#schnuggle's bookshelf
mcschnuggles · 2 years
Believe it or not I actually thought about caregiver Kukui and Guzma already. Headcanoning them as already having a history together before every thing went to shit and Kukui trying to reconnect with Guzma who is, at best, just somewhat receptive to the idea it seems. Genuinly tough it's just awkwardness on both sides because a lot has happened.
Kukui learns about Guzmas regression by accident, because Guzma was stressed and already five minutes away from breaking down and answered to Kukuis "Whats wrong Cuz?" In his usual charming Guzma way, namely hissing at him that he feels like his heads splitting and that he's gonna break some faces unless he gets to leave until he feels like an adult again, and if Kukui makes any fucking joke about this it's HIS teeth that are gonna litter the floor.
Kukui just made the universal gesture of "Aight, aight calm down" and raised both his hands in front of his chest and watched him stomp of to whatever he wants to do, but after a few minutes worry still set in so he makes his way towards Mahalo trail just to make sure he doesn't do anything drastic. He's genuinly relieved when he sees him kneeling a little of to the side in the grass, apperantly building ... Something. Kukui debates with himself for a few seconds before asking "... Whatcha doing over there?" When Guzma answers he can immediately tell he's a bit... Off. He talks quieter for once, almost mumbling "S for the bugs." "Oh?" Kukui notes that Guzma seems to have no interest in making eye contact. "Ye... They like... Like...Barks...n.... holes... For nesting... n shit." Kukui supresses the urge to snort, figured that Guzma would still have a potty mouth even like this, but he's aware laughing at him in such a vulnerable state would be rude at best and extremely humiliating at worst. "... Do you wanna be alone?" A shrug. "... Can I help?."
Guzma turns to him and for a second the dark look he has come to know in the past years is back on his face, but it feels more nervous than usually to him, Guzmas biting on his lower lip and looking him up and down like he's unsure of just how much he can trust Kukui with this. "You don't have to if you don't wa-" "S fine..." Guzma gets up from the ground , giving Kukui a good first look at the makeshift Bugtype hotel he was making. "... We need some more rocks. They like that...." Kukui nods in understanding and soon they both get to work.
The bugshelter turns out bigger than anticipated, so they spend about three hours together, most of it in comfortable silence looking for materials and building. Kukui notes that Guzma seems more and more at ease the more time they spend together, still not looking at him, still not making longer sentences, but he can actually see him smile when their project takes shape more, happy to see just how far they are getting. Near the end Guzmas demeanor changes somewhat again, he seems more oriented, starts to speak louder once again and when they are finally done and sit down in the evening sun, watching the first bugs curiously explore their work he has started to look Kukui in the eyes once again.
They sit in silence and watch a Caterpie worm it's way into a little hole between two logs when Kukui speaks up. "... We should hang more often." Guzma doesn't respond for a second and for just a little moment Kukui wonders if he went to far, if Guzmas not in the right headspace for this right now or if it's still too soon or- "... Like... When I'm like..." Guzma doesn't finish the question and instead just peaks over at him and makes a vague hand gesture that Kukui interprets as "not feeling my age.". "In general." he replies and then adds, truthfully "But... If you would like someone to keep you company...?" "... Yeah, sounds cool." "Yeah, cool." "Cool."
They both decide to stay just a bit longer, until the sun has set so much the first stars are dotting the sky before they make their way back to Iki Town.
I've read this about five times over I love it sm THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS WITH ME!!!!
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mcschnuggles · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Adventure Zone (Podcast) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Magnus Burnsides & Merle Highchurch & Taako, Magnus Burnsides & Merle Highchurch & Angus McDonald & Taako Characters: Angus McDonald, Taako (The Adventure Zone), Magnus Burnsides, Merle Highchurch Additional Tags: Age Regression/De-Aging, Non-Sexual Age Play, regressed!taako, regressed!magnus, Caregiver!Merle, Hide and Seek, Angus gets responsiblity, angus is a caregiver in training, Babysitting, Not Beta Read Series: Part 1 of TAZ Agere Summary:
After Angus found out that Magnus and Taako are age regressors, he became their playmate. When Merle left Angus in charge, things were going great... until they weren't. He felt so guilty that he let something bad happen under his watch, but not to worry! Merle isn't called the peacemaker for nothing!
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mcschnuggles · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Rise of the Guardians (2012), Guardians of Childhood & Related Fandoms Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood), Nicholas St. North, Toothiana (Guardians of Childhood), Sanderson Mansnoozie, Wind (Rise of the Guardians), E. Aster Bunnymund Additional Tags: Age Regression/De-Aging, Sad Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood), Stuffed Toys Summary:
Jack was flying about the world, bringing fun filled snow days when he saw something that caught his attention. It was a light pink shape in the snow. Worried that it may be a small child lost in the snow, he floats down to attempt to guide them back to civilization. As he gets closer he realizes it's not a small child, but a pink teddy bear. He picks it up to look at it, and it's obvious to him that it was well loved. Its body is threadbare and it has two different eyes, one a button, and the other most likely from the manufacturer.
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mcschnuggles · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Adventure Zone (Podcast) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Taako (The Adventure Zone), Magnus Burnsides, Merle Highchurch Additional Tags: Age Regression/De-Aging, Non-Sexual Age Play, Fluff, agere Summary:
Taako had been doing a really good job of hiding it, until he wasn't. And (un)fortunately for him, Magnus and Merle wanted to get involved.
Merle and Magnus find out Taako is teeny and naturally make it their mission to spoil him.
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mcschnuggles · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Adventure Zone (Podcast) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Magnus Burnsides & Merle Highchurch & Taako Characters: Taako (The Adventure Zone), Magnus Burnsides, Merle Highchurch Additional Tags: Non-Sexual Age Play, Age Regression/De-Aging Summary:
Magnus puts his foot down. Taako does the time for the crime. Merle reads about celebrities who are just like us.
