#sapphy's baritone stuff
cuddle hcs with Baritone
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cw: kisses
a/n: this is for @i-like-forgs never change ryo
First off, you CANNOT tell me he wouldn't just hug you from behind out of nowhere. He was out all day working to protect majorland and he missed you every second of it 😭
He would randomly burst out into song while hugging you and it would be so funny
He'll ask you how your day was, and give you little kisses on the cheek.
Now me personally, I would just put my head in his chest, not in a suggestive way, just to be closer to him. (he'd be blushing like crazy about it though ToT)
He is definitely a big spoon don't tell me otherwise >:(
He would just pull you in close to him and his hair would like rest on your shoulder
He would lay his head on your shoulder, if he had a bad day while you stroke his hair and comfort him :(
I will die for this man I swear he's so cute/hj
tags: @officialdaydreamer00 @twistwonderlanddevotee
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Barisaph fic
HAPPY Birthday @shinysparklesapphires my precious moot here that fanfic I said I would do my bday to u lovely moot anyway now we proceed to adult BariSaph family life
*Rustle* *Rustle*
Sapphy Slowly raises up from her bed scratching her head she was originally going to check the clock as per normal well untill she felt the abnormal presence of nothingness next to xem "....Guess he went to work early typical knight stuff" she mumbled to herself as she got up from bed the soft music of Major land's bands playing through the house along with the rest of town.
"Baritone is at work,Ellen should be heading to earth for school and Preme is doing whatever she does" she talks to herself passing by the hallways filled with framed photos of the family's memories thinking of what to do with her day since everyone is so busy..well untill heard the fire alarm which in major land turns the simple beats that would be annoying on earth into A song that shouts the urgency of the situation and quickly Sapphy runs to the kitchen and when she arrives he sees Baritone and Ellen defending themselves with pots and pans are A fire rages on the stove while Preme is on the couch reading A book clearly deciding to not engage in the chaos not far from her.
"What are you two doing" Xe runs into the kitchen quickly turning off the levers on the stove ignoring the flames thanks to her precure powers the flame quickly calming down.
"Ma!?" "Huh oh uh good morning honey" Ellen and Baritone shout out at the same time with Preme simply waving from the living room A hello "What are you two doing shouldn't you two be elsewhere!?" Sapphy shouts at them as they looked apologetic that it make Sapphy quickly reconsider her current actions "...Can you two tell me why your here messing up cooking and not...you know at work and school?"
"Lady aphrodite gave me permission to take the day off and I allowed Ellen to not go to school today and we were making breakfast...well trying...sorry my love" He said unable to keep eye contact with his love ashamed "how did A knight of aphrodite fail at something as simple as cooking FAILURE" he murmurs to himself as Ellen shifts her eyes to the stove and seeing it quickly turn red grabs Baritone by the Collar as she jumps out of the way of the oven bursting out flames that Sapphy quickly got under control and suddenly her temper is back to anger "WHAT IN THE LIVING FUCK WERE YOU TWO DOING!?"
"Uh nothing we should really get going right dad I mean we have those errands to handle right!?" Ellen shouts out to Baritone and with A simple nod they both turn to rush out the door before Sapphy could even speak up and now in the silence of the house (well besides the soft music of Major land) Sapphy looks at Preme "are the-?" before Sapphy could finish xer sentence Preme nods her head "Good your not THAT dumb" Preme closes the book and walks towards Sapphy grabbing her hand walking out the door.
"May I ask why your practically dragging me out of the door?" Sapphy asks allowing it to happen walking besides xer daughter opening the door for her "Because they told me to keep you busy for the day" Preme explained quick and to the point as she left the house as Sapphy thinks to herself "Hopefully to other two won't get themselves killed"
"so what's Happening with the other two?" Sapphy asked looking around the store sipping at her drink while looking around at all their merchandise up for sale while Preme was on her phone clearly texting Baritone judging by the contact being "dumb old man" with A picture of him hitting his head on A poll that she somehow found "nothing" Preme replied putting her phone in her jacket pocket taking A sip of the coffee she ordered with Sapphy's drink.
"So your willing to admit their planning A surprise birthday party but not what they are doing right now?" Sapphy asked with no sense of teasing behind her voice "Yes I have standards also you aren't dumb you can put together the clues with the oven AND it being your birthday and them being secretive anyone with A brain can put it together" she said walking through the aisles of items the store clearly looking for something specific.
"aww your so sweet to them" Sapphy said with A teasing tone this time which just gets Preme blushing and looking away trying to feign focus "where is that thing I knew they come in today" Preme mumbled out despite being A alien creature that took over 80 Precure to defeat she sucked with finding stuff (makes Sapphy question if she needs glasses) and it was A silent search untill they heard A high pitched voice along with light footsteps "Preme I found the bea-AHH MISS SAPPHIRE PUKA!?" Puka backs up tripping on A toy on the floor and with A poof of smoke she goes from her human form to her fairy form dropping A red and black bear the size of them.
