#sabretooth evo
dead-dove-orchid · 1 month
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Predator (noun)
An animal that naturally preys on others
A person who ruthlessly exploits others
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strongestbanner · 2 months
Meoow~ 😼
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hermesserpent-stuff · 25 days
Dumb idea: feral mutants instincts make it so that if you feed them free food, as in no favors, no money, and no expectations, they see you as an ally. And when you do it more than once, they start to see you as pack
I'm going to use this for Evo! Gambit and creed. To create that sweet succulent found family content between a thief and a killer.
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x-mensirens · 4 months
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feraldude · 2 months
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- victor: “aw, is the little runt struggling to do a kickflip?”
- logan: “i’ll flip this through your jaw if you don’t shut up”
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jackaxed · 1 year
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Hoping to sit down at my computer and make some actual polished art soon, but for now, I'm sketching traditionally to try and figure out different characters' faces. I just finished the "Sabertooth and the Exiles" comic, and I'm about to start "Sabertooth: The Adversary", so safe to say Sabertooth and characters associsted with him/his development are on my mind...
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nightcrawlerblues · 2 years
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sternentaucher · 2 years
sprigatito, nooo
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honey-minded-hivemind · 3 months
sorry for not interacting, I have no excuse, I forgot tumblr existed-
the creator reader sounds awesome, like sagau but your own, like imagine if reader was a YouTuber who made commentary and stuff and decided to go over X-men,how would they feel about that?
It's fine, @crowwithguns ! You don't have to reply or look if you don't want to! Just check in whenever you want!
If Reader was a YouTuber or MeeTuber or WeeTuber or whatever their world's version is, i imagine they'd be brutal yet sweet when mentioning the characters, especially if they have favorites. Examples being:
Mentioning Scott: "Laser light show going on here, but has a heart of gold. He's such a good guy, I mean, look at his little face! Who could stay mad at him?!"
Mentioning Rogue (plus Mystique): "Give this girl therapy! Let her have a boyfriend or girlfriend or someone! And Raven, start being a mom! Stop tossing people off of cliffs! Stop traumatizing this child and let her have happiness!"
Mentioning Logan: "Yes, YES! You are good at this parenting thing, for being born in the 1800s! I wish you were my dad, seriously, you probably are everyone's choice. Good job, little angry Canadian guy!"
Mentioning Charles Xavier: "Charles! Be a parent a bit more! You need to let them be kids! Take your adopted herd of teens to the beach! Or to Disney! You better be doing that! See, this is why you need to take a parenting class! Someone get this man a parenting book!"
Mentioning Magneto: "... I want to kick your *ss so hard right now... Why would you do ThAT TO YOUR CHILDREN?! CHARLES, WHERE ARE YOU?! MENTALLY SMACK SOKE SENSE INTO YOUR BOYFRIEND!"
Mentioning Hank: "He is perfect just the way he is and is a 10/10 on being a parent, good job, Hank, you are doing great🙂"
Mentioning Sabretooth (plus Logan): "... I really, really like you, and I don't know why... Why do you and Logan always fight when you see each other though? Seriously? Each and every time. Does it ever get boring? Is he your brother? Your friend? Your son? You two need to talk it out for once! And knowing the both of you, it will turn into a bloody fight in the snow and end with, yet again, another person being tossed off a cliff... Sweet pumpkin pie, why do I... Seriously, how do I like you two?"
Reader, mentioning the show (can be X-Men Evo or a fanon version of X-Men AU): "These guys have gotten me through some rough times. Even if they fight and argue, I love how they're a family. It's really nice to see that... Man, it's been, what, how long since I saw this show/made this au/read this book/helped create this universe... It was, and always will have, a place in my heart. And my mind. Heh... I hope they enjoy themselves. It's quite the adventure~!"
All of the X-Men characters: blushing, mumbling a little, then wondering if they just heard the Creator compliment them and say they loved them...
All of them when a long time of Reader not visiting (dreaming) has passed: Xavier, do something! They haven't responded to us! Where are they? We want them back!😖😣😫
Xavier: ... Have I ever mentioned my idea to bring them here? Where they can be our friend/child/student/sibling/loved one?
Everyone else: We're worried you even thought of that, but yes, please, continue-
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saucylobster · 5 months
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I tend to avoid overt pop-culture references but hairy frogs are also known as wolverine frogs for their ability to break their bones and use them as claws, which is just excellent. A nod to Sabretooth makes for a perfect evo and one of my favourites in recent memory. Generally preferring to reside alone, Wolverana prefer to avoid conflict but are ferocious if provoked. Lashing out with steel claws and the spines across their bodies they become frenzied and uncontrollable in the heat of battle, even damaging themselves. Luckily, their healing ability is excellent and they quickly recover from their wounds. Saberana use their claws and spines to inflict vicious wounds on their opponents and unlike Wolverana have no qualms with needless violence. This puts the two pokemon at odds and they often engage in bitter battles, their endurance pushed to their limit as their regenerative abilities prolong their fights longer than expected. --Attack Info-- --Ability Info--
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dead-dove-orchid · 17 days
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Poor little Bruno, born to Sabretooth and Nightcrawler, then lost to the multiverse. Hope he’s found one day!
