#safety razor Australia
blubushie · 1 year
Disclaimer: none of this is to be taken seriously.
Are vegan (vegetarians are fine)
Are a cyclist (bikies, you're on thin fucking ice)
Don't like flanno
Are scared of snakes
Are scared of bugs
Unironically say "NAURRR" (Aussies are exempt)
Drive a manual (I'm jealous of you)
Scream when you're afraid or startled
Don't take your shoes off indoors (WTF is wrong with you?)
Have never loved the stars too fondly
Claim your favourite flower is roses
Like the colour pink
Don't wear a watch
Don't like vegemite (WTF is wrong with you? x2)
If you DO like vegemite, DNI if you eat it at level 6 or anything below 3
Eat vegemite plain off the spoon (WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU? x3)
Call all cattle "cows"
Use chapstick (let your lips split like a real man)
Weren't sacrificed on the altar of Victoria Bitter
You drink Foster's
Call thongs "flip-flops" (wrong) or "jandals" (inhuman)
Are a ranga
Wear neon colours (hunting orange is fine, safety green is only permissible for tradies)
Like wearing shoes
Wear socks and ESPECIALLY if you sleep with socks on
Like maths (you're an alien)
Wash your face every morning
Don't know how to change a tyre
Think heat above 80F/25C is "unbearable"
Have never ridden a horse
Don't know the difference between revolvers and pistols
Have, at any point, unironically uttered the phrase "assault rifle"
Are from M*lbourne (Victorians, you're on thin fucking ice)
Are from New Zealand
Are French/speak French (Africans, you're on thin fucking ice)
Are Canadian (exempt if you're the TikTok lumberjack lady)
Are French-Canadian (double-wrong)
Are English. The rest of the UK, you're on thin ice.
Are from a city with a population higher than 1mil. People from cities with populations of 30k to 999k are on thin fucking ice. People from cities/town/shires/villages with less than 30k I love you.
Think "bogan" is an insult
Don't shave with a knife (people who use straight razors, you're on thin fucking ice, people who don't shave at all I love you)
Have never been sunburnt (only for people who can get sunburnt)
Don't like camping
Own decorative towels and ESPECIALLY if you get mad at people for using them. It's a bloody towel and I'm using it for its intended purpose
Believe in astrology
Have a skincare routine and/or wear makeup
Drive a Toyota Prius
DON'T love thunderstorms
Were born after 2023
Think catching toads to get high is "animal abuse" (the toads are fine unless they're cane toads, fuck cane toads, all my mates hate cane toads)
You microwave water for any reason
Have never been to a B&S ball
Don't believe in aliens
Are taller than 158cm/5'2"
Take multivitamins (aka you are healthier than me)
Haven't read my fic (minors exempt, do not read it)
Don't like bush ballads or sea shanties. I'm going to show up at your house and aggressively sing Waltzing Matilda at 3am outside your bedroom window
Think the term "blackfella" is racist
Would give me up, tell a lie, and hurt me
Don't bless the rains down in Africa
You shave your eyebrows
And the only LEGITIMATE ONE on this list...
People who think/call Sniper TF2 a Kiwi. If you'd call Sniper (who left New Zealand as an infant and spent his whole life in Australia and didn't even know his Australian parents weren't his birth parents until he was 30) a Kiwi, then you would call me an American because I was born in America and moved to Australia when I was two. You need to re-evaluate how you see migrants, relationships to culture, and adoptees.
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yourjentl · 3 years
Safety Razor Australia
Our reusable safety razor is a minimal alternative to disposable razors designed to gently glide over your skin for a close, smooth shave. Our sleek silver safety razor is unisex, easy to travel with and come in a range of colours. With billions of plastic razors being discarded a year, our sleek and easy to use Safety Razor Australia will last a lifetime saving you money and in turn reducing your plastic waste. To optimise the use of the blade and safety razor, dry off after each use. We recommend that you unscrew and clean out any soap or hair residue left behind in between each shave.
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shavingmarket · 4 years
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A shaving brush can give you a smooth shaving experience or it can also react on your skin! No matter what make sure you shop for the best shaving brush Australia while buying for personal use. Buy the best quality items at Shavingmarket.com.au.
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bi-dazai · 3 years
all of the fucking annoying ass idiots going on about "aaaa stingrays are dangerous and scary and killed steve irwin" need to shut the fuck up because it's really not helping safety or conservation of these animals in the great barrier reef, which is already difficult because the government here has a hard on for letting agriculture bleach our coral.
stingrays are actually incredibly sweet, lovely creatures. there are innumerable tour guides in countries all over the world that actually INVITE guests to swim with stingrays because of this. You can go to various aquariums in Australia and actually visit a stingray touching and feeding pool, where folks of all ages can reach into the water and pat the stingrays. If you want to know what that feels like - they are incredibly silky and soft.
furthermore, as someone who actually remembers when steve irwin died, im pretty sure most of u spouting this shit are either too young or didn't read any good articles about it because every single one points out that one of the things steve irwin HIMSELF tried to specify is that sting rays are not aggressive creatures and should not be seen as such because this could have massively dangerous effects on the conservation of these animals - think how after jaws came out shark populations were severely affected.
If you didn't know anything past "a stingray killed steve irwin", let me enlighten you on what actually happened:
Irwin was at port douglas in 2006. He'd been filming a series called oceans deadliest. However there was a lull in the weather, making the crew unable to film the series. At the time his daughter, Bindi, age 7, had begun to film smaller tv shows mainly based around health and movement in children. He decided to snorkel in shallow water to film a segment for her show. At about chest-deep water, he came across a stingray and approached it with his crew in order to film it moving away. Just to be clear here from my own personal perspective growing up in a seaside qld town where p much everyone has a boat and has gone snorkeling around stingrays at some point in their lives - this is perfectly normal to do, and usually the stingray just runs away when you get within a metre or so of them. They're extremely skittish and mostly harmless - much like huntsman spiders. However we have to keep in mind that irwin was also surrounded by a film crew, meaning more people and massive equipment on a boat beside him. The stingray was boxed in, not just approached like it usually would have been. I can only guess that Irwin, who had a tendency to get distracted by the animals he interacted with, had a moment of very human forgetfulness, and tried to approach the stingray as if he were on his own. The stingray panicked, and shot its barb before swimming away.
stingray attacks are almost never fatal. Irwin's death was the second stingray-related death in Australia since 1945. However the stingray barb punctured Irwin's heart. He died from traumatic bleeding.
