the day with figures of 7-4-10-2. He’s 40 years old.
Wagner’s eventful day ended with him being tasked with nightwatchman duties, which he performed diligently and successfully. The hosts ended 37/3, with hopes pinned on Conway, a thin middle order, and a flattening pitch under sunny skies forecast in the coming days. It’s hard to escape the thought that this match won’t get close to a fifth day, particularly given how England approach their cricket, but stranger things have happened. See you tomorrow…
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danwebster37 · 2 years
Bay Oval, Mount Maunganui: Day One
Anticipation had given way to trepidation earlier in the week, after a punishing tropical cyclone passed by and wrecked large chunks of the North Island of New Zealand. Somewhat fortuitously, Mount Maunganui was spared the worst of it, allowing for the show to go ahead. And after a month on the road, what a joy it was to settle down to enjoy some Test Cricket.
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Swarms of tourists had descended upon the Bay Oval, at first glance an idyllic venue with its extensive grass banks but hiding a substantial amount of container shipping activity behind it. Tim Southee won the toss and decided to bowl first, surely the best route for New Zealand to win the game against such a powerful batting lineup. Mark Richardson’s dry opening question to Ben Stokes (“Ben, you’re batting first, so you’ll just go out and whack it, right?”) drew a laugh, but was closer to the truth than was comfortable to admit.
First we had to endure Zak Crawley’s latest exposure to a level of cricket that continues to appear above him. He managed to get out three times in 14 balls before trudging off — a spectacular Neil Wagner delivery first up crashed into his stumps through the gate, met by an explosion of delight by the bowler, only to have the energy sucked out of him by the dreaded call of no-ball from upstairs. Crawley might have wished it had ended there, but was forced to prod for a few more deliveries before predictably nicking off to a classic Southee delivery.
The contrast with his opening partner couldn’t have been greater. Ben Duckett timed the ball so cleanly and effortlessly on his way to a classy 84 from just 68 balls. A simple technique and a positive mentality have combined successfully to bring a new lease of life to his international career. It was a huge surprise when he spliced a drive to short extra cover and had to trudge off.
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Meanwhile, Ollie Pope had looked busy but assured, with his propensity to shuffle down and hit through mid-on working nicely for him. He also seemed to be judging when to leave the ball quite successfully, right up until the moment when he failed to withdraw and edged Southee to the cordon. Why Joe Root decided the following over would be a good time to wheel out his reverse ramp shot, I’m not sure, but edging it to slip and giving New Zealand two new batsmen to bowl at was not particularly clever — although Wagner was of course delighted by it all.
England have Harry Brook to thank for not just steadying the ship but relaunching it, as his fluency of scoring once again demonstrated his prodigious talent. Whilst he initially seemed slightly less comfortable at the crease compared to the warmup game at Seddon Park a week ago, he regularly ran the ball into gaps behind square on the off side to keep the scoreboard ticking over. Joined by Stokes, who was watchful but not passive, they moved the score past 200 before the captain refused to let one of the many short balls from Scott Kuggeleijn go past, instead playing a cramped pull shot which floated straight to mid-wicket. Ben Foakes arrived at the crease and initially scored quite freely, helping England to 279/5 at dinner. The platform was set.
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One of the joys of this regime is that where Ben Stokes has gone, the rest have followed. A fearlessness has released players who previously felt shackled by fears and expectations. Unfortunately, it does also mean that recklessness can spread too. After dinner, England decided to take on the short balls despite the traps being there for all to see. Brook dragged on, Broad holed out, Foakes chipped one up chasing a lost cause, and Leach followed suit. It felt like a waste of what was an excellent base to reach at least 400 from. You could understand if England, inserted on a greenish pitch, were being picked off by fuller seaming deliveries, but the subsidence to short balls was disappointing even when you factor in their radical approach.
The new radicals then pulled another stunt by declaring on 325/9, as they’d rather have Jimmy Anderson bowling in the twilight rather than batting. He only started with a two-over spell before Ollie Robinson replaced him, a shrewd move as the ball was seaming more than it was swinging. Sure enough, Stokes had the Midas touch and Robinson dismissed Tom Latham with a catch at bat pad.
