#ryder ask meme
heroofshield · 5 months
hello, hero! for anna ryder and rose cousland, could i know these: 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 21, 23, 25!!
Anna Ryder
4) What color or colors do you most associate with your OC?
Maroon, Amber, Blue, Purple
5) Any animals you most associate with your OC?
Not really. Anna isn't much of a pet person, Alliance life didn't really allow for one and even before that her parents were too busy to take care of a pet plus twins. In Andromeda Scott gets a pyjack and Anna finds it somewhat cute.
6) Any flowers you associate with your OC?
Queen Anne's Lace, Daffodils, Dandelions
7) Does your OC have a favorite and least favorite food?
Anna doesn't care for winter squashes, she doesn't like the texture. Her favorite is anything noodles, easy to carry in a bowl/eat while trying to catch up on reports/etc
11) What actor or voice actor do you see best playing as your OC?
I haven't really given this much thought for Anna only because I mainly use her CC when getting fanart created. That being said, I could see Agam Darshi being a faceclaim for Anna.
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21) Any embarrassing secrets your OC demands you take to the grave but you will share anyway?
Her first time snowboarding, she had a hard time finding her balance and went ass over teakettle right in front of a girl she was crushing on. Face full of powder, Anna managed to get up without too much trouble but that ended up having the girl ask if she was alright and Anna managing to flirt (somewhat) successfully with her. They ended up going out on a few dates so it worked out in the end.
Then when the Tempest first landed on Aya she was so excited to explore that she tripped over her own feet and nearly ate grass. But she managed to right herself and endured the jokes from the crew, brushing it off with a crack of her own.
23) Is your OC religious and what religion? If it’s a fictional religion for your story please give a summary of the core teachings of their faith?
Not really. Alec and Ellen weren't super religious, their mom more because of her science background and Alec just because, so they never really encouraged it with Scott and Anna. They did try to teach them to be nice but firm, to stand up for what was wrong but also be kind, and to help those in need though.
25) The name you chose for your OC, why did you chose it?
I wanted something that I could shorten, that Anna would only be called when she was in trouble (which ended up being A Lot). At the time I was reading War Storm by Victoria Aveyard where one of the characters has the nickname 'Nanabel' and that stuck with me so I decided to go in that direction and came up with Annabel, eventually deciding that she had a vague US Southern/Hispanic background.
Rose Cousland
4) What color or colors do you most associate with your OC?
Black, Silver, Dark Blue
5) Any animals you most associate with your OC?
Her mabari Griffins. She's had Griffins since he was a puppy and wouldn't know what to do if he wasn't in her life. She dares anyone to tell her that she can't have a Marbari in the castle.
6) Any flowers you associate with your OC?
Roses obliviously :P but also sunflowers and snow drops.
7) Does your OC have a favorite and least favorite food?
Rose is a fan of bread, especially if it's fresh from the oven. Also once Zevran introduces her to Antivan dishes, she's a big fan of the spices. Doesn't really care for "travel rations" (aka hardtack & cheese) but knows that when they're on the road there's not much choice.
11) What actor or voice actor do you see best playing as your OC?
I've fancasted Gemma Arterton as Rose, specifically from Hansel & Gretel: Witchhunters because she had the vibe I was looking for in the movie (but with redder hair).
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21) Any embarrassing secrets your OC demands you take to the grave but you will share anyway?
Rose is somewhat afraid of the dark, she needs a candle burning in her room once the sun starts setting and can't fall asleep if it's completely dark.
23) Is your OC religious and what religion? If it’s a fictional religion for your story please give a summary of the core teachings of their faith?
Rose had to sit through Chantry services while at Highever, it was expected of her as the Teryn's daughter, and only loosely followed the teachings of the church. Then Highever got razed and she turned her back on Andraste and the Chantry, angry and confused at how she could let that happen since her parents had been devout followers of Andraste. She doesn't belittle Leliana for her beliefs, but at the same time she doesn't try to go back to the Chantry and the Maker.
