#san'in main line
araiwatal · 10 months
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普通列車でどこかへ #187
島根県 出雲市駅
山陰本線 米子行きに乗ります
Amazon Japan Kindle 新井ワタルのページ https://www.amazon.co.jp/新井ワタル/e/B0168GDX1M/
Go somewhere by local train #187
Izumoshi Station, Shimane Prefecture
I will take the San'in Main Line bound for Yonago.
Amazon USA Kindle Watal Arai's Page https://www.amazon.com/WATAL-ARAI/e/B01BODI7I8
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dsandrvk · 1 year
Friday, May 19 - Matsue to Tottori (and beyond)
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We woke up to the promised rain, and expected the day to be a washout, but since we were to have three nights in Tottori, we figured we could still hike tomorrow and the next day, as the weather was supposed to improve. It was still raining when we got to Tottori (about 90 minutes east of Matsue, still on the north edge of southwestern Honshu). We decided to get our train reservations for the rest of our time here in Japan, and that took a while. The railpass allows us to take almost any train with no extra cost, and seat reservations are free and handy on most trains and required on some Shinkansen lines. Some of the more local and commuter trains don't have seat reservations, and that will be true of our next move a couple more hours east.
We also stopped at the tourist info booth, and got great information on buses to the sand dunes (part of San'in National Park) and some train schedules. The coast here is a National Geopark, and part of it has UNESCO designation. There is a 232 km trail mostly along the coast, which consists of segments of trail connected by roads, and we were hoping to do a few short segments of it, getting to the start and finish of the segments by train. We were also hoping that someone at the park visitor center, located at the sand dune area, could give us more information and possibly a map
By the time we left the station after all this busyness and headed to our hotel, it had stopped raining. Better yet, it was clearing a bit and our "all-day rain" was over by 12:30. So we dropped our bags at our hotel, grabbed our daypacks, and took a bus out to the sand dunes. For those of us lucky enough to have spent time at Great Sand Dunes in Colorado or any of the dune areas on the east side of Lake Michigan, the dune area is not that impressive. But for the Japanese, it is a rarity, so they come to walk and toboggan. There is a section with camels, which we didn't get to see, and several other attractions, including a "sand museum" with sand sculptures.
Our focus was learning about the trails to the east, and it took a bit of explaining (helped by Google Translate) to get across that we wanted to hike in the rest of the park outside the dunes. Once we got that across, the maps came out (all in Japanese) and we figured where we could go by train during our time here. Armed with information, we headed out on the first segment, primarily a beach walk, than a stroll through a town, a hike around a headland, and then a trek on roads through farmland to a train station. It all sounded so easy...
Our first mistake was not taking our hiking poles, since they were in our main suitcases, and we were in a hurry to make a once an hour bus to the dunes. Our second mistake was believing the information board at the start of the headland, rather than thoroughly digesting the literature we had just been given. The beach walk part was fairly straightforward, and we saw a bit of the dunes as we headed out. The sandbag steps up to the top of the dune we thought were particularly ingenious. We had to leave the coast to get to the small town, and that part was uneventful.
When we got to the trailhead there were pretty iffy stairs to start out and we were regretting not having our hiking sticks. The trail was not in great shape and went up steeply, but was well-marked, and the first half went well, despite some really steep sections. We had climbed about 300 feet when the trail finally seemed to level off, and then there was a fence across the trail, and a steep muddy go-around heading inland and uphill. We thought it was going to be a short detour, but the trail just kept going up, so steep in places we were using our hands, and pulling ourselves up by hanging onto trees. There were sections with concrete log "steps", but also sections where we scrambled up a muddy slope with only minor indentations for feet. At 450 feet up someone had thoughtfully placed a bench - we took a water break thinking the trail must start contouring soon. But as we continued, it just went straight up. We were really starting to worry about coming back down, especially when we could see sliding prints from a deer who had come this way earlier. After a lot more sweat and effort we finally topped out at 730 feet, having reached a secondary peak on this little mountain.
From here it was all downhill, and it would have been so much easier with our hiking poles! This down section mostly followed a ridge, and unlike the up section mostly had log steps, which made it possible to get back down, although very slowly. When we finally reached the other end of the closed section we were almost down, and we shortly came to a trail sign on this side that showed the route of the trail and the elevation profile. While the map at our start showed the old, contoured trail, this map showed this newer route. Rather a major difference. We hadn't really gone that far distance-wise (about 4 km before the headland and another 3.5 on the trail from hell) but we were plenty tired and it was getting late, especially since we hadn't left the dunes until 2:30. We still had close to 2km to the train section, mostly through farmland, although we did see several cemeteries and this pile of polished granite blocks being used as a wall. Our train station was just a small shed and by the time our train arrived at 7:30, it was completely dark.
We still managed to pick up some food, stagger back to our room (finally complete check-in) and soak our tired bodies in the onsen. It was certainly an interesting day.