Guys, please read this it’s a gift omg
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mcschnuggles · 5 years
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: The Adventure Zone (Podcast) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Taako (The Adventure Zone), Magnus Burnsides, Merle Highchurch, Lup (The Adventure Zone) Additional Tags: Non-Sexual Age Play, Post-Episode: e067-069 Story and Song Parts 1-3 Summary:
The group stops for a long rest after it is revealed that Taako is too small to go on.
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mcschnuggles · 5 years
Light was on a mission. A super-important, undercover mission that should be kept a secret from everyone -especially a certain dark haired CG- by any means necessary until the time comes.
He’s going to make a cinema in the living room.
Why it has a cinema doesn’t matter. Light just wants to make something cool that’ll show a certain someone that he isn’t a little kid. It doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that Uncle Matsuda told him about the latest Disney movie that will finally be coming out on Channel 7 for home viewing. Not at all.
And it definitely isn’t him feeling bored or lonely with L solving many important cases to do, because that would be a childish reason to do something.
But it was getting pretty lonely.
In any case, he was definitely making a cinema. It’s going to be the biggest, the coolest, the amazing-est one in the whole world!
Shuffling around and taking out his Little things, he made a plan and drew up some blueprints. This was going to take some time and dedication, but he can do just about anything.
His Da was gonna be so suprised!
• • •
L looked upon what used to be considered a living room with the most poker-like expression he could muster. It was a mess of cushions and blankets forming a fort that would’ve been falling apart if not for the stuffed toys holding them up. The lights were off but the television was on, something that one could call a major pet peeve of his.
What was Light thinking?
The Little in question was asleep under a mess of soft duvets, thumb in his mouth and mind full of bliss. Watari, next to him, cringed and groaned about germs. The man would definitely be on nurse duty if Light got sick, for he was supposed to be taking care of him. Still, at least his sleeping on the job didn’t result in any permanent damage. He let Watari off the hook for today, sending him away while L himself looked on.
Decorating the ‘roof’ of the fort were papers covered in scribbles and writing, with smiley faces and butchered spellings of common theatre food.
Thankfully the Little didn’t actually bring out any of those unhealthy and extremely messy snacks; only a small plate of half-eaten carrots in sight. Light seemed to have some sort of hatred for finishing food portions. Instead of cleanig off his plate at dinner time, he’d always put in a little more in before even thinking about finishing what he already had. Something related to a fear of something that once existed disappearing from sight, as could be seen by the meltdown he had once regarding the matter.
Pushing himself out of his thoughts, he moved to wake Light up from this impromptu nest. If he were to be left like this, he’d most certainly wake up the next morning with an aching neck.
He shook the boy, careful to not hurt him. “Light? Wake up, young one. This is not an appropriate place to nap. Wouldn’t you much rather move to a more comfortable spot?”
The boy stirred slightly in response.
“Hmm, Da?” Light slurred. “Wanna watch a cin’ma.”
“Yes, we’ve seen the wonderful cinema you made. It most certainly is impressive, but you wouldn’t normally sleep in one, correct? Now, let’s stand up and walk to your nice, warm bed.”
The boy groaned, a small ‘no’ emerging from his mouth.
“Yes, now let’s get going.”
The boy groaned again, lifting his arms up in what L understood was a compromise of sorts. He lifter Lighy up into his arms, shifting him around slightly.
“This works too. Now, normally I wouldn’t let you go without brushing your teeth, but this is a one time thing, understood?”
When Light didn’t respond, he repeated the question.
“L, the boy’s asleep. Let him rest,” Watari poked his head into the room.
“Ah, yes of course.”
“And let’s not break up his hard work just yet, okay?”
“That seems to be the most ideal thing to do. I wouldn’t want him to wake up tomorrow grumpy that we undid anything he wanted to spend more time on.”
The next morning, though, Light woke up with a new idea- he was going to make the best spa ever! What could go wrong?
Guess who? It’s me, back at it again. Sorry it’s been so long- there’s been so much on my mind! I still have so much work to be done, so consider this a bribe for patience! Keep being awesome and i hope to hear from (?? technically not the right word but whatever) you soon. Enjoy this trash- it was either this or read about the lunar chronicles gang on a plane with angst, and i have no idea why i thought of either of these ideas si i chose the less sad of them.
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mcschnuggles · 5 years
Light watched as L moved around the kitchen getting their dinner ready, hesitating to say what’s on his mind. The sitting Little’s mouth opened, then closed, then opened again, words unable to escape until, eventually, the dark-haired Caregiver got annoyed, never once looking in the other’s direction.
“Yes, Light? There’s something bothering you.”
The boy -for that’s all he was seen as, now- jumped at the acknowledgment. All masks were off at home, after weeks of living with the man and understanding better the relationship between them, so he had no qualms to letting his more-emotional Little side seek through. It was what was expected of him- his side of the deal, so to speak. But that didn’t mean his Little side didn’t fear vulnerability as well.
“Um,” the Little stuttered out. “I want…..”
He paused again. Go figure. L, understanding that all it took was time, waited. A Light in headspace meant a Light you’d need to strain to hear, as could be proven by the wavering mutter.
“I want…. hugs?”
Ah. So that was it. L dropped the potato-peeler he had been holding to turn to the boy, and knelt to look him in the eyes.
“Is that a question or a request?”
No matter the attempt, Light kept his gaze downward, to his socks. They were made to look like ladybugs. He kept focus on that fact, in hopes that they would turn into actual ladybugs and carry him away. The fact that ladybugs are neither big enough nor strong enough to do so meant nothing to him.
“Light, ignoring me won’t help in receiving what you desire. I’d recommend answering my question. Now, were you confused or holding a want?”
Light looked up, already preparing himself for rejection.
“Want,” he whispered.
L smiled at that. Patience was all it took. Patience and determination.
“In that case,” he opened his arms, “you can have one now and more after dinner. Does that sound like a reasonable agreement?”
