#schools coming back so I'm getting the failure academic feels a lil early :(
strawberriipi · 26 days
Kuroo Tetsuro being the type of guy who loves and appreciates all of his loved ones (especially you hehe) who try their hardest in all they do.
Kuroo Tetsuro who if you got a 60 on a test you studied really hard for would still be so fuckin proud of you bc he knew you did your best and that's honestly amazing
Kuroo Tetsuro who would be more than happy to help you study and learn all the ways he can best help you succeed (yk he in that college prep class for a reason, we love a nerd♥︎)
Kuroo Tetsuro who would encourage you to no end even when you feel like you can't take another trig question but would totally stop the studying in its tracks if you tell him "Tetsu, my brain cannot take anymore- I'm so tired" (it's nappy time, snacky time, huggy time or wtv time you want afterwards 🫶)
Kuroo Tetsuro who's probably like the smartest person you know, academically and otherwise, and knows that even if you may not be good in school, you're still so smart in other areas of life. He knows school isn't for everyone. (i.e Kenma bc Kenma is so intelligent with video games, strategies and tactics but sucks at history and science. Bokuto bc he gets 40s-70s in most of his classes but kicks ass whenever he comforts and motivates someone. Bokuto has such emotional intelligence for others except for himself <3)
Kuroo Tetsuro who whenever you tell him you feel stupid for not knowing/understanding something, he tells you, "Everyone I hold close to me are smart. Intelligence is something that's so hot so there's no way you're 'stupid' bc you're like, the hottest person ever."
Kuroo Tetsuro who if you still look at him after he says that like bro Im being serious rn will smile softly, hold your hand tight and gaze into your eyes softly and say, "What I mean is, you're not stupid. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses and basing your intelligence on academics isn't everything. You're worth more than some number on a paper."
Kuroo Tetsuro who doesn't care how "smart" or "dumb" you are in school bc he knows that everyone has their own intelligence and ofc he'd only date/befriend someone who's smart 💅✨
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