Notes on some of the other pictures - now that we know about the deity and the rabbit, we see items everywhere relating to the story. And the green creature is the mascot for Tottori embracing a little camel.
Tomorrow we hope to continue along the coast trail. One of our maps actually has the elevation profiles, and all the other sections we are considering top out around 100 meters, which seems much better than today. And the next section is supposed to have views of the coast (there were really none today) and a sea arch or two. We'll start from the same train station we ended today, which means a good walk just to the start of the trail.
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mtantenna · 4 years
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京都府京都市西京区嵐山北松尾山の保津峡にて絶景のドローン空撮してきました。今回はJR山陰本線の保津峡駅の電車をドローン空撮しましたよ^^しかしト嵯峨野観光鉄道のトロッコ列車も撮影しようと思ったのですが、難しかったです。ちょっとだけ撮影出来ました。次回リベンジしてますのでまた見て下さい。保津川下りの船もゆっくりと下ってました。保津渓谷はやはりすごいですね。綺麗な景色でした。 ユーチューブも来てね^^↓ 絶景ドローン空撮|保津峡 日本の京都ドライブによる綺麗な景色のカメラ撮影動画 drone camera video Aerial view of superb view Kyoto Hozukyo動画へ https://youtu.be/87iFxDvBycQ I took an aerial view of a superb view of the drone at Hozukyo in Arashiyama Kitamatsuoyama, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture. This time I took a drone aerial view of the train at Hozukyo Station on the JR San'in Main Line ^^ However, I also wanted to take a trolley train of Tosagano Kanko Railway, but it was difficult. I was able to shoot a little. I am revengeing next time so please check again. The boat down the Hozu River was also slowly descending. The Hozu Valley is still amazing. It was a beautiful scenery. ドローン空撮旅人では、綺麗な景色やドローンに関しての知識・初期設定や操作方法、使い方などの情報を動画として挙げていきたいと思います。各地の美しい風景のドローン撮影で出来るだけ綺麗な映像であげていきたいです。ドローン少年みたいに墜落事故を起こさないように細心の注意を払いドローンを操作します。 絶景ドローン空撮|保津峡 日本の京都ドライブによる綺麗な景色のカメラ撮影動画 drone camera video Aerial view of superb view Kyoto Hozukyo For drone aerial photographers, I would like to list a beautiful scene, knowledge about drone, information on initial setting, operation method, usage etc. as a video. I would like to give you as beautiful a picture as possible by taking a drone shot of the beautiful scenery of each place. You will operate the drone with the utmost care so as not to cause a crash like a drone boy. #djicreator #Dronestagram #DroneGenic #drone #dji #dronephotography #dronestagram #drones #photography #travel #aerialphotography #dronelife #droneoftheday #dronefly #dron #dronephoto #djiglobal #aerial #photooftheday #landscape #dronesdaily #nature #dronegear #instagood #sky #保津峡 #絶景 #ドローン空撮 #京都 #4K 絶景ドローン空撮|保津峡 京都府京都市西京区嵐山北松尾山動画 Aerial view of superb view drone Kyoto, Hozukyo 絶景,ドローン空撮,JR山陰本線,電車,保津峡,保津峡駅,京都,京都府京都市西京区,4K,カメラマン,ドローン,映像,撮影,風景,綺麗な景色,vlog,ドローン空撮旅人 鉄道 landscape edging・landscape painting。landscape design・landscape photography|drone racing drone camera drone video drone footage。дроны Беспилотник・dron|Drohne drone camera video (保津峡) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFLwun2h7ih/?igshid=1ud22nqlgowo6
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araiwatal · 10 months
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普通列車でどこかへ #170
山陰本線 出雲市行き 鳥取県 米子市のあたり
Amazon Japan Kindle 新井ワタルのページ https://www.amazon.co.jp/新井ワタル/e/B0168GDX1M/
Go somewhere by local train #170
Yonago City, Tottori Prefecture San'in Main Line bound for Izumo City
Amazon USA Kindle Watal Arai's Page https://www.amazon.com/WATAL-ARAI/e/B01BODI7I8
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araiwatal · 10 months
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普通列車でどこかへ #169
山陰本線 出雲市行き 鳥取県 米子駅
Amazon Japan Kindle 新井ワタルのページ https://www.amazon.co.jp/新井ワタル/e/B0168GDX1M/
Go somewhere by local train #16
Yonago Station Tottori Prefecture San'in Main Line bound for Izumo City
Amazon USA Kindle Watal Arai's Page https://www.amazon.com/WATAL-ARAI/e/B01BODI7I8
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araiwatal · 10 months
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普通列車でどこかへ #171
山陰本線 出雲市行き 島根県 松江市のあたり
Amazon Japan Kindle 新井ワタルのページ https://www.amazon.co.jp/新井ワタル/e/B0168GDX1M/
Go somewhere by local train #171
Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture San'in Main Line bound for Izumo City
Amazon USA Kindle Watal Arai's Page https://www.amazon.com/WATAL-ARAI/e/B01BODI7I8
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araiwatal · 10 months
