#season 3 spoiliers
kitkatwinchester · 1 year
It's been a bit, but I'm back on the Teen Wolf train with Season 3, Episode 6, and I gotta say, this is a very dramatic start to an episode.
First you hit me with "Due to the mature theme of this episode, viewer discretion is advised", which is the first time I've seen that on a Teen Wolf episode and makes me wonder what on EARTH this episode is gonna have in it that the others didn't.
THEN you hit me with a bunch of dramatic zoom-ins with a backing track of ominous, building music during a flashback, which makes me think I need to remember all of that later.
So here's me writing it down so I don't forget.
The date was March 5th, 1977.
The room number was 217.
The man in the room was Alexander Argent.
The event was that Mr. Alexander Argent was bitten by a werewolf, spoke some French as he started to turn, and then presumably shot himself.
Okay there.
I said it all.
Now how is that all gonna come back to bite us in the present?
Let's continue and find out.
...I'm scared.
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joe-juice2 · 6 months
I think Quinn is going to have a successful year. He has 3 movies coming out, and hopefully, they do well. I'm excited for him and I hope he gets some rest before the craziness begins.
I don't follow Keery too closely, but we know he will be busy with Stranger Things. I think most of the cast are excited and ready for it to end. I just hope that they enjoy filming their last season together.
P.S. I'm hoping we get to see Eddie in some way, shape, or form in ST.
Quinn is going to have a good year but also a stressful one with all the press and maybe a new casting? We dont know. But definitely a successful one! He is on some good movies man, im most excited for a quiet place i love these movies especially after i saw some spoiliers (ehehe) then i want to see hoard, i heard alot of good stuff but like i saw some spoilers about joes ass..i dont want to see that on my screen lol HAHAHHAA but overall gladiator with paul and pedro thats a cool casting ngl
For jk i think he has one movie coming out? I think we are not gonna see much of jk this year he will be out filming st5 in atlanta for a year and half
As for eddie we might see him in some throwback scenes that were probably already filmed prior
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Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: The Penumbra Podcast Summary:
What if Juno didn't have time to heal properly from the soul incident before he and Ransom went on their first mission in the Aurinko crime family?
“I recommend we turn our walk into a run.” Nureyev said, not daring to look at the scene Miss Nova Zolotova was making.  “A very fast run, Go!”  and gave a gentle shove to the small of Juno’s back as they broke into a sprint, Juno hitching up the golden skirt as they fled.  His footsteps fell farther and farther behind, glancing back Nureyev saw his face twisted into a grimace “Quickly now Detective!” he called.
“I’d like to see you run in 6 inch heal-ahh!” he stumbled and Nureyev grasped his elbow to keep him upright at the very least.  He’d have to have a chat with Buddy about practical footwear later.  Hopefully. 
The security was closing in fast, one of them even throwing a flashy prop blaster at their retreating backs; the shot went wide.  It was no matter.  There was their ride up ahead, hovering just over the precipice of the floating mansion.  He’d rarely been so glad to see a car.
“When I say jump-”
“What are you crazy?! I’m not gonna-”
The pair dove into the transport’s open door, Nureyev never loosening his hold on a screaming Juno’s arm as they fell into a heap in the back seat.  
“Hello.” said Jet “please fasten your seatbelts.”
“A little busy- at the moment.” Nureyev disentangled an arm to pull the door shut.  “For now, might I suggest we make our getaway.”  Several drones shot out of crevices.  While the security inside had to meet aesthetic requirements, there were no such restrictions on the outer team.
“I’m merely pointing out that our escape may be bumpy.” said Jet, nonetheless plugging their route on the controls. Doing a complicated maneuver to avoid a hasty trap.  Juno hissed as the pair were jostled about, clinging to Nureyev in a peculiar fashion “The security is different from the schematics Buddy provided.” Jet grunted, pulling hard on the steering console.  
“They updated the security system at 2 a.m.” Nureyev supplied, throwing out a hand to brace against the car’s side.  
“2 a.m.?  A last minute security switch then.”
“Quite, not the most organized affair, but a switch nonetheless.” It was Juno that found that out, Juno that had saved his overly cocky self from being caught by the cameras.  He was still rattled from the whole affair.  
The lady in question was unusually quiet, the quietest he’d been all evening.  Huddling into Nureyev’s side where he’d landed; a hand wrapped around his middle, breath coming in fast and shallow.  Nureyev was reminded of Juno's less than favorable reaction to their joy ride in the Ruby 7.  Was this his motion sickness?  or- something else- concern welled up in his chest.
