#saw a lot of this argument until Frozen 2 when they get engaged 3 years later
toeil · 4 years
summer is over, and so are we. [3] ↠ jung jaehyun
[pt.1] [pt.2]
➹ jaehyun x reader ➹ genre: angst, fluff ➹ word count: 3,385
➹ summary: He introduced you to a warm summer you thought you would never have to leave. Yet, here you are, in the middle of a ruthless winter which’s ending seems to be nowhere in sight.
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“Where’s Doyoung?” Johnny dropped down onto your couch, spreading out his limbs.
“He’s staying at Taeyong’s.” You replied before walking into your kitchen to grab two beers. When you returned Johnny was sitting upright, his face showcasing his concern, “again? Why?” You handed him his can before taking a seat next to him, “We had a fight.”
“About what?”
“The dishes.”
“...What?” He stared at you incredulously as you flipped through the tv channels. “Wait y/n, are you joking?”
You dropped the hand that was holding the tv remote in your lap and turned your body towards him, “nope! He turned my simple question about the stupid fucking dirty dishes into an argument and then just fucking left. He sent me a text while we were at the store saying he was going to stay over Taeyong’s.” You scoffed and leaned back on the couch, going back to flipping through the tv channels. “Stupid idiot.”
“y/n hold on, wait, I’m so confused? You just let him leave over that?”
“Yes I did. What else was I supposed to do!?He does this every goddamn day!!” You took a deep breath and then let your voice lower into a soft whisper, “what else was I supposed to do?”
“Look, I don’t want to talk about this right now, okay? Just...please drop it.
Things never got to this extent with Jaehyun, and you couldn’t help but wonder why it did with Doyoung.
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Today was Johnny and Ten’s anniversary party and as soon as you arrived with Doyoung, you were drawn to the bar they had set up and spent most of your time there, only leaving when Johnny or Ten dragged you away. Eventually  you’d find your way back there anyway. Now you were home, currently leaning against your bathroom sink  just in case your body decided to purge your guts out again.
“Go away.” The moment you saw Doyoung entering the bathroom, you instantly turned your face away to stare at the products littering the bathtub. He stepped forward and set a water bottle down next to you before moving back to the doorframe, “what’s wrong with you? Why would you drink so much?”
“I don’t know.”
“Come on, drink the water and then let’s go to bed.” His voice sounded distant, the once sweet and gentle tone that coated it no longer there. It was hard to catch at times, but it was tinged with a sort of coldness now. You knew he wasn’t standing in the bathroom right now because he wanted to. No, it was because he felt obligated to. You were his wife after all and he felt a sense of responsibility for you because of it. Not to mention that small amount of guilt that kept nagging him at the back of his head.
“I’ll throw up again.”
“You threw everything up at the party, there isn’t anything left. Drink the water.” He wasn’t wrong, but you didn’t want to be with him right now and this was the perfect excuse to try and be alone. Even if it’s just for a little while.
He called out your name sternly and glared at the back of your head briefly before letting out a short breath, “why can’t you just listen to me sometimes?” You lifted yourself up away from the sink and turned towards him with a sigh, allowing your eyes to meet his, “why don’t you just say it?”
“Say what?”
“That you don’t love me anymore.” Your voice was weak, barely above a whisper but he heard you loud and clear. It was obvious by the way his eyes widened, standing completely frozen to his spot.
“You know I can’t do it.”
“Do what?” His voice lowered to a whisper too.
“Tell you I want to end it. I can’t do it because…” your voice started to crack as your eyes began to tear up, blurring your vision of Doyoung, “because...I can’t because...because I still love you. You don’t want to say it because you want me to, right? That’s why you’re always picking fights with me over nothing, hoping that my patience would run thin and I’d eventually get fed up with you and then want to call it quits. But I just fucking can’t. So just...let go of your ‘I’m too nice of a guy’ bullshit and say it.”
He opened his mouth, wanting nothing more than to deny your accusations. He’d be lying if he did, thought. He has never lied to you and he never would. He had promised himself that from the very beginning because he knew better than to build a relationship with secrets and lies. Maybe that was one of the many things you loved most about him, how truthful and honest he had always been with you about everything. Except for this one thing that was probably the most important thing of all.
His gaze fell to the floor, finding it difficult to watch you, “it just feels different. It’s not...it’s not the same anymore between you and me. B-but we can work through it, can’t we? You said you still love me so...we can fix this. Maybe couples therapy can help us?”
“Do you still love me?”
“y/n-” His eyes shot up finding their way back to you, almost pleading you to stop.
“Answer the question.”
“I-I don’t know.”
“Then there’s your answer. We can’t work through this because trying to would be like forcing you to have feelings that are no longer there and I can’t do that to you...it doesn’t matter if I still love you.”
After a long period of silence he spoke up again, “so it’s really over?”
“...It’s really over.”
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Last month you and Doyoung had filed for divorce and last week it had finally been decreed. You moved out two weeks after that night in the bathroom. Moving in only took you a day, but finding a suitable apartment was what took you the longest. You didn’t tell family or your close friends until a week after filing for the divorce, the only reason for taking so long being that you knew they’d ask questions and you nor Doyoung were feeling up to answering them. If you told them before filing, they’d want to meddle in and try to get you two to reconsider and those suckers have a way with their words so there was a possibility that they’d be able to convince you two you could save your marriage. So you decided it would be better to wait until the ball was officially rolling and there’d be no way to undo it.
The hardest part about this whole thing was learning to be alone but not lonely. You had spent the last six years of your life with Doyoung. Four years of dating, one year of being engaged, and another year of being married. You got used to him in your everyday life so quickly and now having to adjust without him made you want to coop yourself up in your room all day to avoid your responsibilities.
But as you began to get used to doing things without Doyoung, you began to think that maybe your love had died on both sides. As you spent countless nights awake and thinking, you realized that when you and Doyoung fought, your feelings for him were there. But when you’d stop and you two were okay, your feelings weren’t as strong, if not completely gone. Things began to just feel like a routine. Maybe it was like that for him too and that was why he’d always pick fights over petty things, because he needed to assure himself that he did still love you. In the end though, it just wasn’t there for the both of you.
It never felt like that with Jaehyun.
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“What’re you doing today?” Johnny’s voice asked through your phone.
“Nothing. I was supposed to go grocery shopping but the rain made me feel lazy.” As if on cue a yawn escaped your mouth.
“Well get your lazy ass ready! We’re going out!” You tried to protest but he wasn’t having any of it.
“Just come! Ten’s work gave him a free dinner coupon at this new expensive restaurant like an hour away, but he can’t come because he’s busy with work today.”
“Okay, then go another day!”
“Today’s the last day for the coupon and he told me to just ask you to go. And I refuse to just miss out on free food! I’d much rather go with Ten than you but I have no other option.”
“You’re so annoying.”
“So you’re going to come right?”
“I don’t really have a choice now do I?”
“Nope! See you in twenty!” You let out a huff before setting your phone down and heading into the bathroom to start getting ready.
As soon as Johnny saw you, he sneered, “Oh come on, you could have worn something a little better than-” he motioned to your outfit, “whatever that is.” 
“Just drive you idiot.” But when you arrived and took a look around, you had wished that you had worn something better too. You felt a little out of place, watching girls walking in with cute blouses and floral summer dresses.
“I feel so embarrassed,” Johnny said as soon as the server walked away with your menus and your orders scribbled down on his notepad.
“Imagine how embarrassed I feel. Why didn’t you tell me earlier about how to dress?”
“Well, I assumed you would’ve known because I did mention it was an expensive restaurant. But like always, I underestimated your stupidity.”
As you were taking a sip of your water, your eyes fell on two people behind Johnny who were a few tables away. You squint your eyes to get a better look and when you recognized one of them you couldn’t help but choke on water and break out in a coughing fit.
“Oh my gosh! Are you okay?”
After you calmed down and everyone stopped staring at you, you spoke, “I’m fine, but listen. Don’t turn around right now bu-” Johnny whipped around and began to look, earning him a slap on his arm from you, “I told you not to turn around yet!”
“Is someone there?”
“Yeah, it’s Jisoo. But she’s not here with Jaehyun.” Johnny’s interest peaked and he turned around again, this time a lot less obviously.
“Who is that?”
“It looks like one of Jaehyun’s friends. I remember seeing him a few times. Pretty sure his name was Jinwoo? Jungwoo? Something like that.”
“Hopefully they’re just here as friends.”
“At a restaurant like this? That’s an hour away from town?”
“That’ll be literally like us.”
“Yeah may- oh. Oh no. Well we do not do that.” Johnny turned back around to face you with widened eyes, “They just kissed...”
After a few minutes of silence you spoke up, “are Jisoo and Jaehyun even dating anymore?”
“Yeah! They’re engaged.”
“Oh my god...”
“Should I take a picture?”
“What!? No! Are you fucking crazy?”
“To send to Jaehyun!” He didn’t wait for you to protest, “I’m taking a picture. I can’t just act like I didn’t just see his fiance cheating on him!”
“Johnny wai-” He quickly and discreetly snapped the picture and sent it to Jaehyun right away.
