#s7 pls hurry
blurredbuddie · 1 year
I would like to imagine that in another universe, buddie is already canon and my other variant is super happy.
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frypans · 6 years
s7 will be a Feast and finally feed us the content we’ve been waiting on
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austennerdita2533 · 4 years
*HURRIES TO CATCH ALL OF YOUR HEART EMOJIS* i’m going to treasure them forever & ever 🥺
YOU are the precious one. honestly everything you post is so relatable and makes me feel understood and the variety of fandoms makes my dashboard so interesting and pretty you are one bright ray of sunshine in the deep blue of tumblr pls never change 💛
and omg YES. my brain will be like “giulia. at least one person dies every episode. you....... get comfort from this show? should we idk discuss???” but there’s just this WHOLESOMENESS about it. it’s like them catching bad guys tells me that i will be safe with them that it can be my safe place.
i’m not ready to say goodbye (about to start s7 IF I CAN STOP REPLAYING 6x22 whiiich is looking doubtful at present) but i’m just happy this universe exists.
STAAAAAAAP, you are too sweet and my heart can’t take it! 😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️ 
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Honestly, I’m just so happy we’re mutuals, that so many of our fandoms overlap. I see you pop up on my dash and like 99.9% of the time it’s something I’m over here squealing about all the time anyway or will be before long because you have the power of sway. 😆
And right?? Sometimes I think I need to get my head checked because I’m  obsessed with a show about MURDERS and MURDERERS, but like you said, there is a wholesomeness about it. There are definitely a lot of *gasp* moments. However, Jisbon and the gang still somehow make you feel like everything will be all right. They love each other, they protect each other. They pull crazy elaborate manipulations together. It’s great. Plus, there’s the fact that I wish I could be half as smart as Jane--if only for half the time. (I’m reaching for the stars with that one but you get me haha.)
6x22 IS A MASTERPIECE OF AN EPISODE. I kid you not, I think I watched it every day for like two months straight the first time I watched the show because I loved it so much. And I still go back and rewatch it all the time when I need a pick-me-up, or if I’m eager to drown in soft angsty Jisbon feels again. s7 is a gift to the fans and shippers, honestly. I’ll be 👀👀 in the wings while you watch, pouring over all your commentary.  xoxo
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holysmotez · 6 years
Random thoughts about Shiro/Keith in S8
It’s Black Friday, so maybe that’s why I’m inspired to take a few moments to blab and ramble, blamble if you will, about these dorks and what I hope for S8, particularly in regards to Shiro coming to a fully realized relationship with Keith
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First, what we know: Keith symbolizes the right arm, right?  The sword, specifically.  He began his paladin career as Voltron's blade-- as Shiro's blade.  Shiro’s right hand. This relationship shows consistently throughout the series, and IMO even reflects in the corrupted nature of Shiro's Galran arm, and reaches its current height when Keith confesses his true feelings and finally cuts off that arm in BP (in what I see as an act of his own purification, but that’s for another essay).  
This is also why it is so fitting that he goes on to deal the final blow Sendak in S7 rather than Shiro, because that’s who Keith is supposed to be.  He is Shiro’s death dealer.  He's the finisher.  The avenger.  The final cut. 
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It’s also readily apparent that Keith also meant to symbolize in the red wings of the Black Lion and Voltron.  He’s the propulsion, the drive.  And sometimes of course, a shield.
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(makes sense)
So if Keith is the sword arm, the shield, and the drive, then what is Shiro?  What has Shiro almost always been representative of, relative to Keith?    
Shiro began his paladin journey as the head and trunk of Voltron, and like Keith, this role has reflected in his relationship with Keith throughout the series. He gives Keith a reference point.  Direction.  Purpose.  A cause.   What good is a sword if it's not used in the right way?  Someone still has to put it in the right spot.  Likewise, a shield is meaningless without something to protect.  Wings are useless without something to propel. 
Shiro also connects him, and has always been the tether Keith has to not just the rest of the team and his family, but to his true self, and to higher causes, ever since Shiro reached out to him at the Garrison. This was underscored in Blade of Marmora, where interestingly, Shiro shows up on the right the majority of the episode, i.e. in Keith’s usual spot:
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That’s because while Keith’s skills and instincts are suited to struggles against others, Shiro's skills and instincts are better suited for the struggles within the self.  This has been distilled into his mantra, patience yield focus. This is why the Black Lion represents him and he has the greatest affinity to the astral realm.   Keith may always be the one to defend Shiro from the outside world i.e. in reality, but Shiro’s domain will always be that inner battlefield, where meaning and purpose come from.  Where self-doubt and fear live.  Where Keith has always had his weakness.  These intangible yet powerful forces that are represented by the astral plane, IMO.