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普通列車でどこかへ #177
山陰本線 出雲市行き 島根県 松江市のあたり
Amazon Japan Kindle 新井ワタルのページ https://www.amazon.co.jp/新井ワタル/e/B0168GDX1M/
Go somewhere by local train #177
Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture San'in Main Line bound for Izumo City
Amazon USA Kindle Watal Arai's Page https://www.amazon.com/WATAL-ARAI/e/B01BODI7I8
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araiwatal · 10 months
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普通列車でどこかへ #176
山陰本線 出雲市行き 島根県 松江市のあたり
Amazon Japan Kindle 新井ワタルのページ https://www.amazon.co.jp/新井ワタル/e/B0168GDX1M/
Go somewhere by local train #176
Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture San'in Main Line bound for Izumo City
Amazon USA Kindle Watal Arai's Page https://www.amazon.com/WATAL-ARAI/e/B01BODI7I8
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araiwatal · 10 months
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普通列車でどこかへ #172
山陰本線 出雲市行き 島根県 松江市のあたり
Amazon Japan Kindle 新井ワタルのページ https://www.amazon.co.jp/新井ワタル/e/B0168GDX1M/
Go somewhere by local train #172
Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture San'in Main Line bound for Izumo City
Amazon USA Kindle Watal Arai's Page https://www.amazon.com/WATAL-ARAI/e/B01BODI7I8
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araiwatal · 10 months
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普通列車でどこかへ #179
山陰本線 出雲市行き 島根県 松江市のあたり
Amazon Japan Kindle 新井ワタルのページ https://www.amazon.co.jp/新井ワタル/e/B0168GDX1M/
Go somewhere by local train #179
Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture San'in Main Line bound for Izumo City
Amazon USA Kindle Watal Arai's Page https://www.amazon.com/WATAL-ARAI/e/B01BODI7I8
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araiwatal · 10 months
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普通列車でどこかへ #178
山陰本線 出雲市行き 島根県 松江市のあたり
Amazon Japan Kindle 新井ワタルのページ https://www.amazon.co.jp/新井ワタル/e/B0168GDX1M/
Go somewhere by local train #178
Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture San'in Main Line bound for Izumo City
Amazon USA Kindle Watal Arai's Page https://www.amazon.com/WATAL-ARAI/e/B01BODI7I8
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araiwatal · 10 months
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普通列車でどこかへ #175
山陰本線 出雲市行き 島根県 松江市のあたり
Amazon Japan Kindle 新井ワタルのページ https://www.amazon.co.jp/新井ワタル/e/B0168GDX1M/
Go somewhere by local train #175
Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture San'in Main Line bound for Izumo City
Amazon USA Kindle Watal Arai's Page https://www.amazon.com/WATAL-ARAI/e/B01BODI7I8
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araiwatal · 10 months
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普通列車でどこかへ #174
山陰本線 出雲市行き 島根県 松江市のあたり
Amazon Japan Kindle 新井ワタルのページ https://www.amazon.co.jp/新井ワタル/e/B0168GDX1M/
Go somewhere by local train #174
Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture San'in Main Line bound for Izumo City
Amazon USA Kindle Watal Arai's Page https://www.amazon.com/WATAL-ARAI/e/B01BODI7I8
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araiwatal · 10 months
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普通列車でどこかへ #180
山陰本線 出雲市行き
島根県 松江市駅に到着
Amazon Japan Kindle 新井ワタルのページ https://www.amazon.co.jp/新井ワタル/e/B0168GDX1M/
Go somewhere by local train #180
San'in Main Line bound for Izumo City
The train arrived at Matsue City Station in Shimane Prefecture.
Amazon USA Kindle Watal Arai's Page https://www.amazon.com/WATAL-ARAI/e/B01BODI7I8
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araiwatal · 10 months
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普通列車でどこかへ #173
山陰本線 出雲市行き 島根県 松江市のあたり
Amazon Japan Kindle 新井ワタルのページ https://www.amazon.co.jp/新井ワタル/e/B0168GDX1M/
Go somewhere by local train #173
Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture San'in Main Line bound for Izumo City
Amazon USA Kindle Watal Arai's Page https://www.amazon.com/WATAL-ARAI/e/B01BODI7I8
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araiwatal · 7 years
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日本海 SEA OF JAPAN 3 #144 舞鶴線 Maizuru Line
Google+ https://plus.google.com/105927364264306621006/ Amazon Japan 著者ページ https://www.amazon.co.jp/新井ワタル/e/B0168GDX1M/ Amazon USA Author Page https://www.amazon.com/WATAL-ARAI/e/B01BODI7I8
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