I cannot stress enough how much the legacy of Steve Irwin has been tainted by people becoming vindictive and hateful, even jokingly, towards stingrays. Steve Irwin would have NEVER wanted anyone to BLAME an animal for his death. It was a tragic accident resulting from a moment of human forgetfulness. And as someone who lives in Queensland who grew up around sea creatures, being taught of the dangers of the sea around me and how to interact with it - stingrays are probably the least of your concerns when near one. You are far, FAR more likely to be hurt by a stonefish, a razor clam, a bluering octopus...Growing up, you learn that stingrays are some of nature's most gentle animals. They're skittish, of course - mostly they just run away when people get close. But they're also lovely creatures, and can be socialised to interact with humans.
It still makes me angry and even queasy that after 15 years people - and especially people who are not australians - continue to repeat this blaming rhetoric, and even claim that stingrays are dangerous because of steve Irwin's death. This is the kind of rhetoric that leads to conservation efforts being taken less seriously, something that is desperately needed especially with even more coral bleaching and mass ecosystem destruction being carried out on the great barrier reef each year.
also its a fifteen year old joke about a guy who would've hated it, it isn't funny and it never was.
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thestraywhisker · 4 years
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We've done the waiting - so you don't have to! The Broman Safety Razor is now in Australia. A pivoting head razor that doesn't use a cartridge. Fits with one half DE blade for ultra economy, and simply smooth shaves. If you want to make a conscientious change, this is the razor. The Broman Safety Razor will give you a comfortable finish with the pivot you're used to. Without the problem of cartridge disposal. #discovertradition #Precinct59Leura #wetshaving #wetshavingproducts #skincare #shavelikeaman #grooming #TheStrayWhisker #Leura #Katoomba #WentworthFalls #LeuraShopping #BlueMountainsNSW #mensgrooming #mensgifts #shavingproducts #oldschool #bromanshaving #shavingprovisions #mountainlife #shaving #gentlemanshop #leuravillage #bluemountains #zerowasteliving #womensshaving #shavingsoap #britishdesign #bluemountainstore #goodgrooming (at The Stray Whisker) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGoWTHBHJpn/?igshid=1mu8hnojgdepz
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toongrrl-blog · 4 years
The Mommy Myth by Susan J. Douglas and Meredith Michaels
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“Intensive Mothering” as defined by sociologist Sharon Hays.
“New Momism” originated in 1942 with Philip Wylie’s book Generation of Vipers where he attacked (let’s be real) moms for being smothering and turning their sons, America’s soldiers into weaklings as “Momism”. This new definition refers to a highly romanticized and demanding view of motherhood where standards for success are impossible to meet.
“Intensive mothering insists that mothers acquire professional-level skills such as those of a therapist, pediatrician (’Dr. Mom’), consumer products safety inspector, and teacher, and that they lavish every ounce of physical vitality they have, the monetary equivalent of the gross domestic product of Australia, and, most of all, every single bit of their emotional, mental, and psychic energy on their kids. We must learn to put on the masquerade of the doting, self-sacrificing mother and wear it at all times. With intensive mothering, everyone watches us, we watch ourselves and other mothers, and we watch ourselves watching ourselves. How many of you know someone who swatted her child on the behind in a supermarket because he was, say, opening a pack of razor blades in the toiletries aisle, only to be accosted by someone she never met who threatened to put her up on child-abuse charges?....Motherhood has become a psychological police state.”
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“Intensive mothering is the ultimate female Olympics: We are all in powerful competition with each other, in constant danger of being trumped by the mom down the street, or in the magazine we’re reading. The competition isn’t just over who’s a good mother--it’s over who’s the best. We compete with each other; we compete with ourselves. The best mothers always put their kids’ needs before their own, period. The best mothers are the main caregivers. For the best mothers, their kids are the center of the universe. The best mothers always smile. They always understand. They are never tired. They never lose their temper. They never say, ‘Go to the neighbor’s house and play while Mommy has a beer.’ Their love for their children is boundless, unflagging, flawless, total. Mothers today cannot just respond to their kids’ needs, they must predict them--and with the telepathic accuracy of Houdini. They must memorize verbatim the books of all the child-care experts and know which approaches are developmentally appropriate at different ages. They are supposed to treat their two-year-olds with ‘respect’. If mothers screw up and fail to do this on any given day, they should apologize to their kids, because any misstep leads to permanent psychological and/or physical damage. Anyone who questions whether this is the best and the necessary way to raise kids is an insensitive, ignorant brute. This is just common sense, right?”
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“According to postfeminism, women now have a choice between feminism and antifeminism and they just naturally and happily choose the latter. And the most powerful way that postfeminism worked to try to re-domesticate women was through the new momism. Here’s the progression. Feminism won; you can have it all; of course you want children; mothers are better at raising children than fathers; of course your children come first; of course you come last; today’s children need constant attention, cultivation, and adoration, or they’ll become failures and hate you forever; you don’t want to fail at that it’s easier for mothers to abandon their work and their dreams than for fathers; you don’t want it all anymore (which is good because you can’t have it all); who cares about equality, you’re too tired; and whoops--here we are in 1954.”
A doozy? Well re-reading this tome made me think of the moms on Stranger Things and the fan reactions to them. I in fact thought of this book because the demands of motherhood have changed since the 1970s when most of the Party where growing up and there was an anti-feminist backlash around that time that culminated in a media that co-opted the idea of feminism and exploited boomer anxiety about raising their kids without the trauma of their childhoods. 