Then there’s the part where the power of Shiro’s bayard reflects in Voltron’s sword.  Look at that this is why Keith can pilot Black because heart and soul they are one and the fucking same I mean wow just get married already
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Side note: what do you know. Keith is still the one delivering the actual kill.
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But like the black bayard to Voltron’s sword, Shiro is the one who gives Keith his fire.  He inspires all the paladins, but it has its greatest representation in Keith.
This relationship takes on a new appearance with Shiro being Captain of Atlas and Keith as Head of Voltron, but I think this basic element to their relationship remains the same. Shiro points, Keith executes.
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(could we be more symbolic here pls)
So if the height of Keith’s feelings is symbolized in the severance and subsequent reforging of Shiro’s right arm, then my hope is that Shiro’s height will show in demonstrating an equal commitment to his role.  Maybe a struggle to keep Keith together, versus slicing him apart?  Or that, plus a struggle to reignite a fire that goes out?  To restart a dying heart?
This goes into my little pet theory about how Sheith will overcome Zarkon, since they are the only two paladins to have faced Zarkon directly in their respective realms, but who knows?  These are my hopes, but I know I can count on Voltron delivering surprises that still somehow make sense for these characters.  
TL;DR: Hurry up Season 8 I’m fucking dying here
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jonsa-creatives · 7 years
I loved that Dom! Jon post that was posted for another, and I've got my own Prompt! Dom!Sansa, is upset with Jon Targaryen (publicly revealed), when he returns home. He is to never leave the north without His Queen's permission, and she wants his children. Thanks!
Hi Anon!
Thank you for reading the Dom!Jon post and for this new prompt.. It’s quite a stretch for me as I’ve always imagined Sansa as sweet, kind and gentle BUT I will try nonetheless. Plus I am a sucker for any dom/sub aus lol.. Hope this doesn’t suck LOL.. Hope you like it Anon!
*Summary: slight spoilers from S7. Canon divergent au - Night King died along with all the wights because Jon managed to kill him, D@ny is dead,  Cersei is dead, the North crowns Sansa Queen while Jon was absent and Tyrion is King on the throne. Jon returns home after refusing to rule even though it is known he is now Jon Targaryen (but not legitimised yet). This may not be Jon friendly and probably a bit OOC. TW: mentions of rape, past abuse, flogging, whipping etc*
Unbeta’d so pls excuse any mistakes or typos!
Mood music inspired by Where’s My Love by Syml
~ Mod Elle
Do As My Lady Commands
“Your Grace! The gates!”
Sansa hurried to the entrance as escorted by her guards. Archers, aiming at the intruder if he proved to be one, ever ready to protect their newly crowned Queen in the North.
The chains rattled as the heavy gates opened and Sansa watched as a familiar figure all wrapped in furs sat tiredly on a horse. Sansa continued her gaze as the horse trotted in, knowingly, as if it was returning home. As Sansa approached nearer as the mare stopped, the figure fell onto the snowy grounds at her feet before she could greet him. The furs told her it could be some lost wildling, seeking rest and refuge from the harsh winter, but the head of jet black curls told her otherwise.
An audible collective gasp could be heard as the figure turned and laid on his back, panting and face streaked with dirt and caked blood. Jon..
“Your Grace… What shall we do-”
“Close the gates and fetch the Maester. Nobody enters unless on official business. Not a word goes beyond the gates about this. Take him inside,” Sansa ordered, her voice loud enough for all present to hear. 
Jon. No longer the Jon I know, now.
Jon opened his eyes and squinted as they adjusted to the dimly lit room. It seemed familiar, the scent of lavender and roses filled his nostrils as he took in a deep breath. He could feel his feet touching the floor but his hands… his hands were tied above him. Jon moved his hands but the steel cuffs only clinked in response. Everything around him smelled and looked familiar but why was he being held captive? In his own home, right here in Winterfell? 
The thought made him angry and Jon struggled to break free of his restraints.
“Stop moving. They will only cause more pain if you do,” a husky yet sweet voice greeted him from the shadows. Sansa..
“Sansa? Is that you? Oh good.. would you please untie me? Why am I here?”
Jon heard a ruffling of clothes and slow footsteps as a tall slender figure emerged to greet him. Sansa was just as beautiful as he remembered. Her copper locks shone in the candlelight and her blue eyes stood out fiercely as they met his.
“You’re here on my orders. Not the least bit of what the Northern lords think you deserve. But I am kinder than most and this is after all, my home. I will do as how I see fit. Do you understand what I’m trying to tell you Jon? Or are you Jon Snow even?”
