#sebastian stan teen
sergeantbarnessdoll · 5 months
Lets go! Winter soldier!bucky goes on a mission with y/n, it is her first mission. Hydra is obviously sick for taking in you, a easily startled teen. winter soldier orders her to stay in Hydra's vehicles because he doesn't want y/n to get hurt<3 You kept hearing about him at Hydra, of course you would want to stay next to him and try to not look weak!
This might not be the type of requests you usually receive, please tell me in case you're not okay with it. Have a great week!
Trying To Protect You » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Winter Soldier x Teen!Female Reader
Summary: You go on your first mission with the Winter Soldier, but he’s trying to protect you at the same time.
Warnings: Fluff, language, HYDRA, violence, brief mention of blood, use of nicknames
Age of reader: 16 years old
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anonymous person who requested this🩵 also I imagined this took place during Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
A/N #2: This is different from what I normally write so I decided to give it a try. I used Google translate for the Russian translations. I apologize if I got anything wrong.
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators. I found it on Pinterest.
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You jumped at the sound of your cell’s door opening. Brock Rumlow walks in your cell and grabbed your bicep with a bruising grip, pulling you up from your spot on the bed.
“Wh-Where are you taking me?” You asked him nervously.
“Pierce wants to talk to you.” Brock says.
Brock takes you to the room where they do experiments on you, forcing you to sit down in the chair. Brock went to strap your arms and legs down to the chair, but Pierce stopped him.
“Restraints aren’t necessary this time.” Pierce says.
Brock nodded and stepped off to the side. You nervously looked up at Pierce, waiting for him to tell you why you’re there.
“As you know, your skills have been improving since the day you got here, fighting wise.” Pierce approaches you and crouches down in front of you. “From what I understand, you’ve made a great impression on the Winter Soldier. He told me that he’s impressed with your skills, but I’m sure he told you that.” He says.
You nodded your head, waiting for him to continue.
“So I’ve been thinking…” He stood up straight and took a couple steps back from you. “You’re ready for your first mission.” He says.
“Really?” You asked.
“Yes. You’re joining the Winter Soldier on his mission.” Pierce tells you and began walking towards the door. “You’re leaving in a half hour.” He says before the door closed behind him.
You sat there for a moment, thinking about what you’ve heard about the Winter Soldier. You know that he’s one of HYDRA’s best assassins and he has a metal arm for a left arm. He’s also the one who’s been training you. Your thoughts were interrupted when a HYDRA agents gave you a mission suit to put on, along with combat boots. Another agent put a bullet proof vest on you. Then you followed the agents out to the vehicles. You smiled when you seen the Winter Soldier as you got in one of the vehicles. He nodded at you as he got in the vehicle, sitting next to you. Moments later, the Winter Soldier and other agents got out of the vehicles. You were following suit, but you were stopped by the Winter Soldier.
“Stay in the car.” He says.
“But-” The Winter Soldier shut the car door before you could get another word out.
You sighed and watched from the tinted car window. Your senses were telling you that you should be out there helping him. You know you should obey his orders and stay in the car, but he’s part of your team and you need to help him. You opened the center console and found a gun and bullets. You loaded the gun and got out of the vehicle. You located a target at shot at him, but missed. An agent turned around and seen you. He went to walk towards you, but the Winter Soldier stopped him.
“Я получил ее.” The Winter Soldier said to the agent in Russian.
He gently grabbed your arm and pulled you to the side.
“I told you to stay in the car.” He says sternly.
“I know, but my senses told me that you needed help.” You said honestly and looked down, feeling ashamed.
“I get that you’re just going with what your senses are telling you, but I don’t want you to get hurt.” He says.
You opened your mouth to say something when a bullet came flying towards you two. The Winter Soldier grabbed you with his metal arm and held you against him while using his right hand to shoot at whoever shot the bullet at the two of you. The sound of the gun going off startled you. Your hands grasped onto his tactical vest, holding it tightly.
“This is the reason why I told you to stay in the car.” He says.
“Ok, but Pierce said this is my mission too and I intend on helping you.” You say.
He sighed, not wanting to argue with you.
“Fine, but you stay by my side, understand?” He says.
“I understand, Soldat.” You say.
You kept your word and stood by him. Maybe you weren’t as ready for a mission as you thought, because you jumped almost every time you heard a loud noise that wasn’t a gun. The Winter Soldier noticed how jumpy you were and grabbed your arm, running away from the scene. He took you to an alley where it was calmer and quieter for you.
“I’m going to say something and I want you to listen, ok?” He says.
You looked at him and nodded your head.
“When we go back out there, I want you to get back in the car where it’s safer. That’s an order, soldier.” He says.
“But-” You stopped talking when he gave you the look, the dad look. “Yes, Bucky.” You mumbled, loud enough for him to hear.
You’re the only person in HYDRA who calls him Bucky. You learned his name your first year after being kidnapped by HYDRA.
“I don’t want you to get hurt.” Bucky puts a comforting hand on your shoulder. “I also want what’s best for you. Do you understand?” He says softly.
“Yes, I understand.” You say.
He poked his head out from the alley, making sure the coast is clear for you to go straight to one of the vehicle.
“Coast is clear. Follow me.” Bucky says.
You followed closely behind him. You still jumped at the noises, but you were fine as long as you were close to Bucky. He opened the car door and you got in the vehicle. You turned around to see him holding his hand out.
“Give me the gun.” Bucky says.
You pouted and handed him the gun. He continued to hold his hand out and gave you the dad stare.
“I know you have extra bullets and don’t even try to lie and say you don’t.” He says.
You sighed and got the extra bullets out of your pocket and put the bullets in his hand, still pouting cause you want to help him.
“Soldiers don’t pout.” Bucky states. “If you want to help me, you can look out the window and keep an eye out for me, ok?” He says, trying to reason with you.
“Ok.” You say quietly.
Bucky kissed your forehead and closed the car door, going back to the mission. As you were keeping an eye out from your position in the car, everything looked like it was going smoothly. That was until a bullet shot through the front windshield. You screamed and covered your head, ducking to the car floor. Bucky’s enhanced hearing picked up your scream and he immediately ran to the car, opening the car door and seen you shaking on the car floor.
“Hey, you’re ok.” He says softly.
You uncovered your head and looked up, seeing Bucky. You practically launched yourself into his arms. Bucky securely wrapped his arms around you and pulled you out of the car. He gently put your feet on the ground and grabbed your hand, quickly taking you somewhere safe.
“Are you hurt?” Bucky asks, checking you for obvious injuries.
“No. I’m just shaken up is all.” You tell him.
Bucky’s facial expression softens when he seen a cut on your forehead with blood coming out of it, making you furrow your eyebrows in confusion.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” You asked confused.
Bucky continued to look at the cut on your forehead, making sure it’s not deep. You reached your hand up to your forehead and felt something wet.
“Am I bl-bleeding?!” You asked, beginning to freak out.
“Just a little bit.” He says as he continues to examine it.
You took your hand off your forehead and seen blood in your hand, making your eyes widen.
“Hey, look at me.” He coos. “You’re going to be fine.” He says softly.
“But I’m bleeding.” You say.
“Yes you are, but you’re going to get patched up when we get back to base.” He says.
Bucky pulled you in for a hug to calm your nerves which helped a lot. After a moment, he pulled away from the hug, placing his hands on your shoulders.
“You ready to go back out there?” Bucky asks.
“Yes.” You nodded. “Let go kick some ass!” You say.
Bucky gave you the dad look once again when you said a curse word. He doesn’t like it when you say curse words.
“Sorry.” You mumbled.
Bucky just chuckled and shrugged it off. He pulled a gun out of the holster, loading it with bullets and gave it to you.
“Stay by me and shoot when I say to, got it?” He says.