Light stopped listening after ‘one now’. Feeling the warm embrace of the Caregiver, he felt contentment fill his heart. He clutched the dark-haired man tightly, and with the desperation of a child who wanted his dreams to come true, looked to him and said:
Aaaaand yeah! that’s all i could write. Im sorry its not that good compared to what you do, but I just couldn’t help myself after your Death Note story. It was so interesting and holds the potential to become a full blown series. Of course you don’t have to, though! I just mean that it opens so many doors! It was really well written, though I expect nothing less from you! Anything you write is good! Consider this short nonsense a sort of thank you for what you do!
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mcschnuggles · 5 years
“You never listen to me!”
“Roman, why should. I pay attention when you’re never serious?”
Virgil shut his eyes as tightly as possible, trying to block out the noise without making a sound. He had to force himself to not press his hands against his ears and scream in pain. They were ringing, over and over and over with no signs of stopping, just like the two sides arguing. It was drilling, hard and mercilessly into the core of Virgil’s heart. Patton wasn’t even here to help him.
He was scared.
Not of Roman or Logan- well, maybe a little bit- but of what was going on. They were mad and being mad leads to hurting and hurting leads to pain and Virgil doesn’t want it to come to that. He cared too much about them, he’d fall for their apologies then and he’d end up in another loop of practical hell.
What were the two of them fighting about? It didn’t matter anymore. What mattered was that they kept bouncing from topic to topic and Logan “I’m not gonna argue with you because, unlike you, I am not looking for a fight” Sandes would Not. Stop. Pushing.
It was a cycle that Virgil had no power to stop. His breath hitched as it threw him back to his time as one of the Dark Sides, when even breathing wrong could start trouble. Just like those times, they’d stop for a little, get a breather and steam about what happened.
“Oh how dare you imply I’m looking for a fight when all I want…”
And then they went at it again. It kept getting louder and louder as Virgil started to mumble. Mumbling words to placate himself, words that’d make everything alright again.
“I’m under my bed. I’m under my bed and I can’t hear a thing. I’m under my bed and I can’t hear a thing and the shadows are just giving me hugs. I’m under-“
It wasn’t working. He wasn’t under his bed nor could he not hear a thing and he certainly did not have anything to comfort him. After all, today wasn’t a fun day, it was a day of work and other hard, boring, anxiety-filled stuff.
“Why wouldn’t I when you’re-“
Anxiety filled stuff that could easily lead to a hard mental drop if he was pushed enough. Just like he was being pushed now.
It hurt when he finally fell. The tears started to gather as he finally managed to get out what he was thinking.
He let out a sharp, harsh scream. “Just stop it!”
The two looked to him, shocked and silent. He considered this a reason to keep going. “Stop it! Stop it both of you! Can’t you realise you’re both wrong! Just… Just stop! Please! I’m tired! My heart hurts and I can’t even remember the moment my brain stopped making sense from you’re yelling! You go on and on and on and it’s time for some quiet!”
As he let out his frustrations, he slowly realized what he was saying and how loud he was. The blood drained from his face as the courage of the moment left him.
He was so dead.
He let out a wavering breathe as he quiety pleaded. “I’m sorry… I’m sorry I spoke out of turn it won’t happen again, but please just don’t do this? Please?”
When there was no movement from the two sides, he took that as a chace to escape.
“I’m going to go to my room.”
As he sunk down, more awkwardly than normal with his less-than-stellar headspace in motion, he made it safely to his bed. Grabbing a pillow like he used to years ago, he crawled underneath it, hoping that no one would come in. Drying the tears of an extensive crying session, he remembered how boring it’d be under there while trying not to be noticed, but he was too concerned for his safety to consider getting something to keep him busy.
An hour or so later, someone entered the room.
Virgil’s heart pounded heavily as he listened to the footsteps. Holding his breath and trying not to make a sound, he tried to listen and uncover who it was.
“Hey kiddo? Are you doing okay under there?”
Patton’s voice had never been more of a relief to him. He wanted to come out immediately and give him the biggest hug in existence, but worked to restrain himself until further notice. It could be a trap, after all.
“If you want me to leave, that’s okay. And if you want me to stay, that’s okay too! I heard from the others what happened, but I don’t wanna force you to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
It was definitely Patton. His safe, happy, loving Patton. Only the father figure would be so considerate and soft about the situation. He let out a sigh of thankfulness.
“I don’t know for sure if I feel comfortable leaving you alone, though, so I hope you don’t mind me sitting in one of the corners of the room. You can have your space, but I just wanna make sure you’re safe.”
Virgil remained silent, and Patton stayed. The older side talked about his day and how busy it was, not once mentioning the other sides. The anxious side peeked his head out as Patton re-enacted an episode of Winnie the Pooh, much to the moral side’s delight.
“Are you feeling up to a hug now, kiddo? I don’t know about you, but I’ve been low on cuddles today and I’m just about ready to disguise myself as a teddy to get one, so you’ll have to bear with a tiny me if I end up doing it!”
Virgil took that encouragement and left the cramped space, taking a minute to stretch before falling into his dad’s arms. He bursted into tears as the latter begun to rub his back as a form of comfort.
“I’m so glad you’re here. They were fighting and I was scared and I couldn’t think of a way to fix things.”
“You’re alright. I made sure they thought about what they’d done and they probably want to apologize to you.” Instead of verbally responding, Virgil held on to the other more tightly. “Do you not want to talk to them just yet?”
The side shook his head and Patton still stayed, because it’s okay to not be ready for something sometimes, and things take time. They’ll work it out in the end, but for now he had a somewhat distressed son to take care of.
Guess who’s been struggling with life 😚✌️?? I know I was working on the planes fic but for some reason my brain juice wasn’t working and then life sucker-punched me so hard the only thing I got out of it was this vent (yay?). Life doesn’t always have happy endings, so at the very least there should be some in fiction, amiright?