“Juno?” he asked softly, struggling into an upright position moving the other with him “You didn’t get hurt, did you?” 
“Wha?  No- it’s juss-'' he pushed away and leaned over “hard for a lady to catch his breath in a get up like this.  Besides'' he winced, reaching into the folds of the skirt “landed on something kind of hard.” and produced the Gilded Globe of Reaches Far with a weak smile, that made Nureyev’s nerves flutter.  The golden circuitry and intricately carved gems glinting in the faint light of the floating mansion.  Nearly losing it after a sharp maneuver from Jet.
“Might I suggest you put that away until we are back in the carte blanche?”  
Once back, they were informed to make a showing for the family meeting to debrief the others on the mission.  Juno disappeared to change, hobbling into the meeting room a half hour later looking morose. 
“So kind of you to make it darling. I was just about to send Jet after you.” Buddy greeted.  
“That dress is a nightmare to get out of.” he shot back.  
“Yes, well, if you need help, all you have to do is ask.  Ransom,” Juno made a funny sort of cough “has just been telling us the details.  It worked for the best this time, but for future reference, when you have an account filled with fake credits, best not draw too much attention to it.”
Juno sighed, collapsing into a seat.  Something seemed to be weighing on the detective, something other than the disaster of a mission the pair had endured.  Nureyev kept glancing over, noting the way Juno sat hunched over on himself, the tired way he recanted the mission, the way he tore their performance to shreds.  They had finally started to work as a team near the end, but before then- well, they both had a lot to say about the faults in their plans.  The only thing Buddy scolded them for was failing to keep her in the loop, and chastising Nureyev for not relying more on Juno.  
They had successfully retrieved the globe but it did not feel like a victory.  
Later, after the debriefing and a private word with Buddy, Juno came to his room to talk.  Well, Juno talked, a long winded apology Nureyev barely managed to listen to as his mind whirred with the information Buddy left him.
“Point is I’m jus- sorry.”  he stopped, eye over bright and wide in anticipation.  
Nureyev couldn’t think of what to say, it was clearly his turn, as it were, clearly the time to speak, but….
“Juno-” his voice came out soft and strained.  
The other man stood unsteadily “I-I’m too late aren't I, damn it, I- I should leave-” 
Nureyev swallowed, catching Juno’s hand in his “Not too late, Juno, not too late at all.” he gave a short humorless laugh “In fact, I can’t think of anyone I would want to stay with more than you.”  
Relief washed over Juno’s face as he pulled away.  “Hell, don’ tell me that’s it!”  He started to laugh, there was something off about it though, “You know how s-scared I was of-of this?  Of us?  Of- ahhh-'' he doubled over clutching his stomach for the second time that day.  
Nureyev dashed to his side “Juno?  Juno what’s wrong?” He grasped his shoulders trying to get him to look him in the eye.  They sank to the floor, Nureyev pulling him close like he had done in Miasma’s compound.  
That’s when he realized what was so off putting about the situation, Juno was in pain, serious pain and had been for quite some time.  Only he’d been too caught up in his own stupid thoughts to notice it before.  Just like the mission.  
The last instance he saw Juno this bad off was during Miasma's experiments in an old Martian Tomb.  
“N-Nothin- jus feelin a bit woozy-”
“Woozy?” Nureyev pulled him closer, ghosting a hand down his side and- there was something damp there, sticky even.  
“Yeah, being swept off your feet has that effect on a la-ahh!” he curled tighter into his chest, like he did in the car, breathing far too hard.  “Don’ touch.”  Nureyev wasn’t paying attention now, thoroughly distracted by the russet smear cross his fingers.
“Juno you’re bleeding.”  His mind reeled.  Juno had been hurt, but when- how?  Why hadn’t he said anything.  
“Oh yeah, what do you know?  Thanks for the update.”
“Let me have a look.”
“N-no, it’s fine.”  He struggled to push himself upright, “shouldn’t be here.”
“Oh don’t be such a baby.” he pushed Juno back gently so he was resting against the dresser.  Juno let him, leaning his head back and closing his eye in exhaustion.  Lifting his shirt elicited a soft “ohhh-” from the thief.  
He was covered in injuries that couldn’t be more than a few weeks old, judging by the angry red and pink of the lacerations.  The corset couldn’t have been doing his healing process any favors.  Some of the wounds had opened, and Juno had placed large Band-Aids over the top.  Those would need tending to, but the one that was most concerning was one where a bandage was wrapped around his lower ribcage, blood dying the once pristine fabric a deep red.  