“Yes, Bucky.” You answered.
“Alright. Let’s get back out there, doll.” He says with a smile and patted your shoulder.
After the mission, you were dreading what Pierce was going to say or do to you. You were looking down at your feet as you were walking past him, but he stopped you in your tracks by grabbing your arm and pulled you towards him, making you stumble.
“Mission Report, soldier.” Pierce commands, looking down at you.
“Successful.” You inform him, lying through your teeth.
“I hope you’re telling the truth cause you know the consequences.” He says.
“Yes, sir.” You say.
“You’re dismissed.” He let go of your arm. “Rumlow, escort her to her cell.” He says.
Brock nodded and grabbed your bicep with a bruising grip like he did earlier and escorted you to your cell. He shoved you in your cell, making you trip over your own feet and fall. Luckily you landed on the bed and not the hard concrete floor. You got cleaned up and changed. You sat on the bed, holding your knees against your chest. You jumped at the sound of the cell door open and close. You relaxed when you seen Bucky. Bucky sneaks in your cell to keep you company when he’s able to.
“Hey, kid.” Bucky says, taking a seat on the bed in front of you.
“Hey, Bucky.” You say quietly, loud enough for him to hear.
“How’re you feeling after your first mission?” He asks.
“I don’t know.” You shrugged your shoulders. “What’s there to feel?” You say.
Bucky nodded in agreement.
“I want you to understand something.” He starts. “When I give you orders during future mission, I expect you to follow through with them. I don’t want you to get hurt.” He says.
“Ok. I’ll listen better next time.” You say understandingly.
Bucky smiles and patted the bed next to him. You moved closer to him and he wrapped his arms around you, giving you a loving hug.
“I also want you to understand that I’m trying to protect you.” He says, kissing the top of your head.
“I understand.” You looked up at him. “Thank you for protecting me.” You say with a smile.
“You’re welcome, kiddo.” Bucky smiles down at you. “Get some sleep. You need it after the day you had.” He says.
You snuggled yourself against his side, slowly falling asleep. Knowing that Bucky is there to protect you made it easier for you to fall asleep. By the end of the day, Bucky just wants what’s best for you.
-Bucky’s Doll
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graciegoeskrazy · 10 months
actor masterlist
last updated: 10/10/23
newest ones in bold!
s e b a s t i a n s t a n
jump than fall (Sebastian + Teen!StepDaughter!reader)
Last Resort (Sebastian + Teen!reader)
Forever Winter (Sebastian + Teen!Daughter!reader)
a funny way of showing things 2 (Sebastian + Teen!Daughter!reader
right where you left me (Sebastian + Child!Daughter!reader)
Exile (Sebastian + Teen!Daughter!reader)
Soulmate (Sebastian + Teen!Daughter!reader)
Journey to the Past (Sebastian + Teen!Daughter!reader)
a funny way of showing things (Sebastian + Teen!Daughter!reader)
c h r i s e v a n s
Opening Doors (Chris + Teen!Actress!reader)
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hello, hope you’re doing okay
do you mind writing about fem!reader about 14-16 winning an oscar and the marvel cast being super proud in the audience?
sorry i’m so bad at explaining
You’re a Star
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x teen reader
Warning: swearing, LGBTQ, just pure fluff.
A/N: I hope this was okay.
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You ever have those “let me take this all in" moments? Because that is what Y/n is having right now.
On the red carpet of the Oscars, that’s right OSCARS, as she was nominated for Best Lead Actress. Y/n is a force to be wrecked with right now in the acting world at only 15. Her debut was the role of Casey Graham in Winter Soldier at 10, and she just wrapped Filming Endgame. But she has taken on other projects, and one of the landed her this nomination.
She starred in the Film “Living a Sin” a story about a teen finding out their sexual identity and the effect it has on her Christian Family. The film was a hit, and the reviews were always on top. She won the Golden Globe but it was when she saw she was nominated for the Oscar that the success really hit her.
Which is where she is now, in a stunning custom pantsuit from Valentino in y/f/c and y/h/c in classic long curls. She was later joined by the cast and her love interest in the film, played by Jenna Ortega. After taking pictures, she was on her way into the theater before she bumped into something hard. “Oops my b-“ she started to say before looking at a blue suit that had blue eyes.
“Seb!” Y/n acclaimed before giving him a hug. “y/n! You look beautiful, how are you feeling?” He asked. “Freaking out but not if that makes sense. I’m unlikely to win, heck I’m nominated against Meryl Streep.” Seb laughed and wrapped an arm around you. “Don’t sweat it, sweetheart. Plus Scarlett and I may or may not be presenting your category," he said. "No way! really?" you asked as you looked at him with joy in your eyes.
"Yep, now let's take a quick picture before I have to head inside. But I will see you later., I promise." he said as he turned so the two of you faced the paparazzi. In the MCU, Bucky and Casey were very much a father-daughter duo. And that relationship continued into a brotherly sisterly relationship off-screen. He has been a rock for you the past couple of years and you are thankful to have your "Bucky-Bear" by your side through it all. He gave you a quick kiss on the forehead which of course the cameras caught before you each headed your separate ways.
Couple Hours later
You saw Sebastian and Scarlett walk on stage and your heart started to beat a million miles a minute. Jenna sat next to you and quickly took your hand in hers. "Deep Breathes, you got this," she said as she gave you a light squeeze.
"This year's nominees each deliver incredible performances in their own right. Moving us to tears, making us laugh, and telling stories of bravery and love." Scarlett said looking at the teleprompter. "And this year nominees are making history, with the youngest nominee for Best Actress," Seb said as you saw your two friends give you a wave, which made the audience laugh. "Our child is adorable, isn't she?" Scarlett said into the mic. "Agreed, but we have to finish this up so we can put her to bed," Seb said as he pointed to the watch in his hand. the audience and you were enjoying it. You couldn't tell if it was a bit or if they were making you laugh to calm your nerves. Either way, you appreciate it.
After they showed a montage of all the actresses nominated and clips of the film. You saw Seb start to open the envelope. you held onto Jenna's hand with your life. "And the Oscar goes to.." Seb said as he lifted the envelope. He and Scarlett looked at the envelope and smiled at each other before speaking into the microphone. "Y/n L/n for Living with Sin!" They said with the biggest smiles on their faces.
You were in shock at first. there is no way they actually just said your name. It wasn't until Jenna gave you a huge hug that it began to sink in. You quickly stood up as you felt a tear fall down your smiling face. You hugged your parents quickly before making your way to the stage. Once you walked up the stairs, Seb and Scarlett were quick to engulf you with a hug. You heard Seb whisper into your ear "I'm so proud of you Kiddo." he said as he gave you a kiss on the cheek. "We both are," Scarlett said as well as she handed you the statue. "I love you both so much. Couldn't have wanted anyone else to give this to me," you said to them as you made your way to the mic.
Your speech was short and sweet, thanking your family and friends, manager, cast, and crew of Living with Sin, and thanking your 'Big Bros and Sisters' who are your marvel castmates for showing you the ropes and being incredible mentors. And of course, thanking Kevin Feige for giving a chance to a girl who only had 'Flounder in Little Mermaid Jr on her resume.' You ended your speech by saying "to everyone watching at home, wondering what to do so someone like my character Nicole doesn't have to go through what they went through. I urge you to look up local resources for LGBTQ youth in your area, donate to the Trevor Project, or create a safe space for teens that make them feel loved and appreciated. We have so much more work to do, and every little bit helps. Thank you." You said as you walked off the stage. You made your way backstage with Sebastian and Scarlett by your side.
