#saw this artist I've been following for a year get out of their abusive home to live w their partner
piplupod · 10 months
it is all just so sucks
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lyn-js · 8 months
Home Sweet Home | Chapter 2. Memories
Rhett Abbott x OC Reader
Summary: Sunny Pritchett decides to move back home, but without a reason why. Once she's back she runs into her childhood best, friend Rhett Abbott. Rhett seems very surprised to see her. Not only that, but he sees she has a small child on her hip. Will Sunny try to reconnect with Rhett and tell him the real reason you she's moved back. Or will her past come back and find her until everything blows up.
Warnings: Mental and Physical abuse, PTSD flashbacks, swearing, fighting.
Suprise I'm releasing a new chapter. I've been in a pretty good mood. So, I thought I would give you beautiful people a treat!!
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(Bold referents to flashbacks)
7 years ago
Sitting in the back of Rhett’s bed truck, talking about your guy’s future and looking at the sunset. “When I finally graduate, I’m gonna get out of this town. , …and I want you to… come with me? Whaddya say cowboy?” before he could even get a word out I’m gonna become an artist, and you can be a bull rider, and I'll travel with ya’, we’ll still be together.” he really wants to get a word out, but you're going 100 miles per minute.
“We can get an apartment-” “Slow down there Sunny-girl” sitting up and bracing his hands on her shoulders, trying to get her to calm down. "Breathe in and breathe out… there ya go.” Finally getting you to calm down.
After a few seconds he spoke up. “I’ll go with you.” he says in a calm manner. “Y-you’ll go with me?” You stand up to get out of his bed truck and start to pace back and forth. "Because if this is some sick joke Rhett Abbot, you have another thing comin’” you say in a shaky voice. Wondering if this was some sort of a weird dream, seeing if you’ll wake up. But it’s not. He’s actually telling you that he will leave.
He hops out of the truck following you. Grabbing “I’m serious as a heart attack Sunny girl. I’ll be with you for as long as you’ll have me.” You feel tears welling in your eyes, and that leaves Rhett in a confused state.
“A-are you okay Sun? If you don’t want me ta go, I won’t I’ll stay here- oof” He was cut off by you running into his arms, and you both falling to the ground. “I’ll have you forever, as long as you’ll have me too” you say while having the biggest smile on your face. "Plus, you can’t get of me that easily cowboy. You’re stuck with me forever.” kissing his cheek.
You stay in the hug for a little bit longer. Just wanted to stop time, and never let this moment go. You just wish Rhett can stick to his word. Hoping he can truly go with you.
What you didn’t know is this amazing friendship wasn't going to last long after this moment.
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“R-Rhett” You say with a shaky voice, scared to day anything else.
Your first thoughts of when you saw Rhett were those happy memories of you together. The one you thought of was when you were sitting in the bed of his truck just looking at the sunset, holding hands. Playing in the parking lot of the church after the service was over. Talking for hours on the phone until both your parents said it was time to go. If you could go back and relive those lovely, amazing memories. You would. But you can’t.
You think and go back to the awful night. “YOU JUST LEAVE EVERYBODY BEHIND!”
Without a beat you abandon your cart, and walk out of the store. After having that awful call with Gaabe, and then seeing Rhett. You just want to go home, snuggle with your baby, and pretend this day and this interaction did not just happen. What you didn’t see was Rhett also leaving his things behind in the market and following after you.
“S-Sunny wait!” He tries to catch up to you but you move too quickly, and you're halfway to your car.
You're opening the door to your car; you look back at him and shake your head. "Don't... D-Don't say anything else." With that warning, he closed his mouth. You get in your car and drive away. But this time you don’t look back. You just want to get back home, and into the comfort of your family.
When you arrive back home you automatically spot Ollie in the living room playing with your dad. They both see you and Ollie gets up and waddles to you.
“Mama!” he yells, wanting to be picked up by you. With a bright smile on your face to pick him up, and he puts his face in the crook of your neck.