Word of advice, shouting can lead to pretty traumatic things, so if anyone around you is shouting and you see someone struggling in response, be sure to get them out of that situation asap, because chances are they are close to crying, which is not fun.
I’ll try to pump out the LC fic soon, mainly bc i really want to have it written but words and i dont mix. Also, I hope you remember that you’re valid and awesome! See you! -ML
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mcschnuggles · 5 years
It was another day with another Kira task force meeting at the headquarters, and L was tired. They were no closer to uncovering what caused Kira’s powers. With Light as evidence, it can be transferred from one person to another and can be erased from a past user’s memory. But how does one gain the powers, and how can they find out who has them now, if someone does.
“Why don’t we ask Light again? Shouldn’t he know all the answers?” Aizawa asked, irritated.
“As we have gone over already, he doesn’t remember any of it. He knows he did it, but not how or why,” L sighed. The boy in mention was with Watari, playing games like they usually do whilst L is away.
“How are we so sure he isn’t lying? He could just be faking it, it’s not like he hasn’t done something like that before!”
“If he were faking, which he certainly isn’t, I would be able to tell. The years of hiding have crept upon him, making him naïve, easy to manipulate, and overly honest. Every time he’s tried to lie to me since living with me, he was both been easy to see through and feeling incredibly guilty at the time, almost always ready to confess whatever little thing he had been hiding.”
And it’s true. So far, Light’s only fibs have been about small things like brushing his teeth, or being prepared for a day trip when he had only toys in his backpack. He’d always be incredibly obvious, however, and instantly confess and do what was asked of him originally after just a quirk of his caregivers’ eyebrows in suspicion.
It was adorable. Incredibly so.
L had been shaken out of his thoughts by the continuous questioning of his task force members. It went on for another five minutes before going back to planning ways to reach their goal. Two hours into the meeting, a knock could be heard through the door.
The door opened, quietly and swiftly. A slightly disheveled Watari walked in, which, while concerning, was nothing compared to what was in his arms.
A teary-eyed Light, clearly in headspace, was hiccuping in Watari’s embrace as the Caregiver rocked him slowly. The Little had one arm around Watari’s neck, and the other stretched out towards L himself. At that moment all remaining doubts of this boy’s littleness were replaced with the almost undeniable urge to coo at him. It took all the military-level training the task force had to keep it at only soft looks in the boy’s direction.
“He woke up from a quick nap to a nightmare and wouldn’t stop hyperventilating when he realized you weren’t there to help him. I tried as hard as I could to get him settled-” the man shook his head, “-but he simply couldn’t feel safe until he was confident you weren’t gone forever.”
The Little whimpered, in distress. Yes, that looks like his L, but why isn’t he getting a hug? L promised that cuddle privileges weren’t something he could get taken away from him when he’s sad, he promised! And yet here he was, sad, with no cuddles! This couldn’t be L, not unless something was really wrong and Light had done something really bad he couldn’t remember again! Just the thought of that had him breaking down in tears again, still scared and hurt from the nap’s terrible dreams.
“D-don’t leave!” Light wailed, “The demon’s are around me! They won’t go away and I don’t know what to do! I hurt, and I’m hurt, and I’m tired of hurt!”
He clutched his head, screaming like there’s no tomorrow. He pulled at his hair, uncaring of the strands that fell.
The watching crowd was frozen, all unaware of what to do. All except L and Watari, the former moving towards the boy while the latter tried to restrain him.
“Everyone out. We will continue tomorrow, but for now there’s clearly a more important task at hand.”
L’s demands got them all up and moving, quickly and efficiently leaving the room making as little noise as possible, closing the door behind them. Even as they walked away from the closed doors, the howls of the Little pierced the air.
Matsuda broke the silence, “Well, now we can all safely say that L’s word is practically law. We never should’ve doubted him in the first place, but this was a fierce reminder, right boys?”
Back inside the office, L was making quick work to find the easiest and most beneficial path to take. Obviously something was wrong, but he won’t be able to do anything unless Light stops crying and listens to him.
So far, Watari was holding Light’s arms quite firmly as he tried to shush the boy and failed miserably, clearly concerned on the long term physical damage Light could be causing with all the hoarse screaming, hair pulling, and arm scratching.
“Light.” L started, drying Light’s tears and making as much eye contact as possible. “You are in a meeting room at the task force headquarters. There are no demons here. You are safe. I am safe. No one is hurting other than you, and you are the one causing yourself the pain.”
L took in a breathe, aware of his ward quieting down the longer he talks. “Once you refrain from the panic and can properly consent to further physical contact, I will feel okay with giving you a hug if you please. And, after we bandage up your arms and make sure you’re okay, we can eat cake at home if you aren’t too tired.”
“Can you breathe with me, kid?” Watari cut in. “It’s a little hard to keep it steady at first, but it’ll make you feel better. Just breathe in, atta boy, now hold it in, now release.”
Light did this over and over again, eyes shut as he focused, for three minutes until he was completely calm. Tired, he slumped over Watari, looking up at L, hoping that they could read his mind. He wanted a hug and for someone to tell him he’s okay right now, Please and Thank You.
“Good job. Would you like that hug now?” L opened his arms wide, ready to hold him.
Light what little energy he had into his nod, but not budging from his spot in Watari’s arms. He couldn’t move, but wanted his hug, but was also too tired. Luckily, L seemed to understand his dilemma, lifting the boy into his arms and adjusting his position until comfortable for both parties. Perfect. Now Watari could pet his head as L hugged him, and he could get home without having to move!
Light sighed in satisfaction and relief, while the two Caregivers gave grateful looks to one another, glad the situation had been diffused without further issues. Light thankfully hadn’t caused any permanent harm towards himself, and they went to bed that night filled with cake, contentment, and peaceful minds.
