#saving this link for payday lol
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sniffanimal · 5 months ago
***all of this is posted with the caveat that my paycheck should, in theory, deposit tomorrow at like 7am. like I'm not helplessly destitute rn***
man I hate that my mental health is inextricably linked to my bank account. and saying that makes it sound like I'm some money hungry fiend who craves riches but it's more like if my bank acct, including savings, goes below $100 I'm instantly depressed and stressed about everything in my life 10x worse than I would be if j was doing well financially
usually this doesn't happen until the last few days before payday, and sometimes I even can start to save money again, but inevitably something happens and I'm back down to *checks bank account* $0.98
I'm glad I'm going back to school for my degree but that doesn't make my position any less essential. my job is literally required by law to exist, and if my position wasn't staffed then the district could be sued for a lot of money. but they still pay me barely enough to live paycheck to paycheck.
and whenever I'm low in money it gets me so fucking worried that something unavoidable will come up and I'll be so much in debt and I'll be financially unable to recover from anything and then that stress bleeds into interpersonal stress, and health stress, and such and such
really shows how much capitalism has its roots in just fucking everything
like fuck, my grandma is probably dying and I'm so worried about if I could afford to fly home for a funeral! I'm less worried about losing my ailing family member than I am about taking bereavement time from work! hell world!!!
anyways I keep obsessively checking my bank account like I expect my deposit to go through before 7am tomorrow. I also get text notifications for stuff so like I'd be notified if it posted lol
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binturaygay · 10 months ago
14, 22 and 27
Oh god thats a lot of tough ones
She's talking about this post in case anyone wondering
Look, i dont have a normal music taste and dont know how to make playlists for specific things so dont be surprised w some of those
I'll save you the search of finding some of the russian ones i know and will provide a link to them, i will do such a thing to obscure artists as well as well as if i need to specify which version of the song (unless i forgor for specific ones)
14 - Rompe by Daddy Yankee, Trap of love from Mystery Inc, In Too Deep by Battle Tapes, Тихий огонёк by Високостный год (ive rambled about its lyrics to you the other week), Spring Carnival by 3R2, Paralyzed by BTR (i like bread sometimes), Electric Avenue by Eddy Grant, Опа by Дискотека Авария, Revolution by Orange, Out With a Bang by Self, Lost In The Rhythm by Jamie Berry and Octavia Rose, Out Of Touch Thursday! by strophysics, Poison by Bell Biv Devoe (fuck fortnite), For the Dancing and the Dreaming from HTTYD 2, Scatman World, Gay Frogs by placeboing (YES I AM SERIOUS) and Kiss The Sky by Jason Derulo
22 - Summer by Good Kid, Break Thru it All from Sonic Frontiers, Say No and Deadline from Epithet Erased (go watch and read it if havent), Armed and Ready + I Burn from RWBY (this version got better audio mix; it was literally the song that crushed my egg), The Devourer of Gods by DMDOKURO (esp the Servants of The Scourge type D and Universal Collapse parts), Break The Rules from Payday 2, Тихий огонёк by Високостный год (didnt expect to see it twice didja), Wake Me Up by Aloe Blacc, Showtime~! - Salt Tunes (by Corrine Sudberg and Dave Phanuef), Break the Shadows Down by Shadrow and M@GICAL☆CURE! LOVE ♥ SHOT! by SAWTOWNE feat. Hatsune Miku
27 - Rocket Jump Waltz, TIMELOOP!! by Peyton Partyhorn, Beautiful? by illymation, My R by KurageP, Last Cup of coffee by lilypichu (selen / dokibird cover hits harder imo) and I know by Irma
Honorable mentions that might or might not work / unsure if ill include it for a wedding but the % chance of me having those on my wedding isnt 0: Vending Machine of Love by Stupendium, Мой Казахстан by Серик Мусалимов, It´s My Life by Dr Alban (fun fact - this is the 1st english song i've ever heard in my life (my bio dad probably still has it as his ringtone lol)), Welcome to the Club Nightcore, Научиться бы не париться by Градусы and Rave Fortress by Electro (very sad that the 2nd collab of Rave Fortress got cancelled; #FixTF2)
Honorable mentions that can fit in both 22 and 27 for me, lets call it bitter sweetness for the lack of a better term: every single gd lyrical cover made by Andrea Poloniato (those helped me to get thru highschool), Reflection - HiFi Rush, Alive Inside from TWD games, Sunburn by The Living Tombstone (i think you and Vira might like this one actually for reasons), The Lost song by The cat empire and Somewhere over the Rainbow by IZ
Sorry for late response bestie, i wanted to scavenge thru EVERYTHING (im talking old social media accounts, my abandonned youtube music playlist, several old phones, soundcloud and my fucking soundboard) to give you a definitive answer, made me realise that i listen to more than i think
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vagrantblvrd · 6 years ago
I don’t know the extended Star Wars universe the way I used to? But this, okay, this makes me want that one AU.