Once she becomes Queen, Rose knows that she has to at least attend one service a week, but at the same time she tries to find an excuse not to go if she can help it.
25) The name you chose for your OC, why did you chose it?
This was before I fully fleshed out my Cousland Warden and wanted to just jump into the game. A friend on here had been talking about Titanic/Doctor Who and Rose so that was at the forefront of my mind so I went with that.
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writtenxbeginnings · 6 months
✨ [ to grace from carlos! ]
Favorite Things meme ---- Answering for @lastedpromise
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Grace grinned at the question, not even having to think before she started to answer what her favorite thing about Carlos was. "My favorite thing about Carlos is without a doubt his heart. There are too few people in this world that care enough that they are willing to go out of their way, putting themselves in danger, more than that man. If something is wrong, he is always the first person to try and help. If someone is hurt, he is the person I would go to to know that I'd be okay. During some of my darkest spots, Carlos has been there with a hug and a cup of tea. He's my brother, and I love him."
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chevvy-yates · 2 years
How about beloved Ryder!
Oh, I'm always ready to talk about my black sheep of the family <3 Since I saw no number, I'll just do all of them, so this is probably going to be super long. I'll set a cut somewhere.
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01. Full name:
Ryder's full name is Gilbert von Scharfenberg. He hates his real name for a good reason: his family – wealthy pure German Corpo blood. Basically no one knows that he's a Scharfenberg either – except for Vijay, because he was the one who deleted all of Ryder's data soon after he left his old life behind. So, basically if you scan him it would only show 'Ryder' and nothing else (I still write it out here on tblr completely bc it sounds so damn good <3). As soon as the family moved to the NUSA, Ry started calling himself 'Ryder' using it as his nickname from now on. It comes from the German surname 'Reiter' (rider, horseman), which was his first love's surname (who sadly died, getting shot by a Cyberpsycho during a rave in a club in Berlin).
02. Best friend:
Ryder's bestie is Vijay Steyr. They know each other since 2071. Vijay is the guy who helped Ryder out of his old life (mentioned above). They didn't met in person back then but their paths crossed a while later again: they ran into each other at a Depeche Mode party, talked, became buddies, then also lovers shortly after. The relationship lasted about a year and they parted for reasons everyone understood and accepted. Ryder rarely saw V the following year, because he needed a bit time and was busy with his own life/job, but Vijay eventually began to contact him again in 2074 when he got into buisness with Jackie doing merc jobs. They needed someone on the front and Ryder was the best guy Vijay could think of since he has mantis blades and a good know how about Militech and Corpo things as well. After Jackie died on a secret job neither V nor Ry knew about, the bond between the two got stronger again and today (2077/78) they are best friends. If you listen to their talking you could also say they sound like an old married couple. Ryder would protect V with his own life and it's vice versa. Vijay was there for him in his worst times, helped him to settle into his new 'street kid' life and most of all: pep talked Ry all the time tearing that wall down he had built up for years. Vijay is defnitely the reason why Ryder feels content with himself and smiles so often now.
03. Sexuality:
Ryder is openly gay. He doesn't look a lot like one in the first place, but he is. He's always been gay because he never had any sexual interest in women since he can think. Only the opposite gender doesn't seem to notice and he had to refuse a lot of times giving him a hard time to express it in words. He also feels kinda awkward when a woman shows a bit more affection towards him than the usual (he's better with friends after a while), so forgive him for behaving like a douchebag. Sadly he couldn't live out his sexuality for many years because of his family. But since he got away he was finally free to do what he wanted. He's no go-getter though. It's the contrary – he's too shy to make the first move. And that's probably why he's been single a long while as well after the relationship with V (who's the go-getter ofc).
04. Favorite color:
Ryder loves black. He knows there are people who don't accept black as a color. For that phrase he's got another answer: purple and green. Besides black, it's these colors he loves (he just won't wear anything purple nor green). Purple like amethysts he collects and (dark) green like the mysterious German forests he misses a lot.