The next day, Light played with blocks by L’s knees at the meeting, only disturbing the ‘grownups’ to ask L for food, a nap, hugs and other toddler needs. He had been a slight distraction at first, but eventually it became a normal thing to walk into a meeting and see Light there, as casual a thing as a little rain.
Matsuda especially had taken a liking to the boy, keeping little trinkets and sweets in his briefcase for the Little. The others eventually started following suit, not caring about L’s complaints that they were ‘spoiling the kid’ because, in all ways but biological, he was practically their nephew now, and nothing could stop the doting hands of these armed uncles.
Aaaaaah! I’m so glad you liked the last one!!! It made me so happy that I decided to write you another one!! This was a but rushed too, but I felt like it was practically asking to be made! I’m super excited for your sequel too!!!! Little Light is so fun to write!! I love you!!!!
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mcschnuggles · 5 years
The first day Light openly interacted with his ‘Uncles’ while in headspace was also the least productive one. To say that Light could be hyperactive sometimes was an understatement.
Once comfortably dropped, L acknowledged, he could be a distraction at times. Watari, after hearing it, told the other that ‘distraction’ didn’t cover half of it.
“Hey, Uncle Aizawa? I need a circle.”
The man in question, along with a few others in the surrounding force, stopped focusing on the meeting almost immediately. Normally, the Little hardly ever talked to anyone who wasn’t one of his CGs, an even if he did talk to someone else, it’s only be in greeting or to answer a question.
So needless to say, this was a development. He tried to give the boy his most encouraging smile as he took the paper the Little held out to him and drew him a quick circle.
“Is that what you wanted?”
Light nodded, and with a quick thanks, turned to the man closest to Aizawa, Mogi.
“Uncle Mogi? I need a circle.”
Mogi gave the boy a quick look that could only be described as confusion in curiosity.
Light persisted, amending his statement, thinking manners were key in this situation. “I need a circle, please.”
Well, whatever he wanted, Mogi would try to help with. He also drew a circle, slightly more accurate than Aizawa’s quick swirl.
Light gave him a nod in gratitude, so solemn it would’ve been funny if the boy didn’t immediately turn to Matsuda and request the very same thing.
Throughout this situation, L hadn’t even spoken. Instead, he chose to look at his ward while biting his thumb. It’s better to let the Little get whatever this is out of his system, right? Let him release all his energy and whatnot.
Taking his time, Light went one by one through every single force member, and after they clearly knew what he wanted, so the meeting went on with them taking the paper from the boy before he could even ask, he still felt the need to let them know.
“I need a circle.”
The only person he didn’t ask for a circle was L, who gave him a smile.
“You sure you don’t want my circle?”
“I don’t need it yet. You’re a square.”
A square? Chuckles filled up the room. Now that everyone (minus L) had drawn on the paper, they all wanted to know what it was even for. They all paused to take a look at where the boy was sitting, tongue out in concentration.
When he showed no signs of stopping, there was a silent agreement among the rest of them to let him focus on whatever he was doing.
Ten minutes later, Light started to laugh as he held up his apparently finished work.
Light turned to the others in the room, holding the paper up high in his hands, to show them all his piece. “Done!”
L looked at the piece before nodding. The boy had used each of their circles to draw the faces of the task force members. It was interesting to see what specific details Light deemed special enough to draw, from birthmarks to piercings.
Light waited a few seconds, seemingly waiting for something to happen, when Matsuda slowly clapped. When the present company noticed the Little’s smile grow, they all begun to clap as well, giving him words of encouragement.
“What a great drawing! You really captured our essence!”
“It’s so cool, Light! Great job!”
“Could you teach me how to do that?”
It was an interesting scene, given the circumstances. They also didn’t give him any baby-talk, instead treating him like he was an actual artist, which he probably did think he was after all that praise.
“Alright, alright. Light, while that is a very nice piece, how about we keep it somewhere safe for now? Then, once we get home, we can put it on the fridge.”
Light bit his lip in thought before nodding. Yeah, that sounded like a good idea.
“Glad you agree, Light. How about you come sit next to me and eat a snack? You must be hungry by now.”
“Hmm… ‘kay. Do we have carrots?”
While the Little sat and ate, the others continued working, slightly more focused but still not getting much work done, too busy giving him quick looks to even notice that fact.
L wondered whether there was a way to keep Light safe but also away from the HQ. It’d be a problem if he stayed there and caused distractions, but, by the looks of it, the others won’t like it any other way.
————————— Guess who’s back with, surprise surprise, more Death Note trash. Consider this compensation for the fact that I don’t have any idea when I’ll be able to write next… But none of that for now. Let’s look at the positive, here! That latest fic of yours? Absolutely splendid!
Love how L didn’t treat Light like a kid out of headspace- nothing said was condescending or in an attempt to manipulate him into slipping, which you’d be surprised by how many fics have that happen but try to make it seem ‘cute’ (key word here is ‘tru’ bc it’s a strong no from me). You never fail to make great stories. I’m in awe but certainly not surprised!
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mcschnuggles · 5 years
Thorne takes a glance at the clock on the wall. He had just arrived at the airport with The others and still had no idea why Cinder would want to ‘experience’ flying on a public plane. It’s a plane. Big whoop.
But, at least Cress was getting something out of it. The Little in question was over the moon with excitement, something he couldn’t understand. Of all the things to enjoy, a crowded room full of the sleep-deprived general public wasn’t on the top of his list. This wasn’t really about him though, now was it? No, this was about the ‘Princess of Everything,’ Cress.
Her eyes shone as she looked around, one hand loosely over his and another her suitcase. She was wearing her most comfortable get-up and had her hair in a braid, because Thorne knew that the biggest mistake you can do while preparing for a long flight is wear something you wouldn’t sleep in.
The check-in to the airport went along without too much of a hassle, and Cress wanted to know all there is about how metal detectors work. She wanted to go into every shop and café around, making Thorne as worried as possible every time she she so much as moved. Airports are a living hell when you have to take care of not only your belongings but also a very excitable, high-maintenance princess.