"Huh why is she so surprised to see me?" Sapphy walks over to Puka helping her up which in response Puka thanks her and turns back into A human "because I was originally going to meet her in private but since you know about your party I decided no point to it" Preme responds grabbing the bear Puka dropped off the ground dusting it off and heading to the register and quickly buying it signaling to the other two to follow which they did.
"here happy birthday" Preme mumbled deadpanned as usual constracting her blushing expression which quickly changed to A glare at Puka's snickering which had Puka hiding behind Sapphy which didn't last long with Sapphy going to hug Preme which Xe nearly missed with Preme quickly dodging but to Sapphy was predictable for her using her foot to change her direction to fully grasp her in A hug and all Preme could do was blush as she refused to make eye contact "thanks Preme" all Preme did was mumble A small "You welcome" and that was enough for Sapphy
Hours passed for the two (Puka left shortly after they got the bear to help with Baritone and Ellen) which consisited of them visiting whatever place seemed interesting to Sapphy (who knew having A powerful alien god as A child would include instant fast travel around the world) and once the time said 7pm (in Japan/Major land) Preme took them back home but the home was strangely quiet once they arrived and when Sapphy turns to face Preme she was gone with only leaves the ground smashed being the only trace of her being previously being around.
Sapphy sighs knowing what is going to happen but she isn't complaining as she walks up to the door and slowly open the door and once it was wide open everyone jumped out with A big "SURPRISE" and when I mean everyone I mean everyone Of course their was xer's husband and kids their was also A few of her family members,her Precure team along with some of the other Precure she was close with, some friends they she only mentioned by name to her family (insert your moots here),And also forgot to mention A huge ass cake bigger than the dining room table xe knew the kira kira team made, the house was fully decorated you wouldn't even be able to tell it was xer's house it was A perfect party.
Everyone started to give their greetings and happy birthdays to Sapphy and giving her gifts which she placed to the side to say hello to everybody and it kept going untill everybody but one was enjoying the party and that one was Ellen "...hey mom happy birthday...sorry for hiding it from you well horribly" The cat girl said as she held up A present to Sapphy which she gladly takes and starts to open.
"It's fine I understan-" Sapphy stops like the wind itself was taking her breath away as she looked in the box and saw 4 charms...it was wool charms made to look exactly like them..they were surprisling well made with able to notice small details like Preme's nose being bunny like,multiple of Baritone's scars from MANY incidents,Ellen feline like eyes and the red hair band Sapphy gave her despite going against Ellen's normal colors and for Sapphy herself it was A mix of all of them A white scarf,Rabbit ears,and cat whiskers ".... Why are you so cute! I just wanna squish you like A fucking cupcake" Sapphy grabs Ellen shoulders and give them A gentle squeeze as she kisses Ellen on the forehead leaving A super light burn mark...Sapphy didn't even notice she let her powers get out of control for A bit but the mark quickly faded away.
"You really like it mom?" Ellen asked and Sapphy simply nods "I simply love it what A amazing gift it's perfect".
"Well of course I'm just amazing...and I may have gotten some help from the smile Precure" she mumbled the second part out leaving Sapphy with A small laugh "well you still did great" Sapphy patted Ellen on the head but she hardly could savor the moment as the rest of the suite team came and grabbed Ellen "Sorry Sapphy Gotta steal Ellen from you" Hibiki said before getting hit on the back of the head by Kanade "BE POLITE TO HER HIBIKI DAMN IT anyway sorry miss Sapphire we must borrow Ellen for A bit we will return her as soon as possible" Kanade said as the two and Ako drag Ellen off making Sapphy wonder what they have planned.
The birthday was nice of course cake,games,tons of presents but it felt so empty in some way like she was missing something...or missing something he wasn't here he stayed at the start of the part but he seemingly disappeared which got Sapphy scared but...she trusted him (although if he didn't have A good reason she boutta buy A truck to run his ass over) it was peaceful untill Bassdrum and falsetto walks up to xem "Oh hello sweet prince will you listen to our plea?" Bass drum slid up singing his question and Falsetto being back up vocals (it felt off without Baritone tho but still nice) and Sapphy nods despite it being A conversation felt like if she spoke it would be like disrupting A song.
"Please follow us to see the princess of your dreams!" Falsetto sung this time which them leading Sapphy outside which she followed and it seems like the rest of the party was following and knowing what is truly gonna on with silent chatter and eventually they reach A lake in the middle of minor land and on the other side was...King Mephisto and Queen Aphrodite!?
"Let the show begin!" Aphrodite claps her hands and the water starts glowing and from A slight second you see the Fairy tones fly by you to...the suite Precure who was on A Pillar with their cute modules.
"You ready girls?" Ako asked with the others nodding in return
"Lets play! Precure Modulation!" the 4 quickly transform. "Cure Melody" "Cure rhythm" "Cure Beat" "Cure Muse" "Suite Precure!"
2nd person pov (Sapphy yes YOU)
Before you could question why they transformed Beat started playing slowly on her guitar with the other 3 following suit in their own way playing what is obviously the birthday song but it's slow and kinda sound like A romance song...and out of the water A Pillar rising in front of you Baritone holds out his hand and without thinking about it you grab his head without hesitation hopping on the pillar.