“Sansa… I don’t understand… Yes, I am Jon. Your brother! We took back Winterfell from the Boltons.. You came with the Knights of the Vale.. I am Jon, Sansa!”
Sansa smirked and for a moment, Jon remembered the sweet and kind Sansa he recognized. He watched helplessly as Sansa walked away from him to retrieve a scroll that sat on a table nearby. Sansa opened it and read out loud as Jon’s eyes widened in horror.
“Lady Sansa, it is with great sorrow that this message comes bearing the news of your half brother Jon Snow. He was seen last with Queen D@enarys Targaryen, in a battle against the Undead. It is not known if he is still alive. But I must tell you now, that the dragon queen is dead with her dragons and the battle was won. My Lady, it is my duty to tell you that Jon Snow, the King in the North had sworn fealty to D@enarys in exchange for protection and a military alliance. And my Lady, you must know that Jon Snow is not who you think he is. He is a Targaryen. Your cousin, borne of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen. He stands to inherit rule of the Seven Kingdoms including the North. Him bending the knee was all a ruse. Be careful, my Lady, I know the North is your home and it is rightfully yours to protect. You are the rightful Queen in the North and Jon shall not be named King any longer.”
Jon’s heart ached as every word Sansa read cut through him like a knife. Sansa must know that he would bleed for the North, that no matter what, he would always be a Stark.
“Sansa.. Please.. That person who wrote that to you just wants you to hate me-”
“Is this true? That you swore fealty to her? And that she’s your aunt?”
“Sansa.. I didn’t know then. Until I received news from Tyrion when we talked about succ-”
“So it is true.. You’re not a Stark. You never were,” Sansa said quietly as she shook her head at him in disbelief. 
“No! Sansa please! I would die for the North! It’s a part of me-”
Jon’s cheek burned as Sansa interrupted him with a sharp slap across his face.
“Don’t you talk about the North as if it meant anything to you! My father lied for you! Robb died to protect the North! And you… You gave it up in hopes for what exactly? You betrayed me and you betrayed the North!”
Tears stung his eyes and Jon hung his head low in shame. Yes, it was a betrayal and now, it wasn’t even his to give away in the first place. Winterfell had always belonged to Sansa. He never wanted to be King.
“I never wanted to be King. You know that, Sansa.. the White Walkers were coming for us and we were all going to die. I needed as much help as I could get, Sansa.”
Sansa scoffed at his weak admission. “That will always be your reason wouldn’t it? There was no news of you and we were all tired of waiting around for you. I had to hold down the fort and rule for you!” 
Jon looked up to meet her stare and there was nothing he could say to make it better. What was done had come to pass, at least there was no danger of the Undead coming for any of them now. All Jon wanted was to return home. Or at least the home he once knew.
“Aye Sansa, you were born to rule. They chose well.”
Sansa turned away from him as she placed the scroll down back on the table.
“This room.. Do you know what this room was?” 
Jon looked around him. It was bare and unkempt, save for a rickety old bed and a worn mattress on top of it. It was nothing to speak of really except Jon looked out of the slightly open window and saw only the horizon and snow capped valleys. He was high above the grounds of Winterfell. The tower…
“He kept me here, while I was his wife. He beat me, used me, raped me and did whatever he wanted with me. No one came to help, no matter how hard I screamed. No one heard me. No one dared.”
“Sansa, please… don’t.”
Sansa held a flogger in her hand and stroked its tails gently. It did not go unnoticed by Jon the small stones that were attached to each and every tail. Sansa pulled a string that held together the cloak Jon was wearing. He did not even notice he was bare naked underneath. A sudden chill went up his spine and goosebumps pimpled his skin. The thin makeshift cloak fell to floor at his feet.
“The Northern lords elected to have you thrown in prison for betraying the North. They wanted to see you hanged for pretending to be a Stark, as Ned Stark’s bastard. They wanted you dead, mostly, for being a Targaryen. But do you know why you’re here instead?”
Jon shuddered and felt his voice leave him. He could only shake his head.
“Me. They listened to me. I asked them to spare your life… on the account of taking back Winterfell back from the Boltons. Do you still remember that?”
“Sansa.. I-”
Jon grunted as the flogger lashed across his back. 
“Of course you do. I watched as you ran back to WInterfell foolishly, when the Knights of the Vale came and took over for you. I have to stop wondering why I am always here to save you when you can’t save yourself.”
The pain seared past through his skin and Jon felt it in his bones. His weakened state could only slump against his restraints and Jon saw the rest fade to black.