The FAHC in ~spaaaace AU where they’re a crime syndicate or whatever with this Reputation because it’s rumored they have a Sith on their side, but no one is sure who it is.
Oh, sure. Everyone assumes it’s this Vagabond character because honestly, okay, but they’re super wrong.
The guy might have some faint link with the Force, maybe a knack with tech or something but nothing too out of the ordinary. (Just listen to him bitching at some stubborn gadget or one of their ships, Trevor over to the side not-so-secretly laughing at him because Ryan, no. You’ve got to treat them right, sweet talk them.)
Or maybe it’s Mogar because guy’s got a temper and is vicious in a fight, but again you’d be wrong.
The same goes for Jeremy and Alfredo, Trevor and Matt and something is definitely going on with Lindsay, or maybe she’s just Like That. (Who knows with Fiona, just don’t piss her off or she’ll make you regret it.)
Gavin’s a lucky fucker, and that makes some people reconsider him but he’s just like, lol, no.
Maybe it’s Ramsey? (How else would he keep these assholes in line if it’s not through the threat of a good old Force choking and the whatnot? But also wrong. Way, way wrong.)
No, the Sith is Patillo, okay.
Mild-mannered looking kind of guy, maybe got in over his head and owes some kind of debt that Ramsey’s got him trapped with.
You get people trying to befriend him hoping to get a way into the crew to bring them down from the inside?
And Jack okay, Jack seems to buy it, lets these bounty hunters and worse think they’re getting away with it, that he’s just that naive or stupid (both) and just when they think they’re gonna get a huge payday for bring the whole syndicate down Jack’s like, y’know.
Lookit what I have, dickbag, and out comes the light saber and this overwhelming pressure becaise as it turns out he’s pretty strong in the Force and oh, hey, nice try? But you’re going to die, and also, fuck off.
And when the asshole’s dead there’s Jack, good old mild-mannered Jack who looks so out of place with this bunch of cutthroat thieves and rogues.
Bitching at Ryan for something or other or looking the other way when the others are fucking with each other. (Snickering to himself when he pulls the lamest pranks using the Force - fucking pulls chairs out from under people and the whatnot and everyone like, Jack, pls.)
In the early days before they even know he’s a Sith, can you imagine? All the chaos and whatnot he’d cause just for the hell of it and no one suspecting him. (At first, but then Geoff notices how much Jack loses his shit when Gavin falls on his ass or Ryan goes off on a rant because something and is like HMMM.)
And then, you know.
The time they get caught by the baddies or whatever and the rescue party’s too far out to get there in time. Imminent Death and Jack is like well shit and breaks out the Sith powers to save them.
Afterward he’s all jazz hands and surprise, guys! :D??? (And also Concerned because Sith??? But they’re just like, you son of a bitch because finally, finally, they know who the culprit behind so many pranks and the whatnot is, does he have any idea how crazy it’s been making them???
Also, ~sekrit weapon and Geoff thinking it’s the funniest shit ever when someone thinks ginormous dork Ryan is a Sith, because wow no.
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arlaina28 · 8 years ago
The Life Of An Assassin
Fandom- Assassin’s Creed
Relationship- Jacob/Female Reader
Rated- Mature
Warnings- Attempted rape. Kidnapping. Torture.
Forever tags- @vergils-waifu and @afterglowingassassin
part one here (if the link works lol)- https://arlaina28.tumblr.com/post/157619339609/the-life-of-an-assassin
  I’m halfway to the meeting spot, wondering which descendant it is I’m protecting, when my phone rings. I frown as I see Rebecca’s name flash on the screen and then I answer it.
 “What’s up? The assassin with the descendant hasn’t left early have they? I’m not even running late.” I say in a rush down the phone.
 “No, no! That’s all fine. The thing is, this wasn’t a real mission. Someone has been changing the schedules which is why you’ve had so many missions.” Rebecca says, sounding worried.
 “What? How is that possible? We both know those schedules are made up by Connor and sent straight to you.” I gasp down the phone.