“Hello my love, did you enjoy your nap?” you ask. He always comes to you for snuggles after he is done sleeping. He just looks up at you, nods and goes back to sucking his thumb and back into the crook of your neck.
“What happened at the store, you didn’t bring anything back?” your dad asks with question. Still sitting on the floor with a bunch of Ollie's toys.
You completely forgot that you abandoned your cart at the market after the phone call, and then seeing Rhett. You really couldn’t tell your dad what happened, you can’t just say to him “Oh, when I was shopping, I got a phone call from my abusive ex-boyfriend. Then I ran into my childhood best friend completely froze up on the spot and ran away from him.”
You snap out of your thoughts and just blurt out the first thing that come to mind “Oh, they really didn’t have what I needed there. I’ll go somewhere else tomorrow.” Lying right through your teeth. But really that was the only option you thought of. You wish you could tell your parents what was really going on. But you're too scared. Ashamed. It seems like they would judge you for being in such a bad relationship for that long. “Why didn’t you just leave?” “Why would you let him hit you?” All of these questions start swarming your head and you're trying to come up with answers. But for right now you just try your best to shove them deep down and try to listen to your dad again.
He just nods at your answer. With that you leave your dad in the living room cleaning up the toys, and walk into the kitchen and see your mom making dinner.
“Hey mama, whatcha makin.” you ask while trying to see a glimpse of what she's cooking. But failing to do so, she shoos you away. While walking away you stick your tongue out while your mom isn't looking. While you look down at your son, he's copying your exact face.
“I'm just making your favorite home cooked meal" You light up at her response, you were so excited to have her home cooked meals.
"Oh, I just love having all my family together.” she says smiling ear to ear. You can never go wrong with your mama’s homemade chicken n’ dumplings. They are the best thing you’ve ever had. And you couldn’t trade your mothers cooking for the world.
“I forgot to tell you cub, we're going to Sunday service tomorrow. I have a cute little outfit that Ollie can wear.” your mom says while setting the table. Then your dad walked in and gave you a kiss on the back of the head.
“Mom… do we r-really have to go?” sounding just like you 16 year old self. Not liking to go to the service. But no matter what you still went. But you always ended up liking it because of course you would see Rhett, and you always ran up to him and the rest of his family after the service was over.
“I don’t want to hear it, Sunny. You are going to the service tomorrow with me and your dad. End of discussion.” She said with a blunt and straight voice.
Not wanting to argue with your mom, you put an end to the conversation. Then, you set Ollie down in his high chair. Getting him ready to eat dinner. After that you all are sitting at the table passing around food getting ready to eat.
Then, you think “Oh Shit!” you realize the only other family that goes to the service with them was the Abbott’s. You knew for a fact that know matter what Rhett did, he always tried to get out of a service day. But Cecilia Abbottbeing the woman she is, she saw right through him and made him go anyway. 
After everything is out and ready to eat dinner “Who wants to say grace?” your mother says, while putting some more food on her plate. “Sunny, why don’t you say it, you haven’t in so long.” 
You look at your mother with your pleading eyes, you really don’t want to. Then, you look over at your dad, but he’s staring right back at you with a warning look, but in the end you give in, and have no control over it.
You all put your hands together.While saying grace you just think to yourself how this day might get any crazier. 
What you didn’t know, this is just the beginning.
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I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. ❤️
Reblogs are always welcome. Unless you're under 18. I will block you. and comment if you wanted to be added to the taglist.
Taglist: @callsign-magnolia @roosterforme @angelbabyyy99
dividers are by @saradika
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novacreatesthings · 10 months
Book 1 - Chapter I
TW: Mentions of abuse and mild language
Thursday, February XVII, MMXXII
"It's been years since I am stuck in my own home… I'm about to turn 17 next month and I've suffered a lot at a young age. I've been only trying to get help from others, but I was told that I was being selfish by my own family. Tonight's the night that I'm planning to run away, and I'm not looking back at this hellhole.” 