You felt like you were on A ride as the pillar spun around the body of water while the music still played "So this is where you have been? you freaked me out I was scared you ditched I was about to slam you into that pole again" You said to him and it was clear he felt bad but he put up A big smile "Sorry just had to make sure everything was perfect" He said it was ultimately good enough for you as you two kept dancing and as you two reach the end of the song Baritone holds you close striking A final pose grinning at you
"I love you so much my prince happy birthday" Baritone said twirling you around and then...you two fell off the pillar and everyone proceeds to freak out as Ellen jumps off the pillar to catch you two a long with Preme flying to the two of your and you know...stuff like this happening always did make your bday so yeah best birthday yet and as long as you have everyone in your life your probably gonna say this till the day you die.
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short barisapph thing
cw: none!
"hey baritone why did you bring me here?" Sapphire looked at her blue haired knight standing in front of her. "well, I just wanted to ask you..." He got down on one knee. "Sapphire, will you marry me?"
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At your service M'lady
Chapter 1
cw: Royal au, mentions of war Barisapph mainly
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"My Lady, you've rejected countless suitors already, when will you choose one to be your husband?" Navi, the royal attendant, looked completely exhausted, look back at the red haired princess sitting on her throne. "They all bore me. Besides, there's only one man I have my eyes on…" Sapphire had stood up from her throne to look out the window, where a certain blue-haired knight was sitting in the garden. "My Lady, we've been over this, you cannot marry a commoner like him.." Navi kept rambling on, but Sapphire just stared off at her love, not listening to a word he said "blah blah blah blah you must marry a noblemen, blah blah blah it's for the good of the kingdom, blah blah blah, besides, you've never even met him, blah blah blah blah-" "Sapph!" she was brought back to reality by Navi snapping a finger in her face. "you know it's rude to speak to your future queen like that Callidryas." "I don't care, you ain't queen yet!" he chuckled, earning him a light punch on the shoulder from Sapphire. "Anyway, I'm going to the flower garden, don't tell Pheebs where I'm going!" as she walked off, leaving Navi there. "What am I going to do with her?" Navi sighed. As Sapphire entered the garden, the man was already gone. "Hey Princess!" Sapphire heard a familiar voice as she entered the gardens. "Flori!" she turned to see the pink haired groundskeeper, who was holding a pair of shears. "Shouldn't you be like, choosing a husband or something?" Florianne leaned back against the gate. "It's not that easy, Florianne." "What do you mean?" Sapphire held her face in her palm, "Most Noblemen are pathetic scum, who only want money or power. They never talk about anything interesting either. If I get one more half assed compliment, I'm going to lose it." Florianne got down on one knee and extended his arm out dramatically. "Oh fairest lady of the fair, would you consider taking my hand in marriage forever and ever, stay with me, from dusk till dawn?" She snickered, "That was one of the cringiest things I've ever heard" "Thanks, I tried" Florianne giggled. "Hey, have you seen a man with blue hair anywhere around here?" Florianne thought for a moment. "No I haven't, sorry. I'll tell you if I do though," She smile at him and walked off. When she returned to the throne room she saw the blue haired man, along with Navi, who looked just as shocked as her. The man walked towards her, and kissed her hand, "Hello princess, from now own, I will be your personal guard, at Lady Pheobe's request." Sapphire glared at the little girl behind him, who gave her a cheeky grin. "Dammit," she thought. "My Lady, it's for your own good," Pheobe started, "Our lines of defense have been getting weaker, and you are our only heir, we can't risk it." Sapphire sighed, "Fine." As her new "bodyguard" walked her to her room, she got a better look at him, his navy blue eyes, his long silky sky blue hair, his- "We're here My Lady." she looked at the door to her room. "Ah, thank you…" "Baritone. That's my name." "Thank you, Baritone. Goodnight." "Goodnight My Lady."
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tags: @i-like-forgs @twistwonderlanddevotee @officialdaydreamer00
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Knight!Baritone, who swears to protects you
Knight!Baritone, who comforts you when no one else will
Knight!Baritone, who protects you until his final breath
Knight!Baritone, who uses that final breath to profess his undying love to you
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Baritone the typa mf to let you pull his head on your shoulder and call him "your knight in shining armor"
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At your service M'lady.. PREVIEW a Barisapph fic by yours truly [ROYALTY AU]
"My Lady, you've rejected countless suitors already, when will you choose one to be your husband?" Navi, the royal attendant, looked completely exhausted, looking back at the red haired princess sitting on her throne. "They all bore me. Besides, there's only one man I have my eyes on…" Sapphire had stood up from her throne to look out the window, where a certain blue-haired knight was training….
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Baritone the typa guy to call you over and then when you cancel he's already got the rose petals on the bed and everything 😔
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Twst Baritone visiting Yuu Sapphy at ramshackle but little did he know xe somehow got their hands on the X-men stuff from her world so now the room just have picture of Logan covering every inch of the wall like A mad scientist trying to create life
She’d infodump about it sm to him omg 😭
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Baritone is the only guy who would watch Sapphy stuff her mouth with food and look at xem with those lovestruck eyes
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