Once you were off camera, you felt a strong pair of arms wrap around your waist and picked you up as you let out a squeal. "YOU DID IT! " Seb said as he sat your down. "I still can't believe that happened," you said. "I knew this was going to happen one day, and I'm so happy for you," Scarlett said as you all made your way toward the front of the theater to go back to your seats. Before you all headed your separate ways, Seb "You are star Y/n L/N. I'm so proud to be part of your journey and I can't wait to watch everything you do next." He said as he gave you a long, thoughtful hug. "Love you two Bucky Bear," you whispered into his ears which made him chuckle.
Your name was still trending on social media the next day. Your Marvel cast mates made posts and stories congratulating you which the internet ate up. You couldn't be happier to be part of such an amazing family.
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esqueletosgays · 6 months
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Director: Renny Harlin Cinematography: Pierre Gill
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shamrockqueen · 1 year
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Father figure : Chapter 2
Pairing : Best Friend’s Dad Bucky x Reader
Warnings : Angst, Bad friends, Older man younger woman Dynamic, (age references removed and reader is recounting it as an adult)
Word count : 2167
AO3 Link
Chapter 1 link
Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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Things stayed quiet, but at least they kind of got better. It had been a week or two since you’d welcomed Becky and her family back into your life.
A pounding at your window around 12pm woke you from an already uncomfortable sleep. You looked over at the drawn curtains, waiting for the sound again.
A *Knock knock knock* at the window of your ground-floor bedroom.
You pushed out of bed, readjusting your messy t-shirt and shorts as you groggily walked to the curtains. You weren’t surprised to see Becky on the other side of the glass, her dark hair nearly blending in with the night.
She didn’t look very happy, and her frustration was even more evident when she tried to jerk open the locked window. It wasn’t a new sight to see an angry Becky trying to force her way into your room, a popular choice of hers for when she had been out doing something she shouldn’t have and needed a place to hide before absconding by midnight.
"Open up!" You could hear her through the glass before you finally unlocked the window and pulled it up, and she immediately crawled past you.
"You can’t be yelling this late at night; you're gonna to wake my mom up."
"Whatever!" She stomped towards your bed before throwing herself onto it and grappling at one of your teddy bears.
You have a huff before shutting the window and locking it again.
"What’s wrong?" You slumped back onto the other side of the bed as you tried to find what made her mad this time.
"It doesn’t fuckin matter." A classic Becky move, but you’d played this game before, and with enough prying, you’d get her to talk instead of sulking into one of your old teddy bears.
"Clearly it mattered to you because you were here at almost 1 in the morning instead of asleep."
"Shut up!" She turned and tossed the bear at you, clearly choosing to act more like a child than her actual age.
"Keep your voice down. You wake my mom up, and she’s gonna kick you out again." You seethed before throwing the stuffed animal back at her, only to miss and hit the wall beside the bed.
Becky dropped her arms from above her head to her sides, hitting the bed with a thump. "Everything’s just so stupid; it fucking sucks." She grumbled, but at least she made an effort to keep her voice down.
"What happened?" You ask tiredly, rubbing your eyes as you wait for an answer.
"I called my mom today." She answered meekly. Conversations with her mom often brought out the worst in her, making it unsurprising that she’d snuck out to blow off steam.
"What’d she say?" You asked worriedly, not waking to try to break the already weak foundation that Becky stood on.
"She said I couldn’t visit her this summer. She said that she and STUPID Mason and their STUPID kids already planned their vacation, and that she can’t just change her plans at the drop of a hat because I want her to."
You just laid beside her, silent in the dark, as a sob cut through the air, and you turned to see streaks of tears training down her face. Becky had such a complicated relationship with her mom, especially when she often thought she had to compete with a new family.
"Why do you want to visit her anyway? You hate the twins, and you hate your stepdad." You say this quietly as you sit up to look at your friend. "Every time you visit, you call me to tell me how snotty they are and how crappy they treat you."
He huffed a small laugh before answering, "I know, but…it’s just that she doesn’t call anymore. She doesn’t visit. She doesn't care." She hugged the pillow as her voice grew weaker.
"That can’t be true; all moms have to care at least a little. I mean, you're her kid; she can’t just forget about you." You always tried to reassure her, but her face just continued to fall.
"It feels like she’s trying to."
"You still have your dad." Your words rang in your ears just as you said them. The memory of that night is still heavy in your mind. Just the way his psyche must have shattered to propel him to do what he did made you shudder a little.
"There’s something wrong with him." Every word added a little more weight to your heavy heart as she spoke. You feared how much she really knew and who she would be mad at the most.
"What do you mean?" You didn’t turn to look at her as you spoke, not wanting her to catch a glimpse of guilt in your eyes, even in the dark.
"He’s just been acting really off lately, like…he won’t talk to me, and it just feels like he’s trying to avoid me now. Ever since that party, he’s just shut off."
You could feel your stomach knowing together as she spoke. You have a very good idea why he’s acting so uncomfortably, but it’s not something you could tell her.
"He just doesn’t want to see you get like that. I mean, he is your dad; stuff like that is going to upset him."
"It’s not the same. He’s never been this upset before. It’s like he’s shut down or something." Her eyes start to tear up as she continues, "Maybe this time I finally made him snap."
"No way. It just has to be a lot of stress on him."
"I don’t know. Something’s just wrong."
The crack in your nerves deepened painfully as she spoke. You knew very well what was wrong and why. Something was wrong, very wrong, and there was nothing you could do to fix it now. You just stared out at the ceiling, waiting for her to talk again.
Instead, she seemed to nod off before you found the ability to even find sleep. No, you were still so shaken by the new knowledge you had found that you lay there motionless instead.
A small light lit up beside you. A notification beaming out into your room from where Becky’s phone sat on your charger.
You leaned out of bed as your eyes adjusted to the new source of light to see Mr. Barnes’ picture blink across the screen as the silent call fell to Becky’s voicemail.
You look back at her and then back at the phone, just tapping the screen to see the number of messages her father left her.
She sneaks out a lot, but she more than often ends up sleeping off her night on your bedroom floor. This gave Mr. Barnes at least some peace of mind not to go running out into the night for his daughter, but he was still her father and had desperately tried reaching out to Becky.
The first few times Becky had snuck out, it had caused a lot of trouble, and he’d come speeding through the neighborhood trying to find her.
Now, he could easily drive by and spot her bike propped up against your mailbox, giving him some peace of mind to at least know she was somewhere safe.
You let her phone screen fade before letting your eyes readjust to the dark to find your phone next to hers. You unlock it and tap on your contacts icon to dig up her father’s number.
His contact photo lights up the screen. A happy photo from when he’d taken you and Becky out to see Jurassic Park. An undone blue button-up, a white tank top, and a pair of shades making him seem so much more striking than he was before. Even the loose bun that held together his once shoulder-length hair brought new definition to his smiling face; it made it seem like more and more of a shame that he’d since cut it short.
Shaking the thought away, you tuck your phone to your side before looking back at the still-sleeping Becky and slipping out of bed and snuck towards the door. Becky still snored on the other side of the room as you ducked into the hall and towards the bathroom.
The hallway is just as dark and more eerily quiet as you looked over at your mother’s room, which sat only a few feet in the other direction. You let your eyes fall on to the lightly colored wood, turned to a gray hue under the heavy blanket at night.
You quietly and carefully cross through to the bathroom before letting yourself lean onto the sink to take a quick and nervous breath. You pulled your phone from where you kept it clasped to your chest and tapped in your password to open it again. His picture lights up the screen once again before your thumb slides over the call button.
You held it to your ear as it rang for a spell. Each extra ring made your heart beat just a little slower as you waited for him to pick up the phone.
When the voicemail popped up, a heavy breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding onto escaped past your lips, and your heart sank into your stomach.
You ended the call without leaving a message, and you just leaned there before sitting back heavily onto the shaggy cloth toilet seat cover.