Somewhere in a suburban area
February 17, 2022
6:38 PM
An elf named Rory went to their closet and grabbed their suitcase and stuff. They folded some clothing and carefully put it inside the suitcase. They grabbed their electronic devices and placed them in their backpack. But, he also noticed his sketchbook and looked at his drawings from his childhood. He carefully placed it inside of his suitcase and grabbed his other books. As Rory unlocked the window and grabbed his belongings, he heard some footsteps behind the door.
“Sweetie, you better not be doing anything reckless in there!” his mother named Stacy said as she was heading upstairs. Rory would open the window and throw his suitcase out. He would notice that his mother's footsteps were getting closer, so he jumped out of the window and landed on the grass. He got up and grabbed both of his suitcase and bag as he would run out to the streets, running off to find the bus station. 
Bus station
7:12 PM
Rory walked to the bus station and he would sit down on the bench to catch his breath. He looked at the screen and read the following words: “NETHILOC CITY: 20 MINUTES.” He would get up to purchase a ticket for the bus, but placed his things down. “One ticket… to get to the city… maybe I can start a new life there.” Rory spoke to themself and pulled out their wallet and glasses. 
While purchasing a ticket, their phone would vibrate and a notification was heard. His ears perked up and he opened his phone, seeing a message from his mother with a distressed face. “Threatening to send me away again…? I'm already gone, damnit.” they said as they looked at the screen as they got their ticket. “5 minutes left, well… guess my life is starting.” he spoke to himself and he went to get his stuff.
As he put his glasses in his case, he would stand by the wall as he was looking at his phone. He was looking for a place in Nethiloc City. “Balore Academy…? Maybe I can start and graduate there.” Rory spoke in his own thoughts as he saw the bus drive by. He looked behind and he sighed as he walked to the bus, finding a seat. They looked at the window while putting their earbuds in, playing music on their phone as the bus drove off to the city. 
Rory would be looking at the night sky as their eyes were staring at the reflection of the window. All there was the sound of the music and the ambience of the bus. The elf looked at his phone and started to search for a hotel in the city. Rory started to daydream about being a successful artist and learning how to code. But he remembered how his parents suggested that he should get a real job, including the fact that they weren't fond of him being creative with his magic. 
Nethiloc City
9:58 PM
When Rory got to the city, he looked at the lights that were beaming in the dark teal sky. The city was modern day and fantasy like, bringing an air of amazement to the young elf. There were humans, anthropomorphic beings, entities, humanoids, and different kinds of creatures. He inhaled and walked to find a hotel in the city. While wandering around, they would hear music playing from some stores that were still open. 
“I didn't know some stores were open for so long.” they spoke in their own thoughts as they continued to walk through the streets. Just then, he noticed a hotel that is open 24/7 and there was a cafeteria. Rory made his way over to the hotel front desk to get a room. “One room please.” The receptionist would type into his computer and Rory took out his wallet to pay.
Afterwards, he was given a key to the room. But then, his mind begins to wander off as he walks away. “Is it me or I'm feeling something?” Rory spoke in their own thoughts as they walked away. They walked to the elevator and pressed a button that would take them to the third floor. Rory held onto his suitcase and backpack as he walked out of the elevator, heading to his own room. As he unlocked the door and took a step in, he stood in complete silence.
Just him. 
No one else.
Just himself and the room.
Rory dropped his backpack and placed his suitcase next to the second bed, sitting down and sighed. He slowly began to wander in his own thoughts. Feeling selfish and ignorant for standing up to his manipulative family because of his beliefs and choices. That he felt like he's an attention seeker, but knowing that he isn't. 
“Shit… I need to stop thinking about them. It gets worse whenever I keep thinking about it.”
As Rory spoke in his own thoughts, he decided to clear his mind and think about starting over. He took out his laptop and searched up results for transferring to Balore Academy. Rory took out their notepad and started to jolt down some notes to remember, including the research of magic. 
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