#second time was ignoring whatever satoru said and wished for him to curse him instead
rmorde · 1 year
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I think this isn't really a dream for Satoru. This feels like a "Five People You Meet in Heaven" situation. He is in a limbo and all the people who had passed but impacted his life get to interact with him during the point between life and death.
After everything that happened, I don't think Satoru could ever imagine Suguru shedding a tear for him as seen in the image above. I believe that in Satoru's perspective, after they parted ways in Memory Lane, Suguru stopped caring about him without regrets - that what is left between them is this one-sided love he has for him. Even worse is Satoru blames himself for it.
So, that makes it's impossible for this to be a dream or a figment of imagination by Satoru. He cannot fathom Suguru crying for him.
Therefore, the only explanation for the above image to happen is for the scene to be a "limbo" of some sort with Suguru's soul (or perhaps an "echo" of it) finally realizing how much he had hurt Satoru and sheds a tear out of regret and remorse.
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silkscream · 10 months
once bitten, twice shy
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megumi fushiguro x reader
ੈ✩ wc: 3.1k (i cannot write anything under 2k to save my life)
ੈ✩ tags: emotionally constipated megumi, tsundere basically, friends to lovers, a lil angst, not actually unrequited love, pining, alcohol, typical yuuji nobara antics
ੈ✩ a/n: this is not xmas themed despite the title BUT it does end up taking place on satoru's birthday for plot reasons. megumi fushiguro your intimacy issues bewitch me mind body and soul.....
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megumi does not know what to do with his feelings.
he’s never been the type to be particularly in touch with them — he didn’t remember his parents enough to blame them for whatever avoidant attachment he’d accustomed himself to. or maybe, that was the exact cause of said attachment style. gojo taking him in when he was a child didn’t help either — the man also refused to be very vulnerable around him, merely acting as a benefactor and a nuisance at best.
and while he was closest to tsumiki, he’d still built up a wall around himself that she couldn’t get through, and she knew it. she couldn’t break through it in his pre-teen years, and certainly not his teenage years when he was taking out his aggression on his classmates. he would ignore her soothing words and resent her kindness. perhaps he’d taken after toji in that way. constantly fending for himself for the sake of survival. always convinced that he was doomed to be alone.
and then there was you.
he’d met you first at jujutsu tech before any of the other students could. after sparring with maki, he’d been dismissed to shoko’s office. he’d opened the door that september day and was immediately met with your wide eyes, your searing cursed energy. gojo had found another stray.
shoko had made him your first experiment and you excelled. his injuries were healed within minutes. if anything, he felt better than he had in months — after battling insomnia and panic attacks, he felt… calm. like his brain was cleansed and that he had nothing to stress about. (until the next time gojo had gotten on his nerves.)
your introduction to his class was nothing extravagant despite gojo’s theatrics. megumi couldn’t help but keep his eyes on you after that — during practice battles, lectures, or lunch. he was always hyperaware of your presence. he blamed it on your cursed energy.
he hates how enthusiastic yuuji is about you, how yuuji tells him about how he manages to get you alone even though you often keep to yourself, and how he thinks you’re so fucking pretty, and that you’d agreed to watch the human earthworm movies with him. (megumi had refused when yuuji asked.)
he stews in that anger quietly because he’d rather die than let anyone know. nobara knows better, of course. she teases him about it and brings up jealousy.
why should megumi ever be jealous of yuuji? the boy was a freak accident in human form, with no inherent technique. who fucking cares that he can make you laugh without any effort?
it doesn’t matter. it doesn’t. because you have no direct effect on megumi and you don’t distract him during school. he doesn’t cling onto the memory of your hands on his skin. he doesn’t wish for the feeling again. of course not.
he tells this to yuuji and nobara, too. there’s one day where nobara goes too far — she teases him about setting up a date, that you rave about him, that he’s definitely your type. megumi doesn’t believe a word of it, especially because you’re probably more comfortable with yuuji. he doesn’t care to date because it would hold him back. he’s too focused on his training, on being the best, because he’s determined to follow in gojo’s shadow even if he won’t admit it. he could be the second strongest. he could be the most reliable.
it comes out in all the wrong ways. he’s more irritable than usual, so he yells at nobara instead of seething in hushed tones. he rants about how he does’t need someone by his side, certainly not you, whose only benefit is to heal superficial injuries and not much else. how your combat skills are poor, how easily you get beat when you spar on the field. how compared to him, you’re weak, so you’re of no use.
unfortunately, you hear him. every thought on his mind that tumbles out of his stupid mouth, his tone spewing wrath. you know that megumi is a moody person, but you’d never think him to be mean.
you pretend you’re just passing by, but from the faces nobara and yuuji are making, megumi already senses your presence. the color drains from his face, cobalt eyes wide.
“i’m — i’m sorry, i didn’t mean —“
“it’s okay, fushiguro,” you say softly. even after that shitshow, you’re still fucking smiling. it puts a sinking feeling in megumi’s stomach.
“ah, i got an extra pack of mochi and thought you guys would like it.”
you hand over a small bag and megumi takes it wordlessly.
“that’s so sweet,” yuuji beams, attempting to deflect. “hey, i was just looking for you. do you happen to have those jujutsu history notes? kugisaki spilled a soda on mine.”
“you knocked it over!” nobara protests.
“you put it on top of my stuff!”
you take your notebook out of your bag and hand it to yuuji graciously, avoiding megumi’s gaze and making up an excuse to see all of them later.
apparently, “later” means a week after. megumi sees you in class, and while he attempts to walk you to the dining hall or invite you to hang out, you bolt out the door before catching anyone’s attention. he has to find out how you are from fucking yuuji, who somehow gets to see you around the dorms every other day.
“i think she just likes to keep to herself, s’all,” yuuji says. he can sense megumi’s anxiety just from being in the same room as him.
“but you see her all the time.”
“she’s been tutoring me a little. and we just like the same movies and stuff.”
yuuji shrugs casually. his nonchalance makes megumi’s blood boil, because of course he’s the one who gets to occupy all of your time. of course you’re probably most comfortable with him. he knows he shouldn’t be seething at the thought of you two together — it isn’t his right. but his jealousy is starting to get the best of him lately.
“are you guys together?” he blurts out.
“no?” yuuji furrows his brows. “if anything, i feel like nobara might be trying to make a move since she’s way nicer to her than she is to us. except i’m pretty sure she and maki have been going out lately.”
“dude, keep up!”
and when yuuji accuses of megumi having a crush again, the same way nobara did all those weeks ago before he made a fucking fool of himself, megumi shuts it down with a grimace and a blush. he’s merely concerned about your wellbeing is what it is. that’s what he’s able to muster up to yuuji, of course, who absolutely isn’t buying it based on his shit-eating grin.
it’s annoying, especially because yuuji can make you feel more comfortable, comfortable enough to hang with the whole trio, and the pink-haired bastard has to meddle like a little troll. bumping the two of you into each other like you’re in middle school. somehow, it worsens everything. not your dynamic, but megumi’s self-consciousness.
he was already so extremely aware of you, but now he’s convinced that some angel above has tied the red string between you both extra tight. megumi looks for you in every crowd, awaits your arrival every day in the classroom and at lunch, and it’s starting to feel pathetic — the lightness in his chest whenever you’re even so much as ten feet away. his heart even beats faster at the anticipation of your text in the group chat, for fuck’s sake.
and then there’s gojo’s birthday party, a surprise orchestrated by the four of you, despite megumi’s reluctance. you’re particularly more radiant than usual. maybe it’s the lighting. maybe it’s the dress you have on.