“You idiot! Don’t send it to him right now!” Your eyes flew back to Jisoo who was busy staring into Jinwoo’s, or Jungwoo’s, eyes lovingly. Your eyes fell to her phone that neatly sat on the table next to her hand and you watched it like a hawk, waiting for it to light up with a call or text. When Johnny was done ferociously texting, a few minutes later Jisoo got a call. As soon as she saw the caller ID she looked up at the guy across from her in panic. Jaehyun was calling.
You couldn’t hear her but from watching her face turn red with anger, you could tell it wasn’t going well. After she ended the call she slammed her hands down on the table and stood up to storm out. When she passed your table, both you and Johnny turned the other way in an attempt to avoid getting found out by her.
She must’ve been angry because he found out. Maybe he broke it off with her over the phone and she didn’t want to. But you couldn’t help but think that she had no right to be angry with him when she was the lying, cheating bitch in their relationship.
Jaehyun didn’t deserve that.
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“Jaehyun was asking about you.” You snapped your head in Johnny’s direction out of surprise, “he what?”
“I can’t believe you two still aren’t over each other. Especially after such a long time with different people. I guess you two really do love each other that much.” He mumbled under his breath.
“He said he wasn’t over me?” Jaehyun did say he wouldn’t ever stop loving you, you always thought he was just being dramatic. Or maybe you just didn’t want to believe him.
“Technically he did not say that, but I could tell that he still loves you. I can read people like a book.” You rolled your eyes at your best friend, “yeah, no.”
“You should talk to him. Do you want me to give you his number?” Your heart was ready to fall out of your chest. Was this really happening? Now?
You weren’t ready for it, “N-no! I don’t- no!”
Johnny groaned and leaned his head back against his seat, “you both are so fucking dumb. He didn’t want me to give him your number either because he thinks you don’t want to talk to him.”
“It’s not that I don’t want to, it's just...I don’t know.”
“Just text him.” Johnny had provided you with Jaehyun’s number but you were still scared to send a text. So after a week of debating what you’d first say to him, you finally hit send.  Once the conversation started, it didn’t seem like it’d end. Doyoung nor Jisoo ever came up which was probably the only thing that could’ve made it awkward. It felt like things were picking up right where you had left them off with him. The feelings you thought had died began to bloom again out of their dormancy. But the both of you did not acknowledge this with each other.
It stayed like that for a few weeks, just texting back and forth or staying up into the night on the phone. Until you got a text from an unknown number.
+82  xxx-xxxx: Is this y/n?
You: Yes, who is this?
+82 xxx-xxxx: This is Jaehyun’s mom. Would you like to come over for dinner?
You stared at your phone for a solid ten minutes, unintentionally leaving her on read. You didn’t know what to think or reply back to her with.
+82 xxx-xxxx: Sorry, I know this is out of the blue. But I know everything. I wish I knew a little sooner so that I could’ve prevented my idiot son from compromising his happiness and breaking up with you. He still loves you, I can tell. I feel like this was all my fault and I want to try and fix it because he sure as hell won’t. He’s coming over for dinner tonight, so if you still love him, I’m hoping you’d come over too.
You: I’ll come. Could you please send me the address?
When you pulled up in her driveway you saw that Jaehyun was already here and you suddenly got cold feet. After giving yourself a small pep talk in your head, you finally got out of your car and shakily walked up to the front door where you quickly rang the doorbell before you could give yourself the chance to change your mind. His mom opened the door and grinned, her smile just as beautiful as Jaehyun’s. She ushered you in and spoke about how happy she was that you came as she walked you to the dining room. You tried your best to listen to her every word, but it was hard to try and focus when a million thoughts were racing through your brain as you stepped closer to the room Jaehyun was probably currently sitting in, waiting for you, an unexpected guest.
Oh, you were so scared, but when you walked in and you saw Jaehyun after such a long time, everything just melted away into a pool beneath your feet. His eyes were wide as he stared into yours and he had no idea what to do. Was he supposed to get up and hug you? Shake your hand? He should at least say hello, but he was frozen. He knew he’d see you soon, but he didn’t know it’d be this soon. His mom made you take the open seat next to him and then excused herself from the room, saying she had to grab something from the kitchen. As soon as you sat down you softly gave him a ‘hey’ which he replied back to softly too.
“You’re here?” You nodded and cleared your throat, “yeah, your mom invited me.”
“How does she even know you?”
“That’s what I’ve been wondering about, too. She texted me and told me she found out about everything so I thought maybe you told her.”
“I don’t recall…” You two went quiet for a little bit, trying to think of a way she could’ve found out. It clicked in your heads at the same time, “it was probably Johnny!” You two said in unison, causing you two to erupt in soft laughter.
His mom came back in after that and you all started to eat shortly after. There was a lot more talking than there was eating because of all the questions his mom asked the both of you. And just as you expected, she confessed that it was Johnny that told her.
After an amazing dinner filled with laughter and childhood stories, Jaehyun offered to go out in the backyard to talk. Although it was dark and you couldn’t see that well, you recalled all the stories he would tell you about his childhood that took place in this very spot. Your heart felt warm as you imagined Jaehyun as a little boy running around his mom’s garden, accidentally stepping on the flowers she had just planted. 
“My mom exaggerates her stories sometimes, by the way.” Jaehyun’s ears had turned a bright red out of embarrassment from how his mom didn’t hold back with telling you about him as a child.
“You don’t have to feel embarrassed,” you chuckled and looked over at him, “they were cute stories.”
He nodded and looked up at the sky. It was silent for a little while, the only sound being the crickets starting to sing out between the plants. “I’m glad you came. It was nice seeing you and being able to talk like that after so long.” 
“I’m glad I came too, I missed you a lot more than I’d like to admit.” You watched a smile begin to lift at the sides of his mouth, his dimple popping in on the side of his cheek.
“...Can I kiss you?” He whispered into the night.
“...Yeah.” He moved closer and brought his forehead to rest against yours. You two watched each other for a little while, soft smiles on both of your lips. He brushed his lips against yours a few times just to tease you, but after having enough, your hand settled behind his neck and you pulled him in to allow your lips to fully attach to his. The kiss was slow and soft, much like the first kiss you two shared. His hand rested below your ear, his thumb caressing your cheek as your breaths mingled together. You hadn’t realized how much you actually missed this until just now. When you two pulled apart, he rested his forehead against yours again.
“So, what now?”
“We start from square one.”
“What do you mean?”
He leaned away from you and straightened his back out, holding his hand out for you to shake, “hi, I’m Jaehyun.”
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unfragilelove · 5 years
when all is lost, then all is found.  (1/1)
This is the idea that’s been knocking around in my head and refusing to let me rest until I spat it out on paper.   I hope you all enjoy.  <3 (begins post-Frozen 1, and ends post-Frozen 2.)
Frohana/Kristanna    ||   No warnings/rating    ||    ao3 link
“If you don’t mind my asking, why did you travel with ice harvesters as a child?   Why didn’t you live in an Arendelle orphanage?” Kristoff just shrugs.  “Because there isn’t one.”
aka:   The royal family establishes the first orphanage in Arendelle, and the children are not the only ones who find a home within it's walls.
Arendelle has always prided itself on being well-run kingdom, fortunate enough to have an abundance of resources, plenty of trade, a fairly stable economy, and residents who rarely disturb the peace.
Which is why it comes as such a shock to Anna and Elsa when, in a conversation with Kristoff, full of quiet admissions and tales of their childhood, the topic comes up:
  “If you don’t mind my asking, why did you travel with ice harvesters as a child?   Why didn’t you live in an Arendelle orphanage?”
  Kristoff just shrugs.  “Because there isn’t one.”
  Anna’s jaw drops and Elsa looks a combination of surprised and uncomfortable, both of the women falling silent for several long moments, seemingly at a loss for words.
  “There isn’t one?”  Anna speaks up first, her voice incredulous, “Not anywhere in our entire kingdom?”
  “No.   But, to be fair, it’s not like there are a lot of displaced kids in Arendelle.”
  “But when there are,”  Anna says, her voice rising with her building emotions,  “When it does come up, and there are parents who can’t take care of their baby, or a kid whose parents die,”  Elsa and Kristoff both wince a bit at that, and the waver in Anna’s voice speaks for itself,  “We don’t have anywhere for them to go?”
  Kristoff presses his lips together in a tight frown, unable to find the words to ease her mind.  Admittedly, it does bother him, too— the thought of other children growing up without homes, and perhaps not ending up as fortunate as he did.  (Trolls they may be, but they’re his family, all the same.)
  “I feel awful, for not even knowing.”  Elsa says, her voice quiet and eyes pensive. 
  “Up until a few months ago, you two spent your entire lives inside the castle walls.  It’s not your fault that you don’t know every inch of Arendelle yet.”  Kristoff says, looking at the two downtrodden sisters, and hoping to assuage some of their guilt.
  “But we can change that, right?”  Anna asks, though her voice leaves little room for argument.  “We could create a place where kids can be safe.  Somewhere that they can stay until they find home and families, somewhere they don’t have to be alone anymore.”
  None of them seem inclined to disagree.
  It’s a fairly small thing, Arendelle’s Home for Children, but it’s plenty homey, with plush blankets on warm beds, and boxes full of toys, and a view of the fjord through the dining room window.   It’s located right outside the castle gates, too, which makes overseeing the building process all the easier.   (They all play a role in it’s creation, Kristoff helps with a lot of the hands-on work, Elsa oversees the plans, and Anna is the creative force behind it all, offering ideas and helping in any way she can.)
