#sadly there isn't like a ton of stuff here and i've shot a lot of it already but
playitagainmyjohnny · 2 years
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bahamutgames · 9 months
Fire Emblem : Three Afterthoughts
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Game: Fire Emblem : Three Houses (July 26, 2019)
Console: Nintendo Switch
Hello again! Been a hot second since I've talked about anything I played recently. But I have been playing a good bit! I've actually been a little stressed and burnt out and kind of ONLY had the energy to play games. Which isn't great lol. But I'm here once again to talk about some random games to you all!
Originally I was just gonna put this game in the December roundup. But the more I thought about it, the more I had to say about it. And today I watched my sister beat the Golden Deer run. So now I've seen the 3 base game runs (I played Black Eagles and watched her do Blue Lions a few months ago). So I figured I'd give some of my silly little thoughts about it.
Gotta say it every time: This is NOT a review!! This is just me throwing up my thoughts after having beaten the game! Don't take my words as gospel and always check out anything I talk about if it interests you!
So yeah! I haven't played a TON of Fire Emblem games, but prior to this I had played Awakening and it's easily one of my all time favorite video games! So when my sister asked me to play it, I figured I might as well give it a shot!
I was honestly not really expecting to like this game. I knew it wouldn't be as good as Awakening and the teacher sections seemed SO daunting and unfun. However I was pleasantly surprised to see that...
Stuff I liked
I loved this game! I had a real blast playing through this one! The main thing that really drew me into the game is how good Strategy RPG gameplay is. I genuinely forgot how seriously good this genre is. Now, I will confess that I played it on casual mode because I suck at these games. (But also I actually prefer no perma death because using teammates as bait and sacrificing allies to boost them forward is more fun than playing carefully around keeping everyone alive)
But still I had a ton of fun beefing up my teammates, and finding the best way to get guys to the commanders as quick as possible, or the thrill of just seeing my dudes mow down enemy units ON THEIR TURN! It's super fun and again I genuinely forgot how much fun the genre can be! I really need to play more Strategy games soon!
And outside of that, a BIG strength Fire Emblem has always had to me was its characters. They are GREAT in this game! I joined Black Eagles cause I was thirsty for Dorothea, and didn't like ANY of the boys in my class. But by the end I loved ALL OF THEM! Between them just being super useful in combat, their supports, and them just being fun to see them talk, every classmate was GREAT! It's genuinely impressive this game can make you care about people you are convinced you will not give a shit about. By the end of it I actually wanted to marry Bernadetta SO bad she's SO cute post time skip. But sadly she's not into girls (genuinely unbelievable) and male byleth looks STUPID so I refuse to play as him.
The story is also interesting, I was actually VERY impressed with it. It's SUPER political with a lot of talks about serious government stuff which was very interesting. Obviously Awakening had a lot of war and political talk too but it was a lot more anime and about the power of friendship. Which I prefer of course, but it was interesting to see a Nintendo game tackle a first party (I think) title with a lot more dark themes about religion and horrific war crimes. It was neat even if it wasn't my cup of tea. And I thought the stories of the different classmates were nice, I actually liked Byleth a lot and really enjoyed seeing them grow a bit as the story progressed (I want this weird kid to be happy), and I was surprised that I even liked Sothis who I also thought would be annoying lol. I was genuinely a little sad to see her go.
And I did genuinely enjoy the school sections. They weren't my favorite part of the game but considering I was convinced I wouldn't like it AT ALL I was really pleased with it! I liked cooking and eating with teammates, talking to everyone, walking about the monestary, and I liked how teaching your classmates allowed you to REALLY customize everyone. It was neat! I was worried the teacher angle would introduce a kind of weird power dynamic but honestly, I was really pleased that it didn't. They don't harp on it very much (in Black Eagles they full on say they consider everyone in class as equals) and they don't even let you marry your classmates until the END of the game so it's not a huge deal.
And there's some other stuff to say, I like the music a lot. It has some great battle themes and the main theme is very good! I really liked that you could change character's outfits by upgrading them to different classes and I honestly wish there were more costume options in general (I had my Byleth in the dancer outfit all game!) I think the game has some nice character and monster design. I was seriously heartbroken by having to kill Edelgard and Hubert. There's a lot to praise!