A moan escaped his lips as he felt the world move around him, albeit in a rhythmic fashion. Sharp pain that attacked his back made him wince, but alas, could not fight against the pleasure he felt on his cock, enveloped in warm wet flesh. A soft whimper drifted into his ears and it sounded like a symphony to him. He fought hard to open his eyes but he was drifting in and out of consciousness to barely register what was happening.
The whimpers slowly became moans and the voice seemed so familiar to him. He stretched out his hands to touch but again felt the leather cuffs rub against his wrists. He was lying down this time with his hands tied above him. There was nothing more he yearned for than to feel the soft skin that rubbed against his every time their bodies met. 
“Jon.. unhh… I’m so close.. unhhh..”
“Sansa…oh gods.. Sansa..” Jon called out, his heart and mind hoping and wishing he was right. Whoever it was sounded and smelled too much like her. But felt divine. The way her walls clung tighly onto his cock and clenched, made him howl like the half wolf he was.
“Ahh… yes stay there! Right there.. Ahh!” the soft voice continued and Jon only pushed his cock further and harder up, jabbing into the warm wet hole that welcomed him so fervently. A sudden contraction and spasming came over his cock and milked him as Jon felt his peak wash over his entire being, spilling his seed deep inside - whoever it was that was sprawled on top of him. 
Jon panted and for a brief moment that he opened his eyes, he caught a flash of red hair and blue eyes staring straight at him as he felt his hands being released from the cuffs. The lavender and rose scent was unmistakably Sansa. Could he be wrong? Sansa would never go near him, after all that had happened. But the drowsiness took over and and Jon drifted back to his slumber once more. 
“So, Jon Targaryen, what do you have to say for yourself?” Lord Royce stood facing him, his face full of disapproval. A loud mumble was heard around the hall as the Northern lords grunted their agreement. Jon smiled in spite of his predicament. Some things never change.
“My Lords, I know that I’m standing here waiting for my punishment for treason but if I have to die, then let me die as a Stark. It is my final wish and it is my hope that you will honour it.”
Lord Royce and the rest of the lords looked at each other questioningly and turned back to him. Jon wondered what more it could be now. He had been held as prisoner, locked in a tiny cold room in the tower for months, under the orders of Queen Sansa. It was safe to say he was treated rather well, despite the flogging and whipping that came from the Queen herself. Though Jon often looked forward to the drowsy coupling that came after; the drink he was given had milk of the poppy, lulled him into a sweet unconsciousness,  as it soothed the pain. It  was prescribed by the Maester - but it wasn’t strong enough to stop his cock from doing whatever the mysterious mistress wanted. 
Whoever she was, she was the woman of his dreams. Quite literally. Perhaps he may never find out nor know her name. It was his day of judgement and he was ready to face death a second time. And he hoped it was his last.
“Death? Do you think you were going to be let off so easily? After what you’ve done?” Sansa’s commanding voice made Jon turn around. There she stood in all her flame haired glory, looking every bit a Queen. She walked slowly towards him and Jon couldn’t help but notice the slight swell of her belly under the thick furry cloak.
“Your Grace.” Jon greeted as he bowed his head.
“My lords, I know that we’re here to discuss the fate of one Jon Targaryen but as fate would have it, perhaps the gods have spoken and have decided to be kind to him,” Sansa addressed the hall as she stood facing them. That was his chair once, as Jon looked on wistfully.
“ I am with child.” 
The hall erupted with loud hushed chatter among the men and all Jon could see was Sansa standing and smiling at him. He looked around him to make sure he wasn’t in another dream.
“And it’s Jon’s. Now, you must know that I do not wish for this child to grow up to be a bastard like he did, so we will be wed in a fortnight. I will have him decreed as a true born Stark and House Stark will continue through both of us. That is my decision and it is final.”
Even louder chatter echoed within the walls of the Great Hall but Jon had them tuned out and watched as Sansa came closer to where he stood.
“Wasn’t this what you wanted? To be a Stark? Now you are,” Sansa whispered to him, her scent undoubtedly struck Jon and he realised whom his dream lover was. Sansa smiled as she took his hand and placed it on the gentle swollen bump of her abdomen. Jon nodded and finally understood. Whatever Sansa had done to him, he forgave. But what Sansa had given him, there was nothing that he imagined could prepare him for it.
“Aye. And we the Starks, shall endure.”
Thanks for reading! I tried my best lol
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Top 6 Best Pocket Juice 2200mAh Reviews | Tzumi Pocket Juice 2019
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In this review based article, we at PowerBank-Online.com will give you the list of Top 6 Best Pocket Juice 2200mAh Reviews. If you are looking for the Tzumi Pocket Juice, you are at right place. Here we make Pocket Juice Charger List after 15 hours of research. Here we make a list of Pocket Juice Charger on the basis of item features, and specs. After reading this review you will be able to find the right Juice Charger for you.
