#second of all please don't give my boyfriend cigarettes his lungs are too pretty
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sweetsummer-seedling · 23 days ago
IM going to get a lecture!? Bitch, I am putting a roof over your head and I can take it away!
Extra secret??? Lend me something??? Is it more based cigarettes??
Eric. My boy. It IS more based cigarettes. The real deal. For you and your boyfriend and me because I’m fucking exhausted.
We’re gonna talk about this habit later. You’re going to get a LECTURE about this habit later. But I don’t really think either of us have the capacity to care right now. I’ll even bury one for your friend in hell.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years ago
Ok, im not feeling well but have some angsty *curls up in a ball while laying in the floor of my hide out*
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"Don't make me lose my time with this. Go bother someone else. I have better things to get done."
Usually you would understand his reasons or even just smile at him in understatement.
But not today... all you wanted was just that Kai stoped just a little with his work to relax and just enjoy the little time you had of you guys anniversary, but he didn't even let you finish your question as he answered you harshly with that.
"Is it too much to ask for that you relax a bit? Just look at you, you're tense." You try to reason it.
He merely lifted an annoyed glance at you, cold and harsh just like his words.
"You're only worsening my case of health them if you keep prying like that."
That hurted. And even if you wanted to scream at that one, you still remained your compusture for his sake, and not to yell.
But this didn't mean that you would let it go...
"I only wanted to help Chisaki." You said between teeth, clenching your jaw even more at feeling the burn in your eyes "And also do you even remember what day i-"
"Just shut up." He threw his pen at his table with a growl while massaging his temples "Honestly, stop acting like a child and accept this for once, I am not going to comply to your stupid wishes." He said harshly, his words hurting more than he expected.
You felt a tear of yours falling from your eye as you breath in and out.
"You forgot what day it is today or something?" You asked, being completely ignored as he returned to writing "Kai. Please just liste-"
"Get out." He muttered darkly, making you wince but subsconciously mutter a question back at him.
"I said-" he lifted himself from his chair quite abruptly and pointed at the exit of his office " Get. Out. GET OUT OF HERE."
You stared at him in disbelief and sadness before breathing in again and nodding with a 'okay' before stopping by the doorframe.
"For your information, if it even its from your interest Overhaul." You grabbed the handle of the door before looking at him blurry due to your tears almost blinding your sign "Today was when we first met some years ago! And SOMETIMES PEOPLE JUST WORRY TOO MUCH ABOUT YOU! SO IM SORRY FOR BEING SUCH A PEST FOR WORRYINGOVER THE PERSON I LOVE DESPITE HIM DON'T GIVING A DAMN ABOUT IT!" You slammed the door before running out of the house, rubning furiously your eyes.
Stupid emotionless jerk! Why did you have to always be the smiling one anyway?!
He dropped his pen at hearing your last words and the furious 'slam' of the door before sighing in both annoyance and irritation...
Not at you.
Couldn't you just wait for a while? He was having a bad day already that all of his plans of making this day special had failed, more work was putted at his desk, and he just had to deal again with rappa wanting to 'defeat him', so he ended up fucking this day even more...
When he finished this he would apologize but for now he just couldn't... he had to calm down at least and let you cool your head as well.
You angrily walked past through the crowd of people as you sniffed and wiped your tears...
You glanced at some couples at the street, cringing at their touching and smilling lovely faces...
You sighed as you continue walking, while glancing behind you to comfirm that neither one of his precepts or even Chrono had spotted you lefting the base.
You just needed to be alone...
"My, my. Looks like I won the lottery." A man smirked down at your person while you merely stoped in front if him, preventing any possible bumping.
Ah no.
"Excuse me, but i am really not in the mood for talking." You said bitterly before trying to walk past him, but he suddenly grabbed your wrist and pushed you to a alley.
"Hey-! Let go of me!"
"Shut your fucking mouth little Overhaul's playtoy." The man growled with a sadistic smile while other two appeared right besides him.