You took a few seconds before opening the phone back up and clicking the call button again.
The phone rang once, then twice…then it stopped abruptly, replaced by the sound of the other line being handled before a familiar voice filled the phone.
"Hey. Sorry, I uh…missed your call." You heard him take a deep breath before continuing with, "Is everything okay?"
"Uh, yeah. I just wanted to let you know Becky’s here. She’s still asleep right now." You spoke in a whisper, making sure not to wake up anyone in the house.
"Oh, thank God. How long has she been there?"
"I think she came straight over. I’m sorry I didn’t call sooner."
"No, it's fine. Thank you for letting me know." His voice didn’t seem fully relieved before he continued with, "D-did she tell you why she left?"
It was a question he hadn’t asked you before. He’d long since lost hope in understanding his daughter's misbehavior, but something in his voice seemed more fearful than before.
"I…um…just some drama with her mom, and…she." You almost couldn’t get the last few words out, as they choked up in your throat.
You stared at the tiled floor beneath your feet before finally finishing your sentence. "And she said that something seemed off. That you didn’t seem like yourself, I guess."
You could hear him swallow over the phone, taking a deep breath afterward before leaving an air of silence over the call.
"I am so sorry." He spoke so quietly that it almost couldn’t be heard over the phone. His voice was broken; it was so painful to hear it.
You opened your mouth to answer, but nothing came out. Your throat seemed to just close up as your fingers tightened around the phone until it shook a little in your hand.
"I…I can try to get her home after school tomorrow, Mr. Barnes." It’s all you could think to say. Anything to avoid discussing what had happened, how it had made you feel, and what the consequences would be.
"That would be a great help, but I can take care of it. Thank you." There was still something off with his voice, like a deep crack forming on what was once unbreakable glass. "Just make sure she gets to school, alright?"
"Yes sir."
"Thank you; now just get some sleep, ok sweetheart?"
The term of endearment made your heavy heart flutter for a single second before you answered, "Okay, goodnight, sir." And the call ended with a quick click.
You hold your phone back to your chest as you take a shallow breath, remembering all that had transpired between you and Mr. Barnes. The memory still made you feel an odd but warm sensation along your body, as well as a deep ache at the thought of the same memory causing him misfortune.
A knock at the bathroom door startled you. Making you jump back and hit the tiled wall with the back of your head.
You panic and flush the empty toilet beside you, trying to create an alibi and not wanting either person in the house to know about your phone call.
You quickly tuck your phone into your shorts pocket, switch on the sink, and start washing your hands.
"Hurry up." Becky’s voice through the door made the terrible feeling in your stomach curdle even further.
Finally, you open the door to Becky’s tired face before she pushes past you with a grunted "gotta pee."
You speedily walk back to the bedroom as the bathroom door clicks shut behind her.
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Chapter 3
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mxssingmemories · 1 year
Back to School
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x daughter!reader
Summary: It's back to school time for Y/N, how much chaos can this possibly cause in the Stan household?
Warnings: none :) all fluff
Word Count: 500!
A/N: hi loves. it's been like a week, i've been super busy with life but i'm going to try to get back on track here!! thank you for being patient :)
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The minute Sebastian got the email with your school's shopping list, he jumped up and ran to your room. "Y/N, guess what I just got!" he smiled, throwing himself onto his daughter's bed.
"A horse." you deadpanned, slightly pissed off he woke you from your nap. The minute you sat up, though, it hit you-it was your shopping list. It had to be. Your junior year of high school started in a week, the scheduled time for them to be emailed out to parents. "Already? God, I feel like summer just started."
"Where do you wanna go, kiddo? We should make the best of it."
"Walmart's fine, dad." you smiled, his attitude lifting your spirits a bit.
Walmart itself was quite crowded. The aisles were filled with back to school supplies, and what felt like a maze of people trying to get one thing all at once. It was frustrating, to say the least;you just wanted to get your shopping done.
"Okay, so I think we need three or four notebooks. Which ones do you like?" It took several minutes to come to a decision. You eventually threw pastel color-coded notebooks in the cart, dragging your dad along to the pens & pencils.
"Can I get the special ones? Please? Pretty please with a cherry on top? Pretty please with a cherry and a cupcake-!"
"Okay! Okay! Yes, you can have the special ones. Jesus." he cut you off, tossing them haphazardly in the cart. You guys repeated this process for everything else you needed, until soon enough, it was time for the backpacks.
"This one is really cute, dad."
"Honey. Y/N. My favorite daughter. That is absolutely hideous." he clapped back, laughing when you threw your hands over your mouth in mock offense. Suddenly, he threw you over his shoulder, running around the aisle with you in tow practically screaming. You only got a few weird looks-it's not that surprising though; it's a Walmart, after all.
"You ready, kiddo?" your dad asked, arm wrapped around your shoulders as you stood at the steps of your high school. With a nod, you hugged your dad tightly-letting yourself gather the strength you might need for that day.
"Alright, lovie, you have your emergency alarm right? I packed your lunch, your favorite of course, and there are a few snacks in there as well. And remember that if anyone tries anything I swear to God I will-"
"Alright, dad, I get it. I'll be okay today, I promise." you smiled, winking at your dad as you scampered up the steps, taking them two at a time.
"I love you!" he called after you, trying to not chase you up the steps.
"Love you more!" you yelled back, your shoulders going up and down as you took a deep breath. Today is going to be a good day, and nothing could stop it. He smiled as he watched you run up the steps, content that you were safe. And, if Sebastian cried in the car on the way home, that was his business.
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multifandom006 · 2 years
Her boys
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(platonic)Chris Evans x Teen!reader (platonic) Sebastian Stan x Teen! reader (platonic) Anthony Mackie x Teen!reader
A/N: reader is 16-17 and this takes place during civil war
Your POV:
Sitting between Anthony and Sebastian while listening to the fans ask questions its like sitting between over grown babies but I didn't mind.
''hi, my question is for Y/N" a fan asked causing me to look over ''yes hi'' I smiled ''what's your question'' I added and leaned forward ''who's your favourite cast mate'' the fan asked and I looked both left and right seeing Seb, Chris and Anthony look at me causing me to chuckle ''gosh that's actually a hard one, I really enjoy girl time with Lizzie and Scarlet but my favourite boys? definitely Mackie, Evans and Stan'' I said and smiled ''good answer'' Anthony said with a smug grin making Sebastian and Chris laugh.
After the panel was over Robert suggested we all go for lunch before we head off back to our hotels for the last shooting of civil war, the car ride was a mess, Anthony was making jokes making all of us hold our stomachs and cry laugh.
I posted a photo to my instagram of the three weirdos
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@Y/N__: Gotta love my three goof balls @imsebastianstan @Anthonymackie @Chrisevans
I put my phone away and focused back on the group and then had Evans wrap his arm around me ''we really your favourite'' he asked ''doofus you all know that answer'' ''nah I'm secretly her favourite'' Anthony said proudly, both Sebastian and Chris looked at him ''I don't think so'' Sebastian said.
I wouldn't change these guys for the world, their my best friends and brothers.
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So I think I'm gonna open up requests for smau's for all of my fandoms, basically just like a couple insta posts and Twitter posts for your favorite character that may be on my list (the pinned post on my account) I'll also have them all tagged below 😁
Just tell me who and add a little description, or not and I can come up with something on my own.
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afictionaladventure16 · 4 months
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juiles · 8 months
Imagine if you will, the Avengers living as teenagers all together. Different posts they may make on tumblr.
If you guys like these let me know!
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bergarasunsolved · 1 year
Making Magic
Summary: Y/N is an equestrian, and has been for years. Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan are her mentors and father figures. It's Y/N's first show, what could go wrong? Or in her case, what could go right?