The rest is under the cut for those who are interested in reading more about him. Beware, it really has gotten long!
05. Relationship status:
Ryder is off the single market. After I created him back in Sep 2022, I already had Vijay flirting with @nervouswizardcycle's Arki (<3), so my original idea of V and Ry together couldn't last and was made into a backstory part instead since I still like that ship that formed in my head when Ryder was only an idea. However, I couldn't imagine him with any official npc and looking for some possible other oc over here didn't bring me much further, and also with no one making a real move either (I waited for it like Ryder would do), I decided just a few weeks back that my boy shouldn't be lonely for so long. It made me sad having to look at him knowing his profile still said 'single', so I sat down and created another oc for him: So, yes! His love interest is Thyjs De Wit.
06. Ideal mate:
Ryder's ideal mate is @nervouswizardcycle's Arki. Arki turns out to be his best gay buddy. There's just ideas existing right now but I'm loving it! The two literally don't like each other at first — well it's more Ryder who has a grudge against Arki, but he will find out soon enough that the two are much alike in many things I don't wanna name now bc it could be possible spoilers for some future fanfiction. However, Arki will be a good mate for Ryder: giving tips in training for battle, trying to control his anger, but also the guy to go shopping with (bc Arki is fashionista, baby!). And the two may have many evenings where they get drunk, laughing over stupid anti-jokes (where V just shakes his head and Thyjs also doesn't find it laughable) and watching a shit ton of anime if they don't do stupid stuff in the city. They are both Scorpios and this is a certain vibe you can't turn off easily once they come together.
07. Turn-ons:
Bottom lip biting. It seriously turns Ryder on when you go from casual busses to biting down onto his bottom lip. He sees that as an invitation to get more passionated. Hard lollipops. The meaty kind. He likes a man's best piece a lot. Especially when they have a beautiful shape and tint. Loud, hard rave beats. Eespecially when it has some naughty lyrics it kind of turns him on. If the right person is with him, this may be a chance for making out on the dancefloor, vanishing into a darkroom or just go somewhere else to get dirty.
08. Favorite food:
Pistachio ice cream. In generall he loves pistachios: salted or not, in combination with chocolate, ice cream – everything pistachio – give it to him. You'll make him be a happy pistachio.
09. Crushes:
Thjys De Wit. He's going to crush on him the first time he meets that Dutch pale soldier boy — Thyjs literally zapped him. There's a lot of pining from Ryder's side. Vijay, however will notice and tries to encourage him to make the first move since Thyjs is not a go-getter either (and has to cope with his own feelings for Ry as well at first). It's gonna be interesting. Don't wanna tell too much, though.
10. Favorite music:
Ryder is a true Raver. <3 He lives for hard and dark techno beats. There's nothing better than that ever enduring repeating bass under his feat. It keeps him going, helps him to vent off his never ending anger for a while, keeps the beast within at bay, while he moves to those amazing loud eletronic beats combined with unreal but also beautiful accompaning melodies. Ryder also listens to Industrial and New (German) Wave.
11. Biggest fear:
His biggest is facing his superior again. He fears nothing more than is father: Wilhelm von Scharfenberg — now CEO of Militech HQ in Night City. There is another one: He's afraid of losing control over the beast within him completely, hurting those close to him. He doesn't know where it came from, it was there one day, accompanying him ever since. It lusts for blood mostly so the chance it takes over in a heavy fight during a job is pretty high. Once he's in a killstreak for too long, he's unable to stop and literally goes berserk. Therfore he has asked his best friend Vijay to take control and stop him if the situation gets tricky. He's got a special mod installed that allows Vijay to hack into Ryder's Berserk Operating System making him able to reset it since the beast seems to feed heavily from this system. Ryder's Mantis Blades will receive an order to retract and he gets unconscious for a short amount of time to make sure he's gonna be stopped. If that case happens and the situation is tricky, someone must be right there to protect Ryder for that time since he will be unable to defend himself. Before every job V double checks the mod and renews the codes to make sure everything works. Ryder isn't exactly proud to always leave a mess of blood puddles, organs and dead bodies behind. It scares him as well since it has gotten worser over time. It's his greatest wish that the beast within vanishes one day the same way like it showed up.