despite the amount of shots he’s been forced to take in the past hour (three), megumi is still sober enough to feel anxious around you. though, he thinks he might be drunk enough to be lost in your image, fixating on your collarbone and the way your hair falls in your face as you laugh at one of gojo’s stupid jokes. it’s when the two of you lock eyes that megumi feels out of it, because you smile at him. you fucking smile.
if the warmth of the liquor wasn’t currently raising heated blood to his head, he’d deny the sparks that came from the mere sight of your smile, but he was hopeless. you’re mesmerizing. dizzying. he doesn’t know what to do with his face, not when his cheeks are flushing red and his motor skills are slowing down. fuck, maybe he was a lightweight like gojo after all.
he’s clearly out of touch with reality, because the moment fades as soon as it comes. perhaps it wasn’t a moment at all. he watches you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, your mouth moving slowly as you mingle with other classmates. he’s fucking fixated on your mouth — your lipstick tonight is a blush red with a shiny gloss reflecting light. megumi has only dreamed of what your lips would taste like once or twice. no more than that. he swears on it.
there’s brief eye contact between the two of you again for half a second. there’s a coy smile on your face as always before you slip out the back door of the house.
there are so many bottles around the place that no one will notice megumi taking an entire bottle of champagne for himself. he scowls at the taste, of sickeningly sweet pears — courtesy of gojo, probably. his head swims and thinks of you.
his momentary peace is rudely interrupted by the sound of nobara’s voice in his ear, asking for you.
“ijichi’s setting up karaoke!”
“there is no way in hell that i’m—”
“i don’t care what you do, emo, but i need her to do a duet!”
megumi heaves a sigh, making his way to the backyard where he finds you sitting on a tree stump. even with the dim fairy lights, he probably would’ve missed you if not for the cherried end of your cigarette.
“fushiguro-kun,” you nod at him.
“megumi,” he rasps. “just… megumi is fine.”
“oh, i get special privileges now? how come?”
there’s no mirth in your tone. you’re teasing him. he doesn’t answer your question.
(the mere act of you teasing him becomes an intimacy in itself — he had never thought that you would be comfortable enough to talk to him in jest. you’d maintained your distance from him fairly well.)
“didn’t know you smoked.”
“only when i drink,” you shrug. “ieiri-san doesn’t make much of an effort to hide her cigarettes, either. don’t tell on me, though.”
“wouldn’t dream of it.”
he doesn’t know where to look. luckily, you’re not looking at him, so he can settle his gaze on your mouth nursing the cigarette. plump. glossy under the moonlight.
megumi is not used to wanting. he had never asked gojo for anything during his adolescence, and refused any gesture of kindness from anyone. he was convinced since childhood that there was no point in desire because disappointment would be on the other end of it either way.
he’d like to be a monk about it. he could control himself and focus on his studies. never spare you a glance again that isn’t platonic. and then a cool december wind blows past the two of you, and he smells your amber perfume.
and when he turns his head, you’re looking at him, eyes bright.
“so… not enjoying the party?”
“i’m not really one for parties.”
“me neither,” you shrug. “that’s why i like to do my little ritual of escaping.”
“we have that in common.”
you hum, a noncommittal noise. you take another drag of your cigarette, which disintegrates slowly.
“what a pair, the two of us.”
megumi can’t pick up any sarcasm from your voice, though he assumes it. it makes his stomach drop even though the statement is harmless. the two of you. together. it makes endless futures bloom in his mind. maybe it’s the prosecco, but it almost makes him want to vomit. to think that he was even good enough to be beside you in your future.
you curse quietly when you pull your phone out of your jacket pocket to check the time, realizing it’s dead. megumi gives you a once-over. the jacket you’re wearing is all too familiar. like him, you’re not one to wear very many colors. but this jacket is bright red, varsity style, and oversized on you.
“is that itadori’s jacket?” megumi stammers.
“oh, yeah. i didn’t realize how cold it would be tonight.”
“why?” you give him a curious smile.
“nothing,” he coughs. “are… you two…”
you laugh and it’s like a song to him.
“i think he might be my best friend, s’all. why? you jealous?”
he looks at you again, head-on, your eyes still bright. brighter than fluorescents. there’s something in your irises that is meant to provoke him, but he’s dispensed of his usual cautious nature after he takes another gulp from the bottle.
“more than you can imagine,” he huffs.
“’m not repeating that.”
“what, you’re not saying you’re like, into me, are you?” you exasperate.
megumi remains silent, cheeks flushed. he thinks that if his head could heat up any more, he’d end up with a migraine.
you breathe the tiniest gasp. if it wasn’t for how close megumi was to you, he wouldn’t have noticed.
“i kind of thought you hated me, you know,” you admit.
“i could never hate you. i don’t think anyone could.”
“you don’t have to pretend,” you sigh. he didn’t notice until now that your cigarette was finished, discarded onto the dirt with your boot to crush it into ash. “i— beyond the politeness, i get it. that i’m not your type or whatever. you don’t even have to be friends with me, fushiguro-kun.”
“megumi,” he emphasizes.
“i’m not pretending. i… i really fucking like you,” he slurs. “it kind of scares me how much.”
“you’re drunk.”
“i am. i know you heard me say all that shit to kugisaki and itadori, but it’s because they put me on the spot and i was nervous. i don’t know how to… deal with feelings. honestly, if i wasn’t even a little drunk right now, i’d probably have left the party with my tail in between my legs and avoided you for the next fucking week, and you don’t deserve that. you deserve… everything.”
“even you?”
when did you get so close to him? if he sauntered just a few inches in your direction, he could touch your noses together. he can smell your perfume so deeply.
“it’s the other way around,” megumi breathes. “i don’t deserve you. not anything close to you.”
“what if i want you regardless?” your voice is just above a whisper. a prayer, a hymn. a wish to be blown out.
megumi swallows the lump in his throat. he blinks at you, dark indigo luminescent. the world slows down. he may owe it to the liquor and the wine, but he assumes it’s just your presence. your scent, the softness of your hair in between his fingers, your soft breaths.
“what do you want, megumi-kun?”
he remembers something gojo said. that to be a jujutsu sorcerer, he has to be selfish. he’s not sure if that philosophy applies to the situation at hand, but he’d be damned if he let you crawl into bed tonight without knowing how he truly felt about you. so, uncharacteristically, he takes a leap forward.
he unwinds the tension in his body and presses his lips to yours. it’s soft, chaste, innocent. something like a pause. he’s afraid to touch you, but you’ve already reeled him in with arms thrown around his shoulders, fingertips touching the softness of his black hair.
you bump your nose with his, shyly, and he kisses you open-mouthed. tongue in your mouth, meshing the taste of tobacco and prickly pear. the vanilla chapstick that he’d put on before he followed you out to the backyard.
he has one hand caressing your jaw and the other on your shoulder, thumb brushing over your collarbone in a way that makes your entire body shiver. you’re embarrassed at the pool of desire in between your legs.
megumi has never let himself be full of wanting, but at the moment, his veins are surging with it. it’s like a drug to him — your warmth, your scent, the saccharine taste of your mouth. your flesh is so soft, so pliable, from the way you dip towards the cavern of his lanky body, pressed against him chest to chest. letting his hand dig into the fat of your hip. fingertips grazing the skin underneath your shirt.
maybe it’s the liquor, but he’s feeling experimental — he tucks your bottom lip in between his teeth. pulls your hair ever so slightly. you mewl into his mouth quietly and he thinks that he’s never felt anything better than this. you’re wrapped up in all of him. you can quite literally feel the heat on his cheeks and both of you realize how aroused he is, his bulge prodding your thigh.