  The demand for an orphanage was not immense, but it's a cause that proves itself more than necessary.
  This rings particularly true, when it hasn't even been a week after they finish painting the outer walls, and they are approached by a woman, tears rolling down her face, a young toddler in her arms.   A child that is not hers, but her brother’s, who went out for what was supposed to be a two-day trek into the mountains and failed to return alive, and she simply can’t raise the boy herself anymore, she’s sorry, so sorry--
  (It isn't long at all before a couple-- two lovely women, both skilled blacksmiths-- tentatively come into the Home.   They’ve wanted a child of their own for years now, and considering the way the couple’s eyes well up with tears when the two tiny hands reach up toward them,  Anna, Elsa and Kristoff all have no doubt they made the right decision.)
  As time passes, the amount of children in the Home ebbs and flows— thankfully, they’ve rarely had more than five residents at any given time, and in the two whole years since it’s been open, they’ve said tearful farewells to almost a dozen children who’ve found happy homes with new parents.
  Turns out, there are kids in Arendelle who need a safe place to live, but there are also plenty of couples--  same-sex couples, or ones who cannot bear children, or individuals who simply want to adopt a child into their life--  who are equally grateful for the opportunity to expand their family.
  It may be far from a lucrative business, but it’s brought them far more fulfillment than any amount of coin could.
   When they first opened Arendelle’s Home for Children, Gerda had offered her assistance in running the place.   Anna, who remembered how kind she was to her as a child, knew she’d be as good a fit as any.   And now, coming up on two and a half years into the endeavor, it still rings true.    However, while Gerda remains the primary live-in caretaker, the royal family’s presence has been far from absent.
  Kristoff spends a fair amount of time down in the Home, often bringing Sven, who happily brays and lets the kids hang off his antlers, or ride on his back.   He can’t help but talk for Sven, too, which almost always makes the younger children giggle and squeal in delight.    
  There’s one little girl there, Sylvi, with pale skin and tangled blonde hair, who mostly keeps to herself— she’s nonverbal, and hasn’t quite warmed up to any of them yet, curling away from any sort of physical contact. 
(They’re not sure if she was born that way, or if it’s a coping mechanism, or some combination of both. They know next to nothing about her past, but they’ll do everything they can to ensure her a happy future.)    
  She still remains rather closed-off, despite being at the Home for a few months now.   But then, on a crisp Spring morning, something incredible happens-- Kristoff breaks out in Sven’s voice, and Sylvi’s face lights up like a Christmas tree.   She smiles-- the very first smile they’ve seen cross her face in all the time she’s been there-- and she wanders over to bury her hands happily in the thick texture of the reindeer’s fur.   It’s the most progress they’ve seen her make thus far, and Kristoff has never felt prouder.
      Meanwhile, Anna spends any free time she has at the Home, too-- enthusiastically telling the kids stories of her adventures, (usually with Olaf at her side, reenacting the scenes with equal enthusiasm.)   And she’s almost always bringing the kids more toys. (“Your highness, how many times must I insist there are already too many toys to keep the place tidy!”   “Oh, come on Gerda, how am I supposed to be considered a kind and generous princess if I don’t spoil my favorite little Arendellians!   Plus, Kristoff and I already started building them bigger toy boxes, don’t worry.”)   
  There’s a boy there, Fredrik, with wild curly locks and a gap-toothed grin, who always runs and flings himself into Anna’s arms.  He, too, always has a new story to tell— of he and the other kids playing pirates, or this baby rabbit he saw in the woods, or the way he swears there’s a sea monster in the fjord.    Sometimes he’ll stop himself mid-sentence, as though realizing he’s rambling, and stumbles over an apology-- in a way that feels painfully familiar to Anna.   But she’ll be damned if she makes a child feel any of the same inadequacy she did.    With a shake of her head and a smile, she’ll urge him on, “Well, don’t leave me hanging!   You’ve gotta tell me what happened next!”   
The way his face always brightens in response is worth more than anything in the world.   
    Elsa stops by frequently, as well— though at first it had taken her a bit longer to get used to being around children, mostly due to the fear she still wasn’t fully in control of her powers.     Once she had begun to visit, though, the children quickly grew on her, and she’ll often make them little flurries and piles of snow to play in during the hot summer months.   There’s an older girl in her late teens, named Runa— who starts to sit next to Elsa while the younger children play.   Runa is mostly blind, but she often requests little ice sculptures from Elsa, a smile always gracing her face as she runs her fingers along the frigid curves of each figurine.    Of course, they have plenty of wooden toys that could serve the same purpose.  So one day, Elsa can't help but to ask, “Doesn’t the cold bother you?”  
Runa shrugs,  “I’ve never minded it.”  
  Perhaps it’s not so much the ice figurines she enjoys, as much as it is the company and kindness of another.
   Of course, all the children who have come into the Home hold special places in each of their hearts.   It’s a complicated sort of love, as every farewell they have is a bittersweet one (it means they’ll see the child far less, if at all--  but it means they've found a real home, which is so, so good.)   
  And on a similar vein, every child they watch get passed up by potential families breaks their hearts.   
  It's Autumn when a lot changes in an incredibly short span of time.   By the time the dust fully settles in Arendelle, Anna’s both engaged and coronated as Queen, Elsa lives in the Enchanted Forest with the Northuldra, and there’s an entire chunk of their kingdom’s history that needs retelling.    For Anna, in particular, the queendom comes incredibly natural to her— but the journey it took to get there, the mass of secrets their family kept, holding Olaf as he perished, the gripping fear that she was truly alone , followed by nearly dying on the dam--  well, that all is a bit harder to come to terms with.  
  Eventually, though, things calm down enough for them to fall back in to a mostly normal routine, and they waste no time visiting the Home regularly once more.   There, they find a couple new residents, and, unfortunately-- three familiar faces who’ve yet to find homes.
Sylvi, despite most families passing her by, makes great strides-- she warms up to Kristoff through her comfort around Sven, and begins to trust the sisters, too.   Elsa, with her calm and composed demeanor, seems to put her at ease.   And Anna, though far more excitable than her sister in nature, is always careful to not to overstimulate or stress the child out.   Eventually, the first time Sylvi makes proper eye contact with someone is with Anna, her curious little eyes becoming absolutely fixated on the princess’s face as she tells her a story.    The little one doesn’t even seem to realize she’s doing it, and yet it takes Anna all the willpower she can muster to stay focused on the tale she’s weaving, and not start to cry right then and there.
  Fredrik, meanwhile, is a lovebug with just about everyone, as outgoing as ever and never seeming to run low on energy.   He loves nature, always asking to ride Sven, or picking up little snails off the cobblestone path and moving them to safety, or doodling different plants he finds throughout the town.   He can almost always be found running around playing with Olaf, or dragging the other children into games, or asking Kristoff and Anna to take him on hikes, or running headfirst into a snow pile Elsa made-- (to which she quickly has to add extra snow to cushion him from hitting the ground beneath, and dear gods , these children will never fail to keep their reflexes sharp.) 
  Elsa, although no longer living there, still visits Arendelle rather frequently.   While it’s their family game night that keeps her coming back weekly, she makes time to visit the Home, as well.    Despite it being a regular occurrence, Runa’s face never fails to light up when she hears Elsa’s voice.   It always makes her heart feel full-- that is, until the day Gerda pulls her aside and shares that they haven’t had many potential adopters, lately, and those that do visit are almost never interested in Runa.   
“Beyond being blind, she’s nearly an adult, in most people’s eyes.” Gerda tells her in a whisper, her voice thick with sadness.  “And I fear she may not find a family before that day comes.”    
  It sticks with Elsa, the words ringing in her ears and refusing to grant her peace.   She feels like it’s the siren’s call all over again, something nagging in the back of her mind, except instead of being mysterious and exciting, it’s an echo of a far more grim reality.   She returns to the Enchanted Forest that night, and it’s several weeks before she visits the orphanage again.
  “You came back!”  Runa exclaims when she returns, “I was starting to think you forgot about me.”
  “Quite the opposite, actually, I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately.   There’s something I need to speak to you about.”  A sharp breath, and then:  “How would you feel about coming to live with me and the Northuldra?”
  A few more months pass, and while the newest children have come and gone from their system in nearly record time, Sylvi and Fredrik still remain.   It’s just the two of them in the Home now, and with the holidays only days away, it doesn’t appear they’ll find homes before the new year.
  As a result, Kristoff and Anna, in addition to the time they spend with them during the day, have taken to inviting the kids for dinner with them in the castle, most nights. (“They deserve to eat in a proper home, you know?” “Of course, and I’m sure Gerda will enjoy having the afternoon off--”  “Right, and Fredrik didn’t get a chance to finish telling us about how he saved that baby bird!”
“And really, no child deserves to feel alone this time of year.”)
It’s not the first time they’ve all eaten in the castle together, but there’s something about the way Sylvi erupts into a fit of loud giggles when Fredrik puts a carrot up his nose to imitate Olaf,  or the way Kristoff feigns shock to amuse the kids each time he looks away only to find more and more brussel sprouts being snuck onto his plate,  or the way Fredrik, with a belly already full of hearty food, looks at the dessert tray being brought in and says, “Man, I love you guys.”   