Stuff I didn't like
BUT, of course. There's a lot to not praise too. I do have some issues with this game. The first, and maybe it's a nitpick, but it bothered me a LOT during the game. Is that the graphics can be kinda ugly! It's not really something you notice when you're zoomed out on the map. But when you really get up in the character's faces in support conversations it's VERY noticeable. Some gross textures, and the bizarre box texture they put the characters in for supports. Stuff like that usually doesn't bother me but for some reason it was REALLY noticeable in this game? I think I would've rathered they cut some more corners in other places to allow them to make the character models at least very good looking. Similarly the game has some odd design choices for characters like their rosy noses? Not a big deal but it did add more stuff to the models that made them feel off.
Then I do have some issues with the story. So, it's a good story for sure. And after having seen all the runs I certainly liked all 3. But I really can't help but feel like the story would've felt more impactful if it wasn't split into 3 runs. I know it may have been odd because separating the classes allows for some more personal moments with them and some tough moments when you encounter other classes in combat. BUT at the same time, when they make you feel all sad for a student you NEVER interacted with. It doesn't hit that hard? And yeah, you're SUPPOSED to do all 3 runs. But I feel like they aren't different ENOUGH to warrant doing it back to back? Although I also thought the story was a little TOO smart for me. So I couldn't properly understand all of the political stuff and I feel like some things went over my head, so maybe combining it together can't help my dumbass.
Like, killing Edelgard is something everyone does. And it was a really sad moment for me when she begged me to kill her. But in Golden Deer, it seems like you don't interact with her much. So how can be that impactful? Dimitri's run ends after killing her so you don't even get EITHER of the cool final bosses? Also after seeing Golden Deer I do feel like them not being super fond of Rhea just feels better? Whereas in Black Eagles they all just immediately warm back up to the church after the first half of the game was EVERYONE being like "why did Rhea execute those people? Will she do that to us if we misbehave?"
I understand some other problems would arise from it. But I think maybe having all the classes join forces, having to fight edelgard, then having Nemesis vs Rhea vs Your Rebel Army for the final boss? Maybe that way there could've been some more attention to Those Who Slither In The Dark too? Idk. Of course this is just me throwing up my thoughts so they don't have to make any sense.
But my biggest issue with this game... Is some of the non classmate characters. 3 of them in specific. Number one is Rhea! Hey. Are we going to talk about Rhea being a weirdo and sometimes being a religious dictator who seems to use her power to kill whoever she wants? I don't care she was sad about her mom WHY IS SHE EXPERIMENTING ON CHILDREN? Hello? But whatever. She has a big butt so I guess it's okay? Then there's Cyril. Ugh this dude is SO boring. And all his supports are HOURS long. And then. Catherine. Oh my GOD... I hate this lady.
Like I'm not kidding, new paragraph just to talk about this character. I'm actually INSULTED they had the audacity to punish me with this character joining my team like I agree with her in any way shape or form. And I'm honestly shocked this character is even in this game. Like. Holy shit. So. Catherine is a religious nutcase who worships the goddess to an unhealthy degree. She is convinced that the only way to show her devotion to the goddess is to strike down and kill ANYONE who doesn't believe in her. She is a total cop. She kills a royal's son, causing him to go insane. She threatens to kill Shamir, her best friend, because she isn't religious. And the most shocking of all, she tells Caspar she kills children and that it's necessary for the job. Her defense is "what if they're coming at you with weapons" THEY'RE CHILDREN YOU FUCKING PSYCOPATH?? YOU ARE A TRAINED SOLDIER?? And at no point in the Black Eagles run is she called out for being the most unlikable character ever made. I'm actually blown away by her and having her in my team genuinely made me uncomfortable. Maybe I'm overreacting but I just genuinely hate this character!
Final Thoughts
ANYWAY! Aside from some nitpicks and finding one of my new least favorite teammate in an RPG ever! I REALLY REALLY enjoyed Three Houses! Maybe it's just cause I was expecting not to enjoy this one. And while it's no Awakening (what could be?) I had a blast with this! Three Houses gets my seal of approval I think!
