#schedule a check up for kitty because he finished his medicine and doc wanted to make sure he's all better
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loremonster · 2 years ago
Made a hard phone call that needed to happen! Yay!
Still dreading the other 3 I gotta make.
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forever-yoongis · 6 years ago
The Chemistry Of Love
Ships: Yoongi x reader, Namjoon x reader, Jungkook x reader.
Warnings: None.
Genre: Fluff
"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?" To say I was bewildered and astonished beyond comprehension would be an understatement.
Yoongi seemed unfazed by my outburst, and still stroked his chin, and staring into the walls. I shouldn't ever give him sedatives. I made a mental note to self. This month's gonna be hard for me. Ugh the kind of troubles I get into while treating a patient,guess I'll never get used to it. I sighed.
A nurse came rushing in, looking quite perplexed. "Um...Dr, t-there are fangirls here to see him...." she pointed nervously at the figure sitting on the bed who was probably still contemplating ways to teach me stuff bout BTS and all those shit. Not this again. I mentally slapped myself. Last time I treated a girl (you have to excuse me for forgetting the name) from the Kpop group Momoland and I still had nightmares thinking about the crazy fanboys and fangurls trying to break into the hospital. And Momoland isn't even supposed to be that popular. If the nurse's words are really true and this BTS was practically the most popular boyband in Korea, I could only imagine what horrors awaited me outside. I stared at the white wall in front of me as if the "I LOVE YOU NANCY" (wait I remembered the name lol) in red that some maniac fanboy wrote with God-knows-what might magically reappear somehow. I shuddered at the thought. Fans could get really aggressive if they wanted.
I practically marched upto the front door, suddenly very defensive of my lil kitty-wait no. I just did NOT call him that. Ugh. That's why I hate idols. So as I was saying, I suddenly felt the need to protect my patient from these crazy fangirls and immediately ordered the nurse to go get all the guards. Thankfully though, the fangirls this time were pretty docile ones who had only come to offer gifts and flowers to their idol. Some were even bawling their eyes out asking if he would be okay.
Dude, who dies from a music box attack? I was going to retort, but thought better of it and kept silent. I didn't want things to get ugly, coz I knew of their capabilities of turning from a completely sweet woman to a wild animal in mere seconds. Okay that went overboard lol. But whatever. I accepted the gifts with good grace, trying to write down all the notes they wanted to leave for their idol. It took a while to clear out the crowd and let's just say that my co-workers were never more surprised in their lives to see my hands full of boxes, letters with heart-stickers, flower bouquets, kumamon dolls? and whatnot. I flashed them a quick smile and gave them a look I hoped they interpreted as dealing-with-VIP-patients-duh...
I pushed open the door with my left foot, because my hands were so full and excitedly told, "Mr.Min your fans have left a lot of presents and letters for you!" He merely grunted in response. It was good to see that his eyes had cleared quite a bit and he now looked more like a normal person (or as normal as an idol could get) and less of a kitty. Keeping the gifts on the table, I skipped over to his bed, sat down on a chair beside his bed and checked his vitals. The wound would definitely need a lot of time to heal. I thought as I checked the injury. While changing his bandages, I couldn't help but gawk at his muscles...ahem...but CAN YOU REALLY BLAME ME? I'M YOUNG AND THIS IS LITERALLY THE FIRST FUCKIN TIME I HAVE SEEN SOMEONE SO GOOD-LOOKING UGH. Nope. I ain't accepting your criticisms. No way. No judging me pfft.
Okay focus. Woman you aren't here to stare at a stranger's body no matter how handsome he is....ugh I'm getting carried away again. Stop Ann, stop! I scolded myself. I shook my head trying to shake off all the weird thoughts and as I finished changing his bandages, I looked up to see Yoongi smirk at me. "Like what you see there?" He asked causally, deliberately slurring his voice a bit which certainly would have made most girls go crazy.
"W-what do you m-mean?" I asked blushing furiously. "I was changing bandages and just so you know, I've had to witness many many sights as this. This is nothing" I huffed, turning away my head,my cheeks burning. "Aw really now?" I tried to glance at him from the sides, and gasped to see him pouting in what seemed to be mock disappointment. Oh God, he was now playing the cute card. This boy's gonna be the death of me I swear. I shook my head as I got up, asking one of the nurses to give him his lunch and his vitamins. I almost ran out of the door, slamming the door shut and heard something like a slight chuckle coming from inside from a certain someone who seemed very amused at my state. Ugh that brat! I'll be sure to never ever treat idols again!!! I stomped off painfully aware of the red hue that adorned my cheeks right then passing a nurse who looked genuinely confused at my state.