Pairings: Sebastian Stan x teen!reader, Chris Evans x teen!reader, Anthony Mackie x teen!reader, RDJ x teen!reader, Scarlett Johansson x teen!reader, Tom Holland x teen!reader, Mark Ruffalo x teen!reader
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety, anxious thoughts, some hurt/comfort, parental issues, and tooth-rotting fluff
Word Count: Around 3.6k !
A/N: this was requested by @ladki-ki-kathi <3 kind of love this! part 2 is in the works :)
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The funny thing about horse show days is that no matter how stressful they are, anyone in the "show business" would rush to defend them the second someone starts to talk negatively. It's not that they're wrong, though; horse shows can be some of the most exciting and rewarding experiences in the equestrian world. Y/N knew this personally, being an equestrian for most of her life. Having been riding all her life, she's been to countless shows. Normally for her, days like these were not at all stressful, but today was different. It was Y/N's first show, and she was petrified.
After waking up at the crack of dawn to get the trailer ready, she finally made her way over to the stable where she took the route to Mac's stall by memory. Mac somehow seemed to know that today was a big day for them, and the minute Y/N stepped in the stall, he came over and nuzzled her. With a smile on her face, she sat down and cuddled him for a minute. Knowing the coming chaos of the day, a little more time spent bonding and trying her best to relax couldn't do any harm.
Much to Mac's dismay, she stood up five minutes later, taking a deep breath as she put his halter on. Y/N knew they had a little time to spare, so instead of leading him straight to the trailer, she led him to a tack stall. Grabbing her grooming bag, she took out her curry comb and began to brush gentle circles to rid Mac of the dirt that he somehow managed to accumulate the prior night. Y/N fell into a daze as she followed the familiar routine. She had always found it easy to let herself get lost in horses. Her relationship with her parents wasn't the best, but fortunately her father was an actor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This meant she had connections to almost everyone who'd ever acted in a Marvel movie. Even though her dad was absent, she was pretty thankful that she at least has this- it gave her someone to be able to look up to.Except it wasn't just someone. The whole cast, when they found out about her situation, had made it their mission to be there for her as much as they possibly could. This meant 75% of her time was spent with at least one member of the cast. It was a little overwhelming at first, but she'd grown to love it-they were genuinely the most caring people she'd ever met. She was close with all of them, but especially Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans. They took on the role of mentors and father figures in perfect stride, and Y/N couldn't be more appreciative of how easily they took on the roles.
If Y/N was honest, the only reason she was where she was right now was those two. When they found out about your pure passion for horses and realized she didn't have the resources to do it how they wanted her to be able to, the first thing Chris did was research. A lot of research. After about a week, he and Sebastian approached her asking if they could help you out. At first, Y/N said no, but they just kept asking and asking. She finally gave in, albeit reluctantly, and found out they managed to buy an old barn for her. She was absolutely flabbergasted, and kind of angry they didn't ask her first, but that settled down when she saw the place.
Seb and Chris had insisted it wasn't a big deal, and logically Y/N knew it wasn't. They had so much money they didn't even know what to do with it, and it made sense to them to buy it for her. After all, they'd both come to see Y/N as a daughter figure to them, and they loved her so much. When they saw the barn online, they were instantly charmed and knew she would be too. So they did the logical (okay, maybe not logical) thing, and bought it.
As soon as they pulled up to the place, Y/N instantly fell in love with it. It was a bit old, but it was obvious that the place could be great with a little work put into it. It was slightly tucked away in a quiet area with trees surrounding the property, which just made it more charming in her opinion. The paint was faded, and the barn itself had 5 stalls. The pasture was huge, and Y/N was so excited to see what she could do with the place.
It took the three of them (with lots of help from the whole cast) about a year to get it fixed up, but when it was done, it was the most gorgeous barn Y/N had ever seen. It had an aura that was comforting about it, and she took solace in that every chance she got. When she got Mac, her days were no longer spent making repairs on the barn, but taking care of her new horse. Mac's a gorgeous Palomino Thoroughbred, and he's about 15.4 hands. He does showjumping best in Y/N's opinion, but he's pretty awesome at dressage and eventing.
A tap on Y/N's shoulder brings her out of her thoughts, and she turns around to find Chris with a soft smile on his face.
"Hey, kiddo, how ya feelin'?" he asks kindly, looking Mac up and down as if to make sure he's still there.
"I'm alright, just lost in thought. Where's Seb?" she questions, as he's normally attached her & Chris' hip.
"He's hanging out in the truck. He's very excited to make our first pre-show Starbucks run!" Chris says with a teasing smile on his face.
Y/N rolls her eyes, having expected that. It's a well-known fact Seb's a sucker for Starbucks-he doesn't hide it very well. Knowing all of Mac's tack is in the trailer already, she puts the lead rope back on his halter and leads him to the trailer with Chris following close behind, a smile on his face the whole time.
Luckily for Y/N, Mac goes in easily. After securing the knot on his halter, she closes the doors and walks around to the front door of the truck. Climbing in between Chris and Sebastian, she grabs her seatbelt and fastens it.
"Ready for Starbucks, Y/N?" Sebastian's eyes lit up with anticipation, and he flashed a grin that revealed his teeth. He leaned in, and the corners of his mouth twitched as he asked for your answer. You returned the smile, nodding your head as fast as humanly possible.
30 minutes and a coffee run later, the trio was finally headed to the showgrounds. Y/N stole the aux as usual, playing her favorite music(to the annoyance of Chris and Sebastian of course.) The sun had just started to come up, making one of the most beautiful sunrises Y/N had ever seen in her life. The ride there was peaceful, a stark contrast to the events that were to come. The second they parked, the mood shifted from peaceful to anxious. Y/N instantly got out of the truck (climbing over poor Chris in the process) and got Mac out, walking him around and the other two prepared what they could for her.
Seb walks over to Y/N first, noticing her anxious manner as she walks Mac around the parking area.
"Hey, you okay darlin'? I know you're nervous, but pacing with Mac isn't going to help. What do you need me to do?" he questions, concern evident on his face.
"I honestly don't know. I need to go lunge him, but I'm so stressed I feel like I'll trip over my own feet. I'm so scared." she admitted in a soft tone, Sebastian's heart clenching at her words.
"Okay, how about this. I can come in the ring with you to lunge Mac,or I can go grab Chris if you want. Remember how you taught us all that stuff about horses? We've gotcha, kiddo. Let us help."
Y/N wasn't expecting tears to form in her eyes at his words, so instead of showing her face, she barreled into him for a hug while holding Mac's lead rope at her side. Seb's arms came around her, and she took a second to breathe before she pulled away.
"Okay. Can you come in with me after you go let Chris know where we'll be? I know he'll want to come watch, even though I'm not even on the horse." she smiled, and Sebastian nodded and headed off. Y/N got his lunge rope on his halter and led him into the ring, making sure they were alone so she could safely lunge him.
A few minutes after she gets him into a working trot, she sees Chris smiling from the edge of the arena, and Seb heading towards her. He cocks his head as if to ask if she needs any help, but Y/N just offers a reassuring grin and looks back at Mac. When she finally gets him into a working canter and warmed up, she pulls Chris over.
"Could you just go set up some jumps? I'm gonna lunge him over some smaller verticals.Maybe 2'3?" Y/N asks.
"Absolutely, I'll set a line up. Want me to get Sebastian to hold him while you go get changed? I know it's a little early for that, but it's kind of cold. I don't want you getting sick."
Y/N nods as she heads towards the truck, gathering her clothes in her arms as she heads into the back of the trailer to change. She decided on a long-sleeve white riding top, and a pair of her favorite sweatpants. She wanted to put off actually changing into her real riding clothes until she tacked him up.