12. Biggest fantasy:
To fly to the moon. Ryder loves space and the universe since he was a small boy. He dreamed to be a space pilot one day, flying people or cargo to the moon. He would love to walk on it as well, feel the lack of gravitiy when he jumps. The moon is very fascinating to him. He's amazed by the surface, all the pattern the craters made, the grey tones. And he very much would love to see how earth looks seen from up there. If you suspected something sexual instead: To have hot, dirty, greasy sex in a tank. Specifially in a retro WWII model.
13. Bad habits:
Ryder has a obsessive-compulsive disorder. He sees himself forced to align everything neatly and symmetrically. He will do it all the time: at home, during shopping, sitting at the table in the Afterlife, aligning billard balls in the Coyjote Cojo, staple Vijay's vinyls in his apartment (he even tidies up V's apartment at times bc Vijay is a bit chaotic). His own apartment is clean and simple, every bottle in the shelf faces with the ettiket, books are placed ordely and even pillows on his bed sit how they should and so on. Besides that Ry is still super fidgety. He can't sit still. It mainly has to do with background music everywhere, so he's bobbing e.g. his leg all the time. But he also constantly needs to play around with something in his hands. He can't sit still longer than five minutes and then repositions. The only times he's not fidgety is when he's sleepy or in fact sleeping. Once he falls asleep he likely won't turn around much and stay in the position he feell asleep in.
14. Biggest regret:
The missed oportunity to run away earlier. His decicion to leave his Corpo life happend when he was already 21. If he had left earlier, he would probably live in Italy now together with Tommy Reiter, his first love, who would probably still be alive as well. Tommy wanted to go away with him, but Ryder was too scared to do it back then, still being a teen.
15. Best kept secrets:
That he's Corpo – a von Scharfenberg. As already mentioned, only Vijay knows about that. Ryder did literally everything for not looking like a Corpo anymore: changed visually completely with adding cyberware, new eyes, getting tattoos including scarifications (to cover own scars), changed his hairstlye, grew a messy beard, trained like a mad-man to gain some muscles for not having to watch the thin useless Corpo boy in the mirror he once was. Starting the life of a so called street kid. His Corpo attitude sadly comes trough at times (and can be extremely helpful for some missions as well). In some cases he sees himself on the high horse thinking he's better than anyone else (but Vijay reminds him of that).
16. Last thought:
Maybe 'Bitte ein Bit'? Idk man, but I have the feeling that Ryder's last thought ever will definitely have something to do with beer.
17. Worst romantic experience:
When he decided to try out bottoming for once in his life. It was a good experience at first but it ended with something unexpected: receiving an exceptionally good fuck that caused him to feel like a supernova seeing stars all over brought some negative connotaion with it: he entirely lost control over his body making him have his mantis blades spring out ready for action. Nobody died though, but it was Vijay who topped him and V has a huge trauma concerning blades … So once both finally relized what actually happened, Vijay got off and fell into a shock he was unable to explain to him. And Ryder ofc was shocked by the thought that he can lose control that hard by just getting railed (the beast within was just evolving and a minor problem btw). The situation could have turned out much worse that night. And this situation is also the cause for their break-up in the end, with both really feeling bad about it: Vijay because he wasn't able to tell him why and Ryder for losing control that hard in such a situation. Since then Ryder never bottomed again, because he can't allow himself to let it happen again.