Devon Conway and Kane Williamson watchfully absorbed some pressure during those new ball spells but a switch from the Mount End to the City End helped Anderson to turn up the heat. First, Conway edged to second slip, only to see Zak Crawley spill a simple chance — what a terrible day he was having. Next, a ball on a perfect length nipped back to Williamson, and despite an enormous appeal Aleem Dar decided he’d heard two noises — he was correct, but neither of them were the inside edge of Williamson’s bat, and so the first review of the day was a successful one which sent the former skipper on his way. Soon after, another perfect delivery drew an edge from a struggling Henry Nicholls — Crawley redeemed himself somewhat by grabbing hold of this one. Anderson finished the day with figures of 7-4-10-2. He’s 40 years old.
Wagner’s eventful day ended with him being tasked with nightwatchman duties, which he performed diligently and successfully. The hosts ended 37/3, with hopes pinned on Conway, a thin middle order, and a flattening pitch under sunny skies forecast in the coming days. It’s hard to escape the thought that this match won’t get close to a fifth day, particularly given how England approach their cricket, but stranger things have happened. See you tomorrow…
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marketingstrategy1 · 2 years
Fantasy Cricket Tips, Today's Playing XIs, Player Stats, Pitch Report for The Ford Trophy, Match 24
Northern Districts will be up against Otago Volts in the 24th match of the Ford Trophy at Seddon Park, Hamilton, New Zealand, on Wednesday, January 25. Ahead of the match, here’s all you need to know about the ND vs OV Fantasy prediction. Northern Districts have won three out of their seven matches and are third in the points table. They lost their last encounter against Central Stags by six…
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samblakebooks · 2 years
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Delighted to be in @hannahbernadettebooks recommended thriller list for Christmas 🌲🎁🥂 And in very fine company! Thank you so much Hannah, I'm thrilled you enjoyed The Dark Room! Repost: Reposted from @hannahbernadettebooks 12 thrillers and crime novels for Christmas gifting ✨ Six - Luca Veste Dark Room - Sam Blake True Crime Story - Joseph Knox After Dark - Jayne Cowie When I Was Ten - Fiona Cummins Unexpected Inheritance of Inspector Chopra - Vaseem Khan The Woman on the Bridge - Holly Seddon Greenwich Park - Katherine Faulkner Your Word or Mine - Lia Middleton Slow Fire Burning - Paula Hawkins Midnight at Malabar House - Vaseem Khan The House Share - Kate Helm I loved all of these - have you read any? #AmReading #Bookstagram #BookRec #Books #BookLover #TBR #BookFlatLay #Thrillers #CrimeNovel #Bookworm #BookLove #reader #bookclub #recommended https://www.instagram.com/p/CmRVq-hLBE2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cricketfun · 8 months
Fan hilariously runs away with the ball after Fakhar Zaman's six lands outside the stadium New Zealand beat Pakistan by 21 runs in... #usa #uk
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piyasahaberleri · 8 months
Pakistan kaptanı Shaheen Shah Afridi (sağda) ve Yeni Zelanda kaptanı Kane Williamson (solda), 14 Ocak 2024'te Seddon Park, Hamilton'da kura atışı esnasında. — X/PCBHAMILTON: Pakistan kaptanı Shaheen Shah Afridi, Pazar günü Seddon Park, Hamilton'da Yeni Zelanda'ya karşı oynanan ikinci T20I maçında kurayı kazandıktan sonrasında ilk bowling oynamaya karar verdi.Yeşil Giyen Adamlar, 46 sayı farkla kaybettikleri ilk maçta değişmeyen 11'ini deklare etti. Öte taraftan Black Caps, Matt Henry'nin yerine son dakikada yaşamış olduğu sakatlık sebebiyle ilk T20I'den elenen Mitchell Santner'ı getirdi.Beş maçlık T20I serisinde ev sahibi ekip 1-0 önde."Abbas [Afridi] Çıkış pozitif yönde bir işaretti, ümit ederim bu şekilde devam eder. Sahada daha çok gelişmemiz gerekiyor, bu minik kapı iyi görünüyor, zemin ölçümü iyi ve bu maç iyi olacak, değişmeyen bir takımla devam edeceğiz," dedi Shaheen kurayı kazandıktan sonrasında.Yeni Zelanda'nın kaptanı Kane Williamson, sol koldan dönen oyuncu Santner'ın ekibe dahil edildiğini