  The moments are happy ones, and yet Anna’s chest aches  while watching how well these two children seem to settle into their everyday life.  The Home would continue to keep them safe and comfortable, yes, but it’s still not… well, a home .
  The short trek back to the orphanage that night is a heavy one, as they know the kids need to be back in their own beds, but find that it’s getting harder and harder to say goodbye each time.   Sylvi tucks her nose into the crook of Anna’s neck as she carries her, no longer terrified of touch as she once was (at least, not from Kristoff and Anna.)    And Fredrik sits on Kristoff’s shoulders, his boundless energy finally waning as his eyes droop closed.  
  They tuck them in and say their goodnights, returning home to a castle that suddenly feels far too empty.
    It’s only a few hours later, when Kristoff and Anna decide to retire to their room for the night.  The two of them are quietly getting ready for bed when Kristoff speaks up, his voice tentative.  
  “Anna, do you, uh-- do you still want to have kids?” 
  “I do.   Why?  Wait, are you having second thoughts—“
  “No, no, definitely not!   I still do too.  I really do.”
  Anna watches him, her fingers playing absent-mindedly with his hair as she waits patiently for him to get to the point he’s clearly trying to build toward.   He takes a deep breath, and then:
  “Do you want only... biological children?”
  Her heart swells as it occurs to her where he’s heading with this, and she wonders how she got so lucky, to find someone whose soul aligns so perfectly with her own.
  “Not at all," Anna says, and oh, she can already feel the tears building in her eyes,  "I’d be happy raising a child with you, however they come into our life.” 
   “So say there was a boy with curly hair and a kind heart, as feisty as you, to slide down the bannisters with--”
  “Or maybe a little blonde like you, who trusts us more than anyone, quiet but brave as can be, who comes out of her shell more and more every day--”
  “Or both?”   He asks with a sheepish, yet oh-so radiant grin, and Anna mirrors it tenfold.  
  “Yeah.  Both sounds good to me.”
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Avenging Angel: Part 18
Summary: You’ve spent the last five years on a dangerous mission to solve the crime that wrongly imprisoned your father. When the Winchesters find you half-frozen on the side of a mountain, they make it their own mission to save your life and make sure you stay alive. But after five years of uncovering horribly dark secrets, you’ve learned not to trust anyone. Especially people who seem like they have good intentions.
Word Count: 1625
Warnings: None
Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 – Part 4 – Part 5 – Part 6 – Part 7 – Part 8 -- Part 9 -- Part 10 -- Part 11 -- Part 12 -- Part 13 -- Part 14 -- Part 15 -- Part 16 -- Part 17
He knew.
You didn’t know how you’d been so blind the last few months, but Braxton knew who you really were. He probably had since that first night in the club. It was appalling that it had taken you this long to put all of the little things together and figure it out.
The way he seemed insistent on getting your name at the club hadn’t just been because he was attracted to you. It was because he wanted to make a connection and make you trust him.
The way he seemed to care about your father’s recovery wasn’t just out of concern for you. It was because you and your father were the only two people who could possibly know whatever it was the Convingtons needed. And if you didn’t know, then he had to make sure that your father was alive so he could tell them.
And when he asked you to move in, it wasn’t just because he wanted to take your relationship to the next level. It was because the more time he spent around you, the more likely you were to spill your secrets.
How could you have been so blind?
Then Braxton walked out of the bathroom with only a towel around his waist and you suddenly remembered.
You wanted something normal. You aggressively wanted to believe the lie that Braxton liked you for you, and not because you could lead his family to whatever they wanted from your father.
“Wear the pinstripe suit today,” you suggested as he perused his closet.
He plucked the suit in question out of the closet and held it up for your inspection. “This one?”
Setting your computer aside, you climbed off the bed and made your way over to him. “Yeah. You have that big meeting today, right? Pinstripes make you look taller. You’ll seem more important in their eyes. Business is all about subtle manipulation, right?”
“And what would you know about subtle manipulation, Ms. Tech-Support?” He tossed the suit onto a nearby chair and pulled you into him with his hands on your waist and a grin on his face.
“More than you would guess.” With a matching grin, you went up on your toes and kissed him.
“So if my werewolf half gave me the strength and stuff to survive a winter storm for two days, then why am I about as coordinated as a drunk bumblebee?”
“Shut up,” Dean hissed, peering around the corner in the abandoned house he and Sam had tracked this nest of vampires to.
It had been four weeks since Braxton left town, and in that time you hadn’t gotten much closer to figuring out what you wanted to say to your dad, where your mom was, or how to get your father out of jail. Instead, Sam and Dean kept teaching you how to fight and you kept avoiding any mentions of angels or demons.
“I think it’s a very valid question, considering I have a machete in my hand. Shouldn’t being coordinated be the first test I have to pass in order to actually carry this?”
“Seriously,” Dean turned around with an annoyed look on his face. “Shut up.”
“You don’t like me very much, do you?” You asked, cocking your head. You’d gotten the distinct impression that Dean’s opinion of you was steadily going down as the past few weeks dragged on, but you had no idea why.
Before Dean could answer, a snarling figure launched themselves at him, tackling him to the ground. You jumped back with a squeal and brandished your machete in front of you, even though you had no idea how to use it. Dean and the vampire grappled for a minute before the vampire knocked his machete away and got the upper hand.
“Y/N!” Dean groaned, “Do something!”
“Do what?” you screeched. Your crash course on vampires from Sam last night came to the forefront of your mind in a jumbled mess. Beheading. That’s what killed them.
Without thinking too hard, you swung the giant knife with all of your might, closing your eyes at the last second. Had that been a movie, the head would have been severed and you would have saved the day. However, the machete was yanked out of your hand, and you opened your eyes to see it stuck in the vampire’s neck, presumably lodged in the spine.
But that moment was all Dean needed to reverse their roles. He wrestled the machete out of the vampire’s neck and took one clean swing to make the head roll.
“You gotta hit right between the right vertebrae,” he said in between heavy breaths.
“I would like to remind you that I am a computer nerd. Not a hunter!” Just looking at the decapitated head made you queasy. “The only things I’ve killed were spiders and my hopes and dreams for my future.”
Sam came skidding into the room. He surveyed the mess before relaxing. “There were two downstairs, but one got away.”
“Yeah. We got that,” Dean said, motioning to the body. Then he turned to you. “If you weren’t ready, then why did you even come along?”
“Because you made me!” you reminded him loudly. “Because you don’t trust me enough to stay back at the hotel alone. Because you think I’m only toying with Sam’s feelings to get him to drop his guard and blindly trust me. Because you don’t trust me, and I feel like I have to prove myself to you!”
“Then why do you even stick around? And don’t give me some bullshit I’m in love with Sam story.”
You weren’t in love with Sam. But you did like him a lot. “If you didn’t want me in your lives, then you should have just left me on that mountain instead of insisting that you help me figure out what’s going on in my life. You pushed just as hard as Sam did to stick around even when I insisted that you leave me alone.”
“Yeah, back when I thought you were smart enough to run the other way once the guy who left you to die came looking for you. But no. You kept running right back to him the second you saw him in that bar!” Dean yelled back. “You wouldn’t even go to a doctor because you thought he would be able to find you, but as soon as Cas and Crowley came around, you were running right back into his arms.”
“Guys—“ Sam tried to diffuse the tension, but neither you nor Dean were having any of that.
“That was before I knew that he was engaged to someone pretending to be me. And before I knew that he was the person that I’d been confiding in for years. I needed answers! Things change, Dean!”
“Apparently not your feelings for Braxton, though,” he muttered, tossing a quick glance at Sam.
You set your jaw. “You don’t trust me? That’s fine. You don’t like me? That’s fine too. You think I’m a manipulative bitch? Well, that one’s probably true. But I’ve never lied to you and Sam. So when I told you that I was never in love with Braxton, I was telling the truth.”
“And you just expect me to believe you?”
You could feel Sam beside you, wavering between trying to stop this argument again, or just letting it run its course. With a sigh and a step back, you knew he’d made his decision.
“What is your problem with me? Really, I’d like to know.”
“You!” Dean exploded. “When we saved you on that mountain, you had this fire in your eyes. You were fighting for something and I could tell that you were strong enough to do whatever it was you needed to do. But now you’re just going with the flow and dragging Sam along with you.”
“What do you expect me to do? My whole life revolved around getting my dad out of prison and proving that he’s innocent. How the hell am I supposed to do that without explaining about shifters to the world?”
Sam groaned loudly and walked over to a chair, plopping down on the layer of dust. “Here we go.”
“Shut up, Sammy,” Dean muttered angrily.
You looked between the two for a moment. “What’s going on?”
Sam rested his arms on the back of the chair and reluctantly locked eyes with you. “Dean has this wild theory—“
“It’s not wild.” The eldest Winchester defended hotly. “Both Cas and Crowley think it’s happening.”
There is was again. That angel and demon duo. Dean was obsessed, but you wanted nothing to do with it, so you turned on your heel and started for the door.
“You wanna find your mom?” Dean called after you, venom dripping from his voice. He knew that would get to you. “Cas knows where she is.”