You widened your eyes in horror, already understanding what this was about... this is what happened when you were too close with the members of the yakusa if you didn't were carefull...
Shit, that what was why Kai was so paranoid in the first place.
"Whatcha guys think? How much would that Overjerk pay to have this little thing back?" He smirked at both of his laughing partners.
Before you could even answer or understand what was going to happen you felt a sharp pain at the base of your neck before blacking out, the last thing you heard were those man laughter...
"Chrono? Have you seen (Y/N)?" Chisaki asked, hidding his worry before that stoic face of his.
He looked around the house for you for a bout a hour already, and no signs of your angelic persona...
"Not all day Overhaul. I'm sorry." Chisaki scoffed before he picked his cellphone and his worry and annoyance only grew even more at seing that you had no signs of it.
He tried calling for your number and lifted his eyebrows in sad shock that you had left your cellphone on the room.
"Mind me asking what happened boss?" Chrono asked, in pure sympathy and worry for his childhood friend.
"I had a fight with her. Nothing big about it."
"Right." Chrono said sarcastically.
He knew Chisaki for years already, and could see the pain and dare he say some soreness and regret in Kai's eyes. It was a rare sign, but it happened.
After all, you were truly special to him, anyone in the base could tell that, but only the ones who knew Chisaki could see how infatued and passionate he was with you.
"Overhaul?" Mimic's voice ringed, breaking both men's thoughts as Chisaki coldly stared at the man down, offering him the phone.
"There's this dude on the line wanting to talk about bussines with you."
"Say to them I'm busy." he growled in response as he tried again to think where would you have gotten.
Mimic spoked back before widening his eyes and looking at his boss with a certain uneasiness.
"Uh. Overhaul its REALLY important this one." Mimic said offering the phone again.
Chisaki lifted one of his eyebrows befkre sighing in annoyance and harshly grabbing the phone.
You gasped for breath the koment your head was oushed back out of the water. Coughing hysterically before finally gaining back the precious air in your lungs again.
The man laughed while holding his phone before looking at you for a moment, you not even noticing that he had aproached.
"Say sweetcheeks. How much will that leader would pay to have you back huh? Millions? Billions?"
You looked at him in rage and disgusted thorigh your blurry vision, thinking thorugh a moment.
He couldn't know that you were special for Kai, so you had to play a game for him to at least ease down his plan or even just to peace the yakusa for at least.
You pretended to laugh bitterly, not noticing due to your exaustation the phone close to your mouth.
"You're expecting way too much. Him? Overhaul care for me? He wouldn't even slare a single yen at me. Trust me. I'm just to show..." the guy didn't seemed pleased T your answer befkre he brought his phone close to his ear before comanding to take you out of there and chain you up.
"Have fun with her." He sadistically laughed and you merely gave out, feeling you being dragged to the wall...
"You're expecting way too much. Him? Overhaul care for me? He wouldn't even slare a single yen at me. Trust me. I'm just to show..."
He gripped at his shirt, just where his heart was... cringing in disgust at himself.
Did you really felt that way? Did you really thought that he cared so little for you?
"So that's what the chick said. But my mans here are going to have a bit of fun until you decides how kuch you're willing to pay us to have her back, or we can have her all to ourselves and we won't ever bother ya Overhaul."
He gripped his cellphone in a deadly grip before growling animalistic.
"Count. The fucking. Seconds." He threw it the ohone at the wall, making Chrono and Mimic to widen his eyes before wincing at the shout he gave them to follow him.
"I want all the eight precepts of death. On that damn place. No one will be spared on this genocide, but the responsible one is mine. Got it?"
"Yes master."
You cried out in pain at feeling both a burning cigarette in your upper warm while the painful cut down your jaw.
"I will give you one more chance miss. What are Overhaul's possesions and plans with the other minor gangs?"
You cried before looking at him and shouted with both anger and frustation.
"I already said I don't know! He doesn't let me know of those things!"
The worst part of this it was that half of it was true. But the little you know you wouldn't te anyway.