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Artifact Series S
Saburo Miyakawa's Hachimaki *
Sacagawea's Cradleboard
Sacagawea's Indian Peace Medal
Sacred Papyri of Seleucia *
The Saddle of Bayard
Sadhu Fingernails
Sailor Mars' Transformation Pen
Saint Cuthbert's Chapel Gargoyle *
Saint George's Ring
Saint George's Lance and Shield
Saint James' Fuller's Club
Saint Jude's Carpenter's Rule
Saint Jerome's Lion Claw Thorn
Saint Lucia's Skull
Saint Matthew's Tax Lodger
Saint Matthias' Axe
Saint Nicholas' Gift Bag
Saint Nicholas' Three Stockings
Saint Patrick's Bell
Saint Paul's Cross-Hilted Sword
Saint Paul's Letter
Saint Peter's 2 Keys
Saint Peter's Sword
Saint Philip's Basket
Saint Sebastian’s Arrow
Saint Simon's Saw
Saint Thomas' Carpentry Square
Saint Valentine's Amethyst Ring
Sakyo Komatsu's Typewriter Ink Ribbon
Saleh's Camel Bone
Salem Saberhagen Animatron
Sallah, the Soothsaying Sultan *
Sally Rand's Ostrich Feather Fans
Sally Tompkins' Medical Kit
Salmaan Taseer's Glasses
Salt from Dallol, Ethiopia
Salvador Dali’s Cane
Salvador Dali's Moustache Wax
Salvador Dalí's Paintbrush
Salvation Army Bell
Salvator Fabris' Fencing Doublet
Salzburg Marionette Theater Marionette
Samantha Smith's Cap
Sam Hide's Half Crown
Sam Loyd's Black Queen
Sammy Davis Jr.'s Mezuzah
The Samsara Lotus
Sam Sheppard's Wrestling Boots
Sam Snead’s Golf Bag
Samson's Jawbone *
Samuel Allison's Dark Tinted Goggles
Samuel Clemens' Riverboat Whistle
Samuel Colt's Gun Barrel
Samuel Franklin Cody’s Kite
Samuel J. Seymour’s Safety Pin
Samuel Loring Morison’s Magazine Rack
Samuel Madden's Letter Opener
Samuel Pepys' Monocle
Samuel Pepys' Wheel of Parmesan Cheese
Samuel Taylor Coleridge's Fishing Net *
Samuel Whittemore’s Musket
Samuel Ruben’s Batteries
Samus Aran's Armor
Sancho II of Portugal’s Ciborium
Sandbags from the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927
The Sanderson Sisters' Black Flame Candle
Sandford Fleming's Postage Stamp
Sands of Hiroshima
Sands of Iwo Jima *
Sands of Normandy
Sandstone Bricks from the Pyramid of Giza
Santa Claus™ Hat
Santiago Ramón y Cajal's Microscope
Santorini Event Pumice Stone
Sapphires of Vali
Sarah A. Bowman’s Bread Tray
Sarah Bernhardt's Evening Gloves
Sarah Knauss' Personal Compact Mirror
Sarah Osbourne's Dress
Saraswati’s Veena
Sargon the Great's Mirrors *
Saturn V
Saxon Yule Log *
Sburb Beta Disks
Scaenae Frons from the Theatre of Dionysus
Scallop Shell of Zebedee
Scarab of Imhotep *
The Scarab Beetle Statue of Luxor
Scarecrow's Mask
“Scary” Lucille Ball Statue
Schaefer Beer Tray
Scheherazede's Bracelet
School of Salmon
Schrodinger's Cat
Schwinn Exercise Bike
Scope & Rifle from Elbe Day
Scorpion's Ropedart
Scorpus' Chariot
Scot Halpin’s Tour Jacket
Scott Joplin's Cigarette Case *
Scott Joplin's Piano *
Scott Joplin's Score for A Guest of Honor
Scott O'Grady’s Ejection Seat
Scroll of Qi
The Sea Cat
Searchlight from Alcatraz
Seat from Global Airlines Flight 33
Seaweed Stone Ball
Second Chance Heroes Artifacts
Secondo Pia’s Flashbulb
Secretariat's Horseshoes
Sedna's Seashell
Seductive Spectacles
SEES's Evokers
Selene's Tiara
Self-Answering Rotary Phone
Self-Constructing Building Blocks
Self-Replicating Birthday Candles
Senchán Torpéist's Lute
Seneb's False Door
Seraphim of Sarov’s Icon and Lestovka
Serial Killer Camera *
Serial Killer Hook
Sergeant Stubby's Coat
Sergei Brukhonenko's Autojektor
Sergei Korsakoff's Ruble Coin
Sergei Prokofiev's Chess Board
Sergio Corbucci's Personal Script of Django
Sergiusz Piasecki’s Grammar Book
Sessue Hayakawa’s Pierce Arrow
Seth Kinman’s Elkhorn Chair
Seth MacFarlane's "Family Guy" Concept Art
Seti I's Obelisk
Severus of Athens' Cronus Ring
Sexist Pickle Jar
Shah Jahan’s Peacock Throne
Shah Jahan's Taj Mahal Spire
Shaista Khan’s Sash
Shards of the Cross of St. Andrew
Sharicite Pendants
Shaka Zulu's Nkoka
Shaka Zulu's Iklwa
Shamu's Tank
Shang Rang's Army Shield
Shaolin Temple Robes
Sharbat Gula's Shawl
Shard from the Lens of the Lighthouse of Alexandria *
Sharkeisha's Winter Hat
Sharpie Permanent Marker
Sheet Music of Faerie's Aire and Death Waltz
Sheldon Silverstein's Guitar
Sheldon Silverstein's Shaving Razor
Shelvern's Black-Magic-Eyed Peas
Shell Fragment from the V-1 Doodlebug
Shem Drowne's Grasshopper
Shennong’s Plow
Sherman Adams’ Fur Coat
Sher Shah Suri's Helmet
Sheut Statuette
Shield from the Battle of Thermopylae
Shifting Chicken Egg
Shig Murao's Copy of "Howl"
Shigechiyo Izumi's Kimono
Shig Murao's Copy of "Howl"
Shigeru Miyamoto's Keyboard
Shinichi Suzuki's Violin
Shirley Jackson's Jewelry Box
Shiro Ishii's Medal *
Shirt of Nessus
Shivaji’s Bagh Naka
Shizou Kakutani's Geometry Set *
Shoes from the Tank Man
Shoichi Yokoi's Uniform
Shō Shin's Tonfa
Shotaro Ishinomori's Pen and Sketch Pad
Shower Head from "Psycho" *
Shylock's Coin Purse
Siberian Jukebox
Siberian Mammoth Tusk
Sigismund I the Old’s Tankard
Sigismund’s Order of the Dragon Emblem
Sigmund Freud's Cigar *
Sigmund Freud's Glasses
Sigmund Freud's Lighter
Sigmund Freud's Mantle Clock *
Sigmund Freud's Marble Tablet
Sigyn’s Bowl
Silap Inua Totem
Silene stenophylla
Silencing Librarian Glasses
Silk Sash of Mulan
Silver Bracelet *
Silver Bullet
Silver Cross Tavern Barrels
The Silver Crystal
Silver Necklace from the Atacama Desert Mines *
Silver Transmuting Goblet
Simeon Bourgeois' Torpedo Shell
Simo Häyhä's Rifle
Simon Tookoome's Bullwhip
Simonides of Ceos' Tally Stick
Simon Stevin's Windmill
Sinclair Lewis' Desk
"Singin' in the Rain" Umbrellas