“fuck,” he whispers into your mouth, and he pulls away. only a few inches are separating you as he takes a moment to breathe. his eyes are blown out wide, black stretching across dark blue. both of you are stunned, panting, and the tension is more palpable than ever.
a rustling of grass makes both of you jump. when he turns, he sees yuuji and nobara staring with wide eyes.
“you owe me 7,000 yen,” yuuji deadpans to nobara.
“seriously, fushiguro? i didn’t think you had it in you!”
“i always had faith in you, fushiguro!” yuuji chimes.
while you giggle, megumi growls under his breath at the new intrusions of dumb and dumber.
“i personally thought you were way out of his league,” nobara tells you.
“eat shit.” megumi seethes with arms crossed, and despite his wrath, he resembles more of an angry kitten to you than any potential threat.
“sheesh, don’t summon a shikigami on them, megumi,” you tease with a pleased grin.
“i—” he stumbles over his words in frustration, grimacing. “what do the two of you want, anyway?”
“gojo-sensei got ijichi to sing doja cat.”
“oh, i’ve gotta see this,” you snort, grabbing megumi by the hand as you begin to usher the crew back inside. his heart leaps at the feeling of your fingers intertwined with his.
despite his inhibitions, megumi’s decided that he could get used to this.
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kitacco · 4 years
pairing: fem!reader, gojo satoru.
genre: angst, smut.
summary: ignorance is a bliss.
cw: age gap, manipulation, violence, cursing.
wordcout: 2.7k.
! part two !
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you and gojo met a long time ago, through mutual friends.
one of your friends was dating one of gojo’s friends. sheer coincidence, you thought.
you two would meet often, along your friends. for some reason, you and gojo happened to be intimate friends of each friend in common, so you’d often find yourself sitting by gojo’s side while the couple chatted and kissed lovingly. gojo didn’t talk to you at first, neither did you. he was older than you, much more, and you were too intimidated by his appearance. you’d rather stay in silence then talk to him and make yourself look like a fool.
but gojo wasn’t like that - at first.
that’s how the both of you started to look forward to these little getting-togethers, asking your friends for when the four of you would hang out again. 
it’s actually pretty funny to think how the both of you became friends, even your friend joked about it.
one night, at your friend’s place, the two of you got a little overwhelmed with the lovey-dovey atmosphere your friends were putting up on the couch. gojo had left a few minutes before you, leaving you behind. you couldn’t take it, and decided to leave for a while too, entering the kitchen without noticing gojo sitting on the floor mindlessly. of course, his long legs and your silly feet met together, making you fall on the floor right next to him.
you hated when gojo would bring it up everytime people asked how the two of you became so close, telling them how red you looked. 
your friends dated for three years, until, like every relationship, things started to get tough, until they broke up. you were devastated, but the two of them assured you that they’d get along for the safety of you and gojo’s friendship.
you didn’t mind it, gojo either. thinking the friendship would start to dissipate, the two of you continued to meet, this time just the two of you. gojo would invite you to his place, and you���d invite him to yours. like any other friendship, you guys would talk, sometimes drink, sometimes fall asleep on the couch while watching a movie, sometimes drive around, anything. you believed your friendship with gojo was pretty strong, despite the difference in age, he became really important to you, and so did you to gojo. 
so then, when did things got crude?
you knew the answer, and so did gojo. but the two of you had erased the chapter long ago.
one night, you and gojo found each other in a rather large group of mutuals friends. he hadn’t told you he was coming, and neither did you. nothing was going on, the two of you had met just yesterday, but since each of your friends (at the moment exes) had invited you and gojo, you thought it’d be impossible to meet. yet there the two of you were.
gojo was bewildered when he saw you coming inside his friend’s place, your best friend by your side with a smile on her face. the two of you were quick to catch on what was happening. your friends informed you not too later, telling you the two had started talking again and were gonna try to make it work one last time.
you blamed it on the atmosphere, gojo on the alcohol. either way, the two of you locked eyes, following each other up the stairs.
the first time, the two of you agreed it was a spur of the moment. gojo hadn’t gone out in a while and neither had you, it was understandable.
the second time, the both of you thought the same thing; you were just in need of some action every once in a while.
but then, why the both of you met a third time?
“what do you think?”
you accepted his offer without hesitation. you trusted gojo, and you thought it’d be a good idea to help each other, after all, you were friends, right?
that’s how everything started.
gojo would come knocking on your door like any other day, the two of you would chat, maybe cook something, watch a movie, and then gojo would start kissing your neck, and you’d run your hands through his hair.
you thought you were so lucky. gojo was a handsome man, and you knew if he wanted, he could get in the bed of any other women he wished, yet he picked you.
maybe that’s why, through the time, your eyes started to see gojo in a different light.
you couldn’t be blamed, gojo did too. he was gentle, loving, making sure you had a good time, you almost believed he was starting to feel the way you did.
until gojo finally looked into your eyes.
he ignored it, since, there was no way you felt that way about him, right? it was the unwritten rules in this game the two of you were playing. it’s been years, why’d you see him like that at this point?
gojo ignored as much as he could everytime he rocked his hips into you, but in no time, it was impossible to avoid your eyes, watching him lovingly as your tongue dangled out of your mouth in pleasure.
the most smart decision probably would’ve been talking about it. it was simple, gojo just had to tell you he didn’t feel the same way, you were a special friend to him, but he didn’t see you in such eyes.
but gojo started to bottle those thoughts up. he’s met many women in his life, and he didn’t want things to end like that with you, he didn’t want to lose you too.
that’s what he told himself - even though, what gojo didn’t notice, was that instead of your company, he started to enjoy more your body.
gojo had a good time with you, you were sweet, you would take anything he offered you. everything gojo wanted to try you accepted it with puppy eyes, eyes that started to unsettle gojo.
because, who in their right mind would allow be touched under the table with all your friends around?
and who would allow a man like him call you names and slam you against a wall the second he entered your house?
you did, and gojo started to dislike it.
you were so naive, so utterly in love with gojo, and enamored at the idea of him loving you the way you dreamed he would, you started to accept more and more.
gojo would fuck you with your head hanging out the side of the bed, your body swinging and the blood rushing to your head, disrupting the pleasure you concentrated on feeling, because you should be enjoying whatever gojo did with your body.
you knew you didn’t, though. you knew you hated when gojo would ask you to suck him on the bathroom while your friends chatted outside, and you hated when he fucked you in a public bathroom in the middle of your friends wedding. but how could you complain? gojo loved you.
you should’ve stopped him the moment you stopped feeling the high he did. the moment the pleasure he was feeling didn’t reach you, but you didn’t. not because you thought gojo loved you, but because you loved him.
you brought it up one time, as gojo stripped you of your clothes, the blood rushing through your ears by the way he yanked your shirt over your head. “i think you’re being too rough.”
gojo chuckled, tilting his head as he planted a kiss on your mouth, assuring you’d eventually enjoy it.
you believed him, even the mornings after when your legs and arms were sour, and you were incapable of opening your mouth too wide. gojo would only laugh.
gojo hated it, though.
gojo hated the way you would continue to stick around like a lost puppy. he couldn’t bring himself to stop the situation, but why weren’t you stopping him?