Intro to the Best Pocket Juice 2200mAh
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Intro to the Best Pocket Juice 2200mAh Pocket Juice is anything but a solitary item, yet a line of portable chargers which come pre-charged and can give you extra time on your gadgets. Since Pocket Juice is anything but a solitary item, it ought to be noticed that reviews for the different models fluctuate significantly. The lower-end 2200 mAh model, which can be found at Walmart, has been met with generally negative reviews. Clients gripe that it isn't perfect with all gadgets or does not completely charge an exhausted telephone. The higher-end models, for example, the 6000 mAh model, yields a lot higher satisfaction. That model has been applauded for its capacity to totally charge a dead telephone in a moderately brief timeframe. A couple of clients have reported the gadget stops while at the same time charging certain gadgets, yet this has all the earmarks of being separated. By and large, the higher-end models of Pocket Juice have all the earmarks of being commendable rivals in this field and aggressively estimated too.
Top 6 Best Pocket Juice 2200mAh Reviews
We have prepared a listing of the Best Pocket Juice 2200mAh Chargers that include high-capacity, compact, & even the laptop-compatible USB Power Banks. Never drop to 0 percent battery life repeatedly. Let's have a look on the list of the Pocket Juice Power Bank that my team made for you. Editor’s Note: We will update this list as more Pocket Juice Chargers hit the market. Editor’s Recommendations ==> Best USB Car Charger BEST AUTOMOTIVE BATTERY CHARGER Best 18650 Battery Charger Reviews Best 16 Volt Battery charger Reviews Best 6 Volt Battery Charger 36-Volt Battery Charger Reviews 24-Volt Battery Charger Reviews Aibocn Power Bank Reviews 12v Battery Charger Reviews 12 Volt Solar Battery Charger Best Battery for Car AGM Battery Maintainer Reviews Parmak Solar Fence Charger Reviews Best Solar Car Battery Charger Reviews 36-Volt Golf Cart Battery Charger Reviews GoPro Power Bank Reviews Camping Power Generator Reviews ChargeAll Battery Pack Reviews Best Magnetic Charger for Android Best Battery for Sound System Battery Tester Reviews Best Rated Battery Charger Reviews Pocket Juice Multi-Charger Reviews
No. 1 Tzumi Pocket Juice External Battery Pack (Black) 2200 mAh Output Portable Power Bank USB Charger Compatible with iPhones, Samsung Galaxy’s, Androids, Tablets, and Other Mobile Devices
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  Tzumi Pocket Juice External Battery Pack (Black) 2200 mAh Output Portable Power Bank USB Charger
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PROS Pocket Juice Portable External Battery Backup2200 mAh battery-powered battery permits is a USB charger that can give as long as 10 Hours a greater amount of Talk Time per charge USB Output, Cell phone Prepared, Prepared to Utilize Power bank incorporates Micro USB link, USB port 4 Drove status pointer lights to demonstrate to you how much power stays in the battery Perfect with iPhones, Samsung Galaxy’s, Androids, tablets, and other cell phones CONS
No. 2 Pocket Juice 2000 mAh Power Bank
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  Pocket Juice 2000 mAh Power Bank
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PROS Revive in a hurry Compact Works with iPhone, cell phones and portable recreations Gives as long as 9 hours of included talk time CONS
No. 3 Tzumi PocketJuice AC Mini Portable Chargers Compatible for iPhone and Android Devices. (12000mah)
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  Tzumi PocketJuice AC Mini Portable Chargers Compatible for iPhone and Android Devices. (12000mah)
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PROS Enormous Power in A Little Package: The PocketJuice Continuance AC portable charger has a 12,000 mAh capacity and will convey up to 6 additional accuses to your gadget of two fast USB ports and 3.4-Amp absolute output. The covered up Micro-USB charging link incorporated with the unit is ideal for filling Android gadgets easily. Easy to understand Plan: The USB porta on the PocketJuice can be utilized to charge any Apple or Android gadget with your own link, while the collapsing AC divider plug incorporated with the charger can be embedded legitimately into a divider outlet to energize or stay concealed when not being used. All PocketJuice models incorporate a convenient battery screen with 4 Drove lights to show when you're running low on Juice. All you need is 5-6 hours and your most loved handheld charger is prepared to power gadgets for a considerable length of time! General Similarity: Charge practically any cell phone or USB gadget with your PocketJuice; both Apple and Android gadgets can be charged, including your new Samsung Cosmic system and iPhone models. Note: To utilize your PocketJuice Continuance Thin AC with Apple gadgets, you should give your own Apple Lightning-to-USB link. The charger as of now gives a Micro-USB link to quick use with perfect gadgets. The tzumi Guarantee: At tzumi, we are focused on giving you the absolute best in shopper hardware items. We're persuaded you will be content with your PocketJuice AC 12,000 mAh Portable Charger, yet on the off chance that you are unsatisfied in any way, shape or form, it would be ideal if you contact us straightforwardly so we can be of help and make it right. CONS