The Singing Bone
Sinon's Helmet
Sir Gawain's Jousting Helmet *
Sir Mix-A-Lot's Bling Ring
Siren Rock Pendent
Sister Parish's Rose Brooch
Sitting Bull's Riding Blanket *
Skanderberg's Helmet
Skeleton Key
Ski Gloves
Skip to My Lou Violin
Skis from the Winter of Terror
Slava Raškaj’s Alabaster Owl Carving
Slavoljub Eduard Penkala’s Hot Water Bottle
The Slayer's Scythe
Sledge Hammer from the Ohio State Prison Fire
Slender Suit
Slot Machine
Slow Mo Guy's Lab Coats
Slue-Foot Sue's Bustle
Smenkhkare's Coffin
Smiling Dog Photograph
Smell Negating Clothespin
Smokey Yunick's Cowboy Hat
Smoking Railroad Spikes *
"Snakeman's" Basket
Snarky Reading Glasses
Sneezing Panda Video Camera
Snowman Jack-in-the-Box
Snow White's Apple
Snow White's Mirror
Sobriety Coin
Soccer Ball from the Death Match
Sock Sowachowski's Hat
Socrates' Cup *
Socrates' Toga
Sodom and Gomorrah Salt Mask *
Sogdianus' Scimitar
Soichiro Honda's Bicycle Pedals
Solac Electric Toaster
Soldier of Fortune's Cloth Cap
Solomon W. Golomb's Polyominoes
Sonman Mine Pickaxe
Sonny and Cher's Old West Costumes
Sopdet's Star
Sophie Blanchard's Costume
Sophie Lyons' Gloves
Soren S. Adams' Jam Jar
Southern Cross Expedition Candle Holder
Souvenir Ashtray *
The Spaghetti Tree
Spanish Flag from the Battle of Rocroi
Spanish Inquisition Costumes
Spartan Armor *
Spartacus' Armor
Sparticus' Retiarius *
Special Order 191 Cigars
Speed-Reading Lamp (canon)
Sphinx's Gear
Sphinx's Nose and Tablet
Spiked Torture Mask (canon)
Spindle from the Duke of Exeter's Daughter Torture Rack (canon)
Spirit of St. Louis' Propeller Spinner
Spine of the Saracen *
Splattering Heinz Ketchup Bottle
Spoon from Al Capone's Soup Kitchen
Spirit of St. Louis' Propeller Spinner
Spirit Tablets from the Boxer Rebellion
Spitball-Producing Straw
Spriggan Wings
Spring-Heeled Jack's Boots
Spyridon Louis’ Fustinella
Srinivasa Ramanujan's Stick
Squee's Teddy Bear, Shmee
SS Andrea Doria
SS Baychimo
SS Indiana's Hand Bell
SS Noronic Whistle
SS Violet, Griffon
Stack of 12 Cans of Campbell’s Soup *
Stacked-Deck Poker Table
Stadium Seats from the 1896 Olympics
Stage Door from CBGB's *
"Stagecoach" Mary Fields S&W .38 "Lemon Squeezer"
Stagelight from the UFO Club
Stairway B Railing
Staff of Set
Stamata Revithi's Document
Stan Rogers's Wedding Ring
Stanislaw Ulam's Calculator
Stanley Green’s Placard
Stanley Kramer's Film Reel
Stanley Thornton Jr.'s Baby Bottle
Stare Promoting Glasses
Star Jelly
Starkad's Norse Pendent
S.T.A.R.S. Samurai Edge Pistol
State vs Bonner Cap Gun
Statue from Trajan’s Column
Statues of Castor and Pollux *
Statue of Euryale
Statue of Heket
Statue of St. Bartholomew
Statues from the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus
Statues of Zeus and Hera
Statuettes of Aphrodte and Eros
Steam Locomotive from the Burma Railway
Steel Girders From Warehouse 12
Stefania Follini’s Guitar
Stephen Decatur's Disguise
Stephen Hawking's Wheelchair
Stephen Hillenburg's Hawaiian Shirt
Stephen Wiltshire's Pen
Steve Bolander's '58 Chevy Impala
Steve Brodie's Dummy
Steve Clemente's Knife Box
Steve Irwin’s Australia Zoo Patch
Steve Jobs' Hardrive
Steve Kordek's Pinball Machine
Steve McQueen's 650cc Triumph TR6 Trophy Motorcycle *
Steven Spielberg's Clapper Board
Stewart Farrar's Besom
Sticky String *
Stingy Jack's Turnip Lantern
"Stinking" Bishop's Kettle
St. Stephen's Church Weather Vane
Stolen Arm of Shiva
Stone-Changing Cheese Knife
Stone from Stonehenge *
Stone from the "Wailing Wall"
Stones from The Dancing Plague of 1518
Stones from the Flims Rockslide
Stone of Destiny
Stone of Truth
Stonewall Inn's Neon Sign
Stonewall Jackson's Piece of Shrapnel
Storage Door Knob
Stormtrooper E-11 Blaster Rifle
Strait of Messina Grindstone
Straightjacket from St. Mary of Bethlehem Asylum
The Straw that Broke the Camel's Back *
Studio 54 Disco Ball *
Stuffed Speckled Chachalaca
St. Valentine's Day Massacre M1 Thompson
Subtle Knife
Sucellus' Hammer
Sugar Ray Robinson's Pillow
Sugar Skull
Sulla's Grass Crown
Summer Camp Inflatable Mattress
Sunbeam Mix Master
Sundiata Keita’s Balafon
Sunny Malone's Chalk Drawing
Sunrise High Sierra Camp Hat
Sun Tzu's Dao Sword
Sun Tzu's "The Art of War"
Superman's Suit
Supermarket Sweep Shopping Carts
Susan Hayward's Silk Dress
Susan Nolen-Hoeksema’s Glasses
Susanoo's Totsuka-no-Tsurugi (Sword of Strength)
Su Song's Armillary Sphere
Suzanne Oldsworth's Silver Thimble *
Svante Arrhenius’ Gloves
Svetlana Pankratova's Shoes
Svyatoslav Nikolayevich Fyodorov's Patient's Glasses
Sweeny Todd's Barber Shop Razor
Swiss Miss-Hap Mug *
The Sword in the Stone
Sword of Damocles
Sybil Leek's Smudge Fan
Sydney Newman's Rotary Phone
Sylvanus Morley's Pith Helmet
Sylvester Graham's Original Graham Crackers
Sylvia Browne's Pearl Earrings
Sylvia Plath's Typewriter *
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beautifulcatcreator · 2 years
Sustainable Alternatives to Razors
Razors are common in almost every bathroom, and are part of our daily grooming routines. Despite the widespread use of these tools, few sustainable alternatives exist. Plastic disposable razors and refills are the norm in most households, and most of them don't get recycled. This means that they end up in landfills for hundreds of years, which is not exactly a green option. There are, however, a few sustainable alternatives.