“May of had a lil’ more f-fun than anticipated today-”  
“Juno, what happened?” Nureyev cupped his face, gently stroking a thumb over Juno’s cheek bone.  He felt hot to the touch.  It only added to the concern.  
“Stupid really- I hit some space junk- and-” he paused, pulling in air “it hit back.” 
“Space junk-? Never mind that, why didn’t you tell us?”
“I did-”
“What? When?”
“At the meeting family thing.  Wasn’t- feelin my best-”
Nureyev thought back to the family meeting hours ago, he hadn’t been paying attention.  He remembered Juno supporting his resume and spilling his coffee moments after a defiant declaration to Buddy he could drink it.  The situation had been comical at the time, but he remembered how his hands had shook-  Same when he tripped on the carpet to the galla.  
Juno was many things, but he wasn’t a novice to heals or an elegant gown, his performance on the dance floor spoke to his skill.  His impatience to end the auction, and the way he’d bulled him over when he tried taking the globe prematurely.  The way his face had twisted, and how tightly he squeezed Nureyev-  Was that what had done it?  Or was it when they escaped to the transport-   
The truth was, Nureyev hadn’t been paying attention.  He didn’t pay attention and Juno was hurting because of it.
“Wasn’t feeling your best?  Juno, these are serious injuries.”
“N-not anymore-” Juno sighed “And we needed- the map- the Cure Mother-” he drew in another ragged breath “It could do a lot of pe-eople a lot a good.” 
Fear coiled in Nureyev’s gut as he thought of the words Buddy had said to him mear hours before ‘We are not legends- legends are dead things-’
How many times had Juno almost become a legend himself?  How many times had he tried to sacrifice himself for the greater good? 
“I’m going to get Vespa.”
“N-no!” Juno gasped, grabbing hold of the other’s wrist “Nureyev, please- I- I don’t want her to see me- right now.  Don’t need it-”
“Detective, you need more than I can give you.”
“It’ll stop- soon-” he was almost pleading “please, jus’ stay.” 
Nureyev looked at Juno Steel for a good long moment- he loved this man- it was a simple truth that he’d tried to run from- even going so far as to let him walk away on those soft feet in the dead of the night all that time ago-
He could live without Juno Steel- but it was getting harder and harder to understand why he’d wanted too.  
“Oh- have it your way Detective.  But you’re going to let me patch you up at the very least; I will not have you bleeding out on my watch.”
Juno gave an exhausted, wicked grin “Thanks Toots.” 
Nureyev relieved Juno of his soaked shirt and unwounded the bandage; careful as to not interfere with the clotting blood to reveal a truly evil wound.  A jagged V carved into the side of his ribcage, deviating into the vulnerable flesh of his stomach; half-healed bruises blotching his skin.  It wasn’t hard to believe Juno lost a fight with space junk.  The stitching had torn apart, none too neatly either.  
It wasn’t wise to stitch him up again, best let the doctor do the proper patching.  But, maybe, he could hold it off till morning.
He cleaned it best he could, Juno occasionally letting out little piteous sounds as he worked.  It was intimate, he could feel every stuttering breath under his long fingers, every twitch and tensed muscle.  He had him like this before, under more enjoyable circumstances, delighting in the honesty that played across his face-  But now- there were only gasps of pain and watery smiles.  Worry settled heavily in his chest, he’d just gotten him back, and now this-
Fresh gauze packed tight and back the bandage went.  Juno’s feverish head resting in the crock of Nureyev’s neck as he wound it tightly around.  He was given a fresh bed shirt, the largest one Nureyev had packed.  Juno was more muscular than he was, smaller in stature but broader of shoulder.  He was lucky to find anything to fit him at all.
“Okay, to bed love.” and pressed a kiss into his curls, marveling at how easy the term of endearment slipped from his lips.  “You’ve got a doctor’s appointment in the morning.” 
“I- don’ want too-” Juno whined, but placidly allowed Nureyev to maneuver him to the mattress.  He curled on his good side, laying his head in the hollow point of Nureyev’s arm.  
Nureyev found himself hoping that this time, he would stay.  
In the morning- he’d see Juno treated and that would be that.  He ran his fingers along his back in a soothing fashion and fell asleep to his lady’s gentle breath.  
 It was that same breath that woke Nureyev some odd hours later-
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tailsisfluffy · 3 years
I would love to hear your opinion on the ending for SNS... I'm personally dissapointed because I feel like they threw away so many characters development and potencial and even some great relationships and plot, It just felt rushed... :((
*sighs* Brace yourself. This will turn into a rant post. I can feel it. SPOILIER ALERT!