after that comment, you never said anything else, and gojo knew you wanted to, he hoped you wanted to. because he knew you hated the things he was making you do. you weren’t that kind of person, hell, you hated that kind of attention. gojo knew the only reason you agreed to fuck without compromises the first time was because you wanted him to be happy. gojo knew that, and hated you for that.
why were you acting like a bunny? you weren’t like that. you weren’t docile like guinea pig, nervous like a deer, no, you weren’t like that. you were funny and straightforward, you never let anyone step over you, but then, why were you letting gojo step all over you like that?
gojo knew the answer at the bottom of his heart, but he, like many other things, ignored it. he wasn’t responsible for you, you were a grown adult and you could take care of yourself. if you wanted to, you’d easily get up and end everything. but why weren’t you.
things between you and gojo started to change. soon becoming a year, this dynamic continued between the two of you, yet, the connection was nonexistent. he wouldn’t call, nor text you, and the only time you two would meet was when he was feeling horny. he would come, fuck you, and leave right after finishing. at first, he’d tell you goodnight, he’d tell you to have a good day or he’d greet you before entering your place. but after a month, he would only come inside your place, fuck, and leave right after. you tried to get him to talk, trying to grab onto him everytime he finished, and gojo quickly picked on your behaviour.
you soon realized that probably the reason gojo continued to stick around you wasn’t because he considered you a friend, but because you were easy to control; you were his source of entertainment.
who would put up with gojo satoru? you laughed to yourself, would anybody allow to be treated the way gojo does to you? maybe that’s also the reason why he’s constantly knocking at your door.
once gojo noticed how much you tried to get him to stay a few minutes by your side, he decided the only way to stop you was fucking you dumb enough you’d pass out.
gojo knew you didn’t deserve to be treated like this. gojo knew he was a dickhead, taking advantage of the friendship you had built over the years. the thought of another man treating you like this was revolting. the thought of another man abusing your trust, betraying you like that, hell, he’d probably go after that guy and kill him with his bare hands if he could. yet there he was, growling onto your ear and violently pounding into you.
the fact you allowed this to happen, permitted him take you whenever and wherever, managed to hunt him. everytime he heard you panting next to his body, incapable of bringing yourself to your feet, gojo turned his back to you. and he wishes, he fervently wishes the image of your face in pain, silently begging for him to stop, could knock some sense into his head.
news flash: it doesn't.
everytime he notices your eyes close tight and your fingers fidgeting, gojo regains energy, taking in the noises coming out of your mind and reading you like an open book, only inciting this sick flame inside of home. the sick idea that if he treats you like this, you will walk out. 
gojo folds your body and he knows you can’t take it, praying you will scream and push him away. you should. but then why are you putting up with this?
gojo doesn’t understand, that’s why you try to think.
but gojo knows what he’s doing is wrong. gojo damn well knows, and that hope slowly turns into loathing, because, are you stupid? can’t you take the hint?
this could be easily solved if he spoke to you. but gojo had long gotten bored of any form of communicating, he hated weak people. 
gojo hated you and that sick love you felt for him.
gojo watched your friends reactions to your bruised neck. it’s not like he cared. he wished you did though. but you assured them you were alright every single team.
“your friends are fucking dumb,” he scowled in your ear while your body continued to shake, his hips yanking you forward and forward where the top of your head continously hit the headboard.
gojo started hating your friends, he would always remind you that. he hated them because everytime he grabbed your neck with all his force, they still wouldn’t budge.
how long were you gonna put up with this?
“there he is,” gojo hears coming from the door as heavy steps approach him.
he doesn’t react fast enough, and a hand lands on his cheek with such force he’s genuinely dumbfounded.
“babe!” his friend yells, watching his girlfriend take a step back, gojo’s cheek swelling at the hit.
“what is wrong with you?” she screams again, completely ignoring his friend.
gojo has a bad feeling, but he doesn’t say anything.
his friend is quick to grab onto his girlfriend, who suddenly feels like slapping gojo across the cheek again.
“you psycho! what is wrong with you?” she says again, and gojo knows what she’s talking about.
your friends had gone on their honeymoon, leaving for about two months. within those two months, gojo and you started to experience new situations. gojo would slap your face, your cheek, your mouth, every time getting a little more and more violent with you.
your friends never said anything, but he knew your best friend would.
still, he was hoping you’d try to stop her, so where were you right now?
“babe, calm down, what are you talking about?”
“well, your asshole of a friend has been doing whatever the hell he wants with my friend and i won’t let him get away with it!”
gojo’s friend is confused, but gojo doesn’t say anything, expectant of what you had probably said.
“she thinks i don’t notice but how can i ignore it? gojo’s been treating her like a bag of sand, like a lifeless doll he can do whatever the hell he wants to and i won’t let him any longer!”
“why doesn’t she come here and say it herself?”
the two other people are taken aback. gojo is wearing a contented smile, as if he was finding the situation amusing. your friend scoffs, genuinely dumbfounded.
“if she’s having a bad time why doesn’t she tell me?”
“you dumb fuck, maybe because she loves you?”
“and what has that to do with me?”
your friend latches at his cheek one more time, but gojo traps her wrist in his fingers before she can hit him with her force. his friend comes into the argument, “i don’t think you’re being fair, gojo.”
“how is she being fair? i never force her to do anything, why are you putting the blame on me?”
gojo shrugs, walking out of the kitchen, leaving the couple completely speechless.
you jump on your seat at the banging of your door. is late in the night, still, you don’t expect gojo to be at your door, neither were you expecting him to treat you with such force.
“what’s up with you?”
his fingers wrap around your neck, completely enveloping his hand around it, with so much force your eyes are quickly seeing white dots.
“w-what do you mean?”
“if something’s happening you’re telling me, right?” he asks you, but you don’t know if he expects an answer, either way, you were unable to answer, barely fighting for the last of air in your system. “answer!”
“i can’t,” you whisper.
gojo’s cloudy vision finally clears out the moment he feels a tear run down his hand. you start sobbing, unconsciously losing air, but you’re incapable of stopping yourself. you can’t take it anymore.
gojo takes a step back and you fall to your knees, your fingers going straight to your neck as you exhale.
“we’re done,” is all he says.
“wait! wait, gojo, please wait!” you call out, running after him. gojo isn’t running, but his legs move faster than he’s ever walked, trying to disappear from your presence as fast as he can.
because he’s finally realized everything he’s done, and he finally realizes how much he genuinely loves you.
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pillow-anime-talk · 4 years
mistletoe. {pt.2}
synopsis: Killing cursed spirits with Satoru, winter prom with Metori and sincere conversation with Juuzou.
# tags: scenarios; christmas!au; current relationships & crush culture; romance; fluff; a bit of angst; sfw
includes: female reader ft. satoru gojou {jjk} + metori saiko {saiki k. no psi nan} + juuzou suzuya {tokyo ghoul}
part one {click}
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“... Y/N-chan, on the left!”
“... Hey, hey! Look up, sweetheart!”
“... Oi! Behind you!”
“... Behind you too! Kick their asses, Satoru~!”
“... YEAH! Here’s my super strong girl!”
You two have been in the forest; for over twenty minutes you dealing with killing smaller or larger curses that frightened mushroom pickers or wild animals. You had a lot of fun doing it, all the time competing to see who killed more evil creatures. Of course, your boyfriend was winning so far, by three, but how could you know that some of them would come out of the forest litter, literally letting the white-haired man kill them all in a few seconds? Well, but at least you killed about twelve curses yourself, and that was a really nice result.