Safety razors are a good alternative if you are environmentally conscious. Reusable metal razors are the most environmentally friendly way to shave. These are also more comfortable to use, and they produce a close and comfortable cut without causing irritation to the skin. Many natural shaving products are cruelty-free, palm oil-free, and toxin-free. Some brands, such as Leaf Shave, also sell replacement blades.
Feather razor blades are made in Japan and are the best option for men in Australia. They are ultra-sharp and are made for professional shaving and styling. They fit into most shaving razors sold in Australia and can even be used as replacement blades. Japanese blade makers have been making Feather blades for more than 100 years, and they are considered the best shaving razors in the world. For more information about Feather razors, visit the Shaving Market website.
Earths Tribe is an Australian brand of straight razors that offers an eco-friendly, plastic-free shaving routine. The Earths Tribe is a double edge stainless steel razor with a chrome finish. It is the ideal choice for environmentally conscious men who want to reduce their plastic consumption. The company is an ethical company, and they are also 100% Australian-owned. With such a variety of options available, it's hard to decide which one to purchase.
For more information visit us on https://www.shavingmarket.com.au/
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yourjentl · 2 years
When it comes to buying the Safety Razor Australia, you can consider shopping it from "Jen-tl". We are a reputed store that trades in the best quality sustainable products to meet its customer's needs at an affordable price. explore our collection right now!
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shavingmarket · 5 years
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Safety Razors Australia
Want to avoid cuts while shaving? Have a barber shop to run? Buy completely safety razors Australia for personal shaving or shaving your customers only at Shavingmarket.com.au. Visit our website now.
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press-release-dash · 3 years
Razor Blades Market 2021 | Business Opportunity, Growth Strategies & Forecast Report By 2027
The Global Razor Blades Market Report, in its latest update, highlights the significant impacts and the recent strategically changes under the present socio-economic scenario. The Razor Blades industry growth avenues are deeply supported by exhaustive research by the top analysts of the industry. The report starts with the executive summary, followed by a value chain and marketing channels study. The report then estimates the CAGR and market revenue of the global and regional segments.
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Base Year: 2020
Estimated Year: 2021
Forecast Till: 2027
The report classifies the market into different segments based on type and product. These segments are studied in detail, incorporating the market estimates and forecasts at regional and country levels. The segment analysis is helpful in understanding the growth areas and potential opportunities of the market.
Get | Download FREE Sample Report of Global Razor Blades Market @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/download-sample-4885
A special section is dedicated to the analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the growth of the Razor Blades market.  The impact is closely studied in terms of production, import, export, and supply.
The report covers the complete competitive landscape of the Worldwide Razor Blades market with company profiles of key players such as:
Gillette (PandG)
Edgewell Personal Care
Laser Razor Blades
Kaili Razor
Liyu Razor
Ningbo Jiali
Benxi Jincheng
Want to add more Company Profiles to the Report? Write your Customized Requirements to us @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/get-custom-research-4885
Razor Blades Market Analysis by Type
Cartridge Razors
Disposable Razors
Electric Razors
Straight Razors
Safety Razors
Razor Blades Market Analysis by Segment
Razor Blades Market Analysis by Distribution Channel
Department Stores
Convenience Stores
Razor Blades Market Analysis by Blade Type
Stainless Steel Blade
Carbon Steel Blade
Razor Blades Market Analysis by Consumer
Razor Blades Market Analysis by Geography:
North America (USA, Canada, and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Rest of Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia, South-East Asia, Rest of Asia-Pacific)
Latin America (Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Chile, Rest of Latin America)
The Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Israel, South Africa, Rest of the Middle East and Africa)
Key questions answered in the report:
What is the expected growth of the Razor Blades market between 2022 to 2027?
Which application and type segment holds the maximum share in the Global Razor Blades market?
Which regional Razor Blades market shows the highest growth CAGR between 2022 to 2027?
What are the opportunities and challenges currently faced by the Razor Blades market?
Who are the leading market players and what are their Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT)?
What business strategies are the competitors considering to stay in the Razor Blades market?
Purchase the Complete Global Razor Blades Market Research Report @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/buy-now-4885
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stellla1006 · 3 years
How to choose a travel power adapter?