No. 4 Tzumi Pocket Juice 4000 mAh/2.1A Output Portable Power Bank USB Charger Compatible with iPhones, Samsung Galaxy’s, Androids
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  Tzumi Pocket Juice 4000 mAh - 2.1A Output Portable Power Bank USB Charger
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PROS Pocket Juice 4000 mAh battery-powered battery As long as 18 hours of talk time As long as 90 hours of music Incorporates Micro USB Link good with most cell phones Good with iPhones, tablets, Androids, and other cell phones CONS
No. 5 Tzumi PocketJuice Endurance AC - Mini Portable Device Battery Pack Charger - 4,000 mAh High-Speed USB Port with Built-in Micro USB Cable - Compatible with iPhone & Android (Pink)
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  Tzumi PocketJuice Endurance AC - Mini Portable Device Battery Pack Charger
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PROS Life-Evidence Power: The PocketJuice Continuance AC portable charger is developed of rock solid ABS and contains a battery-powered 4,000 mAh lithium-particle battery. This tough power bank is encased inside a defensive UV-safe shell, which is impervious to warmth and impact and makes it ideal for movement or the day by day drive. Enormous Power in a Little Package: This compact power bank estimates 4.4" x 2.4" x 0.62" inches and is super-lightweight at simply 4.4 ounces, making it the ideal size to slide into a little tote or pocket and travel with. Easy to use Plan: The USB space on the PocketJuice can be utilized to charge any Apple or Android gadget with your own cable, while the collapsing AC divider plug incorporated with the charger can be embedded legitimately into a divider outlet to energize or stay concealed when not being used. Widespread Similarity: Utilize the PocketJuice to charge practically any cell phone or USB gadget, including Apple and Android gear. The charger as of now gives a Micro-USB cable to quick utilize and highlights a 2.4-Amp output. All you need is 5-6 hours and this handheld charger can convey up to 1.5 additional cell phone charges! The Tzumi Guarantee: At Tzumi, we are focused on furnishing you with the absolute best in shopper gadgets items. We're persuaded you will be content with your PocketJuice Continuance AC portable charger, however on the off chance that you are unsatisfied in any capacity whatsoever if it's not too much trouble contact us straightforwardly so we can be of help and make it right. CONS
No. 6 Micro USB Pocket Juice Portable Charger - miraku M9 5.2Ft Nylon Braided Power Cord Built-in 1500mAh Battery Pack for Samsung, LG, HTC, Sony And More (Black)
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  Micro USB Pocket Juice Portable Charger
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PROS Across the board - Across the board arrangement gadget, portable information charger cable coordinate battery bank, dispose of chaotic lines and chargers, it comes very conveniently in a hurry. Crisis POWER Promoter - 5.2ft solid interlaced string with additional 1500mAh battery backups, gives enough lift to get a dead telephone running. With just 20 minutes of charging time to keep your Universe S7 remain charged additional 3 hours for crisis use. SMOOTH Information Exchange - charger rope can exchange documents straightforwardly through your Android gadgets to a PC with no obstacles. Interfaces any android gadgets with the portable battery charging cable to PC's USB port for matching up and charging. Little YET POWERFUL BACKUP - miraku portable iPhone charger with 1500mAh power banks, it can charge your LG G4 for 34% additional juice, Samsung S7 Edge for 27% additional juice, get you out of a sticky situation when you voyaging. Essentially AND Advantageous - Basically associate your Android gadget to the power charger cable and begin charging, blue Drove pointer blazing to tell you it's working. Minor body little enough to fit into your pocket. Pls, energize the inward battery with 5v/1.5a divider outlet before you hope to work superbly out of the blue. CONS
"All brand names and images are Registered Trademarks of their respective companies. All manufacturers names, numbers, symbols and descriptions are used for reference purposes only, and it is not implied that any part listed is the product of these manufacturers or approved by any of these manufacturers." Read the full article
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Top 6 Best Pocket Juice 2200mAh Reviews | Tzumi Pocket Juice 2019
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In this review based article, we at PowerBank-Online.com will give you the list of Top 6 Best Pocket Juice 2200mAh Reviews. If you are looking for the Tzumi Pocket Juice, you are at right place. Here we make Pocket Juice Charger List after 15 hours of research. Here we make a list of Pocket Juice Charger on the basis of item features, and specs. After reading this review you will be able to find the right Juice Charger for you.