On the one hand, you enjoyed spending time with Gojou like that, because it was very rare for the two of you to be together on a mission, but on the other hand... It was the time of Christmas that you wanted to spend in your own home, surrounded by delicious food and desserts, hot wine or beer, loved ones, including your boyfriend’s cute students or your mutual friends. From a long time, that is, from the moment you became a sorcerer, you didn’t spend any holidays, birthdays or anniversaries as you would like. There was simply no time and energy for it because every day, apart from some Sundays, you worked to make life better for vulnerable people. It wasn’t a bad job, but sometimes... when you looking at ‘normal’ couples you envied their ignorance to the fact that some evil had appeared around them. You envied them that they could spend their free time together doing stupid things or relaxing in front of the TV.
So you sighed softly, raising the hand in which you held the small pocket knife. Small as your anti-curse tool was, it was also extremely effective and dangerous. Therefore, you cut the throat of one of the evil souls without any problems, thus defeating the last enemy.
“Ahhhh. Finally...! You’re not hurt, baby?” The young man said in a cheerful voice, and you shook your head in disapproval. Second later, you cleaned the little knife and then, hid it in one of the pockets of your black pants. “Would you like to get some hot chocolate and cake?”
“Huh? Have we finished all our work for today?” You asked in surprise, and the man just bit his lip with joy, putting his finger to his mouth after a while.
“Yes, although you forgot one thing, love.” You raised an eyebrow at his amused words. However, Satoru quickly got rid of your unawareness as soon as he raised his right hand and pointed at something above with his index finger. For a moment you were sure that he meant a curse that hadn’t been killed before, but as it turned out, it was mistletoe growing on one of the tall trees; you were surprised that during the fight he was able to additionally notice a small, green plant. Anyway, you just chuckled lightly as you stood on your tiptoes and tugged at the twenty-eight-year-old by his jacket.
You were happy that at least this one, very sweet Christmas moment could happen to you during the winter season. Thanks to this, these holidays weren’t so bad and devoid of spirit.
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Every year there was a winter prom at your school; it was the third time for you, while for Saiko, who only joined your class this year, it was something new. Of course, he was skeptical about it from the start and generally discouraged by the very idea of ​​spending time with all PK Academy students, classmates and teachers. That’s why he immediately told you that if you want to go to the prom, he can arrange whatever prom you want; he literally said if you wanted Beyoncé he could call her.
But you just smiled warmly and said that school party is enough for you and you really like it. So he couldn’t refuse you... after all, the gray-haired young boy had a huge, indescribable weakness for you. Plus, even though you’ve been dating for a few weeks, Metori still couldn’t understand how... gentle and simple you were. You weren’t interested in luxury, his money, where his father worked. Instead, you asked every day if he had breakfast, if he would like to go for a walk with you, if he would like to come to you for dinner because your mother cooked a delicious Mexican dish. It was something new and nice for a teenager who had grown up in prosperity and splendor throughout his life. It didn’t bother him, but the prom... it was quite strange and mysterious. But he agreed, so he couldn’t take his words back because he didn’t want you to get sad or disappointed.
Thus, he bought a new, well-fitting and expensive suit – one that would fit perfectly with your delicate dress, which at the same time matches to the color of your shiny eyes. He also paid for new shoes, a watch, and a hairdresser visit, but even that couldn’t compare to your soft, natural blushes and the sweet facial expression you gave him when he came to your house with his butler.
“... You’re stressed?” You asked quietly as you sat in the car and he squeezed your little hand between his much larger ones.
“I’ve just never been at a prom... public... especially at school.” He muttered, and though he turned his head, you could see a hint of blush on his nose and both cheeks. So you chuckled lightly as you cuddled up against his shoulder.
“I’m pretty sure you’ll like it.”
The school hasn’t changed much; only a few holiday decorations have been added here and there. However, the gymnasium took your breath away because it was magically decorated. But before you had time to take your seats on the other side of the door, your physical education teacher stopped the two of you.
“Couples enter after payment.” Mr. Matsuzaki said, and the Santa Claus hat on his head added to the charm of his muscular figure.
Of course, Saiko was already taking out his wallet, but you quickly stopped it, pointing in a specific direction. It was, obviously, the smol mistletoe, which was the aforementioned entry ticket for couples who decided to show up at the ball together. So you smiled slightly at your boyfriend and he looked at you confused.
“What is it?”
“O-Oh, you never kissed under the mistletoe?”
“Kissing under it has any meaning?” He asked, still surprised, and you just moved closer to his face, stealing a short, really sweet kiss.
“It’s a tradition, love. You have to kiss under every mistletoe if you notice one.” You said happily and then thanked the teacher for going inside the gym.
Of course, Metori in his head was already calculating how many tons of mistletoe he should buy so that you could continue kissing him as sweetly as you just did.
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You put two cups of hot, beautifully fragrant chocolate on the table; one was with two white marshmallows and the other with six. Of course, it was easy to guess which portion was for Juuzou and which was for you. Nevertheless, you smiled gently and then sat down next to the white-haired boy, staring at him out of the corner of your eye.
“... About what did you dream, Juuzou-kun?” You asked softly, taking the purple cup between both hands. The warm ceramics pleasantly burned your all fingers, which made you breathe blissfully. “Of course, if you don’t want to, you don’t have to tell me. We can just sit in silence and drink our sweet cocoa.” You added after a brief second so as not to put unnecessary pressure or general stress on the nineteen-year-old.
“It’s no big deal. I dreamed about my mom.” He admitted hesitantly, also taking his dark-green mug. “When I woke up and looked at the calendar I realized we had Christmas time and... Well, my mom never gave me any, not even a small gift, nor did I ever spend that time like other children my age. It hit me a bit. Not that I regret it, but... what Christmas really is?” His short speech made you look at him with a very sad expression on your face and after a quick while you just put your warm chocolate on the table, getting up from your wooden chair and walking to a random cupboard in your smol kitchen.
This year you didn’t have time (because of work) and no idea (because of fatigue) for presents for loved ones, and even more so for the unexpected guest – Suzuya, who loved to sleep in your house because, as he once said, ‘He felt at your place very safe’, but you managed to come up with a little surprise fastly; you wrapped a red ribbon that was in the cupboard with needles and scissors around an unopened box of nut cookies. You also managed to find a piece of paper and a black pen, so you wrote a concise but sincere wishes to the inspector, which ended with a tiny heart and a star. Out of the corner of your eye, you also noticed the mistletoe lying next to the clock, which was a little joke your dear friend had made to you two days ago. So you took everything and went back to the quietly sitting Juuzou, smiling slightly at him, even a bit silly.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t think about gifts before, but... I hope that’s enough. After today’s work, we can go to the gallery or the park to see the decorated Christmas trees, you will surely like them. Happy Holidays, Juuzou. I hope next year will be a good one for you.” You said shyly as you handed him ribbon-decorated cookies. At the sight of them, the boy only blushed, then looked at your other hand, which was still gripping a little twig. “Ohh... it’s... such a small tradition where you get a kiss under the mistletoe.” You picked up the plant and then placed it over the white-haired young man’s head, bending down after a while and giving him a short peck on the left, smooth cheek. “Merry Christmas once again.”
“Merry Christmas to you too and... thank you for that.”
You only smirked, reaching for the mug of already cool drink. However, you weren’t disappointed in drinking the cold cocoa, because the honest, slightly timid smile of the boy you liked from the beginning of your work at CCG warmed your whole body better than any other hot chocolate, tea or coffee.
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blazingfirepig113 · 4 years
Love is a curse
(gojo x gender neutral reader)
“I know that you’re wrong for me
Gonna wish we never met
on the day I leave”
This is bad.