In general, I agree with most of the fandom that Season 5/ Post-Central battle was bad. But in my opinion, I would have to say the manga is slightly better than the anime.
First of all, if I wanted a repeat of the second half of Season 3 and all of Season 4, I would have watched the second half of Season 3 and all of Season 4. Don’t believe me that Season 5 is just a repeat? Let me show you:
Seasons 3 and 4
-Erina’s family members as antagonists. (Dad)
-Erina spirals into a mental breakdown because of this.
-Soma, Megumi, and Takumi become the main focus out of the dozens of other characters in the 92nd generation.
-All the other characters become cheerleaders by the end of the season.
-Soma’s god-tier dish brings Erina into the right sense of mind and she wins the competition.
Season 5
-Erina’s family members as antagonists. (Half brother and Mother)
-Erina spirals into a mental breakdown because of this.
-Soma, Megumi, and Takumi become the main focus out of the dozens of other characters in the 92nd generation.
-All the other characters become cheerleaders by the end of the season.
-Soma’s god-tier dish brings Erina into the right sense of mind and she wins the competition.
All of this just happens faster in the last season. Other than that, I see no difference in the main plot lines. Like, I know there is only 7 basic plot lines in existence, but did the exact same plotline have to be used?
Also, speaking of fast, this whole season was fast, from the plot to the character interactions. Like, too fast. If the people in charge of the anime would have used all of the scenes that were in the manga and expanded on those, this could have been at least a 24+ episode season. The whole Hot Springs Arc could have been at least 5. I would have loved to see Soma’ and Megumi’s mystery adventure being animated. I wanted to see Soma run around touching everything. I wanted to see Megumi challenge the perpetrator. I wanted to see how people still doubted her skills and how she shut them up by cutting vegetables in 10 seconds while Soma looks on with a proud expression. But NO. All we get is a 30 second clip of her feeding the guy. I thought that maybe it would be explained in the first episode-Ha ha, nope, beach episode.
I just want to point out again that Soma does NOT take over this battle. If I remember correctly, all he does is tell the inn owners that Megumi has this and just sits and watches her the whole time. Isn’t that a breath of fresh air?
Also, there were references in the manga that other members of the Elite Ten were doing their own missions as well. Like we had Isshiki creeping around like an assassin. Or the Aldini twins going on a boat chase. (Starfish Takumi-my little inside joke.) Excuse me, why didn’t we get an episode or two on that? I would have love to see that. The closest thing the anime did to refer to that was to have a montage in the very last episode. I know this is a food anime, but the scents defeated a dangerous underground system. And for a show that really pointed out the many different combinations of food, having that montage showing repeats of past foods really made me sad.
As the anime and manga progressed, I got even more disappointed. There were so many other things that they could have focused on. SO MANY. I already kind of expressed my anger at the series not focusing on the other characters. But once again, the series had to rub it in my face when it was shown that Senzaemon and Soe went out of their way to find all these great characters and had a little montage about it.
Yo, I nearly threw my phone in rage from both the manga and anime.
You cannot do that. You can not do that.
I would rather have watched The Adventures of Uncle Soe and the Baby 92nd Generation than the BLUE. The BLUE should have been a montage.
Hell, they skipped the winning dish that was apparently the game/life changer for Mana (Why not? It’s not like they spent a significant amount of the season hyping it up.) Who decided at the very end that maybe this competition wasn’t worth it and just skipped over Erina’s last dish? Isn’t that one the one you don’t skip?
I’m so mad for Erina. Not only does this whole arc screw her over again, they barely show her dishes. You may have mellowed out in time, but I’ll be pissed for you for all of this shit that happened to you, girl.
Speaking of time, how dare the anime not do the 10 year skip? I wanted to see my babies grown up animated. (Oh, look. Something else that could have been written other than BLUE).
But I can’t be too mad about this. I have more freedom to write about the characters thanks to all the holes in this season.
To sum it up, I agree with your observation of it being rushed. I’m a person who loves details, as you probably noticed if you have read some of my works. I hated that it everything felt repeated as well. And that they skipped major parts. And ignored almost everyone else. And this whole BLUE thing could have been a montage and we could have had backstory on all the other characters.
If you haven’t, I do suggest reading the manga. There are little cute scenes in general that did not make the cut, as most manga do. It also gives just a bit more of a spotlight on other characters if that’s what you are into. It might make you a little angry, though, seeing how much could have been added to the anime.
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