Y/N gets back into the arena to see an absolutely adorable scene. Sebastian is holding Mac while snuggling his neck, and Chris is sitting on a jump trying to measure it. She grabs her phone out of her pocket and snaps a quick picture, heading over to help Chris out and take Mac from Seb. Bringing him to a canter, she lines him up with the line and he jumps it flawlessly. She can't help a smile from forming on her face as she lunges him over it again, confident she can raise the vertical again.
Y/N made the decision to show in the 3 foot jumpers as well as the 2'8, so she had Chris set up two verticals and an oxer. The oxer was 3'2, just in case, and the verticals were 3 feet. She spent about half an hour lunging him until she was satisfied, Chris and Sebastian watching the whole time in awe.
"Ready to tack up?" Chris asked as she walked over. She nodded and together they all headed up to the barn area, Seb checking them in while they found Mac's stall. The barn itself was deserted-it was around 9 A.M. and the show started at 11. Putting Mac in his stall, she ran to the truck and grabbed her tack box.
She'd decided on a wintergreen saddlepad, a choice much approved by Chris. Y/N hooked mac onto the crossties and began to brush him again, getting the dirt off as much as she could before she started to warm up. Putting the saddlepad on, she adjusted it a little bit and threw the saddle & girth on. A minute later the bridle was put on. Y/N lets Seb hold Mac as she ran to the barn bathroom to change again. She changed out of her sweats to her "show-worthy" breeches, and zipped her boots on. Grabbing her helmet, she walked out and met Chris and Seb by the warm-up arena. After adjusting her stirrups, Chris gave her a leg up and she situated herself.
Thankfully the arena was empty, so she sent the boys off to set up the same jumps she lunged Mac over earlier. Taking a deep breath, she came into a posting trot, doing a few laps around the arena before picking up a canter. Finding her distance, Y/N lined herself up with the jumps and sped Mac up a little bit. She soared over the first one, and had a little bit of a wonky distance for the second one. The adrenaline started kicking in as she went over the last two easily, giving Mac a little pat as she brought him down to a trot. Coming back around, she went over them again, this time trying to perfect her technique. She got lost in the sounds of Mac's hooves, allowing herself to ride the jumps almost perfectly. Going over a few more patterns and heights, Y/N finally got off and checked the time. Leading Mac back to his stall, she calculates the time in her head. She shows at 2, and it's 10:45. 3 hours to prepare. As she looks around, she slowly notices the amount of people there. Naturally for her, Y/N's brain sets off into a spiral. What if she's not good enough? What if she embarrasses herself in front of everyone? What if she falls?
Not even a minute later, Seb and Chris walk over. If Y/N didn't know any better, she'd think that they could sense her negative thoughts. They both had a feeling something was wrong with her when she started staring off into space, and that feeling was confirmed when they saw the tears in her eyes.
"Hey sweetheart. I know it seems fucking terrifying, but you know you're just as good as everyone here right? You deserve to be here, and we're so proud of you." Chris nods along as Sebastian talks, and they both pull her into a hug as she feels her anxiety start to calm down. "Now, how about we go check out your course?" He smiles, as they both take Y/N's hand and lead her to the paper. Of course she'd studied the course the nights before, but you never know. They both wanted to make sure she felt as prepared as possible, knowing how bad her nerves could get. They also knew it was amplified by the fact that it was her first show, so they were trying their hardest to help her feel comfortable.
"I wish the others could be here," she mumbled, staring at the sheet as she got lost in her thoughts again.
"I know love, but you know how Chris is. He's going to be taking a video of the whole thing." Seb smiled, turning back to Chris with an excited smile on his face.
Little did Y/N know, Anthony, Robert, Scarlett, both Toms, and Mark were going to be there to surprise you. Chris had gotten into contact with them a few days prior telling them about her first show, and managed to organize the whole thing. They were so excited.
Once Y/N was confident she had the course down, Seb and Chris set to finding as many distractions as they possibly could. They took her to the show shop, and grinned as she started in awe at all the merchandise. Her eyes kept wandering back to a grey hoodie with the show's logo on it, but she dismissed it. Chris walked off with her to the cafe, and Sebastian stayed behind to get the hoodie for her. After all, it was her first show-he wanted to indulge a little bit.
The time flew by faster than she thought it could, and soon enough, it was time for Y/N to get her number and get Mac warmed up. Chris and Seb did all that they could for her-tying the number on her belt, leading Mac to the ring, and of course feeding him a couple treats. Y/N's nerves got worse as the stands got more crowded, but the boys managed to get her distracted long enough to calm her down. As she went into the final warm-up ring, the boys ran to the gate, making sure that they could send her off when she got in line. They saw her jumping and were so excited to see her compete. Scanning the crowd, the boys saw the cast members in the front seats. They knew it would be impossible for Y/N not to see them when she came out, and got even more excited.
As soon as she got in line, they came running over. They wore the biggest smiles she'd ever seen on them, in turn making her wear an ear-splitting grin.
"Holy shit!!" Seb whisper-yelled, getting some death stares from other riders in your class. He didn't mind though-it was worth it.
"I fucking know! I'm terrified. I know the course though, and Mac is definitely ready. I'm just lucky I have the same course for my 4 o'clock class." she says, a shiver running down her spine for the poor souls who had to learn a whole now course in two hours. Chris reaches up to give Mac a pet on the neck, and Seb does the same with a smile.
"You've absolutely got this in the bag, kiddo. There are so many people out there and I'm confident you're going to beat everyone's asses." Chris says with a shit-eating grin on his face.
Y/N rolls her eyes as an involuntary smile comes across her face at Chris' words. As they move up in line, her smile only gets bigger.
"You feelin' ready?" Seb asks, for the 50th time that hour. She smiles and nods, letting the feeling of the reins in her hands and Mac's breaths
ground her.
After a few more minutes of talking, Y/N is up next. She watches the rider before her with bated breath. Said rider knocks a pole off and ends up falling, and Y/N starts freaking out again.
"Shit shit shit shit shit." she mumbles, as Chris and Sebastian stand there with their jaws clenched. They know this only made her anxiety worse; so far, no one had gotten a clear round. Chris grabs her leg and gives it a reassuring squeeze and Sebastian does the same to her hand- a reminder that they're there. The previous rider comes out of the gate looking devastated, and all three of the trio feel their hearts beat a little faster.
Y/N steps into the gate and the arena as the announcer begins her speech.
"Next up we have miss Y/N L/N! We've heard very good things about her, and cannot wait to see her ride. She's on her horse Makin' Magic, aka Mac, a gorgeous Palomino. We wish best of luck to you both! You may start your round at the buzzer."
She starts her courtesy circle, bringing Mac up into a canter around the arena. Looking out at the crowd, she sees something that makes her do a double-take; her cast is here! Her heart beats a little bit faster as the pressure she's under increases by ten, but the smiling faces of everyone, most importantly Sebastian and Chris, calm her down.
As soon as the buzzer goes off, she makes her way towards the first jump, counting her strides. She soars over it without effort, and immediately realizes she needs to speed up if she doesn't want any penalties. As she takes a deep breath, Y/N squeezes Mac with her heels. He immediately goes where she wants him, and they continue to jump rather easily. When they come to the second-to-last jump, however, Y/N starts to freak out. This is the jump two riders fell off on. Time seems to slow down as she looks for her father figure's faces in the crowd, making eye contact with them. Taking a breath, she counts her strides carefully. She eases him into the distance, keeping her eyes focused on the jump. They get there a stride too early, but Y/N puts all her faith in Mac and they manage to hop over it. She's launched out of her saddle a little bit, but what matters the most is that they got over it without knocking anything down. One jump left. Lining herself up once again, she pushes Mac to his max- getting the strides perfectly. The second they hit the ground, loud cheers break out from the crown. The most noticeable to Y/N, though, and the boys' cheers. She smiles to herself as she waves at the crowd, and can't help but full-on grin when the announcer sounds shocked.