Thank you for reading! It always feels weird when I have a big negative section about a game I ultimately really enjoyed. But I suppose it's better for your game to give me complaints rather than me just feel nothing and think the game was boring as hell. And Three Houses certainly wasn't boring!
I don't know if I'll do the DLC mission but I might consider it. Like I said I'm tempted to play more Strategy RPGs soon. Cause even outside of this I really enjoyed the Strategy stuff in Enchanted Arms and Ikenfell! It's clearly a genre I enjoy.
I've been extremely stressed and burnt out recently. Like, for a few months. So I'd like to take a break for a little as I get ready for some really stressful irl business. So I hope I can just enjoy some more video games soon while I try to unwind for a little.
That's all I got though! Go out and play a game you thought you wouldn't enjoy!
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deathclawforcuties · 5 years
OC Interview!
So, got tagged by @robobrainmurdermysterytheatre to do my OC from Fallout 4.
I'm supposed to tag five other people, but sadly I don't know anyone else to tag who hasn't already been tagged by others, soooo here goes.
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1. What is your name?
"The Names Celestine O'Kelly-Hancock, but everyone just calls me Celeste for short. Nice to meet you, dude."
2. Do you know why are you named that?
"Which part are you asking about?"
3. Are you single or taken?
"Very much taken. Remarried, actually. My hubby is the Mayor of Goodneighbor. Maybe you've heard of him?"
4. Have any abilities or powers?
"I've a natural affinity for swimming, and growing some of the best damn rad-weed this side of....uh....what were we talking about again? Oh yeah! I can out-snipe anyone."
*somewhere off in the distance you can hear Robert screaming out "I CALL SHENANIGANS!"*
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
"Huh? Dude, are you smoking the same shit I am? Who's Mary Sue? Pretty sure you mean Mary Jane."
6. What’s your eye color?
"My eye color? John tells me they're 'Nuka Quantum blue', but I'm pretty sure he's stoned when he says that. I think they're deep, almost grey-blue, to be honest."
7. How about your hair color?
"Currently it's purple, because SOMEBODY likes to play pranks and fuck with my soap. Deacon, I'm looking at you!"
*A maniacal cackle can be heard around the corner*
8. Have any family members?
"Well, sure I do. There's my hubby John, there's Robert who is like my little brother. I've got my fur-baby, Dogmeat, and my adopted dad, Wiseman..."
9. Oh? How about pets?
"Dogmeat, he's a dog, obviously. Then I adopted a ginger tabby I named Deacon."
*Deacon pokes his head into the picture*
"Because he, too, is an asshole."
*Human Deacon blows raspberries before slinking off*
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like?
"Something I don't like? I can't stand bigotry of any kind; you picking on a ghoul in front of me is a great way to get shot. By me. Because fuck you, that's why. I also don't like it when someone tries to fuck with my crops. Wait until it's done growing. Fucking weed-nappers."
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
“I smoke pot, I crochet stuff, and hunt raiders. Oh, and I like to bake."
*Hancock wolf whistles off from the side*
"You mean get baked!"
"Oh, ha ha babe!"
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
"Damn, that's uh...that's kinda heavy. Yeah...um...not something I really want to talk about."
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
"Dude, this is the Commonwealth we're talking about. Everyone out this way has killed at least once in their life. I might have a higher kill count than most, I mean, I do actively hunt raiders and shit...so....yes."
14. What kind of animal are you?
“A house cat. Yeah, happy, lazy fucker that naps in the sun, sleeps a lot..."
15. Name your worst habits?
"My worst habits? I sometimes sleep too much, and I may, or may not, steal the covers."
*Hancock sticks his head in the room*
"She totally steals the blankets."
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
"My adopted Dad, Wiseman. No matter what hell comes his way, he faces it with a calm and compassionate heart leading the rest of my ghoul family through it all with grace. And John. He saved my life both literally, and figuratively. And my mom...I miss her."
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
"Does...does it really matter?"
18. Do you go to school?
"The school of Hard Knocks count?"
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
"Well, I remarried, so yes to that part. As far as kids go, John and I have thought about adopting, but I'm....not quite ready yet..."
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
"I don't have any strains by those names. Got some OG Kush growing right now...Just hit a blunt made from it, actually. Smoooth po-ta-to."