Your blood ran cold. Dean had this information for four whole weeks and never thought to mention it? And Sam knew too? Dean must have told him. But both of them hid behind your hatred for their feathered friend and let you go on believing that you would never be able to see your mother again or free your father.
You’d just gotten out of a relationship built around lies. You thought that the Winchesters were different. But both of them holding back something this big? Especially Sam. Dean accused you of manipulating his brother when it was apparently the other way around.
Rather than turning back around to confront them, you put one foot in front of the other until you were out of the house. You could deal with them later. Right now, you couldn’t deal with anything.
Part 19 of Avenging Angel
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I Don’t Want This Night To End - Part 3
Characters: Dean x Reader
Summary: Each New Years Eve is magical but how much can one night change your life?
Word Count: 6783 words
A/N: This is a collaborative fic brought to you from the laptops of @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester and @girl-next-door-writes. It is the third part in our mini-series and we have LOVED writing it so we appreciate any feedback and hope you enjoy.
Part 1    Part 2
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31st December Present Day
Dean took his time with the pie as he remembered the second time they met. He hadn't expected her to show up but she did and she took his breath away. He remembered how they had spent the whole party together away from the crowd. That picture was still one of his favourites even after all these years. He dug it out on his mobile as he ate the pie remembering just how perfect that night was. How she had ended up in the bed with him this time and how he had spent every second just discovering parts of her. It didn't go any further than that night though. He was still recovering from a bad relationship and by the time he thought he was ready she was with someone else and as usual the timing had fucked him over.
31st December 2010
She waited impatiently for the old dear in front of her to shuffle down the aisle and checked her watch again.  The bad weather had played havoc with flights and she had luckily managed to get the last seat on this one even though it meant a few hours drive to get to her final destination.  Just the thought of where she was going brought a warm smile to her face and she glanced down at her left hand where a huge diamond caught the light and winked back at her.  She hadn’t called him to come pick her up, one of them really should be at their engagement party on time.  She had called the one person, other than her fiance, who she knew would drive through the snow to come and get her without question.  Over the past two years he had grown to become her best friend, someone she could always rely on and she hoped he felt the same.  
Dean pulled in the parking lot of the airport checking his watch to make sure he wasn't late. She would probably bury him alive if she misses this party. He still couldn't believe she was engaged to Henry. He was a nice enough guy but Dean hated him. Fucking superhuman who had to be brilliant at everything. He couldn't even hold it against Y/N. Had he been a girl, he probably would have been falling head over heels for this guy. It was annoying just how perfect he was.
With her bag in her hand she finally made it off the plane and hurried through the airport, her eyes scanning the crowds to see if he was here already.  Leaning against a pillar with that same self satisfied smirk on his gorgeous face she slowed her pace and grinned.  Damn, she had missed him.  Wandering over she dropped her bag at his feet and wrapped her arms around him, pulling him in for a tight hug.  “Miss me Winchester?”
He checked his watch for the tenth time in the hour as he waited for her to get out. They had a very bad snowstorm in the forecast and he wanted to reach the hotel before it started. He finally saw her, looking around for him as she waited for the old lady in front of her to get a move and he pushed himself off the pillar he had been leaning against. “Not a bit.”he said teasingly as he hugged her tightly betraying just what a big lie it was. “You sure you wanna go to this party? We can still run off. You have my support for that.”he said teasingly as he grabbed her bags and pulled her to his side, dropping a kiss on her forehead.
“You asking me to run off to Vegas with you Dean?” she chuckled.  So many times they had joked about that and she figured they always would.  It was their little ‘in’ joke.  
“I am. I am damn serious too. You sure you wanna spend the rest of your life with Mr stuffy pants?” he asked not really looking at her.  
Walking through the airport to the car park she hooked her arm around his waist and leaned into him.  He smelled gorgeous, as always.  She had tried to convince Henry to use a similar aftershave but he was a creature of habit and the new scent hadn’t stuck.  “Come on, we’ve got a party to get to before next year.”  
“Yeah, yeah. Why would you wanna spend time with poor old me now.”he grumbled as he opened the door for her before dropping her bag in the back seat.
Sliding into the passenger seat she rooted through her pockets and brought out a small box beautifully giftwrapped.  When Dean got into the car she handed it over to him with a smile.  “Happy Christmas.  I know I was away for work and I should have given you this before I left but...you can open it now.”  They had made a deal not to spend money on each other when it came to gifts and she had spent hours putting this gem together.  She bit her lower lip as she watched him strip the paper and her eyes lit up at his reaction.    
“Really? And here I thought you forgot me.”he said with a grin as he tore open the wrapping as hastily as he could. “Yours is in the backseat if you want.”he said with a small smirk as he looked up at her which froze as he realised what she had given him. She must have spent hours over it and now his gift kinda felt pointless. “This---this is amazing, y/n/n,” he muttered as he turned the tape over. “I don't even remember when was the last time someone made a mix tape for me.”he said with a grin as he took it out and replaced it with the current tape in his car.
Leaning over into the back seat she saw a hastily wrapped squishy package and grabbed it, sitting back down.  Taking care to unwrap it her eyes met the most hideous, deformed, one eyed batman teddy.  To anyone else this would have seemed like a really odd gift but to her this was the sweetest thing she had ever received.  Just over a year ago they had been ditching work and hanging out at an old arcade, eating junk food and wasting quarters.  She had kicked his ass three times in a row on the air hockey when they had spotted the claw machine.  They had definitely wasted far too much money in that thing but ultimately Dean had been triumphant and this ugly little bastardised version of a superhero was the result.  She had begged and begged him to let her have it but he just held it high over his head and laughingly refused.  Holding it now in her hand her eyes began to fill.
He glanced at her and saw her frozen, with a blank face. “Okay I know it's not much but I thought it was time I passed it on. Making sure you don't forget me once you are Mrs superhuman.”
She leapt across the seat and wrapped her arms around him, burying her head in the crook of his neck as she smiled.  “I love it! It’s perfect!  It will have pride of place right next to my bed and I will take it everywhere with me.”  
Dean gasped in a surprise before a chuckle escaped her lips his hand coming to her head and pressed a kiss to the side of her head. “Hmmm, don't go off too far where I can't reach you.” he said softly as he let a sigh out. What was he doing here? He should just drive her to the hotel and keep his mouth shut before he said too much. Timing never seemed to be right for them and now she was engaged. She had slipped out of his fingers because he waited too long and he couldn’t blame anyone for that but himself. “Come on, let's get going before we get caught in the storm.”he muttered not meeting her eyes.
As they headed out of the carpark she scooted over and rested her head on his shoulder.  “You do realise we will be spending quite a lot of time together.” She hummed, a little nervous about how he was going to take her next suggestion.  “I was kinda hoping you would be my best man/maid of honour which means you are my go to for weddingy things.  You’ll need to come help me pick out a dress and because Henry is super busy at the hospital I think I can safely say there will be free cake for you, lots of cake.”  Sitting up she looked at him hopefully.  “Come on Batman, there’s nobody I would rather have by my side on my big day.”  Henry was amazing.  A doctor who came from money and was kind and clever and witty and looked damned good in a suit.  Being with him sometimes made her feel like she was playing at being a grown up, there was no doubt that her life with Henry would be very mature and happy.  She would still rely on Dean for the silly, slightly immature moments where she would laugh until her face ached.
Dean felt his body tense up. He was doing everything he could to keep as much distance from the wedding as he could and now she was pushing him right in the middle of it. So while Mr superhuman saved the world he would be organising his wedding with the girl he was in love with since the day he met her. So fucking wonderful. “Really? Wouldn't Charlie be a better option? And Jess. You could have all the girls night out and the bachelorette party? I mean I don’t exactly fit in on that scene.”he said as lightly as he could. He was strong but only as much. He couldn't do this. Help her chose the wedding dress and then stand next to her as she married someone else. His grip on the steering wheel tightened a little and he let out a shaky breath. Besides, he was pretty sure Henry wasn't fond of him either. The dislike was mutual which y/n either ignored or wasn't aware of it.
She nodded along with his words and placed her head back onto his shoulder trying to fight back the disappointment.  It would have been easy to ask Charlie but she was really looking for an excuse to spend as much time with him as she could while she could.  Between work and planning the wedding and the moments she got to spend with Henry she was pretty stretched and she figured once she was married it wasn’t like Dean would be coming over for pizza and netfix nights.  For one Henry would not approve.  She was aware that he tolerated Dean in her life because that had been the only argument they had ever had.  This was a friendship she would fight for.  “Okay, fine.  I’ll let you off and I will ask Charlie but remember you got first refusal alright.”  She was glad he couldn’t see her face because she was sure that her feelings were written across her face.  “You’ve got to be the stripper for my bachelorette party though.” she joked.  
He could hear the disappointment in her voice. He didn't even have to look at her to know that he had hurt her. “Y/n/n, i---I can't.”he tried to explain but what could he say and not reveal how he really felt. He wasn't going to be the reason to ruin this for her. She was clearly very happy about it otherwise she wouldn't have said yes to him in the first place, right? “You sure you could handle me stripping? I am pretty good at it.”he said teasingly nudging her slightly knowing she was sulking a little. He let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair before glancing at her and then back at the road. “Things are gonna change, aren't they?”he asked quietly his hand reaching for hers and threading their fingers together.