Intro to the Best Pocket Juice 2200mAh
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Intro to the Best Pocket Juice 2200mAh Pocket Juice is anything but a solitary item, yet a line of portable chargers which come pre-charged and can give you extra time on your gadgets. Since Pocket Juice is anything but a solitary item, it ought to be noticed that reviews for the different models fluctuate significantly. The lower-end 2200 mAh model, which can be found at Walmart, has been met with generally negative reviews. Clients gripe that it isn't perfect with all gadgets or does not completely charge an exhausted telephone. The higher-end models, for example, the 6000 mAh model, yields a lot higher satisfaction. That model has been applauded for its capacity to totally charge a dead telephone in a moderately brief timeframe. A couple of clients have reported the gadget stops while at the same time charging certain gadgets, yet this has all the earmarks of being separated. By and large, the higher-end models of Pocket Juice have all the earmarks of being commendable rivals in this field and aggressively estimated too.
Top 6 Best Pocket Juice 2200mAh Reviews
We have prepared a listing of the Best Pocket Juice 2200mAh Chargers that include high-capacity, compact, & even the laptop-compatible USB Power Banks. Never drop to 0 percent battery life repeatedly. Let's have a look on the list of the Pocket Juice Power Bank that my team made for you. Editor’s Note: We will update this list as more Pocket Juice Chargers hit the market. Editor’s Recommendations ==> Best USB Car Charger BEST AUTOMOTIVE BATTERY CHARGER Best 18650 Battery Charger Reviews Best 16 Volt Battery charger Reviews Best 6 Volt Battery Charger 36-Volt Battery Charger Reviews 24-Volt Battery Charger Reviews Aibocn Power Bank Reviews 12v Battery Charger Reviews 12 Volt Solar Battery Charger Best Battery for Car AGM Battery Maintainer Reviews Parmak Solar Fence Charger Reviews Best Solar Car Battery Charger Reviews 36-Volt Golf Cart Battery Charger Reviews GoPro Power Bank Reviews Camping Power Generator Reviews ChargeAll Battery Pack Reviews Best Magnetic Charger for Android Best Battery for Sound System Battery Tester Reviews Best Rated Battery Charger Reviews Pocket Juice Multi-Charger Reviews
No. 1 Tzumi Pocket Juice External Battery Pack (Black) 2200 mAh Output Portable Power Bank USB Charger Compatible with iPhones, Samsung Galaxy’s, Androids, Tablets, and Other Mobile Devices
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  Tzumi Pocket Juice External Battery Pack (Black) 2200 mAh Output Portable Power Bank USB Charger
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PROS Pocket Juice Portable External Battery Backup2200 mAh battery-powered battery permits is a USB charger that can give as long as 10 Hours a greater amount of Talk Time per charge USB Output, Cell phone Prepared, Prepared to Utilize Power bank incorporates Micro USB link, USB port 4 Drove status pointer lights to demonstrate to you how much power stays in the battery Perfect with iPhones, Samsung Galaxy’s, Androids, tablets, and other cell phones CONS
No. 2 Pocket Juice 2000 mAh Power Bank
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  Pocket Juice 2000 mAh Power Bank
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PROS Revive in a hurry Compact Works with iPhone, cell phones and portable recreations Gives as long as 9 hours of included talk time CONS
No. 3 Tzumi PocketJuice AC Mini Portable Chargers Compatible for iPhone and Android Devices. (12000mah)
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  Tzumi PocketJuice AC Mini Portable Chargers Compatible for iPhone and Android Devices. (12000mah)
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PROS Enormous Power in A Little Package: The PocketJuice Continuance AC portable charger has a 12,000 mAh capacity and will convey up to 6 additional accuses to your gadget of two fast USB ports and 3.4-Amp absolute output. The covered up Micro-USB charging link incorporated with the unit is ideal for filling Android gadgets easily. Easy to understand Plan: The USB porta on the PocketJuice can be utilized to charge any Apple or Android gadget with your own link, while the collapsing AC divider plug incorporated with the charger can be embedded legitimately into a divider outlet to energize or stay concealed when not being used. All PocketJuice models incorporate a convenient battery screen with 4 Drove lights to show when you're running low on Juice. All you need is 5-6 hours and your most loved handheld charger is prepared to power gadgets for a considerable length of time! General Similarity: Charge practically any cell phone or USB gadget with your PocketJuice; both Apple and Android gadgets can be charged, including your new Samsung Cosmic system and iPhone models. Note: To utilize your PocketJuice Continuance Thin AC with Apple gadgets, you should give your own Apple Lightning-to-USB link. The charger as of now gives a Micro-USB link to quick use with perfect gadgets. The tzumi Guarantee: At tzumi, we are focused on giving you the absolute best in shopper hardware items. We're persuaded you will be content with your PocketJuice AC 12,000 mAh Portable Charger, yet on the off chance that you are unsatisfied in any way, shape or form, it would be ideal if you contact us straightforwardly so we can be of help and make it right. CONS