Now, there are more and more friends traveling abroad. Everyone will carry some electronic and electrical products, such as mobile phones, razors, laptops, chargers, SLR cameras, etc., but the voltage and plug standards of different countries in the world are not the same. Domestic standard plugs cannot be used in most foreign countries. Below we have compiled information on voltages and plugs in countries around the world, so that people who go abroad can prepare in advance.
Overview of voltages in countries around the world
At present, there are roughly two types of indoor electricity voltages in various countries around the world, namely, 100-130V and 220-240V. 100V, 110-130V are classified as low voltage, such as the United States, Japan, etc., focusing on safety; 220-240V is called high voltage, including 220 volts in China and 230 volts in the United Kingdom and many European countries, focusing on efficiency. In countries where 220-230V voltage is used, 110-130V voltage is also used, such as Sweden and Russia.
100V: Japan and South Korea;
110-130V: 30 countries including Taiwan, the United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Cuba, and Lebanon;
220-230V: China, Hong Kong (200V), Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Australia, India, Singapore, Thailand, Holland, Spain, Greece, Austria, Philippines, Norway about 120 countries.
Types of plugs you need to know when going abroad
At present, the types of conversion plugs are mainly divided into 6 categories: British standard, national standard, American standard, European standard, South African standard, and Italian standard.
British standard plug: used in Hong Kong, Britain, India, Pakistan, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Maldives, Qatar and other countries and regions, characterized by three square heads.
National standard plug: used in China, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, characterized by three flat heads.
American standard plug: used in the United States, Canada, Japan, Brazil, the Philippines, Thailand and other countries and Taiwan, and is characterized by one round and two flat.
European standard (German standard) plugs: used in Germany, France, the Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Austria, Belgium, Hungary, Spain, Sweden and other EU countries and South Korea, Russia and other countries, with two characteristics round head.
South Africa standard plug: mainly used in South Africa, India, and Russia, characterized by three round heads.
Italian standard (Italian standard) plug
Each country has different types of power plugs and voltages. In order to ensure a smooth journey abroad, you must choose the right power adapter and conversion plug to reduce travel troubles and enjoy the beautiful scenery during the journey.
If you need OEM 12V EU plug power adaptor, welcome to contact us!
Tel: +86 13790682077 Email: [email protected]
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usandtheocean · 6 years
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Plastic. The word on so many people’s lips at the moment. About four years ago, when I came to Australia I became almost obsessed with plastic and reducing my consumption of it. Once you make the connection, you seem to experience an entire paradigm shift and you eventually can’t stop seeing plastic everywhere around you. Plastic packaging is ubiquitous; it’s in coffee cups, inside cereal boxes, on herb and spice containers, around beauty products and probably most infuriatingly of all wrapped around compostable fresh fruit and vegetables.
Plastic is a problem because it never breaks down, it only breaks up into smaller and smaller pieces known as microplastics. These plastics are less than 5mm in diameter and often end up in waterways which lead into lakes and oceans. These microplastics then have a high chance of being ingested by marine creatures because of the difficulty in distinguishing plastic from other food sources such as plankton. The microplastics are indigestible and may impair the digestive organs of marine creatures, this may lead to death from malnutrition, suffocation or decreased mobility. Other problems related to microplastics include the accumulation of plastic and harmful constituents in fish or organisms in higher trophic levels. This accumulation of plastic in higher trophic levels, such as salmon and tuna fish (which are coincidentally some of the most popular for consumption globally) could represent a public health hazard to those who eat fish.
There are many things that you can do on a daily basis to reduce your plastic consumption, these can be as simple as taking your own reusable coffee cup to get your daily dose of caffeine or own taking a reusable cotton shopping bag to the supermarket or if you’re a little more dedicated… shopping at bulk food stores and taking your own glass jars to fill up with pantry staples. Other tips I have found really easy to incorporate are:
* Asking for your drink without a straw (if ordering a juice or smoothie)
* Not getting take away food if possible - eating at home or in a restaurant to reduce all of that plastic packaging and cutlery
* Making my own deodorant (simply from coconut oil, bicarbonate of soda, corn flour and essential oils)
* Buying soap at the bulk food store without packaging
* Taking my own bags to the supermarket
* Using a reusable water bottle and coffee cup
* Using wax wraps and Tupperware in the kitchen instead of cling wrap
* Using a bamboo toothbrush and safety razor for shaving
* Recycling any hard-plastic waste and taking soft-plastic to a local recycling point
The list goes on, and I have by no means reached a perfect zero waste or plastic free lifestyle, but I am consciously trying and that is what really counts. I have probably cut my plastic consumption down to about 10% of what it used to be, and for that I am proud.
I often go for walks along the beach, and whilst sometimes I plan to pick up plastic other times I see one piece I cannot walk by and then end up picking up a couple more handfuls. It doesn’t have to take long, even if you have half an hour to walk along a beach during the week, you can make a massive difference by picking up a couple of handfuls of rubbish. You may pick up five plastic bottles, or 100 pieces of microplastic and that can be the 5 or 100 pieces of plastic no longer destined for the ocean or a fish’s stomach.
In the photos you can see on this day I picked up lots of microplastic, cotton bud/lolly sticks, cigarette butts (which 95% of are made up of cellulose acetate which can take up to 10 years to break down), glow sticks, bottle tops, tape, a peg, the back of swimming goggles, the lids from sushi soy sauce fish, fishing line and other miscellaneous pieces.
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Your effort may seem small in comparison to what someone else is doing, but as long as you’re trying your hardest you’ve nothing to worry about. Whenever I think about plastic pollution I always think of this proverb:
We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors—we borrow it from our children.
I would be proud to leave a planet for future generations which still offers pristine wilderness, beautiful coral reefs, and thriving ecosystems. I believe together we can change our mindset to create a smaller footprint on the earth.
There are a few documentaries you can watch to get you in the mood to reduce your plastic:
* A Plastic Ocean - netflix. Further emphasis on the gravity of the issue.
* Chasing Coral - netflix. Just so you have a picture of what we’re trying to conserve and the other stresses imposed on coral reef ecosystems.