18. Biggest insecurity:
Ryder has had a lot of insecurities — still has. His biggest besides him not being able to live up to his father's Corpo ideals is probably that he (still) feels he is/was not good enough for anything or anybody. This situation started early in his childhood and reached the worst high as soon as he had to start working at Militech unable to do anything right (he hated this work and it wasn't what he wanted to do), nonetheless he tried hard to make his superior satisfied, but it was quite the contrary in the end. He was treated by his family like ballast they had to carry through, got bullied by co-workers and therefore fell into a huge hole of depression. It took him a long time (and quiet a lot of Vijay's patience) to accept that he's good enough in what he does. Vijay told Ryder more than once, that he is valued, that he is thankfull for Ry's support, and that people appreciate him and that he is a good person. He still does and it is impotant to reward Ryder constantly with nice and cheering words otherwise he's prone to worry about it again. Ryder still has a lot of trust issues towards new people to this day.
19. Weapon of choice:
answered here.
20. Role Model:
Vijay of course. Ryder looks up a lot to his best friend. He wishes he could be more like him. Capable of leading, always having an answer to everything, understand the realm of netrunning, his entire positive character and warm personality, looking forward and not back, the ability to stay friendly towards literally everyone (Vijay is good in hiding his disgust for someone if he want's to, but most of the time he lets people know when he doesn't like them).
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museswithinx · 2 years
Are you ready for tryouts, Ryder?
Ask my muse personal questions!
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"Still got a few months before tryouts happen but yeah. I'm as ready as I'll ever be for it. Not much to do till then except keep on practicing and hope my best is good enough to earn me the spot."
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becauseanders · 2 years
5 (song) and 29 (tattoos) for the oc ask!! Whichever ocs you want to pick or have an answer for (and also Anders, obvi)
Not me looking for song recs or tattoo ideas or anything ;)
thank you, friend!! but also you made a mistake by trying to get me to make a decision because now i'm just going to answer for everyone, lmao
also to explain the counting-of-the-anders thing, anders cousland is the version of anders from my ridiculously long dragon age ii modern au it means tumult, where yes because it is an au everyone is a little oc-ified but because it's a handers fic that makes this au anders the most fleshed out after trista hawke, and i love him so fucking much, so i decided he counts for this game, lol
anyway, after that unnecessary ramble, here go!
5. What is the song you most associate to them? marian hawke: "map change" by every time i die or (even though this is cheap as fuck and more of a handers song to me) "marian" by the sisters of mercy
trista hawke: "temple of love" by the sisters of mercy
autumn amell: "thing with feathers" by every time i die
astrid trevelyan: "anhedonia" by chelsea wolfe and emma ruth rundle
carrie shepard: "the becoming" by nine inch nails
sara ryder: "our lady of sorrows" by my chemical romance
anders cousland: "rock 'n' roll suicide" by david bowie (in fact i literally starting writing that fic 100% just so there could be a universe where a hawke sings this to him)
29. They have a chance to get a tattoo: what would it be? marian hawke: okay first of all because i just did it APPARENTLY IF YOU GOOGLE "DRAGON AGE HAWKE TATTOO" THE FIRST IMAGE ON THE "ALL RESULTS" PAGE IS ME????? anyway, though, it's this red thing on her arm, i just see it as an actual tattoo she has even though we don't know what the fuck it means (also since i mentioned it uhh, i guess here's mine too, direct from the google results!, even though that arm doesn't look like that anymore as it's now a fully filled in half sleeve…although fuck, i barely even look like that anymore and goddamn let's not dwell on that…despite the fact that all my pink had faded out in this picture let the internet remember me this way indeed)
trista hawke: same as my marian, but in her universe i made it so that it's sort of like a hawke family crest she also just so happens to have no idea of the origin for, lol
autumn amell: she would totally get a broken circle sort of symbol, and/or a grey warden symbol, and/or a rose (most likely all of the above if given the opportunity)
astrid trevelyan: she has a tattoo under her left eye that's just little lines and dots, per the tattoo options in the character creation screen, and it's there to draw more attention to the scars she has on that side of her face and head (she also shaves her head on that side) that she acquired while fighting with the mage rebellion, which she's very proud of taking part in (even though she also regularly lies about whether or not she was part of it with the inquisition because she's terrified) (also here she is in a video capture even though you still really can't see the tattoo super well)
carrie shepard: she actually just starts collecting tattoos after the war and jack does them, and most of them are small and hidden and very personal (the coordinates for mindoir and anderson's service number, for example) but she has two fairly large ones, one on the inside of each forearm: an ash tree for ashley, and an outline of the river thames for anderson
sara ryder: she has a really big tattoo that covers pretty much her entire neck and is just pretty linework patterns that almost look like an elaborate large necklace; she got it because she thought it looked nice but also it was right after her mom died and she obviously wasn't getting any support so it was kind of a breakdown tattoo
anders cousland: tbh i'm not sure he would, like…he would probably just rather put the money towards his activism but if for some reason he had to, i'd have to really think about it but i could probably figure out an explanation for the "vengeance" (fuck you bioware) symbol to end up being associated with his justice persona in this universe
thank you again!