The guy tsked, aproaching at you, hanging from the wall by those chains, grabbing on your chin and lifting it up to meet his disgusting face.
"Such a pretty creature like ya shouldn't be in the hands of such a mobster ya know? Why won't you just-" he aproached his face closer to you before you spited on him, receiving a kick on your gut as a punishment.
The guy wiped it off with a maniac laugh and looked at you smilling sadistically.
"I like you. A feisty one." He aproached at you before lifting his hand, ready to slap it.
"But I guess you need some leasons to quiet do-" he suddenly stopped at hearing the wall falling and a bunvh of his subordinates screams.
You oppened one of your eyes weakly and mentally thanked the heavens at seing the sign in front of you.
The eight precepts of death... Kai must have sended them...
Suddenly your chains were cutted at you fell miserably on the ground, face planted on the old floor as you tried to get up to see what was going on.
You felt a hand checking your pulse before you heard Kurono's voice shouting that you were still alive.
You couldn't even answer Hari's or even Mimic's question at the time, all the energy you had, you used to lift your head and to focus on the sign in front of you.
Your boyfriend had aproached the man and punched from behind, making the guy fall in the ground... but he didn't stop on there. He continue kicking and lunching while screaming animalistic at the now unrecognizable face of your captor... broken nose and blood spilled on it.
Chisaki stopped suddenly, only to grab the man by the hem of his shirt and lift him up tl the air, extending his other bare hand before overhauling the guy only to out it back to do repeat his actions.
Before you knew it, you had used the remains of your strength to lift yourself up weakly... not catching what neither of the man around you were saying...
"..K... Ka..." you weekly whislered before managing to take one or two shaky steps...
You had lost a lot of blood... and you were all beaten up already... but you had to get to him...
When Kai overhauled the guy for the fifth time he noticed your shaky figurine aproaching him... his wide golden eyes meeting your weak yet beautiful (E/C) ones...
You smiled at him before muttering your last words before giving in your exaustation.
"You came for me..."
His shouts for your name and the feeling of his warm arms enveloping your frame,preventing you to fall, were the last thing you could cat h it for that day...
"M-Master Overhaul, She's in a very critical state, I wouldn't recommend you to use your quirk... at least not yet, just wait until she regains her conciousness and some of the blood... but I don't think that it will... w-well, be soon..."
He nodded numbly, eyes still focused on your figurine on the bed... all patch it up.
"Dismissed." He ordered bitterly. The koment the old man left the room he took a seat close to your bed and took your hand on his.
"...angel. Those sick people are going to pay. I promise... but... even if you only come back to despise me, to shout at me... please do it... just come back..." he felt the disgusting warm liquid slide from his eyes and fall into your hand.
"I-I can't... don't go now... angel, please..." he shakily lowered his head while bringing your much smaller hand betwen his glived ones up.
"Please don't leave me in the dark.... you're the only reason why I see light in this miserable life of mine... just..." he sobbed while gripling into your hand tighter "Come back...please just come back..."
You groggily opened your eyes, trying to focus your sign to at least have a understatement of where you were at the moment.
First you felt the comforting sheets beneath your palm... the fluffiness of the pillow you were laying on... the feeling of something sticking through your skin and veins... then finally noticing the machine monitoring your heartbeat with the constant beep and the half bag of blood hanging above you.
Ah.. now you remembered...
You winced when you tried to move, with a lot of force you manage to at least lay your back on the matress and stare at the window at your side.
It was a... rather beautiful day outside....
You took another look in the room and immediately relaxed at noticing it was one of the yakuza's house rooms you were in...
You heard the muffled voices of both Pops and Chrono soeaking aling with some steps.
"Kai please my boy, you haven't eaten nothing for at least three days straight. Only getting out of that room to shower."
"I can look at them while you take a break Chisa-" both voices suddenly stopped... you guessed it was because Kai had sended them a glare.
You smiled weakly yet worriedly... how long did you slept?