* Before The Flood - netflix. Another to stress the importance climate change and the problems it will cause in the future.
Instagram accounts to follow:
* plasticfreemonkey
* plasticfreemermaid
* iamjuliawheeler
* ellenfisher
* plasticfreedom_
* eatingwithmax
Literature regarding plastic accumulation in fish - Miranda, D., and Freire de Carvalho-Souza, G. (2016) Are we eating plastic-ingesting fish? Marine Pollution Bulletin, 1031-2:109-114.
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k5internatioanl · 3 years
Whether you run your own barber shop or need accessories for essential grooming at home, you need professional equipment to do the best job. There are plenty of options online for barber shop accessories, but if you’re looking for quality you need to go with a brand that you can trust. With many people taking care of their own personal grooming nowadays, you should ensure you buy products that are going to last and give the best results. If you are trying to find professional barber shop accessories in Australia, here are a few tips.
Tips for buying barber shop accessories
Before you make a snap decision, it’s advisable to shop around and look for the best deal. Don’t necessarily opt for the cheapest option, however, as you might lose out on quality. If you’re looking for something that’s long-lasting, check to see if it has a warranty, for example. Avoid sets and packs as well in order to save money unless you need everything in there. It’s often better to spend more on the individual item you require without wasting money on additional barber shop accessories. This way, you’re guaranteed better quality.
If you offer professional barber services, then it’s vital to choose the best products for your clients. It’s definitely worth investing a little the first time around so you’ll be able to achieve the desired results and create good word of mouth for your business in the community.
Check out the range at K5 International
At K5 International, we offer a wide selection of barber shop accessories, so you can rest assured you’ll find what you’re looking for according to your own unique requirements and budget. You also have the advantage of free and fast delivery service. Our range of barber accessories are of a high professional standard, and suitable for salons and mobile hairdressers.
If you’re working as an experienced barber or new to styling, we’ve handpicked the best equipment for you. Our collection of essential barber equipment includes hairdressing combs, razors, brushes, and replacement blades. Our products are suitable for home use but are still salon-quality, so you’ll be able to achieve the results you’re looking for.
Combs and sets
A decent comb is one of the most essential barber shop accessories in your kit. We have a wide variety of unisex hairdressing combs available both individually and as sets. You can either opt for a set of multi-use combs or choose a high-end individual barber comb. Our combs are available in different materials ranging from aluminum to carbon, or wood. We only sell durable combs and comb sets suitable for both professional and personal use.
Another important tool used by barbers is a quality razor. There are different types of razors, those that are designed for hair removal, hair shaping, and hair thinning. What you use them for depends on the look you’re going for. For beard shaping, a professional hair shaper razor is the most suitable. If you’re looking to shave completely, then you invest in a quality hair removal safety razor. If you need a more delicate tool for eyebrows, hair thinning, or hair slicing, you can opt for a thinning razor comb. We also sell multi-purpose razors with changeable blades.
Shaving accessories
To go with a razor you’re going to need other shaving accessories whether you’re a professional barber or taking care of your personal grooming. A good quality brush is always recommendable. At K5 International we offer a range of shaving brushes in both natural and synthetic materials. These also are available in sets with safety razors. If you use a safety razor it’s always better to buy a better quality one and replace the blades every so often. You can buy single and double edge blades from our online store.
If you run your own barber shop or salon, then there are few other accessories you might need. Look for a non-slip mat as you’ll need somewhere to set up all your tools. These also help protect any surfaces from electronic products are they’re heat-resistant. We also have professional salon water spray bottles and clipper combs for holding longer hair in place.
Whether you’re a professional barber or just want to create an expert look at home, check out our selection of the best barber accessories. Our products at K5 International are affordable without compromising on quality. With free shipping all around the country, you won’t be able to find a better deal for barber shop accessories in Australia.
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scalarlight · 3 years
Infectious Hepatitis (Hepatitis A)
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It is one of the biggest organs in our body and also one of the organs that performs the most different functions: the liver is responsible for eliminating toxic substances circulating in our blood, storing and releasing glucose, processing nutrients and medicines, fighting infections, and secreting certain hormones and other essential substances. In short, we can say that it is like the body's chemical factory and performs essential functions for life. For our liver to perform all these functions efficiently, it is essential that we lead healthy lifestyles that prevent chronic diseases such as cirrhosis, but also that we take the necessary precautions to keep viruses such as hepatitis A virus (HAV) at bay. This infectious agent infects liver cells (called hepatocytes) and causes them to become inflamed and destroyed.
Infectious Hepatitis Virus
The virus which causes the disease is classified in the Picornaviridae family, in the hepatovirus genus. Like hepatitis C virus, hepatitis A virus is an RNA-type virus; however, unlike hepatitis C virus, it lacks a lipid envelope. It is resistant to freezing, detergents, and acids. It is inactivated by heat at temperatures above 85°C and by formaldehyde and chlorine.
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Infectious hepatitis is a disease caused by HAV (hepatitis A virus). It is spread by contact with faeces from a bowel movement, which can occur in several ways:
Eating food prepared by someone who has touched infected faeces.
Drinking water contaminated with infected faeces (very common in developing countries).
Having anal intercourse with an infected person.
The usual route of transmission of infection is faecal-oral; the incubation period after ingestion of the virus is 3-6 weeks; during this period, before the first symptoms of the disease already exist, elimination of the virus by faeces. In countries with poor hygienic-sanitary conditions, infectious hepatitis is more frequently asymptomatic as it usually occurs in children. In developed countries, infectious hepatitis is more frequently symptomatic as it is more likely to occur in adults.
The virus is extremely stable at room temperature and low pH, which ensures its survival both in contaminated water and in transit through the stomach. The hepatitis A virus can survive for long periods in freshwater and seawater. The foods most frequently associated with infectious hepatitis are fresh vegetables and strawberries.
The peak of maximum infectivity occurs during the period of highest virus excretion in faeces, which occurs two weeks before the onset of jaundice and elevated liver enzymes. Viremia is maintained throughout the period of elevated liver enzymes.