“We’re growing up Dean.  Things are gonna change but I don’t want to lose you.”  She squeezed his fingers between hers and watched as the first snowflakes began to fall, hitting the windscreen.  “Can I ask you something?  You need to be completely honest with me though.  Promise me you will be honest.”  She hesitated, knowing that if anyone would tell it to her straight it would be Dean.  
“Y/N/N, I am always going to be around for as long as you want me. Nothing is going to change how I feel about you and us.”he said softly, squeezing her hand. “Yeah. Of course. When have I ever lied to you?”he asked. Well, besides in that moment he really hadn't lied to her and that moment didn't count because if he didn't lie he would ruin her wedding and as much as he hated it she did deserve the best and, well, Henry was perfect and he hated him for that. Why couldn't he focus on studies when his mom was on his ass? Instead he had to click pictures like an idiot.
“Am I doing the right thing?  I mean, I love Henry and we would have adorable children and life would be easy and… you’ve seen us together, am I still me when I’m with him?”  She frowned, her nose scrunching a little as she thought aloud.  “It’s probably just being away from him for the holidays right?  I mean, I sent you all those snapchats from the bar and me being, well, me but I didn’t send them to Henry.  He hasn’t even got snapchat.  He says it’s for the kids and he’s probably right but you know I can’t give up that dog filter.” shrugging she let out a sigh. “I don’t know.  I’m just rambling.”
“Sweetheart, no one but you can say if you are doing the right thing or not. Does he make you happy? Like crazy happy that you feel like you are on a high and are never gonna come down? You never want to come down.”he asked before he paused at her next question. He could either lie which she would catch in a second or be honest which he wasn't sure she wanted to hear. “Well, you are you…. Just less of you? I mean you hide a side of you because you know he doesn't like it.”he said softly not looking at her and staring at the road ahead. “Fuck. I had hoped we would be at the hotel before this started.”he grumbled as he started at the snow falling before glancing at her. “You think you are completely yourself with him? You don't hide any part of you? No matter how silly or embarrassing it is? That's love for me. Being completely yourself with the person. Being your silliest self. Showing a side the rest of the world doesn't even know exists, you know?”he said softly, “and if you have that with him then you are fucking lucky because it's so goddamn hard to find. All people these days do is try to change you and fit you in a box they think you should be in.”he said before shrugging and shutting up realising he had already said too much.
Thinking about his words, he was just saying what she had been thinking.  She did love Henry, he was wonderful and reliable and ideal husband material and yet… “Have you ever had that?  Someone who makes you feel so happy you could just burst?”  Henry made her smile, he made her laugh.  True he wasn’t the type who would dance around the kitchen in his pants while they made pancakes but every relationship has compromise.  “There are like two sides to me.  There’s the grown up, travelling the country for work, attending dinner parties, doctors fiance part and then there’s the will eat virtually anything for a dare, lipsync battle, taking photos of animals that remind me of famous people part.  You can’t be both.  I’ve...I’ve been working on a new set of books.  They’re for kids and… I don’t know.  You’re the first person I’ve told.  I can channel the silly into my work but… I get the feeling Henry will see it as just another of my silly little projects.  He says that affectionately though you know, not all condescending and judging.”  The snow was falling heavily now and the weather combined with the darkness of the evening was making the road difficult to see.  
Dean listened to her quietly and honestly he had so much to say to her but right then he had other things to worry about. The snow was falling hard and while talking to her he was afraid he had taken a wrong turn and now he couldn't see shit. “Not to alarm you or anything, y/n/n, but I think we might be lost.”he muttered as he slowed the car down and tried to figure out where they were but with all the snow around them everything looked goddamn same. “oh, for fucks sake. This can't possibly get worse.”he groaned as the snow fall just got heavier and the moment those words left his lips he regretted him because his car, his baby just shut down. “No, no, no. Come on.”he groaned as he tried starting the car and trying to ignore y/n who was having a mini Meltdown next to him.
“What do you mean we’re lost?  We can’t be lost! We have to get there! People are waiting for us!”  She was switching between staring at the snow and staring at Dean.  A panic was building in her chest and her breathing rate increased.  She grabbed his leg when the car cut out.  “Dean.  Please tell me you can get us out of this.”  Taking her phone out of her pocket she tried to fire off a text but it failed to send due to lack of a signal.  “Seriously?  SERIOUSLY?  Okay.  Okay. Okay okay okay okay.  No need to panic right.  You’re alright, I’m alright, we’re alright.  We can figure this out right?  Dean tell me we can figure this out.”  Her eyes were wide as she sought reassurance.  
Dean swallowed hard not really sure how to break it to her that they were stuck there. He doubted anything was there for miles. He tried to make the GPS work on his phone but there was no fucking signal on his phone either. “Y/n/n calm down okay? I am gonna try make the car work.”he mumbled as he zipped up his jacket and opened the door groaning as the chilly air hit his face. “Stay in.”he called as he closed the door behind him and opened the hood of the car and tried to figure out what was wrong but it was too fucking cold and there was no way he could fix it there. He couldn't even focus enough to find what was wrong.
“y/n I couldn't… I am sorry.”he stuttered as he climbed inside and was practically shivering. He didn't even have the heat in the car anymore. “I fucking hate snow storms.”he groaned running his hand through his hair and trying to figure out a way to get her to the engagement party. She was going to hate him for the rest of their lives. “I am sorry, y/n.”he said, his teeth chattering as he glanced at her hesitantly.
Her mind was running a mile a minute.  As he climbed back into the car she could see he was shivering and instinctively shuffled over to him and wrapped her arms around him, rubbing her hands up and down his arms in an attempt to warm him up while she thought.  “Right.  So.  The car won’t start, it’s snowing heavily, there’s no chance of us walking anywhere in this weather and neither of us has phone signal.  We do have snacks and water and… you still keep a blanket in the back?”  This was far from ideal but it’s not like someone died.  Yes the chances of getting to the party was swiftly becoming non existent and she knew Henry would not be happy that she was missing the party with Dean.  “Warmer?  Shit. shit, shit, shitting shit it.  So what?  We sit this out?  Hope the snow stops and we can walk somewhere, find help?  I can’t promise you that I’m not gonna totally freak out, just, just talk to me about something other than how we are stuck in a cold car in a snowstorm.”  She reached over to the back seat and grabbed the blanket before looking back at Dean blinking back tears.
Dean didn't know what to say as she tried to warm him up, her arms around him while she freaked out and he wanted to comfort her but he had no words. He closed his eyes, his head falling back on the seat as he tried to think of a way out while she wrapped the blanket around them and he heard the slight quiver in her voice that made him open his eyes and he looked at her trying to fight back tears.
“Y/n/n, come here.”he whispered pulling her in his lap and wrapping his arms around her, his face buried into her neck. “You really wanna know what I think?”he asked softly, his arms rubbing her back soothingly as he thought his words over. “You aren't two people. You are one person who enjoys both sides of the coin. Being mature and going to dinners and attending photography exhibitions while sipping on champagne and you also happen to enjoy bunking work and spending a whole afternoon in an arcade playing silly games. Those two sides together make you, you. Not one or the other and if Henry can't accept you as a whole then I don't think he deserves you. The fact that he takes what you do as a living as one of your silly projects makes me so fucking mad because it's not easy---any of it and I am so fucking proud of you and what you have achieved after struggling for so long and that's how he should feel. If he is embarrassed by what you do or your silly side then he needs to kicked in the balls.”he said softly knowing this was not what she wanted to hear right now but he couldn't lie to her.
“Can I ask you something now?”he asked softly and when she didn’t object he took a deep breath before phrasing his question. “If you had a choice. To share your life with anyone. Literally anyone would you still chose Henry?”
The question surprised her.  Pulling back she frowned at him.  “Well Chris Evans won’t return my calls so…” she shrugged before smiling sadly at her friend.  “Henry is a good man and I love him.  You can’t spend your whole life waiting on a pipe dream.  At some point you’ve gotta live in the real word right?”  There had been a time she had thought she and Dean might… it just wasn’t meant to be, the timing was never quite right and then she had met Henry.  Kind, sweet, grown up Henry.  She shivered and pulled the collar of her jacket up a little more, snuggling into steal her friends body heat.  
“You know what I mean.”he said dryly, rolling his eyes at her as she snuggled into him and he tightened his arms around her as he listened to her talk and suddenly it hit him. He had truly lost her. She was in love with the guy and there wasn't anything he could do and with those three words his heart silently broke into million pieces and he swallowed the lump in his throat barely reacting to what she was saying as he buried his face in her neck. He knew what came next. He wasn't strong enough to see her with someone else. He just wasn't strong enough and she would hate him for what he is was going to do but there really wasn't any other option for him. Maybe one day he would run into her and could explain how madly in love he was in with her and seeing her with Henry was just something he couldn't do.
“I think there comes a time when you just want to finally settle down.  Have someone to wake up next to every morning and argue about bills with.  Someone to dry while you wash up.  I am fully aware that Henry works all the hours god sends so I will probably be doing all that by myself but...  So what if our love isn’t something explosive and all consuming.  Not every kiss comes with fireworks does it.  I could wait my whole life to find that again and be miserable or I can let go of that fantasy and be happy.”  she sighed, realising she actually sounded far from happy.