"There you have it folks-our last rider for this class, Y/N L/N, has the first and only clear round. That was truly amazing." She says, a smile evident in her voice. Y/N trots out of the arena and straight to the cast, laughing as Chris, Anthony, and Tom Holland ran up screaming.
"Holy shit!" Chris yells.
"Holy FUCK, Y/N!!!" Anthony screams.
"Oh. My. God." Last but not least, Tom stands shell-shocked as he spits those words out.
Everyone that didn't run up screaming congratulated her, smiles on their faces. Y/N couldn't help but be excited for her next round.
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graciegoeskrazy · 1 year
jump then fall
Sebastian Stan x StepDaughter!Teen!reader
wc: shmall/776
summary: y/n comes home drunk but Sebastian is there to make sure she’s okay.
warnings: alcohol, step parents(???), one mention of teen pregnancy, lemme know what i missed plz.
a/n: hiiii wrote this last night. thought it was cute. this is unedited so sorry in advance. will i fix it? no prob not.
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You got your friend to drive you back from the party. You made her turn the headlights off and drop you off a couple of houses down from your home. “Holy Shit!”
“”Language, young lady.”
“”What are you doing up?” You said, trying not to slur your words. It was no use though.
“Waiting for you.” Sebastian said, leaning against the door frame. He hadn’t married your mom yet but he moved in with you and your mom. Over time the relationship between you two grew very deep. It was evident he cared for you. Not growing up with a father figure, you weren’t sure how this was gonna go, but you were thankful for Sebastian being there whenever you needed him to be. He was more than willing to step up.
“You don’t have to do that.” Trying to act nonchalant.
“I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. Make sure you’re not drunk.”
“Well, no need to worry because I am nethier of those things.” You proceeded to give a weak thumbs up. Sebastian walked over to you after a second. Arms crossed. “How many drink did you have?”
You sighed and looked down, defeated in your drunken state. “like 5.”
“But, I was very responsible! We had a designated driver. We did nothing but talk at Sophie’s house. We even gave each other emergency contacts! I gave them your number just in case!” His heart secretly swelled.
“Please, whatever you do, please don’t tell mom?”
He sighed and paused for a bit. But finally released a simple “Ok.”
You were shocked. You didn’t think he would let you off this easily.
“What? Ok?”
“Listen, She’s gonna find out. You think she’s an idiot? And even then she’s not gonna be upset. She’s been in your shoes before. We both have! Your mom knows what it’s like to be a teenager and have fun. She got pregnant with you as a teen for Christ's sake!”
“I don’t intend on doing that.” You said slurring.
“That might get you in a little more trouble.”
You hid your head in your hands, both out of embarrassment and out of pain with your oncoming migraine.
“So you’re not mad?”
“No. Of course not. I just wanted to make sure you’re ok and not too drunk.”
“Well i’m ok and super drunk.” you said almost falling in his arms before he caught you.
“Ok we need to get you to bed.”
“But im not tiiiired!”
“Yes, you are.”
“Ok, I’m very tired.”
Sebastian led you to your room. You immediately flopped on your bed with a grunt. Sebastian chuckled to himself as he walked over to your closet to find some pjs for you to wear. He found a set and threw it on your bed. “Get changed into this, I'll be right back.” You just moaned and layed still for a good minute before getting a spruce of energy and sitting up to change. You took of your layers of jewelry and put them in your side table before you heard a knock. “Enter.” You said, as you flopped back down on your bed. Sebastian laughed as he sat down beside you. “Come here.” He grabbed your arm and pulled you up. You just grumbled which only made him smile more. He had a makeup wipe and proceeded to wipe away the dried mascara and and anything else that was left after the drunken night. Once he let go of your arm, you fell back down on the bed again. He smiled. “Goodnight, y/n.”
He turned around. Your eyes were half open as you managed to get yourself under the covers. “You have to tuck me in.” You said matter of factly. “Ah of course.” He returned to your bed and sat beside you, helping to move the covers up. You talked as he tucked you in.
“Am I gonna be hurt tomorrow?”
“Hurt? Well maybe, but it’s nothing time and some advil can’t help.”
“Yes sweetie.”
“I’m never gonna drink again.”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah. Drinking is for disgusting people.”
“But I drink does that mean i’m disgusting?”
“Eh…you get a pass.”
“Thank you.”
He plugged in your phone, turned the light off, and gave you your final tucks.
“Can you stay?” You looked at him with longing eyes. He climbed into bed without another word. He turned on some random disney movie for background noise. After a while, your head fell on his chest and your breathing slowed. He kissed the top of your head.
“I love you baby.”
You snuggled deeper. “I love you too dad”
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hi! can you do something with any mcu member (maybe chris or seb or anthony) where the reader is feeling peer pressure to have sex and she talks to one of the cast and they listen to her and hear her out and tell her it’s okay to take her time etc? i could use hearing this lol🤍 thank u
Am I Ready?
Warning: Talks of Sex, making out, talks of losing virginity, and manipulation.
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x teen!reader, Anthony Mackie x teen!reader
Taglist: @chrisevansdaughter @slutfortaylorswiftandzendaya @dumb-fawkin-bitch
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“Happy six months babe,” your partner Jack said seductively into your ear. The two of you were in a hotel room celebrating your anniversary. Jack flew in to celebrate as you were in Atlanta shooting Falcon and the Winter Soldier. The past six months with him have been incredible, and he has always been a kind and safe person to talk to. Except recently, when things have become a little award around a certain topic. 
You and Jack were in the middle of a heated make-out session when you felt him grab the hem of your shirt. Like always, you grabbed his hand and put them back on your hips. “Seriously babe, can we not do this tonight,” you said as you let go of the kiss and leaned against his forehead. He threw his head back against the couch and let out a groan. “Y/n, we have been together for six months. SIX MONTHS. Why don't you trust me?” Jack said. You got off and moved to sit next to him as you took his hand. “Jack, I keep telling you that sex is a big deal, and I'm not ready for it yet. I don't know when, but I'm asking you for patience.” Jack leaned over and kissed you on the lips. 
“You know I love you right?” Jack said looking at you. You gave a subtle nod to him, “and I really want to have sex with you. Don't you want to have sex with me?” he asked. “Jack, I don't know yet, okay?” you said as water lined your eyes. Jack got up from the sofa and headed for the bathroom, “where are you going?” you asked, not even looking at him afraid the tears would start falling. “To jerk myself off 'cause you won't fucking do it,” he spoke with a raised voice as he slammed the door.
Those events all transpired last night. 
Now you were back on set, and your tension has been weird since then. You sat in your chair, drinking water on the hot Atlanta stage when you heard two voices come through the stage doors. 
“The red ones are the best, no doubt.” you heard one voice say. “It's obviously the green ones Mack; you just have no taste,” sassed the second voice as they got closer to you. “Hey Y/N! What's the best skittle flavor?” Anthony Mackie asked as your other costar Sebastian Stan stood next to him. You quickly put on a small smile, responding “Yellow obviously.” The boys shook their heads and continued arguing for each of their flavors until they noticed you weren’t inputting yourself into their shenanigans like usual. “You okay Buttercup?” Mackie asked with a thoughtful look in his eyes. 
You trusted these two like brothers, always being there for you in times of need. Taking a breath, you continued saying “Can I talk to you guys later, maybe?” you asked looking at these men hopefully. Seb smiled and wrapped the metal arm around your shoulders, bringing you into a side hug. “Oh, course Y/n. How about during lunch, we chill in my trailer and chat,” he proposed looking down on you. You smiled back at him; “Sounds perfect.”