 “Hold on, they’re all coming into the room right now.” Rebecca says, voice going tinny as she puts me on speakerphone.
 “So, what the hell is happening?” I growl down the phone.
 “We don’t know. Whoever it is, is good enough to break into Rebecca’s personal computer and change the schedules that she copies and saves on it but is unable to break into any of the mainframe computers.” Connor says over the line.
 “That’s why you’re all okay with still talking over the phone.” I sigh, figuring it out.
 “Wait, why are you still on your way to the meeting spot? You left a while ago, long enough to be there already.” Rebecca says shrewdly.
 “I decided to take a slow walk.” I reply defensively.
 “You’re hurt, aren’t you?” She snaps.
 “Don’t be ridiculous.” I snort, wincing as it causes my ribs to give a twinge.
 “I’m not being ridiculous! You need to come back, now. This isn’t a real mission anyway.” Rebecca sighs.
 “Nah, I’m here anyway and it’s an easy job to do.” I reply stiffly.
 “Can you listen to me for once, please?” She snaps at me.
 “Bye.” I sing song down the phone, hanging up on her.
 I can’t give up a mission, no matter what they say. They never would’ve, they would’ve just powered through it. They never had days off, never had a schedule for rest. I’m the youngest in the group, Rebecca being ten years older than me, and I HAVE to prove I can be just as good as them.
     A few hours later, the descendant is safely back at home and I actually had fun. She was a nice older woman and all she wanted to do was do some shopping. I even spotted some nice bits I want to get on payday. She was quite a fun woman too, good sense of humour. I’m moving along the rooftops but I’m exhausted so I’m moving sluggishly. When I almost fall from a roof for the third time, I decide I’d better walk. I land in an alleyway so I’m not noticed and sigh as my phone rings.
 “Yep?” I snap into it, wishing I could be left alone for a little while.
 “You should be back by now.” I hear Altair’s calm voice state.
 “Oh, I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware I was grounded! Did I break curfew?” I reply sarcastically.
 “Do not be like that. We’re just concerned about what is happening and how it seems to be centred around you.” He replies.
 “You do all realise that I’m actually an assassin, right? I’m not some weak little mouse that needs protecting. I’m just as good as all of you.” I snap.
 “No one is doubting that.” He says sternly, a trace of shock in his voice.
 “Yeah, sure you’re not.” I hiss.
 I hang up before he can say anything and start to walk again, this time in the opposite direction to the Brotherhood compound. I shouldn’t have gotten so upset with him, shouldn’t have had a go at Altair like that, but it’s just so much to live up to sometimes. They’re all these big legends and I’m just me. I’m just…good but they’re all great. All this circles around my head as I just wander. My phone keeps ringing so I turn it off, even if it’s against the rules. We’re supposed to always have them on so that Rebecca can track them in case something happens.
 “He said you’d get depressed and make a mistake.” I hear from behind me.
 “Who said that?” I snap, spinning round.
 I blink rapidly as the world tilts, making me realise just how exhausted and in pain I am.
 “You’ll find out soon enough.” Another voice says, close behind me.
 Before I manage to turn around I feel a pinch in my neck. The world begins to swirl and I realise that I’ve been drugged. I’m going to die and all because I wanted to prove something. A few seconds later I hit the floor and the world goes black.
     I groan as I come around, realising I’m chained to a hook in the ceiling and my ankles are chained to the floor. Even if my bruised ribs weren’t screaming in agony at me, I’d have a hard time escaping from this. I glance up at two male Templars that are standing in front of me with grins.
 “Aw, look, she’s finally awake. That means we can finally have some fun with her.” The taller one says.
 “Why aren’t I dead?” I ask, trying to think of a way out of here.
 “Firstly, because our little helper made a deal to keep you alive.” The shorter one smirks.
 “Secondly, because you know who the assassins are being run by.” The taller one grins.
 “I’ll never betray the Brotherhood.” I snarl.
 “We were hoping you’d say that.” The taller one grins.
 They walk over to me and all I can do is try to let my mind wander as they rain down punches, slaps and kicks.
 “Stop!” I hear from the doorway.
 I cough and spit out blood as two more figures wander into the room.
 “We were told to have a talk with her.” One of the blurry figures says.
 The original Templars move and the new two step right up to me. I blink until I can focus on their faces, gasping in shock.
 “Shay Cormac? Haytham Kenway?” I breathe in disbelieve.