Nevertheless, they met up with the others without too much of a hassle. After doing a headcount and ticket-check, they boarded their flight. Kai gave Thorne and Scarlet a mocking salute each, which was returned by the former, the latter settling for a flip of the bird as soon as the regressor trio’s backs were turned.
“So Cress, you excited?”
“Uh-huh! It’s gonna go up, then down, then up, and then down again! It’s gonna be so cool, Cinder!”
They rambled on, ignoring the fact that Kai was blocking them from seeing each other clearly. Legs rocking in unison, they whispered happily, trying not to wake Wolf, who was out cold.
The rest of the group’s conversations flew in a similar manner, up until a rather boisterous (and probably drunk, if Thorne was being honest) group of men in their early-twenties showed up, and made, to be frank, quite the disturbance.
“Ugh finally, you’d‘ expect the staff to be a bit faster so we don’t have a delay.”
“With the way they act, chances are this hunk of junk is either gonna crash and burn or strand us in space, and at this rate I’m not sure which I prefer.”
At that, Cress notably stiffened, tightly gripping Thorne’s wrist. She looked to him with petrified eyes, searching his own for any sign of comfort. He gave her his softest smile, patting her gently.
“Hey, hey, it’s alright. You’re safe. This is a safe flight. You aren’t in danger, and there’s no way we’d get stuck in space. I wouldn’t let that happen.”
His constant soothing kept her calm, but as soon as the plane begun to rise, one of the men begun to fake-cry in fear, the rest following suit.
“Oh no we’re gonna die!”
“Tell my mum I love her!”
“We’re never gonna escape!”
Cress didn’t take it well at all. She screamed as loud as she possibly could, eyes shut tight as she curled in on herself.
“No no no no no no no!”
The girl’s cries continued, turning into sobs and pleas for help. She was terrified, shaking and gripping her arms til her knuckles turned white. They were in business class seats with adjustable dividers, so while they had a little privacy, the others passengers could hear the dilemma, proven by a call from behind to the men.
“How about you shut up? You’ve clearly terrified this girl! Hush up and sit down, you’re giving the lot of us more trouble than necessary.”
The men called back with less than appropriate retorts, but all Thorne cared about was calming Cress down. A few flight attendants attempted to diffuse the situation, requesting from the men to be quiet. At that stage, Kai had already been close to snapping, but had agreed with the others that they shouldn’t use their status for things like this.
This would be an appropriate exception, though.
“That is quite enough!” Kai stood, furious. “I have had it up to here with this nonsense! This is how you treat others? Seriously? If I knew I’d have to listen to this trash I would’ve stuck to riding privately!”
As the onlookers gaped openly at Kai, Cress’ breathing slowly steadied.
“I certainly hope you wouldn’t repeat this mistake. Now-“ Kai turned to the attendants, “-is there any private place we could go and recollect ourselves?”
As soon as Cress could stand they were ushered into a large, private room near the front of the plane, normally for sleeping staff, as a sort of ‘compensation’ for what occurred.
“Are you feeling any better, hun?”
The fair-haired girl turned to her ‘Aunt’ as she nodded.
“Do you want to rest for a while?”
She closed her eyes and leaned on the nearest person, Thorne. She hummed.
“You must be pretty tired, yeah? Let’s get you three under the covers, you could sleep for a good ten hours and still have time to watch a movie or two.”
Eleven hours and two Phineas and Ferb movies later, they landed well-rested and relieved. A few energy smoothies and burgers later, they were ready to go explore.
I’m alive!!! For now, at least. And I come with a new fic! I’ve got some angst, some love, a little of everything. I wanted to gift this to you before October, and here it is! It was a fight to wrap up, but it feels good to have done! Hope you like it! -ML
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mcschnuggles · 5 years
Light woke up with a start, his chest heaving and breath stuttering. Another nightmare. Great. The closed his eyes, trying to remember what it was about, but all he could remember was demons with a book.
The same thing he remembers every time.
He sighed, shaking. Sitting up to rub his eyes-those were not tears, he promises!- and looked up from his ladybug sleep bag to his Uncle Matsuda’s bed.
If only L were here.
His Caregivers dropped him off-the traitors!- to go to a ‘Big Important Grownups Meeting’ that they couldn’t bring him to, so he was stuck at his Uncle’s place until they came to pick him up tomorrow.
Which means he couldn’t sleep with one of them. No comforting pats, no nice words, nada.
He couldn’t stop the salty tears from falling.
Trying but failing to control the growing sobs he crawled out of his cotton case to tap on his Uncle’s cheek.
“U-Uncle Matsu? Please wake up…”
He kept tapping until he heard a soft, questioning ‘huh’ before nervously flinching back as his Uncle sat up.
“Light? What’s wrong?” his Uncle looked around the room guarded, as though ready to defend from an intruder. Silly Uncle Matsu- he won’t be able to see the demons. No one will. They’ll grab him and hurt him and no one will ever know.
He chocked out a sob.
“I want my Da. He knows what to do when the demons come. Please call him?”
His Da? Matsuda blinked. Oh, he must mean one of his carers. How could he get to them so late at night though?
“Do you want…me to call L? Is that okay?”
Light slowly stopped crying and looked to him, relieved. He wants to hear from him, as soon as possible. He shook his head up and down as fast as possible, hard and sharp, hoping to get his point across.
“Hey, hey, don’t do that- you’ll hurt yourself. Let’s give him a call, shall we?”
Matsuda put in the number, and handed Light the phone. Three rings to L’s number, and a tired ‘Hello?’ could be heard. That was all it took for Light to release a loud cry.
From L’s end, he blinked, confused. Well, this was certainly a new development. Not necessarily a bad one though.
“You woke up from a nightmare?” L easily deduced, and then followed their normal protocol of soothing words and calming reassurances. It took a while, but eventually Light managed to get back into his sleeping bag and tried for sleep once again.