[Wholesome OC Asks]
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contradictivs · 11 months
[ 𝐧𝐨 𝐚𝐢𝐫 ] + [ 𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐬 ] (from Jason 👀)
I lost the meme but choking him a little and kissing him? Hot @inxspacetime
The campground and the cabins were more then familiar to him after the weeks of working at the camp. Well. The first couple of days right before the camp was supposed to open when they were training and preparing everything for the kids to arrive. Ryder had naturally fallen into the role as one of the head counselors — Not officially, sure, but he sure took on quite a bit of responsibility. That, along with the times that he would visit the camp ground after the fact, only made him more confident with getting around the camp and the wooded areas surrounding it.
Ryder had gotten into the habit of visiting Crystal Lake at least once a week. Sometimes he would stay for a couple of hours. Sometimes he would stay for a couple of days. The decision hinged on the purpose of his visit.
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It was the basement of the main cabin that he found himself in. More or less pressed against the wall by the person that he had come to visit. Jason, while unexperienced, seemed eager enough to engage in exploratory kissing, borderline making out, sessions. The height difference between the two significant enough that Ryder used his hands gripping the older man's shirt as leverage to keep him hunched, just slightly, to make him easier to reach.
He could not help the surprised noise, the little jerk away, at the feeling of a large hand brush over the base of his throat. Despite their current position, there was something in the back of his mind that panicked at the idea of those hands so close to such a sensitive part of his body. Ryder forced himself to relax back into the kiss again even as a new noise, a bit more breathy, escaped him as the hand became firmer against his throat.
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rydersavage · 2 years
do you ever think about leaving town? ; have you ever lied to someone you love? ; music or poetry?
"Fuck no. I'm never leaving. I'd have to meet my final death before I'd leave this place." Hearing the other questions, he sighed and continued to work on the person's nails. "You're super nosy. It's cute. People all lie, it doesn't matter if it's to someone they love or not. It just depends on what lie you're inquiring about. The last question? Poetry can be music just as music can be poetry as they're both art in their own right. I still would prefer a good song over someone reading me a soliloquy, though."
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thewcllingtons · 2 years
💥 (Ryder)
Send 💥 for a headcanon I’ve always wanted to talk about, but haven’t had the chance to yet.
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Ryder’s initial training for the Manor was to work in the field. His outgoing personality makes it seem that he doesn’t have a mean bone in his body. Even he would agree with the statement, but when the manor chose placements, he was chosen for the field. He didn’t past the courses of what to do in case things went south. However, his marksmanship is impeccable, and his planning skills were virtually seamless if he planned the mission. Ryder’s choice was often engaging in long-range activities like sniper, and things of that nature. There was a point where he planned a lot of ambushes. For a while, it seemed that he would be the main field guy until a brief slip up occurred. One of the men on his team decided to attack a civilian against his orders. Ryder knew that he couldn’t be responsible for people’s actions, but it weighed on him enough that he wanted out. It was then that he made the switch to being the manor’s supply chain operator for most of the machinery and weaponry that would come through. He doesn’t like to talk about this period of his life since it was only two full years of being a mission leader. He has put significantly more time and energy coordinating in hopes that the shift and time makes up for all the hurt he’s caused.