21. What are you most afraid of?
"Fucking rad roaches, man! I'll take a deathclaw on any day, but put me in a room full of giant bugs and I will nope the biggest nope that ever noped."
22. What do you usually wear?
*Hancock butts in*
"She usually wears my face on her lady bits! Yeah booooy!"
23. What’s one food that tempts you?
“When I get the munchies, I crave Dandy Boy apples, and gum drops. I can't get enough of them."
24. Am I annoying to you?
"Even if you were, I'm waaaay too baked to care right now."
25. Well, it’s still not over!
"Huh? What's not over? Did I just miss a whole conversation?"
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
"If I'm stoned, I'm HIGH class!"
*Giggling intensifies*
27. How many friends do you have?
"Tons. You looking to add to my list?"
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
"I could totally go for a slice right about now. Why? You offering?"
29. Favorite drink?
“Vim classic. Good shit."
30. What’s your favorite place?
"I've got two places I love: The Slog, and Goodneighbor. They're the only places I feel truly at home in."
31. Are you interested in anyone?
*Hancock butts in again*
"She's married to me. I don't share."
"You heard the Mayor: He doesn't share. Hey! I made a rhyme!"
32. That was a stupid question…
"Waaaaait.....did I think that out loud?"
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
“Both. I fear no body of water, and nothing ever bothers me when I swim, at least. Might have to do with all the Vim I drink..."
34. What’s your type?
“My type? Gotta be intelligent; if you can't carry on an intelligent conversation, you can quit right now. I like a partner whose heart is in everything they do, and who isn't judgmental, as well."
35. Any fetishes?
"I uh....um...*cough* I like role playing..."
36. Camping or outdoors?
"I adore outdoors. Being out in my garden is like a balm to my soul. Camping is meh, but sometimes when I'm on a job, it's a necessary evil."
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Hi, Clover, this is Baz, I hope you're having a nice week-end ? Mine isn't fun, I'm french and today is elections day and the choices are...dire ? I'm stressed as hell, voted and now trying to busy my mind with good vibes.. so to answer, yes I'm indeed a fic writer, not a successful one at all but I still do, I don't really have anyone to hype me up so I can be slow or quick to give up sadly...
Bonjour Baz! Je ne savais pas que tu étais français. J'apprends le français, mais je très mauvaise. Bonne chance pour tes élections!
[and that's all the French I have left in me. Also I know you mean "dire", but I keep reading it in French as "dire" and it confused me lol]
Yeah, I wasn't aware that the French elections were going on, and I read France24's report on the whole thing. 12 different candidates?? That's a ton! But since it's the first round, I'm sure that isn't a large number. I'm sorry the situation is dire in the country, I'm hoping it turns out well. (In most countries as of recent, I've seen there's a large shift towards right-wing politically. Is that so in France? Is Macron projected to come back? or there's some else taking the mantle?)
Please do take the time to relax by doing stuff you enjoy. It is a nerve-wracking thing, but you can only hope for the best. And I'm glad you voted! That's an awesome thing. I'm sending you good vibes, hopefully, your weekend starts looking up.
(and thank you for asking! I am having a decent-ish weekend. I finished a lot of work I had pending and did actually have a chance to ease off a bit. Though no fic writing as of yet)
And oh, it's alright tbh. I'm not a terribly successful writer either. It takes me a long time to write tbh, but I do have good people to hype me up, there's a ton of people I could name, but Elise @feuillytheflorist is on top of the list. (Love texting them being like "what if we made Tom/Greg more fucked up?") And honestly, that's a huge blessing. It is tough to continue when you don't have external motivation.
But I can always hype you up! (Or really I'm sure anyone in the fandom would hype you up, if they knew your ideas :)) I already know that you have terrific and vivid ideas that would translate well into fiction. I'm sure you write really well, and if you ever need motivation, I'll be here to cheer you up! If your nerves settle down a bit today, perhaps you could write a one-shot? You don't need to post it or do anything with it. But you know, it could help distract you and you could get the juices flowing. And if you do post it, I'd love to read it, if you wanna share!
Donc, Bonne Chance! À Bientôt :))
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