Dean froze a little at her words wondering if she meant what he thought she meant. “What if every kiss could be fireworks? What if you didn't have to let go of that fantasy. Would you leave him?” he asked quietly as he pulled back to look at her very aware of the fact just how close she is was and how he just had to lean in a little to capture her lips in a kiss. A kiss long overdue.
Her eyes met his and she searched them, trying to understand what he was asking.  “Are...are you asking what I think you are?  Because if you are then what the fuck Dean?”  She slid off his knee and folded her arms over her chest as she tried to get her head around the possibility that he might mean him.  “Is this because I’m engaged?  You just don’t want to lose your partner in crime so you...you…”  her words trailed off as the tears began to flow down her cheeks.  “Don’t play with me Dean.  I waited for you and you went off with Jenny and then Amy, you made it perfectly clear that we were just friends so now, now you…” She looked at him with such heartbreak in her eyes.  Why the hell had he not said something sooner?  Maybe this was just a joke.  Maybe he had been talking metaphorically and hadn’t meant himself at all and now she was making a complete tit of herself. Biting her bottom lip she forced herself to look him in the eye.
What had he expected? That she would fling her arms around him and tell him she loved him too. He was nothing in front of Henry. What he hadn't expected were the words coming out of her lips and his jaw hardened. It felt like someone had stabbed him right in the heart and was very slowly twisting the knife. “Never realised you think that lowly of me. That I would try to break your engagement off over… you know what? Nevermind. Henry is perfect for you.”he muttered as he passed her the blanket and decided to give the car another try. He knew if he stayed in there with her, he would end up screaming at her. He had never been angry with her. Not like this. It was like she didn't even know who he was anymore. “Yeah, those were flings, y/n. Didn't realise you wanted to be one. I was actually going to ask you out but that day you introduced us to Henry. Would have asked you out a lot earlier but back then you decided to sleep with Gabriel. So you are allowed to have a fucking break----to recover from a bad relationship and I am not? You know what. Nevermind. I don't even know why I said anything. It's not like I could be good enough for you. Not after Henry.”he said with a snort as he got out of the car and slammed the door shut.
This was a mistake. He never should have come to pick her up and should have totally ditched the engagement and the wedding and gotten drunk with his friends and maybe gone to a strip bar he thought as he popped open the hood again. He didn't care if he even froze that night. He was not moving until this car started again.
She was fuming now as he slammed the door.  Taking a deep breath she opened her own door and slammed it as she stormed over to the front of the car, totally oblivious to the cold.  “Fuck you Dean.  What the fuck do you mean ‘not after Henry’?  Why don’t you just fucking man up and be honest with me?  I asked you if you thought I was doing the right thing marrying Henry.  Honestly.  I want a straight answer and I want to know why you think that.”  She pushed her way to stand in front of his and stared at him, waiting for his answer.
Dean wanted to just keep quiet but he just didn't know how. “You still wanna know after everything I have said? Fine! You are making the biggest fucking mistake of your life. You know why? Not because I love you but because he doesn't! He loves this edited version of you who he can flaunt around to his colleagues and at functions! Hell you haven't even told him about your book which is a big fucking deal because you know he would brush it off. It's not worth mentioning for him. Because he thinks he is above everyone. Why? Because he is a fucking doctor and rest of us, what we do and our passions don't fucking matter because they aren't saving lives. Is that how you wanna spend your life? Locking a part of you away. A huge fucking part of you because he is embarrassed by it and I have seen him talk to you, y/n. He isn't being affectionate. He is patronising you and belittling you and trust there have been enough times I wanted to beat the fucking shit out of him!”he yelled, “There. I said it. Happy!? Now get the fuck out of my way so I can fix this piece of junk and drop you off at your engagement party!”
She was staring at him with a soft expression on her face.  In truth she hadn’t heard most of what he’d said.  “You love me?”  her words were quiet, barely louder than a whisper but from the look on his face she knew he had heard her.  Her lips twitched up in a lopsided smile, her eyes twinkling in the darkness.  “Ask me again.  Don’t look at me like that just...just ask me again if I  had the choice of anyone in the world to share my life with.  Ask me again Dean.” Her hands rested on his chest as her teeth chattered in the cold, snowflakes landing in her hair as she waited for him to speak.
Dean let out a shaky breath and closed his eyes. He had promised himself he won't lose it and here he was shouting at her in the middle of nowhere. He looked at her warily , licking his lips not really wanting to say those words again and face rejection. It had to be some sort of record. Being rejected twice in ten minutes but when could he ever say no to her.
“If you had a chance to spend your life with anyone, would you still chose him? If you had a chance to spend your life with me. Would you still chose Henry? Me over The guy who has it all. Money, great lifestyle, saves people. Is mature and is like fucking perfect. ”he asked quietly his eyes never leaving hers as he waited for her to throw this back in his face but he just couldn't keep it to himself anymore.
Her breath caught as she allowed his words to wash over her.  It wasn’t even a choice really.  She brushed the melting snowflakes from his cheek and raised up on her tiptoes until their noses were almost touching.  “Every time.”  she whispered.  “I would chose you every single fucking time Dean.”  Her eyes filled with tears and she tried to blink them away.  “I had given up on you.  Thought we’d missed our chance.  At any point… all you ever needed to do was tell me how you felt, it’s always been you Dean.  I think that’s why Henry doesn’t really like you, because I have been in love with you from the moment we met.”
Dean froze not having expected that. Did she really mean it? How could she? He was nothing in front of Henry. They were polar opposites. “I thought you were happy with him.”he whispered as he wiped away her tears and pressing kisses on her cheeks. “Hey, don't go stealing my lines.”he said lightly as he made her look at him.  “I am, deeply, madly, crazily in love with you and always have been.”he said before he pressed his lips to hers, his arm coming around her waist and pulling her snuggly against him as their lips moved together in sync like they had been doing it for the millionth time. “Y/n, don't marry him.”he said softly against her lips before pressing another deep kiss to them not really caring that they were out and covered in snow.
Dean closed the hood of the car without breaking the kiss as he pushed her towards the door and had her pressed between him and the car as he deepened the kiss, his hands roaming all over her while she tried to open the door.
Her hand scrambled over the door behind her as she tried to find the handle.  Eventually her freezing cold hand wrapped around it and as she opened the door to the back seat she pushed him inside before climbing in herself and slamming the door behind her.  As soon as it shut she was pressed against him again, her lips on his neck as her fingers fumbled with his shirt.  “Hang on.” She pulled away breathlessly and took off her engagement ring, dropping it into the front seat.  Turning back to him she raised an eyebrow.  “You sure you want to do this?”
Dean let out a groan of protest as she broke the kiss and pushed him inside but soon she was on top of him and his hands were slipping inside her shirt while her lips worked on his skin while she tried to get rid of his shirt. He froze at her words before shaking his head and flipping her over. “More than sure. Do you have any idea how long I have loved you for?”he asked as he pulled off her shirt and his lips were back on hers and he cupped her breasts, palming them through her bra while the other hand fumbled with the button on her jeans.
Her fingernails raked down his back and along his waistband before she quickly undid his jeans.  Their breath was foggy in the cold of the car but neither of them cared.  She just wanted to feel his soft warm skin against hers, wanted to feel him inside her when she wasn't drunk.  The only time they had actually done this they had both been pretty wasted.  Easing his jeans down over his hips she shimmied out of her own and let them drop into the footwell.  Feeling how hard he was against her thigh sent an instant heat between her legs and she knew there would be a damp patch in her panties.  Running her fingers up his back and into his hair her entire body reacted to his, moving together in sync as if this was a dance they had done a million times before.  Cupping his face her eyes found his.  “I love you.” She murmured breathlessly before bringing her lips to meet his in an intense and passionate kiss.
Dean groaned as he felt her nails digging into his back before she trailed her fingers up it and buried them in his hair. His lips were around her nipple, sucking and teasing it when she tugged at his hair bringing his lips to hers and he kissed her desperately. It had been too long since he had felt her under his fingertips like this. He trailed kisses down her neck, sucking on her sweet spot as he pulled off her jeans and panties in one go, too strung up to tease her. He needed to be inside her. Now.
He looked at her as she cupped his face telling him she loved him something he had waited so long to hear but he didn't have words to explain how much he needed her. Wanted her in his a life. So instead he kissed her back as deeply, their tongues gliding together while pouring every bit of emotion into the kiss as he slowly slipped inside her. A groan escaped his lips as her warmth surrounded him and he broke the kiss, burying his face in her neck. “You feel so fucking good, y/n.”he whispered trying to get some control over himself as he slowly started moving inside her.
Her eyes fluttered shut as she felt him fill her, pausing slightly to get accustomed to his size.  Her hips rolled to his, encouraging him to increase his pace, a gasp of pleasure escaping her lips as she revelled in the feel of him. Interlocking his fingers with hers she placed her arms above her head and looked him directly in the eye as their bodies moved together in sync.  This was more than just a passionate fuck in the back seat of a car, this was slow and sensual and although she wasn’t a fan of the term it would definitely fall into the ‘making love’ category of sex.  Meeting each and every one of his thrusts she felt the pressure building in her core as his deep, deliberate movements sent her to the brink of the most intense orgasm.  “I love you Dean.” she gasped breathlessly.  Leaning up slightly she pressed her lips to his, moaning into his mouth as a tsunami of pleasure rolled through her.