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devilfish-cowboy · 2 years
When you were a lil shark, what didja wanna be when you grew up? Do you think little you would be proud of how you turned out?
"I've always wanted t' set out an' prove myself to th' world. And if I was face-t’-face with lil’ me today, I know fer sure that he would be nothin’ but proud.
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ashton-ryder · 16 days
bold what applies to your muse, italicize situational ones. feel free to add your own suggestions and carry it on.
tagged by: stolen from zach
tagging: steal it from zach
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“country” │ “backwoods” │ “sailor” │ “upper class” │ "small town" │ “city slicker” | foreign speaker │ refined  
educated │self-taught | uneducated | doesn’t use conjunctions │ shortens words | omits entire words on occasion | mixes up words │ just makes up their own words! │ archaic english │ dependent on mood or setting | doesn’t use contractions
loud │ soft │ room volume │ high pitched │ low pitched │ steady | seductive │velvety │ speech impediment │ abrasive │ gruff │ shrill │ booming │ matter-of-fact │ toneless │ husky │ intimidating │gravelly │ breathy │ nasal │ vocal fry │ chatty │ condescending │ musical │ sarcastic │ suave │ world-weary │ brash │ no nonsense │ authoritative
refers to self in third person│ incorporates different languages/terms/sayings │ uses gender-specific terms │ adapts to audience │ changes tone around animals or children │ shifts tone when lying │ gives others nicknames │ uses terms of respect towards others
He lives in a softer vocal range, measured, steady and unassuming voice, making subtle sarcastic jokes and seemed like a quiet man until situation calls for it.
Such as when he's teaching a class or training recruits or on a mission or working, his voice can boom across a room and when he speaks like that, people listen.
He's been trying to wane off the habit more over the few years, but sometimes he still slips into the habit of using military terms, calling the hours by the hundreds, and only really catches himself when someone looks at him funny.
He's a very quiet laugher, a chuckle here, a scoff there, but if you're lucky to either have known him when he was younger or heard him with his guard down, he has a very charming, melodic laughter if it ever slips out with the brightest smiles, it's much rarer as he grew older, but it used to be known as the thing that draws people in.
He actually likes shortening names or using family names as nicknames a lot, a habit picked up from the marines, he responds to Ryder as quickly as he responds to Ashton or Ash.
He's a little bit tone death, please don't ask him to sing or hum, it won't be pretty. He unfortunately did not inherit his mom's lovely singing voice, perhaps just a powerful booming voice for other things, like yelling at recruits.
The way he talks about the stars and the sky and space, there is a special endearing tone it his words, soft, humbling, full of wander and curiosity, the reminder of their insignificance on a tiny rock in space.
He becomes especially quiet when he drinks, similar to every time he goes quiet, a lot is running through his head. But when he drinks, it numbs everything out, as if finally enjoying the numbing silence while he still could, before reality comes rushing back at him.
tw: video reference below contains mentions of abuse (and also tw for my heart for luke mitchell crying)
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heroofshield · 2 years
from my vega/ryder fic that's in WIP development hell
“Yeah…uh, I really don’t want kids.”
James was confused, from what he’d seen during their visit as well as the few other times they’d run into smaller kids it seemed that Anna liked them pretty well. “Can I ask why not?”
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writtenxbeginnings · 6 months
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Mood Board Meme (<3) --- Answering for @lastedpromise
🎟️ [ carlos & grace back at you! ]
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chevvy-yates · 2 years
Hi, I want to know:
19. Weapon of choice for all 3 of your boys.
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Vijay is mainly a netrunner, but he makes use of pistols as well.
Weapon of choice: Malorian Arms 3516 (Power Pistol)
Cyberdeck Operating System: Raven Microcyber Mk.IV with 10 Base RAM, 8 Buffer Size and 6 mod slots Quickhacks: 1. Overheat (non-lethal) 2. Short-Circuit (non-lethal) 3. Cyberware Malfunction 4. System Reset (non-lethal)* 5. Synapse Burnout (lethal) 6. Suicide (lethal) *Installed in the first place for resetting Ryder's system when he can't get out of berserk mode.