It took me roughly around a week to get seriously attached to this man called Min Yoongi. He exuded an aura that was practically impossible to avoid. Guess that's what makes him an idol, not normies like us. He shamelessly flirted with me whenever I changed his bandages, each time succeeding in his motive of making me all flustered and stammering. But his wounds were taking an unbelievably slow time to heal. I kept on assuring my patient that this was normal, as I didn't want him to get worried. But I kinda knew why his wounds took so long to heal. This boy practically seemed to get no nourishment from the foods he seemed to take before he got hurt and after taking a look at his diet chart, I was seriously contemplating if I should murder the dietician. No wonder he was so pale and thin. If I had a boyfriend like him, I would have stuffed his body with food upto the neck--wait. What am I even talking about lol. Well anyways, as long as he stayed here, I would definitely make sure he has a lot to eat everyday...
The fans visited him everyday and it was endearing to see them so well-behaved always. I mean, there were a few instances where a girl would try to sneak past the guards or someone would try to sweet-talk me into letting her in, one even came claiming she was his cousin.....but those could be easily overlooked. They brought in gifts and letters always...and I would always make sure that either the nurses or me (if I had time) would read those notes out to him to make him feel better.
"Mr Min you really need to get up now. You have to take your medicines. " I spoke for the thousandth time probably, but this man didn't seem to wake up. It was already 11 pm. But this was everyday's routine. He wouldn't ever wake up until- "MIN YOONGI I SWEAR I'LL INJECT EVERY SYRINGE I HAVE ON ME RIGHT NOW IF YOU DO NOT WAKE UP. I'LL DRAW EVERY BIT OF YOUR BLOOD I PROMISE YOU-" "NO NO IM GETTING UP" and he'd get out from his cosy blanket cocoon looking alarmed. I would smile sweetly at him and hand him his medicines and he would start kicking at his blankets throwing a tantrum like a child "Nooo you vampire in the guise of a doctor. You don't let a man rest properly. You mean mean woman--" and would utter a string of Korean curses under his breath, would kick at his blankets a little more, pull at his hair and finally stick out his hands to take the medicines without looking at me.
What a child. I would laugh to myself. At times I had surgeries scheduled in the morning and those would obviously be his favourite days because he would then sleep till 1 pm and the nurses dared not wake him up coz of his temper.
It had been almost three weeks since he was at the hospital and I was changing his bandages as usual. He started off with his familiar bantering and flirtatious comments that would still make me blush...like almost everyday he would say something that would make me run off again and he only seemed to get better at this. "Looking great!" he would comment whenever I would enter the room and I would always reply, "it's the same damn lab coat".
So that day was no exception and he started off with "I would get hit by music boxes whenever I could if it meant I would get treated by such a hot doc every time" . "Mr Min I told you not to spend so much time on your phone! It's bad for your eyes and nerves!!" " Where's THAT coming from?" "You don't really expect me to believe that your cheesy words didn't come from Google, do you? You might me clever, but I'm definitely cleverer Mr.Min haha" I rolled my eyes at him. Yoongi made small whimpering sounds expressing his strong disapproval at my choice of words. Then he suddenly stopped.
"When are you going to stop calling me Mr.Min?" He looked straight at me. "so what do you want me to call you? Mr.LazyPotato? Haha" I replied anxiously and cringed inward at the lame nickname I gave him. But Yoongi didn't seem to buy it. "No.Call me Yoongi. I call you Ann, do I not?" "Most of my patients prefer calling me that, and it's my policy to never call a patient by his first name. You'll have to excuse me", I got up, suddenly not feeling good anymore. In my four years of being in the medical profession, I had only once made the mistake of calling someone (with whom I was supposed to maintain a professional relationship) by his real name and letting my guard down, and I was still not over the consequences. A sudden feeling of panic seized me as I thought that I was probably making another mistake and started out the door, when I felt a hand wrap around my wrist forcing me to stand in my place. "Am I really just another patient for you, Ann?" He spoke in an unbelievably soft voice, as if fearing that he probably would not get the answer he wanted to hear.
But I was already consumed by a flood of old painful memories to care about anything else. I shook off his hands and actually ran out of the room, slamming the door shut. For once, I did not hear the light-hearted chuckle of the man sitting on the other side of the door.
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