The next morning when L came to pick Light up, the caregiver held the boy just a little tighter, but that wasn’t anyone’s business.
Words cannot describe how happy I feel that you like my work! Our minds think alike, I guess. I’d feel honored if you used my ideas, please! I write these for you, anyways, so it’d just make me happier if you wanted to use my work, since I take most of my inspiration from you! It’s a pleasure! I hope you like this short work, I was so excited about your nightmare story coming out soon, I wanted to take a try at it! Love your work! Again, thanks for everything!
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mcschnuggles · 5 years
“Psst! Prince Carswell!”
Thorne dropped his gaze from the television downwards, to where Cress was sitting, ignoring her favorite show to look up at him with the twinkle in her eyes she’d have in headspace, one that he had yet to decipher.
“Yes, princess? Whatever do you need at this fine time of day?”
She giggled, an adorable bell-like sound that filled his heart up to the brim with love.
“I want a handshake!”
Thorne gave her a confused look. A handshake is what took her focus away from watching the mind-numbing kids show she likes to watch and sing along to? Well, kids do have short attention spans. He gave her a small smile. He can work with a handshake.
“Like…this?” Thorne took Cress’ hand in his and gave it a firm shake. “It’s a pleasure doing business with you?”
“No no no!” Cress gave a high pitched laugh, as though he were the strange one in this situation. “A special secret handshake!”
Now that, that made much more sense.
As though he’d finally finished putting the pieces of a puzzle together, he gave her a winning smile.
“Ohhh of course! How could I ever think otherwise? C’mon, let’s work together and make up the perfect one!”
The two spent ages coming up with one that was so long, so complicated, so them that no one could ever copy. It was perfect.
I’m back again with a fic for you! But…what’s this? It’s not Death Note? Nope! It’s the Lunar Chronicles (wow I can’t believe it who would’ve known amiright)
This is super duper short but I hope it’s okay! You giving me little praise has made me want to write loads of stuff for you! Thanks for that, lol.
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mcschnuggles · 6 years
Random Mat n Hugo drabble? I'm a nerd?
It had all started by accident. Mat, in a sleep-deprived, caffeine-filled state had been scrolling through the bowels of the internet late one night. Originally it had just been to find ways to deal with anxiety, since he hated the idea of taking pills, but he had been lead to a subreddit and a few blog posts. About age regression, of all things.
  But it worked. It wasn’t perfect, but everything was so much more bearable when he could take a quick break from the hustle and bustle of the Coffee Spoon and hide in his office for ten minutes with a teddy bear.
  Of course, nothing could ever go to plan. Ever. He and Hugo had gotten pretty close, bonding over everything from music to poetry to art, and Hugo had been in his office a few times. It was nothing. But when the other man saw him rush off in a frenzy, he got a little too concerned for Mat’s liking.
  Which, brought him here.
  He was in a corner, feeling nice and closed in and, for the record, slightly more small than usual. He was clinging to his bear like a lifeline, face buried in its soft fur. Big Mat had decided to spray it with lavender essential oils, to add to the calming effect, and it had definitely helped.
  “Mat?” Hugo’s voice, loud and strong and soothing, broke through the otherwise silent room. “Mat, what are you doing?” He got closer. He could see the tips of Hugo’s shoes now, some off brand of sneakers he swore by.
  Great. Mat thought, swallowing thickly. He’s going to think I’m a freak. He looked up, feeling tears fill his eyes. He just whimpered, before curling in on himself further.
  “Mat, that floor is filthy. You should probably get up and we can talk about this.” Hugo said softly, resting his hand on the boy’s shoulder. That little bit of affection was enough to send him into a round of sobs and directly into Hugo’s arms. He was warm, he smelled good, and he was so strong. Mat didn’t know how to explain the way it felt. Hugo was just safe.
  He eventually calmed down, somewhere in between little and big. “Sorry.” Mat mumbled, looking down at his lap. He pulled away from the other man a little, sitting back against the wall. “I guess you’re gonna want me to explain.”
  “An explanation would be excellent. But you have nothing to be sorry for. Nothing at all.”
  So, Mat explained it all, in excruciating detail. He was halfway to another panic attack by the time he was done, but Hugo’s hand on his knee was keeping him from going over the edge. “You probably think I’m weird, don’t you?”
  “I think that you’ve found something that works for your situation. I don’t think any less of you.” Hugo said quietly, reaching up to brush back Mat’s hair. There was no doubt that Hugo was attractive, but for some reason the action wasn’t as sexual as Mat thought it would be. It almost felt paternal. “But- I have to ask. Is there a way I can help you?”
  Mat paused, thinking it over. Having someone to care for him in these moments would definitely be nice, but he didn’t want to make Hugo feel obligated. “I don’t know.” He said after a moment, biting his lip. “It would be nice… if you would care for me. Watch me, really. I’ve kind of been wanting someone who could- Never mind. It’s stupid.”
  “It’s not stupid. Tell me.” Hugo frowned, his brows furrowed.
  “Little me likes coloring. And instead of throwing them away, it would be nice to have someone to give them to. Is that weird? It’s weird.” Mat sighed, looking at the wall. Anywhere but Hugo.
  “I would like nothing more than to be that for you, Mat. I want to be here for you, and if that’s what you need me to be, that’s what I’ll be.”
  Everything had been set up meticulously. Coloring book on the coffee table, cartoons cued up on the television, pajamas changed into, and, most importantly, Carmenista was camping with her friend’s family for the weekend. Mat didn’t want his first real experience with Hugo as his caretaker to go poorly. The doorbell ringing just about gave him a heart attack, and he rushed to answer it.
  “Hi.” He said quietly, looking up at Hugo with wide eyes. He wasn’t that short, 5’8, but compared to Hugo and with how little he was feeling, he felt absolutely tiny.