No. 4 Tzumi Pocket Juice 4000 mAh/2.1A Output Portable Power Bank USB Charger Compatible with iPhones, Samsung Galaxy’s, Androids
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  Tzumi Pocket Juice 4000 mAh - 2.1A Output Portable Power Bank USB Charger
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PROS Pocket Juice 4000 mAh battery-powered battery As long as 18 hours of talk time As long as 90 hours of music Incorporates Micro USB Link good with most cell phones Good with iPhones, tablets, Androids, and other cell phones CONS
No. 5 Tzumi PocketJuice Endurance AC - Mini Portable Device Battery Pack Charger - 4,000 mAh High-Speed USB Port with Built-in Micro USB Cable - Compatible with iPhone & Android (Pink)
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  Tzumi PocketJuice Endurance AC - Mini Portable Device Battery Pack Charger
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PROS Life-Evidence Power: The PocketJuice Continuance AC portable charger is developed of rock solid ABS and contains a battery-powered 4,000 mAh lithium-particle battery. This tough power bank is encased inside a defensive UV-safe shell, which is impervious to warmth and impact and makes it ideal for movement or the day by day drive. Enormous Power in a Little Package: This compact power bank estimates 4.4" x 2.4" x 0.62" inches and is super-lightweight at simply 4.4 ounces, making it the ideal size to slide into a little tote or pocket and travel with. Easy to use Plan: The USB space on the PocketJuice can be utilized to charge any Apple or Android gadget with your own cable, while the collapsing AC divider plug incorporated with the charger can be embedded legitimately into a divider outlet to energize or stay concealed when not being used. Widespread Similarity: Utilize the PocketJuice to charge practically any cell phone or USB gadget, including Apple and Android gear. The charger as of now gives a Micro-USB cable to quick utilize and highlights a 2.4-Amp output. All you need is 5-6 hours and this handheld charger can convey up to 1.5 additional cell phone charges! The Tzumi Guarantee: At Tzumi, we are focused on furnishing you with the absolute best in shopper gadgets items. We're persuaded you will be content with your PocketJuice Continuance AC portable charger, however on the off chance that you are unsatisfied in any capacity whatsoever if it's not too much trouble contact us straightforwardly so we can be of help and make it right. CONS
No. 6 Micro USB Pocket Juice Portable Charger - miraku M9 5.2Ft Nylon Braided Power Cord Built-in 1500mAh Battery Pack for Samsung, LG, HTC, Sony And More (Black)
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  Micro USB Pocket Juice Portable Charger
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PROS Across the board - Across the board arrangement gadget, portable information charger cable coordinate battery bank, dispose of chaotic lines and chargers, it comes very conveniently in a hurry. Crisis POWER Promoter - 5.2ft solid interlaced string with additional 1500mAh battery backups, gives enough lift to get a dead telephone running. With just 20 minutes of charging time to keep your Universe S7 remain charged additional 3 hours for crisis use. SMOOTH Information Exchange - charger rope can exchange documents straightforwardly through your Android gadgets to a PC with no obstacles. Interfaces any android gadgets with the portable battery charging cable to PC's USB port for matching up and charging. Little YET POWERFUL BACKUP - miraku portable iPhone charger with 1500mAh power banks, it can charge your LG G4 for 34% additional juice, Samsung S7 Edge for 27% additional juice, get you out of a sticky situation when you voyaging. Essentially AND Advantageous - Basically associate your Android gadget to the power charger cable and begin charging, blue Drove pointer blazing to tell you it's working. Minor body little enough to fit into your pocket. Pls, energize the inward battery with 5v/1.5a divider outlet before you hope to work superbly out of the blue. CONS
"All brand names and images are Registered Trademarks of their respective companies. All manufacturers names, numbers, symbols and descriptions are used for reference purposes only, and it is not implied that any part listed is the product of these manufacturers or approved by any of these manufacturers." Read the full article
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