 How is this possible? Altair never said anything about telling either of them. Never said anything about either of them touching the pendant. Haytham never even followed the Assassin’s Creed. As my mind races, I still take in every detail of my surroundings just like I was taught to. They seem…off. They seem ill or less healthy than the others.
 “The Templars have found a way to make people immortal. Tell us what we want to know or else they will make you immortal so the torture can last forever.” Haytham states but he sounds weak.
 I feel panic for a few seconds but then something clicks.
 “Then why just you two?” I gasp out.
 “What?” Shay demands.
 “If they can make anyone immortal, why you two? I mean, you have an impressive record each but there are other Templars who were better than you.” I laugh, choking on my own blood.
 “You do not need to know our plans, only the consequences to not telling us who is in charge.” Haytham states.
 “Nope. See, I think it’s just you two. I think you are the only ones who are immortal and no one knows why.” I reply slyly.
 “Tell us who leads the Brotherhood. You won’t like what comes next.” Shay says, actually looking sorry.
 “Screw you all!” I snap.
 The original two step back inside the room as Haytham and Shay leave with sorrowful shakes of their heads.
 “Stop!” A familiar voice calls out as the two are about to start beating on me again.
 “Why should we?” The taller one snaps.
 “Because she’s my reward and she’s no good to me damaged.” The voice says.
 The two growl and storm off, back out of the room. I blink as I see who called them off, everything clicking into place.
 “You son of a bitch!” I shout, wincing in pain.
 “Now, now. No need to be like that. I did all this for you.” Bradley, Rebecca’s PA says.
 “Me? How did you do all this for me?” I ask in bemusement.
 “They promised me that if I led them to the brotherhood’s boss, they would make both of us immortal.” He grins manically.
 “And you believed them?! Are you insane?!” I chuckle.
 “Shut up! For years, I’ve loved you, wanted to be with you, but you just ignored me! So, I came up with a way for us to be together. Forever. All you have to do is tell them who we work for.” He says with a cheery grin.
 “No.” I state with a sneer.
 He storms over to me, slaps me across the face and then unchains me. I groan as I slam against the floor, causing even more pain to my other injuries. My head swims and I can’t get my body to cooperate, the pain and exhaustion becoming too much.
 “At least I’ll be able to claim my prize now.” He smirks, standing over me.
 All I can do is blink at him, trying to get my body to work again. He kneels between my legs and starts to undo my jeans, tugging them down.
 “No.” I murmur weakly, trying to squirm away as I realise what he’s planning on doing.
 “Come on, Baby, you’ll enjoy it.” He grins.
 I try to push at him but I’m too weak. He begins to undo his own trousers and all I can do is whimper as I try to get my body to do SOMETHING. Just as I’m sure I’m about to be raped, and there isn’t a damn thing I can do about it, he’s grabbed and pulled away from me. I blink as I see Jacob standing there and then he starts beating Bradley, leaving a broken and bloody corpse on the ground by the time he’s finished. Jacob rushes over to me, pulls my jeans back into place and lifts me up in his arms, just as the others come into the room.
 “What are you all doing here?” I question quietly.
 “Saving you, Lass. What else would we do?” Edward smiles but it doesn’t reach his eyes.
 We head out of the room, walking down unfamiliar hallways. I hate they’ve had to do this, put their selves in danger because of me. Putting their secret in danger because of me. As we’re about to leave we hear two male screams, screams whose voices I recognise.
 “We have to help them.” I gasp, struggling against Jacob’s hold.
 “We can’t. There’s too much risk of getting caught.” Edward says, regret burning in his eyes.
 “It’s Shay Cormac and Haytham!” I tell him sternly, heart breaking at the look in his eyes.
 “H-Haytham? H-how?” Edward stutters.
 “I don’t know but it is them. They are just like all of you and judging by those sounds, the Templars have been torturing them the whole time. We have to help them.” I say, trying desperately to fight against my own body’s weakness.
 “I have to go to him.” Edward declares to the others.
 “I’m going too. I may have been the one to kill him but he’s still my Father.” Connor insists gently.
 The others all nod, understanding how much family means.
 “Shay too. I know what he did but no one deserves this.” I pant, finding it hard to stay conscious now.
 They both nod and then turn towards the screams, Ezio and Altair going with them. Jacob and Desmond continue out with me and we head straight to the compound, moving as quickly as possible with my useless weight slowing them down. Jacob takes me straight to the medical wing, laying me down on a bed as he collects the medical supplies. He starts patching up my injuries, growling in annoyance when he sees how many are from the last few weeks.