Her hips met his with every thrust and all what was heard was skin in skin and their moans filling the car as his pace fastened and his thrusts got harder. His grip on her hand tightened as the pressure started building up inside him and he knew he won't last long. “Y/n/n, look at me.”he whispered just as they both reached their Climax and he couldn't take his eyes off her as she lost herself in him and he pressed his lips to hers in a deep kiss. “I know,”he whispered nudging his nose against hers before pulling away as he grabbed the blanket from the front seat and wrapped it around them with her laying on top of him.
Resting her head on his chest and listening to his rapid heartbeat she smiled to herself.  Sure she had been happy to settle with Henry but here, right here in Deans arms is where she felt she truly belonged.  Sure there would be the awkward conversations and lord knows her mother would never forgive her but here in their little bubble, wrapped in each other's arms beneath a blanket as the snow fell outside and the distant sound of fireworks rang out, none of that other stuff mattered.  Moving so her face hovered above his she lightly brushed his nose with the tip of hers. “Happy New Year Dean.” She murmured, pressing a tender kiss to his lips.
He knew they were screwed over. There would be lot of talk and fights but in that moment he didn't care as the fireworks went off and her lips were on his and he was kissing her back. “I love you.”he whispered against her lips before pressing his lips to hers again.
Tags:  @cojootromuelle @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @chaos-and-the-calm67 @its-my-perky-nipples@mysaintsasinner @percywinchester27 @neeadinghugs@imamotherfuckingstar-lord
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Avenging Angel: Part 12
Summary: You’ve spent the last five years on a dangerous mission to solve the crime that wrongly imprisoned your father. When the Winchesters find you half-frozen on the side of a mountain, they make it their own mission to save your life and make sure you stay alive. But after five years of uncovering horribly dark secrets, you’ve learned not to trust anyone. Especially people who seem like they have good intentions.
Word Count: 1574
Warnings: None
Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 – Part 4 – Part 5 – Part 6 – Part 7 – Part 8 -- Part 9 -- Part 10 -- Part 11
“Congratulations, honey bear,” your father whispered, giving you a hug. His hug knocked your graduation cap off of your head. You disentangled yourself from his embrace quickly enough to grab the hat before it hit the ground.
“Thanks, daddy.” You took a big breath and looked around at your sea of classmates in their islands of celebration with their own families. “I’m a college grad. Can you believe it?”
He smiled proudly and patted your shoulder. “I always knew you could do it. And MIT nonetheless! Now that’s something to brag about!”
“Not quite Cornell,” you teased. It was then that you noticed the tension wrinkles around his eyes. “Is something wrong?”
“Of course not. My little girl graduated top of her class at MIT and I’ve never been prouder.”
Suddenly you realized what was happening. “It’s mom, isn’t it? I miss her too, daddy. I wish she was here.”
“I’m sure she’s looking down at you, just as proud as I am.”
It took all that you had in you to bite your lip and swallow the familiar argument. He’d lost hope a long time ago that his wife was still alive. But you knew that she wasn’t dead. You could feel it. Your mom was alive.
But it was your graduation day and you didn’t want to fight.
So you changed the subject. “Since you’re so proud of me, does that mean you’ll buy me that car I’ve wanted?”
“Now that you mentioned it, I think I remember seeing a brand new Maserati with a big bow on it sitting in front of your apartment.”
“Seriously? You really bought me the Maserati?”
“Brand spanking new, too. Top of the line for my honey bear.”
You threw your arms around your father’s neck and hugged him tightly. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
He laughed as you kissed his cheek and started dragging him to the parking lot. The only thing that had gotten you through the last five weeks of your college career was the picture of your dream car taped above your desk.
And the promise of that car waiting for you was enough to distract you from the sense of dread that was apparent in every line of your father’s face. The test drive you took your new car on with your father in the passenger seat ensured that you could thoroughly enjoy those few hours with him.
That car was a distraction. You had no idea that your father had a countdown until he was no longer a free man.
Because three months after he gave you that car, fourteen people were dead and your father was in handcuffs.
“Braxton. You’re—you’re here.” You quickly looked around the room, taking stock of everyone After a moment, you realized how stupid that was. Shifters could look like anyone. His family could be anywhere.
“And I come in peace,” he assured you, holding his hands up.
“I don’t believe you.”
Dean was probably going to be here any minute. Did you want him to take down Braxton or not? After that last few hours, you weren’t thinking too quickly, so you just needed more time. Slowly, you started moving off to the side. Braxton followed as you headed toward a pillar that would hide you from direct sight of the door.
“Can’t say I blame you.”
“The last time I saw you, you were leaving me to die.” Unless it wasn’t actually him. “Well, someone who looked like you, anyhow.”
“There’s a lot you don’t know, but apparently the Winchesters told you part of it.”
You glanced at the door, just as Dean walked in. “How did you know—“
“You told me.”
Since meeting the Winchesters, you hadn’t spoken to any Covington at all. In fact, the only person you had told was—
“You son of a bitch!” Dean yelled, having spotted Braxton. He raced over and reached into his jacket for, what you assumed to be a silver weapon, but you intercepted him, keeping a hand on his arm to still his movements as you stared at Braxton and tried to wrap your mind around what was happening.
“You’re t9? No, that can’t be.” You shook your head and turned your back on him, trusting Dean to keep an eye on Braxton while you thought through everything.
You started chatting with t9 over a year before you met Braxton. Hell, sometimes you chatted with t9 while Braxton was doing work on his own laptop in the same room as you. And you even kept an eye on his screen and he never once had a chat window open.
“Y/N, what’s going on?” Dean growled.
“Shut up, Dean,” you snapped, still annoyed with him about the werewolf/mom thing. Then you turned back to Braxton. Or maybe it was a shifter as Braxton. Whatever was happening, you needed more information. “Start talking, Brax.”
“Maybe we should sit down?”
“Then you’ll tell me everything? No games?” Somehow you doubted that.
“You have some explaining to do too,” he pointed out. Braxton waited until you nodded before heading toward a booth.
Dean grabbed your arm before you could follow. “What the hell is going on? He tried to kill you. He’s engaged to a shifter that looks like you. Why are you going to listen to him?”
“Because I need information. And I’m not sure if it was actually Braxton who left me on the mountain or a shifter who looked like him.”
“And what if this is a shifter too? Besides, if Braxton is a shifter, then the Braxton you started dating probably isn’t even really Braxton.”
“Silver hurts, right? I always wear this silver necklace that my dad gave to me. Braxton has taken it off a few times and it didn’t burn him. Besides, I have another way to tell if this is my Braxton or a shifter Braxton,” you lied.
Without waiting for Dean’s argument, you walked toward the booth that Braxton had claimed and slid into the other side, leaving room for Dean. It was time to walk the tightrope of playing games with a Covington. Only this time, you had the problem of an overprotective Winchester by your side.
“Remember that time we went on vacation in Bali and I convinced you to get high with me?” You asked Braxton. “You said you had never gotten high in your life and I said it was about time?”
“Of course I remember,” he replied, eyebrows creasing in confusion.
“What did we talk about?”
“Y/N, I don’t see how—“
“Shut up, Dean.” You were so close to kicking him out of the booth. You had to focus all of your attention on figuring out what was going on with Braxton that you couldn’t worry about appeasing him.
Braxton looked between you and Dean for a moment before answering your question. “I think… I think we talked about starting a business. Making giant inflatable squirrel floaties for pool parties or something stupid like that.”
“He’s not a shifter,” you falsely confirmed. Truth was, you had absolutely no idea. You just needed Braxton to think that you trusted him enough.
“A shifter could have known that,” Dean said at the same time Braxton said, “Memories aren’t safe.”
Well, at least they were both in agreement about one thing. So now it was time to concoct an explanation that would satisfy both of them.
“That one is. Dean, remember when I told you about the memory thing my dad did to me? Well, I spent a few months with another scientist two or three years ago. She was super interested in memories and a few other things that my dad had been, so we spent a while trying to recreate that serum, but we only came up with a diluted version that would protect your mind for a few hours. I mixed some of that in with the stuff Braxton and I took.” Locking eyes with Braxton, you directed the next sentence at him. “That memory is ours and only ours.”
A hint of a smile twitched at the corner of his lips, and you mirrored the same expression on your own face.
“What is going on?” Dean asked slowly, calculatedly looking first at you then at Braxton.
That wasn’t a question you were going to answer in present company. “You tell me, Braxton. I know your family are shapeshifters. And apparently you’re t9. What else do I need to know?”
“I don’t know where to start…”
“How about the beginning?” Dean suggested abrasively.
“It’s not that simple,” you muttered to him. “There are at least four beginnings.”
Both men waited for your explanation. Dean, to clear up the confusion. And Braxton to see what you knew. “There’s the beginning where we met in that club. Or the one where we met online, if you really are t9. Or the one where my dad was framed for a crime he didn’t commit, but I’m sure your family had something to do with, or the one where your family hired my dad a few times for shady stuff.”
Braxton leaned forward. “Where do you want me to start?”
You were itching to know about how Braxton was t9, but you didn’t know how long you had. And your father had to be your number one priority. “You’ll tell me the whole truth?”
“As I know it.”
“Start with the massacre.”
Part 13 of Avenging Angel
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