Gojo thought the moment he felt his heart flutter when he heard (y/n) let out a merry laugh at whatever one of the students spouted out.
This is so so so bad...what a cruel cruel thing.
Gojo glanced away from the sight, scared that if he looked any longer, his heart would explode.
How utterly pathetic.
How utterly pathetic how if (y/n) asks for anything, he’ll give them everything.
Absolutely everything he could give.
If Gojo could buy the world, he’d give it to them.
Why me? Shit, what a stroke of bad luck.
Gojo had cursed every moment his heart fluttered.
“Gojo-san, are you okay? You look like you need to shit.” (y/n) asked, placing a hand on Gojo’s shoulder.
Kind yet blunt. (y/n) was a different breed.
They were brave and strong, able to face situations that can have other’s shaking on the spot.
They were fun and creative, able to lift the mood with just a few words.
And the sharp tongue (y/n) was blessed with...or cursed, some may think, had them caught in terrible situations, sometimes ending with Gojo having to save them.
But everything about them, everything about (y/n), may it be their sharp tongue or the bell-like peals of laughter that accompanied them wherever they went, made Gojo’s heart flutter, constrict, as a flash of fondness, warmth, and softness filled him.
But he knew, from the start, that this fluttering on his heart, this feeling, was bad news.
“Ever so blunt, (y/n). Where’s the class?” Gojo pouted while (y/n) rolled their eyes at him.
“Shitting is normal, Gojo-san. You can’t tell me you don’t shit out all those diabetic sweets you eat.” (y/n) said, crossing their arms over their chest.
Gojo’s gaze lingered on them for a second, his eyes sparkling with an emotion not visible to anyone else because of his blindfold.
Why does it have to be me, (y/n)? Why do you have to be so damn attractive?
Gojo grabbed the reins for his thoughts before it went too far, hiding his clear displeasure with a mocking grin.
“I suppose you’re right. Gotta hand it to you, (y/n) for being so smart.” Gojo praised as he slung his long arm around (y/n)’s shoulder, ignoring the fluttering of his heart; ignoring whatever feelings he had.
Because it’s no good.
(y/n) narrowed their eyes at Gojo.
“Are you mocking me?” They asked flatly, not at all bothered by how close Gojo was.
Gojo felt relieved and hurt at that;
He felt relieved because it was only him who was affected by (y/n) while they remained indifferent...and hurt because of that same reason, because it was only him who was affected.
“Not at all, (y/n). You’re a keen individual, gifted with a talented mind and a sharp tongue…” Gojo trailed off, removing his arm from (y/n)’s shoulder.
He then proceeded to walk away from them, only to dramatically glance back at (y/n) when he was a good few feet away.
“Honestly, all I have is praises for you.” He said, sending them a grin before facing forward and waving for (y/n) to come and follow.
“Come on, let’s buy some dango and sweet tea.” He ushered, acting as if his heart was racing...acting as if (y/n) didn’t make him feel things.
It’s better this way.
If Gojo had glanced back at that moment, he would’ve seen the mask of indifference fall off (y/n)’s face. And he would’ve seen the light tint on their cheeks as a small fond smile painted their face.
“I don’t even like sweet tea, it tastes like water with sugar.”
And Gojo pushed the growing feelings in his chest as he let out a laugh that sounded more in pain than happy.
“I brought you down to your knees
Cause they say that misery loves company”
“If it’s hurting you so much, then just fucking tell them already.” Shoko said, rolling her eyes as she took a long drag from her lit cigar.
The stress Gojo was putting her plus the usual stress from work, had brought her back to smoking.
“I can’t...nor do I want to.” Gojo huffed like a hard headed child.
Shoko let out a sigh as she purposely blew smoke at Gojo’s face.
“If you’re not gonna do it, then stop bitching about it. Don’t drag me down on your little train of misery.” She said.
Shoko deeply cared for Gojo, she did. But he was destroying himself because of his feelings and she’d prefer it if he didn’t drop his emotional burden on her.
Saying what she wanted to say, Shoko had dropped her cigar before stomping on it.
“Face your feelings before they kill you.”
“It’s not your fault I ruin everything
And it’s not your fault I can’t be what you need”
Gojo had wanted to offer (y/n) a shoulder to cry on. He wishes he could.
But he couldn’t. He wouldn’t allow himself.
Because he was scared.
Scared that if he offered (y/n) his shoulder to cry on, he’d only fall deeper for them.
“Stop crying, (y/n). You’re fully aware that life as sorcerer’s is dangerous. We face death all the time.” Gojo said, arms crossed over his chest as a way to stop them from reaching out for (y/n).
(y/n) glanced up at Gojo, nose red and tear stains on their cheeks.
They let out a shaky pained laugh as they wiped their nose and cheek with the sleeve of their shirt.
“Shesh, no need to be so cold…” (y/n) choked out, throat dry.
It took all of Gojo not to engulf them in a warm hug, tell them that it’s okay...that he was there for them.
“Can’t you comfort me, Gojo-san?” (y/n)’s voice was small as they hugged their knees to their chest.
Gojo bit the inside of his cheeks to not cave in to (y/n)'s plea.
“No. I’m not going to give you the comfort that you want, (y/n). Grow up and face that this is the reality we live in.” He said, rather harshly.
(y/n)’s shoulders sag as they buried their face on their knees, letting out a broken laugh.
“How cruel of you, Gojo-san…” (y/n) murmured, their voice muffled.
Gojo gritted his jaw so hard, that he was worried he might break his teeth.
“Get used to it.”
This is the only way.
Gojo thought as he turned on his heel, walking away as (y/n)’s sob racked through the room.
He walked away with a heart too heavy for him to carry.
“Baby, angel’s like you can’t fly down here with me
I’m everything they said I would be”
“(y/n) had transferred to the Kyoto school...they were running low on staff and they had offered to go.” Shoko suddenly informed the snowy haired man one day.
Gojo hummed, acting indifferent despite the bleeding pain in his heart.
He already knew that.
After all, (y/n) had told him they were going.
“Gojo-san, I’ve been offered a position in the Kyoto school…” (y/n) had approached him one day.
Gojo fast steps faltered for a second, before they shifted into a lazy shuffle as his heart dropped to his feet.
“And? Why should I care? Why are you even informing me of this?” Gojo asked, voice emotionless.
He halted and glanced back to see (y/n) bow their head, a small smile on their face.
“I knew you’d ask that….” They murmured.
“I just wanted you to know....I wanted to hear your opinion on it….”
Gojo wanted to tell them to stay. Don’t go.
But he could not allow himself.
Instead, he ignored the sharp pain in his heart and waved dismissively at them.
“Do what you want. I’m not your dad or teacher.” Gojo said dismissively.
Dismissing (y/n). Dismissing his feelings.
Because, as he constantly reminded himself, this was the only way.
When Gojo had moved to walk away, (y/n) spoke up.
“I know I’m not anyone important to you…” They trailed off, biting their lower lip.
No, you’re the most important person to me…
Gojo bit his tongue to prevent himself from saying things that will only make his heart bleed more.
“But Gojo-san is someone very important to me…” (y/n) said as they placed a hand on their chest with a sad smile.
Gojo willed his face to not falter.
Don’t falter now.
“Everyone’s saying how Gojo-san’s so mean and arrogant...a prideful prick, they say….”
Gojo wanted to laugh, because it was true.
Hearing (y/n) practically calling him a prick made the pain in his chest lessen just a tiny bit.
“But I think you’re very kind.”