The severity and presence of hepatitis A symptoms are related to the age of the patient. Something like 70% of adults with the virus present symptoms, while 30% of children, where the usual form is asymptomatic. This is extremely important in the management of the disease in the communities.
The pre-icteric phase of 5-7 days duration begins abruptly with high fever, feeling sick, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and headache. Less frequently, arthralgias, chills, diarrhoea, myalgias, cough, constipation, pruritus and urticaria may occur. Examination reveals splenomegaly, soft hepatomegaly, bradycardia, and posterior cervical lymphadenopathy. The icteric phase lasts 4 to 30 days and is characterized by a progressive increase in conjugated bilirubin, jaundice, and clear clay-like stools. Evolution to chronicity has not been described.
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Treatment of acute viral hepatitis is largely supportive and aimed at ensuring adequate nutrition and hydration and monitoring patients to prevent the development of fulminant hepatitis. Drug treatment is rarely indicated for acute viral hepatitis A because up to 99% of patients recover without sequelae.
Most patients can be treated out-of-hospital as long as they can maintain adequate hydration and caloric intake. The old indication of bed rest is no longer recommended unless the patient is experiencing severe fatigue.
The World Health Organization establishes three key points to avoid contracting infectious hepatitis: improving sanitation, food safety, and vaccination. Improved sanitation is especially related to water supply, which is one of the most common reservoirs of the virus. Thus, contaminated water can be prevented by adapting appropriate systems for making water potable, disposing of wastewater, or adopting basic hygienic measures such as frequent hand washing.
Vaccination in infants: It is recommended in all infants. The first injection is given anytime between the 4th and 8th week of life, but if the mother is a carrier, it is given 12 hours after birth; the second injection is given between 30 days and two months of age (depending on when the first injection was given).
Vaccination in older children and adults:  Children and adults who have not had the vaccination before can also be vaccinated. Vaccination is given over six months, during which time two injections must be given. But also, this preventive method, which is known as combined vaccination, is especially indicated in:
Travellers in A and B virus endemic areas:  Africa, South America, Eastern Mediterranean, Southeast Asia, China, and the Pacific Islands (except Australia, New Zealand, and Japan).
Male homosexuals with multiple sexual partners.
Injecting drug users.
Hemophilia patients.
Hospital health personnel.
People with chronic liver disease.
Although most children who receive the vaccine have no side effects, minor problems, such as redness or discomfort at the injection site, can sometimes occur. More serious problems associated with the vaccine are very rare.
However, administration of the vaccine is not recommended:
Before any infectious disease is more serious than a cold.
If a severe allergic reaction occurs after a dose of the vaccine.
Finally, to prevent contagion, specialists recommend paying attention to personal care and hygiene. Some recommendations are:
Do not use an infected person's toothbrush or razor or anything else that might have traces of their blood on it.
Make sure that the instruments are clean in case of getting a tattoo or piercing in any part of the body.
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sandlerresearch · 3 years
Men's Disposable Razors and Blades (Male Toiletries) Market in Australia - Outlook to 2025; Market Size, Growth and Forecast Analytics published on
Men's Disposable Razors and Blades (Male Toiletries) Market in Australia - Outlook to 2025; Market Size, Growth and Forecast Analytics
Men’s Disposable Razors and Blades (Male Toiletries) Market in Australia – Outlook to 2025; Market Size, Growth and Forecast Analytics
Men’s Disposable Razors and Blades (Male Toiletries) Market in Australia – Outlook to 2025; Market Size, Growth and Forecast Analytics is a broad level market review of Men’s Disposable Razors & Blades market in Australia.
Men’s Disposable Razors & Blades – Men’s disposable safety razors and replaceable blades. Includes battery operated razors, but excludes electric razors which can be recharged via mains electricity.
Men`s Disposable Razors and Blades market in Australia registered a positive compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 2.57% during the period 2015 to 2020 with a sales value of AUD 323.94 Million in 2020, a decrease of -3.85% over 2019. The market achieved its strongest performance in 2019, when it grew by 4.81% over its previous year and its weakest performance in 2020, when it fell by -3.85% over 2019.
The research handbook provides up-to-date market size data for period 2015-2020 and illustrative forecast to 2025 premised on Covid-19 hit, covering key market aspects like Sales Value and Volume for Men’s Disposable Razors & Blades and its variants .
Furthermore, the research handbook details out Sales Value and Volume for top brands for the year 2017 to 2020 and overall market sales by Distribution Channel (Dollar Stores, Variety Store & General Merchandise Retailers, Cash & Carries and Warehouse Clubs, Convenience Stores & Gas Stations, Department Stores, Drug Stores & Pharmacies, Chemists/Pharmacies, Parapharmacies/Drugstores, eRetailers, Food & Drinks Specialists, Health & Beauty Stores, Hypermarkets & Supermarkets, Direct Sellers, Others, On Trade, Vending Machines, Other Specialist Retailers, Tobacco Specialists) where ever applicable.
Due to on going large scale uncertainties in the market due to COVID-19 pandemic, the research handbook acts as an essential tool for companies active or planning to venture in to Australia’s Men’s Disposable Razors & Blades (Male Toiletries) market. The comprehensive statistics within the research handbook provides insight into the operating environment of the market and also ensures right business decision making based on historical trends and industry model based forecasting.
Sales Values in the handbook are depicted in USD ($) and local currency of country and Volumes are represented in M Units.
*Note: Certain content / sections in the research handbook may be removed or altered based on the availability and relevance of data.
– Overall Men’s Disposable Razors & Blades (Male Toiletries) market value and volume analytics with growth analysis from 2015 to 2025. – Value and Volume terms for the top brands. – Distribution channel sales analytics from 2017-2020.
Reasons to Buy
– Get access to authoritative and granular data on the Men’s Disposable Razors & Blades (Male Toiletries) market and fill in the gaps in understanding of trends and the components of change behind them. – Enhance your understanding of the market to update your strategic and tactical plans based on volume and value changes, brand dynamics and distribution trends. – Analyze the components of change in the market by looking at historic and future growth patterns. – Use the data to understand future patterns of the market trends from winners and losers to category dynamics and thereby quickly and easily identify the key areas in which you want to compete in the future.
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