doğruladı.Williamson, "İlk yarının iyi bulunduğunu düşündüm, bowling oyuncuları planlarını iyi uyguladılar. Tekrardan başlıyoruz ve önümüzde olana, değişik mekanlara ve değişik koşullara dönüyoruz. Matt Henry'nin yerine Mitchell Santner geliyor" dedi.Yeşil Gömlekliler, Cuma günü Auckland'da tek taraflı bir karşılaşmada Kivilere yenildikleri için beş maçlık seriye hayal kırıklığı yaratan bir başlangıç ​​yapmış oldu. Saim Ayub'un dikkat çekici vuruşuyla mükemmel bir başlangıç ​​yapmasına karşın, solak oyuncu bir tek 8 sayı üstünden 27 sayı attı, Yeşil Gömlekliler kovalamacada başarısız oldu ve bunu galibiyete dönüştüremedi.Fakhar Süre (10 üstünden 15), Iftikhar Ahmed (17 üstünden 24) ve Azam Khan (9 üstünden 10) Green in Green'in sopada düşük performans gösteren oyuncularıydı.Ayrıca eski kaptan Babar Azam, 35 top üstünden 57 sayı atarak yenik ekip adına en yüksek skoru elde etti sadece çabaları Siyah Beyazlılar'ın belirlediği devasa hedef önünde kafi olmadı.150. T20I wicket'ini tamamlayan Tim Southee üç wicket alırken, Adam Milne ve Ben Sears ikişer wicket aldı.Ayrıca Yeni Zelanda'da Daryl Mitchell ve Kane Williamson sırasıyla 57 ve 61 sayı atarak Yeni Zelanda'nın en iyi sopa kullanan oyuncuları oldu.Williamson, Babar Azam tarafınca düşürüldüğünde 11 yaşlarında hayata döndürüldü. Kivi kaptanı bu şansı tam olarak değerlendirdi ve yarım asırlık mükemmel bir gol attı.Her ne kadar 33 yaşındaki oyuncu çok önemli bir vuruş oranıyla (135.71) oynamasa da, sopasıyla ateş püskürten Finn Allen (15 sayıya 35) ve Mitchell (27 sayıya 61) benzer biçimde öteki oyunculara yer açmayı başardı. ve sırasıyla 233 ve 255 vuruş oranlarıyla sayı attı.XI'leri oynamakPakistan: Mohammad Rizwan, Saim Ayub, Babar Azam, Fakhar Süre, Iftikhar Ahmed, Azam Khan (hafta), Aamer Jamal, Usama Mir, Shaheen Afridi (c), Abbas Afridi, Haris RaufYeni Zelanda: Finn Allen, Devon Conway (hafta), Kane Williamson (ş), Daryl Mitchell, Glenn Phillips, Mark Chapman, Mitchell Santner, Adam Milne, Tim Southee, Ish Sodhi, Ben Sears
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finiteui-music · 2 years
I wanted to start this blog for a few reasons. The main one is to chronicle my musical discoveries, so that I might have a list to go back to and read over. Another is to simply share the music I’m enjoying. But I also wanted to work on my writing, and my ability to put my thoughts and feelings into words. It’s never been my strong suit, and even now I struggle to describe why I like something beyond just general vibes and gushing about it.
I love finding new music. I’m constantly reading different blogs, watching YouTube reviewers, and looking for recommendations on multiple platforms for new music. I have a standing goal of listening to at least 52 new (to me) albums a year, but I don’t take this to strictly.
I’ve been through a lot of musical phases. Growing up, my family mostly listened to whatever country music was on the radio. While I don’t generally listen to country now, I still have a fondness for late 90s early 2000s country. Outside of this, there were some CDs that my parents had that got a fair amount of play (Metallica’s black album, Beastie Boy’s License to Ill, Maroon 5’s Songs about Jane, a few funk compilation CDs, and a plethora of country albums to name a few), and obviously songs popular in movies, tv, commercials, and the pop radio stations when we got a bit older. In my early teenage years, the discovery of Linkin Park on YouTube and Slipknot from Guitar Hero 3 (lots of stuff from GH actually) dominated the music I listened to. In high school, I found Gorillaz. In early college, I went through several phases, including a Christian Rap phase, Power Metal phase, Black Metal phase, Christian Metalcore phase, rap phase, and a progressive metal phase. In recent years I’ve been listening to a lot more death metal, tech death, and the like. This year I’ve gone back to a lot of older emo and metalcore bands. I’m always looking for new music to listen to.
Anyway, hopefully I actually start writing on here. I hope to start with album reviews for the more notable albums I listen to.
Here’s my music site links:
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