  “Hi.” Hugo sounded much more confident, slipping off his shoes before turning to Mat and smiling. “So, how should we start?” Mat noticed that he was carrying a messenger bag, but it was probably just assignments that Hugo needed to grade.. Of course that was what it was. Obviously.
  “I just need a second. To get into headspace.” Mat murmured, sitting the older man down on the couch and kneeling in front of him at the table. It didn’t take long, bright colors and fun songs pulling him in fairly quickly. Hugo’s hands found his dreads, pulling them out of their bun.
  “I brought some things. Not much, but I figured that they might help you get a little more comfortable.” Hugo opened his bag, pulling out a sippy cup, a pacifier, a few picture books, and an absolutely adorable blanket printed with coffee cups with cute faces.
  Mat blushed and hid his face in his arm, not wanting to look at Hugo. “Thank you, Daddy.” Mat said softly, picking up the blanket. It really was soft. He wrapped it around himself and got up on the couch, watching Hugo’s face.
  He just smiled, pulling Mat into him and holding him there. “You’re welcome, Matty. Now, why don’t you color me one of those pictures? I want to have one to keep in my desk.”
  Mat got down with one final squeeze, flipping through his coloring book anxiously. Which one would Daddy like? He settled on a frog in a suit, which he figured Daddy would appreciate, but it occurred to him that he didn’t really like green. Purple was a good color, though. He went digging and found a lavender crayon, which was absolutely perfect. He paid extra attention to whether he was staying in the lines or not and it actually turned out really pretty. He offered it to Daddy shyly, looking down at his lap.
  “This is amazing, Mat.” Daddy grinned, pulling him up.
  Oh, yes. He liked this very much.
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mcschnuggles · 6 years
some more dream daddy shit because i have nowhere else to put it oops
It had been a day. The sort of day where it would have been nice to go over to Hugo’s, crawl into the older man’s arms, and sleep and cuddle until he’d forgotten all about what had upset him in the first place. But Hugo had parent-teacher conferences booked until six, and he didn’t want to pull him away. It wasn’t fair that Daddy had to drop everything to come and comfort him so often.
  But he really, really didn’t want to have to deal with all of his stress alone. He couldn’t exactly talk to any of his friends. Talking to Brian always turned into more stress. Craig probably wouldn’t care. Joseph would get preachy, and Robert would convince him to drink. And alcohol was just flat out yucky when he was feeling this small. And, anyway, going to another dad felt kind of like he was cheating on Daddy. Even if he and Hugo didn’t have a romantic or sexual relationship, it would feel like a betrayal to go to someone else for that comfort. So, he was stuck in between a rock and a hard place.
Or, rather, in between his dresser and his wall, clutching his bear. He was feeling so small. Much more so than usual. And when he got in moods like this, when everything made him feel like he was tiny and pathetic, it was nice to have Daddy to remind him that everything was going to be okay. He stole a glance up at his alarm clock. 5:30. There was no way he could text Daddy without feeling guilty. So he sat there scrunched up into a little ball, waiting. He waited for a long time, until it was 5:58 and he couldn’t wait any longer.
  Feeling really little. Carmen is out. Come over when you can.
He managed to word the message so that it didn’t sound too desperate, watching his phone anxiously for a response. He wanted Daddy, and he wanted him now! His cell phone buzzed, and another text popped up.
  On my way. Meetings finished early. Superman ice cream?
  He didn’t write anything back, just sent a thumbs up emoji. He didn’t really have the energy to make his words sound big.
  Eventually he heard the door open, and then his bedroom door, and then Daddy was there, smiling down at him. “Hey, little man. Anxiety?” Daddy asked softly, kneeling down in front of Mat but not touching him or breathing his air or being too loud. He liked that.
  Mat shrugged, not meeting Daddy’s eyes. “Lots of stuff. Big stuff.” He heard Daddy sigh, and then Daddy was offering him ice cream in a waffle cone. Mat ate his ice cream silently, feeling quite a bit better when he was done.
  “I’ll make you a deal. If you come out of that corner, we can read some Shel Silverstein and cuddle on the bed, okay? But you’re going to need to- Shit.” Daddy sighed, taking in Mat’s disheveled appearance. He was covered in flour and sugar and had a couple of coffee stains on his shirt. “Matty, I think I’m going to have to give you a bath.”
  Mat made a soft noise, looking down at his lap. The idea of being naked around Daddy when he was like this was just about enough to make him want to be big again. But, after a second, he nodded a little and pushed his way out of the corner.
  Daddy took him into the bathroom and started the water, letting Mat sit on the toilet. “How do I wash your hair?” He asked, sounding kind of nervous. Mat just shrugged, getting up and handing Daddy his shampoo.
“Just wash it. And then you gotta dry it.” He pointed to the hair dryer, sitting back down. The tub filled up pretty fast, and Daddy reached out to touch his jacket.
  “Do you think you can undress yourself, or should I do it?” Daddy’s voice was quiet and soft and gentle and Mat just pulled his jacked off and raised his arms. Daddy kept his eyes firmly on the ground as he undressed Mat, helping him into the tub with nothing more than a hand on his shoulder. “You’re so brave, baby boy.”
  Daddy’s hands were fast and efficient, barely even brushing over his more sensitive areas. Having his hair washed was a bit of a treat, and the entire bath was over very quickly. Daddy toweled him off, blow-dried his dreads, and, at Mat’s direction, worked some product into his hair.
  “There we go. All clean.” Daddy smiled, kissing Mat’s forehead when his t-shirt was pulled into place. “Come on. Let’s read a little and see if we can get you to sleep, little guy.” Daddy managed to pick him up, placing him on his hip. It wasn’t long before Mat was settled with Daddy underneath the covers, Daddy laying down with Mat leaning on his chest. “Alright.” Daddy cleared his throat, and began with a soft voice.
“I asked for a hot dog, with everything on it…”
  Mat barely made it through one poem, sticking his thumb in his mouth and falling asleep faster than he ever thought possible.
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