Gojo jolted in surprise.
“An arrogant piece of shit, yeah...you are one…” (y/n) said, chuckling a bit.
“But you’re a very kind arrogant piece of shit….that’s why I-”
“Don’t say it, (y/n). Don’t you dare say it...please.” Gojo said, quickly moving to clamp a hand on (y/n)’s lips, ignoring how his heart stuttered.
(y/n) roughly shrugged his hand away, holding his wrist.
“Why shouldn’t I say it? It’s the truth.” They said, eyes soft and gentle.
Gojo pulled away, stepping a few steps back, head hung low.
“Because I don’t want to hear it.” He said, voice cracking.
(y/n) took in a deep breath before sighing.
“Alright….but you already know what I was going to say…” (y/n) trailed off.
“Don’t worry, Gojo-san...I’ll be out of your hair immediately….”
“I’m sorry for wasting your time. I guess this is goodbye…”
Gojo didn’t dare raise his head. He didn’t-couldn’t.
Because if he did, he knew he’d ask (y/n) to stay….and (y/n) would. They would stay.
“Goodbye….Gojo Satoru-san.”
With that said, (y/n) was gone, leaving without a trace and taking Gojo’s injured heart with them.
“Why didn’t you ask them to stay?” Shoko asked, knowing that Gojo was hurt upon (y/n) departing.
“Because…” Gojo trailed off, no longer able to hold back the clogging and drying of his throat as his eyes stung with tears.
He never did get to finish his sentence because he had broken down after that.
Shoko had offered him some comfort, already knowing what he was going to say.
Because I can’t love them freely….because my love would be my weakness and I couldn’t bear the thought of putting (y/n) in harm's way...all because I’m in love.
Because if I were to love (y/n), I’d may as well have cursed them.
Because love is the most twisted curse of them all.
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aseriii · 4 years
Time// Toge Inumaki x Reader
WARNING// This was not proof read but hopefully you enjoy my little oneshot!    SFW / Fluff
EDIT: Ive decided to switch the ending up a bit, If you have already read V.1 of this fanfic please begin at “ 4 Days Prior To The Incident.” Happy readings! (3/6/21)
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plan, schedule, or arrange when (something) should happen or be done.
There Inumaki sat, against the soft bristles of grass. Looking among the blazing stars that dared to face the Celeste sky. Nothing was on his mind other than his beloved Y/N. She was currently out on a mission with Itadori and Satoru. Oh, how he wished it was him instead of those two knuckleheads. Of course, they got their work done and exorcised the curse but always had time to joke around. It wasn't a bad thing but it disturbed Inumaki when it came to serious things. Inumaki was never really called on missions unless there happened to be a Grade 1 Curse roaming around Tokyo. So of course, if that happened to be the case, during his free time he would always spend his nights like these. The wind brushed against his Silver-white hair, dusting a few strands away from over his eye. As time passed on, Inumaki decided it was time to head back inside to sleep. Nothing exciting happened other than Panda slipping onto Maki, making her go on a rampage. But it sure was a slow-paced and boring day for him. Not much screaming from Gojo, not much Itadori crying out for help because Megumi was tugging at his hair. 
It was all just peaceful now, Quiet enough for Inumaki to make his way back to his cozy room. As Inumaki crawled into his sheets he just couldn’t get the thought of Y/N out of his mind. Was he this infatuated with this girl? It boggled his mind but he decided to brush it off as an excuse to what he called, “looking out for my friend.” He closed his eyes then drifted into a deep slumber. Time skip// The Next Morning As Inumaki had forgotten he left his curtains completely open, The sunlight pierced through his eyes. This caused him to pry his eyes wide open in annoyance, grumbling, he got up and out of his bed and attempted to pull the curtains over. Finally, Inumaki managed to slightly pull the curtain to its center until he heard some ruckus outside his sliding door. “What’s going on out there..?” He thought to himself, wondering. That was until he saw both Panda and Maki holding up someone.. Who could this be? He took a closer peek and realized it was no one other than Y/N. Quickly, Inumaki closed the curtains and rushed to get his uniform on. Right as he zipped up his mask, He dashed out the door to go see Y/n. “Tuna!” The boy called out, attempting to get their attention. Maki looked over and smirked, she knew about his little crush on Y/N but Inumaki kept denying his guilty crush. Maki waited for him to take over and carry her arm around his shoulder. “Oh! Inumaki, you’ve finally arrived? Guess it’s my time to bounce on out of here.” She let go of the bloodied and beat up Y/N’s arm. Y/N grunting at the sudden movement, Inumaki soon caught onto her left arm and wrapped it around her shoulder. To be honest, He never thought he’d see you in this state and it shattered him to pieces. 
If only he were there to save and help Y/N, He knew he could’ve done it without those two fucking around. No, The more he thought about it it’s his fault for not begging to come along on the mission. It was only a Grade 2 Curse so either Gojo and Itadori were both testing Y/N or doing Dogshit. They were also nowhere to be seen, which pissed Inumaki even more. As Inumaki kept thinking about the possibilities of her not getting hurt or him saving her from the Curse, A soft and sudden voice spoke. “I-Inumaki..? Are you okay..?” It was Y/n. He looked over at her with his worried eyes, snapping out of his thoughts and nodding. 
“Tuna mayo.” He gave her a slight smile and she mirrored his actions. “You two should go out sometime, Always looking at each other with those loving eyes. It’s funny!” Inumaki shot the panda, a disgusted look in his eyes, warning him to shut his yapper. Though, Inumaki didn’t fail to catch the sudden blush on Y/N’s beat-up cheeks. He smiled under his mask. Thank goodness for that, otherwise, it would’ve been a disastrous evening. That was until Y/N Collapsed right in front of his eyes. Horror filled his eyes, he gasped and kneeled to check her pulse. Panda stood there, just as shocked as Inumaki was. There wasn’t anything Panda could do because of his body and Inumaki understood that, He always understood stuff no matter the situation. Still, Horror was in his eyes, he was relieved that her pulse was okay but she must’ve passed out from blood loss. Inumaki carefully picked her up without dropping her.
 Even passed out, he still thought she was beautiful from every aspect. To her (H/C) and Her Face. Sure it may have seemed creepy for him to be carrying her and just admiring her while she’s passed out but nothing could stop him from being this in love with her. He soon got up and attempted to carry her to the Jujutsu Tech Infirmary. Leaving panda behind, he wished Y/N was gonna be okay as well. As long as inumaki knew her pulse was still keeping up, he let out a sigh of relief and entered the school. Worried and curious again, He checked her pulse. Only a few minutes away from the infirmary, Her pulse stopped. 
She was out cold and Inumaki had once again been able to experience the terror and horror of losing her. He didn’t want her to die without him confessing his love. This was probably his first true love in years, Inumaki couldn’t give up so easily. He began to rush even faster than he was before and yelled out for the doctor. “BONITO FLAKES! TUNA MAYO!!” Was it already too late? He was on the verge of tears, he couldn’t do this today. Luckily, Shoko, the Nurse in Jujutsu Tech had opened the door and rushed him inside. She carefully took Y/N from his arms and slammed the door shut right in front of his face. Inumaki called out once again but there was no response. 
His only hope was for Y/N to somehow gain her pulse back and stop the bleeding. Unfortunately, that was nearly impossible for Inumaki to believe. He leaned his back against the wall, still traumatized as to what just happened. He looked to his side, then forward. He saw those Bastards. Inumaki couldn’t contain himself anymore. What the fuck was wrong with him right now? He’s never felt such hatred towards the two laughing men. He needed to somehow scold them both for being such dumbfucks. He threw on a furious face and soon after dashed outside to meet with the two. Being careful with his words he shouted out, “What the fuck is wrong with you two?” There he stood, furious in front of his Superior and Classmate. Who are they to think about leaving you in such a state? It wasn’t fair at all. 
