#s1 e4 'destroy malevolence'
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krakenantlers · 3 years
KA Watches TCW - S1:E1-E4
I’m finally sitting down to try and watch the entirety of Clone Wars. (Internet osmosis, Wookiepedia, fanfiction, and fandom meta have brought me this far.) It’ll likely be slow going due to the length of the content and Real Life, but here are some observations so far:
- I wasn’t expecting much from the early episodes, but they sure got me by focusing on clone troopers and Jedi other than Anakin (I don’t much care for him).
- Yoda is a delight. They managed to blend his Sage/Teacher, Badass Jedi, and Absolute Troll (affectionate) aspects really well. 
- Even though the animation is a little rough by today’s standards, I appreciate how much they display and rely on body language, facial expressions, and even micro-expressions. (I have to remind myself to actually watch the background characters since they aren’t just window dressing sometimes.)
- Plo Koon is perfect, as I already knew. He is Best Dad. (I really wish he had been Ahsoka’s Jedi Master, and that’s what fanfiction is for!)
- If I was Wolffe, I would never go without my vacuum-safe armor ever again.
- I am frustrated that D-Plus doesn’t allow screenshots. In S1:E4 “Destroy Malevolence” Obi-Wan (very quickly, like a blink and you’ll miss it moment) tosses a smarmy grin and a little jaunty salute to Grievous. I managed to pause it perfectly and I am unable to immortalize the moment. :I
- One of the many reasons I’ve been putting off watching TCW was because I have SO MANY strong Feelings concerning the Jedi and the Clones. It’s a Tragedy and my heart is delicate.
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EDIT: The Saga Continues...
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legobiwan · 5 years
TCW Rewatch: Destroy Malevolence (S1, E4) 
I love that Obi-wan is presented here as the highest authority on military matters, even outranking Plo Koon, who is likely above him in the Council hierarchy. Obi-wan is a good military leader. 
Wait, Padmé got her intelligence from someone in the Banking Clan? BAD IDEA. 
Dooku and Palpy know about Anakin and Padmé’s relationship, enough to set up a situation in which she would be taken hostage. Of course, they could have chosen any Senate member for similar results, but you know Paly just wants to stoke those fires of rage in Anakin, wow Sidious is really the worst but you have to admire his long-term planning skills that is some a+ manipulation.
I love how Padmé is all “don’t sacrifice the war effort for me” and of course, Anakin won’t let that happen. And then three seasons later their roles will reverse when Anakin is taken captive by Dooku and is exchanged for Grievous and Padmé basically makes the same call Anakin does here. We all like to pretend Padmé is the grounded one, but she really is in many ways as reckless as Anakin. 
Obi-wan could have easily overridden Anakin’s order to stop firing on the Malevolence, but he doesn’t. And when Anakin runs off to his own ship, Plo just sighs that Anakin is craving adventure and excitement, which we all know he does but that isn’t the reason for his haste in this instance. I don’t know how much Plo has figured out about the Padmé situation at this point, but Obi-wan knows and tries very, very hard to pretend he doesn’t know.
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That is not the face of a man who is unaware of the unspoken dynamics between Anakin and Padmé. This is the embodiment of the “Doubt” meme. Poor Obi-wan. 
“That’s your plan? Just fly there, land, hope they don’t spot us, and just walk in the door?”
FIRST OF ALL, KENOBI, don’t pretend like you don’t pull this kind of antic all the time and SECONDLY, that is exactly the strategy you employed a few seasons later, to...well, less successful effect. 
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And now I’m sad. (oh gods, that rewatch is going to hurt.)
Poor Obi-wan is such a third-wheel after Padmé gets rescued, it’s kind of hilarious.
Okay, so Grievous overhears all the communications and goes to trap Obi-wan. Can we talk about the fact he brings a small army of droids with him - MagnaDroids, droidekas, regular battle droids - FOR ONE JEDI? And not only this, Obi-wan, when confronted with this sizeable firepower, just snarks it up and cracks jokes while being a badass. Remember, this is our first time in the cartoon seeing Obi-wan in action, so it is setting the stage for his characterization in the TCW universe. Anakin is introduced via his flying skills and contrary, sometimes brash strategies, Ahsoka is shown as being young but the moral compass, and Obi-wan is our sassy-pants warrior and I just love him so much.
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Grievous hanging up on Dooku mid-HoloSkype call will forever be the funniest thing, Grievous you COWARD.
This episode, for me, was actually weaker than the first two in terms of dialogue and plot (there are some cringeworthy moments), but makes up for it with Kenobi-badassery. Also, this shot from their escape from the Malevolence cracks me up
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S1:E4 Destroy Malevolence
Why is Padme going on secret missions on her own?? She’s a senator!! Not a spy!! I bet Palpatine was like “tell no one,” not because of possibility of a Separatist leak, but because someone might talk some sense into her!!
Train shenanigans. I just. Trains. In a spaceship. “Mind the gap.” Do you know what shirt I have on today? My “mind the gap” shirt from the London Underground. No lie. It was meant to be.
Anakin, Padme, stop flirting and get off the death ship. Please.
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callioope · 7 years
so i’m watching the clone wars and i’m on s1:e4 “Destroy Malevolence” and Padme & Anakin were about to kiss when Obi-Wan commed Anakin that C-3PO needed rescuing
i’m so glad that Threepio gets in the way of Padme’s relationship as much as he did for Leia’s ahahahahahha
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