"We will bring something for you later then. Come Kurono." The elder spoked before you heard the sigh of your boyfriend before creaking the door open.
... dear god...
He looked... horrible. Bags under his eyes... he surely had losted more weight and to complete that tired... defeated, depressed look on his eyes.
He was constantly looking at the ground, still not noticing you were awake still.
He closed the door before locking it, hitting his forehead shortly after with a sigh.
"K... Kai?" You manage to croak out, making him jump before he abruptly turned his chest to you.
His eyes were wide open as he stared at you... disbelief clearly on his face.
You weakly giggled before forcing out a few more words.
"H-How long did I-" befire you could even finish your sentence Chisaki just walked to you and beought you to a crushing hug, yet still carefull with the neddles.
He breath in your scent before shakily sighing, it was not only fine woth him because he was always monitoring your cleaning abits while unconscious, but the kist important of all.
You were there. You were here. Breathing. Talking.
"My angel..." he sighed in relief, still not believing that he was crying tears of joy "For a second I thought that... that I had..."
"No... I am going to be a pain in your ass forever." You giggled at your own joke but immediately stopped at seing the... defeated and hurted look of your boyfriend.
He grabbed your fa e between his gloved ones before nuzzling his covered nkse in your head.
"I am such a fool... I heard all of what you thought I think of you... angel Im so sorry, I should never had let out my frustations on you, I did know what day was I swear on my soul but I just had to finish those things before I could even-"
"Kai, its okay." He looked at you in disbelied but still broke st that sweet smile of yours.
"I was pretending... I know how much you care love, you never fail to make me see that..."
He shook his head abruptly before he grabbed your hand harshly and aimed at his own head.
"No. You can't just forgive me that easy. Please angel, I hurt you, I was the responsible for this. Just hit me with all you've got... I deserve worst..."
You went to deny but he just keep pressing your palm against his covered cheek over and over again.
"Do it. Its a order." He growled before he let go of your hand and closed his eyes, already expecting.
You simply stared at it... before you sighed and simply pressed gently your palm against his cheek and carresed your thumb gently his cheek.
He widened his eyes while furrowing his eyebrows, looking at you as you trailed your hand up to his hair.
"Why should I..?" You smiled sweetly at him, nlt stoping your gsntle actions.
"Stop this..." he said shakily, gripping the bedsheets and onto his leg. "Stop acting like none of that happened. I am the responsible for this." He growled while finally managing to look at your eyes.
"Stop being so kind goddammit... not with me... not with me out of all people in this sick planet..."
"... why should I stop?" You trailed your hand down his jaw again, catching the hate towards himself on his eyes.
"I just sayed it. Don't play dumb with me..."
"I'm not..." you sayed softly.
"Stop." He said shakily, not flinching away from your hand since he was craving it for two three days already.
"I love you... thank you for coming back to rescue me."
"Stop this dammit!" He said sternly before rubbing one of his eyes intensely "I can't understand you... I can't."
He rested his head in your shoulder while you smiled at his action, despite the sadness, and hugged hin tight ignoring the pain.
"Don't be so kind-! Dammit... I can't understand you (Y/n)... why this had to hurts so much...?" He got up to craddle your face between his hand after he took his mask off and stared deel at your soul.
"Why? After all I've done?"
"... I love you. Simple as that."
He breath in shakily before crashing his lips in yours, not even thinking straigjt, just wanting to feel you against him...
"Angel... my angel I swear on my soul that I love you so much more." He said between kisses, he trailed from your mouth to your cheeks, nose, chin and for last your forehead...
You smiled in pure joy... despite the pain..
The devil smiled teary back before returning his actions... after all, he almost losed his angel,.. so he was going to show, despite feeling slightly embarrassed and uncomfortable at first, his precious little piece of heaven how important she was to him.
"W-Wait don't you have to wor-" he muffled your words with a deep kiss before murmuring in your cheek lowly before returning his assault to your lips.
"Screw work."
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