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Ryder is a berserker with the focus of using assault rifles if he can't fight with his mantis blades.
Weapon of choice: Nokota D5 Copperhead (Power Assault Rifle)
Mantis Blades: Physical damage type with a fast rotor for increasing attack speed Berserk Operating System: Zetatech Berserk Mk.5 with Beast Mode mod installed
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Thyjs is a former Militech soldier, trained for front to mid range combat, using Sandevistan and a Projectile Launch System, and capable to use almost any firearm but prefers a shotgun.
Weapon of choice: 'The Headsman' Constitutional Arms M2038 Tactician (Power Pump-Action Shotgun)
Projectile Launch System: with mosty electrical rounds electrical cyberware hand (left)
Sandevistan Operating System: Militech "Falcon" Sandevistan Mk.5
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the-masked-astro · 4 months
Ahah, sorry, didn't get a chance to work on asks today, but I made SAG5's ref finally
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Other things I didn't get to add cuz it was getting to long
Their mouth is constantly "drooling" a white liquid, it's not 100% certain if it's saliva or something else, it's very thick.
Their Icon mask can turn into a sword or be used as a projector of sorts.
They can form strings from their figures that can be used to either create things in a similar way to how meme Guardians transmute memes. They can also be used to just grab things or control people by "puppeting" them
Since their creation abilities don't rely on an external power source [ex: memes] and are instead entirely internal, they can get extremely tired when using their guardian powers in excess
They are physically genderless, but if asked, they'll say that their "dick is bigger than 3's" just to piss him off. [They don't actually have a dick, they just like to fuck with 3]
They work at 3's second Cafe location in the HexaHoney's arcade, they are employed by 3 and Ryder at the end of the Honey and Horror arc
Also, this isn't a fact about SAG5, but Chonkzzles is registered as their emotional support aid. SAG5 is also the only person permitted to give him belly rubs or a bath. Anyone else is killed upon contact or attempt to give him a bath. Even those who are permitted to pet chonkzzles will meet dire consequences if they try this.
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hazelestelle · 5 months
Ask Meme
@alyssalenko tagged me, thank you <3
Three Ships: (that I'm thinking about right now?) Shepard/Wrex, Alec/Cora, Evfra/Ryder (I'm still making my way through the SpecRecs collection, okay XD)
Last Song: Dark Aria - Hiroyuki Sawano
Last Film: I really don't know when I last watched a movie, I've mainly been wtaching anime lately. Might have been LOTR Two Towers in cinema for the anniversary.
Currently Reading: Just started Where Skies Fall by Casey Bond. It's book 2 and i loved the first one.
Currently Craving: Garlic bread, but I have to go grocery shopping first...
Tagging: @xinhua-jun @spacerhapsody @wait-here @occhi-verdi-come-il-mare @vorchagirl @sidhelives
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c-rowlesdraws · 2 years
I tried searching your blog to see if you've already been asked, but have you played Andromeda? Or maybe read ME:A Annihilation? I love picturing your designs of Quarians and Volus beneath the suits when I listen to the audiobook myself!
aw thank you so much! And YES I have played Andromeda! Well... I can't play it myself, so technically a friend of mine played it and streamed it for me, but I shouted at the screen a lot so I felt like I was participating. We romanced Jaal with a soft-yet-thrillseeking male Ryder and it was fun! I wish there had been more game in the game, but I liked most of what we got.
I've also read Annihilation! I've heard the audiobook is really good too, but I haven't listened to it yet. I'm disappointed but not surprised tumblr blog search isn't displaying the posts I've made about it, because I definitely made at least one-- and that one was specifically to post this very important meme I made about the main cast:
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this is still to date my only piece of Annihilation fanart. It really deserves more.
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