By the time lunch rolled around, you, Seb, and Mackie were on the floor of Sebastian's trailer. Craft’s Services had a taco truck for lunch, and each of you had your water by your side. “So,” Seb said as he had a piece of lettuce hanging out of his mouth, “what's up in that brain of yours?” he spoke with a smile on his face. You finished sipping your water before wiping your mouth and speaking. 
“When did you guys lose your virginity?”
It just so happened when you said that, both men had water in their mouths and some trickled out. “Um,” Sebastian chuckled,” well I was a senior in high school. A girl I meet at Stagedoor Manor. And I lied about being a virgin and we both had absolutely no clue what we were doing.” You turned to look at Mackie. “It was in my first serious relationship. I knew sex was important to me, and I wanted to wait till I was ready.” You looked up from your taco when Mackie spoke. “Did you feel that you were ready to lose it?”
The boys looked at each other and then looked at you. They knew about you and Jack, and only met him a couple times but from how you described him to them, he seemed like a good guy. Or so they thought. “Is Jack pressuring you to be ready?” Mackie spoke to you quietly. You set your taco down as you leaned back against the couch cushion you set up on the floor. 
“Kinda. I keep on telling him that I need time to think about if I want to have sex, cause its a big deal to me. And every time we make out, he always tries to initiate it and I keep on saying no. and he did it again last night when we were celebrating our anniversary, and he Keeps on talking about how I don't trust him. and how if I love him I would have sex with him.” You said in rant-style toned. 
“First of all, he shouldn't be pressuring you at all. It's not HIS place to say when YOU are ready.  got that?” Mackie responded quickly. You nodded your head as he waited for him to continue. “Have you guys talked at all since last night?” Seb asked politely. “I tried reaching out to him, but we haven't spoken. And it hurts cause I do love him, but annoyed he doesn't respect my boundaries.” 
“Break up with him,” Seb said bluntly as he took a huge bit of his taco. “That’s not your place to say,” you spoke angrily. “Look, you are asking us for advice, and I'm giving you some. Is he making you uncomfortable in this situation?” Seb said looking at you. “I mean kin-” you said before Mackie spoke up. “Do you think he will ever respect your boundaries?” Mackie questioned. “Maybe ov-” 
“EHH! Nope wrong answers. You should be able to answer those with a confident yes. Otherwise, he isn't worth your time.” Mackie continued over you. You know they were right, and you have been thinking about it for a while. But this talk really helped you solidify your decision. 
“I'll think you guys are right,” you spoke as you took a final bite out of your taco. Mackie scoffed, “Damn right we are.” he added as he got up to throw away his trash. “We just care about you, Y/n, and don't want to see you in an unhealthy relationship,” Seb commented. You gave them both a soft, warm, smile. “Thank you.” 
“Now,” Seb said as he took the giant jar of skittles from behind his back and placed it in the circle, “let's really figure out which flavor is the best.”
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penguis16-blog · 12 days
Hey!, im just wanted to say that, the request are open and i gonna share the masterlist.
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Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), 911 (Abc series)
━━Steve Rogers/Captain America
━━Bucky Barnes/ The winter soldier
━━Tony Stark/ Iron man
━━Natasha Romanoff/ Black Widow
━━Bruce Banner/Hulk
━━Clint Barton/ Hawkaye-
━━Thor Odinson
━━Loki Laufeyson
━━Peter Parker/Spiderman (Tom holland, Andrew Garfield, Toby Macquire)
━━Chris evans.
━━Sebastian Stan
━━Robert Downey jr
━━Chris hemsworth
━━Evan "Buck" Buckley
━━Eddie DIaz.
Soon I will be adding more characters, actors and fandoms to this list. Don't forget that if you want to be tagged in my next stories, you must let me know.
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itsallyscorner · 1 year
Hello lovies! It’s been a veryyyy long time since I’ve posted anything here, but I’ve been itching to get back into writing fics again! I decided to open my requests for anyone who might be interested:)
Disclaimer—it’s been a while since I’ve posted/written any fics so things might be a lil shit at first hehe. Also, my interests have slightly changed, so I might not write for the people/characters I used to write about.
Taking requests for:
Harry Styles
Niall Horan
One Direction
Avengers/Marvel cast
Little Mix!reader (missed these)
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Peter Parker
Florence Pugh
Elizabeth Olsen
Tom Holland
Sebastian Stan
Austin Butler (?)
Chris Evans
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mxssingmemories · 1 year
Hi! Can i have a request with Sebastian Stan and his pre-teen daughter where they have a dad-daughter date but it's ruined by the paparazzis? Thank you!💗
(sorry for my bad English )
Paparazzi Sucks
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x pre-teen daughter! reader
Summary: On a father-daughter date, paparazzi do their best to ruin it. Sebastian doesn't let it get to you too much, though; lots of fluff <3
Warnings: mentions of nausea, paps being assholes, anxiety maybe?
Word Count: 630 ish!
A/N: i'm coming back out of the shadows! hope everyone's doing well :) also, your english is perfect, lovely!!
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GIF by justarandomgirly
It was pretty easy to forget your dad was famous. Everyone else knew him as Sebastian Stan, but you were almost a teenager-you just knew him as your dad. He was the man you'd looked up to your whole life, and who was always there for you no matter what happened. You loved spending time with him more than anything, so when he offered to go to your favorite restaurant for a daddy-daughter date, you were very excited.
"Where are we going, dad?" you whined, tugging on your dad's shirt as you walked to the door. Sebastian laughed as you attempted to drag him to the car door, excitement in your eyes.
"You'll find out soon, love." he smiled, buckling your seatbelt for you.
You squealed when you two finally arrived at the restaurant-it was your favorite. They served so many different meals, but you loved the ice cream bar the most.
"I'll have...whichever special pasta that's on the menu, please!" Sebastian ordered, he & the waitress both looking over to you.
"And for you, little miss?"
"I'll have some chicken nuggets, please!" The waitress nodded and left you two alone after confirmation from your dad that it was okay.
"How was your day, lovie?"
"It was okay. This guy won't stop bothering me though, he keeps looking at me from across the room! It's so annoying." you sighed, looking down at your drink.
"I will fight him." Seb deadpans loudly enough to where a few people look up from their conversations, sending both of you into a laughing fit. A minute later, the waitress arrived with your order. You had to admit, those chicken nuggets looked amazing. Exchanging pleasantries & a quick thank you with the waiter, you both dug in.
The food was so good you ended up devouring it in ten minutes, much to your dad's complaint. He said it would make you nauseous, but you disagreed (you later found out he was very much correct.) After a visit to the ice cream bar, you walked outside. You were met with flashing cameras and loud voices, microphones being shoved in your face. It was instantly overwhelming for you-you hadn't been exposed enough to learn how to deal with that in the moment. The reporters pissed Sebastian off to no end, but he was fed up when they started trying to grab you.
"The fuck, man? That's my kid! Get the hell off of her," he snapped, shoving them off of you. You'd gathered tears in your eyes by this point, trying to focus on something else besides the scene in front of you.
All your dad could do was try to shield you from the cameras, trying his best not to think about the pictures that will show up on all sorts of magazines tomorrow.
When you got back to the car, the ride home was silent. You dad's hand was covering yours, as you stared blankly out of the window. The minute the car stopped, you ran into the house. Sebastian followed quickly after you, sitting on the couch just in time to catch you as you threw yourself on top of him. You cried for a solid twenty minutes as your dad's hand stroked through your hair, comforting you the best way he knew how for an entirely new situation.
When you'd calmed down, he shifted to where he was holding you in his chest. He put on your favorite movie, and you let yourself be distracted by all the colors on the screen. Kissing your forehead, he smiled as he saw all the negative tension disappear from your body. He was content with you in his arms, and you were grateful to have a dad like him.
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