“Yo, Inumaki! What’s with the sudden tone? Did something bad happen?” Itadori commented. Such bad timing for a terrible comment, His comment only enraged Inumaki more than ever. Just like that, His arm swung towards Itadori’s face. The impact caused him to tumble backward. Satoru only stood there in pure shock with his mouth agape. Itadori didn’t say or do anything, Finally understanding what Inumaki was upset about. He chuckled while covering his now bloody nose. “Inumaki, I understand why you’re angry now! Just please chill out before I explain!” Inumaki slowly put down his fists and waited for him to explain himself. “I think you might have misunderstood the calendar for missions! Y/N was assigned a mission on her own today while I was assigned to train with Gojo-Senpai!” As Inumaki started understanding the situation, he began to feel like a dumbass. All though, this didn’t change the fact that Y/N was possibly dead. Ding! A message? He pulled out his phone and signed for Itadori to hold whatever he was gonna say next. It happened to be from an unknown number. Out of curiosity, Inumaki opened the message and let out a loud gasp. His eyes began to tear up little by little. Satoru and Itadori stood there, puzzled. Inumaki looked up and once again carefully said,
 “She is alive.” Still, the two dumbasses were puzzled but Inumaki ignored it and soon turned around to run over to the infirmary. He began to slow down as he reached the door where his crush lied. Slowing opening the door, he saw Y/N. Thankfully the monitor was beating normally and there were no signs of terrible fate. She was fast asleep with many IV’s attached to her. Shoko, the Nurse nodded her head as to letting him in the room and watched over her as Time passed. “Don’t stay in here too long, Loverboy.” He scoffed and looked down at her beautiful (H/C) almost covering her face. Out of instinct, Inumaki decided to brush a few strands of hair away from her face and blushed. She looked so pretty.. Even with the little scars on her face. He admired her so much and he just couldn’t take it anymore. He wasn’t sure if she would feel the same but the poor boy took his chances. He glanced down at her one last time, 
“You’re the most beautiful girl in the world, I don’t know what I would do without you.. Y/N.” Just like that, Inumaki kissed her forehead and smiled down upon her. Silence filled the room for a few seconds... Maybe. “Awww how cute! Can you repeat that last part? I didn’t quite catch it.” There Satoru stood with his shoulder against the doorway and his phone out. Inumaki quickly parted away from Y/N and covered his face with his mask. 
This. Was. Not. Happening. 
Inumaki peeked out only to see Satoru running away and calling for the others in a sing-song toned voice. There was nothing he could do because all we wanted to do was stay with Y/N. Inumaki sighed and looked back at the now awakened girl. Her (E/C) eyes half-lidded now looked up at Inumaki. 
“Inu? Is that you?” He blushed at his new nickname Y/N had given him. He nodded in response and gave her a sweet smile. 4 Days Prior To The Incident “Hey Inu?” Her soft-toned voice called out for him. Inumaki turned his head over to look at the now smiling girl beside him. He hummed in response while still looking at Y/N, He’s never been happier than to be with his first-ever Love. She turned her head and looked back up at the stars. “How come you kissed my forehead?” 
Oh shit, she knew! But, how? Inumaki’s eyes widened and soon looked away as well. He was a blushing mess. “T-Tuna Mayo..?” (W-what makes you ask that?) She giggled in response only to soon turn her head towards him. He looked at her as well, probably knowing what was incoming but continued to deny it. They sat there silently staring each other off until Inumaki decided to pull his head down to look away.
Why was he like this? This is the first time hes ever really been in love with someone so why not take a risk for once? Fortunately, Now was the time to do so. Inumaki looked directly into her eyes, appreciating her beautiful eyes. This was the one time he’d actually had a good look a them, Especially with the outstanding scenery around them. As more time began to pass, He realized what he finally needed to do.
Inumaki put his soft and delicate hands on Y/N’s cheeks. His gaze as timid as ever. What’s she thinking about? Would she hate me? Am I really this perverted as Gojo-Sensei says I am..? Looking back at her now flushed face, her mouth opened to say something but soon stopped herself. Inumaki soon turned his head away in shame, This was all a mistake.. Shit! 
“Inu, What you plan to do next is your choice. Im not stopping you or defying your actions as you liking me even though its obvious.” Slowly, Inumaki pulled his hands down and raised his head back up to look at the now laughing female. She always looked and sounded so pretty when she laughed, Its nothing like Inumaki has ever heard before. He felt so lucky to even have you as a friend... Maybe more than that.  Inumaki puffs his chest and sits up so his back isn't slouching against the tree they lie against. This time, he was gonna get this right. No messing around this time, Hes tired of always running away from his crushes or even his problems. Not that she was a problem but, Something that Inumaki dearly cares about now. More confidently, Inumaki blushed and began to zip his mask down to reveal his marked lips. Y/N stared at him but Inumaki disregarded it, Now's not the time to fuck up.
He raised his gentle and loving hands up to her tender face. Its about time this moment finally happens. For so long Inumaki has been distracted with the thoughts of you while fighting off curses. You were the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with after having this feeling for years now. Inumaki caressed his beloved Y/N;s face to signify the deeper meaning to his love. Finally declaring this battle of confusion and distraction, His face grew closer and closer to her face. Only centimeters away from her delicate lips.
He closed his eyes and leaned into her face, embracing the kiss. It was a soft, sweet and comforting kiss. Nothing like how he imagined them to be. Inumaki finally knew his place and how he felt. He was absolutely smitten with the thought of being with this girl. As the kiss began to deepen within seconds, Y/N pulled away gasping for air. He had probably forgotten about that.. oops.
As they both softly gasp for air, He looked up at her with the sweetest and straightforward smile he could ever give someone. It really was all a matter of Time just to be right where he is.  “Sh-shake..Ehhh.. Tuna. (S-so I was uhmm.. Thinking.)” The boy suddenly spoke up. Her head turned around to see his once again flustered face. Of course she giggled and smiled at him, waiting for his next statement. 
On rare occasions, he would never use real words unless hes completely angered or this special person.. Y/N was around. “Do you think you’d like to be my girlfriend? I know what you're thinking, This embarrassment of a guy has lost his mind. Y/N, Please understand that i love you and I will do anything to protect you from the fuckery of this world.” Inumaki gave her a reassuring look, his eyes shining. Inumaki seriously didn't know how to read Y/N in these type of situations. If only there was some sort of manual to her. 
“Nah.” Y/n bluntly said. Inumaki’s face went from a giddy 5 year old little boy to a 37 year old middle aged mans gloomy face. This was not what he was expecting, really. I knew this was a stupid fucking idea, How stupid am I? This is so bullshit. Laughter erupted from his side, Why was she laughing right now? Inumaki was mourning his ego death. “You should've seen the look on your face Inu!!” Y/N continued to laugh. What is she even talking about? Inumaki tilted his head and his face now confused.
She leaned into his face for a small peck and pulled away. She smiled at him and pat his head. “Of course Inu, Im just messing with you! So adorable for no reason.” Forget the ego death, Welcome back from the dead ego! His face now a blushing mess. 
Boy, was this the happiest day of his life. To finally be with his beloved after countless times of running away. You were finally his girlfriend, His joy and light of his life. 
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