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strongestbanner · 2 months
Happy Caturday !! 🐯🧡
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I know it's a little bit late but I didn't want to miss the opportunity <3
Request by: @mr---cringe ✨
Sabes be like:
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feral parent.
Im aware im living in a world of my own design, yes. but!~ your invited.
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x-mensirens · 4 months
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Since I have now watched all of X-Men Evolution, I have many thoughts that will probably come out in random bursts posted on Tumblr, but for now.
I was glad to see Spyke come back at the end, especially to have a moment with Storm, and I was glad to see him with the team in the future, but it also felt a little bit like seeing Morph in Graduation Day in TAS - the writers saying, "Okay, the show is ending so we can bring back this character we previously wrote off." I have a lot of thoughts about Spyke but maybe in another post.
I was a little disappointed that Gambit and Pyro didn't show up for the final battle, when even the Brotherhood got to jump in at the last minute. I know Pyro is one of the bad Acolytes, like Sabretooth, but I find it hard to believe that Wolverine wouldn't drop by the Acolyte headquarters to say, "Hey, you violent idiot, you wanna burn things? Come help fight Apocalypse and you can burn things," and I find it even harder to believe that Evo Pyro would refuse. The dude was excited for a fight when Wolverine showed up in Cajun Spice. Maybe Pyro wasn't there. Pyro is gonna wake up in Key West after going on a multi-day bender, and be really disappointed that he missed the chance to burn Apocalypse. And I guess Gambit is too self-interested to show up in this series. Both Evo and Wolverine and the X-Men seem determined to make Gambit worse than he actually is in the comics. He's basically a manipulative, amoral thief in both series (and even an Acolyte in Evo, although we never find out why), and yeah, he's that in the comics, too, but he's also an X-Man and a hero who consistently tries to fight the good fight and cares about his team-mates. I think the worst thing Gambit has done in the comics is his retconned participation in the Morlock Massacre, and even that was before he joined the X-Men, and Gambit didn't realize what was going to go down when he led the Marauders into the tunnels. As soon as he saw people were getting slaughtered, he was horrified, saved Marrow, and got the fuck out of there. At least Gambit is on the Evo team in the future shot.
Maybe Evo Pyro and Gambit were on a bender in Key West together during the Apocalypse fight. Yeah, that's the ticket.
Nice to see Rahne and Jubilee were back, too, in the future shot. I hope that Rahne is with some nice foster parents in this universe, and very far away from Reverend Craig.
Not even commenting on the whole Jean-Phoenix thing, I guess they were gonna do that next season. We all know the drill, every adaptation has to do Jean-Phoenix.
And then there's the Brotherhood future shot, and Xavier's very judgemental "Some people never change," and I get really annoyed. I guess maybe I can assume that Xavier is just giving his biased opinion, because he has never treated the Brotherhood kids like they were worth anything at all. But it especially bugs me that we see Wanda and Pietro (two characters who have been heroes in the comics for decades) still with the Brotherhood, being written off as garbage by Xavier, while Magneto is now with the X-Men. I know there are many thorny issues around "redemption," and it's kind of pointless to really talk about who "deserves" redemption, although that doesn't stop anyone, including me. But it really bugs me when characters who have been abused don't get redeemed, but their abuser does. That's basically what Evo is doing here with Magneto vs. Pietro and Wanda (and to some extent, the rest of the Brotherhood). Magneto is a "good guy" in the future, but the kids that he used, threatened and manipulated as still the trashy super-powered team because "some people never change." Spoken by the guy who completely dismissed these kids and never really gave them a chance. Yeah, I have lots of issues with how the show handled the Brotherhood.
Nice to see Pyro with them in the future, though. I'm assuming that after Magneto leaves, the Brotherhood decides to use the Acolyte headquarters for their own and finds Pyro just hanging around there like a feral cat, so they basically adopt him.
Actually, I just realized something. The Avengers don't seem to exist in the Evolution universe. In the comics, Wanda and Pietro joined the Avengers, and in Evolution they appear to be SHIELD-sponsored. They are the Avengers. No, don't tell me it's Freedom Force, Wanda and Pietro are there, it's the Avengers. The Brotherhood, including Blob and Toad, will become Earth's Mightiest Heroes in the future, and Xavier will be eating his words when they save the planet from Galactus and Kang and Doom. Choke on that, Xavier. And Magneto.
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blueharuka · 1 year
Eevee and its evos are foxes but the jhoto trio are lion, leopard and sabretooth tiger lol.
Mmm, no thanks.
I like ‘Mixed animal amalgamations’ better. A ‘pure cat’ trio is icky.
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