 “I’m sorry.” I gasp, pain and meds taking their toll on me.
 “For what?” Jacob asks, barely glancing up from my wounds.
 “For being weak enough to get captured. For needing to be rescued. For putting you all out in the open. For not being as strong as any of you.” I sob, emotions running riot.
 “You think you’re not strong because you got captured?” Jacob asks calmly.
 “I’m not as strong as any of you, obviously. I got caught stupidly easily and needed to be rescued!” I sob harder, trying to breathe at the same time.
 “And you think it couldn’t have happened to any of us? That we can’t have ever dropped our guards and been caught?” He demands, fingers running over his eye reflexively.
 I just stare at him as I realise the stupidity of what I just said.
 “I’m sorry.” I whisper, feeling stupid.
 “Look, Love, you are every bit as fast and strong as us. There is no shame in being captured, hopefully it will not take as long for you to realise that as it did for me to.” Jacob says softly, wiping my tears away with his thumbs.
 I smile at him as my eyes begins to drift shut.
 “Sleep. You need rest to heal. That’s what Evie always told me.” Jacob smiles.
 Just as I drift off I hear Shay and Haytham being brought in, they’re battered and covered in injuries but I know they’ll be fine now. I smile at them as I finally allow the darkness to take me.
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joysgems4me · 7 years ago
This post and the photos within it may contain affiliate links. If you purchase something through the link, I may receive a small commission at no extra charge to you. This helps keep my content FREE for you. Thank you for your support. See my full disclosure and privacy policy here.
  As we all know, keeping those New Year Resolutions is not all that it’s cut out to be! Sometimes our will power prevents us from reaching our goals. Other times it may be finances, stress, or even outside influences that are beyond our control. This year for me has been all of the above. However, I have still managed to get some of my goals worked on. In my opinion that counts.
My year started out with my husband just getting out of the hospital, 9 day – 10 night stint, with complete left lung pneumonia. He then found out he had been replaced at work. After a long two weeks he is finally back at work but his schedule is off. On top of that our phones are off due to, you guessed it, no work time = no check on payday! While we patiently struggle to payday, we have put everything we have into our gas tank and don’t go anywhere aside from work, this way, if all else fails, he can still work and get a check.
His first we back has been a blur. He worked Tuesday through Friday. On Friday evening he was asked to work Saturday. Now, on Saturdays he usually attend class if he misses Thursday. I told him to go to work instead of class because 1. We don’t have the gas to get to class, and 2. If he doesn’t go to work there won’t be money for class.
On the home front. It has been below freezing several times this week. Living in an RV makes life interesting during cold weather spells. Our pipes rarely freeze, however, our sewage line does! So, we have to limit our bathroom usage. On top of this our cats Minnie and Schatzi are almost out of kitten food. Minnie is old enough to be on cat food but Schatzi is only 6 months old. A growing and developing lynx point siamese needs her nutrients. Not by tearing open the trash sack though, lol!
Here is what I have accomplished so far this year…
  The first two pieces are a set. They are wire wrapped pearls. The only thing not handmade by me is the chain, jump rings, and lobster clasp on the necklace. If I were to hand make the chain it would not only take several hours more to the creation time but it would be very expensive to whomever purchases this set from my store.
The first ring is simple and modern. It is a scrollwork design and fully adjustable. The second ring is also modern with a little pizzazz. The scrollwork with the added beads just brings out more character and makes it more charming. This is also a fully adjustable ring. In my opinion, adjustable rings are better than sized rings for the simple fact of, in an emergency situation they don’t have to cut it off and the ring is less likely to sever your finger if smashed. Adjustable rings are forgiving!
Now the last piece and I think I saved the best for last! This wire wrapped scroll design has bicones wrapped in side and has suede cording for the chain.
I have also managed to add a few pieces to my store that I failed to add when I made them. I added 3 more sets of wine charms that were added and I have already uploaded the above 5 items in my store. Yea, me! I got this.
If anyone is interested in where I get my supplies from I use PandaHall. They have just about everything I need and I have it in about the same time as I do from anywhere else I may order online from. The quality is great and the prices are unbelievable! Also, just ask me if there is a tutorial for any particular item you would like for me to create for you.
Now, I will be continuing to long hard process of getting it done as it is completed and I thank all of you for the accountability and encouragement.
Accomplishing Goals This post and the photos within it may contain affiliate links. If you purchase something through the link, I may receive a small commission at no extra charge to you.
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